The structure of the EGE on social science. EGE in social studies: We deal with the tasks with the teacher the structure of the EGE on social studies

Examming Plan for Social Score 2017

Designation of the level of complexity of the task: b - basic, p - elevated, in - high.

Checked content elements and activities

The level of complexity of the task

Maximum score for completing the task

Approximate task execution time (min.)

Exercise 1. Know and understand: the biosocial essence of man; The main stages and factors of socialization of the individual; the place and role of a person in the system of social relations; patterns of development of society as a complex self-organizing system; The trends in the development of society as a whole as a complex dynamic system, as well as the most important social institutions; major social institutions and processes; the need to regulate public relations, the essence of social norms, mechanisms of legal regulation; Features of socio-humanitarian knowledge (identification of structural elements using schemes and tables)

Task 2. Know and understand: the biosocial essence of man; The main stages and factors of socialization of the individual; the place and role of a person in the system of social relations; patterns of development of society as a complex self-organizing system; The trends in the development of society as a whole as a complex dynamic system, as well as the most important social institutions; major social institutions and processes; the need to regulate public relations, the essence of social norms, mechanisms of legal regulation; Features of socio-humanitarian knowledge (choosing a generalizing concept for all other concepts presented in the list)

Task 3. Know and understand: the biosocial essence of man; The main stages and factors of socialization of the individual; the place and role of a person in the system of social relations; patterns of development of society as a complex self-organizing system; The trends in the development of society as a whole as a complex dynamic system, as well as the most important social institutions; major social institutions and processes; the need to regulate public relations, the essence of social norms, mechanisms of legal regulation; Features of socio-humanitarian knowledge (correlation of species concepts with childbirth)

Task 4.

Task 5.

Task 6.

Task 7. Characterization from scientific positions The main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place and significance in the life of society as a holistic system

Task 8. Analyze topical information about social objects, identifying their common features and differences; establish conformity between essential features and signs of studied social phenomena and social science terms and concepts

Task 9. Apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive objectives on topical social problems

Task 10. Search for social information presented in various iconic systems (drawing)

Task 11. Characterization from scientific positions The main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place and significance in the life of society as a holistic system

Task 12. Search for social information presented in various iconic systems (table, diagram)

Task 13. Characterization from scientific positions The main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place and significance in the life of society as a holistic system

Task 14. Analyze topical information about social objects, identifying their common features and differences; establish conformity between essential features and signs of studied social phenomena and social science terms and concepts

Task 15. Apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive objectives on topical social problems

Task 16. Characterization from scientific positions The basis of the constitutional system, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, constitutional duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Task 17. Characterization from scientific positions The main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place and significance in the life of society as a holistic system

Task 18. Analyze topical information about social objects, identifying their common features and differences; establish conformity between essential features and signs of studied social phenomena and social science terms and concepts

Task 19. Apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive objectives on topical social problems

Task 20. Systematize, analyze and summarize disordered social information (definition of terms and concepts appropriate to the proposed context)

Task 21. Search for social information; extract from non-adapted original texts (legal, popular science, journalistic, etc.) knowledge according to the specified topics; Systematize, analyze and summarize disordered social information

Task 22. Search for social information; extract from non-adapted original texts (legal, popular science, journalistic, etc.) knowledge according to the specified topics; Systematize, analyze and summarize unordered social information. Explain internal and external communication (causal and functional) social objects

Task 23. Disclose on the examples studied theoretical provisions and concepts of socio-economic and humanitarian sciences

Task 24. Explain the internal and external communications (causal and functional) social objects studied.

Task 25. Characterization from scientific positions The main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place and importance in society as a holistic system (the task of the disclosure of the meaning of the concept, the use of the concept in a given context)

Task 26. Disclose on the examples studied theoretical provisions and concepts of socio-economic and humanities (assignment involving the disclosure of theoretical provisions on examples)

Task 27. Apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social problems (task-task)

Task 28. Preparing annotation, review, abstract, creative work (Task on the preparation of a report plan on a specific topic)

Task 29. Characterization from scientific positions The main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place and importance in society as a holistic system.
Analyze topical information about social objects, identifying their common features and differences; establish conformity between essential features and signs of studied social phenomena and social science terms and concepts.
Explain the internal and external communications (causal and functional) social objects studied.
Disclose on examples studied theoretical provisions and concepts of socio-economic and humanitarian sciences.
Assess the actions of the subjects of social life, including the identity, group, organization, from the point of view of social norms, economic rationality.
Formulate on the basis of acquired social scientific knowledge; own judgments and arguments on certain problems

Scale 2017

Primary score

Test score

Primary score

Test score


Threshold score

The decree of Rosobrnadzor has a minimum number of points confirming the development of the participants in the examinations of the main general educational programs of the average (full) general education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Middle (Full) General Education. Threshold in social science: 42 points.

Program preparation for EEG on social science for grade 11

Recording for courses until February 15 2020
Course duration: from February 17, 2020 to May 25, 2020
Training Litch: 4 months / 16 Classes / ((16 * 3)) AK. hours (1 AK. hour \u003d 45 minutes)
The program has been approved: April 20, 2019 by the director of the EEG-Center Erdman K.A.

EGE structure for social studies

The social studies of the social studies consist of two parts that include 29 tasks.

Part 1 contains 20 tasks with an answer selection (Jobs 1-20). This part in the aggregate covers all spheres of the social studies.

Tasks 1-3 (basic level) that check the knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of the person, the main stages and factors of the socialization of the individual, the patterns and the trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes.

Jobs 4-18 (basic and increased level) are aimed at checking the abilities to characterize the main social facilities (facts, phenomena, processes, institutes), their place in society as a holistic system, to search for social information presented in various iconic systems (text, scheme, table, diagram), apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social problems. The tasks of this group traditionally represent five thematic modules of the public courses: a person and society, knowledge and spiritual culture, economics, social relations, politics, right.

