Description of the tourist product. Technology for preparing and conducting a tourist presentation. What is included in the concept of a tourist product

Any theme park, hotel, or other tourism venture will invariably face a choice of what to produce and to what extent. The inevitability of this problem is obvious. After all, they have a small amount of production resources. The final decision will depend on as well as on those restrictions and obstacles that will be in her way.

What is included in the concept of a tourist product?

The success of any company in the market depends, first of all, on the attractiveness of the goods or services it produces to consumers. Depending on this, the marketing policy of the organization is built regarding the price, promotion on the market and distribution.

As for travel companies, they offer their consumers a tourism product. What is included in this concept? If we consider a product as an economic category, then its content is very voluminous. By definition, this is everything that is offered on the market and is able to satisfy the need or desire of customers. Thus, ideas and services, physical objects, etc. can act as a product. That is, everything that is attractive to purchase.

The tourist product can be viewed in two dimensions. On the one hand, this is a comprehensive service. In this sense, consumers of a tourist product purchase a set of services that are sold in one package. However, this perception is unique to buyers. According to suppliers, a tourism product is something specific. So, for carriers this concept includes transportation services, for hotels - accommodation work, and for theme parks - entertainment events. In this case, the tourist product is a constituent element of the package sold to consumers. As you can see, from the point of view of suppliers, this concept has narrower boundaries.

Features inherent in a tourist product

With all the ambiguity of the concept under consideration, many economists attribute it to a tourist product in tourism in eighty percent of cases is a service that has:

- the inseparability of the links between production and consumption;
- variability;
- inability to store.

(tourist service) is something that never takes on a materialized form. It cannot be tasted, seen or demonstrated until received. In addition, the purchase of such a product does not result in the buyer's ownership of anything. And this fundamentally distinguishes it from a physical purchase.

Among the features of tourist products, one can also identify their varying degrees of tangibility. For example, the products offered by agencies are a tourist set lunch at fast food establishments. He is a real object. Lunches in classic restaurants have a lesser degree of material expression. The buyer comes to these establishments not so much for food as for the atmosphere itself. It is even more difficult to grasp the services offered by transport companies and hotels. Here the buyer purchases not a plane or a hotel, but transportation and accommodation.

Tour package

This concept includes a mandatory range of services offered to individual travelers or groups of people. Sometimes a tourist package is associated with a tourist product. It requires four elements.

The first one is the tourist center. It is a travel destination with natural and cultural-historical, ethnic and ecological, infrastructural and socio-demographic opportunities. It should be said that the development of a tourist product is impossible without the inclusion of this element in it. After all, if there is no object of interest, then the organization of the trip becomes impossible. For example, when contacting a travel agency, one person will express a desire to go to France, another to Pushkin Hills, and the third to Crimea. However, regardless of the scale of the territory, each of them chooses the final object. For one it is a country, for another it is a specific place, and for the third it is a region. At the same time, tour operators reduce the desires of visitors to a tourist center or a single option. After all, they will be obliged to deliver the traveler to a specific resting place, where they will order transport. There will also be a hotel there.

The second element of the tourist package is transport. This is the vehicle for travelers. With its help, they get to the tourist center. The most popular mode of transport is, of course, the plane. If the distances are not too long, then you can move by bus, car or train. It should be said that most of the costs in a travel package are transportation costs. Moreover, the more high-speed and comfortable mode of transport is used, the higher the cost of the trip itself will be.

The third element of the travel package is accommodation services. This is a specific hotel for relaxation and stay. Moreover, it is located in the tourist center. The creation of a tourist product involves the placement of the consumer in hotels and motels, villas and apartments, campgrounds, boats, etc. Differences in places of rest and accommodation are in accordance with the type of the concluded contract. As for food services, they are not a separate element of the tourist package, as they are included in the accommodation. The following combinations are accepted in tourism:

BB - accommodation with breakfast;
- HB - accommodation with breakfast and dinner (half board);
- RR - accommodation with breakfast, lunch and dinner (full board).

As a rule, tourists are given the opportunity to choose and order any of the combinations described above.

The fourth element included in the travel package is transfer. It is the delivery of vacationers from the airport, railway station or harbor located in the country of the final destination of the route to the hotel chosen for accommodation. Included in the transfer and return journey. For delivery, buses or other type of road transport are used. In other words, a transfer means the transportation of vacationers within the boundaries of their chosen tourist center.

The traveler receives significant discounts when purchasing a package that includes four must-haves. This is due to the seriality of the product offered to him. However, the presence of only one basic element is not required. Vacationers may ask to include other services in the package.

Components of a tourist product

What constitutes the structure of the services offered to travelers? There are three elements in a tourism product. This is a tour itself, as well as additional excursion services and goods. This is the difference between a tourist product and a package. The last one is included in the tour. Moreover, it is an obligatory part of it.

The tour is the primary unit of the tourist product, which is implemented as a whole in the form of a specific route and specific dates. This item does not take all the travel time. The tourist is given the opportunity to choose his own program of stay. This can be shopping and visiting clubs, a cultural program and walks around the city located in a recreation area. At the same time, the tour operator can offer various excursions and their own guides.

Goods are a specific material part of a tourist product. These are postcards and city maps, souvenirs and brochures, special equipment, etc. The material part includes scarce goods or those that will be more expensive in the place of permanent residence of travelers.

Tourism product creation

The services that companies offer to travelers, as mentioned above, are intangible. In addition, they are produced directly at the point of consumption. That is why the formation of a tourist product must be of high quality. Otherwise, tough competition in the market will not leave the company any chance of successful work in the future.

As a rule, the implementation of a tourist product is not spontaneous. Buyers come to the agency on someone's recommendation. Moreover, according to the research, negative information will spread much faster than positive information. That is why the creation of a tourist product should not ignore the issue of service quality. It will be the key to commercial success. Tour bureaus and hotels, restaurants and travel agencies may have the same material base, but at the same time they radically differ from each other precisely in the level of service. For some firms, this is the main trump card in the competition. In world practice, there are certain rules according to which an effective service is created. Compliance with them allows you to create and guarantee the further promotion of the tourist product. Let's consider these rules in more detail.

Conditions for creating quality services

Promotion of a tourist product will be impossible if the following principles are not taken into account in its formation:

The maximum possible correspondence of the offered services to the nature of consumption and the requirements of consumers;
- the continuity of the links between the service and marketing, its key tasks and principles;
- the flexibility of the services offered to the client by changing his preferences.

