Tailoring orders. Urgently we are looking for a sewing shop. Valuable selection - Bonus to a master class about sewing bags

13.09.18 36 073 30

How friends earn on sewing clothes

Four entrepreneurs from Yaroslavl have invested in an old sewing shop 2.5 million rubles.

Victor Sikirin

talked with the owners of the sewing shop

Now the production of clothing brings them 400 thousand rubles per month.

How came to the idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness

Anton traded two years in sports nutrition in the Murmansk region, but the store brought little. In 2016, he added sportswear to the range, which I bought from suppliers. Profit has grown, and Anton focused on clothes: it is more margin, and business itself is easier to scale.

His girlfriend Nastya agreed to help with the production of women's sportswear. Anton sold a sports nutrition store and moved from Monchegorsk closer to Moscow, to Yaroslavl. But it turned out to develop and promote the brand from scratch without its production, expensive and unprofitable.

The brand of sportswear, which the guys did, was called Do, but he did not know well. Anton and Nastya are not going to reanimate it

Then the entrepreneurs decided to sew clothes for corporate customers and quickly understood that there is a demand for this: brands, sports clubs and federations made large orders for clothes with symbols.

The first clients were the most sports companies with which Anton collaborated when sold food additives. They ordered branded sports costumes, T-shirts and caps.

A colleague of Nastya, Dmitry, joined the case. The guys focused on finding customers, and sewing was still ordered from contractors. The monthly turnover reached 500 thousand rubles, profits - up to 75-100 thousand.

After six months, the entrepreneurs understood that they did not want to depend on others. In the sewing industry of Russia, the low culture of production: contractors break the deadlines, do not follow the quality, confuse orders and do not value customers.

Anton, Dmitry and Nastya decided to open their production. Named Neith Group.

Search for investors

For the start, it was necessary to find 1-2 million rubles. Potential investors first asked to show a business plan. To get financing, a business plan was ordered from a local firm for 25 thousand rubles. Foreign investment has begun in May 2017.

At first, entrepreneurs were looking for money from friends, acquaintances of merchants and their friends. Most refused to motivate this by the fact that they do not understand anything in the sewing business and therefore do not want to invest. Some first agreed to give money, but then something necessarily happened: then the invoice will be blocked, then a big deal will be angry, then just people will change their mind.

Not finding investors among friends, our heroes began to look for funding through funds and investor clubs. The guys often requested a business plan and main indicators on it, but most investors have disappeared after that. Only some have appointed meetings.

Anton and Dmitry constantly went to Moscow to negotiations, but every time they ended in nothing: no one wanted to invest in the production and real sector, especially in the sewing industry in which few people understand. The guys were advised to launch a digital or cryptocurrency business: it is more understandable, promoted and attractive. For six months, entrepreneurs received more than two hundred failures.

The most motivated refusal was from a group of investors who wanted to invest in Swiss. The guys refused due to too different vision of the prospects: investors dreamed of creating a large retail network, and our heroes thought about the launch of the medium-mode production, which will be able to quickly perform small and medium retail orders. About something bigger they simply did not think. As a result, they were offered to return for financing in the future when they grow up and aim to large-scale production.

As a result, the entrepreneurs were able to take one million among friends and relatives, another attracted through the new partner - the general girlfriend Catherine. She sold her business and was ready to invest in a new project. Now they had 2 million rubles, but there was still no room.

Search for workshop

In July 2017, the owner of the sewing shop in Yaroslavl was released on the guys and offered to rent a room at 400 m² together with equipment and 20 employees. He brought the workshop to the verge of bankruptcy and owes the employees of salary for several months.

A week later, entrepreneurs signed a long-term lease agreement for 5 years and paid for the first month. Now renting 90,000 rubles per month.

To sew clothes in Russia, you need to have a declaration of the Customs Union. In Yaroslavl, it is impossible to get it: there are no certification centers. I had to go to Ivanovo, where entrepreneurs passed samples of finished products to a special center and paid 20 thousand rubles. After 6 days they were given a certificate.

