Diving boats from Innespace Productions. Submarines for private use Mine layer project "632"

The underwater world is still very little explored by humans. People come up with all sorts of opportunities to explore the ocean and sea depths. Here are some of the possible (the possibility depends on the thickness of the wallet) apparatus with which you can calmly and comfortably sink under the water to admire the fish ...

The Phoenix 1000 is a 65-meter luxury submarine that has been
originally built for a client and now waiting for a buyer. According to some reports, Roman Abramovich became one of the customers. The sub is conceived to be the single largest private submarine vehicle ever built. The very first clause in the purchase and sale agreement is the preservation of the client's anonymity. The price is about $ 80,000,000.

Submarine Dolphin Inspiration

Innespace has created a private submarine in the shape of a dolphin,
able to submerge in water, jump out of water, dive and swim like
a real dolphin. In a tight-fitting cockpit, you can enjoy 40mph speeds and 20mph submerged speeds for $ 48,000.

Stylish relaxation on the blue sea.

Spanish design firm Guillermo Sureda-Burgos has made a concept
submarines, which will allow you to take on board for underwater travel one or two more people.

The small submarine C-Quester from U-Boat Worx can dive to a depth of 50 meters and sail with an electric motor at a speed of 4 knots. With a $ 65,000 price tag, the single is 9 feet long, the 2-seater is 11.
The C-Quester 3 can accommodate up to 4 people.

Falcon-style submarine

Graham Hawkes presented to the public the winged apparatus Deep Flight Super Falcon (falcon flight in depth) for studying the underwater world with the principles of raising and lowering an aircraft capable of diving to a depth of 500 meters and staying under water for 8 hours. Wealthy nature lovers can buy a "flying" submarine for $ 1,500,000.

Personal submarine Triton 1000

American manufacturer U.S. Submarines invites everyone (who has an extra $ 1.69 million) to purchase a small submarine Triton 1000 for personal use. This comfortable submarine is about 3 meters long and 1.8 meters high and allows a crew of two to dive to a depth of 300 meters. gadgetblog.ru

Various submarines developed by EXOMOS for military or private purposes.

44m / 144ft Luxury Submarine project

Allows you to view in comfort coral reefs, shipwrecks and much more underwater. The luxury boat is propelled by a dual pump, injector and powered by hydrogen fuel cells. In extreme conditions, the boat can dive in order to avoid the influence of weather conditions and continue its journey unhindered.

Goldfish is the world's first solar powered submarine

The boat is equipped with solar panels with an area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters, which gives 30 kilowatts of energy.
The boat can dive to a depth of 300 meters and navigate there up to
half an hour.

The first Hyper-Sub speedboat capable of diving to 3.5 km

Speed \u200b\u200b72.42 km / h, dives to a depth of 3,650 m.
1. To load the boat, the pilot opens the hull gates and pumps 13 600 kg of water into the ballast chambers.

2. The forward chambers are filled first by tilting the boat at an angle of 5
degrees and sinking at a speed of 18.29 m per minute.

3. Once underwater, the pilot unfolds the boat's fins by tilting them down with the joystick and thrusts for a faster dive.

4. To emerge, the pumping system fills 11 m3 of air from
tank with liquefied gas, seals the body and turns on
surfaces in 30 seconds. forceful.ru

Triumph - Apparatus for the study of the underwater world for 3 people

Undersea Hunter - classified apparatus for studying the underwater world
Dives up to 457 m

Paul Allen's yellow submarine

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is a big fan of sea cruisers.
The latest toy in the billionaire's playground - completely
operational 40-foot yellow submarine he paid for
a huge amount of $ 12 million

Mine layer project "632"

In the middle of the last century, the sailors of the Soviet Union ordered a special ship - an underwater mine layer. TsKB-18 was commissioned to work on the project, and in 1956 work began on the design of an underwater mine layer.

