Diseases that carry pigeons. Caution ornithosis or Why is it dangerous to feed pigeons from the hands? Than city pigeons can be dangerous to humans

The very combination of these words makes many of us feel caring and tender, safe and tender. But is this a harmonious combination, as it seems to most of us? Are pigeons dangerous for tiny babies?

Can pregnant women and young children feed pigeons in the city?who have weakened or have not yet developed a strong immunity?

Caution, the pigeons are contagious! They are carriers of infections

Pigeons often carry many types of viral infections. From almost a hundred bird diseases, according to various sources, from 7 to 10 are transmitted to humans. Some diseases can lead to the most serious consequences. Therefore, you should not completely ignore such things as contact of a child with animals and birds, about the health of which we do not know anything.

Do not trust strangers, especially stray animals. If we have our own pets, we are sure to take all precautions as much as possible. Although, there were sometimes exceptional cases in our family, such as what I described in an article about which we once brought from the Carpathians.

Squirrels and other animals and birds, especially exotic ones, can often pose a threat to human health, especially a small child. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing pets.

On the street, we can bypass many dangers if we remember that a dog can scare or bite, a cat can scratch or infect a difficult to treat deprive, and pigeons are infectious much more than rats.

What to do, you ask. You can’t hide from everything, sterility is not the best way. The kid will have to live in this world full of dangers. He must get used to cope with any negativity that meets his path.

Yes it is. But why expose a fragile body to excessive loads, testing it for strength - will withstand or not withstand?

Feeding pigeons toddlers for a walk in the city

Advice to future mothers.  If you like to feed different animals and birds, then refrain from this during pregnancy.

It is also worth worrying about the friendly take-off of pigeons when a dog, a cyclist or a child with great pleasure rushes towards them, driving the flock from the place of feeding.

At this moment, the baby in the face, in the eyes, in the mouth flies a huge number of various pathogens of infectious diseases that instantly penetrate the respiratory tract and into the mucous membranes.

Most likely, those who suffer from allergic diseases or are well aware of the dangers of being close to sick birds and animals.

I can advise the rest to walk as far as possible from the pigeons. Let the child grow up, get stronger. Let his body accustom itself to various kinds of loads and tests gradually. As long as the baby is in the stroller, then you definitely have no place near the pigeons.

Let the baby learn to protect and love nature in all its manifestations. Focus your child on the positive, on the beautiful. But admire the birds from afar, and teach the baby to do this.

You can always figure out how to avoid close contact with something undesirable. It’s better not to accustom right away than once, allowing, then not knowing how to fix the situation. The child does not understand such illogical behavior of adults, when at first something is possible, and then impossible.

Do not throw bad words at any birds or animals. Moreover, sooner or later you can still begin to come closer to them and even feed them.

But let it be later, when the child is old enough not to drag pieces of bread or cookies dropped onto the ground into his mouth, when he will not rub his eyes and face with dirty hands.

Of course, you can object to me, saying that in this case you carry wet wipes with you. But do you always have time to use them? And how thoroughly can they wipe away what has penetrated deep into the skin, and even more so into the mucous membranes? And is your baby strong enough at the moment?

Over time, as the child grows and as his immune system strengthens, you will begin to introduce the baby to the outside world much more closely than when he was small.

Do not rush to immediately let the child go to where doves constantly graze. Feed them from afar first. Throw food and move away. Let the birds not flap their wings over the baby’s head.

Watch the flock. If you notice liquid droppings or even one of the birds with the following symptoms: tousled, listless, with twisted fingers or feet, faded or glued, as if wet, plumage, with split feathers, as if they were trimmed with small scissors, then leave immediately ! Do not tempt fate.

There are flocks of pigeons with beautiful bright shiny plumage. shy, swift in their reaction. These are the ones to choose so that the child can feed them. But do not forget that even the most healthy-looking pigeons can be carriers of infection.

I am familiar with the opinion of ornithologists, veterinarians, zoologists, pigeon breeders, infectious disease specialists and some medical specialists about the allegedly exaggerated, or even incorrect representation of the situation. But nevertheless, I would not ignore the opinion of the bulk of the health and disinsection experts.

In the same animal shelters, some of the birds are cured, and some are destroyed because of the danger of the spread of infection. Moreover, the bird and everything that came into contact with it is burned, and the soil is removed with a layer of at least 5 cm for disposal or disinfected with bleach.

Animal defenders are usually silent about this. But the fact that pigeons are "extremely rare" can be a source of the spread of viruses and microbes and therefore practically do not pose a danger to humans, they talk and write constantly.

Judge for yourself. If pigeons are so harmless, then why from time to time in different countries at different times decisions were made at the government level about their shooting, fishing, destruction in different ways, including humane - with the help of falcons and hawks. In other capitals, they are categorically forbidden to feed even now.

In contrast, take into account the fact that if a bird “marked you” - it is good luck - pigeon droppings should be feared, because it is not only poisonous.

Sociologists draw a parallel between the number of homeless people, pigeons and infectious diseases. Therefore, pay attention to where you live - in the danger zone or not. It is necessary to take into account both environmental and economic conditions. Where there are no homeless people, you should not be afraid of birds. They are generally healthy and harmless. Of course, if it's clean at all.

If your student’s Mantoux reaction is within dangerous limits, then I do not advise you to allow sick birds to be taken in your hands. And let him stay away from the places of their feeding until he develops stable immunity.

I learned about this dependence from TB doctors when my babies began to grow Mantoux reaction and I had to regularly carry them to sanatoriums.

Having passed the difficult path of strength tests, I believe that I have the right to advise others to take care of their children, and myself too, if your health leaves much to be desired at the moment.

We live in Kiev, where dispensary patients often walk around, including those with an open form of tuberculosis. There are enough sick homeless people too. If there is a relationship between the health of people and birds, then the danger from pigeons is an urgent issue for us.

If you live in a clean area, then this, most likely, does not concern you. So any advice is useful to filter. As I usually like to say, listen to many, but do as you see fit. That's why we were given a head to think about.

It is possible that your children and pigeons are a very compatible unity. If in the place where you live or walk with your child the danger from the pigeons does not come, then feeding the pigeons with children can only bring joy and the development of a sense of concern for the world. Great emotions while walking with a child - what could be better and more useful?

We feed pigeons in the spring in Truskavets. Especially for them they bought unroasted seeds. By the way, they don’t eat bread there.

Pigeon viral epidemics in different cities in different years occur at about the same time. Usually this occurs in extreme heat and after droughts, when unused waste accumulates in large quantities.

