Animal feed pavilion business plan. Profit and return on investment. Promotions and special offers

Pet shops are popular today, because pets can be found in almost every home. However, when opening such a store, you need to take into account the specifics of the business. Where to start and what aspects to pay special attention to? How to draw up a business plan with cost and payback calculations correctly? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

What you will learn about:

How to start a pet store from scratch

To understand how to open a pet store, it is necessary to carry out analytical work aimed at studying competitors and the market as a whole and draw up a business plan for the pet store.

Analyzing the work of competitors is best done with a personal visit as a buyer. This way you can mark points that need to be improved or replaced, as well as identify the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

In order for your business to pay off faster, you need to consider points such as:

  • the location of the outlet, the convenience of access to it and the availability of its own parking, if the pet store is a separate building;
  • staff qualification level;
  • assortment of goods and pets (if the owner does not plan to buy exotic animals, it will not be superfluous to acquire contacts of suppliers who, if necessary, can organize the sale of an exotic pet).
The main advantage of a pet store is the lack of seasonality. Pets and related products are always popular.
Among other things, the entrepreneur needs to determine whether to open a pet store on his own or on a franchise.

Along with the purchase of a franchise, the entrepreneur receives a well-known name, advertising for a pet store and support from the franchisor.

The disadvantages of a franchise are the fees for its acquisition and monthly royalty payments (payments to the company from which the franchise was acquired).

What are the formats of pet stores

1. Pet shop without selling animals

For an entrepreneur, this format of a pet store will be the simplest. These stores sell food, accessories for animals, care products, etc.

The main advantage of this format of a pet store is the possibility of placing a point of sale on an area of \u200b\u200b15-20 square meters.

If the store sells veterinary drugs, the entrepreneur must obtain a pharmaceutical license issued by the Rosselkhoznadzor.

2. A pet store selling animals

Such stores, in addition to the above products, offer to purchase the pets themselves. If there are wild animals for sale, the entrepreneur needs to obtain a license to catch them. The document is issued by the local Department of Hunting and the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Also, all animals presented in the pet store must be examined by a veterinarian, as a result of which a certificate is issued confirming the absence of diseases in pets.

The premises should be equipped with a proper ventilation system that will provide unhindered access to fresh air in the store.

3. Pet shops with a narrow focus

In this case, a narrow specialization of the store is implied. For example, the sale of birds and related products: cages, feed, books, veterinary drugs. In addition to basic goods, such a pet store may offer custom cage services.

It is worth noting that due to the high professionalism of the staff, prices in such stores are usually higher than in wide-profile pet stores.

Pet shop assortment

In order to ensure that the pet store fulfills the sales plan, an entrepreneur, when drawing up a business plan, must conduct a thorough analysis of the target audience. It will include information about which pets are a priority for potential buyers, which food and accessories are in demand in your city.

To collect the necessary information, an entrepreneur can conduct a survey among residents, use data from the Internet, collect information by visiting competitors' outlets under the guise of an ordinary buyer.

If we talk about a sales plan in the classical sense, most likely it will include:

  • pet food (from cats and dogs to hamsters and fish);
  • feeders, bowls for feeding animals;
  • books, videos for breeders;
  • biologically active additives;
  • accessories (muzzles, harnesses, collars);
  • equipment for aquariums;
  • hygiene and care products;
  • trays (toilets);
  • toilet fillers;
  • feeders, bowls, drinkers;
  • cages for keeping animals;
  • houses;
  • clothing for pets.
Additionally, veterinary drugs can be included in the sales plan. In this case, as mentioned above, the pet store must be licensed to conduct pharmaceutical activities. Sellers selling such products must have a veterinary education. The drugs must be stored properly. For example, some of them require the purchase of a refrigerator.

It is better not to leave empty shelves, the buyer should see that the pet store offers a fairly wide range of products. Of course, there is a high probability that not all of the goods will be sold, but the seller, in addition to attracting buyers, will be able to analyze which goods are in the greatest demand during the first months of the store's operation. In the future, a sales plan should be drawn up based on the obtained statistical data.

Also, the seller always has the opportunity to return products that are not in demand to the supplier, this point should be negotiated with him at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

The Business.Ru system will help you automate the work of a pet store. Carry out sales of any complexity and specifics, easily conduct an inventory, automate the financial management process and increase the efficiency of employees.

The marketing part of the pet shop business plan

To correctly build the marketing of a pet store, an entrepreneur can contact an advertising company or start promoting the store on his own.
  • groups and communities in social. networks;
  • contextual advertising;
  • pet store website, etc.

1. Brand development and outdoor advertising

The name of a pet store plays a very important role in attracting customers. A good name will be the start for the development of a further image. Designers can build on the name when coming up with a company logo or developing outdoor advertising. Through the name, the entrepreneur can convey to the audience the main idea and idea of \u200b\u200bthe pet store, increase the value of the offered goods, etc.

