How to tame a parrot in 5 minutes. Taming budgies: ground rules. Getting used to new living conditions

Quite often, the owners of the wavy complain that the bird is afraid to sit in the palm of his hand. How to tame a parrot to his hands, so that he forever becomes your faithful friend. There are a few simple rules that can be followed to quickly gain the confidence of a feathered pet.

Cute birds do not immediately get used to the new owner. So you need a lot of patience. First you need to establish contact with them - it can take several weeks. In order for the taming to be successful, you need to choose the right pet. There is only one rule - the easiest way to train young parrots. Therefore, experts recommend buying chicks under the age of five months. More adult birds are much more difficult to train. But this task is feasible, if perseverance. It is advisable to choose a pet not from a pet store, but from professional breeders. Parrots, which are kept in a tight cage, experience stress all the time, so difficulties can arise in the process of upbringing.

Cute birds do not immediately get used to the new owner

It is very important to wean a bird from the flock. It is believed that if she is with other birds for a long time, she will be more wild. Some manage to teach several pets at once. The main thing is to give them a lot of attention. To do this, you need to periodically release the birds into the wild and often talk with them. If you rarely deal with wavy, they will not make contact for a long time. In this case, problems are possible - if you let the parrot out of the cage, return it later then will not work. The best option is to purchase one chick. Given constant communication with him, it will take three to four weeks to study.

Raising a formed bird is not easy, but quite possible. If before that she lived in good conditions, but had almost no contact with people, you need to pay a lot of attention to her and talk every day for an hour. If the parrot has experienced stress, was subjected to abuse, the chances of success are minimal. Such birds are afraid of humans and are even able to bite. Of course, love and affection can change their attitude, but you will have to show maximum care, not make sudden movements and under no circumstances shout. All this will scare the pet even more.

You need to pay a lot of attention to the parrot and talk every day for an hour

It is much easier to raise little chicks. From good breeders, they get used to hands from birth, as the owner regularly takes them for regular inspection and seeding in other cells. In the new house from the very first days they can become your loyal friends. Hand wavy can be distinguished from wild by habits, and when buying immediately understand which parrot is the calmest - you can easily pick it up. Such a pet is perfect for you.

Where will the bird live and how quickly to raise it? These issues need to be addressed before acquiring a pet. The parrot should live in a spacious cage, where everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Among the mandatory elements can be noted drinking bowl and feeder, perch. For several days, the pet must remain in the cage for adaptation. When he gets to know the new environment, you can accustom him to hand. In the future, you can treat your pet with various toys. The table shows everything that should be in the cell:

After buying a parrot, you need to transport it to the house in a prepared container. It can be a regular cardboard box with ventilation holes. It is brought in the door of the prepared cage, and the bird itself moves to a new dwelling. It is possible to let out a parrot only where it cannot fly out through a door or a window.


After the chick has settled in the cage, allow it to get to know unfamiliar objects for some time.

In the first days after purchase, the bird experiences severe stress. The reason is the new situation and separation from brothers. Usually she sits with a black tongue and hardly eats. In a couple of days, everything should change.


Before communicating tightly with a bird, it is necessary to determine what his temperament is. If you watch her, you can understand how to quickly tame a smart budgerigar to his hands. However, all birds have their own character. Some pets are very playful, others are more calm. The first one makes easy contact, as they are distinguished by curiosity. It is more difficult to tame independent birds, but with the right approach, they will definitely trust you.

The first days you should not let the pets out of the cage - he is still not quite used to the new house and it will be problematic to return it. If you try to catch a bird that does not know hands and does not know how to return to its home, it will be difficult to catch it. She will fly under the ceiling and hide on cabinets, where it is almost impossible to get it. In addition, a frightened pet may fall and injure itself.

How to build trust

To establish contact with the wavy, all your manipulations should only be associated with a pleasant one, for example, a treat.

Starting training, stretch your palm into the cage with food

Starting training, extend a palm with food into the cage. If the bird is free, immediately close all doors and windows, remove animals from the premises that can frighten it. Give your pet time so that he can stop getting nervous and get hungry. Five hours later, the parrot wants to eat and will be selected to the house with food and water. birds usually climb into hard-to-reach places, so it makes no sense to chase after them. Leave the door open, and equip the entrance with comfortable perches. When the pet stops being nervous, he will be able to fly up to the house and go into it. Watch him closely, but do not show clear interest. When the bird is in the cage, slam the door.

