How much money does Chubais have. The media compared who earns more - Chubais, Miller or Sechin. How much is Chubais' income per day

Minimum wage in Sechin style

Let's make a reservation right away: the salaries presented in our rating are understated. Companies and banks do not disclose how many bonuses were paid to a particular executive. In official reports, only general value.

For example, in 2017, 11 members of the Rosneft Management Board received a remuneration of 3 billion 895 million rubles. On average, 354 million a year are released for each. It is logical to assume that the chairman of the board Igor Sechin got more. But exactly how much is a secret. Despite even the recent recommendations of the Central Bank to indicate earnings by name.

The game of hide and seek on the part of government managers has been going on for several years. They refuse to disclose information about their property.

When calculating, "Interlocutor" relied precisely on average values, less than which the heads of state-owned companies could not earn even theoretically. In practice, their remuneration is twice as high as that of “ordinary” top managers.

And we have not yet taken into account the income from owning shares and from deposits in banks. So the real proceeds of the heads

companies are many times larger than those that we can prove.

At the same time, the considerable milk yield of managers does not imply their effectiveness. The net profit of the same Rosneft has been falling in recent years, while the salaries of the top management of the company have been growing. The other day Sechin also asked Vladimir Putin about tax benefits. But I didn't offer to lower my salary.

By the grain

State managers receive money not only at their main place of work. They usually sit on the governing bodies of other companies, both controlled and third-party. So, the head of PJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller concurrently also the chairman of the board of directors at Gazprombank, SOGAZ, Gazprom Neft, Gazprom-Media.


EUR 9,639 a month is received by the CEO of the natural gas transmission system operator Amber Grid in Lithuania Saulius Bilis... 86 times less than his Russian counterpart Alexei Miller. But among the heads of state enterprises in the post-Soviet republic, this is the largest income.

According to the calculations of "Interlocutor", Miller's monthly salary is more than 58 million rubles. This is a thousand times more than the majority of Gazprom employees. For example, OOO Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar, a 100% subsidiary of Gazprom, receives an average of 58 thousand rubles. per month. Gazprom transgaz Volgograd, which employs 5 thousand people, - 44 thousand each.

It is torn into several fronts and Anatoly Chubais... He sits on the board of directors of JSC Rusnano (1 million rubles per annum), is a member of the board of directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (another 11 million) and, most importantly, presides over OOO UK Rusnano (1.05 billion rubles. ). In addition, he cooperates with Skolkovo, heads LLC NovaMedica and LLC RusnanoMedInvest. Chubais promised to lead Rusnano until his retirement. His annual income would be enough for 80 thousand Russian pensioners.


We have a lot of money. There are just a lot of them.

Anatoly Chubais.

State bankers

As it turned out, German Gref receives more from Sberbank than Andrey Kostin at VTB. But in fairness, Sberbank's revenue is more significant.

A couple of years ago, a State Duma deputy Vasily Shvetsov proposed to "tie" the earnings of the heads of state corporations to the salary of the president. According to his idea, no one should receive more than the head of state. However, this initiative did not find support among the Duma majority, and the author of the bold document himself could not be re-elected to the next convocation of parliament.

So Putin can still ask for a loan from his longtime friend, the head of Sberbank. They started working together back in 1991 at the St. Petersburg City Hall. Moreover, the government rates Gref's talents higher than the entire Russian national hockey team. For victory at the Olympics, the entire team was allocated 100 million "prize money", and one Gref - half a billion.

Medvedev to envy

The salary of another top manager close to the president - the general director of Rostec Sergey Chemezov - 400 times higher than the average for the state corporation (44 thousand per month). Chemezov has been friends with Putin since the days of joint work in Germany. Today he is one of the most influential people in the country. Many resignations and appointments of governors are associated with his name.

And here is the chairman of the board of Inter RAO UES Boris Kovalchuk connected not only with the president (through his father's dacha in the Ozero cooperative), but also with the prime minister. During my studies at St. Petersburg State University Dmitry Medvedev was his teacher. Today, Kovalchuk, who is in charge of the electric power industry, makes 21 times more than Medvedev - officially, of course.

The only top manager of state-owned companies who is not afraid to officially declare income is the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov... He boldly points out that for his work he has an income of more than 14 million rubles. per month. In the meantime, Russian Railways is looking for a foreman on the way to a salary of 52 thousand rubles. And a loader - 20 thousand.