In order to come up with a successful and strong store name, an entrepreneur should adhere to the basic naming rules:

  1. Uniqueness... Hearing the name of your pet store, a potential buyer should pay attention to it. Ideally, the title should interest the consumer. It must stand out from the rest to stay in memory;
  2. Attractiveness... Agree, the name can also be remembered, the association to which will be the thought: "what a disgusting thing," after which the potential buyer will put a tick in his head "never go there." If the name plays on positive emotions, the buyer is likely to want to visit such a pet store;
  3. This item includes two rules at once - correct pronunciation and ease of memorization... For example, not everyone knows how to pronounce the name "Luxury Veterinary Store" correctly, and even more so not everyone will remember it the first time. Also, this fact can play not in favor of the outlet, if your customer wants to recommend a good pet store to a loved one. A person may simply be afraid to seem stupid because of the incorrect pronunciation of the name;
  4. Market and price fit... Such a marketing ploy as a mismatch between the name and content exists, for example, in the UK. There is a clothing store inside the ice cream van. However, it is better to stick to traditional naming conventions so as not to mislead the buyer;
  5. Associative row... A good option would be a name that evokes some kind of vivid image or association. Ideally, there should be at least three associations arising from the buyer;
  6. The legal side of the issue... When choosing a name, an entrepreneur must make sure that he does not have a legal owner. Moreover, it is worth checking both the phrases and their individual components. You also need to find out if there is one among the registered trademarks that you have chosen for your pet store. In order to take into account all possible legal aspects, it is better to use the services of a qualified lawyer specializing in this area.
All these points can be called rather recommendations. However, they may well facilitate the procedure for choosing the name of a pet store. The name under which it will be known to buyers, as well as the logo, should be entrusted to professionals by contacting an advertising agency.

The same can be said for the development of outdoor advertising. Signboard, showcases, etc. should be bright, memorable and eye-catching. You can use humor in outdoor advertising.

3. Promotional flyers

Flyers can be effective if you can offer the consumer really favorable terms of purchase (for example, a discount upon presentation of the flyer), or if you use them as an additional means of alerting before a store opens.

Alternatively, you can write the size of the discount on the flyer in large print and supplement this information with a funny or even funny picture of an animal, and below you can write the essence of the promotion itself, for example:



In honor of the opening of a new pet store, we are giving a discount on all types of goods upon presentation of this coupon.

4. Bonus cards

Bonus cards are an effective means of attracting and retaining customers.

In the first case, the buyer may be interested in your store because of the possibility of receiving an additional discount.

In the second case, you can stimulate the consumer to make purchases in your pet store by offering a cumulative bonus system. For example, you can start with a 5% discount and gradually increase it to 15%.

5. Promotions and special offers

Promotions and special offers will always attract the attention of buyers. The only drawback in holding such events is that some regular customers make purchases exclusively at the time of sales. However, no one canceled word of mouth, because lovers of discounts can recommend your pet store to friends.

If we talk about specific examples of promotions, you can time it for the opening of the store, as in the example above, or set a discount on the products that are in the least demand. The second option will help you quickly get rid of the goods lying on the shelves.

For example, there are 50 items left in the store. dog food, which of the entire range sells the worst. The entrepreneur sets a discount equal to the markup or leaves a minimum markup for the product and notifies buyers by posting information in groups, sending messages, etc. Buyers, in turn, will not miss the opportunity to purchase a product at a discount, even if they have most often purchased a product of a different brand before.

Personnel search can be carried out both on paid Internet resources (, Superjob) and on free classifieds sites (Avito, Yula).

If an entrepreneur chooses a paid option, the cost of registration on the resource will be from 10 thousand rubles. and higher depending on the selected industries, access period, etc.

Try a system for automating the work of a pet store from Biznes.Ru and increase the efficiency of your employees. Organize "transparent" work of your subordinates and ensure the accuracy of any task in the specified time frame.

Salary fund

The approximate payroll (payroll) of the pet store in the business plan will be calculated as follows:
Staff unit amount Salary for 1 employee Total (RUB)
Manager (salary +%) 1 45 000 45 000
Seller (salary +%) 2 30 000 60 000
Cleaning lady 1 15 000 15 000
Remote accountant 1 10 000 10 000
Final payroll 130 000

In order to stimulate employees to fulfill the sales plan, the salary should be summed up in two parts: salary +% of sales (for example, 2% for a sales assistant and 5% for a manager).

An entrepreneur can hire a cleaning lady on a part-time basis, for example, from opening a store until lunchtime.

As for an accountant, in order to save money, an entrepreneur can hire a remote employee.

