Organization diagram of the vegetable shop. Vegetable shop in a restaurant characteristic. Equipment - vegetable shop. Potato and root vegetable processing line

The structure of a public catering enterprise that uses raw materials in the process of cooking dishes includes a vegetable shop equipped with all the necessary equipment. Its purpose is to carry out work on cleaning and preparing semi-finished products from various vegetables, root crops, herbs, etc. Before processing, all plant raw materials are stored in the warehouse of the enterprise. For the production of semi-finished products from the warehouse, the required amount of vegetables is taken into operation, which are weighed on the scales ... After the raw materials arrive at the workshop, the rotten and frozen part is selected and discarded from the entire volume. Then the process of mechanized processing begins atequipment of the vegetable shop .

The technology of working with vegetables in the shop involves several stages: 1) washing; 2) mechanized cleaning; 3) cleaning by hand; 4) shredding and slicing; 5) placement in a gastronome container; 6) short-term storage; 7) transfer to hot or cold shops. On the basis of the given scheme of the production process and the load on the workshop, all the necessary equipment for the vegetable workshop is selected.

All technical equipment is placed in a line parallel or perpendicular to each other in the room (or rooms) and sequentially taking into account the direction of movement of the processing of vegetables. The equipment can have a wall or island location, in compliance with the dimensions, which are regulated by regulatory documents, between the modules and technological lines. The premises of the vegetable shop should be supplied with hot and cold water, sewerage and equipped with water points in the required amount.

All actions for processing vegetables should be mechanized as much as possible in order to increase the productivity and efficiency of the entire workshop. There should also be a sufficient quantity of improvised inventory and auxiliary equipment in the vegetable shop.

To perform all stages of vegetable processing, the following equipment is used: potato peelers (potato peelers), mechanical vegetable cutters (for cutting only raw vegetables, for cutting raw and boiled vegetables), tables with a washing bath, simple production tables, mobile and stationary washing baths, household items, onion peeling tables with hood, mobile carts.

Large, with increased capacity, vegetable shops can occupy several rooms, and shops designed for a small amount of vegetables can be located in one room. Accordingly, the amount of equipment will be different. The vegetable shop should be located interconnected with the vegetable warehouse, hot and cold shop. It is desirable that the direction of movement of vegetables received for processing in the vegetable shop does not intersect with the direction of their transportation to the hot and cold shops, and these two lines do not intersect with the direction of movement of raw materials from the vegetable warehouse.

1 - potato peeler; 2 - table for peeling potatoes; 3 - production table; 4 - Table with a washing bath; 5 - onion peeling table; 6 - universal vegetable cutting machine; 7 - product kit; 8 - mobile washing bath; 9 - washing bath; 10 - sink for hand washing



2.1. Calculations of the area of \u200b\u200bthe public dining room for 100 seats .............

2.3. Calculation of the workshop area
2.4. Calculation of the number of workers in the vegetable shop


Relevance of the topic. Catering plays an important role in people's lives. They most fully satisfy the nutritional needs of people. Catering enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.
The fulfillment of its main function by a catering enterprise presupposes a number of conditions, namely: they must have qualified personnel, buildings and structures, equipment, inventory and, of course, food. To implement the main function, catering establishments must:
- study questions and requirements of consumers
- determine the needs for food;
- establish and maintain relationships with suppliers;
- create conditions for eating;
- prepare food, portion and release it;
- make settlements with clients for services rendered;
- advertise services.
Public catering enterprise - a set of workshops and production sites included in it, premises for serving consumers and various types of services; studies the activities of its individual divisions and their relationships from the point of view of the most efficient use of the resources of each of them and the enterprise as a whole; explores the issues of specialization of production, division and cooperation of labor within the enterprise, methods of establishing progressive technical standards.
The object of the study is a canteen for 100 seats, located at the enterprise.
The subject of the research is the design of a vegetable shop in the canteen for 100 seats.
The purpose of the course work is to organize the work of a vegetable shop in a canteen for 100 seats, located at the enterprise.
1. Get acquainted with the general characteristics of the enterprise and the vegetable shop.
2. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe canteen and vegetable shop.
3. Make calculations for the organization of equipment selection.
4. Calculate the number of workers in the vegetable shop.
Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, a theoretical and practical part, a conclusion, a list of used literature and an application.

Chapter 1 Features of production and trade activities of public catering enterprises

