How to calculate the amount at a discount. What kind of discount to give to the client so as not to go into a negative Memories of the future

If you need to quickly calculate a discount for each individual buyer depending on the volume of purchased products or a reduction in the grace period, use the discount calculator that you can download.

It may seem to an experienced financier that the calculation of a discount does not require lengthy explanations. But sometimes it is the simple calculations that we face every day that take our time and become sources of error. See the correct calculations, and download the discount policy that any company will need.

Calculate discount by formula

  1. Calculating the absolute amount of the discount when the percentage is known.
  2. Calculating the discount percentage with a known discount amount (or the amount after deducting the discount).

Calculate the amount of the discount using the formula:

Discount \u003d Amount before discount × Discount percentage

To calculate the discount percentage, use the formula:

Discount percentage \u003d Discount amount / Amount before discount

Discount Amount \u003d Amount Before Discount - Amount After Subtracting Discount

Important! In the second calculation, remember that the division must be made by the amount before deducting the discount, otherwise you will receive a percentage of the markup as a result, which will cause an error. ...

Discount calculator

If you don't have time to calculate the discount using the formula, use the calculator. For this:

  1. Fill in the original data in the color-coded fields.
  2. Get an instant calculation of the discount amount or discount percentage. ...

What discounts are justified to provide buyers

Treasury often has to calculate the maximum allowable discounts for different situations, for example:

  • when it is necessary to get rid of low-liquid goods;
  • the buyer is ready to purchase a large batch of goods;
  • the buyer is willing to pay in advance.

The editors have prepared a material that will help you quickly calculate the amount of discounts for each of these cases. The recommendations will be useful for both manufacturing enterprises and companies specializing in trade or services.

Commentary by Kotikov

Today we have a slightly unusual article because they are two articles under the same cover.

The first one is purely practical, about how to correctly calculate the maximum possible discount for yourself in order to stay profitable, and not vice versa.

The second article, on the contrary, is more theoretical, it is about what we need to know about discounts before offering them to anyone at all.

The articles complement each other so well that they simply have to stand side by side.

Is the customer asking for a discount again? Agree! Aha, you will respond, again to work at a loss? Not quite so: if you calculate the size of the discount correctly, everyone will win. Egor Egorushkin, partner and director of the project office of the consulting group "Here and Now", shared the formulas for calculating profitable discounts. Here are the theses from his speech.

The discount should be beneficial to everyone

In order not to be torn between the desire to make money and keep the client, you need to offer a discount that is beneficial to everyone. In this case, the client will not go to a competitor, and you will still be in the black after numerous expenses for delivery and customs clearance of the goods. But how to calculate the exact size of the discount if it depends on the profitability of the company, and the profitability is different for everyone?

To find out, you need to answer two questions: how much more do you need to sell to offer an X% discount? And if you sell X% more, what is the maximum discount to give in order not to work at a loss? Let's start in order.

1. How much more you need to sell to get X% discount

First, let's define what is the difference between price and markup. The markup is applied to the cost price, the discount is given from the price. Let's say your markup is 30%, and you want to give a 5% discount. For example, the price of a product is 100 rubles, for 95 you sell it.

But keep in mind that if you apply a 30% markup to the cost price, this means that your price is not 30% income, but a little less. We bought a product for 100 rubles, wound up 30%, got a price of 130. That is, we earned 30, but it will not be 30%, but less, 30% must be divided by 130.

The formula for calculating the markup from the price

So what happened? With a 30% markup, the price contains 23% of our income. If we give a client a discount, then we are sharing the income with him. Which part? Let's calculate this, taking into account that we are giving him a 5% discount.

With a 5% discount, you share a fifth of your income

It turns out that if you give a discount of 5% off the price, which contains 23% of your income, then you are sharing almost 22% of your income. And then simple mathematics, like in school: you need to remember what to divide into what.

If you used to sell 1000 pieces, how much more should you sell with a 5% discount?

You need to sell at least +276 pieces

Please note that if you sell 27.6% more, you will earn the same amount as before the discount was granted.

Therefore, in order to work profitably, you need to sell more than 27.6%. That is, if you sell, for example, only 20-25% more, you will be in the red.

At the same time, revenue will grow, because if you give a 5% discount to sell more, sales will grow by more than 5%. This is what many sellers do: sales seem to have grown by 15-25%, but they cannot figure out where the money is.

