State support for small and medium-sized businesses: what can entrepreneurs expect? State support for small and medium-sized businesses Assistance to business entities in implementation

Having decided to start his own business, a future entrepreneur will face a number of difficulties. Lack of knowledge and the necessary capital can become serious problems on the way to achieving the goal. The state strives to help citizens. Today there are a number of programs and other forms of assistance aimed at providing support to entrepreneurs.

The importance of state support for small and medium-sized businesses for entrepreneurs

The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted a program for the social and economic development of the country until 2020. It reflects the features of providing assistance to small and medium-sized businesses. The use of forms of assistance is aimed at creating healthy competition, as well as improving the general standard of living of the population.

Providing government support makes it easier to start your business from scratch. When creating a company, an entrepreneur is faced with a lack of funds and information. Modern forms of assistance can help out in this situation. However, government support is not always enough for a successful start. Today, work is underway to modernize the sector and introduce innovative developments into it.

Assistance to entrepreneurs is provided within the framework of federal programs. There are also regional projects. Activities carried out within the framework of federal programs, as well as the requirements for participation in them, are established by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. It is created on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular Federal Law No. 209. The programs provide the following forms of support:

  1. Providing subsidies. In a number of situations, the state provides financial assistance free of charge. However, the entrepreneur must meet the requirements for program participants. The subsidy amount can reach up to 300,000 rubles. The decision to provide it is made after analyzing the business plan.
  2. Providing free consultations. Events are held on the basis of employment centers, the Federal Tax Service or Business Development Funds. Employees of institutions are ready to answer the entrepreneur’s questions related to taxation, accounting, planning and other areas related to interaction with government bodies.
  3. Business training. Regional business development funds periodically conduct trainings and lectures. They are aimed at helping budding entrepreneurs. Anyone can visit them. However, you will need to pre-register.
  4. Providing land and premises for rent on preferential terms. An entrepreneur can receive a plot of land or real estate for temporary use. This allows you to save on purchasing your own premises from private individuals.
  5. Issuance of preferential loans. Today there are a number of programs that allow you to get started and develop your business at a low interest rate.
  6. Admission to participation in exhibitions and fairs free of charge. Placing products on free trading platforms will reduce the costs of advertising campaigns.

Using available forms of government support makes it easier to start your business from scratch.

Expert opinion from the federal electronic platform RTS-tender

The strategy for socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 states that the development of small and medium-sized businesses is one of the main priorities of the economy. State support measures have the main goal of ensuring the development of SMEs as one of the most important elements of a market economy. As part of the implementation of this strategy, state support is enshrined at the legislative level.

How to get ggovernment support for SMEs?

In particular, the Law on the Contract System (44-FZ) obliges customers to purchase from small businesses in an amount of at least 15% of the total annual purchase volume.

On January 4, 2017, a new rule came into force within the framework of public procurement: customers are required to set the percentage of involving subcontractors from among SMEs in the execution of contracts - at least 5%.

On May 1, 2017, changes came into force providing that if the customer makes a limited purchase - only for SMEs - then the deadline for settlements with such a supplier should not exceed 15 days from the date the customer signs the acceptance certificate. Previously, this period was 30 days from the date the customer signed the acceptance certificate.

Since August 2016, the Federal Tax Service has put into commercial operation the Unified Register of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. The register allows not only to systematize and make more transparent the scope of activities of entrepreneurs, but also contains information that affects the business reputation of SMEs, for example, information about concluded contracts in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ or Law No. 223-FZ.

The second most important regulatory act regulating procurement activities is Law No. 223-FZ, which provides for the obligation of corporate customers to fulfill the mandatory procurement quota from small and medium-sized businesses in the amount of 18%. At the same time, at least 10% of this quota must be sent by customers to entrepreneurs based on the results of procurement, the participants of which can only be small and medium-sized businesses.

Services for SMEs that simplify participation in public procurement

“Today, on the RTS-tender site there is a comprehensive system of free services and solutions that simplify the participation of SME representatives in procurement. For example, electronic document management using an electronic signature, a service for participation in small-scale purchases, free analytical reports, training seminars, legal support. In a one-window format, procurement participants can get the financial products they need in one click: bank guarantees, tender lending and others. Thanks to this, the share of SMEs in financial services transactions on the RTS-tender platform is consistently above 90%,” notes Vladimir Lishenkov, General Director of the RTS-tender.

There are various free educational projects especially for small businesses. Thus, as part of the All-Russian Business Success Award, organized by the Public Organization “Opora Rossii” in partnership with the RTS-tender platform, special master classes are held for entrepreneurs on existing tax preferences and state support programs, as well as an express course “I - Supplier”, where future procurement participants can gain theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to start working in the field of government and corporate procurement.

Business development in Russia is extremely contradictory. Often the methods of supporting entrepreneurship enshrined in regulations are not implemented in practice. The main problems preventing the systematic provision of assistance from the state are:

  • lack of an effective legislative framework;
  • increase in tax burden;
  • bureaucratization of government institutions entrusted with supervisory functions;
  • lack of a well-developed system for financing entrepreneurship;
  • the presence of economic problems (price increases in all areas of production).

The current situation has a negative impact on small and medium-sized businesses. However, the state is making attempts to rectify the situation. New forms of business support are periodically introduced.

Main directions of state support for small businesses

On June 14, 1995, Law No. 88-FZ was adopted. It was aimed at realizing the constitutional rights of citizens to freely use their abilities and property to conduct business. The law became the basis for regulating the regulatory environment regulating the procedure for providing assistance to business. Today government support is provided in the following areas:

  • creation of a regulatory framework for assistance and development to representatives of the business sector;
  • organizing the process of training personnel for small businesses;
  • formation and provision of social security in the business space;
  • creation of preferential conditions for the use of information, financial and other resources by businesses;
  • inclusion of representatives of the sector in programs for conducting foreign economic activity.

To become familiar with the general provisions for the provision of state assistance, it is worth studying Law No. 88-FZ.

If a future entrepreneur wants to receive help from the state, he must prepare a business plan. The finished project must be submitted to the employment center. The citizen must be registered as unemployed. The amount of subsidy provided for starting a business is 58,800 rubles. The review period for a business plan can be up to 6 months.

Other documentation will also need to be prepared. A ready-made package of papers to receive assistance from the state should include:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • educational documents;
  • certificate of average salary for 3 months at the last place of employment;
  • SNILS.

Then the citizen must write an application requesting a subsidy. If approval is received, the company will need to be registered. A person can create an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice of ownership form depends on the planned scale of the business. Once the procedure is completed, the subsidy will be credited to your bank account. Funds can only be spent on purposes previously specified in the business plan. The citizen will have to report on what the capital was spent on.

Interesting fact! Despite the extensive list of documentation, the main document is the business plan. Based on it, the institution’s employees will decide on the possibility of providing assistance in creating their company. For this reason, the drafting should be approached carefully.

The money can also be used to repay loans that were taken out to start a business earlier. In addition, a loan can be issued at a reduced interest rate.

