Professional standard for HR specialist. Provisions and application of the professional standard for personnel officers Professional standards for personnel service workers

Since 2016, professional standards for personnel officers have replaced outdated qualification reference books. Let's figure out what these standards are and where they are used.

Is the professional standard of the HR specialist approved?

Professional standards for personnel officers were approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated October 6, 2015 No. 691n, which came into force on November 1, 2015. It is possible that other professional standards for HR specialists will soon be adopted. Thus, professional standards are being developed for “Specialist in registration of labor relations”, “Specialist in personnel development and training”, “Specialist in organizational development”, “Specialist in personnel assessment” and others.

Order No. 691n lists groups of occupations that are related to personnel work:

  • specialists from HR departments/services (OKZ code 3423);
  • heads of structural units for personnel management (OKZ code 1232);
  • HR specialists (OKZ code 2412).

Groups of occupations related to personnel work in the professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist” are indicated in accordance with the All-Russian Classification of Occupations OK 010-93, which, according to the order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-st, became invalid as of July 1, 2015. In accordance with the same order, from July 1, 2015, the new All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08) has been in effect, but changes to the professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist” in terms of clarifying groups of occupations of specialists related to personnel work, have not yet been entered.

We believe that the groups of occupations of specialists related to personnel work that are closest in meaning, given in the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08), are:

  • 2424 “Specialists in the field of personnel training and development”;
  • 1212 “Labor resource managers”;
  • 4416 “Clerks for maintaining personnel records”;
  • 3341 "Office Managers".

As for the recruiter’s professional standard approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated October 09, 2015 No. 717n, it has a rather distant relationship directly with personnel officers, since the responsibilities of a personnel selection specialist include meeting the company’s needs for labor resources, and not conducting personnel records.

Mandatory application of the HR professional standard

The professional standard of a personnel officer will first of all help the employee himself determine whether his level of qualifications is sufficient to perform the job functions specified in the standard. But for employers, the discrepancy between an employee’s qualifications and those specified in the professional standard is not grounds for dismissal. At least now, neither the Labor Code nor the Government Decree “On the Rules for the Application of Professional Standards” dated January 22, 2013 No. 23 gives the right to dismissal for non-compliance with the professional standard.

According to Art. 195.3 of the Labor Code, which came into force on July 1, 2016, professional standards become mandatory for use by employers only if the requirements for the qualifications necessary to perform work are established by law. And in Art. 57 of the Labor Code states that if performing work in a position is associated with receiving benefits/compensations or there are some restrictions, then the names of such positions, as well as qualification requirements, must be clearly stated in the employment contract in accordance with the professional standard. There are no such restrictions for personnel officers.

See additional article .

However, the employer may need data from the professional standard to tariff work (Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), when organizing training and certification of employees, developing job descriptions, establishing remuneration systems taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as when forming personnel policies for enterprise.

What to do if the job title does not correspond to the job title in the professional standard, read the article .

HR professional standard: qualification level

Each professional standard includes, among other things, a description of the labor functions performed by an employee in the corresponding position, as well as requirements for the acquired education and knowledge, work experience sufficient to implement these functions (clause 6 of Order of the Ministry of Labor dated April 29, 2013 No. 170n).

The professional standard for a personnel officer, which was approved by Order No. 691n, contains a list of 8 generalized labor functions, for which qualification levels are determined. Let's take a closer look at them:

  1. Ensuring document flow for accounting and personnel movement - the 5th level of qualification is required (secondary vocational education is sufficient).
  2. Personnel support work, in particular document management, requires level 6 qualifications (an employee who has received a bachelor's degree plus additional professional education is required).
  3. Organization and conduct of employee certification - 6th qualification level (bachelor).
  4. Organization of training and internship of personnel - 6th qualification level.
  5. Organization of remuneration - 6th level of qualification (bachelor plus additional professional education).
  6. Development and implementation of corporate social policy - 6th level of qualification (bachelor plus additional professional education).
  7. Development of a system and implementation of functions for operational personnel management, as well as the work of any structural division of the company, requires the 7th level of qualification (an employee who has received a master’s degree is required, and in some cases a specialist is sufficient, plus more than 5 years of work experience).
  8. Development of a system and implementation of functions for strategic personnel management, as well as the work of any structural division of the company - 7th qualification level (specialist/master, work experience of 5 years).

