Charitable foundation from scratch. How to create a charitable foundation from scratch for an individual. The largest charitable foundations in the Russian Federation

Charity is voluntary assistance to those who need it. To provide assistance, a special room is created where those in need can receive material assistance. The charitable foundation is engaged in the transfer of funds to various structures. These can be hospitals, orphanages and schools. Such funds are strictly regulated by government authorities and also represent their support.

Many are in need of charitable assistance, some structures cannot cope on their own, charitable organizations are always supported by the authorities and society. It is believed that only rich, wealthy people are engaged in charity work, so they attract attention and improve their image. This is not entirely true; ordinary people are also involved in charity work. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are many charitable organizations created by ordinary people who are not alien to the fate of the needy and terminally ill. Usually, such organizations collect funds from other people who are not indifferent to the fate of such people.

Why do they do charity work?

As already mentioned, the impulse that makes people help and not be indifferent to others is altruism. The pleasure of giving is much higher than of receiving. Good deeds do not disappear anywhere, they will always paint a person, confirming his holy nature.

For some, this is a way to calm the soul and an act done in the past. A person's conscience is not so easy to understand, usually in order to clear it, you need to do something good to the extent that it was completely bad, only then the soul will find peace.

In the news, we are often told how famous people donate large sums of money to a charity. It would be wrong to assess this as a conscientious act. For media personalities, this is a good way to increase their popularity, improve their authority among ordinary people, and also show their usefulness.

It doesn't matter what goals these people pursue, but creating an organization to help will always be a kind and important act.

A person engaged in charity takes a lot of pleasure in the fact that his actions make him important to the world, so he feels useful for the world and for people.

What is required to open a charity organization?

First of all, it is necessary to decide what the fund will be like. It is necessary to find a goal to which the foundation will strive, and what kind of assistance it will provide. Each foundation needs its own purpose. Helping everyone in a row will not lead to anything, everyone needs money. If you are not sure about the purpose of your fund, it will simply be torn apart by many other organizations, or the money will go to the wrong place.

The goal of opening an organization to help is not always well-intentioned. Fraudsters often use various legal machinations associated with the foundation, this is due to its simplicity and vulnerability to them. But now this problem is not as significant as it used to be. Charitable foundations are now strictly controlled by the state. Destruction, loss of reputation and imprisonment are only half of everything that can happen to a person who tried to use a charitable foundation for illegal transactions and other illegal activities.
Stages of opening a charitable foundation

The name of your charitable organization that would be appropriate for its activities

  • Registration of the charter;
  • Finding the right people;
  • Creation of a website on the Internet with a full description of the fund's activities;
  • Search for benefactors and volunteers.

After creating a fund, do not waste time and get down to business immediately. This will make it clear to the structures that control charitable foundations that your foundation is valid. This will remove suspicion from you.

Legal basis

The law of the Russian Federation says: any activity related to charity is controlled by the authorities, and also represents its support, distribution and its development.

Documents that officially establish the existence of a charitable foundation:

  • Certificate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The document confirms the foundation as official;
  • Federal Tax Service Certificate. The document confirms the registration of the legal entity representing the fund;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Order to take office. The document confirms the entry into office.

Charitable Foundation Business Planning

Registration costs may vary, so let's take an average as an example:

  • Let's start with registration. The charitable foundation is a non-profit organization and not related to making a profit, therefore the registration structure will be very different from other organizations. The property of the organization is registered, this requires papers that assess the property, and also confirm their presence. Further, papers are prepared that establish the rights of the foundation and its obligations. In total, the registration price will cost you $ 300-400;
  • Opening a bank account for a charitable foundation. It will cost you $ 80;
  • You will also need the services of a notary. Price less than $ 30;
  • You will need legal advice, it will cost from $ 50;
  • After all, all that remains is the payment of various fees, fees, this is somewhere around $ 100 or less.

