Organizational structure of a large hotel company. Organizational structure of a modern hotel. Hotels differ for reasons such as

Organizational structure Is building an organization in accordance with its size, needs and goals. The organizational structure and the management structure should ideally correspond to each other, therefore, sometimes they are considered together, not differentiated. The organizational structure should be appropriate for the size of the organization. The increase in the size of the organization and the complication of its structure are accompanied by a proportional increase in the number of levels of the management hierarchy.

The direction and nature of the relationships between elements determine the type of organizational structure. There are the following types of organizational structures: linear, linear-functional and matrix.

Linear organizational the structure refers to centralized hierarchical organizational structures, where at the head of each level of the management hierarchy is the sole manager, who has the entire range of powers and exercises all management functions at his level.

Linear-functional The (headquarters) organizational structure retains a linear hierarchy of subordination, however, managers of functional services and departments are involved in management, who advise the line manager, help him develop specific programs, decisions, plans

Matrix organizational the structure is a lattice structure built on the principle of dual subordination. This is a modern effective type of organizational structure. A distinctive feature of the matrix structure is that the employee simultaneously has two managers with equal powers, to whom the performer reports on the results of work.

The organizational structure of the management of a hotel enterprise is the composition of services or divisions in the hotel management system and a certain relationship, interposition and interaction. This understanding of the structure is concretized in seven principles of its construction:

1. Division of labor and specialization Is the decomposition of complex works into simple ones that are easy to repeat, master, and consolidate in skills. When designing a hotel workflow, the amount of work that staff can do and the amount that needs to be done must be balanced with the capabilities and skills of the staff. It is important to determine the specialization in which the activities would be effective and uniform. The process of activity must be constantly reviewed so that there are no significant changes that adversely affect certain operations.

2. Clarity of lines of power - it is the principle that determines the structure of power. Power is determined by the board of directors of the hotel company and is exercised through powers. The advice is the beginning of the line of power in the hotel's operations. The president or senior executives report to the board of directors. The top manager is empowered to recruit specialists and empower them by his own decision, but at a different level. Thus, a hierarchy of power is built, and the management structure acquires a hierarchical form. It is necessary to avoid overlapping areas of power and authority, as this leads to contradictions in the performance of work, inconsistency of deadlines, etc.

3. Separation of responsibilities - This is the principle that determines the organization of the labor process of the hotel enterprise. A manager's activities are characterized by functions (what he can do), responsibilities (what he should do) and responsibility (for what he should be responsible). Functions and duties may overlap, but responsibilities and duties in hotel management practice often do not correspond to each other, that is, one person performs the work and another is responsible for it. This situation cannot be considered normal. Responsibility should be strictly consistent with the responsibilities of the manager. This is even more important in the combination of responsibility and power.

4. Combination of authority and responsibility Is a principle, the implementation of which makes it possible to prevent abuse of power and motivate a responsible attitude of the manager to the problems being solved. It is impossible to exercise authority and avoid responsibility, at the same time it is impossible to be responsible for what is not included in the authority. When authority and responsibility is delegated to a subordinate for the performance of a certain work, the manager is not relieved of responsibility to the higher management for the performance of the corresponding task.

5. Functional limitation of activityIs a principle associated with the division of labor. The division of labor implies both functional delimitation and limitation of activities. This determines the integrity of tasks, clarity in the establishment of responsibilities and duties. Accordingly, the manager of one department cannot give a task or transfer authority and responsibility to employees of another department, cannot intrude into the area of \u200b\u200bactivity for which he is not responsible. If this happens for one reason or another, it creates moral problems.

6. Control range (reporting lines) is the number of employees or employees that the manager directly controls. It is believed that the normal control range is 10-12 people. However, this is not necessary for all departments of the hotel. It all depends on the type of work, people and level of management. Management of large teams is less efficient. If the manager leads too small a group, then his time is also used ineffectively. The staff, not fully engaged in work, creates costs generated by the shortcomings of labor organization. The manager must determine the task for the employee that he is able to complete, and, if necessary, help him. This keeps the level of control efficiency at the highest possible height.

7. Communication - these are connections between functions, subdivisions of the management system and between hotel personnel, without which joint activities are impossible. Communication can be verbal or written. Some of them should only have a written form, so that later there are no questions about what was said, by whom, when. The communication aspect of management reflects the experience, science and art of management.

The structure of the hotel can be divided into two components:

· The technical structure of the hotel enterprise is the material base of the hotel, formed by buildings, equipment and technologies. The technical structure is rigid, it defines the required professional staff.

· The social structure is formed by the hotel staff, existing formal and informal groups, all the variety of personal and industrial relations, links between structural units horizontally and vertically. The social structure is flexible, changing depending on the developing situation.

The implementation of these principles is necessary to create an efficient hotel management system.

