Everything about shoe repair. Opening a shoe repair shop as a promising business. Demand and social groups

Investments: from 300,000 rubles

Payback: from 18 months

Entrepreneurs are looking for ideas with a minimum investment and a quick payback period. Shoe repair is just what you need. In the article, you will clearly see what is required to implement this business.

Business concept

A shoe repair workshop is one of the most reliable types of business. The main plus is protection from changes in the economy.

The shoe workshop has customers both in times of crisis, when the townspeople cannot spend money on buying new shoes, and in a period of general prosperity, when people can afford extra boots that sooner or later need to be repaired. The entrepreneur wins in any case.

The target audience consists of four groups:

  • financially secure clients with expensive and high-quality shoes - periodically even they need to be repaired (worn out soles, worn out heels);
  • middle class people who want to extend the period of wearing shoes or restore a pair that is still wearable;
  • young people who do not know how to take care of things - they bring shoes with a high degree of wear;
  • retirees - buying a new pair is difficult for them: hard new shoes are difficult to wear out because of sore legs, and they also do not always have extra money.

Most of the clients are women.

What is required for implementation?

The key points of starting a business are the right premises, the purchase of equipment, the purchase of consumables, the arrangement of the work area and legal registration.

Suitable premises.Locate a shoe repair shop in a place with a large daily flow of people. The best option is premises on the market. Firstly, the rental price is low, and secondly, there is no need to spend money on repairs, since the style and decoration of the boutique are not expected from the market stall.

Another option is a supermarket: it is always crowded here. Also, customers are more likely to go to comfortable large stores. But you have to spend money on rent and stylish renovation. These investments can be recouped by raising the prices for services - they can be higher than the citywide ones, since the workshop is located in a walk-through area.

  • customer reception area - chairs, notebook or laptop, table;
  • work area - if it is visible to customers - keep it in order. You can put plants in pots;
  • seating area - sometimes you need to rest: a comfortable chair is ideal.

An economical trick.Having rented premises in a supermarket, you can only organize a pick-up and drop-off point there. The hired employee also pays off with customers, issues receipts. Shoes can be repaired anywhere - even at home.

The main thing is to bring your repaired shoes at the specified time. But work separately only if you are confident in stable orders.

Equipment and supplies.It makes sense to purchase used equipment. There is also nothing wrong with Chinese instruments. First of all, you need:

  • sewing machine;
  • hood;
  • lamp;
  • multifunctional machine.

The hood is necessary to protect the master from exposure to glue vapors. Despite the assurances of the manufacturers in its safety, it is still toxic. You will also need two tables and shelves for storing shoes and tools.

List of required materials:

  • heels;
  • lightning;
  • soles;
  • overlays;
  • heels;
  • threads;
  • glue;
  • nails;
  • patches;
  • instep supports;
  • leather.

Don't neglect any of the lists. According to the law of meanness, in the very first orders you will come across shoes with just such damage, for which you do not have the materials to eliminate.

Do not search for materials and equipment only on the Internet - find out who can give you unnecessary tools, look through the newspapers. They often find the necessary things there.

Step-by-step startup instructions

In this case, the instructions for starting a business will not fundamentally differ from other similar types of entrepreneurship.

  1. For a start, it's worth registering as an individual entrepreneur. After - register with the tax office and the pension fund. Further - to obtain permission from SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. Do not forget to open a bank account for cashless payments.
  2. Next, purchase equipment and materials. Consider the season to decide how much and what you need. According to experienced craftsmen, the most common orders are flashing new boots, patching holes and replacing heels. You can also use a trick - buy creams, sponges, laces and shoehorns for sale in the workshop.
  3. The next step is to search for a room, rent it and arrange it. And there are tricks here. Light pleasant music is always played in supermarkets - this pushes people to buy, which has been proven by professional psychologists. Don't neglect this.
  4. The last step is advertising. Do not hesitate to post flyers and ads - they still attract the target audience. Advertising on radio stations also works well. In large cities, it makes sense to maintain a website.

Financial calculations

Here are some rough estimates. In each individual case, they will change depending on various factors - the population of the city, the planned flow of customers and the scale of work.

Start-up capital

External renovation of the premises with the replacement of electrical wiring, installation of lamps and hoods will cost 75,000 rubles. The purchase of equipment will "pull" 200,000 rubles out of your pocket, consumables and related goods - another 15,000 rubles. Approximately 14 thousand will go to advertising costs. Thus, we get a start-up capital of just over 300 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

Now let's decide on the current expenses - every month you will have to pay about 18,750 rubles. for rent, 7,500 rubles. for the Internet and signaling, 7 500 rubles. for the salary of the owner, the same for the salary of the second foreman, and another 12,500 rubles. - to the receiver. Total - 27,500 rubles. In general, the expense is 66,250 rubles. per month.

How much can you earn

If every day the workshop is visited by 10 clients with an average check of 375 rubles, we receive an income of 112,500 rubles per month. We deduct monthly expenses from this amount and get a net profit equal to 46,250 rubles.

Payback period

When recalculating the initial data, we conclude that the workshop will begin to pay off in about 18 months from the date of opening.

Business features

The main advantage of business is reliability. In any economic situation, the master has a stable flow of clients. In a recession, offer related services - bag repair. Also, do not forget about the opportunity to sell auxiliary products. Such a business is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs, since the risks of burnout in it are low, and there are practically no pitfalls.


Before you open a repair shop, study the "area": \u200b\u200bwhat is the passability, are there any competitors nearby, as well as the general level of income of the residents of the area. Business will be successful if such nuances as the level of service, prices and the presence of competition are fully taken into account.

Shoe repair seems to be one of the most affordable and low-budget types of business. Indeed, kiosks and pavilions in which you can replace the heel or glue the sole are found in a big city almost at every stop. But this service format remains in demand only among the most unassuming clients: trying to provide expensive shoes with high-quality care, many citizens prefer to use the services of professional workshops.

So how to open a DIY shoe repair shop? First of all, it should be noted that newcomers to this industry have nothing to do: without an in-depth study of the subject, it is impossible to choose the right equipment, properly organize the service cycle and assess the qualifications of their employees. Also, knowledge of marketing will not hurt: the market has long been occupied by lone craftsmen, and therefore the entrepreneur will have to fight with them for each customer. Finally, a certain capital is needed: when using hand tools, even a professional will not be able to meet the growing demands of customers for the quality of work, which means that you will have to buy sophisticated modern machines and special equipment.

Features of the shoe business

Despite the obvious prospects, a shoe repair shop cannot be opened blindly, focusing on intuition. When drawing up a business plan, an entrepreneur must understand - do citizens really need such a service? The approximate level of demand is clearly illustrated by the following data:

  • 10% of domestic and inexpensive imported footwear has to be repaired in the first year of operation. In the premium segment, this figure reaches 3.5%;
  • Two years later, the need for the services of a shoe maker appears among 25% of owners of products of almost all price categories;
  • In the third year, 50% of buyers turn to workshops. Imported footwear by this time needs prevention, and domestic footwear needs more serious repairs;
  • 75% of the workshop's customers are middle- and high-income consumers. Such citizens do not buy shoes in spontaneous markets and in basement shops, where only inexpensive consumer goods are presented: when choosing a product, they are guided primarily by the price-quality ratio. Such priorities explain their need for the services of repair specialists: shoes for 5,000 rubles are more profitable to put in order than to replace them with a new pair.

However, the constant high demand is not the only reason why aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in the field of shoe repair.

You may notice that:

  • In any market situation, the owner of the enterprise has the right to count on a stable income;
  • Setting up a shoe repair shop does not require huge investments;
  • The organization of activities does not require large premises with expensive repairs;
  • There are many ways to develop an enterprise, including the creation of an entire network of local or regional significance.

The main disadvantage of this business seems to be competition: a low entry threshold allows anyone to open their own kiosk. But this accessibility has a downside: most entrepreneurs working in the service sector are rather artisans with a rather vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of doing business. If you think about how to open a shoe repair correctly, then it is quite possible to entice a significant part of their clients.

