Start a coffee shop from scratch with a small business plan. How much does it cost to open a coffee shop from scratch. Strengths of the project

Evgeny Malyar

# Business ideas

Opening a coffee shop from scratch

How to open a coffee shop from scratch: step by step instructions. Ideas for a coffee shop, business plan, calculation of opening costs.

How to open a cafeteria at the lowest cost and get a steady income? There are many similar establishments in every city. But each of them pays off and makes a profit, otherwise they would be closed. Yes, it happens that they go bankrupt, but rarely.

This is roughly how future entrepreneurs think when thinking about their business prospects. How profitable is it to open a coffee shop? Is this business worth doing? How soon will it pay off? What problems arise during the work? Look for answers to all these and other questions in the article. Also, as a bonus, it will contain a typical business plan for opening a coffee shop from scratch.

Mini-coffee shop: business and its components

A coffee shop as a business is very promising, but only if a few rules are followed. If you stick to them, you won't have to complain about the absence or lack of visitors. Here they are:

  1. Choosing a suitable place. Its profitability depends on the location of the establishment. The closeness of the source of the clientele contributes to the successful solution of this issue - it can be permanent or "through". You should probably not tell people who are going to open a coffee shop in Moscow or another metropolis that deserted places are not suitable for this.
  2. Correct positioning. This success factor is directly and closely related to the previous one. It is difficult to find a suitable room, and the average portrait of a visitor depends on its location. If there is an educational institution nearby, the emphasis should be on young people. Popular tourist areas take a different approach. Office centers are the third. Etc.
  3. Real budget. An entrepreneur's initial conditions may vary. Even the most successful location and unmistakable positioning will not help if the businessman does not "pull" the costs.
  4. Effective promotion. Marketing methods are different for each area of \u200b\u200bactivity. The originality of the conceptual idea for opening a coffee shop can ensure financial success.

Free design for signs and posters for opening or holding promotions you can get at GC Gavrilof Brothers.

Experience shows that such an establishment does not bring unheard-of profits. With good organization, you can hope for a steady income with minimal risks.

Let's take a look at the success factors in order.

Where to open a small coffee shop from scratch?

So, the idea is in the most general terms. It was the turn of concretization. To open a coffee shop from scratch, you first need to find a suitable location. Most often, the thought of this business does not come to minds of the richest people, and therefore the story will focus on the least expensive option. A typical suitable property is a small hall with a front entrance, usually a former apartment converted to a non-residential stock. Approximate characteristics of the premises:

  • Area - from a few to 20-30 square meters.
  • Proximity to gathering places of potential clientele of the desired type. If necessary, the idea of \u200b\u200ba portrait of a typical visitor can be revised.
  • Lack of competitive points in the immediate vicinity.

Marketers differ on the latter criterion.

It is possible that there will be so many people who want to drink coffee, and possibly have a snack, that there will be enough for several establishments. This happens in tourism areas, and in this case there is a synergistic effect. Customers know the area is good for coffee and food and are headed here. One cafe is too crowded - they will go to another.

The opposite opinion looks simpler: there is no competition, and “all customers are ours”. It also has a right to exist.

It is highly desirable to be able to install portable tables during the warm season. Municipalities usually charge a fee to use the extra pavement space, but it pays off. In the fresh air, hookahs are available, and smoking, although not approved, is allowed. The number of seats in the season increases dramatically, as does the profit. You can learn more about how to open your own hookah bar.

It is recommended to look for a room on your own to avoid additional costs, although you can contact a real estate agency. After the place is found, the phase of legal registration of the business begins, which will be discussed a little later. In the meantime, about what no coffee shop can do without.

Equipment for a mini coffee shop

To open a coffee shop, first of all, you need professional equipment, thanks to which the aromatic drink will be flawlessly prepared. A good car can cost tens of thousands of rubles. Even the used equipment is expensive, while the new one can “eat up” the entire budget of a young entrepreneur.

Choosing a coffee machine

We have collected models of coffee machines that are suitable for businesses of different sizes.

Siemens EQ.6 s300

Case material: stainless steel + plastic. Built-in coffee grinder. Four recipes for making coffee. Five degrees of grinding. Simultaneous preparation of two portions. Seller - M.Video. Price RUB 46,990

More about the model

DeLonghi ECAM 22.110.B

Case material - plastic. Five recipes for making coffee. Possibility of using 2 types of coffee: ground and whole beans. Simultaneous preparation of two portions. Seller - M.Video. Price RUB 24,990

More about the model

lCD Espresso

Automatic coffee machine with touch control. Capacity for preparing 16 cups of coffee. Case material - plastic. Seller - AliExpress. Price RUB 36,910

More about the model

Saeco HD8928 / 09 PicoBaristo

A compact premium coffee machine that allows you to prepare a wide variety of drinks. Simultaneous preparation of two cups. Ten degrees of grinding. Seller - Eldorado. Price RUB 54,999

More about the model

Philips EP1220 / 00

Equipped with a touchscreen display. Max. pressure 15 bar. Power 1500 W. 12 degrees of grinding, coffee strength control. The ability to cook two portions at a time. Seller - Eldorado. Price RUB 27,999

More about the model

Nespresso C30 Essenza Mini

Small coffee machine for low revolutions. For coffee capsules. There is a hot water regulation. Two recipes for the drink. Seller - Yandex.Market. Price RUB 4055

