How many budgerigars live at home. How many budgerigars live at home. Life in the homeland

Making yourself a feathered talking friend, pre-hunt to know how many domestic parrots live. Most often, wavy tweeters get home. Such bright birds will bring joy for many years.

However, in addition to budgies, they acquire, or even as domestic birds. Peerlessly beautiful birds with character. Not everyone can find an approach to them. However, you have years to tame. After all, some birds live longer than cats or dogs.

How many domestic budgies live

Bright feathered small-sized chippers. Therefore, they do not need a huge cage, but space is needed. Any bird, which nature is destined to fly, needs to “stretch” its wings. Do not think that your bird will live another year or two, and you should not spend money on arranging its cage.

They live approximately ten years, but there are also long-livers who are able to play with you in repeaters and two decades. You must admit that not every dog \u200b\u200bcan live so close to you, even if you carefully look after it. Much depends on the subspecies of the pet, the conditions of detention, the balance of the bird's “menu” and the general situation in the house. If the apartment has “infernal conditions”, then the budgerigar will not last a couple of years. If you try and provide your winged friend with the best conditions, then he can please you with his twitter for about fifteen years.

Do you know how many medium-sized budgerigars live? Such birds can live for three decades! The larger the bird, the longer they live. Even at home. Some especially large individuals can live up to 50 years, but these are far from those pets that are full in markets and pet stores. These “babies” will be able to talk with you under one roof for only a dozen years.

How much does the Corella parrot live

If we compare how many live compared to wavy, then the breakdown is huge. Corella can live up to thirty years, and the minimum threshold of life (in ideal conditions of detention) is 15 years.

How many lovebird parrots live

The same couple with a person can twitter up to 35 years, although on average it is only about two dozen.

How long does the macaw parrot live?

- One of the most long-lived domestic parrots. Their life expectancy at home sometimes reaches four decades! But there were also those who lived for more than half a century with a person.

How much cockatoo lives

Such a bright parrot should not feel sad. Chat with him

Here the opinion diverges. For example, pink and yellow-crested can be 50 years old, white-crested up to 70, and the Moluccan can even live in captivity for 80 years. Still those centenarians. There is a tremendous amount of documentary evidence that the cockatoo has been a companion to humans for over 63 years. It is amazing how many parrots live at home.

How long does the parrot Jaco live?

But these are real champions. They can live a whole century at home! This pet will be inherited. Because he will survive many. But this is with good care.

How many years have parrots lived in the wild

In the wild, parrots are not so sweet life. The world is full of dangers

It's funny that at home budgerigars live longer than in the wild. Wild birds rarely survive to 8 years. The average number of years they live is from four to six. Such a short life expectancy is associated not only with the fact that the external environment is not so favorable conditions. Either high humidity, then windy, then hot, then the predator will catch.

What can shorten the life of a parrot

It is not enough to know how many budgerigars live, if you do not have an idea that shortens their life.

Before you get a parrot, think about it, but can you provide it with everything you need for a happy life in captivity?

  1. Small cage. It is necessary not only for living, but also for flying along it. Agree, you yourself are much more convenient to move around a spacious room, rather than 2 square meters. In addition, the pet must be allowed to fly around the house, having previously tightly closed all windows and doors. A little movement around the airy expanse of the room will not harm the feathered talker.
  2. Drafts. They do not benefit anyone. From drafts, pneumonia can develop. At best, a cold.
  3. Direct sunlight. No, this does not mean that the parrot must be kept in the dark. Just do not put on the window where the sun is burning and does not allow the pet to hide. In addition, do not forget that in nature the sun sets and rises. Therefore, do not knock down the biological clock of your twitter. Do not forget to cover it with a thick cloth. And follow the regime. Arrange the bird "day-night" at the same time.
  4. The location of the cell in the kitchen. It is very hot and humid there. This is disastrous for a parrot. In addition, household appliances must be placed away from the parrot. And the TV should be far away. Noise and radiation will interfere with the feathered pet.
  5. Bad air. Cigarette smoke, cinder, steam, smoke, pungent odors and even incense (even from candles, even from aroma lamps).
  6. Bad content. An unbalanced diet causes a reduction in the lifespan of a parrot. Because of this, a huge number of diseases arise, including disruption of metabolism (metabolism).

Each type of parrot is distinguished by the presence of a certain period of life. Therefore, the owner of the feathered bird should know how many years the budgerigar lives at home and in nature, and what affects the life expectancy. Buying a feathered friend is a crucial step. He needs care, care and constant attention.

Those who have settled this kind of pet are interested in how many years a budgie has been living in nature. In the wild, the duration of these creatures is much shorter. So, in Australia, on average, among the wild, the life span is 4-8 years. The bird leads a nomadic lifestyle. Every day, she has to travel long distances in order to find food and water. During their flight, aggressive natural factors that contribute to death are often found. A variety of disease epidemics take place in schools, which are currently being studied by specialists. The cause of death is a natural disaster and an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

To prevent the mass death of feathered creatures, special units are being created in Australia today. In drought conditions, birds are provided with water and food. Artificial ponds are created in places where parrots live. It should be noted that the fact that predators influence the life of feathered creatures. Budgerigars have the ability to quickly restore the population due to the presence of strong immunity.

How many years can a budgerigar live at home?

No less relevant is the question of how many years wavy live at home. The life span is determined by the species of bird. The average lifespan of birds in domestic conditions is 10-15 years. Under an ideally created condition of existence, this period can be extended to 20 years. Moreover, life expectancy does not depend on such factors as gender. The main thing is that the occupant of the apartment or house does not suffer from any diseases.

Factors Affecting Life Span

Considering the question of how many years budgerigars live with proper care at home, there are several factors that affect the period of life:

  • Genetics. Unsuccessful breeding leads to the development of a variety of diseases of a congenital nature. They act as the cause of the shortened life of budgerigars living at home. Unscrupulous breeders and owners of birds, not having enough experience, do not delve into the pedigrees, engaged in reproduction. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the duration of existence is significantly reduced. The creation of closely related relationships is the reason for the development of latent forms of chronic diseases. If death appears due to the influence of a genetic factor, then a cheerful and healthy, at first glance, feathered creature begins to quickly lose its vitality and dies.
  • Nutrition. The physiological feature of wavy creatures is that these creatures have a tendency to develop malignant neoplasms. The cause of this problem is the presence of poor-quality and unbalanced nutrition, which leads to impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Abundant nutrition leads to the appearance of excess weight. Obesity contributes to a visible decrease in the life span of a parrot; it lives significantly less.

