who's who in the Strategic Missile Forces. Baitov Mikhail Valerievich. Kinder Surprise. Cogs or screws of corruption in Rosatom Information on remuneration to persons included in the management bodies of the Company

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The composition of the Company's Audit Commission, elected at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 1, 2007:

Baitov Anatoly Valerievich,

Chairman of the Audit Commission

Year of birth: 1977.

Education: higher education in the specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Electric Power Systems and Networks”; Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Main place of work:R Head of the Directorate of Financial Control and Internal Audit of JSC FGC UES.

Bunin Vadim Evgenievich

Year of birth: 1976.

Education:higher economicsical.

Main place of work: Deputy Director of the Southern Directorate for Economics and Finance of IDGC of Center, JSC.

Krasnoglazova Nadezhda Sergeevna

Year of birth: 1948.

Education: higher professional.

Main place of work:G Chief Specialist of the Internal Audit Department of RAO UES of Russia OJSC 10.

Parfenova Anna Lvovna

Year of birth: information not provided.

Education: information not provided.

Main place of work: Leading specialist of the Department of Financial Control and Analysis of IDGC of Centre, JSC 11.

Bobrov Alexey Valerievich

Year of birth: 1973 .

Education:higher technicaleskoe .

Main place of work: financial analyst of the Department of Corporate Governance and Interaction with Shareholders of the CC of RAO UES of Russia.

11.5. Information on the existence and composition of committees of the Board of Directors and their interaction with the Board of Directors of the Company.

In order to ensure effective work on the general management of the Company's activities, by decision of the Board of Directors of Kubanenergo OJSC, a Reliability Committee was created under the Board of Directors of the Company and the regulations on this body were approved.

The objectives of the Company’s Reliability Committee are to develop and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors in the following areas:

Examination of investment programs and plans for the repair of power facilities, analysis of their implementation from the point of view of ensuring the requirements of comprehensive reliability;

Assessing the completeness and sufficiency of measures based on the results of accidents and major technological violations, as well as monitoring their implementation;

Monitoring and evaluation of the activities of the Company’s technical services;

Analysis of measures to implement contractual and economic reliability management mechanisms.

The personnel of the Reliability Committee was approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company on November 2, 2007 (Minutes No. 45/2007 dated November 6, 2007).

Chairman of the Reliability Committee:

Belonogov M.I. – Member of the Board of Directors of Kubanenergo JSC, First Deputy General Director of IDGC of the South JSC.

Members of the Reliability Committee:

Sultanov G.A. - Deputy General Director for Technical Issues of IDGC of the South, JSC,

Lunev I.A. - Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of IDGC of the South, JSC,

Zhukov F.I. - Head of the Department of Technical Directorate of IDGC of the South, JSC,

Pukasenko G.A. - Chief Inspector of IDGC of the South, JSC

Bisirkin S.I. – Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Kubanenergo, Deputy Head of the Corporate Relations Department of CJSC YUKOS-RM.

11.6. Information on the procedures for submitting items to the agenda of general meetings of shareholders and meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Procedures for nominating candidates to the Company's Board of Directors, convening procedures, procedures for submitting items to the agenda of annual and extraordinary general meetings of shareholders.

Shareholders (shareholder), who collectively own at least 2 (Two) percent of the Company's voting shares, have the right to put issues on the agenda of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders and nominate candidates to the Board of Directors of the Company and the Audit Commission of the Company, the number of which cannot exceed the quantitative composition the relevant authority. Such proposals must be received by the Company no later than 60 (Sixty) days after the end of the financial year.

A proposal to nominate candidates is made in writing, indicating the name of the shareholders (shareholder) representing them, the number and category (type) of shares owned by them and must be signed by the shareholders (shareholder).

A proposal to nominate candidates must contain the name of each proposed candidate and the name of the body to which he is proposed for election.

The Board of Directors of the Company is obliged to consider the proposals received and make a decision to include them in the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company or to refuse to include them in the said agenda no later than 5 (Five) days after the end of the period - 60 (Sixty) days after the end of the financial year.

The Board of Directors of the Company has the right to refuse to include nominated candidates in the list of candidates for voting in elections to the relevant body of the Company on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies” and other legal acts of the Russian Federation.

A reasoned decision of the Board of Directors of the Company to refuse to include a candidate in the list of candidates for voting for elections to the relevant body of the Company is sent to the shareholder (shareholders) who submitted the question or nominated the candidate no later than 3 (Three) days from the date of its adoption.

The Board of Directors of the Company does not have the right to make changes to the wording of issues proposed for inclusion on the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders, and (if any) to the wording of decisions on such issues.

In addition to the issues proposed for inclusion on the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders by shareholders, as well as in the absence of such proposals, the absence or insufficient number of candidates proposed by shareholders for the formation of the relevant body, the Board of Directors of the Company has the right to include issues or candidates in the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders list of candidates at your discretion.

Procedures for submitting questions to the Company's Board of Directors.

Members of the Board of Directors, members of the Audit Commission, executive bodies, as well as the Company’s auditor have the right to make proposals to the agenda of a meeting of the Board of Directors. These proposals are sent to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in writing, with a copy of the proposals being simultaneously sent by fax to the Corporate Secretary. The Chairman of the Board of Directors has the right to include proposals received on the agenda of the next meeting of the Board of Directors or convene an unscheduled meeting.

11.7. Information on remuneration to persons included in the management bodies of the Company.

Remuneration to members of the Board of Directors of the Company:

The amount of income of all members of the Board of Directors accrued for 2007 amounted to 2,717 thousand rubles. Debts of Kubanenergo OJSC to members of the Board of Directors of the Company as of December 31, 2007. No.

In accordance with the Regulations on the payment of remuneration and compensation to members of the Board of Directors of Kubanenergo JSC, approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Kubanenergo JSC (Minutes dated June 11, 2006 No. 18), remuneration for members of the Board of Directors in the current year is calculated as follows:

For participation in a meeting of the Board of Directors held in absentia, a member of the Board of Directors of the Company is paid a remuneration in the amount equivalent to three minimum monthly tariff rates for a first-class worker established by the industry tariff agreement in the electric power complex of the Russian Federation on the day of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, taking into account indexation established by the Agreement within seven calendar days after the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company;

For participation in a meeting of the Board of Directors, held in the form of joint presence, a member of the Board of Directors of the Company is paid a remuneration in the amount equivalent to five minimum monthly tariff rates for a first-class worker, established by the industry tariff agreement in the electric power complex of the Russian Federation on the day of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, with taking into account the indexation established by the Agreement within seven calendar days after the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company;

Additional remuneration is paid to members of the Board of Directors for the Company's net profit according to the annual financial statements approved by the general meeting of shareholders of the Company;

Additional remuneration is paid to members of the Board of Directors in the event of an increase in the size of the Company's market capitalization during the period of work of the Board of Directors (the period from the moment of election of a member of the Board of Directors until the moment of election of a new composition of the Company's Board of Directors).