As there are no identical people, there are no exactly alike hotels. Each hotel has its own face, its own flavor and individuality.

Before proceeding to the description of technological processes in a hotel, it is necessary to consider the principles of organizational structure of hotel enterprises.

Each company is unique in its own way. Apparently, therefore, each hotel has its regular customers, regulars who find for themselves any advantages in the chosen hotel. The right of any hotel to create its own organizational model, the positions of hotel personnel may be designated in different ways. It is important that the hotel company fulfills its main purpose in a quality manner - serving guests, meeting their needs as much as possible and generating income.

The organizational (management) structure of a hotel enterprise depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the capacity of the enterprise. In large hotels, the management structure is much more complex than in small and medium-sized ones. It is clear that a small private B&B hotel (abbreviated form of the English name "bed and breakfast") is fundamentally different from a large business hotel in the capital. If in a small private hotel (as a rule, it is a family business), family members are both managers and ordinary employees, then in large hotels with a large staff of employees, there is a specialization of personnel to perform a certain type of work.

Depending on the capacity, the following groups of hotels can be distinguished:

· Ultra-small (up to 20 places) - 65% of all hotels in the world;

Small (from 20 to 100 places) - 24%;

Medium (from 100 to 500 seats) - 8%;

· Large (more than 500 places) - 3%.

As practice shows, medium-sized hotels are considered the most cost-effective, efficient and flexible in management. The organizational structure of a modern hotel also largely depends on its purpose, location, consumer segment, hotel category, form of ownership, and much more.

Depending on the target markets, hotels can be classified as: business hotels, airport hotels, apart-hotels, resident hotels, resort hotels, casino hotels, etc. Based on this, it is advisable in a resort hotel, for example, to have an animator who will carry out exercises with vacationers, play chess or darts. In a large business hotel for business people, this position will probably be superfluous. Another classification feature is the level of comfort. There are more than 30 systems for classifying hotels in the world according to the level of service and the number of services offered. The "star" system is the most widespread, it is recommended by the World Tourism Organization (WTO). The star system is used in France, Austria, Hungary, UAE, China, Russia and many other countries. According to this classification, hotels are divided into five different categories, motels into four. Five stars (*****) correspond to the highest category, one (*) - to the lowest. Motels can have a maximum of four stars.

In addition to the "star", there are other systems for classifying hotels by comfort: the system of letters (widespread in Greece); system of crowns or keys (UK); system of discharges, as well as suns, moons, roses, diamonds, palms, Christmas trees, fish, butterflies, pyramids, turtles, shells (mainly on the islands), tridents, even camels, etc.

It is rather difficult to classify hotels by comfort due to their wide variety and differences in the criteria for assessing the quality of service by different states. Until now, there is no single organization in the world that standardizes the level of hotel service. This is usually the responsibility of the national hotel association.

In our country, until 1994, there was a system for classifying hotels by category. In 1994 GOST RF R-50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Hotel classification ". According to this standard, a “star” hotel classification system was introduced in Russia. By the decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2003, this GOST was canceled. For a relatively short time in Russia, the "Regulations on the state system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities", approved by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2003 No. 197, existed. in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2005 No. 1004-r "On the classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities" and order No. 86 of July 21, 2005 of the Federal Agency for Tourism (ROSTURISM) (see Appendix 1).

The material and technical support of the hotel, the list and quality of the services provided must meet the requirements of the category assigned to it. The requirements for hotels of different categories are numerous and varied (for example, for a five-star hotel, the list of requirements may consist of two hundred or more items). These requirements are detailed in Appendix 1.

The organizational structure depends largely on the form of ownership of the hotel enterprises. Hotels can exist as independent businesses or as part of hotel chains.

The greatest variety of forms of ownership of hotel enterprises can be observed in large cities. By forms of ownership, Moscow hotel enterprises are divided into four large groups:

1. State unitary enterprises - 12.2%, are the property of the city and have, mainly, 3-4 stars.

2. Joint-stock companies, including those with the participation of the Moscow government - 24.4%, category 3-4 stars.

3. Joint ventures with foreign capital - 6.7%, the category is usually 4-5 stars.

4. Departmental hotels - 56.7%, have the lowest class, have 1-2 stars or are not certified at all.

In an attempt to reduce the number of employees and thereby save money, some hotels are abolishing entire departments or divisions. As a result, the class of the hotel may drop, the level of its comfort may decrease. The number of employees should be optimal, so that the company operates profitably without compromising the quality of service. According to the proposals of the WTO Secretariat, the average number of staff per room should be for hotels:

· One star - 0.4 and more;

· Two stars - 0.6 or more;

· Three stars - 0.8 and more;

· Four - 1.2 and more;

· Five stars - 2 or more.

At the same time, there are hotels in the world that can afford a client-to-employee ratio of 1 to 3 or more (for example, Al-Maha hotels, Arab Tower in the UAE in Dubai).