More about the model

PHILIPS HD8649 / 01

Power - 1400 W. Pressure - 15 bar. The volume of the water tank is 1 liter. Many settings for making coffee. There is a built-in coffee grinder. Seller - Citylink. Price RUB18,510

More about the model

Xiaomi S1103

Small coffee machine for one cup. For coffee capsules only. There is a control of the strength of coffee, adjustment of portions. Plastic case. Seller - Yandex.Market. Price RUB 7498

More about the model

Choosing coffee

Coffee Characteristics price, rub. Link to the product
Black card Grains; 1 kg 980 More details
Gran riserva arabica Capsules (10 pcs.); 52 gr. 407 More details
Espresso Arabica Auchan Ground; 250 gr. 157 More details
Jacobs tassimo Capsules (16 pcs.); 265 gr. 524 More details
Lavazza Caffe Espresso Ground; 250 gr. 550 More details
DELL'ARABICA Capsules (10 pcs.); 52 gr. 384 More details
Live coffee Capsules (10 pcs.); 60 gr. 277 More details

There is also an alternative option. Leading coffee suppliers are ready to lease their equipment at a preferential rate, and sometimes free of charge, in exchange for a contract for the exclusive use of their products. Moreover, they will help with merchandising, that is, they will provide the outlet with advertising means and materials that clearly prove the unique quality of their goods.

Other commercial equipment will also be needed: displays, a small refrigerator for making iced coffee in summer heat and storing food, a counter, chairs and other necessary things.

Coffee shop interior design

Minimizing costs implies extreme savings. The coffee shop should be comfortable, and how to achieve this, each business owner decides for himself. Budget constraints stimulate imagination. It is desirable that the furnishings match the chosen brand.

For example, if the cafe is called "Brazil", then there must certainly be something Latin American inside: sombreros, maracas and guitars on the walls, and it is better to choose the music in the style of samba and rumba. Well, African surroundings require their exoticism. Coffee grows in different interesting regions of the planet. The science of naming allows the use of place names, but it should be remembered that in some cities the use of local place names is paid.

The main principle of the cafeteria interior is the maximum of pleasant surprise for the customers with the minimum of costs. Novice businessmen often carry out repairs and decor with their own hands.


It is considered normal practice for the owners of a small coffee shop to independently serve customers, at least at first. It will not work for a long time to maintain a tight twelve-hour schedule, especially when you consider that you need to purchase products and solve organizational problems. You will need at least two baristas working in shifts. On the Internet, there are tips to hire people without registration, that is, unofficially. This is before the first check and a large fine.

The owner always needs to be ready to replace the hired employee.

Barista qualifications are determined by the ability to prepare different types of drinks. Possession of the latte art technique, which means creating a pattern or pattern on the surface of the coffee, is appreciated. By the way, in some cases this feature of the service can become a unique feature of the establishment, although it is not customary to charge a separate fee for the decoration.

The daily remuneration of an average barista is 800 rubles per shift worked plus a tip. The owners of the coffee houses do not encroach on them, especially since it is difficult to control this expression of customer gratitude.

Find employees


It is important to provide the minimum set of products requested by customers. Sometimes visitors want not only to drink coffee, but also to eat something. There won't be a full-fledged cuisine, of course, but some light snacks come in handy. All sorts of chocolate bars, Raffaello sweets (per item), snacks and other light delicacies go great. Free candy served with coffee is encouraged.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the replenishment of stocks of related products and the main assortment. Each format of the establishment needs its own.

Fresh baked goods are going well - so far no one has complained that they are stale. Where to get it? Two options: buy from suppliers or oven yourself. There are also franchising companies that supply semi-finished products and provide equipment.

Competent coffee shop advertising

It is also good to open your own small coffee shop from scratch because advertising is not expensive and the clientele is "nailed" quickly. Visitors don't go far for a cup of aromatic drink. For casual clients, a bright sign is enough, and a permanent contingent is attracted by other methods:

  • Issuance of cards showing the number of cups drunk. After reaching a certain number (from 5 to 9), this "document" is changed to a free portion.
  • Notification of employees of the nearest offices. To do this, you should print flyers or business cards and distribute them to enterprises.
  • Friendly service and pleasant treatment of "our" people. It is desirable for each visitor to feel a special attitude towards him. It is recommended to know the most active clients by name and be able to unobtrusively maintain a conversation with them. Then they will certainly go to "their" cafe every break.

Such a seemingly minor thing as a menu also deserves attention. This paper is designed in an authentic style, with imagination and taste. The menu should contain all types of the main drink (espresso, Americano, latte, cappuccino) and offer other related products. A hint of something unusual is welcome, especially if it really is.


At first, you need to open very early, at the time when employees go to work. If you manage to teach a certain number of them to have breakfast in the establishment, this will give additional income. Not? It's okay, you can start work later, at ten or even eleven. Unfortunately, it is only possible to determine the peaks of visitor activity by experiment.

4 coffee shop formats that are doomed to success

Before you open your small coffee shop from scratch, you should decide on its format. A creative approach to the name, design and thematic focus is necessary, but in reality all such establishments are conventionally divided into only three categories.

