Private offices of ultrasound. How to open an ultrasound office. Choosing a room for work

The role of ultrasound examination in modern diagnostics is so high that practically no examination of internal organs is complete without it. The advantage of this technique is that it allows a specialist to obtain the most complete and comprehensive information about the state of internal organs and tissues. In addition, ultrasound is the safest and most painless diagnostic procedure.

However, in many municipal clinics, patients often have to wait in line to get an ultrasound scan. Often you have to wait 1-2 weeks. There is nothing surprising in the growing popularity of private ultrasound rooms. As statistics show, for a long time the majority of patients prefer them, because you can always get there quickly enough.

It is very profitable to have your own private ultrasound office. To open a private ultrasound office, you need to draw up a special business plan and consider each stage of planning.

Where should you start first?

First, probe the soil, find out prices and find out the specifics of the work of potential competitors. So it will be easier for you to start a business on your own, you will roughly navigate in this area, you will know what to start from.

Location. Decide on the room. It would be ideal if the private ultrasound office would be located in a room not far from the passage, so that patients could easily get to it without traffic jams and additional transport. Most often, private ultrasound rooms are located on the ground floor of buildings. Pay attention to the degree of lighting in the office, the temperature, the presence of a toilet and a sink.

When choosing equipment, it is best to opt for new ultrasound machines, since new equipment provides a guarantee and provides an opportunity to return.

You should also decide how and where the ultrasound machine will be used. The type of its model will depend on this: portable (assuming the ability to move or transport), or stationary (requiring placement in a certain place where it will be permanently).

Medical staff... The next stage of planning will have to deal with the search for medical personnel. It is important that the specialist has a high qualification, a diploma corresponding to the profile, a valid doctor's certificate. In addition, he must be well versed in working with ultrasound machines. Pay attention to his professional experience, which must be at least three years.

Business registration

To prepare all the necessary documents for registering a private ultrasound office, you should contact the municipality, Rospotrebnadzor, and the fire inspection.

It is necessary to register with the tax office, as well as go through the registration of a legal entity.

When all the documents are ready, you must submit an application to the licensing commission. This will help you obtain a license to provide medical services.

Estimated calculation of income and expenses

If more than one hundred thousand people live in your city, then income and expenses will be approximately as follows:

  • the price of an ultrasound machine (1 sensor) - from 550,000 rubles;
  • the price of one ultrasound procedure is about 1,500 rubles;
  • the average number of studies per day is 15-20 people;
  • approximate annual income - 10,368,000 rubles;
  • monthly income - about 846,000 rubles;
  • consumption (1 month) - 259,200 rubles;
  • the total amount of profit for the year is about 7,257,600 rubles;
  • the total amount of profit for one month is about 604,800 rubles;
  • recoupment of the project - 5, 21 months.

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Requirements for an ultrasound office must comply with sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN) on sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations carrying out medical activities. This is indicated in the manual R 2.2.4 /, approved by the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation on 08/10/2007.


4. Requirements for ultrasound diagnostic rooms

4.1. The set of premises intended for the equipment of ultrasound diagnostics rooms must comply with SanPiN and must include a room:

The law is simple: In connection with the loss of the force of SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the location, arrangement, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals", one should be guided by the adopted instead of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements to organizations carrying out medical activities ".

4.2. It is forbidden to place ultrasound diagnostic rooms in basements, semi-basements and basements.

4.3. The room for ultrasound diagnostics should have:

Natural and artificial lighting;

Sink with cold and hot water supply;

General exchange supply and exhaust ventilation system with an air exchange rate of 1: 3. Installation of air conditioners is recommended.

4.4. In the premises for diagnostic studies, it is recommended to maintain the following microclimate parameters: air temperature - 22 - 24 ° С, relative humidity - 40 - 60%, air speed - not higher than 0.15 m / s.

4.5. The walls in the rooms of the ultrasound diagnostics room should be painted in light colors. Wall cladding with ceramic tiles is prohibited.

