Technical equipment of the vegetable shop. Description of the organization of jobs in the vegetable shop. Line for the processing of cabbage, onions, herbs and seasonal vegetables

In public catering, there are three forms of organization of production: production of products from the processing of raw materials to cooking and its sale; preparation of semi-finished products and their sale; organization of food consumption with little preparation for sale. In other words, by the nature of the organization of production, there are enterprises with a complete and incomplete technological cycle.

The catering enterprises receive raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Raw materials are products from which culinary products are produced according to the scheme: processing of raw materials - preparing dishes - selling. Semi-finished products are products that have undergone primary processing at procurement enterprises and have a different degree of readiness. Finished products - dishes and culinary products, ready for sale.

Foodservice products are perishable and require quick sale. Various products and raw materials used for cooking and culinary products also do not withstand long shelf life. In this regard, when organizing the technological process, public catering enterprises must ensure the maximum reduction in the storage and processing time of raw materials and the timing of the sale of finished culinary products.

Consumer demand for catering products varies depending on a number of factors (season, sales of certain food products in stores, etc.). Therefore, in order to correctly determine the volume of the production program and the range of products, it is necessary to take into account the demand of consumers for various types of dishes and culinary products.

The variety of processed raw materials, the sale of products consumed locally in large quantities, and the direct impact of its quality on the health of the population require strict adherence to the rules of the sanitary regime in production and control over the quality of food. Therefore, it is of great importance for the correct organization of the technological process at public catering enterprises that the chefs comply with the norms for the investment of raw materials in accordance with the approved recipes, the organoleptic assessment and rejection of ready-made dishes and culinary products.

An important factor determining the characteristics of the production process of public catering enterprises is their transfer to work with semi-finished products. The centralized and integrated supply of enterprises with semi-finished products creates opportunities for the most rational use of technological equipment, an increase in labor productivity, a narrower specialization of workers, it allows to reduce the cooking process, and reduce production costs.

At enterprises with an insignificant production volume or working on semi-finished products, a shopless production structure is established. Here, all production processes are carried out by one or several teams, which are subordinate to the head of production. Such an organization of labor allows more efficient use of cooks, the practice of combining professions, etc.

At large enterprises, a shop-floor structure of production has been formed, and preparation shops (vegetable, meat, fish) and pre-preparation shops (hot, cold) are being created. This makes it possible to organize work more rationally, mechanize individual production processes, and rationally use qualified workers.

All production premises of public catering establishments are usually subdivided into procurement, pre-preparation, utility and auxiliary. Procurement - this is a vegetable, meat, fish and poultry workshop at large enterprises, at small enterprises - vegetable and meat and fish workshops. Pre-cooking includes hot and cold shops, ancillary - a shop for the production of non-alcoholic drinks (at large enterprises), auxiliary - distributing, bread slicers, kettle washers.

At large enterprises, the confectionery department operates independently, regardless of the kitchen.

The optimal area of \u200b\u200bproduction facilities, their rational placement and provision of production shops with the necessary equipment are the main conditions for the correct organization of the technological process of cooking.

When placing production facilities, the requirement for the sequence of the stages of the technological process is observed.

Various types of equipment should be located in production workshops in accordance with the nature of the technological process, while observing the safety and labor protection rules for workers. So, the distance between machines and devices is from 0.7 to 1.0 m, and between the equipment and the wall - 0.7 m; the distance between the working front of the plate and the production tables is 1.2–1.5 m, etc.

The practice of domestic and foreign enterprises has shown that the most appropriate for modern public catering enterprises is the linear principle of equipment placement. The lines are completed from separate sections, specialized in performing certain technological operations. All sections should be the same in height and width (depth), and their length should be a multiple of the value (modulus) defined for all sections. The equipment intended for completing such lines is called sectional modulated equipment.

The linear principle of the arrangement of various types of sectional equipment provides a sequence and convenient interconnection of various stages of the technological process. It also makes it possible to create better working conditions for service personnel, provides convenience for the movement of intra-shop transport.

Industrial premises of catering establishments should have a height of at least 3–3.3 m. Glue paint of light shades is used for the walls, and wall panels to a height of 1.7 m are faced with light ceramic tiles that are easy to sanitize. The ceilings must be whitewashed.

Metlakh tiles, relin, phenolite and other waterproof materials that are easy to clean are used to cover the floors.

To create the necessary working conditions for workers, the temperature regime in production facilities is of considerable importance. So. in billet shops the air temperature should not exceed 16-18 °, in the hot shop - 22-25 ° C. Special ventilation systems must ensure the removal of superheated air, vapors and waste gases. For this, exhaust mechanical ventilation and supply and exhaust are installed. With exhaust ventilation, stale air is removed from the premises by a fan, and fresh air enters through the pores of the walls or specially left channels and holes in the walls and coverings, as well as through the ventilation inlet grilles. With supply and exhaust ventilation, separate fans are mounted in the premises, causing movement and exchange of air, or ventilation supply and exhaust units are equipped, when air is supplied and removed through channels made of tin, brick or plastic, and the air flow is controlled using grilles. Such an installation consists of ducts and fans, and air is sucked in using a system equipped with cleaning devices, heaters and humidifying devices.

When using exhaust ventilation, the suction of air from industrial premises is stronger than from sales areas, so the movement of air from the hall goes towards the kitchen. However, ventilation by exhaust ducts is often insufficient for industrial premises of a restaurant (kitchen, washing, cold shop). The release of a large amount of heat, vapors, moisture by machines and devices requires the use of mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation. Ventilation hoods should be located above a source of steam and heat. Above the main stove, a ventilation canopy is arranged, which removes vapors and heat generated during cooking.

In the production premises of some modern enterprises, automatic air conditioning units are used to create and maintain an artificial microclimate and set temperatures, humidity, mobility and air purity.

The production premises are provided with cold and hot water and sewerage. Water is supplied to bathtubs, sinks, stoves, boilers and other equipment. When installing a sewerage system, a quick wastewater disposal is provided. Bathtubs, sinks, washbasins are equipped with hydraulic seals preventing the penetration of sewage odors.


Usually the vegetable shop is called the first among the procurement shops.

The vegetable shop carries out the primary processing of vegetables and the production of vegetable semi-finished products for our own production and preparatory enterprises (branches), culinary stores and small retail trade.

In modern specialized vegetable shops located at large enterprises or at vegetable bases (vegetable stores) and designed to supply both catering establishments and retail chains, the release of an expanded range of products can be organized: production lines for packaging potatoes and vegetables in packages , a line for the production of peeled sulphitated potatoes, a line for the preparation of potato and vegetable cutlets, fried crispy and garnished potatoes, a line for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes.

The technological process for processing potatoes and root crops includes sorting (by quality and size), washing, cleaning, peeling, sulfation (potatoes), washing and cutting.

Processing other types of vegetables is different from processing potatoes and root vegetables. So, onions and cabbage in vegetable shops are cleaned, washed, cut. Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce are subject to bulkheading, peeling, washing and slicing.

The peculiarities of processing vegetables of various types dictates the need to use special equipment, which is selected depending on the capacity of the enterprise. So, sorting of potatoes is carried out at large procurement enterprises in sorting machines. In small enterprises, where it is not possible to install calibration machines, manual sorting of potatoes and root crops by size is not performed.

Potatoes and root crops are washed in special washing or washing machines (in large enterprises) or potato peelers with a smooth disc (in small enterprises), as well as in baths. The machines are loaded using a conveyor that transports potatoes from the hopper to the vegetable store. The washed vegetables are transported to the cleaning machines using another conveyor, where the potatoes are peeled and then cleaned.

At large procurement enterprises, where separate production lines for processing potatoes, root crops and other vegetables are organized, continuous cleaning machines are used for cleaning potatoes, and batch-type machines are used at medium and small enterprises.

Thermal and chemical methods can be used to peel potatoes. In the thermal method, special high-temperature ovens or apparatus are used to peel potatoes, where steam is processed. In the chemical method, potatoes are processed in a special apparatus with a solution of caustic soda.

When processing potatoes with thermal and chemical methods, the amount of waste is significantly reduced; with thermal, in addition, the potatoes do not darken so quickly, the quality of processing is higher, but the use of these methods is possible only in conditions of large-scale production with the obligatory implementation of technical and chemical control.

After mechanical cleaning, the potatoes are transferred to a conveyor for manual cleaning to the workplaces of vegetable cleaners. There are two holes in the lid of special tables for peeling vegetables: one for waste, the other for peeled potatoes. A container for collecting waste and for processed potatoes is placed under these holes. There is a water chute next to the table, where there are potatoes for manual peeling.

Tools for peeling potatoes: a special knife with a short blade (6–7 cm long and 2–2.5 cm wide) with a beveled end; a grooved knife (18 cm long with a handle), a short wide scraper knife (17 cm long).

The peeled potatoes are stored in water or sulfided. For the sulphitation of potatoes, an MSK-1 machine or a bath with two compartments is used, where the potatoes are first treated with sodium bisulphite and then washed. After peeling, root vegetables are covered with a damp cloth to prevent browning.

The next stage in the processing of potatoes and root crops is cutting. For this purpose, vegetable cutters are used, cutting vegetables into strips, cubes, slices. Figured cutting of potatoes is carried out by hand on cutting boards made of hard wood using carbide knives, grooves, small and medium knives of the chef's troika.

Cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini are processed manually. For shredding vegetables, shredding boards are used. Onions, garlic and horseradish are processed in a special workplace equipped with a fume hood. Prepared vegetable semi-finished products in wooden tubs, hams, as well as baskets are delivered to the hot shop.

In the vegetable shop, strict adherence to labor protection and safety regulations is required. The main ones are as follows. Only employees who are familiar with their device and have passed special instructions may be allowed to work on the machines. Work rules and safety posters must be posted near machines. Employees are prohibited from putting their hands into the working chambers of potato peelers and vegetable cutters. The starting devices of the machine must be covered, and the machines must be properly grounded and neutralized. Containers for loading vegetables into the machine are allowed with a capacity of no more than 8-10 kg. Carrying weights for women is allowed with a maximum weight of 20 kg.

The workshop must be kept at a temperature of at least 15 °. To ensure the requirements of the sanitary regime, it is necessary to promptly remove waste from the workshop.


The purpose of the meat shop is the production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry and game. At enterprises with a large production volume, supplying other public catering enterprises with semi-finished meat products, a separate room is allocated for the meat workshop.

At small enterprises with a complete production cycle, meat and fish processing can be carried out in the same room, subject to the mandatory requirements of the sanitary regime.

Meat is often delivered to catering enterprises frozen. Therefore, the first operation of the technological process of meat processing is defrosting, i.e. thawing. For this, special chambers and defrosters are used, where the carcasses are stored suspended at a positive temperature.

The thawed carcasses are moved to the workshop along overhead tracks. In the workshop, carcasses are washed with warm water: in large enterprises - with a shower brush in a special room, in small ones - in baths with herbal brushes. Dry the carcasses using a fan or cotton cloth.

The next operation - cutting the carcass into parts - is carried out using a band or circular saw. In small enterprises, carcasses are divided into parts on a chopping table (a round deck of hard wood) with a butcher's ax and a cleaver knife. A large cleaver knife is used to chop the bones of lamb, poultry, game, small bones and meat are chopped up for stews.

Then deboning, stripping and cutting of meat into portions are performed. These operations are carried out on production tables with stainless steel, duralumin or marble lids.

Meat deboning - trimming the pulp and removing it from the bone - is done with the large and small deboning knives. Stripping meat and slicing it into portions - using large, medium and small knives (chef's three). At the same time, large pieces are cut with a large knife, small pieces are cut with a medium one and fillets are removed, individual parts of the carcass are cleaned with a small knife and some other operations are performed. Cut pieces of meat are loosened with a PM-1 ripper or a hoe.

For the preparation of minced meat at large enterprises, meat grinders, cutters, meat mixers with an individual drive are used; on small ones - universal drives with replaceable mechanisms or use desktop meat grinders.

For the processing of poultry, game and skin at large enterprises, a special room is allocated with an opal forge, in small ones special jobs are allocated.

In the fish shop, the primary processing of fish and the production of fish semi-finished products are carried out. The technological process of fish processing includes the following operations: thawing frozen fish, soaking salted fish, cleaning from scales, gutting and washing, cutting, preparing semi-finished products and storing them.

