Own quail farm: earnings and losses of the poultry business. Quail farm business plan Quail egg business plan

At the moment, small business is actively gaining its popularity, before a person opens a business, he must think about whether it will be profitable and in demand in a given country or region. A very interesting and promising business idea, this is a quail farm.

Quails are unpretentious birds that do not need special care. Plus, you can sell not only the eggs they carry, but also the meat. In order for such a farm not to be a burden, and to bring a stable income and good profit, it is necessary to draw up a business plan correctly.

In order for the farm to get a good start and not be defective, the following requirements and nuances must be taken into account:

  1. The farm must contain from 500 and more quails for a successful start. The reproduction of these birds will lead to the fact that in a year you will have more than 5 thousand individuals.
  2. It is necessary to take care of updates in the herd. The fertility of quails is very different, it depends on their age, so you need to buy new birds in a timely manner, at least in small quantities.
  3. Equipment. Before purchasing quails, do not forget about the equipment, in this case these are cages. Cages are best purchased from a metal material. One block of cages contains about 250-300 individuals. The cages should have drinkers and feeders, as well as sides for eggs. Keep in mind that the floors in the farm should be inclined, this will help the eggs slide into the sides themselves and will be easy to collect. Homemade products have always been famous and in demand, so the farm will always be in demand.
  4. It must be remembered that the farm must have a hatcher and an incubator.

This is the main thing that will be needed to open a farm and its functioning, the cost of cells is very expensive, about $ 100 alone, so you can make cells with your own hands that will look no worse, and if you entrust this business to a master, you can get good, professional cells.

Quail food

The problem of feeding these birds is very acute; this is probably the biggest difficulty in starting a business. The feeds offered by domestic producers do not contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and enzymes that are needed for normal and healthy life and functioning. In order for the birds to be healthy, it is necessary to add chalk, shellfish, and fishmeal to the feed. It is very important to follow the dose here, since an overdose can lead to the death of birds, it is best to feed them not very often than to overfeed them with vitamins.

Also, do not forget that even a mini farm cannot do without examining the birds, so a veterinarian is an irreplaceable person who must be on the farm. Sales of products can most often be seen in supermarkets and large stores, so you need to try to conclude a deal with stores to sell products. In the Moscow region, you can very easily negotiate sales by concluding the necessary agreements and contracts.

Business cost

A very important, and probably the most important and main question that interests many when opening a farm, is the cost of the business. Quail farm is a very profitable business, but what is the cost?

Breeding quail at home

The cost price with equipment, and birds in the amount of about 500-700 pieces, will cost you $ 8,000-$ 10,000. With a good and successful start, this money will pay off in about three months, or in five months, it all depends entirely on you.

Famous farms and their founders

In order to gain the necessary experience and learn as much as possible about the business to be dealt with, we try to learn as much as possible. Alexander Kovalenko is a famous person, in his circles, he wrote a book about breeding and raising birds, and other features that people encounter on a quail farm.

You can download Kovalenko's book absolutely free on the Internet. The book tells about quails, about the peculiarities of breeding and keeping at home. The book presents important technologies and secrets of success, therefore, it will be very important to read this book, thereby you will gain invaluable experience and discover a lot of new things. The book contains a lot of really important and useful information, you can learn about growing, proper feeding, and much more that will be needed. The book Home can be downloaded in a matter of minutes, but after reading it will get an experience of a lifetime.

Large private farm

One of the largest private farms is the Baklykovs' farm. This is the largest and most prosperous private farm. The farm is equipped with the latest equipment, has a lot of birds, and is actively developing. The firm has significant contracts with supermarkets and other companies that guarantee the sale of products. The income of this farm is silent, but this success speaks for itself.

In this case, the quail farm is not only a source of income, but also what people believe in and what they put their hearts into. There was even a short film reportage about this farm, thereby increasing its popularity. The video that is on the network indicates that there is something to admire and something to be surprised at. This page also has decent videos.

In addition to generating income, production also requires significant contributions. The owners invest not only material values, but also the soul, equipment and cells are constantly updated. Initially, the company had great difficulties in the sale of eggs, and in terms of maintenance, however, the difficulties are temporary, and now this production is the largest supplier of quail eggs, and the staff is constantly striving to increase.

Why exactly the quail business?

Many people who want to start a business are interested in why quails. Quails are unpretentious birds, and this is very important, since they will not require care for themselves. The business pays off very quickly, and its technology is quite simple.

The demand for eggs is much higher than that of firms, so there is no need to worry about marketing. You can open your own outlet and independently engage in the sale, this is a great option, and the profit can be several times higher, you will need to obtain a sale permit and everything is ready.

Self-marketing of products is very profitable, at first you can open one point, and then more and more, if the farm is actively developing. It is very important to attract attention, Farms in Ukraine are very common lately, this business is just beginning to develop, so it is very easy to become a leading producer in your region.

Where exactly the company will be located is not so important, the most important thing is to support everything that is necessary for a comfortable life of quails. Everything is in your hands, and the success of production depends entirely on you.

"Bird yard" today and tomorrow

Alexey Jalilovich Bekirov was born in Kyrgyzstan. Then he moved with his family to the Crimea, from where he went to the army. Having returned home after demobilization and having found devastation and unemployment around, he left for Moscow to visit army friends. And as he himself admits, wherever he worked, he even had to trade in jeans ... Alexei does not yet have a special agricultural education, at one time he studied to be a manager. “But apparently, somewhere in my genes it is written to work on the land,” says the farmer.

I started my business by taking a loan from a bank and bought out an abandoned dilapidated farm in the Vladimir region, - Bekirov recalls, - only 4.5 hectares of land and buildings on it - a pigsty, a cowshed, a feed workshop, a warehouse ... Since my farm is located on the territory of the Petushinsky district, I decided to name it "Bird yard". In addition to the land that I now own, the local administration gave me about 70 hectares for rent so that I could harvest hay.

First of all, I bought horses, and for this I went to Tatarstan, to a “wild” village, to an ecologically clean area, where the animals were definitely healthy. Almost immediately he started cows so that there was something to feed the workers (they always have fresh milk and cottage cheese). From there, from Tatarstan, he brought a hundred rams. For the first year they successfully "cut" the grass on the farm. But as practice has shown, it is not profitable to keep sheep in our area - it is good for them where there is grazing all year round. So they refused from small ruminants, but quails appeared on the farm instead.

This bird does not need large areas. The cowshed was converted into a sparrowhawk. They cleaned the room, put the cages and let the bird go. The climate in our area is suitable for quails - not very hot and not too cold, no need to spend a lot of energy on heating. The birds have a body temperature of 42 °, and the optimal temperature in the room is 20-25 °, so the quails partly heat themselves. Now on my farm a breeding herd of quails totals 35 thousand heads. The premises where they are kept is designed for 200 thousand heads, but there is no point in increasing the livestock yet - there is no corresponding sales market. Today, in a short time, I can “accelerate” to the production of 150 thousand eggs per day, but there are no reliable distribution channels for such a quantity of products.

I keep quails of Estonian and Japanese (egg). In the parent flock, I select the best bird. There is even a "herd book", more precisely, a journal, where all information about quails is entered from incubator to slaughter. It seems to me that without this it is simply impossible to conduct business effectively.

At the beginning, old samsung refrigerators were converted into incubators, and now the farm has industrial incubators designed for 3 thousand chicken eggs, in which about 15 thousand quail can be incubated simultaneously. We can produce up to 100 thousand quails per month. They hatch after 17 days of incubation. Then we transplant them into brooders (I call them nurseries). Chicks stay there until three weeks of age, the temperature in brooders is gradually reduced from 38 ° to 20 °. At the age of 3 weeks, we sort the quails by sex. We feed the males for meat (or they go to repair the herd), and the females are allowed to produce eggs. We transplant them into the common room. Now the farm produces about 8 thousand eggs per day. This amount differs with difficulty in the markets.

We feed an adult bird twice a day: in the morning - at 7 o'clock, and at the same time we turn on the light in the room; the second time - in the evening, at 8 o'clock, 2 hours after that we turn off the light. This system is optimal for achieving high egg production in layers. Daylight hours for a bird lasts 9-10 hours. Feed - balanced compound feed for quails. It is prepared for us at a feed mill by special order. Moreover, for males who are raised for meat, and for layers, compound feed is prepared according to different recipes.