4.6. Noise levels at the workplaces of medical personnel serving ultrasound diagnostic equipment should not exceed 50 dBA.

4.7. In order to reduce noise in ultrasound diagnostic rooms, it is recommended to cover ceilings and walls with sound-absorbing materials.

4.9. The couch (adjustable in height) should be installed in the center of the room or at some distance from the walls to facilitate access to the patient from either side.

4.10. The diagnostic equipment should be installed in such a way that it is easy to carry out studies in various planes.

4.11. The height of the patient's couch should be selected such that the ultrasound doctor conducting the diagnostic study is provided with conditions that meet the requirements of "SSBT. Workplace when performing work while sitting. General ergonomic requirements".

4.12. Electrical devices that can interfere with the operation of ultrasound equipment should not be placed in the ultrasound diagnostic room.

Among the numerous medical services, the ultrasound office is one of the leaders in terms of the number of visitors. While launching such a business is difficult - it will require expensive equipment, special permits and skilled personnel - the profit prospects are vast. Ultrasound diagnostics is necessary for examining all internal organs, so the number of visitors to such an institution is not limited to pregnant women. We will tell you what is required to open a private ultrasound office, how to choose a location, how much money will have to be spent, what income you can count on.

The most difficult stage of opening a private ultrasound diagnostic room will be the registration of the necessary permits. In connection with the great responsibility that such institutions take upon themselves, all regulatory authorities check them with increased attention. It is necessary that the manager has a medical education and work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years. There is an option of opening without such qualifications - provided that a specialist who meets the above requirements is hired.

List of documents and permits:

  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service (as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity);
  • lease agreement for premises or certificate of ownership of it;
  • positive conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service and the fire inspection;
  • positive conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificates for the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus;
  • medical license;
  • maintenance agreement with the management company;
  • waste disposal contract;
  • employment contracts with employees, copies of their educational documents.

It will be possible to issue a work permit only after the purchase of equipment and the selection of staff. The fact is that a private ultrasound office cannot obtain a license without documents for an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus (they will be provided by the seller of the equipment) and documents on the education of personnel (they will be provided by the employees upon employment).

To open an ultrasound office, you need to obtain a medical license and several other permits

Room selection

One of the stages of how to open an ultrasound office is choosing a location. It is important to combine two conditions: legal compliance and customer convenience. Requirements for the premises of the private office of ultrasound diagnostics are recorded SanPiN, the norms are common for all medical organizations.

Consider the requirements of SanPiN in a simpler language than is used in official documents:

  1. Each ultrasound machine is located in a separate room with an area of \u200b\u200b14 sq.m., but preferably 20 sq.m.
  2. The examination room must have natural and artificial lighting, cold and hot water supply.
  3. Connecting to an uninterruptible power supply.
  4. The cabinet is equipped with exhaust ventilation.
  5. It is recommended to install an air conditioner.
  6. The walls are light-colored; ceramic tiles are prohibited.
  7. Noise - no more than 50 dBA.
  8. The cabinet should be provided with a sound-absorbing coating, this will provide additional comfort to visitors.
  9. To change the patient's clothes, it is required to equip a special area of \u200b\u200bat least 7 square meters, connected by a common passage with the diagnostic room.
  10. The norm of the waiting area is from 10 sq.m.
  11. You cannot open a diagnostic room in the basement, basement, or in a residential building. Non-residential fund only.

To understand more precisely what is required from the owner of an ultrasound diagnostic institution, study the Regulation on the ultrasound diagnostic room dated July 21, 1988 No. 581. Despite the fact that this document was adopted back in Soviet times, its norms are still relevant today.

Equipment standard

It is not enough to fulfill the requirements for the premises in order to obtain permission to open a private office for ultrasound diagnostics. There is a standard for equipping an ultrasound room for licensing - a list of devices and furniture that must be purchased and installed in a certain way.