If an entrepreneur wants to get a loan to create or develop a business, he can use microfinance under the government program. To take out a loan to develop his business, the company owner must visit a fund that specializes in supporting small businesses in a particular region. Borrowed money is provided under the following conditions:

  • loan amount – 50,000-1,000,000 rubles;
  • refund period – 3-12 months;
  • overpayment amount – 10%.

Money is issued on bail, guarantee or bank guarantee. Entrepreneurs who have registered as an individual entrepreneur or created an LLC can take advantage of the state program. Providing a deposit will increase the likelihood that your application will be successful.

You can also contact a bank participating in the government program directly. In this case, the SME Support Fund will act as a guarantor. The procedure for obtaining a loan is as follows:

  1. An entrepreneur applies to the SME Support Fund. The organization’s specialists provide a list of banks participating in the program.
  2. The entrepreneur gets acquainted with the list and selects the most suitable institution.
  3. The business owner finds out the list of required papers, fills out an application and takes the completed list of documents to the bank.
  4. A businessman is waiting for a decision from a credit institution. If the company agrees to lend money, you will need to re-visit the SME Support Fund and ask for a guarantee.

You can also receive money free of charge. The state is ready to provide subsidies for business development. To use it, you must:

  1. Register as unemployed.
  2. Take tests and then attend specialized entrepreneurship courses.
  3. Prepare a business plan.
  4. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  5. Open a bank account.

Money provided by the state has a strictly designated purpose. You will have to account for the money spent. In addition, the business owner must be prepared for sudden inspections.

The state strives to provide assistance to individuals who decide to start their own business. Assistance is provided in accordance with the programs:

  • federal;
  • regional;
  • sectoral and intersectoral;
  • municipal.

The Government of the Russian Federation annually, before presenting the federal budget, submits to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a draft federal program for state support of small businesses.

Financial support for the programs is carried out annually from budgets at various levels, as well as other sources. The volume of obligatory annual allocated funds is indicated in the expenditure part of the federal budget as a separate line upon the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Interesting fact! Foreign experience has shown that small businesses need comprehensive support from the state. Help must be provided consistently. In order for small and medium-sized businesses to feel comfortable, policies should be aimed at supporting the sector.

However, the industry is not yet as developed as in other countries. Most of the problems arise due to a lack of working capital. The state provides subsidies and loans on preferential terms. However, the amounts issued free of charge are not enough, and getting a loan at the stage of starting a company is problematic.

In countries with developed market economies, much attention is paid to business lending. For these purposes, the state creates special structures and funds:

  • Small Business Administration (USA);
  • Loan for medium and small firms (France);
  • Small Business Insurance Corporation (Japan).

The governments of the countries set themselves the task of maintaining and developing a competitive environment that encourages manufacturers to switch to the use of more efficient technologies.

Government agencies of foreign countries strive to ensure maximum legal protection of the interests of small and medium-sized businesses. For example, in the United States, a department of advocacy has been created within the Small Business Administration. Its head is appointed by the President and approved by Congress. The head is accountable only to them.

Later, an arbitration division was created within the Small Business Administration. In various regions of the country, representatives of the structure hold hearings aimed at improving business efficiency. The department acts as a link between entrepreneurship and federal structures.

Interesting fact! More than 600,000 entrepreneurs register in the United States every year. However, after 12 months, 500,000 of them close their established enterprises. The fact is that Americans are very mobile. Feeling that the company does not bring the expected profit, they close it and start operating in another area.

Under the auspices of the same Administration, the Institute operates on the Internet. If an entrepreneur or student wants to start his own business, he can receive free training and use information resources.

Today in Russia there are a large number of structures and forms created to provide support to small businesses. However, a significant part of their functions remains unrealized. The reason is the imperfection of the business environment, especially in the innovation sphere. Modernization of current legislation and an increase in the volume of assistance provided may lead to a change in the current situation.

State support for small businesses is a set of measures aimed at the formation, development and stabilization of the small business segment. It is sad that only a small number of budding businessmen have any idea what kind of help they are entitled to apply for and for this reason many do not even apply for it.

In this article we will look at what types of government support for small businesses have been developed and how they can be used.

What programs exist to support small businesses?

You need to understand that state support for small businesses represents not only the allocation of funds for specific purposes, but also other types of assistance, the need for which is also high. In some situations, related support may be even more necessary than money.

Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right, as part of the implementation of the small business support program, to organize and conduct its own programs aimed at providing assistance to entrepreneurs.

Types of state support for small businesses

If we consider the issue in general, then there are several directions in this activity:

  • Allocation of subsidies;
  • Free consultations with specialists of a narrow profile;
  • Organization of exhibition and fair activities;
  • Providing lease of premises for small businesses or land plots;
  • Education.

We invite you to familiarize yourself in detail with each of the options for supporting small businesses at the state level.


This type of government assistance is the most in demand today. Subsidies can be received for different purposes, since this program is conducted in different areas. The state one, on the one hand, is aimed at those citizens whose plans are to open their own business. On the other hand, the subsidy can be aimed at developing the production base of an existing business or at modernizing it.

If you are just planning to open your own business and are looking for financial assistance, then funds will be allocated to projects with a visible future. First, you will need to collect strong evidence and justify that your business is needed in the region where you plan to expand your business activities.

You also need to convince the state that you are completely confident that the business will pay off and have taken into account all possible risks.

If you have been running a business for a long time and urgently need money to modernize it, then in this case you can also count on help from the state. For example, you needed to open a new direction or buy modern equipment. In this case, the subsidy will partially compensate the entrepreneur’s expenses that will be spent on these purposes. It could be:

  1. Payment of leasing payments;
  2. Repayment of loans;
  3. Opening new business branches with the creation of additional jobs;
  4. Conducting communications;
  5. Other.

It is worth knowing that when the commission considers your application and makes a decision on issuing a subsidy from the state, in addition to the prospects of your business, its priority for the region where it is being launched will also be taken into account. Most often, such areas of activity include: medical, innovative, cultural, educational, agricultural, etc.


In every locality there are employment services, various non-profit structures, and funds to support small and medium-sized businesses. At their base, help centers are organized for many specific issues that concern novice businessmen. In these organizations you can count on the help of economists, lawyers, professional accountants, and specialists in the field of employment and labor. Moreover, you do not need to pay anything for these consultations. Therefore, these measures of state support for small businesses are also in demand and are in demand.

Organization of fairs and exhibitions

This type of support for small businesses at the state level makes it possible for newly minted entrepreneurs to reduce the cost of advertising the work performed (services provided) or demonstrating their goods to potential buyers. Also, this type of support allows you to exchange experience with other business entities that are engaged in a similar type of activity or related to it.

In addition, the organization of fairs and exhibitions involves the provision of a free trading platform, which makes it possible to sell part of the goods presented in a short period of time. In just a few days of a fair or exhibition, a novice entrepreneur can find partners and enter into agreements for the supply of goods or services provided.

Providing lease of land and premises

It is clear that it is not possible to obtain the premises or land plot needed for business for free use. But it will be more profitable for young entrepreneurs to rent from the state than from individuals. Real estate and land will be provided on favorable terms, and this will allow a novice businessman to save a good amount.