In addition, a member of the Board of Directors is compensated for expenses actually incurred by him/her in connection with participation in a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company (travel, accommodation, meals, etc.).

Remunerations for members of the Company's Management Board:

Members of the Management Board are included in the category of senior managers of the Company. In accordance with the employment contracts concluded between the Company and members of the Management Board, remuneration to a member of the Management Board is paid in the amount and manner established by the Regulations “On material incentives for senior managers of the Company” approved by the Board of Directors.

Motivation of members of the Management Board is carried out by setting their official salaries as members of the Management Board, as well as by paying members of the Management Board, as senior managers, quarterly and annual remuneration for meeting relevant key performance indicators.

Remuneration to the General Director of the Company:

Issues of material incentives for the General Director of the Company are regulated by the “Regulations on material incentives for the General Director of Kubanenergo OJSC”, approved by the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company (Minutes dated July 17, 2007 No. 39/2007).

This provision, which is an integral part of the employment contract with the general director, establishes:

    the procedure for determining, approving and changing the amount of the official salary of the General Director of the Company,

    types of bonuses,

    procedure for payment of official salary, bonuses,

    the procedure for making decisions aimed at implementing this provision.

11.8. Review of the activities of the Company's management bodies in the reporting year.

In the reporting year, two general meetings of shareholders of Kubanenergo JSC were held.

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Kubanenergo JSC was held on June 1, 2007 (Minutes No. 20 dated June 5, 2007). The following decisions were made at this meeting of shareholders:

"1. Approve the Company's annual report for 2006, annual financial statements, including the profit and loss account (profit and loss accounts) of the Company.

2. Approve the following distribution of profits (losses) of the Company based on the results of the 2006 financial year:

Pay dividends on ordinary shares of the Company based on the results of 2006 in the amount of 1.2535927 rubles per ordinary share of the Company in cash within 60 days from the date of the decision to pay them.

3. Elect the Board of Directors of the Company consisting of:

Belonogov Mikhail Ivanovich;

Bisirkin Sergey Ivanovich;

Bunyakin Maxim Nikolaevich;

Bykhanov Evgeniy Nikolaevich;

Gavrilov Alexander Ilyich;

Galkin Alexey Gennadievich;

Dyakov Fedor Alexandrovich;

Eremin Pavel Borisovich;

Lusinin Vladimir Leonidovich;

Morin Alexander Konstantinovich;

Rappoport Andrey Natanovich.

4. Elect the Audit Commission of the Company consisting of:

Baitov Anatoly Valerievich;

Bobrov Alexey Valerievich;

Bunin Vadim Evgenievich;

Krasnoglazova Nadezhda Sergeevna;

Parfenova Anna Lvovna.

5. To approve as the auditor of the Company “Fineart Audit”, license to carry out auditing activities No. E 006407 dated 09/06/2004,issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for a period validity 5 years.

6. Approve the new edition of the Company’s Charter.

7. Approve amendments to the Regulations on the Management Board of the Company.

8. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for convening and holding meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company in a new edition.”

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Kubanenergo JSC was held on August 27, 2007 (Minutes No. 21 dated August 31, 2007), the agenda of which included the issue of transferring the powers of the sole executive body of Kubanenergo JSC to the management organization. On this issue, the general meeting of shareholders of Kubanenergo JSC made the following decision: "Ptransfer the powers of the sole executive body of Kubanenergo JSC to the open joint-stock company Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South (IDGC of the South JSC).

In 2007, 22 meetings of the Company's Board of Directors were held (all in absentia), at which 370 issues were considered.

Decisions made at meetings of the Board of Directors of Kubanenergo JSC on the main issues considered by the Board of Directors in the reporting year:


Formulations of the main issues considered by the Board of Directors

Wording of decisions of the Board of Directors on key issues

Date and No. of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company

On approval of the Regulations for the development and adoption of a five-year investment program

Approve the Regulations for the development and adoption of the five-year investment program of Kubanenergo JSC in accordance with the appendix to this decision.

02.02.07, No. 28/2007

On approval of the Company's long-term Investment Program for 2006-2010.

05.12.07, No. 46/2007

On approval of the Company's Repair Program for 2007

Approve the Company's Repair Program for 2007. according to the annex to this decision.

02.22.07, No. 29/2007

On approval of the Regulations on corporate assistance and support for employees of Kubanenergo JSC in improving housing conditions

Approve the Regulations on corporate assistance and support in improving the living conditions of employees of Kubanenergo OJSC in accordance with the appendix to this decision.

03/02/07, No. 30/2007

On approval of the Program of non-state pension provision for the Company's employees for 2007

To approve the non-state pension program for employees of Kubanenergo JSC for 2007 in accordance with the appendix to this decision.

03.23.07, No. 32/2007

On determining the priority areas of the Company’s activities: - on approval of the action plan for the reorganization of the Company in the form of merger with IDGC of the South, JSC

1. Determine the reorganization of the Company in the form of merger with IDGC of the South, JSC as a priority area of ​​the Company’s activities.

2. Approve the Plan - schedule of measures for the reorganization of the Company in the form of merger with IDGC of the South, JSC in accordance with the appendix to this decision.

07/17/07 No. 39/2007

On the priority areas of the Company’s activities: on the approval of the Program for the Implementation of the Environmental Policy of OJSC Kubanenergo for 2007 – 2009

1. Determine the implementation of the Company’s environmental policy for 2007-2009 as a priority area of ​​activity.

2. Approve the Program for Implementation of the Environmental Policy of OJSC Kubanenergo for 2007–2009.

07/17/07 No. 39/2007

On approval of the terms of the agreement on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body of the Company, concluded with the management organization - OJSC Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South, as a transaction in which there is an interest

Determine the price of the agreement on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body of the Company, concluded with the management organization - OJSC Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South, as a transaction in which there is an interest, in the amount of 24,954,554 (twenty-four million nine hundred fifty-four thousand five hundred fifty-four ) ruble 73 kopecks per month, including VAT 3,806,627 (three million eight hundred six thousand six hundred twenty seven) rubles.

    Approve the conclusion of an agreement on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body of the Company, concluded with the management organization - OJSC Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South, as a transaction in which there is an interest, on the following essential conditions:

Parties to the agreement:

Company – JSC “Kubanenergo”,

The managing organization is IDGC of the South, JSC.

Subject of the agreement:

The Company transfers, and the Management Organization assumes and exercises the powers of the sole executive body of the Company (General Director) enshrined in the Charter of the Company, other local documents of the Company and the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner and under the conditions specified in this Agreement.

Contract price:

The cost of the Management Organization’s services consists of two parts:

      the constant component of the cost of services is 24,954,554 (twenty-four million nine hundred fifty-four thousand five hundred fifty) rubles, 73 kopecks per month, including VAT 3,806,627 (three million eight hundred six thousand six hundred twenty-seven) rubles.

      variable component of the cost of services.

Responsibility of the parties:

The parties are liable for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from this Agreement to the extent of losses caused by guilty actions (inaction), unless other grounds and the amount of liability are established by federal laws.