  • Cell. At home, budgies in a cage can live up to 15 years. In this case, it is important to comply with all necessary conditions of detention. It is preferable to choose a room with good lighting for the cage. The room temperature should be kept constant. If you observe the external temperature balance, the pet will feel comfortable. The cell requires systematic care. It must be cleaned. A parrot must not forget to bathe. Water and feed are updated periodically. I would like to pay special attention to the quality of checking products and water.
  • Water. The lifespan of budgies will increase if you regularly change the water. Its optimum temperature is 15-17 degrees. Carefully monitor your pet for drinking fluid. In hot weather, increase the volume of drinking.
  • Lighting and care. The daylight hours should be as natural as possible. If the time spent in the world is small, then the life expectancy of budgies is reduced. The consequences of illiterate lighting are growth retardation, the development of rickets, metabolic disturbances, etc. The lifespan of budgies depends on this factor.
  • Regular flights. For a feathered friend living in the home, it is important to take walks every day. Such a lifestyle is the key to excellent health and long life expectancy. Foster the ability to regularly fly.
  • Stress. The duration of budgies is largely dependent on the number of stress factors affecting them. It is important not to forget to pay due attention to the psychological well-being of the feathered pet. If the owner will constantly communicate with his inhabitant, share emotions, spend time with him, then he will soon get used to the new conditions of home living and will calmly endure various irritants - guests, noises, other pets. All bad weather will be on the shoulder of a feathered one when he trusts his owner and has close, emotional contact with him. Indeed, from loneliness and boredom, parrots feel unnecessary, their immunity deteriorates.

The most common causes of death of birds

Various factors affect the life expectancy at home. Therefore, before you make a feathered friend, study all the dangers that they can expect.

The reasons that shorten the life span are divided into internal and external. Internal include heredity, place of acquisition. External factors include injuries and illiteracy. Often the death of a beloved pet occurs due to improper care.

If your pet is in a dangerous situation, it is important to be able to provide him first aid. You need to study the information about the first symptoms of a poor pet’s well-being. It is necessary to contact an ornithologist in a timely manner if adverse signs are detected.

In the world fauna, there are about three hundred species of parrots. Birds are distinguished by beautiful plumage and quick wit. All your favorite pets have a limited life and require compliance with certain care rules. If all conditions of detention are taken into account, then the feathered friend will be able to live twenty years, pleasing health.

You need to know how much his bird can live at home, so that after years, if necessary, you can adapt the bird’s daily menu according to his age: you may need a lighter diet or the addition of vitamin complexes to maintain stable strong immunity.

If, for many years, your pet has always had access to fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, as well as daily walks / flights, then the physical condition of your favorite wavy is unlikely to be unbalanced by the age of the bird.

The difficulty lies in the fact that at 5 years old the budgerigar looks the same as at 15. Only by buying a young chick before the first molt, you can be sure of the age of your bird. How to determine the age of the parrot, you will read

The owner should be aware of the responsibility placed on his shoulders - after all, for several decades, a bird will live nearby, requiring attention, care and love.

You will have to face not only games and fun, it is quite possible that from time to time you will eliminate the consequences of mischief pranks: a discarded or nibbled flower (good, if not dangerous for the bird), torn wallpaper, constant and ubiquitous husk from grains and pieces of fruit on the walls .

Also, for years it will be necessary to carry out daily hygienic procedures of the cage, monitor the condition of toys and the playground, the quality of food and, if necessary, conduct a course of treatment and prevention during a parrot's disease.

Behind a beautiful picture of a bright and energetic bird in a cage in your home, your daily work and care will be hidden.

The life span of wild budgies

In Australia, in the wild, the life expectancy of budgies is 4 to 8 years.

Leading a nomadic way of life, birds have to travel long distances to find food and water, and the slightest ailment or weakening puts the wavy in mortal danger.

In the homeland of parrots, in swarms of flocks, epidemics erupt, the cause of which is not fully understood by scientists due to the fact that each time different natural disasters or a combination of circumstances become the culprits.

For example, in Australia, often water becomes infected, causing mass death of birds. Therefore, organizations have been created that are trying to provide wild budgies with clean water sources, especially during a drought. People build artificial ponds and install drinking bowls in various corners of the mainland.

The presence of predators also complicates the life of wild parrots.

But by nature, wavy have strong immunity, which allows them to quickly restore the population.

How many years do budgerigars live at home

The life of a feathered Australian in captivity is on average 5 to 15 years.

There were cases that the birds went to the second ten. But, unfortunately, 5 years is the most frequent option.

What determines the lifespan of budgies?

  • first of all, it is genetics: the results of improper breeding lead to congenital diseases, which significantly reduces the life span of a bird.

The budgerigar is the third most popular pet after cats and dogs. As a result of popularity, almost everyone who acquired a couple is trying to breed these birds. Inexperienced owners or unscrupulous breeders do not really delve into the pedigree of the waves and the health of future parents.

Closely related relationships entail hidden forms of chronic diseases that are not always detected. Outwardly healthy and cheerful parrot, for reasons inexplicable to the owner, can quickly “burn out”;

  • also, for the health and longevity of your parrot, quality and balanced nutrition is important. Budgerigars are very susceptible to various tumors. They occur with malnutrition, which leads to obesity in the bird and an upset digestive system (although these diseases can also be congenital).

Obesity shortens the life of a budgie by 70%

  • in which cage your parrot lives and where it is - it is best to resolve this issue before it appears in the house. Room condition: illumination, humidity, constant temperature, as close as possible to natural conditions of daylight hours. Cage hygiene, bird bathing, regular changes in water and feed. Quality control of products.

In more detail with the rules for caring for a budgie at home, you can familiarize yourself by going to;

Your attention and care affect the psychological state of the wavy. Talking and playing with a parrot, he will never feel loneliness and boredom in captivity.

The bird will be less susceptible to stress and will become more relaxed about the change of environment: arrival of guests, repairs, extraneous noise, rearrangement in the room, other pets - all these factors are potential stressful situations for the parrot. But, feeling the connection with you and your care, the bird will react to the changes as calmly as possible, knowing that his friend and owner are nearby;

  • accidents, non-observance of elementary safety rules for a parrot are constant leaders in the causes of premature death of feathered pets.

It is extremely important to provide first aid to the budgie in time and consult an ornithologist!

The age of the budgerigar plays an important role when a bird is acquired for breeding.

For successful selection, we need wavy waves of a certain age. You can learn more about this.

Budgies are cute and mischievous creatures that quickly win the owner’s heart. Having lived for more than 10 years, the bird is perceived by all family members as part of their life.

