Potato business expenses payback income. Mechanisms and equipment. Fixed annual costs

  • Market attractiveness
  • Production plan
  • Staff recruitment
  • Risk assessment
  • Financial plan
  • What taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Growing technology
        • Related business ideas:

Business plan for growing potatoes on sown areas of 10 hectares.

How much money is needed to start this business

According to preliminary calculations, it will be necessary to invest at least 6,950,000 rubles to open a potato growing farm:

  • Registration of a land plot, making a deposit - 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and machinery - 2,450,000 rubles.
  • Construction of a vegetable store - 3,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of planting material - 800,000 rubles.
  • Primary tillage, fertilization - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational costs - 100,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 300,000 rubles.

Market attractiveness

Potatoes have become an integral part of the modern human diet. This is the second bread that can be found on almost every table. For some, especially the villagers, potatoes are the staple and number one vegetable. The average Russian eats as little as 80 kg of potatoes per year. This suggests that the demand for potatoes remains consistently high, so the sale of products will not be a big problem.

Step-by-step plan for opening a potato farm

Our farm plans for the current year include the following sequential actions:

  1. Search and lease of a land plot near the municipality, with an area of \u200b\u200b10 hectares. The lease is planned to be concluded for a period of 49 years with the option of purchase.
  2. Business registration and collection of necessary documents. As an organizational form, it is planned to register a peasant farm (peasant farm) and switch to a single agricultural tax (Unified Agricultural Tax, 6% of profit).
  3. Purchase the necessary equipment.
  4. Hire staff.
  5. Purchase planting material.
  6. Process the soil and prepare it for sowing.
  7. Carry out sowing work.
  8. Monitor the growth of plantings, carry out all the necessary measures for watering and processing plants.
  9. Harvest
  10. Carry out a number of marketing activities, sell the entire volume of grown products.

Description of products and technologies

The culture in our farm will be grown according to the mittlider method. According to this technology, the planting material is planted in ridges of half a meter wide, with wide (up to a meter) passages. The site is fenced around the perimeter with earthen rolls in order to save water. Plants are subject to regular watering and three feeding per season. Hilling potatoes using this technology is not required. This technology allows to reduce the size of the area for potatoes three times, while significantly increasing the yield of the crop. It is planned to receive up to 30 tons of marketable potatoes from one hectare (some will be used for planting material). Potatoes will be handed over in bulk at an average annual price of 15 rubles / kg. In total, it is planned to produce and sell up to 300 tons of potatoes per year. Thus, the estimated annual turnover of the farm will amount to 4,500,000 rubles.

Download a business plan for growing potatoes

Production plan

For growing potatoes, the business plan provides for the lease of a land plot with an area of \u200b\u200b10 hectares. The land plot will be located 70 kilometers from a large city, which, on the one hand, allows you to get a guaranteed sales market, on the other hand, to significantly save on rent. Lease payments will amount to 240 thousand rubles per year.

What equipment to choose for growing potatoes

The use of technology will significantly reduce labor costs and increase the efficiency of the farm. Therefore, it is planned to purchase the following machines:

  • MTZ-80 tractor (900 thousand rubles);
  • A machine for inter-row soil cultivation (350 thousand rubles);
  • Potato planter (350 thousand rubles);
  • Potato harvester (450 thousand rubles);
  • Sorting line (400 thousand rubles).

In total, about 2.45 million rubles will be spent on the purchase of equipment and machinery. It is planned to purchase an elite medium-late potato variety "Golubizna" as planting material. The price per kilogram will be 40 rubles. About 800 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase of planting material. The construction of a modern vegetable storehouse will make it possible to preserve potatoes until the high season (spring), when the price of a vegetable rises 2 - 3 times. Investments for the construction of a vegetable storehouse will amount to at least 3 million rubles.

Staff recruitment

As a labor force, the farm will employ machine operators (2 people), handymen at the time of harvesting (10 people), a mechanic (1 person), security guards for the summer period (3 people), a sales manager (1 person). ). It is planned to take services of an accountant under an outsourcing agreement. The total annual wage fund will be 550 thousand rubles.

Risk assessment

The risks of running this business are as follows:

  1. A characteristic of all agriculture is the complete dependence on weather conditions (drought);
  2. Market competition, dumping;
  3. Sales problems during low season.

Financial plan

Fixed annual costs

  • Rent - 240,000 rubles.
  • Salary + insurance contributions - 715,000 rubles.
  • The cost of soil processing (fertilization, watering, protection from pests) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Fuels and lubricants - 200,000 rubles.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 120,000 rubles.
  • Equipment repair - 80,000 rubles.
  • The cost of storing the crop - 150,000 rubles.
  • Accounting department - 60,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 1,765,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from growing potatoes

Thus, the net profit of the farm for a year of operation will amount to 2,570,900 rubles, subject to 100% sales of all grown products. Under the most favorable circumstances, the payback of the initial investment occurs already in the third year of operation. However, in practice, taking into account all the risks (weather, sales problems, etc.), the return on recoupment will not come earlier than in four years.