Fish are thawed in duralumin or carbon steel (tin-plated) tubs with two compartments in running or periodically changed water. The fish are unloaded from the baths with wire ladles. Flounder, mending, sturgeon fishes are scalded to facilitate further processing. For this purpose, hot water is supplied to the baths and a grate with handles is used. Large sturgeon fish are thawed on metal racks with a bottom tray at room temperature. A mechanical fish cleaner or hand scrapers are used to remove scales from fish.

Fish gut with small chef's knives on special tables with a chute, back and sides. Here heads, tails and fins are cut off. The tails and heads are chopped off with an average chef's knife on cutting boards, the fins are cut off with scissors. After gutting, the fish is washed in a bath with two compartments and placed on baking sheets.

The shelter of fish semi-finished products is carried out on a separate table, where there should be cutting boards, a set of chef's knives, spices, scales. At small enterprises, a meat grinder is used for the preparation of minced fish, at large enterprises - a universal drive with a set of mechanisms. Fish semi-finished products are stored chilled for no more than 12 hours, fish mass - 6 hours.

As noted, at small and medium-sized enterprises, meat and fish processing can be carried out in one room - the meat and fish workshop. The main requirement in organizing the work of such a workshop is to ensure separate processing of meat and fish products and separate storage of semi-finished meat and fish products. Equipment, inventory, packaging, tools must be separate and have appropriate marking.

When working in a meat grinder, the meat is pushed into the machine only with a wooden pestle (and not by hand). Do not work without a safety ring. Replaceable mechanisms to the universal drive are attached or removed only after it has been turned off. Before starting work, the universal drive cart must be secured with screws. When deboning meat, workers must wear protective chain mail. The handles of all knives must be carefully secured: the corners of the production tables and baths must be rounded. Foot grids must be installed on the floor next to production tables.


In the hot shop, the technological process of food preparation is completed. Here, various products are heat-treated, semi-finished products are brought to readiness, first, second and sweet dishes are prepared, products for cold dishes are prepared, and confectionery products are baked.

The hot shop is equipped with stoves, cooking kettles with cold and hot water supply, ovens, electric pans, refrigerators, shelves, production tables, etc.

At large enterprises in hot shops there can be two departments: soup - for preparing first courses and sauce - for producing second courses, side dishes, sauces.

In the soup department, the preparation of first courses begins with boiling broths. For the preparation of broths and soups, electric and gas boilers with a capacity of 20, 40, 60, 125 and 250 liters are used, steam boilers with a capacity of 125 and 250 liters, stainless steel boilers with a capacity from 15 to 60 liters, etc.

At the cook's workplace, there should be a table scale, a set of knives for the cook's troika, and cutting boards. For cutting, shredding, wiping vegetables, they use a universal drive with special mechanisms, a pulping machine, for sautéing vegetables - electric pans, for supplying hot water - continuous boilers. In addition, a chilled metal rack with spices and seasonings (slide) is arranged at the workplace of the soup cook.

In restaurants, due to the production of a relatively wide range of first courses, the set of products of the slide is quite diverse: pickles, sautéed onions with tomato, chopped herbs, olives, olives, lemon, croutons, etc.

When organizing workplaces for cooks in the hot shop of modern public catering enterprises, sectional equipment is used using a linear principle of its placement. All heating sectional equipment is installed in a line with one-way service. The depth of the sectional equipment should not exceed 1 m.

Depending on the capacity of the enterprise, the size of the kitchen and its layout, various options for the arrangement of sectional equipment are used. In small kitchens, heating equipment is placed along the walls with local ventilation suction devices. Parallel to the heating equipment line, a line of production tables is placed. In larger kitchens, several workplaces are allocated for cooks engaged in the preparation of soups, second courses, and in accordance with this, equipment is placed around the perimeter of the room, against the wall, etc. It is recommended to install certain types of heating equipment parallel to each other.

For the preparation of first courses, along with boilers of various capacities, pans for steaming vegetables, production tables with a built-in bath and small-scale mechanization devices are installed.

In the sauce section, second courses are prepared in boiled, fried, stewed, baked, stewed form. To improve the quality of dishes, specialization of chefs in the preparation of certain types of dishes, which is carried out at large enterprises, is of great importance.

Until recently, the main equipment of the sauce department was a fire, gas or electric stove. At present, specialized equipment is becoming more and more widespread for the preparation of second courses - electric, gas and steam boilers for cooking vegetable and cereal dishes, electric pans for frying products in the main way and in deep fat, barbecue ovens, electric fryers. ovens and other equipment.

A special workplace is allocated for the preparation of fish dishes.

In the centralized preparation of sauces at large enterprises, they use boilers, rubbing machines, electric pans; in small table sauces, they are cooked in cookware.

When organizing jobs in the sauce shop, the degree of division of labor, specialized equipment, volume and range of products are taken into account.

In large enterprises equipped with modern specialized equipment, where there are opportunities for a clear division of labor, jobs are placed along the technological process in order to exclude unnecessary movement of workers and speed up the execution of certain operations.

In small canteens, where there is no possibility for the division of labor and specialized equipment is not used, the cook's workplace is a table and a stove located at a distance of at least 1.5 m from each other. The cook's workplace should be equipped with a refrigerator for semi-finished products and a rack. It is also necessary to have dial and post scales, cutting boards, sets of knives and other tools, dishes with spices and seasonings.

In a restaurant, when placing a workplace, the convenience of letting waiters get prepared meals in portions directly from the stove is taken into account.

Great advantages in organizing the workplaces of cooks preparing second courses are provided by the use of sectional equipment with a linear arrangement. In order for all heating equipment to be used strictly for its intended purpose, the lines for preparing second courses are composed of the following sections: a plate with a solid frying surface, stoves with burners, deep fryers, a special oven. The heating line is complemented by bain-marie for storing side dishes, main courses, production tables with a built-in bathtub and a refrigerated container.

The work of the hot shop in the restaurant is headed by a 6th grade chef who is responsible for the organization of the technological process, the quality and compliance with the output of cooked dishes. He prepares customized and banquet meals. In the team of cooks responsible for the preparation of second courses, there are several cooks of the 5th and 6th categories, not counting the foreman.


The purpose of the cold shop is to prepare cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When placing a cold shop, it should be provided for its convenient connection with the kitchen, where the products are heat-treated for the cold shop, and with the blank shops, from where the products are delivered to the cold shop, which are then sold without heat treatment. Products of the cold shop are sold to consumers in tableware, so the washing room should be located in close proximity to the cold shop.

The main operations carried out in the workshop are cutting prepared products, portioning and arranging cold dishes and snacks. In accordance with this, cooks' workplaces are organized, appropriate equipment, inventory, tools are used.

Due to the fact that the workshop prepares dishes and cold snacks not only from semi-finished products that have undergone heat treatment, but also from raw products, it is important to distinguish between jobs for the manufacture of products from various types of raw materials. The products of the workshop are generally perishable, therefore refrigeration equipment is mandatory - cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigerating chambers with additional shelves for short-term storage of prepared products, a low-temperature counter and an ice maker.

The main equipment of the cold shop is a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, as well as a ham and sausage cutter, butter divider, a machine for cutting vegetables, production tables with slides, refrigerated containers and a refrigerated cabinet.

The hill stores products for making salads and vinaigrettes. Cheese, sausage, aspic, etc. are stored in the refrigerator for a short time. There should also be cutting boards and scales on the table. Separate marked boards are used for processing raw vegetables.

For cleaning and cutting products manually, special devices and tools are used - egg cutters, apple cutters, dredges, etc.

In restaurants, jellies, mousses, compotes are prepared from sweet dishes, they sell canned and fresh fruits, ice cream with fruits and jam, whipped cream, etc. For their preparation, special tools and equipment are needed: juicers, traykit, molds, blade-knives, devices for laying out dishes, tongs. A chef preparing sweet dishes should have a bathtub, a production table with a refrigerated cabinet, VHC-2 scales, various dishes, a specialized universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms for wiping fruits, berries, whipping mousses, creams, sambucs. When organizing the workplace, the chefs place a rack with clean dishes to the left of the production table for portioning cold dishes and snacks, reinforce the shelves for tools and utensils under the table top, install a slide for spices and seasonings and scales on the table. On the right, a rack is installed with trays for prepared dishes and snacks.

In large enterprises, a workplace is allocated for making sandwiches.

In large restaurants, ice cream is prepared from dry or liquid mixtures. For this purpose, a freezer is installed. Small restaurants sell ice cream from cold storage plants.

A team leader supervises the work in the cold shop, who organizes the delivery of dishes and controls the quality. Chefs of the 6th and 5th categories prepare the most responsible and labor-consuming ordered and banquet dishes, portion and arrange them. Half a grade 4 prepares food - boil potatoes and vegetables, fry meat and fish semi-finished products for cold dishes, cut vegetables, process herring.


The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop are supplied for sale not only to the main enterprise, but also to the stores of culinary products, home kitchens, buffets, and preparatory enterprises.

The shop includes a kneading machine. dough-cutting, baking, cooling departments, rooms for finishing products, for preparing minced meat, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition. In addition, retorans provide a pantry and a refrigerated chamber for a daily supply of raw materials, a pantry for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for semi-finished products in which puff pastry is cooled, washing equipment and sterilization of pastry bags.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery department must comply with the sequence of the operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of counter flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (molding) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, fondants, whipped proteins.

In the dough-cutting department, the dough is kneaded and the necessary semi-finished products are prepared. Preliminarily (preferably in a separate room) flour is sifted, at large enterprises a special machine is used for this purpose, and fine flour is sieved manually using a sieve.

Kneading machines are used to knead the dough. In small shops, a universal drive with a beater is used for this purpose. For fermentation of yeast dough, mobile bowls are used, placed for some time near confectionery ovens.

For cutting and shaping confectionery products, a dough-dividing machine, various molds, notches are used. At the confectioner's workplace there should be a production table, a chest for flour, a mobile bowl with dough, scales, a box for knives, mobile shelves with pastry sheets for prepared products.

The dough is rolled out using a dough sheeter, which allows you to get a dough layer of the required thickness. The workplace should have a refrigerator for cooling oil, as well as dough in the manufacture of puff products.

For the preparation of fillings, minced meat, syrup and fondant, a small stove (gas or electric) is installed and a meat grinder and a pulverizing machine (from a universal drive) are used.

Baking of confectionery products is carried out in pastry and bakery cabinets. Also used are bakery ovens that run on electricity, solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. In pastry cabinets, you can maintain a certain mode.

Separate production tables are used to decorate confectionery products, and at large enterprises special rooms are allocated for this purpose. The tables should have drawers for tools; a rack for pastry bags is strengthened on the table lids, a syrup container and scales are installed. Movable racks should be located near the work tables for delivering finished products to the refrigerator or on an expedition.

The confectionery shop must have its own washing compartment for washing dishes and equipment. In a bathroom with two or three compartments, the dishes are washed with soda, then rinsed with a 2% solution of bleach. It is especially important to keep track of the cleanliness of the pastry bags and tubes, since even the slightest residues of cream can lead to bacterial contamination. Therefore, this inventory is autoclaved, then rinsed in a bath of clean water.


In all catering establishments, kitchen utensils are located next to the hot shop and food waste chamber. In the washing room, there should be podkazniki, on which they put the dishes received for washing, containers for food waste, baths with two compartments, racks with shelves-lattices for drying washed dishes, a ladder for water drain.

Used dishes entering the sink are pre-cleaned of food debris using wooden spatulas and washed in the first compartment of the wash bath with brushes or washcloths in hot water using detergents. Then, in the second compartment, the washed dishes are rinsed with hot water (90 °). If there are remnants of burnt food on the walls of the dishes, warm water is poured into the dishes to allow the crust to soak. Leftover food is collected in buckets with lids and then transported to the food waste storage room. It is not allowed to wash dishes for different purposes in the same water.

In the same way as dishes, cutting boards are washed, then they are poured over with boiling water.

Cooking kettles are treated with water at 50 ° C using brushes and rinsed with hot water at least 70 ° C. It is allowed to use a detergent of the "Progress" type.