In addition to compensation for losses caused to the Company by non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Management Organization pays a penalty for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement in cases provided for in the Agreement on Penalty (Appendix No. 2 to this Agreement), which is an integral part of this Agreement.

Compensation for losses and payment of penalty(s) for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement does not relieve the Parties from fulfilling unfulfilled or improperly fulfilled obligations.

The management organization is not responsible for losses caused to the Company by its actions (inactions) performed properly in pursuance of decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company and/or the Board of Directors of the Company, and/or the proper execution of the terms of the agreement, including instructions and orders received by the Company in accordance with clause 3.3.47 of the Agreement.

Contract time:

The validity period of the Agreement is 1 (one) year, taking into account Section 9 of the Agreement.

Settlement of disputes:

All disputes, disagreements and claims arising from this contract (agreement) or in connection with it, including those related to its conclusion, amendment, execution, violation, termination, termination and validity, are subject to resolution in the Arbitration Court at RAO UES of Russia » (Moscow) in accordance with its rules in force on the date of filing the statement of claim.

Decisions of the Arbitration Court at RAO UES of Russia are binding, final and cannot be contested.

09/12/07 No. 43/2007

On determining the priority areas of the Company’s activities: on considering the Basic Provisions of the Company’s technical policy in the field of information technology

2. Approve the Basic Provisions of the Company’s technical policy in the field of information technology in accordance with the appendix to this decision.

3. Instruct the sole executive body of the Company to:

To ensure that the infrastructure of the Company's informatization tools is brought into compliance with the requirements of the Basic Provisions of the Company's technical policy;

Ensure annual consideration by the Company's Board of Directors of the issue of compliance of the Company's current infrastructure with the requirements of the Basic Provisions of the Company's technical policy.


On approval of the medium-term plan for financial and production activities for the period until 2010

1. Approve the financial plan of the Company for 2007-2010 in accordance with the appendix.

2. Instruct the sole executive body of the Company to:

2.1. ensure approval of the tariff for electricity transmission services for 2008 and the connection tariff for 2008 in accordance with the approved financial plan for 2008;

2.2. after approval of the tariff for electric energy transmission services and the connection tariff, make adjustments to the financial plan. Based on the approved adjusted financial plan, ensure the development of the Company’s business plan;

2.3. ensure the finalization of the Agreement between the Administration and JSC RAO UES of Russia in terms of scope of implementation and sources of financing;

2.4. work out a program for the implementation of this agreement for 2008-2010 in terms of raising borrowed funds and attracting contractors, including:

Ensure the preparation of design and estimate documentation for investment projects planned for implementation in the investment program laid down in the Agreement;

Ensure the conclusion of a framework agreement with banks and contractors in order to ensure the implementation of the investment program;

2.5. ensure that the Board of Directors of the Company considers the program for implementing the investment program laid down in the Agreement;

2.6. based on the results of the development and approval of the plan for consolidating the network assets of the region, ensure adjustment of the financial and production plan of the Company taking into account the approved plan;

3. Instruct the sole executive body of the Company to submit for consideration to the Board of Directors a report on the implementation of the Agreement with the Administration for the implementation of the investment program and financial and production plan for 2007.

On approval of the long-term investment strategy (five-year investment program) of the Company for 2007 – 2011.

Approve the long-term investment strategy (five-year investment program) of Kubanenergo JSC for 2007-2011.

On approval of the annual comprehensive program for the procurement of goods, works and services for the needs of the Company for 2008

Approve the Company's annual comprehensive procurement program for 2008 in accordance with the appendix to this decision.

On convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders with the agenda “On the reorganization of the Company in the form of merger with IDGC of the South, JSC”, on approval of the Agreement on merger of Astrakhanenergo, JSC, Volgogradenergo, JSC, Kalmenergo, JSC, Kubanenergo, JSC, and Rostovenergo" to IDGC of the South, JSC, on approval of the transfer act"

1. Convene an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in the form of absentee voting.

1.1. Determine that completed ballots are sent by shareholders to the following addresses (one of three):

1.2. Set the closing date for accepting completed voting ballots: January 18, 2008.

2. Approve the following agenda for the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company:

“On the reorganization of the Company in the form of merger with JSC IDGC of the South, on approval of the Agreement on the merger of JSC Astrakhanenergo, JSC Volgogradenergo, JSC Kalmenergo, JSC Kubanenergo, JSC Rostovenergo to JSC IDGC of the South, on approval of the transfer deed."

2.1. Determine the date for compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on December 10, 2007.

2.2. Instruct the sole executive body of the Company to notify the registrar of the Company of the need to compile the specified list within one day from the date of adoption of this decision.

3. Determine that, due to the absence of preferred shares of the Company, the holders of ordinary registered shares of the Company have voting rights.

4. Define as information (materials) provided to shareholders in preparation for holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company:

    draft decision of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on the agenda item;

    a report from an independent appraiser on the market value of the Company's shares, demands for redemption of which may be presented to the Company;

    calculation of the value of the Company's net assets according to the company's financial statements for the last completed reporting period (3rd quarter of 2007);

    minutes (extract from the minutes) of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, at which a decision was made to determine the repurchase price of the Company’s shares, indicating the repurchase price of the shares;

    minutes (extract from the minutes) of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, at which a decision was made on recommendations to the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on the issue of the agenda of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company;

    justification of the conditions and procedure for the reorganization of the Company contained in the Agreement on the merger of Astrakhanenergo JSC, Volgogradenergo JSC, Kalmenergo JSC, Kubanenergo JSC, Rostovenergo JSC to IDGC of the South JSC;

    annual reports and annual financial statements of the Company, as well as JSC Astrakhanenergo, JSC Volgogradenergo, JSC Kalmenergo, JSC Rostovenergo, JSC IDGC of the South for the three completed financial years preceding the date of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company or for each completed financial year from the moment of formation of the companies (if the relevant company has been operating for less than three years);

    quarterly financial statements of the Company, as well as JSC Astrakhanenergo, JSC Volgogradenergo, JSC Kalmenergo, JSC Rostovenergo, JSC IDGC of the South for the 3rd quarter of 2007;

    Agreement on the merger of JSC Astrakhanenergo, JSC Volgogradenergo, JSC Kalmenergo, JSC Kubanenergo, JSC Rostovenergo to JSC IDGC of the South;

    Transfer deed.

4.1. To establish that the Company's shareholders can familiarize themselves with the specified information (materials) during the period from December 18, 2007 to January 18, 2008, inclusive, on weekdays (from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) at the following addresses :

    344002, Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, st. B. Sadovaya, 49 (address of the management organization of IDGC of the South, JSC);

    350033, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, st. Stavropolskaya, 2, JSC "Kubanenergo";

    105082, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pochtovaya, 34, building 8, JSC "CMD".

as well as on the Company’s website on the Internet at: /rus/

5. Approve the “Justification of the conditions and procedure for the reorganization of Kubanenergo OJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company), contained in the Agreement on the merger of Astrakhanenergo OJSC, Volgogradenergo OJSC, Kalmenergo OJSC, Kubanenergo OJSC, Rostovenergo OJSC to OJSC "IDGC of the South" (Appendix 1).