It is impossible to offer a single ideal organizational model of a modern hotel; it is really possible to only highlight the most general aspects of hotel organization. However, it is difficult to imagine a modern, fairly large metropolitan hotel without the following basic services:

1. Room management service (Room division).

2. Administrative Service (Administration Department).

3. Service organization food (Food and Beverage Department).

4. Commercial service (Sales and Marketing Department).

5. Technical Department.

These services may include various departments, divisions. The structure, functions, composition, subordination in these services may differ, vary in individual hotels. There are departments that are difficult to rank among the above services. These are all kinds of additional and related services (Additional Services). These may include:

· currency exchange point;

· Kiosks for the sale of souvenirs, newspapers, books, flowers, pharmacy goods;

· Various shops, boutiques;

· Car rental and much more.

Often the staff of these divisions is not part of the staff of the hotel enterprise, these divisions are tenants. When certifying the hotel, it takes into account the range of services offered by the tenant enterprises. The wider this spectrum is, the higher the status of the hotel.

Lately, many foreign-managed hotels have appeared on the Russian hotel market. Foreign hotel companies offer their service technologies, as well as their own terminology for the designation of services, departments and positions of hotel employees. The modern hospitality professional should be well versed in basic hotel terms and their English equivalents.

All departments of the hotel can be conditionally divided into two large groups: the Front of the House - the departments whose employees are directly involved in serving guests (reception and accommodation, restaurant services, bar, etc.) and the Heart of the Hotel the House) - departments whose employees do not have direct contact with customers (accounting department, HR department, engineering and technical service, etc.). In percentage terms, Front of the House employees account for approximately 34% of the hotel's total workforce. The share of Heart of the House employees falls accordingly to about 66%.

Financially, hotel services are divided into profit centers (reception and accommodation, restaurant, bar, cafe, etc.) and support centers (accounting, secretariat, training department, advertising department, etc.).

Room Fund Management Service. This service is the largest in terms of the number of employees. It employs, as a rule, 50% or more of the entire staff of the hotel.

The reception and accommodation service is headed by the head (Front Office Manager). Most often, the head of this service is subordinate to the reception staff (Reception \u003d Front Desk), Reservation Department specialists, telephone exchange employees (PBX \u003d Switch \u003d PBX - Private branch exchange), employees of the business center (Business Center ), the staff of the joint service group (service personnel in uniform \u003d receptionist department). The staff of the reception and accommodation service solve the issues of booking rooms, receiving guests, registering them and placing by numbers. The staff of this service is the first to meet guests, is constantly in contact with them and the last of the services to see off the guests of the hotel.

As for the reservation department, in some hotels it may refer to the marketing and sales service. In addition, the reception and accommodation service may include a courier, cloakroom attendants, car parkers, etc.

Housekeeping service. You can find other names of this division, such as, for example: floor service, maid service, hotel service, hotel maintenance and service service, maintenance service, castellan service, etc. The structure, functions, composition, subordination in this service also can be differentiated in different hotels. The essence remains the same. The purpose of this unit is to provide guest service in rooms, to maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of guest rooms and public spaces, and to provide household services to customers. No hotel can exist without this service. This service is usually headed by a woman. This position can be called differently in hotels - the head of the economic service, the head of the floor service, the head of the hotel service, the manager of the floor service, the manager of the maid service, etc. As for hotels with foreign capital, these names are there can be: Head Housekeeper, Housekeeping Manager,

Executive Housekeeper, Director of internal services, Director of housekeeping operations, Gouvernante General (the latter name is more typical for hotels with French management).

Typically, in large hotels, the Assistant Housekeeper is subordinate to the Head of Housekeeping; service supervisor's assistants or head maids (HSKP Supervisors); chambermaids staff; Laundry / Dry Cleaning Service and Linen Room personnel; Health Club or Fitness Center employees florists (Florists).

Administrative service. This service most often includes the Executive Office, the Controlling Department \u003d Accounting Department, and the Human Resources Department \u003d Personal Department.

The settlement part of the hotel, or accounting, solves all financial issues. In its composition, this division has a chief accountant (Controller), a deputy chief accountant (Assistant Controller). In the accounting part, there is a specialization of accountants to perform certain operations. So, one accountant processes payment documents received from the reception and accommodation service and related to the receipt of payment for accommodation and additional paid services. Another accountant maintains all financial records coming from the catering service. The third deals with the calculations related to the payroll of the hotel employees. This unit also needs a cashier. Within this service, there may be a department of debtors, a department of creditors. Typically, the financial services of the hotel include the Cost Control and Purchasing Department.