The financial part of the pet store business plan

In a pet store business plan with calculations, the financial plan is divided into several parts and looks like this:

Investment costs (costs of opening and promoting a pet store)

Name Total amount, rub.
Equipment and inventory 166 000
Premises renovation costs 140 000
Purchase of goods 800 000
LLC registration 5000
Expenses for contribution to the authorized capital of the enterprise, purchase of a seal, paperwork, receipt of a seal 75 000
Online checkout registration 2 500
Advertising costs (promotion of groups, site, etc.) 160 000
Signboard, showcase decoration 70 000
Total 1 416 000

Monthly costs

Cost item Amount, rub.
Salary of employees 130 000
Payroll deductions 39 000
Purchase of goods 300 000
Rental costs 60 000
Payment of utility services 10 000
Advertising costs 15 000
Depreciation (charged on a straight-line basis over 3 years) 2000
Unplanned costs 15 000
Tax 5 000
Total expenses 576 000

Sales plan for major areas

Conditionally, let's set a goal to earn 100,000 rubles a month. profit with the following indicators:
  1. On average, revenue from revenue is 10%;
  2. The average check in a pet store is 700 rubles;
  3. Conversion (turning a visitor into a customer) is about 30%.
Required revenue:
100,000 * 100/10 \u003d 1,000,000 rubles.

Required number of sales:
1,000,000 / 700 \u003d 1,429 trades

How many visitors should we receive:
1000 * 100/35 \u003d 4083 visitors per month

The entrepreneur divides the sales plan of 1,000,000 into 30 days, in proportion to the demand. For example, Friday and Saturday sales may be higher than Monday.

The sales plan for each employee is set depending on the hours worked. If one employee is full-time and the other is part-time, sales should be calculated accordingly.

The zoo market attracts forward-thinking entrepreneurs because it is resilient to economic downturns. Market products are in demand at any time of the year, both in large and sparsely populated areas. Many people are ready to spend their last hard earned money on caring for their beloved pets.

Some entrepreneurs start selling animals and accessories right away in order to generate more profit. There are "pitfalls": pets require considerable funds for maintenance - from 3,500 rubles per month plus cages, examinations and vaccinations in a veterinary clinic. We recommend starting with the trade in feed and themed paraphernalia.

The plan will allow you to calculate the investment and analyze the risks. You need to study competitors and find flaws in their work in order to offer the audience the best conditions. In this article, we present an example of a pet store business plan - on the basis of it, you can draw up a project for your area or city.

The target audience

For an effective product presentation, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwho you are offering it to. Pet shop customers are pet lovers, people of different ages and worldviews. The target audience is approximately 60% women and 40% men.

According to the research results, the alignment is as follows: 35% of families have cats, 20% - dogs, 3% - fish and birds, 1% - turtles and hamsters. Rare species of animals account for less than 1%. Each owner is interested in creating comfortable conditions for the wards, therefore he is ready to pay. The main focus should be on the most common pets - cats and dogs.

Brief analysis of the market and competitors

There are more than 30 million domestic cats and 22 million dogs in Russia. Researchers note the trend of annual increase in demand. Accordingly, the number of sellers of feed and related products increases by about 25%.

Today there is a balance of supply and demand, so the competition is high. But the convenient location and reduced prices for goods will allow us to take a place “under the sun” on the market. It is important to expand the assortment as much as possible so that the buyer can find everything he needs from you. Discounts, promotions, small gifts, additional services (haircuts, manicures for pets) will help to "spin up". Online shopping is gaining popularity now, so home delivery will be an advantage.

The Russian Federation ranks first in Europe and fifth in the world in terms of the number of pets in families. The annual expenses for them amount to about one billion rubles.

Services and goods

One of the planning stages is choosing the optimal format for the pet store. There are such options:

  • Large shop with 2 or more departments, a wide range of animals and accessories. Large pet stores employ more than 10 sellers and consultants. The optimal format for million-plus cities.
  • Supermarket. A few consultants and cashiers are enough.
  • Medium-sized store. Several types of animals, accessories, food, medicines, furniture and clothing for animals are sold here. We need two or three sellers. The area is at least 70 m². There is a catalog of rare products that can be delivered to order.
  • A small store for the sale of feed and care products. The area is about 10 m². It is obligatory to open it on the territory with high traffic.
  • Zoo department in the supermarket.
  • Special shop. A promising format for the zoo market, since in many regions there is a lack of a narrow range of products. An example is an aquarium or fish store.
  • Online store.
  • Zoocenter. Combining a veterinary clinic, a pharmacy, a shop, a pet hotel, a grooming salon.

As for the assortment, feed is in the greatest demand. Feed is divided by age categories, breeds, properties, composition and other characteristics. It is important to expand the range of animal nutrition to the limit.

The second most popular item is care products. These are shampoos, combs, dryers.

Accessories and medicines must be on sale.

When purchasing animals, it is important to check the availability of veterinary certificates. Otherwise, there will be penalties.


Suitable places for shops are shopping centers and dormitory areas of the city. That is, territories with the maximum traffic of the target audience. Of course, there should be no competitors nearby. The downtown location is prestigious, but not so important for a pet store - all the same, the majority of buyers will come from residential areas.

The optimal store area is at least 50 m². We need a place for a trade zone, utility and storage facilities. Some people buy or build a separate building. In this case, additional costs will be required for a cleaner, a security guard, landscaping, an advertising sign. You can also buy or rent an apartment on the ground floor.