6. Approve the form and text of the message about holding an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (Appendix 2).

6.1. Determine that a notice of holding an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (together with a notice of the right to demand the repurchase of shares by the company and samples of a request for repurchase and withdrawal of a demand for repurchase) is sent to each person indicated in the list of persons entitled to participate in the extraordinary General Meeting shareholders of the Company, published in the newspapers “Kuban News” and “Soviet Adygea”, posted on the Company’s website on the Internet at the address: /rus/ no later than 30 (Thirty) days before the end of the Society’s acceptance of newsletters.

6.2. Instruct the sole executive body of the Company to ensure that a notice of holding an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company is sent (together with a notice of the right to demand the repurchase of shares by the company and samples of a demand for repurchase and withdrawal of a demand for repurchase) to the shareholders of the Company, publication in the newspapers “Kubanskie Novosti” and “Sovetskaya” Adygea” and posting on the Company’s website on the Internet in accordance with this decision.

7. Approve the form and text of the voting ballot at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company in accordance with Appendix 3 to this decision.

7.1. Determine that the voting ballots (including the Agreement on the merger of JSC Astrakhanenergo, JSC Volgogradenergo, JSC Kalmenergo, JSC Kubanenergo, JSC Rostovenergo to JSC IDGC of the South, as well as the Justification of the conditions and procedure reorganization of the Company contained in the Agreement on the merger of Astrakhanenergo JSC, Volgogradenergo JSC, Kalmenergo JSC, Kubanenergo JSC, Rostovenergo JSC to IDGC of the South JSC) are sent to each person specified in the list of persons entitled to participate in the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, by registered mail no later than 20 (Twenty) days before the deadline for the Company to accept ballots.

7.2. Instruct the sole executive body of the Company to ensure the sending of voting ballots, the agreement on the merger of Astrakhanenergo JSC, Volgogradenergo JSC, Kalmenergo JSC, Kubanenergo JSC, Rostovenergo JSC to IDGC of the South JSC, as well as justifications for the conditions and the procedure for the reorganization of the Company contained in the Agreement on the merger of Astrakhanenergo JSC, Volgogradenergo JSC, Kalmenergo JSC, Kubanenergo JSC, Rostovenergo JSC with IDGC of the South JSC to the shareholders of the Company in accordance with this decision.

8. Determine that in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 75 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”, shareholders of the Company who voted against the issue on the agenda of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company or did not take part in voting on this issue have the right to demand that the Company buy out all or part of the Company's shares owned by them in the manner established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation by the Board of Directors of the Company in the notice of holding an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.

8.1. Determine that the Report on the results of shareholders presenting demands for the redemption of their shares must be approved by the Board of Directors of the Company no later than 50 days from the date of the decision of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on reorganization in the form of merger with IDGC of the South, JSC.

9. To elect Andrey Anatolyevich Kantsurov, Corporate Secretary of Kubanenergo OJSC, as the secretary of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.

10. Approve the cost estimate associated with the preparation and holding of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, in accordance with Appendix 4.

11. Approve the terms of the Agreement with the registrar of the Company for the provision of services for the preparation and holding of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, in accordance with Appendix 5.

Minutes of general meetings of shareholders and meetings of the Board of Directors are posted on the Company’s website at: www

As we promised in the previous article about corruption in the State Corporation "Rosatom", where they were talking about only one "cog of corruption", or rather the director of the Procurement Management Department of Concern OJSC Rosenergoatom» Baitov Anatoly Valerievich, to be continued. We hope the reader appreciated the “exploits of this hero.” I wanted the management to " Rosatom" gave its assessment.

Reader, think about whether Baitov act alone? We also thought and conducted our own additional journalistic investigation. We have worked out only one version so far - who is in charge of criminal activity Baitova and to whom he “brings to the top.”

The result was predictable. Official leader Baitova on the procurement line is the Deputy General Director - Director for Purchasing and Logistics " Concern Rosenergoatom» Vladimir Alekseevich Servetnik. He's the boss Baitovain organizing rollbacks, cuts and drifts.

Have worked Servernik In Novouralsk, under Soviet rule, honestly, the concept of “rollback” did not exist then.

But in the period 1996-2002, while working in the banking sector, Vladimir Alekseevich gained invaluable experience in kickbacks and charges for obtaining credits, loans, loans. He returned to the nuclear industry in 2002 as Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Siberian Chemical Plant and began to apply “the knowledge gained in banks in practice. This period can be considered the starting point for the formation of another Russian corrupt official.

Particularly fruitful and productive Servernik worked in the field of kickbacks and drifts during his work as managing director of ARMZ. He worked in such a way that the leadership of this organization was forced to part with him after a series of scandals.

Unfortunately, reader, corrupt officials in our country, the majority go not to logging, but to other warm and grain-rich places. The benefactors have not forgotten Servetnika, to whom he contributed considerable sums, and was assigned to a new place feeding- Deputy General Director - purchasing director and logistics " Concern Rosenergoatom". The finest hour has come Vladimir Alekseevich! In the capital city, he built a new system of extortions and kickbacks. The schemes use controlled enterprises and organizations. Using accomplices, one of whom is Baitov, Servernik gives government contracts only to “his own”. Their own people pay him from 20% to 50% of the contract amount, depending on the security Servetnik comfortable conditions.

Reader, Servernik- this is not a cog, but a screw corruption! Isn't it time to turn him inside out, Sergei Vladilenovich?

Vladimir Alekseevich is also a co-owner of the Management Company " Capital Energy", which manages a whole group of enterprises. So, he organized contracts worth 5 billion rubles for these enterprises. Reader, calculate the amount of kickbacks yourself and be horrified. If it accomplice Baitov enough for a house in the Alps, then Servetnik quite enough for a luxury villa in Nice.

The more you take, the more you want, that’s the driving force corruption.

Baitov is a cog in corruption in Rosatom, Servetnik is a cog. And who is the “screw”?

In our next publication we will try to talk about one of these “screws”.

P. S . This time information about Servetnik, we will not send to the Investigative Committee, which our data on Baitov sent for inspection to the DEB and PC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and Safety Committee State Duma. So wait, Sergei Vladilenovich, for an official parliamentary request. Or maybe it’s time to finally remove these screws before it’s too late? A new sensational investigation by journalist Andrei Karaulov about the violation of rights and illegal criminal prosecution of dismissed managers of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “GUSST No. 9 under Spetsstroy of Russia.”

We ask you to consider the results of this work, which are given below, as an official appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation; we consider it necessary to conduct a serious prosecutorial review of the stated facts and take response measures established by the Law.