Registration of documents when opening a fund

There is a list of required documents for the institution:

  • An application signed by an authorized person in the form No. РН0001 is required;
  • The constituent documents of a non-profit organization are drawn up;
  • The decision to create multiple copies;
  • A document establishing the address of the organization;
  • Extract from the register of foreign legal entities.

Registration with the tax office

On the official website, you can register a fund with the tax office. The interface of the site is clear, and there is nothing complicated in registration. On the site you can also find all the necessary documents.

After all the necessary documents have been collected and submitted, in a few days you will be informed of consent or refusal. After that you will be given an official document confirming the state registration of the charitable organization.

Funds turnover

Unfortunately, in our country, charity is treated differently than in European countries. It is impossible to say exactly what this is connected with, but most likely the whole thing is in the mentality and conservatism of people. By and large, global problems do not worry our businessmen so much, and the benefits for them are not the same as for their foreign colleagues.

Despite such a not very funny picture, everything is not as bad as it might seem. In Russia, there are a couple of dozen large funds registered, although not so long ago, but their money spent saved more than one hundred seriously ill people.

The Art, Science and Sport Foundation was registered in 2005 by Alisher Usmanov. He primarily specializes in helping sick children, but also supports various sports organizations and cultural institutions. According to some reports, the fund spends more than 13 billion rubles every year.

There will be a couple of dozen such funds. They are all relatively young and provide assistance to different segments of the population. From treating cancer patients to supporting talented young people.

In contact with

With the development of a culture of charity in Russia, it is possible to solve the issues of helping many people in need of material support and emotional contribution every year. It is a working tool that is implemented through the organization of charitable foundations and non-profit organizations. How do you create a structure like this? What is required for this? And, the main question is, who will be interested in allocating funds for good purposes? We will reveal the answers to these questions in our article.

Why are charitable aid foundations created?

It would seem that the answer is obvious. Such organizations are created with the aim of providing assistance to individuals in need or special departmental organizations. For example, orphanages or homes for the disabled. In addition to the main task of helping those in need, the creation of a charitable organization solves a number of additional issues.

These include creating jobs and reducing the tax burden for legal entities that make material contributions. Therefore, it may be interesting for a potential benefactor that in addition to solving an important and necessary relief mission, you can get an additional advertising, reputation and tax bonus.

The structure of the charitable foundation

Let's look at how a charitable foundation works. Who is involved in the processes and what functionality is being implemented.

Correctly organizing the work and the system of interaction of all participants is an important component of the implementation of the activities of a charitable foundation.

There is an RPM rule that will allow more people to succeed in the chosen direction and help more people.

Unfortunately, fraudulent withdrawal schemes for funds collected under the auspices of help are becoming more common. Therefore, the issue of having a crystal clear reputation is extremely important in the field of charity.

Without qualified personnel, it will be difficult to cope in this area. We need competent legal consultants, marketers, managers and managers.

To learn about your business, you need a well-thought-out marketing campaign that will help to gather donors and patrons of the arts.

What charitable foundations are there?

Before answering the question of how to create a charitable foundation, let's figure out what they are in general. So, there are the following groups and types of BF specializations:

  1. By registration format - commercial and non-commercial.
  2. By organizational decision - private and public.
  3. By designation - operational and non-operational.
  4. The fourth group is religious charitable foundations.

Now we will describe each specialization so that it becomes clear what their differences and main mission are.

Non-profit charitable foundations do not conduct commercial activities. They distribute the collected funds to organizational costs and targeted activities.

Commercial charitable foundations , according to the Charter of the organization, they have the right to conduct business, but the proceeds can also be spent on targeted costs, namely, helping those in need.

In any case, no more than 20% of the total budget of the organization can be spent on the costs of maintaining a legal entity: salaries, office rent, advertising, and so on.

TO private charities include nominal structures. For example, Mikhail Prokhorov's charitable foundation. The famous businessman founded it 14 years ago. This is a unique project with billions of dollars in funds to help and develop the culture and art of our country.