The grown pigeon young growth has not yet matured. Adult pigeons during the time of hatching of chicks and feeding offspring greatly weakened. In conditions of prolonged heat and poor-quality drinking and nutrition, both of them have a weakened immune system.

Pigeons are immediately struck by a mass of viral infections, some of which are very dangerous for humans. Especially for children and adults with weak immunity.

Lovers feed the birds

Feed the birds and animals on the street with quality food! This is especially true for compassionate grandmothers. Many of you cannot buy normal grain for a bird, but feed sour foods. This causes digestion in pigeons.

Don't give the pigeons rancid millet!  And I will explain to those who do not know.

Millet is very useful. When we cook porridge for ourselves, we make sure that it is fresh. We rinse thoroughly, otherwise millet porridge will be bitter. And we do not use stale food in any way. This is dangerous!

In the same way, millet is thoroughly washed before boiling in the villages and villages of those who feed them chickens. Otherwise, the mass death of the chicks will begin.

So why do so many abuses of free birds? Well, if you take care of the surrounding nature, then do it humanely! Feed the pigeons quality and healthy foods, and not by the fact that he’ll fall under the arm, just to amuse his children. Neither pigeons nor children will benefit from this! - Only harm!

Whereas in Moscow, young people mainly drive grandmothers so that they do not ruin the health of pigeons and people, in Kiev, on the contrary, young mothers and daddies do evil themselves by putting their babies in the midst of pigeon infections.

What droppings from birds where you feed pigeons in the presence of your children! - The bulk of the birds with severe diarrhea!

Watch how pigeons behave in your yard, square, park! Now is the month of August. Until the colds, healthy pigeons should be stocked with vitamins and minerals for almost the entire daylight, and fat should be fed throughout the winter. Strong flocks now do not sit near people, begging for food, like homeless tramps.

On the contrary, they graze on grasses and trees, eating various seeds and berries. I saw pigeons grazing in clear wastelands and clearings. They scatter throughout the district and peck and peck tirelessly. In silence one can hear their beaks clicking. This is really nice to see and hear! And they also catch a lot of insects. Birds work!

Periodically, flocks of pigeons fly to clean ponds for drinking and make good flights, chasing themselves and their young. Thus, they are physically strengthened themselves and take care of the health of their offspring.

Prepare a little grain, legumes, seeds, fruits, vegetables and berries for the winter. In times of prolonged and wet colds, birds and animals have to tight. Then the help of a person will be really appropriate.

In severe frosts, I sometimes feed ravens, pigeons, little sparrows, titmouse and other birds all my supplies. Help you doves in need, but do not make them beggars all year round! May they be strong, healthy and beautiful! And most importantly - useful and safe!

Think about what function birds should have in nature? What is their purpose on our mother earth? What will happen if the birds, instead of being orderlies, will themselves be infected?

I hope that I did not work in vain on this material. I am very worried about my little Kievites.

Where are the children of the pigeons

Where do the pigeons hide their children? Where do the little pigeon chicks fly? - Such questions are most often asked by people in late summer and autumn.

I answer. Birds give birth almost all year round - from two to five times. In winter - rarely.

The female warms up the first clutch. Then the male feeds the chicks. And the female sits on the next clutch.

The chicks are at first tiny, ugly, blind and almost completely naked. After about a month, the babies begin to fly out of the nest. But the strongest survive.

The pigeons are similar in size to an adult. If you look closely, you will notice that they are not so powerful. Paws are thin. The beak seems longer due to the lack of plumage on it.

Habitats: attics, ventilation shafts, ownerless buildings, very dense tree crowns, sometimes - balconies.

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To the record "Are pigeons dangerous? - Yes, contagious and dangerous" 54 comments

    I do not like city animals. The first is their unnatural habitat. Secondly, they are carriers of a huge number of viruses and bacteria.
      Once I was in the attic and saw at the same time a dwelling, birthplace, toilet and pigeon cemetery. All in one place. This is terrible!!! The smell still causes ...

  1. While reading this article, for some reason I recalled the proverb: "Wolves should not be afraid to go to the forest." In the familiar city of Pechora near the monastery there is a sign "Place of feeding pigeons." So there are constantly tourists with young children feed the pigeons. It would be necessary for the monks to show your article. After all, not only “pure” monks live there, but also a lot of “dirty” homeless people live. If the monastery is well-groomed, then the city itself is turned into a landfill. Garbage containers in some places have not been cleaned since autumn.

  2. Children always love to feed pigeons. Often watch. And now I came from my mother, there pigeons fly to her every day, at the same time. She feeds them with millet, and loves very much. He pours cereals, stands nearby, guards so that the crows do not fly in. The crows are stronger than the pigeons, the pigeons usually fly away. And for some reason, a raven in our village is a lot!

    My husband specifically buys a packet of seeds so that the children can feed the pigeons. But with the same pleasure they drive them. The compassionate grandmothers, who start shouting at two-year-old children so that they do not chase pigeons, were always annoying. Indeed, the child’s sense is not to drive away, but to catch up. It's good that pigeons are faster)

  3. Oh, how much must be taken into account in order for the child to be healthy! ... Of course, everything depends on the attitude of the parents, on their care and hygiene. Sterility is also harmful, already proven. Everything needs a measure and common sense.

    Yes, Irina, I had an idea that the pigeons were peddlers of various “infections”, but I did not know that the situation was so serious. In the yard, I see how mothers with young children feed birds, children manage to pick up half-eaten pieces of bread and crumble it again. No, now I will have an educational conversation among mothers - children should be protected!

    In order for immunity to develop, contact with various agents of infection is necessary, but, of course, to a reasonable degree. Therefore, the responsibility of parents here is great. If you completely protect children from animals, then for sure they will begin to hurt from each collision with them. I am for a moderate reasonable approach, without extremes.

    Pigeons can be fed in a non-contact way.
      I myself have been a catwoman since childhood. She picked up stray cats, fed them, took them home, while the adults were not at home. And I never got infected from them.

    An unusually wonderful article that brings us closer to the natural world around us. Especially the children who are happy about the code running after the pigeons, I just remember myself in childhood, when I also walked in the park, I liked to feed the pigeons from my hand and when they are so close and pleasant these moments of children's unforgettable joy.
      Regards Denis!

    You’ve got a very sincere article, my children like to feed pigeons. We have a woman living in the porch, so she always feeds the pigeons and says that the pigeon is the bird of God ...