In small businesses, kitchen utensils are washed in a washing dish. For this, a bath with two compartments and a rack are installed, and the washing room is divided by a partition in the form of a barrier.


Distribution room is a link between production and sales area. In enterprises where visitors are served by waiters, the distributor is located on the production area. It should be conveniently connected to the kitchen, buffet, bread slicer, washing tableware, cold shop, and have sufficient width for the normal movement of waiters with trays and carts. In this case, the dispensing room is separated from the sales area by a capital wall or a sliding partition.

In enterprises with self-service of visitors, handouts can be located both in the hot shop area and in the trading floor.

To ensure the convenience of the work of waiters and distributors and to maintain the required temperature of the dishes in the hot shop, thermal cabinets are installed in which dishes are placed for serving hot dishes. Installation of ice makers for use by waiters is also recommended.

Certain dishes are used to dispense dishes. First courses in restaurants are served in cupronickel soup bowls with a capacity of one to three or more servings. Broths and puree soups are released in broth bowls. For the holiday of second courses, cupronickel dishes are used for one, two, three servings. Dishes with sauce are served in round dishes with lids - rams, cold dishes and snacks - in porcelain dishes.

Some second courses are served in small plates. A waiter, receiving a dish from a distributor, should pay attention to its design. The appearance of the dish should be aesthetically pleasing, appetizing, the main product should be located against the brand name depicted on the plate. If a portion consists of two pieces, such as meat, the dispenser arranges them so that they cover each other's lengths. The garnish is laid on the side, in a slide. With a complex side dish, you should pay attention to the color combination of the individual components of the side dish, for example, vegetables of different colors and fresh herbs.

The work of the distributor should be constructed in such a way as to ensure the release of fresh products, of a certain weight and temperature. The temperature of the first courses and hot drinks on vacation should not be lower than 75 °, the second - 65 °, sauces - 75 °, cold and sweet dishes - 7-14 °, ordered (portioned) dishes - 80-90 °. In self-service establishments, the temperature of the first and second courses should be 10 ° C higher.

There have been established certain storage periods for ready-to-serve meals, which are determined by the need not only to comply with sanitary requirements, but also to preserve taste. By the beginning of rush hours in the cold shop, various types of vegetable garnishes must be prepared and decorated for their uninterrupted supply to the distribution of the enterprise.

Distributors' workplaces should be equipped with the necessary equipment and inventory. In restaurants, where, in most cases, dishes are dispensed from the stove, a slide for spices and seasonings, dishes required for serving dishes, a dispensing tool - pouring spoons with a capacity of 0.5 - 0.25 are placed on a dispensing counter located at some distance from the stove. l, sauce spoons with a capacity of 25 - 30 cm3, forks with ejectors, shovels, tongs, two-kilogram dial scales.


The warehouse facilities of public catering enterprises include refrigerated chambers for storing perishable food and semi-finished products, uncooled pantries for storing dry food, vegetables, premises for storing inventory, linen and other items of material and technical equipment.

Warehouse areas are determined depending on the nature of the enterprise. For example, in restaurants that use raw materials, refrigerated chambers, as well as pantries for storing dry products, must have a larger area than in preparatory enterprises, where there is no need to store raw materials. In small enterprises (no more than 50 places), various perishable foods can be stored in one chamber, but in places specially designated for each type of food. At large enterprises, meat, fish, and gastronomic products should be stored in separate chambers. Restaurants usually have separate pantries for bread, as well as storage rooms for wine and spirits, soft drinks, fruits.

Procurement enterprises supplying semi-finished products to pre-procurement ones should include expeditions with refrigerated chambers for short-term storage of products before shipment.

Certain requirements are imposed on the placement of storage facilities. They should be located at the same level, and the planning provides for a convenient connection with the production departments. Warehouses (pantries) are equipped with racks, cabinets, chests, bins, pantries, scales. Refrigerated chambers should contain goods, mobile racks, lattice shelves, hanging beams with hooks.

When storing various groups of goods in warehouses, a certain temperature regime and corresponding humidity are maintained. When placing food in pantries, certain rules must be followed. Products should not be placed near water pipes, heating systems, cooling devices. Products must be at least 20 cm away from walls and floors.

Food storage rooms must meet certain sanitary requirements. Storeroom walls and ceilings should be smooth and easy to sanitize. In uncooled pantries, both natural and artificial lighting are allowed, in pantries for storing vegetables - only artificial lighting. In the storerooms of small enterprises there can be natural ventilation, in the storerooms of enterprises, where there are more than 100 places, supply and exhaust ventilation.

When storing goods, their properties and specific features should be taken into account: hygroscopicity, ease of smelling, the ability to change quality under the influence of sunlight. It is necessary to ensure an acceptable commercial neighborhood. Joint storage of goods with a pungent odor is not allowed - for example, fish together with goods that easily perceive this smell (fruits, tea, etc.). Raw materials and finished products are stored separately.

Meat (carcasses), cooled and chilled, is stored suspended on tinned hooks on an overhead track or on hangers, ice cream - in stacks. Racks are used for storing frozen poultry, and boxes for chilled poultry. To store chilled fish of small breeds, baskets or boxes are used, to which crushed ice is added. Sturgeon fish are kept suspended on tinned hooks.

Certain requirements must be met when storing dairy products. They are stored in a refrigerated chamber at a temperature of 1 to 6 ° and a relative humidity of 80 to 85%. Butter is stored on the shelves of shelves, in containers or in pieces in parchment, cheeses - with heads stacked on the shelves so that they do not come into contact with each other. Cottage cheese, sour cream are stored in barrels with lids, milk - in containers. in which it entered. Gastronomic goods - sausages, sausages - are stored suspended on tinned hooks or in boxes lined with galvanized iron.

Potatoes and vegetables are stored in basements with artificial lighting (at an air temperature of 2 to 5 ° and a humidity of 80-90%, in bins with a layer of no more than 1.5 m or in boxes; pickles - in barrels; sauerkraut - in barrels under oppression; berries, fruits, lettuce, sorrel, green onions - in boxes, baskets, sieves.

Bottles with wine, mineral water are stored horizontally in cabinets with sliding doors or in drawers; alcoholic beverages, soft drinks - in stacks, six boxes high. The air temperature should be from 8 to 15 °, and the humidity should be 70–75%. Wine bottles are viewed in the pantry using a special light screen.

Warehouses should be equipped with a variety of tools: chef's, gastronomic, cheese knives, cutter knives, meat axes and saws, wooden shovels, stainless steel spoons, ovoscopes, a tool for opening containers, etc.

The storage time of raw materials in the warehouse of a restaurant depends on its type, location, distance from food depots, climatic conditions of the given area.

Products: Shelf life (days)

meat ……………………… 2–3

fish ……………………… 1–2

milk fat ……………… 1–3

gastronomic …………… .. 2–5

Milk…………………………. 0.5

Vegetables ………………………… .. 5-10

Greenery…………………………. 1

Fruits, berries …………………… 1–2

Bakery products ……………. 1

Raw materials are released from the warehouse to the production shops of the restaurant, branches and buffets on the basis of an application. During the acceptance of the products received from the warehouse, they check their compliance with the invoice for assortment, weight and quality.

In large restaurants, schedules are set for the release of goods from the warehouse, warehouse workers prepare the goods in advance.

It is necessary to transfer products from the supplier's container into a clean, labeled internal container directly in the chamber. It is forbidden to import or bring products into the shops in the supplier's container.


Braking - constant control over the quality of food preparation. It is subdivided into departmental, administrative and personal.

The department is held by a special commission of the superior organization. The members of the commission periodically assess the quality of food prepared at a particular enterprise.

Administrative rejection is carried out by the head of production or his deputy. During the working day, the quality of food preparation is monitored by the chefs.

One of the most important forms of quality control of dishes in restaurants is quality posts and quality control at serving. Quality posts are headed by chefs who control the quality of food preparation and their output. The members of the commission first study the menu, technological and calculation cards. First, the mass of finished products is checked. The quality of dishes and culinary products is assessed by organoleptic indicators: taste, smell, appearance, consistency, color. As a result of these studies, the products are evaluated: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory".

The “excellent” mark is given to products prepared in strict accordance with the recipe and technology. This means that in taste, color, smell, consistency, these dishes meet the established indicators and requirements.

The rating "good" is given to dishes that are prepared in accordance with the recipe, have excellent taste indicators, but have minor deviations: irregularities in the shape of the slicing, insufficiently golden brown crust, lightly colored fat in soups, undersalted or oversalted, etc.

The rating "satisfactory" is given to dishes suitable for sale without processing, but having significant drawbacks: violation of the ratios of the components that make up the dish or culinary product, the presence of an off-odor and taste, salty, overly sour, bitter, spicy, out of shape, burnt, undercooked or undercooked. These dishes are sent for revision or rejected.

As a rule, cooks of the 5th and 6th grade are themselves supervisors and guarantee the high quality of dishes. Cooks who have the right of personal marriage are re-certified every three years. The deprivation of the right to personal marriage may occur at the request of the quality commission.

In restaurants, special rejection magazines have been established, in which the quality commissions enter their comments.

At least 2-3 times a month, dishes and culinary products are sent to the sanitary-food laboratory to study the completeness of the bookmark of products and their good quality.




Faculty of Restaurant and Hospitality Business and Services

Department of Technology and Organization of Catering and Services

Course work

By discipline: "Technology, organization and design of food in the hotel"

On the topic "Organization of production and jobs in the vegetable shop of the top-class restaurant" Volga "for 200 places in the hotel" Volga "

Checked by: associate professor Completed by: student

Vasilyeva II course, group 25

Inna Volnenko

Vitalievna Lyudmila


Moscow 2008

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… ... 3

1. Characteristics of the top-class restaurant "Volga" for 200 places in the hotel "Volga" ..................... .................................................. ..............4

2. Characteristics of the vegetable shop ………………… ...................................... ....................... 6

3. Development of the production program of the top-class restaurant "Volga" for 200 places in the hotel "Volga" ..................................................................... ... ... ... ... ... 8

3.1. Determination of the number of consumers ………………………………… ............... 8

3.2. Calculation of the number of dishes sold …………………………………………… 10

3.3 Drawing up a settlement menu for the Volga restaurant ……………………………… .16

4. Calculation of the amount of raw materials …………… ........................................ ....................................... 24

5. Calculation of the vegetable shop ……………………………………………………………… ...… 26

5.1 Drawing up the production program of the shop ............................................................. 26

5.2 Calculation of the yield of semi-finished products with a mechanical culinary

processing ………………………………………………………………… ..….… 30

5.3 Calculation of mechanical equipment ………………………………. …… ..........… 31

5.4 Calculation of refrigeration equipment ……………………………….…. ……… ..... 37

5.5 Calculation of the number of production workers …………………. ……… .... 39

5.6 Calculation of non-mechanical equipment …………………………………… .. …… .40

5.7 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe vegetable shop …………………………………………… ..…. 42

6. Description of the organization of workplaces in the workshop with the characteristics of equipment, inventory, tools, fixtures, containers ……………………………… .. …… ... 43

7. Rules of sanitation and hygiene in the vegetable shop, including the personal hygiene of workers .................................... .................................................. ....................................... 45

7.1 Sanitary and hygienic requirements ………………………………… .. ……… 47

7.2. Rules for the provision of catering services ……………………… ..… ...... 48

List of used literature ............................................... ................................... 49


Public catering is a sector of the national economy that has been, is and will be the most marketable area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

In our time, public catering enterprises are introducing new modern technologies that contribute to improving the quality of culinary products. To achieve these goals, the company must organize its activities in such a way as to keep under control all the technical, administrative and human factors that affect the quality of the product and its safety. Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of intensifying production common for the entire national economy, achieving high results with the lowest cost of material and labor resources.

The activities of public catering enterprises are associated with the need to strictly take into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of production and technical processes. In our time, public catering enterprises are introducing new modern technologies that contribute to improving the quality of culinary products.

Public catering was one of the first sectors of the national economy to embark on the transformation rails, accepting the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period on market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed. The restaurant business in our time is a young business, but very profitable. The standard of living of our citizens is increasing every day. They are no longer satisfied with lunch in some dining room, they need to have a good rest, try something unusual, just have a good time. And for this they are willing to pay well. Therefore, opening a restaurant in our time can bring considerable income. But for this it is necessary to study market laws, as well as those elements of the restaurant business that will help you stand out from competitors and take a high place.