TO public charities include organizations established under the auspices of the main idea. For example, the famous after the widely publicized action in favor of Zhanna Friske, Rusfond. For twenty years of work, they were able to collect more than 12 billion rubles. Their main focus is helping seriously ill children. But there are also exceptions. The example of Zhanna Friske is proof of this.

Operational charitable foundations. This is an urgent or long-term fundraising to help individuals who have suffered from disasters, crimes or accidents. For example, many non-profit organizations carried out an emergency fundraiser after the tragedy in Kemerovo. There, after the fire, 60 people died and about 100 were injured, receiving injuries of varying degrees of complexity.

Non-operational funds - these are, in fact, all other charitable organizations that carry out activities in accordance with the Charter.

Religious foundations these are charitable organizations founded under the patronage of one of the confessions. For example, the charitable foundation of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Thus, it is possible to create a constructor to determine the specifics of the future fund's work and its main focus. For example, it can be a non-profit charitable foundation named after Ivan Petrov, aimed at raising funds to help retirees.

What does a charitable foundation do? What projects can you implement?

The main work of such an organization can be divided into several main areas of activity.

  • This is work with individuals and fundraising through a certain kind of events. It can be a sports marathon, concert or auction;
  • Sale of promotional goods. At the same time, part of the proceeds goes to charity;
  • Working with large private benefactors;
  • Installation of special boxes for fundraising;

You can choose one direction or conduct work, combining several types of activities.

How to open and register a fundraising fund?

In order to start raising funds for those in need, you need to acquire a legal, administrative and economic basis for conducting business. To do this, you need to launch a project for registering a legal entity. Most often, the registration form is used as a public organization, foundation or institution. For paperwork you will need:

  • application in a standard form;
  • confirmation of payment of the state fee in the amount of 4 thousand rubles;
  • constituent documents;
  • the decision to create a charitable organization;
  • information about the founders;
  • a document confirming the legal address of the new legal entity.

It should be noted that, unlike the registration of ordinary LLCs or individual entrepreneurs, information is submitted not to the tax authority, but to the Ministry of Justice. This state body decides on the activities of non-profit organizations.

If you decide to start a commercial charitable foundation, the tax office will decide on registration. You can find information on the official website of the tax authority .

At the time of collecting documents and on the eve of the start of active work, think about who can become the founder of your organization. Perhaps already at this stage you will be able to attract the attention of large private benefactors and legal entities to participate in a noble cause.

One of the immutable rules provided for by industry legislation is the creation of a collegial and executive body in the fund with a clear delineation of responsibilities and functionality.

The board of trustees, as a rule, includes permanent benefactors, founders and other interested people. Often, these are famous people in the chosen specifics to ensure greater transparency and efficiency of the organization's work.

Charitable foundation staff

The registration of the fund took place, now we need time to think about its functioning. In order for the foundation to be able to provide real assistance, only professionals should work in it. Consider the minimum set of staffing positions that need to be involved in the process.

  • Fund Director. Manager. He is responsible for developing the enterprise strategy. Forms the budget and carries out operational control.
  • Project Manager. Searches for potential benefactors, develops concept of events, negotiates their implementation, is responsible for implementation. He also forms an estimate and selects contractors and props.
  • Chief Accountant generates reports, keeps records of collected funds, controls target distribution.
  • Social worker. Collects applications from those in need, checks the real need and need for assistance.
  • Marketer develops an advertising and educational campaign, checks the effectiveness, works with contractors.
  • Lawyer is necessary to draw up and verify documents for the collection and distribution of collected funds. For example, to receive funds from a legal entity, you need to draw up a special agreement with an act of transfer.

You can outsource small accounting, legal sector, copyright, event and site administration. At the initial stage, the staff may include several people, and the rest may be hired on a project basis under a work contract. Over time, of course, it is necessary to form a stable team of specialists. This will help improve the quality of the services provided.

