What do you need to take to the logistician? Logistic profession Logist what you need to take for admission

A logistics specialist is a specialist who manages the delivery of goods. A specialist in this area optimizes the processes for the purchase, sale, storage and transportation of goods, guarantees their implementation on time and with minimal costs for the customer.

Personal qualities

The profession is suitable for people with strategic thinking and organizational skills. Knowledge of a foreign language will give an opportunity to work abroad, accuracy and responsibility are also important. Communication skills will help to find a common language with all participants in the delivery process: from customers to warehouse workers.


Logistics in education is presented at several levels: secondary and higher, wages depend on the level of education.

Secondary special education:

After receiving secondary education, you can work as an assistant logistician or a logistics manager, but the specialty will be narrow and there may be problems with managerial positions.

Higher education:

Training can be completed on the general profile "Logistics" and more narrow: "Logistics and supply chain management" or "Operational logistics". There is no specialty in the areas, there are bachelor's (4 years of study) and master's (two years)

Where to study as a logistician in Moscow

In (metro Novoslobodskaya) and (metro Airport), you need to pass only one additional subject, in addition to Russian and mathematics - social studies, you can enter the specialty "Logistics", "Enterprise Management".

Where to study for a logistics specialist in St. Petersburg?

By specialty ”prepares (metro Lesnaya) and (metro Chernyshevskaya / Ploschad Vosstaniya): at faculties (additional English), and (additional social studies).

Pros and cons of the profession


Demand in the labor market;

High wages;

Language practice.


Frequent stress;

Work in the industrial area.

You can start your career as a logistics assistant. There are several specialties:
the profession of logistics and supply chain management deals directly with transport services in logistics, and the specialty of operations in logistics produces specialists who regulate supply.

After graduating from more general faculties, such as "Management" and "Management", you can either engage in direct management, or build a career as a logistician.

Places of employment, vacancies

Employment does not cause problems: any large company has a logistics department, and you can also get a job in specialized firms. There are “logistic” vacancies in online stores, in the field of transport business and logistics of various kinds. With work experience, employment in leadership positions is possible.

Drawing in a mathematics notebook a diagram of the movement of a truck from point A to point B, hardly anyone thinks that this reflects the essence of the logistician's work. A scrupulous miscalculation of all the nuances of transporting goods from the manufacturer to the customer is the main duty of such a specialist.

The term "logistics" itself, translated from ancient Greek, means "the art of counting"

What does a logistician do

A purposeful, organized, pragmatic person with developed logical thinking, who knows how to cope with stressful situations - this is what an ideal logistician looks like. Calculating the optimal route for transporting goods is not an easy task, requiring remarkable patience and the ability to work with large amounts of information. Like a military strategist, a logistician fights on the field of commercial gain, because a part of the manufacturer's profit depends on how well he knows about customs and economics.

Where to study as a logistician

Pure qualification "Logist" can be obtained at. In other universities, logistics is combined with other areas. Let's consider each of the qualifications in more detail.

"Logist-economist"... Such specialists are trained in, and, moreover, the latter university has logistics specialties and in regional branches - and. Also, similar qualifications can be obtained in (Gomel) and (Brest).

"System programmer-logistician"... Such specialists are trained only in two universities: and.

Purchasing, transport, warehouse, production, information, railway - there are a great many types of logistics, the specifics of the activity largely depend on them.

Where do logisticians work

With the education of a logistician, you can get a job in many companies, since every large production requires people who know how to manage supplies. Recently, more and more logistics centers have begun to appear in Belarus, which are huge warehouses with goods, where the logistics profession is especially in demand. Specialists in the field of customs logistics are quite popular today.

For the most curious readers, we suggest that they begin their acquaintance with logistics even before admission by reading the textbook "Fundamentals of Logistics" authored by the candidate of economic sciences and associate professor of BSU P. A. Drozdov.

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I stage higher education qualification

In Belarusian universities, graduates of specialties related to logistics are assignedqualification in the wording -Engineer-economist. Logist, and in colleges - Operational logistician .