For future employees of the railway, the sums of the top managers' incomes certainly seem fantastic. But if anything in Russia is implausible, it is the determination of the political establishment to build a just society.

Ezhov Sergey

According to various estimates, Russian millionaires own a fortune estimated at 73.5% of the country's GDP. The top richest people in Russia include not only oligarchs, but also the top of state-owned companies. The "interlocutor" has calculated what are the approximate salaries of the richest people in Russia.

At the same time, experts immediately explained that the amounts of remuneration received were significantly underestimated. Companies and banks do not disclose how many bonuses were paid to a particular executive. Only the general meaning is present in the official reports. State managers refuse to disclose information about their property, so analysts rely only on average values. Nevertheless, the sums are still huge.

1. Anatoly Chubais, receives approximately 1,620,000,000 rubles a year.

Anatoly Chubais sits on the board of directors of JSC Rusnano (income of 1,000,000 rubles a year), sits on the board of directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (11,000,000 more) and, most importantly, chairs LLC MC Rusnano (1 050,000,000 rubles). In addition, he cooperates with Skolkovo, heads LLC NovaMedica and LLC RusnanoMedInvest. Chubais's annual income would be enough for 80 thousand Russian pensioners.

2. Alexey Miller. The annual salary is at least 699,000,000 rubles.

Alexey Miller, the head of PJSC Gazprom, is also the chairman of the board of directors at Gazprombank, SOGAZ, Gazprom Neft, and Gazprom-Media. According to analysts, Miller's monthly salary is more than 58,000,000 rubles. This is a thousand times more than the majority of Gazprom employees.

3. German Gref. The annual salary is not less than 519 million rubles.

As it turned out, German Gref gets more from Sberbank than Andrei Kostin from VTB. The state rates Gref's talents higher than the entire Russian national hockey team. For the victory at the Olympics, the entire team was allocated 100 million rubles of "prize money". And one Gref - half a billion.

4. Igor Sechin - the salary for the year is at least 361,000,000 rubles.

In 2017, 11 members of the Rosneft Management Board received remuneration of RUB 3,895,000,000. On average, 354 million per year are released for each. It is logical to assume that the chairman of the board Igor Sechin got more, but how much exactly is a secret, despite the recent recommendations of the Central Bank to indicate earnings by name.

5. Sergey Chemezov. The annual salary is at least 212,000,000 rubles.

The salary of another top manager, the general director of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, is 400 times higher than the average for the state corporation (44,000 a month). An entire empire is under his rule. In total, 453 thousand people work in the structures of the corporation.

6. Boris Kovalchuk. An annual salary of at least 178,000,000 rubles.

Boris Kovalchuk, Chairman of the Management Board of Inter RAO UES, earns 21 times more than the head of government.

7. Oleg Belozerov - about 173,000,000 rubles a year.

The only top manager of state-owned companies who is not afraid to officially declare income is the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov. He boldly points out that for his labors he has an income of more than 14,000,000 rubles a month.

8.Andrey Kostin. The annual salary is not less than 122,000,000 rubles.

Across the street from the famous dacha of Boris Pasternak, in the village of writers Peredelkino, there was a field on which the poet liked to walk. This "Pasternak" field is now built up with spacious country residences (see the map). As Forbes found out, the estate on the site closest to the Pasternak Museum in the village of Peredelkino was built for the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais and his wife, screenwriter, director Avdotya Smirnova. Construction began shortly after the wedding.

The huge house is completely finished, but empty. He, the site and other buildings were seized. The owner of the property is the Swiss company SFO Concept AG, headed by a young financier Ilya Suchkov. According to Mr. Suchkov, the main house with an area of \u200b\u200b2,656.8 sq. m, two guest houses and other buildings, his company invested $ 50 million. In June and July, the creditors of SFO Concept, who lent the company $ 36 million, filed several lawsuits for the return of money, one of them was accepted for consideration in court. The largest lender is the O1 Trust Services ltd of the billionaire and friend of Chubais Boris Mints, which in early 2012 issued loans to SFO Concept in the amount of $ 22.9 million.

What is SFO Concept? “For a long time it was Chubais's family office, the company that managed his assets,” says a source close to one of the creditors. - After the passage of the law [prohibiting officials from owning foreign assets. - Forbes] Mr. Chubais sold the company to Ilya Suchkov. The company received loans from the structures of Boris Mints, because Chubais simply needed money to build a house. And Suchkov at some point realized that he was the happy owner and CEO of a company that owns land and an almost-built house, and decided to play on it.