    I hope that basically our pigeons are healthy. I myself with the children, when they were little, fed the pigeons directly from the hand. We have places where pigeons are constantly fed and they are already used to humans.

    Irina Olegovna, your recommendations are simply a miracle. I myself love to feed the pigeons, but I didn’t really think about such a danger ...
      Interestingly, even in St. Petersburg, I always took something in my purse, even bought seeds with my friend to feed the pigeons ... in short, I myself, as a child ...

    Very interesting material. I didn’t attach importance to the fact that bird droppings are poisonous. I immediately remembered how in Smolensk in the park on the trees a huge number of crows sat and they polled people. It was necessary to hoot under an umbrella, as they flew in packs and on the fly did not forget to mark. What good luck 🙂 But pigeons can be found everywhere. And, indeed, there is a temptation to feed by hand. Your information is sobering from this temptation.

    Like many born in the village in my childhood I drove pigeons, they are very graceful and beautiful. Not many people know that there are a large number of breeds of domestic pigeons. Often all knowledge ends with carrier pigeons. And so I want to say that children and pigeons are wonderful. But unfortunately you are right, pigeons in cities are a problem.

    but I liked it so much in my childhood to drive pigeons! and I also liked to feed them. I didn’t even think that they were dangerous until my friend from Vladisotok said that there were no pigeons in their city. It turns out that they are being destroyed there.

    They did not drive pigeons, but I always liked to feed them. Of course you need to be careful. But after all, children and pigeons are a communication of children with nature, love for all living things. Very often in a city or park I watch people feed pigeons - the sight is very pleasant, you always want to smile and feed the pigeons too.
      And my mother every day in the kitchen (on the windowsill) feeds a couple of doves.

    What an interesting and relevant topic, well, which one did not feed the pigeons? On the contrary, this has always been encouraged by both teachers and society, but hardly anyone has thought about this side of the coin. Thank you, Irina, enlightened, we will be more careful ...

    The article is useful, interesting and timely. Pigeons must beware. Although I kept pigeons in my youth, they were other birds. They were well fed, flew for hours and sat only on a dovecote. Such, I think, are safe, and a hungry pigeon picking up food is not clear where it may turn out to be contagious.

    • Yes, Nonna, it is. We don’t think about trouble until it touches. So we are arranged. But our godfather died at the age of 23 from tuberculosis. There are three children left.
        I think that kids do not need to make contact with pigeons and street animals. They have not yet gained immunity.
      In Ukraine there is now an epidemic that is slowly growing. There is something to think about.

      • “Godfather died at age 23 from tuberculosis. There are three children left ... ”if they are not triplets. and the weather, it can be assumed that your relative had an already very turbulent life, and the pigeons were not the cause of the disease, but a consequence. Conclusions as an option are exaggerated and most likely the health of your relative was already shaken.

      • A baby is born with basic immunity and at first it will cope with the dangers of the constantly improving bacterial and viral world. Mother's milk, which has the necessary antibodies, helps him. Then the child’s immune system begins to improve under the influence of external dangers. If children are prohibited from contact with the outside world, then this will not happen, because immunity needs to be developed, and if it is protected, then first of all from the exhaust gases of cars, cheap or low-quality products from a supermarket, etc., which, in fact, affects the stability of the human immune system of any age.

  4. And right here in the kindergarten, pigeon feeders are 🙁 next to the playground for the little ones ((And the pigeons are already fed there, they eat right from their hands. Somehow I had never thought that it could be harmful ((

  5. Last fall, my acquaintance, she was only seven years old, was seriously ill with meningitis. Doctors say that the source of infection with this disease is blue. Now the girl bypasses all the pigeons.

  6. Information about the pigeon "infection" is greatly exaggerated and massaged several years ago. At present, a lot of research suggests that the chance of contracting something from pigeons is much lower (!) Than from any other animal. The same ornithosis - almost all cases of infection are associated with the acquisition of exotic birds (parrots, for example) in the house. In addition, do not forget that pigeons are revered in Orthodoxy. Moreover, these are very cute creatures. If at least once was associated with them, for example, a chick came out, then this love for them will be forever. Winter is coming - the birds are hungry, feed the birds!

    • In appearance, they may be cute, but ... I was an eyewitness to several cases when these cute birds put on a fifth point a seven-year-old boy, taking off in a flock. Himself how many times had to show a reaction so that they did not crash into me. In relation to relatives, they are generally very cruel. Another picture. Grandmother and grandson decided to feed bread to pigeons, so as not to throw it away. Grandmother and grandson calmly left. And then it began ... 5-6 birds flew in alternately. At first everything seemed to be peaceful. Each approached his piece. A few minutes later, several more pigeons more friendly arrived. And then it began. They pounced on the first flock to take away food. They pecked them anywhere, including in the back of the head. At first, the first flock resisted, but not for long, they had to surrender. It was a cruel sight, not for the faint of heart. Hunger is not aunt. Having looked at such a sight, I thought if the birds of the world behave in such a way that they talk about others. People be vigilant. Beware of wild and feral animals, they are dangerous for both health and life. Be a worthy example to your children and grandchildren. Love animals at home without fanaticism, but also without unnecessary snot. Who, if not we, will pass on our invaluable experience to our children and grandchildren in relation to animals.
        Sincerely, Vasily Solovyov

  7. Dear friends, I used to think the same way as the author of the article. Somehow I picked up a sick bird and ... no longer pass by. I learned to treat all pigeon diseases. Birds live constantly at home and many are on treatment. This was helped by Yorum Myberles, where caring people save birds. I’ve been doing this for several years, and as you see, she’s alive and well. A pigeon can only be infected with ornithosis and salmonellosis - if you don’t wash your hands and eat it raw.
      The infection was exaggerated - and everyone who treats pigeons is a living example.
      Moreover, I myself am a doctor who graduated from the institute with honors.
      Love pigeons, do not turn away from someone else’s misfortune, feed with a sow, not bread and millet and just wash your hands! That's all!