Types of shoe shops

Talking about shoe repair, many imagine a small kiosk at a bus stop where a lone craftsman performs the simplest operations. However, workshops of various sizes operate on the market and find their clients, targeting all existing categories of consumers - from retirees to bankers:

  1. Shoe repair at home. A foreman who knows how to repair shoes and boots can serve clients in their free time from their main work. Of course, in this case, the circle of customers is limited to acquaintances, but the cost of maintaining the premises is reduced to zero. Simple equipment and hand tools allow such specialists to earn up to 20 thousand rubles a month;
  2. Economy class workshop. Top for beginners. The enterprise is housed in a kiosk and is equipped with the simplest equipment to provide basic services. However, due to reasonable prices, the workshop is visited by up to 20 clients a day with an average check of 200–300 rubles, bringing a single master up to 3000 rubles in profit;
  3. Mid-level workshop. It usually opens in a shopping center or on the ground floor of an apartment building, in an area of \u200b\u200bup to 50 m². Professional equipment allows craftsmen to expand the range of services, set higher prices and serve up to 40 visitors a day. With an average check of 600–800 rubles, such a flow of customers brings up to 10 thousand rubles of daily income;
  4. Premium segment workshop. Repairs extremely expensive footwear of famous brands. For this reason, special technologies and machines are used in the work, and the team is made up of expert craftsmen. Such a workshop should be opened in an elite area where wealthy people live. The flow of clients does not exceed 5-10 people per day, but the average bill reaches 6-10 thousand rubles;
  5. Franchise Workshop. There are almost no offers worthy of attention in the shoe industry. The existing options, focused primarily on comprehensive consumer services, cost up to half a million rubles - for this money you can easily open your own workshop. Therefore, we can say that buying a shoe repair franchise for a novice entrepreneur is impractical.

Shoe workshop services

A shoe repair business idea should be tailored to the needs of the target audience. Therefore, the list of services must be drawn up on the basis of the actual demand for certain types of work in order to subsequently select the equipment necessary for their implementation. For example, consider how much it costs to repair shoes in mid-range workshops:

Shoe workshop services

Type of work Price range, rub.
Preventive work
Shoe cleaning 1500–1800
Low shoe prevention 1800–2200
Prevention of boots 2200–2500
Prevention of boots 2700–2900
Prevention of ugg boots 2200–2500
Replacing the preventive outsole 1500–1700
Sole repair
Gluing the soles 500–1000
Complete sole replacement 1700–3700
Heel replacement 500–1000
Replacement of heels 2000–2800
Repair of heels 1000–1500
Padding leather on heels 1600–2200
Top repair
Lightning replacement 400–1000
Replacing the slider 250–300
Replacing a button or button 150–200
Stretching in the foot 600–1500
Shaft stretch 600–1700
Boot stitching 1800–3600
Glassage 1500–2000
Repainting 1000–3500
Interior repair
Internal patch installation 450–1500
Replacing leather cardboard insoles 800–1100
Replacement of leather insoles 600–1000
Replacing the instep support 800–1200
Insole gluing 150–200
Replacing the soft heel 1000–2500

Business registration

The simplest ones can be implemented without registration. The creation of a shoe workshop is not among them: even a modest kiosk in the courtyard will not be left without the attention of inspection bodies.

The procedure for legalizing an enterprise looks like this:

1. To obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, it is enough to submit an application via the Internet or personally visit the FTS branch at the place of registration;

2. When submitting an application, you must indicate the taxation system. Small businesses that provide services to the population have the right to use preferential treatment:

  • Simplified system (STS);
  • Imputed income tax (UTII);
  • Patent (PSN).
  • 95.23. "Repair of footwear and other leather goods";
  • 95.29.9. "Repair of other household goods and personal items."

4. The company must be registered with the Pension Fund, regardless of whether the entrepreneur performs shoe repairs with his own hands, or hires hired employees for these purposes;

5. To obtain work permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Inspection, a shoe repair shop must conclude contracts for the maintenance of ventilation systems, washing uniforms, garbage disposal, and the destruction of rodents and insects.

Placement of a shoe repair shop

Like any off-the-shelf business, a shoe repair shop won't be able to operate without a steady stream of customers. Therefore, in each specific case, it is necessary to study the routes used by the representatives of the target group. For example, the location near the metro is suitable for businesses targeted at low-income citizens, since car owners almost never use public transport. From this point of view, sleeping areas look more attractive: there are clusters of supermarkets, shops and establishments visited by all categories of customers.

Considering the possibility of renting a section in a shopping center is not worth it: going to such establishments, citizens think more about buying new things than about repairing old ones. Moreover, rents are fantastically high here, and internal regulations require entrepreneurs to formalize their departments at the appropriate level.

Your own pavilion is also not always profitable. Firstly, this format is acceptable for economy-class workshops, which excludes wealthy citizens from the number of clients. Secondly, renting or buying a plot in a busy place will cost a round sum. Taking into account the cost of the building, such expenses for years will increase the payback period of the business.

Thus, the most convenient option is a premise on the first floor of a multi-storey building or in a separate capital building, located on a street with heavy pedestrian and car traffic. In this case, the entrepreneur will not depend either on the whims of the management of the shopping center, or on the policy of the authorities in relation to small architectural forms.

Room requirements

Even the simplest ones require some preparation of the premises. When creating a mid-level shoe workshop, this issue should be taken more seriously: a businessman will not only have to equip comfortable workplaces for employees, but also provide comfortable conditions for visitors. If an inspector and two foremen will work at the enterprise, it is recommended to divide the required area of \u200b\u200b30–35 m² into:

  • A customer service area with a receptionist's workplace and several chairs for waiting visitors;
  • Production room with jobs for shoemakers;
  • A relaxation area where employees can change clothes or eat.

In addition, the entrepreneur will have to figure out how to equip a shoe repair shop in accordance with the requirements of the sanitary service. So:

  1. Each master must be allocated at least 7 m² of area for work;
  2. The stationary room must be connected to the power supply system, water supply and sewerage system;
  3. The production department should be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with air supply in the amount of 20 m³ per hour for each employee;
  4. Equipment for shoe repairs that causes dust and emissions of harmful substances must be provided with local hoods;
  5. When placing a shoe workshop in a residential building, the air exchange system must be installed separately from the ventilation of the residential premises;
  6. Combined lighting is installed in production workshops. The illumination level of workplaces should not be less than 500 lux;
  7. In a separate room for shoe repairs, the recommended ceiling height is 3.3 m. In a residential building, you can proceed from the actual height of the floors;
  8. The shoe shop must have a separate entrance that is not connected to other living quarters in this building.

Equipment for shoe repair

Many newbies mistakenly assume that shoe repair is a set of standard manual operations requiring simple tools. Today, most procedures are performed on high-tech machines that allow you to quickly tidy up even the most worn pair of boots. The specification of such equipment for a mid-level shoe repair shop might look like this:

Shoe workshop equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Common systems
Security and fire alarm 26000
Fire extinguisher 2500 4 10000
General lighting 25000
Power supply system 20000
Switchboard 6400 1 6400
Basic equipment
Shoemaker desk with tiles 27500 2 55000
Shoe rack 5600 2 11200
Chair on casters 3500 2 7000
Hood 13800 2 27600
Equipment table 2500 4 10000
Sleeve sewing machine 72100 1 72100
Single needle sewing machine 28600 2 57200
Edge lowering machine 31000 1 31000
Grinding machine 25000 2 50000
Shoe harvester with cutter 61000 2 122000
Drying and disinfection cabinet for 10 pairs 55700 1 55700
Sole and heel press 73600 1 73600
Fittings press 950 1 950
Ultraviolet activator 32400 1 32400
Hole punch manual 1050 2 2100
Industrial hair dryer 2500 2 5000
Foot stretch 17000 1 17000
Calf stretch 12900 1 12900
Electric drill 3200 2 6400
Shoe paw 2400 2 4800
Inside shoe measuring device 1200 1 1200
Nail burner 3600 2 7200
Hand tool
A set of shoe tools 20 poses. 3500 2 7000
Fittings installation kit 450 2 900
Rubber disc for combine 2800 2 5600
Leather circle 3300 2 6600
Circle woolen 750 2 1500
Set of machine needles 50 4 200
Shoe hook set 30 10 300
Set of shoe needles 25 10 250
Combine cutters 1200 5 6000
Step punch set 1300 2 2600
Set of curly punches 1900 2 3800
Cutting mat 2500 2 5000
Exhaust pliers 650 4 2600
Shoe scissors 750 2 1500
Shoe rasp 550 6 3300
Set of dies for eyelets and buttons 450 2 900
Shoe hammer 250 4 1000
Individual protection means 750 4 3000
Office equipment
Reception desk 15000 1 15000
Office table 3000 2 6000
Chair 700 4 2800
Online checkout 10000 1 10000
Computer 16500 1 16500
a printer 5200 1 5200
Stationery 5000
Consumer's corner 2000 1 2000
Filing Cabinets 3200 1 3200
Rest zone
Table 1800 1 1800
Sofa 7500 1 7500
Microwave oven 2300 1 2300
Water heater 6000 1 6000
Electric kettle 700 1 700
Hanger 2300 1 2300
Rack for finished products 3500 2 7000
Bathroom set 12000 1 12000
Total: 907100

Suppliers and raw materials

In repair work, the master uses many different consumables - leather, glue, dyes, polyurethane, ready-made soles, accessories. To ensure that the activities of the enterprise do not stop, it is necessary to provide employees with a known stock of such raw materials. Before you open a shoe repair shop, you can buy a little of everything, but later you will have to adjust the list in accordance with the level of demand for certain types of work.

The easiest way to order supplies is on the Internet: here are the sites of dozens of large and hundreds of small wholesale suppliers. Premium-segment enterprises often purchase raw materials abroad, directly from the manufacturer, while entry-level and intermediate-level workshops are content with an assortment of Russian intermediaries and Chinese trading floors. Below is an approximate list of chemicals and parts consumed by an average business during the month:

Shoe workshop consumables

Position Price Qty Amount, rub.
Repair parts
Shoe leather RUB 2500 / m² 1 2500
Wrap for heels 400 rub / m 4 1600
Polyurethane outsole 120 rubles / pair 30 3600
Profiled sole rubber RUB 1,500 / m² 2 3000
Polyurethane sheet 3800 rubles / m² 1 3800
Instep supports RUB 12 10 120
Leatherboard for insoles 450 rubles / m² 2 900
Insoles 100 rubles / pair 30 3000
Soles 250 rubles / pair 30 7500
Heels 220 rubles / pair 30 6600
Heaps RUB 25 / piece 150 3750
Shoe nails RUB 200 / kg 1 200
Sandpaper RUB 300 / m 4 1200
Lavsan threads RUB 100 / pcs. 10 1000
Lightning 40 rub / piece 30 1200
Velcro fastener 50 rub / m 30 1500
Accessories, buttons, eyelets 5 rub / piece 120 600
Glue brushes RUB 60 / piece 10 600
Repair chemicals
Polyurethane adhesive RUB 600 / kg 2 1200
Polychloroprene glue RUB 330 / kg 2 660
Solvent ethyl acetate 250 rub / l 4 1000
Paint for leather 1200 rub / l 1 1200
Suede paint 4000 rub / l 0,5 2000
Aerosol impregnation RUB 500 / piece 4 2000
Leather cleaner 1200 rub / l 0,5 600
Suede cleaner 2800 rub / l 0,5 1400
Leather polish 4400 rub / l 0,5 2200
Stretching fluid 3200 rub / l 0,5 1600
Skin regenerator 18000 rub / l 0,1 1800
Total: 58330

Shoe workshop workers

By implementing any, the entrepreneur gets used to doing everything on his own. However, in the case of a shoe workshop, this is only possible when working in economy class: it will not work to create a larger enterprise without hiring additional employees.

At this stage, a problem arises - where to find craftsmen who know how to handle professional equipment and who know how to repair shoes? To solve it, you can use one or more of the following methods:

  • Try to find employees among graduates of specialized educational institutions;
  • Place advertisements in newspapers and on job search sites;
  • Hire young people with no experience and teach them the intricacies of the craft yourself.

In general, the business plan for a medium-sized shoe repair shop should provide for the employment of several specialists working in shifts:

Shoe shop staff

How to attract customers?

Promotion of the shoe business is carried out in two stages: first, you need to attract customers to the workshop, and then keep them. Repeated visits are usually provided with an impeccable quality of work and a high level of service. But convincing potential customers to abandon the services of competitors is somewhat more difficult.

This is facilitated by:

1. Exterior of the shoe repair and manufacturing workshop:

  • First of all, you need to carefully arrange the facade and the entrance group. For clients, the reputation of a workshop is closely related to its appearance;
  • You will also need a prominent backlit sign in the evening. The name and logo of the workshop must be unambiguously associated with the shoe.
  • A pavement sign is an addition to the sign. It should only contain a summary of the workshop services so that the text is easy to read on the go;
  • If the entrance to the premises is poorly visible from the road, you can hang several signs on the poles and walls of the nearest houses;
  • Directly at the roadway, it is a good idea to install a citylight or other structure to attract the attention of motorists.
  • Citizens are usually looking for shoe repairmen close to home. Therefore, it is advisable to place leaflets in the mailboxes of neighboring houses;
  • Business cards with an address and a brief listing of workshop services are also needed. They should be distributed to all visitors and customers.
  • Advertising on the Internet should lead the visitor to the workshop website. In this case, a one-page page with prices, contacts and work schedule is sufficient;
  • Banners with a link to the site can be placed on popular city forums and other sites frequently visited by local residents;
  • Social media groups can be made good for your business by posting tips and helpful articles on shoe care here.

5. Other marketing activities:

  • In the business plan for shoe repair, you immediately need to include the cost of buying a uniform. Neat craftsmen inspire confidence in clients;
  • You need to be friendly and friendly with every visitor. People love to be given special attention;
  • Finally, you can give your customers inexpensive souvenirs with a logo - pens, calendars, magnets. Each order should be given in a branded package.

However, all advertising expenses will not lead to the expected effect if clients see the Closed sign on their way to work or on their way home. Therefore, the operating hours of a shoe repair shop should be as convenient as possible for citizens: you need to open no later than 7-8 am, and close - no earlier than 8-9 pm. It is also advisable to work at least half a day on weekends: many people deal with everyday problems on Sunday.

How much does it cost to open a shoe shop?

The initial investment in a business is determined by three factors: the format of the enterprise, its location and the size of the city in which it opens. To equip a medium-sized shoe workshop in a residential area of \u200b\u200bone of the large regional centers, you will need about 1.4 million rubles:

Investments in shoe repair

Article Amount, rub.
Shoe shop registration 800
Rent for the period of renovation 30 m² 21000
Repair of premises 60000
Workshop equipment 907100
Connection to utility networks 20000
Connection of communication lines 2000
Signboard and pillar 30000
Corporate website 15000
Printable advertisement 25000
Administrative expenses 8000
Expendable materials 58330
Financial reserve 250000
Total: 1397230

Probably, fans will find this amount significant. However, it is difficult to reduce it: for this you will have to either reduce the number of jobs and lose in the speed of service, or abandon professional equipment and sacrifice quality.