French coffee shop

It can also be called Italian and simply European. For example, the Starbucks coffee chain follows just such a service strategy, while the firm, as you know, is American. But down with all the geographic conventions! The essence of a French coffee shop (let's call it that) is the ability not only to drink coffee, but also to enjoy pleasant communication. The furnishings must be consistent with this goal. Subdued light, soft flowing music, a wide assortment, including a la carte dishes ... And no paper cups!

Sitting in such a coffee shop is more expensive than in other types of establishments. The initial costs are high, and therefore this option cannot be attributed to the low-budget.

American coffee shop

It is somewhat reminiscent of a diner, familiar to all moviegoers from Hollywood films - they are called "dragstores" (pharmacies) in the USA, although they have not been selling medicines for a long time. There is everything that the weary soul of a weary wanderer can wish for. Would you like scrambled eggs? Now! Sausage? Will be with her, and with pleasure in the bargain.

Everything is served quickly. Coffee can be in paper cups. All drinks (mineral water, cola, lemonades, etc.) are also always available. Hot dogs and cheeseburgers are a must.

The opening requires a solid investment - on an American scale. You need good tables, chairs, and a beautiful counter won't hurt. The format does not provide for a special sophistication of the interior.

Express coffee shop

They come here exclusively for a glass of hot coffee. As a last resort, the client is offered fresh buns or pies. Accommodation in a kiosk or a small section of a shopping and entertainment center is allowed. People always crowd around such cafeterias, attracted by the "tasty" price and speed of service.

One of the options for an express approach to organizing a point can be considered a mobile van or trailer. The cost of starting a business is minimal. Operating costs are acceptable. This is a very troublesome business - this is a disadvantage. A good way for a budding entrepreneur to start a business with little capital.

All of the listed formats of establishments provide for the possibility of selling coffee to go. For the French type, this type of service is the least typical, but if the client expresses a desire, he must be satisfied.

Business plan for a coffee shop

It is difficult to determine exactly how much it costs to open your own coffee shop. The amount of initial costs depends on the chosen concept, region, urban area and the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. For this reason, the most affordable business plan for a mini-coffee house will be considered, providing for a minimum budget on the example of an enterprise already operating in the city of Voronezh.

For convenience, the estimate is summarized in the table:

Cost item Amount, thousand rubles Specification and explanations
Equipment required for a coffee shop 88 Showcase with a second-hand refrigeration unit (35 thousand rubles)
Bar counter (10 thousand rubles)
Storage rack (10 thousand rubles)
Slate boards with stands for outdoor advertising - 2 pcs. (8 thousand rubles)
The coffee maker is provided free of charge on the terms of the exclusive purchase of beans from the supplier
Trade displays (5 thousand rubles)
Chest of drawers (5 thousand rubles)
Household refrigerator (20 thousand rubles)
Consumables 57 Coffee beans (15 thousand rubles)
Tea of \u200b\u200bdifferent varieties (3 thousand rubles.)
Disposable tableware (25 thousand)
Syrups (5 thousand)
Technological tableware (4 thousand)
Promotion 12 The sign is made independently from the ordered elements
28 Repairs made by ourselves (materials)
20 DIY decoration (materials)
15 Flyer Printing
Organizational costs 20 Registration of an individual entrepreneur and related expenses.
Total cost of opening a coffee shop 245

In total, to open a coffee shop, you need to spend at least a quarter of a million rubles, while saving on everything. If you add articles such as purchasing a professional coffee machine, hiring a construction team, services

28.04.17 303 880 5

Excluding rent

The Penka coffee shop has been operating in Voronezh for over a year.

Karina Fomina

friends with the owners of the coffee shop

It was opened by my friends Nastya and Egor for personal savings. I'll tell you what it cost them and what they learned.

How to open a coffee shop and not go bankrupt

  1. Find a passageway. This is the main condition for opening a successful coffee shop.
  2. Make repairs and sign.
  3. Purchase coffee equipment.
  4. Promote a coffee shop.
  5. Do not inflate the staff, work with your hands yourself
  6. When forming the menu, be interested in the tastes of customers, take into account the target audience.


The location of the coffee shop is the most important thing. The flow of people, revenue and profit depends on this. The coffee shop should be in a walk-through place: somewhere where people walk, live or go to work. If people still go out of town to the Grad shopping center, no one will turn off for a cup of coffee more than 100 meters from the usual route. Therefore, Nastya and Egor began by looking for a good place.

There are three ways to find a room: contact an agency, search on Avito, or go out into the city and find a room yourself.

First, Nastya and Egor turned to real estate offices, where they were offered premises with a large rent. The agencies also take a commission on the rental price. It's too expensive.

On Avito there are many advertisements from agencies and few from owners, so this method also did not bring results. Nastya and Yegor had no money for the agent.

Some landlords post rental advertisements on the front of the building and look for tenants directly. Knowing this, Nastya tried to find a room herself.

In the center of Voronezh, next to the main building of Voronezh State University, there was a microloan agency in a room of 14 m² - it's like a small children's room. In such a small room, you cannot make a coffee shop with tables for visitors, but you can sell coffee to go. Nastya went to the microloan agency, got into a conversation with the girl at the counter and found out that the tenant was going to move out.

Then Nastya realized that she would not leave this institution without the telephone of the owner of the premises. She tearfully asked the girl to ask the authorities for the landlord's number. It worked the third time. Nastya and Egor agreed to lease directly with the owner. We don't know how much they pay for the rent, but we believe that you always have to bargain.