In addition, the implementation of a tourist product will become possible only if care for the staff is shown during its creation. This includes creating ergonomic workplaces, clearly formulating rules that are binding on all employees, etc. It is also necessary to track such elements as politeness and benevolence, the ability to do their job effectively, as well as the mood for further self-improvement.

The third principle that must be observed when creating a tourism product is the optimization of the activities of the company's management bodies. So, with a long chain of passage of the received order, there is a high probability of making mistakes. The optimal structure of the organization of the company's activities is considered when the number of elements included in it is extremely small. Only in this case it will be possible to create a tourist product without compromising its quality.

There is another principle that is necessary to ensure the normal operation of a business that provides travel services. It consists in comprehensive, complete and objective control over the quality of the service provided. And for this you need:

Create special control services;

Create methods and criteria that will allow you to correlate the requirements of existing standards with the actual state of affairs;

Involve guests in assessing the quality of the services provided;

Create personnel self-control systems;

Constantly work with quality teams.

The need to provide comfortable conditions

Throughout its history, the market for tourism products confirms the unchanging role of enterprises providing services to travelers. Today, as in all previous times, the guest must be met, and then watered, fed and put to bed. Only unlike the famous fairytale hero, today's travelers appreciate the high level of comfort and a fairly large number of services.

A modern tourism product must meet the varied needs of guests. For example, a hotel with a good minibar and a well-developed service system is comfortable for our compatriots. At the same time, the snacks and drinks offered in it should be for every taste and preferably inexpensive. But American tourists consider the hotel comfortable, in the rooms of which there is a place for making cocktails, and where ice can be brought at any time. Also, guests from this country will certainly appreciate the high level of the security system. A well-developed food chain is important for Europeans. They also pay attention to the equipment of the bathrooms. It is important for the Japanese to get the necessary information in a timely manner while traveling. They will also highly appreciate the presence of restaurants with oriental cuisine.

How can a company operating on the market create a comfortable tourist product of activity? The product, that is, the services offered to travelers, should be sufficient and versatility is important. The complex of constituent components must certainly include such areas of comfort as:

- economic;
- aesthetic;
- household;
- psychological.

Information comfort

A quality tourist product can be offered to travelers only on condition of a complete description of the hotel, catering establishments, as well as all facilities within the hotel industry. This information is provided to guests prior to arriving at the final destination of the route. It is important for the tour operator to show a photo reflecting the types of design of rooms and premises, as well as to familiarize travelers with the prices and range of services offered by the hotel. A tourist can study such information on a specially created website of the company. With the help of modern technologies, guests can virtually walk around the hotel, look into the restaurant's kitchen, get acquainted with the interior of the rooms, the equipment of the fitness center, etc.

Important components of information comfort are also:

Special pictogram systems that can help guests navigate within the walls of the hotel;
- the awareness of the working staff, able to answer all the questions of tourists not only about the hotel, but also about the country in which they arrived.

Economic comfort

This concept includes a tourist-friendly calculation system. It includes bonuses and deposits, club cards and other motivation measures aimed at the emergence of a traveler's desire to use the services of tour desks, catering establishments, etc. located in this hotel. Such a move is the goal of the entire created quality system. At the same time, special attention is paid to club cards, which allow attracting and retaining a client. At the same time, the withdrawal of cash from circulation is a big plus in any business. After all, this greatly reduces the likelihood of the risk of raid, fraud and theft. The client gets a real discount, saving his money.

Aesthetic comfort

Why do guests choose this or that hotel? They are attracted by the aesthetic design of the interior, which creates an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. It:

Uniform style of premises, corresponding to the general orientation of the enterprise;
- color scheme that does not annoy the guest;
- use of finishing materials corresponding to the level of hygiene and safety.

Household comfort

This concept implies the creation of appropriate conditions necessary for the normal stay of the guest. Household comfort implies optimal temperature and humidity in the premises, as well as the convenience of furniture. To create such conditions, enterprises use the necessary equipment. These are air conditioners and air purifiers. The purchase and installation of comfortable furniture is also important.

Psychological comfort

This is a very complex concept. It covers all the comfort components discussed above. If at least one of the previously listed elements is missing, then the tourist's mood will certainly be ruined.

But at the same time, psychological comfort is also created by the staff. It directly depends on the respect and hospitality of the staff. Disregard for travelers leads to a sharp decline in the quality of the tourist product.

Drafting and signing a contract

The fact of reaching an agreement between the parties, which are the seller and the buyer, must always be legally secured. To carry out this procedure, an agreement is signed on the sale of a tourist product. This document should be characterized by certainty and clarity of content. All this will predetermine the peculiarities of the rights and obligations of both parties.

The main subject considered by the tourist product agreement is the provision of a set of services agreed in advance. At the same time, the document must indicate their price and terms during which the tourist product will be sold.

The signed contract must stipulate:

- means of transport used to deliver tourists to the place of rest and back;
- points and dates of departure, as well as return from the trip;
- the degree of comfort of the hotel and the type of food provided;
- itinerary;
- availability of special requirements presented by the consumer.

All other terms and conditions contained in the contract must comply with the requirements of applicable laws.

2.2. Psychology of tourism product presentation

2.2.1. Main arguments

The presentation of a tourist product is always based on argumentation. The ability to show the product with your face has long been the key to successful trade. Most companies have product presentation standards that take into account the psychology of perception. To improve the efficiency of trade, it is advisable to be inventive by painting a picture of the benefits and benefits that the client will receive as a result of the consumption of the tourist product. A tourist product differs from any other goods in that it is not visible to the client, it is impossible to touch or hold it in his hands. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that the presentation is clear. For this, it is recommended to use various advertising materials (brochures, catalogs, brochures, videos, etc.).

A travel product sales manager must know and apply several key arguments with which to influence the client. These arguments include: security considerations, cost savings, novelty and originality of the route, comfort, prestige, popularity of the tour and loyalty to tradition.