The next step is to analyze the monthly costs of the shoe repair shop, taking into account all production and administrative costs:

Workshop running costs

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To achieve the maximum profitability of shoe repair, a ready-made business should be built taking into account the real needs of consumers for such services. The initial data for the calculation will be provided by the same statistics. In an area with a population of 5,000:

  • Sooner or later, 50% of shoe owners will turn to workshops. Half of them will prefer economy-class kiosks, so 25% of the audience will get high-quality service. In absolute terms, the client base will be 1250 people;
  • Taking into account male modesty and female passion for collecting shoes, on average, there are five pairs of shoes per citizen. Therefore, it can be expected that the workshop will complete about 6250 orders per year (17-18 orders per day);
  • The economy-class kiosks mentioned will deal mainly with low-cost transactions. Due to this, the average shop check will increase to 750–800 rubles. At the same time, the daily turnover will amount to 13,600 rubles, and the monthly turnover - 408,000 rubles.

Calculating the payback of a shoe shop


Shoe repair is a business that can be done for decades even in the format of a small kiosk at a bus stop. However, the lack of progress is a losing strategy: without development and self-improvement, the entrepreneur risks falling behind the competitors and losing all his advantages. However, there are several available ways to gradually conquer the market:

  1. First of all, you should not give up difficult work that handicraft workshops do not want to take on. If you have the necessary equipment, you can fulfill such an order with high quality and, as a result, get a loyal customer
  2. Another way of development involves the purchase of more advanced equipment and the development of complex repair technologies. In the end, you can start tailoring products to order and think about;
  3. Finally, an extensive development option deserves attention - the construction of a whole network of workshops, covering one or several price segments within a city or district. So the entrepreneur will be able to oust almost all competitors.
Article Amount, rub.

Why Shoe Repair?

This type of service is one of the most stable in terms of crisis protection. Even if the economic situation in the country deteriorates, at this moment the footwear businessman not only does not risk going bankrupt, on the contrary, he receives additional profit. The poorer the population, the more often the shoes will be repaired - there is no money for new "boots"!

The master will not be left without work even in case of general prosperity - the more shoes and boots are bought, the more often they will be carried for repairs. In any case, you can always earn money for your piece of bread and butter.

As practice shows, the checking authorities are not very interested in shoemakers. Although you need to be prepared for the fact that the prosecutor's office will still have to fix the tax shoes and boots. This is an extra plus of the profession, since the overly keen interest of the state in business often ends in failure.

Another advantage is that the prime cost is minimal. Basically, the price includes the work of the master. And this concept can be manipulated quite boldly - it all depends on the reputation.

Why aren't others doing it?

Probably, every successful businessman wonders: why the rest of the people who complain about poverty do not think of doing the same thing as he did? After all, it is difficult, but so profitable! So in the case of opening a shoe repair business, everyone will be overcome with doubts. Standard thoughts: "If it was profitable, everyone would be doing the repairs."

"I will definitely go bust, as I have never done business." "I will be" eaten "by the authorities." This is all fundamentally wrong. When organizing a small business, you need to act according to the Napoleonic principle: first get involved in a fight, and then sort it out. You need to think in a positive way. If no one undertakes this, then there is a good niche that can be occupied.

You also need to consider that shoe repair is hard daily work. And nowadays it is fashionable to be a PR specialist, a lawyer or, at worst, a journalist. And many would rather work for a penny in an office and brag about their profession than earn decent money in a serious business.

Why read this guide?

Below it will be described step by step how to organize your own business without loss. The goal is to give the reader detailed and, most importantly, practical advice. Therefore, as experts were selected those who at one time had already gone through all this, having received a unique experience.
It is not for nothing that popular wisdom says that the smart learn from the mistakes of others.

We tried to cover all aspects: from paperwork to supplier selection and marketing art. Without this, there is nothing to do in the modern market. Get ready for the fact that you will have to urgently gain new knowledge and rebuild your thinking. Consider legislation - so as not to pay extra money.

Marketing - for the business to be truly profitable. Economics - to know what laws your business will develop according to. It is clear that after reading one article it is impossible to become a professor, but you just need to know the basics. However, since you have read to these lines, it means that you are ready for learning.

Attention, start!

  • Brief introduction. Overview.
  • Beginning: collecting papers.
  • We count and invest: prices and costs.
  • Marketing and Advertising.
  • Expansion: business expansion.
  • Experienced advice.
  • When you can't say yes (a brief overview of the legislation).
  • The art of sales increases profits (tips for communicating with customers).
  • Combine and conquer (ideas for selling additional services and goods).
  • In the footsteps of "sharks" (tricks of large companies that can be adopted).
  • Happy End: summing up /

Without a piece of paper - nowhere. Let's go to the entrepreneurs!

Where do we start? From registration!

In our country, relationships with money, as well as with women, are subject to mandatory registration. Only not in the registry office, but in the appropriate authorities.
Nowadays, becoming an entrepreneur is easy enough.

First, you need to contact the tax office, which is closest to your place of residence. Most likely, you are territorially related to it. If you live in one place and are registered in another, officials should tell you the address of the institution where you should apply.

The fact is that you can do business anywhere, but you need to register an individual entrepreneur only in the tax office to which you are "attached".

Paper details

To receive the coveted certificate, you need to provide the following documents:
Completed application form P2100. Writing it is not the easiest thing to do, but the tax office usually tells you what to write and what is not necessary.
The application will need to be certified by a notary.

After the notary, it will be necessary to pay the state fee - to pay the state for the right to do business. Do not forget to specify in the tax code of the budget classification - it must be indicated when paying. You can pay for registration only at SBR branches.
Next, you should submit the following papers to the tax office: a notarized statement, two copies of your passport, a copy of the identification number of an individual, a check from the bank confirming that the state duty has been paid.

After that, you need to wait five days. This is how long, according to the law, the registration of an individual - an individual entrepreneur takes. The tax office must issue a receipt, which will indicate a list of the documents you provided, as well as the date of receipt of the certificate.
Arriving at the specified time, you will need to show that very receipt, as well as present your passport or other document proving your identity.

3. What's next?

It is advisable to open a bank account for bank transfers. This comes in handy when it's time to pay for equipment and supplies. After opening a current account, notify the tax office within ten days, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.
In any inspection, there are people responsible for mass explanatory work. Do not hesitate to contact them for advice, not only during the IP registration, but also during the business. This will help you avoid trouble.

Obstacles to the goal

As in any government agency, there are long queues at tax authorities throughout the country. Because of this, the procedure may be somewhat delayed. So immediately tune in to the fact that you will have to spend quite a lot of time: not on the design itself, but on waiting for the appointment of a specialist.

If there is neither time nor desire to stand in the corridor, it is worth contacting specialized firms. For a relatively small sum they will collect all the documents themselves and bring you a certificate on a "platter with a blue border."

It is likely that "experienced" acquaintances will convince that it is best to work illegally. Don't believe it. If you don't have an uncle in the Presidential Administration or an aunt in the FSB, then sooner or later you will have to pay, and in full. They do not stand on ceremony with those who hide taxes (of course, we are talking about small entrepreneurs, and not about oligarchs).

Investing in business: how not to pay too much:

Lists are the head

Since you have reached this point, it means that you already imagine what you will need in free commercial navigation. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to compile an exact list of everything necessary: \u200b\u200bit all depends on the region in which the master lives, as well as on the size of the start-up capital.

As practice shows, it is most reasonable to purchase a used tool - prices will be lower by an order of magnitude. Alexander Mishin, a shoe repairman from Novosibirsk, has compiled for us a short list of what we cannot start without.
So, in order to fulfill the first orders, you need:

  • - Heaps,
  • - Overlays,
  • - Heels,
  • - Leather,
  • - Glue,
  • - Nails,
  • - Threads,
  • - "Lightning",
  • - Soles,
  • - "Latki",
  • - Arch support.

Equipment is badly needed:

  • - Sewing machine,
  • - Multifunctional machine,
  • - Lamp,
  • - Hood.

The latter is so that the vapor of glue does not lead the master to the hospital bed - the glue is very toxic, despite the assurances of the sellers of its safety.
Include a table and a chair in the equipment cost estimate.

Moreover, there should be at least two tables: one is being repaired, and the second is where receipts are filled in and the received shoes are inspected.
Shelves are also needed to store the little things you need, from "spare parts" to tools.