The qualification levels used in the professional standard were approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated April 12, 2013 No. 148n.

Necessary actions in the workplace for HR officers according to professional standards

The professional standard for a personnel officer for each of the 8 labor functions lists the labor actions that the employee is required to perform, and also indicates what knowledge and skills he should have. For employers, the necessary labor actions of personnel officers described in the professional standard should be of particular interest; they can be listed in the employee’s job description.

You can find an example of a job description for a personnel officer in our article .

Let’s look at what actions for each of the 8 generalized job functions are most important for HR officers:

  1. Generalized labor function for documenting relations with personnel (clause 3.1 of order No. 691n):
  • preparation of personnel documentation (primary, planning, organizational, accounting, administrative);
  • registration, accounting and storage of personnel documentation, as well as preparation for submission to the archive of relevant documents with a long shelf life;
  • ensuring document flow of personnel documentation;
  • collection and verification of personal documents submitted by the employee;
  • preparation of copies, extracts from personnel documentation, preparation of certificates of length of service, salary, etc.;
  • issuing personnel documentation to the employee related to his work activities;
  • familiarization of employees with the administrative and organizational documentation of the company;
  • employee working time tracking.

Read about the types of personnel documents and responsibility for their absence in the article. .

You can learn more about the retention periods for personnel documentation in our article. .

  1. Generalized labor function for providing personnel (clause 3.2 of order No. 691n):
  • drawing up requirements for a vacant position;
  • verification of information provided by candidates applying for a vacant position;
  • conducting interviews with candidates for vacant positions and assessing their compliance with job requirements.
  • Generalized labor function for personnel assessment and certification (clause 3.3 of order No. 691n):
    • development of a plan for personnel assessment/certification and implementation of these activities;
    • supporting the assessment/certification process and providing the work of the certification commission with the necessary documents;
    • preparation of recommendations to management based on the results of the assessment/certification.
  • Generalized labor function for personnel development (clause 3.4 of order No. 691n):
    • development of documents defining the procedure for development and advanced training of personnel;
    • analysis of the educational services market and study of the company’s needs for employee training;
    • preparation of methodological materials, draft local regulations related to personnel training;
    • organization and subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of employee training activities;
    • preparing and conducting internships for newly hired employees.
  • Generalized labor function for organizing the work of personnel and their payment (clause 3.5 of order No. 691n):
    • carrying out measures to organize labor and organizing the procedure for rationing the work of personnel;
    • development and implementation of an employee remuneration system.
  • Generalized labor function for organizing corporate social policy (clause 3.6 of order No. 691n):
    • preparation and implementation of the company’s corporate social program;
    • organizing a system and paying social benefits to employees;
    • preparation for negotiations with the company's trade union.
  • Generalized labor function for operational personnel management (clause 3.7 of order No. 691n):
    • preparation of proposals on the structure of the unit and the need for employees;
    • implementation of operational management of employees of a structural unit of the company.
  • Generalized labor function for strategic personnel management (clause 3.8 of order No. 691n):
    • organization of labor and formation of a payment system;
    • drawing up the organizational structure of the company in terms of personnel;
    • preparation of draft decisions on the application of disciplinary sanctions or incentive measures to employees.


    The professional standard for personnel management specialists is a generalized standard for HR managers and personnel officers. Since July 2016, after the entry into force of Art. 195.3 of the Labor Code, the professional standard for personnel officers has become a recommended document, not a mandatory one.

    The professional standard of a human resources specialist describes the requirements for an employee, the duties they perform, and their skill level. It was approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Labor No. 691n. What changes does it entail in the activities of personnel specialists? Who should use professional standards? Does entering a document lead to the possibility of dismissal for existing employees?

    Currently, more than 800 professional standards have already been approved and legislators do not stop there. Among them there is also a professional standard for a personnel specialist.