Keep in mind that if you give a 5% discount, then sales will not necessarily increase by exactly 27.6%. This will depend on what yield you are selling. It is radically different for everyone.

2. If you sell more by X%, what is the maximum discount to give in order not to go into the red?

Let's say a client buys 1,000 pieces of a product from you and says that next year he is ready to buy 1,500 pieces if you are interested in the price. Let's calculate what discount you can give him.

First we calculate the sales growth and paste it into the formula below. The increase will depend on how much your client expects to buy. In our example, if the client buys 1.5 times more next time, then the sales increase will be 50%.

Do not discount more than 7.7% in this case

So: 7.7% is the maximum discount you can give this customer. You can give 5, 6 or even 7.5% - it will be small, but a plus. If you give a discount more than 7.7%, you will get a loss.

How to count correctly using formulas

Marginality or profitability strongly depends on how you calculate costs. For example, it depends on whether you include the salary of the chief accountant and commission to the seller in the cost price or not. The danger is that if you do not count all the direct costs that are associated with sales, you will get inflated profitability and decide that you are making more than you actually are. If you get an inflated yield, you will get an inflated maximum discount.

Inflated profitability - Inflated max. a discount

For example, you get a 10% discount. This is the extreme border and you threw off the client, for example, 8%, but you still get a minus at the exit. The reason will be because you have calculated the classic costs - procurement, transportation, customs, but did not include taxes, shipping charges, packaging, etc.

But there is another option that is even more dangerous. For example, you included the chief accountant's salary in the cost price. In this case, you will get an underestimated profitability, and then the size of the discount will also be less. For example, we got the maximum - 5%. The client was offered 4%, and your competitor was offered 5%, despite the fact that you could actually concede 7.7%. But they did not do this, and lost the client, simply because they miscalculated.

Therefore, I advise you to treat such calculations with maximum attention - these figures hide both your profit, which can please you, and problems that will definitely not please you.

Discounts That Don't Become Evil

Article by Sergei Slavinsky, director of Syndicated Brands, original on Medium.

Richard Estes, In the Candy Shop, 1983

Someone thinks discounts are evil. Someone is the main driver of sales development. But there is one nuance here ...

Discounts are only good when they strengthen the bond between the product supplier and the consumer. If this does not happen, price competition leads to the depletion of the company's resources. Next, you know.

For the last 60 years, only the laziest have not written (or read) about sales marketing and the failure of this concept. But when does this tool benefit both the buyer and the seller?

Obvious validity

In order for discounts to be an effective tool not only for one-time sales, but for strengthening relationships and creating a positive experience, they must have only one property - obvious validity.

If the product expires, we understand the discount. If a company is looking for "shoals" in a new product - a discount (for example, during testing or technical opening) is clear to us. If this is a discount for seniors, students or children, that's understandable. Even the special club price is acceptable. But "promotional goods" or "sale" - no. Because they need a reason. Why a promotion? Why on earth is a sale?

Despite the popularity, the mechanics of such events are pernicious. Her product will probably be taken, but how will the discount affect the perception of your brand? Especially in those categories where bargaining traditionally does not take place.

One conclusion suggests itself. More precisely, two: "no one takes" and "they initially raised the price." And how will such thoughts of customers affect their attitude to your product? It is difficult to say exactly how, but what can be assumed for sure - it will be a negative reaction, not a positive one. Even despite your desire to do good and bring your amazing product to a wider audience (what else?).

There are tons of ways to justify a discount, and it’s not tricky. If you really think that the time has come for this tool, use it to the maximum benefit. Give the feeling that your customer earned the discount, and did not receive it for free.

