Russian fairy tale smart worker. Fairy tale Smart worker. Read online, download. Russian folktale. Russian folk tale "Smart Worker"

The poor old man had three sons.

Father sends the elder:

Go get hired as farm laborers, you’ll earn something.

The eldest son went to another volost, and a priest met him:

Get hired, light, to me, just, mind you, the agreement is this: if you leave even a day ahead of time, you won't see your earnings, I won't give you a penny.

The good fellow did not argue and hired to the priest for a year.

It wakes up the pop worker until sunshine, makes him work until dark, and feeds him once a day not to his fill.

From hunger and from hard work, the guy was completely emaciated - dragging his feet with violence.

"If I live before my deadline, I will not be alive, I will be completely worn out."

He waved his hand to work and returned home empty-handed.

And the priest needs the worker to leave before the deadline. All the hard work has been done and the money is safe.

The next year, the middle brother went to work as workers. And in the same manner as his older brother, he suffered for six months with the priest and also without a penny, dragged home a little alive.

In the third year, it was the turn of the younger brother to go to the people.

He went straight to the priest where the older brothers were grief-stricken.

That's good, - the priest was delighted, - I'm just looking for an employee. Rip up, I will not offend you with the payment, but the agreement is this: if you live until the deadline, you will receive everything in full that is disguised; if you leave earlier, blame yourself, I won't pay a penny.

Okay, - the fellow replies. And shook hands.

The next morning - not dawn - the priest wakes up the worker:

Get up, quickly harness, let's go for the hay to the distant mowing.

While the worker was harnessing the horses, the priest had a hearty breakfast, and the worker was given only two yesterday's potatoes to the worker.

You have breakfast on the way - you see, the father is in a hurry, angry ...

Go. Just passed the outskirts, the guy jumped off the sleigh and shouted:

Wait, father! I forgot the ropes, now I'm running.

The priest held his horse back, scolding. And the worker came running and knocked:

Oh, mother, father ordered to bring a loaf of white bread and three pies with fish.

I wrapped up the butts and handed them over.

The good fellow grabbed the ropes in the entryway and came back.

Touch me, father, you brought the ropes.

Okay, at least we're not far away, ”the priest grumbles.

Until they got to the place, the hay was laid and tied up - a lot of time had passed.

Only in the evening did we set off on our way back. Pop from the front cart screams:

The road is flat, without peals, I'll take a nap! And you, boy, look how we get to the fork, we must keep to the left!

After that, I wrapped my head in a warm travel sheepskin coat and went to bed.

The pie worker is full of white bread and lies on his wagon. We reached the fork, and the young man directed his horses not to the left, as the priest had punished, but to the right. He climbed onto the cart and chuckled: "I'll teach the long-haired man a lesson, he'll remember me."

Fifteen miles more drove off. Then the priest woke up, looked around - he saw that they were going to the wrong place, swore:

Oh, be wrong! After all, he said - keep to the left. And what were you thinking, where were you looking?

How did you look where? Why, you yourself shouted: “Hold on right hand

“I guess I let it slip,” thought the priest and says:

Well, there’s nothing to do, we have to go in a roundabout way. There will be a village about ten miles away, we will have to spend the night. The time is late, and there is a deadly hunt, there is no patience.

And you, father, try the senza, ”the worker says,“ I’ve refreshed myself so gloriously, well-fed sytekhonek.

Pop pulled on herbs that were softer, chewed, chewed, spat out:

No, this dish is not for me.

We drove for another hour or two — the village appeared. They turned to the richest hut, to the shopkeeper.

Go, - the priest says, - ask to spend the night, my arms and legs are shaking from hunger.

The employee knocked:

Kind people, let me spend the night!

The owner came out:

Stop by, stop by, they don't take an overnight stay with them.

Yes, I'm not alone, - the fellow says in a whisper, - my father is unhealthy with me - it seems out of his mind. So meek, quiet, but when he hears that they will say the same thing twice, like a fierce beast, it rushes at people.

Okay, - the owner replies, - I will know and I will order it for my own.

The worker unharnessed the horses, gave food and helped the priest get off the cart.

We went into the hut. The owners look at the priest with apprehension, keep quiet.

It was time for dinner, and the table was set.

The hostess said:

Sit down, guests, taste bread and salt with us.

