How to entertain the team for the new year. New Year's games and contests for corporate party. Contests for small companies

Every new year comes with a special expectation. All people are preparing for him with impatience. If you celebrate this holiday in a circle of your employees and colleagues, you must take care of the choice of interesting contests to spend this holiday unforgettable and fun. Do not forget about one of the latest traditions - to dress up in the style of animal coming year. This tradition in 2020 can be quite interesting to beat, if you give the will of the White Rat to enter your life, at least in the form of competitions. Therefore, we decided to assemble the most fun games and contests for the New Year's corporate party by 2020 rats.

Funny New Year's competitions for corporate

New Year carries a lot of fun and gifts. It is also an ideal time to wish to wish your colleagues and employees of successful undertakings in all matters. New Year, together with employees, is not just food and drinks, but also a cheerful pastime with dancing, songs, games and, of course, contests. Therefore, we offer you some interesting and fun contests for the corporate party.

  1. « New Year's greeting" Often in the New Year, someone from those present plays the role of Santa Claus. This competition is dedicated to the distribution of gifts that all those present on the corporate party can bring with them and put in a special bag for gifts. After that, Santa Claus says that he will distribute gifts to everyone, but only after all people say their congratulations that begin in order from the first letter of the alphabet. That is, the first person can wish the "car to everyone!", The second is "big good luck", the third - "jam and sweets in your life", etc. Fun begins when it comes to letters, where the harder to choose congratulations. If people are a bit, then you can go in a circle.
  2. « Guess who am I?" Each of the participants should write something about themselves on paper that no one has learned about it. All leaflets are folded into the box, and then each pulls them in order of their turn, reads written, and the participants guess, whose leaves pulled out their colleague.
  3. « Outfit christmas trees" Women or, on the contrary, are women or, on the contrary, men. Decorate a person for a certain time and determine the winner of this "beauty contest" by voting.

Funny games for corporate party

Competitions are always interested in amateur entertainment. They have the nature of competition, the cognition of new information and just a pleasant time. Any contests are usually not only funny, but also become soil for further discussions in the company. Games with colleagues are always a good idea when you need something to interest a big company, and with our competitions the new 2020 will be held with a bang!

  1. « TV Guide" Participants were handed cards, each of which 5 unrelated words were written. For example, "lamp, album, chess, new year, influenza", "President, door, hand, stapler, vodka". In general, any set of incoherent words. The task is to come up with one speech for 30 seconds, which will seem to be news, and all words in it should be used as important information about the incident. You can add your own nouns. For example: "In the New Year in the metropolitan zoo, the influenza of the rare breed of the Bobra-Chessyman unexpectedly overtook. Fun guaranteed!
  2. « Monkey" The presenter gives a certain set of words associated with New Year holidays and in winter. For example, garland, snow, Bengal lights, Christmas tree and so on. Next bypass all the participants by asking them questions: "Who are you?", "What are you doing", "what do you have?" (Pointing to lips or other parts of the body), "What dripped icicles?" And so much. The more interesting questions, the better. Participants must then imagine themselves, as they answered the question. For example: "I am a snowflake, flying in the air" or that they answered there. In this case, none of the participants should laugh if someone laughed - he is removed from the competition.
  3. « Two truths and lies" This game is a turn in the classic game "True or False", where guests must try to find out where other guests lie or tell the truth. However, all the stories of guests should be exclusively for the outgoing year. Mandatory condition: there should be two truthful proposals in the story and one lie.
  4. « Game names" This is a lightweight contest in the style of New Year's party, which is great for a large group of adults, seeking fun in a measured game. For this game, each guest should write some names in a big bowl. These may be the names of celebrities, fictional characters, historical characters and even people in the room. Guests of the parties are divided into teams and take turns trying to guess names on a sheet of paper, giving each other tips.
  5. « Downloaded questions" Loaded questions - a fun New Year party, which is best suited for adult couples. This competition is based on a popular desktop game for adult questions. Here you will find a bunch of interesting questions that you can burn on sheets of paper to find out how man or women know about their partners. You can choose questions like "What would confuse your spouse?", "What outfit do you want to get your wife on Halloween?" etc.

