Retail merchandising techniques. Effective rules for retail merchandising Merchandising golden rules for retail


Many experts have their own secrets of successful merchandising. They depend on the field of activity, the nature of the products offered, the level of its demand.

Hidden merchandising

Of course, every manufacturer that monitors the constant increase in sales, like a retail outlet, in their activities is faced with such a concept as merchandising... With its help, and most importantly, correct application, you can easily achieve the set tasks in the field of increasing sales, turnover, attracting potential buyers, creating a positive brand image, etc.

Many specialists have their own secrets lucky merchandising... They depend on the field of activity, the nature of the products offered, the level of its demand. Naturally, the end consumer thinks little about the fact that his behavior in the trading floor is controlled by applying in practice hiddenbut valid merchandising... This is the whole essence of the actions performed in order to push the client to make a purchase with an invisible hand, even if it is impulsive, and the buyer, while viewing the product range, does not need a specific position.

What does hidden merchandising mean?

To hidden merchandising had the desired effect, employees of the outlet need to understand some basics, or the so-called merchandising sercretes:

  • The buyer is a lazy person, this is how he behaves in a store and a supermarket, and in most cases on a subconscious level. In this regard, the main manipulations hidden merchandising should be directed to the subconscious.
  • Most people are right-handed, so their movements in any situation start with the right foot. Paying attention to this fact, it is necessary that the entrance and the flow of customers in the trading floor are on the right, and the movement is counterclockwise.
  • Considering the peculiarities of nationality, it is worth noting the fact that the reading of Europeans is carried out from left to right. Due to this trend, while at the point of sale, all customers read the ads and information presented in this way. Therefore, they also consider the goods, starting from the left side.
  • Exactly at hidden merchandising it is customary to use the rule of the golden shelf. This is due to human laziness to bend over or raise your head, and consider the products presented below or above. It is statistically proven that the turnover on the shelf, which is at eye level, significantly exceeds the sale of other goods.
  • Hidden trade merchandising assumes a competent construction of the face. To achieve significant sales for products, you can simultaneously post several faces of the same position.
  • Creation of space for the client to make a decision. In some supermarkets, shopping pavilions are located in the aisles, which interferes with the concentration of visitors' attention. To solve this problem, you need to fence them off and create a small entrance.
  • Using advertising opportunities. As part of the application of advertising, manufacturers create significant budgets that involve the creation of various advertising media. Among them, shelf talkers, signs, stickers and other elements that allow you to attract attention and focus on a certain position are popular.

Using secrets of merchandising many retail and wholesale establishments manage to achieve pre-set goals, and in most cases the result is positive. You can learn more about each technique on the website , where a lot of interesting and useful information is presented. Moreover, the resource provides examples of drawing up planograms, which constitute a significant part of the successful conduct of business.

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  • In retail, a huge amount of money is spent to increase sales - on new trade equipment, reconstruction of facades and halls of shops, advertising in various media, stimulating sales through discounts, gifts and sweepstakes, for additional bonuses to employees. And all this for the sake of 2-5% gain. Wouldn't it be better to start with the basics of merchandising and get a lot better results?

    By correctly placing product categories in the store and taking into account customer behavior, you can increase sales by an average of 10%. Correct layout will raise income by another 15%, and accent techniques (color, location) - by another 25%. In general, all other things being equal, the sales of a store where the principles of merchandising have been worked out and followed can be 200-300% higher than in a similar outlet where the goods are arranged randomly.

    Consider the key principles of merchandising:

    “Focal Point”: While the offer is visible from a distance, the main product should be centered and offset to the right.

    "Eye movement". The movement of the eyes of the buyer on the shelf is like reading a page with an epigraph. So apparently we were taught from school. First look in the upper right corner, then wave-like movement from left to right and from top to bottom.

    "Reverse clock". Most of the buyers move counterclockwise along the trading floor, bypassing it along the outer perimeter. This means that the main goods must be located in the movement area and the internal racks must be arranged in such a way that they have a good view in the direction of the buyer. Keep in mind that the goods located too close to the entrance (even if to the right) remain unnoticed. Let your customer "come to his senses" after he entered the trading floor.