The employee is right at the table, and the priest is waiting for another meal.

The owners don’t call again, they don’t dare.

We sat down to supper. The priest sits on the sidelines, angry with himself: "I ought to sit down at the table right away."

So he sat through the whole supper incessantly.

The hostess cleared the table, made a bed for the clerk and her ass.

The good fellow only dropped his head on the pillow, immediately fell fast asleep. And the owners fell asleep.

And a hungry ass has no time for sleep.

Pushed, woke up the worker:

Oh, I want to eat, I have no patience.

Why didn't you dine?

I thought they would have some more food.

I noticed, - the worker whispers, - there is a pot of porridge on the shelf near the stove, go and eat.

Pop jumped up and a minute later woke the worker up again:

Found a pot of porridge, but no spoon.

The guy got angry:

Well, where can I get you a spoon! Roll up your sleeves and eat with your hand.

The priest thrust both hands into the pot out of greed, and there was a hot var in the pot. The third time he wakes up the employee, shakes the pot:

Oh, no urine, my hands are on fire, and I can't take it out!

Trouble with you, - the guy grumbles. - Look, there is a whetstone against the wall. Break the pot and it's short.

Pop struggled with the pot, only the shards flew. At the same moment, someone yelled heart-rendingly:

Help, killed!

Pop rushed out of the hut.

The whole family was alarmed, they lit a fire and saw: the owner's whole head was flooded with pitch. The old man groans. The owner's sons proceeded to the worker:

Why was the old man mutilated?

Who mutilated whom? I don’t know, and I don’t know. But where have you done with your unhealthy priest?

The owners - back and forth: both in the canopy and in the hayloft. They searched everything - the priest is nowhere to be found.

You see, - the worker says, - the owner has already regained consciousness, but the priest is not. You are good people, if you let the goods out of the shop for a hundred rubles, we'll cover it up, or else I'll go to the parish, you will have to answer.

The owners crumpled, crumpled, gave the goods a hundred rubles.

The good fellow grabbed the presents, harnessed the horses and drove home.

I drove a mile from the village, lo and behold, a pop pops out of a straw mist:

I was afraid that the owners would not let you out.

The owner, after all, it was not me, but you killed, - the worker replies, - you and in jail. Who will hold me?

So is it to death?

What do you think? Now they will go for the sergeant.

Pop clasped his hands, all shaking:

Oh, bitter grief! Can't you sort it out somehow?

You can settle it, - the worker says, - I already asked the owners: they say, you still can't revive the old man.

So what?

Yes it is known that: they are valued.

I will not regret anything, I will give everything, just to hush up the matter!

They ask for a couple of horses and three hundred rubles of money. Well, and I need at least a hundred for the trouble.

"Thank God," the priest thinks, "got off cheaply."

I dumped four hundred rubles to the worker, gave the horses.

Run quickly, as long as you haven't changed your mind! The worker took the horses to the threshing floor, tied them up, hesitated there for a short time, returned to the priest:

Go home, don't be afraid, the whole matter is settled.

The priest took off, he couldn't feel his legs for joy. And the worker brought a couple of horses to his father, gave the money.

And for himself and for the brothers he received from the priest in full.

The poor old man had three sons.

Father sends the elder:

Go get hired as farm laborers, you’ll earn something.

The eldest son went to another volost, and a priest met him:

Get hired, light, to me, just, mind you, the agreement is this: if you leave even a day ahead of time, you won't see your earnings, I won't give you a penny.

The good fellow did not argue and hired to the priest for a year.

It wakes up the pop worker until sunshine, makes him work until dark, and feeds him once a day not to his fill.

From hunger and from hard work, the guy was completely emaciated - dragging his feet with violence.

"If I live before my deadline, I will not be alive, I will be completely worn out."

He waved his hand to work and returned home empty-handed.

And the priest needs the worker to leave before the deadline. All the hard work has been done and the money is safe.

The next year, the middle brother went to work as workers. And in the same manner as his older brother, he suffered for six months with the priest and also without a penny, dragged home a little alive.

In the third year, it was the turn of the younger brother to go to the people.

He went straight to the priest where the older brothers were grief-stricken.

