VEB Sapelin appointed to the post of General Director of the Rostec subsidiary RT-Finance. Rostec has developed a cash management mechanism

, Vnesheconombank


AvtoVAZ will not pay dividends for 2017

On May 17, an annual general meeting of shareholders was held at AvtoVAZ in Tolyatti and a meeting of the company's board of directors was held. Participants of the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC AvtoVAZ discussed the activities of the company in 2017, as a result of which Russian sales of LADA in the Russian Federation grew by 17% (to 311 thousand 588 units), and the revenue of PJSC AvtoVAZ increased by 22% (to 225.6 billion rubles). The growth was largely driven by the success of LADA cars of the new generation - Vesta (including Vesta SW and SW Cross models, which were launched in October 2017) and XRAY, as well as stable demand for other models of the brand, the AvtoVAZ press service said. The growth in sales of LADA cars in the Russian and foreign markets, intensive activities aimed at restructuring, led to a significant improvement in the financial position of the company: by the end of 2017, AvtoVAZ received a positive operating margin of 0.7% of revenue and ensured a positive free cash flow.

Brotherly Century Scam

The "Interlocutor" found out where the billions of dollars that the Russian VEB has spent on the purchase and lending of plants in the Donbass have disappeared.

At the end of last week, the Ministry of Finance announced that the Reserve Fund, which in 2015 had almost 6 billion budget rubles, will be exhausted this year. And the budget deficit will remain. And in order to cover this deficit, the government will launch a hand in the National Welfare Fund and take 600 million rubles out of it, as a result, 3.7 billion, or 4% of GDP, will remain in this small bag. Not much. Where did the money flow from the national bins?

VEB Sapelin Appointed as General Director of Rostec's “Daughter”

MOSCOW, October 21. / TASS /. VEB Andrey Sapelin has been appointed General Director of the subsidiary of Rostec RT-Finance State Corporation. He will retain the position of chief adviser to the chairman of Vnesheconombank, and will also remain a member of AvtoVAZ’s board of directors on behalf of VEB. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the company.

As CEO of RT-Finance, Sapelin will focus on the consolidation of financial assets located in the corporation's circuit and the development of corporate financial services.

His responsibilities will also include the formation of the financial statements of the corporation in accordance with IFRS (in 2016 the corporation will switch to full-fledged reporting in accordance with international standards for the first time), attracting investment resources in order to implement the corporation’s strategy and ensuring the group’s liquidity as a pool leader.

VEB unloads steel

VEB last week put up an offer to the former owners of Amurmetall for the repurchase of the enterprise, deputy chairman of the state corporation, chairman of the plant’s board of directors Andrei Sapelin told Kommersant. The offer will be valid for 45 days. If the transaction does not take place, another strategic investor will be found for Amurmetall.
link: 1957230

VEB sells Amurmetall

This was announced by Deputy Chairman of VEB, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Amurmetall Andrei Sapelin. The offer will be valid for 45 days. If the transaction does not take place, another strategic investor will be found for Amurmetall.

Vnesheconombank Sells Amurmetall

Deputy Chairman of the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Amurmetal OJSC, Andrei Sapelin, announced that in early June the bank put forward an offer for the repurchase of Amurmetall OJSC to ex-owner Alexander Shishkin. The Uralvagonzavod is considered a more real buyer. The offer is valid for 45 days, if the purchase does not take place, another investor will be sought. Complications of the transaction may be caused by a new threat of bankruptcy (at the moment, the debt of the Far Eastern electrometallurgical plant is 28 billion rubles).
link: publication / 500

VEB put up Amurmetall for sale

Former owners of Amurmetall recently received an offer from Vnesheconombank to repurchase former property. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Board of VEB and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the enterprise Amurmetall Andrey Sapelin.

Amurmetall sell

The only metallurgical production in the Far East is up for sale, as VEB plans to sell Amurmetall, the only Far Eastern company specializing in ferrous metallurgy. This information was provided by Andrey Sapelin, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Back in 2008, a threat of closure loomed over the enterprise, but the production was saved with the participation of Vladimir Putin (head of the cabinet).
link: novosti-otrasli / amurmetall- prodaiut

Will the Ural defense industry save our Amurmetall?

“Amurmetall joined us in 2010 in complete bankruptcy,” said VEB Deputy Chairman Andrei Sapelin, who is also the current head of the board of directors of the Komsomol Metallurgical Plant.

The only metallurgical plant in the Far Eastern Federal District is for sale!

