How to make yourself work? I don't want to work, what should I do? Increased brain efficiency

We are glad to welcome you, dear blog readers! Today we will touch on an interesting topic, namely how to make yourself work. Man is a living being, and getting tired, losing interest in something is not alien to him. But what if the delivery of an important project is just around the corner, but there is no strength, energy and inspiration to complete it?

Top technician

1. Awareness

As you know, very few people in life are given everything just like that, so to get what you want, and even the most commonplace - to survive, you need to work. So, if you were not born into a family of millionaires, well, or at least very wealthy people who can satisfy your needs and pay the bills for a long time, then you will have to say goodbye to your laziness.

The best motivator is knowing what will happen if the person allows themselves to relax and stop performing their duties. It is unlikely that the manager will tolerate if he notices that the employee is trying to avoid fulfilling his duties. And if you have to look for a new job, then the plans drawn up in advance will remain in dreams until there is an opportunity to satisfy them.

The prospect of saving on food and clothing, travel and other things - I think, is not the most pleasant and expected. So take a sheet and a pen, and in detail, point by point, write down all the consequences that your doing nothing will pull with you, because, as they say, if you want to live, be able to turn around.

2. Envy

5. "Fly on the ceiling"

If there is a family or personal problem, then, having come to work, you understand that your brains are not at all ready to cope with pressing tasks. You should try the fly-on-the-ceiling technique. It allows you to switch a little and shift attention from disturbing issues to less emotionally affected ones.

To do this, close your eyes and try to imagine that you are a fly sitting on the ceiling and watching you. It may seem ridiculous, but in fact, this technique is effective, even during conflict situations, since it allows one to abstract, reducing the level of emotional reactions. So get to work pretending to be watching yourself.

6. The most commonplace and effective technique

Can't force yourself to work - don't force, just sit down and start. Sometimes we spend a tremendous amount of energy trying to cope with our reluctance to act, spending significant resources on something that could easily be done without.

Have you noticed how long you postponed the completion of a task, and then all the same, when you had to take on it, you were relieved that in fact the process was easy and you managed quickly?

Do not complicate life, things tend to accumulate, and no matter how you delay time, you will have to cope with them, only the later - the more difficult it will be for you.

You just need to take the first step, after which the second and third will already follow by inertia, since the most important and difficult thing is to move.

7. Ritual

Create an enjoyable ritual that will help boost your mood. When a person experiences anger or sadness, he does not particularly appreciate the moments of his life at that moment, and he does not particularly notice its charms either. And if in the morning you just force yourself to get out of bed, then the day is unlikely to be filled with inspiration.

Try to do some kind of ritual in the morning that charges you with positive and energy. For example, do you like listening to music? Turn it on at full volume and dance, get together, make coffee or delicious spice tea, do something that brings joy and pleasure. And you can find out about increasing energy.

8. Affirmations

The method of positive affirmations will help you to overcome laziness, that is, the attitudes with which you program your subconscious mind. This is a very simple technique, it is only important to learn how to make up phrases. The effect will be if you repeat the selected phrase several times a day in front of a mirror, feeling confidence and strength from each spoken word.

You can learn more from. The most appropriate affirmations in this situation are: “I enjoy my profession,” “My service inspires and makes me happy,” and so on.

9. Game

Imagine that you are a film actor, and at the moment you are playing the role of some famous businessman, doctor, in general, a successful person in your profession. The cameras are looking at you, you should be natural and organic. Do you really allow yourself to look unprofessional, lounging in a chair and doing nothing? And so every time, for self-control, imagine that at the moment there is a recording, and you must show your best side.

10. Create a challenge for yourself

Now, if within 10 minutes if you do not start the task, then you will approach a colleague who you like and admit your feelings, or shout out some funny phrase out loud. Come up with a punishment yourself, and then make a choice, decide on a risky step, or fulfill obligations.

It is only important to keep your word, even given to yourself, otherwise, ignoring the conditions set, you will not achieve any effect and result. If you have a close person among employees, a friend, then agree with him that he will control the accuracy of the fulfillment of the conditions. This game will add interest and excitement. By the way, you can arrange a comic competition. Whoever fulfills the volume of tasks faster and better, the opponent will treat him at the bar, paying the bill.