1.1. General characteristics of the enterprise

Catering enterprises have a number of features. If most enterprises in other industries are limited to performing one or two functions, for example, food processing enterprises perform the production function, trade enterprises - the sale of products, then catering enterprises perform three interrelated functions:
1.production of culinary products;
2. sale of culinary products;
3. organization of its consumption.
In addition, products manufactured by public catering enterprises have limited sales terms. So, in mass production, hot dishes are prepared for 2-3 hours. Realization, and cold - for 1 hour. This requires the release of products in batches, as they are consumed.
The range of products manufactured by public catering enterprises is very diverse, different types of raw materials are used for its preparation. The variety of manufactured products makes it possible to more fully satisfy the demand of consumers, however, it complicates the organization of production: many types of raw materials require special storage conditions, different rooms for mechanical culinary processing.
The variety of products depends on the nature of demand and the characteristics of the serviced contingent, its professional, age, national composition. Working conditions. Study and other factors.
The mode of operation of public catering enterprises depends on the mode of operation of the contingents of consumers of industrial enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions they serve. This requires enterprises to work especially intensively during the hours of the greatest flow of consumers - during lunch breaks, changes.
The demand for foodservice products is subject to significant seasons. Days of the week and even hours of the day. In summer, the demand for vegetable dishes and soft drinks increases. Cold soups. From the point of view of marketing, each company must analyze and study the sales market. The range of products and methods of service depend on this.
Catering establishments provide, in addition to catering services, many others. For example: organizing leisure activities, renting dishes, etc.
These features of the work of public catering establishments are taken into account in the rational placement of the network of enterprises. Selecting their types, determining the mode of operation and making menus.
A canteen is a public catering enterprise or a catering enterprise serving a certain contingent of consumers, which produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu that is varied every day. The canteen catering service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special rations for various groups of the served contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as for creating conditions for the sale and consumption at the enterprise.
Canteens are distinguished:
for the range of products sold - general type and dietary;
for the serviced contingent of consumers - school, student, worker, etc .;
by location - public, at the place of study, work.
Public canteens are designed to provide products of mass demand (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) mainly to the population of the area and visitors. In canteens, a post-pay consumer self-service method is used Canteens at industrial enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are located taking into account the maximum approximation to the contingents served. Canteens at industrial enterprises organize meals for workers in the daytime, evening and night shifts, if necessary, they deliver hot food directly to workshops or construction sites. The order of work of canteens is coordinated with the administration of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. Canteens at vocational schools organize two or three meals a day based on the daily ration. Typically, these canteens use pre-setting.
Canteens at secondary schools are created with the number of students at least 320 people. It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for two age groups: the first for students in grades I-V, the second for students in grades VI-XI.
In large cities, school food factories are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, flour culinary and confectionery products. The working hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration. Dietetic canteens specialize in serving individuals in need of nutritional therapy. In diet canteens with a capacity of 100 seats or more, it is recommended to have 5-6 basic diets, in other canteens with a dietary department (tables) - at least 3. Dishes are prepared according to special recipes and technologies by cooks with appropriate training, under the supervision of a dietitian or a nurse. The production of dietetic canteens is equipped with specialized equipment and tools - steam ovens, pulping machines, steam boilers, juicers. Canteens and mobile ones are designed to serve small groups of workers, employees, usually dispersed over large areas.
Canteens should have a sign indicating the organizational and legal form, hours of work. In the design of sales areas, decorative elements are used that create a unity of style. In canteens, standard lightweight furniture is used, corresponding to the interior of the room, tables must have hygienic coverings. Earthenware and pressed glass are used for tableware. From premises for consumers, dining rooms should have a vestibule, cloakroom, toilet rooms. The areas of sales areas must comply with the standard - 1.8 m 2 per seat.

1.2. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

The first among the procurement shops is the vegetable shop. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of the following operations: sorting, washing, machine cleaning, manual cleaning, cutting. Vegetable processing is divided into flows: processing of potatoes and root crops, processing of other vegetables and greens, processing of pickled and salted vegetables.
In modern specialized vegetable shops located at large enterprises or at vegetable bases (vegetable stores) and designed to supply both catering establishments and retail chains, the release of an expanded range of products can be organized: production lines for packaging potatoes and vegetables in packages , a line for the production of peeled sulphitated potatoes, a line for the preparation of potato and vegetable cutlets, fried crispy and garnished potatoes, a line for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes.
In the canteen, the vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry, and also has convenient communication with the hot and cold shops. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting. Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment for performing certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:
1. Cleaning of potatoes and root crops, additional cleaning and washing them. A washing bath, a batch potato peeler, a special stainless steel table with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes are installed at the workstation for processing potatoes and root crops: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste;
2. Processing of seasonal vegetables and peeling of onions, garlic. A special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.) is installed at the workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, onions.
3. Cutting vegetables installed production table, vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment.
The equipment in the workshop is placed on the wall.
A workplace equipped with a special table with a hood is organized for each employee.
The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager. There is one person in the workshop - a cook of the 3rd category. The workshop is operated in one shift. For the evening work of the enterprise, vegetable semi-finished products are prepared in advance, taking into account their storage and sale periods. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable semi-finished products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of consumed raw materials and produced semi-finished products.
To avoid accidents, kitchen workers study the rules for using the equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules for its operation are posted. The floor in the workshops is even, without protrusions, and not slippery.
When working in shops, the following rules are observed:
? foot grates are installed on the floor next to the production tables;
? knives have well-fixed handles and are stored in a specific place;
? production baths and tables have rounded corners.
During work, they remove and recycle waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker.
When working in a hot shop, workers learn the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. The operating rules are posted at the equipment locations.
The floor in the workshop is even, without protrusions, and not slippery. The temperature in the workshop does not exceed 26 degrees C. Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be done only when the machines are completely stopped and they are disconnected from the sources of electricity, steam and gas.
Electrical equipment is grounded. When working with kitchen equipment, employees know and strictly follow the rules for using this equipment.
Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Closed circuit breakers and fuses. The machines are switched on and off using the START and STOP buttons.
All moving parts of the machines are fenced and the frame is grounded. If a malfunction is found, they inform the manager and the machine is not used.
Next, consider the lighting and ventilation at the enterprise.
Daylight. The main requirements for natural lighting are the uniformity of illumination and the depth of penetration of daylight into the room. Natural lighting depends on a number of factors: the orientation of the windows in relation to the cardinal points, the size, design and shading of the windows, the size and color of the room, the light climate of the area. In industrial, commercial and administrative premises, it must be at least 1: 8. Rooms are illuminated better if the windows are located 80-90 cm from the floor level.
Artificial lighting. Artificial lighting in catering establishments can be general or combined. Luminaires of various types are used as light sources. Depending on the nature of light distribution, the luminaires are divided into three groups: direct, reflected and diffused light.
Direct light luminaires are those that direct 90% of the luminous flux to the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
Luminaires of diffused light include those that distribute the luminous flux to both the lower and upper areas of the room.
Luminaires of reflected light direct at least 90% of the light upwards, while it is important that ceilings and walls have a light color.
c) in dressing rooms, toilets, warehouses, with incandescent lamps -75-100lx.
Do not place lamps above boilers, stoves, and also use lamps with lamps open at the bottom to avoid glass fragments getting into food when the lamp breaks.
Ventilation. According to the purpose, ventilation is supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust, and according to the method of air movement, natural and artificial.
Natural ventilation. With natural ventilation, air exchange in the room occurs through leaks in the outer fences of buildings (cracks in windows, doors). In the premises of public catering establishments, at least half of all windows must have transoms; in the hot shop, each window. To enhance the natural air exchange in the inner walls of the premises, exhaust ventilation ducts are arranged, the outlets of which are brought out to the roof of the building and are equipped with special devices - deflectors.
Artificial ventilation. To ensure reliable air exchange, artificial ventilation is used, which is carried out using ventilation systems. Outside air is preliminarily cleaned and pumped through the supply channels, while the polluted air is sucked off and thrown out through the exhaust channels. Supply air temperature should be at least 12 degrees, relative humidity 30-60%, speed of movement in the working area, i.e. at a height of 1.5-2m from the floor, 0.15-0.2 m / s.
When building ventilation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of supply air passing through the premises. One supply system unites dining rooms, hot and confectionery shops, washing and procurement shops, and administrative premises.
In the cooled rooms, a separate supply and exhaust ventilation with cooling of the supply air and a separate exhaust channel from the fish storage chamber is designed. Only exhaust ventilation is installed in toilets, washbasins, showers, smoking rooms and dressing rooms. The exhaust system of sanitary facilities must be insulated.
The projected vegetable shop is located in canteen No. 4, which belongs to the Kazan Helicopter Plant.
Thus, the vegetable shop is intended for the primary processing of potatoes and vegetables and consists of two sections: in the first section, potatoes and vegetables are washed and peeled, in the second, they are sliced, as well as storage of sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers (tomatoes). The workshop is located at the entrance to the canteen to prevent contamination of other rooms and workshops of the canteen. In the second chapter we will consider the device and equipment of the vegetable shop.