Repair shop and buying equipment

To begin with, we decided to repair the workshop: make a new wiring, buy furniture, update equipment and optimize production. Repair required 2.5 million rubles. Two million of the guys were already, another 500 thousand entrepreneurs took from turnover.

Before renting the workshop for rent, the owner managed to buy high-quality expensive equipment, but he did not configure it. The wizard for setting up the guys paid 50 thousand rubles.

2.5 million R.

paid for repair shop

Another entrepreneurs launched a new direction - knitwear. Before that, the shop sewed only textiles. I had to buy equipment. Specialized cars for the production of knitwear took into lease for 400 thousand rubles.

Some of the furniture in the workshop required a replacement, because the old one was already incented. The guys purchased new sewing tables, a backdrop and interstole - this is such a long conveyor table, according to which the product is transmitted for different operations. This went out 200 thousand rubles.

Two non-working sewer risers have also changed and replaced the electrician on two floors of the workshop. Almost 400 thousand left for everything.

For the transport of small batches of materials and products, they bought a new Lada Largus for 450 thousand rubles. Large parties transport the transport company.

550 000 R.

postponed on salary, procurement of materials and unforeseen expenses

Salary, purchase of materials and unforeseen expenses postponed 550,000 rubles.

Launch of the workshop in 2017 - 2.55 million rubles

New equipment

800 000 R.

New furniture

200 000 R.

Salary staff payments to suppliers

550 000 R.

Lada Largus.

450 000 R.

410 000 R.

First month rental

90,000 R.

Debugging of old equipment

50 000 R.


Together with the room and equipment, entrepreneurs received a team of 20 people: 13 Swiy and tailoring, 4 cutters, handyman, master and technologist. Only six months later, at the expense of the rental, the owner paid them debts on the salary.

The previous organization of work did not like the guys. They faced poor discipline, low qualifications and performance. People could be late for work, orders were performed slowly, there was a lot of marriage and tissue residues. When they launched a new production line, the staff had to move so that they could work on modern equipment and perform complex operations.

Entrepreneurs have introduced new standards of work, the rules of internal logistics, requirements for efficiency. Some employees resisted - did not want to work on new equipment, rebuild work processes, "they had to part. From the initial team, only half remained.

Qualified technologists and management personnel, which are able to establish the whole process, are not enough, and they are expensive. Grow specialists by itself - for a long time and is expensive. Now the guys are negotiating with the head of production from Ivanov about the transition to work towards them.

Finding normal Swi and tailors are not easier. The youth does not go to the profession, because you need to work a lot, but they pay a little. In this area there are people of medium and pre-pre-age people. Motivate and move such employees is difficult.

The average salary seamstress until taxes are deducted 25-30 thousand rubles, the technologist and technology - 30-40 thousand. Salary in different months is different: consists of a salary and piecework, which depends on the number of orders and downloads.


Before the arrival of our heroes, the workshop released only textiles - women's clothing of the budget mass market, which is sold in the markets for 300-1000 rubles. Working with such a segment is unprofitable: there is little money, the reputation will not earn and large clients will not come for this.

Entrepreneurs decided to change the direction and launched the knitwear line by making it the only one. Knitwear stretches, it is elastic and soft - they sew the sweaters, t-shirts, tracksuits, sweaters or dresses. This is a simple segment for the start and narrow specialization: the demand for it is more than on textiles. Knitted products love to order large and corporate clients.

The production markup depends on the volume and technological process. It is usually 20-40% of the cost of the product without taxes.


Entrepreneurs cooperate with three suppliers of Turkish knitwear - the entire Russian market works with them. It is no longer to choose from anyone, the quality of Russian suppliers below. If the client has its own raw materials, work with him.

