How to tame a parrot to sit down a finger. How to train a parrot on a shoulder. Video: how to quickly tame a parrot to your hands

Quite often, the owners of the wavy complain that the bird is afraid to sit in the palm of his hand. How to tame a parrot to his hands, so that he forever becomes your faithful friend. There are a few simple rules that can be followed to quickly gain the confidence of a feathered pet.

Cute birds do not immediately get used to the new owner. So you need a lot of patience. First you need to establish contact with them - it can take several weeks. In order for the taming to be successful, you need to choose the right pet. There is only one rule - the easiest way to train young parrots. Therefore, experts recommend buying chicks under the age of five months. More adult birds are much more difficult to train. But this task is feasible, if perseverance. It is advisable to choose a pet not from a pet store, but from professional breeders. Parrots, which are kept in a tight cage, experience stress all the time, so difficulties can arise in the process of upbringing.

Cute birds do not immediately get used to the new owner

It is very important to wean a bird from the flock. It is believed that if she is with other birds for a long time, she will be more wild. Some manage to teach several pets at once. The main thing is to give them a lot of attention. To do this, you need to periodically release the birds into the wild and often talk with them. If you rarely deal with wavy, they will not make contact for a long time. In this case, problems are possible - if you let the parrot out of the cage, return it later then will not work. The best option is to purchase one chick. Given constant communication with him, it will take three to four weeks to study.

Raising a formed bird is not easy, but quite possible. If before that she lived in good conditions, but had almost no contact with people, you need to pay a lot of attention to her and talk every day for an hour. If the parrot has experienced stress, was subjected to abuse, the chances of success are minimal. Such birds are afraid of humans and are even able to bite. Of course, love and affection can change their attitude, but you will have to show maximum care, not make sudden movements and under no circumstances shout. All this will scare the pet even more.

You need to pay a lot of attention to the parrot and talk every day for an hour

It is much easier to raise little chicks. From good breeders, they get used to hands from birth, as the owner regularly takes them for regular inspection and seeding in other cells. In the new house from the very first days they can become your loyal friends. Hand wavy can be distinguished from wild by habits, and when buying immediately understand which parrot is the calmest - you can easily pick it up. Such a pet is perfect for you.

Where will the bird live and how quickly to raise it? These issues need to be addressed before acquiring a pet. The parrot should live in a spacious cage, where everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Among the mandatory elements can be noted drinking bowl and feeder, perch. For several days, the pet must remain in the cage for adaptation. When he gets to know the new environment, you can accustom him to hand. In the future, you can treat your pet with various toys. The table shows everything that should be in the cell:

After buying a parrot, you need to transport it to the house in a prepared container. It can be a regular cardboard box with ventilation holes. It is brought in the door of the prepared cage, and the bird itself moves to a new dwelling. It is possible to let out a parrot only where it cannot fly out through a door or a window.


After the chick has settled in the cage, allow it to get to know unfamiliar objects for some time.

In the first days after purchase, the bird experiences severe stress. The reason is the new situation and separation from brothers. Usually she sits with a black tongue and hardly eats. In a couple of days, everything should change.


Before communicating tightly with a bird, it is necessary to determine what his temperament is. If you watch her, you can understand how to quickly tame a smart budgerigar to his hands. However, all birds have their own character. Some pets are very playful, others are more calm. The first one makes easy contact, as they are distinguished by curiosity. It is more difficult to tame independent birds, but with the right approach, they will definitely trust you.

The first days you should not let the pets out of the cage - he is still not quite used to the new house and it will be problematic to return it. If you try to catch a bird that does not know hands and does not know how to return to its home, it will be difficult to catch it. She will fly under the ceiling and hide on cabinets, where it is almost impossible to get it. In addition, a frightened pet may fall and injure itself.

How to build trust

To establish contact with the wavy, all your manipulations should only be associated with a pleasant one, for example, a treat.

Starting training, stretch your palm into the cage with food

Starting training, extend a palm with food into the cage. If the bird is free, immediately close all doors and windows, remove animals from the premises that can frighten it. Give your pet time so that he can stop getting nervous and get hungry. Five hours later, the parrot wants to eat and will be selected to the house with food and water. birds usually climb into hard-to-reach places, so it makes no sense to chase after them. Leave the door open, and equip the entrance with comfortable perches. When the pet stops being nervous, he will be able to fly up to the house and go into it. Watch him closely, but do not show clear interest. When the bird is in the cage, slam the door.