1. Security considerations. Travel is an area that, to one degree or another, is always associated with risk, threat to life and health. Some people have increased anxiety. If the client seeks, first of all, to protect himself from transport delays, thefts, bites of poisonous insects, getting into areas with an unstable political situation, etc. quality of service.
2. Cost savings. There are tourists who do not like to save money during their holidays, but when choosing a place to stay and comparing prices for tours, they show decent stinginess. If the manager felt that the client wants to save money or wants to show entrepreneurship, buy a tour at the lowest price, then you need to focus on this. During the presentation, an employee of a travel agency should create an illusion for the "thrifty" buyer that it is reasonable to choose the best tour at the most affordable price.
3. The novelty and originality of the route. There is a category of tourists for whom the novelty and originality of the route is the most important motive for making a trip. These clients will never take the hackneyed traditional routes. They are eager to be part of those new tours that have just been advertised on TV or in magazines.
4. Comfort. This is not only the basis and necessary condition for a good rest, but also an effective argument when choosing and completing a package of tourist services. For most tourists, this type of argument will be one of the main ones. But rational and practical clients with an analytical mindset are especially receptive to him. Although to one degree or another, this argument is useful for all potential consumers of tourism services.
5. Kudos to the tour. Tourism not only contributes to raising the prestige of a person in the eyes of others ("Wow, he was in India!", "Just think, they took language practice courses in the USA!"), But is also an indispensable means of maintaining a certain social status. If we want to play on the client's vanity and ambition (and which of us does not want to be significant), then we should emphasize the uniqueness and prestige of the proposed tour, its rarity and exclusivity.
6. Tour popularity. This argument is based on the mechanism of imitation. This mechanism draws people in, since thinking on their own, finding their own solutions is hard work that not everyone likes, and it is impossible to rely only on your mind in everything and always - you will have to repeat the whole path of mankind in your biography, opening fire, the wheel and so on. Therefore, people, striving out of laziness or out of common sense to save their intellectual strength, follow the path of imitation. "If everyone goes to the Black Sea, then why are we worse?" So the manager will be able to influence the client by telling him that recently the route he is interested in is very popular. This will "add fuel to the fire."
7. Loyalty to tradition. Attachment to a particular type of recreation can be associated not only with the tastes and preferences of a person, but also with his real physical and financial capabilities. Some conservatism of a tourist associated with his addiction to a certain type of tourism, route or season can also serve as a good trump card for a manager.

2.2.2. Suggestion techniques

Any presentation of something is to one degree or another connected with suggestion. Suggestion is a method that promotes uncritical perception of external information. Who is able to inspire? One who has authority. The higher the authority, the more irrefutable the evidence of the suggestible seems. Experienced salespeople often use elements of suggestion techniques. Some of them are simply irreplaceable in the presentation of a tourist product, given the specific features of the latter. After all, a tourist, having come to the office of a travel company, pays not for hotel accommodation, but for new sensations and acquaintance with the unknown; not a cutlet in a restaurant, but comfort, attention, and atmosphere. What needs to be suggested to the client to make him want to go on a trip?

Let's formulate some suggestion techniques in the form of recommendations to managers:

1. Create vivid pictures of your upcoming trip. The most effective way to interest a potential tourist who does not have a predetermined travel goal is to be most interested in what you are talking about. If a manager wants a client to buy a tourist product, he needs to create conditions so that this client, already in the office, will experience at least a part of the pleasure that he will fully experience during the trip. And for this, an employee of a travel company should himself, colorfully and vividly describing the upcoming tour, experience the pleasure of a still virtual trip. In essence, the manager mixes up two realities: the one in which the client is next to him, in the office, and the one created by the narrative-description. And the brighter the story, the less the client will feel the difference between a real and a virtual trip. And this is a guarantee that he wants to experience the pleasure to the fullest. For our needs and desires for something are formed, first of all, under the influence of the pleasure that we can experience while doing this. And the greater the pleasure, the stronger the desire to prolong this state in the future. Therefore, the creation in the client's mind of a vivid image of the journey ensures a stable memorization of this journey. For example: “Anatoly Petrovich! Just imagine that you are in a country where the pages of history textbooks come to life. In a country where the sun plays with the waves of the sea, and the night is full of the sounds of music and multilingual speech! You feel the elasticity of the wind and the smell of the sea, hear the cries of seagulls in the sky ... You are amazed by the harmony of nature! You can hear live performance of Greek national songs, enjoy great local cuisine! You are in the legendary and most picturesque places of Greece! " This example demonstrates the anticipation of the future. However, the manager can, based on the information about the client received before the presentation, create a positive state for him by hooking up to pleasant events in the past. For example: "Remember those amazing feelings when you first visited the mountains?"

2. Use long phrases when creating striking pictures. First-class speakers know that it is easier to create a picture using complex and complex sentences, participial and participial phrases, epithets and metaphors than simple or nominal sentences. It would be nice for the managers of travel companies to adopt this. For example: “You are looking at the image of the Eiffel Tower in the catalog and, probably, imagine how you are at its top, inspecting the magnificent Champs Elysees and, holding your breath, listen to the melody“ Under the Parisian sky ”sounding in your soul. And now just imagine how much pleasure you will get when you find yourself in the very heart of Paris, and all this perfection can be enjoyed at least every day. " Long phrases fascinate and captivate the mind of a potential tourist, reduce his resistance to suggestion.

3. Inspire the client with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal choice of the tour. Considering that tourist service is not limited to the sale of a voucher, it is extremely important that the client leaves the office with firm confidence that the tour he has chosen is the best on the tourist services market. Of course, based on the client's financial options for choice. You can use the phrases: “You will not regret that you have chosen this particular tour, and remember my words!”, “I think you made the absolutely right choice. A similar trip to another company would cost you 5 thousand more. In addition, you will have an excellent opportunity to use the exclusive services specially provided for this tour. "

2.2.3. Tourism product presentation methods

There are various methods of presenting a tourism product. Many of them are used by experienced managers all the time without realizing it. This is their beauty. If an employee of a travel company in the course of his work has developed his own special style of working with a client, which gives good results, then this is very commendable. Such a manager does not need to explain how to present a tourist product to a client. All his methods are so organically woven into the style of service he has developed that they are completely invisible without special analysis. And starting to analyze the presentation speech of an experienced manager with an individual style, it is quite possible to discover previously unfamiliar methods that can be used to enrich the collection that is known among specialists in this field. However, such managers are the exception rather than the rule today. The booming tourism industry is attracting more and more people who often do not have a rich experience of serving tourists. Their only method is trial and error. All this often turns into a replenishment of the competitors' wallet. To avoid this deplorable situation, it is advisable for young managers to know and use in practice the methods of presenting a tourist product. Let's consider some of them.