Recommended download a business plan for growing potatoes, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Business plan content: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Object characteristics 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To grow potatoes, you must specify OKVED 2, Section A: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming: 01.1 Growing of annual crops, 01.13 Growing of vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles, 01.13.1 Growing of vegetables, 01.13.12 Growing vegetables of protected ground.

What documents are needed to open

Growing potatoes for sale in retail outlets will require registration of a peasant farm. Documents that will be required in this case:

  • Application for registration written by the entrepreneur and certified by a notary.
  • Photocopies of the passport and taxpayer identification number.
  • Receipt for payment of the state fee.

If you start a business with partners, you will also need to draw up an appropriate contract, which indicates: phone numbers, responsibilities of each of the entrepreneurs, the procedure for accepting and exiting the business of its members.

What taxation system to choose for business registration

The cultivation of potatoes gives the right to pay the unified agricultural tax, the rate of which is 6%.

Do I need permissions to open

Growing technology

To increase the efficiency of growing potatoes, it is necessary to be guided by the features of the technology:

  • Use only productive varieties of potatoes with a high yield, from 30 tons per hectare.
  • Compliance with the correct planting technology with a density of no more than 30 stems per square meter and a hole depth of less than 4 cm.The width between rows is from 60 to 80 cm.
  • Timely control of pests and viruses, treatment and spraying against late blight 5 or more times per season.
  • Dig up potatoes for seeds at the beginning of August, and for sale at the end.
  • Compliance with crop rotation with alternating planting of potatoes and winter cereals in the same place.
  • 1 Is it profitable to grow potatoes for sale?
  • 2 Potato growing technology
  • 3 Growing potatoes as a business
    • 3.1 Acquisition of land
    • 3.2 Business registration
    • 3.3 Selection of premises
    • 3.4 Purchase of equipment
    • 3.5 Purchase of planting material
    • 3.6 Forming a team of workers
  • 4 Business plan for growing potatoes
  • 5 Frequently asked questions
    • 5.1 What is the demand for potatoes today?
    • 5.2 Where to look for sales channels for potatoes?
    • 5.3 What documents need to be issued for potatoes?
    • 5.4 Is it possible to build a potato resale business?

One of the most profitable business niches is growing and selling potatoes. Today it is difficult to imagine the diet of the majority of Russians without this root crop, so such an agricultural crop will always be in great consumer demand. Growing potatoes is a promising and long-term activity, and besides, there are no problems with the sale of products. To successfully develop in this direction, an entrepreneur needs to competently organize his own business.

First, it is recommended to analyze the market situation, determine the profitability of the activity, as well as calculate the amount of investments and possible income. Today, farmers cannot fully meet the needs of buyers, so it is very profitable to grow potatoes for sale. Despite the large number of manufacturers, the business is not afraid of competition and is highly profitable.

Is it profitable to grow potatoes for sale?

What is useful for a new entrepreneur who has decided to grow potatoes for sale? This type of activity is highly profitable, in addition, modern technologies are used today, which allow growing root crops in greenhouses all year round and collecting several crops per season. The business of growing and selling potatoes has its positive and negative sides. The pluses include:

  • the possibility of growing root crops even on a small plot of land;
  • quick return on investment;
  • high consumer demand for potatoes, regardless of seasonality;
  • the possibility of combining business with other activities;
  • the relative ease of care of the crop.

If a person has a vegetable garden, he can also start growing potatoes and earn decent money on this. You don't have to pay taxes for this type of home business. Fertilizers are inexpensive, and in rural areas there are many people who want to make money (they can be hired to weed the land and take care of potatoes). The costs will be negligible.

Growing potatoes is not only able to bring profit all year round, but also allows you to save on fertilizers, since the tops are used to form humus on the site. If you set up greenhouses on the ground, you can harvest 3 crops in 1 year. Investments usually pay off after 4 months from the beginning of the first planting.

This business is not without drawbacks, and every entrepreneur who is interested in profitable work for himself should know about them. First of all, there is a great dependence of the quality of the crop on weather conditions. If there is extreme heat in the region, the plants need to be protected with irrigation systems. The potato has many insect enemies. To combat them, various chemicals are successfully used today, which allow you to save the crop. Therefore, these disadvantages should be considered rather as additional precautions.

To understand how profitable it is to grow potatoes for sale yourself, let's give a simple example. Let's say a businessman rented (or owns) 30 acres of land. For every 100 sq. m, you can collect about 280 kg of potatoes, and from the entire area - 8.4 thousand kg. If you sell it in bulk at a price of 20 rubles, you can get a revenue of 168 thousand rubles.