Repair and signage: 60 thousand rubles

Nastya and Egor decided to make repairs in the room. They bought paint, rollers and pallets and brought in friends to repair. The guys themselves painted the walls, laid linoleum and repaired the electrical wiring. The repair cost 28 thousand rubles.

When finished with the cosmetic work, Nastya herself decorated the ceiling with paper balls. I found the design idea on Pinterest, and spent five thousand rubles on materials.

To attract visitors, Nastya and Yegor decorated the entrance to the coffee shop. In the printing and outdoor advertising workshop, they ordered foam cups and a sign. For the sign in the workshop, they cut out letters from polystyrene, covered them with facade paint to protect them from wear, ordered a polycarbonate backing, covered it with a film and glued the letters. Nastya and Yegor paid 15 thousand for the foam glasses together with the installation, and 12 thousand for the sign.

60,000 RUR was spent on repairs and signage

Tools and consumables

28,000 RUB

Two foam cups for the facade

15,000 RUB

12,000 RUB

Materials for paper balls

5000 RUB

Opening: 150 thousand rubles

Before the opening, Nastya and Egor bought only the essentials and saved a lot. For example, there was no air conditioner, a small table for bags, chalk boards with a menu and other interior details. The main thing was the room and the coffee.

To brew coffee, you need a coffee machine, a coffee grinder and beans. Coffee equipment is the most expensive. One grinder can cost as much as a new foreign car.

Coffee equipment is the most expensive

Nastya and Egor found a supplier who, under a contract for the supply of coffee beans, provides a coffee grinder and a coffee machine free of charge. Similar equipment would cost the owners 150,000 rubles.

Nastya and Egor also saved on staff. For the first two months, they served visitors on their own. The work began immediately after the renovation. It was an endless vicious circle: we woke up, went to a coffee shop, worked for 12 hours, went shopping, came home, fell asleep - and so every day. Later, Nastya and Yegor began to share responsibilities: one went to the coffee shop, the other to shop, then changed. Sometimes the guys managed to relax. After two months of work without days off and breaks, Nastya and Yegor hired the first barista.

Working behind the counter helped Nastya and Egor understand how best to organize the workspace. The guys watched what the guests were paying attention to and where they were looking while waiting for the order. Guided by their observations, Nastya and Yegor changed the location of advertisements and menu boards. As a result, guests could easily find the information they needed, and it became more convenient for the owners of the coffee shop to work.

Nastya and Egor noticed that if you wish the guests a good day or evening, they smile and come again. To strengthen their benevolent image, Nastya and Yegor began to make inscriptions on the cups of coffee: “Have a nice day”, “A big glass of happiness” or “Delicious coffee for a good person”.

Now Nastya and Yegor stand behind the counter once a week. It helps to feel the process for yourself and understand how to develop your business.

We spent 150,000 RUR on the interior and equipment

Refrigerator showcase35,000 RUB
Disposable tableware and packaging material25,000 RUB
Refrigerator20,000 RUB
Coffee15,000 RUB
Counter10,000 RUB
Shelves in the utility room10,000 RUB
Other coffee additives5000 RUB
Chest of drawers for stirrers and straws5000 RUB
Shelves with attributes5000 RUB
Coffee syrups5000 RUB
Banks4000 RUB
Two chalk boards4000 RUB
Two chalk pillars4000 RUB
Tea3000 RUB
Coffee grinder and coffee machine0 R

Refrigerator showcase

35,000 RUB

Disposable tableware and packaging material

25,000 RUB


20,000 RUB

15,000 RUB


10,000 RUB

Shelves in the utility room

10,000 RUB

Other coffee additives

5000 RUB

Chest of drawers for stirrers and straws

5000 RUB

Shelves with attributes

5000 RUB

Coffee syrups

5000 RUB

4000 RUB

Two chalk boards

4000 RUB

Two chalk pillars

4000 RUB

3000 RUB

Coffee grinder and coffee machine

0 R

Promotion: 15 thousand rubles

Few people will go to an unfamiliar coffee shop and become a regular guest. We need advertising. Nastya and Egor began promoting the coffee shop on social networks even before its opening. Previously, both were involved in SMM, so they knew how to attract the right audience.

On the opening day of the coffee shop, Nastya and Yegor organized a lottery with a prize draw. They invited friends as partners. Each guest pulled out a room and received a prize from a flower shop, barbershop, local sports complex, pastry shop or clothing store.

For those who study or work near the coffee shop, Nastya and Egor printed flyers with a discount on coffee. Return on flyers was 30-40%: out of 100 who received flyers, 30-40 people came. People tried coffee and often became regular guests. The guys spent 15 thousand rubles on printing flyers.

Nastya and Egor understood that the growth of a coffee shop requires a constant stream of customers. They calculated the minimum number of visitors per day to work to zero. Without paying for the barista's work and with an average bill of 200 rubles, 25 people a day had to visit the coffee shop. And taking into account the salary of the barista - 55 people. The owners of the coffee shop crossed the minimum line in the first month. And after three months the expenses were recouped.

Menu and tastes of guests

In "Penka" guests are offered coffee, tea, milkshakes, lemonade, salads, sandwiches and a whole showcase of desserts.

Classic coffee - cappuccino and latte - and drinks with the names of their favorite treats are very popular. For example, Nastya and Yegor made the right decision when they introduced Rafaello coffee and Oreo cocktail into the menu.