  • ultrasound diagnostic apparatus;
  • tonometer;
  • bactericidal irradiators;
  • light endoscope;
  • computer with internet access.

Furniture and interior:

  • desktop;
  • table lamp;
  • chair for an ultrasound office;
  • couch with the ability to adjust the height;
  • screen;
  • chair;
  • rack for documents.

Ancillary equipment and tools:

  • first aid kit;
  • tape measure;
  • container for waste;
  • disinfectants;
  • a set of disposable nappies, paper towels or napkins.

The order of equipment assumes that the couch is installed so that the doctor can freely bypass it and have access to the patient from any side. The device itself should be positioned so as to freely conduct the survey in all planes. Do not install electrical equipment in the office that threatens the accuracy of the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus and provokes interference in its operation.

There are several requirements for the design regarding space, equipment and furniture.

Equipment purchase

An effective business plan for an ultrasound office must necessarily include the calculation of costs. Most of all investments will be required for the purchase of an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. Its cost is very high: from 850 thousand to 10 million rubles. In this case, you cannot limit yourself to buying a used installation. Over time, with active operation, the power of the equipment decreases, the diagnostics becomes less and less accurate. If the cabinet misdiagnoses, its reputation will go bad once and for all.

The device should be purchased from trusted companies that have proven themselves in the market. The seller should help with the selection and ensure the safe transportation of the unit. Among foreign manufacturers, the most reliable are:

  • Aloka Hitachi;
  • Alpinion;
  • Dixion;
  • EDAN;
  • Esaote;
  • General Electric;
  • Philips;
  • Samsung Medison;
  • Siemens;
  • SonoScape;
  • Toshiba.

Tax regime and OKVED

When registering with the tax service, the owner of an ultrasound diagnostic room must indicate certain codes from the classifier of codes of economic activity - 86.10 and 86.21. These are the activities of hospital organizations and general medical practice.

The best taxation option is simplified mode (USN). It involves a minimum of reporting, several advance payments and the payment of tax once a year. This is convenient as you do not need to pay VAT and calculate income tax. For an ultrasound office, the option "6% of Income" is more suitable, since this institution bears little expenses, that is, it will not be possible to significantly reduce the taxable base by their amount.

Such institutions are allowed to operate under the general taxation regime, but, in comparison with the simplified one, it is extremely disadvantageous.

Although healthcare providers are now allowed to use a zero percentage income tax rate, this does not exempt them from VAT and a huge number of reporting documents, for which the state will have to hire a full-time accountant.


All specialists who will work with an ultrasound machine must have a medical education. Work experience is desirable (with the exception of the chief physician / owner of the institution - 5 years of work experience in the specialty is required for him). The fact is that ultrasound diagnostics is based solely on the knowledge of a specialist. The device shows a "picture", and the doctor must interpret it - compare it with the norm, see pathologies. In one office, from 1 to 3 specialists are employed, depending on the work schedule.

Another irreplaceable employee - nurse... The vacancy of a nurse in an ultrasound office presupposes a secondary medical education and work experience (preferably). It is the responsibility of the nurse to assist the doctor and carry out his instructions. Typically, such employees are engaged in the preparation of equipment for work, maintenance of it, as well as filling out some documents. The complete list of responsibilities depends on the specifics of the office. More detailed information will be contained in the job description of a nurse.

The reception will work administrator. This employee meets visitors, advises them on the cost and procedure for diagnostics, makes an appointment, and answers phone calls. No medical education required.

An ultrasound machine costs from 850 thousand rubles

Financial investments

The largest part of the investment will be the purchase of an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. Its cost will be at least 850 thousand rubles, but rather - 2-3 times more... You should not save on this installation, since the work of the entire cabinet depends on its power and accuracy. Chinese devices for 300-400 rubles do not bring the desired effect, diagnoses with them will be erroneous, and there is also a possibility of refusal to license. The same goes for used equipment.