Jobs 19-20 (elevated) are aimed at checking the skills to analyze and summarize social information, distinguish between facts and opinions, arguments and conclusions in it, explain internal and external communications (causal and functional), the study of social objects.

Part 2 contains 9 tasks with an expanded answer (tasks 21-29).

Tasks 21-24 check the skills of the analysis of text, its understanding, the ability to bring facts, examples, arguments to substantiate one or another theoretical position, formulate their own point of view.

Task 25 checks the ability to independently disclose the meaning of key social science concepts and apply them in a given context (drawing up two proposals).

The task 26 is aimed at checking the ability to specify the examples studied theoretical provisions.

The task-Task 27 suggests the learner to formulate and argue independent estimates, prognostic and other judgments, explanations, conclusions.

Task 28 - drawing up a complex plan on the specific topic of the social science.

Task 29 implies writing mini-essays (essay) for one of the five proposed topics. Themes are presented in the form of brief statements of representatives of public thought, government, political figures, science and culture. Each topic, the statement relate to one of the basic sciences of the social science. The graduate must disclose the meaning of the author's judgment, to attract the studied theoretical provisions of the Social Sciences, independently formulate and concretize the examples of their arguments, draw conclusions.

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (any publication, no earlier than 2015);
  2. Baranov PA Social Studies. New full reference book for preparation for the exam. M.: AST, 2016;
  3. Bogolyubov L.N. Social Studies. Grade 10. Textbook. A basic level of. M.: Enlightenment, 2016;
  4. Bogolyubov L.N. Social Studies. Grade 11. Textbook. A basic level of. M.: Enlightenment, 2016;
  5. Bogolyubov L.N. Right. Grade 10. Textbook. Profile level. M.: Enlightenment, 2016;
  6. Bogolyubov L.N. Right. Grade 11. Textbook. Profile level. M.: Enlightenment, 2016;
  7. Klimenko A.V., Romanine V.V. Social Studies. Textbook. M.: Drop, 2015;
  8. Kotova O.A., Liskova i.e. Unified State Exam. Social Studies. A complex of materials for the preparation of students. M.: Intelligent Center, 2016;
  9. Lazebenova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L. Social Studies. Preparation for the exam. M.: Exam, 2016;
  10. Mahotkin A.V., Makhotkin N.V. Social Studies in Schemes and Tables. M.: Eksmo, 2015;
  11. Morozova L.A. Theory of Government and Rights. M.: Lawyer, 2012;
  12. Petrunin Yu.Yu. Dictionary of social science. Tutorial for university applicants. M.: KDU, 2015;
  13. Chernysheva O.A. Social Studies. Tasks of a high level of complexity on the exam. Rostov-on-Don: Legion, 2015.

Secondary education

Line UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (10-11)

Social Studies

EGE on social studies: deal with the tasks with the teacher

My students, graduates of 2017, who successfully surrendered the EGE on social studies argue that the recommendation on reading the entire text of the work before the start of the tasks gives a good effect when performing work. When reading the work, emotional stress is removed, the brain activity is sent to the analysis of materials and the graduate is included in the productive cognitive activity, leading to high points for the performance of work.

As materials for work, we use the EEM version of the social science of 2017 (early period), published by FII in the spring of 2017.

Part 1

Task number 1.

Write down the word missed in the table.

Production factors and factor income

When performing task number 1, it is necessary to carefully look at the table name. In our case, the table is called "production factors and factor income." One of the factors of production is indicated: Entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial abilities) and its factor income is indicated: Profit. Knowledge of the main factors of production: land, labor, capital (physical and monetary), entrepreneurial abilities of information is inextricably linked with knowledge of factor income as income that the owner receives from the use or application of production factors. Labor - wages, land - rent, capital - percentage, entrepreneurial abilities, information - profits. The table indicates the factor income - the rent, it means that we can safely put this factor of production in the first column as land. The correct answer is land. When preparing a student, it is important to know the complete characteristics of all factors of production.

Task number 2.

In the above, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts. Write it down word (phrase).

Form of state, form of government, unitary state, federation, republic.

Answer: ___________________________.

In task number 2, it is always necessary to clearly define the generic concept (the question sounds like a generalizing concept). In our version are: the form of the state as device the political organization of the Company (it is important to remember that this is a certain set of characteristics by which we define the method of organization and device of the state); the form of the board, which is determined by the composition of higher state authorities and the procedure for their formation, as well as in their interaction with the population of the state; Unitary state, which refers to one of the forms of the state-territorial device, as well as the Federation; The republic is one of the forms of government. To my disciples, I always strongly recommend, in Chernivik, immediately, as you begin to fulfill the tasks associated with the "Policy" topic, draw the scheme:

This is important because, a typical mistake that graduates are allowed when carrying out trials, associated with mixing concepts. And when the scheme is before the eyes, it will be more complicated to be mistaken.

Accordingly, based on the scheme, it becomes clear that the generic (generalizing concept for all the others here is the form of the state, i.e. its versatile characteristics presented in the options of responses. The remaining concepts reflect these other elements. For example, the form of the Board as part Forms of the state and the Republic, as one of the types of the form of the Board.

The correct answer: the form of the state.

Task number 3.

Below is a list of characteristics. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to elite culture.

  1. the complexity of the forms used;
  2. the desire of the authors to the embodiment of their own ideas;
  3. entertainment;
  4. pronounced commercial orientation;
  5. spiritual aristocradism;
  6. special preparation requirement for understanding.

Find two characteristics, "drop-down" from the total row, and record the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.

When performing task number 3, we draw attention to the concept of question. In this case, this is "elitar culture" and we are asked about the characteristics of this concept. Elite culture is considered in the topic "The Spiritual Society of Society". Generic concept is "culture". In our case, the question is in the plane of the varieties of culture (material, spiritual; folk, mass, elitar). The task shows the features of elite culture: the complexity of the forms used, the desire of the authors to the embodiment of their own ideas, spiritual aristocracy, the requirement of special training for understanding. Well, if all of whether we are ready to perceive the musical works of shnik, the analysis of highly intelligent literary works of Kafki? And what can you say about Roden sculptures? It is clear that this culture is designed for a narrow circle of consumers prepared for the perception of complex works. Elite culture is not looking for commercial benefits, self-expression and search for new forms in art are important for authors.