From food in the morning they take porridge and sandwiches, and in the second - desserts. The brighter the dessert, the faster it is taken apart. But there is an exception: the dessert "Anthill" looks unremarkable, but it is very popular.

Some desserts are better bought in summer than in winter.

Over time, Nastya and Egor noticed that some desserts are better bought in summer than in winter, and removed them from the winter menu. For example, desserts in open plastic cups with natural yogurt are sold in Penka only in summer.

Conclusions of Nastya and Egor

    You don't have to spend a lot of money to open a coffee shop. We spent 225 thousand rubles on equipment, excluding the lease of premises. It is better to open a coffee shop in a walk-through place - somewhere where people walk, live or go to work. Few people will go to an unfamiliar coffee shop and become a regular guest, so advertising is needed - for example, in social networks.

    It is difficult to find a suitable place for business. You can't stop looking. Perhaps the search will take more than a year, you give up, discard all thoughts about your business - and only then will you find the perfect room.

    Work with your hands. There are not many things in our business that we cannot do on our own. We worked hard at the start, thanks to which we saved money and understood all the processes well. Hiring a bunch of assistants at once was unnecessary for us.

    Communicate with customers and ask what they need. The main thing in the formation of the menu is to please the guests, and not to cultivate a delicate taste in them. This also applies to pricing policy. Some establishments sell coffee and desserts at exorbitant prices, but if your guests are students, then this approach is unlikely to lead to results.

Are you planning to open a coffee shop, but do not know how to register your business correctly? This article is for you. We will tell you what documents are required to open a coffee shop and how to get them.

Found a suitable location? Don't rush to make repairs. First, you need to issue a permit from Rospotrebnadzor to open a coffee shop. The document is issued by the chief doctor of the sanitary and epidemiological station. Registration takes up to 10 days.

How to get permission to open a coffee shop

Submit the following documents for the coffee shop to Rospotrebnadzor:

  • State registration certificate
  • Conclusion on the safety of raw materials and finished products
  • Medical examination results of employees
  • Premises lease agreement

Documents required to open a coffee shop: licenses

For a coffee shop to be legal, you will need to register:

  • Retail license (valid for 1 year)
  • License to sell alcohol (if you plan to serve cognac, liqueurs, etc.)
  • Trade patent (issued in the district municipality)
    • Documents for putting the facility into operation

      So, the permission to place the coffee shop on the area you have chosen has been received. The most difficult stage of preparation for the opening remains. You will need to collect an impressive package of documents to put the coffee shop into operation:

      • Premises lease agreement
      • Design opinion for a public catering facility (or a copy thereof)
      • Communication schemes (water supply, sewerage, ventilation)
      • Work equipment arrangement scheme
      • Copies of contracts concluded with the Moscow water utility
      • Passports for ventilation and air conditioning systems
      • Ventilation and sewerage inspection and disinfection certificate
      • Certificate of inspection and disinfection of refrigeration and heating equipment
      • Certificates for building and finishing materials
      • Copies of bacteriological and chemical analyzes of drinking water
      • A copy of the organization's charter
      • A copy of the tax registration document
      • Bank details of the company, certified by signature and seal
      • List of products sold
      • A copy of the contract for the disposal of food and non-food waste
      • Copy of the contract for the supply of products
      • A copy of the agreement on disinfection of the premises
      • A copy of the agreement with the laundry for washing workwear
      • Sanitary passport for the object
      • Sanitary passport vehicle for the delivery of products with a mark on the monthly disinfection of the transport)
      • Decorated consumer corner

      Mobile coffee shop: how to get a trade permit

      For a mobile coffee shop, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code (type of economic activity) - OKVED 52.63 - “Other retail trade outside stores”. Next, you notify Rospotrebnadzor and register with the Tax Inspectorate. Consider also the specifics of the work:

      • The place where you plan to sell coffee. You need to obtain a permit for street trading from the district government.
      • Conclusion from the SES and a sanitary passport for the carthat the barista should always have with him.

      How to speed up the process of opening a coffee shop

      Do you want to avoid the difficulties associated with collecting and processing documents for a coffee shop? Invest in a working establishment.

How to create your own coffee business and at the same time, at the very least, not "mark time", but, at the most, not go bankrupt, says a real owner of his own coffee shop. From his story, you will learn how to come up with a name for your future success, how to develop a menu, how to work with suppliers and many more "secrets" of a profitable and, at the same time, very interesting business.

Opening a coffee shop from scratch. Step-by-step instructions from a real entrepreneur

Hello, my name is Alexander Nikiforov, I am from Tver. Today I own a small, but very cozy one, which is in demand among locals and guests of the city.

Even before starting a business, I had a clear vision of future costs. Initially, I planned to invest in 300 thousand rubles, but it turned out even cheaper - 270-280 thousand.

He played an important role, thanks to which it was possible to implement the plan without additional costs. Of course, small adjustments had to be made, but they were few.

And further: I think the most important, of all the main factors in the development of a coffee shop, is a good location.

Against the background of the existing experience, I can say with confidence that a coffee business from scratch is real and inexpensive.

What do you need to open a coffee shop first?

I love coffee, so I often came to various coffee houses, studied their assortment, menus and features of the process organization. Communication with the barista gave information about the visitors, the specifics of business organization, cooperation with suppliers.