Two main problems when working with suppliers: the quality of the fabric and its presence. In each batch of fabric, at least 5% of the marriage: Different tones, holes, lack of threads. It is impossible to avoid this - these are the features of production. Therefore, such spending include in the cost.

so much defective fabric in each batch is minimum. These spending include in the cost

In the warehouses of dealers in Moscow, the fabric is not enough - it is necessary to browse from Turkey. Earlier than in a month, the fabric from Turkey to Yaroslavl will not deliver, so it is necessary to order a lot in advance. The guys chose one supplier, as the tissues of different manufacturers are distinguished by the shades of colors, texture and quality.

Depending on the season and workload on the fabric, threads, accessories and raw materials leave 800 thousand to 1.5 million rubles per month.


With the workshop, 20 companies are constantly cooperating. They provide more than half of orders.

The main clients are medium and large business from Moscow. For them, the company sews souvenir, promotional and branded products, for example: T-shirts, sweatshirts or sports suits.

With most customers in entrepreneurs A non-disclosure agreement: they cannot show manufactured products, specify customers as customers and disclose information about the order. This is because some of the customers are mediators who ordered products at once for a dozen other companies. If their customers find out who is a real manufacturer, they can refuse intermediaries. But entrepreneurs will be unprofitable, because it is better to work with intermediaries that provide them with work than losing large orders and work only with one client directly.

In the spring of 2018, the guys released a cycle of articles on building a business in the sewing industry and published them on the site, in social networks and Telegraph. Having spent on their promotion of 20 thousand rubles, they received feedback from a dozen beginning brands, some of whom later became their customers.


The sewing industry in Russia is poorly developed: fabrics, dyes and accessories are brought from abroad. In Yaroslavl, this is generally bad: there are no fabric dealers, all enterprises are designed to produce a cheaper mass market.

At first, entrepreneurs took orders from all: small and large customers, intermediaries. They closed the eyes on the dates, the price, the volume - just to get an order and make it as quickly as possible. Such an approach was expensive to business: the spring technologist did not cope with the tasks and the workshop did not fulfill the agreements on time. Several customers went away, she asked profit. The correction of the situation took two months.

I had to change the approach to work: doing everything is not in a hurry, more efficiently with larger customers. Now entrepreneurs are trying not to work with intermediaries: when the client is the end customer, it is easier to control the quality. Therefore, entrepreneurs focused on a more expensive and advantageous corporate segment for which they sew branded clothing and souvenirs.

Business seasonal. Peak orders for cheap mass market (textiles, t-shirts, sportswear) is winter and summer, on souvenir - on holidays. Branded clothing for corporate events are ordered all year round. It is important to configure production capacity so as not to miss the high-load periods. Now entrepreneurs work only with the corporate segment - it smoothes seasonality. The first months in the enterprise there were downtime, but since the fall of 2017 the workshop is constantly loaded.

Results and plans

Our heroes went into business with a finished client base, but it was not enough for the workshop. Work in plus steel after 4 months - helped pre-New Year boot peak.

From the beginning of 2018, the shop is all the time in its positive, the profit is gradually growing. Monthly turnover - 2.5-4.5 million rubles, average profits - 300-400 thousand rubles per month on four. Another 100-200 thousand rubles from the turnover of entrepreneurs monthly invest in development: to repair the workshop and new equipment.

How I started looking for third-party orders

At one point in time, a wonderful thought came to my head - to expand to other cities. If my products are in such demand for my city, I take a batch of products, going to another city, there is a queue for my blouses and other women's clothing and I get a lot of orders for my sewing production !!!

At that moment, I was so naive to reason, not presenting all the nuances of the sale of products at the time of all nuances.

How not to start searching orders for sewing production

What I've done?

I took the batch of the best-selling blouse in my city, immersed in the car, got behind the wheel, and went to another city. And, there I had a meeting with a family or ten, I already do not remember exactly the owners of boutiques, shops, departments, department stores that traded women's clothing, owners of trade points on the market.

He offered these people the products that were already sold well in my city. And the conditions they put quite profitable.

I called, under what conditions my competitors work, and made its conditions much better. Naturally, I thought everything would be fine and I'll be back home, carrying the bag of money 🙂

In fact, it turned out everything up to the opposite.