For the first three days, the quails eat a mixture of boiled quail eggs and cottage cheese (we prepare it from milk from our cows). Getting such food, quails grow well, do not get sick. I believe that from the first days the bird should be fed as best as possible, because this is the guarantee of its entire future life and productivity. Then the quails switch to starting compound feed, and only then, when they are transferred to the common room, we accustom the young to compound feed for an adult bird.

Perhaps, it should be said that quails are not the only representatives of birds in our Poultry Yard. I often go to agricultural exhibitions and see that in the spring there is a demand for young poultry. So I decided to bring out the goslings (fortunately I have incubators) and sell them. For this, I bought 5 thousand goose eggs. But unfortunately, not everything worked out as planned. The market has shown that few people want to breed or just feed geese. And the conclusion (albeit for the first time) was successful - the goslings hatched from 70% of the eggs laid in the incubator. Bought from me a total of 500 heads and I stayed with the rest of the thousands of goslings.

Now I have 2.5 thousand Linda geese. In the summer they were in the pasture, there is a reservoir nearby, the geese fed well on the grass and on aquatic vegetation. They also use substandard bread for feed, which we buy at the bakery for 3 rubles. per kilogram is even cheaper than buying grain. Of course, the diet of large animals (cows and horses) and geese includes oats, barley, and corn.

We have a crusher where this grain is crushed. We feed the animals with cabbage, onions and other "vitamins" that I get from vegetable bases.

On the farm, in addition to quail eggs, quail and goose meat, we also receive valuable fertilizer - dung, and we also manufacture equipment for keeping quails - a mini-farm. But the main focus, of course, is meat and eggs. Quail eggs are harvested by workers several times a day and then packed in boxes. We slaughter poultry in a specially equipped and registered slaughterhouse.

You can hardly find quail and geese meat in the markets now. It is only sold in supermarkets. And the prices for it are sky-high. In addition, the meat is often not of very good quality: after all, frozen quails are brought to us from Italy, across borders, and customs. And not only does the price of such meat increase significantly, but also its quality drops dramatically - frozen meat dries up. I slaughter my birds at the age of 2 months, weighing 120-140 g. Such meat is young, juicy, tender and at the same time it takes no more than an hour to transport it - I can sell fresh meat! The price for my quails is 350 rubles. per kilogram, half the price of imported quail in supermarkets. But as I have already said, it is very difficult to break through to the market now.

Our farm employs 12 people. Probably, it is not worth talking about how difficult it is today to find skillful, hardworking workers. Recently, I had to hire migrants from the former Soviet republics, however, there are enough problems with them too.

Despite all the difficulties, I do not intend to give up further development of the economy. The nearest plans include agricultural tourism, or, as it is also called, ecotourism. We have all the prerequisites for this: a good road, clean surroundings, a huge lake nearby (for those who like fishing), I want to build light houses for visitors. To attract tourists, I am going to breed as many bird species as possible - from the smallest (quail) to the largest (ostrich).

I also plan to expand production, in particular to organize a rabbit farm.

Quail breeding as a business: where to start?

To do this, we buy a net and a breeding herd, and there is already a room for keeping the eared ones, it remains only to repair and equip it. In addition, we keep chickens and turkeys on the farm. Turkeys, by the way, are more suitable for breeding for meat than geese. They do not make noise, they do not need a reservoir. Goose meat is still specific, it is in demand mainly for the New Year holidays, and turkey is good for every day. I think in the future to seriously deal with this bird.

But in general, contrary to the opinion of many, there are prospects. Farming as a business is becoming more and more popular. It is only necessary to provide farmers with free access to markets and large trade networks. But farmers themselves must work tirelessly, do everything to be noticed, so that they have something to go to the authorities and to the buyers. I look at some of my friends farmers and I feel sorry for them: people do not see prospects, they are tired of struggling with difficulties. There is no program, no goal, they live and work in the old fashioned way and do not want to change anything.

This position is not to my liking. As long as there is strength, energy, I will strive to develop production, look for new ways to expand and strengthen it.

Recorded by A. VETROVA Vladimir region.

P.S. Bekirov's farm not only produces agricultural products, but also manufactures equipment. When the question arose about equipping the sparrowhawk, it was possible to solve it in two ways: purchase domestic equipment or buy foreign one. Domestic quail for the industrial maintenance cost about 150 thousand rubles, and foreign (for 100 thousand heads) and even more - 300 thousand euros. And Alexey Dzhalilovich decided to make cages on his own. I bought a mesh with the required cell, made cells with my own hand. They cost the farmer 5 times less than purchased ones. Then he acquired Italian equipment for automatic watering of poultry. The experience gained allowed us to organize the manufacture of equipment for keeping quails (from a small livestock to industrial).

For example, a mini-farm for a city apartment. Having installed one on the balcony, you can keep several birds in it and get 4-5 fresh quail eggs daily. Quails are not eaten a lot - 35-40 g of feed per hen is enough. The droppings are collected in a plastic bucket with a lid, this eliminates the unpleasant odor from the owners.

The farm produces mini-farms in another version - for summer residents. The cage is designed for 50 heads. Such a mini-farm will produce eggs, carcasses, and valuable fertilizer - dung. I repeat: the bird does not eat so much food, it is resistant to diseases, it does not need walking, it requires little space. Such a mini-farm can be installed under a canopy, the main thing is that there are no drafts and the roof protects from rain and sun. This option is also suitable for small businesses. Fresh quail eggs and meat will surely please visitors of cafes and restaurants.

Surprise from Texas broilers and MANCHUER quails

Our names are Artyom and Tatiana. From the first letters of our names, we named the garden in which we live and create.

We are a married couple, and we met at a seminar of the International Scientific School of Universology. Our shared interests have made us close friends. Over time, gaining knowledge, there was a need to transfer it. And we organized a group of healthy lifestyles, in which we were happy to work as trainers. Where joint work goes well, feelings arise ...

Once we shared our dreams with each other, and they turned out to be the same - to grow an apple orchard!
Having started to live together, we acquired an abandoned estate.

Quail breeding - is it a profitable business?

There was a sense of perspective, and joy filled our lives. We started working on creating a family nursery. It was a difficult but enjoyable job.

Tatiana introduced me to the vast world of plants, which she knew and loved. I built hotbeds, a greenhouse, carried out electrical work, since I had the experience of a carpenter and an electrician. In general, work has begun to boil ...

Our channel is about personal subsidiary farming. Gardening (small nursery of ornamental and fruit plants), goat breeding, medicinal plants. Keeping, growing and feeding rations of chickens and adult chickens.

Our website:
Classmates: profile / 544374172216 /


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Quail business: detailed instructions on how to quickly and easily start making money on your quail farm + 5 steps to success.

In recent years, the range of our stores has become noticeably wider.

Moreover, the impetus for the development of the domestic market was given, oddly enough, by a slight decrease in purchasing power and the withdrawal of Western manufacturers from the market.

It would seem strange that with the departure of importers the assortment has become wider. However, this is so - import substitution "on the march". What was previously imported from afar and sold at exorbitant prices can now be found at reasonable prices and much fresher.

The best example in this context is quail business.

We will talk about it, placing emphasis on specific ways of earning, and not only on the benefits / harms of the eggs or meat themselves. Consider theoretical information + 5 practical steps that will allow each reader to organize their farm in the shortest possible time.

An introduction to the quail business

Before you draw up your business plan for a quail farm, you should figure out what it is and what it is eaten with. In our case, literally, because this sphere is agricultural. It refers to, but it is impossible to assess the exact coverage of this market.

The fact is that there are very few specialized quail corporations or even large farms. They usually launch this area to diversify sources of income (as an additional source of income).

According to Rosstat

Likewise, many villagers make "farms" in their barn without any business plan, marketing, etc. Interestingly, even some townspeople are engaged in quail breeding, using ordinary apartments for this. And all this, of course, is not always official.

The same Rosstat indicates that the Russian egg market is divided as follows: 90% - chicken and 10% - "the rest", without specifying what it was about. Even organizations that professionally develop business plans when evaluating the quail business cannot make an accurate analysis.

Quail farm: business plan of big players as food for thought

Because it is difficult to assess the market, the informational "background" is important.

So, in 2016, several large farms were launched in different parts of the country. Also, Russian quail eggs and meat, despite the sanctions, were admitted to the EU market.

Along with this, small farmers are increasingly receiving grants from the state for breeding quails, if they substantiate their competitive advantages in business plans.

But not by grants alone: \u200b\u200bnot so long ago, according to the Russian press, the largest quail farm in the Sverdlovsk region was sold. Experts have estimated the deal at 40-45 million rubles with a net proceeds of approx. 25,000,000 rubles per year.