  8. By the way, I rummaged through the entire Internet - typed this way and that - “How many people got infected from pigeons”, “Statistics of the number of cases of diseases transmitted to people from pigeons”, “Cases of people being infected from pigeons”, etc. - and not a single line! - And also: -Why, when I was climbing up attics in my childhood and youth and killing dozens of pigeons so that I could pluck, gut, grind, cook and eat them at home (the teacher’s family was starving), I didn’t get infected! - Although, - he became bald after 40, and he cured tooth decay in 3 teeth! - probably because of the pigeons. And the destruction of poultry in households (allegedly from the likelihood of contracting bird flu) was deliberately carried out by the anti-people government in order to earn money on the import of imported chickens, ruining the country's agriculture. There were also “guilty and pigs,” if you remember. But - now Obama is “to blame”! - But if the pigeons are still enemies of people's lives - so catch everyone and take them to prison inmates for food - they will only say thank you! - Or hi chew rancid moldy millet with rotten frozen potatoes? In short: - If pigeons interfere with people - they (pigeons) must be poisoned and the issue closed.

  9. Barbara, in vain you are making noise here. Any phenomenon in society is connected by many connections with other processes taking place in it. You are mistaken if you think that discussion of the article should take place only at the level: "Pigeons poop and pee or poop." The ability to philosophize is one of the main qualities that distinguish a person from an animal.
      And as for the article to which you link, I can say the following. God has not issued a license to any representative of either the world religion or the sectarian god. So people serve, as they know how, who, strictly observing the canons, and who, carrying the gag. Repented, if necessary, God will forgive.

  10. Usually children like the author have children forever and get sick, they themselves say to the pigeons it is useful to be chased ... who said that? About 50 years ago, pigeons ate from the hands of people, now you can hardly find such ones .. so your greenhouse children are always ill that you care about them too much, you are afraid to open the window of the house ... all pigeons diseases, almost all people pass them on to them. As for the comment, why make comments when your larvae chase pigeons and other animals, because the current mothers do not have culture, I saw how the larvae of such mothers kick cats and puppies and this mother does not even make a comment! If you tell the child that the cat is dangerous, the bird is also a puppy, then this can cause not fear, but hatred for the animal! And most importantly, the article noted the phrase beast in relation to urban animals, and so this beast is a man!

  11. People. do not feed the birds with large pieces of bread. Birds become infected from each other through pieces of bread. grind to the size of one piece one sip of the bird. So sorry to watch sick pigeons. Do not throw food, do not put plates with food for animals or feed one and clean the dishes. Paul

    I would never have thought that pigeons are so contagious. My children feed them on the site with hands. Before you go to the street, be sure to take millet or bread. Now I know. Thank you for the article.

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The pigeon has long been considered a completely peace-loving creature. Unpretentious birds always lived near people, fed from their hands and caused universal emotion. And few people realize that sometimes they can be a source of serious danger to human health and even human life.

Pigeons can cause serious diseases in humans.

Hundreds of pathogens can be carried by pigeons, many of which can be affected by humans.

The following diseases of pigeons of a bacterial nature can be transmitted to humans:

  • psittacosis, or ornithosis;
  • acute intestinal infection, or salmonellosis;
  • intestinal infection campylobacteriosis;
  • infectious listeriosis;
  • acute focal infection of tularemia;
  • pseudotuberculosis, or yersiniosis.

Chlamydia penetrate the human body through the respiratory tract and are pathogens of ornithosis. Bacteria harmful to humans infect the lungs. The person begins to cough, respiratory failure and shortness of breath become apparent. These bacteria then spread through the blood vessels throughout the body.

Signs of general intoxication with ornithosis are:

  • aches in the bones;
  • muscle ailments;
  • fever.

With ornithosis, the liver and spleen, nerve endings suffer. A chronic form of ornithosis is possible.

How can I get infected:

  • in direct contact with a sick bird;
  • by inhalation of particles of feces, mucus, pigeon fluff, dried up and turned into dust.

Common in pigeons, ornithosis affects the spleen and liver of a person, and also affects the nerve endings.

Ornithosis is sometimes compared to rabies. A sick bird can die from it. Most often, pigeons transmit ornithosis to children: it is so interesting for babies to approach the bird closer during feeding, hold it or stroke it.

Pigeons usually become infected with ornithosis by eating leftover food dumped in garbage bins and urns. This disease is treatable, but not always diagnosed on time. If the disease is not treated, then serious consequences are possible.

Intestinal infection (salmonellosis)

One of the most common diseases that can be infected from a pigeon is called salmonellosis. Salmonella bacteria are found in the litter.

How can I get infected:

  • if personal hygiene is not observed, through unwashed hands;
  • when using food that is prepared outside the home.

With salmonellosis, the patient has a digestive tract disorder. The patient, as if with a knife, cuts his stomach, he is plagued by vomiting, diarrhea, his health is sharply worsened by high temperature. A greenish hue and an unpleasant odor appear in the chair.

Salmonella can be infected if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene and consume food on the street.


How to get inside:

  • due to unwashed hands;
  • with contaminated food.

The main symptom of the disease is a violation of the digestive tract. Nausea and pulling abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea are characteristic of campylobacteriosis. Stool of a liquid consistency, a sharp unpleasant odor, sometimes blood impurities can be observed. High fever for more than 3 days and worsening well-being also accompany the course of the disease. Symptoms last longer than 3-4 days. Muscle and joint pains are noted.

In chronic campylobacteriosis, signs persist, only their form is less pronounced. In the absence of proper treatment, a person has a loss in body weight, fatigue increases, and strength is lost. Women who have this disease sometimes have specific vaginal discharge.

This disease is subject to treatment, it is important to be able to detect it on time and take all necessary measures.

Campylobacteriosis leads to disruption of the digestive tract, but can be successfully treated with timely diagnosis.

Infectious Listeriosis

People rarely catch this disease, but sometimes this happens. The disease is transmitted through mucus secreted by the pigeon and feces.

Ways of possible infection:

  • fecal-oral;
  • airborne dust;
  • contact household.

Symptoms of listeriosis resemble an allergy. Sometimes a rash appears on the skin, an increase in lymph nodes can be observed. When bacteria are affected by the nervous system, meningitis or encephalitis sometimes develops. Due to the delayed treatment of the disease, a fatal outcome is possible. With timely treatment of listeriosis, unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

Infectious listeriosis rarely affects people, and its symptoms are similar to common allergies.

Acute focal infection (tularemia)

Pigeons can carry this disease and not experience its unpleasant symptoms.

How can I get infected:

  • through contact with a sick pigeon;
  • through food and drink that turned out to be infected.

Fever, temple pain, loss of appetite are symptoms of tularemia. With it, a rash on the face and mucous membranes, swelling may appear.

Malicious bacteria are destroyed by a course of antibiotics.

Tularemia is practically safe for pigeons, but people tolerate it much worse.

Bacterial pseudotuberculosis

Most often, small children are affected by this disease. A child can become infected by eating food or drink infected with bacteria that carry pigeons.

