The whole truth about cockfighting. Why roosters fight How to make roosters not fight

Chicken owners may encounter aggressive behavior from the leader of the flock, the rooster, which may peck and lunge at chickens and people. Today we will talk about what can provoke the aggression of a bird, and about the various methods of pacifying a bully.

Causes of increased rooster anger

Aggressive behavior in roosters, accompanied by fights, begins at the age of 9 weeks. The reasons for increased anger can be various, the main ones are:

  • character from nature;
  • reclaiming a place at the feeder, drinker or a special place in the chicken coop;
  • exposure to external factors of detention: cramped room, annoying sounds, very bright or dim light;
  • protection of the territory and flocks from danger;
  • a small number of chickens;
  • several roosters in a flock.
The situation when a rooster attacks chickens is unnatural. Bird owners, when observing chickens escaping a rooster and attacking them with a desire to peck, must react immediately, otherwise the situation may end badly and lead to death.

Did you know? Roosters and chickens have the ability to sleep with one side of their brain awake.

Besides, attacks from the rooster can lead to a decrease in its weight and distraction from the main function - covering the hens. And laying hens, watching fights or becoming the object of them, can experience stress and anxiety, which negatively affects their ability to lay eggs. Bullies can also attack people, inflicting various injuries on them, an attack on a child who cannot defend himself is especially dangerous.
First of all, it is worth understanding the reasons for the aggressive behavior of the rooster, a possible cause may be a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the diet of the bird. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a complex of vitamins and food supplements so that the diet of the feathered aggressor is balanced.

Methods for subduing a bully

If the chicken coop has favorable conditions, and the rooster still shows aggression, it is worth using radical methods to pacify it. Below are the main methods of dealing with a bully. If one of the methods does not fit in practice, it is worth trying another until a positive result is achieved.

friendly method

This method is humane, but not every rooster can be pacified. It lies in the fact that you need to establish friendly relations with the rooster, showing that he can feel safe.

To do this, for a certain period of time, the bully can be put in a separate room, fed with delicious food, and communicate with him in a calm tone. After a while, the bird will relax, stop acting wary and stop pecking.
After the bird is relocated back to its relatives, care and friendship should not be stopped, otherwise aggressive behavior may resume.

Important! Having chosen a friendly method of pacification, in no case should physical violence be used against a rooster, otherwise it will lose confidence in a person and begin to misbehave again.

This method allows, rather, not to solve, but to isolate itself from the problem. For a rooster, you need to arrange a limited space for walking, which he cannot leave. However, in this case, contact of the bully with a person during feeding and care, when the bird will attack, is not excluded.

At this point, as a defense, you should take a wooden box with several holes and wait for the moment when the rooster goes on the attack. When he comes close, he must be abruptly covered with a box, thus creating an impromptu dungeon.

The box should not be light, as an aggressive male will make every effort to break free. While the bully is imprisoned in an uncomfortable position, he will have the opportunity to reflect on his behavior.

It is worth removing the box, taking care of the retreat, then abruptly remove the box and take cover in a safe place.

Education by hunger

Hunger strike should be practiced immediately after the attack, so that the bird clearly formed the connection between the aggression and punishment.

After pecking, the rooster is placed in an empty aviary or barn and they do not give him food for 1-2 days, you should not come to him and show pity.

Important! When using starvation education, be sure to ensure that there is enough water for the duration of the educational measures, otherwise the bird will become dehydrated, which is fraught with serious problems in the future.

This method is effective, and often it is enough to pacify the bird on a hunger strike once, however, if the male is very stubborn, the procedure should be repeated until a positive result is achieved.

water education

Water procedures cause a negative impression in chickens and roosters; of their own free will, they bathe very rarely. Pouring water causes stress and severe fright in birds.
There are several ways to use water upbringing:

  1. Hose application. When approaching an area where an aggressive rooster is operating, take the included hose with you. In an act of aggression, you should direct a jet of water at the bully. The aggressor will try to hide from the water, but it needs to be watered for some more time. After that, the rooster should subside and react to the hose in the hands of the owner with caution.
  2. Dipping in a bucket. This method was used by the peasants of the old school. The brawler should be quickly grabbed with one hand by the legs, with the other by the neck. The head of the rooster to the base of the neck should be dipped in water 2-3 times for a few seconds, then abruptly thrown to the side. Dexterity and caution should be exercised in this method, as an aggressive bird during close contact can cause harm.
  3. Pouring from a bucket. To do this, you need to collect a full bucket of cold water and pour over the bird at the time of aggressive behavior. The douche must be repeated several times, as the bully after the first douche may repeat his attack.
  4. Dipping into a barrel. In this case, the bird is grabbed by the scruff and neck and completely immersed several times in a barrel filled with cold water. The bird, not feeling the support under its feet, feels helplessness and despair, after such a procedure, the rooster will noticeably subside. Many farmers recognize the effectiveness of this method after the first application.