How to tame a parrot outside the cage

If an untrained pet is free, you can try to tame it outside the house. To do this, after a few hours of the incident, bring your palm with food to the bird. Courageous parrots immediately understand that the hand is a source of food and try to sit on it. Some individuals even peck grains. Feed the feathered and move it into the cage. At the same time, gently repeat the name and say nice words. Sometimes the wavy sit on the perch, on which they are moved to the house. If the parrot is very scared, bring the cage to it. Seeing her close, he usually climbs inside. Knowing how to tame a budgie, if he is afraid, you can quickly make contact with him.

If an untrained pet is free, you can try to tame it outside the house

If the pet does not come to you for a long time and does not want to go to the cage, use the proven and safe method of fishing. With the onset of darkness, one person rises at the switch, and the second - near the place where the bird is. At some point, you need to turn off the light and take the parrot in your hands, then carefully transplant it into the cage. So you can quickly succeed, as in the dark, feathered poorly see. The light can be turned on when the bird is in the house. Interestingly, after this, she will not be at all afraid of a person, since she will not understand how everything happened.

The adaptation field, when the pet gradually gets used to the owner, you can start regular classes. The readiness of a parrot is very easy to determine - he does not hide from people, can sit on his hand, and when he leaves it, he comes back.

Every day, several times bring into the house an open palm with grains or other goodies. Over time, the bird will cease to be nervous. What to do if the parrot is afraid of the owner? Be patient. Hold your hand in the cage to make sure that there is no danger. After some time, the wavy will come closer, and then it will boldly peck the feed. After a few weeks of simple manipulation, the bird will begin to fearlessly approach you. Gradually, the pet can be taken out of the cage and trained in the wild.

Every day, several times, bring an open palm with grains or other goodies into the house

Classes are best done in the morning when the feathered is hungry, cheerful and cheerful. If you take away all the food at night, and in the morning feed it from the palm of your hand, the process of taming will go much easier. To quickly establish contact with the parrot, it is undesirable to wash your hands with scented soap and lubricate them with cream - extraneous odors scare it off. All classes should take place gently, without pressure on the pet. As a result, you will get a friendly and loyal friend.

  Fancy ways

If you have no idea how to teach a parrot to sit on hand, try a non-standard teaching method. To do this, it is enough to trim the feathers on the wings. The bird will not be able to fly and will be forced to sit in the palm of its hand. But after feather growth, there is no guarantee that the bird will be tamed.

There is another recommendation that allows you to train a budgie in just a few days. Place both palms in the cage and hold them there. When the pet gets tired of trembling, he will climb into his arms. On the fourth day of such experiments, the bird gets used to the new owner. But this method is not suitable for everyone, since it gives a strong load on the psyche. The parrot will sit in its arms, but will still be afraid.

In the process of taming a pet, do not wave your arms above her head. This is due to the fact that they have a reflex that flickering from above is the shadow of a bird of prey. As a result, an association will arise: hand - danger. Retrain the feathered will be impossible.

Training is a rather lengthy process. Some wavy animals become tame only by the age of one. You can not punish a bird if it bites. This is an adequate reaction to the invasion of personal space. Or the pet is protected. In such a situation, try to calm the parrot in an even voice or move away from it. After some time, the procedure can be repeated.

Do not bait a bird with a treat when it is just starting to leave its cage. In addition, you can not sharply grab her. The purpose of taming is that the pet is not afraid of your palms. If you do everything right, you can quickly win the love and trust of a feathered friend.


As you may have already seen somewhere, parrots can sit on people’s hands or fingers. These are very smart birds, so you can teach your parrot to be your friend. This article will tell you about how to make your budgie a cute, sociable, pet-trained pet.