Chapter 2 Designing the work of a vegetable canteen for 100 seats

2.1. Calculations of the area of \u200b\u200bthe public dining room for 100 seats

Hall loading:
operating mode
1 place in 1 hour
?,% occupancy
number of consumers per hour
number of dishes


service time \u003d 20 minutes, and from 9-10 60 minutes for 1 person.
turnover of 1 place during the day \u003d 20 people.
food consumption coefficient \u003d 2.5
the total number of consumed dishes is 4100, of which: cold 820, first 1230, second 1640, sweet 412
the number of consumers per day is 1640.
The area of \u200b\u200bpremises of public catering establishments for 1 place in the halls
number of seats in halls or dinners in home kitchens
The area of \u200b\u200bthe premises for 1 place in the hall (in home kitchens - for 1 lunch) in m?
for visitors
administrative and household
total in enterprises
In catering establishments
including halls
for raw materials
for raw materials
for raw materials
for raw materials

for raw materials
Open chain canteens

Conclusion: the canteen works on raw materials. The entire enterprise for 100 seats must be at least 548 m2.

2.2. Selection of mechanical and non-mechanical equipment, inventory, utensils for the vegetable shop

The calculation of mechanical equipment is to determine the required performance of the machine, intended for installation, its operating time and the utilization rate.
The required machine productivity is determined by the formula:
Q \u003d G / tу,
where G is the amount of processed raw materials, kg;
tу - conditional operating time of the machine, determined by the formula:
tу \u003d T *? у,
For a potato cleaning machine tу \u003d 3.5; for a vegetable cutter tу \u003d 3.5.
Required machine performance:
- for potato peeling Q \u003d 62.8 / 3.5 \u003d 17.94 kg / h;
- for a vegetable cutter Q \u003d 77 / 3.5 \u003d 22 kg / h.
On the basis of the calculation performed according to the current reference books, the following machines are selected: potato peeler MOK - 125 and vegetable cutter - MPO - 50 - 200.
The actual operating time of the machine is determined taking into account the utilization rate according to the following formulas:
tf \u003d G / Q,
? f \u003d tf / T,
where tf is the actual operating time, h;
G is the amount of processed raw materials, kg;
Q - productivity of the accepted machine, kg / h;
? f is the utilization factor of the adopted machine;
T is the duration of the shift, h.
For potato cleaning: tf \u003d 62.8 / 125 \u003d 0.5 hours,? F \u003d 0.5 / 7 \u003d 0.07;
For a vegetable cutter: tf \u003d 77/50 \u003d 1.5 hours,? F \u003d 1.5 / 7 \u003d 0.21.
Selection of non-mechanical equipment
The number of production tables in the cold shop is determined by the formula:
Lst \u003d rр * l,
where Lst is the calculated length of the table, m;
rр - number of employees, people;
l is the norm of table length per worker, equal to 1.25 m.
A production table SP - 1050 and a production table with small mechanization SPMM - 1050 are accepted for installation.
Selection of washing baths
The calculation of the required number of production baths for washing vegetables and herbs is calculated using the formulas. The calculation results are summarized in the table.
Table # 1
Calculation of the volume of washing tubs
Products to be washed
Quantity, kg
Water consumption rate,
Baths turnover per shiftBath fill factor
Estimated volume of baths, dm3
The installation accepts two washing baths of the type BM - 1.
Production tables in a cold shop are selected according to the number of employees.
The total length of the tables can be calculated using the formula.
L \u003d l * R (10)
R-number of employees.
l-average length of the workplace (1.25).
Determine the total length of the tables using the formula (10).
L \u003d 1.25 * 1 \u003d 1.25 m.
Based on the result obtained, we select a table with a cooled surface and a SOESM-3 slide. Additionally, we select a VM-1 washing bath, a hand-washing sink, a ST-1 rack, a VNTs-2 bench scale. The selection of non-mechanical equipment is shown in the table.
Table 2.
Name of equipment
Number of units
Type, brand
Dimensions mm.
table with refrigerated surface and slide
washing bath
sink for hand washing

