Download presentation on the topic "family traditions". Lesson - presentation on the topic "family traditions" Presentation of types of family traditions

“Love, family and child” - What are family traditions? Ways to express love. Family is a school of love. Family traditions in Russia include christenings, birthdays, name days, and weddings. Tradition as a way to develop memory. The child has the right to life and healthy development. Children's love. Describe what the mother teaches her children. Some parents violate the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

“Family Life” - Family begins with children. Family partnership - Relationships are built on complete equality and mutual trust. A home is a relationship between the people living in it. O. Balzac. Family and Life. Montaigne M. The purpose of dinner is nutrition and the purpose of marriage is family. Mother. Family types. V.Hugo. The woman in this family is the classic keeper of the hearth.

“Family and School” - Welcome to see in action - this is the best of schools. Relationship with the class teacher. Atmosphere and traditions of the class. Conclusion: Relationships with teachers. Comfort and class equipment. Parent meeting on the topic “Communication between parents and children.” Life in the classroom is interesting. Histogram of parents' satisfaction with the teacher's work.

“Family Budget” - Conclusion. We learned that there are savings loans, etc. Conclusion: What have we learned today? The “Income” table contains a list of income items. To enter information, select the cell, after which the cursor appears. There are short-term, medium-term and long-term expenses. Applications. Spreadsheets are most suitable for calculating the family budget.

“Children in the family” - The number of children in foster families. Finland: Foster care (family home) Professional family home. Wed. preserving the child’s biological family according to origin. Preparation/training of substitute parents. Preventive work to protect children. Basic forms of family care & priorities.

“Family and Children” - 1 story - starring a mother; 2 story - starring a child. The family is a fortress under siege. Advice from a school psychologist. Who is the third wheel in the family? Typology of family relationship disorders. The family is a theatrical stage. The family is an anthill. Recommendations. The family is the main environment for the development of a child’s personality. Let the family become a resort for everyone who lives nearby.

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Wedding ceremonies Weddings were usually celebrated in the fall or winter after Epiphany. The wedding ceremony consisted of several stages and took a long period of time. The godfather and godmother or the boy's parents came to marry the girl, and less often, other relatives. They sat under the mat and started a conversation allegorically: “You have a product, we have a merchant,” or “You have a chicken, we have a cockerel, let’s bring them into one barn.” If they agreed, then a series of pre-wedding meetings took place: the bride's viewing, acquaintance with the groom's household. They agreed on the wedding date, the size of the dowry, the size and contents of the clutch - the groom's monetary contribution and the clothes that he bought for the bride (this could be a fur coat, a coat, a silk dress, boots with galoshes, etc.). Following this, preparations for the wedding took place for about a month. Throughout this period, the bride's friends gathered at her house for evenings, helped prepare gifts for the wedding and dowry: sewed, knitted lace, embroidered.

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Wedding rituals All rituals included in the wedding cycle were accompanied by songs according to the moment - sad, lyrical, majestic, comic, farewell. The playful nature of the wedding entertainment was fully manifested the next day, when the son-in-law, and after him all those present, went “to the mother-in-law for pancakes.” Among the Cossacks, for example, after a noisy (with throwing and smashing of plates) fun in the mother-in-law's house, they dressed up in different clothes, painted or covered their faces with canvas, and, whooping and singing, rode around the village on oxen harnessed to carts - Rydvans. We stopped by to visit our godfathers and other guests. The wedding could last a week or more. Despite the limited number of invitees, almost everyone could attend, take part in dances, performances, and occasionally enjoy refreshments. Collectors of folklore note the impoverishment of wedding rituals in the 20th century, the disappearance from it not only of many sad, but also of a number of playful moments. The composition of participants expanded, but the wedding “roles” were lost. Ritual song folklore went into the realm of history.