That's good, - the priest was delighted, - I'm just looking for an employee. Rip up, I will not offend you with the payment, but the agreement is this: if you live until the deadline, you will receive everything in full that is disguised; if you leave earlier, blame yourself, I won't pay a penny.

Okay, - the fellow replies.

And shook hands.

The next morning - not dawn - the priest wakes up the worker:

Get up, quickly harness, let's go for the hay to the distant mowing.

While the worker was harnessing the horses, the priest had a hearty breakfast, and the worker was given only two yesterday's potatoes to the worker.

If you have breakfast on the road, you see Father is in a hurry, angry ...

Go. Just passed the outskirts, the guy jumped off the sleigh and shouted:

Wait, father! I forgot the ropes, now I'm running.

The priest held his horse back, scolding.

And the worker came running and knocked:

Oh, mother, father ordered to bring a loaf of white bread and three pies with fish.

I wrapped up the butts and handed them over.

The good fellow grabbed the ropes in the entryway and came back.

Touch me, father, you brought the ropes.

Okay, at least we're not far away, ”the priest grumbles.

Until they got to the place, the hay was laid and tied up - a lot of time had passed.

Only in the evening did we set off on our way back.

Pop from the front cart screams:

The road is flat, without peals, I'll take a nap! And you, boy, look how we get to the fork, we must keep to the left!

After that, I wrapped my head in a warm travel sheepskin coat and went to bed.

The pie worker is full of white bread and lies on his wagon. We reached the fork, and the young man directed his horses not to the left, as the priest had punished, but to the right. Climbed onto the cart, chuckled. "I will teach the long-haired man a lesson, he will remember me."

Fifteen miles more drove off. Then the priest woke up, looked around - he saw that they were going to the wrong place, swore:

Oh, be wrong! After all, he said - keep to the left. And what were you thinking, where were you looking?

How did you look where? Why, you yourself shouted: "Hold on to your right hand!"

“I guess I let it slip,” thought the priest and says:

Well, there’s nothing to do, we have to go in a roundabout way. There will be a village about ten miles away, we will have to spend the night. The time is late, and there is a deadly hunt, there is no patience.

And you, father, try the senza, ”the worker says,“ I’ve refreshed myself so gloriously, well-fed sytekhonek.

Pop pulled on herbs that were softer, chewed, chewed, spat out.

No, this dish is not for me.

We drove for another hour or two — the village appeared.

They turned to the richest hut, to the shopkeeper.

Go, - the priest says, - ask to spend the night, my arms and legs are shaking from hunger.

The employee knocked:

Kind people, let me spend the night!

The owner came out:

Stop by, stop by, they don't take an overnight stay with them.

Yes, I'm not alone, - the fellow says in a whisper, - my father is unhealthy with me - it seems out of his mind. So meek, quiet, but when he hears that they will say the same thing twice, like a fierce beast, it rushes at people.

Okay, - the owner replies, - I will know and I will order it for my own.

The worker unharnessed the horses, gave food and helped the priest get off the cart.

We went into the hut. The owners look at the priest with apprehension, keep quiet.

It was time for dinner, and the table was set.

The hostess said:

Sit down, guests, taste bread and salt with us.

The employee is right at the table, and the priest is waiting for another meal.

The owners don’t call again, they don’t dare.

We sat down to supper. The priest sits on the sidelines, angry with himself: "I ought to sit down at the table right away."

So he sat through the whole supper not salty.

The hostess cleared the table, made a bed for the clerk and her ass.

The good fellow only dropped his head on the pillow, immediately fell fast asleep. And the owners fell asleep.

And a hungry ass has no time for sleep.

Pushed, woke up the worker:

Oh, I want to eat, I have no patience.

Why didn't you dine?

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Smart Worker"

What is Russian folk tale? This is a fairy tale invented by a great and wise people. Sometimes these stories are entertaining. But more often than not, fairy tales for children are moral in nature.

The tale "The Clever Worker" tells the story of a poor peasant family. The family had three sons. Need forced the father to send his eldest son to work. He went to look for work and wandered into a neighboring volost. The young man got a priest who was looking for an employee.

The fellow agreed with the priest about the working conditions. Say, if he completes the term, then the priest will pay off with honor for the work done. And if he leaves work ahead of schedule, the priest will not pay him a dime. No sooner said than done. The young man took to work.