VEB Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Amurmetall, Andrey Sapelin, announced the sale. Vnesheconombank acquired the plant in 2008 from private owners, as he was on the verge of bankruptcy. Now the company was offered to redeem the former owner Alexander Shishkin. This offer will be relevant for 45 days, after which the plant will be offered to other investors. Most likely, it will become the only tank manufacturer in Russia - Uralvagonzavod. “Negotiations are underway,” said Oleg Sienko, general director of UVZ, “We want to add additional redistributions and provide our production facilities and our partners with metal.” However, for what means and at what price Amurmetall will be purchased is still unknown.
link: language \u003d ru

Amurmetall came under the control of Vnesheconombank

At an extraordinary meeting on October 14, shareholders of Amurmetall JSC elected a new board of directors, which included representatives of Vnesheconombank Andrey SAPELIN and Oleg DEMIDOV.

Along with the change of ownership, a change of management will take place at Amurmetall

It is noteworthy that the change of ownership in the enterprise is accompanied by a change in top management. On October 14 last year, at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders, a new board of directors of Amurmetall OJSC was elected, which included representatives of VEB Andrey Sapelin and Oleg Demidov, and now Sergey Khokhlov, who has been managing the plant since 1997, is leaving the post of head of the Amurmetall management company. Mr. Khokhlov, who was elected a deputy of the Khabarovsk Territory Legislative Duma in the March 14 elections, will head the regional parliament by decision of the United Russia General Council (his election should take place today at the first meeting of the Duma). Perform his duties, according to Kommersant, while there will be one of the deputies.

Former Amurmetall CEO resigned from board

Places on the board of directors were retained by Dmitry Bochkarev, head of industrial assets management at VEB Capital Investment Company, former co-owner of Evraz, member of the board of directors of Vladivostok Sea Fishing Port OJSC Alexander Katunin, general director of Sibirsko-Amursky Metall LLC (Amurmetalla management company) Yuri Lyashok, Chairman of the Board of the Far Eastern Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation Valery Pytnev, Head of the Russian National Bank Igor Stolerov and Director of the Vnesheconombank Industry Department Andrei Sapelin.

Andrey Sapelin and Mikhail Poluboyarinov Appointed as Deputy Chairmen of Vnesheconombank

Vnesheconombank’s Supervisory Board decided to appoint Andrey Yuryevich Sapelin and Mikhail Igorevich Poluboyarinov as Deputy Chairmen of Vnesheconombank.

“It’s not the one who has much that is rich, but the one who gives much”

Since the receipt of the first tranche, VEB representatives headed by A.Yu. Sapelin gets half of the seats on the company's Board of Directors, and since the summer of 2010 - the majority of seats. In addition, they obtained control over the management company, which, at the request of VEB, did not change.

VEB will sell Far East rescued by Putin

VEB will sell Amurmetall, the only ferrous metallurgy enterprise in the Far East, rescued in 2008 with the participation of then Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Last week, the state corporation put up an offer for the repurchase of the enterprise. This was announced by the chairman of the board of directors of the plant Andrei Sapelin.
link: http: //mrvorchun.livejournal. com / 2750826.html

VEB is trying to establish production of aircraft less than 50 seats

“We have a large country with a low population density, so we need the production of regional aircraft with dimensions up to 50 seats, flying over short distances. So far, there is no such product in the UAC line. We are discussing this issue with the aircraft company, ”said Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman Andrei Sapelin at a meeting with reporters yesterday. According to him, VEB is carrying out internal work on the design of the aircraft up to 50 seats. For private investors, such projects are still unattractive, so “we see a fundamental need to participate in it,” said VEB's top manager.

VEB Andrei Sapelin has been appointed General Director of the subsidiary of Rostec State Corporation RT-Finance. He will retain the position of chief adviser to the chairman of Vnesheconombank, and will also remain a member of AvtoVAZ’s board of directors on behalf of VEB. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the company.

As CEO of RT-Finance, Sapelin will focus on the consolidation of financial assets located in the corporation's circuit and the development of corporate financial services.

His responsibilities will also include the formation of the financial statements of the corporation in accordance with IFRS (in 2016 the corporation will switch to full-fledged reporting in accordance with international standards for the first time), attracting investment resources in order to implement the corporation's strategy and ensuring the group's liquidity as a pull leader.

Sapelin will also remain a member of AvtoVAZ’s board of directors on behalf of VEB.

Previously, Sapelin, from 2013 to October 2016, was the first deputy chairman of VEB, before that, for six years, he also held senior positions at Vnesheconombank. During his work at the Development Institute, he ensured the successful implementation of transactions aimed at supporting the largest Russian companies during the 2008-2009 economic crisis.