Contests for adults only

Well, finally, we picked up a few vulgar and more frank ideas for the corporate party for 2020. No one will forget this New Year evening, because they will talk about it all 2020. You do not need to rush to spend money on various entertainment. As a rule, they already have everything at home or at work. Adult contests are extremely simple in planning, because they do not require costs.

  1. « Change roles" 2 participants are elected - a man and a woman. She plays the role of his husband, has already managed to mention the birth of a child, and the man is the role that his wife has just suggested. According to the script, the wife is behind the glass, and the husband does not hear anything, so she shows him gestures. The husband must ask different questions: "Who was born?", Who is "who", "as a child?" etc. Than more diverse scenario issues, the better.
  2. « Race behind champagne" To do this, players need to fill their glasses with champagne, using only a teaspoon for transporting champagne from a large bowl into a glass. The first person, who fastened all the glass faster, gets up and drinks champagne. The winner receives a toast for the new year in his honor.
  3. Paper dances.For this game you will need several papers, the size of 20x20 cm. Guests form a couple and begin to dance as much as possible their competitors, covering the cards all their intimate places. Fun comes when the most unusual pairs are compiled. The winner is chosen by voting. The losers drink a penalty glass of wine or some other alcohol.
  4. "Do not drop the cap."Simple game, all you need is a New Year's hat of Santa Claus. All players are sitting in a circle without a set of upper or lower clothes (to choose from) and try to pass the hat from the head to the head without using their hands. If the player drops the headdress, he leaves the circle. The last remaining player wins this cap or another small prize.
  5. "Track".All players are divided into two or three teams, then alternately try to remove as much clothing as possible and lay it on next to the floor. The team wins the team from which the walkway from clothes will be longer. Each member, the loser team, whipped the vodka on a glass of vodka.

New Year's corporate events can be truly fascinating and memorable. The most responsible task is to decide which games and competitions are the best.

Without looking at faces.

So, you must collect on one box of a leaf with the names of employees, and to another box - with wishes in the coming year. Notes need to pull at random. You just imagine what exciting and unusual, extraordinary and funny options can be obtained.

Command feeling elbow.

Each person should be hoping on the eyes of the dressing. You must inform the person's place in the queue. After the signal is heard, the participants must lines in the queue, focusing on their numbers. However, the task is complicated by the fact that a single sound cannot be pronounced.

I like.
You must take a box of big sizes in advance or bag.
This game is the perfect option only for the corporate company where all your own. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to eliminate the risks of relatively unpleasant moments and risky aspects.

First of all, you need to set a specific topic. Each participant appears, after which he says what he likes. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce an ironic phrase. Speeches will go clockwise. After the circle has been successfully completed, you need to choose a new topic. In each tour you need to choose only those topics that are directly related to the country, the city, the company. The game is a kind of exercise in wit, but at the same time the winner cannot get out.

Intenit it!

Called a simple phrase. Then each participant must utter a phrase with a certain intonation. In the voice should be felt different shades: a question, surprised, indifferent, Grozny. You should try and come up with a variety of shades in a voice. If the participant cannot come up with a new one in the intonation, he leaves. As a result, the winner must be defined, which managed to present his emotional world with the most diverse faces.

Dialogue deaf.

An animator invites the head and his subordinate.

The head puts on headphones. Subordinate must ask a variety of questions regarding its work. The harness is that the manager will not hear the questions of his subordinate, as music will play music at the maximum volume, but at the same time he must try to understand the questions, focusing on the movements of the lips and the expression of the face of the company's employee. The head must give answers, but most likely he will endure the misses. After that, the participants change in places. You just imagine how interesting and unusual answers will be.

I never…

Such a game is suitable for a corporate evening, if everything is familiar with each other well.

Each participant must report what has never done. Those people who possess the necessary experience bend a finger. A man who broke 3 fingers is dropped. It is necessary to honor the one who remained in the game in the game: "He tried little in life in life - he has everything ahead!" At the same time, this game can be coincided with decent toasts that will approach the meaning to the game and for the holiday, the new year, which allows you to hope for the opening of new faces in life.

In mandatory, the fingers need to be flexing honestly, as only in this case there is the opportunity to maintain the meaning of the selected gameplay. Perhaps the company's employees subsequently will be able to find new opportunities for communicating for themselves will share experiences.

Hot snowball.

