The original holiday scenario is March 8th. Comic Scene with Disguise: Recognition in Love Women

March 8 - a holiday, which in our country traditionally symbolizes the female beauty and charm, the value and significance of the beautiful half of humanity. That is why, when drawing up, it is desirable to consider the emotional attitude of the female team, on such a holiday should not be losers and, in no case, it is not necessary to allocate someone specifically: for example, to organize a beauty contest with one winner. Every woman is beautiful, and absolutely no matter how old she is.

Scenario "And in the trident kingdom - women in power"immerses all guests (of course, very conditional) to the "fabulously historical" atmosphere of the 19th century, while it is not difficult to organize such a holiday - musical design and copyright tips are attached. The script is filed as he saw the author of Elizabeth Danierki, and is designed for lovers of original and unexpected plots during the holiday.

Scenario of the festive evening March 8

Before starting the evening and welcomes guests, the lead you need to give one or two men in advance. After the words of the greeting, the presenter submits the sign of men, and they go out.


Good evening, dear guests! In this delightful spring holiday, we are glad to see you in this room! Track 1. . Today is an unusual day - March 8! This day has a secret power of magic. It is today that men of the whole world are becoming beyond themselves. They are not able to control their mind, their mood, behavior and even body. Moreover, this condition is observed somewhere from March 6, and in the morning of March 9 they come to themselves and absolutely do not remember what happened. Track 2. - men overlook. Read verse:

How scary ladies to us!

We, fearless men.

What happened, we will not understand

We behave strangely.

Eyes as if buried

Love contaminated

And light blinded

From female beauty.

And the body does not obey us!

Legs run and confused

Complete from the route

Before you do not have time.

Then in wine, then in flower

In the household, in dairy

Someone is not a joke

Carry in the country "I am a fur coat"

And the mind is not dissolved,

Burst everything in a row.

But these are still flowers,

Chamomile, Vasiechki-

About, somewhere in the afternoon

We go to the kitchen.

Preparing. Fry. Parim.

With a smile cook.

Let's wash. Know

Favorite wait.

Hand all gifts

Flowers and foreign cars.

And to be healthy

We need a mother-in-law not to forget!

Track 3. (applause). Men leave. Musical pause - Track 4.5.

During the musical pause, the host takes another man (or the same) and gives him the imperial details: the crown, cape, a scroll. If there are no capes and crowns, then you can simply print a sheet with the inscription: "Emperor" and the crown pattern at the bottom. And make in the form of a plate.


The secret of such a strange male behavior on March 8, tried to solve the greatest minds of the whole world: scientists, wise men, asteristers and clairvoyant. Even the Great French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in 1812 was under the authority of the International Women's Day. His beloved Josephine, asked the whole world as a gift. But when Napoleon almost fulfilled her desire - Josephine changed his mind. And, so as not to continue the series of attacks on Rus Mother, from women's whim, the Russian emperor Alexander I issued a decree. Sounds Track 6. Emperor comes out. Reads decree

Text Decree:

"From now on, all the wonderful half of humanity to limit in the rights, desires and cosmetics. And the most naughty, and those who do not agree to live according to the SIM law - send a link to the threatened kingdom, which is ruled by the blasphemous immortal "

Sounds Track 7. The emperor leaves.


The first who ended up in the threatened kingdom was a team ............ ( title name, organizations who ordered a holiday). And what do you think? ( the presenter is withstanding a small pause). As a result, the blasphemes are overthrown, and cute ladies took the bonds of the reign of kingdom into their gentle female hands.

Musical pause. Track 8.9.


Alexander's emperor heard about the successful boom of fine sex and about their stable growth in financial development. He decided to visit the glorious boyfriends, queens, queen, princesses ... in general.

Paging Competition "Tell Password"


At the entrance, Alexander collided with the first difficulty. Ladies team ......... ( name) Installed the checkpoint. No password is not allowed. To get to the territory of the Thip Kingdom, the emperor asked for help to his associates.

Conditions of the competition:

Men are given leaflets with a list of trial passwords. One of which is correct. Then, it is necessary to ask for men to close the eyes and at that moment women show a sign with the right password.

Background sounds Track 10. Men begin to pronounce passwords in turn, and women react.

Passwords for men: Charming, charming, wise, cute, awesome, special, melodic, trendy, mounted, mischievous, brave, dazzling, responsive, favorite.

When you guess the password sounds Track 3 (applause).


Well done! The desire to be in the society of successful and most beautiful ladies from the emperor - came true! He got into the threestened kingdom. And in the kingdom everywhere fun and holiday !!! And men had to merge with dancing, so as not to attract attention to their people! Everybody dance!

Loudly sounds Track 12, 13, 14 (dance music).At this time, the presenter is already prepared for another contest. She needs to choose three tsaritsa. You can come up with any crowns from cardboard, plane them with foil.


The excursion of the emperor began quite successfully! What awaits him next? Despite the fear and the risk of being noticed, Alexander I went to the palace. And there…… Track 15 sounds. Three karitsa come out and with a business species sit on three chairs.

Music subsides.


Three maidens by the window. Rested in the evening.

To the friendship of female in the survey, suddenly arose arguing between them.

What is the cute queen, - the first sister palls.

Our palace would be updated. Interior to change.

Repair winds without end, - the middle sister palls.

Well we wanted to fly to Paris. Our dresses are tired!

There in Milan every year - Fair "Fashion Week"

Tsatski, ceilings and adhesives! You are a queen attenna!

Nothing to relax! We are time to give birth to children!

Long walked their stupid dispute. It was heard on the whole courtyard.

And then these queens are just like small children!

Everyone decided to prove whose fad to perform.

Al prove the skill - then your desire!

Competition "Three Desires"

Terms of Competition: Each Queen is given a task for its interests and desires. Available attributes and is given exactly 1 minute to execute the task. If the queen fully fulfilled the task, it wins.

Required attributes:

First Queen - Picture and Interior Elements (Example view) .

The second queen - beads, bracelets, hats, fabric slices, satin ribbons, hairpins, clothespins.

Third Queen - Pups, diaper, diapers, children's clothing.

The first queen should fold the picture with the interior. The second queen choose from the hall to the participant and come up with a fashionable outfit. Well, the third queen should show the master class on dressing and pelting children.

Competition passes under Track 16. At the end of the competition, the viewers with the help of applause determine the winners.


All tried. Well done!

But they did not cope, alas.

It is difficult to make repairs ( indicates tsaritz).

And to Paris to fly to London.

Guys start.

Rasta, feed, teach.

Here, desires are not important

The men needed to them all.

Musical pause Track 17, 18, 19.


Admiring the beauties of the Tried Kingdom, the emperor went to relax in the "Paradise Garden" known to the whole world. Three queens were ruled by this garden: Queen of Rosette, Rosana and Roseto.

The emperor was struck by the beauty and asked Queen of flowers to collect the best bouquet for his empress. To assemble the most beautiful bouquet, the queens need to pick up the best colors. After all, the flower symbolizes all the beauty of the female soul. And the magic flower melody flew to the aid.