It is very important to define the profile of the restaurant first. A clear formulation of two or three bright "highlights" will allow you to have a stable circle of customers, not only accepting the offered service option, but also feeling convenient and comfortable.

1. Characteristics of the top-class restaurant "Volga" for 200 seats in the hotel "Volga"

According to GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and definitions ", approved by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated February 21, 1994, No. 35 and put into effect on July 1, 1994 (hereinafter GOST R 50647-94), catering establishment is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) the organization of consumption.

A restaurantthis is a special type of enterprise in which the organization of the production of a wide range of complex culinary products is combined with the organization of a high level of customer service in the sales areas of the restaurant.

In this paper, a top-class restaurant "Volga" with 200 seats in the "Volga" hotel is considered.

According to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 50762-95), a classification of restaurants is established depending on the quality of the services provided, the range of ordered and branded dishes, products, and the interior.

Top class restauranta company that has an original interior, a choice of services, comfort, a varied range of original, exquisite customized and branded dishes and products.

The top-class restaurant "Volga" is a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including customized and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service combined with leisure activities.

Restaurant "Volga" provides consumers with breakfasts, lunches and dinners, and when serving participants of conferences, seminars, meetings - a full diet, it is also possible to organize and conduct banquets of various types and thematic evenings.

It is also possible to provide additional services: service of a waiter in the room and at home, ordering and delivery of culinary, confectionery products to consumers, including in banquet performance; booking seats in the restaurant hall; tableware rental, etc.

Leisure services include:

Organization of music services;

Organization of concerts, variety programs;

Provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Customer service is provided by head waiter and waiters. In the "Volga" restaurant, all service personnel are fluent in foreign languages.

The Volga restaurant has a separate entrance, a conventional signboard and an illuminated signboard with design elements. For the decoration of halls and premises for consumers, decorative elements (lamps, draperies, etc.) are used. The trading floor is equipped with a stage and a dance floor, as well as a ventilation system. The furniture in the luxury restaurant matches the interior of the room.

    Characteristics of the vegetable shop

The vegetable shop is organized at enterprises of large or medium capacity. The vegetable shop is located, as a rule, in the part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials, bypassing the general production corridors. The shop must have a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, in which the release of finished products is completed. The assortment and number of semi-finished products produced by the workshop depend on the production program of the enterprise and its capacity. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, additional cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, and cutting. Equipment for the vegetable shop is selected according to the equipment standards, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment of the vegetable shop is a potato peeler, a universal vegetable cutter, is included in the set of interchangeable drives for universal general purpose PP, as well as non-mechanical equipment (production tables, tables for post-peeling of potatoes, washing baths, vegetable pots). Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations. In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment is installed in the course of the technological process. On the line for processing potatoes and root crops, they put a washing bath, a potato peeler. After machine cleaning, manual cleaning is performed on special tables. After additional cleaning, the potatoes are placed in a bath of water and stored for no more than 2-3 hours. Peeling of onions and garlic is carried out on special tables with an exhaust device. Production tables and washing baths are installed on the cabbage and greenery processing line. Peeled vegetables are washed and, depending on the purpose, some of them are used for cooking whole, and the rest are cut by machine or by hand. Cover the peeled and chopped vegetables with a damp cloth to prevent dirt and dryness. Technical conditions and technological instructions provide for the production of p / f: peeled sulfite potatoes that do not darken in air; fresh peeled white cabbage, carrots, beets, peeled onions. The technological process of processing vegetables in large vegetable shops is the same as in shops of medium and low capacity, only it is more mechanized. To speed up the processing of vegetables, two technological lines are installed in the vegetable shop of a large procurement enterprise: manual and mechanized. The work of small vegetable shops is organized by the production manager; large vegetable shops are headed by the shop manager or foreman. Vegetable cleaners of the 1st and 2nd categories perform all operations for processing vegetables and cooking p / f. According to the production program, a schedule is drawn up for the release of vegetable p / f in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of consumed raw materials and released p / f.

3. Development of the production program of the restauranttop class "Volga" for 200 places in the hotel "Volga"

The production program of various types of public catering establishments - precooking and working on raw materials (canteens, restaurants, cafes, etc.) - is a daily settlement menu for the implementation of dishes in the hall of this enterprise and for supplying buffets, cooking shops, delivery of meals at home and etc.

The production program of procurement enterprises (factories of semi-finished products and culinary products, specialized workshops, enterprises of semi-finished products and culinary products) is the volume of processed raw materials (capacity) in tons per day or per shift for the integrated supply of a network of enterprises - pre-food and culinary stores with semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery in assortment.

The development of a production program for public catering enterprises operating on raw materials or semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness begins with drawing up a schedule for loading the sales area of \u200b\u200ba catering company and determining the number of visitors by the opening hours of the enterprise.

1. Introduction

Catering plays an important role in people's lives. They most fully satisfy the nutritional needs of people. Catering enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.

Meals, which are provided to the population in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, children's and other institutions, are organized at the expense of the state.

Food is a vital requirement for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups in the country.

Before perestroika, public catering occupied an important place in the national economy of the country. But, starting in 1992, there was a radical change in the industry, which led to the closure and ruin of most public catering enterprises. From this time on, the nutrition sector began to develop anew.

Currently, activities in the field of mass catering are beginning to rapidly gain momentum. The first surge has already passed: many restaurants and cafes that opened at the beginning of the perestroika process closed due to unprofitability and lack of competitiveness. However, the process gradually began. At the moment, Yoshkar-Ola, as well as some other large cities in Russia, are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing rapidly. The catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

2. Main part

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

A canteen is a public catering enterprise or a catering enterprise serving a certain contingent of consumers, which produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu that is varied every day. The canteen catering service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by days of the week or special rations for various groups of the served contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as for creating conditions for the sale and consumption at the enterprise.

Canteens are distinguished:

According to the range of products sold - general type and dietary;

By the contingent of consumers served - school, student, worker, etc .;

By location - public, at the place of study, work.

Public canteens are designed to provide products of mass demand (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) mainly to the population of the area and visitors. In canteens, a post-pay consumer self-service method is used. Canteens at industrial enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are located taking into account the maximum approximation to the contingents served. Canteens at industrial enterprises organize meals for workers in the daytime, evening and night shifts, if necessary, deliver hot food directly to the workshops or construction sites. The order of work of canteens is agreed with the administration of the enterprises,

institutions and educational institutions. Canteens at vocational schools organize two or three meals a day based on the daily ration. Typically, these canteens use pre-setting.

Canteens at secondary schools are created with the number of students at least 320 people. It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for two age groups: the first for students in grades I-V, the second for students in grades VI-XI.

In large cities, school food factories are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, flour culinary and confectionery products. The working hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration. Dietetic canteens specialize in serving individuals in need of nutritional therapy. In diet canteens with a capacity of 100 seats or more, it is recommended to have 5-6 basic diets, in other canteens with a dietary department (tables) - at least 3. Dishes are prepared according to special recipes and technologies by cooks with appropriate training, under the supervision of a dietitian or a nurse. The production of dietetic canteens is equipped with specialized equipment and tools - steam ovens, pulping machines, steam boilers, juicers. Canteens and mobile ones are designed to serve small groups of workers, employees, usually dispersed over large areas.

Canteens should have a sign indicating the organizational and legal form, hours of work. In the design of sales areas, decorative elements are used that create a unity of style. In canteens, standard lightweight furniture is used, corresponding to the interior of the room, tables must have hygienic coverings. Earthenware and pressed glass are used for tableware. From premises for consumers, dining rooms should have a vestibule, cloakroom, toilet rooms. The area of \u200b\u200bsales areas must comply with the standard - 1.8 m2 per seat.

2.2. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

In the canteen, the vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry, and also has convenient communication with the cold and hot shops. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting. Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment for performing certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:

1. Cleaning of potatoes and root crops, additional cleaning and washing them. A washing bath, a batch potato peeler, a special stainless steel table with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes are installed at the workstation for processing potatoes and root crops: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste;

2. Processing of seasonal vegetables and peeling of onions, garlic. A special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.) are installed at the workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, onions.

3. Cutting vegetables installed production table, vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment.

The equipment in the workshop is located preferentially.

A workplace equipped with a special table with a hood is organized for each employee.

2.3 Organization of work in the shop

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager. One person works in the shop - a cook of the 3rd category. The workshop is operated in one shift. For the evening work of the enterprise, vegetable semi-finished products are prepared in advance, taking into account their storage and sale periods. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable semi-finished products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of consumed raw materials and produced semi-finished products.

2.4. Equipment and inventory used in this workshop, its characteristics

Brand MOK-150M

Capacity 150kg / h

For example, B 380

Power, kW 0.75

Gab. dimensions, mm 650х450х930

MOK-150M: The potato peeler is designed to peel potatoes and other root crops by exposure to abrasive cleaning organs.

Potato peeler weight, kg-50.

Robot Coupe R 201 Ultra E kitchen processor The R kitchen processors from Robot Coupe are universal kitchen machines with two attachments (vegetable cutter and cutter) on one walk-behind tractor.

These processors are capable of performing several functions at once, replacing several machines: vegetable cutter, meat grinder, dough mixer, planetary mixer, blender. This allows not only to conduct the production process more efficiently, but also to save production space.

Designed for mechanization of food processing processes at catering establishments

Full set:

Meat grinder MM - 180 kg / h

Sifter MP - 230 kg / h

MI crust and spice grinder - 15 kg / h

Whisk VM

Vegetable cutting machine MO - 200-350 kg / h

Stirrer - tank 25L

Meat tenderer MR - 1500 portions / hour

PM drive mechanism

Stand P

The potato peeler's hopper is made of stainless steel and is closed by a lid with a built-in loading door. The potato peeler has an unloading hatch, when opened, spontaneous unloading of the cleaned product occurs when the disc is rotating.

The potato peeler provides for adjustment of the cycle time by using a time relay.

The mass of the simultaneously loaded product is 7 kg.

2.5 Operating rules and safety precautions when working on this equipment

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers study the rules for using the equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules for its operation are posted. The floor in the workshops is flat, without protrusions, not slippery.

When working in shops, the following rules are observed:

Foot grids are installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives have well-fixed handles and are stored in a specific place;

Production baths and tables have rounded corners.

During work, they remove and recycle waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker.

When working in a hot shop, workers learn the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. The operating rules are posted at the equipment locations.

The floor in the workshop is even, without protrusions, and not slippery.

The temperature in the workshop does not exceed 26 degrees C.

Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be done only when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from the sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment is grounded.

When working with kitchen equipment, employees know and strictly follow the rules for using this equipment.

Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Closed circuit breakers and fuses. The machines are switched on and off using the START and STOP buttons.

All moving parts of the machines are fenced and the frame is grounded. If a malfunction is found, they inform the manager and the machine is not used.

2.6 Lighting and ventilation in the facility


The main requirements for natural lighting are the uniformity of illumination and the depth of penetration of daylight into the room. Natural lighting depends on a number of factors: the orientation of the windows in relation to the cardinal points, the size, construction and shading of the windows, the size and color of the room, the light climate of the area. In industrial, commercial and administrative premises, it must be at least 1: 8. Rooms are illuminated better if the windows are located 80-90 cm from the floor level.

Artificial lighting.

Artificial lighting in catering establishments can be general or combined. Luminaires of various types are used as light sources. Depending on the nature of light distribution, the luminaires are divided into three groups: direct, reflected and diffused light.

Direct light fixtures are those that direct 90% of the luminous flux to the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Luminaires of diffused light include those that distribute the luminous flux to both the lower and upper areas of the room.

Luminaires of reflected light direct at least 90% of the light upwards, while it is important that ceilings and walls have a light color.

c) in dressing rooms, toilets, warehouses, with incandescent lamps -75-100lx.

Do not place lamps over boilers, stoves, and also use lamps with lamps open at the bottom in order to avoid glass fragments getting into food when the lamp breaks.


According to its intended purpose, ventilation is supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust, and according to the method of air movement, natural and artificial.