2.3. Calculation of the workshop area

The calculation of raw materials is made on the basis of the planned-settlement menu and bookmark rates for one dish, and for purchased goods, based on the average-calculated norms for one place. The calculations are summarized in the table.
Calculation of the areas of refrigerated chambers:
The area of \u200b\u200brefrigerated chambers is calculated using the formula:
Stot \u003d Stov *?,
where Stot is the total area of \u200b\u200bthe cooled chamber, m2;
Stov - area occupied by raw materials and goods, m2;
? - the coefficient of increasing the area for passages, indents from the walls.
For chambers with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 m2, the coefficient of increasing the area for the aisles, the indents from the walls are taken within 2 - 2.2
The area occupied by raw materials and goods is determined by the formula:
Stov \u003d Q / q,
where Q is the amount of raw materials and goods to be stored in the refrigerated chamber, taken according to table 8, kg, l .;
q is the specific load rate of the product, kg / m2.
The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200brefrigerated chambers, depending on the area occupied by the goods, taking into account the commodity neighborhood, are given in the table.
Table 3

Cooled chamber for fruits, drinks, herbs, berries
Peaches (canned)

Vegetables are an essential component of the diet and must be eaten daily. They are distinguished by excellent taste, and their biological value is determined by the content of carbohydrates, minerals, nitrogenous and phenolic substances. But vegetables are extremely important as a source of vitamins, which strengthen the protective functions of the body and help to resist various diseases.

Appointment of the vegetable shop

Vegetables are supplied to food enterprises fresh, pickled, canned, undergo primary processing, after which a wide range of semi-finished vegetable products is produced from them. All operations are carried out in the vegetable shop.

Food enterprises that carry out a full cycle of technological processing of products and work on raw materials have a vegetable shop in which they perform the primary processing of potatoes, root crops, cabbage, onions, leafy greens, mushrooms, pickles.

In addition, centralized vegetable shops are being organized, providing retail chains and preparatory enterprises with their products. Most often, the centralized shop supplies its products to the canteens of school and preschool institutions, industrial enterprises that do not have procurement shops, but use semi-finished products of the vegetable shop of varying degrees of readiness in their work.

Requirements for the premises of the vegetable shop

The area of \u200b\u200bthe vegetable shop is calculated on the basis of the production program, based on the amount of processed raw materials required to prepare a full range of dishes and culinary products. It should allow to rationally place all the necessary mechanical and auxiliary equipment of the vegetable shop and provide comfortable working conditions for workers.

It is best to locate the vegetable shop of a canteen or restaurant on the ground floor and provide for a convenient connection with storage facilities, as well as a hot and cold shop, where prepared vegetable semi-finished products are supplied for heat treatment and preparation of salads.

From the centralized vegetable shop, the finished product enters the refrigerated chambers of the expedition department, from where it is sent to consumers. Acceptance of raw materials and release of finished products should be mechanized as much as possible, which will reduce the time spent on transportation. Weighing of vegetables is carried out at loading sites of warehouse and forwarding departments, for which commodity scales of appropriate carrying capacity are used.

In the premises of the vegetable shop, both natural and artificial lighting, water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems should be provided. Special requirements apply to the floor, which, in order to avoid injuries at work, must not be slippery.
Assortment of semi-finished products of the vegetable shop:

  • peeled raw potatoes;
  • sulphitized peeled raw potatoes;
  • peeled onions, carrots, beets;
  • peeled white cabbage;
  • green onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, processed celery.

The volume of production is determined on the basis of the next day's menu plan. In centralized vegetable shops, applications from pre-harvesting enterprises are taken into account, on the basis of which the production program is calculated and the operation of the vegetable shop is planned.

Raw materials for the production of semi-finished products are received by the shop manager or production manager. They are responsible for the timely and high-quality processing of vegetables and report on the consumption of raw materials.
The sequence of technological operations in the vegetable shop:

  • washing;
  • cleaning;
  • cleaning;
  • slicing;
  • packaging and transportation.

In small and medium-sized vegetable shops, 2 technological lines are most often distinguished:

  • processing of potatoes and root crops;
  • processing of cabbage, onions, herbs, pickles, seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Potato and root vegetable processing line

Currently, potatoes and root crops come from suppliers sorted and calibrated, so the primary processing of vegetables begins with their washing. For washing potatoes and root crops, washing baths are installed. Washing must be carried out in running water, and vegetables should be placed in special nets. A more modern method of washing vegetables can also be used, namely, vegetable washers of various designs, which wash and clean almost all types of vegetables and herbs using special brushes.

There is a potato peeler next to the washing baths, in which the mechanical cleaning of potatoes, carrots and beets is carried out. The potato peeler is connected to the electricity and water supply, and on the floor there is a sewer ladder with a fine grate. The performance of a potato peeler must fully meet the production needs for peeled potatoes and root crops.

After mechanical cleaning, vegetables are subjected to manual cleaning, which is carried out on specialized production tables. Potato peeling tables have holes for collecting waste and tubs for peeled potatoes. The shelf life of peeled potatoes in water is no more than 3 hours.

The production of sulphitated potatoes is carried out in large vegetable shops under strict laboratory control. Completely peeled potatoes are placed in aluminum nets, immersed in a bath with 1% sodium bisulfite solution, kept for 5 minutes, and then washed by three times immersion in a bath of clean water. Sulphitated potatoes are placed in a functional container and sent to consumers. It is stored without water for no more than a day at a temperature of 15 ° C and up to three days at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

Line for the processing of cabbage, onions, herbs and seasonal vegetables

Cabbage, leafy greens and seasonal vegetables that have entered the vegetable shop are sorted out, contaminated and decayed parts are removed. Then the vegetables are washed in washing tubs or vegetable washers and sent to the production tables, where the cleaners remove the skin, stalks, seeds, roots and tough stems. For cabbage, for cooking cabbage rolls, remove the stalk. When used for preparing salads and first courses, the head of cabbage is cut into four parts and the stalk is cut out. Processed vegetables are placed in containers and sent to a cold or hot workshop for further culinary processing.