Many memorable events: good or bad, you experience with a restless and cheerful friend. Parting with the feathered is inevitable, but it is in our power to postpone it for as long as possible.

  • Vasiliy

    And I read that budgies live up to 20 years, and in nature for 3 years.

  • inuit

    Yes, indeed: budgerigars in captivity can live 20 years, but this is very rare. They are more likely to die due to oversight of the owners than because of old age, so few wavy people even reach the 15th anniversary, what can we say about the 20th. And in nature, ornithologists do not keep a strict record of the entire population, because they periodically catch several individuals and, due to this, an approximate range of longevity of “savages” has appeared. The fact that most of the priests, unfortunately, die young is no secret.

  • Victor

    Here we have a parrot lived for 14 years. From the 94th year to 2008. Now here is a new handsome man, in the prime of his life, from the same year, 2008th) it turns 9 years old ... What is the first thing that this one is talking, be healthy, excellent)) In silence, he is silent! Sleeping in the dark! Many say that they were just lucky with the choice ... who knows ... but it's just a miracle, not a parrot!) What is the first, what is the present !!!) I advise everyone. Leaving, in fact, is minimal, and the positive from this feathered is maximum and even more!)) PS Two cats made friends with the bird at one moment, now they just do not pay attention to him, we call it friendship))) And he, in his In turn, he often shouts “scat,” because he often raised cats with him and he learned the word at one point)) But it doesn’t sound so terrifying from his lips, so cats don’t pay much attention to that either!))) Guys, I advise !!!

  • Inna

    My budgie is already 17 years old! It is a great joy that he has lived so long and I hope he will live enough more! Behaving like a young one! You can’t say at all that he is already such a long-liver)

  • Reena

    my 23 years old, looks perfect, I don’t particularly bother about his health. I didn’t get sick at all, very often eats ordinary food, flies all the time to the plate when I eat. He loves cheese popcorn. It feels like it will survive me ..

  • Yuri

    Hello, our first parrot lived with us for 10 years, but died due to our fault, we caught a cold in a draft. We did not know, they are VERY scared of drafts, who let the pet, certainly remember this! The second is now the eighth year, he also speaks and loves to eat our food from a plate. They also feel love and care.

Very often, people make budgerigars, following their children. Kids are asked to buy a kitten or puppy, but parents decide to get along with a beautiful bird. The parrot, sitting in a cage alone, begins to languish and very soon dies. If the budgerigar creates special conditions for living in captivity, he will be able to become a real member of the family and live a long life.

How many budgerigars live at home, if properly maintained

Unlike nature, where birds are threatened by predators, natural disasters and epidemics of diseases, parrots can live much longer in an apartment. In natural conditions, parrots rarely live up to 3 years, and in a human company they can even become long-livers. In the literature there are references to the fact that these small colorful birds in captivity sometimes live up to 20 years, but these are isolated cases. Usually their life is limited to 8-10 years, but under very favorable conditions, one can hope for 13-15 years.

Favorable living conditions for budgies at home

In order for the parrot to live long, the following conditions must be provided for it:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Light mode.
  • Spacious cage.
  • The ability to fly around the room.
  • The absence of a cat or dog in the house.
  • Communication with a person.

Food for the long life of a budgie

In nature, parrots eat different grains and greens, so you need to feed them at home in the same way. The feed mixture is better to buy in a specialized store. In addition, parrots can be given vegetables and fruits: cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, bananas, kiwi, apples. Herbal supplements are best given from your garden so that they do not have nitrates. During molting and in winter, birds require mineral top dressing. It can also be bought at the store.

Light mode for long life of budgies

In nature, the birds go to sleep when the sun goes beyond the horizon. In a house, a cage often stands in a room where electric lighting is switched on in the evening. It is it that knocks down the natural rhythm in the body of a parrot, and the feathered bird begins to experience stress. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that the cell be taken out into the room in the evening, where artificial light does not turn on.

In the morning, the bird wakes up with the first rays of the sun and begins to actively tweet and try to fly through the cage. In this case, some owners cover the house with a dark blanket so that the bird does not interfere with the household to sleep longer. You can’t do this - the parrot must live according to its natural laws. Then his life will be long and happy.

Cage for the long life of a budgerigar

A cage for a budgie needs to be bought very spacious and with all sorts of interesting things. A pocket mirror, short flight of stairs, rocking chairs made of blocks, hanging rings - all these cute little things will decorate a pet’s life and he will be active and cheerful. Also, a special drinking bowl and feeder should be present in the cage.

The cage needs to be cleaned regularly, the drinking bowl and feeder should be washed, and toys should be swapped or new ones bought.

Other important factors for the long life of budgies

The budgerigar is a very active bird. He loves flying and he needs to ensure this. It is necessary to release it from the cage every day at least for a couple of hours, and then lure it into the house with food. When he gets used to such walks, the time of walks can be increased. After 2-3 months, the budgie will already fly into the cage for night sleep or feeding. In the room where the parrot will perform its flying exercise, one cannot hold large mirrors and the window must be closed in it. A bird can take a mirror for a window and crash against it, and out of the window it risks just flying out into the street.

When starting a parrot, you need to know that the presence of a cat or dog in a house can be a huge stress for him. Especially dangerous cats that will hunt the bird.

It is worth taking care that the room with the cage does not have drafts, it is not very cold, wet, hot or dry. The optimum ambient temperature for the bird is 20-25 degrees.

The budgerigar is considered a very social bird. It means that he loves a person very much and considers him his friend and member of the pack. You need to talk with the bird often, put it on your shoulders, and stroke it on the head. Such attention on the part of the person gives the parrot the most positive emotions and he does not experience stress from being in captivity.

If a wavy parrot behaves strangely (sits choked, does not eat, does not fly, does not tweet), then it must be quickly delivered to the veterinarian. It is possible that the bird fell ill with any specific avian virus. Proper treatment will help the pet to bounce back and he will again delight the owners with his cheerful appearance and carefree chatter.

What is he, wavy talker?

  • Budgies are some of the most slim and beautiful. Due to the long tail, which is equal to half the length of the body, it seems quite large. In fact, their body has a length of only 20 cm. The length of the tail increases as the bird grows.
  • Their color corresponds to their natural habitat. The feathers are grassy in color, the front of the head and the neck are yellow. The back of the head, back and back of the head are covered with wavy dark stripes and specks. The older the parrot, the brighter and sharper the drawing.
  • Sexual dimorphism is unexpressed. But the feathers on the forehead of a male have a very important feature: they glow. A person can see it at night, but the parrot females notice this in the sunlight. The brightness of the luminous feathers of the male has a significant effect on the female when choosing a partner.
  • The eyes of budgies are deep blue. With their beautiful eyes, they can even distinguish colors.
  • The beak is powerful, as in predatory individuals. He is very mobile and with his help parrots can climb trees and chop seeds and fruits.
  • The legs are grayish in color, very strong. With the help of tenacious paws and claws, they easily move through trees, deftly run on the ground and carry various objects and food into them.