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Calendar holidays and rituals, folklore The main winter holidays fell in January. Two holy weeks (Yuletide) united three major holidays: Christmas, New Year (old style) and Epiphany. On holidays, magical games were played and symbolic actions were performed with grain, bread, and straw (“so that there would be a harvest”). Children, girls and boys went from house to house to carol at Christmas time, and also caroled on New Year's Day. Throughout the Christmas period, especially on New Year's Eve and after it, the girls wondered to find out their fate. A mandatory element of Christmastide was dressing up. Young people dressed up as old men and women, gypsies, hussars; they smeared their faces with soot, put on fur coats turned inside out and walked around the village, making fun of everyone, acting out scenes, having fun. Mostly young people took part, the rest were spectators.

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Long before midnight, believers, dressed in light clothes, flock to the temple and reverently await the Easter Celebration. Before midnight, the arrival of the great minute of the Luminous Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is announced. The priests with a cross and lamps come from the altar and, together with the people, walk around the church singing. This is a procession around the church. Easter in Russia is celebrated with several other rituals: dyeing eggs and baking Easter cakes. This is such a widespread ritual in Russia that even practically non-believers do not avoid it. It consists of exchanging kisses with greetings and congratulations: “Christ is risen!” and the answer: “Truly risen!” and then exchanging colored eggs. The egg, which was traditionally painted red, has become a mandatory attribute and symbol of Christian Easter since the 12th century.

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Celebrating the Old New Year. There is no other country like this. It falls on January 13th. Until 1918, Russia used the Julian calendar, which was 13 days ahead of the Gregorian calendar, common in Europe. By decree of Soviet power on January 24, 1918, Russia began to live according to the same calendar as the rest. However, for a long time all dates were indicated with the mark “new style” or “old style”. However, on January 13, according to the new style, most families still celebrated the Old New Year, which was considered the “real” one. Over time, people got used to the new calendar, but the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year remained. Now many people interpret the Old New Year in their own way: as if in 13 days the New Year has already become “your boyfriend,” “an old friend,” “old,” and this event is celebrated. This holiday is often more fun and democratic than the more solemn celebration of the New Year.

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What are family traditions? These are the usual family norms, behavior patterns, customs and views that are passed down from generation to generation.

Russia is a unique country that carefully preserves the traditions of its people, deeply rooted in Orthodoxy. Traditions are the memory of the people, what preserves a person as an individual, allows you to feel the connection of times and generations. Unfortunately, in the modern world they have become little observed in our families. Over the past hundred years, even holidays have replaced one another. Every family has certain traditions. Most often they come from their parent families and then take root.

Russian people knew how to work, knew how to relax. We rested only on holidays. With the help of the calendar, today you and I, and the people who lived before us, determined what the holiday would be. They carefully prepared for it in advance, observed rituals and customs, visited churches, prepared gifts and treats, invited relatives to the festive table, and organized festivities.

Tradition as a way to develop memory It is characteristic that in human memory not only the tradition itself is stored, but also the smallest details associated with it - starting from a special method of preparing seasoning for dumplings, and ending with such little things as a place to store an album with photographs of children .

Traditions that came to us from ancient times and have survived to this day.

Christmas is the main winter holiday. The day before Christmas is called Kolyada. People dressed up, went from house to house, wishing goodness and prosperity. In our family, this is always a revered holiday. Mom treats people who come with sweets, we visit the temple, prepare treats, and invite relatives to visit.

Maslenitsa My favorite holiday was Maslenitsa; it lasted a whole week and marked farewell to winter and welcome to spring. All work stopped and noisy fun began. We went to visit each other, treated ourselves generously to pancakes, pancakes, and pies. We rode horse-drawn carriages and sleighs. This holiday is still celebrated today in the squares of cities and villages. On Sunday they say goodbye to winter, burn an effigy, and go for a walk. We also follow this tradition at home and at school.

Easter The celebration of Easter is perhaps the main custom and the most significant Orthodox event for Russians. The word "Easter" comes from the Greek language and means "passing", "deliverance".

Long before midnight, believers, dressed in light clothes, flock to the temple and reverently await the Easter Celebration. Easter in Russia is celebrated with several other rituals: dyeing eggs and baking Easter cakes. This is such a widespread ritual in Russia that even practically non-believers do not avoid it. It consists of exchanging kisses with greetings and congratulations: “Christ is risen!” and the answer: “Truly risen!” The egg, which was traditionally painted red, has become a mandatory attribute and symbol of Easter.