Competition "Looking-ka Flowery, Torva you in a bouquet"

Terms of Competition: the presenter chooses from the Hall of Three Korolev - Rosette, Rosana and Roset. Then takes about 6-7 more people. These will be contenders in the bouquet. Each participant is put on the head of a solid flower mask. When music begins to sound, the flowers in the scatter begin to dance. As soon as Queen find out the floral melody, then immediately run into the flower, about whom the song sounded. Take it and a bouquet is formed. When all the melodies are guess. Queen pack bouquet and make selfie.

Music for the competition: Folder "Bunch".

Musical pause. Track 20, 21, 22 sounds.


Everything is awesome! But, everything would be different, just recognized the ladies in the satellite of the emperor of the Russian Alexander I. Eli feet took the head of Rus Mother. I had to be a bold man now secretly moving along the three ninth kingdom. On the way, he met a young lady alone. The presenter comes to absolutely any woman (girl). Takes her hand and spends on the center of the hall to the music - Track 23. The girl does a couple more circles - defile and becomes in the center. Music subsides.


Look! What kind of beauty is wondering! We welcome, stormy applause of the queen of secrets, the owner of the book of "compliments and suggestions". She knows all the secrets in this kingdom. I promised to help Queen Alexander, but in return he must tell her his secret. Of course not state.

Silent background begins to sound Track 24.


Well, nothing to do. I had an emperor secret one. He loved him on the day of the knight to change clothes into women's outfits and depicting a lady.

Competition "Who are you, honey?"

Conditions of the competition: this is carried out among men. Men compete - determine the winners of a woman. Each participant is given a task to portray the behavior of a particular woman. And the task of women is to guess who depicts a man. Each man has no right to talk about his role, he must use only gestures and movements.

1 man - Fairy woman. Output - Track 25.

2 man - woman mother 5 children or heroine mother. Output - Track 26.

3 man - woman director. Output - Track 27.

4 man - a woman of easy behavior. Output - Track 28.

5 man - woman on a diet or losing weight. Output - Track 29.

If men in the hall are more than 5 and participants "entered the taste", then you can come up with a couple of female roles. After women guess all the heroines, the musical pause turns on Track 30, 31, 32, 34.


The queen of secrets not only recorded the secretary of the emperor into his magic book, but completely captured his speech. Well, once I promised to help, hid Alexander I and his whole retinue. Where? There - where cozy, and where does not want to leave - in the wine cellar. Okhmeli royal personality. Very fearless steel. The courage was gained and, shining a beautiful smile and demonstrating all their gallantry invited ladies to a slow dance.

A slow dance Track 35.


The captives were residents of the three kingdom by the charm of the emperor and all his male suite. Lack of male attention. And as far as the woman is independent, secured and bold - the shower of her in warmth is male and attention. These travelers were cut down and decided, as they say, "finish" wonderful queens. They went to the local, most prestigious bazaar, which was on the street "without logic", the case "at all without logic 1". And there, the goods apparently invisible. And sellers such active all sorts of unknown things offer, overtiffs of overseas.

The feast contest "Women's things, got not in those handles"

Required attributes: Roll rolling, onions, packed in pantyhose, hinges for curling eyelashes, folding mirror, strip for depilation, protector of perfume, frying pan, chocolate, box from a weight loss (tea, syrup), lip gloss, wet wipes, large chups, Glamorous soft toy or keychain, curlers.

Terms of Competition: When all those present are sitting at the table, the presenter is suitably suitable for each with a small pink box. Each participant, without looking, pulls one thing from the box "Women's Stuff". The task of the participant (seller) to advertise this thing to guests, in order to sell a potential buyer. The main condition: The thing should not be named after its name and used for direct purpose.

For example: The man pulled out the roller from the box. Begins to advertise it, including all his fantasy. "Dear buyers! Before you an amazing thing. This is a weapon of mass lesion. With it, women solve family and culinary problems. Also, this thing can be used as an instrument "Lie Detector". Buy! It is today, when buying two items, a helmet you give as a gift. "

This contest can be held both between all guests and only with men. If the participant coped with the task, then this item he receives as a gift. Competition is held under Track 36.

Music pause track 37-40.

The presenter (Background sounds track 41)

- Not one woman will not stand in front of so many male attention. Of course, to live a female team ....... (N azing the team) In the tridep kingdom is good. Everywhere Glamor, everywhere beauty, everything is female, but, lovely women, after all, not only for ourselves we want to be beautiful. After all, we are not for myself every day we are preparing various goodies. Not for yourself at 6 o'clock we sit in beauty salons. Each of us in the soul expects a compliment from your beloved man, melts and lightly blues with the close attention of men, when they are just blinded by our beauty. Each of us is particularly breaking his lady's car so that its revenue, strong men's hands, and we watched this exciting process. After all, every woman specially violates the rules of the road so that a pretty DPS inspector learned what is called, looked at the age of rights and invited a date for his car. Of course, the emperor understood his mistake, saw how talented a woman, and published a new decree. "From now on, I appoint a day when all the power goes into women's, caring hands - and it will be the eighth day of spring - March 8! Happy Women's holiday! And let your favorite men wear you in your hands and give flowers all year round, and you stay as cute, wise and joyful. After all, a happy woman - always attracts the very best man!

After the words leading, guests are invited to the center of the hall. Become in a circle. The presenter offers to put a magic flower of wishes in a circle. When music plays, everyone transmits him to each other. When the music stops, who in the hands of the flower, he congratulates everyone and wishes all the very flower and sweet. All action passes under Track 42. The flower can be any: hereby, from balloons, paper. The main thing is to be big.

Music to contests (folder archive):

Music to script (folder archives):

Scenario-gathering on March 8 for the Lady team.

"Women's Day for Female"

One of the employees acts as leading. Everyone is invited by tables.

Leading: Dear ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we gathered with you to the bachelorette party. As, however, and in all other days, because our cohesive female team is already simply no water! We are not going to such gatherings for the first time and, I think that we will celebrate the upcoming holiday is not much more boring than in the company of men! Because the woman knows best and understands only a woman.

Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets! As it comes in the song: "De-Viccin, a bachelorette party, a man here is superfluous!"

Snow mests March-prank,

Hearts will catch off from winter.

Let's meet a female holiday

So, as we can only!

The toast rises for a beautiful occasion and no less beautiful company.

Leading: And right now we will sing!

Song "Today is a holiday from the girls" (on the motive of the song "Girls" from the repertoire of Larisa Valley).

Text must be printed in advance and distribute.

Today is the holiday of the girls,

Today we are in shock!

And let it envy

Men or guys,

Collecting Silenks,

Stand aside,

Bouquets in the hands of Terench

Because today girls

"Take off" in full want!

We will sing and dance

Walk and have fun

Men do not notice

And their sad faces!

Let Malconki

Stand aside,

They don't need them now

Because we are with you, Girls,

On the threshold of beautiful spring!


Today the sun is happily shining,

Singing Spring Breath,

And all the dreams are beautiful in the world

Today I need to come true!

We raise this glass for a new spring! In the spring, always and breathes freely, and in the heart of more fun. In the spring, not only nature, but also feelings, hopes, good mood wake up. With the female holiday you and with a new spring!