He began to work before dark, the sun had not yet risen. And he finished work in the dark, when the moon was already hanging in the sky. The peasant son did not know that the priest who hired him to work was not only cunning, but also greedy. He demanded work, but did not want to feed the worker. Once a day I gave him a meager meal. The young man could not stand such a life and went home with nothing.

The father of the middle son sent him to try his luck - to find a job and earn money. The middle one was not lucky either; his greedy and cunning pop was also deceived. The youngest son had to go to work.

And the guy was not a miss. He knew who he was dealing with. If I had acted like my elder brothers, I would have been left with a nose. Therefore, from the first day he took the priest into circulation. The clever young man outwitted the greedy sly.

I came home with a couple of horses, money and gifts. And the greedy priest, who deceived himself from free labor, was punished for greed and cunning.

So in Russian folk tales, the simple Russian people expressed their attitude to good and evil.

Read the Russian folk tale "Smart Worker" online for free and without registration.

The poor old man had three sons.

Father sends the elder:

Go get hired as farm laborers, you’ll earn something.

The eldest son went to another volost, and a priest met him:

Get hired, light, to me, just, mind you, the agreement is this: if you leave even a day ahead of time, you won't see your earnings, I won't give you a penny.

The good fellow did not argue and hired to the priest for a year.

It wakes up the pop worker until sunshine, makes him work until dark, and feeds him once a day not to his fill.

From hunger and from hard work, the guy was completely emaciated - dragging his feet with violence.

"If I live before my deadline, I will not be alive, I will be completely worn out."

He waved his hand to work and returned home empty-handed.

And the priest needs the worker to leave before the deadline. All the hard work has been done and the money is safe.

The next year, the middle brother went to work as workers. And in the same manner as his older brother, he suffered for six months with the priest and also without a penny, dragged home a little alive.

In the third year, it was the turn of the younger brother to go to the people.

He went straight to the priest where the older brothers were grief-stricken.

That's good, - the priest was delighted, - I'm just looking for an employee. Rip up, I will not offend you with the payment, but the agreement is this: if you live until the deadline, you will receive everything in full that is disguised; if you leave earlier, blame yourself, I won't pay a penny.

Okay, - the fellow replies.

And shook hands.

The next morning - not dawn - the priest wakes up the worker:

Get up, quickly harness, let's go for the hay to the distant mowing.

While the worker was harnessing the horses, the priest had a hearty breakfast, and the worker was given only two yesterday's potatoes to the worker.

You have breakfast on the way - you see, the father is in a hurry, angry ...

Go. Just passed the outskirts, the guy jumped off the sleigh and shouted:

Wait, father! I forgot the ropes, now I'm running.

The priest held his horse back, scolding.

And the worker came running and knocked:

Oh, mother, father ordered to bring a loaf of white bread and three pies with fish.

I wrapped up the butts and handed them over.

The good fellow grabbed the ropes in the entryway and came back.

Touch me, father, you brought the ropes.

Okay, at least we're not far away, ”the priest grumbles.

Until they got to the place, the hay was laid and tied up - a lot of time had passed.

Only in the evening did we set off on our way back.

Pop from the front cart screams:

The road is flat, without peals, I'll take a nap! And you, boy, look how we get to the fork, we must keep to the left!

After that, I wrapped my head in a warm travel sheepskin coat and went to bed.

The pie worker is full of white bread and lies on his wagon. We reached the fork, and the young man directed his horses not to the left, as the priest had punished, but to the right. Climbed onto the cart, chuckled. "I will teach the long-haired man a lesson, he will remember me."

Fifteen miles more drove off. Then the priest woke up, looked around - he saw that they were going to the wrong place, swore:

Oh, be wrong! After all, he said - keep to the left. And what were you thinking, where were you looking?

How did you look where? Why, you yourself shouted: "Hold on to your right hand!"

“I guess I let it slip,” thought the priest and says:

Well, there’s nothing to do, we have to go in a roundabout way. There will be a village about ten miles away, we will have to spend the night. The time is late, and there is a deadly hunt, there is no patience.

And you, father, try the senza, ”the worker says,“ I’ve refreshed myself so gloriously, well-fed sytekhonek.

Pop pulled on herbs that were softer, chewed, chewed, spat out.