Baptism Baptism is an ancient custom, which in the Orthodox and Catholic churches is classified as sacraments. It means accepting a person into the fold of the Christian church. After baptism they say: “He became a man of God,” that is, he joined the deity. It is customary to invite relatives and friends to christenings and set a festive table. The ritual in Russia is performed in the same way as it has been done for centuries - with the help of godfather and mother. On this day, everyone gives gifts to the newborn.

Wedding Weddings were usually celebrated in the fall or winter after Epiphany. Today, weddings are held mainly in the spring or summer. The wedding ceremony took a long period of time. The godfather and godmother or the boy's parents came to woo the girl. They sat down and started a conversation: “You have a product, we have a merchant.” Then a series of pre-wedding meetings took place: the bride's viewing, acquaintance with the groom's household. Following this, preparations for the wedding took place for about a month. Throughout this period, the bride's friends gathered at her house for evenings, helped prepare gifts for the wedding and dowry: sewed, knitted lace, embroidered. All rituals were accompanied by songs. For believers, a wedding is accompanied by a religious ceremony - a wedding.

Family traditions of Russia A year later - chintz; after 10 years – pink; after 25 years - silver; and after 50 years - gold; The main family holidays in Russia are in many ways similar to the corresponding traditions of other countries. These are christenings, birthdays, name days, weddings, anniversaries. The Russian tradition of celebrating marriage anniversaries is interesting.

Ivan Kupala Since ancient times, this holiday was celebrated at the end of June. This is a mystical, mysterious and at the same time fun holiday. On the day of Ivan Kupala, girls made wreaths of herbs, and in the evening they launched them into the waters, watching how and where they floated. If the wreath sinks, it means the betrothed has fallen out of love. At night they lit fires, they danced around them, they jumped over them; whoever is taller will be happy. It was customary to pour dirty water on the first person you met; it was believed that the more often a person runs to swim, the purer his soul will be. My family and I really like to have fun on this day, pouring water on each other.

Thank you for your attention

“Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.” With a great deal of truth, we can assume that when the phrase “family traditions” is mentioned, most people have associations with the words “home ", "relatives", "parents", "children". And indeed, if you close your eyes and mentally pronounce the word "childhood", then, together with close and dear people and the homeliness of the parental home, other associations arise in the human mind, that - something that is inherent only in your family. It is precisely this “something" that can be called a family tradition. These memories are very deep in the human consciousness, since the actions that we mean by the concept of “family traditions” have been repeated many times since early childhood.

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""Our Family Traditions" presentation"

KSKU "Organization providing training for orphans and children without parental care

"Orphanage No. 23"

Traditions of our family

The seed gives good shoots,

If it grows for good.

If a good family

If you live lovingly,

Soon it will emerge from you

Good and wonderful sunrise!

Our family














What are family traditions?

This is the spiritual atmosphere of the house which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants

Our family has many traditions that, perhaps, every family has.

For example, we celebrate birthdays. On this day there are sure to be a lot of gifts, joy and fun...

And, of course, a birthday cake...

We, of course, celebrate the New Year!

On the eve of the holiday, we decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family, write a letter to Santa Claus...

For centuries Russian men,

We won wars with our heroism,

Everyone - officers, grooms, pages,

They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.

And the Russian spirit in you has not weakened,

We see in you heroes of the past, glorious,

You will accomplish many necessary things

For lovely women and for the whole country!!!

In addition to holiday traditions, our family has:

  • wish good night and good morning;
  • respect and honor elders;
  • do not offend each other;
  • in the evening at dinner to summarize the day;
  • come together to provide help to those who need it;

and much more…

Family Family is happiness, love and luck, Family means trips to the country in the summer. Family is a holiday, family dates, Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation. Family is work, caring for each other, Family means a lot of housework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, Drive away grievances and quarrels, I want my friends to say about us: “What a good family you are!”

  • Family– the most important thing in life for each of us. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect, the feeling of being needed by loved ones, the belief that there is a place on earth where you are expected and loved.

Library lesson "Family and family traditions"


Introduce children to the family, as a part of the clan, in which the thoughts, traditions and culture of the Russian people merge;

Development of creative activity, ability to work with proverbs, development of speech;

Foster interest and love for family traditions.