In addition to the apparatus, opening requires the following costs:

  • rental of premises - from 30 thousand rubles per month;
  • repair - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • furniture and ancillary equipment - about 100 thousand rubles;
  • license, registration of all necessary permits - 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - about 20 thousand rubles.

An investment in advertising would be a good solution. This would help to attract more customers in the first months of work and ensure a full load of the office. Advertising and promotion in social networks will increase the initial investment by an average of 100 thousand rubles.

The calculation of the total costs depends on the cost of the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus.

How much can you earn

The cost of ultrasound cabinet services ranges from 300 to 5000 rubles. The price depends on the complexity of the procedure. The most inexpensive are examinations of the abdominal cavity, joints and tissues, neck and reproductive system. The most expensive is the examination of the brain. An ultrasound scan of pregnant women costs an average of 1,000 rubles (in the early stages, usually a little less).

Accepting 20-30 clients during a working day (full load) with an average check of 500 rubles, the account will earn about 15 thousand rubles daily and 450 thousand rubles a month. If the load is at the level of 50-60%, then the income will be about 220-250 thousand rubles. This is a good result, which will cover all associated costs, the wage fund. But even such income will not allow you to quickly recoup your investment. The average term is 1.5-2 years.

The cabinet must work at least 10 hours throughout the week, seven days a week. This will maximize the number of clients. The more loading, the more profit.


The opening of a private ultrasound office involves costs of at least 3 million rubles. This is a complex area of \u200b\u200bactivity. To do it legally, you need to comply with the legal requirements for location, office equipment, education and staffing. This business cannot be classified as an organization with a quick payback due to the high initial costs.

GOU VPO Ministry of Health and Social Development

Tver Medical Academy

Department of Public Health and Health Care with courses in medical informatics and history of medicine

Business plan

Ultrasound diagnostics room

Teacher: Koroleva O.M.

Completed: student of group 608

medical faculty

Dmitry Novikov

ultrasound financial plan risk

General characteristics of the service

Marketing plan

Production plan

Organizational plan

Financial plan

Analysis of possible project risks


List of used literature


It is planned to open an enterprise - "MedUza", which provides diagnostic services using ultrasound scanners. The ultrasound diagnostic room will be located in the city of Dmitrov. This location is due to two factors: the lack of nearby (within a radius of 5 km) of diagnostic centers and an acceptable rent (50,000 rubles per month, including utilities). The organizational and legal form of this enterprise is a limited liability company. It is planned to open an office for 2 ultrasonic devices, 6 employees will be involved. In the future, it is planned to open branches.

The sum of all costs for the project (calculated for one year):

Premises rental - 600,000 rubles.

Equipment purchase - 2,100,000 rubles.

Purchase of consumables and tools - 120,000 rubles.

Repair, purchase of other furniture and equipment - 731,000 rubles.

Staff salary - 1956,000 rubles.

Replenishment of supplies, maintenance and repair of equipment - 444,000 rubles.

Total: 5,871,000 rubles

Planned revenue for a year of operation - 13,680,000 rubles.

The net profit of the project is from 7,809,000 rubles.

1. General characteristics of the service

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project is to provide diagnostic services to the population. Currently, fewer and fewer people turn to municipal clinics for diagnosis, and the main reasons for this are long queues, outdated equipment, not always friendly staff, and the inability to see a doctor at a convenient time. Therefore, people prefer paid services to free, in order to feel comfortable, to meet a friendly attitude, to be confident in the quality of diagnosis and treatment thanks to modern materials, equipment and highly qualified specialists, to make an appointment at a convenient time. Our office will meet all of the above requirements. The profitability of this project is evidenced by the fact that many people go to neighboring cities for examinations, because there are few such diagnostic centers in the city. The office will be located in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b80 square meters, which meets all the requirements for a medical institution. A lease agreement for 5 years has been concluded with the owner of the premises with the possibility of acquiring the premises in the future.