In the wild, breed throughout the year. They nest simply at the bottom of the hollow in the tree. In one masonry usually 5-10 eggsthat the female incubates up to 20 days. Father is engaged in food production. Chicks appear bald and blind, they begin to see only after 10 days. After a month of life, they already fully fledge, learn to fly and leave the nest. But often, children keep in touch with their parents for another couple of weeks and continue to live with them.

View discovery

The first drawing of a budgie was seen by the British in early 1800. By the middle of the century, the Carl Linnaeus Museum already contained a stuffed bird. Convicts in Australia were the first to tame birds and put them in cages.

In 1840, budgies were already ended up in a London zoo. Traveling from Australia to London took 2 months. How many birds died on this journey! How many individuals had to suffer! And the Australian authorities were forced to pass a law banning the export of birds. To this day, the export of any animal is prohibited in this country.

A couple of years later, news appeared about the successful breeding and life of captive birds. By 1860, every zoo in Europe already had its own family of budgies.

Parrots came to Russia in 1990, but then they have not yet been bred. Their popularity grew wildly when learned about their ability to speak  (in Europe it was discovered a long time ago). In 1930, entire families of budgerigars began to live in the Moscow Zoo. And a few years later they became favorite pets. Scientists have calculated that even then there were more domesticated birds than wild birds.

How old do parrots live

In the wild, budgerigars do not live long - only 6-8 years. In nature, they die often in large numbers. Surprisingly, their worst enemy is starlings. These little birds are not native to Australia. When they were brought to the mainland, they began to fight with budgies for nesting sites. Parrots are smaller and weaker than starlings  and forced to give them their habitual habitat.

Birds of prey pose no less serious danger. A predator will not catch an adult, but they kill small chicks quite often. Predatory cats climbing trees and plundering nests are also dangerous for chicks.

Australia is different harsh arid climate. Parrots are forced to constantly migrate in search of water. During a long flight, they gather in large flocks to increase their chances of survival. Birds of prey hesitate to attack a large group of parrots. But lagging and flying away too far individuals will certainly become prey for the winged predator.

The flight usually lasts a very long time, most of the flocks of budgerigars die on the way. They languish from thirst and heat, lose strength and fall to the ground, where they become very easy prey for predators.

The constant war with humans causes serious damage to the budgerigar population. In search of food, birds fly to fields cultivated by people and destroy the crop. Farmers set various traps and even use weapons against birds.

How many parrots live at home

Next to a person, the life of budgies is significantly increased. In a warm comfortable apartment, predators do not wait for him, and weather conditions will always remain favorable. The only thing that can affect the life expectancy of budgies in the house is the quality of care for them.

    Shine. It is important that the lighting is of good quality and that the periods of wakefulness and sleep are respected for the parrot. The duration of the day in birds should be 14-15 hours. In winter, the day should be shorter by 3-4 hours. Do not forget that budgies are very fond of a nap during the day and it is extremely important not to disturb them at this moment. If the parrot has the required duration of a healthy sleep, this will increase immunity. Your pet will be less likely to get sick and less tired. But lack of sleep develops aggression, loss of appetite, apathy and frequent molting, exhaustion and hormonal disruptions.

    Humidity. Although parrots are able to live in arid Australia all year round, they do not need to arrange artificial dry air and heat at all. A captive bird will feel comfortable at about 60% humidity. Dry air will negatively affect the plumage: feathers will fade, become brittle, the skin will begin to peel off. The respiratory system and the mucous membrane of the eye will also suffer from dry air. By the beginning of the heating season, it’s not out of place to get a humidifier. This will be useful not only to the bird, but also to you.

    Temperature. Parrots very poorly tolerate extreme heat, but they do not need to arrange drafts. Always maintain a temperature of 22-25 ° C, no matter how much your thermometer shows on the street. In the hot season, make sure that the bird always has cool water in the drinker and bathhouse. In the event of a heat stroke, immediately apply something cold to the back of the head of the parrot.

Be responsible in meeting all requirements. Only then your pet will be able to avoid problems with poor health, you will not have to often contact the veterinarian and worry. His life expectancy can only be increased by your efforts! Make living a parrot in your house as comfortable as possible!

The effect of stress on the life expectancy of parrots

With the treatment of diseases and proper nutrition of parrots, most caring owners quite successfully cope. However, many people have problems with stress protection in a city apartment. Firstly, it is difficult for birds to adapt to human biorhythms. In nature, parrots fall asleep at sunset and wake up at dawn. At home, electric lights and a TV until twelve in the night cause nervousness in birds. Secondly, budgies are often stressed by other pets, especially cats, dogs, and decorative rats. A frightened bird becomes nervous and loses feathers. Some individuals may even die as a result of stress, especially if the parrot was scared suddenly.

The dangers awaiting budgies at home

A considerable number of birds do not die at all from old age, but because of the carelessness of the owners. Among the reasons leading to premature death of a pet, the most common is an open window. If a parrot flies out into the street, it is rarely possible to catch it. A bird used to living in an apartment just dies.

Some budgies will die due to broken electrical wires. Sometimes birds are smashed to death by glass or a mirror. Therefore, before releasing a budgerigar to fly around the room, you should close the curtains and hang the mirrors.

Some indoor plants also pose a danger to birds. Poisons for parrots are azalea, hyacinth, dieffenbachia, laurel, ivy, philodendron, amaryllis, poinsettia, crocus, hydrangea, anthurium, spathiphyllum, euphorbia, decorative pepper and yew tree.


Some budgies can live 20 years or more. However, such centenarians are not so common. In old parrots, hearing and vision deteriorate, but they remain active. Instead of thin poles, it is better for age birds to put small boards, because old parrots often have paw joints.

Parrots have already become pets in our apartments. But do we know enough about them to take on such responsibility?

How long does a budgerigar live at home? What does he like and how to care for him? Let's try to figure it out. In general, this species is considered to be from Australia. They settled this continent everywhere. They prefer birds to live among grassy plains, but they adapt very well to mountainous and forested areas. The main criterion for the habitat of the budgerigar is the availability of food. Preferred feathered plants and seeds. Therefore, they, like sparrows, can often be found in a city park or garden.