1. Using comparisons. Everything is relative! Whatever we want to do, there is an element of choice in everything. And there is a choice only when there is something to compare with. The persuasiveness of speech doubles, if not triples, when comparisons appear in it. What can be compared during the presentation of a tourism product? First, the tourist products themselves with all the necessary characteristics. They can be compared according to criteria such as the composition and quality of tourist services, demand, target segment, price, etc. Secondly, your tours with the tours available from competitors, if possible and necessary. Although you can do without the second.

2. Use of metaphors and epithets. Metaphor is a hidden comparison. For example: "On this train you can rush faster than the wind", or "During your holiday in Cyprus, you will feel like in paradise." The more unexpected, original and, at the same time, accurate in the sense of correlating phenomena, the metaphor is, the more chances it has to achieve its pictorial goal. The perception of this or that metaphor is subjective, but in general, the use of metaphors during the presentation of a tourist product will create a colorful and emotional image. And the brighter it is, the more impact will be made on a potential tourist. The same goes for epithets. Epithets greatly increase the credibility of a presentation. They should not only be appropriate, but

Especially when it comes to young professionals who have only academic knowledge about the organization of tourist activities and are fresh, original, emotional and expressive. Moreover, the epithets themselves have less emotional impact than in a specific context. However, some of them can be prepared in advance. When serving tourists in the office, such epithets can be: delightful, harmonious, ingenious, unique, wonderful, high-quality, complete, beautiful, irreplaceable, original, first-class, prestigious, attractive, entertaining, radiant, radiant, legendary, chic, exclusive and others.

3. Use of special terms. Skillful use of terms will allow the manager not only to earn a reputation as a knowledgeable and competent employee, but also strengthen the client's confidence in the information received. However, the degree of use of the terms should approximately correspond to the level of competence of the tourist himself. Also, one should not "overdo" speech with professional terminology. Do not get carried away with phrases like: “Our offer with contractors and franchising companies on the issue of booking seats in the reception service received the necessary response. So you can safely use our services. " Is the tourist able to understand what has been said? Hardly. However, everything needs flexibility. If a manager serves a tourist "with great experience", then the language of "franchising" will do. If communication takes place with a client who is not very well versed in the specifics of the package of a tourist product, then it is better to limit ourselves to only a few special terms.

4. Using figures and facts. “I'm not going to convince you. I will just give you one fact ”, - say experienced managers of travel companies. It is facts and figures that take the client out of the state of information uncertainty, which is the main obstacle to making any decision, including the purchase of a tour. We can accept for ourselves only what we know and understand. All hazy and cloudy human consciousness will not perceive. The incomprehensible and difficult causes aggression. Figures and facts significantly increase the validity of the statements of the manager of the travel company. You can simply say: "We serve a lot of tourists." But the words will be much more convincing: "The day before yesterday, the ten thousandth client became the happy owner of a free week's rest in the Solnyshko boarding house."

Tourism activity can be considered as the activity of tourism organizers (tour operators and travel agents) in the formation of a consumer product - a tourist product, on the one hand, and the activity of tourists consuming this product, on the other. The tourist product is the basis of the tourist offer and tour.

In practice and in special literature, the concept of a tourist product has become the main segmentation criterion in identifying the components of the proposal. At the same time, a tourist product is the sum of complex, heterogeneous elements. In terms of production tourist product is a set of a certain quantity and quality of goods and services of a tourist nature, prepared at the moment for sale to consumers.

Tourist product- a set of material (consumer goods) and non-material (in the form of a service) use values \u200b\u200bnecessary to meet the needs of a tourist arising during his tourist trip and caused by this particular trip.

E.A. Janjugazova defines tourist product as a set of use values \u200b\u200bwith a recreational effect, existing in the form of specific tourism and resort goods and services, which are produced and are available at the moment for consumption in a specific natural and social environment.

The main source of the tourist product is tourist resources. According to the definition contained in the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 05.02.2007) under tourist resources means natural, historical, socio-cultural objects, including objects of tourist display, as well as other objects that can satisfy the spiritual and other needs of tourists, help maintain their life, restore and develop their physical strength.

The resource base, as a source of a tourist product, can be represented as follows: tourist resources included directly or indirectly in the tour object; tangible and intangible objects, including goods, as well as related services designed to meet the needs of tourists or accompanying the process of consumption of tourist services; tourist services aimed at organizing the consumption of a tourist product by a consumer - a tourist.

Consequently, the tourism product has three sources:

1) natural resources;

2) an ordered system of knowledge and technologies of tourism and tourist services;

3) the organizational and legal structure of enterprises and the trained personnel of enterprises in the tourism sector, the tourism industry, related industries, capable of serving the tourist interest and being an object of consumption at all levels.

The tourist product is the basis of the tour; some of its elements can be included in the tour program and be recorded in the voucher. Thus, an elementary product can consist of a single service or a set of services of an enterprise or groups of enterprises (for example, accommodation services plus catering services). It can also be an aggregate product based on a complex set of services that form a typical or individual tour. An even higher level is occupied by the tourist product offered by a large tour operator; it may include not one tour, but several different tours to one or several regions and centers. The highest level is the aggregate tourism product of the tourist center, region, and this hierarchy is completed by the national (regional) tourist product.

The consumers of the tourist product can be tourists, sightseers and other visitors of the tourist center individually or in a group, independently or on a planned basis, often by their characteristics and not related to tourist categories, including, for example, local residents.

The Russian tourist law gives the following interpretation of the tourist product. Article 1. of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation" tourist product is defined as a set of transportation and accommodation services provided for the total price (regardless of the inclusion in the total price of the cost of excursion services and (or) other services) under an agreement on the sale of a tourist product.

Consequently, this definition includes four additional concepts - tourist service, transportation, accommodation, sales contract. The concept of "tourist service" was discussed by us in paragraph 9.1. The concepts of "transportation" and "placement" were considered within the framework of topic 6. Implementation in this context should be considered as the sale and subsequent performance of the tour. In the general case, the implementation of the tour is carried out by travel agents and partly by tour operators who act as intermediaries between the tourist and the enterprises of the tourism industry and perform the tour services.