Sp-force-hide (display: none;). Sp-form (display: block; background: rgba (247, 247, 247, 1); padding: 25px; width: 800px; max-width: 100%; border- radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-color: #dddddd; border-style: solid; border-width: 13px; font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue ", sans-serif; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: auto;). sp-form input (display: inline-block; opacity: 1; visibility: visible;). sp -form .sp-form-fields-wrapper (margin: 0 auto; width: 750px;). sp-form .sp-form-control (background: rgba (255, 255, 255, 1); border-color: rgba (217, 217, 217, 1); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; font-size: 15px; padding-left: 8.75px; padding-right: 8.75px; border-radius: 0px; -moz -border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; height: 35px; width: 100%;). sp-form .sp-field label (color: # 444444; font-size: 14px; font-style : normal; font-weight: bold;). sp-form .sp-button (border-radius: 25px; -moz-bo rder-radius: 25px; -webkit-border-radius: 25px; background-color: # ef002b; color: #ffffff; width: 100%; font-weight: 700; font-style: normal; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none;). sp-form .sp-button-container (text-align: center; width: auto;)

How to calculate the percentage of the amount, you need to know in many cases (when calculating the state duty, credit, etc.). We will show you how to calculate the percentage of the amount using a calculator, proportions and known ratios.

How to find out the percentage of the amount in general?

After that, there are two options:

  1. If you need to find out how much interest is another amount from the original, you just need to divide it by the amount of 1% received earlier.
  2. If you need the size of the amount, which is, say, 27.5% of the original, you need to multiply the size of 1% by the required number of percent.

How to calculate the percentage from the amount using the proportion?

But you can do otherwise. To do this, you will have to use the knowledge about the method of proportions, which passes through the school mathematics course. It will look like this.

Suppose we have A - the principal amount equal to 100%, and B - the amount, the ratio of which with A as a percentage, we need to find out. We write down the proportion:

(X in this case is the number of percent).

According to the rules for calculating proportions, we get the following formula:

Don't know your rights?

X \u003d 100 * B / A

If you need to find out how much the amount B will be with the already known number of percent of the amount A, the formula will look different:

B \u003d 100 * X / A

Now it remains to substitute known numbers into the formula - and you can make the calculation.

How to calculate the percentage of the amount using known ratios?

Finally, you can use an easier way. To do this, it is enough to remember that 1% in decimal form is 0.01. Accordingly, 20% is 0.2; 48% - 0.48; 37.5% is 0.375, etc. It is enough to multiply the original amount by the corresponding number - and the result will mean the amount of interest.

In addition, sometimes you can use simple fractions. For example, 10% is 0.1, that is, 1/10, therefore, to find out how much 10% will be, it's simple: you just need to divide the original amount by 10.

Other examples of such relationships would be:

  • 12.5% \u200b\u200b- 1/8, that is, you need to divide by 8;
  • 20% - 1/5, that is, you need to divide by 5;
  • 25% - 1/4, that is, divide by 4;
  • 50% - 1/2, that is, you need to divide in half;
  • 75% - 3/4, that is, you need to divide by 4 and multiply by 3.

True, not all simple fractions are convenient for calculating percentages. For example, 1/3 is close in size to 33%, but not exactly equal: 1/3 is 33, (3)% (that is, a fraction with infinite triples after the decimal point).

How to subtract a percentage of the amount without using a calculator

If it is required to subtract an unknown number from an already known amount, constituting a certain amount of percent, you can use the following methods:

  1. Calculate an unknown number using one of the above methods, and then subtract it from the original.
  2. Calculate the remaining amount immediately. To do this, we subtract from 100% the number of percent that needs to be subtracted, and the result obtained is converted from percent to number in any of the ways described above.

The second example is more convenient, so let's illustrate it. Let's say you need to find out how much will remain if you subtract 16% from 4779. The calculation will be like this:

  1. Subtract from 100 (total percentage) 16. We get 84.
  2. We consider how much will be 84% of 4779. We get 4014.36.

How to calculate (subtract) a percentage from a sum with a calculator in hand

All of the above calculations are easier to do using a calculator. It can be either in the form of a separate device, or in the form of a special program on a computer, smartphone or regular mobile phone (even the oldest devices in use today usually have this function). With their help, the question of how to calculate the percentage of the amount is solved very simply:

  1. The initial amount is collected.
  2. The "-" sign is pressed.
  3. The number of percent to be subtracted is entered.
  4. The "%" sign is pressed.
  5. The "\u003d" sign is pressed.

As a result, the required number is displayed on the screen.

How to subtract interest from an amount using an online calculator

Finally, there are now enough sites on the web that offer an online calculator function. In this case, knowledge of how to calculate the percentage of the amount is not even required: all user operations are reduced to entering the necessary numbers into the boxes (or moving the sliders to get them), after which the result is immediately displayed on the screen.