And that's all for today, dear readers! And if you too often admit to yourself that: “I can't work,” then think about what this could be connected with? Maybe you're getting depressed? Then it is not surprising that there is absolutely no strength and energy for something. Or have you made a mistake in choosing a profession, and now you have to do something that is not interesting and does not give pleasure? Too low wages, which does not motivate you to take any action at all?

If you find a reason for inaction and laziness, then it will be much easier to cope with the problem, at least you will know what kind of "beast" is in front of you in order to choose the right way to destroy it. So be careful! Strength and patience!

The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.

How familiar it is: you have to finish a whole list of things to do, but there is neither strength nor desire. And the timing is being adjusted, the boss demands. But all this hassle can be avoided by looking at the situation from the other side and changing the motivation.

The project has been abandoned, and the deadline is just around the corner. An annoying client calls and complains that everything is wrong, and you really don't want to redo everything and waste time. And then you still need to find an hour or two for the gym, because you promised yourself that this year you will appear there more often ... Hence the constant feeling of guilt, stress, depression and frustration.

Psychologist Heidi Grant, author of the bestteller Nobody Understands Me, and What to Do About It, knows how to set yourself up correctly. And he explains what makes you delay and put things off until tomorrow and what strategies will help solve these problems.

You are putting off an important task because you are afraid of not coping.

Decision: Imagine that you have already completed the work, and there is a salary increase and other pleasant bonuses ahead of you.

And what, everything is possible! Look at the challenge as a way to improve your professionalism and impress the boss, to prove your abilities to everyone. Psychologists call this a “focal point of advancement,” and research shows that if an employee is driven by thoughts about the future benefits that he will receive after completing a task, then the work is energetic and optimistic. Don't be afraid to screw things up - the more you think about it, the less you will want to work. Anxiety and doubt are the main enemies of motivation.

But there are also people who are helped by fear to act. In this case, you should forget about the result, the main thing here is the process. It is vigorous activity that gives the feeling that everything is under control, everything is stable and without loss. Again, training has always been considered a way not to lose yourself, always stay in shape. When you are focused on avoiding disruption, the only way to avoid danger is to take immediate action. The more anxious you are, the faster you will step out of your comfort zone.

“I know it doesn't sound too fun,” writes Heidi Grant. - Especially if you would rather better think about the benefits and the happy ending. But sometimes, there really is nothing like scaring yourself. Only a little, otherwise there is a risk of getting scared and doing nothing at all. Sounds awful, but it works! "

I don't want to do anything, because "there is no inspiration."

Decision: just ignore this feeling more like laziness.

In the excellent book Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Remain Optimistic, Oliver Berkman describes these situations. We often say something like "I just can't get out of bed in the early morning" or "I just can't bring myself to exercise." But after all, nobody ties you to bed every morning! And bouncers don't block the entrance to the gym! Physically, nothing prevents you from doing business - there is simply, as they say, no inspiration. But who says there is a time to sit and wait for awareness or desire to come to you? Think about this for a moment, because it is really very important.

We've all bought into the idea that to be effective we must always be in a good mood and inspired, burning with work. Yes, at some level this is so - you need to see the finished project! But there is also a downside. Let us recall at least the people of art who are dependent on this feeling, and sometimes it turns into a tragedy.

In the same book, Berkman recalls that “only amateurs need inspiration. The rest just need to come in and get to work. "

So if you sit and postpone something until better times, figure it out - isn't it lazy? Because nothing really bothers you.

Work seems boring and boring

Decision: engage in detailed planning. And imagine what will happen if you do not do what depends on you?

How can I do nothing today, but tomorrow at dawn I will deal with this problem. Do you know the situation when you promise yourself the almost impossible? In fact, we often overestimate the power of self-control. After all, those who have everything in order with willpower take and do.

First, do yourself a favor, accept the fact that every person's willpower has limits and you can't always force yourself to do something really boring, terrible, but very important. Instead of digging yourself in, it's better to do detailed planning.