The personnel department, or, in other words, the human resource management department, solves the issues of selection, placement, promotion of personnel, organization of training and advanced training. This unit is called upon to create and maintain the necessary working conditions, safety measures. The unit is headed by the Personnel Manager, or in other words, the Chief Human Resources Manager. In large hotels, the position of Assistant Human Resource Manager, Training Manager is provided. Some hotels have positions of secretary, inspector no attestation, psychologist, environmentalist, etc. Often the Security Service, including Staff Entrance, and Doctors, are subordinate to the Human Resources Department.

Catering service. This service provides customer service in restaurants, bars, hotel cafes; provides service for banquets and events in the banquet halls of the hotel; responsible for cooking, storing food and drinks, cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes; takes orders and delivers them to the rooms, in some hotels - control and replenishment of food and drinks in minibars; responsible for organizing service in the staff canteen.

The catering service in a large hotel usually includes the Kitchen, Banqueting, Restaurants, Room service, Bars, Catering (Catering), stewarding service (Stewarding), canteen for personnel (Canteen).

The Food and Beverage Department Manager is the head of the catering service. The service includes: Head Chef, cooks, head waiter, waiters, bartenders, Room-service employees, cashiers in restaurants and cafes, staff of various workshops in the kitchen, working canteen staff, stewarding staff, cleaners, etc. etc.

Commercial service. This service deals with sales strategy issues, is responsible for the occupancy (loading) of the hotel, the conclusion of corporate contracts, conducts market research, carries out information and advertising activities of the hotel.

The Public Relations and Press Department is responsible for creating a favorable image of the hotel in public opinion and manages the work with the press.

This service may include both Catering and Sales and Reservation Department. The service is headed by the director (Director Sales and Marketing). He reports to: the Director of Sales with Sales Managers and Group Coordinators; Marketing services Manager with a group of PR and advertising specialists; Banquet Hall Sales Manager; and Reservation Manager with Reservation Supervisors and Reservation Secretaries.

Engineering and technical service. This service monitors the health of all engineering and technical equipment of the hotel:

· Sanitary (plumbing, sewerage, hot water supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, garbage disposal);

· Energy economy;

· Low-current devices and automation;

· TV and communication systems;

· Refrigeration equipment;

· Computer equipment, etc.

The structure of this service includes: Chief Engineer, maintenance personnel (carpenters, electricians, plumbers), improvement service (painters, gardeners), dispatchers. The hotel may have its own computer department (EDP Department).

Modern hotels place great emphasis on providing elite, personalized customer service. Upscale hotels offer Concierges and Butlers, who can accommodate the most unusual customer requests, not covered by any price lists or price lists (of course, within reasonable limits). So, the Guest Service department is replacing the usual service bureau in modern hotels. The service is headed, as a rule, by the director (Director guest service). This service employs concierges, butlers, coordinators, stewards. The functions of this service are manifold.

Not a single service in the hotel can be distinguished as the main, basic. Absolutely all services are equally needed and important. Each service contributes to the common cause, and the success of the hotel enterprise depends on the coordination and coherence of the work of a huge number of employees from different services, divisions and departments. Quality customer service requires close interconnection and collaboration between all hotel services.

Information systems existing in the hotel are combined into various services. In the first place is the internal organization, which is designed to guide employees and direct their activities to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

Strict subordination and internal communication of the organization will help to correctly design information systems.

The structure of the hotel enterprise includes the following services:

  • 1) service department;
  • 2) food complex;
  • 3) HR department, accounting department.

The service department includes:

  • 1) the main administrator;
  • 2) room management service;
  • 4) reservation department;
  • 5) reservation department;
  • 6) an administrative division;
  • 7) communication;
  • 8) service personnel (porter service, maid service);
  • 9) security service;
  • 10) financial service;
  • 11) personnel service;
  • 12) secretariat;
  • 13) night auditor.

The food complex can consist of:

  • 1) kitchens;
  • 2) a restaurant;
  • 3) bars, cafes;
  • 4) a section for cleaning the interior and washing dishes;
  • 5) department of service of public events.

Now let's take a closer look at each department. Most of the hotels have a linear-functional management structure.

The main duties of the chief administrator can be considered maintaining balance guest accounts, offering guests hotel services (delivery of mail, messages, faxes, etc.), and managing the sales of rooms. The chief administrator controls the automated control system. An automated control system is a system consisting of a set of computer programs that can be used to collect and use information intended for the operation of management and support offices. The automatic control system includes four particularly important programs that provide the administrator with the necessary information in such areas as:

  • 1) general management issues;
  • 2) management of settlements with guests;
  • 3) management of the reservation service;
  • 4) guest service management.

The room fund management service book rooms, hosts guests, their registration and accommodation, maintains the sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms, and also provides guests with personal services.

The service includes:

  • 1) director;
  • 2) room service manager;
  • 3) reception and accommodation service;
  • 4) maid service;
  • 5) service department;
  • 6) messenger service;
  • 7) porter service;
  • 8) concierge service;
  • 9) security service.