    "Golden Triangle" or "3/90". Almost 90% of shoppers walk through one third of the store floor and are about to leave. Therefore, it is necessary to place the main goods in the field of sight from the entrance, to provide them with a good presentation and a free approach. The entrance itself, the main product (for example, meat, milk or bread in a grocery store) and the cash register form a "golden triangle" on the square of which you can lay out the goods necessary for a quick sale (expensive, perishable, new, accompanying). The rule of the "golden triangle": the larger the area between the entrance, the checkout and the best-selling product, the higher the sales volume. Accordingly, the most “desired” product, for which a person is ready to travel through the entire store, is optimally placed in the back of the store, this will force the buyer to cross the hall and get acquainted with the entire range. Do not forget about well-thought-out navigation for customers - rotating around one point or going through the same path twice in search of a product depressing the buyer.

    "Principle of compatibility". One of the most dangerous mistakes when laying out is placing in the immediate vicinity goods that are not compatible in terms of image and consumption. In a Moscow supermarket, the products of the market leader in sweet soda were placed next to toilet paper. As it later turned out, only three bottles of the drink were sold in two weeks, although it was hot outside.

    "Arm zone". It is known that products for children are not recommended to be placed too high, out of the child's field of vision. He must see them and want them. It is even better if the child touches the toy.

    But this thesis works not only with children. Touch is the oldest and one of the earliest forms of claiming property rights. It strengthens the desire to possess a thing. Excessive inconvenience leads to a decrease in sales. If a customer doesn't understand how to get a product out of a complex design, they probably won't even try to do it.

    "The upper classes cannot, the lower classes do not want to." If we take the sales indicator (turnover) for the middle shelves as 100%, then the sales on the upper shelves are 62%, and the volume of sales from the lower shelves is 48%. According to research by the French chain Carrefour, when goods are rearranged from floor level to eye level, sales increase by 78%. And from the level of the hands to the level of the eyes - by 63%. In general, the bottom shelves are considered the worst place. However, shoppers are instinctively accustomed to: the heavier the goods and the larger their packaging, the better they are sold from the lower shelves, and, at the same time, this arrangement of goods in the sales area simplifies the problem of their storage.

    Top shelves are generally considered to be good for high-margin, low-turnover items. Usually, these are high quality goods with a beautiful appearance. First of all, of course, these rules work in self-service stores. However, on an emotional and psychological level, they are also relevant in retail outlets where there is a counter and a seller. Due to them, you can create a certain image in the department.

    "Vinaigrette effect". Too many brands or types of packaging often result in a loss of visual focus on a product. Therefore, it is important to repeat the packaging of the same brand, and even on a long shelf, no more than 2-3 leading brands should be placed. In this regard, the "artificial gap" technique is relevant - a rule derived from practical observations. When restoring any layout, you should still remove several units of products, as buyers try not to destroy the integrity of the layout.

    "The principle of the locomotive." Following this rule, a new or less popular brand is introduced in the vicinity of the leading brand. Using the popularity of leading brands and the fact that they take up a lot of space and attract the attention of the buyer, it is possible to significantly increase sales of outsiders who will attract them at a low price. This is called the rule of preferential influence, when the rule assumes that if in a multi-brand store, next to the goods of a recognizable brand, there are products of a little-known company that are not inferior in quality and price, then the aura of success applies to both groups.

    Color correction - using the "accent color" technique, sales growth can be increased up to 90%. For example, with the help of color accentuation (accent colors - red, orange, yellow; attention-holding - green, blue, white), the increase is 20-30%.

    Sound accompaniment. Sound effects are widely used. But one cannot be limited only to oral announcements. Sound effects can create the appropriate atmosphere in different parts of the store (for example, dynamic music in the sports department) or a certain mood (for example, forcing the customer to move faster or, conversely, to relax).