Due to the heavy workload of TsKB-18 over the design of missile submarines, the submarine project, about 40 percent ready, is transferred to the TsKB-16 team.
Based on the requirements of the project, the submarine was supposed to have a diesel engine and hold special weapons of about 90 PLT-6 mines, specially designed for submarines, and there should also be a possibility of quick conversion of the minelayer into a transport submarine for transporting people and transporting oil and fuel and water. The storage of special weapons was carried out using revolutionary technology, the location of mines between the compartments.
By the end of 1958, the project of the underwater minelayer "632" was adopted by the State Commission, but the project was not included in the seven-year shipbuilding plan, which began in December 1958, but the submarine of the project "648" was included. All work after the approval of the seven-year plan for the mine layer project was stopped, and finally stopped. Of the main reasons for not implementing the project, the high cost of batteries and the fact that the submarine of project "648" could complete all the tasks solved by the project "632" and, in addition, could perform other tasks of underwater transportation.

1 - torpedo compartment; 2 - compartment for installing batteries; 3 - personnel compartment; 4 - CPU; 5 - compartment for placing mine weapons; 6 - racks for storing mines;
7 - diesel compartment; 8 - pipe for receiving and discharging mines; 9 - electrical machine compartment; 10 - aft compartment

Main characteristics:
- displacement of 3.2 thousand tons;
- length 85 meters;
- width 10 meters;

- sailing autonomy 80 days;
- the crew of the submarine is 90 people;
- average speed 15 knots;
- the duration of the voyage is one month;
- about 90 mines;
- mine devices 4 units;
- 4 TA caliber 533 mm;
- 4 TA caliber 400 mm.
- people up to 100 people;
- ammunition, cargo, food up to 120 tons;
- fuel up to 130 tons.

Underwater diving missile boat "Dolphin"

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a unique project was submitted by the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev. During his stay in Sevastopol and inspecting the naval base, Khrushchev noticed rocket boats and submarines standing nearby and expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a submerged submarine fleet when the enemy used atomic weapons. Just because the First Secretary himself came up with the idea, the project, so incompatible in terms of requirements, continued to be persistently developed.

The project, which received the number "1231", was instructed to develop TsKB-19, for the development and construction of prototypes he was transferred to the Leningrad marine plant. This is what served to merge TsKB-19 and Leningrad TsKB-5 later into TsKB "Almaz".
The development of a unique ship was carried out with great difficulties, it is worth noting that the main developments were made by the boat bureau, which had to study the design of submarines on the go. Tying a surface ship and a submarine together was a difficult task, and the designers had to show wonders of ingenuity and simplification.

In accordance with the terms of reference received from the naval department of the Soviet Union, the project "1231" was to be used to deliver rapid missile strikes against enemy surface vehicles in places close to the main enemy bases. The missile ships were supposed to arrive at a given area and be submerged in it and await the approach of enemy surface forces. With a sufficient approach of the enemy, the missile ships, surfacing, went out to the range of a missile strike, after which they left at high speed underwater or on the surface.

Work on the design of the unusual ship began in early 1959 and ended with the departure of Nikita Khrushchev from leading political positions in 1964. No one can say for sure now how the work on the construction of a submersible rocket ship would have ended if Nikita Khrushchev had not left the post of First Secretary of the Party Central Committee.

Main characteristics:
- surface speed 38 knots;
- underwater speed 4 knots;
- the ship's crew is 12 people;
- four cruise missiles of the P-25 complex;
- approximate cost in 1960 - 40 million rubles;

Landing transport boat of the project "717"

By 1962, the American submarine fleet is making a breakthrough in building nuclear submarines. The Soviet Union is urgently trying to catch up and overtake its main competitor in nuclear shipbuilding.
To obtain the status of a leader, the Soviet Union begins designing large submarines for various purposes. In 1967, the Malakhit design bureau received a technical assignment from the naval department for the design of a submarine for transporting troops of up to 1000 people and a dozen units of armored vehicles to perform combat missions.