We began collecting material for this investigation a year ago. After (for reasons unknown to most Russians) the launch of the rocket from the Vostochny cosmodrome was postponed from December 2015 to April 2016, we decided to look into the situation. We, like the majority of our fellow citizens, were not satisfied with Roscosmos’ answer that everything was going “as planned.” We were sure that the postponement of the launch was connected with another “blunder” of Spetsstroy, which was mired in corruption scandals.

In order to see the “Mega-Corruptors” closer, on New Year’s Eve 2016, we went to the construction site of the century - the Vostochny Cosmodrome. What we saw made us cry with pride for our home country. It's no joke: in the very heart of the taiga (the nearest settlement is Svobodny - 50 km), on an area of ​​100 by 100 kilometers, the most grandiose structures in the world are being built, the analogues of which have no analogues either in the USA, or in China, or anywhere! And all this was already built by December 2015! We expected to see rare unfinished hangars between centuries-old pine trees, but we saw a modern metropolis, in which everything is beautiful (that’s right, beautiful) and equipped according to world standards. We couldn't help but get acquainted with the authors of this eighth wonder of the world. What we learned from the local aborigines shocked us. It’s unlikely that anyone knows that the first persons of the “mega-corrupt” Spetsstroy: director Volosov Alexander Ivanovich, his deputy - Mordovets Alexander Alexandrovich, heads of the main departments: “Dalspetsstroy” - Volkodav Yuri Petrovich, “Spetsstroytekhnologii” - Nikitin Alexander Nikolaevich, “Spetsstroyservisa” - Baitov Anatoly Valerievich, Headquarters No. 1 - Yuzvik Alexander Petrovich, Headquarters No. 5 - Medvedkov Sergey Aleksandrovich, Headquarters No. 8 - Prasolov Alexey Mikhailovich, Headquarters No. 9 - Kalinin Mikhail Mikhailovich and other respected leaders of Spetsstroy constantly, forgetting about their families, about their health , they worked 20 (this is not an exaggeration) hours a day for a year, sleeping in trailers and, nevertheless, successfully solving a problem with a thousand unknowns (because no one had ever built such a thing) in the dense taiga 7000 (!) km away from home - this, excuse the pathos, is a feat!

We made friends with many people from Spetsstroy, we rejoiced together at the rocket launch in April 2016, and tried not to lose sight of our heroes. Congratulating one of them - the head of Main Directorate No. 9 - M. Kalinin in July 2016 on his 50th birthday, we were surprised: the usually diplomatic and politically correct head of the 9th Main Directorate squeezed out only a few phrases: “I’m now in the Zheleznogorsk hospital. Sorry, I can’t and don’t want to talk about the topic of Spetsstroy...” Strange, to say the least.

We found out from the Moscow traffic police that, due to some fatal circumstances, another car crashed into Kalinin’s car on the way to Vnukovo airport (when he was urgently pulled from vacation for unknown reasons to Zheleznogorsk), like a homing missile (there is a traffic police report).

We began our own investigation. We arrived in Krasnoyarsk, then with great difficulty (it was a closed city after all), we managed to get into the city of Zheleznogorsk without unnecessary noise. During the wonderful week in the middle of summer that we lived there, we met with many interesting people: the heads of the ISS (Roscosmos) and the Mining and Chemical Complex (Rosatom), deputies, those who live inside GUSST - whom the previous management hired from outside and with those someone was fired. We heard simply shocking things. Immediately upon returning to Moscow, we contacted the leaders in the Ministry of Defense (now the Main Directorates are managed by the Ministry of Defense), in Roscosmos and our old friends - the leaders of the Main Directorates of the former Spetsstroy, who agreed to speak only “without a microphone.” As a result of the investigation, we were able to find out the following shocking facts.

The new management team of FSUE "GUSST No. 9", appointed at the beginning of 2015, in a short period of time managed to stop delays in the delivery of strategic facilities (at the same time they were building 60 most important facilities from Omsk to Blagoveshchensk), in 11 months (!) they were able to build and commission one of the most complex complexes at the Vostochny cosmodrome - the Refueling and Neutralization Station (which, when refueling the rocket during the first launch in April 2016, worked in automatic mode without a single comment). GUSST No. 9 was recognized as one of the best Main Directorates in Spetsstroy, its head is Kalinin M.M. was awarded Spetsstroy awards (including medal No. 1 “For merits in the construction of the cosmodrome”).

But then the new team (Kalinin - head of GUSST No. 9, Batukaev - 1st deputy, Gulin - deputy, Bulantseva - deputy for finance) revealed large losses over the last 2 years. One of the main reasons for losses is unpaid advances from subcontractors, in particular, the GeoStar company (received advances in the amount of 850 million rubles and gradually quit working. The company has had 5 general directors since 2010, 6 founders have changed since 2014, one of which there was a person with a well-known surname in the KBR - Kokov Yu.M.). Head of GUSST No. 9 Kalinin M.M. reported losses of 1.2 billion rubles. at the Spetsstroy board. After this, the director of Spetsstroy Volosov, in the form of an ultimatum, for several months in a row at meetings of the heads of Spetsstroy, demanded that the head of GUSST No. 9 fire his deputy for finance, N.P. Bulantseva, who identified the losses. The management of GUSST No. 9 terminated the contract with GeoStar and filed an application with the Arbitration Court to recover unpaid advances from Geostar LLC.

After this, an initiative group of anonymous people who called themselves “employees of GUSST No. 9” on the online portal “VKontakte” created a blog “The fight against corruption of the management of FSUE “GUSST No. 9 under Spetsstroy of Russia.” On this online page, immediately after signing, official documents appeared (including DSP documents sent personally to the heads of Spetsstroy of Russia), orders, agreements with contractors, personal data of the heads of GUSST No. 9. According to information from the security service of GUSST No. 9, the main executors of the plan to destabilize the situation in GUSST No. 9 - an enterprise classified by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016.

No. 2931-r to one of the selected Federal State Unitary Enterprises that are of significant importance for the defense capability and security of the state are Mr. Panfilov V.S. and Legkov L.L. - detective officers of the Russian FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Central Military District, headed by Colonel V.V. Vasiliev.

The “initiative group” sent complaints against the leadership of GUSST No. 9 to all authorities (up to the President of the Russian Federation). Intensive inspections of the activities of GUSST No. 9 by regulatory authorities began (in six months - 26 inspections). But violations of the law in the period 2015-16. was not identified.

03/18/2016 detectives of the FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison and employees of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and the PC of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory carried out operational search activities to seize documents on the economic activities of GUSST No. 9 and 5 computers. Then law enforcement agencies reported that the examination revealed the use of unlicensed software on computers, and a criminal case could be initiated against the leaders of GUSST No. 9 based on the fact of major damage caused to the copyright holder. Then they unobtrusively recommended that all issues be resolved out of court with the copyright holder of the software (Microsoft, etc.). GUSST No. 9 signed a pre-trial agreement on compensation with the representative of the copyright holders - lawyer Ananyeva O.B. and paid compensation according to prices taken from the collection specified by the Department of Internal Affairs.