How to tame a parrot outside the cage

If an untrained pet is free, you can try to tame it outside the house. To do this, after a few hours of the incident, bring your palm with food to the bird. Courageous parrots immediately understand that the hand is a source of food and try to sit on it. Some individuals even peck grains. Feed the feathered and move it into the cage. At the same time, gently repeat the name and say nice words. Sometimes the wavy sit on the perch, on which they are moved to the house. If the parrot is very scared, bring the cage to it. Seeing her close, he usually climbs inside. Knowing how to tame a budgie, if he is afraid, you can quickly make contact with him.

If an untrained pet is free, you can try to tame it outside the house

If the pet does not come to you for a long time and does not want to go to the cage, use the proven and safe method of fishing. With the onset of darkness, one person rises at the switch, and the second - near the place where the bird is. At some point, you need to turn off the light and take the parrot in your hands, then carefully transplant it into the cage. So you can quickly succeed, as in the dark, feathered poorly see. The light can be turned on when the bird is in the house. Interestingly, after this, she will not be at all afraid of a person, since she will not understand how everything happened.

The adaptation field, when the pet gradually gets used to the owner, you can start regular classes. The readiness of a parrot is very easy to determine - he does not hide from people, can sit on his hand, and when he leaves it, he comes back.

Every day, several times bring into the house an open palm with grains or other goodies. Over time, the bird will cease to be nervous. What to do if the parrot is afraid of the owner? Be patient. Hold your hand in the cage to make sure that there is no danger. After some time, the wavy will come closer, and then it will boldly peck the feed. After a few weeks of simple manipulation, the bird will begin to fearlessly approach you. Gradually, the pet can be taken out of the cage and trained in the wild.

Every day, several times, bring an open palm with grains or other goodies into the house

Classes are best done in the morning when the feathered is hungry, cheerful and cheerful. If you take away all the food at night, and in the morning feed it from the palm of your hand, the process of taming will go much easier. To quickly establish contact with the parrot, it is undesirable to wash your hands with scented soap and lubricate them with cream - extraneous odors scare it off. All classes should take place gently, without pressure on the pet. As a result, you will get a friendly and loyal friend.

  Fancy ways

If you have no idea how to teach a parrot to sit on hand, try a non-standard teaching method. To do this, it is enough to trim the feathers on the wings. The bird will not be able to fly and will be forced to sit in the palm of its hand. But after feather growth, there is no guarantee that the bird will be tamed.

There is another recommendation that allows you to train a budgie in just a few days. Place both palms in the cage and hold them there. When the pet gets tired of trembling, he will climb into his arms. On the fourth day of such experiments, the bird gets used to the new owner. But this method is not suitable for everyone, since it gives a strong load on the psyche. The parrot will sit in its arms, but will still be afraid.

In the process of taming a pet, do not wave your arms above her head. This is due to the fact that they have a reflex that flickering from above is the shadow of a bird of prey. As a result, an association will arise: hand - danger. Retrain the feathered will be impossible.

Training is a rather lengthy process. Some wavy animals become tame only by the age of one. You can not punish a bird if it bites. This is an adequate reaction to the invasion of personal space. Or the pet is protected. In such a situation, try to calm the parrot in an even voice or move away from it. After some time, the procedure can be repeated.

Do not bait a bird with a treat when it is just starting to leave its cage. In addition, you can not sharply grab her. The purpose of taming is that the pet is not afraid of your palms. If you do everything right, you can quickly win the love and trust of a feathered friend.

Instruction manual

Place the cage with a parrot on a cabinet or a special shelf to the height of human height. It is necessary that your eyes and his contact were at the same damage. Each time, approaching the cage, call the parrot affectionately and gently. After about a week, he adapts to a new place.

Teach your parrot your presence during feeding. To do this, every time the parrot eats, carefully approach it without sudden movements. In the beginning, he will react extremely violently to your behavior. You wait. Reduce the distance between you every day. This step can take up to two weeks.