Two remaining out of our attention Features: Entertainment and pronounced commercial orientation are the most important characteristics of the mass culture. Therefore, in this case, we note them as true. Because in the task we are asked to remove extra characteristics.

Task number 4.

Choose true judgments about society and social institutions and write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. Society is a constantly developing dynamic system.
  2. Public progress is characterized by degradation, refund to already extended structures and relationships.
  3. In a broad sense, under the Society, they understand the part of the world, which is associated with it, which includes ways of interaction and form of people's association.
  4. Social institutions perform the function of human socialization.
  5. Society is a closed system that is not interacting with the external environment.

Answer: ___________________________.

In task number 4, we must detect judgments about society and public institutions. It is not necessary to do without knowing the concepts: "Society" in a wide and narrow sense; societies as a system; "Social Institute", as a historically established sustainable form of organizing joint activities of people, and knowledge of species of social institutions for the main areas of society.

The first judgment characterizes society as a dynamic developing system - this judgment is true, since it is an axiom of social studies.

The second judgment is incorrect, as the progress, which is one of the areas of social development, is characterized by the development of society from the lowest to the highest. And in judgment, it is indicated: degradation, a refund to the already taught structures and relations, which is the qualitative characteristics of another direction of social development - regression.

The third judgment practically completely reproduces the concept of "society" in a broad sense, which means that it is true. There is not enough "consisting of individuals with consciousness and will."

Fourth judgment is true. In the course of socialization, a person assimilates the experience of previous generations. We know that social institutions establish some samples of behavior for people. This is best confirmed by such a social institution as a family related to the social subsystem of society.

The fifth judgment is not true. Society is a dynamic, open, self-developing system. To society, it is almost impossible to apply the concepts of "closed system", which is not interacting with the external environment. There are no special evidence here. It is enough to recall the concept of society in a broad sense "the associated part of the material world is closely with it.

Thus, the correctness will be correct: 1, 3, 4.

Thematic planning for social science

Task number 5.

Set the correspondence between the characteristics and types of activities: to each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Task number 5 refers to the topic "Activities". Types (forms of activity) are considered: game, teaching, work, communication. To perform this task, it is enough to know the characteristics of each type (form of activity). Imaginary atmosphere is characteristic of the game (A 4), the focus on the achievement of almost useful results - to work (a person creates some items that satisfy the needs) (B 2). Focus on the purchase of new knowledge and skills - to the teaching (AT 3). And none of the species (forms) of activity does not do without communication. Therefore, the remaining two characteristics: the process of establishing and developing contacts between people and the focus on the exchange of information reflect the essence of communication (G 1, d 1). It should only be remembered that in the process of communication, people exchange not only information, but also by emotions, influencing each other.

With the seeming ease of tasks, it is important not to hurry, to conduct an internal dialogue with you. Answer the question: why the selected answer is correct, relying on knowledge of concepts.

Task number 6.

Students conducted a study of the motives of school students of junior classes. Find the methods applied by them in the list below that correspond to the empirical level of scientific knowledge. Write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. description of the observed phenomena
  2. promotion and justification of hypotheses
  3. explanation of existing interconnections
  4. direct observation of individual facts and phenomena
  5. fixation of generalizations in the form of laws
  6. getting quantitative data studied object

Answer: ___________________________.

The task number 6 is asked about the empirical level of scientific knowledge and its methods. Immediately mentally appeal to the generic concept - "Science", remember the structure of scientific knowledge, including levels: empirical and theoretical and separating methods related to each level. We remember that the empirical methods include: observation, description, measurement, classification, systematization, i.e. With their help, it is possible to identify the specific properties of the objects studied, in contrast to theoretical level aimed at identifying common trends, laws, etc.

So we found faithful answers: 1, 4, 6

Task number 7.

Choose faithful judgments about economic systems and write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. Private property is the basis of a team (planned) economy.
  2. In the context of the traditional economy, the main issues of the economy are solved by the central government agencies.
  3. The main subjects of market relations are economically independent participants in economic life.
  4. The incentive of the activities of enterprises in the conditions of the market system is profit.
  5. Signs of market economy include free pricing.

Answer: ___________________________.

Task number 7 aims us on the knowledge of the characteristics of economic systems as a method of organizing the economic life of society. Knowledge of the distinctive features of the traditional, team (planned) or command-administrative, market and mixed economic systems are the basic knowledge of a graduate seeking to get a high score on the exam.

So try. Private property is a prerequisite for the existence of a market model of the economic system. We are also talking to the judgment that the command economy. This is not true, also because in the command economy dominates state ownership, as well as the main issues of the economy are solved by the central authorities. So, the second judgment is also not true. The third judgment is true, since in a market economy each owner has the right to freely and independently dispose of its production factors.

The fourth and fifth judgment is also true, since in the conditions of a market economy, freedom of economic activity of individual entities is aimed at making a profit in the context of competition and market mechanisms determine the price.

Right answers: 3, 4, 5.

Task number 8.

Install the correspondence between examples and types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation (in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation): to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Task number 8 is associated with the financial literacy of the graduate, namely the knowledge of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation. The task defines the levels of taxes of taxes: federal, regional and local. When performing this task, it is important to clearly distinguish types of taxes by levels:

Thus, in our task, we again apply the empirical method of ranking: A 3, B 3, in 1, g 3, d 2.

Authors: Vorontsov A.V., Queen G.E., Naumov S.A.
The textbook highlights the most important topics of the social science courses: economics, politics and rights. In accordance with modern scientific representations, the authors reveal the features of the market mechanism and the role of the state in the economy, the foundations of political science, the functioning of the state and the development of democracy, the principles of law, the basis of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen.

Task number 9.