Fundraising for a charitable foundation. Which tools work best

First of all, these are personal contacts. Pick up your phone book and see who might be interested in your project. By starting small, you will build awareness and credibility of the foundation over time.

Marketing tools to promote a charitable foundation

Official site of the company - this is a mandatory element of promoting a company for fundraising. The more people know about your field of activity, the more money you can get into your account. You can create a website yourself using one of the popular website builders or order it from professional programmers.

Social networks and messengers. The vast majority of people spend a lot of time on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram. Create a branded account and fill it with operational information regarding your activities. Thus, you will draw attention to social issues and you can find donors.

Handout. Prepare a compelling message and create a printed product based on it. Place it in educational institutions , or in sports facilities. This way you will make yourself known and draw more attention to the problem.

5 recommendations for attracting philanthropists through the site

  • Use a catchy logo.
  • IN choose the correct color scheme.
  • Create a convenient structure and navigation on the site.
  • Fill your site with useful and understandable content.
  • Use high-quality and truthful photo and video messages .

How much money does it take to organize a charitable foundation

In fact, you can get by with minimal amounts. In fact, it's even easier than opening ... We will give calculations in the table and indicate on which positions you can save.

Name Cost excluding savings, rub Economy option, rub

Patronage on the part of successful and wealthy people is a very common business. Good deeds are easier to do together, so charity has taken an organized form in the form of foundations. They attract financial aid funds and distribute them to people in need, without deriving benefits for themselves. So how do you open a charitable foundation?

Charitable foundations are created to help people of different categories in need. These can be children with cancer or homeless people left to fend for themselves.

The first legal requirement for this kind of activity, which arises from its definition, is gratuitousness. This is not a business that is profitable. It will not work to make money on someone else's misfortune, the charitable foundation should be disposed of according to its intended purpose, otherwise criminal punishment threatens.

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Main types of funds

Charitable foundations are divided into categories:

  1. Commercial funds. Their second name is "commercial organizations". Their structure provides for membership, and their legal status will allow for third-party commercial activities.
  2. Non-profit foundations. The most common form of organizing this type of activity. The property of people and organizations is combined. The received fund is managed by the board of trustees. He also controls expense transactions.

Non-profit foundations also have a division. Public organizations are supported by state and public structures (their share exceeds one third of the total fund) and have a large number of members. And private funds belong to entrepreneurs and the share of state participation in it is small (less than a third).

Private foundations can carry out various charitable activities.Operational organizations implement specific programs aimed at the appropriate result.

For example, they help in the rehabilitation of operated cancer patients or take measures to reduce unemployment.

Non-operational funds are engaged only in fundraising, which are then used to resolve the necessary issues. They represent a source of funding for charitable organizations and institutions.

Conditions for conducting charitable activities in Russia

Charity is regulated by federal law (1995). It spells out the basic requirements for such organizations:

  • it is necessary to follow those actions that are aimed at achieving the goals prescribed in this Federal Law;
  • can work legally only within the framework of achieving their goals;
  • have the right to attract resources and carry out non-sales operations;
  • can create business companies, which can only include members of the foundation;
  • have the right to spend funds to support various parties, movements and companies (implementation of third-party goals);
  • can open branches, including in other states;
  • foundations can grow larger, uniting in associations and unions on a contractual basis, while maintaining their separate legal status;
  • to pay administrative staff cannot leave more than 20% of the total calendar expenses for the year (does not apply to fund employees who are involved in the implementation of a charitable program);
  • on the balance sheet may own buildings, equipment, securities, money, information and intellectual resources (regardless of the type).

If you study the legislative framework in detail, it becomes clear that this type of activity is transparently defined and regulated.

How to open a charitable foundation and make it successful?

Before proceeding with the steps to open your own fund, think about the following points: field of activity, probable name, charter of the fund, search for volunteers and patrons, advertising campaign and website creation. You should not rush to the official start until you have found at least two sources for gratuitous funding.

Premises for a charitable organization

By law, a charitable foundation can be located in its own premises or in a rented one.