It is important to form a staff of competent specialists. Employees without education and experience will not be able to give the buyer comprehensive advice and recommend the best product. A good seller of a pet store knows almost everything about animals and will tell you which food is suitable, which medicines and vitamins are suitable for the animals and will not harm them. Buyers themselves in 90% of cases do not know what they need.

In the first months, the minimum staff will be enough:

Standard job responsibilities of a sales assistant:

  • Help in choosing products and answers to consumer questions.
  • Sale of medicines (appropriate qualifications required).
  • Taking care of animals sold in the store.

The purchase of products, accounting and marketing can be done independently at first. As the company develops, an accountant, store manager, and merchandise expert will be needed. For the sale of medicines, it is worth hiring a specialist with a veterinary education. It's great if you can find experienced breeders. Pet owners trust professionals, so they will be happy to contact your establishment.


Pet trade requires special furniture - racks and trays. You will need showcases, a counter and a work table. For storage of pharmaceutical products - refrigerator.

A detailed list of the necessary furniture and equipment is presented in the table:


The cost


Total amount


Cash register equipment

Other expenses

If you want to save money at the start, buy plastic stands. They are cheaper than metal ones, their bright design will attract buyers. Purchase the rest of the equipment from hands.

To use space efficiently, purchase multi-tiered shelving that can be attached to the walls.


Traditionally, small shops are registered as individual entrepreneurs, large ones - as LLCs. An agreement with the Commerce Office will be required. You also need to get an extract from the state register, register with the pension fund and the tax office. When choosing a taxation system, indicate what you provide to the population (if you plan to engage in grooming, sewing clothes). For the sale of medicines (this includes flea collars, feed with medicinal additives), a veterinary license is required. A special license is also required to trade pets.

Individual entrepreneurs conduct activities on a single imputed income tax (UTII). This option is suitable if the area of \u200b\u200bthe retail space does not exceed 150 m². If the store is larger, choose the simplified system.

The collection of documents will require about 15,000 rubles.


If your initial budget is small, an attention-grabbing sign is enough for advertising. If the store is large and the budget allows, printing products are used (advertisements for sticking, flyers, leaflets, business cards), advertising on the Internet (announcements on forums, in social networks), advertising on radio, TV, in print media.

Organize a grand opening with balloons, discounts and gifts for visitors. Give your customers discount cards. An important factor is the comfortable atmosphere in the store. Consider zoning and themed design, keep animal cages clean, and eliminate unpleasant odors with air fresheners and ventilation. Your salespeople should be polite, but not intrusive.

Is it worth starting a business on the Internet

The online store can work both independently and as an addition to an offline point. You will need to hire couriers.

In a sparsely populated region, opening an online store is impractical. In large cities, it is an excellent solution, since residents of megalopolises, due to their busy rhythm, are increasingly buying on the Internet. As you draw up a pet store business plan, find all online competitors, note their strengths and weaknesses, and research their range to offer a wider selection of products.

Financial plan: profitability and payback

1,358,000 is the approximate amount for opening an average store. Larger formats will require 3 million or more.

The average mark-up for popular product groups is 30%. For some positions, the markup sometimes reaches 150%. The average check in the country is 800 rubles.

With a well-thought-out business organization, you will soon reach a daily income of 20,000 rubles. If there are 25 buyers a day (with a check of 800 rubles), the profit per year will be 6 million.

Business profitability 20-30%, payback period is about 1 year.

Risk factors

The main risk lies in the sale of live goods and medicines. Both types of activities require appropriate licenses. If you provide these services without licenses, the point will be closed. Rosselkhoznadzor does not always issue a permit - study the requirements and common reasons for refusals.

When concluding contracts with suppliers, involve a lawyer who is able to foresee the nuances associated with deliveries and payments.

The "work" of non-professional sales consultants can reduce the potential profit significantly. Be careful when hiring. Conduct training workshops for inexperienced sellers as pet supplies are specific products.


A pet store will be profitable if it is traded in a promising location. That is, in the center or in a residential area in the absence of competitors. The most profitable areas for trade are large shopping centers and markets. It is better to locate the shop near bus stops, metro stations, crossings and intersections.

It is important to bring the service to perfection, not to overstate the prices, to work out the assortment, to make a bright, eye-catching trade sign. Ideally, if you cooperate with the manufacturers of products directly. Ordering a ready-made business plan for a pet store or compiling it yourself is a personal matter, but it is important to collect detailed and accurate information about the industry. Then the risk of bankruptcy will be minimal.

In large cities across the country, many people have pets and are cared for like family members. Therefore, the business idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a pet store is quite relevant and, accordingly, profitable. The level of competition is also high, therefore, in order for the costs to be justified and the store paid off as quickly as possible, an effective business plan for the pet store should be developed. An example of such planning is presented in our article.

Project summary

A medium-sized pet store is located in a city with a population of up to 500 thousand people. It can be placed in a separate room on the ground floor of a multi-storey building or in a shopping center. In addition, you can work in the format of an online pet store. In our case, the store is located in a separate building. The format of our pet shop is a service format, there are no animals here, only what is needed to care for them.