All kinds of seminars, trainings, and conferences are organized in Russian regions. Lectures are given on topics relevant to business pioneers, innovations are discussed, and they may also be needed by those who have decided to expand their entrepreneurial activities, but have no idea what to do. In addition, such classes will allow you to learn a lot of new things about the practical implementation of business projects. The demand for such training is also high due to the fact that you will not have to shell out money for the classes. In these courses you can get information:

  • On current issues of business planning;
  • on contributions to insurance and pension funds;
  • about the possibility of reducing the cost of carrying out marketing-related activities;
  • on labor protection of workers;
  • about issues related
  • understand the issues of competent management of personnel records;
  • and so on.

How entrepreneurs can get government support

Above, we have already talked about the types of government support for small businesses, we suggest you figure out how novice businessmen can get help to develop an existing business or to start one from scratch. State support for small businesses becomes possible if the new business is registered in accordance with current legislation.

At the first stage, you need to register your enterprise in the state register, providing the necessary package of documents to the regional fund for supporting small and medium-sized businesses. In this institution, you will have access to detailed information about what activities are taking place at the time of your application and what plans are in place for the near future. In addition, you will be advised on what package of documents will be needed and where it should be taken so that you can take part in these events.

We would like to point out that all types of financial support are provided through a competition, and in order to gain access to funds, you will need to win the competition.

We are developing a business plan

It often happens that for this you need to have an impressive package of documents, and the most important thing on the list is a business plan. In most cases, relying on it, a decision will be made about whether it is rational to allocate financial resources to you to open your own business or to develop an existing business. It is for this reason that you need to study this document in detail and give it maximum attention. If possible, you can do the planning yourself, and if necessary, use the services of specialists.

We recommend that you take the preparation of a business plan seriously, do not exaggerate your real capabilities and do not write dubious numbers and data. Remember that your business plan will be assessed by professionals who are well versed in these issues. They will immediately determine what results can be expected from the project - will there be a real result, or is everything written a dream that will never come true?

When you apply, do not forget that the funds that will be allocated to you as part of government support are targeted, and for this reason you are required to provide accurate information on where this money will be spent if it is allocated to you.

It should be emphasized that state support is provided only on the condition that the businessman submits a financial report on expenses for each allocated ruble, and if state money was not spent for the designated purposes, it is subject to mandatory return.

Priority areas of activity for entrepreneurs within the framework of state support

We have already discussed above that the commission will give its vote in the decision to issue subsidies to those entrepreneurs who planned to start or develop a business in one of the areas that are priorities for a particular region. Each subject of the Russian Federation is developing such areas, but for the most part they have many similarities. If you don’t yet have a clear plan for what to do, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with some types of activities, doing one of which will help you state support for small businesses. Consider them and choose what you want to do:

1. Organization of production of industrial goods. Development of entrepreneurship among youth and development of innovative entrepreneurship. We draw attention to the fact that, even taking into account the fact that the types of activities mentioned in this paragraph are themselves already priority areas, the chances will increase in the production of, for example, products that are export-oriented. In addition, the production of any goods that may be traded internationally in the near future is another priority activity. Therefore, if your future business activity is related to production, you need to analyze the situation and think about whether your products may be of interest to foreign contractors.

2. Agricultural activities. This may include activities related to the collection and processing of wild plants and agricultural products.

3. Tourism. Here the situation is a little more complicated. Habitual tourism activities associated with trips outside the state are a developed business niche. But with the organization of tourism within Russia, things are much sadder. So, in this case, the priority direction will be activities to develop the tourism industry within the country.

The number and total income of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is one of the main indicators of the development of any country.

At the same time, due to its specificity, SMEs have a pronounced regional aspect - small and medium-sized enterprises build their activities based, first of all, on the needs of the local market, the volume and structure of local demand.
The level of development of SMEs in the region is an indicator of a favorable climate for business development, attracting investment and expanding areas of activity. It reflects the socio-economic situation of a particular region.

How are things going in Moscow?

  • In Moscow, according to expert estimates, SMEs account for about 25% of the gross regional product, which is 1.5–2 times lower than in many large cities of the world (London, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo).
  • The population employed by SMEs in Moscow is 34% of the total employed population, which is again 1.5-2 times lower than in many large cities of the world.
  • The structure of Moscow SMEs is also imperfect: the share of transport, communications, healthcare, utilities and social services is low.
  • In general, SMEs provide no more than 9-10% of tax revenues to the Moscow budget.

The task of significantly strengthening the contribution of SMEs to the modernization of the Moscow economy and to solving the social problems of the metropolitan metropolis can be solved only if there are properly oriented and clearly verified forms and instruments of state policy for the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses.

That's why In recent years, the Moscow government has been paying increasing attention to the formation of a truly functioning mechanism for supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

According to the provisions of the Subprogram “Development of Small and Medium Enterprises” in the State Program of the City of Moscow “Stimulating Economic Activity for 2012–2016” creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity and ensuring the sustainable development of small and medium-sized businesses is one of the most important conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the Moscow economy as a whole.

Within the framework of this subprogram, the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship implements various types of support for small and medium-sized businesses:

  1. financial support;
  2. property support;
  3. Information support;
  4. consulting support;
  5. support for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

Yes, really working forms of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow:

Type of financial support

Maximum size


Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs 500,000 rub.
  • Acquisition of fixed assets;
  • Organization and equipment of workplaces;
  • Purchase of licensed software;
  • Office rental;
  • Purchase of raw materials and supplies.
Subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs under financial lease (leasing) agreements 5,000,000 rub. Compensation of costs for leasing payments.
Subsidies for loan interest reimbursement 5,000,000 rub. Compensation for the cost of paying interest under a loan agreement for the acquisition of fixed assets or modernization of fixed assets
Subsidies to reimburse part of the costs associated with participation in congress and exhibition events 300,000 rub.
  • Registration fee
  • Stand construction and equipment
  • Exhibition space rental
  • Advertising and presentation materials and services
  • Participation in the business program of the congress and exhibition event

Subsidies are provided monthly, according to the approved schedule:

Schedule for consideration of applications for subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow in 2014

Date of the Industry Commission

Volume of budget allocations, rub.

to pay interest on a loan

subsidy to reimburse part of the costs to pay lease payments

subsidy starting small and medium-sized businesses

subsidy to reimburse part of the costs to participate in congress and exhibition events

45 000 000,00

500 000 000,00

180 000 000,00

90 000 000,00

It should be noted that for enterprises SMEs operating in the industrial sector Additional types of support are provided:

  • subsidies to employers for the training of specialists with secondary vocational education
  • subsidies to reimburse part of the costs associated with obtaining an international certificate
  • subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of paying lease payments
  • subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on the loan
  • subsidies to management organizations of technopolises and industrial parks for the development of the property complex

A separate package of subsidies is also provided for innovative small and medium-sized businesses.