That is, the purchase will pay off in a couple of years.

Here are the approximate characteristics of a large quail farm business plan, so that it is clear what to strive for:

Indicator nameValue
Area1540 sq.m
Premises and equipment 4 buildings for keeping livestock (breeding and industrial separately), incubator, freezers, etc.
Production indicators Deliveries to the Russian market of 7,000,000 eggs and 100,000 quail carcasses per year (contracts have been signed with large retail chains)
Revenue25,000,000 rubles per year
Margin (ratio of product price to cost price) Up to 50%

Why exactly the quail business?

Note, in order not to burn out during a period of economic instability, when the situation changes almost daily, you cannot put "all your eggs in one basket."

Quail farm shows us exactly this - such an enterprise is practically waste-free, and therefore profitable.

Depending on the scale of the quail farm, a business plan can assume a payback period from 2 months to a couple of years. Small farms can give 500% of profitability per year, although in absolute terms this does not look so impressive, but we will dwell on this in more detail later.

Quail eggs are considered incredibly healthy. Especially in comparison with chicken:

Quail meat belongs to the category of "budget delicacy". That is, it seems like a delicacy, but not yet very expensive and affordable for the general public.

Quail farm business plan: analysis and preliminary assessment

The first step is traditionally analytical: you need to determine how large a farm will suit you.

If we have a large quail farm, our business plan will be more complex and detailed, but if we have a small one, then, accordingly, the plan will be completely different.

Step 1. Determine your niche

Before starting a farm, you should also choose a basic area for yourself - the production of eggs or meat.

Of course, you will have both eggs and meat in any case, but it is still important to determine what target niche you want to occupy. The fact is that quails are divided into different subspecies. There are meat breeds (broilers), and there are egg-bearing breeds.

The first ones quickly grow in mass, but they do not rush well. The latter run well, but look rather small in comparison with their "meat" counterparts. Having purchased chickens of meat breeds, you should not expect a large income from eggs. Consider this in your farm business plan.

Large farms practice a combined approach, but if you only have a couple of hundred birds, then you shouldn't split production even more - in this case it will be difficult to find a buyer.

Step 2. Quail farm: the business plan is written, we start preparing

Having decided on what we will stake in our quail business, we begin direct preparation for the arrival of your new tenants.

Note that we will not dwell on business registration. If you intend to produce eggs on a small scale "for yourself", then you do not need to register anything. But the larger the scale, the more requirements from the regulatory services.

The cage is the basis of the quail business

The bird is kept in small cages, which are supported by vertical blocks or batteries.

You can buy such a cage (usually they are made on the basis of 250-300 individuals, high-quality batteries cost 10-15,000 rubles each), or you can make it yourself if the scale of your quail business is rather modest.

In our example of a business plan for a quail farm, we will take into account the factory options, but we will also tell you about homemade products.

Your own version will be cheaper, but not so pleasant to look at. Here are the step-by-step instructions for creating a cage:

  1. Collect the necessary components: find several cardboard boxes or wooden boxes with a height of at least 20 cm, plywood, foam sheets, wire and fine-mesh metal mesh (this is, in fact, the only thing that is difficult to find on your farm), a roll of insulation coating.
  2. We cover the boxes / boxes with polystyrene for insulation, and then sheathe it with plywood.
  3. We cover the inside with a heat-insulating coating (it is important to select non-toxic options).
  4. Several holes are drilled in the bottom (eggs will roll there, so a tray will be needed under them). A window is cut out in the lid, where glass, transparent plastic or a fine mesh is inserted.
  5. Through the holes in the future cells, electrical wiring is introduced, which goes to the cartridges - we install them in the corners of the box.

    They are needed not so much for lighting as for maintaining a suitable temperature regime.

    A tray with water is installed at the bottom, or a special drinking bowl made of plastic bottles with a straw or nipple in the hole. In the other corner there is a feeder.

    If both of these devices are on the same side, then the drinker will quickly clog up, the water will spoil there, and the bird will get sick.

    Below (usually at the level of 10 centimeters), an egg tray is placed at an angle.

    The bottom side should end with a chute or another tray where the eggs will roll - there it is easier to get them.

  6. We install special lamps with protection: so that birds cannot get to them, water does not get on the wiring, etc.
  7. The cell is ready, we collect the rest according to the same template, we form the batteries.

We stock up on feed

Having dealt with the "housing" for the poultry, we will now take care of its food - this is the main expense item of the quail farm business plan.

It is believed that one quail consumes about 1 kg of compound feed per month. Suppose we have an average farm of 700 heads (considered the minimum payback for a meat farm).

Then the cost of feeding will be approximately as follows:

  • wheat - 2,250 rubles per 225 kg;
  • crushed corn - 1,500 rubles for 187.5 kg;
  • barley - 375 rubles per 37.5 kg;
  • ground shell - 4,500 rubles per 300 kg.

Total: 8 625 rubles per month. Taking into account inflation - up to 10,000 rubles.

Plus, you can add the accompanying costs of keeping your pets - about 3,000 rubles for electricity, water and heating. Newbies often forget to include utility bills in their business plans, and then are surprised that the calculations do not add up.

In total, it costs about 13,000 rubles a month to support a farm of 700 heads.

If the plan for a quail farm assumes a smaller scale, then it is easy to calculate them by calculating the cost of keeping one quail (13,000 / 700 \u003d 18.5).

But here it should be noted that the less you have, the more expensive the content will be. Buying grain at wholesale prices or a pound at a store is a completely different amount.

Let's add that 1 kg of feed per bird is very approximate. Different breeds of birds eat differently. Calculate this nuance in terms of a quail farm.

If you buy ready-made feed specifically for quails, it will be more expensive, but their diet may be more balanced and fortified.

Consider in your business plan that you are working with living beings that can get vitamin deficiency.

Quail business. Step 3: launch the birds

Having created the most comfortable conditions for the birds, having purchased feed and vitamins, we will test the business plan of the quail farm in practice.

You can buy both adult birds and eggs. In the latter case, you will need an incubator (the same cage with lamps is fine, only the holes in the bottom will need to be closed).

It is cheaper to buy eggs and raise young animals, but longer. The cost of specially selected eggs can be double that of store eggs:

  • the price of a young laying hen is now 150-200 rubles;
  • for 400 pieces it turns out about 72,000 rubles;
  • for 700 pieces - about 100,000 rubles.

Useful advice. If an inexperienced entrepreneur decides to buy eggs, there is a risk that no one will hatch at the "quail breeder".
Therefore, it is better to buy the very first layers as adults, and then to grow the young from “their” eggs.

By purchasing eggs, by the way, you will not be able to immediately understand who you have inside - a laying hen or a male.

The quail business plan assumes that males are sent for meat, and females are left to rush (after which, sooner or later, they are also sent to slaughter).

The average "age" of a male is 2-3 months. Females - about six months, although occasionally there are farms that do not produce meat at all. Usually these are very, very small backyard "farms", where each bird is known by name.

Who are we dealing with in the quail farm business plan?

Having purchased laying hens or having waited for the first brood on our quail farm, we can get to know our new “roommates”.

Birds of this species live in captivity usually no longer than 1.5 - 2 years. By that time, they have already stopped rushing.

At the age of 12-14 months, the number of eggs is reduced by 50%, until it dries up completely. For them, everything happens very quickly, sometimes just rapidly - some breeds mature in 40 days, but most - in 2 months.

All of this should be reflected in the quail farm business plan.

A very important point - laying quails begin to lay at the age of 2 months, and they can produce 20-25 eggs per month (!).

Therefore, 2 months is the initial payback period for a quail farm.

During the period of "combat service", the laying hen can "give out" about 300 eggs (ie, about a year), after which their rates drop. Also, after a year of life, the quality of eggs decreases, their taste worsens.

The poorer the quality of the eggs, the less chance your quail farm will succeed.

Broiler quail grows to a sufficient size in about 2-3 months. The exact time depends on the breed - the larger the longer. Consider this in your quail farm business plan. By the third month, the bird is fully mature.

If you intend to build a meat farm, then the payback period will be longer.

What is the quail farm earnings from?

Now let's take a closer look at what we get from our farm (in order of profitability):

  • eggs,
  • meat,
  • litter,
  • feathers and down.

With eggs, everything is more or less clear - this is actually a finished product that needs only to be disposed of from the farm in time, until it becomes rotten.