Firm Y - Atelier on sewing wedding dresses. Find examples of variable costs of the company y in the short term and write down in the list of shutdown numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. costs to repay interest on the previously taken loan
  2. costs for the purchase of fabrics, threads, accessories
  3. costs to pay piecework wages to employees
  4. rent for the premises of the Atelier
  5. payment of consumed electricity
  6. insurance contributions

Answer: ___________________________.

Making task number 9 requires knowledge of the topic "Firm" and its key concepts: revenue, costs and profits. In the task, it is necessary to clearly indicate the expenses of the company in the short term, in contrast to constant costs.

To perform the task without error, it is also necessary to remember that variable costs change when the production volume changes.

The credit stories of the company will always relate to constant costs, so the first option is not true. But the acquisition of fabrics, threads, accessories belongs to consumables, means to variable costs, as well as payments for the payment of employees, unlike salary, which are constant costs of the company. Rent, insurance premiums are the constant costs of any company. But payment consumedelectricity (depends on the volume of the company's work) - will be variable costs.

Right answers: 2, 3, 5 .

Social Studies. Grade 11. A basic level of. Textbook.
Authors: Nikitin A.F., Gribanova G.I., Martyanov D.S.
The textbook is included in the educational and methodological complex on social science for grade 11 (base level). Corresponds to the GEFE of the average (full) general education, including the federal list. The textbook is praised the Vaizhest issues of the economy and law. The methodical apparatus of the textbook includes the headings "We think, compare, make conclusions", "check your knowledge," "Explore, design, discuss, arguing."

The figure reflects the change in the proposal of the chairs on the relevant market: the offer line S.moved to a new position - S. 1 . (P - price; Q - quantity.)

Which of the listed factors can cause such a change? Write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. increased the cost of materials for the upholstery of chairs
  2. growth of labor remuneration in enterprises producing chairs
  3. reducing the value of materials for frame chairs
  4. reducing taxes charged with furniture manufacturers
  5. rising electricity tariffs for furniture manufacturers

Answer: ___________________________.

Task number 10 requires a very careful reading issue. It is necessary to deal with what is asked: about changing the value of the demand or value of the sentence? In this case, the proposal of the chairs in the relevant market has changed. Watching the change in the proposal curve, it can be said that the proposal has decreased. By fulfilling the task, it must be remembered that the cost of the supply is affected by the cost of production factors, technology, tax policy, state support, price expectations, competition, and the like.

Therefore, the first answer is the increase in the cost of materials on the upholstery of chairs just will contribute to the decline in the supply of this product in the market. The answer is correct. The growth of workers' remuneration increases the cost of such a production factor as labor, but also to lower the proposal of this product in the market. The answer is correct. The third option should lead to an increase in the proposal, since the decrease in the cost of raw materials leads to an increase in the supply of goods on the market (in our case, a decrease in the cost of material for the frame). The answer is not true. A decrease in taxes will also increase the proposal. The answer is not true. But the growth of electricity tariffs for furniture manufacturers will increase variable costs and reduce the proposal. So, the rise in price of consumables, electricity tariffs, workers' wages will force a company or reduce production volumes or increase the cost of goods, which will lead to a decrease in supply in the market.

Right answers: 1, 2, 5 .

Task number 11.

Choose loyal judgments about social stratification and social mobility and write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. Horizontal mobility involves the transition to the social group at another stage of the social hierarchy.
  2. One of the criteria for differentiation of social groups - income.
  3. Personal qualities of a person act as a criterion for social stratification of modern society.
  4. Sociologists distinguish individual and collective mobility.
  5. One of the criteria for social stratification of society is the volume of power.

Answer: ___________________________.

Performing task number 11, we proceed from the knowledge of the concepts of "social stratification" and "social mobility", the criteria of social stratification, species of social mobility.

Horizontal mobility involves the transition from one social group to another on the same stage of the social staircase. Therefore, the first judgment is not true. Differentiation (separation) of social groups in society occurs in many criteria, one of which is income. And the volume of power, education, prestige profession. The second and fifth judgments are true, unlike the third. Personal qualities of a person are not a criterion of social stratification. The fourth judgment is true, since sociologists really distinguish individual and collective mobility. For example, under the influence of the events of the 1917 revolution, the provisions of social groups occurred.

Right answers: 2, 4, 5.

During the sociological surveys of adults of the Z and Y countries, they were asked by the question: "Which directions of the youth policy of the state do you consider the most important?"

The results of surveys (in% of the number answered) are shown in the diagram.

Find out the conclusions that can be made on the basis of the chart and write down in the list of the diagram. numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. The proportion of those who marks the importance of ensuring access to decision-making in the economy, public life, politics, in the country Z is less than in the country of Y.
  2. Equal shares of respondents in each country consider it necessary to conduct educational work.
  3. In the country z opinion on the importance of providing access to decision-making in the economy, public life, politics is less popular than the opinion on the importance of conducting educational work.
  4. In the country, there are equal shares of the respondents noted as the most important areas of creating conditions for self-expression, self-realization of young people and conducting educational work with it.
  5. The share of those who consider the most important provision of social support in the country z is larger than in the country y.

Answer: ___________________________.

Performing task number 12, you need to carefully read the conditions of the sociological survey. In this case, they found out the most important directions of the youth policy of the two countries. The diagram presents the data of these countries. Before reading the presented judgments, it should be carefully learned to study the chart. In each of the countries, the leading position took the answer to "providing social support." Further, in the country Z in second place was the position of "conducting educational work", and the minimum position took the judgment "ensuring access to decision-making ...". In the country y, the same minimum positions occupied the judgments "Ensuring access to decision-making ..." and "Creating conditions for self-expression." After we independently tried to analyze the statistical materials, we try to analyze judgments.

The first judgment is true, since, these charts demonstrate this position. The second judgment is not true, since in the country z more of those who consider "conducting educational work" important compared to the country y.

The third judgment is true, and we saw it during your own diagram analysis.

Fourth judgment is also true, we also identified the analysis of the chart on time and noted these positions, as the minimum identical.

The fifth judgment is not true, it is clearly visible in the diagram. Indicators talk about the opposite result.