Malicious bacteria contribute to damage:

  • stomach and intestines;
  • spleen;
  • the liver.

Most often, rashes are observed on the body. General poisoning of the body is noted. From the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea are possible. Joint and muscle pains are characteristic of the course of this disease. Pseudotuberculosis is treated with antibiotics.

Bacterial pseudotuberculosis affects the internal organs of a person and requires intensive antibiotic treatment.

Fungal disease cryptococcosis

A large number of cryptococcus yeast is found in the pigeon litter. By airborne dust and through uncleaned air conditioners used in everyday life, these mushrooms enter people's homes and contribute to their infection with cryptococcosis.

Most often, people with weakened immune defenses are susceptible to the disease.

What happens to a person with a disease of cryptococcosis:

  • under the influence of fungi, the respiratory system and the brain are affected;
  • granulomas form in the connective tissue of the lungs;
  • the patient is tired of dry cough and pain in the sternum;
  • if the brain is damaged by infection, the patient is sick and has a headache.

This disease, without proper treatment, is life threatening.

Cryptococcosis without proper treatment can even be fatal.


The disease can affect many organs of a person, but the brain is most affected by it.

Signs of toxoplasmosis are:

  • severe nausea;
  • slight impaired motor coordination;
  • significant visual impairment.

The disease is treated with chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics.

Toxoplasmosis is a very dangerous disease, especially for young children and pregnant women.

Newcastle disease

Pigeons secrete a virus in the litter and nasal mucus that can infect a person with Newcastle disease. The virus continues to remain active in dust particles.

How is the disease transmitted:

  • by inhalation of harmful particles by a person;
  • if personal hygiene is not observed after contact with a sick bird.

Veterinarians and people caring for birds are sick most often.

Possible symptoms of the disease:

  1. A person has a sore throat.
  2. There is a runny nose.
  3. The sick person is shivering.
  4. The temperature rises slightly.
  5. Swelling of the eyelids is noted.
  6. Sometimes the lymph nodes of the neck and head become inflamed.

Newcastle disease is often infected by people who often come in contact with birds.

Especially terrible is this ailment in childhood. The virus can enter the baby’s brain, causing viral encephalitis.

The disease is treated in a variety of ways, depending on the specific symptoms. It is treatable, it is important to take all necessary measures in time.

How to protect yourself from infection

If a person knows what diseases a pigeon suffers, he will try to be careful in contact with this bird.

Feeding feathered friends is possible, but not with hands, but pouring crumbs or grains into the feeders, or throwing them on the ground or paved walkways.

Worse than feeding from human hands can only be feeding a pigeon from the mouth.

In order to prevent infection, it is important to remember:

  • it is advisable to avoid too close communication with street pigeons;
  • drinking food or water at the same time as feeding feathered friends outside is not recommended;
  • protect the child from too close contact with the pigeon, do not allow the bird to be hand-fed;
  • after feeding the pigeons, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • in order to protect themselves from infection with bird diseases by airborne droplets, it is recommended to clean the air conditioners used in household and personal transport.

For disease prevention, it is advisable to avoid close contact with pigeons.

A bird is sick when:

  • she looks lethargic and helpless;
  • the dove plumage is too ruffled or damaged;
  • the dove's eyes are watery;
  • the bird refuses food;
  • her tail is smeared with liquid droppings.

And most importantly, it is important to remember that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences associated with diseases carried by pigeons, you must first observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Among the infections which diseases doves carry, many are harmful to the human body. These decorative birds are the sources of about a hundred diseases, among which about a dozen have become dangerous to humans.

  • an acute infectious disease called ornithosis,
  • acute intestinal infection caused by the salmonella microbe - salmonellosis,
  • acute zooanthroponotic infection of campylobacteriosis,
  • an infectious disease caused by rod-shaped pathogenic bacteria, listeriosis,
  • natural focal infection of tularemia,
  • acute saprozoonotic infection pseudotuberculosis.

The appearance of the above diseases in people is associated with a violation of the basic rules of personal hygiene. Most often, the causes of diseases that have entered the human body that pigeons carry are bird saliva, excrement in food or the transmission of pathogens by airborne droplets.

Salmonella infection

The causative agents of salmonella infection are salmonella bacilli, which lead to intoxication of the body and cause a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria that have settled in the human body release toxins in the small intestine, which, when the disease develops, impedes the functioning of the vascular system, reducing its tone, and affects the nervous system.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • increased body temperature of the patient,
  • the appearance of weakness in the body,
  • the presence of headaches,
  • gag reflexes, nausea,
  • pain in the abdomen,
  • incessant loose stools.

Salmonella begins to appear after 6-72 hours from the moment the salmonella bacillus hits. In some cases, a person can only be a carrier of bacteria, without showing any symptoms of diseases, but being a source of infection for others.

For the medical treatment of this infectious disease, derivatives of the penicillin antibacterial groups, tetracycline antibiotics are used. With the occurrence of salmonella infection in a mild form and the absence of blood components in loose stool, antibiotic administration is limited.


Among the diseases that are dangerous for people who carry pigeons, there is a parrot disease, or ornithosis. It refers to serious infections that cause a fever. Chlamydia that causes the disease, settling in human cells, leads to damage to the lung tissue, disrupts the central nervous system, causes an increase in the size of the spleen and liver.

The disease of ornithosis in people is most often diagnosed in the cold season.

It is possible to become infected with ornithic chlamydia through air-dust communication, when a person inhales dust in which particles of bird stool, as well as those contained in the beak and feather microbes, are trapped. In addition, infection can enter the human body through the digestive tract.

Penetrating through the respiratory tract, the pathogen enters the bronchi, then advances to the cells, where it begins to multiply and enter the bloodstream. The first signs that appear after 6-17 days are:

  • chills and fever (over 39 ° C),
  • the appearance of general weakness and a state of weakness,
  • severe muscle and headaches
  • a sharp decrease in appetite.

After 2-4 days after the onset of the first signs, cough and stitching pains in the chest begin, sputum separation occurs, which indicates damage to the lung tissue.

For the treatment of ornithosis, antibiotics are prescribed: tetracycline drugs, as well as bronchodilators, which are taken up to 10 days.

Campylobacter infection

The causative agents of this zooanthroponic infection can be in the body of pigeons for a long time, without manifesting themselves. Birds secrete bacteria that are dangerous to humans, along with excrement, and humans carry them into their bodies through dirty hands or along with infected food and water.