The young financier Ilya Suchkov has a different version. “The house in the village of Peredelkino was originally an investment project by SFO Concept,” he says. - It was financed by 50% from the company's own funds. Anatoly Borisovich was going to buy it, but then, apparently, changed his mind. And Boris Iosifovich [Mints. - Forbes] he liked the house so much that he wanted it for himself and because of this he initiated all this prosecution. "

“This is complete nonsense! - a source close to Chubais is outraged. "The house was immediately built by order of Chubais for the needs of his family." According to him, in addition to loans for the construction of a house, Chubais' own funds were spent, first through the sale of the property belonging to him from the balance sheet of SFO Concept, and after the sale of the company, he also reported personal funds. In general, this is significantly less than $ 50 million, the source of Forbes insists. If creditors sue the house, Chubais can buy it out, the source says, but at the present time, given the whole situation, he considers its acquisition inappropriate.

A young financier from a good family

The area of \u200b\u200bthe house with all the buildings turned out to be one and a half times larger than Chubais's previous country estate in the Moscow Region Zhavoronki (according to the tax declaration for 2010, it was registered in his name). However, Mints representatives say O1 Trust Services is trying to get the money back and does not aim to take over the house. “The situation is trivial - the owner of SFO Concept does not return the money he took to build the house, and decided to dispose of it at his own discretion,” Mints's eldest son Dmitry, head and chairman of the board of directors of O1 Properties, says in an interview with Forbes.

Where did Chubais get the money?

Over the past five years, Chubais's official income amounted to 1.1 billion rubles (2010-2014). This amount includes 102 million rubles of earnings in Rusnano and income from the sale of 1.1% of the financial corporation Otkritie, shares of which he and Mints owned until 2013. Chubais planned to pay for the estate in the village of Peredelkino mainly by means of the sale of shares in the ZPIF Perspektivnye Kompaniya, says a source close to the head of Rusnano. He established this hedge fund in 2007 together with Boris Mints using funds received for the reform of RAO UES of Russia. The fund has invested mainly in stocks and bonds in foreign markets. At first, Chubais had 54.8%, but at the end of 2013 the partners' shares were diluted: the Telecom-Soyuz pension fund belonging to Mints received 51.2% due to an additional contribution of 900 million rubles. In 2013, the fund became a shareholder in several closed-end mutual funds, one of which owned 49% in the iCube office center, estimated at the end of last year at $ 100 million with a debt of $ 75 million. market and get rental income. However, property prices fell, and before the fund closed at the end of 2015, he sold his stake in iCube for about the same price he bought. During liquidation, the fund's net assets exceeded 4 billion rubles, a twofold increase in their value was ensured by devaluation, since the main assets were denominated in dollars. “When closing the closed-end investment fund, the shareholders were allocated income that I declared and paid all taxes from them. I did not participate in the operational management of the fund, ”Chubais says. According to Forbes calculations, Chubais's income in 2015 exceeded 1 billion rubles, but the net profit minus the invested funds may be less. How much Chubais received in 2015 is unknown: he is no longer obliged to disclose this data due to the change in legislation and the transition from JSC Rusnano to Management Company Rusnano, which manages the assets of the state company.

Ilya Suchkov comes from a family that is well known to Chubais. His father, Vasily Suchkov, worked together with the current head of Rusnano in the State Property Committee, Ilya's elder brother Igor was Chubais's advisor for 17 years. An acquaintance of Chubais says that Igor had many ideas: from investing in a network of dental clinics to building a cottage village on the banks of the Ikshinskoye reservoir. He invited his brother Ilya to manage real estate projects, who in 2010 became the head of SFO Concept.

According to Ilya Suchkov, the company quickly ceased to be just a family office and diversified its business: it began to provide consulting services, for commissions it helped companies that worked with securities to attract clients. Suchkov recalls that he spent two days a week in Switzerland, three in Moscow, and discussed matters with Chubais once a year.

In 2013, Russian officials were banned from owning property abroad. Anatoly Chubais sold SFO Concept to Ilya Suchkov. The deal was real, not fictitious, the participants say. However, it follows from the sale and purchase documents submitted by Suchkov that Chubais did not immediately relinquish control over the company.