It is necessary to imagine that in the hands there was a big hot snowball. If this snow will hold on long, it melts. All participants should be in a circle. Then you need to transmit a synthetic snowball to the music. After the music stopped, the participant comes out. So you need to continue until the last participant. Cheerful and unbalanced game that allows you to diversify a corporate event.

Entering buttons.

Participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which will be 4 people. Teams will stand for each other. It is necessary to prepare large buttons (for each command you need 4 buttons). Buttons can be made of dense cardboard. They should be put on the chairs next to the participants. At a distance of about 5 - 6 meters, the coils of large sizes are standing for which the rope is already wound. The first participant must unwind the rope and put it in the needle, after which - to transfer the next participant who sews a button. Then you need to pass again. All actions can be started only by command lead. The winner team must first cope with the task.


The number of participants is 2 people. To carry out game activity, you need to take 2 chairs that will be delivered at a distance of about 10 meters. In addition, 10 balls of 2-colors will be required, 2 empty bottles. After the lead distributed a signal, the shepherd should drive its sheep (a certain color balls) in chairs using plastic bottles. With this task you need to try to cope as quickly as possible. At the same time, the balls can not lose.

Dance with ball.

The number of participants is 5 - 6 people. To the left foot of the participants need to tie an air ball. You need to dance to the music, trying to burst with the right foot tied to the opponent. The participant should have only 1 ball.

Musical vinaigrette.

3 pairs participate in the game. Under modern songs, the couples should be diverse a variety of dances, namely Gypsy, Baryn, Tango, modern dance, Lezginka. Other employees of the company carefully monitors performances, after which they define the best participants.

Next year I must ...

This competition is ideal for the New Year's corporate event. Each present person must take pieces of paper and try to write 3 versions of what he will still do next year. Then paper folds into a common box, thoroughly mixed. Then the written phrases should be read out aloud with different people. You just imagine how funny will sound if a man reads that he will definitely give birth to a child, and the cleaner will read that she will definitely go to the Canary Islands for 2 weeks. The success of such a contest is determined by the fantasy of all participants.


You need to invite one participant to play. It will be closed with a bedspread. After that, they report that the people surrounding the thing that already exists on it. The participant must guess the mandated thing. For incorrect answers, the player must gradually take things. At the same time, the correct answer is covered, but the participant, despite the ease of response, does not recognize this.

Where I am last year.

To play you need to choose 3 - 4 people. They will stand back to other employees of the company. On the backs of people will be glued with sheets of paper on which the names of public institutions and organizations will be written. If the features of the relationship in the team allow you to relax, you can even choose such options as the maternity hospital, toilet. Participants should not know what is actually written. Each of them will hear certain issues that should gradually bring to the correct answer. In fact, participants will be difficult to immediately navigate, because the answers to the questions asked about the nuances of public institutions are funny and ridiculous. Thus, the atmosphere will definitely be a relaxing.


Initially, you need to call 2 men who will participate in a boxing duel. At the same time, participants must wear boxing gloves. Guests must take hands, symbolizing the rings borders. The presenter must gradually contribute to the increase in the situation of the situation, as if a real boxing match is carried out. Participants can settle, prepare, but as a result should be in the center of Ring. The judge talks about what scheme the battle should be carried out. Then the participants receive the same lollipop and should strive quickly, remove the wrapper.

Having a toy on the Christmas tree.

Participants must take Christmas toys, and then go to the central part of the room. They will be tied with eyes. The main task is to try to hang a toy on the Christmas tree. It is impossible to fold from the way. If a person initially went on an erroneous path, he must hang a toy for the item to which it came up. Some guests of the corporate party can host the room, getting up on different ways. The game will have 2 winners: the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree, as well as the one who will find the most unusual place for the Christmas toys.

Do not shoot!

This gaming activity can actually be very exciting. The most important thing is to prepare.

The opaque container needs to collect a variety of things.

According to the signal, which is published by the lead, participants must pass the box or bag each other. After the music stopped, you need to pull the thing at random and put on yourself. In obligatory in the next 30 minutes you need to walk with a thing of a thing.

It is best to take care to take a camera and a video camera, as a similar corporate chronicle should appear.

The game "flying gait".

For the game you need plastic or glass bottles.