Part 1 Creating a Comfortable Environment

  1. 1 Provide a suitable environment.   A good environment is important for the healthy life of your budgie. Do not put the parrot in a dark, quiet room. In a room with bright lighting and an active life, your parrot will be more comfortable.
  2. 2 Make your budgie move from the box in which you moved it to the cage, which will be his new home.
    • Open the cage and bring the parrot box to the door. Do not stick your hand inward to remove the bird. It is necessary that she crawled out herself.
    • Your patience is the key to moving the bird into the cage. If you shake the box and tilt it, then you will scare the bird even more. So she can get even stronger into the box.
    • Talk to the bird. If you talk with a bird, then the sounds you make will be of interest to it. She will have to crawl out to see where they come from. Talk to her soothingly: "All is well, this is your new home."
    • Wait and watch. When the bird is already on the edge of the box, you just have to wait and watch. Do not shake the box and force the bird to crawl out. So you scare the bird, and she can come back. After returning to the box, the bird may not want to crawl out again.
  3. 3 Wait about a week before training begins.   This will allow the bird to acclimatize in a new environment. The parrot should get used to your presence, should be familiar with you, as it is you who will daily give him food and refresh the water. Sit down next to the cage daily and just talk as much as possible. The bird should get used to the sound of your voice.

Part 2 Getting Started

  1. 1 Gain the trust of a pet.   On the first day of training, open the door and lower your hand to the bottom of the cage, let it lie there. Talk to the budgie. Read a book out loud or just chat about anything.
    • Do not move your hand. Remain still, but keep talking in a soothing voice.
    • Many parrots can rush around the cage and swear at you. However, keep still so that the bird knows that there will be nothing wrong with it.
  2. 2 Continue this step daily, but gradually go deeper into the cage.   Every day, run your hand a little further until you reach the perch. After a couple of days, the parrot should understand that your hand in the cage is not a threat and will treat it as an expected everyday thing.
  3. 3 Move your hand to the parrot.   The bird will already know that the hand is not dangerous, but is more likely to fly away and curse if you try to touch it. Progress may be slow, classes must be repeated daily until the parrot gets used to it.
    • When you are already able to bring your hand so close to the parrot that you can touch it, begin to put a finger to its paws.

Part 3 Follow-up Training

  1. 1 The bird can answer either by flying away, or by a bold step on your finger.   The first situation is more likely, however you must be persistent. Continue to the next step when the parrot begins to sit on your finger without any discomfort.
    • When the parrot sits on your finger, clearly say "sit down" or something like that. Do not scare him. If you say the same thing every time you land a parrot on your finger, it will soon begin to sit on your finger at the command.
  2. 2 Start moving your finger slowly.   By this moment, the bird will already truly trust you and it should be comfortable if the finger starts to move. Spend time planting a parrot on your finger and transferring it to another perch.
  3. 3 Take the parrot out of the cage (on your finger).   Remember that for a long time he spent in the cell and will be significantly scared by this action. This may take several days.
    • Keep windows and doors closed so that the bird does not fly away.
  4. 4 Repeat the previous step until the bird begins to relate to it completely calmly.   Soon, taking the bird out of the cage should not be a problem.
  5. 5 Start talking with the bird.   Do it in a quiet gentle voice. Do not make sudden movements or make loud noises.
  6. 6 Allow the bird to sit on other parts of your body:   head, knees, shoulders, etc. You can teach him to sit anywhere, if not in a hurry, so that the bird feels safe. Spend as much time as you need!
  • Encourage the parrot with a treat. Do not forget to praise him for the correct completion of tasks.
  • Patience is the main force in training a parrot. Do not hurry.
  • When training a parrot, do not make sudden movements or make loud noises. You will scare him.
  • Let the parrot communicate a lot with people so that he gets used to a lot of people around him.
  • Do not try to teach a bird more than one thing at a time, as it will be difficult for her to remember everything.
  • Target a younger parrot. Young parrots are better trained than older birds. But you can buy an adult bird, only its training will require more time.
  • Walk around the house with a parrot on your arm, shoulder, etc. This will allow him to study the situation.
  • Calm music will help calm the bird.
  • It is extremely difficult to train more than one bird at once, if you have many parrots, keep them separate during training.
  • Keep cats and dogs (if you have them) away from the parrot, as they can scare him.