After a toast: And whether you know, the girls that if you look more attentively around, we can see that at-course of spring foreshadows and a lot of other life changes! There are a lot of funny spring will take, for example ...

Spring signs

Swallows pair fly - it's to the matchmaker!

Snow is melting - to shopping!

Bubbles on the puddles - to a rich fiancé!

Skish on the first day of spring - to a fun life!

Wind from the south - to happy variables!

Leading: So pay attention, dear ladies! But there is another integral sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally per day or two, in stores just do not push around. All because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not to say regularly, they give us completely wrong! Woman need what? All that will make it even more beautiful and irresistible.

And today it is supposed to be suitable for you that are the most necessary and practical in the world!

I will have to be a little in the role of Santa Claus, despite the fact that winter is already behind ...

Please choose!

The presenter makes a big bag from which each employee should not looking out to take out a gift.

The presenter accompanies this process with ribs-comments (the name of the employee in a similar form is substituted in the poem).

"Gifts for beauty"


You, Olya, - Curl!

Strong Kudri Owli

Yes from the house come out -

Well, man, wait!


Become a fan of glamor,

Pedicure manicure

Will be able Katya without clauses

With this feel for nails!

Cotton swabs

And for Lenok - surprise,

This is the most necessary prize:

Not funny

Ear sticks!


It's a mirror Irisha,

Keep nearby, at hand,

So that you are with your kras

He admired the day-day!

Bath salt

Tanya, Hand allow

Fragrant salt!

With her you will be the queen,

The king fell in love with you!


Natashaya With all the soul

I give a nasal handkerchief!


For hygiene is important!


For you, Alenushka,

Nothing sorry!

Here you have a sauna

New urinary!

Hand cream

From any relief flour

This gentle hand cream!

Julia, handles lining sneaking,

There will be a life as smooth!


Snow melts on the track,

Snimika Anya Boots!

You do not look at the cold



This prospect of others is more valuable:

Will you Galya All slimmer!


Combing dense braids

Now you can no question!

With this new comb

Sveta All will fight all!


On a diet merciless

Tired of sitting!

Will be Lyube so gratifying

Chocolate to eat this!


Beauty - great strength!

Gets out Vale soap!

Soap wash so nice:

And fresh and fragrant!

Nail polish

Varnish Marina come in handy

It is easy to transform with him:

Hand maroon

Discover your marigolds!


Ole- Laughches coil!

Carry them with them, girlfriend,

To with your favorite guy

You contacted a nodule!

Grinders for eyebrows

To style icon,

We need to paint eyebrows!

Darim. Nature tweezers,

Beware, offenders!

Green tea

You need to drink tea green!

Masha, drink and enjoy

Ever young stay!

For Lyudmila expensive -

Iodine bubbles

After all, the health of the best

Than any fashion!


Brushing his teeth Lida clearly

In the morning and evenings,

And with such a dental brush

All in the light of the teeth!


No more spectacular hairstyles

Than hairstyle "horse tail",

And now our Rita

There is an elastic band!


Well, no one was sentenced? I see all satisfied with your gifts! And now I remembered the distant childhood, when, for the holiday of March 8, we prepared surprises and gifts with love for our moms ...

Sun shines clear

In these hanging days,

Gives warmth and affection,

How from my mother's hand!

Let's fill and raise the next boot for moms, let them be long and healthy!

Toast behind mothers:

When God created a baby, he decided to send him to Earth. Baby said:

"But I'm so small and do not know how to walk, how can I survive on earth?"

"Woman wearing you on your hands," God answered.

- But I do not know how to eat myself!

- This woman will feed you.

- But I do not know how to talk in the language of people. Teach me to explain on it!

- You have enough to learn one word - "Mom" ...

Lead (after a toast): Girls, speaking of Mama, on this day I can not say about our common second mom! I'm talking about our favorite boss! About her without exaggeration can only be said good. She leads and directs all of us, takes over all responsibility and, so to speak, rushes to the ambrusura, protecting our interests. We picked up words for so long to express our gratitude to her and admire what a whole song turned out!

Song of the boss (on the motive of the children's song "Smile").

From the smile of our lady boss

Even the most lazy will wake up

And no one will hang his nose

If ours (name and patronymic) Smile!


And then probably

Clouds fly away

And in the reports, errors are corrected!

From a blue stream

River begins,

And the bosses begins with a smile!

From the smile of our lady boss

On the soul always becomes wonderful!

Despite margin,

We are accepted for work with the song!

You are of such good people

Who is only a presence one

Every day makes merge,

And the world is cheerful and color!

Let your success be the result

All undertakings and clauses

In the soul you have dreams about many

Let them come true soon!


Lead(after a toast):

Let happiness and love smile

Spring sometimes long-awaited

Let the most cute, dear, desirable

Care surrounds again and again!

So we started talking about the most cute and expensive, about our beloved and sometimes hated - about men! It is often in life that we, weak floor, take over too much and carry it on fragile shoulders ... There is one folk wisdom: men need to be allowed to be men. And how much do we let them?

Let's check!

Test joke "Are you independent?"

Leading: I have a short test for you. Answer "Yes" or "No", you want to mentally want - out loud! So, started!

You at least once in life ...

1) sat down behind the wheel?

2) scored a nail?

3) spoke to someone compliment?

4) raised the luggage harder to the lady's handbag?

5) Changed the wheel of the car?

6) swear with sellers in the store?

7) bought gold?

8) And finally, do you know what the word "Passatia" mean?

And now we will decipher the results:

- Those who have no answers "yes": a man is categorically necessary to maintain at least minimal opportunity to survive in this complex world;

- Those who answered "yes" half and less than half of the questions: still have a chance to become independent and independent;

- answered "yes" for more than half of the questions: these are real Russian women who will stop, and go to the hut!

Leading: Of course, this test is comic, but, as they say, in every joke only the share of jokes ... What do we want to see our "dream men", our knights, princes on a white horse?

Competition "My Prince"

Paper sheets are attached in advance on the wall. The task of the competition is to draw a prince (or knight - if desired), but certainly on horseback!

Everyone participates.

Leading: And now let's drink for men ... they are, what are there are not perfect, as we ourselves. And let's mentally send them our hello and air kiss! And you can not mentally: do you know that in the form of a lipstick in the kiss you can judge intentions and feelings? Check on napkins! If the imprint turned out to be a round form, it means a serious stable relationship. If the heart is passionate love. "Band" - frivolism and not meaningful flirt. And the imprint of the square form will mean dishes and hidden hostility!

Leading: Well, men we "smiled bones." Well, that they do not hear us now. But in fact, of course, without men there would be no most important happiness on earth - our children!

The toast rises for the health and successes of children of all those present.


Why do we love spring days so?

Why are they with hope and joy waiting?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warm ...

ATTENTION, LADY! March eighth is made to give women flowers. Yes, and women bloom themselves like roses! But few knows that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will learn who of us who will get a chic bouquet ...

Please stand those who were born in January! You are orchids! Please, orchids, fill your glasses and listen about yourself (and so about all months,):

Orchid (January)

Who bold dream about orchid,

He knows - a difficult undertaking:

She will break your heart

And proudly away will leave!