It's a little more difficult with meat.since in addition to the carcasses themselves, there are also offal.

The quail farm requires additional equipment to process and store meat. If you have few birds, then the additional equipment is unlikely to be useful to you. But if you have 400 or more livestock, then you cannot do without a fridge-freezer.

You need to think about packaging and certification (here you can't do without business registration).

Litter is a separate story.

What are we going to do with all these heaps at our quail farm? Consider in your business plan: a quail farm with a scale of 400 birds releases up to 15 kg of droppings per day. And this is neither more nor less - 5 tons per year. It should be remembered that bird droppings are considered a powerful fertilizer.

Your quail farm business plan should take this into account - this is another product.

If you do not use it in your home, you will surely find a buyer among other farmers. The current price for 1 kg of litter is 0.50 rubles. So for 5 tons - 2,500 rubles. Money, as they say, does not smell.

Quail business. Step 4: Marketing

Your business plan for a quail farm must take this section into account initially, but we will describe it only now because first you need to understand what to sell, and then determine to whom and how.

In general, there is nothing extraordinary here. As with any business, quail includes two important aspects - distribution channels and advertising channels.


In order for someone to buy something from you, he must first find out about you.

Highlight the marketing section of your business plan in bold because that's what business is. There are several ways to achieve farm brand recognition.

Let's divide them into three key groups:

  • online advertising;
  • offline advertising;
  • Word of mouth.

We have sorted them in order of relevance.

The first option allows you to cover the largest segment of your audience. Flexibility and simplicity in setting up such advertising campaigns is very important here.

The main thing is that here you are not dealing with a retail network, but with an end consumer. Online bulletin boards also look appropriate for a quail farm.

The products of a lice quail farm can catch the eye of market traders only in "old-fashioned" ways: by posting ads or through friends.

Last we put the item "word of mouth". Do you really care about your brand and the quality of your farm products? All this will sooner or later lead to the fact that the brand will be recognized on the market, recommended to acquaintances and friends. But this is a long-term perspective.

Sales of products

Each quail farm must form its own sales scheme, taking into account the scale of the activity, logistics, etc .:
  1. If the farm is small, then personal contacts decide everything.
  2. If the farm is large, then you need to go to a more serious level.

    Here your business plan should take into account which retail chains are located in the immediate vicinity of the farm, what the purchasing procedure, quality requirements, etc.

  3. If the farm is very large, then your business plan should include carefully designed marketing channels in advance.

    Maybe even access to the international level (remember, Russian quail meat was allowed for sale even in the EU).

There is also the concept of “convenience store”. It boils down to the fact that no one travels far for perishable goods. The closer your quail farm is to the consumer, the more likely your product will be bought.

When developing a farm business plan, calculate the distance to the nearest major retail outlets.

Note that quail farms located near large European Russia have more chances of financial success.

If there are hundreds of kilometers of empty space around you, then the logistics costs most likely will not pay off. It's not even worth taking on such a business plan.

How to set up a quail farm in the basement of a private house?

Secrets and personal best practices from the mouth of a farmer!

Quail business. Step 5: Summing Up and Calculating Profit

It is difficult to summarize, because the quail business is very individual. Your quail farm business plan can be as large or more modest.

But this individuality is actually the main advantage of such farms. The business plan can be adapted to suit any wallet.

Business benefits

  • You produce on your quail farm useful product .
  • Fast turnover - the poultry grows quickly, gives the first eggs and meat in 2 months.

    If you don't sell eggs, then your livestock will increase 10 times a year.

  • High profitability - if the distribution channels are already established, then the profitability can exceed several hundred percent per year, since here the full production cycle is 2-3 months.
  • Until low competition on the market.
  • Relatively high demand in cities.
  • It's a compact business - a quail "farm" can be arranged in an apartment if your roommates and neighbors are ready to put up with the persistent smell of bird droppings.

Cons of a quail farm

  • The bird is very sensitive to changes in temperature and lighting; it can be very problematic to achieve the desired mode.
  • It is difficult to find "your" buyer, because this is a relatively new area and in our latitudes there is still no practice of consuming such eggs every day.

    They are still perceived as a luxury rather than an everyday meal. This is especially true for the outback, where everything new is perceived with suspicion.

  • A high reproduction rate for an untrained farmer can also be a serious problem, especially if marketing problems begin.

The quail farm looks much more interesting when you look at the income numbers. Of course, these indicators can be either lower than those indicated by us, or higher.

Nevertheless, examples are indispensable.

If we assume that our livestock is 400 quails. Then the indicators will be something like this:

Total:300,000 - 425,000 rubles of net profit per year
Initial investment (poultry plus equipment) From 50,000 to 150,000 rubles:
purchase of adult layers - up to 72,000 rubles;
purchase of eggs for the incubator - 1,200 rubles for 400 pieces.
Profit from eggs350,000 rubles per year:
1 layer \u003d 20-25 eggs per month;
400 layers per year \u003d 110,000 eggs at 3 rubles per piece, minus egg spoilage.
Profit from meatNear 50,000 - 120,000 rubles (laying hen carcass - 100-120 g, and "meat" breeds - 200-220 g).
Additional income (droppings, feathers, offal) 2-5,000 rubles per year
Associated expenses (food, electricity, etc.) Up to 200,000 rubles per year (of which meals - up to 150,000 rubles)

In conclusion, we repeat that this business looks really very profitable, but in our realities, one should not count on unconditional success.

Developing your quail farm business plan, it is worth considering the sales markets. If you are already a farmer, then you should start small - with a couple of hundred birds. Evaluate whether you can create comfortable conditions for them and find a buyer. On the other hand, the one who does not play does not win.

If you are confident in your abilities, then you should try, because this is a "chamber" business that does not require a large scale. This means that if your quail farm plan fails, the losses will be minimal.

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Perhaps everyone has heard about the benefits of quail eggs and meat. The demand for this product and low competition make many novice entrepreneurs think about this type of activity as a business. Having once tried keeping birds for their own needs, people begin to consider quail breeding as their main business. Of course, in an unstable economic situation, it is not easy to start any entrepreneurial activity. But, if you consider all the disadvantages and advantages of this idea, then a quail farm can be an optimal investment of money.

Considering any business project, you should immediately pay attention to its relevance and prospects. After all, further success depends on these indicators.

This type of entrepreneurial activity is characterized by quick payback and high profitability. In addition, small start-up investments allow novice businessmen to pay attention to this project.

A business idea for quail breeding can be implemented in two ways:

  • egg production and laying hens;
  • breeding poultry as a meat supply.

The choice of direction is largely determined by the competitive environment and the scale of the business. Therefore, the most important point in the implementation of this project will be the analysis of the competitive environment and the market.

The best option is to combine these two areas within one farm.

Quail meat has a special delicate taste and is appreciated all over the world due to its rich set of trace elements. The meat of this bird has been valued in Russia for a long time, but before it was preferred to be hunted. Later, quail breeding became one of the areas of the agricultural industry.

Diet poultry meat is considered one of the most easily digestible and contains up to 22% protein in a refined form. The high content of useful vitamins (A, H, K) and low calorie content make this product a frequent menu in the diet of children, athletes and those who watch their shape.

But, despite the apparent advantages of the product, the competition in the market is not high enough, which opens up great opportunities for novice entrepreneurs.

Cons and pros of the project

Bird breeding has many advantages and disadvantages, but each of them can be different by region. We tried to average the indicators of the bird breeding process and demonstrate the standard pros and cons.

  • good payback;
  • low costs;
  • fast development;
  • low concentration of competitors;
  • high demand for products.

Low competition, perhaps, is one of the key points indicating great prospects. Considering the increased popularity of natural products and the general orientation of the whole world to proper dietary nutrition, the demand for eggs and quail meat has increased significantly. At the same time, it is not able to fully satisfy the market potential that is present on the market today.

Quail business

In this regard, the idea of \u200b\u200bquail breeding is very promising. In some regions of our country, it is completely difficult to find farms that are engaged in breeding birds on a professional basis.

  • short life expectancy;
  • avian disease (influenza, salmonellosis, pullorosis, etc.).

In large production, as a rule, laying hens are kept up to 11-12 months only as production of eggs for sale. Their eggs are no longer suitable for incubation. In the conditions of a small farm, for 250-300 heads, it is very unprofitable to keep the parent flock separately only for the production of eggs. Therefore, experts recommend replacing birds every 8-9 months. By this time, the next generation should have grown up, ready to produce eggs for sale and incubation.