In fact, these seven or 10 times me in a different form "embarrassing". Someone is more polite, someone almost direct text. I used to be accustomed to your retail trade over the experience of my retailers.

I take a batch of clothes, I sit in the car, and go to another town. And there I repeat this process. And so continued for almost a month. Imagine?! For almost a month, I traveled and offered my products from nearby towns.

The result is zero. Absolute zero sales. I did not sell any product for this month !!! Not to mention some batch of products, about some volumes. Of course, it plotted me in shock ...

One of the secrets of receiving orders for sewing production

I wondered why it was going on. Why are items that are well bought in my city, no one wants to buy in other cities? I worked with wholesalers who know perfectly about your city, and offered good conditions. They refused me.

All before one refused for this first month of sales !!!

I was in a stupor. I was in complete confusion ... I decided to leave this idea for the time to sell my blouse in other cities as an unsuccessful. I continued to engage in my retail, absolutely not understanding why it happened.

The way out of the position suggested to me. Once I was in the store in which we sell products. Normal food shop. I saw that a confectionery sales agent came. And he in my eyes sold the Chocolate Party Shop, where there were a lot of other types of chocolate. Just Mountain Chocolate !!!

The guy managed to bypass all the objections of the Zavod, all the objections of the sellers and convince them that his chocolate was very profitable to buy. It was a real discovery for me. I was amazed at how this guy managed to do what I could not do in my sphere for a whole month. Naturally, I wanted to find out the secret of this chocolate seller.

I picked it out on the street and asked to explain how he could succeed. How he manages to sell a chocolate shop in which it was products
above the roof. And how is the work of a commercial agent who knows how to around competitors is built, and who knows how to convince its potential customers.

This is what this young man told. He said that they enjoy sales technicians and techniques of negotiations, customer objection techniques, customer belief techniques. And these trading agents do it quite professional. One of the results I could observe myself personally in this grocery store.

What did I do next? I'm going to the company, negotiate with the director (of course not for free, I paid him some money) in order to resemble with their best agent as an intern for a few days. I take a voice recorder, I take a handle and paper, and I write down all the moves.

In the evening, I adapt already under my situation, under your products, under the trade in blouses and light clothes. And after these few days, which turned upside down on the head literally everything in my head.

Next week, I again take a batch of blouses, and I'm going to the next city, and I wonder on the second circle of the same people with whom I already communicated. But I'm already starting to use the techniques of sales and negotiations.

And about the miracle! After I began to use the techniques of sales and negotiations, I concluded three more transactions !!!

At once 3 people took part of the party of my products, and one asked even more than I had with him at that time.

It was a real discovery for me. It was a real revolution in sales and negotiation techniques. Since then, I realized that sales and promotion techniques decide very much in the sale of products.

That is why I asked the business coach Dmitry Lukyanov to record a special audio training for Sweet to receive orders for sewing production.

Our company provides sewing services to order:

Sewing production "Coquette" is glad to provide its production facilities for sewing clothes and textiles.

You can accommodate almost any order - from simple to complex clothes. The size of production allows you to take both small lots (from 50 pcs) and a large wholesale (up to 1000 units). Our company is able to perform tailoring, both standard clothing and designer models according to your sketches. If necessary, we will produce Pekal and we will develop design, as well as pack ready products according to the rules of trade.

The main advantages of our company:

Individual approach to each client

Design and production of corporate clothes, taking into account specific customer requirements

We work as in the regulators of the customer, and create their own

Services designer clothing

Selection of fabrics

Ability to work on the Davalic Raw

excellent quality

Acceptable prices

We do not disclose the commercial secret of the customer (sketches, pamal, layouts, etc.)