Organization of the process of cutting vegetables

Vegetable cutting can be organized both in the vegetable and in the cold workshop, which depends on the specifics and characteristics of catering establishments, the location and area of \u200b\u200bthe workshops. Most often, vegetables used for preparing first courses and side dishes are cut in vegetable shops, and vegetables for salads and snacks are cut in cold shops just before cooking.

Vegetable cutting can be done both manually and by machine. Manual cutting is carried out on production tables equipped with labeled cutting boards, knives and functional containers. Manual cutting of vegetables is a laborious, inefficient process with low labor productivity. You cannot do without manual labor when you need curly cutting of vegetables, which is entrusted to highly qualified workers. In other cases, it is necessary to provide for the installation in the vegetable shop of a vegetable cutting machine of appropriate capacity with a full set of knives and graters. Vegetable cutters are able to cut vegetables of any geometric shape: into strips, circles, cubes, cubes, slices, etc. They provide fast and high-quality cutting of any vegetables, which significantly reduces the production costs for the production of semi-finished products. A wide range of modern vegetable cutters allows you to fully meet the production needs of any catering company.

1. Introduction

Catering plays an important role in people's lives. They most fully satisfy the nutritional needs of people. Catering enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.

Meals, which are provided to the population in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, children's and other institutions, are organized at the expense of the state.

Food is a vital requirement for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups in the country.

Before perestroika, public catering occupied an important place in the national economy of the country. But, starting in 1992, there was a radical change in the industry, which led to the closure and ruin of most public catering enterprises. From this time on, the nutrition sector began to develop anew.

Currently, activities in the field of mass catering are beginning to rapidly gain momentum. The first surge has already passed: many restaurants and cafes that opened at the beginning of the perestroika process have closed down due to unprofitability and lack of competitiveness. However, the process gradually began. At the moment, Yoshkar-Ola, as well as some other large cities in Russia, are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing rapidly. The catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

2. Main part

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

A canteen is a public catering enterprise or a catering enterprise serving a certain contingent of consumers, which produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu that is varied every day. The canteen catering service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by days of the week or special rations for various groups of the served contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as for creating conditions for the sale and consumption at the enterprise.

Canteens are distinguished:

According to the range of products sold - general type and dietary;

By the contingent of consumers served - school, student, worker, etc .;

By location - public, at the place of study, work.

Public canteens are designed to provide products of mass demand (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) mainly to the population of the area and visitors. In canteens, a post-pay consumer self-service method is used. Canteens at industrial enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are located taking into account the maximum approximation to the contingents served. Canteens at industrial enterprises organize meals for workers in the daytime, evening and night shifts, if necessary, deliver hot food directly to the workshops or to construction sites. The order of work of canteens is agreed with the administration of the enterprises,

institutions and educational institutions. Canteens at vocational schools organize two or three meals a day based on the daily ration. Typically, these canteens use pre-setting.

Canteens at secondary schools are created with the number of students at least 320 people. It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for two age groups: the first for students in grades I-V, the second for students in grades VI-XI.

In large cities, school food factories are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, flour culinary and confectionery products. The working hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration. Dietetic canteens specialize in serving individuals in need of nutritional therapy. In diet canteens with a capacity of 100 seats or more, it is recommended to have 5-6 basic diets, in other canteens with a dietary department (tables) - at least 3. Dishes are prepared according to special recipes and technologies by cooks with appropriate training, under the supervision of a dietitian or a nurse. The production of dietetic canteens is equipped with specialized equipment and tools - steam ovens, pulping machines, steam boilers, juicers. Canteens and mobile ones are designed to serve small groups of workers, employees, usually dispersed over large areas.

Canteens should have a sign indicating the organizational and legal form, hours of work. In the design of sales areas, decorative elements are used that create a unity of style. In canteens, standard lightweight furniture is used, corresponding to the interior of the room, tables must have hygienic coverings. Earthenware and pressed glass are used for tableware. From premises for consumers, dining rooms should have a vestibule, cloakroom, toilet rooms. The area of \u200b\u200bsales areas must comply with the standard - 1.8 m2 per seat.

2.2. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

In the canteen, the vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry, and also has convenient communication with the cold and hot shops. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting. Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment for performing certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:

1. Cleaning of potatoes and root crops, additional cleaning and washing them. A washing bath, a batch potato peeler, a special stainless steel table with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes are installed at the workstation for processing potatoes and root crops: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste;

2. Processing of seasonal vegetables and peeling of onions, garlic. A special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.) are installed at the workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, onions.

3. Cutting vegetables installed production table, vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment.

The equipment in the workshop is located preferentially.

A workplace equipped with a special table with a hood is organized for each employee.

2.3 Organization of work in the shop

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager. One person works in the shop - a cook of the 3rd category. The workshop is operated in one shift. For the evening work of the enterprise, vegetable semi-finished products are prepared in advance, taking into account their storage and sale periods. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable semi-finished products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of consumed raw materials and produced semi-finished products.

2.4. Equipment and inventory used in this workshop, its characteristics

Brand MOK-150M

Capacity 150kg / h

For example, B 380

Power, kW 0.75

Gab. dimensions, mm 650х450х930

MOK-150M: The potato peeler is designed to peel potatoes and other root crops by exposure to abrasive cleaning organs.

M assa of potato peelers, kg-50.