I analyzed the prices of competitors and studied the range. At the initial stage, it was decided to open an inexpensive establishment with prices slightly lower than those of competitors. I paid special attention to the menu and room decoration.

The main selection criterion was pedestrian traffic. I wanted to speed up the payback of the coffee shop and quickly recoup the costs due to higher attendance.

As a result, I chose a place in a small building with access to a pedestrian path. The proximity to large shopping centers and educational institutions guaranteed a decent flow of customers.

At first, I was advised to open a business at a car or railway station, but I gave up this idea. Practice has shown that people passing by are not ready to spend 120-150 rubles for a cup of coffee.

The size of the room of twenty square meters was enough for me to place a bar counter and put several tables with sofas for each.

There was an option to buy coffee shops, but I went the other way and decided to register myself, from scratch. There were no problems with the documents. Registration as an LLC or IE is required here.

The first option is suitable if you are doing business with other people. Since I am the only investor, the preference was given to individual entrepreneurs.

As for taxation, the best option for UTII. Its advantage is convenience, because there is no need to report on other types of taxes, for example, property tax.

Generally speaking, the whole opening process took place in several stages. First, I registered a legal entity, registered with the tax office and applied for application.

The next step was to find a place for rent and sign an agreement with the landlord. Then I resolved the issue with suppliers, thought over the design and made repairs. Most of the time was spent on choosing and buying equipment and making a map.

I must say right away that it is important to carefully approach the choice of the barista, who is the face of the coffee shop. I also hired one waiter, but here a lot depends on your requests and the size of the room.

Take your time with the choice of suppliers for the coffee shop. Remember, this is about long-term partnerships and customer experiences. It is advisable to order milk with a fat content of 3.2% (an important point). Choose the rest in terms of price and quality.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?

What attracted me to this business was the minimum investment requirements. From my friend's experience, I knew how to open a coffee shop in a small town.

At the same time, before drawing up a business plan, I did not clearly represent the level of costs for starting a business in a large settlement. Generally, there is where to roam.

I have already spoken about my initial investments (270-280 thousand rubles). But there are no upper limits here. Buying only one coffee machine can cost a million rubles, so each entrepreneur makes a decision on his own.

By the way, my friend invested in an even smaller amount (100 thousand rubles). He limited himself to a small room and light cosmetic repairs. Within three months, he bought new equipment and made adjustments to the design of the room.

Thus, the total investment has increased to 300-400 thousand rubles. Perhaps, at the initial stage, this approach is the most optimal, because this is how you can understand whether the business will "burn out" or not.

Actually, I also did not show off and went to reduce costs wherever possible - I found a room with an inexpensive fee, rented the most expensive and did not go to the excesses in terms of decoration.

Over time, I corrected the situation and today in my coffee shop there is only new and expensive equipment.

How to open a coffee shop from scratch. Coffee to go business plan.

Sample menu

When organizing a business, pay attention to the menu, make it special and different from what competitors are offering. In other words, you need some kind of "zest" that will make you fall in love with your institution.

Be sure to include latte, espresso, cappuccino, mocha and other coffee drinks that are in the greatest demand among visitors in the menu.

Add rolls and cakes to your assortment to boost your coffee shops. Personally, it helped me to raise the profit of the establishment and attract additional customers.

As for more serious dishes, their number should be limited (no more than 2-3). Alternatively, add to the assortment the possibility of adding syrups, various alcoholic cocktails with the addition of coffee.

When creating the menu, I tried to make it understandable for the user. Do not dazzle with knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200band types of coffee drinks - focus on clarity.

The fewer foreign names on the menu, the better. A person must figure out the available assortment himself, and not call a waiter to himself every five minutes.

For example, my coffee shop is open in the morning, so a few simple breakfast dishes came in handy. If there is a university or a business center nearby, then fast food dishes are suitable as an addition.

An equally important point is the design of the menu. It is important that it fits comfortably in your hands and is easy to read. Make the font a medium size (not small or large).

Also come up with names that will make you want to order the dish. If possible, paint the ingredients of the dish.

Clickable picture. Click and you will find out how it is possible to open an express coffee shop for a franchise without much difficulty and large investments!

It's not hard to come up with a name for a coffee shop!

You can read about the latest news and business trends with a franchise


I have already mentioned above that the interior of the institution plays a key role. The number of clients directly depends on the literacy of his organization. For this reason, you should not skimp on unnecessary entourage.

If you have experience and appropriate talent, do it yourself. If you do not have the required skills, then hire a designer who will do everything taking into account the recommendations and current trends.

There are a million design options. I made the interior in the French style, but you can go the other way - choose the English classics or the Russian way of organizing the interior.

The main thing is that character and individuality should be felt in the finished establishment.

Pay attention to the lighting fixture - it is better to refuse chandeliers on the ceiling. A dim, romantic light is more typical for a coffee shop. The best option is to place small lamps or table lamps at each table and in neutral places.


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Find out the details:

Pay special attention to furniture. When buying chairs and tables, do not pursue cheapness - focus on convenience for customers. Ideally, give up chairs altogether and install small sofas instead.

Musical arrangement. Consider the style you choose when choosing your music. If it's French, then the music should be appropriate. In this case, the sound background should saturate the room, create an unusual atmosphere. Most often, blues, folklore or classical is recommended.