The enterprise received a state license to carry out medical activities. The working hours of the dental office will be as follows: from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 20:00, by appointment of patients by phone and through the online service. This schedule will allow anyone to choose a convenient time for a visit. In addition, at present, few diagnostic centers operate on weekends (not only municipal, but even private). Therefore, our office will gain regular customers among business people who are unable to visit a doctor on weekdays. The safety of the company's services is guaranteed due to the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, all employees will be instructed on the observance of hygiene rules and this will be carefully monitored by the management. The competitiveness of the enterprise will be achieved and maintained due to the following factors: strict quality control of the services provided; improving the qualifications of doctors as new trends emerge (passing special courses, attending seminars, etc.); reasonable prices for services; development of the enterprise, taking into account the wishes and suggestions of customers.

Marketing plan

The purpose of this section is to show that MedUza can provide diagnostic services. To do this, the sales market was studied and potential customers were identified, as well as their demand for the services of this enterprise was predicted at established prices. The bulk of the future patients of our office are people of both sexes, aged 18 to 65, with an average and above-average income, living in Dmitrov. One of the most important marketing factors is pricing.

Prices for the services of the ultrasound diagnostic room "MedUza"


The cost

Fetal dopplerometry: examination of placental and fetal blood flow

Ultrasound scanning of the main arteries of the upper / lower extremities

Ultrasound scanning of the main arteries of the head and neck (ultrasound of the vessels of the neck) BCA of the bracephalic vessels

Ultrasound scanning of the main veins of the upper / lower extremities

Ultrasound scanning of one vessel

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the abdominal cavity (branches of the abdominal aorta, portal vein, inferior vena cava)

Ultrasound scanning of extracranial vessels (branches of the aortic arch, veins) for adults

Ultrasound scanning of extracranial vessels (branches of the aortic arch, veins) in children

Neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain for children)

Doppler neurosonography (ultrasound + Doppler ultrasound for children)

Ultrasound image printing on video printer 1 picture

Triplex study of renal blood flow with ultrasound of the kidneys

Triplex scanning of the main arteries of the upper / lower extremities

Triplex scanning of the main veins of the upper / lower extremities

Triplex scanning of one vessel

Triplex scanning of the vessels of the abdominal cavity (branches of the abdominal aorta, portal vein, inferior vena cava)

Triplex scanning of extracranial vessels (branches of the aortic arch, veins)

Ultrasound of pregnant women, I trimester

Ultrasound of pregnant women II trimester

Ultrasound of pregnant women III trimester

Ultrasound of pregnant women III trimester with dopplerometry

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen)

Abdominal ultrasound to check for free fluid

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity with determination of the function of the gallbladder

Ultrasound of two joints (except for children in the first year of life)

Ultrasound of two joints for children of the first year of life

Gallbladder ultrasound

Ultrasound examination of residual urine

Ultrasound of a large joint (1 joint)

Ultrasound of lymph nodes 1 zone

Transabdominal pelvic ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound of the small pelvis

Ultrasound of a small joint (1 joint)

Ultrasound of mammary glands and lymph nodes

Ultrasound of the bladder

Ultrasound of the bladder with assessment of ureteral emissions

Ultrasound of the bladder transrectal

Ultrasound of soft tissues

Ultrasound of the adrenal glands

Ultrasound of the scrotum

Ultrasound assessment of blood flow (color mapping) of the examined organ

Liver ultrasound

Ultrasound of the pleural cavities

Pancreas ultrasound

Ultrasound of the spine 1 segment

Ultrasound of the spine with dopplerometry 1 segment

Penile ultrasound

Ultrasound of the kidneys and adrenal glands

Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate and seminal vesicles

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate and seminal vesicles (TRUS)

Rib ultrasound

Spleen ultrasound

Ultrasound of the salivary glands (of the same name)

Ultrasound of the hip joints for children

Folliculometry ultrasound (with ovulation stimulation)

Thyroid ultrasound

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes

Ultrasound of the thyroid + lymph nodes with color Doppler mapping (assessment of blood flow)

Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart)

The company's competitors, first of all, are other clinics located in the city. The weaknesses of competitors were identified - these are high prices, an inconvenient work schedule (there are almost no clinics working on weekends) and insufficiently experienced and qualified specialists.