Participants must become, and the bottles will be placed in front of them. Now volunteers must try to go through the obstacle blindfolded through the obstacle, do not stop the bottle. In fact, the participants will be outraged, because the task turns out to be difficult, but the obstacles need to be removed. As a result, you can carefully monitor how a person will carefully disturb all over the room. The most important thing is to avoid the tension of relations in the team after such New Year's games. Please note that the bottles need to be cleaned quietly, because they will be needed, and the participant should not guess what actually happens.


Any number of men can participate in the game. You will need inflated balloons, matches and high-quality scotch.

Most likely, the gameplay will be unusual and fascinating. If a man wants to seem pregnant and earn 1,000,000 dollars, you can play. Of course, the dream of pregnancy will not come true, but at the same time you can tune in to obtain significant finances in the coming year. Perhaps a man can even work hard to prevent his wife in the near future. In any case, the game may be one of the best during the corporate event.

Men's belly will need to tie balloons using tape. At the same time, before each participant you need to scatter matches. The main task is the desire, as soon as possible to collect matches, without allowing the "belly" to burst.

"Will be done".

Participants must be prepared for what they will perform various songs. At the same time with the skill of singing there may be problems.

So, you need to divide into several teams, focusing on the number of players. Now you need to choose the subject of the competition. Each team should remember the song on the topic of interest and fulfill the lines from it. The most important thing is to successfully hold out for a long time.

In order for the game to be remembered from the best side, you can be inventive and ready for a dispute.

"Test cartoon".

The optimal number of participants is 5 - 20 people. For the game, you will need pencils, eraser and paper.

Each player must draw a cartoon on the present. At the same time, portraits need to be transmitted in a circle. Each will be on the reverse side to write their assumptions. Then you need to calculate the number of points for each option. The winner must get the greatest number of points that will confirm the fact that the portrait turned out to be recognizable.

It is necessary to try to all turn out to be covered.

Games and contests will allow diversify corporate events, but you need to try so that no one is offended, upset. Corporate event, on the contrary, should be rally the team.

We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday throughout life, there is something bright and childishly joyful, we are waiting for gifts, wonders and special fun. And what is the fun without New Year's games, contests, fairy tales with dressing and fun entertainment?!

New Year's games, contests and scenes - the same mandatory attribute of the holiday, like a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all, the new year is the time of universal fun; Time when you want to make noise and play. Do not deny yourself in it - Have fun! Especially since everyone wants to move a little bit and stroke after the New Year's table, traditionally generous on all sorts of goody and drinks!

Ready scenarios for the quest. You can see detailed information by clicking on the picture.

Entertainment program for the new year 2020

You are offered to your attention a wide variety of New Year's entertainment that you can view the links. They will fit both for corporate holidays, and for home parties, and for a close company of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily draw up an interesting entertainment program.

For the purpose of saving time we offer to purchase collection "Entertain People for the New Year? Easily!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading festive events
  • for employees of organizations that are planning to hold a New Year's corporate party on their own, without attracting Tamada
  • for those who are going to hold a New Year's party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun All New Year holidays in a circle of relatives, loved ones and friends

The proposed games, contests and scenes you are more common not only for the entertainment program for this new year, but also for the future New Year holidays!

All customers of this collection - New Year's gifts:

Content content "Entertain people for the new year?" Easily!"

Scenes and fairy tales express included in the collection

The collection includes funny scenes and fairy tales, expression, the plot of which is associated with the wonderful New Year holiday. All scenes - with funny and original plots; In addition, the texts are well edited, and for scenes-expression there are plates with the names of heroes, which is very convenient for the organizer of the festive program; It is also provided that, when printing a specific scene or sheet with signs, nothing superfluous was printed. Here is a brief description of the scenes that are included in the collection:

Guests from Italy on New Year's Eve (Very funny costume new year greetings with original text). A small preliminary preparation is required. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or drink for happiness! (The fairy tale - impromptu with crochemist replicas, a leading and 7 actors; Also participate all the other present). Particularly suitable for the new year's corporate celebration.
Beauty and monster, or the wrong tale (fun fairy tale expression, presenter and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or love at first sight (Small fairy tale - expression, presenter and 6 actors).
Long-awaited gift (Miniature scene-pantomime, imprompt, take part in it from 1 to 3-4 people). Scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic staff (New Year's theater Scene, costume representation for adults, fairy tale (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time an interesting fun scene with the original New Year plot. Preparation is required. Age: 15+.

