How long before farrowing milk appears. Timing and preparation for farrowing pigs at home. Why the pig does not eat after farrowing

Interrogating a pig for the first time is a responsible undertaking that usually takes place under the control of the farmer. So that during childbirth there are no problems, you should study the physiological characteristics of the animal in advance. The sow during this period requires special care and careful feeding.

Today we will tell you in detail how the first pregnancy of a pig goes, what nuances the farmer should know in advance, how the birth process proceeds, and we will also talk about caring for the mother pig.

Puberty in pigs occurs at the age of 6 months. However, during such a period, the animal's body is not yet ready to bear offspring, so you will have to wait several months until the moment of mating.

A female ready for fertilization meets the following criteria:

  • body weight from 100-110 kg (not more than 125 kg);
  • age not less than 10-11 months.

In this case, the sow will be able to endure and give birth to healthy offspring. For breeding choose individuals with a normal appetite, good physical condition. It is desirable that she has the maximum number of teats (usually a sow has six or seven pairs of teats).

The period of estrus in a pig is accompanied by the following signs:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nervousness;
  • aggressive behavior towards other individuals;
  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • profuse mucous discharge from the vagina.

A sow in 12 months is able to give offspring 2 times. You can breed an animal at any time of the year, but farmers recommend controlling this process: the most suitable time for childbirth is spring or autumn.

How to determine pregnancy?

After fertilization, the female ceases to show signs of sexual hunting, does not allow males to approach her. On this basis, you can recognize the presence of pregnancy. If the animal does not seek mating for 3-4 weeks, then offspring should be expected.

During pregnancy, the female's appetite greatly increases, and the belly begins to grow. At the very beginning of pregnancy, she is still active. However, as body weight gains, behavior changes. The animal prefers to lie still, moves less often.

Pregnancy dates

Typically, the duration of pregnancy in sows is about 4 months. However, labor may start a little earlier or later. The standard terms of labor activity are observed only in some individuals, therefore it is impossible to determine the exact date of the appearance of the offspring. It is important for the farmer to monitor the behavior of the animal in the last weeks of gestation.

It is worth noting that young individuals give birth a little later than the due date. A delay of about one week is considered normal.

Too large animals bring offspring 8-10 days earlier. When the sow is kept together with the rest of the individuals, a few days before the birth, she should be resettled in another room.

What kind of offspring to expect?

Pigs are prolific animals, but it is not possible to accurately determine the number of piglets during gestation. The following factors influence the formation of fruits:

  • age characteristics of the pig;
  • breed;
  • feeding;
  • productivity indicators;
  • state of the body at the time of fertilization.

At the first survey of a pig, there is usually a minimum offspring, 7-8 piglets. With repeated births, sows bring up to 12 piglets. However, there are more productive breeds that have up to 15 cubs in one litter.

Preparing for childbirth

The animal during pregnancy needs attention:

  1. The pig needs special nutrition. Only high-quality feed mixtures should be present in her diet. In addition, the animal requires large amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Salt should be added to food.
  3. It is necessary to carry out antihelminthic treatment for the pig in advance.
  4. It is important for a pig to provide walks, this has a beneficial effect on the formation of fruits.
  5. 5-6 days before the expected date of birth, the feed rate should be reduced. This will reduce the pressure of the stomach on the uterus. Otherwise, the possibility of developing various pathologies in the offspring is not excluded.

For pregnant sows, you can purchase special premixes that are sold in veterinary pharmacies, because the body spends a large amount of nutrients on the formation of fetuses.

During such a period, the diet should be any food with a laxative effect. You will need to reduce the amount of roughage. In the presence of constipation, a few days before the birth, the sow is given laxatives.

The pen where the interview is planned will need to be thoroughly cleaned:

  • take out any extra items;
  • treat the floor, walls with a disinfectant;
  • if necessary, the walls are whitewashed with lime;
  • put a clean bedding on the floor.

In the corral, the optimum air temperature must be maintained, drafts are unacceptable. The average temperature is from 19 to 26 degrees, respectively, in the winter season it will be necessary to install heaters. The farrowing place of the pig requires careful but delicate heating, so lamps are pre-installed there. The use of infrared lamps is recommended.

For childbirth, you will need the following supplies:

  • cotton fabric;
  • sterile threads;
  • scissors;
  • manganese solution.