In addition, he led design teams that implemented projects for the construction of the largest oil products shipping terminal in the port of Ust-Luga, the reconstruction of the Khabarovsk Oil Refinery, the construction of the largest polypropylene production complex in Tobolsk, and the nitrogen fertilizer production complex in Mendeleevsk. He oversaw bank financing of major industrial projects.

Andrei Sapelin, who previously held the position of First Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank, was appointed to the position of General Director of Rostec's subsidiary RT-Finance. The company will combine the main financial assets of the corporation.

Andrey Sapelin has held the position of First Deputy Chairman of VEB since 2013. Prior to that, for six years he held senior positions at Vnesheconombank. During his work at the company, he ensured the successful implementation of transactions aimed at supporting the largest Russian companies during the economic crisis of 2008-2009. In addition, he led design teams that implemented projects for the construction of the largest oil products shipping terminal in the port of Ust-Luga, the reconstruction of the Khabarovsk oil refinery, the construction of the largest polypropylene complex in Tobolsk, and the complex for the production of nitrogen fertilizers in Mendeleevsk. He oversaw bank financing of major industrial projects.

The appointment of Andrei Sapelin to the post of General Director of RT-Finance is an important step for the development of financial assets of the State Corporation

Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec

As CEO of RT-Finance, Andrei Sapelin will focus on the consolidation of financial assets located in the corporation's circuit and the development of corporate financial services. His area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility will also include attracting investment resources in order to implement the corporation's strategy, and preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS. Recall that in 2016, for the first time, the corporation will switch to full reporting according to international standards.

“The appointment of Andrei Sapelin to the post of General Director of RT-Finance is an important step for the development of financial assets of the corporation. Having tremendous experience in the financial sector, Andrei Sapelin, from the side of VEB, oversaw the financing of the investment program of KAMAZ and AvtoVAZ, since 2013 he has been a member of the board of directors of AvtoVAZ, said Rostec CEO Chemezov. “I am sure that a deep understanding of the specifics of the State Corporation and experience in banking structures will significantly increase the level of management of financial organizations of the corporation.”

Andrey Sapelin will retain the position of chief adviser to the chairman of Vnesheconombank, and will also remain a member of the board of directors of AvtoVAZ by VEB.

In the future, the banking sector in which the corporation owns a block of shares, pension funds, and insurance subsidiaries will go into the RT-Finance management circuit. The goals of creating a company are the consolidation of core financial assets to increase their management efficiency, creating synergies of financial, banking and insurance services.

Rostec has created a centralized system of redistribution of funds within the group, implemented on the basis of RT-Finance. As of November 1, 2016, the amount of attracted funds of RT-Finance amounted to about 7.7 billion rubles. On a daily basis, operations are carried out to attract temporarily free funds to the pool and provide intra-corporate financing.

On the basis of RT-Finance, a mechanism has been introduced that allows using the loan agreements to accumulate temporarily free funds of the corporation’s organizations on RT-Finance accounts. Further, these funds can be redistributed between Rostec organizations or placed in highly reliable financial instruments.

The goal of the implemented mechanism of internal corporate financing is to increase the liquidity, solvency, financial stability of the group's organizations, as well as reduce the cost and volume of external borrowing.

“The main economic effect of conducting intra-corporate financing operations is received by Rostec organizations: borrowers - in the form of savings from lower interest rates on borrowed funds from the pool leader of the corporation, lenders - in the form of additional income from an increase in the placement rate of temporarily free funds in the pool leader corporations, ”explained RT-Finance CEO Andrei Sapelin.

As of November 1, 2016, the pool attracted cash assets amounted to about 7.7 billion rubles. To date, RT-Finance has concluded more than 340 agreements with Rostec organizations to raise temporarily free funds in the pool of the State Corporation and provide financing to its organizations.

The system of internal corporate money management created in Rostec ensures the execution of the instructions of the President of Russia and directives of the Government of Russia on the creation of unified treasuries in state-owned companies and state-owned corporations in terms of centralizing the management of the group’s financial flows and is the most efficient way to use the available temporarily free funds of the group’s organizations.

RT-Finance is a 100% subsidiary of the State Corporation. It was created in 2015 for the implementation and development of the financial, budgetary, dividend, credit policies of Rostec, as well as holdings and direct management organizations that are part of the State Corporation. The tasks of RT-Finance include centralizing the management of financial flows of a group of companies, maximizing the return on investment of free financial resources, minimizing the cost of interest on loans with the maximum benefit for the group of companies, and distributing resources within the corporation.


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