Logistics- an intelligent system for storing and transporting goods, the main task of which is to minimize the costs associated with warehousing and transportation. On the "production - consumer" chain, logistics can save up to 30% of the cost of goods, therefore, for most modern companies, it is one of the strategic areas of activity. At the same time, the situation with logisticians in the domestic market is not the best. On the one hand, universities have been graduating specialists with a logistic qualification for several years already, on the other hand, university training alone is not enough for effective work. Experienced practitioners - forwarders, storekeepers, warehouse employees - are available in production, but most of them are not logisticians and conduct one specific area of \u200b\u200bwork, while a professional logistician is responsible for the entire chain from the production workshop to the supermarket rack.

Specialty "Logistics"appeared in universities several years ago. But now it is one of the most popular among applicants. A student of the specialty "Logistics" receives training in the basics of production, transportation, trade, warehousing, supply and marketing. An important component of professional training is information technology. In addition to information retrieval systems of the Internet, students specializing in "Logistics" study Microsoft Navision, Microsoft AXAPTA, "1C Enterprise", etc. Also, great attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, which is necessary to work in a foreign trade or international company.

There are two types of logistics - internal and external. Internal logistics specialists are involved in the supply and maintenance of production and employees within a company or holding, external logistics specialists are responsible for the distribution of goods and services of the enterprise.

Also, depending on the functionality of specialists, there are several areas of logistics - transport, sales, purchasing, warehouse and production (the latter type includes, to one degree or another, all the previous areas).

Professiongood variety - there is no routine, all the time you have to solve new problems. Another advantage of the profession is its versatility, the need to navigate in all aspects of the company's work. It is thanks to this that the logistician can easily re-profile within the framework of one company, he is guaranteed career growth and he will never be left without work.

Beginners with little experience can apply for the positions of purchasing managers or coordinators. Such work, despite the heavy workload, is not paid very generously, in contrast to the work of more experienced colleagues in the analytics departments or meeting rooms of large companies.

Logist organizes the delivery of goods and their storage. Develops a profitable supply chain to the right place at the right time and at minimal cost. Analyzes the transport services market, makes calculations, looks for reliable partners, coordinates actions with manufacturers, with the sales department, with a warehouse, prepares documents for customs.

Place of work:

The logistics department at any large company, be it a fast food chain, a shoe store or a dairy. You can work in specialized logistics companies that offer transportation and storage services to third-party firms.

Training is carried out in educational institutions:

  • EE "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics" - Information systems and technologies (in logistics) - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Belarusian State University of Transport" - Transport logistics (rail transport) - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Transport logistics - correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • MOUVO "Belarusian-Russian University" - Transport logistics - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • Belarusian National Technical University - Transport logistics (road transport) - correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Logistics - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives" - Logistics - Second higher education - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives" - Logistics - extramural, shortened term - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Transport logistics (road transport) - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala" - Transport logistics (road transport) - distance distance shortened period - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Logistics >>>
  • EE FPB "International University" MITSO " - Logistics - daytime - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE FPB "International University" MITSO " - Logistics - correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • Vitebsk branch of the educational institution of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus "International University" MITSO " - Logistics - Extramural - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Logistics - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE FPB "International University" MITSO ". Gomel branch - Logistics - correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Logistics - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Belarusian State Economic University" - Logistics - second higher education - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Belarusian State Economic University" - Logistics - shortened term by correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Transport logistics (road transport) - correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Minsk Innovative University" - Transport logistics (road transport) - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • EE "Polotsk State University" - Logistics - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - Logistics (training in Russian and English) - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • SEO "Institute of Business of the Belarusian State University" - Logistics - correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • - - correspondence - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • Private educational institution "Baranovichi College of Economics and Law" - Operations in logistics - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • Branch "Gomel State Road Construction College named after Lenin Komsomol of Belarus" EE "Republican Institute of Professional Education" - Operations in logistics - daytime - \u003e\u003e\u003e
  • UO "Grodno College of Economics and Management" Belkoopsoyuz - Operations in logistics - days - \u003e\u003e\u003e

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of outlets can lead to multi-million dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a relatively "young" profession of logistics, which today is gaining more and more popularity among applicants, and no less demand in the labor market.

