Who approves the traffic management project? Traffic management design (pod)

The rapid increase in transport on Russian roads entails the emergence of a number of problems that relate to the standards for the safe movement of cars and pedestrians. The authorities have been trying to improve these standards for many years now, implementing various programs and adopting new traffic rules to make both parties safer on the road. However, in this situation it is impossible to ignore the factor of city infrastructure development. Every day the number of shopping centers, high-rise office buildings, sports grounds and shops is increasing. None of the facilities can function without an access road, and due to the growing population in cities and the general complication of the situation on the roads, the development of a traffic management project (TRAP) is very important. The authorities monitor compliance with safety standards, and therefore drawing up and approving the project takes a lot of time.

If you need to draw up a high-quality TDD in the shortest possible time, our company PPR EXPERT LLC offers a full range of professional services for the development and approval of a project of any scale and complexity.

Organization of efficient and safe movement of cars and pedestrians is a priority activity of PPR EXPERT LLC. Our key goal is to ensure road safety through the correct organization of pedestrian and vehicle traffic on the territory owned by the customer company.

We also develop such traffic management projects for enterprises that engage in or carry out construction and repair work. For example, if a company has started renovations, then the delivery of materials, special equipment and garbage removal should not create emergency situations or interfere with the movement of workers. Therefore, if you need such a project, our specialists are ready to draw it up as soon as possible.

Why is AML important?

The TMP is part of the documentation of any structure. Without it, a commercial, residential or municipal facility cannot be approved and put into operation. The traffic police may also request the traffic police department to check compliance with traffic police norms and standards.

Who is developing the TDD in our company?

The preparation of a traffic management project is carried out by our company’s specialists, who not only have the appropriate qualifications and experience, but also know all the intricacies and features of certain situations.

During the development of the road traffic control system, our specialists take into account the traffic situation around the customer’s building, the features of the road junction, additional buildings to which access must be made (parking, underground parking, pedestrian zone).

Knowing and taking into account all the intricacies of drawing up a new transport interchange, our specialists are ready to develop a project that will be accepted by the authorities and implemented in practice. We do not create unsuccessful projects, which is confirmed by the grateful reviews of our customers.

What is a ready-made traffic management project from PPR EXPERT LLC?

A completed traffic management project consists of several parts, namely:

  • The title section indicating the official data of the company;
  • Project composition or content;
  • An explanatory note indicating the address of the new transport interchange;
  • Main part;
  • Scheme of the main facility, adjacent areas and additional areas;
  • Results of a site survey with an expert’s opinion on the possibility of constructing a new road;
  • Schemes with the location of road signs and their specifications;
  • Schemes for organizing transport and pedestrian traffic on the territory of the customer company’s facility;
  • Schemes of transport hubs, parking and underground parking;
  • Visual sketches of the information board;
  • Conclusion about robot volumes;
  • List of required regulatory documents.

With whom should the AML be agreed upon?

Much is known about the cooperation of government agencies with the population. To approve the traffic management project, each owner of the facility must contact the following authorities, which must check and approve the project, namely:

  • Department of Transport;
  • Federal Security Service;
  • Traffic police authorities;
  • State Unitary Enterprise AMPP;
  • State Unitary Enterprise MOSGORTRANS (if necessary).

Approval of the project in each of these authorities takes 2 weeks or more. As a result, the commercial facility is idle due to unapproved documents. We are ready to speed up your expectations and coordinate all documents with these structures as soon as possible.

What will you get by contacting PPR EXPERT LLC?

By contacting our company, you will receive a TDD drawn up in accordance with the norms and standards, which is approved by government authorities and is ready for implementation. We guarantee a quick solution to all assigned tasks that relate to the design and organization of traffic. Our professionals never deviate from the stipulated deadlines, and therefore you can rest assured of the reliability of our company. The cost of our company’s services can be viewed on the website or by calling.

The procedure for developing and approving a traffic management project

The following procedure for developing a traffic management project (TRAP), as well as its composition, applies to Russian roads intended for public use.

Reasons for developing the TMP

  1. The development of a traffic management project is carried out on the basis of clause 2 of Art. 21 of Federal Law No. 196-FZ “On Road Safety” of December 10, 1995
  2. This procedure determines the list of indicators that must be contained in the TMR in relation to public roads.
  3. When developing a road organization project, you should be guided by the following regulatory documentation: the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations of federal and regional authorities, rules and standards, technical norms.
  4. Depending on the classification of roads, customers for the development of TMR are:

    4.2. for federal roads - Federal Road Agency (FDA) Rosavtodor;

    4.3. for roads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - executive authorities of the corresponding subject;

    4.4. for municipal roads - executive authorities of the municipality;

    4.5. for departmental and private roads – the owners of these roads.

Goal and objectives of the traffic management project

The two main goals of developing a TMR are:

  1. increasing the capacity of the road (or its section) by optimizing methods of organizing traffic;
  2. ensuring traffic safety for vehicles and pedestrians.

The range of tasks that a traffic management project solves is determined by the design assignment, as well as the results of an analysis of the traffic situation on a given road (or section thereof). The technical specifications for the development are drawn up and approved by the customer of the work.

The main tasks that the TDC must solve are:

  • ensuring the safety of all road users, both pedestrians and vehicles;
  • introduction of traffic regimes based on the category of the road, characteristics of nearby structures, structural elements and other factors;
  • creating conditions for optimal and correct use by drivers of the width of the road (roadway);
  • ensuring that all traffic participants are informed about conditions on the road, the location of populated areas and routes for transit vehicles to pass through them;
  • other tasks individual for the project.

Registration requirements

According to established standards, the traffic management project must be drawn up in the form of a bound book in A3 format (297×420 mm), and an electronic copy on CD is also required. Documents in electronic form must allow editing.

The traffic management project should include:

  1. title page including:

    1.1. name of the body (organization) that performs the functions of managing this highway;

    1.2. name of the organization (company) developing the TMP;

    1.3. a list of organizations that coordinate and approve the project;

    1.4. full name and designation of the road;

    1.5. volume number;

    1.6. details of the head of the developer organization, namely position, full name and signature;

    1.7. project development date;

  2. introduction;
  3. layout plans for the placement of technical means for organizing traffic;
  4. when using individually designed signs, you must provide their sketches;
  5. layout diagrams of traffic light equipment;
  6. list of placement of traffic management equipment;
  7. list of the organization of electric lighting, bus stops, sidewalks and pedestrian crossings (by level).