Under the terms of the agreement, Suchkov had to pay a large sum of $ 28 million for SFO Concept with a deferred payment, about the same the company at that time sent to finance a house in the village of Peredelkino. As an interim measure, Suchkov signed an agreement to terminate the purchase and sale agreement without specifying a date, which Chubais could use at almost any time. A year later, the parties entered into a new agreement to waive interim measures and complete settlements at a new price of $ 152,000, determined in the appraiser's report (slightly less than the authorized capital of 200,000 Swiss francs). Suchkov says that he took part of the money from his parents, borrowed part and added his savings.

A source close to Chubais insists that the due date for SFO Concept has not yet arrived, while the transaction price is significantly higher than the authorized capital, and Suchkov has not paid this money yet. “The SFO Concept company belonged to me for some time,” Anatoly Chubais confirmed to Forbes. - In 2013, I sold it to another person so that he would start organizing the construction of a house and raising funds. In the future, the house was to become my property. As far as I know, the company violated a number of commercial agreements in terms of attracted financing and, apparently, this was the reason for filing claims against it from creditors. "

"We had friendly relations"

According to Dmitry Mints, SFO Concept delayed payments on the promissory note by $ 0.9 million, which matured in 2013, but serious questions to Suchkov appeared only in December 2015. “We learned that Suchkov wanted to re-register all of the SFO Concept real estate to himself as an individual, without paying loans,” Mints said indignantly. "This means for us that he not only cannot fulfill his obligations, but he is not even going to try to settle accounts with us."

Suchkov lays out in front of him in his office a bundle of documents - loan agreements in two languages, appraisal reports. He admits that Boris Mints' structures lent to SFO Concept. But it is clear from the agreement that the largest unsecured loan from O1 Trust Services ltd for $ 15.5 million is due only in April 2022, in addition, it was issued not for the construction of a house, but for replenishing the working capital of SFO Concept AG. Another lender, Crizna Holdings ltd, lent $ 7.5 million for general corporate purposes in June 2015 and is now also seeking a refund in court. According to Suchkov, Crizna is affiliated with Mints, although representatives of the latter deny this.

The implication, creditors say, was that all loans would go towards building a house that Chubais would buy, and after that the company would pay off the debts. However, they understand that the sale of real estate on the market will not allow Suchkov to pay off his debts: the current value of SFO Concept's assets is lower than the cost of loans, and, according to them, already at the beginning of 2015 the company did not have equity capital.

Lenders do not exclude the conclusion of an amicable agreement with Suchkov, but so far the parties have not come to an understanding. Suchkov offers to buy a house from him at a price of $ 36.5 million, based on a report from an English appraisal company, whose name he does not specify. Lenders believe that the actual market value of the house with all the buildings and the plot is only $ 12.55 million, which is what Knight Frank estimated it.

“Representatives of Boris Mints are forced to sell real estate in Peredelki at a reduced price - first they gave $ 7 million, then $ 12 million, which puts the company under the threat of bankruptcy and criminal prosecution of SFO Concept's management,” says Suchkov. "If Mints later cedes real estate at this price to Chubais, this will mean assistance in legalizing income, because his official income does not allow him to purchase real estate from SFO Concept at market value." He also believes that the issuance of unsecured loans by Mints for ten years could simply be a transfer of funds belonging to Chubais to legalize part of the income, and to verify this, he sent a request to the law enforcement agencies of Cyprus.

According to Forbes calculations, Chubais's official income in 2010-2015 exceeded 2 billion rubles. He planned to pay for the house in the village of Peredelkino by selling the property of the ZPIF "Perspective Companies", established together with Mints (see cut).

“Lenders, admittedly, are fucking [...]. The degree of trust in Suchkov was high, and the credit relations were not formalized brilliantly, ”says one of the financiers involved in lending to the construction site. “We could have a stronger position in court in collecting debt if we were engaged in lending to a construction site as a commercial, tough deal,” says Dmitry Mints. “Nobody expected that they would have to sort things out with Suchkov in court. At one time, Chubais helped Ilya in a human way, ”says Chubais's acquaintance. Suchkov believes that Chubais owes nothing.