Important! Water education should be used only in the warm season, in the cold it is fraught with diseases of the bird.

Using "glasses" for roosters

Initially, such glasses were used for aggressive pheasants, but chicken coop owners also began to use them for angry roosters. It's a small plastic beak clip with two plastic plates that partially cover the eyes.
In such glasses, the birds lose the ability to look straight, so it will be problematic for them to attack. The use of this accessory will not prevent the bird from seeing food and water, and even if it sees the victim of an attack from the side, rushing, the rooster will not be able to detect it and will calm down.

Method of intimidation

This method is based on the instincts inherent in birds and the entire animal world. At the entrance to the chicken coop, you should immediately attack the rooster, starting to chase him. The angry rooster will consider the first attacker to be a strong opponent, the instinct of self-preservation will work for him, and instead of attacks, he will start to run away.

Having intimidated the bird in this way, you can see a change in its behavior for the better, but we must not forget about maintaining the role of the leader, making it clear to the rooster who is in charge in the yard.

Method of physical education

When a rooster tries to peck or scratch, you can apply physical education measures to him and hit him with a fly swatter, rubber hose, stick, arms or legs. Animal advocates oppose this method, but it is quite effective in subduing the raging aggressor.

This method must be applied immediately after the attack of the bird, so that a reflex is formed in it. Choosing this method, you should be careful not to injure the bird.

Exclusion of annoying factors

Sometimes birds show aggression not because of their bad temper, but only in response to a specific irritating factor. A negative reaction can be caused by bright or fluttering clothes, sudden movements. A rooster may not show aggression towards all people, but only towards a specific person who once offended a bird.

Did you know? The number of domestic chickens and roosters is three times the number of people on the entire planet.

It is necessary to follow the behavior of the bird in various situations, so you can understand what the rooster reacts so sharply to and eliminate the cause of his negative behavior.

Extreme measures

If none of the methods of pacification has brought the desired effect, and the rooster continues to terrorize people and chickens, it remains only to use the extreme way to rid the chicken coop of a bully - to chop the rooster.
If the presence of a rooster causes inconvenience, and it is a pity to kill him, you can sell him to the organizers of cockfights. In this case, it will be possible to save his life, allowing the bird to splash out its aggression in suitable conditions for this.

An aggressive rooster causes a lot of trouble for poultry farmers, as it can cause injury to both relatives and people, as well as stress the hens with its behavior. Knowing about all the methods of pacification and choosing the right one for yourself, you can calm the fighter and achieve peace in the pack.

We are glad to welcome you again, dear readers! Are you aggressive? He offends chickens and rushes at people? What to do and how to pacify - 10 ways in this material. Today's material will be devoted to a very important topic for poultry farmers - the pacification of overly aggressive roosters, which pose a potential and real danger to the owners and people close to them.

When a feathered terrorist is planted in the courtyard, not only chickens suffer. An adult has enough strength and reaction speed to protect himself from a fighter or minimize the damage caused, then children can be seriously affected by an attack.

Therefore, you should act as soon as possible so that an aggressive rooster cannot harm anyone.

There are different ways to subdue a fighter, so you can choose any. Which will fit the most and will be effective. So, let's look at ways to tame.

"Diplomatic" method

This method will not help to tame every rooster, but in some cases it still works. This method consists in appeasing the aggressor and trying to make his attitude towards people a little softer. Most often, those roosters that were bought already grown up, later than 3 weeks, fight, and by this moment a hierarchy is already beginning to form - strong individuals, future leaders attack weak and younger males.

The weak become aggressive because of this attitude, and they direct their anger at everyone around them. Therefore, getting into a new team under the influence of fear, the rooster becomes aggressive and therefore attacks its owner and everyone he considers dangerous to himself.

You can solve such a problem in a simple way - to show the rooster that he can feel safe next to a person. You can settle him for a while in a separate room, feed him with all sorts of delicacies, talk in a calm voice with Petka, create a calm environment.

Soon, an aggressive rooster fighter will stop being wary of a person, relax and give up his bad habits. Simply put, it will have to be a badass. However, after such a course of “rehabilitation”, it is very carefully necessary to return the bird to its relatives, continuing care and friendly manifestations so that aggression does not resume.


This method does not solve the problem of rooster aggression, but it can maximally protect people living next to the fighter. If it is not possible to agree with the leader, you can try to organize a closed space for walking, the limits of which the aggressor cannot leave.