It actually sounds so scary: a detailed plan. In practice, everything is much simpler. Decide what specific steps you need to take to, say, finish the project, think about when and where exactly you will start implementing the points.

For example: "At exactly 2 pm I will finish what I am doing now and start working on the report that has been expected from me for a week." Or, "If the boss doesn't mention my request for an increase in fees, then I'll remind him of it before the end of our conversation."

That is, having decided in advance what exactly you are going to do, when and where, you simply will not have time to think, like “well, the time has not come yet”. When questions arise - "do I really have to do it now?", Or "can it wait?", Or "maybe you need to do something else?", The very motivation is lost, there is no clear goal. And willpower, which, as we remember, also has its limits, you need to make a difficult choice. And when there is a ready-made plan, it turns out that you have already made the right decision long before the critical moment.

Studies have been conducted on this topic - it turned out that if you have a well-thought-out plan and do not deviate from it, productivity and efficiency increase by 200-300% on average.

“Think about the consequences, ignore your feelings, and do detailed planning! I understand that these three strategies that I propose do not actually sound as fun as advice like "indulge your passions" or "live positive!" But my strategies are really effective - use the advice correctly and you will get results, ”says psychologist Heidi Grant.

The question of how to force oneself to work if there is no strength and mood arises not only among businessmen or freelance programmers, but also among housewives. As a result, we have "stuck" tasks, uncleaned rooms and dumplings instead of a healthy dinner. Can I handle this? Quite.

Why don't you want to work?

We will not delve into the annoying topic of motivation (a very vague concept) and the fact that you need to change it. Everyone decides for himself and the task from this will not be fulfilled by itself. The problem must be solved without leaving the cash register, and it lies precisely in the very tasks that we face.
  1. The task is too simple. It's relaxing. After all, in our minds we have already done everything, so it seems that we will sit down and ... do not sit down, because we simply become uninteresting. What to do in this case? Take it as a gift. And the interest is that you need to rake the list of unsolved problems with the easiest. Why - we will tell below.
  2. The task is too difficult. No one likes to act according to the same algorithm, but when something goes beyond the usual it is scary, so we do not know where to tackle it. Here you just have to take it: stick your finger in hot water. And then somehow, but it will go. So, if you have never made presentations, then you can open the programs intended for this and make the first and last page. Here, there is already something. It is important to keep in mind the end of what you are doing. No matter how trite, but a difficult task can be broken down into hundreds of small ones, and in the process, a labor fuse may appear.
  3. The task is important, but not too difficult. We just put this on the back burner and do nothing with it. As a result, we get a rush job and poorly performed work. It is important here to realize what exactly the completion of this task will affect. In addition, it is worth thinking about the fact that after completing this task you will have a new one - not so difficult, but pleasant.
  4. It also happens that the task simply contradicts your inner beliefs. In this case, it is really worth thinking about changing the type of activity.
However, there are other difficulties that explain why you do not want to work, but if you move in small steps, you can overcome it. So, if you want to get into a social network or YouTube, it is advised to take a dozen deep breaths and only then think about whether you need it.