Design Bureau "Malakhit" already had experience in the development of large submarines of Project 664 and Project 748.
If the nuclear-powered ship was built, it would become the largest submarine in the whole. A displacement of 18 thousand tons, a height of a five-story building, a length equal to 2 football fields - a real giant of the underwater world was intended to transport a regiment of marines and various weapons and cargo to specified landing areas to capture bridgeheads in enemy territory.
In accordance with the project, the hull of the submarine was made of 2 cylinders. The compartment of the central importance housed the personnel of the boat and the landing units, numbering more than one thousand people. On the sides of the boat in the compartments were placed bottom mines in an amount of up to 400 units, the placement of which, according to calculations, could lock the entire composition of the US Sixth Fleet in Norfolk. By 1969, work on the design of the boat of the project "717" was completed.
But by that time, the Soviet Union urgently needed submarines with ballistic missiles to achieve military parity with the United States, all the forces of the Central Design Bureau and shipyards were sent to the development and construction of nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons. All work on the sea leviathan was suspended and finally stopped.

The main characteristics of the 717 project:
- width 23 meters;
- immersion depth up to 300 meters;
- speed of 18 knots;
- duration of autonomous sailing 2.5 months;
- six torpedo tubes;
- 18 anti-submarine missiles;
- artillery pieces 2 installations;
- Marine regiment with 4 BTR-60;
- Marine battalion with 20 armored vehicles.

Project "667M" - nuclear submarine "Andromeda"

In the early 1980s, the United States began to appear atomic submarines with Tomahawk missiles capable of hitting a target at a distance of 2.5 thousand kilometers. In the Soviet Union, in the KB im. Chelomey is urgently developing the Meteorite-M complex. The cruise missile of the ZM25 complex surpassed the American analogue Tomahawk in speed performance and had the purpose of destroying enemy ground targets and targets.

It was for this missile system that design work began on the re-equipment of the Project 667A submarine, which entered service with the USSR Navy at the end of 1970. The work was carried out from 82 to 85 at the Severodvinsk plant. The missile compartment was completely replaced, the new compartment housed 12 missiles of the Meteorite-M complex.

The submarine receives a new designation "667M", number "K-420", the Americans named it "Yankee-sidecar". At the end of 1983, it is part of the Northern Fleet, and 30 days later, combat tests of the missile complex begin. The missiles not only hit the target accurately, but also exceeded all the declared indicators, there were no breakdowns and accidents.
In 1989, after the conversion, the project was closed. The missiles are fired off, and the submarine is used as a torpedo submarine. In 1993 the boat was put into long-term storage.

The main characteristics of Andromeda:
- displacement of 7.7 thousand tons;
- length 130 meters;
- width 12 meters;
- draft 8.7 meters;
- immersion depth 320 meters;
- speed 27 knots;
- crew of 120 people;
- RC "Meteorite-M", ammunition for 12 missiles;
- TA caliber 533 mm;
- control system of the RK "Andromeda".

Submarine barges and tankers

In the 80s, the idea of \u200b\u200bunderwater barges and tankers became relevant. In the confrontation between Iraq and Iran, about 300 different oil ships and transports were destroyed in just 2 years.

Western countries and the Soviet Union are forced to guard vehicles, and therefore in the USSR, in the Malakhit Design Bureau, a project for a nuclear submarine for transport purposes is being implemented.

By the beginning of 1990, projects of tankers and barges with a cargo capacity of up to 30 thousand tons were completely ready. But due to the change in the political system, the collapse of the USSR into separate states, the projects of underwater super-transport vehicles were never implemented.
They began to return to the idea of \u200b\u200bunderwater heavy trucks today because of the aggravated cases of maritime terrorism.
Submarine transport will be able to deliver more cargo at depths of up to 100 meters at speeds up to 19 knots. The team of such transport workers will be about 35 people.

Has developed a new model of a bionic boat, not only in appearance, but also in "habits" resembling a shark. The high-speed novelty, called the Seabreacher X, will be produced in a limited edition.

About Innespace and its developments we. The main thing is that its two-seater five-meter machines with a pressurized cockpit have positive buoyancy, but due to the work of the underwater wings, they can pull themselves into depth.

The company has already sent its boats of previous versions to clients in a number of countries, not counting the United States, from Korea to the UAE. Customers were captivated by deep turns, barrels, jumps and dives. Also, the company has not abandoned its long-standing idea of \u200b\u200borganizing races on diving boats, only participants must buy their own Seabreacher. Now the date of the first such competitions is indicated "somewhere this year."