Campyloinfection leads to general intoxication and, having settled in the small intestine, disrupts the gastric tract, leading to diseases such as gastroenteritis and colitis.

At risk for campylobacteriosis diseases are children under the age of 2 years, as well as elderly people.

Among the primary symptoms:

  • abdominal pain and vomiting reflexes,
  • bloody stools,
  • fever
  • general weakness
  • muscle and joint pain.

Very often, because of the various manifestations of the infection and the absence of direct signs of the disease, it is difficult to diagnose the bacteria in the body. In diseases of campylobacter, azithromycin is prescribed.

Listeriosis infection

Listeria carriers are different animals, including pigeons. Intracellular bacteria enter the body through plant foods, and then into human organisms through vegetables and products with bird excrement on their surface.

Listeria is a source of foodborne infection; more often, listeriosis is compared with allergic reactions in which fever is noted, outbreaks of skin rash appear, and lymph nodes increase in size.

With a protracted infection, listeria can produce a sore throat and disrupt the central nervous system, giving rise to diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis. In some cases, convulsive conditions are noted.

Symptoms of listeriosis can sometimes be confused with manifestations of diseases such as rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Treatment of lesteriosis occurs through the use of penicillin and its derivatives, as well as a group of tetracyclines.

Tularemic infection

Focal zooanthroponic tularemia leads to general intoxication and causes febrile conditions, affecting the lymphatic system. Sources of the disease are small bacteria that die immediately when boiled, and when heated to 60 ° C, after 5 minutes.

Typically, carriers of tularemic bacteria are rodents, rabbits and hares, and birds are only carriers that transmit the infection through contact with humans. The bacterium can enter the human body through infected products, through water and with blood-sucking insects.

In Russia, the first cases of tularemia were recorded in 1926.

The development of the disease occurs after a few hours and up to three weeks, but on average primary symptoms appear after 3 days - a week:

  • body temperature rises sharply,
  • dizziness and muscle pain, pain in the back and lower back,
  • vomiting conditions are observed,
  • possible nosebleeds,
  • sometimes there is redness of the skin of the face, its swelling,
  • the lymph nodes in size increase in diameter from a pea to a walnut,
  • fever lasts from a week to a month.

In ulcerative forms of diseases with tularemia, the typical manifestations are the buboes that appear - follicular yellow growths.

Pseudotuberculosis disease

Bacterial acute saprozoonotic infection is caused by a harm-negative bacterium and leads to febrile conditions, disrupts the small intestine and liver, and is often accompanied by a rash.

Primary symptoms appear after three days - three weeks, but most often they are noticeable after 10 days:

  • a sharp increase in temperature to 39 ° C,
  • persistent diarrhea and vomiting reflexes,
  • the presence of pain in the abdomen,
  • persistent headache
  • general weakness in the body.

In the absence of loose stools and rashes, instead of pseudotuberculosis, rheumatism is often mistakenly diagnosed.

The peak of pseudotuberculosis occurs in winter and spring.

Ill patients are assigned a dietary table No. 4, as well as antibacterial drug treatment using levomycin or doxycycline.

You can see pigeons in almost any big city. For many, these are symbols of goodness and love. Birds are used to living next to humans, because in residential areas it is always easy to find food, in contrast to the wild.

Walking in the park and feeding the birds, not everyone thinks about the potential danger that lurks in such a contact. Even decorative breeds can be a source of trouble, what to speak of wild individuals.

Birds become carriers of many dangerous ones. Names are quite a large number, some of them are very dangerous for humans. Moreover, the bird does not always have external manifestations of ill health. To protect yourself and your children from problems, read in the article what diseases doves spread.

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Consider each ailment individually - what are the symptoms, methods of infection, what is the damage to health.


Adults themselves may not even suffer from salmonellosis, but at the same time they are its carriers. There are several ways of infection - through dirty hands, through food prepared not in the room, but right on the street, in contact with a bird. Salmonella is contained in the feces, a small enough particle to penetrate the body and cause malaise. Even if you inhale the dust, which contains a harmful bacterium, infection will occur.

Signs of salmonellosis are very characteristic: severe pain in the stomach, diarrhea and vomiting. She feels very poor due to a sharp increase in temperature. The chair is a characteristic yellow-green color with a pungent odor. If you find the first symptoms, you must call an ambulance.

  • Carriers can look completely healthy, because adult birds are relatively easy to cope with salmonellosis. Their intestines, bones, goiter milk and droppings are affected, sick offspring appear.
  • Young growth, picking up salmonella, looks lethargic, refuses to eat, has tousled plumage. There is an inflammation of the eyes, sometimes turning into blindness, bloody diarrhea. Such an individual dies in a period of 14 to 60 days.

In a chronic course, the joints in the bird suffer, which swell and interfere with movement. Very often, staphylococcus also develops in parallel. Oppression of the nervous system is expressed in convulsions, paralysis. A sick individual falls on his back and eventually dies. For humans, complications are possible on the heart, blood vessels, joints.


The causative agents are intracellular bacteria of Listeria. People rarely get infected, but this is possible. The transmission of the disease from pigeons occurs by airborne droplets, through contact with animals, by fecal-oral methods. Listeria live in the discharge of individuals, on the plumage. Bacteria retain their activity for a long time after the allocation is dry. Once in the human body, cause manifestations in the form of an allergy.

But there is an acute form of listeriosis:

  • temperature rise,
  • rash,
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • the appearance of a sore throat is possible.

Listeria is dangerous because it depresses the nervous system. As a consequence, meningitis, encephalitis with convulsions and malfunctions in mental health are likely. Without timely help, listeriosis can end in a premature death.

Fortunately, usually this ailment proceeds in a more relaxed form. The patient feels nauseous, periodically “jumps” the temperature. Symptoms resemble a cold - a runny nose, conjunctivitis bothers. Listeriosis is poorly reflected in the course of pregnancy and is transmitted to the fetus, therefore, especially women in position should avoid direct contact with garden residents. Timely treatment usually ends with a full recovery.


Another dangerous one that can be caught by breathing dust near a cluster of birds. It can consist of pieces of dried manure, other secretions, fluff, infected individuals. Ornithosis is dangerous in that it is difficult to diagnose at an early stage. Most often it is pigeons that suffer from it. This is the most common cause of chick death - what happens to sick doves after a few weeks. Before this, young animals suffer from diarrhea and shortness of breath.