However, later (10.19.16) on the fact of concluding agreements with lawyer Ananyeva, the Supreme Military District of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Central Military District nevertheless opened a criminal case against Kalinin and his deputy Gulin under Part 4 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (misappropriation and embezzlement in special large sizes). However, soon Ananyeva, according to investigators, for an unknown reason, returned the amount received. Perhaps this was caused by the responses that came from the Copyright Holders: General Director of Autodesk (CS) LLC Morozova A.S. reported that the agreement with FSUE "GUSST No. 9" was not transferred to Autodesk, Ink. (USA), funds in the amount of 1,473,702.52 rubles were not transferred, and the representative of the Microsoft Company, Zakharova M.S. reported on Ananyeva’s credentials: “Olga Borisovna Ananyeva is not a legal representative of Microsoft Corporation.” The media also reported that Ananyeva, with the support of law enforcement agencies, similarly fraudulently extorted money from other companies in both the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other regions. But even after these facts, the decision to initiate proceedings against Kalinin and Gulin was not canceled.

The pressure from the management of Spetsstroy on the new team intensified. Deputy Director of Spetsstroy Buryakov (currently under arrest) during video conferences of Spetsstroy leaders on 05/27/16 and 06/04/16 demanded from Gulin and Batukaev to transfer the GeoStar facilities to the company SK Soyuz, affiliated with GeoStar, without holding a competition "

After the management of GUSST No. 9 refused to fulfill the order to conclude an agreement with SK Soyuz LLC without holding a competition, Kalinin and his deputies were asked to resign “for good, for good reason.” They refused, and on June 20, 2016, another Spetsstroy commission of 18 people arrived at GUSST No. 9. The management of the Enterprise was presented with an illegitimate order signed by the Director of Spetsstroy of Russia A.I. Volosov, on the appointment of A.V. Popytaev to the position of deputy head of the Enterprise.

The management of the Enterprise refused to execute this order, since in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Enterprise, the contract of the head of the Enterprise, Spetsstroy of Russia does not have the right to interfere in the labor relations arising between Workers and the Enterprise.

The leaders of the Spetsstroy commission, threatening to initiate custom-made criminal cases, demanded from the management of the Enterprise - Kalinin M.M., Batukaev S.S., Gulin E.L., Bulantseva N.P. write a letter of resignation of your own free will. Under pressure from above, the required statements were written, but the final payment for dismissal was never made.

More than 2 months after the dismissal of the entire team (10/19/2016), according to the statements of the acting Head of the Enterprise A.V. Popytaev, who does not have the necessary powers, in relation to Kalinin, Gulin and Batukaev, the military investigative department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison on episodes, previously verified by the military prosecutor's office of the Krasnoyarsk garrison, criminal cases were initiated.

12/18/2016 during a break in the court hearing in the court of Zheleznogorsk, where the case was considered on the claim of Batukaev, Gulin, Bulantseva against the Enterprise for non-payment of arrears of salary upon dismissal, all three were detained by FSB detectives for the Krasnoyarsk garrison (FSB officers invited local media to film the detention , which then broadcast the arrest and posted on the portal www.youtube.com the story “...about the detention by FSB officers of the former leaders of GUSST No. 9 in a criminal case of theft on an especially large scale...”). This whole show resembled a video report to an invisible Customer (the competent authorities are at the final stage of searching for the Customer). Batukaev, Gulin and Bulantseva were presented with orders to bring them to the VSO for the Krasnoyarsk garrison due to the fact that “the suspects did not notify the investigative authorities of their arrival in Zheleznogorsk,” although such obligations could not exist in principle, because the investigation did not establish a preventive measure.

Batukaev, Gulin, Bulantseva were put into a car by FSB officers and taken to the military investigation department in Krasnoyarsk. After arriving at the VZO, law enforcement agencies attempted to forcibly confiscate from Batukaev, Gulin, and Bulantseva the original arrest orders that they had previously presented “on camera.”

Upon arrival at the VSO, the deputy. The head of the VSO IC of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Central Military District, Captain A.M. Fedyakshin, leading the investigation into these criminal cases, was very surprised by the delivery of Batukaev, Gulin, Bulantseva to the VSO and said that he did not summon them for questioning. After a short conversation with the beginning. VSO for the Krasnoyarsk garrison under commandant Dutov V.Yu. Batukaev, Gulin, Bulantseva were released from the VSO.

07/22/2016 The Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, after 8 months of proceedings, nevertheless made a decision on the claim of GUSST No. 9 against GeoStar LLC to collect 540 million rubles of debt from the latter in favor of GUSST No. 9. It seemed that the state would finally return the unearned money, which would be more than enough to pay all employees of GUSST No. 9 salaries for six months (!). However, after the overthrow of the previous team, the new leadership of GUSST No. 9 sent a complaint, prepared by Popytaev’s deputy, Kruglov, against this decision to the Third Arbitration Court of Appeal (for a decision that GUSST itself had previously sought (!?). But today Popytaev and Kruglov are not needed money for employee salaries (Popytaev, apparently, has already learned that the leadership of the Ministry of Defense will soon remove him for the loss of control of GUSST and complete lack of will (in fact, the Enterprise has long been led by people from Vasiliev’s village (Kruglov, Chernyak, Shamin, etc.), who resolve issues contracting and payment, first of all, in the direction of the boss’s companies. Many in GUSST know about these companies (for example, the workers themselves named us the company “Sibenergomontazh”), but they are afraid and remain silent. As a result, the appellate court adopted the following resolution on January 24, 2017: “Refuse to satisfy the claim of GUSST No. 9 for the recovery of 540,518,171 rubles 41 kopecks from GeoStar LLC.” This ruling of the Third Arbitration Court of Appeal is doubly absurd: firstly, because it contradicts the facts (the advance was received by GeoStar, but not worked out), secondly, that he was lobbied by the current leaders of the GUSST, who, as part of their duties, were called upon to defend the interests of the state, and not the interests of a commercial structure and, possibly, their own personal ones.

However, the current leadership of GUSST No. 9, together with the subordinates of Colonel Vasilyev V.V. (Head of the FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Central Military District) - detective majors Panfilov V.S. and Legkov L.L. under the threat of dismissal, they force employees of the Enterprise to give false testimony against former managers and often falsify documents, which are then sent to court, to the VSO IC of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk garrison, where the subordinates of Colonel V.Yu. Dutov, known for the scandal with the kidnapping of Kemerovo journalist Stas Kalinichenko (clause 39) with large procedural violations form the evidence base for criminal cases.

The main thing we are faced with today is violations by law enforcement agencies, about which we have serious questions. How can this happen in a rule of law state?

Colonel Vasiliev V.V. - Head of the FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Central Military District.

Commitment by officials of the FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of actions that clearly went beyond the scope of their powers and entailed a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens - former leaders of the FSUE "GUSST No. 9 under Spetsstroy of Russia" Batukaeva S.S., Gulina E.L., Bulantseva N.P. during an illegal drive on January 18, 2017 in Zheleznogorsk.