Having studied the weaknesses of its competitors, MedUza will have the following advantages: lower prices; convenient work schedule; only highly qualified, experienced doctors, constantly improving their professional level; convenient location.

Various types of advertising will be used to promote products to the market. And since there are already clinics in the city center, where this office is located, at the first stage, to attract customers, it is precisely a wide and comprehensive advertising that is needed. Advertising costs will be included in production costs:

1) Internet - 0

2) Brochures 3000 / month

) Newspapers 7000 / month

Production plan

You need to create an ultrasound office by choosing a room and purchasing equipment. A 5-year lease agreement has been concluded for an area of \u200b\u200b80 sq.m. that meets all the requirements for a medical institution. In the future, it may be possible to acquire the property. The premises will include: 2 rooms with 2 ultrasound scanners, as well as the necessary equipment for diagnostics and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards; pantry for storing consumables; recreation room for specialists; director's office; dignity node. We will purchase equipment and materials directly from manufacturers through online stores in order to reduce the cost of their purchase. The equipment planned for purchase includes: ultrasound scanners, computer office equipment, consumables, other furniture (for the administrator, rest rooms for employees, office of the director and accountant, sanitary unit).

All costs for maintaining the office can be divided into fixed and variable.

Variable costs depend on the type of services provided:

) purchase of materials - 5000 rubles / month;

) maintenance and repair of equipment - 5000 rubles / month.

Total: 1000 0 rubles / month.

Fixed costs include:

1) rental of premises - 50,000 rubles / month;

2) utilities;

3) wages of employees - 163,000 rubles / month.

Total RUB 213,000 / month

Total fixed and variable costs 223,000 rubles / month.

Organizational plan

The legal status of the enterprise is MedUza Limited Liability Company. The work of the cabinet will have to be provided by the state:

1) 2 doctors of ultrasound diagnostics

2) 2 administrators

) 1 non-resident accountant

) 1 nurse

) (total 6 employees).

Organizational management chart:

) director - deals with personnel, the conclusion of contracts with contractors for the repair of equipment, the purchase of consumables, advertising;

) accountant - conducts all the financial activities of the enterprise (reporting, payroll, receipt of proceeds from administrators);

) administrator / honey. sister - keeps an appointment with patients, meets and escorts patients, keeps order in the office; helps the doctor (have 2 days off alternating shifts)

) doctors - carry out diagnostics (have 2 days off alternating in shifts);

) nurse - performs wet cleaning of all rooms.

Table: salary


Percent %


Office equipment

Financial plan

The financial plan of the project will help determine when and how much money will be needed to create and develop a profitable enterprise. In this section, it is necessary to explain the sources of financing for the enterprise project:

Sources of financing for the project

) Personal funds (cash) 2,000,000

) Bank loan 1,500,000

Total: 3,500,000

Since the company takes a loan from the bank in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles at 20% per annum, it is necessary to calculate the loan payments. The company will pay with annuity payments.

Loan calculation:

Loan amount 1,500,000 rubles

Interest rate 20% Number of months 12

Monthly payment 150,000 rubles

Payment amount 1,800,000 rubles

Overpayment of 300,000 rubles

It is also necessary to prepare a plan of financial performance (or a profit and loss plan). For the first year of operation of the enterprise, such a plan is drawn up on a monthly basis. This document will show the expected expenses and incomes for a certain period of time, as well as the profit (or loss) that will be in the corresponding period.