But, again, a closed enclosure will not solve the problem, but only allow you to isolate yourself from it. All the same, the owner will need to contact the feathered terrorist in the process of care and feeding, and this does not guarantee that he will not attack.

hunger strike

A very effective and popular way to wean a rooster from pecking people is to put him on a starvation diet and isolate immediately after an attack. Catch the impudent one, close it in a separate cage and do not visit for 2 days. If it is very hot outside, leave the bird clean water so that the body does not suffer from dehydration. The cockerel will have time to think about his behavior.

But, in fact, the secret of this method is not in the awareness of the crime and repentance. When, after 2 days, a person with food enters the enclosure to the former fighter, he will be very glad of such a meeting and completely reconsider his attitude towards people.

Contrary to popular belief, roosters have a mind that allows them to remember such episodes. After such an impromptu "rescue" of the bird from starvation, the rooster will treat the former objects of aggression as its saviors and will even become attached to the person who fed him.

Roosters are not vindictive, and not so smart as to guess the rigged situation. In the efficiency rating, this method is considered the best.

water education

It should be noted right away that this method can only be used for healthy and strong roosters, and then, preferably in the warm season - if it is cold outside, then such education can turn into a serious illness. So, let's go directly to the description of the method.

The fact is that chickens and roosters hate all kinds of water procedures. This is the rarest exception when chickens bathe of their own free will, with pleasure and enjoyment. Basically, water procedures for birds are very stressful - they can be very scared.

Since ancient times, people have used this feature to pacify fighters. The most ancient, time-tested, but requiring special skill, method is to dip the bird in a basin of cold water, along with its head.

How to implement it? It is necessary to catch the feathered insolent, as they say, at the crime scene, that is, immediately after he pounced on a person, and dip him into a container of cold water.

You can simply pour cold water on the insolent person from a bucket or hose - this does not matter. It is important to repeat the educational procedure in a clear sequence - only immediately after the attack, so that over time he develops a reflex. As a rule, after 5-7 water procedures, an aggressive rooster is corrected.

Glasses for roosters

The inventors originally came up with this bird accessory for pheasants, who are more aggressive than roosters and often fight to win. But, poultry farmers appreciated the idea and began to use this invention for pugnacious cockerels.

What are glasses? A small plastic bracket with two plates. The bracket is attached to the beak, and the oval-shaped plates partially cover the eyes. Such glasses allow you to pacify any aggressor - in them, the bettas feel confused and disoriented, so they do not care about people.

Such glasses are used not only for males, but also for laying hens, in case of development in the herd. The cost of such an accessory is quite low, but the effectiveness is much higher than the price. Another advantage is that the glasses are absolutely safe and do not harm the birds.

Beak debeaking

In other words, beak trimming. The problem is that usually this procedure is done to very tiny chicks - everything heals quickly for them, they practically do not feel pain and recover in a matter of days. It is much more difficult for an adult rooster to trim the beak.

  • First, it is difficult to implement in practice.
  • Secondly, the bird will break out and feel pain.
  • Thirdly, the risk of infection is high, which is very dangerous and can even lead to the death of the bird.

Therefore, beak trimming is resorted to in the most extreme cases, when there is no way without a rooster, and even worse with it. There are several different ways to remove the beak, but the most common is with a hot blade.

It is better for an inexperienced poultry farmer not to engage in debeaking on their own, but to involve a specialist for this. You can cut the beak with a laser, it is almost painless and safe, but the cost of the procedure is quite high.

In any case, beak trimming is not the most effective method to subdue a fighter. Yes, an aggressive rooster will no longer be able to peck at you - after all, there is nothing left, but this will not prevent him from attacking with the help of curtains, throwing himself and scratching. If the rooster is in pain and under a lot of stress, this can make him even more aggressive.


This method is based on the instincts and rules by which the feathered world lives, and the entire animal world as a whole. The one who attacks first is perceived by the rooster as the strongest opponent, given the size of a person and fortitude, the rooster will turn on the instinct of self-preservation, and instead of attacking, he will begin to attempt to escape.

Having intimidated your ward in this way a couple of times, you will re-educate him. But, do not forget that you will have to maintain the "image" of the leader, and periodically remind the unlucky cockerel who is in charge in the courtyard.

Bang the bully

You need to apply this advice very carefully so that instead of a positive effect, you do not get losses. The method of physical punishment is not welcomed by animal advocates, however, it is one of the most accessible ways of conveying information to a raging leader.

For educational purposes, you need to beat the rooster gently, but so that he feels pain. This should be done immediately after the attack in order to form a reflex.

Pacification by physical punishment requires courage and skill, because you need to strike a raging cockerel so as not to harm, and at the same time, stop his attack.

Eliminate annoying factors

Sometimes roosters only behave aggressively on certain occasions or with certain people. Perhaps the cause of aggression in this case is not the bad character of the rooster, but the irritants to which he reacts in this way. Perhaps it is bright, catchy clothing. Or vice versa, any sudden movements.