    Aromatherapy. To stimulate the customer's mood and provoke purchases, various smells are often used inside the store. The Monell Science Center in Philadelphia has launched pilot projects to study the effect of certain odors on customers. For example, the well-known, in this case floral-fruity, smell made casual visitors to a jewelry store stay there longer. And very low levels of some odors could alter an individual's thought pattern and mood (for example, relaxed and confidential). In the UK, some home sellers use the bakery / cafe scent to entice customers to buy items that have nothing to do with food: clothing, lighting fixtures, etc. To be fair, in supermarkets, the smell from the fish department should recede before the scent spreading freshly baked rolls from the bread department. All this already has to do with creating a unique atmosphere in the trading floor.

    Rational presentation. A person tends to move out of a darker zone into a more lighted one, so a dim light that is appropriate in an antique shop cannot be used in a supermarket. In emotional purchases (when the customer is faced with rational choices), playing with light can be annoying.

    Irritation of consumers in general often arises precisely as a result of excessive, or rather, inadequate efforts of merchandisers and promoters. A classic example: a promotion of broths and soups under a new brand is taking place in a supermarket. For it, one of the main aisles of the trading floor was chosen from the point of view of the movement of buyers. The presentation is carried out by long-legged beauties-models in short skirts and tight tops.

    The manufacturer is satisfied - it turned out presentable! In addition, the best time and the best place of the trading floor have been chosen. The owners of the store are satisfied - everything is very bright and attractive. Here are just visitors ... The main buyers of broths and soups in supermarkets are women housewives aged 35-45 years. They just can't stand bright and overly naked frivolous eighteen or twenty-year-old girls! As a result, our customers try in every possible way to bypass the presentation site, without catching the eye of the girls-promoters. Based on the approaches, individual merchandising methods are being developed.

    Merchandising method - a set of tools, techniques and operations of a practical and theoretical nature, associated with the implementation of merchandising activities. The most effective methods of merchandising include the developed "impulse selling method" and "ABC method", as well as the well-known "interconnected buying and cross-trading method" and "visual merchandising method".

    The "impulse selling method" is based on a harmonious combination of the potential of the return zone and the impulsive behavior of the visitors-buyers of a commercial enterprise when making purchases. The implementation of the impulse buying method assumes the distribution of the sales area to the trading zones in accordance with the state of the cognitive resources of the visitors, determining the compatibility of the merchandising elements: "goods - shopping zones - customer behavior". The main goal of introducing this merchandising method is to increase sales of impulsively acquired goods in the return zone by using the potential of the merchandising approach in the formation of assortment, departments and management of visitor flows.

    The "ABC Method" uses the potential of "seller goods" and "hot zones", which is based on the distribution of the roles and place of each commodity group in the trade and technological process of the store, taking into account their characteristics and degree of importance for consumers. The essence of the method lies in the fact that all goods are divided into three groups depending on the attitude of consumers towards them, marketing characteristics, place in the formation of profits and the organization of the trade and technological process of the enterprise: goods of group A, goods of group B, goods of group C. They are placed so that “merchandise”, combined with visitor behavior and other factors, will increase the sales of products that need support and are important to the operation of the business.

    Group A products consist mainly of "essentials", distinguished by the frequency of purchase, minimal customer involvement and the presence of a preference card by brand, place and time of sale before the onset of demand, as well as low prices.

    Group B goods are distinguished by a high degree of involvement in the purchase and the presence of a pronounced card of brands, they are bought very rarely.

    Group C goods include consumer goods that the consumer does not know or think about buying. The buyer does not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthem or an expressed need, the seller must make efforts to increase their sales.

    "The method of related purchases and cross-trading" involves the promotion to the market of complementary products, ancillary or related goods and services. The essence of the method lies in placing the main and complementary goods in the trading floor in such a way that they are located opposite or next to each other, and buyers can easily move from one commodity group to another associated with it.

    This approach is justified by the need to use the active state of the buyer formed during the main purchase and the sale of secondary, related and interrelated goods. To determine the relationship of purchases, you can use the matrix method of calculating the frequency of joint purchases of certain pairs of goods.