The assortment and pricing policy is aimed at buyers with an average income. The advantages of the salon will be a fairly wide range of offers and quality goods.

Initially, it is necessary to conduct a superficial analysis of competitors, form an assortment of proposals, make a short SWOT-analysis of risks and opportunities (strengths of a potential pet salon).

Advantages and disadvantages

To start activities, it is necessary to analyze both the pros and cons of this project.

The advantages are as follows:

  • The business is highly profitable.
  • A fairly large average check.
  • Long shelf life of the goods.

Disadvantages, in turn:

  • The space for the store is located in a walkable place, the cost of which is high.
  • It is not a commodity of primary consumption.
  • High level of competition.

Useful statistics:

  • Russia ranks second in the world in the number of pets.
  • The number of pets in Russia: more than 30 million cats, more than 20 million dogs.
  • The largest number of cats and dogs live in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the highest demand for pet supplies is observed.
  • On average, the mark-up for pet products is 50-60% for pet food and litter and 80-100% for other products.

The assortment of the store focuses on the following items:

To draw up a business plan for a pet store with calculations, you need data on the choice of premises, costs for it, an estimate for equipment and wages for employees. In addition, one should not forget about the official registration of the enterprise.

Registration and registration

To carry out business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, you must go through official registration with the relevant authorities. To open a pet store, you can register as an individual entrepreneur.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, we select OKVED 52.48.31, 52.48.33 and 52.48.39, which include the retail sale of household chemicals for animals, feed and other goods for animals.

In addition, it is planned to obtain a license that gives the right to sell medical products for animals and birds in order to increase the profitability of the enterprise. An entrepreneur will have to spend about 15 thousand rubles to obtain the necessary documents.

Room selection

The best option for starting a pet store is to rent a small square in a busy area of \u200b\u200bthe city. A store of this format will require 15-20 sq. m. It is recommended to conclude a lease agreement immediately for a long period - at least 1 year with the possibility of redemption in the open sale. In addition, you should immediately take into account that the initial payment will be at least 2 months. The cost of such a room in a small town will vary from 20-30 thousand rubles. You may have to make some minor cosmetic repairs, allocating about 10 thousand rubles for this.

Every month it is necessary to allocate about 7-10 thousand rubles for utility bills.

The premises are selected on the ground floor of an apartment building.

Equipment selection

A pet store will need furniture and equipment to display and store pet supplies. It is possible to purchase used furniture in good condition to save costs.

Necessary furniture and equipment:

Name Price amount Amount
Rack 7 000 2 14 000
Feed display 5 000 2 10 000
Trays 500 5 2 500
Counter 2 000 1 6 000
Desktop 3 000 1 3 000
Chair for the seller 1 500 1 1 500
Cash machine 3 000 1 10 000
Libra 1 000 1 3 000
Additional spending 13 000 1 15 000
Laptop for the seller (administrator) 20 000 1 20 000
Technical inventory 5 000 5 000
Total 90 000

These are the main investments in pet shop equipment and must be made in accordance with the store's assortment.


The staff in the first months of the store operation may be minimal. You need 2 sales consultants (necessarily with a veterinary education, since medicines will be sold), a room cleaner. The entrepreneur himself will buy goods in the store, keep records, promote and advertise.

We suggest the staffing table according to the table:

It is important that sales assistants understand medications, pet food and other products.


It is necessary in advance to make an approximate choice of goods and services of the store. The most popular positions are food and toilet fillers. However, you should not be limited only to them. Ideal combination of assortment: 40% - feed and fillers, 60% - accessories, shampoos and other products for animals.

Approximate range of purchases at the time of opening:

Item name Purchase amount Income from margin (60%) and 100%
Animal feed 300 000 180 000
Toilet fillers 80 000 48 000
Accessories for cats and dogs 50 000 50 000
Accessories for rodents and fish 30 000 30 000
Shampoos and Gel 50 000 50 000
Medications 30 000 30 000
Grooming for cats and dogs 50 000 50 000
Ammunition (collars) 30 000 30 000
Furniture for cats 50 000 50 000
Cages for dogs and birds 50 000 50 000
Aquariums and what they need 200 000 200 000
Total 920 000 786 000

Initially, you should make a purchase and cover the maximum range of products in order to find out which items are in demand in your outlet and which are not.

Marketing and advertising

To be able to keep a pet store in a niche and receive growing profits, you must first analyze the target audience, find out the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. We found out in advance that there is a demand in the city for food for dogs, cats, parrots, guinea pigs and aquarium fish. We will build our assortment on them.

Name Amount
Shop sign 10 000
Decoration inside the pet shop 10 000
Business cards with phone number and store address 10 000
Flyers to be distributed near the store 20 000
Budget for 10% discounts in the first week upon presentation of a flyer or coupon 10 000
Large banner with animals outside the store 5 000
Attracting buyers on local thematic forums 5 000
Total 70 000

In addition, monthly it will be necessary to spend at least 20 thousand rubles on advertising and brand promotion. (flyers in places where the target audience gathers, discounts and promotions, advertising on the Internet).