Collection format: PDF file, 120 pages

"Funny toasts by alphabet".This one is good for those cases when all the standard wishes have already been sounded, and raising glasses just so - uninteresting. Each feast participant should utter a toast that begins on a specific letter, for example:

  • W - "Health in the New Year, to gather not yet on one corporate!";
  • E - "If you do not go, then at least let's go! For this and empty our glasses! ".

You can run the game in a circle so that the letters get to everyone in turn, and you can prepare the cards with the alphabet in advance, fold them into the box and give everyone to pull at random. The one who, according to the majority of those present, will deny the most funny or original toast (one or more).

Council. To diversify this entertainment, you can draw an analogy with a popular game in the city: in this case, each next toast will begin with the last letter of congratulations that previously sounded.

"How little you know about me." All contestants should specify the handles and small sheets of paper. Everyone should write about itself a fact little-known in a circle of colleagues, it is usually not customary to speak at work. For example, someone in school years broke the glass with the ball. Someone was referred to the career of the famous football player, but due to the injury it had to flow to the Economics. All the notes need to be folded and folded with the box, and then remove them in turn and read out loud. Those present must be guessing about whom there is speech. Win the one who will be the most insightful.

"What is my name?". For this entertainment, you need to prepare small signs with interesting and not the most simple words: for example, "excavator", "charm", "Multicooker", etc. Each participant of the corporate party at the beginning of the evening should be included on the plate, which can be attached to the forehead or back. The task of players - as soon as possible, find out what is written on them on the plate. To do this, you need to ask all the questions around which they will answer "yes" or "no". Won one who will understand the fastest, which "nickname" he got.

Council. Another option of this game is to write on the nameplates the names of famous actors, singers, athletes, etc.

"Sing everything!". All present are combined into several commands. Well, if representatives of different generations will be in each of them. Next, all together choose the general topic: seasons, love, animals, etc. The essence of the task: take turns to remember thematic songs and hum in a few lines of them. A team will win, which will last longer than all.

"Remember all". Another featuring a feast game, for which you will need to prepare pens or pencils and sheets of paper with the categories written on them: "City", "Country", "Plant", "Women's / Male Name", etc. Participation in the Competition, those present can individually or unite in commands. Having received a leaflet on the hands, they need 1-2 minutes. Write as many words as possible for each category. The winner is determined by a simple calculation method.

For lovers of outdoor activities. Movable contests for corporate party

"Big races". On the table or on the floor you need to organize a kind of track: put the dishes or other objects in such a way that there are several tracks. They need to drive small balls (for example, for table tennis), blowing on them through a cocktail straw. Win the one who first will lead his "car" to the finish. You can arrange a game of disposal when the place of the loser is occupied by a new participant.

"Snow is spinning." For this, the funny competition will need to prepare small pieces of wool or paper napkins. They must be handed out to everyone who wishes to participate in entertainment. At the signal, everyone who received the "snowflake" must begin blowing it so that it does not fall on the floor. Win to win the longest to all hold a piece of cotton wool or napkins in the air.

"New Year's dance". This is a team competition, and the team will win in it, which will cope with the task of funnier than others. Each group is distributed by the leaves on which it is indicated which dance need to be depicted. This can be an event organized:

  • in kindergarten;
  • in the army;
  • in a psychiatric hospital, etc.

To win, you need artistically and witness in the proposed roles. You can note the prizes of the most talented actors.

A corporate party is a good reason to dry out the team, and even the preparatory stage, a joint discussion of ideas, the propulsion will help this.

Choosing contests for the New Year holiday in a colleague circle, do not forget about what you need to support the healthy spirit of rivalry among employees, handing the winners of the prizes. Such gifts are usually symbolic: small office, sweets, souvenirs, etc. You can prepare small presents with the company's logo, awarded the particularly distinguished staff of ridiculous, original certificates. The main thing is to celebrate the New Year's corporate, it was fun, and remember him - not ashamed.

Corporate Competition: Video

Corporate with a banal feast is somewhat boring. To entertain colleagues, you need to offer them fun games and contests. They can be selected for any event for any company, spend on the table, and in nature, and in the usual office.

