Brawler's Guild 7.2 walkthrough

With the release of the pre-Legion update, Brawler's Guild will temporarily take a well-deserved vacation. Until then, you still have a few weeks to enter the arena - imposing, waddling, like truly confident fighters - and test yourself in one of the most difficult tests of Azeroth. It's time to present a bloody invitation and show everyone what you can do! Plan your strategy. You will need it.

If you have not yet had a chance to participate in the fights of the Brawler's Guild, then we recall what we are talking about. (As an exception, the first rule, as you can imagine, is to avoid talking about Brawler's Guild.)

On the outskirts of Orgrimmar and in the tunnels of the Underground Train are the Brawler's Guild Arenas - Brawl's At Bizmo's, where Alliance players can compete, and Arena Mord's Combat, designed for Horde players. Joining this secret community will earn you impressive rewards. gaining fame in certain circles and even getting a hefty mount so ferocious that few have ever tamed it. However, earning these rewards will not be so easy, and climbing the leaderboard to the top is even more difficult. But don't worry! We'll help you figure out what's what and give you some helpful tips on boss fights So, your task is to reach Rank 10. Do you think you can do it?

What other rules?

Surely some of you have already figured out how to join the Brawler's Guild; For those who are not yet in the know, we inform you that this will require a bloody invitation. The invitation can be purchased at the Black Market Auction, received from current rank 7 or higher Brawler's Guild members, or earned by killing rare opponents in Pandaria. Once the invitation hits your trembling hands, just use it (command / use) and you will have access to the arena - that's all! You are accepted!

Injecting the atmosphere

Brawl "U Bizmo" and Arena Mord "Fight", at first glance, are completely different, but there is actually a lot in common between them: it is dark, damp, and the floors and walls are stained with blood. the arena itself, where fights take place, spectator zones, NPCs, from which you can purchase various items and rematch cards, and, of course, many dark personalities who are ready to pounce on you for any, even the most insignificant reason.

Brawl "At Bizmo"

It is very easy to get into the Brawl "At Bizmo's", if, of course, you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to go. Reach the Underground Train tracks in Stormwind, jump down the tunnel and look for a secret door in the wall. Then go down the ramp - and you have come! Keep in mind that you will not be allowed into the special guests area if your rank is below 8, but be aware that this place is definitely worth a visit. If you already reached Rank 8, then welcome! You will be offered exclusive drinks and excellent food.

Arena Mord "Fight

Arena Mord "Combat is located on the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar, in the darkest nook next to the passage to Azshara. Directly from the doorway, you will have an impressive view: lavishly studded walls with menacing spikes and heap of chests with war spoils; the emblems of the Horde hung everywhere and crowded around the arena. onlookers who are just waiting to laugh enough at the next inept fighter. Above the arena, the "Sky Bag" airship slowly circles, which can only be accessed by very important persons. If you have already reached the 8th rank and received the right to observe the battles from a height, do not forget to keep an eye on your neighbors - after losing a bet, they, as a rule, behave very aggressively.

Valuable tip: as already mentioned, fighters who reach rank 8 receive a pass to the VIP zone of their faction, where special NPCs sell exclusive food and drinks. But many people still do not know that bartenders are constantly opening new bottles, among which there are quite rare specimens that are not so easy to find. So if you set out to get such achievements as Happy Hour or Drown Your Grief, then VIP status will not be superfluous. Particularly sophisticated gourmets will also be able to enjoy the exquisite dishes that the seller of elite products sells. Of course, for appropriate fee.

Immediately into battle

Regardless of where your fight club is located, the first thing you should do right after getting your membership is head to the arena. The Alliance fighters need to contact one of the bouncers of the Brawl "At Bizmo", and the Horde - to the Arena Mord "Fight." In the arenas of both factions, you will find a special NPC, from whom you can purchase challenge cards. These cards are needed to replay battles in which you have previously won victories. There are also several rare bosses that can be fought after performing certain actions in-game: fishing, dancing with an NPC, challenging one of the bosses with a challenge card, working on the farm, or even unwrapping Blingtron's gift For a complete list of all additional bosses with instructions, see the guide on

Valuable Tip: Each faction's Brawler Club has a statistician to help you gauge your chances of success in a boss fight. Alliance fighters should refer to One-Two-Three Pfeiffer, and Horde warriors Skizzu Skuzzojok. These walking calculators will readily share with you information on the ratio of victories to defeats in battles against bosses of all ranks. * Keep in mind that the numbers you see reflect the success of a particular boss in fights with members of the Brawler's Guild, and not vice versa.