Right answers: 1, 3, 4.

Task number 13.

Choose faithful judgments about the state and its functions and write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. The environmental requirements established by the state are the basis of the country's environmental safety.
  2. The fundamental feature of the state of any type is the implementation of the principle of separation of the authorities.
  3. The state has a monopoly law to legally apply coercion by the protection of order and security authorities.
  4. The external functions of the state include the definition of the general direction of the economic policy of the state in accordance with the achieved level of economic development.
  5. The state creates a regulatory and organizational basis for the effective and qualitative activities of state bodies.

Answer: ___________________________.

Performing task number 13, it is important to recall the concept of "state", its main features, external and internal functions. The first judgment sends us to such a sign of the state as an exceptional right on lawmakes. Therefore, the judgment "environmental requirements established by the state ( powder), make up the basis of environmental safety of countries "is true. The second judgment is not true, because the principle of separation of the authorities is implemented in a democratic state, and, therefore, this sign is not fundamental for any type of state.

The third judgment "The state has a monopoly law to legally apply coercion by the protection of procedure and security authorities" in fact, sends us to the most important sign of the state - the monopoly legal right to coercion. The fourth judgment is erroneously, since it reflects the most important internal function of the state "Determination of the general direction of the state economic policy." The fifth judgment collected two signs of the state: law-conducting and the system of bodies and mechanisms of public authority (this is a state authority). We read: "The state creates regulatory and organizational basis for efficient and high-quality activities government agencies.

Right answers: 1, 3, 5 .

Task number 14.

Set the compliance between questions and subjects of the state power of the Russian Federation, to which these issues include: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

To properly fulfill the task number 14, it is necessary to know the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the functionality of all branches of government in the Russian Federation. First, it is necessary to carefully see which subjects of the state power of the Russian Federation are specified in the task. In our case, they are not directly named, but levels are indicated: only the federal center and jointly federal center and subjects of the Russian Federation. Knowledge of the principles of the federal device of the Russian Federation will come to the rescue. Remember that under the conditions of the Federation, the principle of the integrity of the state, the unity of state power is being implemented, and the delimitation of powers, which we ask about. Previously, we saw the delimitation of authority, fulfilling the task of taxes. It is necessary to remember that it is in the exclusive competence of federal bodies: all issues of international relations, defense and security, judice, federal property, etc.

The first competence - the issues of ownership, use and orders of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources are in joint jurisdiction. A 2.. Those. This is a question for which the Center and Subjects share responsibility in solving problems. So, will correctly attribute to the same position "Implementation of measures to combat catastrophes" AT 2. Federal Funds of Regional Development implement the foundations of federal policies and federal programs, therefore B 1.. Positions of G and D are the exceptional competence of federal bodies, therefore G 1, d 1.

Task number 15.

In the democratic state z, during the reform of the electoral election system, the parliament was carried out a transition from the proportional electoral system to the majority.

What of the listed remained unchanged during this electoral reform? Record the appropriate numbers.

  1. free and voluntary participation of citizens in elections
  2. providing the right to vote to citizens from 18 years, regardless of nationality, gender, professional affiliation, education, income
  3. fine voting procedure
  4. single-member voting
  5. the dependence of the number of deputy mandates received by the party from the number of votes
  6. the possibility of nomination of independent non-partisan candidates

Answer: ___________________________.

Question number 15 is associated with the electoral process. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the question, we explain to the reform, during which the transition from the proportional electoral system to the majoritarian. The essence of the question is not so much about the types of electoral systems, their reform, but about elections in general (The topic "political participation"). It is necessary to recall the basic principles of elections in a democratic state: the direct participation of citizens, universal, equal, direct voting law, secret voting, voluntary participation.

Accordingly, the first judgment is true. The second judgment relates us to the principle of equality in the electoral law, therefore, it is also true. The third judgment is true, it is also represented by one of the principles - a secret ballot.

Fourth judgment goes beyond the question: what of the listed it remains unchanged During this electoral reform? Voting on single-member districts sends us to the organization of the electoral process in the majoritarian system, in contrast to proportional, where the state acts as a single constituency. So, this judgment reflects the change of the electoral process. The answer is not true in our case. The dependence of the number of deputy mandates received by the party, on the number of voters also relates to the proportional electoral system, which is not true for our question. The sixth version also reflects the majority electoral model.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3 .

Task number 16.

What about the listed relative to political rights (freedoms) of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. conduct meetings and rallies
  2. statement of state bodies
  3. payment legally established taxes and fees
  4. defense of Fatherland
  5. participation in the management of state affairs through their representatives

Answer: ___________________________.

Question No. 16 Returns us to the basics of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Rights and freedoms of man and citizen. It is important to know four groups of rights and freedoms: personal (civil), political, socio-economic, cultural. Our task is asked about political rights that are ensuring the participation of citizens in the implementation of political power. Therefore, the holding of meetings and rallies is true, the appeal to state bodies is true, participation in the management of the state's business through its representatives is true. Payment of taxes and fees, the defense of the Fatherland refer to the constitutional duties of a citizen, as well as compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Russian Federation, concern for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, care for children and disabled parents.

Right answers: 1, 2, 5 .

Task number 17.

Choose faithful judgments about family right in the Russian Federation and write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  1. Family law regulates property and personal non-property relations between family members.
  2. The marriage is suspended due to the announcement by the provision of the registry office of one of the spouses deceased.
  3. The marriage is to record civil status acts (registry office).
  4. The legal regime of the spouses is established only by the marriage contract.
  5. Parents are required to provide the content to their minor children.

Answer: ___________________________.