The new aircraft with the X index (at the top and under the heading it is shown in the final "toothy" coloring) is equipped with a video camera in the dorsal fin, so that when moving underwater, the pilot can navigate by the picture on the screen. In addition, the boat is equipped with a stereo system and GPS satellite navigation (photos from Rupert Thorpe, Innespace).

If the previous model (it is still being produced) - Seabreacher J - outwardly imitates a dolphin, then Seabreacher X is a shark. Its open mouth is a window under the pilot's feet, made of tinted glass. "X" is capable of developing 80 km / h on the surface and 40 km / h under water. For this one should thank the 260-horsepower engine (model J, for comparison, is equipped with engines of 155 or 215 hp).

Like its predecessors, the Seabreacher X can jump a little out of the water and "frolic" in every possible way. And, of course, one of the main highlights is the car's ability to move for a long time near the surface under water, exposing only the fin (through which the internal combustion engine receives air) and crashing waves onto the transparent canopy of the cockpit. Moreover, a special system prevents water from entering the motor and stopping it during short dives to a depth of 1.8 meters.

These pictures show the predecessor of the "shark" - "dolphin" Seabreacher J. By the way, a common question: what happens if I dive too deep on such a boat? It's simple - in twenty seconds the internal combustion engine will stall, and since the boat is lighter than water, it will float up.
It is also interesting that the buoyancy of the hull is such that the device will not sink even if the pilot leaves the cockpit cap open and the cabin fills with water (and in general there is a bilge pump). And yet - the device is designed to work in both sea and river water (photos from Innespace).

The company says that the J dolphin diving boat is available by pre-order. Prices depend on engine power, trim options, and so on. The range is $ 65-85 thousand. As for the new "shark" - the Americans plan to build only 10 copies of it. The price tag, respectively, is more solid - $ 93,500. What the client will receive for this money can be seen in the video below.

Sport bikes and cars? The most luxurious business jets or even your own airliners? Huge yachts? All these beautiful vehicles pale against the background of a private submarine - a device, of course, not essential, but capable of fully fulfilling the childhood dreams of even the most sophisticated person.

Private submarines are a trend that has become firmly established in recent years among business people around the world. In fact, there is nothing surprising in this. For a whole century, submarines were used, albeit widely, but only for military and sometimes scientific purposes. Now a private person can become the owner of his own submarine.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the founder of the Virgin empire Richard Branson was the first to become interested in his own submarines, then Paul Allen from Microsoft, Roman Abramovich and many others. By the end of the first decade of the century, private submarines were firmly established in the exclusive entertainment market. The demand for this unusual product is growing from year to year, despite the fact that the lowest price level for a submarine exceeds the million euros mark.

We recently reviewed with you, and now here - Triton

Photo 2.

According to some estimates, about a hundred vessels like the Triton are currently in operation, but almost no one knows who they belong to.

Should they be launched from the deck of a yacht or go to sea on their own, then only the super-powerful military search engines of highly developed countries will be able to track the movements of the owner of the boat. And if it goes under the ice, then the chance to find it becomes vanishingly small. Whether such notable people as Paul Allen (his yellow submarine cost $ 12,000,000) and James Cameron were guided by this when buying the Triton 3300, we do not know, but the privacy of their vacation is now definitely guaranteed to them.

Photo 3.

Two models (two- and three-seater Triton 1000) are positioned only as submarines for entertainment, two (similar to the index 3300) are already suitable for bottom reconnaissance, and the fifth, being designed, is still intended not for recreation, but for serious scientific work. Although it will not be surprising at all if some eccentric millionaire acquires it, whose purpose in life is to dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, under an 11-kilometer water column. How much a future deep monster might cost is hard to imagine. But the lightweight two-seater Triton 1000 is priced at "only" $ 3,000,000.

The development of "Triton" has already been appreciated by filmmakers: the famous Discovery Channel financed the expedition and the use of these submarines to shoot a film about the depths of the sea. In particular, one of the tasks was to detect and shoot the legendary horror of the seas - the giant squid. And this task was accomplished: the kraken finally got into the lenses!

Mini-submarines are now willingly developed by various companies, several models have appeared on the market, and depending on their preferences, the future owner will be able to choose both the diving depth and the set of equipment.

Photo 4.