    "Visual merchandising method" is a method of intensifying sales at points of sale, based on the perception of design, color, background of goods and equipment, theatrical images, architecture and other visual effects present at points of sale, in combination with a system of displaying goods. Combinations of visual merchandising elements contribute to the fact that individual points of the store floor space are different in stimulating sales. Consequently, products and their brands can gain a competitive advantage depending on what visual elements accompany them.

    A supplier can achieve impressive results only with the integrated use of merchandising methods and coordination of the company's efforts.

    Conclusion: To increase profits by increasing the percentage of sales of goods in the store, you need to know and apply in practice the methods and techniques of merchandising. They are designed to help the retailer sell their products as quickly as possible.

    But also with the help merchandising, which helps to position products in a store in such a way that their location matches the behavior of buyers. And there is scientific confirmation of this, there are facts, but against the facts, as they say, nowhere ...

    The popularity of shopping, the so-called shopping, is second only to people's desire to watch TV in popularity. We love to switch television channels, choosing more interesting programs, we also go shopping, choosing to eat something so delicious or something so beautiful to try on and buy.

    Scientists have found that during a shopping trip, only 30% of our purchases correspond to those planned for this shopping visit, 6% of the goods we buy because we ever planned to buy these goods, 4% of purchases are an alternative to the planned ones, but all 60 We make% of purchases impulsively! You see, we make more than half of all purchases without hesitation right at the storefront with the goods! Just think how we can, if we give up at least half of impulse purchases! But now is not about that ...

    And what makes us make so many ill-considered purchases? Maybe it's beautiful packaging, smells, original display of goods? Yes, and all that too. But the most important thing that makes us buy is the ability of merchandisers to play on our habits and stereotypes.

    Scientists have conducted studies of consumer behavior in stores, the results of which have been the assertion that merchandising in retail can increase sales by an average of 10%. This film confirms this:

    How do you like it? Just like that, with minimal labor costs and + 10% !?

    So what is it, merchandising? Merchandising (sometimes there is "merchandising") - this is an integral part of marketing, namely, activities aimed at the maximum intensive promotion of goods in retail (including wholesale, online trade). In other words, merchandising can be compared to the scientific method that allows you to increase sales through knowledge of the psychology of buyers. The same scientists have proved that we buy 80% of goods not because they are better than others, but because at that moment of purchase they made the most favorable impression on us. That is, merchandising, as if influencing our consciousness, creates a favorable environment for buying.

    And it would seem that we ourselves, without straining, find the right product in the store, buy it and receive it. And at the same time, no one pressed or prompted us, but unobtrusively and gently guided us, and all we had to do was reach out and put the goods in the basket.

    In order for the buyer to have a similar impression, the store must adhere to the following merchandising concepts:

    • pay attention to the location of the outlet;
    • conduct visual merchandising (pay attention to the layout of the sales area, signboard, showcases, trade equipment, product presentation strategy, product display);
    • carry out merchandising (keep records of sales and deliveries of goods, calculate in advance the inventory for assortment groups, place goods according to price categories).

    If you use the correct layout of the product, you can increase its sales by 15%, and if you focus on accents (colors, location), then by all 25%. However, experts assure that, under equal conditions, sales in a store in compliance with the rules of merchandising can be as much as 200-300% higher than in a similar store! So how can you do this?

    Let's start with the fun part.

    The main and additional racks are located in the sales area according to the flow of customers. purpose additional point - once again draw the attention of the buyer to some product, therefore it must be located separately from the main one, duplicating the best selling products. Additional points are placed, as a rule, along the outer perimeters of the trading floor and near cash registers.

    The display of goods should be done in such a way as to facilitate the search for the desired product as much as possible: on the shelves, you need to create a grouping by brands, packages, product groups.

    The display should also enhance the popularity of weaker brands at the expense of stronger ones, therefore, it is recommended to start and end rows on the shelf with strong types and brands of products. Thus, weaker brands will be confined to "castle walls" with better-selling products, which will attract additional attention from buyers.