The financial support system for SMEs in Moscow also includes:

  • Moscow Small Business Lending Fund, - provides security (guarantees) for the obligations of small and medium-sized businesses (loan agreements, agreements on the provision of a bank guarantee);
  • Microfinance Development Assistance Fund, — provides loans to microfinance organizations for the purpose of further financing of small and medium-sized businesses. Microfinance organizations issue loans of up to 1 million rubles. at 13-19% per annum.

Operates at the federal level Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises. The network of its partner banks (as of April 1, 2014 – 249 banks) implements a variety of preferential lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses.

It should be said that this is only a small part of the SME support programs operating in Moscow. And each of them has its own subspecies, nuances and conditions.
And practice shows their unconditional and actual availability for every small and medium-sized enterprise.
However, experience also shows: in order to use them competently and with minimal risk of refusal due to insufficient justification of your project, you should approach the process “with sense, feeling, arrangement.”
It is strongly recommended to study the detailed terms and conditions and mechanisms for obtaining support, build a step-by-step diagram of your actions, and correctly fill out all the necessary documents.

For our part, we can invite you to visit our workshop “Small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow: receiving subsidies, loans and benefits” , developed in order to maximize the orientation of SMEs in the questions of “who? How many? how to get it?” and take full advantage of the mechanisms for business support and development.
The seminar is held with the participation Moscow Small Business Lending Fund .
The detailed program of the seminar can be viewed.
The next seminar will be held in Moscow on October 10, 2014.
When submitting an application before August 10, a 15% discount (discount code “MSB15” should be indicated in the “Comment” field when submitting an application).

The specificity of small businesses is that they have limited financial resources and are not able to conduct expensive marketing research and activities. An important factor ensuring the development of this business is the formation of publicly available information (commercial and non-commercial) systems for collective use, which are able to regularly provide entrepreneurs with all the necessary information Ibadova L.T. Commentary on the Federal Law “On State Support of Small Businesses in the Russian Federation” (item-by-item). M.: Justitsinform, 2006. P. 56..

Measures of information support for small and medium-sized businesses are provided for by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As an example, we can note the Moscow Law of November 26, 2008 No. 60 “On the support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow” Moscow Law of November 26, 2008 N 60 (as amended on October 30, 2013) “On support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow" // ATP "Consultant Plus", as well as a number of decrees of the Moscow government regarding information support for small and medium-sized businesses. Let us turn to the provisions of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises, which establish information support for these entities.

In accordance with Art. 19 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises, the provision of information support to small and medium-sized businesses and organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses is carried out by state authorities and local governments in the form of the creation of federal, regional and municipal information systems and information and telecommunication networks and ensuring their functioning.

Information about the support measures being implemented is publicly available and posted on the Internet.

Support for small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow is carried out, as already noted, in accordance with the Moscow Law of November 26, 2008 No. 60 “On the support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow.”

This law provides primarily for legal support for small and medium-sized businesses in the following forms:

  • 1) publication of specialized literature on issues related to the legal protection of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • 2) creation and (or) support of organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses and provide them with legal services on a free or preferential basis;
  • 3) attracting, on a competitive basis, persons with higher legal education (including lawyers), organizations providing legal assistance, to provide legal support to small and medium-sized businesses;
  • 4) holding other events.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 23 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises in Moscow, these types of support are provided by the relevant executive authorities of Moscow.

In September 2010 The opening of the Federal Portal of Small and Medium Enterprises Currently, you can find quite a lot of information on the Portal: texts of various (federal and regional) programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, news on the stated topics, texts of regulatory legal acts in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, various photo, video and audio materials. Also of interest is the “Entrepreneur’s Guide” section, which provides answers to all the entrepreneur’s questions at every stage of doing business.

On this Portal you can find links to regional portals for small and medium-sized businesses, a section of expert opinions, surveys and other useful information. Also quite important is the “Statistics and Analytics” section, which is the only database on the network containing official information on budget expenditures and ongoing activities in support of small and medium-sized businesses. Audit of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses implemented by federal executive authorities. Information and analytical report. M.: National Institute for Systematic Research of Entrepreneurship Problems, 2012. pp. 36 - 41..

However, the National Institute for Systematic Research of Entrepreneurship Problems (NISIPP) revealed low consumer interest in the information contained on the Portal. Among the reasons for this is the quality of the information provided on the Portal: its relevance, timeliness, significance. As a result, NISIPP formulated a summary that the Portal in its current form cannot serve as a platform for discussing the problems of small and medium-sized businesses. Audit of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses implemented by federal executive authorities. Information and analytical report. M.: National Institute for Systematic Research of Entrepreneurship Problems, 2012. pp. 42 - 44.

In accordance with Art. 21 of the Moscow Law of November 26, 2008 No. 60 “On the support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow”, small and medium-sized businesses are guaranteed information support from the executive authorities of Moscow.

Information support can be provided, for example, in the form of: creating an infrastructure for obtaining information and exchanging information, including information systems, information and telecommunication networks, data banks and ensuring its functioning; organizing the publication of periodicals specializing in covering the problems of small and medium-sized businesses, publishing laws and other regulatory legal acts of Moscow, instructional and reference materials; information support for the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of interregional and international cooperation; holding other events.

In order to implement these measures, by-laws and regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow are adopted. For example, according to the Concept of legal support and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow, consultation, information, expert-analytical, planning and control areas for the implementation of legal support are provided. As part of the implementation of the Concept, support can be provided in the following ways: remotely (telephone, Internet); in the offices of small business support infrastructure organizations in Moscow; with a visit to the location of small and medium-sized businesses; publicly (at seminars, round tables) Moscow Government Decree of February 17, 2009 No. 104-PP “On further measures to reduce administrative barriers for small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow” // Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. - 2009. - No. 12..

The Moscow Government Decree No. 288-PP dated April 27, 2004 “On the development of the information support system for small businesses in Moscow” specifically noted that the Moscow Department of Support and Development of Small Businesses, together with infrastructure organizations for supporting small businesses, within the framework of comprehensive development programs and to support small businesses, significant work has been done to create and develop a system of information support for small businesses. Currently, it includes more than 40 web resources. The volume of reference and analytical information in the system is about two million documents. Business print media are published weekly with a total circulation of more than 100 thousand copies, which have their own electronic versions, as well as 14 electronic periodicals. In general, more than 20 thousand users use the capabilities of electronic information resources every day. A system of “feedback” between small business support structures and the business community has been established through a system of “hot lines”, subscriptions to information resources, interactive surveys, publication of business information from resource users, and remote consulting.

As part of the direction of information support for entrepreneurial activities, the Small Business of Moscow portal was launched, which contains data on the types of support provided by the city.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 23 of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises of Moscow, legal support for small and medium-sized businesses can be provided by organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses, as part of the implementation of federal and city programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the form of:

  • 1) providing small and medium-sized businesses with legal information;
  • 2) providing small and medium-sized businesses with services for comprehensive legal support for business and protection of their rights and legitimate interests;
  • 3) creating and ensuring the functioning of specialized information resources, including on the Internet, directly dedicated to the legal support provided to small and medium-sized businesses by the executive authorities of Moscow and organizations that form the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses;
  • 4) holding other events.