    The role of the professional standard of a human resources specialist in the development of internal company regulations

    Rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013 No. 23 in paragraph 25 allows employers to use professional standards not only when developing job descriptions, but also when developing a remuneration system.

    Incorrect actions by a HR specialist can lead to a number of negative consequences for the enterprise:

    • decreased reputation of the enterprise in the labor market;
    • decrease in financial indicators;
    • identification of errors and imposition of administrative liability on legal entities by inspection bodies.

    List of professional standards for personnel officers

    The introduction of a professional standard for personnel officers was carried out in the fall of 2015 as part of the overall general company of the Ministry of Labor for the development of professional standards. The documents develop a unified approach to the required level of knowledge, skills, and experience of specialists performing certain job functions.

    For personnel specialists, the Ministry of Labor introduced a professional standard by order No. 691n dated October 6, 2015. The name of the professional standard is “Human Resources Management Specialist”. Additionally, Order No. 717n dated October 09, 2015 approved the professional standard “Personnel selection specialist (recruiter).”

    The labor functions of HR specialists in companies and organizations are more suitable to the professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist”. Profstandard Recruitment Specialist best suits employees of recruitment agencies and recruiting companies.

    However, large firms that are constantly recruiting personnel may recruit individual workers whose job responsibilities include finding and recruiting employees for the enterprise.

    Read useful articles on the topic:

    It is planned to introduce other standards that perform personnel functions:

    • "Specialist in personnel development and training"
    • "Personnel assessment specialist"
    • "Specialist in registration of labor relations"
    • "Organizational development specialist."

    They are currently under development. HR services should monitor the emergence of new professional standards in 2016-2017. This will make it possible to identify acts that most fully correspond to the performed labor functions of HR specialists.

    Contents of the professional standard for a human resources specialist

    Topic of the issue

    Also read about when the court will not allow dismissal for absenteeism, how to detain an employee who wants to quit and how to return the money you spent on an apartment.

    The professional standard meets the modern requirements of employers for personnel specialists and takes a more comprehensive approach to labor functions. What cannot be said about the previously used unified qualification directory.

    Initially, the mandatory use of standard requirements in state and municipal institutions was envisaged. However, the real situation is more loyal. State and municipal organizations need to develop a plan for the transition to professional standards by 2020.

    From all of the above, it follows that it is not necessary to apply HR standards in the current period. It is prohibited to dismiss specialists for non-compliance with the requirements of the professional standard.

    However, government policy is aimed at a gradual transition to professional standards. In a few years, most state and municipal enterprises will have standard requirements for HR specialists. The transition of many private companies to professional standards leaves no doubt.

    Compliance with the professional standard for personnel officers

    For personnel workers it is an example of the necessary skills and abilities. The document allows you to independently determine the compliance of qualifications with the job duties performed.

    Particular attention to this issue should be paid to personnel specialists of state and municipal organizations. HR managers must determine whether employees meet the new requirements. Personnel officers, if the qualifications of their position do not meet the professional standard, have been required to undergo training since 2016 to achieve the required level of knowledge and skills.

    Read useful articles

    Professional standards, introduced into documentary circulation in 2012 and becoming mandatory for many types of activities in 2016, are slowly occupying more and more space in business life. There is a growing number of professional areas provided with standards - a set of characteristics necessary for a particular job.

    One of the most anticipated was the professional standard HR specialist. How will it affect the policies of an organization adopting it? Is its use essential or are there alternatives? How to use it most effectively and in what areas? Let's figure it out.

    Meet: personnel professional standard

    The document was adopted by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 691n dated October 6, 2015. His name in the register listed on the official website, where all registered standards are located, sounds like this: “Professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist”.” It has 4 standard sections:

    • general – it contains the characteristics by which this specialty differs from all others;
    • listing of labor functions that are highlighted in this standard;
    • their comprehensive characteristics;
    • developers are those organizations that formed and “tested” the provisions of the professional standard.

    HR specialist - who is he?