Reception and accommodation service. The first impression of the guest of the hotel depends on this service. The tasks of the service are to control the process of receiving and accommodating guests, resolving conflicts. The accommodation service uses unreserved numbers to sell directly to customers at a higher price.

Reservation service. The manager who is in charge of this service reports to the director of the service department. The main task of managers is to sell all empty hotel rooms as expensive as possible, convincing the client that the hotel meets his requirements and even exceeds his expectations. The manager must fight for every client.

The reservation service collects requests for reservations and monitors the increase in demand, based on which it increases the cost of accommodation. Rooms that have not been booked in advance are transferred to the accommodation service for the purpose of their subsequent sale at a higher price. The responsibilities of this service include monitoring the situation in the hotel or hotel, collecting requests for reservations of vacant rooms and determining the possibility of increasing demand, which the hotel could use to increase the cost of accommodation in order to generate more income for the company.

The Administrative Office is the largest service, employing about 50% of all employees. Guest surveys highlight the value of this service.

The communications service provides internal communications for official use, communications with the client. The communication center works around the clock.

Service staff. At the head is a manager, in whose subordination are the doormen, porter and bellhop.

Doormen meet guests at the entrance to the hotel. They are usually dressed in brightly colored uniforms. Doors are responsible for welcoming guests, getting out of the car, or calling a taxi.

The porter service monitors the hotel's room stock, keeping a card index of room occupancy and availability, and serves as an information center. Information through the porter service moves in two directions - to guests (when it comes to informing about the types of services provided by the hotel, local attractions, the work of public transport, etc.) and to various departments of the hotel enterprise.

The maid service is the most functionally important unit when it comes to receiving hotel accommodation services, since this unit is responsible for cleaning rooms, halls, corridors and other internal areas where customers are received and serviced. The duties of this service include cleaning rooms, halls, corridors.

The person in charge of the maid service is responsible for the work of the staff to maintain cleanliness and order in the living and working areas of the hotel.

The senior maid receives instructions from the director and brings them to her subordinates, distributes responsibilities among them, while simultaneously performing the administrative functions assigned to her by the executive director.

The corridors should accompany the guest to his room, help carry the luggage and settle in the room. The corridor explains to the guest what and how it works, for example, laundry, TV, room service, restaurant, swimming pool.

The security service performs the functions of maintaining order and security in the hotel, as the enterprise is responsible for ensuring the reasonable security of its customers. This service deals with issues such as developing strategies for emergency response, day-to-day room security, key control, hotel entrance control, territory control, safes, information collection and storage, alarm system.

The hotel company can entrust the implementation of these responsibilities as its own service, or involve an external organization.

All financial matters and personnel are in charge of the administration service. This service creates and maintains the necessary working conditions for personnel, monitors the norms and rules of safety, fire and environmental safety. She manages and is responsible for all hotel services. The administrative service includes:

  • 1) financial service;
  • 2) personnel service;
  • 3) the secretariat;
  • 4) fire safety engineer;
  • 5) safety engineer.

The financial service deals with the financial support of the enterprise, receives reports from the cashiers of each outlet of the enterprise, including the catering service, the porter service, souvenir kiosks and sports complexes, if any. The service in question maintains a unified financial accounting of the expenses and income of the enterprise of income from retail outlets, conducts operations to record paid working hours, bonuses paid, and tips received by individual employees.

The personnel service solves the issues of selection, placement and advanced training of personnel. The responsibilities of this unit include the management of personal files of all hotel employees.

The Secretariat deals with the issues of documentation and information support of the hotel complex.

Night auditor. His work begins at night and consists of checking and summing up the accounts payable of guests.

The catering service serves guests in cafes, bars, restaurants on the territory of the hotel, and also organizes and serves banquets, presentations, etc.

The catering service includes:

  • 1) bars;
  • 2) cafe;
  • 3) restaurants;
  • 4) the kitchen.

The duties of the head of the catering service are:

  • 1) drawing up the menu;
  • 2) delivery of the necessary products;
  • 3) quality control of finished products;
  • 4) distribution of service personnel by areas.

Food service departments are headed by managers. This department includes managers who monitor room service.

The basis of all restaurants is the menu according to which guests are served.

Kitchen. The role of this service is very important, as everyone has a need for food. Vacationers experience a greater sense of satisfaction when the food is prepared tasty and nutritious. Much depends on the qualifications of the chefs.

This service includes restaurants, bars, cafes, room service.

The only thing that can spoil the experience of a well prepared food is poor service. To prevent this from happening, the staff must serve the guest on time.

The proper functioning of the kitchen requires the timely delivery of food and beverages in sufficient quantity and of the proper quality. The food and beverage department keeps track of those foods and beverages that are in greatest demand, constantly looking for an opportunity to update the assortment.

