The concept and essence of marketing in tourism. Marketing in the tourism industry. Tourism marketing functions

Marketing is a science that provides knowledge about the market, the laws of its functioning, about the behavior of buyers in the market with which the company is connected. Since the tourism, hotel or resort business has no fundamental differences from other forms of economic activity, it is possible to assert that the main provisions of the theory of modern marketing can be fully used in tourism. But the resort, hotel and tourism business have their own specifics. Tourism combines trade in goods and services (according to practitioners' estimates, 75% are services, and 25% are goods). Currently, there is no uniform approach regarding the content of the category "tourism marketing". The variety of types, elements and forms of this category is reflected in a wide range of concepts that reveal its content.

So, Tultaev T.A. notes that the development of the tourism market is largely determined by the use of marketing methods, organization of the enterprise, based on a comprehensive study of the market and demand. Tourism marketing is a strategy for identifying and exploiting the needs of the community for tourism services for commercial purposes.

The Swiss researcher Kripendorf defines tourism marketing as the systematic coordination of the activities of tourism enterprises, as well as personal and public policy in the field of tourism.

German scientists Rieger, Roth and Schrand understand marketing in tourism as market management aimed at achieving the goals of a tourism enterprise more efficiently than competitors, while meeting the needs of tourists.

In our opinion, the goal of marketing in tourism is aimed at meeting the relevant needs and making a profit for the company providing these services.

Let's single out the groups of subjects that interact in tourism.

1. Tourists;

2. Organizations providing goods and services to tourists;

3. Local authorities;

4. Host.

Thus, tourism can be defined as a set of phenomena and relationships arising from the interaction of tourists, suppliers, local authorities and the local population in the process of tourism activities.

The tourist product can be viewed in two dimensions:

On the one hand, it is a set of services sold to tourists in one package;

On the other hand, the elements that produce services (vehicles, restaurants, hotels, etc.)

The first interpretation of the product is closer to tourists (consumers), the second - to the manufacturer of the tourist product.

In our opinion, special equipment, clothing, that is, everything that is directly related to a tourist trip (for example, tourist equipment is also a tourist product, although it is a product, not a service), can also be classified as tourist products.

The tourist product has the following features.

This is a complex of services and goods (material and non-material components), which has a complex system of interrelationships between different types or components of a tourist product.

Tourist services cannot be stored or stored, they cannot be presented in the form of commercial samples. There are no measured values \u200b\u200bfor evaluating a tourist product, such as dimensions, weight, volume, power, etc.

The consumer, as a rule, cannot see the tourist product before its consumption, and in most cases consumption is carried out directly at the place of production of the tourist service.

The buyer overcomes the distance separating him from the product and the place of consumption of the latter, and not vice versa.

The tourism product depends on variables such as time and space.

The factor of seasonality is of great importance. Travel agency marketing activities will differ during peak season and off-season. In addition, the offer is characterized by significant static: for example, attachment to a certain place (camp site, airport, etc. cannot be transferred to another place).

External factors (weather, natural conditions, tourism policy, international events, etc.) have a significant impact on the quality of tourism services.

Contradiction between static supply and dynamic demand. The offer is tied to a place (for example, a specific tourist center), has an unchanging landscape, climate, organically formed orientation of the tourist infrastructure.

Thus, tourism marketing has the following specifics:

Demand management, not stimulation;

High degree of reliability of information about the tourist product;

Complexity of services;

Consumer protection;

The special role of marketing in the off-season (diversification of tourism products);

The central role of the psychological, behavioral and social characteristics of the consumer;

Coordination of the marketing of participants in the tourism services market.

So, travel marketing is a promising and rapidly developing area. In connection with the growing role of tourism, increased competition in this industry, various marketing techniques in this direction are becoming relevant. Tourism, like any other field of activity, along with generally accepted rules, has its own characteristics in marketing. This is due to the peculiarity of the tourism product, the group of subjects interacting in tourism, the field of activity and the strong influence of external factors. Tourism marketing is addressed not only to “end consumers” - tourists, but also to intermediaries - travel agencies, partners, public tourism associations, government agencies for tourism regulation.


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2. Nechiporenko V. Features of marketing research in tourism / "Marketing Pro". 2005,

3. Palchuk MI Features of tourism marketing // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - 2003. - No. 38. - С.37-40,

4. Marketing in industries and areas of activity: Textbook / Under. Ed. Prof. V.A. Aleksunin. - 60th ed. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2008. - 716 p.

5. Tultaev T.A. Service marketing. / Moscow Academy of Finance and Industry. - M., 2005 .-- 97 p.

As such, travel marketing does not have general fundamental differences from any iconic marketing rules in general. It is for this reason that all the basic provisions of modern marketing may well be applied in the field of tourism.