Currently, there are the following types of legal support for small and medium-sized businesses:

  • 1) provision of legal services to small and medium-sized businesses in the “urgent legal assistance” mode with on-site visits to small and medium-sized businesses;
  • 2) provision of legal services to small and medium-sized businesses in the mode of operation of the citywide open telephone assistance line for Moscow entrepreneurs and the citywide open online assistance line for Moscow entrepreneurs;
  • 3) provision of legal services to small and medium-sized businesses as part of the execution of contracts for the provision of free legal assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in a subscription service mode;
  • 4) representing the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in the courts;
  • 5) preparation of draft legal documents (applications to arbitration courts, interdepartmental commissions, complaints against the actions of government bodies, letters to government agencies and contractors, etc.);
  • 6) preparation of draft appeals for small and medium-sized businesses to law enforcement and other government agencies on issues of protection against illegal takeovers and acquisition of property rights;
  • 7) provision of other legal services to small and medium-sized businesses;
  • 8) provision of legal protection services for intellectual property to small and medium-sized businesses.

It can be concluded that the main goal of this form of support is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of small and medium-sized businesses.

Thus, using the example of Moscow, the types of information support provided to small and medium-sized businesses were considered. Strengthening and stabilizing the development of small and medium-sized businesses takes place not only in Moscow, but throughout the entire Russian Federation. Further implementation of a unified policy of information, including legal, support for small and medium-sized businesses will contribute to their development.

Today, the main document regulating activities in the field of state support for small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.”

Small and medium-sized businesses include consumer cooperatives and commercial organizations included in the unified state register of legal entities (with the exception of state and municipal unitary enterprises), as well as individuals included in the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs and carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity ( hereinafter - individual entrepreneurs), peasant (farm) enterprises that meet the following conditions:

1) for legal entities - the total share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, foreign legal entities, foreign citizens, public and religious organizations (associations), charitable and other funds in the authorized (share) capital (share fund) of these legal entities persons should not exceed twenty-five percent (with the exception of assets of joint-stock investment funds and closed-end mutual investment funds), the share of participation owned by one or more legal entities that are not small and medium-sized businesses should not exceed twenty-five percent;

2) the average number of employees for the previous calendar year should not exceed the following maximum values ​​of the average number of employees for each category of small and medium-sized businesses:

  • from one hundred one to two hundred and fifty people inclusive for medium-sized enterprises;
  • up to one hundred people inclusive for small enterprises; Among small enterprises, microenterprises stand out - up to fifteen people;

3) revenue from the sale of goods (work, services) excluding value added tax or the book value of assets (residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets) for the previous calendar year should not exceed the limit values ​​established by the Government of the Russian Federation for each category of small and medium entrepreneurship.



Entrepreneurship as such is a unique combination of independence and responsibility, innovation and stability.

Small and medium-sized businesses are a whole class of people who set a positive attitude in the life of society: they perceive the development of their own business as part of the overall social, political and economic success of the country. This is especially noticeable at the municipal level: where small and medium-sized companies appear, the life of the local community is revived. In most countries of the world, small businesses are the basis of the middle class. Therefore, the state’s interest in the development of small businesses is connected with the prospect of forming a strong middle class in Russia.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, over the past 10 years, small business companies have demonstrated growth rates exceeding general economic indicators. Thus, the annual increase in employment in the sector of small companies is 8 times higher than for all companies, and investment activity is 3 times higher than the annual growth rate of investment in fixed assets in the economy as a whole. Every third company in the country and every fourth employee work in small business.

Entire sectors of the economy have emerged in which small enterprises produce the bulk of their products. Thus, in construction, 97% of companies are small, 50-60% of the market volume of metal-plastic windows are small business companies, enterprises produce more than 30% of fortified whole milk products, almost 70% of chilled fish. In agriculture, this sector accounts for about 60% of gross output.

Achieving the ambitious goal of entering the top five leading countries for Russia by 2020 is impossible without the formation of a developed sector of small companies. And that's why.

First, small businesses are critical to competition. In our conditions of high monopolization of a significant number of regional and product markets, dynamic small companies are almost the only factor of competition. Small business provides the economy with the necessary flexibility, since it responds much faster to the emergence of new market niches and new needs.

Secondly, small companies are the environment from which both medium-sized companies and large global corporations will “grow” in the future.

Thirdly, small business in all countries is a kind of “testing ground” for innovation. And this quality of small business, without exaggeration, is critical for the success of the innovative “transition”.

And finally, small business is the basis for the formation of the middle class, and therefore for the formation in the country of a mass social system interested in political stability, the development of democratic foundations, improving the quality of human capital and implementing the modernization agenda in the economy.

That is why the development of small businesses is receiving unprecedented attention from the country's political leadership.

Suffice it to mention the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation on March 27, 2008 in Tobolsk, one of the first Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on the elimination of administrative barriers and the formation of a Government Commission headed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation. D. Medvedev announced his intention to create all the conditions so that by 2020 the share of small enterprises in GDP reaches 50% (now it is about 17%), and the number of employees in these organizations increases to 60-70% of the working population (today - 25%). A set of measures was formed to create favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation, including over 100 measures in the field of general regulation of business activity and in priority areas of business activity.


The federal authorities, hoping to interest regional officials in subsidizing small businesses, by Government Resolution No. 188 of March 20, 2008, changed the rules for providing federal subsidies to the regions. Now, the more funds the local administration allocates to small entrepreneurs, the more subsidies it will receive for the same purposes from the federal treasury. This also takes into account the number of enterprises that received regional subsidies and the average amount of financial assistance per small enterprise.

"Small privatization". Federal Law No. 159, effective August 5, 2008, granted tenants of state-owned premises the right of first refusal to purchase the space they occupy if they have paid rent regularly over the past three years. Previously, such properties could only be purchased at auction, where small businesses, as a rule, lost to wealthier buyers. Also extended until July 1, 2010 is the possibility of concluding for a new term lease agreements for premises with small and medium-sized businesses without holding a tender. The possibility of concluding short-term lease agreements for a period of less than 30 calendar days without bidding is established.

Tax benefits: two important innovations. The first allows regional authorities to reduce the rate of the simplified tax scheme from 15 to 5%. The second allows firms to switch to paying income taxes based on the results of the fourth quarter based on the actual profits received since the beginning of the year. The income tax rate itself has been reduced from 24 to 20% since 2009. From January 1, 2009, a depreciation bonus is established in the amount of 30% for fixed assets with a useful life from 3 to 20 years, which in absolute figures will amount to about 100 billion rubles (previously it was assumed that the tripling of the current 10 percent depreciation bonus will occur in the year later - from January 1, 2010).