How to make yourself work

Even thinking about why the case has stalled, no one will do it. We need to act.
  • 1. Get out!No, not from the workplace, but himself. If you are stuck at work, first of all, you need to remove plates of instant noodles and cups of coffee, unnecessary papers, dust, and trash from your workplace. This process itself allows you to overload and clarify thoughts. Plus, if you've already started doing something, it will be more difficult to stop. The workplace should have a lot of light and air, think about its appearance and space.
  • 2. Small things... All kinds of trainings and books are advised to start with the most difficult. It will not help, for many are overcome by fear. Plus, when productivity drops, serious tasks will slow you down even more. But if you start with the same cleaning the table or writing a plan for the day, or sending letters, or maybe cleaning the computer from unnecessary files, then the mood will rise. And with him and faith in their own strength. It is important to choose 2-3 small things, but not more, otherwise the whole day will be wasted on nonsense.
  • 3. We start by completing one task. So that your fellow neighbors and friends on social networks do not bother you, write it down on a piece of paper and hang it in the most conspicuous place. At the same time, you can set yourself a timer for 15 minutes, which will be devoted only to work (without interruption for coffee and a computer toy). Believe it or not, in this quarter of an hour you can do oh how much! You just worked with utmost concentration. If you wish, you can arrange such fifteen minutes every day, leaving all the rest of the work to chance.
  • 4. Try to change location... If you are bothered by colleagues, home or noise, just take your laptop to another room. No laptop - we go outside and just walk, thinking about our work. During this time, you will have time to think over the whole further plan of action and just breathe. By the way, a smoke break and coffee do not count.
  • 5. If you are just tired, then allow yourself to do nothing.... Absolutely. Postpone the case until tomorrow, but only promise that tomorrow you will take on it with a fresh mind. Doing nothing is not playing shooting games or watching funny talent shows on YouTube. This means that you will simply sit back in your chair and consciously do nothing and not think about anything at all. Sometimes it's not about our beloved laziness, but about fatigue. It is important here not to think about the fact that tomorrow is hellish work. Better not to think at all.
  • 6. Sometimes the braystorming method helps.If you do not want to do anything because there is no inspiration, we take a notebook and write everything that we think about our task, without shackling thoughts, even the most primitive ones. More efficient ones will come along the way, by the way. Then we turn off for the same smoke break and coffee break and return. Surely something will hit your head. It remains only to embody this "something" in material form!
  • 7. Don't worry about doing so little because the glass will always be half empty, and there is simply no limit to productivity. In any case, you can do everything tomorrow, but you cannot lose your positive attitude, because this will slow down the matter even more. As they say, genius is one percent of inspiration, and the rest is work. But even this one percent is not so much.
P.S. In the process of working on this material, the author was viciously interfered with by his relatives, which prevented and prevented the writing of literally every paragraph. I had to catch 15 minutes, set the alarm, and the material was finished in 15 minutes. Apparently it works!

Many people wonder from time to time about how to get themselves to work. There are moments when there is no mood, strength, energy, inspiration ... But the work itself will not do itself. And through strength I do not want to work, it only further depressing. Accordingly, the above question becomes relevant. And now we will talk about what needs to be done to make yourself work.

Develop the right attitude to work

We need to stop treating work as something depressing. Not everyone, of course, has an interesting and exciting activity that could be perceived as a paid hobby. But on the other hand, the working day is limited! 8 hours pass, and the person is released. Then you can go to have fun, have fun, spend time with friends, a loved one, or just lie down on the sofa to watch a movie with a box of pizza.

It's not about counting down every day. It's just that many people are over-dramatizing. Yes, not everyone likes their work, but absolutely everyone works (each in his own way, of course). And for some, the idea that they are not alone is really inspiring.

Search for benefits

There are people who never think about how to make themselves work. They do not need this, because they know perfectly well what they were employed for. Money! Material incentives are the reason that makes tens of millions of people get up in the morning for work.

You can also promise yourself a reward for completed tasks. For example, you need to complete a complex project. This multitasking work can be broken down into stages. And after passing each of them, encourage yourself. A pleasant purchase, something tasty, a trip to a bar or a whole day of idleness.

It is also recommended to set a goal. Complete one and a half times more tasks, earn an award and respect from the boss, surpass colleagues. If the work is bored and disgusted, then it does not hurt to bring in such an element of gambling and sports interest.

Life changes

Unfortunately, many people wake up every morning with the thoughts: “Lord, go back to this job. I don’t see anything except her and at home, how tired it all is ”. And how to make yourself work if everything is repeated from one day to the next?

You need to bring something new into your life, without excuses, which usually boil down to lack of time, fatigue, lack of extra money, etc. A person always creates conditions for himself to do something or to achieve some goal, if it is really necessary, and in life there are many examples. You have to imagine that the situation is the same.

You need to understand that a new activity or hobby is not an additional reason to get tired and waste time. It is a source of inspiration, inspiration, diversity, new knowledge and information for thought. All of the above gives an incredible surge of energy and the desire to wake up in the morning. Because the person knows - an interesting day is coming, and today he will find out or learn something new.

Having acquired several new hobbies and hobbies, a person will be able to push work into the background. It will not lose its significance, but it will cease to occupy your whole life, and this will make it easier to work. After all, a person will stop doing only one thing, which is the only one, and therefore gets bored.