    Part 1 of the personnel standard defines professional activity of a personnel officer– regulation of processes related to the organization’s employees. Purpose The functioning of such a specialist is to coordinate the personnel management system to ensure the effective operation of the entire organization. This type of activity includes:

    • heads of human resources departments;
    • personnel service workers;
    • career guidance specialists;
    • employment service employees.

    8 types of work for a personnel officer

    Work with personnel is diverse and multifaceted. The general concept of “personnel officer” can include a variety of functions, which the developers of the professional standard took the trouble to clearly delimit. Each of the identified general labor functions contains a complex of the following data.

    1. Definition of the function itself.
    2. Level of required qualifications of the employee.
    3. Education required for this level.
    4. A list of actions expected from an employee (for each individual function within 8 general ones).
    5. Professional knowledge and skills required for the position.
    6. Possible job formulations.
    7. Requirements for prior practical experience.

    8 generalized labor functions of personnel activities with basic information on them are given in the table.

    Letter code Function Contents Qualification level Required education and work experience
    1 A Documentation of personnel records 5 Secondary specialized, no experience required
    2 IN Selection and hiring of employees 6 Higher education (bachelor) + special courses, no experience required
    3 WITH Ensuring personnel compliance with level requirements (certification) 6
    4 D Advanced training of employees (training, development, internship) 6
    5 T Organization of the labor process and payment of remuneration for work 6
    6 F Activities related to the social policy of the organization 6
    7 G Operational activities of personnel management in the team or division of the organization 7 Higher degree (master's degree), work experience of 5 years or more
    8 N Tactics and strategy for managing the personnel sector of an organization 7

    REFERENCE! Qualification levels 5, 6 and 7 (there are 9 in total), used in this professional standard, reflect the requirements for special education, practical skills gained as a result of experience, and the ability to set and solve professional problems. Order No. 148n of the Ministry of Labor dated April 12, 2013 speaks in more detail about qualification levels.

    What will be written in the staffing table?

    Each of the presented general labor functions is divided into specific ones, to which this or that list of actions relates. All individual functions are assigned a special alphanumeric code:

    • the Latin letter corresponds to the name of one of 8 generalized functions (see table);
    • numbers are written through the “/” sign from the letter - a two-digit number of a specific function (01, 02, 03, etc.);
    • then after the dot comes the required level of qualification (in this standard - 5, 6 or 7).

    In the text of the professional standard you will find recommended wording of job titles for personnel officers performing certain functions. It is convenient that for each of them there is a correspondence from the outdated, but more familiar Unified Qualification Directory. In most cases, positions according to the CSA are less specific in relation to the professional standard, for example, a specialist or personnel inspector, depending on the list of responsibilities, may be called a “recruitment specialist”, “HR specialist” or “social programs specialist”.

    IMPORTANT! If one position combines several functions, then it should be named after the position that has a higher qualification. So, if an employee of the personnel department, for example, provides certification of employees and maintains the corresponding personnel documentation, according to the professional standard, his position can be defined as “HR manager.”

    Plasticity of personnel professional standards

    The employer, taking into account the specifics of the work of his organization and, of course, respecting the Labor Code and federal laws, has the right:

    • determine the volume and content of work for a particular position;
    • in this regard, it is possible to divide or combine the responsibilities provided for by the professional standard (and, as a result, the job description) between different positions or employees;
    • increase the number of labor actions expected from an employee that are required by the employer, if those listed in the professional standard are not enough for him.

    NOTE! Employees cannot simply “invent” new responsibilities; expansion is allowed only through transfer from another generalized function within the framework of one standard, or through related standards, if any.

    We remind you that to change a job function, the employee’s consent and written notice 60 days in advance are required. Specifying requirements is not a change in function!

    Is it necessary to use the HR professional standard?

    The law speaks of the mandatory use of professional standards from July 2016, when this need was approved in the Labor Code. Federal laws or any other regulatory act. Personnel work does not provide special benefits for employees, any compensation or restrictions, therefore the application of a professional standard in this area is not mandatory, only recommended.

    Despite the fact that no one will fine an employer for not using this professional standard, it is worth using. The employer will appreciate the convenience of this document as a template for qualification requirements, a source of wording for job descriptions, a guide for tariffs, in the formation of the organization’s personnel policy, etc.