This function is especially convenient for those who calculate not just an abstract percentage, but a specific amount of tax deduction or the amount of state duty. The fact is that in this case the calculations are more complicated: it is required not only to find the percentages, but also to add a constant part of the amount to them. The online calculator avoids such additional calculations. The main thing is to choose a site that uses data that complies with applicable law.

Percentage is one hundredth of a whole number. Percentages are used to indicate the relationship of a part to a whole, as well as to compare values.

1% = 1 100 = 0,01

The interest calculator allows you to perform the following operations:

Find percentage of number

To find the percentage p from a number, you need to multiply this number by a fraction p 100

Find 12% of 300:
300 12 100 \u003d 300 0.12 \u003d 36
12% of 300 is 36.

For example, a product costs 500 rubles and has a 7% discount. Let's find the absolute value of the discount:
500 7 100 \u003d 500 0.07 \u003d 35
Thus, the discount is 35 rubles.

What percentage is one number from another

To calculate the percentage of numbers, you need to divide one number by another and multiply by 100%.

Let's calculate how many percent is the number 12 of the number 30:
12 30 100 \u003d 0.4100 \u003d 40%
The number 12 is 40% of the number 30.

For example, a book contains 340 pages. Vasya read 200 pages. Let's calculate what percentage of the whole book Vasya read.
200 340 100% \u003d 0.59100 \u003d 59%
Thus, Vasya read 59% of the entire book.

Add percent to number

To add to the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 + p 100)

Add 30% to 200:
200 (1 + 30 100 ) \u003d 200 1.3 \u003d 260
200 + 30% equals 260.

For example, a subscription to the pool costs 1000 rubles. From next month they promised to raise the price by 20%. Let's calculate how much the subscription will cost.
1000 (1 + 20 100 ) \u003d 1000 1.2 \u003d 1200
Thus, the subscription will cost 1200 rubles.

Subtract percentage from the number

To subtract from the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 - p 100)

Subtract 30% from 200:
200 (1 - 30 100 ) \u003d 200 0.7 \u003d 140
200 - 30% equals 140.

For example, a bicycle costs 30,000 rubles. The store made a 5% discount on it. Let's calculate how much the bike will cost taking into account the discount.
30,000 (1 - 5 100 ) \u003d 30,000 0.95 \u003d 28,500
Thus, the bike will cost 28,500 rubles.

How much percent is one number greater than the other

To calculate how many percent one number is larger than another, you need to divide the first number by the second, multiply the result by 100 and subtract 100.

Let's calculate by what percentage the number 20 is greater than the number 5:
20 5 100 - 100 \u003d 4 100 - 100 \u003d 400 - 100 \u003d 300%
The number 20 is 300% more than the number 5.

For example, the salary of the boss is 50,000 rubles, and the salary of an employee is 30,000 rubles. Let's find by what percentage the chief's salary is higher:
50000 35000 100 - 100 \u003d 1.43 * 100 - 100 \u003d 143 - 100 \u003d 43%
Thus, the salary of the boss is 43% higher than the salary of the employee.

What percentage is one number less than the other

To calculate how many percent one number is less than another, you need to subtract the ratio of the first number to the second, multiplied by 100 from 100.

Let's calculate by what percentage the number 5 is less than the number 20:
100 - 5 20 100 \u003d 100 - 0.25 100 \u003d 100 - 25 \u003d 75%
The number 5 is 75% less than the number 20.

For example, freelancer Oleg in January completed orders for 40,000 rubles, and in February for 30,000 rubles. Let's find out by what percentage Oleg earned less in February than in January:
100 - 30000 40000 100 \u003d 100 - 0.75 * 100 \u003d 100 - 75 \u003d 25%
Thus, in February, Oleg earned 25% less than in January.

Find 100 percent

If the number x this is p percent, then you can find 100 percent by multiplying the number x on the 100 p

Find 100% if 25% is 7:
7 100 25 \u003d 7 4 \u003d 28
If 25% equals 7, then 100% equals 28.

For example, Katya copies photos from a camera to a computer. In 5 minutes, 20% of the photos were copied. Let's find how long the copying process takes:
five · 100 20 \u003d 5 5 \u003d 25
We get that the process of copying all photos takes 25 minutes.

In various activities, the ability to calculate percentages is required. Understand how they "turn out". Trade margins, VAT, discounts, profitability of deposits, securities and even tips - all this is calculated as some part of the whole.