In addition to the main provisions of marketing, it is worth considering the fact that tourism business has its own specific features.

As such, travel marketing does not have general fundamental differences from any iconic marketing rules in general. It is for this reason that all the basic provisions of modern marketing may well be applied in the field of tourism. But it is worth considering the fact that the tourism business has its own specific features. Let's analyze them in more detail.

In the field of tourism, both services and goods are traded. According to experts, the share of services is more than?, Then, how do goods account for all? on the volume of all work.

For traditional types of commercial activities that have a specific result of labor, and the very concept of marketing has such a specific content. In tourism activities, the result of labor is a tourism product. It is customary to understand this term as any service provided to tourists (household, hotel, transport, excursion, etc.). A tourist product can also be understood as a system of goods and services, which together constitute a tourist trip.

This is what determines the features of marketing in this area:

  • it is a system of services / goods, which has a complex set of relationships;
  • flexible demand depending on consumer income, political and social conditions;
  • the inability of the consumer of the tourist product to see it until the moment of payment;
  • the presence of some distance from the product and the place of its consumption;
  • several organizations participate in the creation of a tourist product, each of which has its own methods, needs and commercial goals;
  • the likelihood of various force majeure circumstances is high.

All this must be taken into account when properly organizing a marketing campaign in the field of tourism, namely:

  • pay special attention to stimulating demand;
  • high degree of information policy credibility;
  • a high degree of protection of the client's rights;
  • taking into account the seasonality of demand for tourism products;
  • a high degree of marketing coordination of all creators of the travel product.

Thus, the most optimal marketing program of a travel agency will be one that takes into account and adheres to such conditions as successful positioning among the target audience, continuous professional development of travel agency employees, and the correct choice of an advertising campaign for the target segment.

If we follow the results of numerous marketing studies in the field of tourism, we can make a reasonable conclusion that for the consumer of travel services, physical motivation takes the first place. It, in turn, can be divided into recreation, sports, health treatment.

You should also take into account the psychological motivation, which consists in the desire of people to visit new places, to get acquainted with the way of life of people, just to have fun. In third place is cultural motivation, the so-called interest in art.

Taking into account all these factors, it is necessary to compose such tours with a range of services that would satisfy a particular target segment as much as possible. For example, for young people, physical motivation will play a major role. This is due to the high activity of young people and their need for inexpensive services. For middle-aged people or businessmen, it is more important to provide quality services, the presence of cultural programs, a certain elitism, prestige. For older people, services that satisfy cognitive and cultural motivation and health improvement are important.

Until recently, travel network marketing was in high demand. Suggestions like: “Come to a new travel network company” were encountered literally at every step. To join this type of organization, you had to pay an entry fee, invite 2 or more members and earn a discount. The opportunity to earn money and travel much cheaper was guaranteed.

But life itself put everything in its place. And now this type of travel business, and, therefore, network travel marketing has practically outlived its usefulness. This is due to two factors. First, almost all companies that use network marketing by now are either recognized as pyramid schemes or are approaching such an event. Secondly, when working on the Internet, the basic principle of network marketing - duplication - almost does not work. It is for these reasons that travel network marketing is currently ineffective.

Tourism, as one of the many types of economic activity, does not have any specific distinctive features as a branch of the economy. Therefore, in tourism, all the basic principles of modern marketing can be rightfully used. But nevertheless, it must be said that there are certain fundamental characteristics that make it possible to differentiate tourism from the processes of trade in both goods and services, since in the tourism sector there is trade in both those and others (according to rough estimates of various experts, services in the structure of tourism make up 75% , and goods - 25%). It is impossible not to mention the characteristic conditions for the consumption of tourist services and goods directly at the place of their production, or even in a certain situation.

In the sphere of production, which has a material-material product as a direct result of its labor, the definition of marketing has a very specific content. Marketing - in the broadest sense of the word, is the market activity of an organization that ensures the promotion of goods (services, works) from producer to consumer.

In the field of tourism, in turn, the result of the activity will be a tourist product. A tourist product, at its core, is any type of paid service that meets the specific needs of tourists. It can be sightseeing, hotel, transport, household, utilities, translation, mediation and any other services. Comprehensive service (a standardized range of services offered to tourists in one "package") today is one of the basic tourist services.

A tourist product is a combination of tangible and material goods and intangible consumer values, presented in the form of services that are necessary to meet the needs of a tourist, and arising during his trip. The tourist product itself consists of the following three parts:

    tour (tourist trip on a certain route);

    excursion services (they include transportation, accommodation, meals, excursion programs and other various services along the route serving the purposes of the trip)

    goods - as the main commodity.

Together with the basic distinctive features of a tourist product, there are a number of its features:

    There is a tremendous elasticity of demand for tourism services in relation to income levels and prices. Demand is also highly dependent on political and social conditions.