Schemes, scale, composition of address statements in the TDD

For traffic management projects, the recommended linear scale is 1:3000, and for road widths, an arbitrary scale can be used.

The layout of technical means for organizing traffic should include:

  • contours of the road plan (limited by the edges);
  • graph of longitudinal slopes;
  • graph of curves in plan;
  • road marking lines;
  • road signs;
  • road barriers;
  • pedestrian barriers;
  • guide devices;
  • road traffic lights;
  • pedestrian crossings at different levels;
  • lighting elements;
  • bus stops;
  • pedestrian paths;
  • railway crossings;
  • artificial constructions;
  • designed as well as existing buildings and structures for road and motor transport purposes;

For complex intersections at one level, as well as for intersections at different levels, it is necessary to make a more detailed diagram on a smaller scale, the scale is determined according to the scaling rules, and the locations (addresses) of installation of technical means for organizing traffic are indicated.

The traffic management project must contain the following address sheets (each must contain a summary):

  1. a summary statement of the volume of horizontal road markings, which should contain:

    1.1. nomenclature of markings with a kilometer breakdown;

    1.2. types of road markings;

    1.3. bringing the marking volumes to line 1.1, indicating the marking area (by kilometers) in m2, also indicating the reduction coefficient for each type of marking; for its different types, the area in m2 is indicated.

    1.4. indicating the area of ​​road markings in m2 for a given section of the road (at the end of the table in linear kilometers);

  2. a list of the location of road signs, which contains:

    2.1. character numbers;

    2.2. their names;

    2.3. number of signs;

    2.4. standard size;

    2.5. area of ​​signs (only for individually designed signs);

  3. list of placement of barrier fences;
  4. list of placement of signal posts;
  5. list of placement of artificial lighting;
  6. a list of bus stop locations containing:

    6.1. location address (km + m);

    6.2. location data (right, left);

    6.3. data on the availability of landing sites;

    6.4. location of drive-in pockets;

    6.5. pavilions;

    6.6. transitional express lanes;

  7. list of placement of pedestrian crossings;
  8. a statement of the presence of traffic light objects and a diagram of the arrangement of equipment on them;
  9. list of placement of pedestrian paths;
  10. list of placement of pedestrian barriers.

Coordination of the traffic management project

According to current standards, road traffic road projects are subject to mandatory approval by the units of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which are in charge of the designed highway. The responsibility for approval is assumed by the design organization.

Depending on the type of facility being designed, the traffic management project is approved by the following authorities:

  • for federal highways, the approval of road traffic documentation is carried out by the Road Traffic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • for other federal highways, as well as public roads of I, II, III and IV categories of regional or intermunicipal significance of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, high-speed highways and main streets of citywide significance, approval is carried out by the road inspection service of departments (departments, offices) of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Municipal Internal Affairs Directorate , ATC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • for highways below category V of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departmental and private highways of municipal importance - by the road inspection service of departments (branches) of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Department of Internal Affairs, and the Department of Internal Affairs of cities and districts;

Procedure for approval and amendments

The traffic management project is approved by the customer. It is also the customer’s responsibility to make timely changes to the AML in the event of new regulations being introduced.

Any changes to the traffic management project are subject to mandatory approval by the relevant traffic police department. The changes themselves are made and re-approved at least once every 3 years. Previous versions of the TMR are stored at the customer’s premises, as well as at the traffic police department.

Amendments to the TMR as a result of major repairs or reconstruction are made on the basis of an approved project; the responsibility for making changes and their approval by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate lies with the customer.

If custom signs are used in a traffic management project, they must be designed in accordance with regulatory requirements. Sketches of individual signs should be formatted as follows:

  • one sign is designed on one sheet according to the scaling rules;
  • The numbers of the sign and background are also indicated there;
  • sign area;
  • number of signs;
  • their location;

Where should the approved TDS be sent?

After approval or amendments to the traffic management project, the developer is obliged to send the project documentation to the following authorities:

  1. to the direct customer - 1 copy (book A3) + documentation in electronic form on CD media (with files that can be edited);
  2. to the highway management authority - 1 copy (book A3) + documentation in electronic form on CD media (with editable files);
  3. for main federal roads to the Traffic Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - 1 copy (book A3) + documentation in electronic form on CD media (with editable files);
  4. to the relevant governing body of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate and the Internal Affairs Directorate - 1 copy (book A3) + documentation in electronic form on CD media (with editable files);
  5. to the road maintenance organization - 1 copy (book A3);

Example of a traffic management project (TRAP):

The PPR Expert company developed a project for organizing traffic for the object: “Residential complex with engineering infrastructure”, located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Barvikhinsky village, near the village of Razdory.”

Development of the TML is the process of designing measures to increase traffic capacity and ensure the safety of vehicles and pedestrians.

AKB Monolit has been developing TDCs for more than 10 years.

When developing road traffic records, our specialists solve problems to ensure road safety, protect the life and health of citizens, property, as well as protect the environment.

You can order a traffic management project:
for the period of work;
for the construction period;
for the period of operation.

The development of a TMP consists of 4 main parts:
traffic management diagram;
technical means of traffic management;
list of traffic management equipment;
explanatory note.

Traffic management diagram

To ensure road safety during construction, our specialists as part of the road traffic control system are developing traffic management schemes.

The traffic management scheme is being developed for:
preventing accidents associated with changes in traffic conditions for vehicles and pedestrians;
ensuring sufficient capacity of road sections where construction is taking place;
ensuring the safety of construction workers.

The place of work is the section of the road on which construction, reconstruction or repair is being carried out, as well as other work that necessitates a temporary change in the movement of traffic and pedestrian flows.

Depending on the construction period, the TDD distinguishes between places of long-term and short-term work.

When developing a TMP, our specialists plan the work in such a way that:
their duration and extent impede the movement of cars and pedestrians as little as possible;
sufficient throughput was provided to allow traffic flows through the work area;
ensured safe conditions for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians;
ensured safe working conditions for people carrying out construction.