Natural ventilation.

With natural ventilation, air exchange in the room occurs through leaks in the outer fences of buildings (cracks in windows, doors). In the premises of public catering establishments, at least half of all windows must have transoms; in the hot shop, each window. To enhance the natural air exchange in the inner walls of the premises, exhaust ventilation ducts are arranged, the outlets of which are brought out to the roof of the building and equipped with special devices - deflectors.

Artificial ventilation.

To ensure reliable air exchange, artificial ventilation is used, which is carried out using ventilation systems. The outside air is preliminarily cleaned and pumped through the supply ducts, while the polluted air is sucked off and thrown out through the exhaust ducts. Supply air temperature should be at least 12 degrees, relative humidity 30-60%, speed of movement in the working area, i.e. at a height of 1.5-2m from the floor, 0.15-0.2 m / s.

When building ventilation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of supply air passing through the premises. One supply system unites dining rooms, hot and confectionery shops, washing and procurement shops, administrative and utility rooms.

In the cooled rooms, a separate supply and exhaust ventilation with cooling of the supply air and a separate exhaust channel from the fish storage chamber is designed. Only exhaust ventilation is installed in toilets, washbasins, showers, smoking rooms and dressing rooms. The exhaust system of sanitary facilities must be insulated.

2.7. Arrangement and equipment of the vegetable shop

The vegetable shop is intended for the primary processing of potatoes and vegetables and consists of two sections: in the first section, potatoes and vegetables are washed and peeled, in the second, they are sliced, as well as storage of sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers (tomatoes).

The workshop is located at the entrance to the canteen in order to prevent contamination of other rooms and workshops of the canteen.

In the first section of the workshop, containers are installed - a stretcher for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables and a chest for storing them, a bath for washing potatoes and root crops before cleaning them, sand traps, a potato peeling machine, a starch settler, a mobile bath for delivering potatoes to peeling and a table for peeling potatoes and vegetables ... For the processing of fresh cabbage, onions and greens, a production table with a draft device (for onions) and a washing bath are installed. Between the compartments there is a tub for storing peeled potatoes and a special window for transferring vegetables.

The second section contains: a vegetable cutting machine mounted on a table, baths for storing sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers (tomatoes), a production table for bulkhead, slicing sauerkraut and processing pickles, a bath for washing pickled cucumbers (tomatoes) and a mobile bath for delivery peeled vegetables to other workshops in the canteen (hot or cold) and a trolley for delivering peeled and cut potatoes to the hot workshop.

The following stands are displayed in the workshop:

· Primary processing of potatoes and vegetables;

· Device, rules of operation of potato peelers and vegetable cutters;

· Rates of processing potatoes and vegetables per person per hour;

· Plates defining the purpose of production tables and baths.

The shop is equipped with cold and hot water supply, sewerage system, active supply and exhaust ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, power network.

The floor is made of marble chips. The walls are 1800 mm high. They are faced with tiles, whitewashing of the ceiling and walls above the tiles is carried out with chalk. The potato peeler is equipped with a 100 mm rim. On the front door at a height of 180 cm, there is a 260X105 mm plaque with the inscription "Vegetable shop" and the room number.

Property inventory is posted on the right side. It is signed by the head of the dining room.

Above each table there is a plate with a size of 297 × 210 mm, where the purpose of the table is indicated, and under the mechanical equipment there is a plate where the operating instructions, safety precautions, technical characteristics are given and a person responsible for the equipment is appointed

2.8. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for catering. Personal hygiene of service personnel

Cleaning of the dining room and mopping is done after the completion of food preparation, and the dining room after each meal.

General cleaning of the dining room is carried out at least once a week, including washing of windows, panels and floors. Floors and ladders in industrial premises and the dining room are periodically disinfected with a clarified solution of bleach.

At the end of the work, replaceable mechanisms of technological equipment are disassembled, thoroughly washed and dried, and scalded with boiling water before starting work. All production and utility rooms of the canteen are equipped with the necessary technological, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical equipment, providing a flow line of movement in accordance with the technological process.

Counter flows and crossing of lines of raw and heat-treated food, food and dirty dishes (waste), dirty and clean dishes, dirty dishes and prepared food are not allowed.

Kitchen utensils and utensils are cleaned of food debris, washed in a hot water bath (t \u003d 45-50 ° C) with the addition of detergents, and then rinsed in a hot water bath (t \u003d 60 ° C), scalded with boiling water and dried.

Production equipment (chopping boards, knives, vests) is thoroughly washed after use and disinfected by boiling at least 1 time a week for 1 hour after boiling. Washing baths are cleaned after use, washed with hot 1-2% solution of soda ash.

Cooks, grain cutters and other service personnel are allowed to work in the canteen only after passing tests for the sanitary minimum and passing a medical examination in the prescribed amount.

Personnel who have not passed a medical examination, who have purulent skin diseases, patients with venereal diseases or acute gastric diseases are not allowed to work in the canteen.

Cooks, grain cutters and other canteen workers are obliged to strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene: before starting work, they remove and put away rings, earrings, chains, outerwear and shoes in the closet, take a shower, wash their hands with soap and a brush, work only in a clean special clothing and shoes, have a clean handkerchief and short-cut fingernails.


Food enterprises play an important role in the life of human society. The successful operation of an enterprise depends on many factors. Like any complex system, a catering enterprise begins with the intention of its creator and ends with control and its functioning.

It can be concluded that the vegetable shop meets the architectural and planning, technological, constructive, special engineering solution. And also the detailed layout of the vegetable shop in the restaurant meets all the requirements of technological planning.

All equipment in the workshop is placed according to the technological process. Workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process. The arrangement of the equipment is correct, the preparation of workplaces, as well as the equipping of the necessary equipment, utensils, ensures the supply of raw materials during the shift and the smooth execution of work. This workshop can be used for its intended purpose and carry out all the necessary technological processes in it without any harm.


1. SNiP II-L.8-71 “Public catering establishments. Design standards ".

2. SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting".

3. SNiP II-M.3-78 “Auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises. Design standards ".

4. SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures."

5. SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic Requirements for Water Quality in Central Drinking Water Supply Systems ”.

6. SP "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Production and Circulation of Food Products and Food Raw Materials in them". - M .: Ministry of Health of Russia, 2002.

7. Equipment for public catering establishments. In 3 volumes. Textbook for university students / V.D. Elkhina, A.A. Zhurin, L.P. Pronichkina, M.K. Bogachev. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Economics, 1987 .-- 447 p.

8. Organization of the work of a catering enterprise: Textbook for universities / N.N. Shapovalov, V.M. Platonov, V.I. Pivovarov, B.A. Crimean. - M .: Economics, 1990 .-- 272 p.

9. Design of catering establishments. Reference book to SNiP. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1992 .-- 109 p.

10. Design of catering establishments: Study guide for the implementation of the technical part of the diploma project / Comp .: V.S. Podolsky. - Vladivostok. Publishing house DVGAEU, 2003 .-- 68 p.

11. Technology of production of public catering products / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others - Moscow: Economics, 1986 .-- 400 p.

12. Commercial and technological equipment: Handbook / Klyuchnikov VP, Korneev VA, Kostylev Yu.S. and others. - M .: "Economy", 1985. - 232 p.

13. Management of public catering: A textbook for students of trade universities / Yu.A. Vasiliev, V.N. Pysin and V.I. Karsekin and others; Ed. Yu.A. Vasilyeva. - M .: Economics, 1989 .-- 101 p.

14. Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering enterprises. - M .: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 248 p.

15. Lemisova L.V. Organization of production at catering establishments: Uch. allowance. - Vladivostok: FVGAEU, 1997 .-- 91 p.

16. Town Hall A.S. Foodservice technology. In 2 volumes. - M .: Publishing house "Mir", 2002.

17. Yakovleva S.V. Labor protection in public catering: A reference guide. - M .: Economics, 1986 .-- 144 p.

Large catering establishments must have production facilities for food at all stages of processing. The premises are divided into five groups:

1. Premises, refrigerated or uncooled, for storing stocks of raw materials that are intended for processing. The shelf life depends on the volume of work of the enterprise and on the types of products.
2. Procurement premises: meat, fish, vegetable.
3. Preparation rooms: hot and cold shops - kitchen.
4. Utility rooms: confectionery shop, non-alcoholic drinks shop.
5. Auxiliary rooms: washing dishes, bread slicer, distributor.

Enterprises of small capacity can place several shops in one common room: a meat and fish shop, and in small enterprises they can make a meat and fish and vegetable shop. Moreover, the processing of each type of product (meat, fish, vegetables) should be carried out on separate equipment using individual lines.

Vegetable workshop

This workshop is considered the largest in the enterprises, since it processes raw materials for most of the first and second courses, side dishes and snacks.

Large enterprises have several types of machines: sorting machine, vegetable washer, potato peeler, vegetable cutter. In addition, the vegetable shops are equipped with washing tubs, production tables and shelving.

Each type of vegetables goes through certain stages of processing and preparation for use. Let's trace all the production stages of cleaning on the example of potatoes. The first production step consists of sorting potatoes (and other vegetables) by size and removing spoiled parts. After that, the potatoes are sent to a mechanical vegetable washer. If there is no mechanical vegetable washer, use stainless steel baths. Further, potatoes and root crops enter a mechanical potato peeler, and then peel off - removing the "eyes". The last operation is performed manually.

Tables in the vegetable shop must have stainless steel metal lids. On these tables, vegetables are cut, it is performed with the help of vegetable cutters or by hand. Shredded vegetables are prepared for cooking. Sometimes hardwood boards are used for cutting vegetables, they must be marked with CO (raw vegetables).

Prepared vegetables are placed in large bins or deep baking trays, covered with a clean, damp cloth and placed on shelves. At the request of the kitchen, they are handed over for cooking. Processed potatoes are poured with cold water to avoid browning, such potatoes are stored for no more than 4 hours. When peeling and cutting onions, turn on the fume hood.

In the vegetable shop there are commodity and floor scales for weighing vegetables, a variety of containers: buckets, bins, trays, knives. One table is set for the cook for preparing vegetables for salads and cold dishes.

Meat shop

The meat shop is designed for the preparation of semi-finished products. After thawing, the carcasses and half carcasses go to the cutting table, where they are cut into pieces with the help of blunts. At large enterprises, instead of dullards, they use electric saws for cutting meat.

The cut pieces are immediately thoroughly washed in metal baths, after which they are sent to the production table for sorting and deboning. In the butcher's shop, tables must have stainless steel or marble metal lids. Cutting boards can be made of wood, but only from hard wood, they must be marked with CM (raw meat).

After sorting and deboning, the meat is processed in an appropriate manner: individual parts go to various semi-finished products, others are sent to a meat grinder, having previously freed them from bones and veins. The meat grinder is used only for raw meat, it cannot be used for chopping boiled meat or fish.

Sorted pieces of meat are placed in baking trays and placed on shelves, from there they go to the kitchen. Bones and meat for the first courses are immediately loaded into the appropriate container and sent for heat treatment.

In the butcher shop of a small enterprise, separate baths, a production table and a cutting board for processing fish are distinguished.

Cutting tools play an especially important role in the operation of the butcher shop. In addition to dummies of different sizes, the workshop should have: a set of knives "chef's troika", knives-cutters, kitchen knives of various sizes, short boning knives, chef's needles, musat, etc.

In addition, in the butcher's shop there should also be table scales, and in large enterprises and commodity scales, baking sheets, buckets.

In the butcher shop, all sanitary and hygienic requirements must be strictly followed. After work, work tables and cutting boards must be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed with hot water and dried. The cutting table should be rinsed daily at the end of work with hot water, cleaned dry with a special scraper and sprinkled with salt. After use, the meat grinder should be washed with a 1% solution of soda, and all parts should be dry. Kitchen knives and other tools are also washed with a 1% baking soda solution and dried.

Fish shop

The fish shop must have baths (at least two), production tables (at least two) and cutting boards, a meat grinder, baking sheets, scrapers for cleaning scales, knives for gutting fish, a cabinet with drawers for storing spices, dial scales, etc. ...

Stainless steel baths are used for fish processing. The washed fish is served on a production table or cutting board, also made of stainless steel. Do not use tables with wooden covers. The chopping board is made of hardwood and is labeled CP (raw fish).