The transport department serves guests, bringing them to the hotel, providing tourists with cars for use, ensuring timely delivery of food and drinks.

Gambling establishments, leisure centers offer the hotel's customers gambling services, such as slot machines, casinos, all kinds of games and entertainment. The leisure center organizes various meetings, concerts, excursions, various hobby groups for guests' interests and hobbies, etc. In a word, this department is engaged in attracting guests to active recreation.

The commercial service analyzes the results of economic and financial activities. The commercial department is headed by the commercial director. He oversees the organization of banquet services. Representatives of commercial services are looking for contacts with organizers of congress events, discussing the use of hotel premises for meetings and conferences.

Engineering services are responsible for the technical equipment and furnishing of the hotel (air conditioning, heating systems, etc.).

The engineering services include:

  • 1) chief engineer;
  • 2) maintenance service;
  • 3) territory improvement service;
  • 4) communication service.

The list of auxiliary services includes laundry and linen services, cleaning services, and a warehouse.

Additional services include paid services:

  • 1) sauna;
  • 2) pool;
  • 3) hairdressing salon;
  • 4) solarium;
  • 5) sports facilities and other units.

There are also hidden units in hotels. This is the sales and marketing department.

The responsibilities of sales and marketing employees can be divided into four groups, including:

  • 1) selling a hotel product;
  • 2) sale of services for the organization of business seminars and conferences;
  • 3) advertising;
  • 4) public relations.

The marketing department works closely with the administrative department. The task of marketers is to research the market and determine the segment in which they will operate. They also study the work of their competitors, identify their strengths and weaknesses. If a guest has any need, the administrative service notifies not only the department that can satisfy this need, but also the marketing department.

The marketing department is an analytical center that collects various kinds of information and builds a sales strategy on its basis.

The information department consists of systems divided into several modules.

Manager module (hotel management support system). It generates reports automatically. You can, for example, ask the system to print reports on the activities of various departments at a specific time.

Administrative service module. This system collects data on the technical condition of rooms, room status, room rates, current hotel occupancy. With its help, guests are booked and registered, and regular customers are identified. We can say that the administrative service keeps a personal account of the guest, which reflects the costs that the guest made in the room, payment for food in the restaurant, cleaning clothes in a dry cleaner, etc.

The reservation department module is intended for the automated work of the room reservation department.

Power subdivision module. The kitchen receives information from suppliers, from the room service department to the central kitchen terminal - orders from hotel customers. Orders are also transferred from sales areas.

Maid department module. This module is used for information about the status of numbers. Each number is assigned the status either "Free" or "Busy".

The information department is located outside the hotel, as it were, and therefore is not included in the main network of the hotel complex. The CIOs are the “suppliers” of the hotel guests and therefore have no direct connection with the internal departments of the hotel.

A separate place in any hotel enterprise is occupied by the head. Strategic decisions (focus on resort services, order and system of settlements with clients) are made by the owner, general director or hotel manager, who occupy the main place in the field of management.

The general director or manager is the representative of the owner of the enterprise to the management staff, on the one hand, and guests of the enterprise, on the other.

In addition, the general director solves problems related to the general directions of the enterprise, including the implementation of financial policy, which can include the determination of limits for personnel costs, maximum allocations for administrative and economic needs, procurement policy issues, etc.

In large hotels and hotels, there is an executive committee and the position of an executive director for round-the-clock monitoring and control of personnel. The presence of an executive committee is typical for hotel enterprises where there is a share of foreign capital. This committee includes the heads of various departments of the hotel enterprise.

Heads of structural divisions make decisions within their divisions and are accountable to higher management.

Hotels also have a middle management level, which includes certain management services. Each service has a manager, deputy manager, supervisor and hostess.

In the entire hierarchy of management, management takes a leading role. In order for local management to be more effective, it is necessary to have several levels of management, and there should be a minimum number of departments.

In the hotel industry, the use of the terms "department", "department", "service" is not consistent. In most hotels, large structural divisions ("housing stock", "food factory", "accounting", etc.) are called "divisions" ("division"). Smaller units within departments (for example, "banquet service" and "room service" within a food processing plant) may be called "sub-departments", "services" ("department"), or something else.

The terms "front of the house / FOH" and "back of the house / BOH" (from the English "facade" and "back of the house") are used to classify various services within a hotel in the world. Accordingly: services that work directly with guests, and services that do not have contact with guests.

The "FOH" includes: food factory and housing stock (including reception and reservation department). To "BOH": department of technical maintenance of the building, accounting department, personnel department.

Another type of classification of structural divisions of the hotel is financial. Departments and services within departments are divided into: "centers that bring direct profit" and "centers of support and supply." Direct profit centers directly generate revenue for the hotel by selling goods or providing services to guests. These are: reception and accommodation service, food processing plant, etc.