Fight fatigue

Now there will be no advice that if you are very tired you need to give up everything and go on vacation. Of course, it would be ideal, but not everyone and not always have the opportunity to use it. What then is to be done? How to force yourself to work if you have no strength? Recommendations can help, which everyone can translate into reality:

  • Morning work-out. Is it trite? Maybe, but effective. Helps to wake up quickly and feel more invigorated.
  • Contrast shower in the morning. It helps to raise mood and improve energy tone.
  • Walking. You don't need to organize them separately. It is enough just to slightly change the route. Refuse transport, go to another stop or metro station.

By the way, you can still stop using the elevator. You need to bring more movement into your life, this will overcome physical laziness.

Correct position

It is most important. Many people additionally oppress themselves with such thoughts: "I am so tired and exhausted, I have no strength at all, and I still have 8 hours to sit at that job, how I want to give up everything and go on vacation, and not do this most difficult project."

There is no good from such thoughts. They only interfere, since at the moment a person cannot change anything. You just need to get together and do your job. The tasks must be solved in stages. When the work is completed, you can think about what to do with your life and the hateful alignment.

Organization of the process

This is something that every person who is interested in how to make themselves work needs to do. Surely everyone is familiar with such a concept as procrastination - putting off all things for later. A person can find a bunch of "important" activities, just not to do the job. Or he is constantly distracted in the process. He writes a line in the document, and then reads the news for half an hour.

Sound familiar? Then it's time to organize your process. We must realize that the work is not going anywhere! It will have to be done sooner or later! So why put it off?

The first step is to establish a framework. They may be:

  • Temporary. For example: work 5 hours with three breaks of 10 minutes, and then another 2 hours.
  • Regulatory. Determine the amount of work that needs to be done in a day and achieve this goal.

Increased brain efficiency

According to the research of scientists, the human brain is far from working at full strength. And this puzzles many. There are resources, but they are not used! How to make the brain work 100 percent, or at least to the maximum possible?

The potential can be activated by certain actions that will have to be taken as a basis. Need to:

  • Workout. Exercise improves blood circulation. And it, becoming intense, has a positive effect on the functioning of the cellular elements of the brain.
  • Exercise your memory. Memorize poetry, read books, remember the events of your life to the smallest detail, start practicing mnemonics. The only way to develop the brain is to make it work.
  • Get rid of bad habits. Alcoholic beverages, even when consumed once a week, negatively affect cellular structures. As for nicotine, it constricts the capillaries, and this leads to a decrease in the volume of blood going to the brain.
  • Correct your posture. The position of the neck and head affects the process of thinking.
  • Add positivity. In the framework of studies of brain functioning, it was possible to find out that thoughts influence the processes occurring in it. Positive reflections are calming, while negative reflections induce depressive mood and fear.
  • Relax. Breaks are needed. It is recommended to alternate them in character. Just lie down for 10 minutes and not think about anything. And then spend the same amount of time solving crosswords and riddles. This stimulates the energy of the brain.

There are many more recommendations to help find the answer to the question of how to make your brain work faster. The main thing to consider is that taxonomy is important. If you want to increase the efficiency of the brain, you will have to allocate enough time for its development every day.

Need to distract yourself

Often, workers are usually encouraged to focus on their responsibilities. But not if a person wants to know how to make himself work when he doesn't want to. With a complete lack of desire to concentrate on activities, you can only aggravate your situation. In such situations, it is better to:

  • Slowly turn on music or some movie, TV series, video blog. This will create a nice background for relaxation. If you have to work in conditions of sounding music, you should be in silence.
  • Diversify the environment. For example, decorate your workplace. And if a person works for himself, then he can change the office for an apartment or work somewhere in a cafe.
  • Motivate yourself to have a pleasant ending to your day. Promise to go to a party, meet friends, date. Anticipation will help cheer up and do all the tasks in the name of relaxation.

At the same time, it is recommended to turn off the phone and social networks, not to be distracted by strangers. Fifteen minutes of talking on the phone, the same amount for correspondence, and a colleague also decided to talk about his vacation. As a result, such factors will have to spend more time on work that could be done faster.