As for poultry diseases, at the slightest discomfort, farmers get rid of a weak individual so that it does not infect the rest of the herd.

Breeding technology

Breeding quail for the sale of meat and eggs is a great alternative to traditional chicken products. Unlike chickens, quails do not need to build a large chicken coop. For them, it is necessary to equip cages.

Consider 1 square meter for 50 quails.

One of the key requirements for keeping birds is to ensure optimal temperature conditions and sanitary standards for the premises (cages). For high fertility, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the range of 18-20 ° C.

With a strong drop in temperature (up to 15 ° C), the bird can significantly reduce productivity and completely stop laying eggs. If we allow a critical drop in temperature to 7-8 ° C, then it may even die.

In hot conditions, it begins to lose feathering and also reduces productivity. Therefore, maintaining a constant temperature in the cells is one of the primary tasks. To ensure normal conditions of detention, it is also necessary to provide for a ventilation and cooling system. In winter - heating of racks-cells.

Cell selection

The next point is to select the correct cell. Ideally, of course, buy specialized equipment for the farm, but with minimal investment, you can make your own cage.

How to choose the right cage? First of all, it must be made of galvanized mesh or metal. Universal devices will not work here, since the distance between the rods should be clearly calculated for the size of the quail's head. Birds should freely stick their heads between the bars in order to take food or reach the water, but do not leave the cage or get stuck.

The height of their "house" should not exceed 20 cm; behavioral factors should be taken into account here. Quails are prone to jump and high ceilings can cause head injury.

You should also provide for the presence of a tray for rolling eggs. Unlike chickens, these birds fly straight to the floor.

To maintain sanitary cleanliness, you need to put a container for droppings in the cage.

As for the volume of the quail habitat, there are clear numbers here that should not be violated. For every 10 heads, you need to provide 20 square centimeters of space. Interestingly, for chickens, a decrease in free space not only does not affect egg production, but, on the contrary, leads to an increase. And in the case of quail, you can get the opposite effect.

Quail cage prices

Quail cage

Feed requirements

For the normal development and effective productivity of females, it is necessary to purchase quality feed from trusted suppliers.

The easiest step is to buy ready-made compound feed. For broiler chicks, compound feed marked PK-5-2, PK-1, PK-6 is suitable. It contains the required amount of protein, which affects the female's egg production.

Feeding should be strictly according to the clock - three times a day. Depending on the breed, the daily feed rate is 22-30 grams.

To increase productivity and gain weight, it is recommended to add food additives to the main feed. These can be vegetables, fresh herbs, vitamins.

If you thoroughly understand agriculture, you can analyze that almost all feed for poultry has a similar composition. The difference is the grinding of grain and food additives. The difference also lies in the periods of introduction of a particular feed.

Given the early maturity of quails, it is of great importance to purchase starter feed saturated with nutrients. This allows the little chick to grow almost 15 times in size in 30 days.

Novice poultry breeders need to figure out how to organize feeding the chicks. You can get a healthy brood if you have a balanced diet. Attention is also paid to the conditions of detention. You will find out what to feed the quail in the first days of life by reading this article.

When little chicks appear, the farmer has a new concern - special nutrition for the little ones. Feeding is very similar to feeding chickens. In the early days, you can give a hard-boiled egg, which must be carefully chopped so that the chick does not choke. After 12-14 days, they can be transferred to a full adult diet, taking into account the characteristics of the breed.

The starter kit must include:

  • grain (wheat, corn, barley);
  • cake;
  • yeast;
  • broken shell, salt;
  • meat and bone meal or fish.

The essential requirements for feed are nutritional value, balance, fine grinding.

Grain grinder prices

Grinder for crushing all types of feed grains and seeds

Newly hatched chicks need up to 25% protein in their feed for 30 days. Starting from the second month, this figure drops to 16%. For layers, it is about 20%.

With regard to the feeding process, it is important to choose the right drinkers and feeders for small birds. Given their light weight, the edges should be low.

To minimize costs, you can save on the preparation of compound feed with your own hands. This can almost triple the cost of the diet. An additional plus will be that you yourself will add the necessary trace elements and additives, depending on the health of the birds and the conditions of their keeping.

Food for quails can be factory-made and prepared independently, but one thing is important - the correct composition. In our article you will find recipes for compound feed, varieties of ready-made compound feed. And you will also find out which compound feed is better: store feed or prepared yourself?

Choosing a breed

Initially, this bird was wild, but as a result of long selection, it gradually acquired the status of a poultry. Today, specialists number about 40 different types, each of which has its own characteristics in terms of content and productivity.

Experts classify quail for breeding according to the following criteria:

  • meat breeds;
  • meat and egg;
  • egg.

Whichever option you choose, they are all productive and run well anyway. Another thing is that for the sale of meat it is better to select special people, for example Pharaoh, who are gaining weight quickly.

The choice of a quail breed is the most important step in planning, because all further success and profit will depend on this.

Looking ahead, the most common breeds in Russia should be noted:

  • Marble rock;
  • Tuxedo;
  • Estonian quail.

Japanese is especially loved among domestic farmers, since it is the least fastidious in terms of keeping conditions and is distinguished by increased immunity.

Meat breeds

A feature of this type is rapid weight gain. With proper care and a balanced diet, in which useful trace elements and vitamins must be present, birds of this type gain up to 300-500 grams of weight.

It is one of the most common types of meat. It is not very productive and lays about 180-200 eggs per year. Adults reach up to 300-330 grams of weight, which explains their great popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Texas (American)

Due to its white plumage, this bird is often called the Texas albino. This breed is one of the best for breeding as a meat supply, as adults reach a weight of 400 grams. As for productivity, females do not differ in high egg production, however, like all broilers. They produce up to 200 eggs per year.

The downside is a large amount of feed consumption, which significantly reduces profitability.

Egg breeds

If in business the main emphasis is on the sale of eggs, then, of course, it is better to give preference to the purchase of birds of this species. They are distinguished by high productivity and allow to receive up to 300-350 pieces per year.

At the same time, females begin to rush from an early age, from 1-1.5 months, which increases the productivity of the business process.

The most popular breeds in this species are:

  • Estonian;

Meat and egg breeds

As the name implies, this is a fairly versatile variety, which is often purchased for the household. If you are planning to establish a more specialized production, the experts still recommend purchasing separately egg and meat breeds.

The most popular in this type are English White Quail, English Black, Tuxedo. As a rule, the name of the breed determines the color of the plumage.

Eggs or meat?

The meat of these birds is considered dietary and one of the most useful, as it contains a large amount of protein and a low percentage of fat. In addition, it practically does not contain cholesterol, which makes it indispensable in the menu of pregnant women, children, people with high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Daily use of quail meat normalizes cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system.

As for eggs, it is because of them that farmers often begin to breed quail. Unlike other domestic birds, quail eggs can be eaten raw without fear of contracting infectious diseases. This is due to the high body temperature of females (about 42 ° C), which excludes the possibility of poisoning and the growth of bacteria.

A feature of birds is rapid puberty and early laying of eggs. For example, if the age of laying out a chicken starts at 8 months, then here it is reduced to 1-1.5 months.

Interesting! The benefits of quail eggs are proved by the fact that, for example, in Japan, pediatricians recommend that each student eat 2 eggs before lessons. This has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves the perception of information.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of each breed, it is important to clearly define for yourself for what purpose you plan to breed birds. After all, it is the choice of format and the method of marketing that will determine the purchase of a certain type of bird.

As for calculating the benefits from the sale of eggs and meat, you need to clearly calculate the income even at the planning stage.

If you sell only eggs, then the house is unlikely to pay off quickly.

Let's count. The average quail lays about 20 eggs per month. One egg on the market costs 5 rubles. Income per month from one bird will be 100 rubles. With a livestock of 500, the income from the farm from the sale of eggs alone will amount to 50 thousand rubles. But this is just income, not net profit. Subtract from here travel costs, utility bills and staff salaries and get a smaller amount.

And if you add all sorts of risks in the form of infections in layers, stress, which negatively affects productivity, then this income can even be halved.

Another form of doing business is selling eggs for incubation.

As a rule, farmers only hand over rejected quails or excess males. Raising chicks for the sake of selling meat is not profitable, since meat is not very expensive. And given the small weight of an adult, it is quite difficult to make money on this.

In addition, you need to keep a separate specialist who will pluck the feathers and butcher the carcasses. It will not be possible to do with so many carcasses on your own.