  1. Sorry-nodes - Participants get up with each other, holding the waist standing ahead. It turns out a forty-glass table, which leading gives the task - to move zigzag, bypass obstacles, etc. Who will let go of his hands in this competition, he leaves.
  2. Animal stir - need the same number of male and female employees. Women and men make a certain animal. Men eye tied, and women begin to run and shout out the sounds of their animal. Among the overall passing and mass of various sounds, a man should find his "half".
  3. Sprint in water - Suitable if the rest passes near the reservoir. Participants first run in the water to the ankle, then knee, and at the end of the belt. The prerequisite is not saved, but run.
  4. Three feet - Participants are divided into three. To the foot standing in the center of an employee tie a man's leg, which is on the right, and the foot of the participant in the left. Next, such "tripod" couples pass a certain distance for speed.
  5. Battle for Shar - Participants are issued: air balloon with water inside, plastic plate, stationery button. Balls are attached to the belt. The task is to pierce the opponent's ball, drove away from others and protecting your plate.

Funny contests for corporate party

Where are you now?

Participants stick stickers on the forehead, on which the names of organizations (school, nudist beach, hairdresser) are indicated. None of the participants knows what is written in his sticker. The presenter sets some participants some questions:

  • How often do you visit such an institution?
  • What are you most often doing there?
  • What feelings do you appear after visiting such a place?

New clothes

The boxes are in the box: glasses with nose, wig, bra, family panties, baby tights, etc. Employees become a circle and each other transfer the box while the music plays. As soon as the music stops the one, who has a box, takes at random the thing and puts on himself. After dressed all, follows a common dance.


Employees are armed with a telephone or tablet and must make selfie, according to a task that leads the lead. Wins the one who got fun. Tasks:

  • Make selfie in the pose in which you usually work.
  • Make Selfie with the boss.
  • Make Selfie by placing a variety of stationery.
  • Image for a very efficient look.

Funny contests for corporate party

  1. Star on a dance floor - It will take at least 5 employees to participate. Begins to play cheerful music, the task of participants is to actively dance. It drops out the most inactive colleague. Further, the participants represent that their feet took away and need to rhythmically dance, but without the participation of the legs. After that, the round is eliminated by another less active. Further, the staff are squatting and in dance engage hands and heads. Again the inactive one again. The last round is actively dancing facial.
  2. Ice Bebi. - Support three brave men. Their task is to quickly wear a T-shirt on yourself. The snag is that that t-shirts are firmly twisted and frozen. The winner will be the one who shook faster.
  3. Roddom - The team should be diverse. The girl becomes opposite the guy. She represents that recently gave birth and communicates with his father through a closed window. Gestures need to convey to whom the child is like, what is he floor. The task gives a lead, for example, "ears like yours; Screams like our boss. "

Contests for corporate party for employees

  1. Crocodile - The most popular contest among adults. Colleague presenter makes the animal, the famous actor or the name of the film. It is necessary for gestures to show the mandated, the rest of the staff at the speed are rejected.
  2. Cartoon - The first officer draws a cartoon on someone from those present and transmits a colleague. He writes on whom the cartoon looks like, wraps the drawing and answer, and draws his cartoon. So the leafle passes in a circle, at the end it is unfolded and watching who guess.
  3. Remember - Each employee receives a sheet with a specific category: Country, River, Plant, Technique, etc. The presenter chooses any letter of the alphabet. It is necessary to write as more names on its topic, which begin to the letter specified by the leading letter.

Competitions for corporate party in the summer


  • Who has the skin the most tanned
  • Who in a minute can gather the most branches (if the game is on the street), pencils (if in the office)
  • The most miniature leg
  • The longest hair
  • Who longer stands on his hands
  • Who per minute draws small elephants on paper (or chalk on asphalt)

Catch water

One employee is gaining a bottle of water and periodically compresses it, splashing the contents. The rest of the colleagues with plastic glasses are trying to catch as much water as possible. The winner is the one that the glass will be most filled.

True or action

A bottle is unlocked and the one to whom she will indicate, must choose the "truth" and answer honestly to a given question, or "action" and perform a mandated action.