This definition assumes that the owner of the tour - the tourist - can: go or not go on the tour (refuse it); use it partially or completely; to cede the tour to another capable subject; sell it to another entity; donate to someone at your own discretion; exchange, book a tour, etc. If the owner nevertheless decided to use the purchased services and benefits promised directly or indirectly, the tourist has the right to demand that the tourist provide him with all the services included in the tour, adequate to the quantity and quality stipulated by the contract.

The analysis shows that the combination of all tourist goods into one concept is an objective necessity, since the consumer cannot satisfy his various needs with one type of tourist goods or services, but only in a complex and at the same time in a certain setting. The tourist product is perceived by him as a "package of benefits", an indivisible whole. If the "package" is not completed, that is, there are no tourist benefits, then the usefulness of others may lose value for the consumer.

Also important (even more) is the economic nature of the tourist product. In general, a tourist product is a complex of tourist services, works accompanying the process of consumption of tourist services and goods. Each of these components has its own meaning and will certainly harmoniously complement the others. Consequently, the tourist product is:

§ services of the tourism industry - tour operators and travel agents, transportation, hospitality systems, attractions and entertainment events, special services (training, treatment, etc.);

§ works accompanying the process of consumption of tourist services and directly or indirectly affecting the effective consumption of services;

§ goods, which are a necessary element that satisfies the need of tourists to spend cash.

A tourist product has four characteristics that distinguish a service from a product:

Firstly, intangibility of services - their elusiveness or intangible nature means that they cannot be demonstrated, seen, transported, stored, etc.

Secondly, the inseparability of production and consumption - unlike goods, services cannot be produced for future use and stored, a service can be provided only when a client appears. From this point of view, the production and consumption of services are closely interrelated and cannot be separated.

Thirdly, variability - the quality of the provision of services varies and depends on the level of professionalism of the manufacturer, his competence, benevolence, politeness and sociability of his staff, as well as on the consideration of the individual requirements of each customer.

Fourth, inability to store - services cannot be produced for future use or stored, the problem arises of achieving an equilibrium between supply and demand.

However, the tourism product, along with the specific characteristics of services, has distinctive features:

§ the situational nature of the travel service, provided at a time and changing characteristics when you turn to the service again;

§ individuality of the service, since even in the conditions of mass organization of tours, the travel agency is ready to fulfill the individual requests of the client;

§ the difference in the properties of the use value of tourist products, since when deciding to buy a tourist product, he himself does not yet have clear quality characteristics, they will be revealed only when receiving a service;

§ uncertainty and relative anonymity of the source of the range of services that will be provided to the tourist, since tourist services are provided by a variety of enterprises and institutions; he knows only a travel agency that sold a tourist product, which guaranteed the number of services that will still be provided;

§ the phenomenon of saturation arising in connection with seasonal fluctuations in demand, as a result of which pronounced tourist areas and zones stand out;

§ the tourism product is created by the efforts of many organizations, each of which has its own working methods, specific needs and different commercial goals;

§ the buyer overcomes the distance separating the place of purchase of the tourist product from the place of its consumption, therefore, tourist services and goods can be sold only when the consumer is delivered to the place of their production;

§ the formation of consumer income intended for the purchase of tourist services and goods is governed by the conditions of the country of permanent residence, although the process of consumption itself is formed by the conditions of the countries of temporary residence or world prices;

§ the consumption of tourists includes benefits obtained both free of charge and sold locally;

§ in the process of tourism, the consumer bears the costs both for meeting the needs that do not depend on the stay away from home, and those caused by the trip itself;

§ the tourist's consumption process is always limited in time and space. The factor of seasonality is of great importance;

§ uncertainty and subjectivity of the criteria for the quality of a tourist product, which, in addition to direct indicators, depends on a number of variables (fashion, client's health, time of day, season, natural conditions, weather);

§ a significant impact on the quality of the tourist product is exerted by external factors that are of force majeure, that is, they do not depend on the will and actions of the seller and buyers - weather, natural conditions, natural disasters, cataclysms, terrorism, political conflicts, etc.

Specialists have identified several consumer properties of a tourist product:

§ hospitality - includes the dignity, respect and courtesy of the staff;

§ validity - the provision of all services must correspond to the purpose of the tourist's travel;

§ reliability- compliance of the product actually provided to the tourist with advertising, the reliability of information;

§ efficiency - achieving the greatest effect for a tourist while minimizing his costs;

§ integrity - completeness of the tourist product;

§ clarity- the consumption of a tourist product, its orientation, should be clear to both the tourist and the manufacturer;

§ ease of use - the ability to easily detect errors in service technology;

§ flexibility - a tourist product should provide for the possibility of replacing certain services in order to be focused on different consumers;

§ utility - the ability to serve the achievement of any goal, to meet the needs of a specific target group of consumers.

Life cycle of a tourist product... A tourist product goes through a series of successive stages in its development. , characterized by fluctuations in sales and profits and in the aggregate form the so-called life cycle (Fig. 8.1.).

Fig. 8.1. The life cycle of a tourism product

The beginning of the life cycle of a tourism product - implementation stage, that is, the moment when the tourism company first offered it to the market. A characteristic feature of this stage is the slow pace of sales of the product and the complete absence or presence of insignificant profit. The tourist company is experiencing significant difficulties in introducing a new product, and the existing infrastructure is not sufficiently adapted to the needs of the selected clientele. At the implementation stage, high costs are inevitable. At the same time, the absence of competition at this stage is the main advantage for the enterprise.

Growth stagecharacterized by a rapid increase in sales and, as a result, profit. Although marketing costs remain quite high, their share in the total costs of the firm is significantly reduced. During the growth stage, the tourism company strives to expand the product distribution and penetrate into new market segments. This stage depends on the level of competitiveness of the enterprise. Its characteristic feature is that the enterprises that started developing this product earlier than others have significant competitive advantages.

Maturity stagecharacterized by a slowdown in sales growth and stabilization. This is due to the changing needs of customers, the entry into the market of new, more advanced products, increased competition, and an insufficiently profitable product. At the stage of maturity, the circle of consumers practically does not expand. Some growth in the number of tourists may be due to increased income or a more favorable ratio of exchange rates, as well as due to tourists who have good impressions of their past travel and decided to use the services of this tourism company again. The profit at the stage of maturity begins to decline somewhat, although it remains quite high. The tourist company (as in the growth stage) is interested in maximizing the maturity stage. The main efforts are directed to retaining its market share by improving this product. If this does not happen, the product may lose its position in the market and find itself in a downturn.