Signs of the start of farrowing

The approach of a survey can be recognized by its characteristic features:

  • the belly sags strongly;
  • the female moves slowly along the paddock;
  • there is swelling of the external genital organs, when squeezing the nipples, colostrum can be seen;
  • the day before the birth, the behavior of the sow changes, she begins to collect the litter in a corner, prepares a place for the offspring;
  • the pig becomes restless just before farrowing;
  • the animal sighs heavily;
  • a large amount of mucus is secreted from the vagina.

Generic activity can begin rapidly. Farrowing usually takes place in the evening. Therefore, you will need to prepare all the accessories in advance. On farms, they organize duty near the sow.

childbirth process

The health of the sow and offspring depends on the success of childbirth, at such a moment the presence of a person is required. The farmer himself delivers a pig, and it is important not to miss the beginning of such a process.

How farrowing happens in sows:

  1. The female falls on her side, mucus is actively secreted from the vagina.
  2. At first, light contractions are observed, then they intensify.
  3. After the birth of each fetus, the contractions first weaken, and then intensify again after 5-20 minutes.
  4. The minimum break is observed between the birth of the first and second piglet. The remaining fruits appear with an interval of 25-30 minutes.
  5. The longest pause is observed between the birth of the last piglets.

Usually childbirth lasts about 2.5-5 hours. However, with a weak tone of the uterus, the process is delayed for 8-10 hours.

Table 1. Helping the sow

Step one: a newborn piglet should be thoroughly wiped with a cotton cloth from mucus. Sometimes the baby is born in the amniotic sac. It will need to be urgently broken and all mucus removed.
Step two: the umbilical cord must be clamped at a distance of several centimeters from the belly, tied with a thread and cut off. For disinfection, this place is treated with iodine.
Step three: until the end of the birth, the piglets should be placed on a separate litter. Then they are applied to the pig's udder.

However, if the female does not behave aggressively, then the offspring is allowed to immediately bring to the udder. First, it will need to be treated with a weak solution of manganese. In addition, colostrum is necessary for cubs in the first hours of life, it helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body. In addition, udder development helps induce labor.

Problems during farrowing

Not always the birth of a pig goes without any complications. Therefore, the animal needs the supervision of the owner. Even in the presence of active contractions, sometimes there is no natural labor activity. This problem is associated with the following factors:

  • excessively large offspring;
  • incorrect arrangement of fruits;
  • the animal has digestive problems.

Sometimes a dead fetus gets stuck in the birth canal. In such a situation, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Remove born piglets so that the sow does not damage them.
  2. Hands should be washed with antibacterial soap and lubricated with petroleum jelly. It is desirable that this procedure be carried out by a person with thin and long fingers.
  3. Then the hand is gently placed in the vaginal cavity and the fetus is groped. Another person should calm the animal.
  4. It is necessary to feel the location of the legs of the piglet by touch, and at the time of the fight, pull it out.
  5. It is not always possible to pull the fetus out by the legs. Therefore, a rope is tied to it and pulled by it during the fight.

This method can regulate the movement of the fetus through the birth canal. If such a procedure cannot be carried out without any harm to the sow, then an urgent caesarean section will be required.

Weak contractions are fraught with the death of piglets. They often suffocate while passing through the birth canal. There are the following ways to help a sow:

  1. Born piglets are immediately brought to the nipples. The secretion of milk contributes to the active contraction of the uterus.
  2. In especially severe cases, it becomes necessary to administer an injection of oxytocin. This allows you to quickly stimulate contractions.

If a person has not previously given birth to a pig, then it is advisable that a veterinarian be nearby during such a process. If you have any difficulties with farrowing, you will need to urgently call a doctor to the farm.

Sometimes a piglet is born with no signs of life. To save him, you will need to do a heart massage, artificial respiration. Often such manipulations are effective.

The process of caring for a pig after childbirth

After completing the survey, do not immediately leave the pigsty. On average, after 30-60 minutes the placenta should come out. Don't let the pig eat it. Otherwise, she can destroy all the cubs. If the placenta does not enter for several hours, then the animal needs medical help.

The process of caring for a sow after farrowing:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the external genital organs of the animal with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.
  2. A clumsy pig can accidentally crush the offspring. So you need to keep an eye on it.
  3. The animal is in need of fluid. There should always be water in the drinker.
  4. After giving birth, the pig needs a few hours to rest. After some time, she begins to feed liquid food. In the absence of appetite, the pig is recommended to give water with the addition of glucose.

The appetite of the animal is restored, on average, in a day. However, in some cases this does not happen. Sows often have digestive problems. It is important to determine the cause of this condition in a timely manner. Sometimes such pigs do not allow piglets to the udder. Babies will need bottle feeding.