Adults have difficulty breathing, they have wheezing, runny nose. Eyes become inflamed, tears are released, trembling appears - the bird sneezes, trying to get rid of nasal mucus, shaking its head. Infection develops very quickly, so the owners need to urgently take action. Ornithosis was described by scientists in the late 19th century. and is more commonly known as SARS.

Infection takes place in a similar way - inhaled dust, in which there are particles of dried feces. Within 1 to 3 weeks, the disease does not manifest itself. Then the symptoms occur:

  • temperature,
  • headache,
  • aches in joints, muscles.

The patient is shivering, unable to sleep normally due to a sore throat, perspiration increases, sometimes ornithosis is accompanied by nausea, intestinal disorders (constipation or diarrhea). Often accompanied by conjunctivitis, malfunctioning of the liver. Pressure decreases, bradycardia appears. A person becomes irritable, lethargic, cries for no reason.

The lungs are affected (the first sign is coughing), the brain, liver, heart and brain.


The disease is quite common and resistant to environmental influences, the causative agent is the bacterium Francisella. Can domestic pigeons become a source of infection? Yes, unfortunately, the course of tularemia sometimes goes completely asymptomatic. In extreme cases, the bird will be lethargic, with poor appetite.

You can get infected by contact with sick individuals, through water and food, into which particles of feces have got. Tularemia is not transmitted from humans, only from animals, but people are very susceptible to it. Therefore, if you have to often contact with birds, it is better to get a vaccination.

The following symptoms should be noted:

  • fever;
  • chills and headache;
  • weakness, lack of appetite.

In the first days of infection, edema appears in the face, a rash appears on the mucous membranes. The liver grows, the stomach hurts. The lymph nodes become inflamed and swell.


It is also called false tuberculosis, because it causes similar pathological changes. Nodular formations form in the affected tissues. The causative agent is pastarella pseudotuberculosis. Both wild and domestic birds suffer from it. Usually pseudotuberculosis occurs against a background of chronic intestinal diseases.

Sick bird can be identified by ruffled feathers, incorrect head position, lethargic state. Pseudotuberculosis is one of the most dangerous pigeon diseases for humans. Infection occurs through meat, milk, vegetables.

Symptoms are different, often resemble colds: temperature (up to 40 °), a rash near the joints, a weakened state, sore throat. Infected people have their external lymph nodes removed. Abscesses are opened to pump out pus. If the case is advanced, it can be difficult to treat. Against the background of HIV, the course is very difficult, sometimes it causes death.


Transmitted through dirty hands, contaminated food or water. In this case, the pigeon outwardly can be completely healthy, but its feces contain pathogens - campylobacter bacteria. For most birds, the course passes without any symptoms, sometimes expressed as respiratory infections, lameness, pericarditis or inflammation of the ovary.

In humans, the incubation period lasts from one day to three days. Then there is diarrhea, fever, dysentery, a rash appears on the skin. Pain in the abdomen is tormented, nausea and vomiting occur. Stool sometimes contains some blood. The temperature rises, the person feels weakened, joint pain appears. In advanced cases, the liver and pancreas are affected.

Newcastle disease

Previously, it was believed that this disease only affects chickens, but then scientists found out that pigeons are also susceptible to it and can become a source of infection. In gray-winged animals, symptoms appear literally in a few days - the virus begins to grow actively, it is excreted with mucus and droppings. The bird becomes lethargic, sits with his eyes closed. It reacts poorly to external stimuli, gradually it develops paralysis, which is preceded by convulsions. Sometimes an individual falls and twists its head.

Literally a week later, the bird dies - in contrast, doves carry Newcastle disease in a very serious form. The virus remains viable for a long time even in dried litter. If you touch your nose, mouth, or eye area with dirty hands, the infection enters the body. In humans, the symptoms are very similar to the usual SARS, sometimes it makes it difficult to correctly diagnose. Most often manifested as inflammation of the eyes:

The temperature rises slightly, lymph nodes can become inflamed. At risk are poultry workers, veterinarians. Children suffer Newcastle disease much harder - the virus can penetrate the brain and cause encephalitis. It is difficult to cope with the disease and people with weakened immunity, against the background of other chronic diseases.

Preventive measures

Although the transmission of infections from bird to person is not so common, it is quite possible. To maintain health, you must follow the rules of hygiene. Only in this way harm from pigeons can be minimized. You can get infected through the eggs and meat of sick birds, in case of accidental ingestion of droppings in food. You should not eat and buy drinks where they do not comply with sanitary requirements - if you plan a long walk in the park, then it is better to take a snack and water with you.

In some cities in Europe and Asia, pigeons are banned from the population to prevent the spread of dangerous infections. Guilty fines imposed, may be evicted from the apartment. As they say, caution is not superfluous when it comes to health.

Communicate with the inhabitants of the parks without direct contact - you can throw food on the paths or pour it into the feeders. Touching sick individuals should not be. If a pigeon flies on the balcony, it is better to carefully drive it away and carry out wet cleaning, wearing gloves and a protective mask.

Attention, only TODAY!

Children and pigeons

The very combination of these words makes many of us feel caring and tender, safe and tender.

But is this a harmonious combination, as it seems to most of us? Are pigeons dangerous for tiny babies?

Can pregnant pigeons be fed in the city?
  women and young children who have weakened or have not yet developed strong immunity?

Caution, the pigeons are contagious! They are carriers of infections

Pigeons often carry many types of viral infections. From almost a hundred bird diseases, according to various sources, from 7 to 10 are transmitted to humans. Some diseases can lead to the most serious consequences. Therefore, you should not completely ignore such things as the child’s contact with animals and birds, whose health we don’t know anything about.

Birds that were considered symbols of love and obedience in the old days fell under the scanner: they can pose a threat to the human population
  A study conducted on wild street pigeons by the Animal Health Research Center in Madrid shows pigeons carry a virulent bacterium that can cause various gastrointestinal diseases in humans. The new issue of Acta Vetinaria Scandinavica (BioMed Central) has been published research pigeons. Scientists report that these birds can pose a threat to the human population by spreading bacteria that cause pneumonia, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Chlamydia psittaci bacteria
and Campylobacter jejuni are present in most representatives of this bird population and are more harmful than the well-known Salmonella.

So the relationship is complex, people perceive pigeons in different ways: some for it (a symbol of peace, love, without human support they will die); others are against (“flying rats”, annoying, unscrupulous, peddlers of infection). Pigeons are protected and fought with them at the same time.