Parrots live in large flocks. When the night draws near, the pack leaves for the night in a suitable place. In the morning, the birds break into small groups and fly in search of food and water. Periods of drought are becoming a very difficult test for parrots. A close-knit flock is capable of flying tens of kilometers in search of a stop and water.

In general, parrots are centenarians. How long does a budgerigar live at home? The answer is definitely very difficult. It all depends on proper bird care. The closer the conditions are to natural, the longer the pets live (from 5 to 20 years). Other types of budgies are not enemies. They coexist wonderfully together. This is a very friendly bird, never offending the weak.

In nature, parrots nest in hollows, sometimes in rock crevices. The courtship of the male for the female takes place in the foliage of trees, therefore little has been studied. The male does not talk very loudly, chirps melodiously and quite beautifully. After courtship, the couple looks for a place for the nest, and the female settles in a new house. During the laying period (usually up to 6 pieces), the male feeds his girlfriend. When the chicks appear, both parents are involved in their nutrition. They digest food and burp it from the goiter. At the age of 35-50 days, children are already able to leave the nest, and at 8-10 months - to bring their offspring.

How much a budgerigar lives at home depends on the diet. At large, their cuisine is diverse. They eat the fruits and seeds of many plants, rhizomes, tree leaves and young twigs. But they catch parrots for the love of palm juice. Catchers make an incision in the tree and collect the juice in hanging cups. In a large number of parrots flock to such a bait, they drink liquid and get drunk. Catchers can only collect the fallen poor fellow from the ground.

In captivity, the birds quickly get used to the "home" food. In addition to allsorts, with pleasure parrots eat cottage cheese, chopped chicken egg. But it depends on plant foods how much the budgerigar lives at home. The birds, apples, carrots and beets are very fond of. It is necessary to give citrus fruits. Soft foods include cereals boiled without salt, sugar and milk. The constant presence of fresh water in the cage is a must!

There is another piece of advice that you need to adhere to regardless of who your pets are: large parrots, small budgies, canaries. Always rinse the purchased grain mixture no matter how beautiful the packaging. Grain stored in warehouses is sprinkled with rodent venom. The poison does not penetrate inside the product, but the outer shell of the grains is covered with a considerable amount. You just will slowly kill your pet every day. Remember that we are responsible for those who have tamed.


The right diet is the key to health and long life of a parrot. An irreplaceable part of nutrition has always been and will be a grain mixture. Quite often, owners of birds are lost when choosing food in a pet store, seeing how many different brands are represented.

However, the choice is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, give preference to imported grain mixtures, even if they are more expensive, but their quality speaks for itself. Do not forget to carefully study the packaging, make sure that the food is designed specifically for budgies.

Look at the date of manufacture, check the tightness of the package and carefully read the composition, because there are medical grain mixtures that budgies need to eat only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Before pouring seeds into the feeder, inspect them for impurities. You should not take food in balance, anything could get there, even a mouse droppings, which can poison a budgie. If a feathered bird has been eating the same brand of grain mix for many years, then introducing a new one should be done carefully and gradually, carefully observing the behavior of the budgerigar.

In addition to grain feed, budgies need greens, vegetables, fruits, and tree branches. Just think how many vitamins and nutrients are contained in these products, and after all, they significantly affect the life expectancy and the number of years spent near you. Berries harvested in the summer can be frozen and treated to the feathered winter.

Spinach, dandelions and nettles are good for a parrot. Also, be sure to include carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, and other vegetables in your diet.

Branch feed is another mandatory component of balanced and proper nutrition, twigs are rich in fiber and a large number of trace elements. In addition, they help to care for the beak and claws, gradually grinding and preventing them from growing too much.

Of course, there are trees that are not suitable for birds, these include:

  1. Pear.
  2. Bird cherry.
  3. Poplar.
  4. Lilac.
  5. All conifers.

Twigs need to be collected away from highways and must be treated with boiling water before offering a budgie. In winter, the branches are preliminarily placed in the water, waiting for the buds to swell, after which the parrot plays and feasts on them.


You probably noticed how many different shapes and sizes of cells are now presented in pet stores, however, for a comfortable bird life, it is worth observing a number of criteria when choosing:

  1. The rectangular shape.
  2. Unpainted steel bars.
  3. Plastic pallet.
  4. The maximum horizontal roof.
  5. Lack of gratings at the bottom.
  6. The distance between the rods is not more than 20 mm.

The cage in which parrots live needs to be cleaned every day. This rule also applies to the drinking bowl, even if the water looks clean in appearance, you can’t imagine how many pathogenic bacteria can live in it with a rare replacement.

No cage can do without toys. Hang a bell or mirror, add a couple of poles and twigs. But remember that no toy can replace the parrot of communication with you, in the wild they live in large packs, where they have more than enough communication, but loneliness for such active neighbors is extremely destructive.

The second parrot will become a good company in the cage, and if the individuals are heterosexual, then there is a chance of creating a married couple and the birth of offspring. Remember, if several birds live in one cage at once, its size must correspond.


How many years you will be pleased with a wavy parrot, significantly affected by the absence of stressful situations. Most often they are created by pets and children who live in an apartment and show great interest in the new tenant.

It is your power to make sure that the cat or dog does not have direct access to the cage with the wavy, especially when it comes to walking, because how many birds died under the teeth and paws of animals trying to play or hunt.

If a bird has been brought to a new home recently, then it needs time to adapt. During this period, avoid close contact, loud and sharp noises. The parrot has already received its share of stress when it was taken out of the familiar environment and brought to a completely unfamiliar place, is it worth it to strengthen its condition?

If before the arrival of a new tenant you already have a cage in which other budgerigars live, then a new tenant should be monitored for a couple of weeks separately, cases when a bird from a pet store is sick is not uncommon. The wavy fully adapts to the new environment and other residents within a month, after which you can start releasing the parrot for walks.

The quality of food and water, the comfortable temperature in the room and the cleanliness of the cage depends on how many years the budgerigar will delight you and the whole family.

Indeed, it is often improper care and non-compliance with safety measures that lead to the interruption of the life of budgies, which fly out of the window, knock on windows and mirrors, get injured, and sometimes die due to the fault of domestic animals.

It is not so difficult to create all conditions for a good life of a wavy in captivity. Gradually cleaning the cage, walking and regular water changes will become a habit. It is thanks to the observance of such nuances that the life expectancy of a parrot can approach a record figure of 20 years.