Mimosa (February)

Always fresh, bodra mimosa,

Does not spend voyage!

Mimosa - Surprise Girl,

"We live only once" - Her motto!

Lily (March)

Everyone is known: Lilia Lilia

Innecess to like Bastille!

But in the circle of her friends

No Tools Veleering!

Dahlia (April)

Purebred nobleman

Our wonderful dahlia!

Nobility here in the blood ...

But dahlia dreams

About simple earthly love!

Lily of the valley (May)

Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Modest and Viscription,

Very tidy and very beautiful!

She does not work too lazy

And make beauty all day!

Bell (June)

The bell of everyone is fun

Have fun like a child!

He remembers about the most important thing:

Pessimist can not be!

Tulip (July)

From which overseas countries

Tulip granted us?

Exotic, eccentric,

But at the same time sympathetic!


Look at sunflower:

Charm to say!

So much in it ideas and plans,

How many seeds inside!

Carnation (September)

All cloves are no closer

Wrap like good:

Only cloves know the mystery

Eternal youth of the soul!

Chamomile (October)

Slightly shy chamomile

But it's not a bit of poking!

She is the last shirt

Will give to others to help!

rose flower (November)

Many secrets hides Rosa,

But one secret in it:

In this glance, in this posture

All the greatness of victories!

Lotus (December)

Knows how the lotus convince


Peace for him only dreams

And there is nothing to be proud!

Leading: We will raise the toast for our motley and extremely beautiful team-bouquet! In it, all the flowers are so selected to each other that there is at least one replacements - and it will not be at all! ..

And once again with the female holiday of all of you, my dear flowers! How spring is blooming, let your beauty also flourishes! We wish each other happiness, spring, love, good!

The most heart words

Full of spring warmth,

Congratulations on the first rays,

Happy Love and Beauty Holiday!

Rejoice yourself, dream, believe

Smile wider as now,

Let at any time of year the heart

Beats in the spring you have!

And now I invite everyone to dance!

One of the employees acts as leading. Everyone is invited by tables.

Sounds music

Leading: Dear ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we gathered with you to the bachelorette party. As, however, and in all other days, because our cohesive female team is already simply no water! We are not going to such gatherings for the first time and, I think that we will celebrate the upcoming holiday is not much more boring than in the company of men! Because the woman knows best and understands only a woman.

Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets! As it comes in the song: "De-Viccin, a bachelorette party, a man here is superfluous!"

Leading: And right now we will sing!

Song "Today is a holiday from the girls" (on the motive of the song "Girls"from the repertoire of Larisa Valley).

Text must be printed in advance and distribute.

Today is the holiday of the girls,

Today we are in shock!

And let it envy

Men or guys,

Collecting Silenks,

Stand aside,

Bouquets in the hands of Terench

Because today girls

"Take off" in full want!

We will sing and dance

Walk and have fun

Men do not notice

And their sad faces!

Let Malconki

Stand aside,

They don't need them now

Because we are with you, Girls,

On the threshold of beautiful spring!


Today the sun is happily shining,

Singing Spring Breath,

And all the dreams are beautiful in the world

Today I need to come true!

We raise this glass for a new spring! In the spring, always and breathes freely, and in the heart of more fun. In the spring, not only nature, but also feelings, hopes, good mood wake up. With the female holiday you and with a new spring!

Stas Mikhailov

After a toast: And whether you know, the girls that if you look more attentively around, we can see that at-course of spring foreshadows and a lot of other life changes! There are a lot of funny spring will take, for example ...

Spring signs

Swallows pair fly - it's to the matchmaker!

Snow is melting - to shopping!

Bubbles on the puddles - to a rich fiancé!

Skish on the first day of spring - to a fun life!

Wind from the south - to happy variables!

Leading: So pay attention, dear ladies! But there is another integral sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally per day or two, in stores just do not push around. All because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not to say regularly, they give us completely wrong! Woman need what? All that will make it even more beautiful and irresistible.

And today it is supposed to be suitable for you that are the most necessary and practical in the world!

Music is playing. There are gifts


I see all satisfied with your gifts! And now I remembered the distant childhood, when, for the holiday of March 8, we prepared surprises and gifts with love for our moms ...

Sun shines clear

In these hanging days,

Gives warmth and affection,

How from my mother's hand!

Let's fill and raise the next boot for moms, let them be long and healthy!

Song about mom


Lead (after a toast): Girls, speaking of Mama, on this day I can not say about our common second mom! I'm talking about our favorite boss! About her without exaggeration can only be said good. She leads and directs all of us, takes over all responsibility and, so to speak, rushes to the ambrusura, protecting our interests. We picked up words for so long to express our gratitude to her and admire what a whole song turned out!

Song of the boss (on the motive of the children's song "Smile").

From the smile of our lady boss

Even the most lazy will wake up

And no one will hang his nose

If ours Tanya Smile!


And then probably

Clouds fly away

And in the reports, errors are corrected!

From a blue stream

River begins,

And the bosses begins with a smile!

From the smile of our lady boss

On the soul always becomes wonderful!

Despite margin,

We are accepted for work with the song!


Congratulations to the boss on March 8:

You are of such good people

Who is only a presence one

Every day makes merge,

And the world is cheerful and color!

Let your success be the result

All undertakings and clauses

In the soul you have dreams about many

Let them come true soon!

Toast. Musical pause

Lead(after a toast):

Let happiness and love smile

Spring sometimes long-awaited

Let the most cute, dear, desirable

Care surrounds again and again!

So we started talking about the most cute and expensive, about our beloved and sometimes hated - about men! It is often in life that we, weak floor, take over too much and carry it on fragile shoulders ... There is one folk wisdom: men need to be allowed to be men. And how much do we let them?

Let's check!

Test joke "Are you independent?"

Leading: I have a short test for you. Answer "Yes" or "No", you want to mentally want - out loud! So, started!

You at least once in life ...

1) sat down behind the wheel?

2) scored a nail?

3) spoke to someone compliment?

4) raised the luggage harder to the lady's handbag?

5) Changed the wheel of the car?

6) swear with sellers in the store?

7) bought gold?

8) And finally, do you know what the word "Passatia" mean?

And now we will decipher the results:

- Those who have no answers "yes": a man is categorically necessary to maintain at least minimal opportunity to survive in this complex world;

- Those who answered "yes" half and less than half of the questions: still have a chance to become independent and independent;

- answered "yes" for more than half of the questions: these are real Russian women who will stop, and go to the hut!

Leading: Of course, this test is comic, but, as they say, in every joke only the share of jokes ...

But what men think about us about us, now we will try to find out.

Music hat

Leading: And now let's drink for men ... they are, what are there are not perfect, as we ourselves. And let's mentally send them our hello and air kiss! And you can not mentally: do you know that in the form of a lipstick in the kiss you can judge intentions and feelings? Check on napkins! If the imprint turned out to be a round form, it means a serious stable relationship. If the heart is passionate love. "Band" - frivolism and not meaningful flirt. And the imprint of the square form will mean dishes and hidden hostility!