The situation is more complicated with the operational fund, which are subject to increased requirements regarding this item. For example, for various rehabilitation programs, additional space should be available (for classes for children with disabilities within the framework of targeted activities).

This issue can be resolved "by the whole world" by asking for help from the administration of the settlement or municipal institutions. Often they are ready to provide their area for good deeds for certain hours.

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Fund staff

Depending on the focus of the fund, different specialists may be needed:

  • volunteers who are not part of the official staff, but help on a selfless basis;
  • lawyers;
  • specialists accepting incoming applications;
  • “Suppliers” responsible for purchasing the required resources;
  • specialists attracting sponsors.

The charitable foundation does not need a bloated staff, there are enough 5 people who are determined to work effectively. It makes sense to expand the organizational structure when the scale of activities is enlarged.

Finding funding sources

How to open a charitable foundation and make it successful? The hardest part of charity is attracting investors. Possible funding sources include:

  • funds of the founders of the fund themselves;
  • donations from third parties (money, things, etc.);
  • membership fee;
  • participation in charitable grants (targeted programs);
  • volunteer activities;
  • income from securities;
  • profit from economic organizations established by the foundation;
  • income from legitimate business activities;
  • funds from charitable events (lotteries, concerts, promotions, auctions, etc.).

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Individuals and firms remain the main source of funding for good deeds. The “crowdfunding” method is gaining popularity - collecting “from the world on a string”. In this case, a description with a video is created for a specific charitable project. And immediately the required amount is negotiated.

It is important for investors that the funds donated by them go strictly for the promised business. Tyou can also give them a certificate and assign a nomination as a sign of appreciation.

How to open a charitable foundation: the procedure for processing documents

It is more difficult to register a charitable foundation than to become. After all, this type of activity belongs to non-profit organizations that specialize in the provision of social services.

Therefore, before submitting a package of documents, you should understand the OKVED codes that are suitable for you.

The founder of the foundation can be a natural or legal person. In either case, you will have to collect the following official papers:

  • registration application form (PH0001) - 2 copies (one must be certified by a lawyer);
  • the decision on the creation of the fund included in the minutes - 3 copies;
  • information about the founders) - 2 copies;
  • (4 thousand rubles);
  • future fund (indicating the actual location, if they differ);
  • documents confirming ownership (for the premises of the organization).

Registration of a charitable foundation: step by step instructions

After submitting the documents, you will have to wait for an official decision. If the authorities are in favor, a corresponding certificate will be issued within 15 working days. Together with him, you will be given a charter, legally certified.

After receiving the documents, the bureaucratic "work" does not end. It is necessary to register with various authorities (tax inspection, statistics service, compulsory insurance fund and others). To save time, and sometimes nerves, contact the professionals who provide such services.

Charitable foundation business plan in numbers

Opening a charitable foundation is costly. There will be financial investments that need to be calculated in advance. The following items of expenditure should be envisaged:

  • legal advice and preparation of all necessary papers (15-20 thousand rubles);
  • registration of the fund (state duty 4 thousand rubles);
  • Self-registration of a charitable foundation - step-by-step instructions and tips for organizing are contained in the following video:

How to open a charitable foundation: 4 requirements for starting + 6-step instructions for opening + analysis of financial investments and problematic points.

How to open a charitable foundation? People ask this question, perhaps not so rarely.

For most, however, it remains a dream, not a plan for organizing an "enterprise."

Wanting to help those in need is no doubt a great idea.

But for the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba charitable foundation, it is not enough to have one motivation for good deeds.

From the article you will find out what qualities and capabilities the founder of a charitable foundation should have + get practical advice on making your dreams come true.

What is a charitable foundation?

A charitable foundation is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to raise charitable funds for a specific project.

A clear focus of the fund's activities is a must.

The desire to help everyone is noble, but not welcomed, since this desire, unfortunately, is unrealizable.

The target audience of the people to whom the institution's work is directed should consist of one social group, for example: helping children living in shelters or developing basketball among the youth of your city.