Light and temperature

The optimal daylight hours are 10-14 hours a day, depending on the time of year. It is very important for budgies to get vitamin D, which is produced through the sun and affects bone growth and the appearance of plumage.

If it is not possible to provide these conditions, then special lamps are used that partially compensate for the lack of natural light.

A comfortable temperature for keeping the wavy at home is 22-25 degrees.

At higher temperatures, breathing and overheating problems may occur, and at low temperatures, the risk of colds increases. Parrots are not so much afraid of the cold as drafts and sudden changes, which significantly mow down the immunity of birds.

Possible causes of death

The death of a parrot is usually due to oversight, improper treatment or a late call to the doctor, but in addition, there are other reasons:

  1. The bird was bought sick.
  2. Poisoning by metal or toxic substances.
  3. Serious injury.
  4. "Escape" into the window.
  5. Death from fear, too weak a heart.
  6. A parrot nibbled on an electric wire.

There is a theory that males live longer than females, but there is no clear opinion from ornithologists. In any case, the quality of the conditions that you will provide to the budgie depends only on you. The more comfortable the bird is, the more likely it is to see it as a long-liver at home.

How many budgerigars live

The lifespan of these bright birds can be different, depending on the size of the bird, the environment and the presence of genetic abnormalities. Of course, the life span of domestic parrots is several times longer than their counterparts in the wild.

In nature

In the natural environment, these small birds are much more difficult to survive than in the home environment. Usually, the life of these birds in the wild does not exceed 10 years. It is mainly 4-8 years old. In the wild, birds have many problems - predators who strive to dine with them, epidemics of diseases, lack of food and water. All this causes stress in the birds, which reduces the duration of their existence.

At home

Life expectancy of budgies at home is an order of magnitude higher. Small specimens can live up to 10-15 years, and larger birds, although very rare, but still live up to 20 years. However, this is under ideal conditions of existence, which not everyone can create, even with a great desire.

Extending Life: Factors Affecting Duration

People often think that a feathered pet in four walls is not in danger, but it is not. There are many factors that reduce the lifespan of budgies at home.

The competent choice of a chick

If you want a bird to please you for a long time and not be sick, then you must very responsibly approach the choice of a chick. The younger and healthier the individual will be, the longer the bird will live with you. Young chicks have black eyes, and there is a black spot on their beaks. But with age, only pupils remain black, and the spot on the beak disappears.

By the way, the sex of a parrot does not affect life expectancy at all. Do not listen to sellers who say that the chick still does not know how to fly - they begin to fly very early, as soon as they acquire fly feathers. If the budgie has a short tail, then this is a sign of either molting or disease.

A healthy chick will not drop feathers, and he will be talkative and cheerful.


Home parrot spends most of the time in the cell, so it should be spacious. The cage should have stairs and toys so that the parrot can play and do physical exercises. Also in the house there should be a tank for swimming, because parrots love water procedures. All the details of the house for a parrot should be made from environmentally friendly materials, not have an unpleasant smell, which can indicate the presence of toxic substances.

It is necessary to maintain order in the cage and regularly clean up garbage, as parrots do not tolerate the mess well. It is necessary to clean the cage in the morning and evening without any chemicals, just wipe it with warm water. Once a month, disinfection can be carried out with a decoction of wormwood.

Temperature conditions

One of the important factors influencing how many budgerigars live at home is the constant temperature in the room. Wavy handsome poorly tolerate a sharp temperature drop and do not like drafts.

It is better to determine a constant place for the cell and not allow temperature changes of more than 5 marks. Also, you can not put the cage next to heaters and batteries. The most favorable temperature for the bird is + 20-25 ° С. When ventilating the apartment, be sure to remove the cage from the draft.

Water and nutrition

Most of your pet’s diet should be a grain mix that includes herbs, peeled oats, and millet. It must be hermetically packed and from a trusted manufacturer. It is also useful to give your pet vegetables and fruits: carrots, apples, cucumber. In summer, birds should be given greens - lettuce, dandelion, arugula, carrot tops.

It is useful to include germinated grain in the diet, in particular, millet - it is either bought in a store or germinated independently. The water at the bird should always be fresh, and the drinker should be thoroughly washed. It is better to use filtered water. The health and longevity of your pet depends on high-quality and balanced nutrition.

Psychological comfort

The emotional state of a feathered pet directly affects its lifespan.   Stress factors include:

  • the presence in the house of cats or dogs;
  • proximity to the cell of the TV;
  • loud screams, music;
  • violation of sleep patterns - parrots go to bed as soon as it gets dark, and wake up at dawn.

Physical exercise

It is imperative for birds to fly around the room regularly - for them, this is vital physical education. While the parrot is outside the cage, all the windows and windows must be closed, otherwise the bird will fly away. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no indoor plants with seeds in the room, and in general that the robber does not peck flowers, as they can be poisonous to him.

We determine the age of the parrot in appearance

Determining the age of a parrot is not so simple. Reliably this can be done before the first molt, which occurs in about 3-3.5 months. After molting, determining the age of a feathered bird is almost impossible. Some parrots molt at 6 months, but this is rare. There are a number of signs that help determine the age of the bird:

  1. The black mark on the beak of the parrot remains, as a rule, up to 2 months of age, but it disappears in parrots of light colors in 20-25 days.
  2. In young birds, the feather outfit is less contrasting and bright, and only after 6 months the bird changes the outfit to “adult”.
  3. A bright yellow mask appears in parrots after 6 months.
  4. If the bird has already faded, age can also be determined by waxing - in young males it is pale purple, and in adults it is bright blue.


Relatives of budgerigars can live much longer - the larger the individual, the longer its lifespan. Real centenarians among parrots are cockatoothat can live up to 70 years.

In second place in life expectancy are macawwho live to be 50 years old. Amazons  also live on average 50 years, but there were individuals who survived to 70 years.

How many budgerigars live at home depends on the genetics and living conditions that a person can create for his pet. These cheerful, cheerful birds, of course, require a lot of care, but they can also bring great joy to the house.

Life expectancy of budgies in the wild

Perhaps when acquiring a parrot, some people are interested in how many budgerigars live. However, as practice shows, everyone prefers not to think about it.

In general, if we take the conditions of the wild, then the life expectancy of budgies can reach five years, or even more. It depends directly on the conditions of existence of a small bird. There are a lot of factors influencing the direct on the life expectancy of parrots.

Among the mentioned factors, the following should be highlighted:

  • the presence of food that the parrot can find;
  • the presence of nearby bodies of water with clean, unpolluted water;
  • the presence of predators that, due to their natural instincts, can attack a small bird;
  • weather conditions (it is very important that the birds do not freeze).