Sometimes roosters only behave aggressively with certain people, such as children, who once offended them. It is important to pay attention to the behavioral characteristics of fighters and try to trace the situations in which attacks of aggression are repeated.

In this case, you will be able to understand what your aggressive rooster fighter reacts to so sharply, and eliminate the cause of aggression.

Extreme measures

Of course, sometimes no methods work, in which case the owners have no other choice. The last resort is to send a pugnacious rooster into the soup and forget his terror like a nightmare. Unfortunately, in the world of birds, not everyone is amenable to training and training, and if it comes to human safety and the life of a feathered aggressor, then the first should be chosen.

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An angry rooster appears infrequently in the herd, and for the most part, roosters do not cause problems for people. But sometimes it happens that a fighting chicken grows up, "seizes" power, and begins to zealously protect its wards even from people. Or you bought an adult rooster, and he turned out to be pugnacious. What can be done here? How to teach him to behave decently?

There are many tips on the internet for dealing with aggressive roosters. Sometimes strange or even cruel. You don't need to repeat them. For each bird, you can try to choose your own methods of taming. You just need to have common sense and be patient. And then everything will work out.

While the chickens are small, it's time to lay the foundations of mutual respect for them and show them who is the real boss in the house.

Often take cockerels in your hands, hold them in your hands, stroke them, play with them, feed them from your hands.

From the 16th to the 20th week, the chicks finally mature. They begin to produce hormones, the struggle for power over the herd begins. Idyllic relationships are destroyed. But, nevertheless, the memory of your power and friendship is not completely erased, and in the future it will be easier to calm and control such a pugnacious rooster.

If you have already bought an adult angry rooster, then the taming will last longer and more difficult - you will first have to "earn" authority.

Why is the rooster fighting

In nature, roosters are required to protect their hens from various predators and other roosters. Depending on the strength of the cock, there are as many females with him as he can feed, protect and fertilize.

Aggressive behavior intensifies in the spring, when the most active mating period comes. Therefore, you can expect a fighter to attack you in any way: quietly, from the back, or openly try to peck, injure with spurs. Children should be especially careful not to let them out into the yard unaccompanied by an adult.

How to counteract a rooster

When you go out into the yard and get into the field of view of the owner of the poultry house, try to make smooth and slow movements. Fast or fussy movements very quickly strain the rooster and make him attack such a danger.

Remember the following key points:

  1. You are the boss! But you do not claim his wards and territory. At the same time, do not tolerate his superiority over you.
  2. Be ready! Always like a pioneer. So that the fighter does not take you by surprise.
  3. Respect him - he has such a job.
  4. When moving around the yard, take a deterrent with you - a stick or a broom. There are no fools to attack against a stick. Morale at the sight of you will immediately subside.
  5. Try to get other adults to follow your example in the style of communicating with a rooster in the same way.

Methods of influencing the aggressor

The first thing you need is determination! Try not to be afraid! Fear is a weakness in the animal kingdom. And it will be fully used against you. Therefore, even if you are scared - do not run away, but try not to move.

Some advise walking towards the rooster until it gives way to you. But this is fraught with the fact that he will misperceive your signal and rush to the attack. Better take a big step towards him and stop. Look straight at him. If he steps back, lowers his head, begins to fidget - that's it, you won, you can continue to go about your business.

Another option to show your power is to firmly take the rooster in your arms and carry it around the yard for 10-15 minutes. You can find advice on the Internet to wear a rooster upside down. But we do not recommend doing so. Due to the characteristics of the bird's body, he can suffocate from this, especially if he has just eaten.

And most importantly, don't hurt him. Yes, you may be able to control his behavior with fear. But that won't make him respect you.

Stay calm and assertive while interacting with a rooster. Wear protective clothing for "training" - a tight shirt with long sleeves, jeans, boots.


A significant part of the success of subduing the aggressor and bully will not directly depend on your actions. Genetics will play a major role in behavior. There are breeds in which angry roosters are more common than in others. When buying chicks or a mature rooster, inquire about aggressive tendencies in their home flock.

If you are unable to subdue the aggressor, do not be discouraged. After all, a rooster is not a tame, affectionate pet like a cat. His natural behavior is to protect his flock.

Brawler Rooster

Alla Germanovna Kuzmina

The rooster never touched his. A stranger who dared to pass on our side was let by the rooster, pretending to be pecking at a worm, and then, spreading his wings, rushed in pursuit with noise, clutched his pants or skirt with his claws and pecked painfully. We hung a sign on the fence "Caution, angry rooster", it didn't help much. They poured water over the rooster, clipped its wings - nothing worked, and, in the end, they had to part with it.
History repeated itself the next spring.