Now teach the parrot to eat food from your hands. To do this, stock up on his favorite delicacy and patience. Each time, holding feed through the bars of the lattice on his fingers, affectionately call him by name. After a while, the parrot will get used to and come down to you from the perch. Only here, the bird will exercise extreme caution. Taking the gift from you for the first time, she will try to be away from you as soon as possible. Do not bother her. Do not scare the pet.

Now is the time to open the cage and, extending a hand with a treat, wait for the moment when the parrot moves onto it, carried away by eating food. But do not take your hand out of the cage. The parrot you trained, most likely, will easily do this trick the first time.

Very often the owners of parrots complain that the pet is afraid to sit in his arms. That is, on the shoulder or head - with pleasure, but on the palm of your hand, well, it doesn’t. What to do? How to tame budgerigar? Now we find out. We warn you right away - the process is long, but effective. The main thing is not to force events. And then you will succeed.

For the first time in first class!

We bought a bird, brought it home, put it in a cage. Most new owners do what? Right. They begin to poke their playful paws inside, trying to stroke the parrot. What remains to the pet? Only with frenzy to fight against the rods and yell heart-rendingly. For he did not hatch manually. He is still quite wild and masterful birds.

How to do it right? First you need to ask the seller what the parrot was fed. Pour the usual food into the feeder, pour water, gently release the bird into the cage. And forget for a day. Let the parrot get used to the new situation, look around, get comfortable.

The next day, you can proceed to a new stage.

Tip. Start talking with a budgie from day one. Preferably in a steady, calm voice. Let it get used to it slowly.

Sit next to me

Do not rush to poke your hands in a cage. The pet can be so scared of hands that it will never be tamed to them. Your actions are as follows:

  • calmly approached the cage
  • do not stop talking with the bird
  • sit nearby so that the bird can see you
  • and just sit

At this time, you can do needlework or read aloud. A couple of evenings is often enough to prevent the budgerigar from worrying as you approach. So, the time has come for the next progress.

Give me your hand ...

  The budgerigar is already used to your presence. Now go to the cage, slowly open the door. And gently stick your hand inside. Do not shake your palm, do not make sudden movements. Just keep her in a cage for a while.

At first, the parrot will be noticeably nervous, perhaps even screaming loudly and trying to fly away. Do not remove your hand immediately. Try to talk to him as before. Let him make a little noise, maybe calm down.

Repeat the procedure for several days in a row. Until the wild birds respond adequately to the hand in the cage. Just do not try to stroke the pet right now, or scratch it. Such movements will nullify your efforts, and you will have to start from the very beginning. The budgerigar is tamed gradually.

Loaf, loaf!

Most training methods are based on a certain encouragement by some treat. But taming is also a certain type of training. Therefore, the next step will be to offer our loaf budgie a loaf. Although not. Probably better to pick his favorite grains. For example, many parrots simply adore millet. Especially in the ears.

Your actions:

  • Remove absolutely all food from the feeder. To the smallest grain.
  • After about 3-3.5 hours, approach the cell.
  • Open the door.
  • Take a treat in your hand and shove it inside.
  • Do not make sudden movements.
  • Wait.

As you remember, proud birds are already used to your hand. And here is the food! Yes, even hungry! Usually clever budgerigars in a minute are sitting on the master's palm and are happy to eat grains. Unconscious sits unhappily on the sidelines until they clink into a hungry faint.

While the pet is eating, you can try to pet it lightly or scratch the back, tummy. In most cases, a couple of days is enough for the parrot to get used to eating from the owner's hands.

Call me with you…

The last step is quite simple. But, it will suit you only if the cage is cramped and you will let your feathered friend fly. If you keep a bird in an aviary, you can stop at the previous moment.

For those who will release a parrot, you need to do the following:

  • As usual, they approached the cage.
  • Talk to your pet, he’s already used to it.
  • Prepared a treat on the palm.
  • They opened the door.
  • Do not put your hand inside, but keep it at the entrance.

The parrot must see the treat. He’s already used to eating from your palm. Therefore, if not quite a fool, he quickly realizes what is required of him. Naturally, he jumps out to taste yummy. To do this, he will again have to sit on your hand.

If you did everything right, then from now on you can assume that you have a fully manual budgerigar.

Extreme way

Some sources recommend the original method of taming a budgerigar to his hands. It is based on hopelessness. All that is required is that the bird's feathers be trimmed on the wing feathers. The pet will not be able to fly, and he just has to sit in his arms.