Where to find all this?

In the age of the Internet, this is, at first glance, a silly question. But not everything is on the net - it is much safer to flip through newspaper ads and ask friends - maybe someone heard something.

The best helpers in this matter are forums. It is quite difficult to find them, they are few in number. But the members of the forum will explain everything "on the fingers", and even put in a word for you if necessary.

Online shops are like "Russian roulette". If you do not study prices and brands, you can buy a batch of goods at a fabulous price, and a week later find out that an unknown Chinese manufacturer does everything of the same quality, but at a price twice lower.

There are also printed business guides / price lists. For some unknown reason, they turn out to be more effective than the most promoted sites with ads. And although they are not as convenient as specialized resources, the main thing is that you can find serious suppliers there.

How much to buy?

It all depends on how many clients your business plan is designed for. Please note that they will bring to the repair exactly those shoes for which there are no "spare parts". This is a standard "law of meanness", and no one has yet been able to avoid it. Consider what season it is outside the window: as soon as it gets warmer, people bring light "boots" to repair, when it gets colder, everyone remembers about warm "shoes".

If the budget allows, it is better to buy everything at once - nothing will be superfluous. According to Alexander Mishin, the most common orders are replacement of heels, sewing holes and "stitching" new shoes. Consider this.

It is also advisable to find suppliers of auxiliary products: creams, laces, "spoons" and sponges. Moreover, in recent years, trade representatives are ready to release the goods on credit, "for sale." Sell \u200b\u200b- give back the money.

4. Roof over head: we rent premises

We are looking for passages

In order for clients to come more often, you need to look for a brisk place for renting premises. Markets are most suitable - here and square meters are relatively inexpensive, and good cross-country ability. The plus is that you don't have to invest in renovations: no one expects a shoe workshop to shine like a boutique selling exquisite lingerie.

Another advantageous place is any large supermarket. The trends are such that people, especially in more or less large cities, increasingly prefer large comfortable stores to the usual flea market. Rental prices are much higher here than in ordinary shops or stalls.

Moreover, you will have to invest in attractive repairs - otherwise the administration simply will not give the go-ahead. On the other hand, the prices here can be increased in comparison with the citywide ones - after all, you are in a convenient civilized place.

Knowledgeable people also recommend paying attention to the stop pavilions. This means not modern open structures, but old brick stops with kiosks attached to them. Such people still remain in some places. Such a location will also attract customers, because it is so convenient to send shoes for repair when going to work, and pick them up after a hard day.

Consider building a new pavilion in an attractive location. But is it worth the effort? It is very difficult to rent or buy urban land - this requires strong connections and a lot of money.

The construction itself will also cost a pretty penny - even if you build it yourself, the materials will take so much money that such a shoe repair shop will pay off for at least ten years. But at this time you will have to eat something, and even feed your family!

"Square minimum"

Of course, you can repair shoes, as they say, "on the knee." But it's best not to engage in masochism, and immediately take up a normal amount of square meters. To work comfortably and receive visitors, fifteen "squares" are enough.

This area will have to be visually delimited into zones:

  • 1. Customer reception area. Here are comfortable chairs, a clean, beautiful table, a laptop or a solid notepad, a place to store small money for change.
  • 2. Working area: if it is not fenced off, it should be in perfect order. It does not interfere with immediately putting several flowers in pots. For some reason, the abundance of decorative greenery inspires confidence in customers.
  • 3. Recreation area. You will need it: due to the peculiarities of human psychology, you will want to spend a few minutes while working, abstracting yourself from routine work. And best of all, if you have a separate comfortable chair for these purposes.

Reducing the area

If rental prices are reasonable, you can set up as your heart desires. And if they demand too much, you will have to go to furniture specialists and draw the future salon in a 3D editor: now there are many ways to optimize the workspace. If your arms grow from the right place, you can make all these shelves and cabinets yourself.

If your hands are not friendly with the machine and the saw, you will have to pay. Although, if the monthly rent is so high, it might be worth considering: will it be possible to pay the landlord every month? Even if the location turns out to be profitable, renting can eat up a hefty chunk of profit.
There is another option: in the supermarket, you can equip not the salon itself, but a shoe collection point.

That is, hire an employee who will accept shoes, issue a receipt and take money. And to do the repairs in another place, even at home. The main thing is that there are no problems with transport and that the repaired shoes “arrive” exactly on time specified by the receiver.

It makes sense to keep a reception point instead of a workshop if you are sure of a consistently large number of orders. You may have to take the shoes yourself for several months - and fix them in the evenings. But you will know how to organize the whole procedure of prima "boot" more profitably.

5 The art of courting clients

Meet by uniform

Whatever one may say, but stereotypes among people are standard. In our case, we need to use the following belief - "any repairman must be in uniform." Everyone is used to the fact that people of working professions dress accordingly.

It is clear that we are not talking about oily robes, cotton pants and dirty boots.

Now they produce overalls for every taste. So why not get a comfortable, lightweight jumpsuit that you can sew on your workshop logo on? And people will understand that the master is a serious person, and it will be convenient for you. What to do, you cannot disappoint the client in his belief.

Probably, there is no need to remind that clothes should always be neat, a pleasant smell should come from them. At least a good cologne.

Let's remember good old Carnegie

If you enter the query "Art of Sales" into a search engine, about a million links will appear. Moreover, those on the first pages will most likely lead to the sites of paid courses. Of course, nowadays sales are taken very seriously, this is a whole science.

But really enough advice from the unforgettable Dale Carnegie. And reading thick books is not necessary - the author himself says that his recommendations can be placed on the cover of a matchbox. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • - Sincere interest in other people disposes to oneself.
  • - Smiling is the easiest way to make a good impression.
  • - Call the client by name. This will help build trust.
  • - Listen. A few extra minutes that you spend listening to the client's problems will make him come to you again and again.
  • - Try to find out what the client's circle of interests is and talk about it. Nothing unites more than a common love for kittens or summer cottages. But if you do not understand a hobby, it is better to remain silent, otherwise you will hear about someone else's hobby until the end of the work shift.
  • - Satisfy the client's megalomania. Address people on "you" regardless of age and appearance. It also happens that people prefer a polite master to a more experienced, but rude one.

Most of the expensive trainings that are offered on the Internet will tell you the same thing, only in more detail. However, no education has ever been superfluous.

Small tricks of big business

When setting up your workshop, do not forget about the "tricky things". Remember, music is always playing in supermarkets. Why? Because it makes people spend money. This is all calculated by professional psychologists hired by "business sharks".

Even if you have a quiet, but pleasant melody pouring from your speakers - since corporations do not disdain such methods, then even small entrepreneurs should not neglect it. You can also order small souvenirs. And give customers, for example, calendars with the workshop logo. A trifle, but nice.

With a large order, you can give the client a pen or a notebook - such things are usually not thrown away, and the logo will be firmly ingrained in memory during the use of the souvenir. Which, in fact, only suits you.

You can't do without bags for packaging - this is an indicator of quality service. And since you still have to buy them, why not apply your own logo?

The layout of related products also has its own nuances: according to the laws of merchandising, an expensive product must be at eye level. And what is cheaper can be put down or up. If the products are in the same row (for example, creams for shoe care), the expensive product must be placed on the left - the shelves are viewed the way the text is read, that is, from left to right.

Additional small items can be placed in a cabinet with lockable glass doors so that petty thieves do not have the temptation to steal a tube.

How important it is for a budding entrepreneur to know all the benefits and advantages of starting a business with a quality franchise:

6 Shoe creative. We increase profits

Promotions - the key to attention

The good thing about stocks is that there is practically no loss from them, but the profit can be significantly increased. The main goal of any such event is to tell people about your business. And to those who know about it - to remind.