The turnover of modern enterprises has reached such large volumes, and the producer-consumer chain has become so intricate and complex that the slightest mistake made in the process of delivering goods to the shelves of outlets can lead to multi-million dollar losses. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of a profession, whose representatives are responsible for developing the most optimal schemes for delivering the products of an enterprise to the end consumer with minimal time and material costs, and carry out management and control of the movement of goods. We are talking about a relatively "young" logistic profession, which today is gaining more and more popularity among applicants, and no less demand in the labor market.

By the way, despite the fact that just a few years ago most Russians had no idea what a logistician was doing, today not a single large enterprise can do without the services of this specialist. Thanks to this, the field of logistics seems to many applicants very promising in terms of career growth and achievement of material well-being. And indeed it is. But only if the future specialist knows all the features of this profession, and is ready to put up with its shortcomings, which we will discuss in this article.

Who is a logistician?

A highly qualified specialist who is responsible for organizing the supply, transportation and storage of goods and services. In other words, this is a professional, on whose qualifications the turnover of an enterprise depends entirely and completely (including customs clearance of goods and the provision of information services).

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logistike (calculation, reflection). This suggests that the main task of the logistician is to develop the most rational process for delivering goods from the manufacturer to the consumer through careful calculations. The first logisticians appeared in Ancient Greece, but they had little in common with modern specialists, since their main responsibility was to organize army supplies. Later, logistics switched to "civilian", and merchants and trading companies began to perform the function of logisticians. In Russia, these specialists, who replaced the warehouse manager and storekeepers, first appeared only at the very end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century.

Functional content of the work of modern logisticians ( logistics managers) is strikingly different from the usual duties of a storekeeper or manager of the USSR period. If warehouse workers in the Soviet Union worked exclusively within their enterprise, then the logisticians of our time solve all issues related to trade.

The duties of the logistician today include: development and coordination of the delivery route, control over the storage and shipment of goods, preparation of primary documentation, its systematization and formation of a register, placing a finished order, issuing permits (passing customs control, cargo insurance, supplying Russian-language documentation, etc.). control over the actions of the transport service, forecasting optimal purchases.

What personal qualities should a logistician have?

Because the logistician work includes, among other things, the purchase of goods and constant communication with a huge number of people, representatives of this profession must necessarily have such personal qualities as:

In addition, it is impossible to imagine a successful logistician who would not have such professional knowledge and skills as knowledge of all types and methods of cargo transportation, features and nuances of warehouse and procurement logistics, modern technologies and software tools, at least one, and even better several foreign languages.

The advantages of the logistician profession

Since logistics in Russia is still in the development stage, the main the advantage of the logistics profession is, of course, the lack of employment problems. After all, today all large companies need logisticians (some of them even have entire logistics departments), and there are sorely lack of real professionals in this area.

Another advantage is that in order to become a logistician it is desirable, but not necessary, to receive a special education - it is enough to be proactive and know all the features of logistics. However, as practice has shown, in the process of work such specialists still enter the university in order to receive an appropriate education.

It is also worth noting the optimal ratio of "office" and field work. That is, the work of a logistician is very difficult to call boring and monotonous, which is ideal for young people who are in constant motion and looking for new experiences.

Disadvantages of the logistics profession

If speak about disadvantages of the logistics profession, then, first of all, it is necessary to note the enormous responsibility. The slightest mistake made by a specialist can turn into big problems for the company: from unforeseen cash expenses to the loss of regular customers.

In addition, the disadvantages of this profession include:

  • small salaries at the beginning of a career (however, with the accumulation of experience, the salary also grows, therefore, after 2-3 years of work, a young specialist can count on a quite decent level of payment);
  • career growth is possible only in very large companies where there are logistics departments: here you can start working as an operator or dispatcher, and after 3-4 years take one of the management positions;
  • it is quite problematic to get a special education of proper quality, since it is now only at the stage of formation.

Where can you get the profession of logistics?