No, this dish is not for me.

We drove for another hour or two — the village appeared.

They turned to the richest hut, to the shopkeeper.

Go, - the priest says, - ask to spend the night, my arms and legs are shaking from hunger.

The employee knocked:

Kind people, let me spend the night!

The owner came out:

Stop by, stop by, they don't take an overnight stay with them.

Yes, I'm not alone, - the fellow says in a whisper, - my father is unhealthy with me - it seems out of his mind. So meek, quiet, but when he hears that they will say the same thing twice, like a fierce beast, it rushes at people.

Okay, - the owner replies, - I will know and I will order it for my own.

The worker unharnessed the horses, gave food and helped the priest get off the cart.

We went into the hut. The owners look at the priest with apprehension, keep quiet.

It was time for dinner, and the table was set.

The hostess said:

Sit down, guests, taste bread and salt with us.

The employee is right at the table, and the priest is waiting for another meal.

The owners don’t call again, they don’t dare.

We sat down to supper. The priest sits on the sidelines, angry with himself: "I ought to sit down at the table right away."

So he sat through the whole supper not salty.

The hostess cleared the table, made a bed for the clerk and her ass.

The good fellow only dropped his head on the pillow, immediately fell fast asleep. And the owners fell asleep.

And a hungry ass has no time for sleep.

Pushed, woke up the worker:

Oh, I want to eat, I have no patience.

Why didn't you dine?

I thought they would have some more food.

I noticed, - the worker whispers, there is a pot of porridge near the stove on the shelf, go and eat.

Pop jumped up and a minute later woke the worker up again:

Found a pot of porridge, but no spoon.

The guy got angry:

Well, where can I get you a spoon! Roll up your sleeves and eat with your hand.

The priest thrust both hands into the pot out of greed, and there was a hot var in the pot. The third time he wakes up the employee, shakes the pot:

Oh, no urine, my hands are on fire and I can't take it out!

Trouble with you, - the guy grumbles. - Look, there is a whetstone against the wall. Break the pot and it's short.

Pop struggled with the pot, only the shards flew. At the same moment, someone yelled heart-rendingly:

Help, killed!

Pop rushed out of the hut.

The whole family was alarmed, they lit a fire and saw: the owner's whole head was flooded with pitch. The old man groans.

The owner's sons proceeded to the worker:

Why was the old man mutilated?

Who mutilated whom? I don’t know, and I don’t know. But where have you done with your unhealthy priest?

The owners - back and forth: both in the canopy and in the hayloft. They searched everything - the priest is nowhere to be found.

You see, - the worker says, - the owner has already regained consciousness, but the priest is not. You are good people, if you let the goods out of the shop for a hundred rubles, we'll cover it up, or else I'll go to the parish, you will have to answer.

The owners crumpled, crumpled, gave the goods a hundred rubles.

The good fellow grabbed the presents, harnessed the horses and drove home.

I drove a mile from the village, lo and behold, a pop pops out of a straw mist:

I was afraid that the owners would not let you out.

The owner, after all, it was not me, but you killed, - the worker replies, - you and in jail. Who will hold me?

So is it to death?

What do you think? Now they will go for the sergeant.

Pop clasped his hands, all shaking:

Oh, bitter grief! Can't you sort it out somehow?

You can settle it, - the worker says, - I already asked the owners: they say, you still can't revive the old man.

So what?

Yes it is known that: they are valued.

I will not regret anything, I will give everything, just to hush up the matter!

They ask for a couple of horses and three hundred rubles of money. Well, and I need at least a hundred for the trouble.

"Thank God," the priest thinks, "got off cheaply."

I dumped four hundred rubles to the worker, gave the horses.

Run quickly, as long as you haven't changed your mind!

The worker took the horses to the threshing floor, tied them up, hesitated there for a short time, and returned to the priest.

Go home, don't be afraid, the whole matter is settled.

The priest took off, he couldn't feel his legs for joy.

And the worker brought a couple of horses to his father, gave the money.

And for himself and for the brothers he received from the priest in full.

Smart worker. The poor old man had three sons. Story. Legend. Story!!


Have the poor old man had three sons.

NSsomehow the elder's father sends:

- NSOnce you get hired as farm laborers, you’ll earn something.