With the help of scrapers, knives, the fish is cleaned of scales, gutted, cut into portions. In the fish shop, like the meat one, there is a separate meat grinder for preparing minced fish.

Ready-made fish semi-finished products are placed in baking trays, wooden trays, put on shelves and racks, and then they are transferred to the kitchen for heat treatment.

A separate fish shop is available only at large enterprises, in small industries, the primary processing of fish is organized in the meat shop, allocating for these purposes a special workplace for personnel, separate equipment and inventory.

Confectionary shop

Only large industrial catering organizations have this workshop; small enterprises purchase flour confectionery from industry. But a small amount of flour confectionery is sometimes produced in ovens of kitchen stoves.

The confectionery shop should have bowls, sieves, pots and pots, baking trays and pastry sheets, brooms, notches, knives, rolling pins, racks, dial scales. In addition, a kneading machine, a mechanical beater, a rolling machine, a mortar, and a confectionery brewing kettle must be installed in the workshop.

It is important that the premises of the pastry shop are dry, as flour and sugar strongly absorb moisture. The dough is kneaded by kneading machines. A large number of eggs are beaten with mechanical beaters, and a small number - by hand.

The finished pastry and puff pastry is rolled into a sheet with a special machine, in small industries they do it by hand using wooden rolling pins. The dough is cut with various shaped notches made of non-oxidizing metal. In the confectionery shop, table covers are made of hard wood, in contrast to the meat and fish shops, in which this is prohibited.

Along with flour products in the confectionery department, sometimes they perform heat treatment of sweet dishes (compotes, jelly, casseroles, puddings, etc.), and the preparation of jelly, compotes takes place in the vegetable department, where fruits and berries are processed, or in the kitchen when making casseroles and puddings.

Cold shop

The cold shop prepares snacks and cold dishes. The preliminary preparation - washing and cleaning - is done by the chef in the vegetable shop, where he is assigned a special table. Likewise, the kitchen provides a work space for the cold shop chef.

Prepared semi-finished products, side dishes and cold sauces are stored at low temperatures in a refrigerator. This allows you to quickly prepare a snack just before serving. Ready-made snacks and cold dishes are placed on dishes, in salad bowls, vases, baking trays and installed on shelves or in a refrigerator. As needed, ready meals and snacks are transferred to the sales area to consumers.

For the normal operation of the workshop, separate tables with metal lids are required for processing raw and cooked products; cutting boards (separate for raw and cooked foods); one of the following markings is made on these boards: CO, VO (raw and boiled vegetables), CM, VM (raw and boiled meat), CP, BP (raw and boiled fish); meat grinder for boiled meat, vegetable cutter for cutting potatoes and vegetables, ham cutter, egg cutter, device for dividing butter into portions. A dial scale is used to check the weight of each food portion.

The cold shop chefs are supplied with a complete set of chef's and gastronomic knives for cutting food.

Hot shop (kitchen)

The main shop at catering establishments is the kitchen. Here semi-finished products coming from the blank workshops are brought to readiness.

The setting of the kitchen is a well-adjusted cooking mechanism. There is a stove in the center of the room. On production tables or cutting boards, semi-finished products are prepared for heat treatment. There are two shelves in the kitchen: one contains a minimum stock of kitchen utensils and utensils, and the second is intended for short-term storage of semi-finished products received from the blank workshops. The cabinet contains tools and condiments.

In the center of the kitchen, there are electric boilers for cooking dishes and liquid sweet dishes (jelly) and overturning electric pans for frying potatoes, meat, donuts, pies, etc. in various ways.

The kitchen should have a set of boilers and pots of different sizes, made of aluminum or stainless steel, saucepans, carabiners for second courses, carabiners with fish racks, frying pans, baking sheets, pastry sheets, a full set of chef's knives, forks and choppers, colander, slotted spoon , chumiches, scoops, oars, shovels, etc.

As in other workshops, great attention should be paid to hygiene requirements in food preparation.

Washing tableware

Equipped with washing tubs made of tinned carbon steel, aluminum or galvanized sheet steel. Washing baths have different dimensions: length from 0.5 to 1 m, width 0.5 - 0.7 m and depth about 35 - 0.45 cm). The washing tub has three isolated compartments, to which hot and cold water is supplied.

Before washing, remove food debris from the dishes with a wooden spatula or brush. Then the tableware is immersed in the first compartment of the bath, where the water has a temperature of 40-45 °. You can add a little mustard or soda ash to the water. Here the dishes are washed with a washcloth. Further, the dishes are transferred to the second compartment, where a solution of bleach is added to water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees. In the third compartment, the dishes are rinsed with hot water at a temperature of at least 90 degrees. The tableware is not wiped off, but dried in a drying cabinet or on a special shelf that is installed near the bath.

Cutlery (spoons, knives and forks) is first cleaned and then washed in the same way as tableware, rinsed and wiped dry or dried in a drying cabinet.

Glassware is washed in two sections of the bath.

Brushes, rags and washcloths used for washing dishes are washed daily, boiled and dried, and boiled again before starting work.

Washing kitchen utensils

This washing room is arranged in a separate room only in medium and large enterprises, while in small enterprises they wash kitchen and tableware in one room, separated by a partition.

The washing tub for kitchen utensils has only two compartments: in the first compartment, the dishes cleaned from food residues are washed in water at a temperature of about 45 °, and in the second compartment, the dishes are washed with running water at a temperature of at least 90-95 ° for 2-3 minutes.

Aluminum cookware should not be washed with lye, as this will darken it.

Do not scrape food burnt to the walls of the dish with metal tools, but you need to pour warm water into the dish so that the crust is soaked.

Metal tools are washed with warm 1% soda solution.

Small wooden objects are gently washed and then scalded with boiling water.

Napkins and gauze, through which the broth is filtered and the juice from berries and fruits is squeezed out, are thoroughly washed in hot water, and they are also boiled before use.

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Chapter 1. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

1.1 Characteristics of the vegetable shop

1.2 Structure of the vegetable shop

Chapter 2. Organization of a general vegetable snack bar

2.1 Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions

2.2 Organization of workplaces

2.3 Organization of work of the vegetable shop

2.4. Production of semi-finished salads

Chapter 3 The range of products at the designed enterprise. Menu types


List of references


In connection with the active introduction of market relations in the economy of Kyrgyzstan, the development of such spheres of activity that allow for the rapid accumulation of capital has acquired particular importance in society.

Public catering is one of the few industries that allows you to get a complete production cycle with a low cost of fixed assets.

After significant reforms, public catering in the Kyrgyz Republic is getting back on its feet and beginning to actively develop, with the most developing public "commercial" network of public catering enterprises: restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars. Moreover, the development of a public catering network is characterized by a tendency to decrease the average number of seats per enterprise. The reason is one - small catering enterprises are most adapted to the changing demand of the population for the products or services of public catering enterprises. Such an enterprise is easier to organize, they require less production and retail space, and therefore investment.

The attractiveness of investing in public catering is determined by the following factors:

Business reliability, because nutrition is the main factor in human life and performance.

The costs of construction, reconstruction, and the purchase of equipment are relatively low.

Current maintenance costs, management of the activities of P.O.P. relatively low compared to other industries.

Among catering establishments, the main place is occupied by restaurants, cafes and bars.

They play a significant role in organizing recreation for the population. People come to catering establishments not only to eat, but also to celebrate an anniversary, an important event in the life of a person, of a particular team, to hold a wedding celebration, a business or official meeting, just to relax with loved ones.

It is the task of the managers and employees of these enterprises to welcome, quickly and tasty feed people, to create all the conditions for good rest. The mood and well-being of everyone who uses their services depends on the correct and accurate organization of the work of the service personnel of catering enterprises.

Thus, the relevance of this topic at the present stage of development of the food industry has determined the choice of the topic of this work - "Organization of production and jobs in the vegetable shop of the restaurant" Altyn-Kazyk "for 120 places.

The object of this research is the restaurant "Altyn-Kazyk".

The subject of this research is the restaurant's vegetable shop.

The aim of the study is to consistently draw up an algorithm for organizing production and jobs in the vegetable shop of the restaurant in question, making the necessary calculations.

As part of achieving this goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

1. Determine the capacity of the restaurant.

2. Find out the number of dishes sold in the restaurant.

3. Draw up a plan menu and make its characteristics.

5. Draw conclusions on the work done.

The sources of information for writing the work were basic educational literature, the results of practical research by prominent domestic and foreign authors, articles and reviews in specialized and periodicals dedicated to the organization of production and jobs in the vegetable shop of a restaurant, reference books, and other relevant sources of information, which is described in the section of used sources of information.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

1.1 Characteristic vegetable shop

The vegetable shop of the restaurant "Altyn-Kazyk" has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the finished product is completed and located in the part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located, in order to transport raw materials bypassing common production corridors. food restaurant vegetable menu

Various devices and tools are used to process vegetables. Manual cleaning and additional cleaning of potatoes and root crops is carried out using a knife for processing roots, a knife for removing eyes and a mechanical device for cleaning potatoes; cutting with the help of a carbohydrate knife, chef's three knives, a tabletop device for shredding vegetables, a manual onion cutter, a grater.

The equipment in the shop under consideration is located sequentially in accordance with the technological process of processing raw materials.

Vegetables are supplied to the shop from the pantry, which is located nearby. Potatoes and root vegetables in the workshop are stored in chests and containers on a shelf, the rest of the vegetables are stored on racks. During processing, potatoes and root crops are washed in a bath, then loaded into a potato peeler. After cleaning, they are washed in a stationary or mobile bath (potatoes are stored in a bath with water), then served on the table for additional cleaning. The final operation is to cut vegetables on a cutting board with chef's three knives or using a machine for cutting raw vegetables. Stripping cabbage and bulkheading greens is done on a separate table with a built-in bath. After stripping and bulkheads, vegetables are washed. Onions and horseradish are cleaned at the table with local air suction, washed in a bath and cut by machine or by hand.

After the bulkhead and cleaning, vegetables and herbs are washed. To perform this operation, a bath or a table with a built-in bath is installed in the workshop.

Vegetables and greens are cut on the production table, on which there is a cutting board, to the right of it are the chef's three knives, to the left is a tray with washed herbs or vegetables, behind the board is a tray for semi-finished products.

1.2 FROMstructurevegetable shop

The vegetable shop carries out the primary processing of vegetables and the production of vegetable semi-finished products. The work of the vegetable shop is organized taking into account the technological process of preparing semi-finished products from potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage and other vegetables. The assortment and quantity of semi-finished products produced by the shop depends on the production program of the enterprise and its capacity.

In canteens, restaurants and other catering establishments operating on raw materials, the technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting (bulkhead), washing, cleaning, post-cleaning, washing and slicing. Workplaces in the workshop are organized in accordance with technological operations and equipped with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools. Mechanical equipment is used for peeling potatoes, root vegetables and cutting vegetables.

For the processing of certain types of vegetables in the workshop, jobs are provided. All vegetable processing operations are mechanized as much as possible. For washing and cleaning vegetables, potato-cleaning machines of periodic action with a productivity of 125, 250 and 400 kg / h are used; for cutting - vegetable cutting machines with a capacity of 50-200, 400-1000 kg / h, or a universal drive.

For transportation of raw materials and vegetable semi-finished products, trolleys or mobile baths and racks are used. Significant time expenditures of the cooks of the vegetable shop are associated with the performance of manual operations: additional cleaning of potatoes and root crops; cleaning of onions, horseradish, garlic, bulkheads of herbs, etc. For their implementation, specialized tables are installed at workplaces. In the lids of the tables there are recesses for processed vegetables and an opening for dumping waste into the installed container. To clean onions and horseradish, use a table-cabinet of the same design with local air suction. Baths are installed for washing vegetables.

In the vegetable shop, floor and tabletop electromechanical equipment is installed. The range of electromechanical equipment includes vegetable cutters, cutters, kitchen processors, vegetable peelers, universal kitchen drives, vegetable washers and dryers, as well as hand mixers, slicers and planetary mixers.

