Is it possible to influence a person from a photograph. The evil eye from the photo. Influence of photography on destiny

The photograph was invented back in the early 19th century. People immediately realized that from that moment on, their lives could change. Photography can influence your destiny, so you can't take it lightly.

There are many secrets and even prohibitions associated with taking pictures. Bioenergy specialists actively study the energetics of photography. In the modern world, where the possibility of photography is available to everyone, such knowledge is especially relevant.

Energy photography

Photography is the best conductor of energy and the best storage for it. In the 80s of the 20th century, scientists conducted an important experiment. At one of the farms in Europe, they photographed two two-month-old and absolutely healthy rabbits born on the same day. However, one of them actually had health problems. These photographs were shown to people on the street. More than 1000 people took part in the experiment. The subjects had to point to the sick rabbit, although both animals looked about the same. Nearly 800 people pointed to the correct photo of the affected animal.

This suggests that an invisible energy background emanating from a living object: a person, an animal, even a plant can be captured in the photo. This property of photography is used by psychics to purify the energy of people at a distance. From a photograph, you can find out if everything is in order with the inner world of a person, determine if there is damage or evil eye on him, what his life is like in general. In a word, photography is a true friend, and often an enemy, because curses are imposed on the photo. The imprinted place can make the photo cursed right after it is taken.

Influence of photography on fate

In the modern world, where your photo can be seen by a huge number of people, it is dangerous to flaunt everything that is most intimate: soul mate, children, relatives. Energy exchange can occur in the opposite direction - not only the photo can affect you, but you can influence the person in the picture.

For example, if you post a photo on a social network where you are happy with your significant other, then you may simply be jinxed. People who look at you may hate you, so you put yourself in great danger and risk.

Do not keep photos of old, collapsed houses and buildings at home.... According to psychics, such photos are very dangerous for the energy of your home and the health of everyone who lives next to you. Also, you shouldn't keep photos with people you don't like or who don't like you. Photos of dead people can change your fate and life - it's better not to take them either. If you suddenly find a photo where you sleep, be sure to hide them as far as possible. Do not show electronic versions to anyone either, but rather delete them altogether. The reason is simple - in a sleeping state a person is most defenseless.

Any photo that contains you must be kept secret from possible ill-wishers.... Of course, there are many factors that can affect your energy protection - whether it is strengthened or weakened, but it is better not to risk it. This is not a reason to run away and delete all photos from social networks. Of particular "interest" for your enemies are photos where you are happy. Post photos with a neutral mood - for example, from work or from any events.

Remember that in our life absolutely everything can be used to defend against attacks from enemies. Let common sense and caution be your protective talisman and amulet. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.03.2017 07:42

It is difficult to imagine the interior of a house without decorative elements. The most popular of these are paintings and photographs. ...

Almost every modern person owns a digital camera, the captured moments of life are shown to all friends and acquaintances, they are posted on social networks.

Does anyone think that through photography, using an information channel, one can significantly influence a person's life? Read more in the article.

Since ancient times, one of the basic internal needs of a person has been the image of the world around him, it was believed that with the help of a drawing it was possible to influence the world around him. The ability to paint a portrait gave the artist power over the person painted in the portrait, the artist could influence not only the well-being of the model, but also his life. For witchcraft, it was possible to use not only a portrait, but also a human figurine. A figurine sculpted of wax or clay underwent a symbolic rite of baptism and was named after the person whose portrait it was. Such sculptural images were used for love magic, as well as in order to destroy a person.
A modern sorcerer does not need to sculpt figures or draw portraits, it is enough to pick up a photograph that captures one of the moments of a person's life, because a photographic portrait captures not only appearance, but also conveys energy, creates an information channel with which you can harm the owner of the photo, which is why photography requires special care.
Technologies of the past, using silver salts, provided a certain protection against information influence, modern digital photography is devoid of this protection.
There are signs that are worth listening to, for example, it is not customary to photograph babies, this is due to the fact that their information protection has not yet been formed, the body of a newborn is especially sensitive to energy influences. Photography is the easiest way to program the future of a child, for this you don't even need to be an enemy of the family, just a moment's pity for the child is enough and the start of a difficult life program will take place.
It is especially necessary to say about the photographs of the deceased, the photo of the deceased is the main channel of communication with him, the channel connecting our world and the world of the dead, it is very dangerous, so you should not keep photos of enemies and ill-wishers if there is no sincere forgiveness and repentance. A charge of hatred evokes phenomena from the other world that can destroy a family. It is especially scary if the enemy is a relative.
With extreme caution, you should be photographed near attractions that have a special energy, this energy can be negative, the aura of black places can significantly affect life events and even lead to the death of the owner of such a photo. When taking pictures near memorable places, you need to listen to yourself and literally feel the place, if it causes negative feelings, it is better not to take a photo for memory.