Before the start of construction, our specialists determine the procedure for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as their traffic modes at work sites, ensuring the safety of both road users and construction workers.

The organization of traffic at work sites is selected by our specialists depending on:
duration of construction;
categories of highway;
difficulty of road conditions;
location and length of the working area;
actual intensity of traffic flow;
width of the roadway closed to traffic.

The work site is equipped with the help of technical means of organizing traffic, fencing devices and signaling equipment.

Our specialists select the types of technical means and fencing devices in accordance with:
with the category of highway;
duration and type of work;
danger of the work site.

During the construction, reconstruction and repair of capital construction projects, regardless of their form of ownership, our specialists use:
temporary road signs;
temporary road markings;
fencing and guiding devices;
signaling equipment;
road devices.

The section of temporary traffic changes consists of five functional zones, in each of which certain tasks for organizing and ensuring traffic safety are solved:
warning zone;
distillation zone;
longitudinal buffer zone;
work zone;
return zone.

Warning zone

The beginning of the warning zone is determined by the location of the main “Road Works” sign, and its length is determined by the distance to the first guide or fencing device.

Transhumance zone

In front of the working area, in cases of narrowing of the roadway, a smooth change in the trajectory of vehicles is ensured throughout the length of the removal zone. The minimum length of the removal zone is taken depending on the width of the roadway closed to vehicle traffic in the work zone.

Longitudinal buffer zone

The length of the longitudinal buffer zone is different for short-term and long-term construction works. If the longitudinal buffer zone falls into a section with limited visibility, it is extended to the beginning of this section. For mobile road work, the length of the longitudinal buffer zone is assumed to be equal to the distance from the cover vehicle to the vehicle performing the work. It is prohibited to place construction materials and construction equipment in the longitudinal buffer zone.

Work zone

The length of the working area is determined taking into account the technology of work and economic feasibility.

Return zone

The length of the return zone is taken to be equal to the distance from the end of the working zone to the installation site of the last guide device. The length of the run in the return zone also depends on whether the work is short-term or long-term.

Technical means of traffic management

Technical means of traffic management are used to regulate traffic flows and ensure safety.

When developing traffic control systems, our specialists use the following traffic management tools:
fencing devices;
guide devices;
fencing cords and tapes;
signaling and lighting equipment;
engineering and technical means;
supports for signs;
temporary road signs;
temporary road markings.

Fencing devices

Parapet type blocks made of polymer materials. They are used in road traffic control systems to fence off work areas lasting more than one day, to separate and divert traffic flows on roads and streets. During installation, white and red blocks are alternated. To ensure stability, fencing sections are filled with water (in summer), brine (in winter) or sand.

Parapet type blocks made of reinforced concrete. They are used to fence off work areas that last more than three days and to separate traffic flows in opposite directions on roads and streets. The blocks are installed and fastened together without breaks along the roadway. During installation, white and red blocks are alternated. Blocks in combination with a pedestrian deck are installed to organize temporary pedestrian movement when sidewalks are closed in places where work is carried out for more than three days. The blocks are installed on the roadway at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the side stone. To prevent pedestrians or animals from entering the road through the blocks, a mesh or other protective elements are additionally installed on them.

Road buffer. It is used in PODD to prevent a car from hitting the end part of a parapet-type concrete block. The internal cavity of the road buffer is filled with water (in summer), brine (in winter) or sand.

The shield is solid. It is used for fencing work areas with excavations on roads and streets when the work lasts less than one day.

Lattice shield. Installed in the roadway on highways and streets outside the roadway to fencing work areas designated for temporary storage of materials and equipment, with a work duration of less than one day.

Net. It is used to close existing and fencing temporary pedestrian paths at work sites on roads and streets within populated areas, at pedestrian crossings and public transport stops.

Railing-post barriers. They are used in road construction for fencing work sites, including areas with holes no more than 10 cm deep on roads and streets. Barriers are installed across the roadway, closed to traffic, at the end of the traffic diversion zone. On roads outside populated areas, to ensure visibility at night, barriers are equipped with reflective elements.

Picket barriers. They are used for fencing the area where work is carried out, which is mobile in nature, during daylight hours. Barriers are installed across the roadway or shoulder at least 10 m before the work area.

Guide devices

Cones. They are used in road traffic control to divert traffic flow during work, as well as to mark the boundaries of a section of the roadway along which the movement of vehicles is temporarily limited.

The plates are rectangular. They are used to designate traffic trajectories when traffic flow deviates on roads and main streets with six or more lanes. The plates are installed throughout the stripping zone.

Rod and flag milestones. They are used in road traffic control to mark the boundaries of the work zone on roadsides and dividing strips on highways and streets in combination with other fencing devices.

Security cords and tapes

Cords with flags. They are used in TMR to mark the boundaries of the work zone on roads and streets. Cords with flags are located parallel to the installation line of fencing devices. Cords with flags are used in combination with other fencing devices installed in the work area with openings no more than 10 cm deep. Cords with flags are located at a distance of 1.2-1.5 m from the surface of the roadway.

Fencing tapes. They are used to mark the boundaries of temporary pedestrian paths during daylight hours on highways and streets. Tapes are used in combination with other fencing devices installed in the work area with openings no more than 10 cm deep. Tapes should be located at a distance of 1.2-1.5 m from the surface of the roadway.

Signaling and lighting equipment

Traffic lights. They are used in traffic control systems to regulate traffic in places where the roadway is narrowed, when alternating traffic is organized in one lane. Self-powered traffic lights are used in places where there are no permanent sources of power supply.
Temporary traffic lights are used if necessary:
- organizing shuttle traffic of vehicles, when the free width of the roadway allows movement in only one row at high intensity;
- stopping the movement of traffic along a section of the road for short, frequently repeated periods of time necessary for maneuvering construction vehicles and the passage of specialized rolling stock when performing long-term repair and construction work;
- organizing round-the-clock traffic regulation at intersections during work, if these periods create conditions under which it is necessary to introduce traffic light regulation.
Traffic light regulation cycles are calculated based on the condition of minimizing transport delays.
Traffic lights are installed in front of the road narrowing, where it is possible for vehicles waiting for the traffic light to appear without interfering with traffic in the opposite direction.
It is possible to install traffic lights with manual control.