In the process of expansion, it is possible to increase the spheres of influence.

But initially it is worth choosing a single goal and providing quality assistance.

The law says: a charitable foundation has the right to conduct business, which must be duly registered with the federal tax office.

Accounting for funds received from benefactors should be done separately.

If the foundation is only engaged in fundraising, money for salaries of employees, rental of premises and marketing can be obtained from donations.

Part of the material support used for the needs of the organization cannot exceed the mark of 20% of the total "cash".

How to open your charitable foundation: starting requirements

To organize your own charitable foundation, in addition to your desire and attitude, you need to comply with specific conditions:
  1. Business experience or work in similar organizations.
  2. Awareness of the latest legislative changes.
  3. Sociability, the ability to interest others in your idea.
  4. Understanding the basic marketing processes.

Separately, it is worth discussing such a requirement as the presence of patrons.

If someone thinks that finding sponsors is the last thing, they will make a gross mistake.

Finding initial support is very important because the start-up investment is quite large.

6 steps to implementation, how to create a charitable foundation

Adhering to the purpose of the article, let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to create a charitable foundation.

STEP 1: Start-up Marketing

"Your ultimate success will be determined by how much you are able to carry your dream through all the trials."
Orison Marden

"But what about the packages of documents for registration of the organization, the recruitment of employees and other standard steps to organize an enterprise?"

If you think that this point does not deserve the first stage, then read a few more lines and make sure otherwise.

The basis of the charitable foundation's activities is financial investments.

Marketing plays a defining role in this business.

It is necessary to organize your own online resource, engage in the dissemination of information among interested parties, and get notes in the local press and media space.

If your idea is worthy of public attention and attracts the attention of people (especially patrons), you will definitely find yourself "on horseback".

STEP 2: Required Documentation

It would be advisable to divide the charitable foundation into two possible forms:

  • A charitable foundation based only on financial contributions from partners.
  • Charitable foundation directly related to business.

Each option assumes its own package of documents, as well as design features.

A package of documentation for registration of a charitable foundation based only on fundraising (collection of donations):

How to open a medical center?

Perhaps this list is complete.

With these documents in hand, you can apply to the Ministry of Justice for registration.

The initial package of documentation for registration of a charitable foundation, whose activities are considered as entrepreneurship, differs in volume.

To formalize entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to prescribe in the Charter the distribution of funds between all sectors. That is, indicate how much money is allocated for charity, business, payment of quarterly expenses.

A foundation that is engaged in entrepreneurship is required to register as a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service. The structure of the organization is becoming more complex.

STEP 3: Planning activities

After registration, you need to plan its activities for the near future (from 6 months).

What is this stage for?

The use of non-profit organizations for money laundering is a common practice in Russia.

Based on this, be prepared to feel increased interest from the Federal Tax Service and other auditing structures.

Pros of planning activities for charity:

  • Show the public and regulatory authorities that the activity is for charity.
  • A profitable marketing ploy to motivate philanthropists to help.

    It is obvious that no one will invest their money in a project if they do not know the path along which they will go to those in need.

    Business planning allows you to navigate financial transactions at every stage of development.

    The development of the institution should go along one line, which foresees in advance all the ways possible in the future events.

  • Faster and better structured assistance to those in need.

Only after a careful development of an activity plan, it is recommended to start work.

STEP 4: Rent a room

At this stage, it becomes necessary to implement an activity plan.

You should start by choosing a room.

Office standards for the foundation:

Office parameterRequired value
Area25 - 30 sq.m.
LocationNot far from the city center, as the charitable foundation is a public organization. The location should grab the attention of potential patrons.
Living conditionsWater, heating, electricity - all this is simply necessary for the normal work of employees.
DesignThe interior is best done in pastel colors. No need for non-standard lines or intimidating details. You work with people, first of all, because you need to focus on the comfort of customers.

