Job description of the executive director of the bank. Job description of the executive director. Executive Director Requirements

What are the responsibilities of the executive director and how to properly fix them.

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Executive Director Job Description Template

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Therefore, you will have to develop and compile the job description of the executive director of the organization yourself or download .

If necessary, you can download and adapt the sample. 2017 Executive Director so that it matches the working conditions of a particular company. Let’s figure out how to do it right.

  We compose the job description of the executive director

knowledge of the main legislative and regulatory acts in the production and economic, financial and economic sphere, as well as the basis of law (labor, tax, etc.)

understanding of the principle and mechanisms of development of the industry and organization, knowledge of scientific and technological achievements and best practices in its field of activity

knowledge of the management of the economy and finances of the organization, the rules and procedures for compiling business plans

the ability to analyze the economic situation of the organization, plan further development and develop programs for entering new markets

Rights and obligations of the Executive Director

To fulfill the managerial function, the executive director needs expanded rights compared to ordinary employees of the organization. In particular, in the field of delegation of authority, assignment of duties to other employees, familiarization with documents on the organization's activities and its financial and economic situation.

Obligations of the executive director of an LLC, as a rule, are regulated by internal regulatory acts of the enterprise and job descriptions.

The position of an executive director at an enterprise is, on the one hand, quite prestigious, and on the other, requiring considerable responsibility and a serious approach. This work provides for the implementation of many functions, including control over the financial condition of the organization and the activities of personnel.

The applicant for this position must be not only a highly qualified specialist, but also possess such qualities as responsibility, determination, organization and, of course, stress resistance. Quite often, business owners put forward with respect to candidates such a requirement as the presence of work experience in the management sphere.

The article provides information on the scope of activity of the executive director, his duties and capabilities, as well as the responsibility that is assigned. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the list of requirements for candidates for this position.

Who is the Executive Director, the scope of his activities

The presence of the post of executive director at the enterprise is optional. According to the legislation, each business entity must have its own leader, empowered to act in the interests and on behalf of the enterprise. Such a person can be both the executive and the general director. As a rule, information about the existence of a position of this kind is prescribed in the charter of the LLC.

The position of executive director is quite multifunctional. His duties and powers are recorded in the respective job descriptions, the content of which is established by the founders of the company and depends on production needs.

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Job descriptions do not have a unified form, so their execution is at the discretion of the participants in the company. Despite the lack of uniform requirements, the document should still be structured.

The structural components of instructions typically contain the following information:

  • job title, in accordance with the data that are recorded in the charter of the company;
  • list of requirements, compliance with which is required from the candidate for the post;
  • duties and powers of the executive director, responsibility for non-compliance with instructions, as well as improper fulfillment of other obligations stipulated by the contract.

The duties of the executive director, as a rule, are fixed in the labor agreement or contract on the basis of which he carries out his labor activities. In addition, this information is prescribed in the charter documents of the company.

The standard list of responsibilities includes:

  1. exercising control over the quality of operations performed by other employees, as well as over the activities of the enterprise as a whole;
  2. active participation in planning the work of the organization and forecasting the results, development of short-term and long-term projects;
  3. analysis of the productivity of the whole society, as well as its structural units;
  4. conducting personnel policy of the company;
  5. analysis of the provision of the enterprise with raw materials, as well as the tools necessary for doing business;
  6. identification and elimination of miscalculations in the organization;
  7. hR management.

Note! The presented list is not exhaustive and can be supplemented by the founders of the LLC if necessary.

Powers and Opportunities

The main condition for the proper fulfillment of obligations is the availability of the necessary rights and powers by the executive director.

So the executive director has the right to:

  • obtaining the information necessary for the implementation of its obligations;
  • presentation to the founders of the company of the requirement that they properly fulfill their duties;
  • management of subordinates if the tasks required for the execution do not contradict the job descriptions of the latter;
  • submission to the founders of rationalization proposals for improving the efficiency of the enterprise;
  • to certify documents with his signature within the framework of the authority granted.

Degree of responsibility

In accordance with the law, in the case of improper fulfillment of obligations, the executive director can be held legally liable, namely:

  • disciplinary (violation of internal regulations, job descriptions);
  • administrative
  • criminal;
  • civil law (material damage).

Candidate Requirements

Most enterprises put forward the following requirements for candidates for the position:

  1. education should be appropriate to the organization's field of activity;
  2. at least 3 years of work experience in leadership positions.

Requirements regarding race or gender, as well as the age of the applicant are contrary to applicable law, therefore, their presentation is not applicable.

About the position of the executive director and his job description

The management structure in commercial organizations depends on what goals are set by management in front of them. The legislation does not provide for any requirements other than the presence of a single management (that is, the general director or another person, based on the charter speaking on behalf of the organization). That is why in many companies and firms introduced the position of executive director.