Equipment : interactive whiteboard, projector, computer, presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Hello, dear guys! Today we are talking about family and relationships in it, about family holidays and traditions. A family is not just people who live together. These are people close to each other who are united by feelings, interests, ideals, attitudes to life, people who will help in difficult times and will rejoice at your successes more than anyone else in the world. Family is when you love and you are loved, and not for something, but in spite of everything.

SLIDE 1 “My family is my fortress”

2. Introduction to the topic


In Yuri Kuranov’s work “The Warmth of the Hearth” the concept of “family” is revealed in this way: seven - I. That is, I am repeated seven times in my children. Because it was believed that every family should have seven children. And why? The number “seven” has long been considered significant and especially happy, because it means the fullness of a person’s earthly life, success in all his good endeavors.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the family consisted of more than one generation, and it is not by chance that the word was formed - FAMILY. There were grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. They lived together and helped each other. Some kept up with the housework, others worked in the fields, older brothers and sisters protected the younger ones. They lived cheerfully, respected old age, and protected the young. The families were large and strong.

SLIDE 4 “Family is...” (poem)

Why do you think family is so important for every person?

What do we get in the family?.

Now, let's see, have we named everything?Slide 5.

What is the most important thing we get in a family?Slide 6.

Families are all different. How are they different? Of course, with your habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions. Traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. A person is born, grows, and thinks: Who am I? Where am I from? Where are my roots?

For a long time, one of the traditions in Russian families has been the tradition of learning about their ancestors, compiling their pedigree, family tree.

3. Presentation of family trees is shown

Slide 7

Ignorance of one's ancestors was previously equated with a lack of education.

Have you ever heard the word “genealogy” before? Translated from Greek, it means “pedigree.” This means that this is a science that searches for the ancestors of people.

Geneology - Greek word, pedigree

Now everything has been simplified to such an extent that we sometimes do not know not only great-grandmothers, but even cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. It is known that one of the items that A.S. was especially proud of. Pushkin, there was a button from the uniform of his distant famous ancestor - Abram Hannibal. The poet ordered a button to be put into his favorite cane, which he almost never parted with, and proudly showed it to his friends.

Slide 8 with the image of A. Pushkin.

The homework for all of you will be this: make a family tree of your family. The best works will be appreciated. Originality, accuracy of work and knowledge of family genealogy will be assessed, i.e. The more knees you specify, the better.

You and I will try to compile our own genealogies. Of course, we do not have 5000 historical names in them, as in the genealogy of A.S. and Pushkin. Some will have 10-15 leaves on the tree, some will have more.

4. Conversation about traditions.

Since ancient times, there was a tradition in Rus': representatives of one familyengaged in one type of activity.

This is how dynasties of potters, tailors, bakers, shoemakers, and military men were born. Builders, miners, teachers... Are there families in your class where dynasties have formed?

Students talk about dynasties in their family.

Slide 9, 10 – continuation of the dynasty.

Many families have a traditionspending joint vacations and free time.

Students talk about how they spend their free time with their families.

Slide 11 – fishing

Slide 12 – in the park

Slide 13 – sport

- Take care of elderly parents – one of the wonderful traditions in our families.

There is a tradition -collect and store family photos.


Guys, raise your hands, who has such a tradition at home, collecting family albums?

Since 1829, when the French artist and designer Daguerre invented photography, the tradition of compiling and storing family albums has become firmly established in our lives. Every family has photographs that leave lasting memories of dear people and events in family life.

This tradition is very important. It is not without reason that during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things and among them photographs of dear people “To remember what we were like, look in the family album” - is sung in one of the songs .

Many people have it at homeantiques are stored. The person is no longer there, but we keep them, and the things that belong to him live on. We store and protect them. These are also our traditions.

Guys, who has the oldest thing in their home?

Why do we keep these things? They are interesting to us from a historical point of view as objects of antiquity, culture, and everyday life, but they are also dear as a memory of our relatives. We should not be “Ivans who do not remember kinship.” The history of a thing is the history of a person, the history of a family, the history of a people, the history of the Fatherland. This is a wonderful tradition for many families.