Hanging lanterns. They are used to mark the boundaries of a work zone lasting more than one day in the dark, and in daylight - with meteorological visibility of less than 200 m on roads and streets. Lanterns are placed on fencing devices and barriers. When placing lights along the border of the work zone, the distance between them is taken to be 3-5 m. When placing lights on technical means installed across a roadway that is temporarily closed to traffic, at least two lights are installed per lane with a constant red signal.

Insert lights. They are used in road traffic control systems on highways to mark the boundaries of the work area in the dark, and in the daytime - when meteorological visibility is less than 200 m. Insert lights are installed on fencing devices in the same way as installing hanging lights.

Portable lighting device. They are used to illuminate construction sites at night.

Engineering facilities

Pedestrian bridge. They are used in road traffic control systems in places where sidewalks and pedestrian paths are being dug up when it is impossible to organize the movement of pedestrians along a temporary path bypassing the excavation site.

Barrier. They are used to temporarily close traffic, as well as to regulate the entry and exit of technological transport. The barrier is installed at the beginning and end of the area temporarily closed to traffic.

Supports for signs

Portable supports of rack type. They are installed in the roadway on the roadway, shoulder or dividing strip of the road. The design of portable post supports must ensure the stability of signs under the influence of wind load.

Portable complex. It is used with temporary road signs and is installed on the side of the road at a distance of 50 m from the beginning of the traffic diversion zone.

Mobile complex for road signs. It is used in road traffic control on roads and streets for placing temporary road signs at work sites, including those of a mobile nature. The complex features a light board with a flashing arrow indicating the direction of changing lanes into an open lane. At the top of the scoreboard there are two yellow signal lights operating in a flashing mode. The complex must be located on the roadway at the end of the traffic diversion zone at a distance of at least 15 m from the work area.

Temporary road signs

Installation of temporary road signs in the traffic road is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52289-2004. The dimensions of temporary road signs must be no less than those that should be used for a given category of road or street in accordance with the current standard.

When carrying out work on highways, as well as on dangerous sections of other roads, signs of larger sizes should be used. It is allowed to place images of signs on billboards whose surface has a fluorescent yellow color.

When road work lasts more than a day, road signs are used in the road traffic control system, the images (details) on which are duplicated by LEDs operating in a flashing mode.

Road signs previously installed on a road or street in use at work sites are dismantled or covered up if their information contradicts the information of temporary road signs.

The dimensions of portable supports are selected in the TDS taking into account the size of the road signs used. The support elements should not protrude beyond the side edges of the sign by more than 0.2 m. In this case, the plane of the road signs should make an angle of 90° with the surface of the pavement, and 90-100° of those installed on folding supports. It is allowed to install temporary road signs on the roadway, roadsides, fences or barriers used in areas where road work is being carried out. In this case, the bottom edge of the sign must be at a height of at least 0.6 m from the surface of the ground or road surface.

Road signs located on the right in the direction of travel are duplicated on the left side of the road, on the dividing strip or on the roadway, if traffic conditions are such that the sign may not be noticed by the driver.

Temporary road signs or groups of signs are located at a distance of at least 50 m from each other on roads outside populated areas and 25 m on roads in populated areas.

Sign 1.8 “Traffic light regulation” is installed in the traffic control system in the case when traffic in the area under repair is regulated by a traffic light.

Sign 1.15 “Slippery road” is used in road traffic roads when increased slipperiness of the roadway is possible compared to the previous section, caused by ongoing work, removal of clay and dirt from adjacent roads along which a detour route is constructed, or the formation of ice. Sign

1.16 “Rough road” is installed in the roadmap if there are defects on the roadway surface in the road work area (potholes, ledges from the laid or removed coating layer, etc.).

Sign 1.18 “Gravel release” is installed in the road traffic control system when installing or repairing gravel and crushed stone surfaces, during surface treatment of the surface and in cases where gravel and crushed stone can be released from under the wheels of a car. The sign is installed for the duration of the work and is left until the coating is completely formed.

Signs 1.20.1-1.20.3 “Narrowing of the road” are installed in the traffic road to warn drivers about the narrowing of the carriageway or roadbed, regardless of the reasons that caused this narrowing.

Sign 1.21 “Two-way traffic” is installed in the traffic road to warn drivers about the area where, due to road work, two-way traffic is temporarily organized. The sign is installed in front of a two-way traffic area if there was one-way traffic on the roadway before it.

Sign 1.25 “Road works” with plate 8.1.1 “Distance to object” is installed in the road traffic area first in the direction of travel. In addition, it is repeated at least 50 m before the start of the traffic flow diversion zone with sign 8.2.1 “Availability zone”. In populated areas and in cramped conditions, a repeated sign 1.25 with a plate 8.2.1 is installed directly at the beginning of the work area.

When carrying out short-term work related to preventive inspection of wells of underground utility networks or cleaning the roadway, one 1.25 sign is installed on a portable support and a barrier 1.6 or 1.7 at a distance that provides advance warning to drivers of the danger, but not less than 15 m.

Sign 1.33 “Other hazards” is used in the Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate to warn drivers of the presence of a hazard not covered by other warning signs (for example, compressor pneumatic hoses laid across the roadway, welding cables, etc.).

Signs 1.34.1-1.34.2 "Direction of turn" are installed in the road traffic control system in places where the direction of movement of vehicles changes. In this case, signs can be placed on billboards or barriers.

Sign 2.6 “Right of way for oncoming traffic” is installed in the traffic road, as a rule, on the side of the lane where road work is being carried out. In this case, sign 2.7 “Take advantage of oncoming traffic” is installed on the opposite side.

Signs 3.11 “Limitation of the total weight of the vehicle”, 3.13 “Limitation of height”, 3.14 “Limitation of width” are installed in the TDS in the case when, according to the conditions of road work, the passage of vehicles must be limited by weight or size.

Sign 3.20 “Overtaking is prohibited” is installed in the road traffic control system on two- and three-lane roads when road work is carried out on the roadway or shoulders. On multi-lane roads, overtaking is prohibited in the direction in which, due to ongoing work, traffic is carried out in a smaller number of lanes.

Signs 3.21 “End of prohibition of overtaking”, 3.25 “End of maximum speed limit” or sign 3.31 “End of all restrictions” are installed in the traffic road outside the road work zone at a distance of no more than 100 m after the last fencing device in the direction of travel.