The scope of this manager’s authority depends on the specific conditions, but in most cases the executive director is the second person in the company, direct deputy general director. This employee is engaged in directly implementing the policy developed by the highest governing body of the organization. In particular, the executive director can act as the head of the board of directors and first deputy general director.

Since in different companies the competence of such an employee can vary significantly, a document is needed that will record the role of this person in the overall structure of the organization. Such a document is the job description.

The job description of the executive director captures the following information:

  1. The official name of the position in accordance with the organization’s internal regulations, qualification requirements, an indication of the subordination and structures that are managed by the executive director.
  2. Responsibilities assigned to the employee holding this position.
  3. Rights vested in the Executive Director.
  4. The responsibility borne by this executive officer by virtue of the internal acts of the enterprise and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Although there are no generally binding requirements for the preparation of job descriptions under the law of Russia, in most cases, the above structure is used in their preparation.

  Executive Director Responsibilities

Do not know your rights?

  • operational management of the company;
  • ensuring maximum operational efficiency of structural units and the organization as a whole;
  • development of a strategy in accordance with which the company acts (the executive director carries out this responsibility together with other management members, including the general director);
  • analysis of how the company as a whole and each of its divisions, branches or representative offices operates;
  • ensuring the proper execution of each of the orders, orders and other acts issued by the general director and other senior management bodies of the company;
  • implementation of the personnel policy of the enterprise;
  • planning the needs of the enterprise in tools, components and other tangible assets necessary for the implementation of its activities;
  • elimination of deficiencies identified in the organization's work;
  • fulfillment of individual instructions of the general director;
  • management of subordinate employees of the enterprise.

The list given here is indicative only. If necessary, the executive director may be assigned other duties that do not contradict the legislation and the charter of the enterprise.

  Executive Director Rights

In order to perform duties, each employee must be vested with a number of rights. The Executive Director is no exception. As a rule, this employee has the following rights:

  • require the management of the organization and each of the structural units to assist in the performance of their duties;
  • request and receive information necessary for work;
  • give binding instructions to each of the subordinate employees;
  • contact the management of the enterprise with statements and proposals regarding the improvement of the work of the company as a whole, as well as of its individual structural units;
  • endorse documents related to the competence of the executive director;
  • represent the interests of the company in relations with state or municipal authorities, as well as commercial enterprises.

This list is also not complete. For the performance of specific duties, the executive director may be vested with additional rights not mentioned here.

In addition, we must not forget that the executive director, like all other employees, has all the rights provided for by labor legislation. It should be borne in mind that, in contrast to the above rights under the law, no internal acts of enterprises can be limited or canceled.

  Executive Director Responsibility

In the event that the duties are not performed properly, the perpetrator of non-performance should be held accountable. Accordingly, job descriptions describing the role of executive directors in specific companies should also include sections regarding responsibility.

However, it should be borne in mind that the main types of responsibility are fixed by regulatory acts of federal legislation, therefore there is no need to describe in detail each specific case in which the executive director may be held accountable. It is enough to indicate the main types.

So, the executive director has the following responsibilities:

  1. Disciplinary - for failure to comply with legal orders of the organization’s management.
  2. Administrative and criminal - for the commission of misconduct and crimes stipulated by the relevant types of legislation.
  3. Civil law - for damage to the property of the enterprise or its employees, as well as to the interests of the enterprise if these interests can have financial expression. In particular, if an agreement on full material liability is concluded with the executive director as with the executive officer, he will bear it.

  Executive Director Qualification Requirements

In conclusion, it should be said about the qualifications that a person holding the position of executive director of a company should have. The state sets the level of qualifications using professional standards. However, the state has not yet introduced a professional standard for the executive director, therefore employers are still entitled to specify the necessary level of education or work experience that this employee should have.

In practice, the executive director in most cases requires education not lower than undergraduate in the economic field or in the field where the company operates. As for the length of service, most often the executive director is required at least 3 years of work in the relevant field.

What should be the job description of the executive director of an LLC: sample 2019? It is clear that the instructions are not binding documents, and employers (organizations and individual entrepreneurs) may not draw them up without any consequences for themselves. However, despite this, it is better if the job descriptions of the staff will still be in the company. Indeed, the presence of a document defining the labor function of an employee can play an important role, for example, in the event of a conflict. We will talk about the job description of the executive director of the LLC in the article.

Instruction - internal document of the company

The current legislation does not contain any approved rules for the preparation of job descriptions for staff. Therefore, the procedure for drafting and content of this document for a given position, each employer has the right to approve on their own, fixing in the relevant local act. In this order, responsibilities for the entire staff are approved: instructions for the sales specialist or job description of the executive director.

When developing this document, you need to indicate the following information about the employee:

  • labor function;
  • list of job responsibilities;
  • experience;
  • education;
  • a responsibility.