Decline stagemeans the onset in the tourist market of satiety with this product. There is a drop in sales volumes and a decrease in profit. The transition of a tourist product to a recession stage, as a rule, is caused by the appearance of new products on the market, the disappearance of the need that this product met, etc. However, this stage can take a long time. In the absence of competition, the tourist company does not need to have high costs, and in some cases this situation even allows it to raise prices. However, this does not indicate the profitability of this product for the enterprise, since the volume of sales at the stage of recession becomes low. This phenomenon indicates the need for a timely reorientation to new needs.

Organization of tourism business: technology for creating a tourism product Mishina Larisa Aleksandrovna

3.1. Preparation of a tourist product for sale

Any result of the activities of travel companies intended for sale on the market is called tourist product... Depending on the characteristics of a tourist enterprise, a tourist product can act as separate services or as a complex of them (this complex should be perceived by the buyer as a single product). As already mentioned, the task of a travel agency is to produce and sell a tourism product of appropriate quality.

When developing a tourist product, one must remember that one of the components of the services offered is hospitality. HospitalityIs a quality that all service personnel should have. For tourists in an unfamiliar, new environment, it is very important to feel care and attention. Anyone will be pleased to understand that they are welcome here. All this leaves the tourist with a sense of moral satisfaction from the trip, a desire to contact this company again.

It is important that the tourism product offered by the companies meets the following properties:

1) validity- all services provided by the travel agency must be justified by a single purpose of the trip;

2) efficiency- lies in the fact that the consumer should remain as satisfied as possible with the services of the travel agency with minimal costs on his part;

3) reliability- the firm must guarantee the accuracy of all information provided to the consumer regarding the product;

4) integrity- the tourist product in its entirety must fully satisfy the needs of the tourist;

5) flexibility- the tourist product should be developed taking into account the desires of different types of consumers;

6) utility- the product must serve one or more customer needs.

The presence of these properties in the tourist product increases the degree of tourist satisfaction.

The tourist product should include basic, additional and related services.

TO the maintourist services include: accommodation, meals, transport services (including transfers), program services (various excursions, seminars that meet the purposes of the trip).

Basic services are included in any travel product, regardless of its goals and the audience for which it is designed. These services must be regulated by the travel service agreement and the voucher.

TO additionalservices include: additional excursions that are not included in the list of basic services, health and fitness services, medical services, cultural and game, entertainment events.

Additional services are a very important part of the tour. These services are provided for an additional fee at the moment the consumer wants to use them. It should be noted that such services can be offered to the consumer at the time of purchase of the tour or already during the tour. In the first case, the cost of services will be included in the tour price, in the second - services are paid by the tourist separately.

TO accompanyingservices include: various souvenir gifts, related services (reservation of seats, additional meals, rental, mail, information, currency and credit services, storage of things, entertainment not included in the price of the voucher, etc.), services of special types of communication ( TV, video).

The formation of a specific tourist product is the technology of tourist services and includes: the formation of routes, tours, excursion programs, the provision of basic, additional and related services.

Tour is the main type of tourist product.

Touris a set of certain tourist services and goods for tourist purposes.

Tours can be classified according to various criteria.

1. Depending on the type of application, tours can be group and individual.

Group tours, or guided tours,are characterized by a relatively low cost and, therefore, accessibility to a mass tourist, however, a disadvantage for consumers may be the requirement to comply with the general schedule and order of travel.

Such a tour provides for preliminary planning, is carried out with the accompaniment of a professional guide who is constantly with the group, pre-orders and payments for air tickets, hotels and meals.

Individual tours,or toursunaccompanied, independent tours, involve an independent travel of a tourist along a planned route.

Such a tour is characterized by greater labor intensity than group tours, since booking, dispatching and other necessary services are provided separately to each tourist. Typically, an independent tour includes an order and prepayment for the following services:

1) round trip flight (from the tourist's city of residence and back);

2) transfers from the airport to the hotel and back;

3) hotel accommodation.

Excursions or special trips to holiday destinations are available on request.

In individual tours, the tourist is given more independence, but they are usually more expensive, since the cost of the services provided is paid only by this tourist, while the cost of tourist services in a group tour consists of the investment of all participants in the group.

At the same time, individual tourism brings the company a good share of profits, therefore at the very beginning of the travel agency's activity it is necessary to determine what place in the company's activities will be occupied by individual and group tours.

2. Depending on the services included in the tour, tours can be: package tour and inclusive tour.

IN package tourincludes complex travel services: food, accommodation, excursion and entertainment services, sports and recreation, household, medical, etc.

Inclusive tourincludes separate travel services at the choice and request of the tourist: additional meals, excursion, entertainment services, transport, etc.

In practice, this type of tour is very popular, since the tourist orders a set of basic services that are necessary and sufficient for the tourist at his discretion, in the future he purchases additional services as the need for them arises. Such tours are convenient and beneficial for tourists who prefer to independently plan their vacation.

After the company has identified the tourist product that it plans to sell on the market, it is necessary to analyze the level of consumer demand for this tour. This research can be carried out by a marketer of a travel company or consulting firms, which can organize certain marketing research in order to study the situation in the travel services market and describe the prospects for its change.

If there is a demand for this offer, the company proceeds to the detailed development of the tour: drawing up a detailed travel itinerary, travel schedule, etc. The company must also start drawing up the necessary documents and contracts for the developed tourist product.

Before the tour formed in this way becomes a commercial product, it is necessary:

1) finalize the tour;

2) make an experimental introduction of the tour to the market;

3) carry out research and draw conclusions on the experimental introduction of a tourist product;

5) sell tours.

It should be noted that in addition to the mechanical compilation of the tour, it is necessary to think over its feasibility study, since a tour that brings low profit is recognized as untenable. Thus, the formation of a tour has two aspects - the maximum demanded package of services and goods and the economic efficiency that affects its price.

If a tour meets these requirements, an experimental implementation is required before launching it on the market. This can be done in the form of free (or reduced) travel.

If the result is positive, a presentation of the tour is carried out, followed by an extensive advertising campaign.