To cultivate the land, you will need to buy a walk-behind tractor (mini-tractor) with a body, as well as a hiller, a mounted plow and a device for digging out root crops. You also need to purchase fertilizers for the site. Investments for these purposes will amount to about 80 thousand rubles. The benefits of this type of activity are obvious. If you install greenhouses and grow plants all year round, the profit will increase significantly.

Potato growing technology

There are many different ways to grow potatoes that will yield a reasonably good harvest. Let us dwell on the Dutch method, since it does not require large expenditures and allows plants to develop in natural conditions (without the use of greenhouses).

A feature of this technology is the minimum mechanical processing of the land and the potatoes themselves. The method involves the use of ground aeration, which provides effective ventilation of soil layers by mixing them with atmospheric air. To implement it, the soil is loosened first, after which the planting material is placed in the formed earth ridges, while it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the planting rows is large enough.

Growing potatoes according to this method makes it possible to collect up to 1.8-2 kg of root crops from one bush, while the potatoes themselves can be stored for a long time under certain conditions. When selecting planting material, pay attention to the tubers: each of them should have about 5-6 eyes to get a good harvest.

Immediately before planting, root crops should be warmed up in spacious, bright areas. Then they are placed in the ground until sprouts form, while the material should be in a room where it is recommended to maintain 6-8 ° C heat. Finished seedlings must be sent for further growth in natural conditions in a well-heated soil.

On one hundred square meters of land, it is allowed to plant up to 600 potato bushes, while it is better to arrange them in such a way as to provide good lighting. The formation of beds is carried out from north to south with an interval between rows of up to 0.75 m. As for watering potatoes, this must be done no more than 3 times during the entire life of the culture. The first is carried out when sprouts appear, then before flowering begins, and after it ends.

Important: to protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and other pests, it is recommended to treat the tops with pesticides even before the flowering period.

Growing potatoes as a business

Consider the main stages in the development of the case.

Land acquisition

An important stage in organizing a potato growing business is land acquisition. On average, you will have to pay 5 thousand rubles for one hundred square meters, and for planting it will take about 0.25-0.3 hectares. Thus, the minimum investment for the purchase will be 75 thousand rubles.

A person can organize a small business in the country, in which case his income will be small, but he will not have to spend money on buying a land plot. As for the lease of land, its cost can reach several thousand rubles per hundred square meters, so it is more expedient to invest in your own land. Before buying an allotment, you should consult with a lawyer, who will inform you about all the intricacies of land registration and assist in filling out the documents.

Business registration

To start entrepreneurial activity, a businessman must contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence and register a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur. Often, such a business is organized simultaneously by several partners. In this case, to register an enterprise, it is worth submitting an appropriate contract indicating the contact details of each of the co-owners of the business. In addition, the contract should specify the rights and obligations of each of the partners, as well as the procedure for exiting the business of each of them. If necessary, a specialist in the department of the Federal Tax Service can find out how to correctly calculate the land tax and agree on the frequency of payment.

When registering an enterprise, it is necessary to indicate OKVED codes. For growing potatoes, you can choose:

  • 01.1 - "Growing annual crops";
  • 01.13 - "Growing vegetables, root vegetables, melons and tubers, mushrooms and truffles";
  • 01.13.1 - "Growing vegetables";
  • 01.13.12 - "Growing vegetables in protected soil".

Newbie entrepreneurs who want to make money growing and selling vegetables and fruits do not know which form of taxation is better to choose. For this type of activity, the best option would be to pay a single agricultural tax, the rate of which is only 6%.

Selection of premises

A businessman should take care of the proper storage of the crop, so you need to find appropriate storage facilities equipped with:

  • ventilation;
  • lighting;
  • heating system.

Storage areas must be dry, free from moisture and mold. Root crops should be dried before being placed in storage, and also sorted so that there are no rotten tubers among the crop. Illiquid potatoes can be taken to farms that specialize in raising turkeys at home and other livestock, which will accept it as feed for a small price. As for the cost of renting storage facilities, it varies between 30-40 thousand rubles per month.

Equipment purchase

For the operation of a potato farm, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment. If you have to use a large amount of planting material, you should buy a potato planter. This machine allows you to perform large volumes of work in a short time and greatly simplifies the work of people.

In addition, it is advisable to acquire special combines for harvesting root crops. They allow you to automate harvesting, moreover, such equipment practically does not damage potato tubers. You can't do without a potato digger on the field. Such a machine is needed for sampling root crops from the soil. The farm will also need a line for sorting the harvested crop, and it can also be used for onions. It allows you to easily select vegetables by size, for which the design provides for the installation of grates with appropriate fractions.