Some piglets are born with sharp fangs that cause them to bite through the nipples. In such a situation, they will need to sharpen their milk teeth.

Throughout the week, the pig has the appearance of postpartum mucous secretions. At first they are bright red, and then become light. If the discharge acquires a pungent odor, then there is a possibility of developing an infection - the help of a veterinarian will be required.

Nutrition for young animals

For the first week after birth, the offspring do not need additional feeding - piglets eat only mother's milk. After 7 days, they are recommended to give chalk, red clay, such components can prevent the development of anemia.

2 weeks after birth, piglets begin to feed dairy products. In terms of composition, cow's milk is similar to pig's, while the cubs are fed in minimal portions, but often.

Summing up

You should not breed too young individuals. Such negligence is fraught with health problems, both for the sow and for the cubs. Farrowing a pig is an important process that does not always go without complications. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it in a few weeks.

Video - Preparing for the first farrowing

Each farmer prefers to get offspring from his own sow, and not to look for piglets to increase the herd on the side. Therefore, he urgently needs knowledge about how pigs are farrowed for the first time. Indeed, in the future, this process will take place on the basis of existing experience.

Features of the pregnancy period

For a novice farmer, it is important to know that the puberty of a pig occurs at 5-6 months. The pig comes into heat, begins to eat less, becomes restless, and the genitals swell, and discharge appears from them.

However, experienced owners do not carry out mating of primogeniture from the first time, but only from 2-3. This allows the body of the animal to get stronger, which will further affect its productivity. Not welcomed by professionals and too much weight of the animal - fattening up to 120 kg and above. Thus, the optimal age for farrowing pigs for the first time is considered to be the age of 8-10 months. For the Vietnamese breed - 4-5 months. because their puberty comes earlier.

A pig gives birth at any time of the year, but the best option would be to select the time of farrowing when there is no extreme heat or cold - in spring or autumn. Then the piglets will not have to install additional heating.

Important! Sometimes it is not enough to hold a mating once. It is possible to determine whether a pig is pregnant after three weeks - if its behavior is calm, then it is covered, and the owner has to wait for the start of farrowing.

Preparing for farrowing

Determining when the time comes to give birth is quite simple - there is a specific table for this:

However, the delivery of pigs does not always occur in accordance with the date indicated there. If the average gestation period is 114 days, then everything should be ready by day 110. Usually, primiparous pigs are delayed in terms, and massive adult pigs, on the contrary, can be farrowed earlier than the expected date. The difference from the average period is 4-5 days in one direction or another.

In order for the farrowing of pigs at home to be successful, it is necessary to carry out certain preparations:

  • Clean and disinfect the farrowing pen in advance, lay fresh bedding, provide the sow with access to water in advance. Otherwise, she will try to make up for the lack of fluid by eating the placenta and even piglets;
  • For water, it is recommended to put a clean metal container, because on a wooden one there is a possibility of a fungus appearing on the outside, which piglets can eat. As a result, you will get a lot of trouble with their digestive tract;
  • For newborns, it is necessary to prepare a separate corner with warm bedding and place an infrared lamp over it for heating. Optimum t for giving birth to sows +18 +21˚С, with the obligatory absence of drafts;
  • Before the sows farrow, about 7 days. , carry out deworming (with medications or wormwood), wash the sows using a detergent, followed by treatment with creolin (1% solution). When the first contractions begin, the nipples are wiped with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Immediately before the farrowing of the sow, at least the minimum inventory should be prepared:

  • Sterile clean diapers;
  • Brilliantine green or iodine solution;
  • Sterile gloves and scissors;
  • Boiled slightly cooled water.

You can determine that the pregnancy period is over by the following signs:

  • The behavior of the pig before farrowing becomes restless, she begins to build a nest from the litter and even burrow into it;
  • There is an increase in the udder and reddening of the genital loop, the abdomen noticeably drops;
  • Pressing on the nipples leads to the release of colostrum droplets (for 1-1.5 days);
  • The sow is laid on her side, contractions begin and fluid is released.

Pig farrowing process

How long a pig is farrowing depends on the well-being of the process. If everything goes well, then within 4-6 hours (sometimes faster) all piglets are already born. A delay in time indicates that something is going wrong and the animal needs help.

Those who came up with the sow farrowing calendar made it easier for future pig farmers. Thanks to such a table, you can quickly determine the expected date of birth of the babies, which means you no longer have to keep long notes or keep important information in your head. We will help you figure out how to work with such a cheat sheet and how not to miss the upcoming birth. In addition, we will teach you to recognize false and real contractions and tell you how to behave in unforeseen situations.