Sign 3.24 “Maximum speed limit” is installed in the traffic road in the case when, at the beginning of the section in the ferry zone, vehicles are changing lanes due to a decrease in the number of traffic lanes or road workers may enter the roadway.

Signs 4.2.1-4.2.3 “Avoiding obstacles” are installed in the road traffic control system in cases where, in the area under repair, it is necessary to indicate the directions to avoid various types of fences or obstacles located on the roadway.

Sign 6.17 “Detour diagram” is installed in the traffic road 150-300 m before the start of the detour to indicate the route of movement in the event of traffic on the adjacent road network.

Signs 6.18.1-6.18.3 “Detour direction” are installed in the traffic road before the start of the detour and at all intersections along the detour route.

Signs 6.19.1 and 6.19.2. A “preliminary indicator for changing lanes onto another carriageway” is installed in the roadway on roads with a dividing strip when one carriageway is closed to traffic and this section is bypassed along the carriageway intended for the oncoming direction. In this case, sign 6.19.1 is installed before the place of changing lanes onto another roadway, and before the place of returning to one’s own roadway, sign

6.19.2. Table 8.1.1 “Distance to the object” is used in the road traffic control system with warning signs if the distance from the sign to the beginning of the repaired area outside populated areas is less than 150 m or more than 300 m, and in populated areas it is less than 50 m or more than 100 m.

Plates 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 “Distance to object” are used in the road traffic road with sign 1.25 in places of turn towards the section of the road being repaired.

Plate 8.2.1 “Area of ​​Action” is used in the Road Traffic Road with a repeated warning sign 1.25 “Road Works” to indicate the length of the road work site being repaired.

Temporary road markings

Road markings in the roadway are used on roads and streets with an improved type of surface to organize the movement of traffic flows for the period of road work lasting more than three days.

Temporary road markings in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations are applied:
in the areas of diversion and stabilization to deflect traffic flow to the full width of the traffic lane in the direction of changing the trajectory of movement, taking into account the diversion;
in buffer zones and work zones along the border of traffic lanes.
In places where the lines of temporary and permanent markings coincide, temporary markings are applied next to the permanent ones.
When markings that divert traffic flow are applied to the roadway, its position on the roadway corresponds to the installation line of fencing and guiding devices in the area of ​​traffic flow diversion.

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ODD design

What is a traffic management project and what does it involve...
Let’s begin our acquaintance with this product of project activity with this question.

This project must be carried out in almost all adjacent territories in which there is traffic of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as in on-site parking lots and throughout the entire road network of any settlement. The implementation of a traffic management project is necessary to ensure the safety of road users, both pedestrians and vehicle drivers.

Traffic management design- this is a complex and responsible job that requires extreme attention to the smallest details, an individual approach to each object, and the availability of appropriate intellectual and technical resources. In addition, it is necessary to have up-to-date information regarding the dynamics of traffic flows, to be able to analyze and simulate possible road transport situations.

In a nutshell, then traffic management project (TRAMP)- this is a plan of the territory of the roadway, adapted to the specifics of the movement of road users at the site with the application of all technical means of traffic management (TSODD).

    Technical means include:
  • generally accepted road signs;
  • custom design signs;
  • horizontal road markings;
  • vertical markings on road construction elements;
  • pedestrian and barrier fences;

Let's consider the design of traffic management using the example of parking lots and parking lots.
Parking design- a labor-intensive process that includes the development of design documentation and planning the placement of equipment in a parking lot or parking lot. Car park design is carried out by qualified specialists. Experienced staff
. draw up diagrams (cartograms) of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians
. consider different locations of seats, taking into account the highest capacity and taking into account regulatory documentation,
. planning the placement of equipment to control the movement of vehicles.

Documentation is also being prepared on the management and organization of traffic during the construction of the parking lot and during its operation. The features of the transport situation are analyzed (location of the nearest intersections and stops, road congestion). PrimeCAD Systems specialists plan the size of the spaces and the width of the lanes, and develop an evacuation plan.

When arranging barriers and traffic lights, attention is paid to additional features: capacity, turning radii of vehicles, etc. If the placement of technical equipment is done correctly, this will ensure comfortable and safe use of the facility by road users.

Also, PrimeCAD Systems employees can provide advice regarding the operation of the facility and personnel requirements. It is imperative to ensure compliance with safety rules, the possibility of convenient check-in and compliance with all regulations.

Why and who needs a traffic management project (TRAP):
A traffic management project, or as they sometimes say, a traffic management plan, is necessary in all cases where vehicle traffic occurs, be it a store parking lot, a parking lot at a hotel complex, a roadside cafe, a kindergarten, a school, an office center, or inside the courtyard area of ​​a residential area. In all these cases, it is necessary to organize the safe and correct movement of vehicles for pedestrians and all possible road users, taking into account the specifics of the terrain, the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, and taking into account the intensity and density of traffic. It is also necessary to organize traffic in the underground parking lots of large facilities.

The development of a traffic management project is necessary for the owner of the territory, since the owner of the building and the adjacent territory is responsible for what happens within his jurisdiction, and in the event of an accident in the territory where traffic is not properly organized, the owner of the facility where the incident occurred is responsible. If the traffic at the site was organized correctly, then the culprit of the incident would be determined on a formal basis - whoever did not take note of the established road signs is to blame. Since the organization of transport traffic provides for the movement of transport without conflicts, the occurrence of an accident if traffic rules are observed is impossible.

The AML also takes into account the interests of people with limited mobility, or, as people say, disabled people. Designating parking spaces for the disabled by markings and installing an appropriate group of road signs is also considered a traffic management project. Now the topic of people with limited mobility has become especially relevant; recently, many standards have been issued that did not exist before. And in light of the release of regulations, frequent inspections of parking lots and parking lots began where traffic management was carried out without taking into account parking areas for people with limited mobility. This is followed by significant fines...

The availability of transport schemes - traffic management projects for the owners of territories is monitored by such departments as the traffic police, the prosecutor's office and the local Administration.