Calculated part

So, let's calculate the potential profitability of the enterprise and its profitability. Let's start with an estimate of starting costs:

It is planned to allocate 1,185,000 rubles to launch the business, most of which will be spent on the purchase of goods. It is worth considering that with wholesalers you can agree on a payment plan in installments for two months.

Monthly expenses

The general table of monthly expenses from the 2nd month looks like this:

With regard to income, when the first batch of goods is sold, the proceeds will be 786,000 rubles. It will take at least 3 months to sell it completely. For the first month, it is planned to earn 262,000 rubles.

Determine the amount for tax deduction:

262 000 – 120 000 = 142 000.

We determine the tax:

142,000 x 0.15 \u003d 21,300 rubles.

In accordance with the law, a taxpayer under the simplified system has the right to a tax deduction of the UST amount for himself and the store employees, but not more than 50% of the tax.

So, the tax amount, taking into account the deduction, will be 10,650 rubles per month.

We determine the net profit:

142,000 - 10,650 \u003d 131,350 rubles per month.

The profitability of the store under good conditions will be 50-60%.


A pet store is a good business and with excellent profitability, subject to a competent entrepreneurial approach and cost optimization. In the future, it is possible to create a page on social networks and an online store, which will present products. However, this option will be successful in the development of a chain of stores in the city and beyond. And for the period of sale of goods in one retail store, the above promotion tools are sufficient. The main thing is to correctly perceive the information, monitor sales, the level of demand and customer reviews.

Approximately one in three Russian families has a pet. It can be a dog, cat, guinea pig, or exotic species. Every pet owner is a regular customer of pet shops... They purchase various types of food, houses and bedding, litter for trays, clothing and accessories. FROM according to statistics, this business is in high demand. In order to start working in this direction, it is necessary to first start calculating the payback period. Below we propose to discuss the question of how to open a pet store from scratch. The instruction will be especially useful for novice entrepreneurs.

The first thing to do is to register a pet goods store as an individual entrepreneur or LLC

Pet shop: business relevance

Before choosing a specific line of business, an entrepreneur needs to carefully analyze the area of \u200b\u200binterest to him. We have already noted above that every third Russian family has one or more domestic animals. According to experts, the total profitability of pet stores operating in the Russian Federation is more than one trillion rubles. Such high numbers are explained by the fact that people began to have exotic species of animals, which require more careful care.

Pet owners are willing to spend a lot of money on keeping their pets.

In addition to specialized food with various additives, cat and dog owners buy a variety of bowls, beds, toys and clothes. The second line in the ranking of the most popular products is taken by animal care products. This category also includes litters for trays, vitamin supplements and medicines. Less sought-after items are aquariums, as well as bird and rodent cages. However, this product is also one of the most popular pet products.

Store opening: first steps

Before entering the market, an entrepreneur needs to draw up detailed instructions for the implementation of his idea. When drawing up a business plan, you need to take into account the possible prospects for the development of the project, which will help determine the total amount of future costs. Drawing up such plans allows you to avoid many of the difficulties that are inherent in the trading business.

Market analysis

According to statistics, the total number of domestic animals in Russia reaches sixty million. This figure is growing every year, which explains the increase in consumer demand for goods presented in pet stores. The high demand for this offer is the reason for the growth of competition. Over the past few years, the number of pet stores has almost doubled.

In order to occupy a market niche, it will take a lot of time and effort. Such competitive advantages as frequent discounts, bonuses for regular customers and a wide range of products can significantly increase the size of the consumer audience. In addition to the product line, you can add various services in the form of claw trimming.

This direction has a unique and inimitable specificity. Among the advantages of a business, one should single out high profitability and a rather significant value of the average check. Another advantage of this direction is the long shelf life of most of the assortment. Speaking about specific differences, you need to pay attention to the low level of demand for highly specialized goods. Tough competition and possible difficulties in finding suitable real estate are the main disadvantages of this segment.

According to statistics, every third family keeps some kind of pet

Determining the target audience

In order to be as efficient as possible in selling pet products, you need to carefully study your audience. The target group using the services of these stores includes both sexes of different ages. Approximately sixty percent of the target audience is made up of the fair sex.

According to opinion polls, about thirty-five percent of Russian families have cats. About twenty percent of citizens have dogs. Less than five percent of the inhabitants of our country give birth to hamsters, fish, birds or other animals. It is with these indicators taken into account that it is necessary to draw up a product range.

Required documentation

Before starting a pet store from scratch, an entrepreneur needs to complete many different documents. First of all, you need to contact the tax office with an application for passing the registration procedure as a private entrepreneur. Opening a sole proprietorship allows you to reduce the size of the taxable base and allows you to conduct trading activities. When filling out the registration form, the entrepreneur needs to indicate not only the main type of economic activity, but also additional directions. This approach allows you to dilute the main offer with additional services that will significantly increase the volume of revenue.