Live bird marketing

This option is very common in the poultry house. Quail can be sold at any age. And the bird costs the same as the finished carcass. As a result, with less labor costs, you can get more profit.

Business plan: where to start?

As in any other type of entrepreneurial activity, you should not immediately invest all the money in the purchase of live heads. Experts recommend starting with 300-500 quails and gradually increasing the yard in the future.

The purchase of a certain number of heads significantly affects the item of expenditure, which will change the payback period. We quote an average of 500 head.

It is also important at this stage to correctly determine the format of the business, because you can breed birds for the sale of live heads, eggs or ready-made meat. In addition, you should immediately decide whether you will buy adults or independently start hatching chicks using an incubator.

Organizational plan

This section of the document allows you to plan activities step by step. Thus, the document becomes a handbook that allows you to complete tasks in a timely manner, calculate risks.

Business registration

The first stage of doing business, of course, is the registration part. It is necessary to obtain a business permit and a marketing license.

Choose the most suitable form of entrepreneurship for yourself - LLC or individual entrepreneur and submit documents for registration.

With a small turnover, it will be enough to issue an individual entrepreneur and a form of payment for the Single Tax. Registration will not take long.

To sell products, you must issue certificates in the veterinary service. Without this, you will not be able to conclude contracts with large suppliers and sell products to restaurants, cafes and shops.

Required premises

As mentioned above, in terms of content, these birds are not very whimsical. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find the right room.

Here, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the size of the livestock and on the technical nuances that will allow you to maintain an optimal temperature regime.

Requirements for the conditions of detention:

  • temperature - from 18 to 25 ° C;
  • humidity - within 68-70%.

What kind of staff is needed for breeding quails?

The success of any business depends not only on the correct organization of the premises, but also on the selection of good specialists. To breed birds, you need to hire several people to work.

Of course, at the first stage, to minimize costs, you can independently perform all the duties of caring for the birds. But for large-scale farming, you cannot do without helpers.

You need to take a person who will clean the cages, remove garbage, add food and water.

It is also important to constantly monitor the health of birds, the incubation process. In addition, there should be a person responsible for marketing products, negotiating with suppliers, etc.

For a farm of 400-500 birds, two people will be enough.

The approximate staff looks like this:

  • bird care specialist;
  • driver / courier.

Quail farm equipment

Immediately consider a ventilation system that will drive fresh air from the street. In no case should there be drafts in the room, so the option of natural ventilation should be immediately excluded.

Primary requirements

Another feature of keeping these birds is the creation of subdued light. Whether in the wild or at home, birds do not like bright lights. Therefore, give up powerful lamps, give preference to economy lamps with shades.

This, by the way, is another plus, which speaks of the profitability of the business. Indeed, keeping chickens or ducks, on the contrary, requires bright lighting, which significantly increases energy costs.

With the number of livestock in 500 pieces, in winter it is necessary to think over a heating system. This point can be omitted only if the farm is designed for a thousand or more pieces. Then the bird warms itself, and there is no need to artificially heat the farm. You just need to take care of high-quality insulation of walls and roofs.

Cell batteries are the main components of the farm equipment.

One battery consists of 5 cells and contains an autonomous feeder, drinker, tray for eggs that roll out.

The cages are slightly tilted to allow for quick collection of eggs.

One battery can hold up to 250 individuals. They can be ordered ready-made, or you can save money and make them yourself from metal fittings, mesh and plywood.

Incubator for breeding chicks

The next item to purchase equipment will be an incubator for hatching chicks. Today a large number of different models of domestic and foreign manufacturers are presented on the market. For home use, of course, the simplest model is also suitable, where you will mechanically set the temperature, humidity, and turn eggs.

Breeders are increasingly thinking about quail breeding. And the first step to success is raising full-fledged chicks in home incubators. You can buy an incubator for quail or make it yourself. We will talk about this in this article.

For large production, it is better to give preference to modern models with an automatic mode of turning eggs, maintaining temperature, humidity and the ability to work on an autonomous battery during a power outage.

So, to organize a medium-sized quail farm, you will need:

  • incubator - 10 thousand rubles
  • cell battery - 10 thousand rubles.
  • brooder (nursery for chicks) - 2 thousand rubles.

The presence of a brooder makes it possible to greatly simplify the care of chicks, to increase productivity in the flock. In our article you will find the basic requirements for a nursery for chicks and how to make a brooder yourself.

If you plan to expand the scale and service in the future, you can immediately purchase:

  • a grain mill for self-production of feed;
  • automatic feather plucking machine;
  • vacuumator (increases the meat sale period);
  • refrigerator and freezer.

Egg incubators prices

Egg incubators

Initial purchase of birds

After the premises have been selected and all repair and construction work has been carried out, personnel have been selected and equipment has been purchased, the stage of purchasing birds begins.

Having decided on the number of livestock and the breed of birds, it is important to find a good and trusted supplier. Experts do not recommend taking all livestock from one seller at once. It is better to divide the purchase into 2 parts and see which of the birds turn out to be the most powerful and prolific. If necessary, you can always buy the required number of pieces.

Suitable age of quails for purchase is no older than 12-18 months. It is at this age that the young female reaches puberty, which means she is ready to lay eggs.

If for the purchase of chickens, ducklings and other birds there are recommendations for the time of year for purchase, then with quails things are easier. The productivity of females does not depend in any way on the season, and the farmer creates the necessary conditions for incubating eggs himself.

Quail in the nest

An important point: before purchasing livestock, the seller must definitely consult about the type of feed that the birds were previously fed with, and try not to change it. A change of place of residence, and even more so a diet, can dramatically affect health and reduce the productivity of females.

If you plan to transfer the birds to your own food, then this should be done gradually, no earlier than a month after the transfer.

Marketing plan

This section is the most important planning step. It is he who allows you to adequately assess the situation in the market, analyze the competitive environment and correctly determine pricing.

Sales channels

Even at the stage of searching for premises and purchasing equipment, it is important to determine distribution channels. Depending on the business model (sale of meat, eggs, chicks), it is necessary to think over who will buy products in bulk.

Given the active productivity of the quail and the short shelf life, you must be sure of an established marketing.

How to search for clients?

  1. Analyze the market and identify the main competitors in the region close to you.
  2. Study their products, prices, sales form.
  3. Form a commercial proposal and send (or personally deliver) to the heads of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, shops. Visit fairs, markets, etc.

Financial plan

This is one of the most time consuming sections of documents, which reflects the entire financial essence of the project. Here it is necessary to correctly assess the risks, calculate costs and revenues, determine the break-even point, payback and profitability of the project.

When detailing the costs, it is important to understand that the main part will fall on the purchase of materials for the construction of the farm, repairs (if a ready-made room is purchased).

It also includes the purchase of birds, feed, staff salaries and business registration costs.

When calculating the profit, you should correctly determine the cost of production. Do not forget that it includes not only the purchase of the poultry itself, but also its maintenance, food, utilities, transport, salaries of specialists, etc.

Likewise with profitability. It is important to split up the one-time costs, which include purchasing equipment, building or repairing a farm. And there are fixed costs in the form of salaries, utilities, advertising, etc.


All farm maintenance costs can be divided into two types:

  • capital (one-time);
  • monthly.

Based on this, we make an estimate.

Capital expenditures

Monthly expenses

Calculation of profitability and profitability

We calculate the proceeds from the sale of eggs:

Above, substantiating the idea of \u200b\u200bbreeding quails for the sake of selling eggs, we said that one bird lays about 20 eggs per month. But not all eggs from females will be sold. To enlarge the farm, you need to set aside approximately 1/3 for incubation.

Thus, the income from the sale of eggs will be 200 quails * 20 eggs * 5 rubles \u003d 20 thousand rubles.

The female eats 900 grams of feed for 20 rubles per month. 500 females * 20 p \u003d 10 thousand rubles will be spent on feed.

We calculate the proceeds from the meat trade:

1 carcass weighing 250 grams costs 100 rubles.

Sold per month - 100 carcasses.

100 * 100r \u003d 10 thousand rubles.

Output: based on the compiled document and the calculation of the financial part, the average payback period will be 5 months. The poultry house will generate income in the amount of 35-40 thousand rubles.

In order to increase the volume and expand production, you can invest in new equipment and expand services, sales market.