One of the common Russian traditions isfeast tradition. Slide 15 (feast in the old days)

Guests gathered at the common table, sang, and the hosts treated them to some kind of food.

Our ancestors, no less than their contemporaries, loved to have something sweet for dessert. What kind of delicacies (sweets, as they were lovingly called) were on their table in those days when not a single confectionery factory had been built in Rus'?

Fig, or dry jam. Great-great-grandmothers talked about amazing homemade candies made from berry flour. To make them, dried berries were ground, then a little honey was added to this “dust” and the resulting mass was rolled into balls the size of a large nut. At first they resembled our toffees, and then they froze, and the result was the most natural caramel in the world! Another Russian delicacy was prepared from crushed berries with the addition of molasses. Cherries, viburnum, rowan, and strawberries retained their aroma and healing properties in this dessert.

- Celebrate family holidays - also a tradition.

New Year is a family holiday, and every family has its own rituals that make it special. They set the mood and truly bring us together.

A birthday is a holiday that you always want to diversify and celebrate in a special way. And whatever the traditions of celebrating a birthday, they are always very dear, and you want to experience the feelings they bring again and again, because they emanate family warmth, love and kindness.

Easter is a favorite holiday for both children and parents. We all traditionally bake Easter cakes, make cheese Easter eggs and paint Easter eggs. Everyone has many culinary secrets and traditions associated with the preparation of these special dishes.

What holidays are celebrated in your family?

Students talk about how their family celebrates holidays.

Slide 16-18

- Fulfilling family responsibilities – this is also a tradition.

Family and work are historically connected. A person’s well-being, health, and labor productivity directly depend on the quality of the family. The foundations of diligence and hard work are laid in the family.Slide 19.

The next tradition is family reading. Slide 18.


But a house filled with goods is not yet a home.

And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a home.

And on the window with living color - it’s not home yet.

When the evening darkness deepens,

So this truth is clear and simple -

That the house is filled from palms to windows

Your warmth.

What kind of heat are we talking about? What is this Truth that should be simple and understandable?

Children offer their own answers.

Of course, in your young hearts, the feeling that lies in the depths of everyone’s soul arises in childhood and grows stronger over the years - this is love for one’s Home. The birth of this love is a great mystery requiring reflection. Therefore, you can only touch it and prefer the path of leisurely reflection and questions. It is a great thing when questions are born in the soul. And this is already the work of the Soul.

I think that you will agree with the justice of these words. What could be more important than a cozy Home, where you will always be understood, sympathized, and supported?

5. Working with proverbs

What proverbs about family and home do you know?

A game. Make up a proverb about family from these words. (cut words - cards)

Slides (proverbs)

What's the point of treasure when there is harmony in the family?

And when children appear in a family, it is already a union of several loving hearts, where “all are for one, and one is for all.” They used to say about a close-knit family: “A family that agrees is not overcome by grief.”

Learn this proverb about children.

Children are not a burden, but a joy.

Let us also note such folk proverbs and sayings that sound very modern:

Not the mother who gave birth, but the one who raised her.

- Explain the meaning of these proverbs:

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

Which proverb stuck with you the most?

On this slide you see statements by famous people about family.

Slide 21.

The people who wrote these lines lived in different times, but look how accurately they describe the meaning and meaning of the word “family.” Why do you think this happens? That’s right, no matter what era a person lives in, the most important thing for him will always be family.

6. Quiz

Now I’ll check how you listened to me today, who remembered the most?

1. What does the word FAMILY mean?

2. What are family traditions?

3. What is a family tree?

4. What family traditions do you remember?

5. What is a family dynasty?

7.Reading a poem

What could be more valuable than family?

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Father and mother and children together

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not at all bored,

And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more valuable than her?

On this fabulous land.

And at the end of our lesson, let's listen to a song about family

"My family"

8. Lesson summary

Every nation has its own custom, every family has its own traditions. But for all of us, people, it should become the main tradition to live according to the laws of goodness and justice. Let the main wealth of every family be caring for each other, sympathy and mutual understanding.


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