Lending to SMEs on preferential terms - no more than 11% per annum. To achieve this, Vnesheconombank and the Russian Development Bank will provide money to regional banks at a lower interest rate. According to the plan, the volume of financing of SB lending programs by these two banks in 2008 was supposed to amount to 30 billion rubles, in 2009 - 40.5 billion. In addition, it is planned that in the form of subsidizing loan rates, grants, and funds from venture funds, small enterprises in 2009 will receive about 10.5 billion rubles, in 2010 - 17 billion, in 2011 - 22 billion. It is planned to set the maximum margin level for regional banks at 3%. Let's say VEB allocates funds to a bank at 8%, and the bank, in turn, lends to a small enterprise at 11%.

In addition, decisions were made aimed at minimizing the number of inspections to which small businesses are subjected - from July 1, 2009, the number of inspections of small businesses will be reduced by more than 40 times; a scheduled inspection (documentary and on-site) will have to be carried out once every three years.

Exemption of businessmen paying a single tax on imputed income from the mandatory use of cash register equipment, as well as simplification of the registration procedure for new small companies - a predominantly notification procedure has been established for starting business activities in areas of the economy where small businesses occupy almost ¾ of the sector.


  • Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, answering questions from participants in the plenary session dedicated to the opening of the World Economic Forum in Davos on January 28, 2009, emphasized that in the conditions of the financial crisis the state will support not only the “champions” of the Russian economy, but also small and medium-sized businesses. Among the anti-crisis measures that affect both large and small and medium-sized businesses, V. Putin named, first of all, an increase in import customs duties to support domestic producers. “We will support small and medium-sized businesses in all sectors of the economy, including agriculture, to which we pay special attention,” said V. Putin.
  • The Russian government will allocate 800 billion rubles to support small businesses and create 2 million jobs, Yevgeny Fedorov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, told reporters on January 22 in Kaliningrad. “The State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation are confident that domestic small business, despite its insufficient development and activity, will be able to most quickly and effectively adapt to the difficult conditions of the economic crisis. To support it, the state will allocate 800 billion rubles this year alone,” the parliamentarian said. According to him, the developers of plans for this state support have outlined seven main packages of measures for implementation that will help the development of small businesses in the regions. As a result, small businesses will be able to create about 2 million new jobs in all spheres of the national economy. “So, one of the current measures that will help entrepreneurs get back on their feet will be government electronic procurement of goods produced exclusively by small businesses. For agricultural producers, the interest rate for subsidizing loans will be 100%,” the deputy added.
  • In most developed countries of the world, the basis of the economy is small and medium-sized businesses, not state-owned companies. This was stated by the Chairman of the Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Vladimir Pligin. According to V. Pligin, the “trend towards nationalization of property” should receive an objective assessment. Statements that there has allegedly been a “shift” in the world economy towards the state are not entirely justified, the parliamentarian believes. “The world economy is focused, first of all, on supporting small and medium-sized businesses, which create a humanly attractive living environment in a particular state,” noted V. Pligin. According to the deputy, the level of public well-being and social stability directly depends on the degree of development of small business, and not “state-owned” business.
  • As stated by the head of the State Duma Committee on Property, Viktor Pleskachevsky, the share of small businesses in the Russian economy today is 15-20%, while, for example, in the USA it is up to 80%. “Most countries understand that the main mission of small business is social, not economic. It is he who ensures self-employment of the population,” the deputy emphasized. V. Pleskachevsky also touched upon the topic of state property and privatization, recalling the statement of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that “the authorities should retain exactly as much property as is necessary to exercise power.” At present, the head of the committee noted, about 75% of property in the Russian Federation is owned by the state - authorities at the federal, regional and municipal levels, and only 25% is owned by private individuals. “In developed economies the ratio is exactly the opposite,” stated V. Pleskachevsky.
  • In the future, it is important to bring to completion those decisions made in recent months, as well as current initiatives that have not been put into motion for several years, noted Igor Igoshin, co-coordinator of the socially conservative club, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies. “For example, a lot has been said about targeted lending to small businesses at separate rates by regional banks. This program has not yet been implemented. The municipal order should also reach small and medium-sized enterprises,” he said.
  • The Government of the Russian Federation is preparing a resolution on the provision of temporarily free federal property for lease to small and medium-sized businesses. This was announced by the head of the department of state regulation in the economy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Andrey Sharov. According to A. Sharov, at present, federal property, in terms of conditions for leasing, is significantly inferior to regional or municipal property, since at the regional and municipal level there are reducing coefficients for small and medium-sized enterprises. The Ministry of Economic Development is preparing a draft government resolution, according to which all temporarily free federal property is proposed to be leased “by right of first hand” only to small or medium-sized businesses. “And if it is unclaimed, only in this case will it be transferred to other structures,” said A. Sharov. At the same time, according to him, it is planned to introduce reducing coefficients for small and medium-sized enterprises: in the first year of rent they will pay only 40% of the rental cost, in the second year - 60%, in the third year - 80%. A. Sharov also added that the ministry considers this decision to be interim. Subsequently, according to him, all temporarily free federal property should be transferred to funds that are created at the regional and municipal level to support small and medium-sized businesses.
  • “Our proposals for modernizing the program of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses in 2009,” noted State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation A.V. Popova, “are aimed at giving it greater efficiency, flexibility, and the main target is supporting the preservation jobs and promoting self-employment of unemployed citizens.” Currently, a scheme for refinancing loans for small businesses has been supported, making it possible to provide assistance with loans to small companies. Also, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development was instructed to increase lots for the allocation of goods, works and services that should be purchased from small businesses.


Regional authorities should detail federal framework documents aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses. But it turned out that this is not a quick task, if only because in some regions officials do not even really know how many small businesses operate on their territory (in most regions, only this summer the authorities began creating a register of small businesses). Others have too little experience interacting with small entrepreneurs (in Pskov, a program to support SMEs began to be developed only this year). In addition, not all regional administrations agree on what is most needed for the development of SMEs. For example, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Karelia claims that the sale of state real estate by right of first refusal by tenants “opens the gates to raider takeovers.” The governor of the Pskov region, Mikhail Kuznetsov, called preferential buyouts and the creation of entrepreneurship support funds unsystematic measures, since only individual representatives of small businesses can take advantage of them. It is more productive, in his opinion, to reduce taxes, because this will help all small entrepreneurs. In Pskov, the tax rate for subjects of the simplified taxation system is going to be reduced from 15 to 5%.

Mayor of Veliky Novgorod Yuri Bobryshev, on the contrary, I am convinced that “lowering tax rates is a road to nowhere and will only aggravate the crisis situation,” since it reduces the revenue side of the budget.

According to Alexey Tretyakov, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Association of Small Businesses in the field of the consumer market, the main problem is that regional officials in relations with small businesses, by inertia, are guided by the desire to get as much benefit from them as possible, and not to help their development. This is especially evident in the example of local laws on the right of first refusal to purchase premises. For example, in St. Petersburg, this document provides for the possibility of a tenant purchasing properties with an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. m. in installments for two years. At the same time, a significant proportion of premises (in particular, along the main city highways) are not subject to redemption. As experts predict, only 10% of the 18.5 thousand St. Petersburg entrepreneurs renting space from the city will pass through the “sieve” of the law.