Without fail, you will need a small tractor, with the help of which weeding work will be carried out, as well as transportation of the crop. The minimum set of equipment for a farm will be:

  • a tractor with a trailer - 250 thousand rubles;
  • an automated line for sorting root crops - 200 thousand rubles;
  • potato digger - 150 thousand rubles;
  • harvester - 300 thousand rubles;
  • potato planter - 70 thousand rubles.

Total - the cost of purchasing equipment will amount to 970 thousand rubles. Most entrepreneurs do not have the opportunity to invest such an amount of money to buy the necessary equipment on the farm. For this reason, equipment can be rented or leased before harvesting.

Purchase of planting material

Another item in the cost item will be the purchase of seed and organic fertilizers, which are necessary for the full growth of the crop. About 30 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for chemicals before sowing root crops. How to correctly calculate the number of seedlings required for sowing the land? Based on practice, about 20 kg of seed (tubers) will be required for 1 hundred square meters of land. Thus, for 0.3 hectares, 20 * 30 \u003d 600 kg of root crops must be provided. The wholesale purchase price of potatoes is on average 20 rubles per 1 kg, so 12 thousand rubles will have to be spent to purchase seed. Taking into account fertilizers, the costs will cost 42 thousand rubles.

Formation of a team of workers

What kind of employees should be recruited to work on the potato farm? For this, it does not hurt to invite machine operators - specialists who will maintain the equipment and work on the land. Also, you can not do without handymen for weeding, watering and sorting root crops.

In addition, you will need an auto mechanic who will repair the equipment. During the summer, security guards should be involved to keep order on the field. The approximate staff might look like this:

  • handyman (2 people) - 16 thousand rubles;
  • machine operator (2 people) - 24 thousand rubles;
  • enterprise manager - 20 thousand rubles;
  • auto mechanic - 15 thousand rubles;
  • security guard (2 people) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • accounting (outsourcing payment) - 5 thousand rubles.

Total - monthly expenses for the salaries of employees will amount to 100 thousand rubles. At first, the owner of the business can keep records of the warehouse management, which will reduce the costs of remuneration of the relevant specialist.

Business plan for growing potatoes

Before embarking on a commercial project, an entrepreneur needs to develop a detailed business plan for growing potatoes. It allows you to determine the amount of initial start-up costs, assess prospects and calculate the potential profit.

In addition, a businessman must know the amount of monthly costs that are mandatory in the course of work. Let's calculate the amount of investment for launching an enterprise, which includes the following components:

  • purchase of land - 75 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 970 thousand rubles;
  • planting material and fertilizers - 42 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of fuels and lubricants - 10 thousand rubles;
  • warehouse rent - 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, the amount of initial investment is 1.142 million rubles. Doing business in growing root crops involves monthly costs, which should include:

  • rental of premises - 30 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 25 thousand rubles;
  • tax deductions - 20 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 100 thousand rubles;
  • depreciation of equipment - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of fuels and lubricants - 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

Total - regular costs are 216 thousand rubles. Now let's calculate the possible profit of the enterprise. It is realistic to harvest 280 kg of potatoes from one hundred square meters of land, the total yield will be 8.4 tons. Let half a ton of potatoes be unsuitable for sale. Thus, 7900 kg of root crops are obtained, which can be sold.

If you sell the harvest in bulk at a price of 20 rubles per 1 kg, the total amount of income will be 158 thousand rubles. When selling washed and dried root crops in small wholesale lots and at retail, you can get a profit of about 40 rubles per 1 kg, which will bring 316 thousand rubles. The net profit from the sale of one crop will be 100 thousand rubles.

This amount can be increased several times if you organize year-round growing of potatoes in greenhouses. In the future, it will not hurt to scale the business, which will lead to a significant increase in income. For example, medium-sized farms own land plots with an area of \u200b\u200b2 hectares or more. This allows you to harvest more than 50 tons of crops at a time.

Frequently asked Questions

Consider frequently asked questions on the topic.

What is the demand for potatoes today?

Potatoes are one of the most important food products, the demand for which does not depend on the season. As practice shows, the profit from the sale of root crops in the winter can almost double. In addition to ordinary consumers, potatoes are purchased in large quantities by manufacturing firms. For example, potatoes are used to make starch and alcohol on an industrial scale. Recently, this product has been used for the production of chips. In addition, the main buyers of potatoes are wholesalers, large retail chains and supermarkets.

Where to look for sales channels for potatoes?