It is not necessary to give away huge discounts and accessories to the left and right. Evgeny Strakhov from Omsk, for example, told us what attracts customers in the following way:

  • - When I feel that the growth of clients stops, I post on local sites announcements that on Tuesdays the discount on shoe repairs is minus ten percent. Only a few come by the action itself. But many remember that they have postponed a visit to the shoemaker for a long time, take shoes or boots, and go to me. I have a business card printed on the back of the receipt so that when the person is about to go again, they can call and find out how much the repair will cost and how long it will take. Little things like that are extremely important to your reputation.

How to carry out promotions?

Like everyone else. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, let advertising agencies compete in creativity. After all, they charge a lot of money for it. For a shoe repair shop, the best option would be "Discounts of the day": "Only on Mondays, repair of shoes at half price." Explain to your clients that "half price" is a discount for the work of a master, it does not apply to materials.

There are hundreds of options to lure buyers of the service. For example, every tenth person can be given a shoe sponge. Or a certificate for warranty service (which you already have to do - there is a law). If you personally liked any special offer of a supermarket or store, feel free to copy it, slightly altering the name. As a rule, time-tested is the best.

Advertising. The radio is driving.

Without advertising, nowhere. We'll have to fork out and place your block in the media. Advertising on popular radio stations sells services most effectively. The best results on TV, but the prices there are simply cosmic. If your creative is in order, try to come up with names for your services.

For example, expensive shoes need something like "Elite-repair", for sneakers - "Sport-repair", for boots "Express-repair" or "Heel-plus". It all depends on the fantasy. But each service can be presented as exclusive - and this is an additional percentage to the cost.

Notices posted in the area still work well. Poles, walls, stops - wherever people go. And do not be tormented by the pangs of conscience. Everyone glues - why are you worse? All the same, the authorities are not going to install bulletin boards in the required quantity.

7. Business empire: building a network

Briefly about the main

Expanding your business will only work if you already have:

  • AND). Employees you trust.
  • B). Stable income allowing investment.
  • IN). Free time to do the expansion.
  • D). Willpower that allows you to go ahead through numerous obstacles.

A business network is relevant if you have remarkable administrative talent. If you do not have the skills of delegating authority, understanding the laws by which the business lives and develops, it is better not to get involved with large-scale projects.

Few details

The path described in the previous chapters will have to be followed to open each new outlet. Is it not necessary to reissue the certificate of individual entrepreneurship?

Considering the difficult taxation system in the world, it is best to hire an accountant, otherwise reporting will take up all your free time. You will also need a good lawyer who can answer your phone calls at any time of the night. After all, you never know in advance with what "surprise" firefighters, sanitary inspectors or representatives of the Pension Fund will come.

Accounting, accounting and accounting again

Each new outlet should only be opened after careful study. Everything will have to be taken into account: the crowdedness of the place, the presence of competitors nearby, the standard of living of the district, the reputation of the district authorities. It is quite possible that local deputies will have a "pleasant" habit of taking over successful businesses.

You can conduct a small opinion poll on the street on the topic: "Do we need a shoe workshop in this area." At the same time, you will learn what people expect from applying to this kind of institution.

Any network works according to the rules that were formed a good half century ago:

  • - The network must be recognizable.
  • - Prices are lower than those of competitors.
  • - Service is at the highest level.
  • - Advertising and marketing is at the head of everything.

8. Legal self-defense

How to avoid becoming a victim

“You may not be a lawyer, but you must know the laws” - this is how the classic can be paraphrased. Why should I? Because, having founded a business, the owner must protect it. And the current representatives of state authorities are very fond of writing out fines on the basis of decisions sucked from the finger.

Either the deadlines are violated, the documentation does not correspond, or the moon is simply in the wrong phase of Jupiter - and for this, a fine is also imposed.
If you demonstrate knowledge of the laws to the examiners, you can be sure that they will not find fault with trifles. More dear to yourself.

Where to begin

To get at least a little up to date, you can read the Tax Code. Not the most interesting literature, but you can understand the basics and learn the terms. A lot of interesting (and not only in the field of business) can be found in the Code of Administrative Offenses. Find and read the rights and responsibilities of officials you face most often.

This will help when they once again begin to "teach life" and "pull the bagpipes", hinting at gratitude, which is called a bribe in the Criminal Code.

In addition, the Civil Code and the Constitution will come in handy - these are the regulatory frameworks with which a sane official will not argue.
Also required to read the order of local authorities.

Scandal or peace?

Many people believe that it is better not to anger civil servants once again and fulfill all their demands, no matter how stupid they are. It is not right.
Practice shows that those who can defend themselves have the least trouble. If you dash off a couple of complaints against your inspector, he will begin to talk to you in a whisper and to “you” - because he does not want to fly out of work after a few penalties.

If the appeals to the immediate superiors of the guilty person did not bring results, or if he tries to "pressurize", you need to write to the federal authorities. They do not really understand whether the official is right or guilty - he will fly into him in any case, even just for the fact of your appeal. Officials tend to fear their superiors more than the snowman of the sun.

And this very bosses, in turn, are always happy to report to the top that "the guilty have been punished, measures have been taken." Guess who will be the extreme in this system? That's right, the same civil servant against whom the complaint came.

Remember: the prosecutor's office and the media always remain. The former are interested in indicators (for detecting violations in the state. Sphere, they receive good bonuses), the latter are always happy to tell the people about how bad life is for small business because of all kinds of authorities.

If they are completely pressed by checks and fines, there remains "heavy artillery" - the FSB, the Duma and the Presidential Administration. It is almost impossible to break through to the last resort, but if it does work out, the result will exceed all expectations.

All these "legal wars" are possible only with competent legal support - you will not have enough of your knowledge, and spending five years to get the required diploma and knowledge, to put it mildly, is not advisable. Nobody goes to medical school to cure a runny nose?

In Christian churches, believers give ten percent of their income to the parish. This tradition is time-tested, so why not make it work for you? So, when calculating the net profit, subtract 10% from the total.

At first it will seem that these are pennies, but after three months the stack of bills will grow to a solid size. After a year, you will be able to take microloans from yourself, without hassle and extortionate interest. The main thing is to treat this money as if it were not yours: do not spend it for no reason, make up for the shortage and not tell anyone about it - not to your wife or friends.

Let the bank work

Whatever people write on the Internet, it is best to keep money in special institutions. Why?

  • AND). "Interest is dripping."
  • B). All money transactions are easy to view at the end of the month / quarter / year.
  • IN). There is no temptation to go and spend everything, even if there is a super profitable offer.
  • D). Banks teach financial discipline.

Another plus of banks is that they offer online account management tools. That is, now it is not necessary to go to the branch to transfer money from account to account or find out the balance on the account. It is enough to send SMS from your mobile - and all operations will be performed automatically. In addition, smartphones allow you to install special software, thanks to which financial management is simplified a hundredfold.

What to invest in, which deposit to open and which bank to entrust your hard-earned money to - it's up to you. Experts say that long-term foreign currency deposits are the most profitable. But in this case, the bank usually prohibits early capital withdrawal, and in business there should always be an opportunity to withdraw the required amount. It is also profitable and safe to invest money in gold bank bars - they do not get cheaper, so that the deposit will not burn out, and the interest will run up as expected. Unlike the same dollar deposit.

In no case should you trust the so-called credit unions, mutual aid funds and other organizations that promise mountains of gold. They promise huge percentages, but hundreds of criminal cases and thousands of lawsuits across the CIS show that these "financiers", if they help anyone to become richer, are clearly not investors.

PC to help

You can keep records even without accounting education or experience. There are a lot of free programs on the Internet now, in which literally all items of expenses and income are taken into account. You just have to enter the necessary data, and the program itself will summarize how much and on what you earned, and how much and on what you spent.

As a rule, such software is not demanding on computer resources, so an old laptop or a cheap tablet is enough to maintain a database. And even if an accountant works for you, it will not be superfluous to compare his data and yours at the end of the reporting period - you look, suddenly the numbers will not converge.