Use by Vasilyev V.V. their official powers contrary to the interests of the service (failure to take proper measures by the department of the FSB of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Central Military District to bring to criminal liability the officials and owners of GeoStar LLC), which resulted in a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the FSUE GUSST No. 9 under Spetsstroy of Russia.

Inappropriate execution by Vasiliev V.V. of their duties to bring O.B. Ananyeva to criminal responsibility for fraud, which resulted in a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens (Gulina, Kalinina).

Colonel Dutov V.Yu. - Head of the military investigation department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison.

Commitment by Dutov V.Yu. actions that clearly go beyond his powers - indicating the illegal grounds for the arrest in the “Resolutions on the arrest of suspects” dated January 18, 2017, which entailed a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens - Batukaeva S.S., Gulina E.L., Bulantseva N. P.

For violation of the provisions of Part 4 of Article 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in terms of failure to immediately notify persons (Kalinin, Gulina) against whom a criminal case was initiated (the case was initiated on 10/19/16, Kalinin learned about the initiation of the case only on 11/15/2016 from a letter from a military deputy Prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk garrison, sub-p/p Syurkalov S.A. No. 9144).

Colonel Fishchenko E.V. - Military prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk garrison.

Inappropriate execution Fishchenko E.V. of their duties, expressed in the absence of a legal assessment of the actions of the deputy head of the military investigation department for the Krasnoyarsk garrison, Mr. A.M. Fedyakshin. in connection with the latter’s violation of the provisions of Part 4 of Article 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation regarding the timing of notification of suspects.

Inappropriate execution Fishchenko E.V. of their duties in terms of the lack of assessment of the legality of the actions of the head of the VSO IC of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk garrison of the Central Military District of the settlement Dutov V.Yu., who established the illegal grounds for the arrest in the “Resolutions on the arrest of suspects” dated January 18, 2017, which entailed a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens - Batukaeva S.S., Gulina E.L., Bulantseva N.P.

We will closely monitor the development of this story, and wait for a response from the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies within the time limits established by the Law.

Who will be the Mayor? What kind of swimsuit to wear and pink deer are interesting questions... But will we have another “Chernobyl” - relevant.

Why is the question posed so harshly? Yes, because now officials, to please their pockets, make decisions that can lead to disastrous consequences. How can you accept equipment at a nuclear power plant that has not been tested and approved? This is exactly what will be discussed below. Our blog is not just a shout into the void, but a warning to everyone and an attempt to attract public attention to what is happening!

Everyone is calling for a merciless fight against corruption in the Russian Federation - from the President to the ordinary person. But no concrete results are visible. “Where are the landings,” our president asked the whole country on television. The Oboronservis case shows that there will be no high-profile landings. The switchmen will answer as always.

No less loud statements are made by the head of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom S.V. Kiriyenko. In words - yes, but in deeds?

Bribes and kickbacks rule the roost both in Rosatom itself and in its subordinate organizations and enterprises. If you want to win a competition or get a contract, skate. Or another option - you guys are good, but “my company” will still get the contract.

Among these organizations of the Rosatom State Corporation is OJSC Rosenergoatom Concern, and, first of all, the Director of the Procurement Management Department, Anatoly Valerievich Baitov. Oh, what interviews he gives about transparency, honesty of procurement procedures, compliance with the law and impartiality towards competitors. You read and think, what a little man! If only it were like that!

What is it really like? Most honest Anatoly Valerievich Only in the period from 2010 to 2012 he gave contracts to the companies controlled by him: LLC YugPromServis, LLC Monitoring - Express, JSC Samara Plant Elektroshield in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles. For services rendered to these organizations Baitov received 20% of each transferred amount. Not bad, Sergei Vladilenovich? Enough for a house not only in the Moscow region, but also in the Alps.
Currently, Baitov has entered into a criminal conspiracy with representatives of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Spetsstroy of Russia”, to which the contract for the construction of LNPP-2 was transferred. Appetite comes with eating. The kickback from Spetsstroy Rossii has already amounted to 25% of the agreed contract price (prices under the contracts of this organization are agreed upon by Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC).
There is evidence about these facts that has already been sent to the Investigative Committee of Russia for possible prosecution against A.V. Baitov. criminal case.

There is information about his other “exploits” in the field of corruption. In order not to cast unnecessary suspicion on the noble Anatoly Valerievich, this information will be thoroughly checked, and only after that, new facts about the illegal activities of the director of the Rosenergoatom Procurement Management Department will be published in the media.

Baitov- this is just one of the cogs in the mechanism of corruption that flourishes in the Rosatom State Corporation.
Sergei Vladilenovich, maybe there will be enough slogans and appeals? Maybe it's time to throw these screws away? You'll see that the mechanism of corruption in Rosatom, which you lead, will stop working.
And as evidence, you can provide a video recording of the purchase of equipment for nuclear power plants, not meeting safety requirements.

Meeting of the Atomkomplekt commission on the purchase of electrical equipment.

About how the director of the procurement management department of Rosenergoatom - Baitov Anatoly Valerievich proposes to purchase equipment that has not previously been supplied to nuclear power plants and see whether it will meet the requirements of the technical specifications after spending 250 million rubles. At the same time, he doesn’t care about the safety of nuclear power plants. (See from 21 min 49 sec to 22 min.), it’s not him to answer.

Vote: from 23 min 10 sec. 23 min 30 s each.

Atomkomplekt - for,

Rosenergoatom - for

Novovoronezh NPP - against.

Reader, think about whether Baitov act alone? We also thought and conducted our own additional journalistic investigation. We have worked out only one version so far - who is in charge of criminal activity Baitova and to whom he “brings to the top.”

The result was predictable. Official leader Baitova on the procurement line is the Deputy General Director - Director for Purchasing and Logistics " Concern Rosenergoatom» Vladimir Alekseevich Servetnik. He's the boss Baitovain organizing rollbacks, cuts and drifts.

Have worked Servernik In Novouralsk, under Soviet rule, honestly, the concept of “rollback” did not exist then.

1996-2002, working in the banking sector, Vladimir Alekseevich gained invaluable experience in kickbacks and charges for obtaining credits, loans, loans. He returned to the nuclear industry in 2002 as Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Siberian Chemical Plant and began to apply “the knowledge gained in banks in practice. This period can be considered the starting point for the formation of another Russian corrupt official.

Particularly fruitful and productive Servernik worked in the field of kickbacks and drifts during his work as managing director of ARMZ. He worked in such a way that the leadership of this organization was forced to part with him after a series of scandals.

Unfortunately, reader, corrupt officials in our country, the majority go not to logging, but to other warm and grain-rich places. The benefactors have not forgotten Servetnika, to whom he contributed considerable sums, and was assigned to a new place feeding- Deputy General Director – purchasing director and logistics " Concern Rosenergoatom". The finest hour has come Vladimir Alekseevich! In the capital city, he built a new system of extortions and kickbacks. The schemes use controlled enterprises and organizations. Using accomplices, one of whom is Baitov, Servernik gives government contracts only to “his own”. Their own people pay him from 20% to 50% of the contract amount, depending on the security Servetnik comfortable conditions.