  • When trimming feathers and claws of a bird, blood can flow. First use corn starch to stop bleeding, and then contact your veterinarian. Deadly bleeding can occur in a bird.
  • Taming a bird takes time, so be patient.
  • Bites can be a problem. If this happens during training, this habit must be eradicated immediately.
  • When walking around the house with a parrot, do not run and do not create discomfort for the bird.
  • Do not rush the learning process, otherwise the bird will be under stress, which will complicate the training.
  • When mistreated, parrots can become very harmful and non-socializing.
  • If you have other pets (dogs, cats, ferrets, etc.), lock them somewhere during training with a parrot. All of the above pets are predators and can harm the bird.
  • Never leave the bird in the sun, make sure that it is not too hot or cold.
  • If you have a baby bird, then at the age of two months he can behave like a teenager. It may even make you want to get rid of it. That is why birds can end up in shelters. If the parrot begins to behave badly, do not be discouraged. Keep patience, he will soon outgrow this age.

Andrey Belousov

One of the most popular feathered pets is budgies. These curious and very sociable creatures are able to conquer any, even an ardent opponent of pets. With the advent of the parrot, the house is filled with joy and sonorous tweets of these bright, cheerful birds.

Young children are especially happy about the new pet, but the joy fades a little when it turns out that closer friendship with the new pet will turn out at least a month later, because the bird needs time to begin to trust you and communicate calmly, without feeling danger to your life.

And here the question arises, how to tame a parrot to your hands and how much time will it take?

Getting used to new living conditions

No matter how soon we would like to enjoy close communication with the bird, it will take more than one week to tame the parrot. Despite the fact that these birds are very sociable and inquisitive, they are also very careful!

But sooner or later, even the most incredulous and stubborn parrot will get tired of sitting in his cage and will make contact. The most important thing is to do everything gradually, without haste and according to the rules.

The most important rule of training budgies is patience. You should not hope that the bird will immediately begin to sit on your hand and will feel calm at the same time. For a parrot, as for any other bird, staying in a person’s hand is a lot of stress. At first, the bird is afraid of hands and generally any active movements near its shelter-cage.

It’s easy to teach a little bird to sit on your hand, the most important thing is to do it gradually, observing the following rules:

  • Bringing the bird home from the pet store, give it time to get used to everything new that surrounds it. Leave the parrot alone for a couple of hours with himself and the new room, let him carefully consider everything in solitude and silence;
  • You need to put the cage in such a place that it is convenient for you to approach it, and the parrot can see what is happening around it, and who exactly approaches it;
  • From time to time it is necessary to approach the cage with the pet, gently and calmly talk to him, repeat his name;
  • All movements during cell cleaning, water changes, replenishment of feed should be slow and smooth.

Do not expect the parrot to get used to you in a couple of days, be patient and everything will work out.

The main sign that the parrot is already used to living in a new place and that you have a quiet meal in the presence of the owner. As soon as the bird does not pay any attention to your approach to the cage and continues or begins to eat, you can proceed to the next stage of taming.

Hand taming

How to tame a budgie to sit on your hand? To begin the process of taming, you need to offer the pet goodies through the bars of the cage. The first time the parrot is likely to refuse the proposed goodies out of caution.

Do not despair, the next day you must try again. Sooner or later, curiosity will prevail and the bird will surrender. And do not forget at this time to talk with your pet, calling him affectionately by name.

As soon as the parrot began to eat the delicacy through the bars, you can try to feed him from the hands in a cage. It is better to do this in the morning, when the pet is hungry. The treat should be extended, first holding it with your fingers, while holding the hand palm up, then on the open palm. Some time will pass, he will get used to it and will willingly feast on your hands.

Then you can start to teach the bird to sit on the finger. To do this, gently stick your hand into the cage with the outstretched index finger and expose it to the perch on which it sits. Usually parrots quickly understand what they want from them and boldly climb onto their fingers.

If the bird cannot understand what needs to be done, lightly touch its belly between its legs, and it will willingly move to the finger.

Refusal to make contact: what to do?

Typically, the process of taming hands takes three weeks, but sometimes there are especially stubborn individuals who refuse to make contact. How to tame a parrot in this case? The most important thing in this case is to be patient and not to despair.