After that, the sum of all expenses incurred is calculated, the desired or required level of profit is established, the price is formed, the system of benefits (discounts), bonuses, etc. After that, the tourist product is ready for sale through various travel agents, travel agencies, travel agencies and excursions ...

Thus, preparation for implementation on the market is the most important and crucial stage in the life cycle of a tourist product or service, since it is at this moment that consumer qualities are given to an ordinary tourist service that can satisfy the needs of the client. Therefore, the preparation of a tourist product for implementation should be approached very responsibly.

From the book Social Media [Sources of New Customers for Business] author Parabellum Andrey Alekseevich

From the book Travel agency: where to start, how to succeed author Mokhov Georgy Avtondilovich

From the book Life as a Project author Libman Alena

From the book The Unique Encyclopedia of Happiness. How to win a lucky ticket and catch a goldfish. Best techniques and techniques author Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

From the book I can do anything! Steps to Success. Transurfing practice. 52 steps author Samarina Tatiana Gennadievna

From the book How to Create Innovation by Prater Charles

From the book Organization of tourism business: technology for creating a tourism product author Mishina Larisa Alexandrovna

From the book Bankruptcy from A to Z the author Travin Vasily

INTRODUCTION Life is one. It sounds trite (who hasn't said something like that ?!). And yet, this is a truth that cannot be argued with. Let's take this statement as an axiom, but work is also one (favorite, not very much - another question). Necessary. Therefore, a person devotes a lot to work.

From the book The Algorithm of Success. Ten Commandments author Shearing Victoria

4.4. The client as a participant in the tourism process. Consumer of the tourist product No matter how important the travel organizers are, we must not forget about another central figure - the tourist himself. Indeed, all activities of tour operators and travel agents are ultimately

Product introduction is a critical stage in the personal selling process. The way this or that tourist service will be presented depends to a large extent on its image, client's attitude, and, consequently, interest in purchasing. The general condition for success is the fact that the client will make a purchase of a tourism product only if, before or during a personal sale, he receives sufficient positive information about the company, the product and the employee representing them.

When presenting a product, an employee of a travel agency must solve a number of sequential tasks: to attract the client's attention, arouse interest and desire to purchase a service, and, finally, induce the necessary actions.

Product presentation is always based on reasoning. It is both rhetoric - the art of speaking well and conviction - the art of persuading and influencing others.

A travel product sales manager must know and apply several key arguments with which to influence the client. These arguments include: security considerations, cost savings, novelty and originality of the route, comfort, prestige, popularity of the tour and loyalty to tradition.

Travel is an area that, to one degree or another, is always associated with risk, threat to life and health. Some people have increased anxiety. If the client seeks, first of all, to protect himself from transport delays, thefts, bites of poisonous insects, getting into areas with an unstable political situation, etc., then in the presentation the first place should be put forward a guarantee of route safety, the reputation of a travel company, reliability and quality of service.

There are tourists who do not like to save money during their holidays, but when choosing a place to stay and comparing prices for tours, they show decent stinginess. If the manager felt that the client wants to save money or wants to show entrepreneurship, buy a tour at the lowest price, then you need to focus on this. During the presentation, an employee of a travel agency should create an illusion for the "thrifty" buyer that it is reasonable to choose the best tour at the most affordable price.

There is a category of tourists for whom the novelty and originality of the route is the most important motive for making a trip. These clients will never take the hackneyed traditional routes. They are eager to be part of those new tours that have just been advertised on TV or in magazines.

Comfort is not only the basis and necessary condition for a good rest, but also an effective argument when choosing and completing a package of tourist services. For most tourists, this type of argument will be one of the main ones. But rational and practical clients with an analytical mind are especially receptive to him. Although to one degree or another, this argument is useful for all potential consumers of tourism services.

Tourism not only contributes to raising the prestige of a person in the eyes of others, but is also an indispensable means of maintaining a certain social status. If we want to play on the client's vanity and ambition (and which of us does not want to be significant), then we should emphasize the uniqueness and prestige of the proposed tour, its rarity and exclusivity.

The prestige of the tour is based on the mechanism of imitation. This mechanism draws people in, since thinking on their own, finding their own solutions is hard work that not everyone likes, and it is impossible to rely only on your mind in everything and always - you will have to repeat the whole path of mankind in your biography, opening fire, a wheel etc. Therefore, people, striving out of laziness or out of common sense to save their intellectual strength, follow the path of imitation. So the manager will be able to influence the client by telling him that lately the route he is interested in is extremely popular. This will "add fuel to the fire."

Attachment to one or another type of recreation can be associated not only with the tastes and preferences of a person, but also with his real physical and financial capabilities. Some conservatism of the tourist associated with his addiction to a certain type of tourism, route or season, can also serve as a good trump card for a manager.

Arguments during the presentation should have a certain structure. At the same time, several recommendations can be distinguished for the competent construction of argumentation. First of all, one should not use the strongest argumentation from the very beginning, unless it serves, like an overture in an opera, to introduce the main theme, which will subsequently be repeated several times. It is prudent to intelligently alternate between strong and weak arguments, placing the defining arguments at the beginning or end of the conversation. The seller should always have an argument to complete, to decisively justify his position.

To increase the effectiveness of argumentation in the course of presenting a tourist product, it is advisable to follow a number of rules, which are set out in the most general form in the work of French experts J. Chandezon and A. Lancestra "Sales Methods".

Do not hesitate to repeat the strongest and most decisive arguments. Exaggeration should be avoided and superlatives should be used, the argument should be precise, concise and expressive, but not exaggerated or disproportionate. Every effort must be made to turn supply weaknesses into strengths. Do not be afraid to present product shortcomings during the presentation; it is important to think over the tactics of behavior in relation to competitors. It is prudent to raise the client's concerns and show them that the firm knows about them. Everything that is put forward as arguments is subject to proof (the best argument in the world is the real proof of what we are talking about). One should not abuse professional terminology (frequent use of specific terms can put a client in a difficult position, who does not dare to say that he does not understand them). To strengthen the argumentation, examples and specific situations from the practice of the tourism business are important. It is advisable to accompany the presentation of the product with a bright, figurative speech and expressive mise-en-scènes (bright epithets and figurative, imaginative comparisons work better than long explanations or a boringly constructed monologue). The arguments must be clear to the client and correctly understood by him (the client is convinced not by what he hears, but by what he understands). In this sense, one argument, understood and accepted, is better than several, hastily and unconvincingly following one after another). You should be creative in painting a picture for the client of the benefits and benefits that he will receive as a result of the consumption of the tourism product.