The value of the gestation period

Before moving on to working with the pig calendar, it is necessary to understand why such a system was developed. It is believed that the pregnancy of a sow is expressed by a date consisting of three triplets: 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days. But, 114 days are average indicators that can do more harm than help.

Now, we just want to show clearly what the use of average statistical data in this area of ​​pig breeding is fraught with. It has been proven that only 25% of sows give birth on day 114. Therefore, using averages, you will be 85% wrong with the estimated date of farrowing. Read on to find out how to prevent this.

Learning not to make mistakes: working with a table

We have already told what the incorrect determination of the date of farrowing leads to. Now let's figure out how to find out the due date and prepare in advance for this event. This is important, because immediately before farrowing the sow is moved to a separate pen.

So, the easiest and most modern way to avoid mistakes in dates is to use the pig farrowing calendar. The table below will help you solve this problem.

Let's see how to work with this data. The top row lists all existing months. Numbers from 1 to 31 are entered in the left column — the number of days in a month. We know that, for example, the insemination of the uterus occurred on April 1st. We are looking for April in the top line, and in the left column we find the number "1".

The intersection cell indicates the estimated date of delivery. The difference with the "calculated method" is that the calendar shows the earliest start date for farrowing of sows, so that the farmer has time to prepare and avoid critical situations. In addition, working with such a cheat sheet is elementary convenient.

The Importance of Knowing the Right Date: Prenatal Care

However, pig breeding is not only a complex science, but also painstaking work. Especially during the gestation period, animals require special care and close attention. Therefore, just in case, difficulties should always be expected before and after the date when the sow can farrow.

Before the scheduled farrowing date (it is wrong to call the birth of a pig a lambing), the sows are transferred to a separate room in order to prepare suitable conditions for them. To begin with, the temperature in the machine is raised to 25 degrees, since during this period the piglets and their mother are in dire need of warmth.

To create comfort in the room, you will need to insulate the walls, prepare ultraviolet and heating lamps. It is necessary to lay a fresh and soft bedding, provide the sows with quality feed and clean water. In addition, labor can begin on any of the days of the calculated interval, so keep a clean cloth, baby carriers, and birthing equipment on hand.

Coming Soon: Physiological Manifestations

It is possible to determine the beginning of the expected farrowing not only by calculation methods, but also simply by examining the sow. Physiological manifestations are manifested in detail 2-3 days before delivery, so that if they are detected, you can proceed to the last preparatory work.

So, a pig before farrowing has the following external differences:

  • enlarged labia;
  • swollen nipples;
  • reddened sexual loop;
  • sagging belly;
  • deflection in the region of the spine.

It is quite difficult to determine exactly how many days are left before the appearance of piglets, but a day before delivery, colostrum appears from the nipples when pressed.

If the sow has farrowed at least once, then the probability of successful delivery is above 80%. But the primogeniture must be closely monitored in order to see all the signs described above and have time to help in case of complications.

Behavioral signs of approaching labor

The behavior of a pig before farrowing better than any tables gives out that childbirth will begin soon. For example, a sow shows anxiety, especially if she is suckling for the first time.

With a strong manifestation of anxiety, it is necessary to forcibly limit the pig in movement around the enclosure, and a few days before the start of the fights, completely isolate it from contact with the external environment.

In pregnant queens, other oddities are also observed. For example, she begins to drag straw towards her and build a kind of nest out of it. In addition, before giving birth, the mumps walks a lot, but often lies down, and then again begins to move aimlessly, not finding a place for itself.

Even a beginner in animal husbandry can see the above signs of farrowing - the main thing is to understand what to look for. Despite the high activity, just before the birth, the pig clogs into a corner, turns over on its side and stops moving. As soon as this happens - wait for the beginning of attempts.

Consequences of incorrectly determining the date

Some features of farrowing require preliminary preparation. So, newly born piglets need to be heated, for which they are placed in a basket under heating lamps. If this is not done immediately, the babies may die.

Having taken a cub from a farrowing pig, the amniotic membrane is torn if necessary. After this procedure, the piglets are pulled out into the light and wiped with clean rags, which must be prepared in advance. If you do not do this before giving birth, then during the appearance of the pigs you will not have time for this, and the animals may suffocate, since you do not get rid of the mucus in time.

Experienced farmers understand that the life of newborns, and sometimes the sows themselves, depends on the speed of their reaction. But, even if you do not yet have experience in this area, a competent approach to farrowing, timely and accurate calculation of the due date and careful preparation for the process will help you cope with possible difficulties.