But no one gives a guarantee that after the feathers regrow, the parrot will be tamed to the master's palms. Such violence is far from the best option. But there are people who use similar methods.

Extreme way (crash course)

There is one recommendation that allows you to tame a budgie in your hands in just a few days. To do this, put both palms into the cage at once and hold them there. Usually a pet quickly gets tired of floundering in vain. He has no choice but to sit on his hands. Nowhere else to go. Usually, on the 4th day of such an execution, the parrot gets used to his hands.

But we highly recommend no such method. Because not every psyche can withstand such a training. No doubt, a budgie will sit on his hands. But he will not stop being afraid of them. And what kind of relationship is this if the pet trembles with fear at the sight of the owner?

Do not wave your arms over the head of the pet. In it, nature has laid down the reflex that flickering from above is the shadow of a bird of prey. The parrot will forever constitute an association in the brain: the hand is a danger. Retraining it will be almost impossible.

This is later, when the bird will absolutely get used to your grip, you can already wave your hands and make sharp movements. But during taming, it is a taboo.

Do not hope that the whole process will take you a week. Some budgies are tamed only by the age of one. Others - and even longer.

  Do not try to punish your pet if it bites. And do not scream. Bites are a completely normal and natural reaction of any creature to invade his personal space. Or from a fright. Or the pet is protected like that. Let it bite, after all. A budgie is unlikely to bite your finger off. Just calm him in an even voice without strong intonations. Or just stand back for a while. Let the parrot come to its senses and feel that there is no threat or anger on your part. Repeat the procedure a bit later.

Do not try to lure a proud bird with a delicious seed when it just starts to fly out of the cage. And even more so, do not try to grab it if he wanted to fly away. All hand-taming is done so that the pet is not afraid of the master's palms. And not for you to squeeze it.

Now you know how to tame the budgerigar. Try not to make mistakes, otherwise you will not be able to arouse the full confidence of your feathered friend. And until the end of his short life, he will consider you an enemy.

Video: how to quickly tame a parrot to your hands

Budgies are very outgoing and extremely curious creatures. When a parrot appears in the house, it is always a very joyful event for adults and especially for children. Parrots are one of the friendliest pets, they help a lot to raise a child's sense of responsibility and care. But when you just brought the parrot home, he will always be confused and scared. The taming of budgies is not just one day, not even one week. Sooner or later, you will begin to think about how to teach a parrot to hand, because for the sake of all this, a purchase was made. Parrots are very sociable creatures and they will sooner or later get tired of sitting in a cage. So even the most stubborn parrot will make contact, but in due time.

Taming a parrot to the hands

The most important thing in training a budgie is patience. I'd like to take a bird in my hands and talk to her. But if for you this is an ordinary and uncomplicated matter, then for a budgie, getting used to a new environment, a person’s hand, is very stressful. At first, the parrot is always afraid of hands. This is completely normal. To teach a parrot to sit in your hands is easy, but you need to do this gradually and leisurely:

  • To get started, let the chick get used to the new environment. A cage with a pet should be placed at the level of its growth. This will give the bird confidence. Come periodically to the cage and talk with the parrot. Do it in a friendly manner and call him affectionately by name. Do everything very carefully and without sudden movements.
  • When the parrot gets used to the owner, he will begin to eat in his presence. Now it’s time to gradually tame the parrot. For the first time, offer the pet a treat through the bars of the cage. Most likely, he will refuse. This is completely normal. It is better to lure a bird with its favorite delicacy. Do not forget to gently talk with the bird and call her by name.
  • After a few days, maybe a week, you can try to feed the pet in the cage with hands. At first, the parrot is afraid of hands in the cage, but over time it will start to eat. Give him your favorite treat in the open palm. Try to tame a parrot in the morning when the bird is hungry. So the addiction process will go faster.
  • After a while, the parrot boldly sits in its hands and eats. Then we begin to accustom to sit on a finger. To do this, simply place your outstretched finger on the perch your pet has chosen. Most often, the parrot itself jumps onto the finger, but there are times when the bird simply can not understand what they want from it. In this case, lightly touch your finger on the belly of the bird between the legs. The parrot will willingly move to the owner’s finger.
What if the parrot refuses to make contact?

