How to treat ticks in budgies. Parrot ticks: types, symptoms and treatment. Symptoms and danger of infection

If such an infection is detected, it is urgent to start treatment, otherwise deformation of the beak may occur, the bird will not be able to eat normally, and this often leads to death. The bird constantly itches and pulls out feathers, becomes lethargic, does not show activity, eats poorly.

There are cases of infection with tracheal ticks, in which case the mucous membrane of the trachea is affected in budgerigars. In this case, breathing is disturbed in birds, they cough and sneeze, refuse to feed and throw their head back. The final diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian, who should be consulted.

Tick \u200b\u200btreatment of a parrot

The veterinary pharmacy has a large selection of medications to cure the bird. Treatment should be started as soon as the first symptoms appear. Aversectin ointment is very popular, it is inexpensive and rarely causes an allergic reaction in a parrot. The medicine is neatly applied with a thin layer to the affected areas, it must be ensured that it does not fall into the beak, nostrils or eyes.

You can treat the affected area with liquid paraffin, if it accidentally gets a parrot in its beak, then this is not dangerous for him. This method is well suited for treating the affected skin around the eyes. The oil will block the flow of air, without which the ticks of parrots die. Procedures should be carried out until complete recovery up to 2 times a day. During treatment, the bird should not be released from the cage so that it does not spread ticks throughout the room.

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out a complete disinfection of the cell, including ladders and swings. Just feed the feeder and the drinker with boiling water so that the bird does not poison. If there are wooden objects, it is better to throw them away, they may have ticks and their eggs. It is necessary to throw out of the cage and all the old food, chalk and twigs. Disinfection must be carried out with a special tool, for example, Butox, it is sold in a pet store. Before starting, you should carefully study the instructions that came with the drug and act strictly on it so as not to harm the bird.

Preventive actions

In the diet of budgies, mineral supplements and vitamins must be present.

It is necessary to carefully care for the bird, monitor its condition and behavior, if the budgies already had ticks, it is important to prevent their reappearance.

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What is a scabies mite?

Domestic parrots can suffer from ticks. Knemidocoptosis is a disease that affects feathered pets. Its cause are ticks in parrots.

The life cycle of a bird tick is 4 weeks and consists of the following steps:

  • the appearance of a larva from an egg;
  • protonymph formation;
  • the appearance of a teleonymph;
  • adult individual.

Typically, the following types of ticks start up in parrots:

  • gamazovy;
  • feather;
  • scabies;
  • tracheal.

The feather tick spoils the feathers of the bird, which fall out over time. Feathers begin to deform in the parrot. The tick acts on the pen shaft, due to which it begins to deteriorate. A feather tick is rare.

You can determine the presence of a scabies mite in a parrot by the following signs:

  • the appearance of a calcareous coating on the beak, paws, periocular region, especially on the waxen;
  • growths on the paws of the porous structure;
  • the parrot is worried, itching constantly;
  • the bird refuses food and becomes lethargic.

As a complication in the absence of treatment, deformation of the beak may occur, the limbs will begin to fall off in the bird.

Timely treatment will help the parrot get rid of the tick forever. Growths in open areas of the skin appear slowly - this will take from 4 to 6 months. Before this period, the disease can be noticed only with a thorough examination of the bird.

A tracheal tick affects the mucous membrane of the trachea, the parrot is disturbed by the breathing process, it refuses food. This tick can be recognized by its characteristic feature - the bird begins to throw its head back and often sneezes.

Why does a tick appear

If the house already has other parrots, do not rush to plant a new pet for them. It is important to observe the behavior of the bird, its appetite, and appearance.

Usually small-sized parrot breeds are affected by the disease - the tick infects large birds extremely rarely.

Tick \u200b\u200btreatment

If the parrot began to worry, his behavior changed, the bird began to refuse food, could not fly, you need to contact an ornithologist.