Leading: Well, men we "smiled bones." Well, that they do not hear us now. But in fact, of course, without men there would be no most important happiness on earth - our children!

The toast rises for the health and successes of children of all those present. MUZ. Pause.


Why do we love spring days so?

Why are they with hope and joy waiting?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warm ...

ATTENTION, LADY! March eighth is made to give women flowers. Yes, and women bloom themselves like roses! But few knows that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will learn who of us who will get a chic bouquet ...

Please stand those who were born in January! You are orchids! Please, orchids, fill your glasses and listen about yourself (and so about all months,):

Orchid (January)

Who bold dream about orchid,

He knows - a difficult undertaking:

She will break your heart

And proudly away will leave!

Mimosa (February)

Always fresh, bodra mimosa,

Does not spend voyage!

Mimosa - Surprise Girl,

"We live only once" - Her motto!

Lily (March)

Everyone is known: Lilia Lilia

Innecess to like Bastille!

But in the circle of her friends

No Tools Veleering!

Dahlia (April)

Purebred nobleman

Our wonderful dahlia!

Nobility here in the blood ...

But dahlia dreams

About simple earthly love!

Lily of the valley (May)

Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Modest and Viscription,

Very tidy and very beautiful!

She does not work too lazy

And make beauty all day!

Bell (June)

The bell of everyone is fun

Have fun like a child!

He remembers about the most important thing:

Pessimist can not be!

Tulip (July)

From which overseas countries

Tulip granted us?

Exotic, eccentric,

But at the same time sympathetic!


Look at sunflower:

Charm to say!

So much in it ideas and plans,

How many seeds inside!

Carnation (September)

All cloves are no closer

Wrap like good:

Only cloves know the mystery

Eternal youth of the soul!

Chamomile (October)

Slightly shy chamomile

But it's not a bit of poking!

She is the last shirt

Will give to others to help!

rose flower (November)

Many secrets hides Rosa,

But one secret in it:

In this glance, in this posture

All the greatness of victories!

Lotus (December)

Knows how the lotus convince


Peace for him only dreams

And there is nothing to be proud!

Leading: We will raise the toast for our motley and extremely beautiful team-bouquet! In it, all the flowers are so selected to each other that there is at least one replacements - and it will not be at all! ..

And once again with the female holiday of all of you, my dear flowers! How spring is blooming, let your beauty also flourishes! We wish each other happiness, spring, love, good!

The most heart words

Full of spring warmth,

Congratulations on the first rays,

Happy Love and Beauty Holiday!

Rejoice yourself, dream, believe

Smile wider as now,

Let at any time of year the heart

Beats in the spring you have!

And now I invite everyone to dance!

The scenario of the holiday "March 8" for children is 5-7 years old: the stupid bear did not know what a gift should give mom on March 8. And his friends decide to help him in this and they all go to the search for a gift for a mother.

Super Mom (competitive program)

Show program "Super-Mom", held on the eve of the celebration of March 8, will raise the festive mood and delivers pleasure and girls - students of junior classes, and their mothers. Competitions contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations in the family, the development of creativity, mixtalks and resourcefulness.

Scenario for March 8 for adults "Oh, these women!"

So the wonderful holiday came on March 8! And on this day we want to give our women a piece of joy and fun, where you can show all what you are smart and talented, and you can cope with any task, no matter how difficult it is.

Scenario March 8 "Fashionable Beauty"

Holiday script March 8 for adults. This scenario can be used at a corporate party, which is devoted to the International Women's Day.

Scenario "Spring, how cool that you came!"

Holiday script March 8 for preschool children (4-6 years). This scenario can be used on the matinee in kindergarten. It is necessary that in advance children prepared postcards and crafts for their moms made by their own hands. In addition, you need to learn poems in advance with children. The leading stands in advance to prepare costumes.

Scenario for March 8 "Favorite Moms and Grandmothers"

Scenario of the school event - the festive competitive and entertainment program "Favorite Moms and Grandmothers", is designed for children of 8-10 years. During the holiday, moms and grandmothers will be able to see not only talents and skill of their children, but also to take part in various competitions.

Scenario "Magic flower, or as Vanya gifts for March 8 chose"

Boy Vanya does not know what to give mom by March 8. A kind wizard gives him a magic flower, which will hold him in fairy tales, where Vanya will find an answer to his question.

Scenario "March 8 - Slavim Dame!"

The holiday of March 8 is famous for the beautiful half of the population - women, girls and girls. To congratulate them in honor of the International Women's Day came the most famous stars of the Russian popstrade! The scenario is designed for a festive event among the adult population - on a corporate party, student party or in a circle of friends.

Scenario March 8 for adults "Secrets of Women's Image"

The scenario of a small festive concert dedicated to the celebration of an international female day in the team of friends or colleagues. The holiday will be successful if you spend it in the assembly hall.

Scenario for March 8 in the rural settlement "Women - Flowers of our Life"

With the arrival of spring bloom not only nature, but also women's beauty. In addition, one of the most gentle and sensitive holidays is coming - the International Women's Day to meet and notice is worthy. With this scenario, you can spend an interesting event, give women positive emotions, a lot of joy and smiles.

Scenario for March 8 for women in a rural club "How spring with the winter throne divided"

This scene will become the perfect start of a festive concert prepared for March 8. Merry, interesting plot, will certainly give a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions to everyone who came.

Scenario on March 8 for adults in the Ukrainian language "March 8 with Bremen Musicians"

An interesting and fun scenario for the holiday of March 8, which takes place in the company of adults. Congratulations, exciting contests and the fun development of the events of the holiday will not leave anyone without a smile on the face. The holiday can be held anywhere: both at home and in the banquet hall, and in the office, if it comes to corporate.

Scenario on March 8 at the Spring Fairy Tale School

The original script March 8 based on tales for schoolchildren. Spend the brightest female day together with your favorite fabulous characters - Elena's beautiful, Vasilisa Wolly and Baba Yaga - Fun and Sea of \u200b\u200bPositive Guaranteed.

Screenplay on March 8 in kindergarten in the preparatory group "The best holiday of all girls"

The scenario of the incendiary holiday is suitable for March 8 in kindergarten. Funny poems and spiritual congratulations with the most spring day will definitely cause a smile on the faces of Mom, grandmothers and all the guys, will raise the mood and will be remembered for a long time.

Scenario on March 8 in elementary school "Fabulous March 8"

Scenario fairy tale for holiday in elementary school. The cheerful matinee with a March hare and March cat will be remembered for a long time, pleased with adults and children. After all, March 8 is the best reason to remember your favorite fabulous heroes, to show a seammer and congratulate girls, girls and women.

March 8 - the most romantic holiday. This spring day is always associated with love, warmth and tenderness. This is a great reason to demonstrate your sympathies of cute ladies, express the most tender feelings to your moms and grandmothers, make a congratulation from the soul sister. Sincere joy and smile from them will not make himself wait long!

(Scripts March 8 for school)

The fragment of the overtures from the operetta of I. Calman "Silva" sounds.