Russian Institute of Professional Education "IPO" - is recruiting students for

Logistics is a large business, which involves many diversified companies - transport, information, manufacturing ... The position of a logistician in any of these companies is in demand and at the same time responsible.

A logistics specialist is a specialist who organizes and coordinates the delivery of goods from production to points of sale. A good specialist always has several options for delivering goods and knows how to make sure that the goods reach the consumer on time and with minimal costs.

There are a lot of specializations among logisticians: buyers, transport logisticians, foreign trade specialists, warehouse managers and many narrow

Robots and modern logistics... One of the leaders in the automation of warehouse work is considered a trading company and at the same time the largest online store Amazon. For 2018, they have introduced more than a hundred robotic loaders in warehouses, increasing work efficiency by 22%. What a person does in one hour, the robot manages to do in 15 minutes.

Amazon continues its research, and perhaps in the near future, US residents will see unmanned trucks delivering goods to various parts of America.

Places of work

The position of a logistician is in demand, first of all, in companies engaged in cargo transportation. In addition, logisticians are needed by any manufacturing company - from industrial enterprises to agricultural firms, since the manufactured products must be delivered to customers.

History of the profession

“Logistics” is still an ancient Greek concept, which literally means “calculation, reflection”. Both in ancient Greece and later in the Byzantine Empire, logistics was a way of organizing army supplies. And since wars happened everywhere in those days, the science of arms transportation was in great demand. Gradually, logistics shifted from a way of providing troops to "civil status", and merchants and trading companies began to fulfill the duties of a modern logistics manager, expanding their trade outside their hometown.

Responsibilities of the logistician

The main job responsibilities of a logistician are as follows:

  • Organization and coordination of cargo transportation.
  • Drawing up routes for the transportation of goods.
  • Warehouse stock and order management;
  • Document management (usually in 1C), control of contracts and accounts from counterparties, preparation of reports.
  • Reception and control of vehicles.
  • Coordination of the work of drivers.
  • Monitoring and analysis of logistics costs.

Also, the list of what the logistician does may include the following additional functions:

  • Formation of commodity reports, analysis of accounts receivable and payable for accounting.
  • Distribution of goods in the warehouse (accounting for the availability of storage bins).
  • Interaction with representatives of importing companies.
  • Alerting the heads of partner companies about changes in prices and working conditions.
  • Activities in the field of foreign economic activity.

Logistic requirements

Mandatory requirements for a logistician:

  • Higher education.
  • Possession of a PC, knowledge of office programs and 1C.
  • Knowledge of the basics of workflow.
  • Knowledge of transport legislation.
  • Work experience in the specialty or in related fields.

In addition to what the logistician must know, employers often put forward additional requirements:

  • Russian citizenship.
  • Fluency in a foreign language (usually English, sometimes German or French).
  • Experience in the field of foreign economic activity:
    • knowledge of the legal framework for foreign economic activity, legislation in the field of international transportation;
    • experience with customs;
    • experience of working with international carriers (railway, sea, air).
  • Knowledge of the basics of warehouse accounting and inventory control systems.

In addition, employing companies often pay attention to the applicant's age - usually it is indicated in the range of 23-35 years.

Logistician resume sample

How to become a logistician

Basic knowledge and skills of a logistician can be mastered by obtaining a higher economic education. But more often than not, this is enough just to get a job as an assistant logistics manager and do small things.

The specialists gain the main experience in the process in cargo transportation, the situation, prices, terms are changing very quickly. Information quickly becomes outdated and this requires constant self-training and participation in the organization of transportation. It takes about 2 years to understand the market at a good level and find a high-paying job in logistics.

Logistician salary

As in any other industry, the salary of a logistician depends on the region of residence and the specifics of the company, as well as on the qualifications of the specialist himself. The offer of wages in the labor market ranges from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles per month. The average salary of a logistician is approximately 44,000 rubles per month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market, usually from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex and its courses in the direction "".

Institute of Professional Education "IPO" invites you to take distance courses in the direction "" (there are options 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) with obtaining a diploma or certificate of state standard. We have trained over 8,000 graduates from nearly 200 cities. You can take external training, get an interest-free installment plan.


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