The meaning of the word energy is known to many, because everything that is in this world consists of it. It accumulates, transforms into other forms and does not disappear without a trace. Each has its own energy, good and not so good. Just in this article 9 easy ways to determine the energy of a person.

In this article

How to understand who is in front of you?

Not only people have an energy field, but also animals and plants, stones and so on. Hence it is clear that the relationship between man and nature occurs as a result of the exchange of information.

You can determine the energy of a person according to the following criteria:

  1. Day, year and place of conception. If conception occurred during a solar or lunar eclipse, then the energy will be changeable, with certain violations.
  2. Solar Activity. Those born during this period have a strong energy, they are resistant to external factors.
  3. Human field. For example, a stranger entered the room, and there was a feeling that he pushed everyone. So his energy is very strong. And vice versa, if you go unnoticed, you are in front of an energetically weak person.
  4. Intuitiveness. The sensitivity of each individual person is developed in different ways. When in contact with someone, you need to listen to your feelings.

How do you feel?

The energy of a person is so strong that you can feel it not only in direct contact, but also from a photo, at a distance.


In the distance, you can feel the energy of only a fairly close person. It is not necessary to have pronounced energy abilities.

To do this, you need to concentrate on the person, understand what he is doing at the moment and what emotions haunt him.


A lot can be said from a photograph. There is an opinion that during the creation of a picture the energy is transferred from a person to a paper image. It can also change over time.

In order to learn how to correctly read information from an image, it is advised to start with cards of familiar people, about whom almost everything is known.

Then take a photo in your hands, carefully focus your gaze on the eyes of the person being read, his facial expressions and gestures. Use your imagination, it will help to match some details.

In this video, the magician Sargas gives a couple of simple practices that will help you learn to see energy and will be a good help in further magical development:

If you don't get it right the first time, try again.

Energy types


A man-mirror has the ability to reflect energy. Directed energy returns to the one who sends it. And it is not always positive. This type of people is easily protected from any kind of negativity, including those specifically directed at him.

They sense those around them. Mirrors distinguish the energy that is sent to the outside world. With any contact, the person-mirror becomes clear who is in front of him, and whether it is worth dealing with a stranger in the future.

Anyone who carries negative energy tries to bypass people-mirrors. After all, he receives the negativity emanating from himself in an even greater volume, which in turn provokes diseases and causes problem situations.

Mechanism of action for a positive person same: when communicating with a mirror, he receives only positive emotions.

The circle of communication of the mirror is made up only of good people who carry positive emotions.


Wall people have the strongest energy. We can say they are impenetrable. Any misfortune that comes on them bounces off like a cork from a concrete wall.

But there are downsides to interacting with a human wall. Everything bad that is directed at him flies off and returns not to the one who directed, but to the people around the wall.


There are a lot of such energetically charged men and women. We encounter them every day, be it work, subway or street. It could be one of the family members. Leeches are very similar to vampires. They replenish their energy by taking it from others. Life force also goes away with it.

