Karsil for budgies and instructions for use. What if a budgie has diarrhea? Factors of domestic poisoning of parrots

Watching a beloved parrot, we get used to its restlessness, eternal jumping, impudent curiosity and loud twittering. When a bird behaves unusually (having lousy sleeps at an unusual time for it, makes strange sounds or picks itself at the bottom of the cage) - you should not always worry.

If something happened to him before the pet’s abnormal behavior (a blow, a fright, gnawing wallpapers or candy wrappers from sweets, got drunk from your cup, got confused somewhere, etc.) or just such behavior is very uncharacteristic for him - you need to take Urgent measures. First of all, you should call an ornithologist, describe the condition of the bird and, on the recommendation of a doctor, provide first aid to the parrot, then go to the reception with the bird or wait for the ornithologist to arrive at your home.

Also, more exotic bird species have rare diseases, the approach to which and treatment methods can radically differ from the usual ones. Therefore, medications in the treatment of unusual diseases of parrots should be bought after the doctor has made the correct diagnosis and prescribed a specific treatment.

Lynda hidden

Since we are talking about first aid to a parrot, this group of drugs is quite enough at the first sign of a bird's malaise. The main thing is to be guided by the advice of an ornithologist.

In order not to panic at pharmacies and veterinary pharmacies, you should have a certain group of medicines in the house for first aid to your parrot.

So, the owner’s first-aid kit should have the following components:

from a veterinary pharmacy   with diagnoses:

Scabies mite (Aversectin / Nvertin ointment);

Probiotic (Vetom 1.1);

Immunomodulator (Maxidine);

Mechanical trauma (trauma gel);

Antibacterial drug (Ciprovet);

Restorative / Antioxidant (Emicidin).

In a regular pharmacy   You can get:

Sorbent (Activated Carbon, Polyphepan, Smecta, Enterodesum, Filtrum);

Wound healing (Actovegin gel, Eplan - solution);

With gout (Allopurinol);

Antiseptic drug (Betadine, Miramistin);

Tick, constipation (Vaseline oil);

With a deficiency of calcium (calcium gluconate);

Hemostatic (3% hydrogen peroxide, Dicinon - ampoules, Ethamsylate - solution);

Liver repair (Carsil);

For kidney problems (Lingonberry leaves);

With convulsions / vitamin B (Milgamma);

With a burn (Panthenol);

Wound treatment (Ringer's solution, saline, chlorhexidine);

Diarrhea (chamomile pharmacy);

Trauma (Traumeel);

Antibacterial agent (furatsilin);

Poisoning / sorbent (Enterosgel / Atoxil).

In addition to the list of drugs, the first-aid kit should contain cotton pads and syringes. A syringe for insulin helps a lot in determining the dosage of drugs in the treatment of small species of parrots.

Iodine, alcohol and brilliant green in the treatment of a parrot is prohibited to use!

It will not be superfluous, the presence in the interior of the owner, a table lamp and an incandescent bulb of 60 watts. In some diseases, the bird should be warmed by first curtaining part of the cage with shade cloth.

Khadija Dawn Carryl

In case of injuries and bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to warm the parrot!

In case of timely first aid to your parrot, the bird will quickly recover. The main thing - do not self-medicate, the body of the bird is very complex and fragile, the slightest mistake of the owner can lead to fatal consequences.

Contact ornithologists, in case of emergency, consult the Internet with trusted experts - carefully check the recommendations.

A responsible approach to treating a parrot will immediately bear fruit and soon the bird will again delight you with twittering and tricks.

Mistress of the revolutionary-instigator Gavrosh and the shy "elephant in the china shop" Marshall.

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Comments (6)

  • _ZV

    In my opinion, the presence of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate (to stop bleeding from the claws) will not hurt. Potassium permanganate (powder) will quickly stop bleeding. But you can use it only on the claws!

  • inuit

    Peroxide is on the list, but potassium permanganate, in inexperienced hands, can do more harm than help.