Hotels of various sizes and nature of specialization will have peculiarities in their organizational structure, but nevertheless, for any specific form of organization of a hotel enterprise, a number of its most important functions must be guaranteed to be performed. In addition, an extremely important factor is the harmony in the activities of all structural divisions of the hotel.

Large, medium and small businesses should differ in their organizational structure. But in any case, for successful work, it is necessary that key services are personally controlled.

In a small enterprise, there is no particular need to maintain its own department for work with personnel: these functions can be performed for their department by each of the heads of those departments whose need for existence will be recognized.

The founding meeting will bring together the director, executive director, chief accountant once a week for an hour or two to discuss the following topics: guests, employees, overall quality of management, forecasts for occupancy, staff training, major expense items, renovation issues, energy savings , new legislation, profitability of the enterprise.

Figure 1 shows an approximate diagram of the organizational structure of a hotel enterprise, showing the relationship between departments and individual employees of the hotel. The diagram clearly demonstrates to each employee his place in the social process. Such a structural diagram allows the hotel director and management to clearly see the big picture: what and how each employee does. All employees are assigned to separate structural divisions of the hotel with clearly defined responsibilities and authorities.

It is the responsibility of the administrator to improve guest service. Functions: assess the occupancy of rooms; calculate the average room revenue for the last night; clarify collective applications for the next month; view the list of departing and arriving guests on that day; view the list of important guests and prepare papers for registration; take part in constituent assemblies; check the work schedule; instruct employees on serving guests.

Fig. 1. An example of the organizational structure of a hotel company

The chief accountant analyzes the results of economic and financial activities.

Manager deals with issues of operational and strategic planning.

A restaurant (cook, bartender, waiter) provides service to the guests of the enterprise in the restaurant, hotel bar, decides on the organization and maintenance of banquets, presentations.

The head of the farm is responsible for the direct purchase of products and consumables, their storage, issuance and accounting.

Auxiliary services (security guards, maids) ensure the operation of the hotel complex, offering laundry services, linen services, cleaning of premises.

Each employee must not only know their immediate responsibilities and functions, but also have a good understanding of how their work relates to that of other employees or departments, and how their overall activities affect the efficiency of the hotel. It is extremely important for the director to constantly compare the above scheme with the range of services provided by the hotel - this will make it possible to conclude whether there is an excess of labor in certain areas and vice versa.

There are usually few organizational problems in small hotels these days. The distribution of tasks, the definition of powers and responsibilities, and the relationship between members of the enterprise can be built on a personal and informal basis. But most hotels require some kind of structure by which interpersonal relationships are separated and coordinated. In large hotels, there is a need for a neat and purposeful organizational structure.

The organizational structure of a hotel enterprise is determined by the purpose of the hotel, its location, the specifics of guests and other factors. It is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees. But this does not prevent us from identifying the main services available in any hotel:

  • - Room Fund Management Service (Guest Service Department);
  • - Catering service;
  • - Administrative Service;
  • - Commercial service;
  • - Engineering (technical services);
  • - Supporting and additional services.

Regardless of the factors affecting the size of the hotel enterprise and the composition of its structure, there is the concept of a "guest (or technological) cycle", which defines the minimum set of hotel services required for the production and sale of a quality hotel product (Fig. 1).

In hotel enterprises of different types and sizes, the number of services serving the "guest cycle" may be more or less. Their functions may also vary. For example, only in the structure of large hotel complexes, reservation and service services are independent structural units. In small and medium-sized enterprises, the booking and customer service functions are performed by the reception staff. This also applies to marketing, engineering, operations, finance and accounting, commercial services.

The same "guest cycle" allows to clearly divide all hotel services into two levels, depending on the degree of contact with the consumer. The first level is the services, the staff of which has direct contact with the consumer (contact services), the second level is the services, the staff of which practically does not contact the guest (non-contact services).

Management of any hotel enterprise is carried out on the basis of an organizational structure, chosen independently. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the effective disposal of management functions by divisions with the fulfillment of the following requirements: the solution of the same issues should not be under the jurisdiction of different divisions; all management functions should be the responsibility of the management units; one unit should not be charged with resolving issues that are solved more effectively by another. The structure tree represents the joint activity of several organizational structures or services:

- License plate management service the fund (service department or accommodation service) deals with the following issues: booking rooms; the reception of tourists staying at the hotel, their registration and accommodation according to their rooms; sending tourists home or to the next point of the travel route after the end of the tour; providing room service; maintaining the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms and the level of comfort in the living quarters; providing household services to guests.

The service department includes the following divisions:

Director or manager of room maintenance.

Reservation service. The functions of the reservation service include: accepting applications and processing them, drawing up the necessary documentation: a schedule of arrivals for each day (week, month, quarter, year), room stock movement cards.