    The activities of workers in many specializations that are in demand at Russian enterprises are regulated by professional standards - sources of norms approved at the level of government agencies. The relevant documents can subsequently be used by employing companies in order to implement and improve their own management policies in certain areas. For example, in terms of personnel management. What are the specifics of the professional standard for a HR specialist? What labor functions must a personnel officer perform in accordance with the standards established by this document?

    Which sources of law approve the professional standard of a human resources specialist?

    The HR specialist, like many other sources of similar appointments, is approved at the state level. The main legal act that establishes the relevant standards is Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 691n, adopted on October 6, 2015. This source of law corresponds with the provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 23, approved on November 22, 2013.

    Which was put into effect by the state, regulates, first of all, the characteristics of labor functions that are typical for a personnel officer. Which ones? We are talking about the following:

    • documentary support of activities;
    • providing the enterprise with personnel;
    • assessment and certification of specialists;
    • development of the company’s human resources potential;
    • assistance in providing the company's employees with comfortable working conditions;
    • implementation of the organization’s social policy;
    • participation in strategic personnel management.

    It should be noted that the professional standard developed for human resources specialists also applies to employees performing relevant labor functions. Only if a person has a certain level of knowledge and skills is it recommended that the employer allow him to solve one or another group of tasks as part of the implementation of personnel policy. Let us consider the specifics of the functions given in the list above in more detail.

    Labor functions of a human resources specialist: documentary support of activities

    So, the professional standard for a personnel officer established in the Russian Federation requires a specialist to perform work related to the documentary support of the personnel management process.

    This area of ​​activity includes:

    • preparation of internal corporate documents necessary to legitimize labor relations with hired employees (draft agreements for certain positions, job descriptions, collective agreements);
    • receiving personal documents (work books, diplomas, cards) from employees signing contracts;
    • preparation of reports to government agencies that monitor labor relations at enterprises in various aspects - including tax, financial (we are talking about departments such as the Labor Inspectorate, the Federal Tax Service, extra-budgetary funds).

    The area of ​​activity of the personnel officer under consideration is among the most important. The next no less significant group of tasks that a human resources specialist solves (the professional standard prescribes this) is related to providing the enterprise with personnel.

    Let's look at them.

    Functions of a personnel officer: providing the enterprise with personnel

    A human resource management specialist (the professional standard also regulates the relevant area of ​​his work) must help provide the company with qualified employees. Actually, this is one of the main tasks of a person holding this position.

    The area of ​​activity under consideration, which sets the professional standard for a human resources manager, involves:

    • formation of vacancies at the enterprise, requirements for candidates to fill them;
    • publication of information on relevant positions in the media and on specialized portals;
    • interaction with HR consultants and specialized structures;
    • inviting candidates to fill vacancies and conducting interviews with them;
    • registration of specialists who have passed the tests for work;
    • to the features of the production process in the company.

    The next most important area of ​​activity for an enterprise HR manager is the assessment and certification of specialists working in the company.

    Functions of a personnel officer: assessment and certification of specialists

    A human resources specialist (a professional standard approved by the state establishes a corresponding obligation) solves problems related not only to attracting and ensuring the effective inclusion of new employees in the company, but also to helping to maintain the level of their qualifications, knowledge, and necessary competencies.

    Most often, this area of ​​activity of the HR officer includes regular assessment of the level of knowledge and skills of the company’s employees, as well as personnel certification. The responsible specialist in this case can conduct interviews, tests, invite outside experts - in order to determine the level of professional training of employees in certain positions. If the employee does not pass the test, the personnel officer identifies the factors causing such a situation. If necessary, helps an employee experiencing difficulties at work acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.

    The considered area of ​​activity of a human resource management specialist may be part of his next job function related to the development of the organization’s human resources potential.