Entrepreneurs who, for example, want to open a beer store, are initially guided by the huge consumer demand for such a product. Potatoes do not need advertising and will be bought in any quantity. Let's consider several effective ways to realize the harvest:

  1. Sale at collective farm markets. This option can bring good profit, however, it should be understood that it requires a lot of time investment. This task should be entrusted to someone from family members or to attract distributors. You can profitably sell potatoes from mid-autumn to early May, when this product is in great demand (despite high prices).
  2. Delivery of potatoes for sale. A fairly promising option, since it allows you to bail out a decent amount of money. To do this, it is worth finding several sellers who have their own retail outlets and offer them favorable terms of cooperation.
  3. Wholesale of harvest. An entrepreneur can deliver large quantities of potatoes to wholesale buyers, as well as to procurers. They offer a low price for the product, but if money is needed immediately for all products, this is the best option. It is most often used by large farms, which can offer buyers large quantities of goods.
  4. Direct sales of potatoes to retail chains and shops. This option is considered the most profitable. The entrepreneur can arrange the supply of potatoes to shops at a negotiated price. Washed and packaged products are in great demand among buyers.

Important: if you plan to grow potatoes in large volumes, it makes sense to find buyers for the products in advance. The terms on which they will cooperate should be agreed with wholesalers and procurers. This will allow you to grow potatoes and not worry about finding distribution channels.

What documents need to be drawn up for potatoes?

According to the requirements of TR of the Customs Union, potatoes must undergo a mandatory quality assessment. For this reason, manufacturers will need to have appropriate documentation. You can get it from an accredited organization that provides product certification services. Such a body is obliged to have the right to assess the quality of food products, as well as issue the relevant documents that are approved by Russian legislation. If you plan to store potatoes, especially with the use of heating systems, the businessman will need to obtain permits for doing business in the state supervision and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Can you build a potato resale business?

Consider the idea of \u200b\u200ba potato sale business associated with its sale as market resellers. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to place ads in the sleeping areas of the city for the sale of products, receive orders from customers and distribute the goods to the specified addresses. It should be noted right away that the minimum order must be at least 30 kg (the volume of one mesh). To start making money, you do not need to register an enterprise at the initial stages, spend money on renting an office space or buying a vehicle.

The income from the sale of one grid is about 200 rubles. Renting a truck costs about 300 rubles per hour. To make a profit and not work at a loss, you should manage to deliver more than 3 nets of potatoes to customers during this time. The product must be purchased in advance at wholesale markets or supermarkets. To do this, it is enough to have only a few thousand rubles of starting capital. Relatively quickly, you can reach a stable income of up to 10 thousand rubles a day, which will require daily investments in the purchase of goods of about 25 thousand. Businessmen who have already developed their client base take up to 20 calls in an hour. It is not difficult to calculate the possible profit for the day. The best option would be to deliver potatoes simultaneously to courtyards with multi-storey buildings, where this service is most popular.

Business plan for growing potatoes: detailed financial calculations + 7 basic steps to becoming a successful business.

Capital investments: 90,200 rubles.
Payback period: 4-5 months (period from planting to harvesting).

Growing potatoes is a business?

This question was asked by many of those who at least once have grown potatoes with their own hands.

We answer with confidence that yes, and quite promising.

The main thing is to take the first steps correctly.

There is no need to talk about the popularity of potatoes once again, so he can be called a real master of the table for more than one hundred years.

The Indians of Latin America discovered its secret 7,000 years ago.

Then the Spanish conquerors brought him to Europe, and later, thanks to the efforts of Peter I, he ended up on our tables.

Given the popularity of the vegetable, it can be assumed that growing potatoes is still a business, and a promising one.

However, you need to be aware that, like in any other type of activity, in order to achieve success, you need to make some effort, carefully think over everything and act on the basis of.

Of course, like all beginnings in business, it will require certain costs.

Their size depends on what volumes you are going to "swing".

Where does a potato growing business plan start?

Like any project, it starts with a business plan for growing potatoes.

It is carefully thought out based on what you have:

  • sown area for cultivation;
  • financial business opportunities;
  • choice of potato growing technology;
  • capital (initially required) investments;
  • daily or running expenses;
  • the expected result from the business.

So, having made the decision for yourself that growing potatoes is the business to which you have decided to devote your efforts and time, you need to carefully conduct analytical work.

Business analysis is as follows:

  1. Find out the average price of seed.
  2. Determine and clearly understand what equipment you need and its price.
  3. Which planting technology is most suitable for your climate zone.
  4. Average yield and how to raise it in your area.
  5. Average price for fertilizers and fuels and lubricants.
  6. Average wholesale and / or retail selling price of the obtained crop.
  7. Legal aspect and nuances of taxation.

We include the legal issue in the potato business plan

Since we are talking about entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to include such an item as the legal registration of their relations with the state in the business plan for growing potatoes.

If you decide to confine yourself to the framework of your subsidiary farm, then with a clear conscience you can sell the crop on the market without any registration, according to the legally valid concept of "personal subsidiary plots" (LPH).

But if the planned scale of production is higher, then (indicating the OKVED code A.01.13.21).