    If you are selling, remember that products that have a short shelf life should be available to customers first.

    Pay special attention to price tags - they should be clearly visible, readable and located immediately below the product, since people are always more actively buying products for which the price is clearly indicated.

    The point of sale must be clean, showcases must not contain traces of dust, and the goods must not contain traces of dirt.

    Retail merchandising features:

    • Focal (main) product should be located at the focal point of the store, namely in the central part on the right. In large retail outlets, the space is divided according to the “store-in-store” type so that customers do not succumb to fatigue from large areas.
    • The location of the product should match the eye movement of the buyers... First, the buyer looks to the upper right corner, then his gaze resembles reading a page from left to right, top to bottom.
    • The flow of buyers through the trading floor moves counterclockwise along the outer borders... To increase sales, basic goods are placed in the traffic zone. The racks are also placed so that the outlet has a good all-round view.
    • 90% of shoppers only go to a third of the store. So that the buyer does not rush to leave the store, the main goods should be placed in the visibility zone near the entrance with free passage to them. Therefore, the best-selling product should be placed in the back of the store in order to make the buyer want to go around the entire retail space.
    • Products that are incompatible in terms of image and consumption cannot be placed side by side. In one of the supermarkets, such a mistake was made - sparkling water was laid out next to toilet paper. And what are the results, what do you think? In two weeks, only three bottles of the drink were sold, although the weather was hot during this period. Like this.
    • All goods must be in the arm's length area.Products for children are not highly rated - they should be available for the child to play. As you know, the more a person touches a thing, the more he wants to possess it. Therefore, any product should be easy to reach.
    • Do not confuse products for top and bottom shelves... If a product is lifted from the bottom shelf to eye level, sales will rise by more than half. Therefore, the worst selling product is from the lower shelves. However, large and heavy items are well placed on the lower shelves, which simplifies the problem of storing goods in the store. The uppermost shelves are usually used for goods with a high trade margin and low turnover.
    • After laying out the product, remove a few pieces. Psychologically, the buyer is not ready to destroy the integrity of the layout and may not buy the product if everything is laid out perfectly.
    • Locomotive principle... A young, unknown product of similar quality can attract a buyer with its price if it is located next to a leading brand
    • Accentuating attention with color. Color accenting can give a 20-30% increase in sales of a point of sale. With accent colors (red, orange, yellow) and with attention-grabbing colors (green, blue, white), you can save a lot on sales promotion.
    • Music in the store. Melodies in the store can make customers move more actively, or, conversely, they can relax.
    • Smells. Smells inside the store can provoke emotional purchases and change the mood of shoppers.

    Catching up merchandising in retail, do not forget that the main task of a merchandiser is to make the consumer want to choose and buy the promoted product. And you shouldn't neglect it. Merchandising - this is a chance to influence the buyer to make a larger purchase, to buy several units of the product, thereby increasing the image of the product in the eyes of the consumer.

    All retail owners know the word “merchandising”. At least I have never met a single entrepreneur who does not know such a concept.

    Yes, they know the concept, but this is where the knowledge ends. The question remains, why does everyone know, but leave this tool aside?

    And this, for a second, is one of the most important elements of a business, so you need to not only know, but also use.

    The topic of merchandising and layout is very voluminous, it is impossible to fit it into one article. A complete guide will be published in 100-200 rather boring pages with diagrams, numbers and human psychology.

    Just because of the huge amount of information that needs to be studied with a sad face, many start and do not finish the job, or do not take it at all with the words:

    And so it will do!

    Great merchandising guides pay a lot of attention to detail.

    But if you are just embarking on this path, then first you need to study the basic rules of merchandising and display, and only then move on to the tricks.

    Therefore, today we will discuss what basic principles must be followed for sales growth, and all this without boring and standard definitions from Wikipedia.

    By the way, it is interesting that many people make a mistake when writing and pronouncing this word. It is correct to write through the letter "a", and it looks like this "merchandising".

    Invisible and useful

    The right merchandising, like any marketing action, builds customer loyalty and encourages them to buy.