Copyright: Alla Germanovna Kuzmina, 2016
Publication Certificate No. 116122005506

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My younger sister and I were sent to the village to stay with my grandmother for the summer. There was a similar rooster, not white, but all sorts of bright shades of red-brown, yellow, blue-black. Walked so proudly.

that we called him the Polish officer. My sister was about 5 years old. She was drawing something in the sand, and holding in her hand, now a funny delicacy - a slice of white bread with butter sprinkled with sugar.
So this rooster came up, took it and carried it away. Moreover, he did not run, but left with dignity.

Nikolay Kozakevich 20.12.2016 19:42 • Alleged violation

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Well done, he brought a treat to the chickens. We also had such a rooster. I will write more about him.

Alla Germanovna Kuzmina 20.12.2016 21:07 Alleged violation

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Written for this work 3 reviews, the last one is displayed here, the rest are in full list.

Write a review Write a private message Other works of the author Alla Germanovna Kuzmina

It so happened that in the winter we had only two hens and four young roosters. Then I sold two roosters, leaving only red and white until spring. In the spring, I thought, I will choose the one who will be more beautiful. The roosters fought all the time, the red one got more - a descendant of the New Hampshires, whose comb and earrings were larger.

In order to somehow defuse the situation, I put the white man in a rabbit cage several times for two or three days. After his "liberation" in the chicken family, everything was calm for a couple of days, and then fights between roosters resumed. This could go on for a long time, until one day I thought that it was not a good idea to sit in isolation for a white rooster all the time, and decided, for the sake of justice, to put a red rooster in a cage. The red rooster spent three days in a cage, came out and ... the war was over.

The roosters dismantled each chicken for themselves and healed quietly. Even at night, everyone sat on the perch together: a rooster - a hen, a rooster - a hen. So they lived until May, and then I still changed the white to the chicken.

geese came to me by chance - in May I bought two eggs from fishermen, which they found in the nest of wild geese on the shore. She put the eggs in the incubator, at the appointed time the goslings hatched. I settled them in a separate carrier cage made of plywood and mesh shelves from the refrigerator. When the goslings grew up a little, I began to let them out for a walk around the yard, but they became so attached to me that they went everywhere like their own mother. They didn’t let them leave the yard without them at all - they either ran after them, or raised a terrible cry. If you had to leave on business, then you had to lock the goslings in a cage or distract them with something. Once I decided to take young duckweed goslings to the river to eat. Before that, they only saw a trough in the yard. When they came to the "big water", the happiness of the goslings knew no bounds - they began to swim, splash. Well, I think, I’ll go on business, I won’t interfere, let them rejoice at themselves, buy themselves - they will find their own way home. But when the goslings realized that they were left alone, a real panic began in them - they began to scream in alarm, jumped out of the water and rushed off as if someone was chasing them. No matter how I persuaded them later, no more goslings in the river with a foot. They will come, sit with me on the shore and back to the yard, to their own trough. Here is such a "waterfowl" bird I grew up.

T. Kargashina Perm Territory

Every poultry farmer knows what role a rooster plays in the household - it protects a whole harem of chickens from the dangers that await outside the chicken coop door. Sometimes he perceives his owner-farmer as a danger. Aggressive roosters attack people, painfully tearing the skin with sharp beaks and spurs. An adult will be able to protect himself and recover from injuries. But a small child who is not aware of the danger can be seriously injured and even lose his eyes. Let's talk in detail about how to wean a rooster to peck in order to prevent this.

Problems with rooster aggressiveness often accompany those farmers who purchased the bird as a teenager or adult. The birds in this period have already formed a character that develops in conjunction with the conditions in which it grew up. For example, a rooster may develop a tough temper if he was offended by stronger males from his litter.

For an adult rooster, you are a stranger, a priori malicious. Feathers with a calm character will accept the owner after some time, but their embittered comrades will attack.

In this case, the nature of the rooster is difficult to fix. It is best to acquire chickens at a young age, when they do not yet understand the main purpose of the male in the chicken kingdom.

At what age to buy chickens

Do not buy chicks before or after they are 10 days old. Daily babies are sold at competitive prices, but they are not adapted to survive on their own. You will have to grow them in an incubator, but it is likely that many birds will die during the move.

After the second week of life, the chickens will begin to acquire various character traits. It is at this time that aggressiveness is laid in them. You should not buy grown males if it is possible to take a young chick.

Method number 2 - try to negotiate

The most humane of the existing methods of weaning a rooster to peck, however, is no less effective. You can make friends with the protector of chickens simply by paying special attention to him. Put the rebel in a separate pen and systematically feed him with special food. Be confident. The rooster, although related to birds, feels human emotions like animals. The fear of the owner for him is a signal for an immediate attack. The following conditions will be the key to successfully built communication with a transplanted rooster:

  • calm tone of the owner;
  • lack of sudden movements;
  • regular feeding with treats.