*If you lose your head from these numbers (even in the literal sense), the employees of Bizmo's Brawl and Arena Mord Fight are not responsible for this.

But what about the prey ?!

In addition to new achievements, including achievements for joining a Brawler's guild and throwing rotten bananas at other fighters, you can also acquire various items as your rank rises. To find out what items are already available to you, talk to your quartermaster (Quackenbush - from the Alliance, Paul North - from the Horde). Each of them sells healing potions, stat-enhancing potions, the Mut Ace pet, a level 476 fist weapon, a new inherited fist weapon, and the main hit - the fighter's majestic Mushan, a new mount, an object of desire for all fight lovers. items, you need to reach certain ranks, but trust me, it's worth it.

Call an ambulance"!

In the coming weeks, we will take a closer look at the boss fights strategies of all ranks that you will have to face. With each subsequent rank, you will need to defeat four bosses, and not all can be defeated simply by inflicting a lot of damage - some battles will require you to be completely focused and quick to react. Most likely, you will have to leave the arena more than once to the whistle of the crowd, dodging rotten tomatoes, but we hope that our guides will help you defeat all enemies and win the title of champion. So, until the next meeting, and, as they say among the orcs, "may your blades not dull!"

The first rule of Brawler's Guild is not to talk about Brawler's Guild ... But I'll break it just for your sake, dear reader! You want to become a rank 8 fighter, to gain respect and glory ?! If yes, then welcome to cat.

Preparing for battle

Overcome fear. Cut off the excess. Reject anything that has no real value. And slide.

Firstly, put on the best PvE gear you have, and change the spec to the one in which you can give more dps (the maximum dps is needed to keep within the timer).
Secondly, try to collect a party so that they buffalo you, and also take the Stone of Health and Symbiosis from the druid from the lock.
Thirdly, do not forget to buy from the NPC and use various potions (note: Healing Potion of a fighter), as well as eat.

Rank 1

If you are not a bot, then this rank will pass without any problems, although Bruce may wipe you once!

  • Bruce - A large crocolisk that has only one dangerous ability - Chawk-chaw-chawk. If you are standing in front of the boss's face when he uses this ability, then you are a corpse .. The trick is to run out in time.
  • Vian the Volatile - a simple battle, involving two abilities: Line of fire - run back behind the boss; Changeable flame - do not stand in "puddles".
  • Bloodhorn - one shots us with his ability - Crushing jerk, you need to run back when a red circle appears under you.
  • Dungeon Keeper Vishas - will torment us with the ability - Heated pokers, by any means we avoid damage from it!

Rank 2

This is where the first difficulties begin, without understanding the mechanics of combat, in the brawler's guild you have nothing to do ...

  • Bale - a simple boss for ranged dd (just hit with instants to push the boss away and prevent one-shot from casting), but not very good for melee (actively move nearby). Pecking is a one-shot that can be avoided; Instability - when receiving direct damage, the boss falls on his back (if there is no wall there).
  • Kirravk - has several painfully hitting abilities: Lightning - if we can shoot down, then we shoot down; Thundercloud - Deals damage when attacking a boss; Summons a tornado - hitting which, you will most likely die!
    The easiest way to fight the boss is to stand up close, damage by looking around, when a tornado approaches, stand so that the boss is between you and the tornado. Bottom line: the boss gets caught in a tornado, you have 5 seconds for bandages / respite.
  • Fran and Riddo - first you need to kill Riddo so that he does not receive a buff for + 250% damage. Fran also uses - Throwing dynamite, running out of a semicircle of dynamite, we finish off the boss.
  • King Kuwaka - this boss has only one ability - Dash, but at the same time it penetrates strongly with an auto attack, so we either kite or zerg it!

Rank 3

Bosses of this rank will test your coordination, back pedaling is not for us!

  • Blet - this is a slug that creates copies of itself - Separation, take the boss into focus and pour damage + copies of kaitim
  • Sanoriak - Vian the Volatile version 2.0 (very similar), throws a Pyroblast, which we interrupt if possible, it damages decently. You have to run out from under the Wall of Fire, otherwise, you will die.
  • Ickx - the beetle uses only one ability, but it is guaranteed to one-shot - A devastating blow in an arc, you need to stand in the center of the boss and have time to run out of the zone, what could be easier?
  • Mazarien - a buff hangs on the cat - "Furious Spirit", it increases the damage inflicted by the boss as his health decreases. Accordingly, the tactic is based on using bursts or a kite by the end of the battle.