Small, only 4 meters long, the Triton 36000/3 submarine is unique in its kind. Thanks to its ultra-compact design and vertical configuration, this submarine allows you to dive very quickly and deeply under water and as quickly ascend.

Photo 5.

Diving to a maximum depth of 11 kilometers (36,000 feet) takes about two hours - an excellent figure for a 9 tonne craft. The main advantage of the Triton 36000/3 is its versatility. Firstly, such a boat can be easily operated by one person (in total, three can fit on board), and, secondly, its size and maneuverability make the submarine an ideal vehicle for both scientific and search underwater expeditions, and for elementary recreation.

Photo 6.

The quality and breed of the Triton 36000/3 is in the details. For example, the submarine's "hat", which is also a hatch, is made of super-strong glass, created using Rayotek's patented technology, and can withstand pressure even at 11 km depth without problems.

By the way, here's how it is handled:

The submarine is driven by an electric motor, the energy of which will last for 16 hours. The main supply of oxygen on board is also designed for 16 hours, but in the event of an emergency, reserve air cylinders are available for underwater travelers for 96 hours

Photo 7.

australian design group Bury Yacht Design has unveiled a superyacht concept capable of handling small submarines on extended deep ocean operations.

Working in partnership with Triton Submarines, a manufacturer of a wide range of submarines, designer Paul Bury has developed a unique vessel concept that combines very high efficiency, comfort and operational reliability.

The project of the yacht, named DSN # 40, envisions a 60-meter vessel with the stability of a catamaran (due to the side hulls of low volume and submersion) along with the comfort of movement of a monohull.

Working with the descent vehicles required an unusual layout with a large working area at the stern, and the significant weight of the submarines (up to 9000 kg for the Triton 36000/3) made special demands on the design of lifting mechanisms on board the yacht. Four submarines (two Triton 36000/3 and two Triton 3300/3) and a workshop for their maintenance are located below the main deck and are intended for both research work and deep-sea excursions. Ten guests and twelve crew members can sail with an autonomy of up to 9,000 miles.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

If Jules Verne would have known that in the 21st century the Russian oligarch would become Nemo's captain, and with him dozens of wealthy conquerors of the depths of the sea! But modern technologies for building submarines allow almost anyone to acquire their own, albeit small, submarine. Who has money, of course.

The construction of private submarines has already reached such proportions that in the United States, for example, there are even annual races on ships built by enthusiasts. In theory, even a fighter can be assembled in the garage, there would be time and desire. It is much more interesting that there are companies that are professionally engaged in the design and construction of submarines for sale - both serial and custom. There are not one or two similar shipyards in the world, and they produce both very tiny and budget ships, and real "nautilus" worth tens of millions of dollars.

Riding a starfish

Let's start with the most inexpensive models. Underwater scooters are difficult to call even submarines. At the moment they are produced by two companies in the world. And one of them is Russian. However, the primacy in this field belongs not to our compatriots. The first underwater scooter appeared in the very early 2000s under the BOB (Breathing Observation Bubble) brand. Since then, the "bubbles" have conquered more than one seaside resort. The electric motor accelerates the underwater scooter to 4.6 km / h. The pilot's head is housed in a transparent, sealed dome, where air is supplied from a scuba tank attached to the front of the aircraft. With the help of BOB, almost anyone can explore the depths of the sea, while scuba diving has a lot of health contraindications. Plus, learning to operate a scooter takes less than an hour. But the canopy will still not protect the pilot from pressure drops. The scooter can descend only 12 meters. This depth does not cause discomfort for most beginners. The average price of renting a bubble in resorts is about $ 75 for 45 minutes (batteries are designed for an hour diving). You can get BOB for 10 thousand dollars.