    And it's a pity that merchandising opportunities are often underestimated, although statistics inexorably prove the opposite:

    • 80% of the consumer's choice is determined by the environment (price, design, brand, service, ease of purchase);
    • 20% of the consumer's choice is determined by the basic properties of the product.

    But I like another statistic better, which says that over 60% of purchasing decisions are made on the spot. That is, you have the opportunity to convince 2 out of 3 people to buy from you on the spot.

    And you can do it both with the help of staff and with the help of merchandising. However, there is an unspoken rule: good merchandising is invisible merchandising. This means that it is not intrusive, so that the buyer does not get the impression of the so-called “vparivanie” product.

    Believe me, the client will buy from you himself, it is only important to follow certain rules, the essence of which is to influence all five channels of information perception:

    1. Visual channel (visual information);
    2. Auditory canal (sound information);
    3. Tactile channel (tactile information);
    4. Taste channel (taste information);
    5. Olfactory channel (olfactory information).

    Moreover, these channels are located by priority. And first of all, you need to do everything so that the human eyes get maximum pleasure from your calculation.

    Then you start working with your hearing, followed by a tactile source of information. Well, further down the list.

    WE ARE ALREADY MORE THAN 29,000 people.

    Small digression

    Here I really want to single out a separate group of owners and their sellers, which builds merchandising based solely on their understanding and vision.

    And they seem to be trying, they are doing everything right and everyone is “comfortable”. But for some reason there is no effect. Customers are better off not buying, and sometimes even sales fall ...

    As a result, due to such attempts, a stable opinion is formed "merchandising - powdering the head".

    In such situations, we usually identify two errors that spoil the whole image of the correct display of the product:

    1. It is done so that it is convenient for sellers, not clients;
    2. If it is beautiful, then everything is correct.

    Merchandising is not “I see it that way”, it is a set of standard techniques and tools that you just need to apply correctly in your case.

    But, there are also difficulties. In a clothing and food store, the same scheme won't work. Therefore, theory is theory, and no one canceled the understanding of their target audience and its behavior. So, back to the point.

    Selling merchandising rules

    First of all, you need to start by drawing up a “customer movement map”. This is the study, analysis and design of the client's movement in the outlet.

    And please do not miss this moment, even if you have small shops.

    In addition to the movement, it is advisable for you to write down the average time the client spends at checkpoints (check points). It will also help you understand strategic points.

    But let's imagine that you have already passed this stage and your map is ready. Therefore, we turn to "visual marketing", that is, to the correct layout and arrangement of goods, advertising materials and window dressing to achieve maximum results.

    Rule 1. Location

    The most popular rule in merchandising is the Golden Triangle. In fact, this is not always a figure with three corners, so the name is only a typical solution.

    The point is that we place the most popular product in the far corner from the entrance. And the checkout counter is in the far corner from the popular product.

    Rule - Golden Triangle

    The simplest and most understandable example of implementation is a large hypermarket. The bread is always located in the extreme corner. To get to it, you will walk through the entire store. And in order to pay for it, you will also go through the entire store along a different road, because the cash register is located in the other extreme corner from the bread.

    The most important thing you have to take away from this rule is the most popular product at the end.

    But be careful, it may so happen that the client comes to visit you, does not see the required (popular) product and leaves.

    Here are some more notes. When a customer enters a store, there are dead zones on the right and left. The person is in adaptation mode and takes a couple of steps in a light “trance”.

    This means that there is no need to bet on lateral placement after entry, the result will be small.

    And after “switching on the purchase mode” it is high time to place in the store products that are not popular, but profitable for you.

    After all, the client is already in a state of buying, to go far, and thoughts in his head are like “All 100% of the money in your pocket, so you can buy something“ unnecessary ”.

    Rule 2. Eye level

    When a person enters the trading floor, his gaze is most often directed forward. It is a sin not to use this factor.

    If you want to draw the customer's attention to a particular product, place it at eye level. And it is more correct not even at eye level, but 15 degrees lower, since we are psychologically accustomed to looking slightly down when moving.