Rank 4

It's time to understand that it won't work!

  • Pressure - this is a yeti, to kill which we need about 50k dps. Collision is a one-shot that we avoid. Burst in the boss when he falls due to a blow.
  • Leona Wind of the Earth - a night elf druid. We bring down anger; when adds appear, quickly drain them; we run out of the Pillar of sunlight, which hangs dumbness (every 20-30 seconds).
  • Dominica the Illusionist - the most difficult battle of those that were. We interrupt the Arcane Barrage; Illusionist is an ability that makes the fight difficult, if you pour it into the boss, then copies of you will merge. The general picture of the battle will be something like this: you beat the boss, on 3-5 adds you hand over the Aoeshka and repeat the cycle until the Illusionist dies ...
  • Dicken - A fun fight to watch first. The boss will spawn a canvas of electricity around the edges of the arena, they do high damage and move in certain directions. Damage in bare feet and dance around the canvases! Note that at melee, the boss likes to kick, throwing you back a couple of meters.

Rank 5

Already used to dying?

  • Milli watt - this gnome is trolling us. When she throws Electric Dynamite, we move away from this puddle (everyone remembers that it is impossible to stand in fire ?!), which ends fatally for us .. During the battle we stand next to the puddle so that during the Megafantastic Disruptor to run into it and remove the debuff; We interrupt the photoplasma beam.
  • Fjoll - again the magician, how tired they are ... The essence of the battle is quite simple: we beat the boss; we stand with our backs to the wall so as not to be thrown away; do not fall into puddles; we run out of the Dark Zone!
  • Nosatik - the battle is very similar to the battle with the champion of the Jinyu race. Shoot down the Stream and run away from the Rain Dance, DPS should be above average.
  • Leprognomes (Flea) - slack for some classes and a very difficult boss for others. Leprechaun stacks on us, and only some classes can remove this debuff (note: the bubble from paladins). Tactics: kaitim, while fiercely infusing damage and aoesha, if possible, remove the stacks of spitting.

Rank 6

You can rest, this rank is no more difficult than 5th.

  • Yikkan Izu - the lord of the ravens and his relatives. The boss spawns an add about once every 10 seconds - a small bird with 40k hp, which causes us significant damage, and also after death hangs a buff on Izu - Death of Kindred. Initially, the boss appears with 4 adds. Tactics: Use defensive CDs; we quickly kill birds (AoE), while the buff should already be sleeping before the next call of adds; We beat the boss using control / kite + heal and drain the birds.
  • Akama - our friend from the Black Temple, who decided to earn extra money in the brawler's guild (maybe for the restoration of the temple?). We merge the wolves, summoned with the help of the Spirit of the wild wolf; we bring down the chain lightning; with the Dark Strikes buff, we dispel / spell the buff itself or kaitim / control the boss.
  • Crashing Hooves - he does not breathe evenly for the goblins, and we must wean him from this bad habit. The boss has one ability - this is Hoof Strike + occasionally he can get into a defensive stance, because of which we can only hit him from the back; Remember the goblins? Kill them as quickly as possible, without the "shoulder pads" the boss will receive + 100% damage.
  • Angulox - a giant battle giraffe-killer, who decided to trample us too, but there it was! The boss only hits for melee attacks, but hits mentally (from 60k to 80k per hit). The only spec that does not experience the slightest difficulty with him is bdk, the rest will have to kite or zerg ...

Rank 7

Hardmode. Well, what were you waiting for?

  • GG Engineering niring - when two engineers meet, it’s bad for everyone, so we got under a hot hand! Combat: Option-1) We turn circles around the gnome, allowing the goblin to prove that goblin engineering is better than gnomish (in other words, substituting his gnome friend and himself under the shelling of goblin missiles), in parallel we beat the gnome and do not blow up on bombs; Option-2) We wrap circles around the goblin and damage it without getting under fire; Damage from Gnomish death ray must be healed or weathered under CD; It is not difficult to destroy the dome! (On the video the 2nd option)
  • Summoner of Darkness - this is a skeleton in clothes, which does not even have a name, because it is the very embodiment of Darkness! Tactics: The Shadow Bolt must be interrupted; The dark protection is removed if you kill the ghost that the boss summons (Summon a ghost); To stop and kill a ghost, you need to shine a "flashlight" on it (direct your face towards it), I do not recommend leaving more than one ghost alive, because they will one-shot you upon contact!
  • Battletron - the peak of difficulty, to win you need to combine all the skills that you managed to accumulate over 7.5 ranks ... Well, luck will prevent me! You need about 85k dps and 40k heals every 3 seconds! Combat: the boss summons 7 balls spinning around him, when these mines are less than 5, then the boss uses Create Volatile Mines, destroying them. Therefore, when 2 orbs have been killed, start running around the boss without hitting the balls (the explosion of the ball deals us 90k damage); Every 3 seconds the boss casts Bzz! , which must be healed. Not easy, right?
  • Meat - pouring outrageous damage into this rabid gnoll is your reward for persistence! I will not tell you the tactics, but I will only tell you the abilities of the boss, because only after building your tactics can you proudly wear the rank of rank 8 fighter! We can collect