You can tame a parrot this way in a couple of weeks. But there are individuals who simply flatly refuse to make contact. How to teach a parrot to hands in this case? Most importantly, do not despair. Even the most stubborn parrot cannot live without communication, you just have to spend a little more time taming.

This is a fundamentally different approach. If it was not possible to attract the attention of a pet by feeding, you need to look for other ways to interest him. Almost all parrots are big fans looking in the mirror. You can lure a pet into your hand with the help of a small mirror. Just drive it in front of the bird, gradually luring it into your hand. But you need to do this very carefully, otherwise you risk losing credibility and everything will have to start from the very beginning. Try offering to play with a cap from a pen or a small bottle cap. Parrots are very fond of messing around with such items. The most important thing here is to find an item that will interest the pet. And then only your patience, and everything will work out.

It may seem to someone that taming a budgie quickly is to communicate with him as much as possible, from the very first day. And this is a monstrous mistake. Because the animal must undergo adaptation to a new housing.
  Gently move it into the cage.

If transportation was carried out using the box, place it open at the bottom of the bird house.

And move a decent distance. A parrot will fly out upon seeing the light.

That's all. Over the next 24 hours, do not disturb the peace of the bird with your proximity.

Also isolate it from extraneous noise, annoying sounds. Do not turn up the music loudly or twist the sound of the TV.

An addiction to the situation should take place, if not in complete, then in relative silence.
During the second day, from time to time come up to the cage with a wavy. But do not bring your face close to the bars. Talk to the bird in a fun, friendly way. If you have already decided on a name, you can start taming the budgerigar with regular voicing of the nickname. Use the phrases “hello,” “good morning,” “good evening,” “good night.” And add the nickname of the bird.

No violence

It may seem that the bird is painfully passive and has a detached attitude to everything around. This is a normal reaction to being placed in new conditions. What is required from the owners to successfully tame a parrot to their hands is not to rush things.
  When a bird refuses food and sits in the same position on the perch for a long time, there is no need to forcibly plant it near the feeding trough or drive it from place to place.

Often, birds simply clog into the corner of the cage, where they sit long enough. Here they feel protected, look around, get used to new conditions.

In the first week, put your hands into the cage as little as possible, do not place your fingers under the legs of the parrot. The desire to tame the budgerigar is quickly understandable, but he perceives you as part of an alien and hostile world. And I have not yet begun to trust you.

If the parrot flew out of the cage

Before the domestication of the budgerigar is completed, it is not worth it to give free rein.

The reason is simple: a wild bird does not want to go into their arms or approach their cage while you are in the room.

If such force majeure nevertheless occurred, try to take as little participation as possible in the return of the prodigal parrot. Sooner or later he will get hungry. And the location of the bird feeder is well known. After 5-8 hours, she will have no choice but to return to her home. Therefore, make sure that the parrot has something to sit on when it flies to the cage. And place it in a conspicuous place.

In the case when the parrot does not want to return of its own free will, you will have to intervene on your own. Wait until it gets dark, and get someone else to help. One person is responsible for the capture, and the second for lighting. In the dark, birds do not distinguish surrounding objects. Therefore, catching a parrot is simplified. One of the catchers turns off the light, and the second quickly, but delicately, takes the parrot in his hands and moves it into the cage. If the bird breaks out or takes off, turn on the light immediately. Flying “blindly” is fraught with injuries: psychological and physical.

If not, consider the return operation to be successful. Indeed, in the dark, the bird did not see the one who caught it. So, I was not afraid. So, without problems, continue taming the parrot to your hands.

Take it by cunning

Of course, to tame a parrot to sit on hand, you will have to spend a lot of time.

“Hungry” days will help speed up the process of rapprochement.

When the bird begins to eat from the feeder, remove the food from the cage for several hours. And then pour a little grain into the palm of your hand and shove it into the cage.

If the parrot began to rush about and run around the perch uneasily, the time “X” has not come yet. Quickly remove your hand and close the cage.
  When the budgerigar sits on your hand and takes to the grains, you have managed to gain bird's confidence.

Instead of food, you can put something tasty on your hand: a piece of fruit or chopped vegetables, nuts or crayons. The main thing is that the parrot is already familiar with them. Offering unfamiliar fruit is not recommended. Otherwise, the bird will be even more frightened.


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