Leading: Today we have a holiday. And we called him "a woman. Spring. Love."
Khor. (takes the song from the movie "Spring", music. I. Dunaevsky):
Murmur streams blind rays
And ice melts, and the heart melts.
And even stump in the spring day
Birch again becomes dreaming again.
Cheerful bumblebee buzzes spring alarm.
Shouting faded cheerful starlings.
Screaming the starlings in all the ends:
"Spring is coming! Spring road!"
Leading : Spring! And the first spring holiday is a holiday of lovely ladies, a wizard, chavernits, who sang men at all times or dedicated serenada.

Outlet dance of men to the music from the operetta I. Salman "Silva": "Without women it is impossible to live in the world! No! .." (in the front dress, on the head of the cylinder, in one hand - the heart on which the name of the girl - participants in the competition In the other hand - a flower on which the mother's name - the participants of the competition, on the costumes of boys, the emblems with the name. If the names match, then the number and letter of the class) is set.

You are ready for you,
And it will not be embarrassed to fuck bad fame ...
But where would get their own heads,
To "lose" to the left and right?!.

I confess - I will not lie,
All the truth tell you:
Just I see Julia,
I feel sick, grief!

How to say I want a paradise,
I moved to her shoulder,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and you never know about what?!

Olga is - the soul will come
Olga is not - a dull look! ..
Me to Olga and pulls
Feelings sensitive magnet!

All when CATE is very welcome,
I do not need others:
And in fact
Better Kati does not find.

I look at everything on the icon,
Eye of lovers do not bother ...
Dasha, Dasha, Dasha!
I love you.

You are God's gift, a beautiful goddess,
My souls and hearts Mrs.!
Before you knee-free
I get up, dusty and trembling.
All men get on the knee.

Leading: There is no end recognition in love. Go and give women flowers!

The music of I. Squean sounds, men handed the ladies to participants of the "Heart" competition and flowers that are riser on the chest - for the convenience of communication.
Host: Serenada ladies Priesuits. Word, syntorites, for you. But before declare the first competition, I will introduce the jury (the jury is present) and the participants of the competitive program: Mom, daughters and their fans (dads, brothers, boys from class) can participate.
So, the first contest - "Moms dance!".
This task can be prepared with mothers in advance, and on the holiday only to beat. Assistants carry a stand on which a bouquet is made of colors.
Before you, the magic bouquet, there are so many colors as the participants of the competition, and on the flower the name of the dance that the contestant must fulfill. I invite moms to choose a flower, and hence the dance. (After the so-called draw, assistants carry the stand.) Behind the scenes, cute mothers, you will find a surprise (costumes).
Moms leave. (The criteria for this contest: the ability to move to the music, respectively, the rhythm and nature of this dance.)

Leading : While moms are preparing for a dance program, we have the next competition. And it is called "I have been growing for years - I will also be my mother." In this competition, I invite the participation of our young lady.

Girls come out.

Leading: Before you your favorite girlfriend toys - dolls and their outfits. Task: Dress on a doll. The speed and accuracy are taken into account. When the doll is dressed, lift it higher, so that everyone seemed to have done with the task. So, I ask.

Girls perform a task.

Leading: Please the jury to appreciate the work of girls. And we return to the first competition. Support our mum applause.

The lead alternately announces speakers, Moms perform dancing.
The dance competitive program is completed, the jury summarizes the results.

And we have a third contest - "Extension Care". I again invite our girls and ask them questions. For each answer - 1 point. The speed and correctness is taken into account. To help you signal cards. Who knows the answer - raises the signal card.

Nose steel,
Linen tail
Through the canvas passes,
The end of himself finds.
(Needle with thread)

On the river back, forward
Walks, wandering a steamer.
Stop - Mount!
Thrink the sea!

Poisha on the hill with work wing,
The more be in touch, the more fat.

I'm trying to ride, I do not know, on whom,
A familiar meeting - Skuschu, Brush.

Nadovu - the rim will be reduced,
Soyma - Snake will fall,
Heat does not give,
And without it is cold.

Golles stubborn in shaggy bags:
Four together, one on the pole.

Fight with the cat,
Raced - with a track.

Without hands, without legs, under the bench.

Two ends, two rings,
In the middle of the carnation.

Leading: Well done! I ask the jury to summarize three contests.

The jury announces the results.

Leading: The next contest of our program is called "My mom can all." Mama is invited to act as a hairdresser and makeup artist, and daughters - as a mannequin. The originality of the work performed, the originality of the name and representation of the image is taken into account. On the tables prepared everything you need for the competition. Good luck to you!
And we have the fifth competition. And they will participate in it. I ask you to barrier!

Assistants endure a stand with bows, the number of which corresponds to the number of participants.
Before you, the task: to show the girls how without an iron you can stroke the ribbon. The speed and accuracy are taken into account. (Guys must take a bow, unleash it and roll it.) Attention, start!

Leading: Before declare the next competition, I will open you one secret: boys also love to play dolls, but shy and hide it. Many of them have no dolls, but they are such masters for fiction that they invent them themselves. And the next competition will be like this: in front of you - an inflatable ball, a coil of thread, a marker, a bow. Try creating a doll. Ready? Dare!

The jury summarizes the results of the previous and this contests, assistants are attached on the stage of finished dolls. Men occupy their places.

Leading: Attention! Moms and daughters are ready? (If not ready, then you can invite the audience to watch the creative process for instrumental music). We return to the fourth competition, where moms act as hairdressers and makeup artists, and daughters in the role of mannequins. I ask the cavaliers to spend our mannequins on the stage.

Sounds "Polonaise" P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Swan Lake". The boys get up, make a bow to the girls, girls get up and make a curtsy, then the boys serve girls with her hand, girls put their hand on top. Under the sounds of the Polonza, alternately at the distance, on the carpet path of the couple solemnly marching the scene.

Leading : Word you, young lady.

There is an alternate representation of the contestants of the completed image, and the jury takes into account the originality of the filing, makeup, hairstyle.

Leading: The jury will have to solve a difficult question to give preference in this competition, and summarize the entire program. And for you "Waltz" performed by the dance group.

So, the jury announces the results of our competitive program.
Sound fanfares. The jury declares its solution. Awarding all participants in the competitive program.

Leading: Charming, attractive, charming, infinitely tender, happy holiday! Let the Spring Rays smile at this day, people and flowers will smile. And let love, health, happiness and dreams always go through life.

Before starting and after the program, it is desirable that songs about spring, women, love or romantic instrumental music sounded in the hall. During the preparation of the fourth competition, you can perform a song.

My best friend
Sl. Cuqso, music. L. Afanasyev

I can catch a star Paduchny
Songs under the guitar ...
And I can not in any way
Mamienekina daughter called.

Chorus: I don't think without friends and day,
Without them, I as without hands, I confess right.
My girlfriends are a lot of me,
But my best friend is Mom.

Like two drops, with her we are similar
And when we leave from the yard,
I know, often think passersby,
That she is my older sister.

Joy and sadness necessarily
With her, I have a hurry to share again and again,
Because daughter for every mother -
Vera, and hope, and love.

Corporate March 8.