    Development of human resources both for personnel

    A human resources specialist (the professional standard also establishes this obligation) can solve problems related to improving the professional knowledge, skills and competencies of enterprise employees. The relevant area of ​​activity of a personnel officer most often includes:

    • organizing internal corporate training for employees;
    • sending employees to courses in specialized educational institutions;
    • organizing internships for employees at partner enterprises;
    • own training in competency development courses regarding personnel development issues.

    An employee who has sufficient qualifications and is able to effectively participate in the work process should receive a good salary and also have the opportunity to carry out his activities in comfortable conditions. A human resources specialist (the professional standard implies this) may be responsible for the timely formation of the noted working conditions for the company’s employees.

    Ensuring comfortable working conditions as a function of a human resources specialist

    This area of ​​HR activity includes:

    • interaction with management, financial services and other competent departments on issues of payment of timely, sufficiently presented and indexed salaries to personnel;
    • communication with employees of certain departments to identify requirements and wishes regarding the optimization of working conditions and the calculation of compensation;
    • provision of various bonuses and privileges, interaction with the labor protection service on issues of ensuring comfortable conditions for the company’s employees to conduct their professional activities.

    Quite close to the considered labor function of a HR specialist is the area of ​​work of the HR officer related to the implementation of the company’s social policy. Let's study its features.

    Implementation of corporate social policy as a function of HR

    A human resource management specialist (the professional standard regulating the work of a personnel officer implies the presence of such a responsibility) can solve problems related to the implementation of corporate social policy. This area of ​​activity involves:

    • interaction of the personnel officer with managers responsible for the implementation of social policy on organizational issues;
    • participation of a human resource management specialist in improving the implementation of the relevant company policies;
    • interaction of the HR officer with the company’s employees on the subject and wishes in the field of receiving preferences and opportunities as part of the company’s implementation of social policy.

    The considered area of ​​activity of the personnel officer can rightfully be classified as strategic. Therefore, it largely overlaps with the next job function that the professional standard of a personnel manager requires to perform - strategic personnel management. Let's study it in more detail.

    Strategic HR management as a function of the HR specialist

    This area of ​​HR activity may include:

    • measuring labor productivity at various production sites;
    • identifying weaknesses in the personnel management system;
    • formulating proposals for improving the relevant system in the context of the company’s strategic objectives.

    These are the key functions that set the professional standard for an HR specialist. An employee of the relevant profile usually works in a specialized internal corporate structure. As a rule, companies. Let us consider the features of its functioning in more detail.

    Specifics of the HR department of the employing company

    Experts identify the following list of functions that characterize the personnel services of modern enterprises:

    • planning the company's needs for personnel and their training;
    • ensuring effective labor productivity;
    • research of professional characteristics of workers in various positions;
    • personnel accounting;
    • formation of corporate personnel policy;
    • search, attraction of new employees to the company, their adaptation in the organization;
    • management of internal corporate legal relations in the field of labor;
    • ensuring document flow in the personnel sphere;
    • generation and provision of reporting - internal, as well as to be sent to government agencies.

    Thus, the noted functions of the company’s personnel service generally correspond to the specifics of such a position as a personnel specialist. The professional standard, in all likelihood, was compiled by competent government agencies taking into account the practice of personnel management that has developed at Russian enterprises. In particular, observed in the field of establishing and ensuring the operation of personnel services at enterprises.

    Specifics of positions in the field of personnel management

    So, we have looked at the specifics of the norms that the professional standard of a human resources specialist includes. But it should be noted that, along with the employee of the enterprise holding the corresponding position, the company may have other positions related to the implementation of personnel policy.

    For example, this could be a leading HR specialist. The professional standard does not identify it as a separate position, but in many companies this position is established. An experienced employee who successfully solves tasks provided both by those labor functions that correspond to those regulated at the level of professional standards and those that are established based on the local characteristics of production and personnel policy can be appointed as a leading HR specialist. In medium and large organizations, the work of HR officers is managed by the head of the company's HR department.

    Each of the positions involved in solving corporate problems within the framework of personnel policy is characterized by separate labor functions. Thus, the personnel department may have more powers, and in connection with this, its work will be associated less with the substantive solution of problems, and more with the procedures for approving certain projects, monitoring the work of subordinates, and organizing meetings on current issues.