    Such a phenomenon as tourist zones can be identified quite clearly due to seasonal fluctuations in the demand for tourist services, which, in turn, give rise to the so-called saturation phenomenon.

    Due to the fact that services can only be consumed at the place of their production, the supply in the tourist services market is characterized by inflexible production. After all, such integral parts of the tourist complex as a hotel, recreation center, airport cannot be transferred to another region at the end of the season. Consequently, they cannot adapt to changes in demand either in time or in space.

    Each of the enterprises, which has its own approaches to work, certain needs and various goals, makes its own non-standard contribution to the creation of a tourism product.

    The presence of small minor flaws in the work of travel companies creates significant difficulties in achieving high quality travel services, since customer service in the field of travel business entirely consists of these very little things and small details.

A tourist product, first of all, should be a good purchase. Consequently, tourism marketing should embody the consistent targeted actions of tourism enterprises in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. Thus, it can be assumed that the following definition of tourism marketing is quite logical and reasonable.

Marketing in tourism is a system of continuous coordination of a certain set (complex) of services offered to the client with such services that are in active demand in the current market, which, in turn, is ready to offer a tourism company in order to maximize profit and, moreover, it should do it more efficiently than competitors. This capacious definition contains a number of ideas that will be further analyzed in more depth.

The first point to consider is that marketing is primarily a system and not a one-time, separate event. In other words, this is a sequential set of actions of an enterprise working in the field of tourism, which, in order to achieve their goals and a synergistic effect, need to be combined into a single working complex. Thus, marketing is a system containing combined actions and functions in accordance with the marketing concept. This fact fundamentally distinguishes marketing from simple commercial work. The goal of commercial work is to channel all the resources and resources available to boost sales. The goal of marketing in any area of \u200b\u200bthe economy is the production and sale of services as a process inextricably linked with consumer demand.

The second point to consider in the above definition of travel marketing is that marketing is not a one-off activity. It is wrong to think of it as a one-way process, regardless of whether the date of the introduction of a new tourism product is being considered or, for example, the introduction of a new price. We must not forget for a second that the market is dynamic, it is in a continuous process of movement (supply and demand are constantly changing, new products and technologies are being introduced to the market). All this tells us that marketing is really an ongoing process, which must be a part of a successful tourism enterprise, since any enterprise needs a perspective for the future, not just work in the present.

In the third point under consideration, we will talk about coordination. Actions within a tourist enterprise must be consistent with the conditions of the external environment. No business will achieve its intended goals if it considers all the elements in isolation from each other. For example, when a travel company analyzes the market and realizes that at the moment the market needs service X, then all that it can offer now is service Y. Similarly, there will be no positive result if the company switches to service X, only when the market has already switched to service Z. In both examples, the firm acts in disregard of the market. So we can conclude that the main secret lies in the alignment of activities within the firm with information received from the outside. Therefore, any decision to achieve this agreement must be made using all the tools and functions of marketing.

In the understanding of what the service directly offered by the company is, the fourth idea inherent in the definition is. "What kind of business are we really doing?" is a classic question that is formulated to emphasize this point. This question gives any travel agency the opportunity to look at their services from the point of view of the consumer. The chance to consider the firm's resources and how else to deal with them is another answer to this question. The discovery of such hidden potential resources and opportunities can come as an unexpected and pleasant surprise for many firms.

In the fifth considered definition of tourism marketing, the concept of what is marketing to meet the needs of the buyer is given. Here we are talking not only about what the client is acquiring at the moment, but also about what he would acquire in the future (with an increase in income or in other conditions). Marketing is, first of all, the activity of foresight, as already noted above. It is based on forecasting, as well as on the formation of an active position of the enterprise in relation to the needs of the client. We must not forget also about the opportunity to evaluate what can force those who can become a client of the firm, but so far they are not, to turn their attention to the services of this particular firm.

A review of the sixth point of the definition focuses on the power of marketing to find and use the means to increase profits. This is what makes it an exclusive economic category. The goals of firms operating in the tourism business should be achieved precisely through the qualitative satisfaction of customer needs in a sufficiently long period of time (that is, we are talking about direct marketing of relationships).

According to the advice of the World Tourism Organization, there are three most important functions of tourism marketing:

First, it is the establishment of contacts with future potential clients and the ability to convince them of the place of the intended rest.

Secondly, the creation of the latest types of services and thirdly, the analysis of the results of the promotion of services in the market.

Tourism, according to the WTO definition, is not only an economic, but at the same time a cultural, environmental, social and political phenomenon. Consequently, travel marketing should be used with maximum consideration of all the factors discussed above. It is then that the interests of both tourist firms and tourist consumers will be taken into account to the maximum.

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