Calculation of financial results for 1 year

Total function of a medical position \u003d 2 * 20 * 285 \u003d 11,400 visits

Average price per visit \u003d 1,200 rubles, total 1,140,000 rubles per month, per year

Calculation of financial results of activities for 1 year (by months, in thousand)

Income / expenses

Net profit

After analyzing the financial results, the following should be noted:

) revenue from services - the main source of income - 1,140,000 rubles;

) variable costs - 20,000 rubles;

) fixed costs - costs that do not change and amount to 213,000 rubles per month;

) taxes depend on revenue, we take 20% - 2,280,000

) loan payment - monthly is 150,000 rubles;

) the net profit shows that it remains directly in the hands of the entrepreneur - 52,000 rubles.

) Payback period \u003d Initial capital: Net profit \u003d 3,500,000: 500,000 \u003d 7 (months)

Analysis of possible project risks

This section describes the possible risks that a future enterprise may face.

The most frequently analyzed risks: property damage as a result of damage (fire, natural disaster, theft, accident); illegal actions of third parties; drop in revenue due to a sharp drop in demand; failure to fulfill obligations of contractors; inflation; actions of the district or city administration, as well as inspection bodies; rise in the cost of consumables.

Risks from fires, hurricanes, theft and other similar circumstances, including an earthquake, will be covered by regular insurance policies.

Political risk is the risk associated with strikes. The listed risks can be limited by rigorous checking of the financial position and reputation of the future client.

It is also possible to at least partially transfer risks to other partners (for example, the risk of property damage - to an insurance company).


This business plan is a description of a commercial project to organize a private diagnostic room for ultrasound diagnostics.

It should also be noted that there are advantages and disadvantages to this type of activity. LLC "MedUza", having studied the weaknesses of competitors, will have the following advantages: lower prices; convenient work schedule; only highly qualified, experienced doctors who are constantly improving their professional level; honest attitude towards the patient.

Conscientiousness will help build and maintain a good reputation and attract more clients through the recommendations of our patients.

The most frequently analyzed risks: property damage as a result of damage (fire, natural disaster, theft, accident); illegal actions of third parties; drop in revenue due to a sharp drop in demand; failure to fulfill obligations of contractors; inflation; actions of the district or city administration, as well as inspection bodies; rise in the cost of consumables.

List of used literature

1. Barinov V.A. Business planning: a tutorial / V.A. Barinov. - M .: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2014 .-- 272 p.

2. Barinov V.A. Economy of the company: strategic planning: textbook / V.A. Barinov. - M .: KNORUS, 2013 .-- 240 p.

Burov V.P., Moroshkin V.A., Novikov O.K. "Business plan: Methodology for drawing up"; Moscow: 2009

V.P. Business planning in an open economy: a textbook for students. Universities / V.P. Galenkov, G.P. Samarina, O.A. Strakhova.

In our medical center Practical medicine in Yuzhny Butovo on Izyumskaya street, house 50, they provide various services, including, you can do:

The specialists of our clinic in Yuzhny Butovo are professionals who know all the nuances of ultrasound diagnostics. They have a lot of experience behind them. Ultrasound is the most popular diagnostic method. This survey is very informative. Doctors of ultrasound diagnostics perform all types of ultrasound, including: kidneys, abdominal cavity, small pelvis, TRUS, thyroid gland, vessels, veins and arteries, soft tissues, duplex scanning.

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor is able to examine the patient, identify the cause of his ailments and refer him to the attending specialist of the desired profile. An ultrasound examination will help to make a diagnosis in a timely manner, contact the right doctor and start proper treatment. In the medical center, Practical Medicine uses only modern ultrasound machines that eliminate errors and allow you to see the full picture of the disease.

Also in the clinic you can do an EEG, electroencephalography of the brain. This study allows the neurologist to draw up a complete clinical picture. The EEG is performed by a physician of the highest category - a neurologist, neurophysiologist, functional diagnostician with over 30 years of experience. With our specialist, you can be sure that the diagnosis will be accurate and the treatment will be correct. The doctor conducts research independently using modern and functional equipment.

You just have to make an appointment with the clinic. Do not forget that you can save on reception if you order a call back, make an appointment via the Internet registrar yourself, pay online with a card through the website - 10% discount or make a prepayment in advance, then you will save 15%!


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