Usually, under more or less acceptable living conditions, a bird can reach the age of 7 years. Such a short period of time is explained by the habitat of the budgerigar in the wild. Surely the bird will be at risk of being eaten, from time to time not to eat up and so on. All these factors significantly affect the health of the budgerigar, shortening the already fleeting life of a small bird.

Life expectancy of parrots at home

Unlike their wild relatives, domesticated parrots exist in a rather favorable environment for them. They are constantly taken care of, fed and watered. Thanks to these conditions, budgerigars live much longer, stretching from seven to eight to ten to fifteen years. As an exception, you can specify a period of twenty years. However, a few budgerigars live up to it, being a kind of old-timers.

But even such an impressive period can not be compared with the life expectancy of larger parrots. For example, medium-sized birds can easily live a couple of dozen or more years. Big birds, live up to a hundred years. However, this is not a reason to choose them, since the care and maintenance of the budgies is much easier and more pleasant.

Life in the homeland

The life span of budgies in the wild is relatively short-lived. A rare individual can reach a maximum of eight to ten years. Mostly in their Australian homeland, these birds live for about four to six years. Under natural conditions, they die quite often and in huge quantities.

It is possible to explain why these birds do not live so long by the fact that there are many dangers in the Australian mainland:

  • starlings - after they were brought to Australia, starlings began to fight over the territory, crowding out small parrots;
  • birds of prey such as hawks or falcons;
  • long flights in search of water and food;
  • hunger;
  • drought;
  • human traps in wheat fields;
  • contaminated water bodies;
  • bad weather conditions (rainy seasons, heat).

But nature gave the “wavy” excellent immunity, so these birds are able to restore the population in a short time. Now let's compare how many budgerigars live at home.

Living in an apartment

How long does a wavy parrot live in captivity? Near the person, the life expectancy of these pets increases. Naturally, with proper care for them. Of course, in a cozy house a hawk or a falcon will not attack a bird, and the rain will not flood. But if the owner will feed poorly, forget to pour clean water and refuse to fly, then the parrot will not be able to endure such conditions for a long time and die.

The lifespan of a budgerigar, which grows in the apartment and is well looked after, varies from five to ten years. And some centenarians can please their owners and live much longer. There are cases when these birds survived to twenty years. Of course, the “wolves” of the old women, such abilities as hearing or activity, worsened, but they did not cease to please their masters.

Budgerigars become wonderful pets and true family members. I don’t want to think about the moment of separation from my favorite birds, but thoughts about how many budgerigars live from time to time do arise. The factors of life expectancy of birds are influenced by many factors, about which owners should definitely know in advance.

It is impossible to determine the exact age of the bird, but there are a number of signs by which you can tell whether you are going to buy a young individual or an adult bird. Having carefully examined the parrot, signs of disease will also become noticeable. This is important, because if there are other birds in the house, there is a high risk of infecting them.

When choosing a budgie, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Inspection of the wax. This is the area of \u200b\u200bthickened skin at the base of the beak. In young individuals, it looks very pale. In males, as it grows older, it acquires a more saturated blue color, and in females it becomes brownish.
  2. Assessment of the condition of the beak. Very young parrots have a blackish beak. As they grow older, the dark hue disappears and in an adult, the beak acquires a greenish or yellowish hue.
  3. Inspection of the tail. The long tail is found only in the adult wavy; in the young, it is much shorter. Parrots reach the size of adult birds very quickly, so one of the signs of youth is the length of the feathers, which become normal with a little delay.
  4. Assessment of the color of feathers. Very young birds have a dimmer plumage. On the head, feathers up to the waxwort may acquire a slight undulation. At the age of 4-6 months after the first few molts, the plumage of the bird acquires a more saturated and bright shade.
  5. Determining the age of the bird by the eyes. The younger individual has a black eye color that merges with the pupil, which makes it appear that the eyes of the wavy are especially large and expressive. When examining the eyes of an older bird, it becomes noticeable that there is often no plumage around them, and the pupil is framed in a white ring.

By carefully examining the parrot, you can determine its age

The life expectancy of parrots does not depend on whether the bird is male or female. In most cases, in the question of how many years budgies have been living at home, proper care and the relevant rules for keeping a pet play an important role.

A sign of a sick bird is often the loss of a large number of feathers. But if instead of feathers small sticking needles are distinguished, then this means that the parrot is in the process of molting. Another sign of illness is a loss of interest in toys and a lack of motor activity. Wavy birds are extremely playful and agile. If you see that the parrot is sitting, having ruffled on the perch, and does not interact with his brethren in any way, this may be a sign of weakness and ailment.

If a parrot sits with a scruffy nose on the perch and does not interact with its brethren in any way, this may be a sign of weakness.

The first molt in each parrot occurs at different times, but often this process occurs at the age of three months. After that, the bird becomes very similar to an adult, which is why determining its age will be problematic.

Specialists have calculated how many years budgies have been living in a cage at home. Birds that live to 15-20 years old are considered centenarians. Often wavy reaches 8.5 years. Unfortunately, being extremely fragile creatures due to illness, malnutrition and oversight by the owners, this figure can be significantly less. The life expectancy of parrots at home depends on several factors.


As a result of improper selection, a whole brood of birds may have congenital diseases that cause a pet's short life. Many unscrupulous or inexperienced breeders do not try to suppress closely related ties, because of which offspring develop hidden chronic diseases. Therefore, when you purchase at first glance an absolutely healthy parrot, after a while, an exacerbation of the ailment may occur. And this will not be the fault of the owner.


Balanced food is the key to longevity of the feathered. With malnutrition or nutrition from a person’s table, a pet can have tumors of various organs, obesity, and also an upset digestive system. In addition to purchased mixtures of grains, in the diet of the bird should be fruits, berries, peeled and vegetables. Each bird has its own taste preferences, so for some time you need to experiment to find out your favorite pet treats.

Suitable cell and environment

Even before buying a feathered one, you need to take care of the presence of a cage with everything you need. The parrot should have bells, swings, a drinking bowl and a feeding bowl with grains. The cleanliness of the drinker should be checked regularly and prevent the formation of a film on its surface by the mucus. The feeding bowl with grains is blown away from the husk.

The parrot should have interesting toys, bells, swings, a drinking bowl and a feeding trough

It is important that in the room where the cell will stand, there is a constant temperature and humidity. There should be no drafts, excessive noise and harsh sounds. It is worth taking care of adequate lighting. In the autumn-winter period of time, when a short daylight hours come, it is necessary to organize additional lighting.