Analyzing the materials of the task number 17, we allocate the basic concepts and norms relating to family law. The first judgment will be true, since it sends us to article 2 of the Family Code. The key institution of family law is the marriage concluded in the registry offices (judgment 3), generating mutual rights and obligations of spouses. The second judgment confuses us a little bit, it is known that in connection with the death of one of the spouses, the second spouse must come to the registry office to obtain a certificateabout his death, and as a result of this, termination of the concluded marriage. In our task formulated: marriage is suspended due to the announcement by the registry office of one of the spouses deceased. The answer is not true. The fourth and fifth options send us to the property rights and responsibilities of spouses. The fifth version is correct, since the wording is at the junction of constitutional duties and the norms of family law: parents are obliged to provide the content to their minor children. But the fourth version is erroneous because of its wording: the legal regime of the spouses is established onlymarital contract. It is not true since not only marriage contract, a and family law standards, i.e. The legal regime of the spouses is regulated by family law and is established by the marriage contract.

Right answers: 1, 3, 5 .

Task number 18.

Set the correspondence between examples and measures of legal responsibility in the Russian Federation: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Task number 18 is related to legal liability. When completing the task, it is important to recall the types of legal liability: criminal, administrative, civil and disciplinary. Reprimand is a disciplinary penalty - A 2.. The warning refers to the type of administrative penalties - B 3.. Dismissal on appropriate grounds (for example, a row, a one-time gross violation of labor duties, repeated non-fulfillment by a worker of employment duties, etc.) - AT 2. Note - disciplinary penalty, G 2.. Imprisonment - criminal liability for committing a crime - D 1.

Task number 19.

Joint-stock company "Sweet Charm" manufactures confectionery. Find the feature of the Differences of the Joint Stock Company from other organizational and legal forms of enterprises. Write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

  • separation of the authorized capital of the company on equal parts, each of which is framed by the security
  • mandatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees
  • employee duty to comply with labor discipline
  • the distribution of profits between employees in accordance with their employment participation
  • risk of losses within the cost of the participant's securities
  • payment by the owners of dividends for the year

Answer: ___________________________.

To fulfill Task No. 19, it is necessary to distinguish the organizational and legal forms of enterprises. In our case, allocate the distinctive features of the joint-stock company. Remember that joint-stock companies, as well as limited liability companies relate to economic societies. These are commercial organizations, i.e. The purpose of their activities is to receive profits. The authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Participants may be citizens, legal entities and public legal entities. Therefore, the answer version 1 is "the division of the authorized capital of the company on equal parts, each of which is framed by the valuable paper" will be correct. It is known that shareholders are not responsible for the obligations of JSC, but carry the risk of losses on the activities of the Company within the cost of their shares. Therefore, option 5 - "Risk risk of losses within the cost of the participant owned by the participant" (Promotion - Securities) will be correct, as well as the answer 6 - "Payment of dividend owners by the results of the year." 2 and 3 judgments - "Mandatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees", "the obligation of workers to comply with labor discipline" refer to general places of labor law. But "the distribution of profits between employees in accordance with their labor participation" is a characteristic of such an organizational and legal form of an enterprise as "production cooperative" (artel).

Right answers: 1, 5, 6 .

Task number 20.

Read the following text in which a number of words are missed. Select from the proposed list of the words you want to insert into the place of pass.

"A person actively mastering and purposefully converting nature, society and himself, is _________ (a). This is a person with its socially formed and individually pronounced qualities: _________ (b), emotional-volitional, moral, etc. Their formation is due to the fact that the individual in the joint with other people _________ (c) learns and changes the world and himself. The process of this knowledge during the assimilation and reproduction of social experience is simultaneously the process _________ (d).

Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social relations, human relations to peace and with the world, to themselves and with himself. It is characterized by _________ (e) to develop, expand the sphere of its activities and is open to all influences of public life, any experience. This is a person who has its own position in life, which shows independence of thought, carries _________ (e) for his choice. "

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used. one time.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note that words in the list are more than you need to fill the pass.

Terms list:

  1. activity
  2. intellectual
  3. duty
  4. casual
  5. responsibility
  6. socialization
  7. personality
  8. aspiration
  9. communication

In this below, the table shows the letters denoting missed words. Write in the table under each letter number of your chosen word.

Performing Task number 20, I recommend first trying to read the text and independently substitute words, in your opinion, suitable in meaning. This is how the semantic understanding of the text content is achieved. And when re-reading already selecting words from the existing ones. You will have a situation of success when you selected words will coincide with the list offered from the list. So, we try to read, inserting words close in meaning, then choose from the present in the task.

"A person actively mastering and purposefully converting nature, society and himself, is personality (a) (Personality is a set of socially significant properties and qualities of a person. where the person is being formed - in society. What does personality makes - converts the world and himself). This is a person with its socially formed and individually pronounced qualities: intelligent (b), emotionally willed, moral, etc. (in this case there is a listing of socially significant qualities). Their formation is due to the fact that the individual in collaboration with other people activities (B) He learns and change the world and itself (one of the definitions of activity is the conscious activity of a person, the entrance of which a person changes the world around himself and changes himself; the process of interaction of a person with the world around). The process of this knowledge during the assimilation and reproduction of social experience is simultaneously the process. socialization (g).

Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social relations, human relations to peace and with the world, to themselves and with himself. It is characterized desire (e) Develop, expand its scope and is open to all influences of public life, any experience (again explains through the socialization process, which lasts throughout the human life). This is a person who has its own position in life, which shows independence of thought, carries responsibility (e) For your choice (freedom and responsibility in a person's life). "

Part 2

Read the text and execute the tasks 21-24.

In a broad sense, incomplete employment is such a position in which the work performed does not require full use of qualifications and professional training of the individual, does not correspond to its expectations and does not allow to receive such a salary that he could have, performing the work (and in volume) which could claim ...

Cyclic unemployment is associated with fluctuation of demand for labor. The decline is a cyclic decline in business activity, as a result of which people lose jobs for that period until the demand is raised again and business activity will not occur. Seasonal unemployment arises due to seasonal fluctuations in demand for labor. It affects those who are busy in fishing, construction and agriculture. Those who change the work and those who are not busy in connection with the transition from one place to another are called functional (frictional) unemployed. Functional (frictional) unemployment is considered although inevitable, but still an acceptable consequence of a healthy economy. It can be assumed that even with complete employment, hiring will move from place to place.