When you talk to a bird, you teach it to your voice. An important condition of the humane method is not to accompany communication with physical violence. Those who have embarked on a peaceful path of establishing contact with a rooster should not beat the bird with their hands, feet or improvised objects.

How to behave when returning a rooster to a common aviary

Did you feel a change in the bully's mood? Return back to the common enclosure. Continue communication with "Petya" according to the established tactics: be calm and confident in your abilities. Do not avoid the feathered ward, boldly look into his eyes. Reduce the frequency of top dressing, but do not remove completely.

Some roosters, having imbued with the owner, upon returning to hens and other roosters, again begin to show aggression towards humans. This is due to the animal fear of the male to disgrace himself in front of the chickens, letting the offender in. Stop visiting chickens in the presence of a rooster. If you want to collect eggs, take them out for a walk around the yard with the chickens and lock them up if you want to inspect or pick up one of the layers.

Method number 3 - exclusively aviary walking

One way to solve the problem discussed in the article is to isolate yourself from it, in the literal sense of the word. Equip a spacious walking aviary for your birds and do not let them go beyond the fences. Harvest the grass yourself, which the chickens are used to pecking on the street and load it over the fence.

Prices for a chain-link mesh for fencing an aviary


Method number 4 - education by hunger

A popular method among experienced poultry farmers is to keep the rooster hungry for several days. In birds and animals, a causal relationship is poorly developed. They are not able to analyze the actions of the owner, looking for the cause of the actions. The only way to let the rooster understand why he is punished is to put him alone in an aviary or barn immediately after pecking and not give food for 1-2 days. Do not visit the feathered bully and do not feel sorry for him.

If a rooster finds fault not with all the owners, but only with one person, then after this time it is he who should offer food to the bird. For the first time, the rooster will look at him not as a victim, but as a savior.

Be sure to leave clean water in the aviary, otherwise the rooster will get dehydrated and become seriously ill.

This effective method, as a rule, starts working the first time. If the rooster turned out to be stubborn, you should repeat the procedure as many times as necessary to achieve the result. Just don't overdo it! The result of zealous educational activities can be a starved rooster.

Method number 5 - water procedures

Unlike other birds, roosters and hens do not like to swim in the water. It is unpleasant for them to walk with wet plumage, collecting dirt and dust around the corral and chicken coop. That is why, using ice water as a weapon and protection at the same time, you will cool down the ardor of a feathered fighter.

There are several methods of punishing a rooster with water.

Hose method

The method is especially relevant for those who use an individual well to obtain water. Water in underground springs is cold. When approaching an area where you would normally encounter a rooster, take the included hose with you.

By the appearance of a feathered male, it is always clear whether he is going to attack. Ready to attack, the rooster fluffs up its plumage on the scruff of the neck, spreads its wings and attacks with a sharp attack. When you see a rampaging male flying towards you like an arrow, turn on the powerful jet of the hose and point it straight at him. The bird will try to hide in the back of the yard or chicken coop, but do not let it descend, continue to pour water for some more time.

Repeat effective water procedures with a rooster for as long as necessary. The indicator of effectiveness will be the cautious attitude of the bird, the fearful reaction to the hose in the hands of the owners and the inconspicuous movements around the yard.

Bucket dip method

Very popular among grandparents - peasants of the old school. In a bucket, a rooster can be dipped or doused with water from head to toe. Choose the first method if you are confident in the dexterity of your hands. Before you dip the rooster head into the bucket, you will have to repel its attack, dodging the beak and spurs on your feet in time.

A bucket of ice water is an effective educational tool

Quickly grab the fighter by the neck near the head with one hand, by the paws with the other. Dip the bird's head into the bucket up to the base of the neck and hold for a few seconds. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times in a row, with short breaks, then sharply throw the rooster as far as possible to the side.

A bird that has experienced serious stress in the form of short-term oxygen starvation will remember the punishment for a long time and will bypass you.

Bucket pour method

Dousing with cold water from a bucket is also very effective in dealing with aggressive roosters. Take a full bucket of cold water and pour it over the attacking male. The procedure must be repeated several times, because, having come to his senses from the first forced bathing, the embittered bird will repeat the attack attempt.

This method is good for its surprise, however, it requires serious dexterity and strength. Not every woman can lift a full bucket of ice water while dodging a sharp beak and spurs, and even pour a feathered one over.

The solution to the problem will be to reduce the volume of the bucket used for dousing. Make sure that a small amount of water is compensated by its quality, namely, the lowest possible temperature.

barrel dipping method

Perhaps the most effective method using water. It consists in the complete immersion of the rooster in a barrel filled to the brim. An aggressive rooster is grabbed by the scruff and neck so that it cannot peck, and it is completely dipped into the barrel several times, holding it in the water column for a split second.