For the same money, a Russian analogue called Aqua Star is sold. However, the domestic model has several advantages. In particular, the flat dome windows, which, unlike the spherical BOB “cockpit,” do not distort the picture. The most interesting is the new Aqua Star 2 model, which was launched into production last spring. The scooter has become a two-seater. This means that the passenger can not be distracted by the control of the device and concentrate on contemplating or photographing the underwater kingdom. And traveling together is much more interesting, especially since the "dome" is common: the pilot and the passenger can freely communicate at depth. True, the price has increased. For a two-seater scooter, you will have to pay 16 thousand dollars. But the second model, in addition to the passenger seat, boasts a maximum diving depth of 20 meters, as well as a smoother ride. At the moment, Aqua Star is developing a full-fledged dry-type submarine. Representatives of the company admitted to "Business-Style" that the crisis noticeably pushed back the terms of the launch of serial production of the submarine, but noticed that its estimated cost will be about 4 million rubles. In this case, our submarine will be able to compete with foreign analogues. However, the project of a submarine from Aqua Star has been implemented so far in a layout, while competitors have been selling already built vessels for several years.

Horses inside a dolphin

The cheapest dry-type underwater vehicle, the SeaBreacher, costs between $ 48,000 and $ 68,000. It also cannot be called a submarine in the usual sense of the word, just as a dolphin cannot be called a fish. In general, SeaBreacher is a dolphin. Mechanical. This apparatus copies not only the body shape of a marine mammal, but also its mode of movement in the water. The heart of the boat is a 175 hp rotary piston engine. (or 240 - in the sports version). SeaBreacher can dive and jump out of the water like a dolphin. However, while the immersion depth is limited to about two meters. The boat can stay under water for only 20 seconds: there is enough air supply, which "feeds" the engine during the dive. Due to its positive buoyancy, the SeaBreacher can quickly dive out of the water and jump up to a height of several meters, like a real dolphin. Also on the boat, you can perform various tricks: jump over obstacles and roll over "on your back." And all at a speed of 65 km / h! Under water, the SeaBreacher develops 32 km / h. However, this boat is not suitable for exploring the deep sea. This requires a full-fledged submarine.

The whole family to Pepperland!

The famous Yellow Submarine, on which the Beatles went to free Pepperland from the blue greedy ones, belongs to the class of mini-submarines. The creator of the cult cartoon Heinz Edelmann, who died this year, lived to see the time when such ships from the category of psychedelic fantasies moved into the category of a completely accessible type of family vacation.

For example, the Canadian shipyard International VentureCraft Corp. successfully sells its budget submarines, which are quite comparable in price with the same SeaBreacher. Only these ships are full-fledged submarines. IVCC manufactures a full line of compact submarines. The simplest SportSub II model costs 49 thousand dollars. For this money, the customer will receive a two-seat submarine, which is capable of reaching a speed of 9.3 km / h (5 knots) under water. The three-seater SportSub III costs a thousand more. But the battery capacity (and, accordingly, the maximum immersion time) in the three-seater model is much higher - 420 A / h versus 50 A / h in the SportSub II.

The $ 60K ResortSub can stay submerged even longer. In addition, this model is equipped with the Auto-Hover Control system, which makes the submarine more controllable and even allows it to hover in one place - like a helicopter in the air. For an additional 10 thousand, IVCC specialists will turn it into SurveillanceSub - a boat equipped with a rigid safety cage that will protect the hull from underwater collisions. The maximum diving depth of these models is 40 meters. The most "charged" version, ResortSub DA, costs 250 thousand. But you will have to pay for comfort not only in money. This modification is much weaker: diving depth of 12 meters and 3.7 km / h (2 knots) maximum speed.

Produces IVCC and TourSub six-seat submarine. She also cannot boast of high speed and immersion depth, but it is equipped with a dozen engines (other models are driven by 4 propellers) and is able to stay under water for much longer.

C-Quester submarines from the Dutch company U-Boat Worx can hold out without surfacing for 6 hours, which is also a lot. However, the maximum immersion depth of the CQ is much more impressive: the submarine "dives" to 100 meters. Besides, CQ will become a real decoration of any yacht. Its design evokes thoughts of a flying saucer. Currently U-Boat Worx offers two vessel modifications - CQ-2 and CQ-3. The numbers are passenger capacity. But for additional money, the shipyard specialists can turn the CQ-3 into a four-seater submarine. Under water, two electric motors accelerate it to 5.5 km / h (3 knots). Throwing back the transparent canopy, the CQ can be used like a regular boat. The only weak point of U-Boat Worx boats is their prices. A two-seater model costs 520 thousand euros, and a three-seater - 545. Another 10 thousand euros will have to pay for the compulsory pilot training course. Technical support anywhere in the world - 10 thousand per year.