Sometimes, one competent advice helps better than dozens of read articles. Therefore, do not hesitate to write comments, because communication with colleagues will only benefit.

Postpartum diseases in sows include:

Postpartum paresis - acute disease of sows, observed in them on the 2-4th day after farrowing.

Clinical picture. Postpartum paresis in a sow is manifested by a depressed state, paralysis of the limbs, the absence of tactile pain signs, and a decrease in body temperature to 37-37.5°C. A sick sow lies motionless on her side, in severe cases she does not rise on her own, in the lungs - the sow hardly moves, when moving, we note the unsteadiness of the back of the body. The mammary gland is hyperemic (reddened).

Treatment. A warm sugar solution is injected into the rectum (100 g in 700-800 ml of water), the re-introduction of the sugar solution is repeated after 2-3 hours. With a preserved swallowing reflex, calomel - 1 g, castor oil - 100 g are prescribed inside. The croup and limbs of the sow are rubbed with a bundle of straw or a cloth, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands is massaged, rubbing camphor oil into them.

postpartum eclampsia- an acute disease that occurs in sows as a result of protein and vitamin deficiency, a decrease in oxygen and calcium in the blood. In some sows, the disease occurs when they are overfed with salt, resulting in a violation of the nervous trophism. The disease in sows is recorded immediately after farrowing.

Clinic. The sow develops sudden seizures and convulsions within 5-20 minutes, teeth grinding, saliva from the mouth in the form of foam; breathing is difficult, rapid, intermittent, wheezing appears, a state of suffocation appears. Similar convulsive attacks in the sow are repeated every 2-3 hours and last for 3-10 days. When the neck muscles contract, the sow's head leans back.

Treatment. A sick sow should be transferred to a separate room with abundant bedding and protected from injury during a seizure by the owners of private household plots and peasant farms. In the period between seizures, a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate - 20-25 ml is administered intramuscularly. Rectally administered 50 ml of 10% solution of chloral hydrate.

Eating the placenta in pigs it is observed quite often, which in the future may contribute to their habit of eating their offspring. Additional information is provided in the article -.

Eating offspring more common in young sows. Eating offspring is facilitated by improper and inadequate feeding of the sow during pregnancy, a lack of protein, minerals, vitamins in the diet, and the lack of clean water in the stall.

In order to prevent eating offspring, owners of household plots and peasant farms should regularly provide exercise to pregnant sows and organize their full feeding. Do not feed raw meat and meat waste to pregnant sows, periodically massage the mammary gland. During farrowing, the placenta and stillborn piglets should be immediately removed from the cage. Newborn piglets are kept separately and fed only in the presence of the owners of household plots, peasant farms and attendants. Additional information in the article -.

Postpartum bedtime it is rare in sows and is caused by metabolic disorders and injuries received by the sow during childbirth (stretching of the sacroiliac joint, ligaments of the pelvis and sacrum, with bruises of the sacral plexus and other hard-to-diagnose injuries of the pelvic girdle).

Clinic. The sow cannot stand up on her own, nor can she stand on her own. Body temperature, pulse, respiration are within normal limits, appetite is preserved.

Treatment. The owners of private farms and peasant farms should provide the sow with abundant litter, turn it over from one side to the other 2-3 times during the day. The trunk, croup and limbs are rubbed with straw bundles. The diet includes easily digestible food.

Vaginal prolapse in the sow occurs before delivery and after severe pathological childbirth. With strong attempts in sows, incomplete prolapse of the vagina is more often observed.

Clinic. During an external examination, in the first hours, the mucous membrane of the prolapsed part of the vagina has a bright red color, later, due to venous stasis of blood, it acquires a cherry hue.

Treatment. The fallen part of the vagina must be washed with a solution of ethacridine lactate - 1:1000 or potassium permanganate - 1:2000, a 2-3% solution of alum, a 2-5% solution of tannin, lubricate with any antimicrobial ointment (streptocid, synthomycin, etc. .) and set, after that we put loop-like or roller sutures on the labia. The sow is prescribed active exercise for 30 minutes daily.

Uterine prolapse sows are most often recorded immediately after farrowing or in the first hours after farrowing. Prolapse of the uterus in pigs is less common than in other animal species. The lack of active exercise during pregnancy, an unbalanced diet, etc. predisposes to uterine prolapse.