To get rid of ticks, special ointments will be required. The most popular in veterinary medicine is the Aversectin ointment. This preparation lubricates unprotected feathers. The ointment is applied in a thin layer with a cotton swab. Do not lubricate the whole body of the bird.

If the disease is started, the course of treatment lasts about two weeks. It may take a longer time. In the first week, Aversectin ointment is applied every other day, and from the second week, once only with an interval of three days is enough.

It is required to treat the disease at the initial stage within one week. Affected areas are lubricated every three days.

As additional therapeutic measures, vitaminization of the body is used. A sick bird needs a complex of vitamins so that it can recover as soon as possible after illness.

Treatment is not stopped until all growths are eliminated.

In the course of treatment, it is necessary to regularly carry out cell disinfection. From it will need to remove all the wooden parts, chalk stones. Everything else is treated with a soapy solution and poured with boiling water. It is better to throw out small accessories, and after the bird has recovered, purchase everything new. If there are still birds in the house, then it is better to take preventive measures, since the tick can affect them. As a prophylaxis, they use the same ointment that they treat open spaces. One or two procedures will be enough.

When applying the cream, safety precautions should be observed. It is important to ensure that the medicine does not get into the nose or eyes of a parrot - this can lead to serious consequences and even death.

For procedures, it is better to choose the time when the bird is the least active. It is better to carry out the treatment together: one person should hold the parrot, and the other should handle the affected areas. After curing the bird, its feathers look stuck together, have an unsightly appearance, so they should be carefully washed with soda solution. Take a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water.

Prevention of re-infection

Cell disinfection is carried out twice - before and after treatment. The best option would be to purchase a new cage with all the accessories. In this case, the risk of re-infection is sharply reduced.

Tick \u200b\u200blesions are common. Infection with the disease develops in stages:

  1. The initial stage (incubation) lasts about 4 months.
  2. The mild stage is characterized by damage to the legs and wax.
  3. At the middle stage, the beak is deformed, the eyelids are affected, the skin around the cloaca. The pet becomes more lethargic and lifeless.
  4. In the severe phase, the bird loses feathers, growths grow, joint inflammation is noted.

Parrot tick

All birds are infected, regardless of gender, age and breed. The cause of infection may be contact with wild birds:

  • gray ravens;
  • pigeons.

When buying a parrot in a pet store, you should carefully inspect the bird. And after the purchase, carry out preventive procedures. Due to poor hygiene and bird keeping in these stores, most pets are already infected with ticks.

The parrot owner should not be afraid of the threat of infection. For humans, a tick of these species is not dangerous. Getting on human skin, he lives no more than two days and dies, as he is not able to eat in such conditions.

Different types of ticks can affect parrots:

  1. Gamazovye (another name - red bird). Such individuals can be seen with the naked eye both on the bird itself, and on the litter and in the crevices of the cell poles. In appearance, they are more like a cluster of red dots. They can get into the house of birds together with sand or earth, in rare cases - with food.

Scabies tick on paws

The difference from the poo-eater, which also infects birds, is that black stripes are marked on the feather shaft.

  1. In budgerigars, tracheal tick infections occur. They affect the mucous membrane of the trachea. In this case, the birds have respiratory failure, the appearance of cough. The bird often sneezes, does not eat the offered food and throws its head back.

Several reasons can provoke a problem:

  • low quality of feed (grain),;
  • violations in the processing of cells;
  • non-disinfected drinking bowls, toys and other accessories;
  • close bird keeping;
  • parrot contact with wild birds.

The cause of the disease may be poor quality food.

The symptomatology of the disease directly depends on the lesion sites:

  1. Scabies mites most often affect the wax.
  2. If deformation of the beak occurs, the bird is faced with a nutritional problem. And exhaustion will result in the death of a parrot.
  3. The disease can also affect the legs, areas around the eyes, places around the cloaca.
  4. On the paws there are white growths, similar to calcareous.