Kuvaldych continues to share news about Patch 7.1.5 and it's time for the Brawler's Guild! In this post, you will find information on new bosses, interesting additions and other goodies of this very hardcore content.

But let's start from the beginning.

How to get to Brawler's Guild?
Quite simply, you still need the Bloody Invitation. Old invitations are no longer valid, you will have to knock out a new one. There are two ways to get the Bloody Prompt in Patch 7.1.5:

  • 1. Perform daily and go through dungeons, hoping to find the treasured paperwork inside the bags.
  • 2. Travel to Shattered Shield Island in Stormheim and fight the elite evil vrykul there! Who exactly -

  • still a secret.

Fighter's Gold
Brawler's Gold is a new currency in Brawler's Guild, which is used to buy themed cool items, as well as to access Brawls. There are two main ways to get fighter gold:

  • 1. Win battles with bosses and receive currency as a reward;
  • 2. Place your bets to win and win if you guess the winner correctly.

In addition, some gold can be obtained for completing introductory quests.

Brawler's Guild Items
As I wrote above, you can buy more items that are just hilarious and funny:

  • Chipped Dice (100 ZB) - turns on the “random battles” mode for 30 minutes.
  • High Stakes Player Contract (100 ZB) - turns on the “stakes” mode for 30 minutes.
  • Blood-Covered Angel Figurine (250 ZB) - Unlocks the graveyard inside Brawler's Guild for 30 minutes.
  • Fighting Potion Gun (500 ZB) - Places a barrel that gives all players free potions for 30 minutes.
  • Free Drink Voucher (1000 ZB) - Buys free drinks for all players for 2 minutes.
  • VIP-room rental form (1000 ZB) - opens access to the VIP-box for everyone for 10 minutes!

You can also buy Brawl cards with Brawler Gold, each costing 500 ZB. The difference between brawls and regular boss battles is that ALL players in the queue take part in the battles! A kind of super-mix \u003d) Here are the encounters available:

Battle of brew - players compete with pandaren: who will quickly drag the cart to the center of the arena!
Guardian of Sorrow - a deer that chooses a target and pursues it, scattering all players who have not gotten out of the way along the way. If the deer overtakes the player, he "hangs" it on the horns!

Mazharin - a deadly cat spirit.

Mind Crusher Gzzaj - a monstrous faceless.

Penguin Invasion - the whole arena becomes very, very slippery.
Scrum 08 - details are unknown.
Senya - hungry and huge!
Beasts of Stranglethorn - a horde of Stranglethorn Vale animals including raptors, gorillas, panthers, crocolisks and the Bangalash King himself.

New bosses in patch 7.1.5
The list of Brawler's Guild bosses has not been updated for a long time. And in WoW: Legion, Blizzard has taken a step forward with a bunch of new opponents, the fights with which will bring you a lot of fun. Added bosses from rank 1 to rank 7! Below is a video of the contractions:

1st rank

Rank 2

Rank 3

4 rank

Rank 5

6 rank

7 rank

I think you've noticed the Real Final Boss - The Seagull! Rank 7 and Guldan's evil Fury ... this is no joke!

A strange creature also stands out against the general background, however, rather with its model with the absence of something, rather than with its presence.


Well, why do all this, if not for the sake of awards? For fun, of course, but the reward will never be superfluous either. Blizzard did their best and the Legion version of Brawler's Guild is quite worthy of passing - both from the point of view of a collector of mounts / pets, and from the point of view of a lover of achievements and titles.

For defeating the most difficult and rare bosses like the Seagull or Strange Creature, you can get special shirts:

Brawler's Ring of Powerful Strike
Brawler's Ring of Powerful Strike is a ring with acceptable characteristics and the ability to teleport directly to the entrance to the Brawler's Guild. With the teleport, getting inside will be much easier and more convenient!


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