In the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, Suchkov won: the court refused to consider the O1 Trust's claim against the SFO and the motion for the seizure of assets, since it considered that the creditor had not proved the connection between the real estate objects and the credit relationship. However, the Bryansk arbitration, where the second creditor, the Crizna company, applied, at the end of July nevertheless arrested the disputed real estate. The court took into account that it could be sold without the knowledge of creditors: the site, along with buildings on Internet sites, is sold at prices in the region of 920-950 million rubles, although it is not known who the initiator of these announcements is.

The judge also referred to a supplementary agreement to the loan agreement, in which the former trustee of its real estate in Russia, OOO SFO Concept Consulting, was vouched for SFO Concept. The agreement was signed by the general director of the company Sergei Krychenko, a former security guard of Chubais, who worked as his assistant at RAO UES. It says that the guarantor is jointly and severally liable for the loan taken by SFO Concept for the construction of a house in the village of Peredelkino. A separate paragraph provides for the consideration of controversial issues not in the London International Arbitration Court, but in the Arbitration Court of the Bryansk Region.

"The supplementary agreement to the loan agreement is pure falsification," Suchkov is indignant and shows a copy of the document. It follows from it that the purpose of the loan has changed, the choice of the Bryansk arbitration is not motivated by anything, and the borrower has not even been notified of the appearance of the guarantor. For Suchkov, this turn was a complete surprise, because, according to him, he was on friendly terms with Krychenko, although they terminated the property trust agreement at the end of 2015.

In the appeal, Suchkov proves that his company has no delinquencies on the Crizna loan, so the creditor has no reason to collect the debt. According to him, a month before the loan expired at the end of October 2015, Crizna assigned the debt to a certain Denian Limited (BVI), also affiliated with Mints, and she, in turn, signed a debt forgiveness document. "The fact that this debt will be forgiven was agreed with Mints from the very beginning, we had friendly relations," Suchkov explains.

Why Mints donated several million dollars to Chubais's former company and whether it really was, other participants in the case do not say. Rusnano emphasizes that this situation has no direct relation to Chubais, since he left all projects with the participation of Suchkov. "The ownership structure of Anatoly Chubais' assets complies with the requirements of Russian legislation, and all incomes have been declared," says Andrey Trapeznikov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for External Communications of Rusnano.

Chubais recently admitted in an interview with Forbes that he has a small family office, but he is not rich enough to be included in the Forbes list. Like the modest Pasternak in everyday life, he could have complained about the difficulties of life with the words of the great writer about his house in Peredelkino: "It was necessary to decide whether to take it [the dacha], go to watch its completion, dodge, get money ..." has calculated how much top managers of Russian state-controlled companies earn.

Minimum wage in Sechin style

Let's make a reservation right away: the salaries presented in our rating are understated. Companies and banks do not disclose how many bonuses were paid to a particular executive. In official reports, only general value.

For example, in 2017, 11 members of the Rosneft Management Board received a remuneration of 3 billion 895 million rubles. On average, 354 million are released per year. It is logical to assume that the chairman of the board, Igor Sechin, got more. But how much exactly is a secret. Despite even the recent recommendations of the Central Bank to indicate earnings by name.

The game of hide and seek on the part of government managers has been going on for several years. They refuse to disclose information about their property.

When calculating "Interlocutor" relied precisely on average values, less than which the heads of state-owned companies could not earn even theoretically. In practice, their remuneration is twice as high as that of “ordinary” top managers.

And we have not yet taken into account the income from owning shares and from deposits in banks. So the real earnings of the heads of the companies are many times higher than those that we can prove.

At the same time, the considerable milk yield of managers does not imply their effectiveness. The net profit of the same Rosneft has been falling in recent years, while the salaries of the top executives of the company have been growing. Recently Sechin also asked Vladimir Putin for tax breaks. But I didn't offer to lower my salary.

By the grain

State managers receive money not only at their main place of work. They usually sit on the governing bodies of other companies, both controlled and outside. Thus, the head of PJSC Gazprom, Alexey Miller, is also the chairman of the board of directors at Gazprombank, SOGAZ, Gazprom Neft, and Gazprom-Media.


Saulius Bilis, CEO of the natural gas transmission system operator Amber Grid, receives € 9639 a month in Lithuania. 86 times less than his Russian counterpart Alexei Miller. But among the heads of state enterprises in the post-Soviet republic, this is the largest income.

According to the calculations of "Interlocutor", Miller's monthly salary is over 58 million rubles. This is a thousand times more than the majority of Gazprom employees. For example, in OOO Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar, a 100% subsidiary of Gazprom, they receive an average of 58 thousand rubles. per month. Gazprom transgaz Volgograd, which employs 5 thousand people, - 44 thousand each.