The bird begins to itch and becomes restless. But the itch itself can be caused not only by the disease, but also by molting. But the appearance of corroded feathers with holes is a serious reason for contacting a veterinarian.

If signs of the disease occur, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. Prolonged ignoring of symptoms can lead to complications and irreversible pathologies.

Ornithologist examines a bird

It may also be noted:

  • passivity;
  • loss of ability to fly;
  • loss of appetite.

The problem is that the symptoms of the disease may not appear immediately, but after a few months. Long-term infection can significantly affect the deformation of the beak in the state of the legs. In the most difficult cases, the limbs of the bird can die and fall away.

If you suspect a disease, you can scrap the epithelium

Such tests are usually performed in the early stages, when a visual examination may not give a result, and the symptoms of the disease disturb the pet owners.

Many owners are scared by parrots ticks. How to cure a bird to prevent serious violations?

Treatment should begin with a thorough examination. It is necessary to identify all the lesions. If they are noted only near the waxwort, it is not necessary to use serious drugs, it is enough to use liquid paraffin. It does not cause allergies and is not absorbed into the blood. It must be applied with a cotton swab, avoiding contact with eyes and beak. The course of treatment with the drug should be long. Since its action is aimed at blocking air access for ticks, adult individuals die quickly, and the larvae remain unharmed.

Petroleum jelly will help against ticks

The advantages of such a tool include:

  • safety for the bird;
  • affordability;
  • lack of allergic reactions.
  • Novertine;
  • Aversectin.

They are effective, affordable and do not require frequent use. They need to be applied with a thin even layer, which will block the access of air and will affect the entire affected area evenly. Only the affected areas need to be lubricated, since with increased use intoxication can be noted.

Aversectin Ointment

In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to increase the body's own protective functions of the feathered friend. To do this, you need to take a course of taking vitamins and minerals. The best option is Galavit and other multivitamins. They will support the pet's immune system and shorten the duration of treatment.

The following drugs are suitable for this:

  • Neostomazann;
  • Butox.

However, it is important to understand that they are toxic. Therefore, after processing, you need to rinse the cell several times and pour over it with boiling water. If a feathered tenant flies around the room, chemical processing must be carried out in her favorite places.

It is forbidden to handle the drinker and feeder with toxic drugs. It is best to treat them with boiling water for disinfection.

  Infection prevention

After a course of treatment of a tick in a budgerigar, it is important to pay attention to preventive measures that will prevent re-infection:

If such an infection is detected, it is urgent to start treatment, otherwise deformation of the beak may occur, the bird will not be able to eat normally, and this often leads to death. The bird constantly itches and pulls out feathers, becomes lethargic, does not show activity, eats poorly.

There are cases of infection with tracheal ticks, in which case the mucous membrane of the trachea is affected in budgerigars. In this case, breathing is disturbed in birds, they cough and sneeze, refuse to feed and throw their head back. The final diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian, who should be consulted.

Tick \u200b\u200btreatment for a parrot

The veterinary pharmacy has a large selection of medications to cure the bird. Treatment should be started as soon as the first symptoms appear. Aversectin ointment is very popular, it is inexpensive and rarely causes an allergic reaction in a parrot. The medicine is neatly applied with a thin layer to the affected areas, it must be ensured that it does not fall into the beak, nostrils or eyes.

You can treat the affected area with liquid paraffin, if it accidentally gets a parrot in its beak, then this is not dangerous for him. This method is well suited for treating the affected skin around the eyes. The oil will block the flow of air, without which the ticks of parrots die. Procedures should be carried out until complete recovery up to 2 times a day. During treatment, the bird should not be released from the cage so that it does not spread ticks throughout the room.