After receiving registration documents, an entrepreneur needs to register with various non-budgetary institutions. At the next stage, it is necessary to obtain permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service and the fire inspection. If you want to diversify the product line with medicines for animals, you will need to buy a license ... The introduction of this product group into the assortment of the store requires the hiring of a veterinarian... In addition, additional documents will be required to authorize the sale of pets.

In order to reduce the strength of the financial burden on a developing project, it is necessary to choose the taxation system correctly. The choice of the UTII system allows you to calculate contributions at a fixed tariff rate. The laws in force contain strict requirements that the created business must meet. In the event that the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading floor is more than one hundred and fifty square meters, the entrepreneur will lose the opportunity to use the UTII regime. It should also be noted that this regime does not work in all cities of Russia. If it is not possible to use this system, it is recommended to switch to a simplified tax calculation mode.

How to start a pet store from scratch

Before issuing permits with the control authorities, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the choice of premises. Many experts recommend that beginners search for real estate even before submitting an application to the registration authority. This step will significantly simplify the organizational process and deal with repairs while waiting for a response from the tax office.

With the right approach to the issue, a pet store is a fairly profitable business.

Choosing a suitable room

Experienced entrepreneurs know that a competent location of a sales outlet can significantly increase the total volume of financial flow. A small shop near a veterinary clinic can generate income equal to a large shop located in a residential area. This is because the first placement option guarantees a flow of visitors wishing to purchase various goods. However, experts do not recommend abandoning accommodation in residential areas. The choice of this location allows you to increase the sale of pet food and other popular goods.

Another great option is to rent a venue located on the first or second floor of a shopping and entertainment center. However, renting such a retail space significantly increases budget costs. When looking for real estate, it is recommended to pay special attention to those buildings that are already prepared for trading. In the event that such an object is located on the first floor of an apartment building, it is necessary to ask the owner of the property to provide documents that this area belongs to the non-residential fund.

Purchase of furniture and equipment

A ready-made business plan for a pet store, used as a step-by-step guide, should contain an item of expenses necessary to equip the selected property. When choosing a technique, you should take into account the chosen trading format.

The minimum set of necessary equipment includes:

  1. Several shelves for placing goods.
  2. Various types of food shelves and display cases.
  3. Counter with built-in showcase.
  4. Refrigerator and a special display case for storing veterinary drugs.
  5. Scales and cash register.

If there is a trading floor, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is less than fifty square meters, it will take about one hundred and fifty thousand rubles to buy a minimum set of technical equipment. In addition, you will need to take into account the costs of organizing storage facilities and office rooms.

Assortment filling

The financial success of the project in question depends on the quality and content of the product line offered to the store's visitors. In the case when the profitability of an enterprise depends on the assortment, it is necessary to find reliable suppliers who can supply quality products. It is recommended to cooperate with wholesale companies only in the absence of direct contacts with manufacturing companies. When forming the assortment, it is recommended to give preference to those firms that have received the well-deserved trust of their consumers.

Each consignment of goods must be carefully checked. A small inventory will allow you to identify goods with defects or expired. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the feed received. In addition to feed and food additives, the product line should include collars, pet care products, toys and beds. As an addition, you can use animal houses, aquariums and carriers. With a license, an entrepreneur can dilute the range of products with medicines and vaccines.

To be able to sell the animals themselves, an entrepreneur needs to obtain an additional license. The cost of its registration should be included in the calculation of the initial investment in the business.

Regardless of the season, people buy their pets, food, litter for the tray, leashes, collars, vitamins, toys, houses, accessories and much more.

Requirements for employees

In order for the store to work most of the day, it is necessary to introduce a shift schedule. This regime requires two people to be hired as salespeople. If there are medicines in the assortment, you will need to choose those applicants who have the appropriate education and professional experience. In addition, personality traits are important selection criteria. Future employees should be well aware of the features of each product available on store shelves.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to establish a salary in the amount of twenty thousand rubles and a bonus in the amount of ten percent of total income. After the profits pay off the investment, you will need to think about expanding the staff. The best option is to find a person with a veterinary education who will provide consultations. This approach guarantees an increase in revenue.

How to spark buyers' interest

It is quite difficult to promote such a project. IN the choice of specific promotional tools depends on the location of the store. First of all, you need to order an advertising sign that will attract potential customers. Room decoration also plays a significant role. The fact is that many types of feed have a specific smell. In order to eliminate the unpleasant odor, you will need to install a high-quality ventilation system.

To promote this project, you can use social networks. In the thematic group dedicated to the store, it is necessary to constantly draw various prizes and gifts. In addition, news about the arrival of new products or the introduction of additional services will be published here. The created group also needs promotion. For this purpose, advertising banners and contextual advertising are used.

In order to attract the first customers, it will be necessary to organize the distribution of advertising brochures, entitling them to a ten percent discount. You can also arrange for the placement of advertisements in private veterinary clinics. The pricing policy developed by the merchant deserves special attention. It is very important that the prices of the most popular products differ from those of competitors.... Low prices combined with high-quality service significantly increase the image of the outlet in the eyes of the first customers. These people will eventually turn into regular customers.