Even the most unsociable and cautious budgies cannot live without communication, so sooner or later he will surrender. You are sure to tame it in your hands; it just takes a little more time.

If the bird categorically refuses to pay attention to the proposed delicacy, you can go the other way - try to interest him in the toy. 95% of parrots love to look in the mirror and feed their imaginary “friend” or “girlfriend”.

It is this pet weakness that needs to be used to tame hands. Try to slowly enter your hand into the cage with a small mirror. This must be done very carefully so as not to lose the trust of the pet, otherwise everything will need to be started all over again.

Today we will tell you how to tame a budgie. This should be done only after the bird has passed the period - it’s used to a new environment and was able to settle in the cage. All actions must be performed carefully and calmly, step by step. Fast and assertive movements can scare the pet. You will learn the sequence of taming budgies in this article.

In order for the taming of a wavy pet to be successful, first you need to give the parrot time to get used to the changes in his life. Therefore, do not rush to immediately establish communication with the bird, and even more so do not try to catch it directly in the cage - you can make friends later.

Be patient, because taming a bird is a long and painstaking task. You must understand that moving for a budgie is already so stressful. If you put your hand in a cage to a frightened pet, then this can badly affect his psyche. The “wavy” can be very scared, because of this, and perhaps never will be tame.

So that you can make friends with a wavy pet, it must stop being afraid of you and begin to get used to your hands. But in order to achieve this, several factors must be taken into account:

  • sufficient time to adapt the bird;
  • individual characteristics;
  • correct actions;
  • regularity of classes.

If you adhere to certain rules, then soon the budgerigar will not only sit on your hand, but will also dance with you to the music. The same rules apply if you want to tame a couple of birds or an adult pet, but there are some nuances. But more on that later.

There are several ways to teach a bird to hand. In order for the pet to train calmly and quickly, we have chosen an effective and most easy way to make the parrot manual.

Hand training

Taming a wavy pet in the first stage is that you first need to accustom it to yourself. At first, the parrot gets used to it and after a while begins to consider it its refuge. He is afraid of any movements and sudden sounds near his home. That is why you should leave the bird alone for at least a few hours, not turn on the music or TV loudly and watch it from the side.

If the parrot fell silent and began to study the space in the cage and in the room, it means that he calmed down a bit. Now you can start communication with the bird. Your task is to clean the cage, pour food, replace the water so that the pet does not fight in hysteria at your approach, but calmly reacts to all actions.

Try to attract the attention of the parrot, starting from afar to talk to him in a gentle and calm tone. If the bird became interested in you, begin to slowly approach it, continuing to talk. When approaching the cell, do all the necessary manipulations as quickly as possible, but without sudden movements.

If the wavy pet is still afraid of you, then for now, limit yourself to just feeding it. Food is a powerful incentive for friendliness on the part of a parrot. Pay attention to what type of food he likes best - what he eats first.

Self-taming is best started with a delicious offer that you must stick between the bars of the cage. After a while, the parrot will be interested in a treat, despite your presence. After this, you can continue training, but now to the hands.

Gently stick your hand with the candy right into the cage. If the parrot doesn’t react at all, then you need to make it hungry - remove the food in the evening. In the morning, the bird will want to eat and take the treat you proposed.

Gradually, the bird will get used to your hands and will calmly sit on them to feast on. But this does not mean that the pet has become completely tame. Now your goal is to teach the parrot to sit on your hand without the presence of any goodies in it. Only after that it will be possible to move on to the next level of taming. Do not forget to praise the parrot for the right actions in a calm and gentle tone.

Dance training

Now you must ensure that the bird independently flew out of the cage and calmly sat on you with the desire to talk. But first, she must get comfortable in the room. Therefore, do not try to catch the pet and forcefully put it on your hand - remember, it is not yet completely tame. Open the door of the cage, move a short distance and call the parrot, showing him a yummy.

At first, the bird will most likely fly up to you, take a treat and fly away quickly to enjoy it in neutral territory. Do not try to scold her, be patient. Otherwise, you will scare the wavy pet, and its fragile trust in you will disappear. As soon as the parrot understands that there is nothing to fear, it will start without flying away from you. And then it will just sit, talking with you with pleasure.