Robot Coupe R 201 Ultra E kitchen processor The R kitchen processors from Robot Coupe are universal kitchen machines with two attachments (vegetable cutter and cutter) on one walk-behind tractor.

These processors are capable of performing several functions at once, replacing several machines: vegetable cutter, meat grinder, dough mixer, planetary mixer, blender. This allows not only to conduct the production process more efficiently, but also to save production space.

P designed for mechanization of food processing processes at catering establishments

Full set:

Meat grinder MM - 180 kg / h

Sifter MP - 230 kg / h

MI crust and spice grinder - 15 kg / h

Whisk VM

Vegetable cutting machine MO - 200-350 kg / h

Stirrer - tank 25L

Meat tenderer MR - 1500 portions / hour

PM drive mechanism

Stand P

The potato peeler's hopper is made of stainless steel and is closed by a lid with a built-in loading door. The potato peeler has an unloading hatch, when opened, spontaneous unloading of the cleaned product occurs when the disc is rotating.

The potato peeler provides for adjustment of the cycle time by using a time relay.

The mass of the simultaneously loaded product is 7 kg.

2.5 Operating rules and safety precautions when working on this equipment

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers study the rules for using the equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules for its operation are posted. The floor in the workshops is flat, without protrusions, not slippery.

When working in shops, the following rules are observed:

Foot grids are installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives have well-fixed handles and are stored in a specific place;

Production baths and tables have rounded corners.

During work, they remove and recycle waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker.

When working in a hot shop, workers learn the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. The operating rules are posted at the equipment locations.

The floor in the workshop is even, without protrusions, and not slippery.

The temperature in the workshop does not exceed 26 degrees C.

Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be done only when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from the sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment is grounded.

When working with kitchen equipment, employees know and strictly follow the rules for using this equipment.

Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Closed circuit breakers and fuses. The machines are switched on and off using the START and STOP buttons.

All moving parts of the machines are fenced and the frame is grounded. If a malfunction is found, they inform the manager and the machine is not used.

1. Introduction

Catering plays an important role in people's lives. They most fully satisfy the nutritional needs of people. Food enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.

Food, which is provided to the population in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, children's and other institutions, is organized at the expense of the state.

Food is a vital requirement for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups in the country.

Before perestroika, public catering occupied an important place in the national economy of the country. But, starting in 1992, there was a radical change in the industry, which led to the closure and ruin of most public catering enterprises. From this time on, the nutrition sector began to develop anew.

Currently, activities in the field of mass catering are beginning to rapidly gain momentum. The first surge has already passed: many restaurants and cafes that opened at the beginning of the perestroika process closed due to unprofitability and lack of competitiveness. However, the process gradually began. At the moment, Yoshkar-Ola, as well as some other large cities in Russia, are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing rapidly. The catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

2. Main part

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

A canteen is a public catering enterprise or a catering enterprise serving a certain contingent of consumers, which produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu that is varied every day. The canteen catering service is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special rations for various groups of the served contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as for creating conditions for the sale and consumption at the enterprise.

Canteens are distinguished:

According to the range of products sold - general type and dietary;

By the contingent of consumers served - school, student, worker, etc .;

By location - public, at the place of study, work.

Public canteens are designed to provide products of mass demand (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) mainly to the population of the area and visitors. In canteens, a post-pay consumer self-service method is used. Canteens at industrial enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are located taking into account the maximum approximation to the contingents served. Canteens at industrial enterprises organize meals for workers in the daytime, evening and night shifts, if necessary, deliver hot food directly to the workshops or construction sites. The order of work of canteens is agreed with the administration of the enterprises,

institutions and educational institutions. Canteens at vocational schools organize two or three meals a day based on the daily ration. Typically, these canteens use pre-setting.

Canteens at secondary schools are created with the number of students at least 320 people. It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts, lunches for two age groups: the first for students in grades I-V, the second for students in grades VI-XI.

In large cities, school food factories are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, flour culinary and confectionery products. The working hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration. Dietetic canteens specialize in serving individuals in need of nutritional therapy. In diet canteens with a capacity of 100 seats or more, it is recommended to have 5-6 basic diets, in other canteens with a dietary department (tables) - at least 3. Dishes are prepared according to special recipes and technologies by cooks with appropriate training, under the supervision of a dietitian or a nurse. The production of dietetic canteens is equipped with specialized equipment and tools - steam ovens, pulping machines, steam boilers, juicers. Canteens and mobile ones are designed to serve small groups of workers, employees, usually dispersed over large areas.

Canteens should have a sign indicating the organizational and legal form, hours of work. In the design of sales areas, decorative elements are used that create a unity of style. In canteens, standard lightweight furniture is used, corresponding to the interior of the room, tables must have hygienic coverings. Earthenware and pressed glass are used for tableware. From premises for consumers, dining rooms should have a vestibule, cloakroom, toilet rooms. The area of \u200b\u200bsales areas must comply with the standard - 1.8 m2 per seat.

2.2. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

In the canteen, the vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry, and also has convenient communication with the hot and cold shops. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting. Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment for performing certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:

1. Cleaning of potatoes and root crops, additional cleaning and washing them. A washing bath, a batch potato peeler, a special stainless steel table with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes are installed at the workstation for processing potatoes and root crops: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste;

2. Processing of seasonal vegetables and peeling of onions, garlic. A special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.) is installed at the workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, onions.

3. Cutting vegetables installed production table, vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment.

The equipment in the workshop is located preferentially.

A workplace equipped with a special table with a hood is organized for each employee.

2.3 Organization of work in the shop

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager. One person works in the shop - a cook of the 3rd category. The workshop is operated in one shift. For the evening work of the enterprise, vegetable semi-finished products are prepared in advance, taking into account their storage and sale periods. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable semi-finished products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of consumed raw materials and produced semi-finished products.