Chapter 2. Organization of a general vegetable snack bar

2.1 Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions

To successfully complete the production process at catering establishments, you must:

* choose a rational structure of production;

* production facilities should be located in the course of the technological process in order to exclude counter flows of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Thus, the blank shops should be located closer to the warehouse, but at the same time have a convenient connection with the finishing shops;

* ensure the flow of production and the sequence of the implementation of technological processes;

* correctly place the equipment;

* provide workplaces with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools;

* create optimal working conditions. Production facilities should be located on ground floors and oriented to the north and northwest. The composition and area of \u200b\u200bproduction facilities are determined by Building codes and design rules depending on the type and capacity of enterprises.

The area of \u200b\u200bproduction premises must ensure safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of the usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe passageways.

The area of \u200b\u200bproduction premises is calculated by the formula:

Spol - the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe shop occupied by the equipment, m 2;

Кп - area utilization factor, taking into account the passages between equipment.

For approximate calculations, the following area utilization factors are taken: for a hot shop - 0.25-0.3; for cold - 0.35-0.4; for blank shops - 0.35.

Example. Determine the total area of \u200b\u200bthe cold shop of the restaurant for 120 places, if the number of workers in the shop in the maximum shift is known - 4 people.

Determine the number of production tables using the formula

where L is the total length of the production tables to be installed, m;

Rmax is the number of people working in the maximum shift, people;

lp is the norm of the table length per worker for performing auxiliary operations (1.25 m).

Based on the total length of the production tables, we select specific types: sectional-modular production table with a SOESM-2 refrigerated cabinet, 1.68 m long - 1 unit; production table SP-1050, length 1.05 m - 3 units. Therefore, the total length of the tables is 4.83 m.

In our example, the area of \u200b\u200bthe cold shop will be 18.7 m2 (7.484 / 0.4).

The calculation of industrial premises at the rate of area per worker is made according to the formula:

where Stot is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe shop, m 2;

N is the number of workers in the shop;

n is the area norm per worker, m 2.

Area norms are accepted, m 2: for hot shop - 7-10; cold - 6-8; for blank shops - 4-6.

The height of the production premises should be at least 3.3 m. The walls to a height of 1.8 m from the floor are faced with ceramic tiles, the rest is covered with light glue paint.

In modern rooms, the walls are tiled with light-colored ceramic tiles to the full height, which improves the conditions for sanitation.

The floors must be waterproof, have a slight slope towards the drain, they must be covered with metal tiles or other artificial material that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

An optimal microclimate must be created in industrial premises. Microclimate factors include temperature, humidity and air velocity. The microclimate of hot and confectionery shops is also influenced by thermal radiation from the heated surfaces of the equipment. The exposed surface of the hot plate emits rays that can cause heat shock to the worker.

The optimum temperature in the billet and cold shops should be in the range of 16-18 ° C, in the hot and confectionery shops 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. The relative humidity in the shops is 60-70%.

These microclimatic conditions are created by means of a supply and exhaust ventilation device. The hood should be larger than the air intake. In hot shops, in addition to general ventilation, local ventilation is used; over section-modulated equipment (stoves, pans, deep fryers, bain-marie), local ventilation suction is arranged, which are designed to remove vapors.

In modern enterprises, it is advisable to use automatic air-conditioned units to create an optimal microclimate.

An important condition for reducing employee fatigue and preventing injuries is the correct lighting of industrial premises and workplaces. The workshops must have natural light. The illumination ratio (the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows to the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor) should be at least 1: 6, and the distance of the workplace from the windows should not be more than 8 m. The production tables are placed so that the cook works facing the window or the light falls from the left.

For artificial lighting, fluorescent lamps or incandescent lamps are used. When selecting lamps, it is necessary to observe the norm - 20 watts should fall on 1 m 2 of the workshop area.

Production facilities should have a hot and cold water supply to washing - baths, electric boilers, cooking kettles.

The sewerage system ensures the removal of waste water during the operation of baths, digestion boilers.

In production halls, noise is generated during the operation of mechanical and refrigeration equipment. The permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-75 dB. Reducing the noise level in industrial premises can be achieved by:

* the use of sound-absorbing materials;

* installation of electric motors on shock absorbers using sound-absorbing casings, installation of equipment on vibration-absorbing foundations;

* timely elimination of malfunctions that increase the noise during the operation of the equipment;

* constant monitoring of the fastening of the moving parts of machines and mechanisms, checking the condition of shock-absorbing pads, lubricants, etc .;

* timely prevention and repair of equipment;

* operation of the equipment in the modes specified in the passport of the manufacturers;

* placement of workplaces, machines and mechanisms in such a way that the impact of noise on workers was minimal;

* placement of workplaces of waiters, bartenders, barmen in dining rooms in the least noisy places, remote from the stage, acoustic systems;

* limitation of the output power of musical arrangement in the premises for visitors;

* organization of places for short-term rest of employees in rooms equipped with sound insulation and sound absorption;

* devices in hot workshops for false ceilings.

2.2 Organization work places

For each workshop and premises of a public catering enterprise, the number of workers performing a particular job, technological operations related to the production and sale of products, washing dishes, containers and equipment, and serving consumers is determined.

The number of production workers in workshops can be calculated according to time rates (per unit of finished products), as well as by production rates, taking into account the working time fund of one worker for a certain period and the production program of the workshop for the same period.

The number of production workers directly employed in the production process is determined according to the norms of time in accordance with the formula:

where: Absh - the number of man-seconds;

K - coefficient of labor intensity of dishes.

where: N1 is the apparent number of employees;

n is the number of dishes prepared per day;

K - coefficient of labor intensity of dishes;

Shop T \u003d 15h * 3600sec \u003d 54000 sec (shop working time);

l \u003d 1.14, a coefficient that takes into account the growth of labor productivity.

N 2 - the average number of workers in the shop;

N 1 - attendance number of employees;

b - coefficient of headcount increase, taking into account the mode of work of personnel and the enterprise; b \u003d 1.32.

Table 1. Calculation of labor force

The name of the prepared dishes

Number of dishes cooked per day

Labor intensity coefficient of dishes

Number of man-seconds

Capital salad

Radish salad

Assorted vegetables "Native land"

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Bogatyrskaya power salad

General vegetable shop


When designing a vegetable shop, the length of the tables is calculated for each technological operation in accordance with the technological scheme and work schedule of the vegetable shop.

The table length is calculated using the following formula:

where: L - table length for a specific technological operation, m;

m is the mass of simultaneously processed products, kg;

n - table length norm for a given operation for one cook, m;

a - production rate, kg / h

t is the permissible time for processing the product (taken from the work schedule of the vegetable shop.

Table 2. Standards of table length for one chef in a vegetable shop

Table 3. Standards for the production of semi-finished products per one cook in the vegetable shop

Thus, for our case:

The length of the table for the post-cleaning of potatoes and root crops: L \u003d 2.48 m.For the post-cleaning of potatoes and root crops, we take 2 tables of the SP-11 brand with a total length of 2.7 m.

The length of the table for the final cleaning of cabbage: L \u003d 0.45 m.For the additional cleaning of fresh cabbage, we take 1 table of the SP-4 brand, 1.35 m long.

The length of the table for the final cleaning of onions and greens: L \u003d 1.44 m.For the additional cleaning of onions and greens, we take 1 table of the SP-5 brand, 1.5 m long.

Without calculations, a table is taken for installing a vegetable cutter SP-1 1.35 m long.

Table for storing peeled root crops SP-6.

Table 4. Specification of production tables

product name

Product brand


Area, m2

length, mm

width, mm

Production table

Production table with sides

Potato peeling table

2.3 Organization of work of the vegetable shop

The vegetable shop in "Altyn-Kazyk" has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the production of finished products is completed.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting.

The equipment for the vegetable shop is selected according to the Equipment Standards, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, and vegetable pots.

Workplaces are equipped with tools, inventory for performing certain operations.

In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment is installed in the course of the technological process

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager.

In the restaurant "Altyn-Kazyk" the vegetable shop is located in such a way that on the one hand it is located not far from the vegetable storage warehouse, and on the other hand it has convenient communication with the cold and hot shops. In this case, convenience is created for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables to the workshop, as well as the technological chain: warehouse - vegetable workshop (preliminary processing) - hot workshop (final processing).

The technological scheme for the processing of potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting (sizing) of tubers by quality and size, washing, cleaning, post-cleaning, washing and cutting.

The processing of other vegetables is carried out according to different schemes. For example, onions, cabbage are peeled, washed, cut. Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, greens, pumpkin seeds are first sorted out, and then peeled, washed and cut.

In enterprises where a small volume of raw materials is processed, various technological processes and operations are performed sequentially on the same equipment. Organize common jobs for the processing of potatoes, root crops.

In enterprises with a large capacity of halls, several technological processes are carried out in parallel. In this case, separate jobs are organized for the processing of potatoes, as well as root crops, cabbage, herbs, and onions.

When organizing workplaces in the vegetable shop, the sequence of all operations of the technological process must be ensured. So, a worker engaged in potato processing first rinses the potatoes, then subjects them to mechanical cleaning and then to additional cleaning.

For sorting (sizing) tubers by quality and size, you can use sizing machines, which reduces waste during machine cleaning of potatoes and root crops.

Vegetable peelers are designed for peeling fruits, vegetables and tubers. There are several ways to remove the skin: mechanical, physical (steam), chemical (alkaline steam cleaning) and combined.

The bulkhead and cleaning of vegetables is performed on production tables. The top leaf is removed from the cabbage, which is poured into a container intended for this purpose, together with stumps and other waste.

In some cases, when it is necessary to remove the stump from the head without cutting the head itself, use a special device in the form of a steel tube with a recess. When pressed, the stump is removed from the head.

At the workplace to the left of the worker there are vegetables intended for processing and cleaning, to the right - containers for peeled vegetables. If the vegetables need to be rinsed after cleaning, then baths with a plug-in mesh, large colanders and other equipment are used for this purpose. Special production tables are convenient for washing greenery.

Onions, garlic and horseradish are cleaned in a special workplace with a fume hood. The hood allows you to remove essential oils that are released during cleaning and irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory organs. In order to reduce the release of essential oils from onions, they are soaked before peeling. After soaking, the onions can be peeled on regular production tables. The blade of a knife for peeling and shredding onions is moistened with a stream of running water.

Peeled and washed vegetables are cut into strips, cubes, cubes in vegetable cutting machines.

Greens: dill, celery, sorrel - and green onions are cut using a device consisting of a drive, a chamber, upper and lower conveyors, and a cutting disc.

Vegetables are processed manually when it is necessary to cut them in the form of barrels, pears, etc.; use the medium and small knives of the chef's troika. To obtain balls and nuts from peeled potatoes and root crops, special notches are used.

The washed and cleaned greens are processed at a special work place - a table, to the left of which there is a tray with herbs. There is a cutting board on the table and a tray of processed vegetables behind the board. The processed greens are placed in nets-liners and placed in washing tubs located next to the table. To make it easier to remove the insert from the bathtub, two handles are attached to the table.

There is no foreman position in the vegetable shop, since 2-5 people are employed here, who are directly supervised by the production manager. According to the menu plan, he draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable semi-finished products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes. Sometimes workers in this workshop are included in the complex team.

Mechanical culinary processing of vegetables is carried out in the vegetable shop. It is usually located near the vegetable store. This improves the sanitary condition of the workshop and reduces the cost of delivering vegetables. In the vegetable shop, mechanical equipment is installed - machines for washing, cleaning and cutting vegetables, as well as non-mechanical equipment - production tables, baths, chests for storing vegetables, special tables for vegetable cleaners and the simplest devices for starch settling. All equipment is placed in accordance with the technological process. There are several production lines for processing vegetables: potatoes and root crops; various vegetables and herbs; salted and pickled vegetables.