Structural unemployed experience difficulties in obtaining work due to insufficiently high or lack of qualifications, discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, age or disabilities. Even in periods of high level of employment among structural unemployed, a disproportionately high unemployment remains.

Unemployment is not just a lack of work ... Although unemployment may be creative, mobilizing will with the test, most of those who have passed through it say that they experienced despair, impotence and confusion, especially if there were no work longer than a few weeks. For most people, employment is the main, and often the only means of ensuring material needs for food, clothing, roof over your head. Studies show: those who do not like their work, still prefer to keep it even when it is possible to live on other income. Although working conditions can cause adverse effects, the lack of work leads to a few problems: strengthening stress, family conflicts, addiction to alcohol and drugs.

(K.Kh. Bryer)

Getting Started to perform tasks in text 21-24, initially should be very careful to read the text and allocate the main semantic fragments of the text. Earn text with a handle to maximize content absorption. I do not recommend my disciples to immediately read the question and chaotically, when you run the answer to seek answers. As a rule, this practice leads to erroneous responses and a decrease in the scores on the exam.

Task number 21

How is the effect of the decline in the cyclic unemployment indicated in the text? What branches of the economy, according to the author, affects seasonal unemployment? (Specify all the industries mentioned in the text.) How does the author explain the inevitability of the functional (frictional) unemployment?

Answer: "The decline is a cyclic decline in business activity, as a result of which people lose jobs for that period until the demand is not raised and there will be no revival of business activity." Those. The demand for labor fluctuates.

Task number 22.

Task number 22 is also better to perform in parts.

Answer: "Part-time employment is such a position in which the work performed does not require full use of qualifications and professional training of an individual, does not correspond to its expectations and does not allow to receive such a salary that he could have, performing that work (and in volume) which could claim ... "

Suppose why some workers agree to the state of incomplete employment (express two assumptions). When performing this task, I recommend the students to write each assumption from a new line.

In our case, we can simply wait, using the text. We do not give examples, because it is not specified in the task.

Answer: Workers agree on incomplete employment, because it is important to feel important to a person who needs. Even incomplete employment gives a person a sense of stability, relieves social tensions, makes it possible to participate in public life.

Employees agree on incomplete employment, because in the context of the crisis, even such work may be the only source of income of their families, protection against social shocks, allows you to maintain a lifestyle.

Task number 23.

The author notes that "even in periods of high employment among structural unemployed persists, disproportionately high unemployment. Using social scientific knowledge, explain the reason for this level of unemployment among these categories of citizens. Name any two measures to prevent the discrimination of the categories of citizens specified by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The author calls us the causes of high unemployment among structural unemployed: not highly high or lack of qualifications, discrimination on gender signs, ethnicity, age or disability. But the task requires the use and social science knowledge. We remember that from the course of social studies we know that structural unemployment is associated with the impossibility of employment of people of certain professions and the inconsistency of supply and demand in the labor market.

Answer: A high level of structural unemployment even during periods of high level of employment in the country is, as a rule, with changes in production technologies, scientific and technical progress. Those. People certain professions cease to be in demand in the labor market (in the task examples are not required, only an explanation of the problem).

Name any two measures to prevent the discrimination of the categories of citizens specified by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, we are asked to apply to the norms of labor law of the Russian Federation, since it regulates relations in the field of wage labor.

Answer: The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains prohibitions for discrimination:

  1. citizens of the Russian Federation have equal opportunities for workers on working on working with labor productivity, qualifications and work experience in the specialty, as well as training and additional vocational education;
  2. restrictions on labor rights or benefits depending on gender, race, color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official position, age, place of residence, relations to religion, belief, belonging, or non-attribution to public associations or any social groups, as well as from other circumstances that are not related to the business qualities of the employee.

The guarantee of preventing discrimination of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of a person who considers itself discriminated in the field of labor, to apply to the court with a statement on the restoration of violated rights, compensation for material damage and compensation for moral damage.

Task number 24.

Why, according to the author, unemployment causes a state of despair, confusion of man? Using public knowledge and facts of public life, express two assumptions that the mobilizing impact of the unemployed state is manifested.

Using social science and facts of public life, express two assumptions that the mobilizing impact of the unemployed state is manifested (in this case, we must give examples, because the "facts of public life" sounds in the question).

  1. The unemployed state gives an incentive for retraining if the profession is not much in demand in the labor market. Employment break for retraining and raising education. Citizen N after registration in the employment center, was aimed at professional training in the profession of an electric and gas welder.
  2. The unemployed state makes it possible for organizing self-employment. For example, after dismissal from the main place of work when closing an enterprise in the city of Moscow, a citizen N moved to the Moscow region, submitted documents to the Center for Employment of the population of Moscow, where he received a consultation on the opening of the farm, assistance in drawing up a business plan and a lump-sum financial assistance.

Task number 25.

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "art"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science rate, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about art types, and one sentence, revealing the essence of the educational function of art.

Task number 25 can be successfully implemented only with the knowledge of the basic concepts of the course. Art is a form of culture that reflects the surrounding reality in artistic images. Artistic image can be expressed in different types of art: music, painting, architecture, sculpture, literature. Works of art have a great influence on the formation of a person's personality.

Task number 26.

Name and illustrate the examples of any three main responsibilities of the employer, enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In task number 26, it is necessary to name and illustrate examples of any three main duties of the employer, enshrined in the Labor Code:

  1. Ensure safety and working conditions in accordance with labor protection standards. At the enterprise N, in order to improve the working conditions of workers, training classes were held to prevent injuries,
  2. To pay in full salary in full. For the detention of salary payment, the management of the enterprise Y was brought to justice in the form of coercion to pay to employees in addition to the salary of interest.
  3. Implement compulsory social insurance of workers. In the employment contract, signed by a citizen N with the company in the partition of the employer's responsibilities included a clause on the obligatory social insurance of a citizen N.

Task number 27.