Let's see how to work with percentages in Excel. A program that makes calculations automatically and allows variations of the same formula.

Working with percentages in Excel

Calculating the percentage of the number, adding, subtracting percentages on a modern calculator will not be difficult. The main condition is that there must be a corresponding icon (%) on the keyboard. And then - a matter of technique and care.

For example, 25 + 5%. To find the meaning of an expression, you need to type this sequence of numbers and signs on the calculator. The result is 26.25. You don't need a big mind with such a technique.

To draw up formulas in Excel, let's remember the school basics:

Percentage is one hundredth of a whole.

To find the percentage of a whole number, you need to divide the desired fraction by an integer and multiply the total by 100.

Example. They brought 30 units of goods. On the first day, 5 units were sold. How many percent of the product were sold?

5 is part. 30 is a whole. We substitute the data into the formula:

(5/30) * 100 = 16,7%

To add a percentage to a number in Excel (25 + 5%), you must first find 5% of 25. At school, the proportion was:

X \u003d (25 * 5) / 100 \u003d 1.25

Then the addition can be performed.

Once the basic computational skills are restored, the formulas will be easy to figure out.

How to calculate percentage of a number in Excel

There are several ways.

We adapt the mathematical formula to the program: (part / whole) * 100.

Look closely at the formula bar and the result. The result was correct. But we not multiplied by 100... Why?

The format of the cells changes in Excel. For C1 we have assigned the "Percentage" format. It involves multiplying the value by 100 and displaying it with a% sign. If necessary, you can set a certain number of digits after the decimal point.

Now let's calculate how much 5% of 25 will be. To do this, enter the calculation formula in the cell: \u003d (25 * 5) / 100. Result:

Or: \u003d (25/100) * 5. The result will be the same.

Let's solve the example in a different way, using the% sign on the keyboard:

Let's apply the knowledge gained in practice.

The cost of the goods and the VAT rate (18%) are known. You need to calculate the amount of VAT.

Let's multiply the cost of the product by 18%. Let's "multiply" the formula for the entire column. To do this, grab the lower right corner of the cell with the mouse and drag it down.

The amount of VAT and the rate is known. Let's find the cost of the product.

Calculation formula: \u003d (B1 * 100) / 18. Result:

We know the amount of goods sold, individually and in total. You need to find the share of sales for each unit relative to the total.

The calculation formula remains the same: part / whole * 100. Only in this example we will make the reference to the cell in the denominator of the fraction absolute. Use the $ sign in front of the row name and column name: $ In $ 7.

How to add a percentage to a number

The task is solved in two steps:

And here we have performed the actual addition. Let's omit the intermediate action. Initial data:

The VAT rate is 18%. We need to find the amount of VAT and add it to the price of the product. Formula: price + (price * 18%).

Don't forget about parentheses! With their help, we establish the calculation procedure.

To subtract a percentage from a number in Excel, follow the same procedure. Only instead of adding, we perform subtraction.

How to calculate percentage difference in Excel?

How much the value has changed between two percentages.

Let's abstract from Excel first. A month ago, tables were brought to the store at a price of 100 rubles per unit. Today the purchase price is 150 rubles.

Percentage difference \u003d (new data - old data) / old data * 100%.

In our example, the unit purchase cost has increased by 50%.

Let's calculate the difference in percentage between the data in two columns:

Do not forget to set the "Percentage" cell format.

Let's calculate the percentage change between the lines:

The formula is: (next value is previous value) / previous value.

With this data arrangement, skip the first line!

If you need to compare data for all months with January, for example, we use an absolute cell reference with the desired value ($ sign).

How to make a percentage chart

The first option is to make a column in the table with data. Then use this data to build a chart. Select the cells with percentages and copy - press "Insert" - select the chart type - OK.

The second option is to set the format of data signatures as a fraction. In May - 22 work shifts. You need to calculate as a percentage: how much each worker worked. We draw up a table where the first column is the number of working days, the second is the number of days off.

Making a pie chart. Select the data in two columns - copy - "Insert" - chart - type - OK. Then we insert the data. We click on them with the right mouse button - "Data Label Format".

We choose "Shares". On the "Number" tab - percentage format. It turns out like this:

We will stop there. And you can edit to your liking: change the color, the type of the diagram, make underlining, etc.


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