Scenarios March 8 for adults

To carry out the event you will need:
Gifts for women
Props for contests
Musical accompaniment

Congratulations, presenting gifts

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts for women and congratulations. It is desirable that congratulations are not too tightened and official. It is better to fulfill in a poetic or song form. Be sure to mention every woman, make it a compliment and say a few special words. Also on this holiday can not do without presenting colors.

After congratulations and presenting gifts, all participants are sitting at the table. It is desirable that on this day the participants are delivered from both the preparation of treats and from the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition-Test "Real Women"

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a contest of real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men who dressed in women will be attended. At the same time, the outfit may be sufficiently conditional (hat, apron or paper fan, covered beard), the main thing is that the participants in this presentation try to copy women's behavior.
After the emergence of men (enough 2-3 people), arguing that they are women, several participants are chosen, and various contests are held between them. Despite the beability of the plot of dressing up a man in a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger
The presenter sets some female theme (for example, "flowers", "cosmetic firms", "clothes elements", "decorations"). The task of participants is to call in an arbitrary order of words related to this topic. The participant who will call the last word receives a prize point.

Women's logic
Lead calls several items. Participants must call the subject, superfluous on this list, and explain their decision. For each correct response, the participant receives a prize point.
Examples of tasks "What is superfluous?":
Hair painting henna, bass, paint "Vella". (Okraka "Vella", since Henna and Basma -Natural paints)
Vanilla crackers, breadcrumbs, crackers with raisins. (Breadcrumbs, since they are not ready to use the product)
Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, because viscose and cotton - natural material)
Toilet water, lotion, perfume. (Extra lotion because it is used in hygienic purposes, and toilet water and perfume - as perfumery)
Lock, machine line, overlock. (Mark, as it is done manually, the rest - on the sewing machine)

For the competition you need a large set of various cosmetics. All of them laid out on the table. The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which it must choose the right object from "cosmetics". Time to choose from the subject is limited. For the correct response, the participant receives a prize point.
Examples of items:
Nail polish
Lipstick of neutral
Bright lipstick
Lip pencil
Nail polish remover
Brush for eyelashes
Cosmetic milk
Face tonic
Foot cream

Job examples:
Take the eye
Tint lips for a business meeting
Ruff Makeup
Touch eyebrows
Tint your eyes (choose at least two items)
Hide freckles
Prepare a person to apply cosmetics
Make up nails
Nail polish
Split the slipping cilia

The game involves couples (man and woman). In addition, a bottle is needed (glass or plastic) and flower (real or artificial) for each pair.
Women clamps under the mouse, and men taking flowers in the teeth. The task of each pair - without the help of hands as quickly as possible to put a flower in a bottle.
The couple that quickly coped with the task receives a prize.

Complete the holiday best dancing.

Chamber No. 6. Comic greeting for women

Comic script March 8

Under the bravura march on the scene, patients of the House No. 6 are published - all of them in the strait shirts. Ahead of chief physician (also sick).

Main: Stop! .. Once or two! .. Take it! .. Smearly! .. (typule): Run, about the wall of our forehead, come back, I tear the mind ... retain !!! (addresses to the assholes): Multivaable gentlemen, comrades, scientists, Napoleon, Stakhanov, Shostakovichi, Physics and Schomiki! Today in our mental health establishment, we must work out the main question: who will send the bouncer-congratulatory to our, already, unfortunately discharged to girlfriends? Who will have decent candidates?
Engels: I'm protest !!! (shakes a beard)
Main: The word asks comrade with Tag No. 18!
Engels: I do not comrade the tag, but Mr. Engels! Comrades! Before you go to congratulate someone, we need to work out a lot of unresolved problems ... This is the fight against dystrophs, chronic lack of strait shirts and cockroaches in a soup ... Something, of course, is solved. Let's say, toilets, sorry, we do not have on the street - we do not stick to the boards. Yes, and protein, salt and sugar in analyzes are already issued in the hands instead of salary. But this is not enough, comrades!
Friday: Shut up his mouth! We are here on another issue!
Main : Introduce youreself!
Friday : Friday, deputy from the 108th uninhabited island. Robinzone is unanimously nominated! I propose, alternatively, to the post of the tempter - the congratulators of his candidacy, but I ask you to give me a self-degree, since I do not work on the Saturdays for religious reasons! And on the other days too! ..
Main: Do you have everything?!
Friday: No, not everything!
G. varval: I deprive you words!
Friday: Now everything!
Engels. (excited): Do not dare to hide my mouth !!! I am Engels, in the end! I even didn't stop Marks my mouth, but only tied!
Main: Fly!
Engels: I want to say about the further improvement of the quality of our hallucinations! We have to admit that in our hallucinations we only see the dark past. The bright future is seen only personal pensioners, deputies of state. Duma and Heroes of the Civil War of 1812!
Friday: Yes, take him a gag in my mouth! We are here on another issue!
Engels: (squeal) You have no quorum! Do not have right! I as a mentally blocked individual require quorum, emissions, alternatives and default! (crying)
Friday: Give the word Mr. Napoleon! Bonaparte asks the word!
Main: We listen to you, Comrade Napoleon!
Napoleon: Hello gentlemen, comrades, physics and schizics! So here. Last night I left the chamber for a small need. But at the door with two zero ...
Main : (interrupting) I want to remind you, Mr. French, that we have no "small" needs, but there are only "small" needs! Continue!
Napoleon : And now I came out of the chamber on the "small" need, in order to work out the question of congratulating our expensive women in silence. But at the door with two zones, Catherine's second pushed me rudely and screamed: "Wait, Choundra Parhaty! I need a numerous need! " Lord Shomiki! In my opinion, we have all the needs equal, they are general, and they need to protect them with the whole world!
Catherine II: He is lying everything, lying !!! I ask the words!
Main: Introduce youreself!
Catherine II : (proudly) Right hand of an unforgettable Semen Mikhailovich Budenny, Catherine Second! Comrades! On behalf of all veterans, I assure the first horse! He did not compose congratulations for our women, and he watched me in the hole! Old goat!!!
Napoleon: Lie, comrades! These are vile insinuations and lies! Dirty lie!
Catherine II: (gets out of the skirt wooden saber) saber naked! Bay French Conter! URA-A-A !!! (waving a saber, then fight with Napoleon)
(Noise, gam, whistling, ululyukne)
Main: Quiet, comrades, quiet! (disperses the fighting) comrades mentally-blurred! In my opinion, we all stole and want a break! There are two suggestions: Comrade Bonaparte offers 3 minutes, and Catar Catherine Second - an hour!
Everything: Three minutes!!! Long live Bonaparte! Long live the Iranian revolution!
Main: Lord Shomiki! I suggest singing the anthem of our soulful and health duridity ... Sorry, institutions! And then all together go congratulate our lovely ladies! Let's start piercing!
(Comic song)

Scenario March 8 (corporate)

Lead 1: Hello, dear women! In a wonderful holiday, which is important to International Women's Day, we will talk about you today.
Lead 2: Well, let's start our program from a musical gift from all men inherent in this room! So, lovely ladies, take a picture of the song "Girl" performed by the ensemble "Male Answer"
The song "Girls stand, stand on the sidelines ..."

Today is the holiday of the girls,
Glitter their eyes glossy
And the cheeks are burning,
In the morning they burn a blush!