Jellyfish parties

It's time to talk about the monsters. In addition to small companies, there are several leaders in the global private submarine market. For example, the assortment of British Silvercrest dazzles. We have tried to select the models of Silvercrest submarines that are most suitable for yacht accommodation. Thus, the two-seater Sports Sub, which has traditional hull lines for mini-submarines with panoramic flat glazing of the wheelhouse, can dive to a depth of 40 meters and weighs only 500 kg. The maximum speed is 5.6 km / h (3 knots). The Sports Sub costs only $ 33,800. The one-and-a-half-ton K-350 (30 thousand dollars), which has a transparent dome-hatch of the wheelhouse, is capable of descending 100 meters. It is absurd to hold a 24-ton Mergo T-Sub even on a mega yacht. But on it you can arrange an underwater party: the capacity of the submarine is 10 people. The maximum depth is 100 meters, and the speed is 5.6 km / h. The T-Sub can stay under water for up to 10 hours. By the way, about the underwater parties. Silvercrest has developed a project for a special device for those who cannot live without a club atmosphere, even at sea depths. The underwater bar, equipped with a sound system and club lights, can accommodate 12 guests at a depth of 100 meters. Silvercrest specialists are ready to implement this project for only 960 thousand dollars.

Silvercrest also manufactures large tourist submarines, which are intended for the entertainment of vacationers at seaside resorts, but can also be adapted for private needs. However, the most interesting of this kind of ships was designed by Silvercrest's American competitors - Underwater Vehicles Inc. The DeepStar is the only submarine in the world whose hull is entirely made of acrylic. This allowed the engineers to make two huge windows - fore and aft. There are no side windows in the usual sense of the word at all. Instead, there are huge floor-to-ceiling windows. The DeepStar has a maximum diving depth of 100 meters and a speed of 5.6 km / h. The deepest UVI submarine, the six-seat Taurus, can descend 400 meters. By the way, manufacturers lease Taurus for $ 3,500 per day. You can buy it for $ 797,600. The most popular yachtsman device, the E-2, sells for $ 496,000. The two-seater yellow submarine is capable of diving to 50 meters and spending up to three days under water without surfacing.

Oligarchs under water

But what is 50 meters compared to the depths of the ocean ?! For a true adventurer, that's a funny figure. This is probably what the billionaire traveler Steve Fossett thought when he ordered Hawkes Ocean Technologies to build the world's only private submarine with a maximum diving depth of about 11,000 meters. True, Fossett was not destined to see such depth: he died in a plane crash. Well, the Deep Flight project was implemented without its ideological inspirer and pilot. Now Hawkes Ocean Technologies specialists are working on the design of the next model of the record-breaking apparatus. Deep Flight II will be double.

HOT already has a completed project for a two-seater submarine. Deep Flight Super Falcon, although it cannot boast a record diving depth, lives up to its name. The submarine, built by the order of the millionaire Tom Perkins, really looks like an underwater plane. The device is capable of diving to 330 meters and a speed of 11 km / h under water. Such a deep-sea plane cost Perkins $ 1.3 million.

Roman Arkadievich Nemo

The most fantastic submarines are built by US Subs specialists. Unfortunately, at the moment it is not known whether the company is accepting orders for the construction of submarines: the US Subs website is down, the phones are not responding. Perhaps the crisis knocked the market leader of private submarines out of the saddle. We hope this is temporary. Moreover, the company is also engaged in the maintenance of already built submarines, including the real underwater yacht Phoenix 1000, owned by Roman Abramovich. The oligarch paid more than $ 100 million for the 65-meter underwater palace.

If even 10 years ago the conquest of the depths of the sea was available only to oligarchs and the prices of even small submarines for the middle class were unaffordable, now you can buy your own submarine at the price of a good car. Now billionaires have a different fashion - space flights. And underwater travel is no longer an unconditional luxury. At the same time, exploration of the world's oceans can be as exciting as an excursion to the ISS. Only in this case you have a chance to go to meet the unknown on your own submarine.


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