In the state Z was registered a new political party. It has central governments and regional offices. The party proclaims the traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, the nation, society over the interests of the individual. The political party during the elections scored the required number of votes and received places in parliament. Determine the type of political party depending on its ideological affiliation. Give a fact that allowed you to make such a conclusion. Name any two other types of batches allocated on this criterion, and briefly describe one of any of them.

  • the party is registered;
  • central governments and regional offices (a sign indicated by the mass batch);
  • basic principles: traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, society over the interests of the individual (a sign indicating the ideological affiliation - conservative);
  • entered parliament after the election (participates in power - a sign indicating the ruling party);

Now questions: Determine the type of political party depending on its ideological affiliation.

Answer: Conservative Party.

Give a fact that allowed you to make such a conclusion.

Answer: Since the principles of the tradition and stability of development (traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, the nation, society over the interests of the individual) are defended.

Name any two other types of batches allocated on this criterion, and briefly describe one of any of them.

Answer: On ideological orientation, liberal and socialist parties can be distinguished. Signs of the liberal party: the inalienableness of the natural human rights, their priority over the interests of society and the state, political pluralism, free market economy.

Task number 28.

You are instructed to prepare an expanded answer on the topic "Family Types". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.

To write a plan for any of the social scientists, it is necessary to clearly represent the structure of studying the topic. In fact, this task is checked by the understanding of the subject structure of the topic. Therefore, on the quality of the assimilation of the material theme, understanding of its structure, depends on the plan. In this case, the topic of the "Family Types" plan.

  1. The concept of a family as based on marriage or the blood relationship of a small group.
  2. Family functions (in this option, you can not specify the plan)
  3. Types of families by the nature of the relationship between members:
    1. Traditional (patriarchal family), its signs:
      A) joint residence of several generations;
      B) the majority of a man;
      C) the economic dependence of family members from a man;
      D) tough distribution of responsibilities
    2. Affiliate (Democratic) Family:
      A) nuclearity;
      B) decision-making by all family members;
      C) economic independence of a woman;
      D) fair distribution of domestic duties
  4. Types of families in relation to the education of children:
    1. Authoritarian;
    2. Democratic;
    3. Liberal (connorative)
    4. Modern trends in family development

Task 29.

Choose onefrom the statements proposed below, discover its meaning in the form of mini-essay, if necessary, different aspects of the problem assigned by the author (affected theme).

When presenting his thoughts on the raised problem (designated topic), with the arguments of its point of view, use knowledgeobtained in the study of the social studies of the corresponding concepts, as well as factssocial life and own life experience.

(As actual arguments, give at least two examples from various sources.)

29.1. Philosophy. "The privilege of fish, rats and wolves is to live according to the law of supply and demand; The law of human life is justice. " (D. Rёskin)

29.2. Economy. "Types of business are different, but business as the system remains one and the same regardless of its scale and structure, goods, technologies and markets." (P. Drager)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology. "We need schools that are not just taught, which is extremely important, this is the most important thing, but also schools that educate the person." (V.V. Putin)

29.4. Political science. "The supreme power is worthy of honor only inspired, since it is a means of ensuring human rights." (A. Kystin)

29.5. Jurisprudence. "The protection of law is the duty to society. Who protects their right, he protects the right in general. " (R. Iering)

The task 29. 3. "We need schools that are not just taught, which is extremely important, this is the most important thing, but also schools that educate the person." (V.V. Putin)

When writing an essay, first of all, it is necessary to clearly represent the sphere of society to which the chosen topic applies. It is necessary to carefully read the proposed topics, analyze your "luggage of knowledge", to understand what of the topics you have clearer theoretical ideas, for which one you can lead the most qualitative examples that reveal the content of the topic.

In this case, we chose the topic from the section Sociology, Social Psychology. We understand that the problem of modern school, education system immediately rises. Eternal question: the tasks of education learning and upbringing, what is more important? The issue of socialization is also addressed - "Schools that educate". I note that we cannot go here in the concepts of the theme of the spiritual sphere of society, because we write an essay from another section. So try writing.

What social order should the school be performed - to give students only a high level of education? Or carry out an equally important mission - education?

As is known from the course of social studies, education is a way of becoming a personality by receiving human knowledge, the acquisition of skills and skills, the development of creative abilities through a system of social institutions, the most important of which is the school.

When we are talking about school as an institution that gives education, we understand that this is a social institute with a number of elements: these are educational standards and programs, the principles of operation, including a network of educational institutions and management bodies.

To improve the quality of education, the state takes a number of measures: the duration of the training is lengthened, the requirements for the qualification level of teachers increase, the variability of educational programs is used, the individual educational trajectories are built, schools are equipped with modern equipment, new forms of final certification are being implemented.

As a result, we see how graduates of schools demonstrate high points on the exam, giving the opportunity to occupy budget places in the leading universities of the capital. According to the results of international studies presented by the HSE, in which 49 countries took part, Russian primary school students occupy a leading position in the world to read, mathematics and natural science. As well as 8 classes in mathematics. According to the researchers, this result was achieved through the introduction of new educational standards, the system of unified state certification.

But only the educational results are enough for society and man? The author of the quotation clearly indicates to us on the most important component of the educational process: the education of a person.

Based on the functions of education: economic, social and cultural, it becomes clear that it is in the cultural function - the use of a previously accumulated culture in order to upbringing a person, the development of his creative abilities is manifested by this problem.

In addition to lessons, marks, exams, there is also the richest school life: cool hours, school festivals, hiking, joint trips with classmates in Russia and to other countries.

In all this, the student learns to interact with other people, manifests its abilities and talents. Just in this atmosphere and is implemented by the social function of education. Through the socialization of the person, the assimilation of social norms, statuses and roles.

As an example, you can lead from childhood your favorite movie "Chudak of 5 B" brightly demonstrating as a school team, the class forms the personality of Bori. How he learns responsibility when he is prescribed by counselors in grade 1.

Thus, V.V. Putin, in his statement, once again stressed the importance of understanding by the Company and the School of Industry of the two most important processes related to the socialization of the personality - education and education. "


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