To prevent accidents and diseases when working in the vegetable shop, it is necessary to comply with labor safety conditions. It is forbidden to allow persons who do not know the rules for operating the equipment to work. Work rules and safety manuals must be posted at the machines. Each employee must be regularly instructed on the rules for operating the equipment:

* maintain the temperature in the workshop at least 16 ° C and prevent the formation of drafts;

* the floor should be flat, not slippery, with a slope towards the ladders for water to drain;

* all moving parts of machines must be guarded, motors must be grounded. Switches and fuses must be of a closed type. It is allowed to turn on and off the machine only using the "Start" and "Stop" buttons located on the machine body. It is necessary to replace parts, lubricate the machine, put on a slipped belt with the drive turned off. Push vegetables into the loading door only with a special pestle;

* in the event of a power outage, immediately turn off all machines;

* production tables and baths must be free of sharp corners. The vegetable washer and potato peeler must be protected with bumpers 10-12 cm high;

* women are allowed to lift weights no more than 20 kg, and together - 50 kg, men - up to 80 kg. Use trolleys to carry heavier loads. To unload vegetables from the baths, use scoops with holes for water to drain;

* dishes for loading vegetables into the machine must have a capacity of no more than 8-10 kg;

* when peeling onions, exhaust devices must work.

2.4 Production of semi-finished salads

Vegetables are an essential component of the diet and must be eaten daily. They are distinguished by excellent taste, and their biological value is determined by the content of carbohydrates, minerals, nitrogenous and phenolic substances. But vegetables are extremely important as a source of vitamins, which strengthen the protective functions of the body and help to resist various diseases.

Appointment of the vegetable shop

Vegetables are delivered to the restaurant "Altyn-Kazyk" fresh, fermented, canned, undergo primary processing, after which a wide range of semi-finished vegetable products is produced from them. All operations are carried out in the vegetable shop.

The restaurant has a vegetable shop in which the primary processing of potatoes, root vegetables, cabbage, onions, leafy greens, mushrooms, pickles is carried out.

In addition, centralized vegetable shops are being organized, providing retail chains and preparatory enterprises with their products. Most often, the centralized shop supplies its products to the canteens of school and preschool institutions, industrial enterprises that do not have procurement shops, but use semi-finished products of the vegetable shop of varying degrees of readiness in their work.

Room requirements vegetable shop

The area of \u200b\u200bthe vegetable shop is calculated on the basis of production programs, based on the amount of processed raw materials required to prepare a full range of dishes and culinary products. It should allow to rationally place all the necessary mechanical and auxiliary equipment of the vegetable shop and provide comfortable working conditions for workers.

The vegetable shop of the restaurant is located on the ground floor and provides for a convenient connection with storage facilities, as well as a hot and cold shop, where prepared vegetable semi-finished products are supplied for heat treatment and preparation of salads.

From the centralized vegetable shop, the finished product enters the refrigerated chambers of the expedition department, from where it is sent to consumers. Acceptance of raw materials and release of finished products should be mechanized as much as possible, which will reduce the time spent on transportation. Weighing of vegetables is carried out at loading sites of warehouse and forwarding departments, for which commodity scales of appropriate carrying capacity are used.

In the premises of the vegetable shop, both natural and artificial lighting, water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems are provided. Special requirements apply to the floor, which, in order to avoid injuries at work, must not be slippery.

Assortment of semi-finished products of the vegetable shop

* raw peeled potatoes;

* raw peeled sulphitized potatoes;

* onions, carrots, peeled beets;

* peeled white cabbage;

* green onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, processed celery.

The volume of production is determined on the basis of the next day's menu plan. In centralized vegetable shops, applications from pre-harvesting enterprises are taken into account, on the basis of which the production program is calculated and the operation of the vegetable shop is planned.

The shop manager receives the raw materials for the production of semi-finished products. They are responsible for the timely and high-quality processing of vegetables and report on the consumption of raw materials.

The sequence of technologicalsome operations in the vegetable shop

* cleaning;

* cleaning;

* slicing;

* packaging and transportation.

In small and medium-sized vegetable shops, 2 technological lines are most often distinguished:

1. processing of potatoes and root crops;

2. processing of cabbage, onions, herbs, pickles, seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Pen linepotatoes and root crops

Currently, potatoes and root crops come from suppliers sorted and calibrated, so the primary processing of vegetables begins with their washing. For washing potatoes and root crops, washing baths are installed. Washing must be carried out in running water, and vegetables should be placed in special nets. A more modern method of washing vegetables can also be used, namely, vegetable washers of various designs, which wash and clean almost all types of vegetables and herbs using special brushes.

There is a potato peeler next to the washing baths, in which the mechanical cleaning of potatoes, carrots and beets is carried out. The potato peeler is connected to the electricity and water supply, and on the floor there is a sewer ladder with a fine grate. The performance of a potato peeler must fully meet the production needs for peeled potatoes and root crops.

After mechanical cleaning, vegetables are subjected to manual cleaning, which is carried out on specialized production tables. Potato peeling tables have holes for collecting waste and tubs for peeled potatoes. The shelf life of peeled potatoes in water is no more than 3 hours.

The production of sulphitated potatoes is carried out in large vegetable shops under strict laboratory control. Completely peeled potatoes are placed in aluminum nets, immersed in a bath with 1% sodium bisulfite solution, kept for 5 minutes, and then washed by three times immersion in a bath of clean water. Sulphitated potatoes are placed in a functional container and sent to consumers. It is stored without water for no more than a day at a temperature of 15 ° C and up to three days at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

Cabbage processing line, onions, herbs and seasonal vegetables

Cabbage, leafy greens and seasonal vegetables that have entered the vegetable shop are sorted out, contaminated and decayed parts are removed. Then the vegetables are washed in washing tubs or vegetable washers and sent to the production tables, where the cleaners remove the skin, stalks, seeds, roots and tough stems. For cabbage, for cooking cabbage rolls, remove the stalk. When used for preparing salads and first courses, the head of cabbage is cut into four parts and the stalk is cut out. Processed vegetables are placed in containers and sent to a cold or hot workshop for further culinary processing.

Organization of the process of cutting vegetables

Vegetable cutting can be organized both in the vegetable and in the cold workshop, which depends on the specifics and characteristics of catering establishments, the location and area of \u200b\u200bthe workshops. Most often, vegetables used for preparing first courses and side dishes are cut in vegetable shops, and vegetables for salads and snacks are cut in cold shops just before cooking.

Vegetable cutting can be done both manually and by machine. Manual cutting is carried out on production tables equipped with labeled cutting boards, knives and functional containers. Manual cutting of vegetables is a laborious, inefficient process with low labor productivity. You cannot do without manual labor when you need curly cutting of vegetables, which is entrusted to highly qualified workers. In other cases, it is necessary to provide for the installation in the vegetable shop of a vegetable cutting machine of appropriate capacity with a full set of knives and graters. Vegetable cutters are able to cut vegetables of any geometric shape: into strips, circles, cubes, cubes, slices, etc. They provide fast and high-quality cutting of any vegetables, which significantly reduces the production costs for the production of semi-finished products. A wide range of modern vegetable cutters allows you to fully meet the production needs of any catering company.

Chapter 3... The range of products forthe designed enterprise... Menu types

For the restaurant "Altyn-Kazyk" we draw up a menu for three days, taking into account the following features of the restaurant's customer service: breakfast - buffet, lunch - 50% of the main menu, 50% of business lunch, dinner - of the main menu. Let's calculate those who eat for each menu, based on the data in Table. 1.

The main menu: 868: 2 + 634 \u003d 434 + 634 \u003d 1068, the consumption coefficient for the restaurant is 5, therefore, the number of dishes is: 1068 * 5 \u003d 5340 dishes.

Buffet menu: 765 * 5 \u003d 3825 dishes.

Business lunch menu: 434 * 5 \u003d 2170 dishes.

Table 5. Percentage ratio of dishes for the main menu

Restaurants at hotels (in%)

of the total

from this group

Cold dishes

Dairy products

Hot snack


Gas stations

Dairy, cold, sweet

Second hot dishes



Egg, curd

Table 6. Ratio of dishes in the assortment, in%



Cold dishes

Dairy products

Hot snack


Gas stations

Dairy, cold, sweet

Second hot dishes



Egg, curd

Sweet food and hot drinks

Calculation examples:

Consumption coefficient:

Hot drinks \u003d 0.05 * 2267 \u003d 113.35 liters.

Tea \u003d 0.01 * 2267 \u003d 22.67 liters.

Coffee \u003d 0.035 * 2267 \u003d 79.34 liters.

Hot chocolate \u003d 0.005 * 2267 \u003d 11.3 liters.

Cold drinks \u003d 0.25 * 2267 \u003d 567 liters.

Fruit \u003d 0.09 * 2267 \u003d 204 liters.

Mineral \u003d 0.04 * 2267 \u003d 90.68 liters.

Juices \u003d 0.12 * 2267 \u003d 272 liters.

Bakery products \u003d 150 * 2267/1000 \u003d 340 kg.

Rye bread \u003d 50 * 2267/1000 \u003d 113.35 kg.

Wheat \u003d 100 * 2267/1000 \u003d 226.7 kg.

Flour products \u003d 0.5 * 2267 \u003d 1133 pcs.

Sweets, cookies \u003d 0.02 * 2267 \u003d 45.34 kg.

Calculation of the number of servings:

Hot drinks \u003d 113.35 * 5 \u003d 568 servings

Tea \u003d 22.67 * 5 \u003d 114 servings

Coffee \u003d 79.34 * 5 \u003d 397 servings

Cocoa \u003d 11.3 * 5 \u003d 57 servings

Cold drinks \u003d 567 * 5 \u003d 2835 servings

Fruit water \u003d 204 * 5 \u003d 1020 servings

Mineral water \u003d 90.68 * 5 \u003d 455 servings

Natural juices \u003d 272 * 5 \u003d 1360 servings

Table 7. Main menu (1st day)

Name of dishes

1 serving, gr.

Number of dishes

Specialties and snacks

Roll "Princely" with fried potatoes

Cold meals and snacks

Assorted fish


Pickled crabs

Delicacy fish salad

Seafood with mayonnaise

Meat salad

Capital salad

Boiled tongue with garnish

Assorted meat with garnish


Bogatyrskaya power salad

Radish salad

Assorted vegetables "Native land"

Fresh tomato and cucumber salad

Hot snack

Crabs with sour cream

Julienne "Coral Reef"

Julien from the tongue

First meal

Broth with meatballs

Sturgeon ear

Solyanka meat team

Homemade noodle soup with chicken

Second courses

Whole fried fish

Fish baked in sour cream sauce

Shrimp with tomato sauce

Boiled pike perch, Polish sauce with boiled potatoes

Langet with sauce

Beef shashlik

Hussar-style beef

Wind meat

Chicken in almonds

Fillet Appetizing with Basmati rice

Mushrooms with potatoes and tomatoes

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Potato croquettes with mushroom sauce

Pilaf with raisins

Legumes with fat

Sweet dishes

Iceberg ice cream

Cracker pudding

Croutons with fruits and berries

Basket with berries and cherry sauce

Hot drinks

Tea with lemon

Black coffee

Cocoa with milk

Iced coffee"

Hot chocolate

Cold drinks

Mineral water "Mirgorodskaya"

Sandora natural juice in ass.

Flour confectionery and bakery products

Bread "Ukrainian"

Wheat bread croutons

Cake "Birch"

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Shortbread cake with cream

Vanilla bun

Alcoholic drinks

Vodka "Nemiroff"

Red wine "Isabella"

White wine "Francesca"

Champagne "Crimean"

Cognac "Jean-Jacques"

Beer "Baltika 3"

Beer "Tuborg Green"

Table 8. Main menu (2nd day)

Name of dishes

1 serving, gr.

Number of dishes

Specialties and snacks

Boiled pig with garnish and horseradish sauce

Potatoes baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms and onions

Cold meals and snacks

Hot smoked fish salad

Assorted fish


Oysters with lemon

Sturgeon with mayonnaise, salad dressing and vegetable garnish

Seafood with mayonnaise

Game fillet stuffed with vegetable garnish, sauce mayonnaise with gherkins and jelly

Cold chicken with walnut sauce

Boiled tongue with garnish

Assorted meat (beef, tongue, ham, chicken) with vegetable garnish and sauce mayonnaise with gherkins

Bogatyrskaya power salad

Radish salad

Assorted vegetables "Native land"

Fresh tomato and cucumber salad

Hot snack

Mushrooms baked in sour cream sauce

Julienne "Coral Reef"

Julien from the tongue

First meal

Soup "Saint-Germain"

Sturgeon ear

Solyanka meat team

Champignon Soup

Second courses

Boiled sturgeon with potatoes ...

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