Examples of traffic management projects can be found below (link). Design of traffic management is also necessary when carrying out work on restoration and reconstruction of various objects with the occupation of the roadway or pedestrian part of the road network (RDN). For example, relaying or construction of utility networks, restoration of building facades. In this case, this is a temporary organization of traffic for the period of reconstruction and repair work of an object. Regarding the project of organizing traffic on Federal and city roads, there are also so-called road diagrams or diagrams of the location of road signs and technical means of traffic management. This project product is regulated by the “Rules for the preparation of traffic management projects” approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

Who approves the traffic management project (TRAP)

It is necessary to approve the road traffic management project in Moscow:
- With the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure
- State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans in case of availability of public transport routes in the territory

If traffic management (project for installing road signs) is designed in a closed area (on-site parking lots, courtyard areas). No project approval is required. If we are talking about approval outside of Moscow and the region, the TMR is approved by the balance holders of the facility, as a rule, these are the local administration or branches of Rosavtodor.

Design of traffic management is also necessary when carrying out work on restoration and reconstruction of various objects with the occupation of the roadway or pedestrian part of the road network (RDN). For example, relaying or construction of utility networks, restoration of building facades. In this case, this is a temporary organization of traffic for the period of reconstruction and repair work of an object.

Examples of completed projects:

1. This image reflects the project for organizing traffic for the period of operation (according to a permanent scheme) in Moscow, namely: organizing traffic at the intersection of Prospekt Mira - st. Boris Galushkin - st. Kasatkina. This traffic organization was designed as part of the reconstruction of traffic light regulation at this site, a very difficult task, but doable.

2. This image reflects the project for organizing traffic for the period of work on the construction of a traffic light facility; the project for temporary organization of traffic was developed as part of the implementation of a project for the reconstruction of a traffic light facility at the address: Prospekt Mira - st. Boris Galushkin - st. Kasatkina.

3. This image reflects the traffic management project for the period of operation (according to a permanent scheme) of a traffic light facility in the Kaluga region on the Federal Highway Moscow - Medyn, Dobroe settlement. In this case, the task was to reduce road accidents at this intersection by developing traffic management and traffic light control devices.

4. This image reflects the traffic management project for the period of work on the restoration of the house in which Taneyev lived. This traffic and pedestrian traffic pattern was developed only for the period of work on the reconstruction of the building; after the completion of the work, the traffic and pedestrian traffic was restored according to a permanent pattern.

5. This image reflects the traffic management project for the period of operation of the parking lot of the METRO Cash & Carry wholesale trade center on the street. Ryabinovaya, the development of the traffic scheme included changing the existing traffic flow, widening the roadway and designing raised traffic islands.

6. This image shows the transport diagram of traffic flow through the territory of the METRO Cash & Carry wholesale trade center on the street. Rowan

7. Organization of traffic at a traffic light facility in the Republic of Dagestan on a federal highway, a temporary traffic management scheme was also developed for the period of construction of the traffic light facility, the project was successfully implemented.

8. This project carried out the task of organizing traffic in the parking area of ​​the bus station at the address Moscow, Eletskaya street. 26., the project was successfully implemented.

9. Project for installing road signs and applying road markings (arrangement of the store’s parking area) for the period of operation on the territory of the Vertical shopping and entertainment complex in Balashikha, Moscow region. The project was successfully implemented.

10. Transport scheme for the period of operation of the parking lot on the territory of the Vertical shopping and entertainment complex in Balashikha.

11. Organization of traffic during the operation of a traffic light facility in the Moscow region, Ramensky district. A change in the organization of traffic is necessary due to the commissioning of a residential microdistrict and, accordingly, an increase, or rather the emergence of pedestrian traffic flows in directions that did not exist before.

Cost of a traffic management project.
Each object is individual and the cost for each traffic situation is individual; it can vary from 45 thousand rubles. up to several hundred thousand. To find out the cost of your property, contact us

    We will develop and coordinate a traffic management project of any complexity:
  1. for the period of construction or reconstruction of the facility
  2. for the period of operation of the facility
  3. for the period of work
  4. for the period of operation of parking lots and parking lots
  5. underground and surface parking
  6. transport hubs
  7. drive-in pockets
  8. additional lanes
  9. courtyard areas
  10. industrial zones
  11. custom design road signs project
  12. at intersections and junctions of roadways

If necessary, the development of project documentation can be completed within 1-2 days (negotiated individually)

We carry out work:

  1. Construction, reconstruction, modernization or commissioning of new infrastructure facilities (transport interchanges, roads, streets).
  2. For temporary operation of industrial or construction facilities, work with which requires free access of large-capacity equipment.
  3. During the period of work to restore certain sections of the roadway.

We also offer development temporary road traffic scheme, which is important for rationalizing and optimizing traffic and creating ramps and exits leading to construction sites, industrial and warehouse premises.

Any road requires many safety guarantees, which can only be provided by well-designed traffic management projects. A set of such measures is called traffic control, and for them to be effective, it is necessary to optimize directions for pedestrians and motor vehicles as much as possible.

Road design

Projects must be agreed upon, and therefore they are drawn up by professionals. Many companies provide similar services, including the development of a package of documents for all types of actions, after the preparation of which the movement of vehicles and pedestrians of a given section of the route changes. The developers carry out its approval in the authorities.

Traffic management projects are necessary if it is planned to restore an old road or build a new one, as well as during the repair of engineering structures and roads themselves, when special and safe movement of special transport transporting waste and delivering construction materials is necessary.


It is necessary to draw up such a project in cases where it is planned to arrange a parking lot. Traffic management projects are necessarily developed for particularly dangerous sections of the road in order to reduce the accident rate. If construction of a gas station or car service center begins directly along the road, such documentation must be agreed upon before the start of work.

Coordination is carried out in the following departments: State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; the organization on whose balance sheet the road is maintained; Department of Transport; FSO; TsODD and many others. This is certainly troublesome, but necessary: ​​accidents on the roads are much more costly. In Moscow and the region, projects are coordinated by Mosgortrans, Mosavtodor and others.

Traffic standards

The goals of developing traffic management projects are the following: streamlining traffic standards, safety on access roads to industrial zones, shopping centers, microdistricts and other places. Such work should be entrusted only to experienced professionals who will take this most important task responsibly and know all the nuances and subtleties of creating road maps. Otherwise, the approval of the traffic management project may not take place.