Clinic. When the uterus prolapses, the owners note its strong anxiety, frequent attempts, accompanied by defecation. The prolapsed uterus resembles intestinal loops, transverse folds are visible on its mucous membrane. The prolapsed uterus is red and edematous. In the future, as the edema develops, the uterine mucosa becomes loose and acquires a dark blue, cherry or gray-brown color. On the surface of the uterus appear bleeding, wounds and focal fibrin deposits with signs of necrosis, which further leads to necrosis and sepsis.

Treatment. A sick sow is fixed on a special machine or on a portable ladder, give her an inclined position, i.e. raise the pelvic girdle. The uterus is washed and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate - 1:5000 or a solution of furacillin - 1:5000, ethacridine lactate - 1:1000. Then the uterus is clasped with two hands closer to the vulva and carefully set into the abdominal cavity, the hands are gradually moved to the top of the prolapsed horn. After reduction, the arm is inserted into the cavity of the reduced uterus and the folds are straightened, giving it the usual anatomical position. Then tricillin is injected into the uterus (penicillin - 500 thousand units, streptomycin - 500 thousand units, white streptocide -5.0 g.). To prevent re-prolapse of the uterus, roller or loop-like sutures are applied to the vulva. The necrotic uterus is amputated. If surgery is not economically viable, the sow is sent for forced slaughter.

Postpartum vulvitis, vestibulitis, vaginitis occurs in the sow as a result of injury to the genitals during farrowing.

Clinic. A sick sow has an increase in body temperature, anxiety, frequent urination, discharge of various exudates from the genitals. In severe cases, there is necrosis of the mucous membrane, ulcers.

Treatment. Apply irrigation of the vulva, the vestibule of the vagina with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate - 1: 2000, furacillin - 1: 5000, furozolidone - 1: 10,000, lubrication with antiseptic ointments and emulsions. Additional information in the article -.

Subinvolution of the uterus(delayed regression of the uterus after farrowing). The muscle tone of the uterus and its excitability with subinvolution of the uterus are lowered. Subinvolution of the uterus most often occurs in malnourished sows with metabolic disorders, due to inadequate feeding, lack of exercise in the prenatal and especially in the postpartum period.

Clinic. The sow has a prolonged discharge of lochia.

Treatment. The sow is prescribed full feeding, active exercise for 30-40 minutes daily for 2-3 weeks; subcutaneously pituitrin - 0.5-1 ml, prozerin 0.5% - ny - 0.8 ml or carbocholine 0.1% - 1 ml; intramuscularly oxytocin - 20-30 IU and other drugs that stimulate uterine contractions.

Additional information in the article -.

Postpartum endometritis. Inflammation of the uterine mucosa occurs as a result of the introduction of a variety of pathogenic microflora into the birth canal during farrowing and in the postpartum period. Endometritis in a sow can develop with inflammation of the vagina and cervix. In a sow during feeding of piglets from the genitals, the owners note abundant discharge of mucopurulent exudate.

Postpartum perimetritis, parametritis- inflammation of the serous membrane of the uterus, uterine ligaments, surrounding tissues and peritoneum. Therapeutic measures are the same as for endometritis and septicemia.

Postpartum septicemia most often manifested in the first days after farrowing. Septicemia is an acute generalized sepsis, accompanied by severe intoxication of the sow's body. Occurs when inflammation of the genital organs is complicated by pyogenic or other pathogenic microflora. The causative agents are hemolytic streptococci and staphylococci, their associations and Escherichia coli.

Clinic. The disease begins with general depression, lack of appetite, fever, the temperature of the sow is kept at a high level for a long time with minor remissions. The general condition of the sow is rapidly deteriorating. The pig lies more; when lying, exudate is released from the genitals.

Septicemia is usually acute in the sow, the sow often dies within 2-3 days.

Treatment. The sow is given complete rest. In the first hours of the disease, general and local methods of treatment are used, as with endometritis; in addition, 40% glucose is administered intravenously - 75-100 ml, 10% calcium chloride - 100 ml, 3 g of urotropine.

Additional information about the disease is set out in our article -.

Violation of milk secretion after farrowing(agalactia - complete cessation of milk secretion and hypogalactia - partial decrease in milk secretion) is more often observed in sows and is functional in nature and is caused by inadequate feeding, poor living conditions, lack of exercise, diseases of the mammary glands, genital organs, disorders of the endocrine glands, pituitary gland, ovaries , disorders of the milk ejection reflex after farrowing and other reasons.