The cost of renting an office will be about 30,000 - 35,000 rubles, which is a rather large amount for the founder.

You can try to resolve the issue with the rent with the help of local authorities, indicating to them the importance of your activity.

STEP 5: Recruitment

The key to the successful work of the charitable foundation is its employees.

Recruitment is a very responsible process that requires proper analysis.

    The first factor to consider when recruiting is competence of applicants.

    It is advisable to contact people with experience in your field of activity.

    The second factor is the degree of dedication.

    Everyone understands perfectly well that employees of charitable foundations are not chasing big money.

    They have a completely different motivation - helping those in need.

    The third factor is orientation of the organization.

    When choosing employees, it is necessary to start from the activity.

    For example, completely different specialists are required to protect animals and socially disadvantaged citizens.

The standard set of employees, as well as their responsibilities are presented in the table:

MarketerDevelopment of a promotion plan: promotions, dissemination of information among interested parties.
SecretaryData processing.
Social workerWorking with other foundations, structured aid organization.
AccountantWork with finances, payroll for employees, distribution of funds between projects + control of expenses.
ConsultantA person providing industry analysis services. Finds problem areas, and trains staff in the specifics of work.

Are you surprised by the lack of payroll accounting?

The fact is that the financial support of employees can range from 0 rubles to infinity, since remuneration is optional in such organizations.

Employees can also work on the basis of volunteer activities, which involves the provision of free services.

The most difficult task when choosing personnel is to find truly motivated people who know their job and are ready to work for a symbolic amount.

6 STEP: Organization of assistance to those in need

The most difficult of all the above stages.

It is easier to organize a charitable foundation and find sponsors than properly allocate funds for the process of helping those in need.

For proper investment, you need to define a path to support "users".

To simplify the perception of the processes described below, consider a practical example.

The Nadezhda Charitable Foundation supports shelters for dogs in a specific area (let it be within one city). The structure is properly organized, the investments of the patrons amounted to 1,000,000 rubles. The management spent 20% of this amount on providing employees, renting an office and marketing services. The plan for a month is to invest 400,000 rubles in the construction of a new shelter for discarded pets.

So, there is an amount in the amount of 400,000 rubles. But how to use it, and who to turn to for help?

At this stage, the manager can contact the local authorities to discuss this problem. Also, you can publish a tender for the best ideas in the local press or media space. After the final selection of the best of the proposed projects, it remains to find a contractor to form a construction plan and draw up project documentation.

This is how Nadezhda invested its savings in a real business, observing all the marketing rules:

  • coordination with the authorities;
  • publicity of actions;
  • implementation of the project in its direction.

The purpose of the example is to explain how you can use the contributions of patrons to implement charitable activities.

3 possible problems opening a charity foundation

Opening a non-profit organization in Russia is quite simple.

It's much harder to stay afloat and fulfill your responsibilities .

Permanent risks include:

    Financial difficulties.

    The charitable foundation is based on voluntary contributions, which leads to a precarious financial situation.

    Problems with local authorities.

    Investments from the fund must be supervised by the authorities as they lead to infrastructural changes.

    But the opinion of the responsible authorities does not always coincide with the decision of the fund's management.

    Lack of staff.

    It is very difficult to motivate an employee to work for a symbolic salary, which leads to constant disagreements in the team.

Despite all the difficulties, it is possible to open a charitable foundation.

One has only to make the appropriate effort.

For a nonprofit organization like a charitable foundation, also watch the following video:

The price of the question: how much money does it take to open your charitable foundation?

Calculation of the cost of registration and the initial stage of the charitable foundation's activity is quite problematic, because it does not have standardized indicators.

Still, the approximate amount was determined - 160,000 rubles.

Detailed description of the pay sheet:

Helping people is a good thing.

But you need to remember that support must be presented in the right form, otherwise it simply will not be of any value.

Create your own charitable foundation - means to devote oneself to helping others, to forget about the goal of enrichment.

Are you ready to put such a burden on your shoulders?

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