Anatoly Chubais is also torn into several fronts. He sits on the board of directors of JSC Rusnano (1 million rubles per annum), is a member of the board of directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (another 11 million) and, most importantly, presides over OOO UK Rusnano (41 million rubles). In addition, he cooperates with Skolkovo, heads LLC NovaMedica and LLC RusnanoMedInvest. The circle for 2016 turns out to be about 326 million rubles. Chubais promised to lead Rusnano until his retirement. His annual income would be enough for almost 30 thousand retirees.

State bankers

As it turned out, German Gref receives more from Sberbank than Andrei Kostin from VTB. But in fairness, Sberbank's revenue is more significant.

A couple of years ago, State Duma deputy Vasily Shvetsov proposed to "tie" the earnings of the heads of state corporations to the salary of the president. According to his idea, no one should receive more than the head of state. However, this initiative did not find support among the Duma majority, and the author of the bold document himself could not be re-elected to the next convocation of parliament.

So Putin can still ask for a loan from his longtime friend, the head of Sberbank. They started working together back in 1991 at the St. Petersburg City Hall. Moreover, the government rates Gref's talents higher than the entire Russian national hockey team. For victory at the Olympics, the entire team was allocated 100 million "prize money", and one Gref - half a billion.

Medvedev to envy

The salary of another top manager close to the president - the general director of Rostec Sergey Chemezov - is 400 times higher than the average for the state corporation (44 thousand per month). Chemezov has been friends with Putin since the days of joint work in Germany. Today he is one of the most influential people in the country. Many resignations and appointments of governors are associated with his name.

In the regions where Rostec operates, the name of Chemezov inspires awe. A whole empire is under his control: 453 thousand people work in the corporation's structures.

But the chairman of the board of Inter RAO UES Boris Kovalchuk is associated not only with the president (through his father's dacha in the Ozero cooperative), but also with the prime minister. During his studies at St. Petersburg State University Dmitry Medvedev was his teacher. Today, Kovalchuk, who is in charge of the power industry, makes 21 times more than Medvedev - officially, of course.

The only top-manager of state-owned companies who is not afraid to officially declare income is the head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov. He boldly points out that for his work he has an income of more than 14 million rubles. per month. In the meantime, Russian Railways is looking for a foreman for a salary of 52 thousand rubles. And a loader - 20 thousand.

For future employees of the railway, the sums of the top managers' incomes certainly seem fantastic. But if anything in Russia is implausible, it is the determination of the political establishment to build a just society.

Sergey EZHOV, journalist.

The material was published in the publication "Interlocutor" No. 10-2018 under the title "Chubais is already more expensive than Miller."

Over the past year, Anatoly Chubais, general director of the state corporation Rosnanotech, received over 202 million rubles. At the same time, his income at the main place of work was less than 14 million rubles. The relevant information was published on the company's website.


Recall that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered officials to publish and provide similar information on the property of spouses and minor children. Following the requirements of this decree, the state corporation Rosnanotech posted on the website information about the income of the general director and his wife.

It turned out that the declared income of Anatoly Chubais for 2009 amounted to 202,684,364 rubles... Of this amount, 13,197,718 rubles were earned at the main place of employment. The head of RUSNANO received another 176,501,489 rubles at the expense of securities and stakes in commercial organizations. Income from deposits in banks and other credit institutions amounted to 11,485,156 rubles. In addition, Chubais saved one and a half million rubles by selling a 2004 BMW X5 SUV.

The wife of the general director of the corporation "Rosnanotech" in 2009 received 21 958 429 rubles... The main sources of income were securities, shares in commercial organizations, as well as deposits in banks and other credit organizations.

Anatoly Chubais also indicated his real estate in his report. He said that he owns an apartment in the capital with an area of \u200b\u200b175.8 square meters on the basis of individual ownership. Also, the head of RUSNANO has two parking spaces with a total area of \u200b\u200b30.6 square meters. In joint ownership with his wife, Chubais has a land plot of 1.4656 hectares in the Moscow region. On this territory, residential and utility buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200b2012.86 square meters have been erected.

In 2009, Chubais and his wife owned several vehicles - a BMW X5 SUV, a BMW 530 XI passenger car, a Yamaha SXV70VT snowmobile, and one car trailer.


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