On clinical examination, the mammary gland was within normal limits. To restore milk formation and milk flow, therapeutic measures are mainly reduced to improving feeding - feeding sows with whole milk, skim milk, succulent feed, flour bran, oatmeal liquid talkers. A 0.5% aqueous solution of prozerin or a 1% solution of furamon is injected subcutaneously in an amount of 0.8 -1 ml. After such treatment, milk appears in the nipples in 5-7 minutes. If necessary, the introduction of drugs is repeated after 50-60 minutes in the same doses (N.N. Mikhailov, 1973).

Inflammation of the breast (mastitis) observed in sows at any time of the year. Mastitis in sows can be hidden (subclinical) and with pronounced clinical signs, both acute and chronic. Sows suffer from mastitis mainly during the period of increased lactation, i.e. in the suckling period, more often in the first days after farrowing.

Register mastitis in weaning and dry periods. As a result of mastitis in sows, the amount of milk produced decreases, and its quality deteriorates.

The milk of sows with mastitis contains pathogenic microflora, diplococci, staphylococci, E. coli and other microbes, which causes disease and death of piglets.

The cause of mastitis in sows is often improper and inadequate feeding, a sharp change in feed, poor quality feed; keeping sows without exercise in cold and insufficiently ventilated rooms, on cold floors without bedding; traumatic injuries of the skin of the breast and nipples, lacerations. Mastitis in sows often occurs as a result of intoxication in diseases of the genital organs, the gastrointestinal tract, retention of the placenta, postpartum discharge. If the sanitary and hygienic regimen for keeping pregnant animals is not observed, swelling of the mammary gland often appears before farrowing and in the first days after it. With edema, the mammary gland tissues acquire a doughy consistency, udder edema can turn into mastitis. With mastitis, the affected lobe of the mammary gland becomes elastic, hard, stony, on palpation - painful, enlarged. With clinically pronounced forms of mastitis, there are 3-4% of sows, in 8-10% of sows, mastitis occurs subclinically (hidden), and without their timely detection and treatment, they turn into a clinical form.

Just starting to think about inseminating a pig, her owner wonders how many piglets she can give birth to. It is impossible to give an exact answer, but the fact that a sow releases more than 20 eggs in one hunt is known for sure. According to statistics, the average farrowing of pigs is 10 piglets. This means that half of the fertilized eggs die in the initial, embryonic period of development. It is quite possible to reduce the mortality of embryos by creating good conditions for keeping and correct, scientifically based feeding of the sow.

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    mating rules

    In order for the future sow to give birth and raise the maximum number of piglets, it is necessary to start preparing her for this in advance. The ability to give birth to offspring in her occurs at the age of 5-6 months, and sometimes even earlier.

    But strong and healthy offspring will be possible only if she reaches the age of about 9 months and weighs 120-130 kg by the first mating.

    hunting period

    The readiness of the pig for mating can be determined by the onset of her hunting, which manifests itself in the so-called immobility reflex.

    Hunt has come if, with a slight pressure on the lower back, the female:

    • stands quietly;
    • bends a little;
    • does not seek to move away;
    • lets the boar in.

    Time of year for mating

    A pig can farrow in any season. The time of farrowing should be planned taking into account the greatest availability of nutritious feed and the preparedness of premises for keeping young animals.

    The winter period for growing babies is bad because they lack sunlight for the full development. In the southern regions of the country, summers are often too hot for pigs, which adversely affects the development of offspring.

    April is the optimal time for the birth of babies for all regions: it is possible to feed the sow with fresh herbs, the sun is already in abundance and there is no strong heat.

    Accounting for cases and calculation of the date of farrowing

    The best fertility of a pig is achieved after four sexual cycles with a weight of at least 120 kg, after which it can happen for the first time.

    It is desirable for a pig breeder to have a farrowing and mating calendar, especially if there are several sows in the household. The initial entry in it would be the date of the first mating. If for some reason it did not take place, you can repeat it after 22 days, when the pig again shows a hunt, which will be the second entry. Subsequently, the calendar or table will be supplemented with information about farrowing, the number, weight and development of piglets. Such data will be very useful in the subsequent breeding of pigs at home.

    If the insemination was successful, then the next line in the calendar may be farrowing, which should occur in 113-116 days. The people refer to this period quite figuratively: 3 months, 3 weeks and three more days.

    If spring farrowing is planned, then the pig should take a walk in early December so that the offspring appears by April.

    Preparing for farrowing

    In the machine, it is placed with its head towards the exit, a feeder is arranged next to the door. It should be fed 2 times a day, providing constant access to drinking water.