Bird Type: budgerigar    Age: 3 years    Floor: Male    How long have you had a bird ?: 2.5 years    How long have you been sick ?: 3 days ago    If already treated, then with what - in detail: -    Did the tests do, did they go to the doctor. If contacted, then to whom (clinic, surname) :: -    Symptoms :: watery night litter with a white coating    Has the litter changed ?: Has changed    Litter photo: Were there any vomiting ?: not    What do you associate with the onset of the disease (change of food, caught a cold, hurt, ate something suspicious, etc.) ?: i do not know    How much does a bird eat per day? Is your appetite good? The degree of activity of the bird: activity / decrease in activity / lethargy: 1.5 teaspoons. the appetite is good, active    What is the fatness of the bird at the time of treatment, how many piles of litter give out in 1-2 hours ?: 6 probably    Was there a change of feed in the period preceding the onset of symptoms of the disease ?: not    If the feed has not been changed, how long ago did you open a new pack of feed ?: 2 weeks ago    If poisoning is suspected, then what indoor plants did you have access to ?: not    Could the bird swallow a small inedible object, or gnaw at materials not intended for this ?: not    Have aerosols or chemicals been sprayed in the room? Detergents for floors / carpets, etc.? Fumigator? Teflon-coated iron: not    Do they smoke in the room where the bird lives ?: Not    Was there no smell of paint, gas or other pungent odors? Was there any repair work (dust, primers, etc.) ?: not    Does a bird live in the kitchen ?: No, the bird does not live in the kitchen    If the bird lives in the kitchen, do you use non-stick cookware ?: The bird does not live and is not used in the kitchen    If the bird lives in the kitchen, did the food burn in the presence of the bird ?: Not burnt    Are there any negative factors (drafts, humidity or dry air, poor lighting, stressful situations, etc.) ?: jealous of a new parrot    What grain mix does the bird feed on? Indicate the NAME of the grain mixture. If the mixture does not have a name (weighted), then the composition: Rio main diet    Tell in detail about what is included in the diet in addition to the grain mix: fruits and vegetables in small quantities, buckwheat, rice rarely, whale. salad, green salad    Do you give Trill, do you treat the bird with food from your table, if you treat it, which one and how often ?: not    What vitamin supplements does the bird receive and in what dosages ?: a week ago three days drank beaphar mauser trophin    What kind of mineral supplements do birds give and use? Mineral, sepia, crushed oyster shells, liquid mineral supplements ?: chica mineral stone, sepia, shell rock,    What kind of water do you give and how often do you change the water in the drinker? Indicate the type of water: tap, filtered, boiled, purchased (min.): filtered once a day    Have new birds appeared in the house in the last two months? If yes, then more on this .: a bird appeared, lives in a separate cage topic http: //site/threads/korella-crested-test.23590/    Is the bird alone, in pairs, in a flock? If there is another bird (s), what is her (their) state of health ?: one. second bird in the recovery phase    Is there a bird in direct contact with rodents ?: not Does the bird outgrow the beak ?: Does not outgrow    Are there any problems with plumage: permanent molting, unfolded or deformed feathers, disheveled and brittle plumage ?: not    Lifestyle: lives constantly in a cage, walks under the supervision of daily, is all day in free grazing without supervision: walks daily under supervision    Town: moscow    Describe the symptoms of malaise in detail and talk about everything that may be related to your bird’s disease: About a week ago, from the park brought new branches of birch, washed, even boiled in boiling water for several minutes. ptah actively tore her off. like special problems were not observed. but he ate it actively, the litter changed color, removed it. now the old sticks are standing. approximately, the day before yesterday, water appeared in the litter, during the day the litter was normal (dense with a white dot) Photo No. 1. I did not like today's night litter Photo No. 2, when the bird woke up, Photo No. 3 began to form, but the color is not enough and when it dries, a white coating of Photo No. 4 is visible. By evening, in addition to water in the litter, the bird "pisses" with water. Activity did not decrease, appetite too. I ate just half an hour later, as I approached Photo No. 5.
  In the afternoon, I poured a bifiform. In the evening, I parted Essentuki 4 in a drinking bowl at a concentration of 1 part of mineral water and 2 parts of ordinary water (I drank several times).

   photo # 1
  photo №2

  photo 3
  photo 4

  photo №5


Diarrhea in budgerigars occurs not only due to poisoning, but may also indicate the development of infectious, invasive diseases. According to the shape, color, consistency of bowel movements, you can establish the root cause of diarrhea in the wavy. If the parrot has diarrhea, do not leave the problem unattended. Prolonged diarrhea leads to intoxication, dehydration, exhaustion, and if you do not start treatment, do not help the pet, a fatal outcome is possible. Consider the main causes of intestinal upset, as well as what to do and how to treat diarrhea in wavy men.

Causes of diarrhea in the wavy

Recognizing diarrhea in a bird is fairly simple in the nature of the bowel movement. Feces acquire a watery liquid consistency. In the litter with diarrhea there may be foam, a large amount of mucus, particles of undigested food, bloody substances (clots, threads, blotches). Feces can have a sharp unpleasant odor, green, dark brown, white or yellow.

The main causes of diarrhea in worms, Corella parrots:

Frequent stresses, nervous strain, poor-quality moldy feed, violation of the feeding regimen, a sharp change in the type of food, contaminated drinking water, lack of vitamin A, calcium in the body very often provoke diarrhea in feathered pets.

The parrot vilifies in chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys. Note that in budgies, the cockatiel has a very delicate gastrointestinal tract, and poor-quality feeds most often lead to the development of various systemic pathologies and disrupt digestion.

Poisoning, which is always accompanied by vomiting, severe diarrhea, can be caused by chemicals, toxins, moldy grains, rotten fruits, vegetables, and even some domestic plants.

It is worth noting that indigestion of the stomach can be triggered by prolonged use of certain medications. So, after antibiotic therapy, beneficial intestinal microflora dies, which takes part in the digestive processes.