The TDD contains all schematically depicted objects: the outline of the road, markings, indication of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, locations of traffic lights, fences and road signs, organization of lighting, transport stops, artificial structures and railway crossings. All this needs to be properly documented in the project documentation.


Each element has its own symbol, as provided for in the traffic management project. An example of such a project can be seen in the photo in this article. It was developed by a professional company that has been involved in similar projects for ten years. The drawing shows even an ignorant person how road safety is organized and how to properly plan traffic in a given area.

However, the localities are all different, and therefore the development should still be carried out by masters of their craft, confident in the entire extensive design complex. First of all, you need to focus on state standards, and specifically GOST R 52289, which fully describes the means for organizing and implementing traffic rules for the use of markings, road signs, fences, traffic lights, and guide devices.

GOST standards

There is a procedure for developing organizational projects that requires the implementation of significantly more rules than any other documentation. A separate GOST describes the procedure for using road signs - GOST R 52290. The types and parameters of traffic lights used must be confirmed by GOST R 52282. There is also Federal Law No. 196 of 1995, which is entirely concerned with road safety and is always applied in practice in the development and approval of road traffic regulations. Road traffic control projects are being developed when the expiration date of existing horizontal marking schemes and the deployment of existing road signs expires.

To prevent accidents on the roads, you need to be guided in the development of the Road Traffic Regulations, first of all, by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the executive branch, as well as many rules, technical norms and standards. An analysis of the current traffic situation in this area is required. The organization of road safety is always guaranteed by the project, which is developed on the basis of Federal Law No. 196 (Article 21, paragraph 2). The customers of the projects are those authorized to manage: federal roads - the Federal Road Agency; roads in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities - executive power; departmental and private roads - owners.


The safety of highways during the movement of pedestrians and vehicles is the main goal of the development of the Road Traffic Regulations. It is also important to increase throughput. After a detailed analysis of the existing situation, the design of the traffic organization is carried out, taking into account the problems and solving problems to eliminate them. The customer draws up and approves the technical specifications himself, after which the developers get to work.

The TDD must comply with all GOST requirements and solve the relevant problems. First of all, ensure the safety of all road users; According to the category of the road, introduce all the necessary traffic modes, taking into account all factors: structural elements of the road, artificial structures, and the like. Particular attention should be paid to timely informing traffic participants about certain road conditions, settlements located along the way, and travel routes (for example, the transit of large vehicles through urban areas is not allowed; detour routes must be indicated). It is necessary to ensure that drivers use the roadway correctly, indicating the narrowing of the road and its other features.

What does it look like

A TDD is an entire book bound in A3 format (197 x 420) and an electronic form of the document (in a format with possible editing) on ​​CD-ROM. As in a real book, the TDD opens with a title page followed by an introduction. Next are diagrams with the arrangement of technical means and traffic light objects; sketches of signs for individual design; a statement in which the funds for the cash flow are placed; a statement showing the installation of electric lighting, bus stops, sidewalks, paths, crossings (different levels). The title page must indicate the name of the governing body of this road; name of the organization that designed the traffic control system; names of organizations that coordinated and approved the project.

Below is the name of the highway and its designation, volume number, position of the development manager with surname and signature. Below, as always, is the date of development of the TML. The linear scale is usually taken to be 1:3000, and the width of the road is depicted arbitrarily. The layout plan must contain the contours of the road plan, graphs of longitudinal slopes and curves in the plan, road signs, marking lines, road and pedestrian barriers, traffic lights, guide devices, pedestrian crossings, lighting, stops, pedestrian paths, artificial structures, railway crossings, existing and designed buildings and structures for motor transport and road purposes (coordination axes are not needed).

Vedomosti 1

Multi-level intersection schemes and single-level complex intersections are performed separately (smaller scale), in accordance with the scaling rules. The addresses where technical means of road traffic control are installed are indicated. A large part of the project consists of address sheets.

Including a summary sheet on the volume of horizontal markings with the nomenclature of road horizontal markings. Half-kilometer breakdown, types of marking, bringing its volumes to the 1:1 line, where the reduction coefficient is indicated - for different types. For each type of marking, the volume is shown in square meters. The marking area is indicated in the last column for each kilometer, the volumes for this road section at the end of the table in kilometers - reduced and linear, as well as the area in square meters.

Vedomosti 2

The list with the placement of road signs indicates their numbers and names, quantity and type size. If there are individually designed signs, their area must be indicated.

The third statement concerns the barrier fence, the fourth - fifth is devoted to artificial lighting.

The location sheet must contain the address, location - left or right, landing areas, drive-in pockets, pavilions, express lanes. Statements on the placement of pedestrian crossings, the presence of traffic lights with diagrams of their equipment, and the placement of pedestrian paths are also compiled. All statements must summarize the results.


The traffic data is subject to mandatory approval by the departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The design organization is engaged in this. can be considered depending on the object, as mentioned above, either by the Road Traffic Department of the Russian Federation (main roads, federal roads, public roads from the first to the fourth category inclusive, expressways and streets of continuous traffic of citywide importance, and so on), or services of departments, divisions, departments of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Department of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Roads below the fifth category, as well as departmental or private ones, belong to the traffic police services of districts and cities, where they are agreed upon.

The customer approves the AML. After receiving the finished project, he must promptly make all changes that may be associated with new document standards that are put into effect. All changes to the traffic data must also be agreed upon with the traffic police department at least once every three years. All previous versions of the TMR are stored with the customer and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, as required to store documentation according to the standards. Changes related to reconstruction or overhaul to improve road safety must be made and approved by the customer.


Already approved projects and all subsequent changes must be sent to the following authorities.

  1. Customer management (or department) - one copy plus CD-ROM (editable document).
  2. The control body for this highway is one copy plus a CD-ROM (editable document).
  3. The Traffic Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (main roads) also receives one copy of the documentation and a CD-ROM (editable document).
  4. The control body of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (Internal Affairs Directorate, City Internal Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs) - the same one copy in paper and one in electronic version.
  5. Road operating organization - one copy of the paper version of the documentation only.

Before specifically answering the question posed in the title of this article, let’s shed light on a few preparatory questions.

What does the abbreviation “PODD” mean? How is it deciphered? What types of AML are there?

The abbreviation “TRAFFIC” literally stands for “Traffic Management Project,” but most often the above-mentioned abbreviation means “Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic Management Project.”