This method is good because the rooster does not feel any support under its feet. Getting into an alien environment, the bird experiences impotence and despair and understands that it is in your power.

Many farmers give the barrel-dipping method the best reviews. It is enough to use it once, and the most aggressive rooster will begin to bypass you.

Method number 6 - forced isolation

Roosters attacking the owners in the chicken coop cannot be doused with water, otherwise you will have to clean and dry the floor of the room, lay a new bedding. An ordinary box with several holes can serve as an effective protection against birds. It is best to take a wooden one. At the entrance to the chicken coop, stop and wait for the rooster to fluff up and rush to offend you. Already at the very feet, abruptly stop it by covering it with a box. Such an impromptu prison will reliably protect against pecking and scratching, and the rooster will think carefully about the behavior, sitting in an uncomfortable position without the ability to get out.

When choosing a box, give preference to one made of heavy material, otherwise you will have to collect eggs and keep the rooster under the lid at the same time. Do not think that the bird will not make an attempt to escape. Angered by the presence of a man, the male will do everything to gain freedom.

When all things are finished, go to the exit. Raising the box sharply, go out the door. While the rooster comes to his senses, you will be on the street.

Method number 7 - pheasant glasses

This unusual device was originally intended for pheasants, who constantly peck at each other in tight pens. It is also suitable for aggressive roosters. Pheasant glasses look like human reading glasses with a rounded beak in the middle, but there is a difference: opaque glasses. To be more precise, there are no glasses in them, they are completely molded from plastic.

Having put on such glasses, roosters lose the ability to see directly, as a result, they cannot rush and peck a person. They need to be attached to the bird's beak with a plastic hairpin that is threaded through the nostril. In some models of glasses, two small hairpins are built into the tubercle of the glasses, which are securely attached to the nostril.

Warning your concern about whether the feathered one will be able to find food, we hasten to reassure: of course, the bird sees everything from the side, knows where the food and water are. With peripheral vision, he will also notice a person, but rushing towards him, he will not see the victim and will calm down.

Video - Glasses for chickens, pheasants, partridges

Method number 8 - trimming the beak

Not the most humane, however, effective way. True, the feathered one will not save from sharp spurs. Some experienced poultry farmers trim the beaks of their birds themselves. Independent experiments are best done when the chickens are still very young and do not experience pain from cutting off a piece of beak. For adults, this procedure is recommended only in emergency cases or with the help of a veterinarian.

With the help of what means the beak is trimmed, we will consider further.

Beak trimming with hot blades

With red-hot metal blades, the rooster's beak is trimmed in adulthood. This method is beneficial in that hot blades easily cut the beak and immediately cauterize the cut.

Do not undertake the operation yourself, without proper experience, as you can inflict injuries on the bird that are incompatible with life.

Laser beak trimming

The preferred method for trimming a rooster's beak. The laser works more accurately than blades, burning the beak gently, almost bloodlessly and painlessly. Only one minus is added to the list of its advantages - the high price.

Beak trimming with infrared light

Works only on tender beaks of chickens sitting in an incubator. Treatment of the tip of the beak with infrared radiation leads to an early falling away. The main advantage of the method is that the birds do not feel any pain and the operation takes place without consequences for the bird's health.

Prices for egg incubators

egg incubators

Erasing the beak with special food

Do not dare to experiment on feathered wards to the detriment of your health? Don't worry, there is a humane way. It consists in temporarily transferring the rooster to roughage, on which the beak will gradually wear off.

Below is a table of the pros and cons of each cropping method.

Cutting with hot blades
  • The beak is easily trimmed
  • The incision site is disinfected due to the high temperature of the instrument
  • Can be done on your own with experience
  • Low cost
  • Traumatic method
  • In the absence of experience, the beak is cut off unevenly, and the bird dies
Laser cutting
  • The procedure is almost painless
  • The bird loses a minimum of blood
  • High cut precision
  • High price
  • Performed exclusively by a veterinarian
Infrared cutting
  • Completely painless way
  • No harmful health effects
  • It is carried out for young animals no older than a few days
Erasing the beak with hard food
  • humane way
  • Painless
  • No harmful health effects
  • Does not injure the psyche of the rooster
  • It will take a long period of time to erase the beak with food

Method number 9 - defense by attack

The basis of this method is the effect of surprise. The angry rooster is waiting for you to be frightened of his behavior and not be able to defend himself and attack first. Get ahead of the bird and at the entrance to the chicken coop immediately start chasing it. This will discourage the rooster, because in the animal and bird world, the one who attacks first is the strongest.