I would like to dwell on the last position in more detail. The fact is that, as has been noted many times, tourist products are distinguished by an important feature - they are not visible to the client, they cannot be touched or held in their hands. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the clarity of the presentation. For this, it is advisable to use various promotional materials (brochures, catalogs, booklets, videos, etc.). The successful implementation of a personal sale also largely depends on the employee of the company, his ability to present the product in such a way that the consumer in his imagination really feels its value and benefits from the purchase.

Do managers of travel companies face customer objections? Naturally. An attempt to influence the choice of the client, to put pressure on him inevitably causes a defensive reaction on his part. The client's objections can be both psychological and logical. Objections of a psychological nature are determined by the characteristics of the client's personality. If there are logical objections, it means that the tourist product cannot satisfy the client's needs or the manager has made an insufficiently convincing presentation.

A tourist can be alarmed by many factors. He may have a variety of reasons to refuse the trip. These reasons can be called barriers to travel. For most of the population, barriers to travel are: the cost of a tourist product, lack of time, health restrictions, family life cycle, lack of interest, fear and safety.

While serving tourists in the office, the manager deals with many questions and objections. From the client you can often hear: “I need to think”, “It's too expensive (risky)”, “I've already been there”, “This is not for me (this is not my taste)”, “Why should I believe you?” and so on. Moreover, some objections can take so far away from the sale of the voucher that the deal may not take place at all. That is why the manager of a travel company must be able to effectively eliminate client objections. For this, various ways of eliminating objections are used. Let's consider them in more detail.

There are a lot of ways to eliminate objections, as well as methods of presenting a tourist product. Moreover, even the same objection can be resolved in several ways.

The most commonly used boomerang technique to eliminate objections. The manager can tell the client that precisely because he has such an objection, he wants to talk with him. For example, if a client is indignant about the length of the trip, the manager may answer: "Precisely because he has such a duration, I would like to tell you what it is connected with." To address objections, it is important to learn to anticipate them. This will allow you to respond to typical objections with typical phrases. Anticipating customer objections, the manager can be the first to voice them, thus showing that they are not intimidated by them. You can say: "This is really so", "I myself once thought the same", etc. But you should not say: "I know how you feel." For many, this response is annoying.

To eliminate the objection, the manager himself must see and emphasize the positive aspects of the tourist product, but at the same time know and not keep silent about the negative ones, if they become obvious to the client. You need to tune in to a positive perception yourself, and only then tune in a potential tourist.

If the client is in doubt, then he needs additional arguments. The client's doubts may indicate that, firstly, he is interested, but does not want to seem like easy prey. In this case, it is best to let him relax and talk. Secondly, he may be interested, but not sure if what the manager suggested suits him. In this case, the manager can be recommended to continue the presentation of the tourist product and tell in more detail about the benefits of the offer made. You can use phrases: “Do you admit the possibility that ...? How often will you pay attention to ..? "

Any doubt can be dispelled by presenting arguments that are worthy of the client's common sense and can turn his views. Many objections can be removed by infecting the client with positive emotion. To say something emotional in substance and form. You can safely use metaphors. Metaphorical statements will allow the client to look at the tourist product in a new light and from a different angle. Some of the client's objections can be resolved by referring to existing regulations, standards, business rules or the law.

Another psychological trick is to replace the client's objection with your own options, which will be easier to deal with. Let's say a client decided to postpone a trip while on vacation, arguing that there was no time. The manager in this case may say: “From my experience with tourists, I know that people say this for different reasons. Some have already calculated the time of their vacation to the smallest detail. Someone wants to spend it with their family or do what they love. Others simply lack the determination to go on vacation to the mountains. Do you really not want to feel the charm of the Alpine mountains just because it is not yet familiar to you? "

Having heard the interpretation of their own objection, the client is actually able to succumb to its influence.

The main purpose of serving tourists in the office is the direct implementation of the sale of a tourist product. At the same time, the ability of the manager of a travel company to feel the moment the client is ready to buy a travel product is of exceptional importance.

The most favorable outcome of a conversation between a manager and a client of a travel company will be when the client himself asks how he can get a travel product. But this does not always happen. What can be done in other cases?

The easiest way is to summarize the client's objections and the answers given to them, to summarize the advantages of the tourist product, saying to the client: "If you agree, now we just have to draw up a contract." However, this approach is not always acceptable. In this case, you need to show not only flexibility, but also ingenuity. For example, a well-known win-win trick could be used, which is to give the customer a choice between two decisions, each leading to a purchase: "Which of these two hotels seems best for you?" ...

To speed up the decision-making process, sales professionals advise putting forward a final conclusive argument to end customer hesitation and secure final agreement. This last argument should be chosen by the seller, taking into account the tastes and requests of the client, as well as the characteristics of the offered tourist product. To prepare or expedite the completion of a sale, it can be helpful to say, “I think I answered all your questions. Perhaps you have one last question? " After that, you can try to say: “Well, it seems we have discussed everything with you. I think now we can start drawing up the contract! " And in fact, everything has already been said, there is no doubt about the advisability of purchasing a voucher, it's time to sign an agreement.

In other cases, you have to make concessions to the client: “Good! If we give you a discount, will we be able to sign an agreement in this case? " Thus, the manager tries to accommodate the interests of both parties.

The logical conclusion of servicing tourists in the office is the subsequent contact with the client. The travel agency is always interested in the customer's satisfaction with the service, as this provides an opportunity for subsequent interaction. A satisfied client will bring another, and a dissatisfied one will close the road for four at once.

When preparing for the presentation of the tour, you should take into account the factors that are important for a particular target audience of tourists. It should be borne in mind that no matter how well the presentation is prepared, clients may have questions and objections - the task of the organizers is to predict them and plan reasoned answers.

The presentation of a tourist product is a rather difficult stage. When preparing, organizers should take into account various factors that, to a greater or lesser extent, may influence the choice of the client. It is also necessary to develop a certain strategy of behavior, according to which the given arguments must fully convince the consumer to make a choice in favor of the presented product. For this, various psychological methods and comprehensive answers to all objections are used.


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