Cinema for inspiration

And now the most pleasant recommendation. Movies that make you work! More precisely, those films that inspire, showing the stories of individuals, their path to success. Films based on real events are especially good. So, you can see:

  • "The wolf of Wall Street";
  • “Short play”;
  • "Social network";
  • "Boiler room";
  • "Wall Street";
  • "Areas of Darkness";
  • "Jobs: Empire of temptation";
  • "Risk limit".

Why is it helpful to look at other people's success? Can you make yourself work this way? Of course. After all, a person looks at how someone achieves what he wants, overcoming the most unknown obstacles, and asks himself the question - why is he worse? Can't he handle the same? Why did someone do it, but they haven't started yet?

Films like these make you think about, inspire and take action.


Thus, it was briefly described how to defeat laziness and make yourself work. Finally, it is worth making a reservation: one person may not be helped by the method that saved the other. But one cannot despair. You have to try different techniques. This is the only way to find an effective way to increase efficiency.

But if work is depressing on an ongoing basis, and the reluctance to go to it only gets stronger, you should seriously think about how to change something in life. We have only one, and you should not waste it on an unloved business.

How to force yourself to work when there is no mood is not laziness, but a state that in the dynamic world around us is found among many businessmen, as well as people associated with IT-technologies. In this state, it is difficult to force yourself to work not only for people of entrepreneurial activity, but also for ordinary housewives.

Uncommitted work always results in wasted time on projects, cleaning rooms, or preparing dinner. These are not trifles, as it might seem at first glance, this state can drag a person into a familiar image and thanks to it, all previously built plans can "collapse". Let's consider how you can deal with this.

How to force yourself to work when there is no desire to work, although there are all the possibilities. Motivation in work is always a determining factor, but it may also be such that a person does not like what he does. Should you change jobs?

Consider some of the reasons why a person does not want to work, these are:

    When the task received for the execution or the tasks of the future project seems to be easily solved for you and it costs nothing to do it, you just need to sit down at the table, but for some reason we do not sit down. The way out is simple, so as not to relax and not fall into a state of inaction, you need to accept the task as a gift, because everything that has not been done should be done and it is better to start with easy options.

    The task for work, in your opinion, is difficult for you, since it cannot be performed in the usual algorithm of actions, it is scary. Alertness and incomprehensibility from what "end" to start solving the task. The way out is simple, you need to get to work and the solution itself will outline the way to complete the task. An example is as follows:

    the person has never worked with presentations, you can use ready-made programs and make the first page to start;

    make the last page of the presentation, determine what you want to show;

    when there is a beginning and an end, it will become clear what to do next, the main thing is to always keep in mind what you want to see at the exit.

    The task received for execution is very important for the company, but it is not difficult, for this reason work on it is often postponed until later. Such inactivity gives rise to rush jobs in production. The way out of this situation is simple, you need to understand what the performance of the work will affect and always know that then there will be a new task that is not so difficult for you, more pleasant to perform.

    It may happen that the task at work is simply unpleasant for you to complete, its solution conflicts with your inner beliefs. In this case, experts advise you to think about changing your occupation.

How to make yourself work, ─ to work even when there is no strong desire, experts consider some situations, namely, this:

    When something does not work out at work, experts advise to pause in the task. Better to do the cleaning of the workplace, these are:

    put things in order at the workplace, remove food leftovers, all rubbish, garbage;

    the cleaning process distracts from the task, relaxes, makes it possible to switch attention;

    try to keep everything around you clean and light.

    The need to conduct professional self-education trainings, in order to increase the level of professionalism, according to experts, it is better to start with more complex options, but this does not always work, since:

    many people have a fear of action;

    when efficiency in work drops with increasing skill, this further complicates the workflow.

In this case, it is advised to start the day with simple activities, writing tasks for the day, sending out the necessary letters, checking e-mail. To get started, you can do the simplest task, faith in your own strength will come by itself and the day will not be wasted.

    How to force yourself to work when many factors that distract you affect the performance of work, ─ you need to start with one task, and its implementation will hang in a prominent place, less distraction by social networks. Set aside a quarter of an hour twice per hour to work, you will see how many things you can do in 30 minutes.