Method number 10 - physical punishment

Everything is clear here. When a rooster tries to peck or scratch the owner, you should give him back. This can be done using a variety of devices:

  • fly swatters;
  • sticks;
  • rubber hose;
  • feet or hands, etc.

The language of physical violence is understood by every being on the planet. The rooster must know that the owner is stronger and will defend himself. The more painful the blow, the clearer it becomes to the bird who is in charge in the house. However, use the method carefully so as not to cause real injuries to the feathered bird.

Method number 11 - drop the bully to the strongest brothers

If you have several roosters, and some of them are stronger than the eternal bully, plant them together in a separate aviary for a couple of days. The offending rooster will experience the delights of the position of the victim, whose role he has determined for you, and will come out of prison with silk. Do not worry about the morale of the aggressor, he got what he deserved.

Method number 12 - public humiliation

This method consists in trampling a rooster in front of the hens - a harem, in front of which he draws, attacking the owner. It is better to trample the bird with your hands so as not to accidentally crush it, but be sure to maintain the strength and intensity of pressing. Humiliated before the eyes of the ladies of his heart, the male will disgrace himself and begin to behave peacefully, because now the whole chicken coop knows who is the strongest on the farm.

Method number 13 - eliminate irritating factors

Perhaps the feathered aggressor does not dislike you, but reacts to a strong irritant. Surprise, but sometimes they are ordinary clothes of bright colors and fluttering cuts. It seems to the bird that it is your plumage, formidable and uptight. As you know, the roosters themselves puff up their plumage during the attack. They perceive your bright, flying clothes as a signal of an attack and take the only correct action - to defend themselves.

It is best to always visit the coop wearing the same neutral color clothing. Then the bird will get used to you and stop fighting.

Method number 14 - put on soup

No matter how cruel it may sound, but there are individuals who cannot be weaned. The pecking is built into their breed or the environment in which the birds were raised. In this case, there is only one way out - to kill the rooster. This is the last solution, try the others first. However, if pecking a rooster causes real physical harm to you or your children, you will have to get rid of it.

Method number 15 - identify a cockfight bully

A great way for those who have decided to get rid of the rooster, but regret hacking it for soup. Sell ​​the bird to the cockfighting man. Get rid of it profitably and save the feathered life.

Summing up

The above methods of weaning a rooster to peck have been tested by farmers all over the planet. The effectiveness of each has been proven by many years of experience in poultry farmers. We hope that by trying them, you will solve the problem with an aggressive rooster once and for all.

Cockfighting is a spectacular event that has a lot of fans around the world.

Specially trained birds of fighting breeds take part in this gambling sport.

Referees and coaches are involved in the process, and winged fighters even have real promoters. But it’s a completely different matter when domestic roosters enter the competition, the purpose of which is to trample chickens, crow in the morning and make sure that the maternal instinct works in laying hens.

Fights in the chicken coop bring a lot of trouble to the owner, because they distract the roosters from the “work” and make the chickens nervous, which negatively affects egg production.

Why roosters fight - we reveal the reasons

A real rooster, by its nature, must have a lively temperament, be able to stand up for itself and for its wards. If the male grows separately from other roosters, and the instinct of rivalry does not develop in him, then the producer will turn out to be mediocre. When young roosters compete with each other, full-fledged defenders of the chicken herd and productive males grow out of them.

What to do if roosters fight among themselves

To reduce the number of conflicts, you need to leave a minimum sufficient number of roosters in the herd. For egg-laying breeds, the optimal number of chickens per Petya is 12-15 heads; for heavy meat breeds, one producer is enough for 8-10 chickens. Do not keep more males in the flock. Constant competition leads to unrest in the coop, and frequent mating can injure females.

Over time, a strict hierarchy will be built in the poultry house: chickens and roosters will be divided into small groups and will adhere to their territory. If each part of the team in the aviary for walks has its own feeders and drinkers, then there will be much less “showdowns”.

In the autumn, when a flock of young animals is formed, it is recommended to leave the “middlings” - not the most frightened and not the most aggressive roosters.

Why you should avoid bird replanting

Adding new chickens to old ones is fraught with trouble. A strict hierarchy is built in the bird herd, and the appearance of a newcomer violates it. As a result, old-timers can peck a new recruit to death.

method of replanting new chickens to old ones. You need to put on cloth gloves and feel a few old chickens with your hands. With the same gloves they “rub” a new chicken and, closer to the onset of darkness, they put it in a chicken coop.

At night, the old-timers will not have time for disassembly, and the smell from the new neighbor will be somehow familiar. In the morning, slight disagreements are possible, but usually after a couple of days a newcomer joins the team.

There is a more sophisticated way: before the evening replanting, old and new hens are sprinkled with water with the addition of cologne.


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