Reception and accommodation service (chief administrator service, porter service). This service is often referred to as the heart or nerve center of the hotel. This is the service with which the guest most of all contacts and where he most often turns for information and services during his entire stay at the hotel. The first favorable impression means a lot for the overall assessment of the enterprise. A negative experience will make the guest wary of other services.

The most important functions of the reception service include: greeting the guest; fulfillment of the necessary formalities for its placement; allocation of rooms and accounting of free places in the hotel (this function can be performed by a separately formed porter service); billing and settlement of accounts with clients (preliminary and final); maintaining a guest card.

Room fund maintenance service (maid service; administrative service; castellan service). The largest hotel division in terms of the number of personnel. It employs up to 50% of all hotel employees. At the head is the director or, as he is called in foreign hotels, the executive (or chief) castellan. Maids, floor attendants, supervisors and other categories of workers are subordinate to him.

The most important function of the service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public areas.

The main task of the maids is to clean the rooms, whether they are busy or not. The maid is also responsible for checking the safety of the room equipment. Depending on the type of hotel, each maid cleans and tidies up from 16 to 20 rooms.

Some hotels have a supervisor who oversees the work of the maid shift to make sure the rooms are cleaned to standards.

In hotels of high service categories (luxury) there are stewards who start work in the afternoon. Their responsibilities include providing each room with fresh towels, making the room look smart, etc.

In addition, the structure of this service may also include a laundry, dry cleaning, ironing and other services that provide hotel rooms and guests with the necessary accessories for a comfortable stay. The creation of these services depends on the size, the category of the hotel business, and several other factors.

The activities of the direct head of this service in the work of various categories and types of hotel enterprises differ. For example, the role of the chief castellan in corporate and independent hotels may differ slightly when purchasing furniture and equipment. A large independent hotel relies heavily on the experience and knowledge of the chief castellan, while in the hotel chain it is the corporate shopping agent who does it. The chief castellan is responsible for maintaining a significant amount of documentation. He not only draws up a work schedule and evaluates the work of department employees, he is also responsible for the safety and proper appearance of furniture in guest rooms, halls and halls, supplying maids with supplies of detergents and cleaning agents, accounting and replenishment of bed linen, supply hygiene items, etc.

Service (doormen, bellhop attendants, cloakroom attendants, garage employees, concierges, messengers). Due to the importance of the first impressions of the customer, a special responsibility lies with the service personnel, or uniformists. The service personnel is headed by a manager. Doors, bellhops, cloakroom attendants, garage employees, concierges, messengers obey him.

The first guests at an informal level are greeted by employees of the garage. The duty officer of this service greets arriving guests, opens the car doors, helps with placing the luggage on the trolley and is responsible for the safety of the vehicle.

In the event that it is economically unprofitable for the hotel, or it is organizationally difficult to have a garage service, the first person to meet the guest is the doorman. He is always dressed in a conspicuous uniform and stands at the door, greeting guests, helping them get out of the car, calling for a taxi for them, giving them all kinds of information about the hotel and the city.

The main function of the bellhop is to accompany guests and deliver luggage to their rooms.

Concierges and concierges are also service personnel. They provide a variety of services to guests, such as obtaining tickets for cultural events, organizing restaurant reservations, advising on local restaurants, and more.

Security Service. In a broad sense, she is responsible for protecting her own hotel, all guests and others, and their personal property.

The hotel management develops a program based on 3 interrelated factors: physical security; staff work and safety procedures; technical systems.

Action must be taken quickly and efficiently from an economic point of view. The main focus should be on the so-called preventive safety issues, not on the investigation of already committed crimes and punishment.

- Catering service... Provides services for the guests of the enterprise in restaurants, cafes and hotel bars, solves issues of organizing and servicing banquets, presentations, etc.

Service composition:

  • - Kitchen;
  • - A restaurant;
  • - Bars and cafes;
  • - Section for cleaning the interior and washing dishes;
  • - Department of services for public events;
  • - Room service.
  • - Administrative Service... Responsible for organizing the management of all services of the hotel complex, resolves financial issues, personnel support issues, creates and maintains the necessary working conditions for hotel personnel, monitors compliance with the established rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, fire and environmental safety.

Service composition:

  • - Secretariat;
  • - Financial service;
  • - Personnel service;
  • - Ecologist;
  • - Fire and safety inspectors.
  • - Commercial service... Deals with operational and strategic planning. Analyzes the results of economic and financial activities.

Service composition:

  • - Commercial Director;
  • - Marketing service.
  • - Engineering (technical) services... They create conditions for the functioning of air conditioning systems, heat supply, sanitary equipment, electrical devices, repair and construction services, television and communication systems.
  • - Support services... They ensure the operation of the hotel complex, offering laundry, tailoring, linen service, cleaning service, duplicating service, warehouse service, etc.


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