    Maybe for better concentration on the task or project, you should change the position of the workplace. You might want to try working with your laptop in a different location where there are no noisy colleagues or other distractions. If there is no "laptop", then just walk on the street for a while, get distracted, you can draw up a rational plan for doing the work.

    There is also such a factor as work fatigue, in this case it is recommended to just rest, "in general" to do nothing.

    Experts recommend, when there is “no desire at all” to start the task, use the braystorming method, when you write everything you think about the task at hand in a notebook. In the course of this process, sensible thoughts may appear on completing the assigned task.

    Always stick to positive emotions, even when you have not done as much as you planned, because it is better to have a glass "half full" than "half empty".

Many explain the reason for the reluctance to work in different ways, it is both discomfort at the workplace and simple laziness. Typically, in offices, a lot of attention is paid to creating and maintaining a work environment. It’s hard to get used to working on your own at home when you can drink coffee and relax.

Feasible activities

How to make yourself work at home when there is an opportunity to sleep longer and there are many factors that can relax the work spirit, because homework has its advantages. The main advantage of them is to work at home, it is easy to lose such a privilege, for this reason, experts advise to draw up a work schedule, for this:

    decide what time of day you are most comfortable working, you can limit or extend the working time yourself, it is advisable to choose a time period with maximum productivity;

    set the exact range of the work process in time, when it is more convenient and efficient for you to work, you can 4 days a week or 6 days a week and 2-3 hours, this is your right, it is important that it be daily and become a good work habit ...

Putting things in order

The algorithm of the usual morning procedures before work gives a special mood, do not start the appearance, despite your homework, you must be careful both in thought and in appearance.

Experts advise:

    do not work in pajamas, but change into a comfortable suit, this will give an additional working mood;

    the routine of morning procedures should not differ from the same procedures if you worked in production, these are: exercise, washing, breakfast;

    dressing for work you "take away the thought" to lie under the covers longer;

    start work with simple things, this is cleaning the workplace, from unnecessary notes and other accessories.

Remove the distraction factor

Considering the question of how to make yourself work ─ and this is, first of all, to remove all distractions from work.

    do not open electronic games;

    disable applications that automatically pop up with extraneous information.

Homework should be understood by loved ones that you are working, and not just spending time. It should be explained that your stay at home is work, the same as in production and you should not be distracted. It is recommended that you make a list of the factors that distract you from work and try to eliminate them.


    Mandatory lunch break. It should not be carried out at a personal computer, it is better to do it in an abstract environment, otherwise you can be distracted by side matters and not finish the work.

    It is necessary to do weekends and it is not necessary on Saturday or Sunday.

    Take more breaks as needed, and take a break from working at the computer.

When most of the work is done, you can pamper yourself with a delicious tea party or watching a movie.

How to get started

Considering the question of how to force oneself to work, one cannot help but dwell on the activities that can be used to complete tasks, these are:

    there should always be motivation for work in the work, it can be material reward or ambitious plans for career growth;

    define a comfortable working mode, define a clear working framework;

    remove all electronic toys;

    Every morning, start with plans for the day, if there is a need, you can write it down on paper, try to stick to your plan.

    If there are complex activities in the plan, break them down into sub-points, make them simpler.

    When there are tasks of increased complexity in the work, experts recommend starting work with them, otherwise there may not be enough time to complete, since simple tasks also take time.

    Find reasons to motivate your work process.

    Distract yourself less.

    Do not neglect the opportunity to rest when more than half of the task is completed.

    Eliminate the competitive factor in your work, your work must be of high quality.

    Treat the tasks with respect, do not neglect them.

There are always reasons why you can "shirk" from work, the presented rules for getting out of such a non-working state should correctly orient you to the workflow. If, after applying the recommendations, you do not feel in the mood to work, then the specialist advises you to think, are you busy with that business? Especially when daily reports with a set of columns of numbers drive you into a dead end, create an uncomfortable mood in the shower, maybe you need to change your occupation? The main thing is to do what you like, because work takes up most of your time.

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