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out a complete disinfection of the cell, including ladders and swings. Just feed the feeder and the drinker with boiling water so that the bird does not poison. If there are wooden objects, it is better to throw them away, they may have ticks and their eggs. It is necessary to throw out of the cage and all the old food, chalk and twigs. Disinfection must be carried out with a special tool, for example, Butox, it is sold in a pet store. Before starting, you should carefully study the instructions that came with the drug and act strictly on it so as not to harm the bird.

Preventive actions

In the diet of budgies, mineral supplements and vitamins must be present.

It is necessary to carefully care for the bird, monitor its condition and behavior, if the budgies already had ticks, it is important to prevent their reappearance.

Instruction manual

Experts recommend purchasing an aversectin ointment as a remedy. The advantage of this drug can be attributed to low, ease of use, a rare number of procedures, as well as a minimal risk of an allergic reaction when used correctly.

Aversectin ointment should be applied to tick-affected areas with a cotton swab in a very thin layer. Avoid getting the product into the nostrils, beak and plumage. The procedure is repeated once every five days and, as a rule, four procedures are enough for complete recovery. It is better to use the ointment when the bird is less active or in a sleepy state.

If it is difficult to buy this ointment in your region, do not be upset. A good substitute is the available petroleum jelly oil, which should treat tick-affected areas. Vaseline oil is able to block the access of oxygen to the tick, thereby contributing to its destruction.

However, the oil can not affect the eggs of ticks, so a relapse of the disease is quite possible. For the same reason, treatment with petroleum jelly takes much longer. Oil is usually applied twice daily until complete recovery. This is done as carefully as with an aversectin ointment. At severely advanced stages of the disease, an aversectin ointment should still be used.

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Useful advice

The source of the tick may be poor-quality food, greens brought from the street or cage accessories that have not been properly processed.


  • how to treat a parrot from a tick

If you notice that your parrot eats poorly and is inactive, and gross growths have appeared around its eyes, beak, waxworm, paws and cesspool - this means that it is affected by the scabies mite. Contact your veterinarian immediately, because if you do not start treating the bird in a timely manner, it will surely die. You can judge the neglect of the disease by panting and severe lethargy of the parrot.

You will need

  • -Vaseline oil;
  • -aversectin ointment;
  • aerosol "Arpalit".

Instruction manual

When choosing a drug for treatment, be careful, many of them cause allergies and even poisoning. With this disease, an aversectin ointment is very suitable - it is harmless and inexpensive. Apply the ointment several times with a thin layer on the affected areas of the skin, avoid contact with the eyes, beak and nostrils. For a complete recovery, 3-4 procedures are required with an interval of five days. You need to apply the ointment in the evening, at this time the parrots are less active. Handle the parrot feathers as well; Arpalit, available in the form of an aerosol, is well suited for this procedure.

In the absence of ointment, use liquid paraffin to treat it. It does not pass oxygen and the tick dies, but its eggs can remain alive and in this case, a relapse of the disease is possible. Vaseline oil treatment is longer, but unlike vegetable oils, it does not cause allergies. Apply petroleum jelly twice a day until the bird has fully recovered.

Do not let the parrot out of the cage, as the tick may spread through the rooms. If several parrots are contained in one cage at the same time, quarantine the patient in a separate cage. Keep a close eye on healthy birds.
Be sure to disinfect the cell before starting treatment and after the pet recovers. Do not forget about swings, poles, mirrors, drinking bowls and other objects that are in the cage, all of them must undergo thorough processing, for example, they can be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water.

During treatment, add vitamins to the diet of the parrot, be sure to follow the diet. During this period, it should be as diverse as possible. After treatment, remove the horny crust from the affected areas, all the tools used for this procedure must be treated with a special solution or boiled for 5-7 minutes.

Useful advice

After buying a new cage and accessories, be sure to process them in order to prevent infection of the pet. Buy only proven feed. When choosing a parrot in a pet store, carefully examine it - if the bird is too sluggish, constantly itches, it lacks part of plumage, and coarse yellowish growths are visible on its legs and beak - it is sick, as well as all those contained in it in one cage.


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