Naturally, the computer must be password protected. And for reliability, you can password-protect the accounting program itself - almost all of them allow you to do this. It is better not to store personal databases at the workplace - if the data of your personal database is at odds with the information that you provide to the tax office, this is called "double-entry bookkeeping." And for this punishment is due.

10. Summing up

Experience is a gain

Just an example: when you issue a lease, most likely you will be asked to draw up two contracts. One - for the tax, it will say that you pay per square meter of a penny.

The second contract is drawn up to protect the lessor - it indicates the real amount, and he will be able to defend his interests in case you do not want to pay. The second contract is renewed every month, so that the owner of the commercial space has the opportunity to declare that the previous, "minimum" contract is not valid, and you did not pay in a new way.
There are a lot of similar subtleties.

Be patient

If you are hoping that the shoe repair shop will be profitable as soon as you open, then you will be disappointed. It will take at least a year for the income to become more or less stable. What is the reason for this? Unknown. But in practice it is, and it does not matter what the entrepreneur is doing: selling socks, repairing shoes or selling elite tea in bulk.

It remains only to wait for the business to get on track, and only then can you make some predictions and think about something new.

Learn while there is time!

During the time the business is gaining momentum, you need to read more than a dozen books. We have already talked about marketing and jurisprudence. It is equally important to understand economics - such information will greatly help you when doing business. If you are going to hire people in the future, be sure to learn the basics of HR - management. Motivation of personnel, work with personnel - all this is extremely important.

For example, someone works well only with material incentives. And the other person looks at the money contemptuously, but if you call him “The best employee of the company”, then he will simply move mountains to confirm his title. HR science teaches all this.

Time management will be helpful. This subject will help you to correctly allocate your time, and also tell you how to properly prioritize.
Since we are talking about business, take care of the savings in training: it is much cheaper to buy a reader and download books from the Internet than to order paper copies, each of which will cost a pretty penny.

Despite the fact that difficult times lie ahead of you, do not lose heart: a persistent and talented person (and others do not even think about business) should have everything in the best possible way. And we hope that our advice will be useful and useful. If you have something to add - you are welcome in the comments, your invaluable experience will be extremely curious.

For centuries, people have needed footwear and its maintenance. The volume of the shoe industry remains high, and the demand for the services of shoe repairmen does not subside. Moreover, people turn to repairing worn-out pairs much more often than buying new ones in a shoe store.

This applies to representatives of all classes. Both elite boots for 1000 euros and modest sandals bought at a sale need periodic repairs. Therefore, shoe repairers have never been idle, and well-organized repair shops are still a very profitable business with minimal investment (such as a related type of key making business).

Types of repair shops, their profitability

You can open a shoe repair shop in 3 formats: economy, medium and VIP

1 Economy Workshops the most common. Most often they are located in kiosks or small rented premises - 6-10 m2. Designed to provide a narrow range of services, such as:

  • replacement and repair of heels,
  • instep supports,
  • heels,
  • soles,
  • insoles,
  • zippers and locks,
  • installation of prevention,
  • line, painting.

Small areas, which cannot accommodate the corresponding equipment, do not allow expanding this list. The technique is usually used the simplest and cheapest, which allows you to set low prices for services. Target audience - low or middle income population.

This line of business cannot be classified as highly profitable. An experienced shoemaker can repair 20 pairs of shoes a day. The average cost of services is 150 rubles. In this situation, the daily income will be about 3 tr. It is worth subtracting about 1 tr from it. material costs. The total daily revenue will be, at best, 2,000 rubles.

2 Enterprises middle level are distinguished by a wide range of services (up to 150 items) and high prices. Are located on areas from 30 m2. Shoes are repaired using expensive quality equipment. They are in demand among the population of average and above average income level.

Such workshops, with their competent placement and a constant flow of customers, can generate a good income. Judge for yourself: with 30 orders per day, the average cost is 500 rubles. daily income will be 15 thousand rubles, and profit less material costs - 10 thousand rubles.

3 VIP workshops specialize in repairing luxury shoes... Typically located in high-income neighborhoods, they provide services to single clients. People who bought shoes for several thousand dollars will never trust them to medium-sized and, moreover, economy-format enterprises. They prefer to repair it precisely in such specialized workshops, equipped with the appropriate equipment, allowing them to carry out restoration of any level of complexity.

Such a business is highly profitable, but less common and risky. You will have to purchase equipment for at least $ 200 tons, and without a steady stream of customers, it will hardly pay off faster than in 4-5 years.

Registration procedures


  1. Registration of a company in the tax office. When choosing an organizational and legal form, we recommend giving preference to individual entrepreneurs. This will make it possible to apply UTII, and since 2013 - a patent form of taxation.
  2. Selection of OKVED codes:

    52.71 Repair of footwear and other leather products
    52.74 Repair of household goods and personal use items, not included in other categories

  3. Registration in the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds
  4. Purchase of a cash register or forms of strict reporting
  5. Before starting a business, it is necessary to bring the premises in accordance with the requirements of the State Mistress and Rospotrebnadzor


A workshop is usually equipped with:

1. Kiosk (6-10 m2).

You can get this structure in two ways:

  • rent a plot of land from the state (from 2 thousand rubles per month) and install the purchased stall on it (from 100 thousand rubles);
  • rent both land and a kiosk (from RUB 30 per month).

2. A separate room.

For a small workshop, it is enough to rent about 6 m2 (from 6 thousand rubles per month). For a medium-sized enterprise, you will need at least 30 m2 (from RUB 30 per month). It is advisable to place the workshop in a walkable place - in the market, in a shopping center, in the basement of a house in a densely populated residential area.

The room must have a reliable power source. Professional equipment used for shoe repair consumes a lot of electricity. Medium-sized establishments need to be equipped so that the pick-up area is separated from the work area. In some cases, it is advisable to place reception points in large shopping centers, and to carry out repairs in a hotel room.

Equipment for shoe repair

Minimum set of equipment:

  • electric stove (for heating the glue) - 1000 r.
  • boot paw - 1 tr.
  • sharpener - 3 tr.
  • electric drill - 1.5 tr.
  • boot rasp - 250 p.
  • shoe pistol - 250 p.
  • awl - 250 p.
  • pliers and wire cutters - 500 p.
  • a set of shoe needles - 500 rubles.
  • hammer and nails - 500 p.
  • abrasive skins - 10 r.

You will also need components in the amount of 5 tr. (pieces of leather, printed rubber, different soles, soles, polyurethane, special threads, instep supports, etc.)

To provide a wider range of services, you will need:

  • processing machine - from 40 tr.
  • sewing machine - from 6 tr.
  • burner - from 2.5 tr.
  • compressor - from 20 tr.


Most often, shoemakers work for themselves, organizing small businesses. But if you want to create an enterprise of a larger format, you will have to recruit specialists. This is a rather problematic issue. Shoemaker is a rare profession. Shoemakers are trained only in some technical schools, where there is a specialty "Technology / Design of leather goods". It is advisable to contact a recruiting agency if you cannot find personnel through personal acquaintances.

In this material:

Shoes are an essential item of clothing that every person needs. According to statistics, the average Russian citizen changes shoes every 2 years. It should be borne in mind that this means only one type of seasonal boots for every day. At the same time, sports shoes are required, festive, removable, walking, work, for recreation. The service life depends on the price segment, but in order to increase this period, every second person carries boots to the workshop. Starting a shoe repair business is almost the most popular idea among aspiring entrepreneurs and professional shoemakers. In practice, there are many nuances in the implementation of the project, which requires the preparation of a business plan, market analysis and financial calculations.

Shoe repair as a business: relevance and advantages of the idea

Any boots or sneakers, regardless of price category, have a wear period. For more expensive items, the period is longer due to high-quality production, and for models with cheaper prices, the wear time is shorter. But in any case, shoes eventually deteriorate.

In 90% of cases, shoe wear begins with small defects. If they are noticed in time, they can be repaired inexpensively and continue to wear shoes.