2.4. Equipment and inventory used in this workshop, its characteristics

Brand MOK-150M

Capacity 150kg / h

For example, B 380

Power, kW 0.75

Gab. dimensions, mm 650х450х930

MOK-150M: The potato peeler is designed to peel potatoes and other root crops by exposure to abrasive cleaning organs.

Potato peeler weight, kg-50.

Robot Coupe R 201 Ultra E kitchen processor The R kitchen processors from Robot Coupe are universal kitchen machines with two attachments (vegetable cutter and cutter) on one walk-behind tractor.

These processors are capable of performing several functions at once, replacing several machines: vegetable cutter, meat grinder, dough mixer, planetary mixer, blender. This allows not only to conduct the production process more efficiently, but also to save production space.

Designed for mechanization of food processing processes at catering establishments

Full set:

Meat grinder MM - 180 kg / h

Sifter MP - 230 kg / h

MI crust and spice grinder - 15 kg / h

Whisk VM

Vegetable cutting machine MO - 200-350 kg / h

Stirrer - tank 25L

Meat tenderer MR - 1500 portions / hour

PM drive mechanism

Stand P

The potato peeler's hopper is made of stainless steel and is closed by a lid with a built-in loading door. The potato peeler has an unloading hatch, when opened, spontaneous unloading of the cleaned product occurs when the disc is rotating.

The potato peeler provides for adjustment of the cycle time by using a time relay.

The mass of the simultaneously loaded product is 7 kg.

2.5 Operating rules and safety precautions when working on this equipment

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers study the rules for using the equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules for its operation are posted. The floor in the workshops is even, without protrusions, and not slippery.

When working in shops, the following rules are observed:

Foot grids are installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives have well-fixed handles and are stored in a specific place;

Production baths and tables have rounded corners.

During work, they remove and recycle waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each worker.

When working in a hot shop, workers learn the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. The operating rules are posted at the equipment locations.

The floor in the workshop is even, without protrusions, and not slippery.

The temperature in the workshop does not exceed 26 degrees C.

Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be done only when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from the sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment is grounded.

When working with kitchen equipment, employees know and strictly follow the rules for using this equipment.

Before starting work, check the serviceability of the machine. Closed circuit breakers and fuses. The machines are switched on and off using the START and STOP buttons.

All moving parts of the machines are fenced and the frame is grounded. If a malfunction is found, they inform the manager and the machine is not used.

2.6 Lighting and ventilation in the facility


The main requirements for natural lighting are the uniformity of illumination and the depth of penetration of daylight into the room. Natural lighting depends on a number of factors: the orientation of the windows in relation to the cardinal points, the size, construction and shading of the windows, the size and color of the room, the light climate of the area. In industrial, commercial and administrative premises, it must be at least 1: 8. Rooms are illuminated better if the windows are located 80-90 cm from the floor level.

Artificial lighting.

Artificial lighting in catering establishments can be general or combined. Luminaires of various types are used as light sources. Depending on the nature of light distribution, the luminaires are divided into three groups: direct, reflected and diffused light.

Direct light fixtures are those that direct 90% of the luminous flux to the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Luminaires of diffused light include those that distribute the luminous flux to both the lower and upper areas of the room.

Luminaires of reflected light direct at least 90% of the light upwards, while it is important that ceilings and walls have a light color.

c) in dressing rooms, toilets, warehouses, with incandescent lamps -75-100lx.

Do not place lamps above boilers, stoves, and also use lamps with lamps open at the bottom to avoid glass fragments getting into food when the lamp breaks.


According to its intended purpose, ventilation is supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust, and according to the method of air movement, natural and artificial.

Natural ventilation.

With natural ventilation, air exchange in the room occurs through leaks in the outer fences of buildings (cracks in windows, doors). In the premises of public catering establishments, at least half of all windows must have transoms; in the hot shop, each window. To enhance the natural air exchange in the inner walls of the premises, exhaust ventilation ducts are arranged, the outlets of which are brought out to the roof of the building and equipped with special devices - deflectors.

Artificial ventilation.

To ensure reliable air exchange, artificial ventilation is used, which is carried out using ventilation systems. The outside air is preliminarily cleaned and pumped through the supply ducts, while the polluted air is sucked off and thrown out through the exhaust ducts. Supply air temperature should be at least 12 degrees, relative humidity 30-60%, speed of movement in the working area, i.e. at a height of 1.5-2m from the floor, 0.15-0.2 m / s.

When building ventilation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of supply air passing through the premises. One supply system unites dining rooms, hot and confectionery shops, washing and procurement shops, and administrative premises.

In the cooled rooms, a separate supply and exhaust ventilation with cooling of the supply air and a separate exhaust channel from the fish storage chamber is designed. Only exhaust ventilation is installed in toilets, washbasins, showers, smoking rooms and dressing rooms. The exhaust system of sanitary facilities must be insulated.

2.7. Arrangement and equipment of the vegetable shop

The vegetable shop is intended for the primary processing of potatoes and vegetables and consists of two sections: in the first section, potatoes and vegetables are washed and peeled, in the second, they are sliced, as well as storage of sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers (tomatoes).

The workshop is located at the entrance to the canteen in order to prevent contamination of other rooms and workshops of the canteen.

In the first section of the workshop, containers are installed - a stretcher for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables and a chest for storing them, a bath for washing potatoes and root crops before cleaning them, sand traps, a potato peeling machine, a starch settler, a mobile bath for delivering potatoes to peeling and a table for peeling potatoes and vegetables ... For the processing of fresh cabbage, onions and greens, a production table with a draft device (for onions) and a washing bath are installed. Between the compartments there is a tub for storing peeled potatoes and a special window for transferring vegetables.