Reader, Servernik- this is not a cog, but a screw corruption! Isn't it time to turn him inside out, Sergei Vladilenovich?

Vladimir Alekseevich is also a co-owner of the Management Company " Capital Energy", which manages a whole group of enterprises. So, he organized contracts worth 5 billion rubles for these enterprises. Reader, calculate the amount of kickbacks yourself and be horrified. If it accomplice Baitov enough for a house in the Alps, then Servetnik quite enough for a luxury villa in Nice.

The more you take, the more you want, that’s the driving force corruption.

Baitov is a cog in corruption in Rosatom, Servetnik is a cog. And who is the “screw”?

In our next publication we will try to talk about one of these “screws”.

P.S. This time information about Servetnik, we will not send to the Investigative Committee, which our data on Baitov sent for inspection to the DEB and PC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and Safety Committee State Duma. So wait, Sergei Vladilenovich, for an official parliamentary request. Or maybe it’s time to finally remove these screws before it’s too late?

So, we remind you that the reader worked Servernik in 2007-2012 Managing Director of OJSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ), from where, after a number of scandalous stories, the management of the Company was expelled in disgrace.
It turned out that in addition to his main job at ARMZ Servernik was the General Director of CJSC Elkon MMC (2008), CJSC Olovskaya Mining and Chemical Company (2008), OJSC Uranium Mining Company (2008), LLC Urandobycha (2009), CJSC UDC "Gornoe" (2008), LLC TSU "Urandobycha" (2009).

Not bad, right, reader? As Vysotsky sang: “Yes, I would find uranium in Moscow with a pickaxe at such an increased salary...”
All these enterprises, according to their Charters, are associated with the extraction, processing and enrichment of uranium and thorium ores, precious metals (gold, silver, platinum group metals). But all of them, based on the number of employees, are classified by the tax authorities as small enterprises (from 1 to 60 full-time employees). Their geography extends from Chita and Yakutia to Moscow. We are currently trying to obtain information about these enterprises directly in the regions where they are registered as legal entities.
By the way, not a single source of our information noted that all of these listed organizations themselves mine or process uranium and precious metals. Resell- Yes.
OOO " Uranium mining" and LLC TsU " Uranium mining"have already been liquidated. Chairman of the liquidation commission in both cases
there was a certain Kovaleva Maria Alexandrovna- Member of the Board of Directors of POMZ " Lightning", Member of the Board of Directors " Atomkomplekt» ( which, in principle, is legally impossible, although it is listed as such in the databases). She is also a co-owner and founder of several small enterprises, where the participants are her closest relatives: Kovalev Alexander Mikhailovich, Kovaleva Galina Grigorievna, Kovalev Yaroslav Alexandrovich. These enterprises are associated with ARMZ. The most interesting thing is that Kovaleva And Servernik old friends and business partners.
On Kovaleva Yaroslav has an office registered offshore. Do you realize, reader, where the thread went? It's already transfer of financial flows abroad. Here our forces and funds are not enough for further investigation. Apparently, this should be dealt with, as they say, by the competent authorities. We will provide them with materials.

According to our data, Servernik controlled by him and his family Kovalevs He organized contracts for firms worth 4 billion rubles.
The benefactors arranged it in time Servetnika at Concern Rosenergoatom for a very profitable position. Ask any outside entrepreneur working with “ Rosatom”, which units are the most corrupt in it. You will hear in response: procurement, capital construction departments, acceptance. Do you want to work with Rosatom, then roll back. Here Servetnik and roll away, roll away well, up to 20% from each contract. But he also has to share with those at the top. However, reader, this is another question and another time we will try to answer it.

The Rosatom emblem contains a bright blue color. Perhaps it symbolizes the bright blue peaceful sky. Yes, only in this sky there are vultures circling Servetnika.

Sergei Vladilenovich, isn’t it time to start a real hunt for these vultures? Hunting not in words, but in deeds, without paying ordered articles in the media about the supposedly merciless fight against corruption in the Rosatom State Corporation led by you.

Where we were talking about only one “cog of corruption”, or rather the director of the Procurement Management Department of Concern OJSC Rosenergoatom» Baitov Anatoly Valerievich, to be continued. We hope the reader appreciated the “exploits of this hero.” I wanted the management to " Rosatom" gave its assessment.

Reader, think about whether Baitov act alone? We also thought and conducted our own additional journalistic investigation. We have worked out only one version so far - who is in charge of criminal activity Baitova and to whom he “brings to the top.”

The result was predictable. Official leader Baitova on the procurement line is the Deputy General Director - Director for Purchasing and Logistics " Concern Rosenergoatom» Vladimir Alekseevich Servetnik. He's the boss Baitovain organizing rollbacks, cuts and drifts.

Have worked Servernik In Novouralsk, under Soviet rule, honestly, the concept of “rollback” did not exist then.

But in the period 1996-2002, while working in the banking sector, Vladimir Alekseevich gained invaluable experience in kickbacks and charges for obtaining credits, loans, loans. He returned to the nuclear industry in 2002 as Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Siberian Chemical Plant and began to apply “the knowledge gained in banks in practice. This period can be considered the starting point for the formation of another Russian corrupt official.

Particularly fruitful and productive Servernik worked in the field of kickbacks and drifts during his work as managing director of ARMZ. He worked in such a way that the leadership of this organization was forced to part with him after a series of scandals.

Unfortunately, reader, corrupt officials in our country, the majority go not to logging, but to other warm and grain-rich places. The benefactors have not forgotten Servetnika, to whom he contributed considerable sums, and was assigned to a new place feeding- Deputy General Director - purchasing director and logistics " Concern Rosenergoatom". The finest hour has come Vladimir Alekseevich! In the capital city, he built a new system of extortions and kickbacks. The schemes use controlled enterprises and organizations. Using accomplices, one of whom is Baitov, Servernik gives government contracts only to “his own”. Their own people pay him from 20% to 50% of the contract amount, depending on the security Servetnik comfortable conditions.

Reader, Servernik- this is not a cog, but a screw corruption! Isn't it time to turn him inside out, Sergei Vladilenovich?

Vladimir Alekseevich is also a co-owner of the Management Company " Capital Energy", which manages a whole group of enterprises. So, he organized contracts worth 5 billion rubles for these enterprises. Reader, calculate the amount of kickbacks yourself and be horrified. If it accomplice Baitov enough for a house in the Alps, then Servetnik quite enough for a luxury villa in Nice.

The more you take, the more you want, that’s the driving force corruption.

Baitov is a cog in corruption in Rosatom, Servetnik is a cog. And who is the “screw”?

In our next publication we will try to talk about one of these “screws”.

P. S . This time information about Servetnik, we will not send to the Investigative Committee, which our data on Baitov sent for inspection to the DEB and PC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and Safety Committee State Duma. So wait, Sergei Vladilenovich, for an official parliamentary request. Or maybe it’s time to finally remove these screws before it’s too late?


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