Do not place a cage with a parrot in the kitchen or in the hallway. These are the most unsuccessful rooms, since the temperature here is constantly changing, there are drafts and a lot of noise. It is best to place your pet in the living room, where the whole family is going. Then the wavy will not have a lack of communication, and he will quickly get used to the person.

Regular physical activity

Experts note that parrots, leading an inactive lifestyle, gain weight faster, suffer from obesity, as a result of which they develop various diseases. In order for the pet to be healthy, he should have the opportunity to exercise regularly. For this, a spacious cage with several floors is suitable, where the feathered one can perform its maneuvers. It hangs swings, stairs, poles and other devices for games and fun birds.

Cage toys alone are not enough. Thus, it is necessary to organize the space around the cell so that the wavy can fly unhindered without harming itself. Outside the cell, where you can place:

  • beads-abacus, sorting through which the parrot will train the beak;
  • bungee or swing. One of the birds' favorite pastimes is swaying to examine their toys and plan what to do in the future;
  • a rope ladder along which a parrot will climb the legs while climbing;
  • bells, rattles, mirrors - all these attributes are necessary to maintain the interest and good mood of the parrot.

Communication with family members and the absence of stressful situations

It is extremely important to protect the pet from getting into any stressful situations. If you plan to repair the house, then loud sounds can scare the bird so much that its heart can’t stand it. During this period, it is better to go with the cell to the neighbors.

It is necessary to protect the pet from getting into any stressful situations

For parrots, any unusual situation is already a cause for concern. But if you regularly communicate with your pet and try to establish contact with him, then the arrival of a noisy company of guests, furniture relocation or basic cleaning will not frighten him anymore.

  What safety rules should be observed when a parrot lives at home

On how many budgerigars live at home, a factor such as imprudence and carelessness of the owners themselves is very much affected. Many things and objects that are absolutely safe for humans can cause irreparable harm to the health of a bird.

The table shows the sources of danger for birds, which often cause their premature death.

Item Name Description
Open windows Through an open window, a feathered bird can fly out into the street. From fright and many street sounds, he will not find his way home. Once in the environment, the feathered one will not be able to survive on its own. It is waiting for temperature extremes, cooling, lack of proper nutrition, as well as many predators hunting for reckless birds.

Sitting around the clock with closed windows is not necessary. In order to prevent the wavy from accidentally flying out through the window, it is enough to put mosquito nets and regularly check for their integrity.

Kitchen There are so many dangers in the kitchen of a parrot that it would be better if he had no access to this room. If the wavy is given complete freedom, then at least during cooking or cleaning, it must be closed in a cage, otherwise flying over a boiling pan, the bird may be scalded. In addition, evaporation from Teflon cookware is deadly for the bird.
Fan or air conditioner In the hot season, out of habit, a hand reaches out to turn on a fan or air conditioning, but when a parrot flies freely in the house, this cannot be done. A bird may be injured or even die from being hit by a fan blade. Due to the draft created by the air condition, a feathered bird can catch a cold.
Batteries and heaters Heating appliances should not be placed near the cage, as they are a source of dry air extremely harmful to the respiratory system of the pet.
Skeins of wires, bare wires Since the wavy are very curious, after they begin to be released from the cage, they will carefully examine each room in turn. In the process of exploring new objects, parrots really like to try everything on their beak. Therefore, it is necessary to tidy up all sockets and wires, make sure that the insulation is not broken anywhere.

A large congestion of wires, as a rule, happens near the computer. So that during the walk the pet does not get entangled in them, it is necessary to carefully pull off all cables with construction ties or place them under a special box.

Mirrors and windows Large mirrors on wardrobes are dangerous, because a parrot, seeing its reflection, might think that another bird is flying towards it. Collision with the mirror surface sometimes causes fatal injuries to the bird. A wavy does not see his reflection in the windows, but he does not see any obstacles in front of him, so he might think that he is not in danger and can fly on.

You can prevent injury to the bird if you hang mirrors for the time it flies, and lower tulle or blinds on the windows.

Aquarium with fish and any deep water tanks. Parrots do not know how to swim, but they are very interested in water. To protect the pet from drowning, it is necessary to cover the aquarium. Another danger is vases with flowers that are very easy to slip into. If the pet likes to splash around in the wash basin, then make sure that the water level is not too high for him.
Cigarette smoke, cigarette butts It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the room where the bird cage is located. For cigarette butts and ashes there should be a closing ashtray so that the bird could not start pecking cigarette butts out of interest. Packs of cigarettes, whether they are open or not, must be stored in a closed cabinet. If, nevertheless, the bird gets to the cigarette butts or breathes cigarette smoke, acute poisoning can begin, which leads to death without urgent help.
Large mesh curtains Feathered people like to climb higher to observe household affairs from above. Their favorite place is the cornice. Parrots often go down from the cornice to the curtains or tulle. Therefore, if a tulle with a large mesh pattern hangs in the house, the pet's claws can easily catch on to it and without outside help it will not get out.

It is undesirable if there are protruding threads in the tulle, as they will certainly attract the attention of a parrot. Having eaten a thread, he will hammer a goiter.

Fumigators In the room where the pet’s cage is located, fumigators cannot be turned on, since these devices spray into the air lethal substances not only for insects, but also for parrots. To get rid of annoying mosquitoes, it is better to put mosquito nets and not remove them until winter. Some responsible owners leave nets for the whole year. True, in this case they will often have to be pulled.
Aerosols and sprays Do not spray any cleaning, window washing or hair spray products near the cage. The components contained in the composition can cause the development of diseases of the liver and respiratory organs.
Indoor plants and seedlings Many birds are not indifferent to home flowers or garden seedlings. They would love to start eating leaflets of plants on the windowsill. Having seen such attempts, the feathered bird needs to be driven away from the flowers, since most of them are extremely dangerous for the health of the parrot.
Pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons To protect the pet from poisoning, you need to teach children to put all the pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens in a box after themselves, otherwise the wavy can gnaw the lead and eat up chips from the pencil.
New Year decoration Refuse to decorate the house on holidays is not worth it. However, lightweight unbreakable balls are recommended. Perhaps they are less beautiful or elegant, but you will not worry about the safety of your pet. It is worth abandoning the inflatable balls, as they often burst and the feathered one may get scared. For the same reason, do not use clappers.

Having decided to make a feathered friend, you should not get too hung up on the question of how many years the budgerigar lives at home. The best care for the feathery will be the arrangement of his cage and playground, rich and proper nutrition, as well as constant communication so that he does not get bored.


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