Myth story

A man domesticated a pigeon 5 or 6 thousand years ago due to its excellent orientation, the pigeon was used as a postal bird. He is able to overcome huge distances, developing speeds of up to 100 km per hour.

The methods of poisoning the "city rats" - pigeons, pigeons, which are considered birds of the world and live with people on the balcony, sometimes complicate our lives, becoming potential carriers of microorganisms and diseases. The presence of a large number of pigeons requires constant cleaning of the balcony and window sill, which requires effort, money and time.

The neighborhood with pigeons is not always nice

Pigeons living in the city have already ceased to be afraid of us, in addition, they live in packs, are used to noise and quickly increase their population. Therefore, pigeons are often also called "winged city rats." We will tell you how to get rid of these "peaceful" birds on the balconies.

Bird danger

Pigeons not only carry microbes, but also cause serious diseases of the stomach and intestines. Researchers in Spain found psitaki chlamydia in these birds. It is proved that it provokes the appearance of the so-called avian disease. This disease is more dangerous than salmonellosis!

The media has been shocking from time to time with news that pigeons, which are crowded with streets and squares of cities, are carriers of dangerous infections. Indeed, birds can carry about a hundred different diseases in their bodies. And at least ten of the diseases of pigeons are dangerous to humans.

How to recognize a sick pigeon

Not only street birds, but also your pets can get sick. After all, it is always very important to monitor hygiene and compliance with sanitary norms in the cage, as well as ensure the birds have a proper balanced diet. Otherwise, she may get sick. Further information is provided on how to recognize the most famous of the diseases of pigeons.


Ornithosis is a viral disease, the peak of which occurs in the cool season, when the immune system is especially weakened. The virus causes chlamydia, resulting in damage to the respiratory system. About 150 species of pigeons can be carriers of infection.

Tuberculosis in pigeons Tuberculosis is a chronic infection common to animals and pigeons. The danger of bird tuberculosis for humans has been established.

Avian tuberculosis in humans occurs with damage to the skin and mucous membranes in the form of nodular formations. The bacterium of tuberculosis of birds is an acid-resistant bacillus of Mycobacterium avium, which is stored for a long time in the environment. For disinfection, bleach is used when the disinfectant comes in contact with the object for 1 hour.

In small farms, with insufficient ventilation of the houses and poor feeding, pigeons may encounter tuberculosis, but for its appearance there must be predisposing factors (unsanitary condition, sources of infection). Infection often occurs with food and water, and pollutes the environment. After the pathogen enters the body of pigeons, 2 to 3 months pass before the development of the first clinical signs of the disease.

A touching picture - a happy baby feeds the birds, and happy parents
  still throw up treats to cute creatures. Only hardly anyone knows that
  pigeons are very dangerous - they can carry about 90 pathogens
  different diseases, including 10 zoonoses - diseases transmitted to humans
  (salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis, ornithosis, etc.).

Is it possible to get infected from city pigeons?
  Lana Himochko

Unfortunately yes. Doves can carry around 90 pathogens of various diseases, 7 of them are dangerous to humans. In fairness, it must be said that man is no less dangerous for a pigeon.

Wandering pigeons inhabited North America. During flights, they gathered in miles of flocks that eclipsed the sky. For various reasons, these birds were exterminated in every conceivable and inconceivable way: they were shot from rifles, rifles, pistols ... By the way, they invented the machine gun specifically for fighting pigeons. Birds were caught in nets, killed with sticks and stones. Their meat was harvested, salted, and fed pigs to them ... For several decades, at the end of the 19th century, this species was completely exterminated!

So the relationship is complex, people perceive pigeons in different ways: some for it (a symbol of peace, love, without human support they will die); others are against (“flying rats”, annoying, unscrupulous, peddlers of infection).

Avian tuberculosis Another disease that develops in pigeons. Avian tuberculosis can also be transmitted to humans, so you need to be extremely careful in case of illness of pigeons. In birds, this ailment is accompanied by fatigue, weakness, sagging wings. The plumage of the bird becomes dull and disheveled. To diagnose avian tuberculosis, it is necessary to inject 0.05 ml of tuberculin into the upper part of the eyelid with a syringe. If this infection still continues to develop, a distinct swelling will occur at the injection site. Unfortunately, treatment of pigeons for tuberculosis is considered inappropriate, since birds become carriers of infection during quarantine, and a full cure can take a lot of time.

The pigeon has long been a symbol of good news and purity. Today these amazing birds live near us. Many large cities in Europe and the world can not be imagined without these charming birds. Pigeons have become a kind of attraction, because thousands of tourists seek to capture them through the lens of their camera.

Since these creatures are our neighbors, it is worth paying attention to changes in their behavior, because often this is the only way to determine that the bird is sick. Do not forget that there are diseases of pigeons that are dangerous to humans. Owners of pigeons are especially required to monitor their health, since infectious diseases can lead to complete extinction of the livestock, as well as cause significant harm to human health.

When breeding birds, it is important to remember that, as in the case of people, it is much easier to prevent the disease than to treat it later. In this case, the "sores" of birds are mostly massive.

Modern people consider them dirty birds that carry diseases and harm the appearance of architectural architecture. However, few people know that these birds in the distant past saved human lives, brought power and prosperity to states. It is also believed that the pigeon is a bird of the world, why, we learn from the article.

Why dove is a symbol of peace

The ancient Egyptians first domesticated these birds. Proof of the perfect union are the wall-mounted images of pigeons in a positive vein, dated 5000 BC. People found in unpretentious animals endurance and good fertility, since a pigeon pair can breed offspring several times a year. Most of the pigeons were bred for food. Their tender meat was an important part of the diet. It should be noted that even now it is quite often possible to find live pigeons in Egyptian markets.

The tradition of cooking a delicious bird dinner has been preserved to this day. For creatures ...

The impact of pigeons on humans and their habitats

On Trafalgar Square in London, there can simultaneously be up to 35 thousand gray pigeons.

The close proximity of pigeons and humans has both its positive and negative sides. To some extent, they enliven the urban landscape - for example, flocks of pigeons have long been an adornment and landmark of Trafalgar Square in London and St. Mark's Square in Venice. In addition, pigeons act as scavengers by eating leftover food debris and thereby inhibiting the spread of pathogens.

On the other hand, large concentrations of birds bring a lot of trouble to the public utilities, polluting buildings, sculptures and green spaces with litter. In addition, experts came to the conclusion that sisars are gradually destroying architectural monuments, hatching seeds brought by the wind from microscopic cracks and thereby increasing their size.


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