Leeches work according to this method: provoke conflict, humiliate others. As soon as they charge people with negative, they gain positive energy and feel better. Leeches become more active and feel a strong surge of energy. Anyone who has succumbed to the influence of such a person feels empty, depressed, physically weak.

This type of people is quite aggressive and persistent, a strong wave of negativity comes from them.

In order for the leech to always have a good mood, it needs energy donors. She surrounds herself with such people, because you can stick to their energy field.


The type of people who throws a huge amount of negativity on an interlocutor (even an unfamiliar one). They try to stick to a person for a long time in order to slowly suck the positive out of him. Sticky people want to be near the source of energy, call, make appointments, advise or ask for advice.

But if something not quite good happens in life, they immediately remove the guilt from themselves and condemn those around them. That is, they act a little differently than leeches. Sticky people are fueled by the energy of people who give them moral support, feel pity, give advice.

It should be noted that their energetic influence on people is much less than that of leeches.


Sinkers are both recipients and donors. They have an accelerated energy-information exchange and increased sensitivity. They feed on the fact that they are introduced into the lives of others, affecting personal aspects and showing increased care.

There are two types of such people:

  1. The former absorb both positive and negative. They often look offended, but quickly calm down.
  2. The second type needs a negative, gives its positive energy to others. Representatives of this category help people, but they themselves suffer.


They are called energy donors. People-plants give their energy to others. At the same time, they like to poke their nose into other people's affairs, which is not particularly pleasant to those around them, who express their discontent and anger.


They have a strong enough energy, letting through themselves both positive and negative. Everything that is directed at the human filter flies to the sender, only with a completely different charge.

The negative remains in the filter, only the positive returns. Such people are found in the following professions: psychologist, diplomat, peacemaker.


Category of people with accelerated energy exchange. They absorb positive (and not so) emotions, but cannot sufficiently resist the negative. It manifests itself like this: the mediator was given information, he cannot deal with it and sends it on. This is one of the most common types of people.


People are quite fixated on their experiences. They rarely come into contact with the outside world, since they are not endowed with the property of competent energy distribution. They hide a lot of negativity in themselves.


Human energy is easy to calculate by. To do this, multiply the day and month of birth by the year. Then add up the numbers and get the result.

For example, birthday is August 2, 1993. Following the formula (month and day) * year, we get: 802 * 1993.


1+5+9+8+3+8+6 = 40

Up to 20 - the energy is weak. Such a person sucks strength from others, can do it both subconsciously and consciously.

From 21 to 30 - medium. The majority of owners of the average energy level. They live a measured life, do not grab stars from the sky, have both positive and negative energy.

More than 31 is very strong. People who receive energy from space and share it with others. People are drawn to them, feeling their powerful potential.

And at the end

In this video, Oleg Makeev will tell you how to get into your consciousness:

Plays an important role in everyone's life. By it, you can recognize a person, determine his strengths and weaknesses and understand whether to continue communicating with him or not.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

The art of photography, like any other art, can have an indelible influence on our mood, emotions, thoughts and views, on certain things. The art of photography gives us memories of the conditions in which the photo was taken, who was there, what they discussed at that moment, what they were happy about.

Photography can work wonders: cause a smile and tears, anger and tenderness, amazement and pride. All that is required is the right lighting, the right angle, and most importantly, the right moment. The famous song from the classics of Soviet cinema "Sannikov Land" sings: "... there is only a moment between the past and the future ..." - this also applies to photography, there is only a moment that is able to convey exactly the right emotion.

Recently, psychologists have begun to actively use the method of phototherapy as part of art therapy (art therapy) to solve psychological problems. The client is completely immersed in the prescribed therapy scheme and creates what allows him to create his imagination, perception and sensation.

Phototherapy can be used by photography enthusiasts as well as those who enjoy being photographed for therapeutic purposes.

The most popular are photographs that have a soul. Therefore, to take a successful photo, it is better to think less about the photo itself. It sounds paradoxical, but the effect of surprise, as a rule, turns out to be the most alive, the most sincere, the most necessary.