    To receive newborns, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the pigsty, the slightest possibility of drafts should be eliminated. For piglets, it is necessary to arrange a separate pen that communicates with the machine, where their mother will be located.

    In the machine itself, on the sides and back at a height of 20 cm, strong bars are attached 20 cm from the walls so that the sow does not crush the babies. To the mother's nipples, piglets pass under this fence. When the piglets grow up, it needs to be disassembled. The area of ​​the pen for the sow must be at least 2 square meters. m.

    waiting for farrowing

    By the time the offspring appears, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of the sow.

    Immediately before farrowing, she behaves restlessly, she has swelling of the genitals, nipples, udders.

    At this time, constant duty in the pigsty is necessary, especially at night.

    Need to cook:

    • clean warm water;
    • a large piece of soft cloth;
    • robe;
    • scissors;
    • box for the reception of newborns.


    As soon as there are signs of the start of farrowing, you should quickly change the bedding on the floor, covering it with fresh sawdust or finely chopped straw. Rinse with warm water and wipe the back of the pig dry.

    There should be no strangers that the animal may be afraid of in the pigsty.

    First aid

    Farrowing usually lasts no more than three hours.

    First steps:

    • a newly born baby needs to remove mucus from the nose and mouth with a soft cloth;
    • at a distance of 5-6 cm from the belly of the piglet, tear off the umbilical cord;
    • firmly pinch the place of separation with your fingers;
    • tear off the remaining part of the umbilical cord near the baby's abdomen;
    • lubricate the place of separation with iodine;
    • these actions are repeated with each newborn piglet.

    Sometimes scissors are used to cut the umbilical cord, bleeding is possible. In this case, the umbilical cord should be tied with a previously prepared disinfected harsh thread.

    Revive the baby

    It happens that a born piglet looks dead, does not show any signs of life.

    In this case, you must sequentially perform the following steps:

    • wipe the nose and mouth from mucus;
    • lightly spank the piglet on the thighs and sides;
    • bend-unbend along the body and perpendicular to it the front legs;
    • take the newborn by the head and front legs;
    • lower into water heated to 40-41 degrees, making sure that water does not get into the mouth and nose;
    • with the advent of breathing and squeaking, wipe dry;
    • place in prepared box.

    First feeding

    Piglets are taken into a specially prepared box, insulated and covered with a cloth.

    Experienced pig breeders advise not to put the piglet away, but immediately, without even waiting for the rest of the newborns to appear, let him suck on mother's milk. Only then can it be deposited, but not in a box, but in a permanent, pre-arranged corral. This is how it is with every child.

    Pigs are allowed to the mother's nipples by the entire litter no later than an hour from the start of farrowing, even if not all babies have yet been born. This is done to calm the sow and speed up labor.

    Placenta cleaning

    If the sow has passed the placenta, then this indicates the completion of childbirth. It is necessary to immediately remove the remnants of the umbilical cord and the placenta from the machine.

    If this is not done in time, it is possible to allow the sow to eat the placenta, which can then eat its own cubs. This manifestation of cannibalism is more characteristic of pigs, whose diet previously included meat and fish leftovers.

    Actions in the first hours after farrowing

    Having fed and isolated from the mother the younger generation, it is necessary to take care of the woman in labor. First, the dirt on the sow itself should be washed, then the bedding in the pen should be replaced with a dry and clean one.

    Be sure to give the animal plenty of warm water to drink in the first hours, then feed it with a liquid mixture of oats, barley and bran.

    double birth

    Oddly enough, but after a few weeks the pig can farrow again. For example, she brings 9 piglets, and after 14 days the process repeats, and she gives birth to the same number.

    • the pen should be kept clean and the bedding changed frequently;
    • it is necessary to clean and even wash the sow daily;
    • it is desirable to carry out regular udder massage in the first two weeks;
    • starting from the fifth day after farrowing, every day take the sow with the babies for a walk for 20-30 minutes;
    • you can not beat and even shout at the sow, care for her should be kind and affectionate.

    Suckling pigs: nutrition at the beginning of life

    Maternal colostrum in the first days of life of piglets contributes to the creation of their immunity to many diseases.

    On the second day, warm water should already be poured into their pelvis, changing it as often as possible. Suckling piglets should be taught to feed from the fifth day of life.

    Table. Feeding suckling pigs in the first month of life:

    In addition to top dressing, at the age of two days, piglets are intramuscularly injected with glandular preparations, for example, Ferroglucin, Urozoferan or Ferrodex.

    Preparations are necessary for the prevention of anemia in babies, since with mother's milk they receive only a tenth of the iron they need.


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