Now you don’t have to worry about how to teach a budgie to perform various movements. For example, to dance to music, because he is already used to your hands. The main thing is that you give training about fifteen minutes every day, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Choose rhythmic, calm music and turn it on when the bird sits on your hand. Sometimes budgies can start to dance themselves, without the help of the owner. In this case, just remember what kind of music your pet began to dance to, then to choose something like that.

If music has no effect on the bird, you will have to teach it to dance. Put your pet in your hand and start moving it to the beat of the melody. To make learning faster, you can also move your head to the beat. After a while, the pet will start repeating after you. Be sure to praise the bird. If you repeat the lessons daily, then soon the parrot will start dancing on its own.

Learning difficulties

As you can see, taming the “wavy” is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions, have patience, calmness and perseverance. But what if you need to train a couple of parrots or a completely adult pet?

First, let's figure out how to tame a couple of birds. In principle, the actions are the same: wait for the parrots to end the adaptation period, then accustom them to the hands in the cage, then communicate on the will, no attempts to catch and forcefully carry out the actions you need.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the pets. Some can only work together, while others have to be seated in different cells and trained separately.

If you have one parrot living and you decide to buy a couple, then do not forget about quarantine - forty days of a new pet staying alone to identify possible diseases. You can try to train a second bird while quarantine is in progress, but, naturally, after adaptation.

It is more difficult to tame an adult pet than a young one, because of its often wild nature. Use the same rules described above. But save more patience and make great efforts - you may need twice as much time to tame.

How did you tame your parrot?

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    Task 1 out of 5

    1 .

    What to do with a parrot when you first brought home so that he gets used to a new place?



    As soon as you bring the budgerigar home, first you need to give him time to adapt to a new place.

  1. Task 2 of 5

    2 .

    What can not be done when you are trying to make friends with a parrot?



    To make friends with a new pet, you can not scare him and pick him up until he goes to you.

  2. Task 3 out of 5

    3 .

    What can not be done when you teach a parrot to dance?

When asked how to teach a budgie to fly onto a shoulder or arm. and how to teach him to speak? set by the author Adaptability   the best answer is Wavy is very hard to teach to speak. You can teach Karelian or cockatoo.

Answer from European[guru]
Speak-repeat a phrase in a room with a parrot, over time it will begin to copy sounds (like magpies).
And on the shoulder-feed, then get used to it. And if it’s completely exotic telepathically, they are animals, they read the thoughts of the owners, if the thoughts are clear and clear)

Answer from Brain Trainer[guru]
feed only from the arm or shoulder! And he will learn very quickly!
but speaking is harder! not all wavy can be taught to speak!

Answer from cunning[newbie]
starve and give food only with hands

Answer from Bm mak bm[guru]
It’s difficult to teach to fly. . With good handling of a parrot, he flies himself and sits on the owner) for example, he does mine. Taught nothing

Answer from Yotanislav[guru]
so that flew on the shoulder or arm, you need encouragement (delicacy), and it will take some time. not immediately ... so that the male begins to speak, and so that he lives alone, without a couple. and the lessons are one and the same - SPEAK HIM ... but do not demand, he is just a bird ...

Answer from Catherine[guru]
i have Keshe for 6 months already, she says nothing and is unlikely to be, I made a couple of unsuccessful attempts to teach him, it’s useless.
But about sitting down, I'm also interested - mine is still shy of me, although it eats from my hand!
Since he doesn’t come into contact with me, he decided not to die of boredom and bought him a plastic woman on a spring, so now I don’t need him anymore)))))
although if I take her out of the cage, he flies and sits on his arm or knees for example, but only if she is nearby ...
Doesn’t let oneself be stroked.
Generally narcissistic birds \u003d)

Answer from Evgenia Sulaeva[guru]
Arrive - with the help of food on the hand. and speak with endless repetition of words.