  1. It is not worth investing all the money in the purchase of young animals at once.
  2. Eggs for incubation and young animals should be purchased from trusted suppliers, preferably from two or three.
  3. Breeding quail, you should not rely only on the sale of eggs or meat. A flexible approach will increase your profitability.
  4. To minimize personnel costs, some specialists can be invited from outside if necessary. The main part of the work will have to be taken over at the first stage.
  5. Selecting the right equipment. Given the diminutive size of the birds, the cages should not be tall.
  6. Maintaining a constant temperature regime within 18-25 ° C.
  7. The farm does not require large sizes and can easily be accommodated in a barn, room. The only caveat is that you need to provide ventilation and fresh air flow, but at the same time avoid drafts.

Summing up: is it profitable to breed quail?

Summing up, it should be said that quail breeding is quite a profitable business. The birds do not require special care, do not take up much space and at the same time are distinguished by high productivity.

A business can be built in several directions, and over time there are options for expanding activities to maintain large incubators, your own smokehouse, etc.

The average payback period is up to six months.

Before starting a discussion about the commercial component of quail breeding and building a farming business on it, let's first discuss what a “quail farm” is? In fact, the term "quail farming" means the breeding of quails on a commercial basis (like other birds) in order to profit from the sale of eggs and meat products. A business based on quail breeding is quite interesting and profitable, and most importantly profitable business. It is as easy to build a quail farm as it is to organize the entire production process of breeding this bird, because quails are one of the smallest species of birds and large spacious areas, and they do not require special care. Japanese scientists first tamed wild quails and began to breed them as poultry.

Quail farming in Japan has expanded extremely quickly, acquiring commercial value. Now, people all over the world are raising quails and building whole quail farms in order to obtain and market the meat and eggs of these birds. Quail farming is very profitable, and is no different from other agricultural enterprises such as chicken, turkey or duck farms. Quails quickly acclimatize in new territories and are unpretentious in care. Quail meat and eggs are delicious and nutritious. As already mentioned, quail eggs in their properties are in many ways superior to the eggs of other birds. Since quail eggs contain relatively more protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1 and B2, they have no equal in nutritional value and usefulness. Quail farming can play a vital role in meeting the dietary demand of the population, and the breeding of these birds does not require huge investments of money and labor costs. Quails can be kept with other birds on the farm and get along well with chickens.

Quail characteristics

The benefits of quail farming

Quails are smaller in size, compared to poultry, they are not whimsical in care, rarely bring difficulties or inconvenience in the formation of a production herd. The main benefits of breeding quail on an industrial scale are listed below:

The life span of quails varies from 3 to 4 years. Adults individuals most often weigh from 150 to 200 grams. Egg production in quails develops by the age of seven weeks and continues the entire life cycle. One quail egg weighs about 10-12 grams. A quail hen will lay about 300 eggs per year. Eggs are distinguished by an interesting color, unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs are pockmarked in a "speck".

To establish effective egg production in quails, it is necessary to provide the bird with light and increase the length of daylight hours to 14 hours a day. As a rule, quails rush actively at noon. The incubation period for quail eggs is about 17 days. Newborn quail chicks weigh about 6 to 7 grams. Quail in captivity refers to incubation of eggs without "enthusiasm" more often, on the farm to obtain a quick brood, quail eggs are laid in an incubator. For successful breeding of quails, it is necessary to take into account the number of males per females, ideally there should be one male for every five females. Quail chicks hatch quite small and weak, they are sensitive to temperature extremes, therefore, after hatching, they are kept under a lamp or on a heating pad for 24 hours, it will take about a month for the quails to get stronger and begin to develop no worse than their adult counterparts. Eggs weighing 9 to 11 grams with smooth and hard shells are ideal for incubating and producing healthy and strong chicks.

How to start a quail breeding business?

A quail farm is easy to build and does not differ much from a standard poultry house. To get started, draw up a business plan that includes all the subtleties of quail breeding and building a business, namely: breed, housing, maintenance and food costs, care and other marketing strategies. Soon we will deal with the description of each step in more detail, but for now we will deal with the quail breeds.

Quail breeds

Currently, there are 18 types of quail available for building a quail breeding business. Some of these breeds are known for their high egg production, others are popular for their high meat yield. In accordance with their consumer characteristics, quail breeds are of two types, meat, such as broilers and egg, in the common people - layers. Consider some of the most popular quail breeds suitable for breeding in a rural courtyard.

Quail house

The correct maintenance of quail is a guarantee of good egg production and development of this bird. Therefore, let's start with one of the most important and key points, this is the conditions of keeping and installation in the poultry area that meets all the requirements for keeping quails.

Quail diet

To maintain the health of your quails and to develop properly, as well as to grow quickly, you need to provide them with the right balanced diet. Adult quails consume approximately 20 to 25 grams of food per day. Corn is an important part of the quail diet. It is also necessary to include meat and bone meal and fish meal, in equal proportions.

Ingredients Age
0-3 weeks 4-5 weeks for adults
Crushed wheat 48 50 50
Linseed 23 22 22
Fish flour 20 16 14
Rice bran 6 8 9
Crushed corn 2,25 3,25 4,25
Salt 0,50 0,50 0,50
Mineral supplements 0,25 0,25 0,25
Total (percentage) 100 100 100

Egg production

Having enough light is highly recommended to increase your quail egg production. You should provide the birds with artificial light and warmth if they are in short supply, using a light bulb and heater. You can use 40 to 100 watts of lamp wattage for lighting. The demand for light and heat changes naturally, depending on the season. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the lighting temperature and if something is missing, take corrective measures. For successful reproduction of quails, there should be one male for every 5 females. For optimal egg production, form a flock of high yielding and healthy large quails and keep them in dry, clean houses. Egg production is also dependent on temperature, bird nutrition, water availability, care and maintenance. An increase in daylight hours has a positive effect on egg production not only for quails, but also for any other poultry. Keep this in mind. The table shows an approximate daylight schedule and the optimal temperature for keeping quails and increasing their egg production.

Quails never hatch their eggs. Therefore, chickens are obtained by
incubation of quail eggs, or by deceiving a hen of a hen, and replacing hen eggs under a hen with quail eggs. The incubation period for a quail egg is approximately 16 to 18 days. Quail chicks need sensitive care, they are taken from the incubator and transplanted into boxes with a warm heating pad or placed under a special lamp. Simple rules must be followed to maximize the quail survival rate. Namely:

  1. Set the house to an adequate temperature.
  2. Provide enough light.
  3. Organize the correct operation of ventilation, without drafts.
  4. Adjust the stocking density of the chicks.
  5. Arrange a clear supply of water and food for chicks.
  6. Strictly observe the hygiene of keeping birds.

The main indicators of the provision of heat and light are shown in the table:


Quails are less susceptible to disease than other poultry. But this does not mean that you can neglect the rules of keeping and caring for the bird, you must take care and provide decent maintenance to the quails so that diseases do not affect your herd of birds. Good grooming and proper bird management is a prerequisite for a profitable quail business. There are no preventive vaccines against avian diseases, so the owner must ensure full compliance with sanitary standards in the poultry house. Quail chickens react negatively to any changes, deteriorating weather conditions and sudden temperature changes are destructive for them. If young animals are exposed to these negative factors, then disease and death cannot be avoided. Here are some of the most common and dangerous ones:

The quail business is only gaining momentum in our country, so if you are seriously thinking about starting your own business, go for it. Visit quail farms, watch the teamwork of employees and the birds themselves. Decide on the breed. Choose a young growth with high productive qualities, and most importantly healthy. Do not be afraid of difficulties, be focused on the result, follow the rules described in the article, and your work will be rewarded. Good luck.

Despite the fact that even in ancient times our tsars ate quails, the first farms in Russia appeared only in the second half of the twentieth century. Today, the creation of a quail farm and quail breeding as a business is more and more interesting for our compatriots not only for earning money, but also for feeding their own family. Quail eggs have become a popular part of the diet of the country's population due to their richness in vitamins and minerals. Eggs can be eaten raw without fear of salmonellosis, quails do not get sick with bird flu, and the shelf life of quail eggs is three times longer than chicken eggs. Poultry meat is dietary, contains many nutrients and trace elements. Quail meat can be stored for a long time even in frozen form, without losing its qualities.

Many farmers argue about the profitability of the quail business and its quick payback. In this article, we will try to figure out whether this is so and calculate our earnings.

Quail business - eggs or meat?

The most ancient quail breed is the "Japanese" quail. Its egg production is about 300 eggs per year from one laying hen. All subsequent breeds were obtained on the basis of crossing from the "Japanese" quail. Therefore, initially, quails with an egg direction were most widespread and the first quail farms specialized mainly in the production of eggs. Egg quails differ from the meat-based quail in a relatively smaller carcass weight.