We work on prepayment (current account)

High-quality tailoring of products, work control at all stages

Availability of highly qualified specialists

Permanent expansion and modernization of the production base

We offer:

Services of the sewing workshop and cutting shop with modern industrial equipment, Sewing Machines Juki, Brother, Tukzar, Yamata and high-quality WTO products on professional ironing equipment. Our sewing machines: straight-strings, overlocks 3, 4, 5-line, plays (dispensers), check machine (secret stitch), two needle machine, looping machine, butcher machine. Cutting equipment. All this gives us the opportunity to quickly and efficiently fulfill the order for the production of different types of clothing models, as well as textile and knitwear. We are constantly improving and developing new technologies to offer you new services.

The main work of the Shp Coquet is sewing women's clothing wholesale: dress, skirt, trousers, blouse, top, jacket, shorts, women's shirt, etc. Dress-blouse assortment and costume range from different fabrics: silk, knitwear, polyester, viscose, stretch, chiffon, atlas, costume fabrics, jeans, etc.

We will perform an order for tailoring wholesale (mass tailoring): women's clothing, children's clothing, teenage clothes, men's clothing, school uniforms, corporate clothes, personnel uniforms, work clothing, uniform, sportswear, medical clothes, tailoring promotional form, promo Clothing, textile products, knitwear products, tailoring bags and scarves and any other sewing products.

We can advertise to order: shirts, blouses, tops, pants, skirts, dresses, jackets, shirts, t-shirts, shorts, vests, jackets, elegant and evening dresses, tunics, etc. In addition to clothes, we can carry out by eating in bulk any other textile or knitted products, waiting for your suggestions!

Professional staff of staff ready at any time to sew your orders, 30 - Shvent, technologist, shielders, packers, ironers.

We will be happy to cooperate with you!

Hello, dear readers.

The topic of earning sewing worries the minds of tailor-lovers and professionals. Judging by the responses to the first publications, many interested the answer to the question: to aK

I propose to continue the topic and search for answers.

  1. how and where to find customers to earn sewage - you are here.

So, if you decide to earn a sewing of clothes or other things, we thought out the action plan, found or purchased the necessary equipment, fixtures, got a combat attitude and resolutely made a step forward, on ...

You need to tell you about your solutions to everyone!

Let's specify - what does this mean and do you need everyone?

It is not possible to perceive not necessarily, but the rule of 6 handshakes nobody canceled. Read more about it below. If you briefly, I do not know myself about yourself and not only.

It seems that the story of the sewing skills of the uncle Vasya-sanitary will not lead to anything.

But, there is always a chance that dealing with direct duties, a neighbor will remember about you when the next client in conversation will mention the desire to "sew something."

If you have any opportunity, tell me, but do not overdo it.

Come up with a mini-presentation in a few words about what you can and offer. Next she will serve you a good service.

Attit the attention of an unusual picture.

I repeat the thought from the past article: The most effective way to promote sewing - "Sarafan radio."You sew your girlfriend, she tells a familiar, client circle gradually increases.

There is one minus - There may be enough time while the friend will have a conversation with his acquaintance.

Do not wait! Act yourself.

Let's see which there are additional ways to tell about yourself - from all known to unusual.

For those who like images, I made a brief scheme in the form of infographics.

Important!You do not need to rush "in all grave" and try all the ways right away. Select 2-3 comfortable you, use them. Otherwise, there will be no time for the sewing time, starting with earnings, will be at risk

Evaluate forces and opportunities.

If not sure while in professional skills, go people who will not criticize you. On the contrary, support and help. Do not care for complex products, on simple things.

In the first stage, constructive criticism and prubing words are important. Further when the results are high-quality, and you will feel confidence, go to more stringent customers and complex orders.

The main thing, move, increase the qualifications, develop communication skills and customers will definitely find you.


We reviewed several actual ways to search for customers. Now you have the first ideas about aK and where to find customers to make money sewing?

If you are seriously tuned, you will definitely work out!

p / S.For those who seriously think about making money on sewing, I have prepared a selection of useful resources and services for the sale of man-made work.

18 Runet Services and 10 Foreign Platters. With the description of the conditions and references.

Valuable selection - bonus to the master class about the tailoring bag.

By the way, the bag can be an excellent gift. Ahead of holidays, think))

With wishes good luck Elena Krasovskaya


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