Typically, an instruction consists of the following sections:

  • general provisions;
  • labor duties;
  • employee rights;
  • a responsibility.

The developed and approved instruction is not something unchanged. If necessary, adjustments may be made to it. For example, the job responsibilities of an executive director are subject to change. In this situation, you will need to make changes to the document.

Mandatory job descriptions are compiled only by state bodies (Article 47 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ). Business sector organizations draw up instructions only on their own. It is impossible to compel the company to draw up instructions or, moreover, to be fined for their absence. Therefore, it is the employer who decides whether to develop the job description of the executive director in construction or not.

The correctness of such conclusions is confirmed by officials of Rostrud (letter of 09.08.2007 No. 3042-6-0).

Instructions are better

Despite the fact that the current legislation does not force commercial organizations to develop and approve job descriptions, it is better to have these documents. Indeed, for example, only with instructions can one justify the lawfulness of a disciplinary sanction against an employee or dismissal due to a mismatch of the position. For example, the job description of the 2019 Executive Director obliges the specialist who replaces this vacancy to meet the requirements specified in it.

The staffing in 2019 is necessary in order to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization (Article 57 of the Labor Code). In the "staff" prescribe a list of positions of employees indicating the number of staff units, salaries, allowances and surcharges. In other words, the staffing is a document fixing the basic structure of the organization. The staff distribute the salary according to the positions and indicate at what rate the employee is.

It is the instructions that allow distributing responsibilities among employees. It is clear that the job description of the executive director of the individual entrepreneur or organization will differ from a similar document developed for another employee of this unit.

Note that the development of instructions should be for the position, and not for a specific employee. The reverse approach will lead to the fact that in the event of personnel changes or the dismissal of workers, they will have to be reapproved. Therefore, it is better if the company approved, for example, the job description of the executive director of a construction organization, and not the instruction for Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.

Executive (administrative) director is one of the top officials of the company. This is a manager - administrator, dealing with the operational management of the organization.

We add that for employees holding the same positions, one instruction can be drawn up. To develop several identical documents for employees with similar job responsibilities is pointless.

Especially for readers, our specialists prepared a sample job description. You can download it directly on the site.

I affirm
  General director
  "________" _____________ ____ g.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Executive Director belongs to the category of managers.
  1.2. The Executive Director is appointed and dismissed by order of the Director General.
  1.3. The Executive Director reports directly to the Director General.
  1.4. During the absence of the executive director, his rights and obligations shall be transferred to another official, as announced in the order for the organization.
  1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the post of executive director: higher professional education, at least 3 years of experience in managerial work in the relevant field.
  1.6. The executive director must know:
  - the basics of civil, commercial, financial, tax law;
  - labor law;
  - structure and development strategy of the company;
  - the forms and procedure for financial settlements, the procedure for processing financial transactions, the organization of workflow in commercial activities.
  1.7. The Executive Director is guided in his activities:
  - legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  - The charter of the organization, the Rules of internal labor regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
  - orders and orders of management;
  - this job description.

2. Duties of the Executive Director

The Executive Director performs the following duties:
  3.1. Organizes the work and effective interaction of production units and structural divisions of the company.
  3.2. Participates in the development of the company's development strategy.
  3.3. Conducts operational financial and economic analysis of the company and its departments.
  3.4. Organizes, monitors and is responsible for the implementation of all orders of the CEO.
  3.5. He works on improving the system of motivation (remuneration) of the employees of the company and is responsible for its implementation.
3.6. Responsible for compliance with labor discipline, the implementation of orders and instructions.
  3.7. Responsible for the proper organization of paperwork in the company, legal and economic development of contracts, contracts, agreements, etc.
  3.8. Draws up operational plans (monthly and ten-day) of the company and approves them with the general director.
  3.9. Supervises the activities of units to implement the approved plans.
  3.10. Identifies and eliminates, on its own and with management, deficiencies in the company's work.
  3.11. Carries out separate official tasks and instructions of the general director.

3. Rights of the Executive Director

The Executive Director has the right:
  3.1. Represent within the framework of his competence the interests of the company in relations with other organizations.
  3.2. Within the limits of its competence, sign and endorse documents, issue orders signed by it.
  3.3. Set job responsibilities for subordinate employees.
  3.4. Request information and documents from the structural units of the enterprise necessary for the performance of its official duties.
  3.5. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise ideas on the appointment, removal and dismissal of subordinate employees, proposals on encouraging distinguished employees and on bringing to disciplinary and material liability violators of production, labor and financial discipline.
  3.6. Submit proposals to the management for improvement of work related to the obligations stipulated by this instruction.
  3.7. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the preparation of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the Executive Director

The Executive Director is responsible for:
  4.1. For failure to fulfill and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
  4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and instructions for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  4.3. For violation of the rules of the internal labor schedule, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.


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