    The rule is eye level

    However, you can use it for other purposes, for example, to draw the attention of customers to an old item that needs to be sold soon or to pay attention to a new arrival.

    In grocery stores, those companies that pay the most to supermarkets are at eye level.

    As you may have guessed, the deadliest zones are below (less than 70 centimeters from the floor) and above (more than 2 meters from the floor).

    Moreover, the bottom placement is more dangerous than the top one, since in order to examine the goods from above, the client only needs to raise his head. And in order to examine the product by the floor, he needs to sit practically on the floor, which already leads to unnecessary (and lazy) actions.

    Important! Be sure to record the average height of your ideal client so that you can understand at what height their eye level is. After all, what is convenient for a grandmother is inconvenient for a basketball player. And vice versa.

    Rule 3. Product selection

    If everything is done wrong, then when viewing your products, the client will quickly study everything and move on, perhaps even to another store. And the reason for that - nothing "hooked".

    Therefore, you need to learn how to do special actions to “grab the client's eyes” during his run, here are your options:

    1. A lot of goods.You can make a slide of goods and thereby increase the visually massiveness.

    This will trigger the thought “a lot is popular”. But do not forget to remove a couple of items from the edges to eliminate the fear of disturbing the composition and show that the item is in demand.

    Lots of goods

    2. Light.A very popular technique in jewelry stores, where with the help of illumination, especially valuable items and the counters themselves are distinguished.
    You need to do the same, bring individual spots (wall-ceiling lamps) to the specimens you need.


    3. Goods on a separate display.Separate exhibition space and decoration would be a good way to highlight. Popular trick with high-end products.

    For example, Apple appliances always stand apart from everyone else. But the method can be used not only in these areas, the main thing is to include imagination.

    Separate exhibition space

    4. Color."Color spots" have always been a popular technique. You need to group products of the same color palette in one place

    So it will be easier for customers to choose (for example, if a guy is looking for a blue jacket), and the eye will move in stages.

    Color spots

    5. Markers. My favorite trick. You need to place markers “Bestseller”, “New”, “Latest copy” and so on on the selected products. This will help to catch the eye of the client and hint to him what to take.

    Label markers

    Rule 4. Separation

    Grouping is a very important factor. A person who is looking for shoes is unlikely to look for them in underwear.

    Therefore, the product must be in the group where it belongs. For example, accessories should be separate from home clothes.

    If you do not have such a variety of assortment, use the division within the product group itself. For example, differentiate the more expensive bags from the more affordable ones. Or separate the leather bags from the cloth bags. You can also make a division by brand or by type.

    Separation of goods

    But do not forget that the groups should be friends with each other, for example, there should be light bulbs near the lamps or there should be hats, gloves and scarves near the jackets.

    Thus, you, as the client, without leaving the place, buys everything he needs.

    The same goes for friendship between brands. With popular brands, we need to place products of less popular companies, but at the same time very profitable for you.

    Then customers will begin to study a well-known product, and next to them, willy-nilly, they will notice other offers.

    Rule 5. Movement

    It's no secret that most people are right-handed. Therefore, upon entering any room, most people immediately turn their heads to the right and begin an unconscious movement counterclockwise.

    This applies not only to cases related to retail space. We even have right-hand traffic in Russia.

    Rule - movement

    Think of supermarkets, for example. This behavioral factor is used by almost everyone, with a few exceptions - the entrance to the right, the exit to the left.

    And in order to get out, in the end, you need to go through the entire store, grabbing a couple of things along the way that caught the eye, again thanks to the use of other merchandising techniques.

    You need to learn from the example above. Namely, you need to create a counterclockwise movement in your store.

    At the same time, ensure that the client goes through the entire store. That is, you should not have short, detours to the exit. We focus on the principle “Do you want to leave? Go through the whole store. ”

    Rule 6. POS materials

    Point of sales or, in Russian, point of sale are merchandising tools to attract the attention of customers to a particular product.

    In our article, we gave a lot of examples of their implementation. In short, they can and should be used even in the office.


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