Chairman of the State Property Committee of St. Petersburg Igor Metelsky believes that if the terms of the buyout are made more lenient, this will lead to too large losses of the city budget. According to his calculations, even if the law had passed in its original version (when introduced into the St. Petersburg parliament, the document limited the area of ​​the property being purchased to 50 sq. m), the treasury would have been short of 2 billion rubles.

It is noteworthy that in most other regions of the North-West, where a similar document has already been adopted or submitted to parliament, administrations are less concerned about the problem of lost budget profits. For example, in the Vologda version, small privatization provides for five years of installments and up to 1.5 thousand sq. m. m of purchased area, in the Leningrad region - 2.5 thousand “squares” and three years of installments, in Murmansk - five years to buy out the area actually occupied over the last three years, in Komi - 1 thousand square meters. m. and two years installment plan. The only exception - for the above reasons - is Pskov, where the law stipulates the possibility of purchasing up to 50 sq. m. m and payment within a year.

True, regional entrepreneurs are not satisfied even with relatively favorable privatization conditions. “In my opinion, gradation is appropriate here,” says Sergei Yarchenko (Komi Republic), chairman of the Ukhta Union of Medium and Small Businesses. - For example, an installment plan to pay the cost of a premises of 300 square meters. m to be determined for a period of three years, 400 “squares” - for four years, 500 - for five years.” According to his calculations, with an average cost of commercial premises of 40 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m object with an area of ​​500 square meters will cost 20 million rubles. The local MB cannot afford such expenses, Yarchenko believes.

Director of the Syktyvkar chain of stores "Parus" Alexander Filimonov, which rents 350 sq. m. from the city. m, I don’t agree to buy the premises for 30 million rubles (it’s appraised at about that much): “It’s almost impossible to get a loan from a bank - they’ll require collateral. What can I pledge for such a huge amount? Paying a million a month for two years is unrealistic. So we’ll have to rent until they kick us out.”

Officials are surprised by such claims. The St. Petersburg KUGI reproaches businessmen for excessive appetites. Indeed, the demand of small businessmen to provide them with ownership of premises only on the terms of offset of rental rates does not meet any market laws. Indeed, all over the world such purchases are made, as a rule, using borrowed funds.

To ease the credit burden, borrower assistance funds are already being created at the federal and regional levels. The funds' funds will be used as a guarantee for entrepreneurs who do not have full collateral for the loan, to reimburse part of the costs of repaying the loan (for example, subsidizing the interest rate).

Head of Department of Economic Development of the Murmansk Region Olga Borisenko believes that it is beneficial for the budget to subsidize the payment of interest on loans that small businesses take out for investment projects. According to her data, in 2005–2007, 4.8 million rubles of budget funds were spent in the region for these purposes. During this time, more than 200 entrepreneurs received subsidies, which made it possible to attract about 200 million rubles in loans and create 130 jobs. As a result, the regional budget annually receives more than 2 million rubles in personal income tax.

Financiers also talk about the inevitability of lending to small banks. “Banks today are wary of large borrowers as too risky clients. If something happens to one or two small clients, it will not be as noticeable for the lender as the bankruptcy of a large borrower. In addition, large companies are already over-leveraged, and therefore inactively take out new loans, so this niche is freed up for small businesses,” says the president of the Association of Banks of the North-West Vladimir Dzhikovich.

General Director of the All-Russian Agency for the Support of Small and Medium Businesses Victor Ermakov not so optimistic: “I’ve been hearing about banks’ turn towards small businesses for about fifteen years now, but things are still going strong. So far the whole pivot is to squeeze small business into the strategy and try to make it profitable.”

In addition, the 11% per annum promised by the federal authorities still remains an elusive dream. Over the past few months, banks have unanimously begun to raise loan rates. In different regions, the increase was up to 50%, and according to the President of the Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry Anatoly Glushkov, in the Murmansk region some banks almost doubled their rates.

“Face control” has also become tougher: no one wants to give loans to construction companies, companies in the B2B sector and other industries most affected by the economic crisis. Lending terms are still insignificant: according to the Association of Russian Banks, about 76% of loans are provided to enterprises for a period of up to three years, for five or more years - only 4% (in EU countries - over half of all loans). According to the head of the St. Petersburg branch of “Support of Russia” Andrey Goryunov, investment loans to small businesses should be issued for 10-15 years - like mortgage loans.

Chairman of the Public Council for Small Business under the Governor of St. Petersburg Elena Tsereteli claims that “many businessmen are now in panic,” because they do not believe that they will be able to get loans and then repay them on time. “To be honest, small businesses still have one foot in white accounting, the other in “gray” accounting, and the third in “black” accounting,” admits Tsereteli. Businessmen are not particularly eager to emerge from the shadows. According to rough estimates, a third of monetary relations in SMEs are not recorded in the financial statements.

But it's not only that. Almost half of small companies operate under a simplified taxation system, which does not provide for reporting to the extent that banks require to provide a loan. Therefore, businesses wishing to obtain a loan often have to prepare a balance sheet specifically for lenders.

On the other hand, SMEs do not want to take the credit needle so as not to lose financial independence - one of their significant advantages over large companies.

The problem for SMEs is also that regional and municipal authorities will not be able to instantly change their attitudes towards SMEs in accordance with the new directive “from above”. This is evidenced by a number of more or less high-profile scandals in 2008. Then in Veliky Novgorod, after Federal Law No. 159 came into force, the authorities put up premises rented by small enterprises for auction (after a prosecutor's inspection, the Novgorod mayor canceled the auction). It turns out that in the Novgorod region, the administration of the Lychkovsky rural settlement introduced illegal fees for businessmen for cleaning and landscaping the territories. The Leningrad region will distinguish itself: despite the fact that, in accordance with the federal norm, the share of MB in government orders must be at least 10%, local authorities allowed it only up to 1.5% of orders.

Alexey Tretyakov talks about the generally accepted practice when regional officials impose on new small firms and individual entrepreneurs the services of consulting and other companies that guarantee trouble-free business registration for newcomers. It is clear that the “assistants” are closely connected with the officials on whom the receipt of the relevant resolutions depends.

“Until the authorities’ fiscal approach to entrepreneurs is eliminated and small businesses remain a cash cow for them, the president’s task of increasing the share of SMEs to 50% of GDP is impossible,” says Andrei Goryunov.

Of course, the attention of authorities at all levels to small and medium-sized businesses is now unprecedented. And the measures taken for its development are necessary. But, according to many regional experts, they do not yet form a single system. This is understandable: no one has built such a system until now. Small businesses, which began to develop spontaneously in the late 1980s, began to be pushed out of the market by larger players already in the late 1990s.


The all-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "OPORA RUSSIA" published an annual report "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the regions of Russia 2007-2008", prepared on the basis of a large-scale survey of Russian entrepreneurs - more than 5.5 thousand were surveyed in this study. respondents in 40 regions of Russia. The subject of the study was 2007-2008. The topic was the availability of financial and other resources for business development.