Estimated costs

Pet shop as a business, is it profitable? This question can only be answered if there is a capital cost estimate. As a rule, the value of the commodity margin in pet stores is no more than thirty percent. A higher markup can be set for medicines and animal care products. The premium to the price of food for dogs and cats should not exceed twenty percent of their cost.

In order to make the most accurate calculations, it is necessary to take into account many factors of an individual nature. However, a thorough market analysis and statistical data provide information on the estimated amount of upcoming costs. In order to open a pet shop in a small town, it will take about two million rubles. This amount should be spent on the following:

  1. Purchase of goods for subsequent resale.
  2. Renovation work and sign installation.
  3. Purchase of trade equipment.

The item of average monthly costs includes expenses for paying taxes, employee benefits, utility bills and rent of real estate. Most of the proceeds received must be used to purchase a new batch of goods.

Before opening a store, you should decide on its format

Return on investment

Average stores make a profit of one million rubles. Most of this money goes towards paying off monthly expenses. With a high volume of sales, the payback period for a small store will be about six months. In the case of a large retail outlet, the payback period increases to two years.

The profitability level of this line of commerce varies from twenty to twenty-five percent. According to experts, this indicator indicates the high relevance of this business.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article, we looked at a sample pet store business plan. In order for such an enterprise to bring a stable income, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the quality of customer service. In addition, it is necessary to focus on competitive advantages that will help distinguish the created project against the background of similar retail outlets.

In contact with

Almost every citizen of our country has a pet on which the owner is ready to spend his money. This is the reason for the enterprising entrepreneur to open a pet store. A competently drawn up business plan for a pet store will help to achieve a good result: with the right approach to organizational issues, the business will bring good profit to its owner.

Business advantages and disadvantages

Before drawing up a business plan and opening a pet store, you need to consider some of the nuances. Each pet owner spends an average of 12 thousand rubles per year only on food and the most necessary related products. In addition to this amount, many pet owners spend extra money on pampering their pet with a new toy or treat. The situation is unlikely to worsen in the near future. Accordingly, the pet store will consistently generate income.

Business advantages:

  1. The market is not oversaturated, although the competition is quite tough.
  2. The license to sell pet products has been revoked.
  3. A business can start by opening a small department in a shopping center and expand in a short time.
  4. To service the department, it is enough to hire only two sales consultants.
  5. The products sell well regardless of the season.

When drawing up a business plan for a pet store, you need to take into account that such an enterprise has a number of disadvantages:

  1. There are some risks involved in animal trading.
  2. We will have to study the needs of buyers and focus on demand when compiling an assortment.
  3. High competition, which makes it difficult to choose a place for trade.
  4. It is necessary to collect a large package of documents and obtain many permits.

Where does business start

Any business starts with planning and finding start-up capital. If the plan can be drawn up independently, then it is better to start looking for investments in advance.

  • Analysis of the market for pet products in your city.
  • Search for premises etc.
  • Assortment compilation.
  • Financial calculations.

Marketing research or market analysis can be entrusted to a marketer because he will do the job much better.

check in

To open one pet store, it is enough to register an individual business. If the store has several founders or plans to open branches in the future, a limited liability company should be opened. To open a point of sale, you need permission from the board of trade.

If the store sells medicines for animals, a license to sell pharmaceuticals is required. For the sale of animals, veterinary certificates and permits from the State Veterinary Administration are required. Permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services will also be required.

Premises and staff

For a small kiosk, an area of \u200b\u200b30 sq. m, but it is difficult to implement animals in such a space. To open a store with a wide assortment, the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises must be at least 80 sq. m so that it can be divided into several departments. Although a lot of the pet store business plan depends on start-up capital. It is very important that the room is well ventilated, because many foods and the animals themselves have a specific smell.

It is better to choose premises in densely populated city buildings or in elite districts where wealthy people live. But the store itself in this case should look presentable and attractive.

It is best to hire experienced consultants, preferably with a veterinary education, on the staff. Their task is not only to sell products, but also to advise buyers. This will not only contribute to high sales, but also force the buyer to return to competent advisors. Revenue and net profit will depend on this, therefore, the search for personnel in the business plan of a pet store must be included in a separate item.


The list of products depends on the premises and budget. But there is a list of goods necessary for a pet store:

The assortment of goods for animals is so wide that the list can be endless. Which items to include in the business plan of a pet store depends on the format of the establishment. In a pet store, each product group should be divided into several price categories - from budget options to premium products. This will help expand your target audience.


A good advertising campaign, original design of the premises and a bright sign are the key to the success of a pet store. It is better to order advertising for professional agents. The design of the sales area should be entrusted to the designer. These measures will require additional material costs, but will quickly justify themselves. When drawing up a business plan for a pet store, you need to carefully consider the issue of promotion. It is best to take a whole range of measures that will help attract a client, from hall decoration and a wide range of products to qualified personnel.


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