Psychologists use phototherapy for therapeutic and corrective purposes: in family therapy, to get rid of fears, with depression, with psychosomatic diseases, as well as in work with loss (grief). Photos for a person can be very resourceful. After all, it is not in vain that during a long separation people take photos with them or simply store them in their wallets, make screensavers of desktops on computers or phones.

Pay attention, the next time you open the photo album, in 99% of cases you will remember only the good, only the pleasant. In the modeling business, a photo shoot is a job ... tedious, not always pleasant and comfortable, but even the models looking at successful photos do not remember that the shoes were 2 sizes smaller, that it was cold, wet, etc. And if they do, it is in the form of a funny story from life, which is interesting to tell to grateful listeners.

We get used to living under the flash, since not a single significant event is complete without photographs - birthday, wedding, new year, graduation, meeting with friends, corporate events and especially vacation: sea, ski, tourist, etc. It is these stories that are used in individual work with clients. Analyzing photographs at different stages of life, one can see that turning point when changes occurred prior to the occurrence of the problem. It is important to pay attention to: the background that was used, the color scale and the very positioning of oneself in the pictures, the attitude of those who are nearby in the frame.

Taking photographs can develop imagination, the ability to look at things from a different angle, see people through the prism of their actions, and the use of photographs in the interior helps to increase the mood. After all, the strongest emotional resource is precisely the close relatives and friends shown in the photo and placed in stylish frames.

Enjoy the fun of the photo shoot. Come up with original ideas for your image or interesting ways to "freeze" the moment for hundreds of years. And also, do not forget that the positive emotions captured in the photo can help you get a positive charge in an indefinite equivalent, you just need to open the photo album.

Good day, clients and guests of the portal!

Today I want to place information about the energy impact and viewing the future from a photograph of a person, since very often you ask a question in the "Free Questions" section but do not provide a photo of the person or couple you are interested in, and it is difficult for an expert to answer, almost impossible.

With the help of photography, a person can be inspired with certain feelings and actions, magically and energetically influence, carry out rituals and ceremonies, influence relations with another person, energetic purification and much more. Photo allows you to learn a lot about a person and predict the future.

An expert knows that the main thing when establishing interaction through a photo is to establish a connection with the channel leading from the photo to the person. Previously, the photos were not so energetically open, since silver salts were used to create them, which prevented a person from connecting to the channel. Now technology has changed, and the connection between man and photography is not interrupted. Therefore, with the help of a photo, you can remotely influence a person. Since when photographing a person, not only features are captured, but also the energy, aura of a person.

If you look into history, then in ancient times special magical properties were attributed to images of surrounding objects, animals, humans. The one who owned the image of a person could influence his health and life. For a magical effect, the image needed to be similar to the original. It could be a portrait or a figurine made. A ritual was performed, the figurine was called the name of the person it portrayed. Used such figurines in order to evoke love or other influences. Such actions are called involation. If the figurine was kept at home, then it gave the owner power over the person depicted. There are special rituals and spells for involutions. In our times, this technique is practically not used, since the photo today carries complete information about a person and makes it possible to energetically influence a person and see his future.

Photos also affect us, this applies to photos of blood relatives. A strong bond is established that affects people's family life. If, for example, parents are unconsciously jealous of their children for their new families and a photo of a young family is in a prominent place, it worsens the relationship between spouses, there may be quarrels and disagreements.

Very carefully you need to be photographed against the background of attractions Since you can imprudently capture yourself or your loved ones against the background of one of the negatively active energy places, for example, monuments, the aura of which opens a direct channel of communication with the souls of the people to whom the monument is erected. You run the risk of letting the ominous aura of "black places" into your home with photography.

Photography is a powerful source of human energy, so all works that are carried out remotely give the same result as if the person was at a personal appointment.

Therefore, when you ask questions in the "Free Questions" section or contact the chat, do not forget to provide a photo of the person you are interested in, or if the question concerns a couple, then two people need a photo.

Regards Lana!


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