Pay attention to the color palette - it should not be intrusive. Also consider a ventilation and air conditioning system, which is very helpful in hot weather.

Coffee houses have remained a favorite vacation spot for a long time to this day, and an invigorating cup of coffee in the morning is popular all over the world. That is why opening a coffee shop is a profitable business.

According to rough estimates, to make a cup of coffee, you need to use 7-8 g of ground beans (the cost of one serving is about 10 rubles). The average price of a cup of espresso is 60 rubles. That is, the business profitability is 500%.

But, like any business, opening a coffee shop is associated with certain risks and difficulties. If you correctly draw up a business plan for a coffee shop, and do a good job, you can become the owner of a very prestigious and well-known establishment in the city.

4 coffee shop formats that are doomed to success

There are several main formats of coffee houses that have taken root in Russia today. .

French coffee shop

A traditional or French coffee house is designed for a relaxing time and relaxation. This is the most expensive type of business. Such coffee houses require a classic interior, expensive dishes, service with the help of waiters.

Such a coffee house presupposes the presence of a kitchen, therefore, not only coffee is served here, but also hot dishes. Despite the fact that the prices here are much higher than in other types of coffee shops, they bring a steady income.


  • The ability to make the menu varied;
  • A more familiar format for visitors.


  • High competition;
  • The need to invest large funds.

American coffee shop

Mini coffee shops or American coffee shops are different from traditional ones. They lack a kitchen, and, therefore, no hot dishes. , but a wide range of coffees and other beverages are offered.

Mini-coffee shops usually have several small tables that you can sit at. Most often, this type of coffee shop is located in shopping centers. The markup on goods is much higher here than in the previous versions.

A mini-coffee shop also requires a large investment in the initial stage.


  • a wide selection of coffee varieties;
  • possibility of accommodation in shopping centers.


  • high associated costs;
  • lack of hot dishes.

Express coffee shop

Express coffee shops provide only a counter and the necessary equipment. Also, such coffee shops can be located in small kiosks or rented premises in shopping centers. Usually, the assortment of the institution includes a variety of pastries.


  • location within walking distance;
  • low cost of goods


  • difficulties in serving a large number of visitors
  • difficulty in choosing a location for a coffee shop

Mobile coffee shops

For mobile coffee shops This kind of premises does not need to be rented, but a means of transportation is required, from which it will be possible to trade coffee and pastries.


  • the ability to change points of sale;
  • low initial investment.


  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • high transportation costs.

Coffee houses in all regions are popular with different segments of the population. But before making a business plan for a coffee shop, it's best to analyze the market in your area. To do this, it is enough to conduct monitoring on the Internet, or, if possible, attract a marketer, which is associated with additional costs.

Choosing a coffee shop concept is a battle for originality

If you are determined to draw up a business plan for a coffee shop and open your own establishment, then, first of all, you will need to think about a concept that will distinguish your coffee shop from other businesses of this kind. And you will have to make a lot of effort and imagination to lure customers and make their pastime in your establishment pleasant and unforgettable.

Entrepreneurs in many countries around the world have found the most original ideas for their cafes that make their enterprises the most unusual.

So in "BarbieCafé" (Taiwan), those who wish find themselves in the pink world of Barbie. Everything here is the interior, and the uniforms of the waiters, and the dishes (mainly desserts) are pink.

To tell the truth, in some media outlets there were very negative statements about such an establishment, but this does not prevent the owners from successfully functioning and making a profit.

But "Alkatraz" (Japan), on the contrary, attracts visitors with its extreme and prison romance. The tables in the cafe are separated by a lattice, and visitors are offered such exclusive dishes as "Dead Bird", "Human Intestine", etc.

At DinnerintheSky (Belgium), you can dine under the skies, and the coffee itself is a crane construction; at O'Noir Cafe (Canada), blind waiters will serve you in complete darkness.

In "Velokafi" (Switzerland) the tables are designed in such a way that you can dine at them without getting off your bike.

Of course, when developing a business plan for a coffee shop, it is not at all necessary to come up with super-original ideas, but there should be a “zest” of its own. It is she who is designed to attract visitors to your establishment.

You can make a coffee shop in a classic style, with expensive dishes, chandeliers. Or, if you want to primarily attract young people and students, a casual, city or hi-tech design will do. It is quite possible to dwell on the original names of the dishes or the uniform for the waiters.

How to choose the best premises for a coffee shop?

After you decide exactly what type of coffee shop you will open and decide on the idea, you need to choose a room. It is best to rent premises in the city center, in historical places, where there is a lot of traffic.

A big plus if there are entertainment venues, theaters, cinemas, shopping centers, educational institutions near the coffee shop. For a budget coffee shop, train stations and markets are more suitable.

It is possible that a coffee shop located in a residential area will function successfully and bring good income, but only if it is densely populated and residents do not have much choice, and the nearest cafes and coffee shops are located quite far away.

The most suitable option if the area of \u200b\u200byour coffee shop is at least 100 sq. m., and have 40 seats. Average price for renting a space of 100 sq.m. for 2017, about 120,000 rubles per month together with utility bills. The rented space must contain:

  • hall for visitors;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • utility room.

You can pick up a room of 60-70 sq. m., but it is less cost-effective. It is best to rent a room that was originally a catering point, then you will avoid unnecessary red tape with documents and problems with the SES.