In this case, the most beneficial for you will be the system of taxation of the Unified Agricultural Tax, the deductions for which will also need to be included in the list of future expenses.

Business plan for growing potatoes: the necessary equipment and fixtures

This is one of the most expensive items of your business plan, but sooner or later you will have to come back to it and decide.

To be successful in this type of business, you need to gain complete autonomy from the start to the end of the process of growing potatoes.

Of course, when it comes to subsidiary farming with a plot area of \u200b\u200b6 to 10 acres, then, although it is not easy, it is quite possible to cope with the muscular strength of family members and a primitive shovel.

And if you went out into the vastness of the site, say, 30 acres?

There is no doubt that mechanization is needed here.

There are two ways: buying a mini-tractor or renting it.

As for the lease, you should know - the price of the service averages 400-500 rubles / weaving in the country.

The price of your own "horse" is about 30-60,000 rubles.

Here the amounts vary depending on the type, capacity and capabilities of the unit.

If your farm has a horse and an old peasant plow with a cart, then this is also a good option for mechanizing labor at the initial stage:

What technologies are used to grow potatoes?

Speaking about growing technology, it should be said that there are a lot of options.

Which one to choose is up to you, based on the collected information on the appropriateness of the method for your region and based on the expected end result.

It should be borne in mind that, like any business, potato cultivation should be based on the most advanced technologies.

In this regard, we will introduce you to a relatively new, but already successfully tested technology for growing potatoes in South Patagonia (Argentina).

The climate of that area is similar to that of central Russia, and even more severe closer to the south.

It should be noted that this method is successfully applied at all latitudes of the country, up to its subtropical part, and gives a good yield.

Planting requires organic flower pots 60 cm deep (this type of pot is well known to gardeners who plant tomato seedlings).

They are filled with soil, the top layer of which is mixed with manure and a small amount of sand and water.

Selected potatoes are planted 6 weeks before planting and left in a cool place with natural light.

When preparing the planting material, we decide on the size of the fruits of the future harvest.

If our plans include a medium-sized potato with a lot of fruits, five sprouts are left.

If our plan is to get very large tubers (with a smaller number of them), then we leave 3 sprouts.

Growing potatoes in this way requires a fertile, well-drained soil rich in organic matter (prepared before planting) with a pit depth of about 60 centimeters (in terms of planting pots).

Holes (landing pits) in the ground are made at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

Potatoes are planted directly in pots.

Two weeks before harvest, the ground part of the plant is cut off just above the root, leaving 5-10 cm above the ground.

After 2 weeks after removing the plants, we can harvest.

The yield and quality of potatoes with this method are fantastic.

Potatoes are resistant to decay and can be stored for a long time, preserving their original appearance.

To this it should be added that the described technology is more costly and troublesome, but gives a minimum yield of 450-500 kg per hundred square meters, which is twice the average yield in Russia (250-300 kg).

What kind of staff is needed to mark a potato growing business plan?

This question is not as straightforward as it seems at first glance, and depends on several factors.

As a rule, growing potatoes is a family business and is 90% mechanized even on a small scale.

Moreover, if a person took up the implementation of a business idea for growing potatoes, having the necessary skills for this.

That is, he knows the technology of cultivation, has the skills of a machine operator, automation of the planting process, processing and harvesting of sown areas.

Then it will not be difficult for him to cope with sowing areas and in hectares.

But in the process of harvesting, you will still need helpers for picking potatoes after the tractor (up to 20% of the crop remains in the field, or even more), sorting, packaging, etc.

Experienced farmers employ a number of workers.

As a rule, they are hired for several days (for calculations, we will take 6 days for harvesting and sorting), and their number is determined by the sown area and the amount of harvest.

On average, in Russia, the payment for a day of field work is 400-600 rubles per day, and is regulated by an employment agreement.

How much money do you need to invest to grow potatoes?

Investments in the potato growing business consist of several points: determining the price of seed, fertilizer and fuel and lubricants, as well as purchasing equipment.

Initial investment in business

Summarizing everything in the final table, I would like to note that in the future, the costs will be much less, because the acquired equipment and devices will last for many years.

Seed price

The prices for planting potatoes are different and depend on the variety, region and place where you purchased them (station or market).

To understand what prices are relevant in Russia, pay attention to the table of average prices for all regions for the main varieties of seed.

These data must be reflected in the business plan for growing potatoes.

Fertilizer and fuel costs

The business plan for growing potatoes includes another significant expense item - pesticides, fertilizers and fuels and lubricants.

In the calculations above, we proceeded from the assumption that our sown area is 35 acres.

Based on the average fuel consumption of an average mini-tractor, the amount of fertilizers and chemicals for processing one hundred square meters, for such an area the costs for this item will amount to 15,000 rubles.