Competitions for the corporate house adults

  1. Striptease - It is necessary to find video striptease on the Internet. You should not undress, you just need to repeat the movement. The most plastic participant is awarded.
  2. Logo - The branded logo must be printed on a sheet in two copies, stick to a dense cardboard and cut into several parts. Employees are divided into two teams and collect the logo to the speed.
  3. Decoding Abbrevia - Participants are issued pencils and paper. The topic is set, for example, a report or the beginning of the year. Everyone should make three abbreviations and to add a line from a song or poem, which characterizes the abbreviation. The task of the rest is to guess what is encrypted. Abbreviation options: SG - mid-year, Pi - Profit Complete.

Merry contests for corporate party

Deaf dialogue

It is necessary to participate to the head and subordinate. The leader is handing headphones with loud music so that he heard anything. The subordinate begins to ask him questions:

  • Why don't you send anyone on business trips other than me?
  • When will I wait down?
  • And let's, will you increase my salary?

The boss is trying to guess the movements of the lips, which he says subordinate. He must answer the employee, most often answers the nefple. Further, employees change places. The head is interested:

  • What is the reason for your today's late?
  • Want to work overtime?
  • Why should I raise your salary?


The stool is put on the subject so that the participant does not see it. The employee sits on the chair and is trying to understand what subject under it. Touch the item and pry it is impossible.

Short Master

Employees are divided into teams of 4-5 people. Each team should come up with and show a short film on the topic: "One day from our working life."

Contests for corporate party at the table

  1. Congratulations - The first colleague begins to the letter "A" and comes up with congratulations, it starts from it. The next already comes up with the letter "B" and on. Try to invent original and fun congratulations.
  2. So need - At the beginning of the corporate, each employee is heard the cards with an individual task, for example, to say all toasts with a Georgian accent, laugh a nepouquate, at 20.00 to tell colleagues: "Thank you all, all are free," etc. Presents must guess the task of each.
  3. Killer - One person host appoints a killer. At the table, everyone starts to overcool, the killer must "kill" someone, winning a man. He drops out of the game. Killer's task - to remove as many players as possible, the rest should calculate it as soon as possible.

New Year's competitions for corporate

  1. The ark - 12 women and as many men are needed. They are handed leaflets with the name of an animal from the eastern horoscope. According to the team, not a word of saying, it is necessary to portray your animal and find their pair among the general herd.
  2. It's about me - Everyone on the leaves writes a little-known event that happened in his life in the current year. All leaflets are folded into the box and take turns out. The task of those present is to guess the author's note.
  3. Snowfall - All employees distribute paper snowflakes. On the team they need to throw up and blow, so that the snowflakes did not fall. The one whose snowflake will be in the air longer the rest, gets encouragement.

Contests for DM and Snow Maiden

  1. Dresses - You need to dress the Christmas tree for speed, blindfolded. Participants are divided into teams, one of each starts, the toys take toys, the rest are "working by the navigator."
  2. Horticulture - Employees are in the circle and take hands. Everyone is made by a certain "winter" word. Snow Maiden starts telling a fairy tale. As soon as the colleague hears his word, he must sit down, and standing on the sides from him should not give it to do it.
  3. Happy Star - Stars with numbers are suspended in advance to the ceiling. During active dance, the music is silent, and Santa Claus utters: "Happy star number 11". Who will quickly find the right star, will receive a gift.

Pouring funny contests corporate

What would you do?

Employees respond to insidious questions of the lead. Answer is necessary original, worthy and interesting. Options: What would you do if ...

  • shed your tea to the report, and the time to remake it not?
  • all employees wrote an application for dismissal?
  • you came to the office, and there is no one there?
  • stuck in a drunk, stuck with the boss in the elevator?
  • the director lost you to the card by another company?

I never…

This game requires chips. They can be replaced by coins, buttons, paper clips. The first participant utters "I will never ..." and is recognized in what he never did. Colleagues who have already time to try out this is given by the first participant in Fishke. So each is recognized in a circle. The winner is the one who scored the most of the chips.

Have something to remember

In turn, colleagues remember fun working moments and funny cases that occurred on the company. The one who does not remember funny stories falls out.

Sports contests corporate

  1. Darts darts - It will take props for darts: darts, board and leaflets on which you will record points. The first circle is thrown with his right hand, then change your hand on the left, and then there is a throw of all the darts at the same time.
  2. Get into goal - It is necessary to make lumps from paper, and from empty jars - goal. It is necessary to get the paper into the target, looking at it in binoculars. You can increase the goal, you can decrease.
  3. Snake - Parts of the body are painted on small leaves: Head, Hands, Shoulder. The first two participants are pulled out on the leaf and pressed to each other by those parts of the body, which are indicated there. The rest also apply until a full snake gather.