The best breed for breeding eggs is still considered "Japanese". The weight of the male reaches 110-120 grams, the weight of the female is 135-150 grams. The first egg-laying in Japanese quail can be already at the age of 35-40 days, the average number of eggs per year from one laying hen is 300 eggs, with an egg weight of 9 to 12 grams. The first year for "Japanese" quails is the most egg-bearing, in the second year the number of laid eggs can be halved. This breed is rapidly gaining weight and by 40 days already weighs the same as an adult bird, is unpretentious in keeping and is resistant to diseases.

By selection from the "Japanese" quail, the most famous breed in Russia, the "marble" quail, was obtained. By its productive qualities it differs little from the “Japanese” breed. The weight of the female reaches 180-200 grams, the weight of the male is 140-160 grams. The egg production of one layer is on average 280 eggs, with an egg weight of 9 to 12 grams.

An excellent meat breed of quail in Russia - "Pharaoh". This breed was bred in the USA, has a large live weight and a high growth rate. Adult females weigh about 300 grams, males 180-200 grams. By the age of five weeks, their weight can reach 140-150 grams. On average, about 220 eggs can be obtained from this breed per year, with an egg weight of 12-16 grams. This breed is quite demanding on the maintenance and feeding, and the presentation of the carcasses also suffers from the dark plumage of the bird.

“Texas whites” weigh 360 grams for males and 450 grams for females. This breed is new to our country. The bird is unpretentious, an attractive type of carcass for the buyer, poor egg production and, due to the low activity of males, their number should be increased by the same number of females relative to other breeds.

Egg-and-meat quails include “Estonian” home quail. This bird has a live weight of 190-200 grams in the female and 160-170 grams in the male. For a year, 280 eggs are obtained from one laying hen, with an egg weight of 12 grams. It is noteworthy that this breed has a high preservation of young stock during the rearing period, but a higher feed consumption compared to other quail breeds.

There are still a large number of different breeds of quail: “English white”, “English black”, “Manchu golden”, etc. Before choosing a quail breed for your mini quail farm, think about what you want to get, how to make money. Various articles and films on YouTube can also help with the choice of breed.

How to start building a quail farm?

You need to start from the beginning, namely, deciding what breed you are going to grow and how many birds you will keep. If you plan to grow quails only for yourself, then 25 heads are enough; are going for yourself and a little for sale - up to 80 heads; home business project from 200 birds; quail farm on an industrial scale from 800 pieces.

If you have never raised or bred poultry, you do not have a reliable source of marketing for the products and do not have enough funds to keep the birds healthy, then start small. In our business plan, we will try to calculate the income and expenses for maintaining a quail farm in the amount of 60 pieces in our personal plot.

Growing quail. Premises and conditions for keeping quails.

Quails are quite resistant to most avian diseases, but improper maintenance can stress them. For example, poor lighting for more than 12 hours can prevent the bird from flying.

The hatching of young quail is difficult due to the fact that quail females hatch eggs poorly. They do not have this instinct, so they need a special device to produce offspring - an incubator. It is said that sometimes quail eggs are placed in chickens or pigeons for incubation. The temperature for artificial hatching should be 38 ° C, humidity 67-75%. Consider the equipment for a quail farm. In our business model, we buy an incubator for 10,000 rubles. For personal purposes, you can make an incubator yourself. We knock off a mesh box, on top of a lamp for heat, next to water for moisture. Eggs for hatching must be “fresh”, no more than 6 days. Youngsters hatch on the 17th day.

After hatching, the chicks are placed in a box with high sides, it is possible in a plywood box with holes for air or in a mesh box mentioned above. So the chicks live for two weeks, the air temperature is 36-38 ° C.

Chicks should be monitored closely, especially if there are small children or pets in the house. On the first day, chicks are fed boiled chicken or quail eggs with ground eggshells. From the second day, add low-fat cottage cheese, 2 grams per head. From the third or fourth day, they begin to give chopped greens and reduce the boiled egg. After a week, you can start giving compound feed for the chicks and do not forget the greens. From 28 days the bird is transferred to adult food. Water for chicks should always be boiled, free of garbage and not cold, change it twice a day. After 3-4 weeks, the chicks are prepared for general housing, the temperature gradually decreases.

Adult food for quails. You need to feed the quails three times a day, preferably by the hour. With a small content of quails or with an apartment, you can use special food from a pet store for parrots, chopped greens, mealworms, bloodworms. When breeding quails in farms, ready-made feed is used. On their farms, farmers often feed quails with chicken feed, as a vitamin supplement they give greens, boiled vegetables, grain sprouts, seeds. Bone meal and chopped boiled fish, eggshells, chalk are added twice a week.

The meat breed is fed a little differently, they are fed four to five times a day, the portions are also increased so that the bird gains weight faster. Two meals a day should contain grain waste, corn, chopped greens with added feed fat.

You can make the compound feed yourself. There are tons of options on the internet. Here is one of them. The mixture consists of 25% corn, 30% wheat, 4% barley, 1% shells, 40% sunflower meal and fish meal. By the way, onions and fish in the food worsen the taste of meat, but the presence of carrots improves its color. Ready-made compound feed PK-5 is suitable for parent flocks, feed PK-1 and PK-2 are suitable for adult birds, PK-2.2, PK-4, PK-6 are suitable for fattening.

A universal recipe, only the ratio of the weight fractions of the components changes, in accordance with the table below. Weight in grams per head.

Age, days

Meat and fish meal

Boiled egg

During the laying period, the female eats from 25 to 45 grams of feed per day, the male 20-30 grams. Quail begins to float at the age of 30-40 days and, if properly kept, can lay up to 300 eggs. If you are going to raise poultry for “slaughter”, then for 1.5-2 months from birth, 1-1.2 kg of feed is consumed on average per bird.

Quail slaughter begins from 1.5 to 2 months, starting with larger ones. In two months they reach their physiological maturity and will not grow any more. When growing quail for an egg, they are kept for up to a year, since at this time there is an increased egg production, and then they are slaughtered.

Quail farm equipment

The area required for keeping an adult bird averages 1.5-1.7 sq. Dm. on one head. For our calculations, we plan to prepare cages for quails with a size of 65 * 75. We plan to plant 30 chicks, 25 females and 5 males in each cage. Recommended placement by floor 1: 5. The feeders should be positioned so that the bird sticks out its head and pecks as much feed as needed. If you put the feeder inside the cage, then they can scatter the food and as a result, its consumption will be higher. Cages can be made by yourself. In our calculation, we have laid 45,000 rubles for cages, feeders and drinkers. With a large number of quails, cages can be placed in 3-4 tiers.

Is it possible to grow quails at home?

Can. If you clean everything behind them, then the smell from quails will be no less than from our familiar pets, and keeping it is no more difficult than canaries. Only then will you receive fresh eggs almost daily. It is believed that it is even more profitable to breed quails than chickens or rabbits.

Quail breeding business plan

The model for the calculation is a personal subsidiary farm. We will breed quail meat.

For the calculation, we assume that the selling price of a quail egg is 3 rubles per piece. We get 180 eggs from each quail. The selling price of a carcass is 500 rubles per kilogram, the weight of a carcass is 150-200 grams. There are 5-6 quail carcasses in one kilogram. We accept for the calculation the weight of the carcass is 170 grams.

For breeding quails, we buy an incubation quail egg, the cost is 7 rubles apiece. We plan that the herd of quails will be 60 pieces, we buy 30% more hatching eggs.

The initial investment will be 55,630 rubles.

The organizational plan of our farm will look like this.

Buying a hatching egg

Emergence of chicks

Quail eggs

Partial slaughter of poultry

Emergence of chicks

Slaughter of poultry

Selling eggs

Cash flow forecast

Income from activities

Activity expenses

Feed costs



Other variable costs

The balance of funds at the end of the quarter

The balance of funds with a rise. the outcome

We calculated the model for the sale of quails using the example of private household plots, i.e. sell to friends and on the market. With this model, you only need a veterinary certificate. If you are going to establish the cultivation of quails for business, then you need to register it, the easiest way is to issue an IP. The keeping and raising of poultry must comply with the veterinary rules, the sale of eggs and quail carcasses will also require many documents, for all products you will need to obtain certificates, develop packaging for eggs. As they say big business - big problems.

But, nevertheless, we see that raising quails is a fairly profitable business. The payback in our model was 8 months, the profitability of the quail farm was 55%.


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