Coffee shop business plan


But with paperwork, as with any other business, you need to run around, although it is quite possible to keep within 1-2 weeks. What documents are needed to open a coffee shop? You need to register your activity as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, OKVED code 55.30: "Activities of cafes and restaurants", select a special tax regime, UTII or STS. Then buy a cash register and also register it with the tax authorities.

To open a cafe, the following documents are required:

State registration new venture.

Premises lease agreement (it is better to immediately conclude for 3-6 months in advance).

Conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station.

Conclusion from the fire department.

License for the sale of alcoholic beverages (if you plan to sell alcohol) and food retail license (If you want to).

Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor (sometimes it is necessary to agree on the recipe of dishes).

Technical design for redevelopment of premises (if such an event is planned).

The paperwork will take from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Choosing an interior - 3 rules that will attract visitors

Renovation is one of the most expensive parts of an investment. It can last not a single month and cost at least 500-600 thousand rubles. But, before starting it, you need to think carefully about the interior, it is even better to invite a designer who will offer original ideas and successfully use the space.

You don't have to make a coffee shop that looks like a light construction like Mocha — Mojo / Studio Mancini / Chennai in India or change the look of a coffee shop with lighting like DreamBags-Jaguar Shoes / Studio Carnovsky / London, England. But it's worth remembering three rules that will attract visitors.

The coffee shop should be:

  • cozy

Soft and diffused light, small partitions between tables, soft sofas near the walls will help to give comfort to the room.

  • comfortable

Correctly arranged furniture and hangers will help make the coffee shop comfortable. The bar counter and showcases should be located so that they are immediately visible when entering the establishment.

  • stylish

Stylish trinkets, table lamps or lamps, beautiful tableware will add a special chic to the coffee shop.

It is worth remembering that a coffee shop should be designed in a specific theme: from the menu and furniture to the uniform of the waiters.

Equipment selection

Now let's try to figure out what equipment is required for a coffee shop and how much it will cost.

So, you need:

For the hall:

  • bar counter;
  • tables;
  • chairs;
  • sofas;
  • tVs;
  • musical equipment;
  • lamps, table lamps, decor elements;
  • dishes.

For kitchen:

  • coffee machine (the best option is 2 coffee machines - professional Italian equipment of the LaCimbali, Faema, Rancilio brands);
  • coffee grinder;
  • refrigerator;
  • dishwasher;
  • cupboard;
  • mixers and blenders;
  • plate;
  • oven.

The approximate cost of equipment, furniture, dishes and kitchen utensils will be 730-800 thousand rubles. Among other things, you will need to purchase detergents and cleaning products and equipment for the bathroom.

Recruiting staff for a coffee shop

There are mini-coffee shops where the owner and the hostess are engaged in the service, but, as a rule, to organize a good and profitable coffee shop you need hired personnel :

  • manager (manager) - 1;
  • accountant - 1;
  • security guard - 1;
  • barista - 1;
  • cook - 1;
  • dishwasher - 1-2;
  • cleaning lady - 1;
  • waiters - 2-3.

The salary will require at least 120-150 thousand rubles. In the event that a coffee shop has a regular work schedule, for example, from 10:00 to 22:00 you can organize work in one shift, but still the best option is to work in 2 shifts.

Coffee shop menu selection - 9 main courses

If you have a kitchen, a coffee shop menu can be quite varied. In the first place, of course, there should be coffee and other drinks:

  • coffee and drinks based on it (6-8 varieties);
  • tea (5-6 grades);
  • hot chocolate;
  • juices;
  • cocktails;
  • salads (it is advisable to add several new salads with original names);
  • sandwiches (with cheese, sausage, ham, fish, you can offer hamburgers and cheeseburgers):
  • hot dishes (several options for meat and fish dishes);
  • dessert (several types of ice cream, cakes, cheesecake, specialty desserts).

Baking can be offered both of its own production and imported, depending on the possibilities.

The “Coffee to go” service will be a big plus for your business. Moreover, you can provide the opportunity to take with you not only coffee, but also pastries, salads, sandwiches.

Coffee and other products will require approximately 250-300 thousand rubles.

Coffee shop advertising - we ensure 50% of success

An advertising campaign should be started a month or two before the opening of a cafe, based on financial capabilities. You can start with social networks. Several VK reposts, for example, can significantly stir up the interest of potential customers, in the event that they promise at the opening of any sweepstakes or a menu that competitors do not have.

Public transport or billboards are quite suitable for advertising, but this pleasure is not cheap. You can also get by with sticking up advertisements at bus stops and in other places specially designed for such purposes, but the effectiveness of such advertising will be relatively small.

It is best to use as many sources as possible. In small towns, you can use word of mouth, which is often more productive than the local media.

How much money does it take to open a coffee shop from scratch?

It is definitely impossible to answer the question of exactly how much money is required to open a coffee shop. Much will depend on you and on your choice: in which city you decide to open a coffee shop, which room you rent, which one you want to make repairs, how much to invest in the design of the coffee shop, how expensive equipment you decide to buy, what will be the menu.

Download coffee shop business plan

Such an establishment will pay off, at best, in one and a half to two years. Therefore, before opening a coffee shop, carefully consider all the risks. But, in the event that things go well, you can earn 250-350 thousand per month.

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