Contests for builders on corporate

  1. Build house - Many empty boxes from matches, glue, scissors and cardboard will be needed. It is necessary to build a house with the foundation, windows and doors, walls and roof in seven minutes.
  2. Dancer Fedya - Several participants are selected. They are covered in wallpapers, covering from scotch and cutting the place for the face (as in the "adventures of Shurik"). Participants must fulfill the dance.
  3. House project - Employees should be divided into several teams. Participants give out balloons and double-sided adhesion. The task is to inflate the balls, make a scotch and make a layout at home. The team wins with the most beautiful layout.

Contests for railway workers on corporate

  1. Pass the ticket - Colleagues are built into two teams, in each employee it becomes behind the back of another employee. Two teams receive a "ticket" - ball, ball or any other subject. For the team, they must transfer a ticket to a colleague, which stands behind him, the other. The latter, receiving a ticket, runs forward and continues to transmit a "ticket" until all players change and at the beginning will again stand the player from whom the transfer began.
  2. Service passenger - Playing teams. The first colleague runs up to the passenger, exhibits hard three chairs and stacked his sleep. The second carries a blanket, the third - pillow. The fourth pour tea or juice into a glass and will suffer. The fifth wakes up the passenger to stop his stop. The team that first fulfills the task wins.
  3. Remember the song - It is necessary to remember the songs associated with the railway (wait, the locomotive ..., a blue carriage, etc.), who can not remember for a long time - dropping out of the game.

Competitions for the Day of Trade on Corporate

  1. Remember price - The presenter shows ten goods and calls their cost. It is necessary to remember and repeat.
  2. How many? - Coins are folded into the bag, participants must guess what about what about the amount of coins in the bag. Next, the lead shows a pack of bill of the same nominal, you need to guess the amount of money in a pack. Last task - a piece of cheese. Colleagues should guess its approximate weight.
  3. Put on the shelves - The same dense jars or boxes that will be in the role of goods are needed. The task is to place the goods to each other at the speed. Who has no goods will fall, and who will cope faster, the winner.

Contests for women on corporate party

  1. What's a lady's handbag - Before the competition, every woman agrees that the contents of her bag will be seized. The bag of any employee is taken, the rest are trying to guess the items in it. Each guessing subject of the colleague takes out and puts on the table. And so in turns with multiple bags. The winner becomes an employee who gave the greatest number of items.
  2. Praying sponges - With closed eyes, girls need to make lips to each other. That who did everything as beautiful as possible, receives a prize.
  3. Cats and Tigritis - Girls get leaves and find out what kind of team - cats or tigerits. Participants tie their eyes. Then, by the team, the leading girl should play their role, meow or braid, and quickly crash.

Competitions for male to corporate

  1. Change places - Men sit on the chairs. Lead Pronounces: "Change in places those who ..." and begins to ask the frank issues, for example: we have decided to ever thong, it is excited at the sight of a brown, he had more than eight mistresses. If this had a place to be, a man rises from the chair and should take a chair of his colleague, who also rose. The one who did not have enough stool change places with the lead.
  2. Box - A box is passed to the music and each removes the thing and puts into it. When the box passed the circle, the rules of the game change, now men at random take things out of it and put on themselves.
  3. Where's the money? - Men become in a circle, one - in the center of the circle. Standing in a circle should be able to transmit a coin or a folded bill that will easily fit into the fist. Standing in the center needs to be guessing at the present moment money.

Corporate teachers

  1. What is on the table? - The participant calls the letter, colleagues should find the subject that begins on this letter and stands on the festive table. It can be dishes, serving items, fruits.
  2. Evidence - Crime was committed, but lacking evidence. The leading teacher, who has become detectives, ask questions to which he can answer either "no" or "yes." The goal is to guess what a leader was conceived for the word.
  3. What does it mean? - Each teacher calls the Word based on the subject he teaches. Colleagues on the adjacent subject are silent, and the rest should express their assumptions that this word means.

During the competitions, take care of the safety technique. The props must be safe so that nothing threatened life and health. Thanks to a variety of contests on the corporate party, you can not only eat tasty, but also relax the soul.


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