Symptoms of Diarrhea

If the parrot has diarrhea, in addition to the liquid watery stool, the behavior of the feathered pet changes, the general condition worsens. The intensity, nature of the clinical manifestations of diarrhea largely depends on the underlying cause, which provoked an upset stomach.

Important! The nature, consistency, frequency of bowel movements, their color may indicate a possible cause of diarrhea in birds. Liquid feces is a sign of not only diarrhea, but also polyuria.

Clinical signs of diarrhea in worms, Corella parrots:

  • lethargy, apathy, depression;
  • yellow, yellow-green, white, lemon droppings;
  • decreased appetite, refusal of food;
  • contaminated feathers near the cloaca;
  • vomiting, regurgitation of food after eating;
  • sudden weight loss, exhaustion;
  • enlarged goiter (with inflammation);
  • increased thirst.

With diarrhea, the parrot looks untidy. The bird sits on the perch or at the bottom of the cage, having cracked, does not show interest in the outside world, does not respond to external stimuli. On closer examination, prolonged diarrhea causes cloaca to become inflamed, and in the female, the oviduct.

Black droppings indicate internal bleeding. White, dark brown, yellow diarrhea in a parrot is noted for viral and bacterial diseases, infections. If the stool contains a lot of foam, mucus, undigested food, perhaps the pet is infected with worms.

Gray, with a bluish tinge, white liquid feces is a sign of pancreatic disease. Liquid green, light brown droppings are noted in case of poisoning, deficiency of useful trace elements. Diarrhea in Corella, green wavy also occurs with dysbiosis, after a course of antibiotic therapy. Bright lemon, light yellow color of the litter indicates pathology, liver disease.

Possible complications

Prolonged diarrhea prevents the absorption of beneficial nutrients that come with feed. Diarrhea leads to dehydration, intoxication, severe weakness, and causes exhaustion.

Important! If the budgerigar has diarrhea and does not start treatment in time, indigestion can cause the death of a feathered friend. Diarrhea, which lasts more than 24–38 hours, is a great threat to both the health and life of a feathered pet. What can be done if the bird has an upset stomach, an ornithologist will tell you.

If the parrot often goes to the toilet with liquid droppings, diarrhea depletes the bird's body, provokes functional and systemic malfunctions in the work of internal organs and systems. In addition, prolonged diarrhea contributes to the stretching of the muscles of the sphincter of the cloaca, which may eventually fall out.

Any uncharacteristic symptoms, changes in behavior should alert owners, breeders of budgies. If you care about the life and health of a feathered friend, do not self-medicate. Consult a veterinarian. Uncontrolled medication can cause serious complications and consequences.

How to treat diarrhea?

If the budgerigar has diarrhea, treatment should be prescribed by an ornithologist, on the basis of the main reason that provoked an upset stomach, loose stools in a feathered pet.

First of all, carry out cleaning in the cage, clean the feathers from dirt near the cloaca. With a group of birds, plant a parrot with an upset stomach from other feathered pets. It is possible that the wavy is infected.

Before you begin to treat diarrhea in a parrot, provide the sick pet with optimal conditions for keeping warm. Near the cage, the air temperature should be 23–25 degrees, but if bloody spots are noticeable in the litter, it is strictly forbidden to warm the parrot! Protect the bird from drafts, stress. Sharp loud noises, noise can provoke a nervous shock in a weakened bird.

If the budgerigar has diarrhea, exclude fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables from the diet. Clean feeders, drinking bowls. Give the bird only high-quality millet, grain.

If diarrhea is provoked by poisoning, but the budgerigar continues to eat, adjust the diet, exclude foods that could cause an upset stomach in the bird. Crush half a tablet of Karsil into powder and sprinkle them with food.

In case of poisoning, adsorbents (activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, Polypefan, Enterodes) will help normalize the state of a feathered pet. Give your pet a warm broth of chamomile. You can also give a decoction of rice to a parrot, flax seed. To restore intestinal microflora, if the bird often walks with liquid droppings, probiotics and enzyme preparations (Linex) are used.

Complex vitamin-mineral formulations (Gamavit), special medical fodder mixtures, which can be purchased at pet stores, veterinary pharmacies, and clinics, will help improve the general condition.

If the parrot has diarrhea, veterinarians often prescribe Vetom 1.1, the Gamavit immunomodulator at the rate of 0.5 ml per 50 ml of water. The duration of the treatment course is 5-7 days. Vetom is added daily to drinking water, 1 drop twice a day for 7 days. This tool has a pronounced bacterial effect, normalizes digestion, and gives a general strengthening effect.

If diarrhea is triggered by viral, bacterial diseases, infections, the veterinarian will prescribe complex antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, symptomatic medications that will help cure the pet.

Before giving the cure, read the instructions carefully. Follow the recommendations of the attending veterinarian. During treatment, try not to leave the parrot for a long time alone. The bird should feel caring, your love. Watch the bird closely, its behavior. If the condition worsens, if the therapy did not give proper results, urgently contact a veterinarian.


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