This is the relevance of the business - people bring spoiled shoes to the master in the hope of inexpensive repairs compared to buying a new pair. Expectations are justified: 200-300 rubles is not the money to ignore the services of a shoemaker and buy shoes for 3-4 thousand rubles instead.

For the master, the same 300 rubles are considered quite a good profit, because this is the price of minor repairs that do not involve the cost of material and long working time. 30-40 minutes and you're done. It is enough to complete 5-6 orders during the day to receive a decent salary.

Shoe repair, as a business, is relevant for all settlements, but is most suitable for residential areas of large cities. Having chosen a convenient place between 4-5 high-rise buildings, a shoemaker can count on several thousand potential clients.

Workshop advantages:

  1. Minimum investment - shoe repair does not involve serious investments, but it is very popular. The main expenses include the purchase of a trailer, payment of rent for 4-5 sq. m. and purchase of a machine for work.
  2. Fast return on investment - due to low costs at the start and high demand for services, the project will pay for itself in 2-3 months.
  3. Stability - the shoemaker always has a job. The amount of income can be floating, depending on the season, but the complete absence of orders can be considered a fictional story.

List of services of a shoe master

A standard shoe repair shop provides the following services:

  • replacement of heels;
  • firmware;
  • sizing;
  • patching;
  • repair and replacement of lightning;
  • other repairs depending on the problem.

Reference: a professional shoemaker will never take up work without inspection. It is not uncommon for people to bring shoes that cannot be repaired. Dishonest craftsmen take a payment for work that cannot withstand even 2 days of wearing. Nobody will go to such a workshop again, which means that the future of business does not seem bright.

Market analysis

Shoe workshop demand and level of competition

Competition in the field of shoe repair is extremely high - small tents and booths are located, if not in every courtyard of the sleeping area, then in all crowded places. Before joining this business, it is necessary to study in detail several potential territories for work.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Selection of several districts of the city with developed infrastructure and a large number of residents.
  2. Determination of all points for shoe repair.
  3. Comparison of the business format of competitors, floor space and volume of services provided.
  4. Finding the best place for organizing a business with a high traffic of people and the absence of direct competitors.

The demand for the shoemaker's services is as high as the competition, but the psychology of the people must be understood. It is unlikely that anyone will carry shoes for repairs to the next block if a shoemaker is already working in the yard. A shoe workshop provides for a narrow target audience, so even if a competitor is already working in a couple of houses, it will not hurt to successfully start nearby. Having collected a customer base, you can safely work and put orders in the queue.

Potential risks

Despite the attractive prospects for the shoe repair business, there are a number of risks that must be considered:

  • dollar exchange rate - a constantly changing indicator negatively affects the acquisition of foreign-made working material. In this case, you need to either switch to cooperation with a domestic manufacturer, or pre-include additional costs in the cost of services;
  • seasonality - the warm season is accompanied by the wearing of light and, one might say, disposable shoes, which affects the number of orders;
  • lack of customers - it is possible that when a new outlet is opened, the influx of customers will be smaller than planned. The answer is simple - people are used to a competitor, they know his prices and quality of work. The way out is to reduce the cost of services, conduct an advertising campaign.

Note: a business in itself is a risk, but if you take into account the maximum number of development situations, you can reduce a bad start to a minimum. This is why a business plan is being developed.

How to get started?

Choosing a business model

There are 3 main types of shoe shops:

  1. Economy.
  2. Middle class.
  3. Premium.

Economy class is the familiar booths and kiosks located in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings. Setting up a business will cost 100-150 thousand rubles, together with the acquisition of premises, rent of a land plot and purchase of equipment. The main plus of the economy class shoe business is the ability to organize your own business without serious costs. As a rule, the foreman is an individual entrepreneur, works for himself, independently controlling the whole process.

The middle class is a kind of "golden mean", which provides for an area of \u200b\u200b20-30 square meters. m, located in the basement floors of apartment buildings. Alternatively, renting a retail space in a mall or purchasing a separate building. A distinctive feature of a middle-class workshop is considered to be completely imported equipment and consumables, 2 or more working craftsmen, higher prices.

Premium - elite shoe workshops located in the central part of the city in shopping and entertainment centers, business centers, near expensive hotels. The number of these outlets is relatively low and practically uncharacteristic for provincial cities. Premium shoe repair shops work only with expensive and branded models, which affects the cost of services.

Registration of business activities

To open an economy class point, the status of an individual entrepreneur is sufficient. For other business models, the LLC form is recommended (for premium class this is mandatory), because it is easier for a legal entity to work with foreign suppliers.

Taxation system at the choice of the entrepreneur. Suitable options are STS and UTII.

OKVED codes:

  • 52.71 - shoe repair;
  • 52.74 - other items of a personal nature not designated by code groups.

Finding a room for a workshop

The choice of premises depends on the business model. For economy class, the ideal option is a trailer, pavilion or kiosk with an area of \u200b\u200b5-6 sq. m. You can buy a mobile point of sale both to order and by searching through ads.

A middle class workshop is already a retail outlet in a shopping center or high-rise building. The room is chosen taking into account the traffic of people and the relevance of the location.

Premium class - respectable premises in a business center.

Purchase of equipment and tools

Required list of equipment:

  • processing machine;
  • sewing machine;
  • burner;
  • compressor;
  • boot paw;
  • drill;
  • awl;
  • needles;
  • shoe pistol;
  • sharpener;
  • rasp;
  • abrasive cloths;
  • expendable materials.

Find consumables suppliers

The Internet will help you find any information, including suppliers. However, you should not pay for the order immediately and transfer funds to unknown persons. There is a high probability of getting caught by scammers.

In Moscow and large cities of Russia, there are many official representatives of foreign companies selling consumables for shoe repair. For the first order, you must visit at least one similar warehouse and make sure that the goods are available and the company exists.

In addition to the Internet, it will be useful to look for suppliers among local wholesalers. Printed publications are suitable as a source of information.

Online stores are 50/50 reliable, so you can easily run into scammers.

Useful information can be found on specialized forums on the network, but there you also need to weed out information of real users from hidden advertisements or messages from hackers. It is almost impossible to do this without the experience of correspondence in the network.


Again, it all depends on the format of the business. An entrepreneur who plans to personally repair shoes does not need employees. In other cases - 2-3 people, plus a cleaner and an accountant.

Advertising and marketing

The premium class of the workshop can afford all types of advertising services, since Central Asia is the wealthy population of an entire city. Advertising on TV, radio, banners will become effective options.

For the middle class of shoe repair, a bright and attractive signboard, promoter's services, banners in the opening area will be an actual advertising move.

For the economist, the very fact of opening is enough, because people living nearby will immediately notice a new shoe repair point. To attract more customers, you can install 2-3 pillars in a busy area and post flyers on poles and special message boards.

Financial calculations

On the example of an economy class model, below are the calculations of business investment and potential profit.

Investment in the project

Business organization expenses (in rubles):

  • 5,000 - opening an individual entrepreneur and collecting permits;
  • 40,000 - purchase of a pavilion;
  • 4,000 - lease agreement for a land plot;
  • 100,000 - purchase of equipment and consumables.

Result: 149,000 rubles.

Running costs

The business format almost completely eliminates costs, not counting the lease for the site, renewal of materials for work and payment of electricity. You can keep within 20,000 rubles per month.

Income, profit and profitability assessment

The average cost of a shoemaker is 400 rubles. The master fulfills 7 orders per day. Total - 2 800 rubles per day or 70 thousand per month, taking into account 5 days off.

Net profit - 70,000-20,000 \u003d 50,000 rubles.

If necessary, you can increase the number of working days and completed orders.

The payback period is 3 months.

Shoemaking remains popular even in the IT age because people still want to save money on new shoes. The repair shop in this case is an excellent way out for both parties - the client receives repaired boots at an affordable price, and the foreman earns his own labor. The greatest demand for services is observed precisely in the economy class business model.

Order a business plan

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