The video below provides a list of the features of growing potatoes:

Expected net profit from potato growing business

Interesting fact:
Today, the price of potatoes is not high, but a kilogram of the most expensive potato in the world is not so cheap. The "La Bonnotte" variety is grown by hand on the coast of France and is valued at 500 euros per kilogram. During the gold rush, potato tubers were saved from scurvy, and were valued more than gold in miners' circles.

The most important point for a future entrepreneur is, of course, information about the profitability and profitability of the business:

Based on the data in the table, we get the number of net profit from the business:

262,500 - 90,200 \u003d 172,300 rubles.

For those who are just starting or thinking about starting a potato growing business, there is good news.

Statistics and economic analytics indicate that, in terms of payback and profitability, growing potatoes is one of the most efficient types of business of this type.

The full cycle from planting seeds to harvesting is, on average, 4 months, and the level of profitability, according to modest forecasts, is 150-200%.

As seen, growing potatoes businessworth doing.

If we take subsequent years, then to the net profit received, you can safely add the costs of the purchased equipment, minus the funds that will be spent on maintenance and repairs (as a rule, this is about 15% of the cost of equipment).

It turns out to be a good amount of stable profit, so it's really worth doing this activity.

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Every person is familiar with potatoes since childhood. We eat it in different forms, and many make money from it. Consider growing potatoes as a business, its profitability and professional reviews.

Business advantages and disadvantages

Growing potatoes as a business has its pros and cons. First of all, it is high profitability. The product is always in demand on the market. This is especially felt in large cities where people do not have their own land plots.

Also, the potato business is undemanding to the initial investment. Even in the case of large-scale production, it will be possible to get by with the purchase of several tractors as harvesting equipment. Of course, equipment will need maintenance and fuel to operate, and the soil needs to be given rest periodically, but the profitability of the enterprise covers these costs. At the same time, no special skills are required to get started at all.

Perhaps the main drawback is the distinct seasonality of the business - you can grow crops only in the summer. To neutralize this disadvantage, you can build special greenhouses in which vegetables are grown all year round, but in this case, investments grow significantly.

For growing potatoes, a detailed business plan can be downloaded at.

Registration and legal issues

Registration of this entrepreneurial activity is far from always required. For example, if the land on which the crop is grown falls under the category of personal subsidiary plots, and the surplus potatoes are sold on the market, then it is not necessary to register a business. However, large profits will not be achieved with this approach.

If we are talking about the desire to have a profitable potato growing business, then the first thing that needs to be done is to register as an individual entrepreneur. One of the stages of this process is the selection of the OKVED code. The required one is 01.11.2, it includes not only the cultivation of potatoes for sale, but also allows the sale of planting material.

The most profitable taxation system in this business is the Unified Agricultural Tax or Unified Agricultural Tax, which is 6% of net profit. The form is available only for those who are engaged in self-production and subsequent sale of agricultural products. If you already have an operating enterprise that is planned to be transferred to the Unified Agricultural Tax, it is necessary that the share of income from potatoes be at least 70% of the total amount.

There are two options for taxation - general and special, each has its own characteristics. In the first case, the company will also have to pay VAT, taxes on property used for work, transport tax and unified social tax, as well as a number of others.

If the company switches to the Unified Agricultural Tax, it is exempted from the need to pay personal income tax, and also receives a number of other financial concessions. This alone makes the variant much more attractive than prose.

To switch to the Unified Agricultural Tax in the Russian Federation, you will need to submit an application to the FTS. The deadline for filing an application on a general basis is October 20-December 31, on an individual basis - within a month from the date of registration as a legal entity. Important: the timing of the transition to tax varies. In the first case, this will happen at the beginning of a new calendar year, and in the second, it will take place in parallel with registration with the Federal Tax Service.

An equally important point: you can change the form of taxation within a year. If the enterprise ceases to carry out activities in the field of agriculture or its priorities change, so that it no longer meets the requirements, the cancellation of the unified agricultural tax is enforced, which should be avoided.

In the aforementioned taxation system, expenditures are understood as all costs for the acquisition of means of production, employee salaries and advertising. All expenses must be recorded in the ledger. Income refers to funds received at the cashier's office or at the company's bank account.

Work technology

The organization of potato production involves several stages.

It all starts when the soil warms up to at least 8 degrees Celsius - agronomists consider this temperature optimal for planting a vegetable.


Unlike most other horticultural crops, potatoes are much more susceptible to weather conditions. There are two main ways to grow vegetables for sale: in special greenhouses, which allows you to start selling at the beginning of spring, and in the open way.

The second method has the advantage of a longer shelf life, but the first option is much more profitable. Unfortunately, more will be spent on it, since the equipment is not cheap. This is why many aspiring entrepreneurs prefer the first method.