Answer from yours[guru]
my parrot is 1.5 years old, the training passed somehow by itself, naturally. on day 3, released from the cage, at first only in 1 room. herself there see a telly chatting on the phone quite often. he sat on the closet and looked. when he began to fly, I simply substituted arms outstretched in his path and he would sit down first wherever he needed, then purposefully (on a finger, for example), the cage should be approximately at the same level with the person. I poured food, changed the water, he looked, and then hopped to jump on his shoulder and arms. at 4 months he started talking, at 6 he talked not to shut up, and he taught the words himself, from what he heard, and often quite unexpected. you need to gain their trust and then the bird will not drive you away.

Answer from Јura Prozorova[active]
using feed. put it on your shoulder or give him food (he will even get used to his hands), and say: repeat the same words to him (parrots can remember about 500,000 words)

Answer from ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! [guru]
And we did not tame the parrot.
They let them out of the cage, stretch their wings, and he sat down on his head, then on his shoulder,
And with a businesslike look he still tried to peck a pebble from an earring)

Answer from Vladimir h[newbie]
When purchasing a bird, you should remember that you change the conditions of its maintenance and the environment. That is, the bird will have to go through a certain adaptation period in your home environment. This applies to any bird that you, for example, found, picked up or gave it to you. What is adaptation?
Adaptation is the ability of a living organism to adapt to new or changed conditions.
It is very important, before you bring a bird home, to think about its house, that is, about the cage. If you do not plan for the bird to fly outside the cage, then you need to buy a large cage. Although it will be much more correct if in the future the bird will fly outside the cage, it is very important for health.
With the correct location of the cell, the adaptation period and quarantine begin. The place in the apartment is selected for the cage where you can give the bird more attention. The cell needs to be placed at the level of your chest - this is an important psychological aspect. The room with the bird can not be ventilated, avoid drafts.
Quarantine is important for birds, especially if it does not have documents and certificates confirming that it does not have diseases dangerous to humans (ornithosis, salmonellosis, bird flu). Adaptation may take 1-4 weeks, depending on the nature, age, species and gender of the bird. Small and medium-sized parrots, as well as male budgies, adapt well and quickly. The chicks adapt very quickly, as they sometimes have to be fed, and the older the bird, the more difficult it is to get used to the new environment.
It is important to know if the bird has been tamed before. In this case, if possible, create similar conditions of detention and do not change the feed. In the first days, a bird can eat and drink only in your absence.
Try not to make noise during the first days, not to make sudden movements and, if possible, not to take a bird by hand, unless of course it is a chick to be fed. The feeders should be similar to those used by the bird before. Do not place objects new to the bird in the cage during the adaptation period.
Most often, adaptation smoothly turns into taming. As soon as the bird begins to pay attention to the owner and ceases to feel fear, you can begin to tame it. Start with the simplest thing: often go near the cage, feed and clean the cage yourself, talk to the bird in a calm and gentle voice.
As soon as you see that the bird is calmly reacting to you, you can proceed to the next stage - taming to your hand. This moment is very important. We start with a simple one: open the cage and hold your hand inside (to the level of the wrist) for 1-3 minutes. At first, the bird can rush from one corner to another, then it will understand that you are not trying to harm it, and each time it will be calmer to respond to your hand. Next, you begin to increase the time spent by the arm in the cage.
This method is useful for small and medium-sized parrots, if you have a large bird, it is better to wear a glove. Birds feel very well the emotions of the owner. Do not be afraid when interacting with the bird, but do not forget about caution.
Gradually, you can engage in more close contact with the bird. To begin with, try to transplant the bird on a stick, which you hold in your hand. As soon as it starts to sit on a stick, then you begin to reduce the length of the latter, eventually transferring the bird to your finger. Do not forget that all parrots, before moving to an object, try it for strength and stability with its beak. Do not forget to encourage the bird with your favorite food. So you quickly teach her to take food from her hand. After the bird is a little tamed, you can start to train it to fly outside the cage: take the bird in your hands, pull it out at a distance of 10-15 cm from the cage and release the bird so that it flies into the opening of the cage. Increase the distance each time. This will teach the bird to return to the cage. You can not let the bird out immediately after acquisition. She will feel freedom, may remain wild and will not be properly accustomed. The most convenient time for working with a bird is the morning hours.


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