Was allocated three factors influencing the development of SMEs and increasing its share in the regional economy:

  • demand conditions in the region
  • specifics of the sectoral structure of the regional economy
  • regional business climate (the set of conditions for the development of SMEs in the region).

The first two factors can be described as “basic”, i.e. existing as a given and the most difficult to influence.

The results of the analysis showed that today the share of SMEs in Russian regions is largely determined by the basic factors due to which SMEs are mainly developing at the current stage. The business climate has not yet reached a favorable level where it could have a significant impact on increasing the share of SMEs in the regional economy.

In the ranking of obstacles to the development of SMEs (the topic of taxes and tax administration was not considered), the most serious obstacle is the low availability of personnel for SMEs, in second place is the low availability of financial resources, and unfair competition from larger companies is of approximately the same importance. Low availability of premises and regulatory requirements also have a significant negative impact on business development.

Business climate factors:

  • the availability of land remains a fairly serious problem for SMEs;
  • in the real estate sector, the greatest difficulties are associated with finding industrial premises;
  • the availability of energy capacity is poorly rated;
  • The accessibility of exhibition space is highly appreciated;
  • the development of transport infrastructure is generally assessed positively and meets the needs of SMEs;
  • The availability of logistics infrastructure (temporary storage warehouses, specialized transport and logistics companies) is rated quite highly;
  • Entrepreneurs have the least problems with telecommunications infrastructure: the vast majority of respondents rated the compliance of this infrastructure with the needs of their business very highly;
  • a significant problem for a large number of SMEs is the problem of hiring qualified workers; the next most pressing problem is the low availability of qualified engineers and other technical specialists;
  • the availability of specialized educational programs for business development is assessed generally positively; the quality of specialized educational programs for business development is also rated quite highly;
  • tax administration procedures remain a serious barrier to the development of SMEs;
  • corruption and organized crime are not perceived by business as the most serious problem;
  • Among those companies that use the practice of illegal payments, the average size of payments is estimated at 6% of the company's revenue, but a number of respondents admitted that they direct more than a quarter of their revenue to illegal payments;
  • over the past 3 years, the situation with the availability of suppliers of equipment, components, and raw materials has changed most significantly (in a positive direction); Premises for small and medium-sized businesses have become more accessible; minor improvements have occurred in the situation with corruption and raiding; the situation with the requirements of regulatory authorities has worsened: they have become more stringent, less feasible and more costly for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs;
  • participation of companies in regional programs to support entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized businesses is quite low; Even fewer entrepreneurs took part in municipal SME support programs; and the number of entrepreneurs who have ever taken part in federal programs to support SMEs is the lowest.

SME financing:

  • The source of start-up capital when creating companies in the vast majority of cases is funds from the founders; Sources such as funds from private investors and bank loans are also of some importance; at the same time, bank loans for individuals are more common than for companies - the reason is that in many cases loans for individuals are more accessible and more profitable;
  • When financing business development, two sources are of key importance - funds from private investors and bank loans for companies; however, bank loans for individuals are also quite often used; government support as a source of financing for business matters at the level of statistical error; leasing is used poorly; venture funds do not yet work as a source of funds for starting a business or its development;
  • the situation with financing SMEs in Russia is very different from the situation in “old” and “new” Europe, where the main source of financing is bank loans for companies; second place in importance is occupied by leasing, especially in the “new” Europe; State support is quite important;
  • One of the explanations for the fact that Russian SMEs relatively rarely turn to banks for a loan is the fairly widespread belief among entrepreneurs that there is no point in dealing with banks and that it is better to find reserves in your own business or turn to friends/relatives for a loan; mistrust on the part of entrepreneurs is not confirmed by the practice of those who nevertheless applied to banks and spent time preparing the application; the majority of respondents who applied to banks had their loan applications satisfied; the most common reason for applications not being satisfied is the problem of the entrepreneur’s lack of collateral;
  • in the Russian credit market, it is difficult for enterprises to find easy-to-obtain and inexpensive loans for a short-term period; on the other hand, the problem remains the low availability of long-term loans; the most common lending period is more than six months, but less than three years;
  • the spread of interest rates on the loan is large; approximately half of the loans were provided at a rate higher than 15% per annum for a ruble loan;
  • entrepreneurs in Russia prefer to separate business and personal property and not risk the latter by providing it as collateral; three-quarters of the enterprises that received a loan provided collateral amounting to no more than 100% of the loan amount, while for more than half of the enterprises the collateral amounted to less than 75% of the loan amount;
  • in Russia, SMEs proceed from the same rational considerations as SMEs in the European Union countries: most often, loans received are used to replenish working capital and purchase equipment;
  • the main source of information on financing for SMEs is the banks themselves; in second place, with a significant lag behind banks, are three sources - an accountant and lawyer serving the company, and information obtained through business contacts;
  • many aspects of bank lending to SMEs correspond to world practice; the problem is as follows: 1) the procedure for preparing and considering applications in banks is not always convenient for SMEs; 2) high cost of loans for SMEs; 3) unavailability of long-term loans and inconvenient conditions for obtaining short-term loans; 4) the virtual absence of credit opportunities for newly launched companies and enterprises operating in the “intangible” sphere of production.


High barriers to entry into the market, especially:

  • financial - for example, according to the study “Monitoring the state of small business in Moscow in 2007”, conducted by the NP “ICRP” together with the Interregional Marketing Center, the starting amount required to open a small retail and catering enterprise in Moscow is $379 thousand. , wholesale trade - $316 thousand, and manufacturing enterprise - $524 thousand.
  • administrative - it is no secret that certain types of businesses are sometimes “protected” by local officials, and therefore a new market participant is subjected to enormous pressure from inspection authorities, and the issuance of licenses and permits is delayed.

Significant infrastructural limitations:

  • finance - there are problems in the bank lending system (inconvenient procedures and lending conditions, high cost of loans, etc.);
  • energy, communications - it is difficult to provide access for SMEs to infrastructure facilities (electricity grids, gas facilities); today it is carried out slowly, expensively and non-transparently.

Administrative pressure and corruption mechanisms:

  • excessive administration and interference by authorities, often in violation of antimonopoly legislation (the share of such violations recorded by the FAS of Russia is large - almost half of all cases of violations of antimonopoly legislation);
  • regulatory requirements have recently become more stringent, less feasible and more costly for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs;
  • Tax administration procedures remain a serious barrier to the development of SMEs.

The presence of certain restrictions in the public consciousness:

  • low level of legal culture and business ethics;
  • low level of confidence of entrepreneurs in the banking sector;
  • the presence of a fiscal approach to entrepreneurship among officials of various branches and levels of government.

Lack of a unified support system for SMEs, including the federal, regional and municipal levels:

  • local regulations do not always comply with the spirit (and sometimes the letter) of federal laws, as well as with each other;
  • measures taken at the federal level to support SMEs are implemented locally ineffectively, and sometimes are completely distorted (for example, according to information from the regions, created “business incubators” become “feeding troughs” for corrupt officials, the same thing happens with the “one window” system - designed to make life easier for entrepreneurs, it only redirected the flow of bribes and increased their prices).


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