Potatoes are early ripening crops, from planting to harvesting it takes only 3-4 months. The very technology of growing a vegetable for sale implies step-by-step work: soil preparation, planting, fertilization and care, harvesting, storage and sale or production of by-products.

For the first cycle of work, you will need to purchase planting material. He must have accompanying documents proving high fertility and the absence of diseases. Most often tubers of these varieties are small, only 3-5 cm in diameter. Important: it is strictly forbidden to mix potatoes of different varieties. In the event that the reproduction of potatoes does not reach the second stage, then it is prohibited to use it for breeding.

First stage

The initial stage is preparing the soil for planting. It involves the removal of weeds, plowing the site, and the purchase of varietal potatoes for planting. It is recommended to select the strongest young medium-sized potatoes for sowing. Larger ones can be cut into several pieces.

The planting material is folded for a while in a well-lit room for 3 weeks so that direct sunlight does not fall on the potatoes. Optimal storage parameters are 3 degrees Celsius and humidity at 85%. Before planting, the potatoes are brought out into the light and the first shoots are expected to appear. The main thing is not to overdo it, no one needs dried potatoes.

Planting and growing

It is important to remember that potatoes should be planted at the right time, taking into account the temperature regime - this is the only way to grow a bountiful harvest. The tubers are placed in the soil at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other and at the same depth.

Since the end of flowering, the potatoes will need to be additionally watered. Depending on the weather conditions, this will have to be done every few days. In some severe cases, when nature does not indulge in rains, this will have to be done twice a day, morning and evening. It is important to control the condition of the tops - this will help to avoid excessive moisture or drying out of the soil.

Experts strongly advise against neglecting the means of treatment and destruction of pests. Sowing the field is one of the most effective means. This will simultaneously reduce the number of pests and help improve the general condition of the soil on the site.

It is not worth delaying the harvesting process, since overripe fruits are less susceptible to storage and more often rot. After harvesting, the tubers are placed in a container and stored in a cool dry room.

Landing area

According to experts, for a successful potato business, a plot of at least 250 hectares will be required. However, land alone is not enough - it is required that the land be fertile. In addition, it is mandatory to prepare it for planting, that is, it is cleaned of debris and weeds, loosened and fertilized.

The best option is to split the whole process into several stages. Remember that in this case, saving on feeding will result in lost profits when selling the goods. As a result, no crop can be harvested to recoup the costs.


There are several main ways to sell crops:

  1. Market trading in the home. This option is justified only for relatively small production volumes. Also, there must be adequate storage conditions and sufficient time. Among the advantages of this option is the fact that in this way you can find wholesale customers.
  2. Delivery for sale (at a processing plant for starch, etc.). This project is a little preferable when it comes to large batches. Its main drawback is its large financial losses. You can use it only when the quality of the potatoes is kept at a level. In addition, sometimes difficulties arise in finding a processor (for example, a distillery that will buy a large batch).
  3. Conclusion of an agreement with a retail network. This option is optimal, but it is rather difficult to work with retail chains, since there is high competition in this area. According to statistics, about half of all domestic potatoes are sold through large stores. An important point: it is highly advisable to purchase the appropriate packaging equipment in advance, since the price of potatoes in a package is much higher than in a regular bag. The costs for the appropriate devices will pay off very quickly.

Whichever option you choose, you should worry about distribution channels in advance. This will not only save time at the stage of implementation, but also will not let the product disappear due to the fact that there is nowhere to sell it.

Business profitability

Compared to working with most other crops, the potato business is more profitable. The initial costs can be recouped in just the first few months. The main thing is to build a business correctly and establish sales channels. According to experts, the profitability of an enterprise can reach 150%.

The main costs in this case fall on the lease or purchase of land from 2.5 hectares, which will be about 20% of all investments. The necessary agricultural machinery will require another 25% of the budget. A little less will go to the payroll. Planting material will cost an additional 20%, the same amount will be required for transport costs, fuel for equipment, organic matter and fertilizers.

Despite the seemingly large investments, it is necessary to understand that the amount will begin to decrease from one year to the next, since the acquisition of equipment is a one-time waste, and the costs of its operation are not so great. In addition, the planting material will be our own from the second year, which is especially beneficial.

A separate plus is the ability to process potatoes. Of course, this will require significantly expanding and modifying production by installing additional production lines (for example, for the production of potato flour or alcohol), but the final result will give a profit at a fundamentally new level.

Meanwhile, the potato itself is a demanding crop, which requires competent processing and storage conditions. She does not allow herself to be negligent, which can be understood from the numerous reviews on the Web.

Business plan

Separately, it should be noted a business plan for growing potatoes for business planning. It includes a list of expenses and income. The first ones can be entered in the table (prices are approximate):

Video: growing potatoes for sale as a business.


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