The second section contains: a vegetable cutting machine mounted on a table, baths for storing sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers (tomatoes), a production table for bulkhead, slicing sauerkraut and processing pickles, a bath for washing pickled cucumbers (tomatoes) and a mobile bath for delivery peeled vegetables to other workshops in the canteen (hot or cold) and a trolley for delivering peeled and cut potatoes to the hot workshop.

The following stands are displayed in the workshop:

· Primary processing of potatoes and vegetables;

· Device, rules of operation of potato peelers and vegetable cutters;

· Rates of processing potatoes and vegetables per person per hour;

· Plates defining the purpose of production tables and baths.

The shop is equipped with cold and hot water supply, sewerage system, active supply and exhaust ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, power network.

The floor is made of marble chips. The walls are 1800 mm high. They are faced with tiles, whitewashing of the ceiling and walls above the tiles is carried out with chalk. The potato peeler is equipped with a 100 mm rim. On the front door at a height of 180 cm, there is a 260X105 mm plaque with the inscription "Vegetable shop" and the room number.

Property inventory is posted on the right side. It is signed by the head of the dining room.

Above each table there is a plate with a size of 297 × 210 mm, where the purpose of the table is indicated, and under the mechanical equipment there is a plate where the operating instructions, safety precautions, technical characteristics are given and a person responsible for the equipment is appointed

2.8. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for catering. Personal hygiene of service personnel

Cleaning of the dining room and mopping is done after the completion of food preparation, and the dining room after each meal.

General cleaning of the dining room is carried out at least once a week, including washing of windows, panels and floors. Floors and ladders in industrial premises and the dining room are periodically disinfected with a clarified solution of bleach.

At the end of the work, replaceable mechanisms of technological equipment are disassembled, thoroughly washed and dried, and scalded with boiling water before starting work. All production and utility rooms of the canteen are equipped with the necessary technological, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical equipment, providing a flow line of movement in accordance with the technological process.

Counter flows and crossing of lines of raw and heat-treated food, food and dirty dishes (waste), dirty and clean dishes, dirty dishes and prepared food are not allowed.

Kitchen utensils and utensils are cleaned of food debris, washed in a hot water bath (t \u003d 45-50 ° C) with the addition of detergents, and then rinsed in a hot water bath (t \u003d 60 ° C), scalded with boiling water and dried.

Production equipment (chopping boards, knives, vests) is thoroughly washed after use and disinfected by boiling at least 1 time a week for 1 hour after boiling. Washing baths are cleaned after use, washed with hot 1-2% solution of soda ash.

Cooks, grain cutters and other service personnel are allowed to work in the canteen only after passing tests for the sanitary minimum and passing a medical examination in the prescribed amount.

Personnel who have not passed a medical examination, who have purulent skin diseases, patients with venereal diseases or acute gastric diseases are not allowed to work in the canteen.

Cooks, grain cutters and other canteen workers are obliged to strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene: before starting work, they remove and put away rings, earrings, chains, outerwear and shoes in the closet, take a shower, wash their hands with soap and a brush, work only in a clean special clothing and shoes, have a clean handkerchief and short-cut fingernails.


Food enterprises play an important role in the life of human society. The successful operation of an enterprise depends on many factors. Like any complex system, a catering enterprise begins with the intention of its creator and ends with control and its functioning.

It can be concluded that the vegetable shop meets the architectural and planning, technological, constructive, special engineering solution. And also the detailed layout of the vegetable shop in the restaurant meets all the requirements of technological planning.

All equipment in the workshop is placed according to the technological process. Workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process. The arrangement of the equipment is correct, the preparation of workplaces, as well as the equipping of the necessary equipment, utensils, ensures the supply of raw materials during the shift and the smooth execution of work. This workshop can be used for its intended purpose and carry out all the necessary technological processes in it without any harm.


1. SNiP II-L.8-71 “Public catering establishments. Design standards ".

2. SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting".

3. SNiP II-M.3-78 “Auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises. Design standards ".

4. SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures."

5. SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic Requirements for Water Quality in Central Drinking Water Supply Systems ”.

6. SP "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Production and Circulation of Food Products and Food Raw Materials in them". - M .: Ministry of Health of Russia, 2002.

7. Equipment for public catering establishments. In 3 volumes. Textbook for university students / V.D. Elkhina, A.A. Zhurin, L.P. Pronichkina, M.K. Bogachev. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Economics, 1987 .-- 447 p.

8. Organization of the work of a catering enterprise: Textbook for universities / N.N. Shapovalov, V.M. Platonov, V.I. Pivovarov, B.A. Crimean. - M .: Economics, 1990 .-- 272 p.

9. Design of catering establishments. Reference book to SNiP. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1992 .-- 109 p.

10. Design of catering establishments: Study guide for the implementation of the technical part of the diploma project / Comp .: V.S. Podolsky. - Vladivostok. Publishing house DVGAEU, 2003 .-- 68 p.

11. Technology of production of public catering products / V.S. Baranov, A.I. Mglinets, L.M. Aleshina and others - Moscow: Economics, 1986 .-- 400 p.

12. Commercial and technological equipment: Handbook / Klyuchnikov VP, Korneev VA, Kostylev Yu.S. and others. - M .: "Economy", 1985. - 232 p.

13. Management of public catering: A textbook for students of trade universities / Yu.A. Vasiliev, V.N. Pysin and V.I. Karsekin and others; Ed. Yu.A. Vasilyeva. - M .: Economics, 1989 .-- 101 p.

14. Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering enterprises. - M .: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 248 p.

15. Lemisova L.V. Organization of production at catering establishments: Uch. allowance. - Vladivostok: FVGAEU, 1997 .-- 91 p.

16. Town Hall A.S. Foodservice technology. In 2 volumes. - M .: Publishing house "Mir", 2002.

17. Yakovleva S.V. Labor protection in public catering: A reference guide. - M .: Economics, 1986 .-- 144 p.


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