Chorus: Girls came,
Things are all aside
Bouquets in the hands of Terench
Because today girls
Compliments are waiting for the guys!

And men as a selection -
Attentive, courtesy,
And full of happiness local yard,
On March day everywhere!

Chorus: Girls came,
Things are all aside
Bouquets in the hands of Terench
Because today girls
Compliments are waiting for the guys!

Lead 1: Before you performed an ensemble "Male Answer". Well, we go on. Everyone knows that in every woman there is a unique highlight, and today we will try to make sure of it once again.
Lead 2: So let's open the veil today, learning about our unique women something new.
Actor 6. : A girl, with allergies to flowers, the guy on March 8 presented the dumplings on the same amount
Actor 5: Women are strange creatures! They smear bruises under the eyes ... and paint them over their eyes!
Mamai : A new Women's Taxi service appeared in Odessa. Women drivers come exclusively to women ... But traditions have traditions - they still have enough knees.
Actor 5: Milkmaid Vasoilina after a strong hangover drove oil from the cow at once.
Lead 1: I suggest talking about the image of the beautiful half of humanity, because it's no secret that every woman is an individual image that keeps millions of secrets in itself.
Lead 2: And this will help us in this is a wonderful image tree, every petal of which will tell about the distinctive features of a certain female image.

Imagine a tree

Lead 1: But it will wait, because just just that the urgent 8 Martov news came to us for the holiday.
Actor 1: On the eve of March 8, new price tags appeared in Odessa's flower stores: "These 20", "Those who are the left of these 50" and "give something to your choice" -100 hryvnia.
Actor 4: One man on March 8 changed his wife. What any, and surprise.
Actor 2: On March 8, each man must come home and tell her beloved the most important words in the world, Motherland, Mom, Bread!
Lead 1: On March 8, the ugly girls men buy a bottle of vodka.
Actor 2: {!LANG-ae3e5da65067c8bce39a4ec790621b38!}
Actor 5: {!LANG-10bdfb228e820263827f593116382154!}
Actor 6. {!LANG-ba2a0cc0eeb13074560c8dab583dd2f0!}
Actor 4: {!LANG-aacb9c322bfc52e1352cbb013a2d41ec!}
Lead 1: {!LANG-a4fd0f37ee8990d4ff6a5d07de6a75a2!}
Lead 2: {!LANG-a7969c27d5689911b65e206af95f1702!}
{!LANG-e54402f94e7b7a3473f9b26b08eff1f9!} {!LANG-4d8b2e2058b71c8f24569244ba7451a9!}


Lead 2: {!LANG-a53058f7ed81eeb708cddc1c75a4d5ba!}


Lead 1: {!LANG-6f209072a57cb3e755a4fd0b38590759!}
1){!LANG-898f8d54f5d42ce91d74a5e490a8231e!} {!LANG-ca8f4346ddc92b90383492f1e652ed54!}
{!LANG-7666bb2ae1ee4fb1516a61c1eda31505!} {!LANG-3de825faea52c6fdfb46e64ef3658ba3!}
{!LANG-017643543da91b65e32e1aef8bdef380!} {!LANG-d5e987f5f2f6af32745d9ebdb9c48b66!}

2) {!LANG-017643543da91b65e32e1aef8bdef380!} {!LANG-31a16a699e41f59e5e1e2b4b3c86b442!}
{!LANG-7c4787ed7957e3ec81c9e5c3f70f0a9a!} {!LANG-735ce81f2a493df62d2e22fe3f73a928!}
{!LANG-7666bb2ae1ee4fb1516a61c1eda31505!} {!LANG-9cb922d2a9dc22d6c9d644f7a083597f!}

3) {!LANG-dab28eb680291fa6744433cf0f9ec456!} {!LANG-6b3748de784d11b7b1c74b0ec0caad61!}
{!LANG-7666bb2ae1ee4fb1516a61c1eda31505!} {!LANG-6ac9c7e55fd78a2eb623e454e821b35c!}

Lead 2: {!LANG-edec07cd1d13ff6366084a57c2391b05!}
Lead 1: {!LANG-4999f2076f9a7e8bd221e18fe9164a46!}


Lead 2: {!LANG-d6257702f5e11e55b5272938b6e09c6a!}


Lead 1: {!LANG-93c16403a9ad077923742127bb69d196!}

{!LANG-dab28eb680291fa6744433cf0f9ec456!} {!LANG-d68388cda6b4fecb4a36f17a49c8892b!}
{!LANG-7666bb2ae1ee4fb1516a61c1eda31505!} {!LANG-fa82e233e7ebf89b7f999912aa3a039b!}
{!LANG-dab28eb680291fa6744433cf0f9ec456!} {!LANG-fa982084c3ae6d3f90c6d8dc0509b019!}

2) {!LANG-017643543da91b65e32e1aef8bdef380!} {!LANG-7d636e8f0e985417c1f89f5d04813268!}
{!LANG-7666bb2ae1ee4fb1516a61c1eda31505!} {!LANG-186d16e49fc6e6465e55dd924cbbd5bb!}

{!LANG-017643543da91b65e32e1aef8bdef380!} {!LANG-029b2f5695b65bbc2f9317558d61fd52!}
{!LANG-bebb09ca68ff14d72c134184a4efd522!} {!LANG-2df5a76e79aeb5ce5d2618475adef626!}
Actor 1: {!LANG-a29fa09936fe33dc5688b5d77f4fc366!}
{!LANG-bebb09ca68ff14d72c134184a4efd522!} {!LANG-758f4998af7b1aa3193ecf4198189602!}
Actor 1: {!LANG-2703c4e887c1a63d80fed2981e1e93ed!}
{!LANG-bebb09ca68ff14d72c134184a4efd522!} {!LANG-8bea8e84e471fe4b67b5c7b8633db5cf!}
Actor 1: {!LANG-5025996f42769f024b786ebe01ad071c!}
{!LANG-dab28eb680291fa6744433cf0f9ec456!} {!LANG-4d6044a9d990f3343dd541db414b0dec!}
Actor 1: {!LANG-64ee4e398ef84d397f3c450a7494c28c!}
{!LANG-dab28eb680291fa6744433cf0f9ec456!} {!LANG-67768e9a7a700fbb612c58a3d1301e6b!}
Actor 1: {!LANG-848b09fc782adf05b2b69829c3ecd11a!}
{!LANG-dab28eb680291fa6744433cf0f9ec456!} {!LANG-8ab62671900cd8fd6b7c77da2d66666b!}
{!LANG-017643543da91b65e32e1aef8bdef380!} {!LANG-aeb8968220add921dac19109e1942312!}
{!LANG-bebb09ca68ff14d72c134184a4efd522!} {!LANG-6707b13270ed7812c18de8be00abc8a8!}
Actor 1: {!LANG-926a4422fd7c19515261e7651d520f6b!}

Lead 1: {!LANG-ff66fb2c70ea47442bf6d0cd6de3070a!}
Lead 2: {!LANG-530dcdf236369b2fe676b0d41f5709ee!}






Lead 1: {!LANG-496d08faed837861e41a88b5ba015069!}