There are several types of AML:

1) TMR for periods of construction and operation of new highways (streets, driveways, roads);

2) TMR for periods of reconstruction and subsequent operation of existing highways (streets, driveways, roads).
The main goal is to ensure the safe passage of promising traffic flows while ensuring additional safety for pedestrians.

3) TMR for the period of construction, repair or geodetic work on existing roadways of highways, streets, driveways and roads.
The main goal is to ensure the passage of existing traffic flows and the preservation of safe pedestrian paths during the period of work on the roadways of the road network.

4) TLC for the period of placement of construction sites during the demolition, construction and reconstruction of objects for various purposes.
The main goal is to ensure the passage of existing traffic flows and the safety of pedestrian routes in the area affected by the construction site located with the occupation of the roadway or adjacent to it.

5) TML for the period of operation of objects for various purposes.
The main goal is to ensure the passage of promising transport and pedestrian flows along the existing road network after the commissioning of completed construction projects.

6) TMR for periods of construction and operation of artificial humps (abbreviation IN, popular name - “speed bump”).
The main goal is to place the IN in connection with the existing road transport situation, as well as with the requirements of regulatory documentation on artificial bumps.

7) AML for the installation of advertising and information signs (RIZ, the name in professional slang is “shields”) or the so-called Passport of installation sites for advertising and information signs. The main goal is the placement of advertising and information signs in connection with the existing road transport situation, and also with the requirements of regulatory documentation for advertising and information signs.

Thus, in preliminary negotiations with persons intending to order a TML, it is worth first of all deciding: which of the above types the ordered TML belongs to. Once clarity has been reached on the type of TMP to be developed, consideration of the initial documentation available to the Customer begins. We list the main source documents necessary for the development of certain types of TML:

1. To develop a roadmap for the period of construction of new highways (streets, driveways, roads), a road construction organization project (COP) on a scale of 1:500 or 1:1000 and a work execution project (WPP, preferably) are required.

2. To develop a road map for the period of operation of new highways (streets, driveways, roads), a master plan for the road on a scale of 1:500 or a master plan for the road in red lines at a scale of 1:500 is required.

3. To develop a road map for the period of reconstruction and further operation of existing highways (streets, driveways, roads), a construction organization project (CMP) for the reconstructed road on a scale of 1:500 or 1:1000, a work project (WPR, preferably) and a general plan are required a reconstructed road on a scale of 1:500 or a general plan of a reconstructed road in red lines on a scale of 1:500.
If for some reason the Customer does not have enough initial documentation for the development of the TMR for the period of construction, reconstruction and operation of highways and roads, the developers of the TMR at Signum-Plus LLC will apply a slightly different approach. In this case, the Customer may be asked for the basic technical parameters of the work during the reconstruction of an existing road or the construction of a new road, and the road traffic assessment is carried out in accordance with the requested parameters and the surveyed existing road traffic situation at the site. This method of performing design work by employees of Signum-Plus LLC is jokingly called “from the knees.”

4. To develop a roadmap for the period of construction, repair or geodetic work on existing roadways of highways, streets, driveways and roads, for example, a master plan for utility networks on a scale of 1:500 and a construction organization project (CMP) for laying utilities on a scale are required 1:500. If the Customer does not have the above-mentioned POS, the PDD is carried out according to the general plan of utility networks and according to some technological parameters for their installation, requested from the Customer, or even known from the experience of the employees of Signum-Plus LLC (that is, again “from the knees”).

5. For the TDS for the period of location of construction sites during the demolition, construction and reconstruction of objects for various purposes, a PIC for these objects is required. Often, a POS developed for the Customer, for example, by the General Designer, to put it mildly, does not quite comply with the requirements and standards currently in force in the field of traffic management in the Russian Federation. In this case, when developing the AML, the PIC also has to be adjusted (of course, having previously notified the Customer about this).

6. To develop a TDD for the period of operation of objects for various purposes, a general plan of the object on a scale of 1:500, floor plans of the object (for example, for multifunctional shopping centers), as well as the main technical and economic indicators (TEPs) of the object are required. As mentioned above, if the general plan of an object does not comply with the requirements and standards currently in force in the field of traffic management in the Russian Federation, when developing a traffic road map, the general plan also has to be adjusted.

7. In order to develop a traffic road map for the periods of construction and operation of artificial humps (“speed bumps”), a passport of the street (road, driveway) on which the IDs will be installed is required. In most cases, the Customer does not have the above documentation. Therefore, this type of TML is developed in 90% of cases “from scratch”.

8. To develop an ATP for the installation of advertising and information signs (Passport for the installation of advertising and information signs), a passport of the street (road, driveway) on which the RPE will be installed is also required. But in 95% of cases the Customer does not have this documentation. For this reason, the development of the TDD is again being done “from the knees”!

After the Customer has ordered the TDR and provided at least partially the initial documentation necessary for its development, the specialists of Signum-Plus LLC (in 100% of cases!) go to the location of the facility to examine the existing road transport situation.

Using a voice recorder, a digital camera, a video camera and a road curvimeter (in professional slang - “dragonflies”) the following parameters are recorded:
- the width of roadways located in the area of ​​transport services of the facility (or in the area of ​​future installation of utilities);
- the width of separate lanes for vehicle traffic in each of the existing directions;
- dimensions of lawns, reinforced roadsides and sidewalks for pedestrians;
- parameters of a separate tram track (if any);
- existing urban lighting masts (LMUs) or trolleybus contact network supports;
- locations of existing technical means of traffic management (horizontal and vertical road marking lines, road signs, information boards, vehicle restraints, bridge and pedestrian barriers, traffic light objects).
Also, during a transport survey, measurements are taken of the average traffic intensity of vehicles and pedestrians in all directions. In some cases, for example, when calculating the cycle of a designed traffic light facility, the intensity of vehicle and pedestrian traffic is measured during evening and morning rush hours.

Then, in the office of Signum-plus LLC, on the basis of the initial permitting documentation provided by the Customer, transport survey data and regulatory documentation currently in force in the field of traffic management in the Russian Federation, the TDD itself is developed.

After development, the TDS is agreed upon with the traffic police authorities in the prescribed manner, and then transferred to the Customer.


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