    The professional standard of a human resources specialist is fixed at the level of an official regulatory act. If we talk about the local level of regulation, which is implemented within the framework of internal corporate legal relations, then we can pay attention to the development and introduction by the management of companies of job descriptions for personnel officers. Let's study this aspect in more detail.

    Specifics of job descriptions for personnel officers

    Why does a person responsible for personnel development of an organization need a job description? A human resources specialist (the professional standard does not regulate this aspect of labor relations - it is worth paying special attention to this) may be required to read this document and sign it if the corresponding source supplements his employment contract.

    The job description of a personnel officer or, for example, his manager, may be based on the provisions of a professional standard or based on internal corporate priorities. But since the corresponding standard was adopted at the level of an official legal act, the provisions of local regulatory sources should not contradict it. If any of its provisions involve the formation of labor functions not provided for by the professional standard, it is important that their essence is adequate to the required level of qualifications and competence of the personnel service employee.

    If the manager responsible for drawing up such a document as the job description of a personnel specialist uses the professional standard as the basis for the formation of an appropriate source, then he will have at his disposal a sufficiently balanced standard, which takes into account the specific qualifications, competencies, as well as those entrusted to the personnel officer functions. This is the usefulness of an official standard. In addition, drawing up a job description based on it is an important condition for ensuring the legality of the provisions of the relevant document.

    It can be noted that the job description of a personnel officer can be supplemented by other internal corporate sources that regulate the labor function and procedures for solving problems within the framework of production processes in the company. These include labor safety instructions and internal corporate agreements. We noted above that a personnel specialist (the professional standard predetermines the presence of the corresponding function) can prepare these documents.


    So, we examined the specifics of such a position as a personnel specialist. An employee of the corresponding profile may also be called a manager or HR specialist. A state professional standard has been established for the position in question. It determines, first of all, a list of labor functions of a person who solves problems in the field of personnel management, and also establishes qualification requirements for an employee who is obliged to perform them by virtue of an agreement with the employer.

    The development of professional standards in the field of personnel management is therefore within the competence of government agencies. But the employer company has the right to supplement the provisions of the relevant regulations with local sources. Which, at the same time, should not contradict the norms established at the official level.

    Among the sources regulating the work of personnel officers and adopted locally are job descriptions and internal corporate agreements. A human resources specialist can take part in their development (the professional standard presupposes the formation of the appropriate labor function of the person occupying this position).

    Since July 1, 2016, according to the law of May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ, a system of professional standards has been in effect. In accordance with the 2016 standards, a personnel employee must have the appropriate qualifications.

    Qualification levels in accordance with the 2016 professional standard

    1.Skill level 5
    - HR inspector

    2. Skill level 6
    — specialist in selection, assessment and certification, personnel development, labor organization and personnel remuneration
    — specialist in organizing corporate social policy

    3. Skill level 7
    — heads of HR departments of the organization
    - Vice President, HR Director or Deputy General Director for Human Resources.

    Education and training requirements:
    — secondary vocational education (higher vocational)
    — professional retraining (courses of at least 250 hours).

    2 conditions under which training is considered professional retraining

    — the course volume must be at least 250 academic hours
    - a document issued upon completion of training - a diploma of the established form (can be issued by educational organizations that have the appropriate license)

    In what cases does a HR specialist need to undergo professional retraining?

    Basic education must be specialized, either Personnel Management or Personnel Administration. If the education is not specialized, then it is necessary to obtain a Diploma of professional retraining in this direction.

    For example:
    The HR inspector has a secondary vocational education as an accountant and a year ago he completed a seminar on HR management (advanced training), his work experience in the specialty is 6 years. Will it meet the requirements of the professional standard?
    Answer: No
    Because he does not have professional retraining in the field of HR administration. And without it, advanced training has no meaning. Work experience also cannot compensate for the lack of specialized education. It is necessary to undergo professional retraining.

    State diploma. Myths and reality.

    According to the current Law on Education in the Russian Federation, there is no concept of state-issued diplomas for professional retraining programs. All educational institutions are required to issue Diplomas only in the established format.


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