NSthe eldest son went to another volost, and a priest met him:

- HAim, light, to me, just, mind you, the agreement is this: - if you leave even a day ahead of time - you won't see your earnings, I won't give you a penny.

MThe well did not contradict and hired to the priest for a year.

Bhe catches a new worker's pop until sunshine, makes him work until dark, and feeds him once a day not to his fill.

Otons of hunger and hard work, the guy was completely emaciated - dragging his feet with violence.

- TOIf I live before my due date, I will not be alive, I will be completely worn out.

Mgasped at work and returned home empty-handed. And the priest also needs the employee to leave before the deadline. All the hard work has been done, and the money is safe.

Hand the next year the middle brother went to be employed as workers. And in the same manner as his older brother, he suffered for six months with the priest and also without a penny, dragged home a little alive.

Hand the third year it was the turn of the younger brother to go to the people. He went straight to the priest where the older brothers were grief-stricken. He already knew, taught by their stories.

- INfrom and good! - The priest was delighted. - I'm just looking for an employee. Rip up, I won't offend you with the payment, but the agreement is this: if you live until the deadline, get everything in full, what is dressed up, if you leave earlier, blame yourself, I won't pay a penny.

- Lhell, - the fellow answers.

ANDshook hands. The next morning - neither light nor dawn - the priest wakes up the worker:

- INput it on, quickly harness it, let's go for the hay to the distant mowing.

NSOkuda the worker harnessed the horses, the priest managed to have a hearty breakfast, and the priest gave the worker only two yesterday's potatoes:

- NSIf you have breakfast on the road, you see Father is in a hurry, angry.

NSlet's go. Just passed the outskirts, the guy jumped off the sleigh and shouted:

- NSstop, father! I forgot the ropes, now I'm running.

NShe held the horse back, scolds. And the worker ran into the house to the priest, knocked:

- Ox, mother, father ordered to bring a loaf of white bread and three pies with fish.

NSI wrapped up the supplies and handed them in. The good fellow grabbed the ropes in the entryway and came back.

- Trogay, father, brought the ropes.

- Lhell, at least drove off not far, - the priest grumbles.

NSthey got to the place, they laid the hay and tied it up - a lot of time had passed. Only in the evening did we set off on our way back.

NSoops from the front cart shouts:

- Dthe horn is even, without peals, I will take a nap! And you, boy, look how we get to the fork, we must keep to the left!

NSthen he wrapped his head in a warm travel sheepskin coat and went to bed. The pies worker has eaten and white bread is lying on his wagon.

Drode up to the fork, and the young man directed his horses not to the left, as the priest had punished, but to the right. Climbed onto the cart, chuckled:

- NSroach long-haired, will remember me.

INabout fifteen more drove off. Then the priest woke up, looked around - he saw that they were going to the wrong place, swore:

- Ox, be you wrong! After all, he said - keep to the left. And what were you thinking, where were you looking?

- TOak - where was he looking? Why, you yourself shouted: - Hold on to your right hand!

- INI didn’t mention it, the priest thought and said. - Well, there is nothing to do, you have to go in a roundabout way. There will be a village about ten miles away, I'll have to spend the night. The time is late, and there is a deadly hunt, there is no patience.

- BUTyou, father, try the senza, - the worker says. “I’ve refreshed myself so gloriously, well-fed, well-fed.

NShe pulled the herbs that softer, chewed, chewed, spat out:

- Hno, this food is not for me.

Ekhali another hour or two - the village appeared. They turned to the richest hut, to the shopkeeper.

- WITHdumb, - the priest says, - ask to spend the night, my arms and legs are shaking from hunger.

RThe worker knocked:

- Dgood people, let me spend the night!

IN the owner heard:

- Zdrive in, call in, they don't take an overnight stay with them.

- Dbut I'm not alone, - the fellow says in a whisper, - the father is unhealthy with me - it seems not in his mind. That is how he is meek, quiet, but when he hears that they will say the same thing twice, as a fierce beast becomes, he rushes at people.

- Lhell, - the owner replies, - I will know and I will order it for my own.

RThe worker unharnessed the horses, and the priest said not to sit down the first time he was called to the table, but only the second time, the owner here set up such an order for the passers-by. The fellow gave food and helped the priest get off the cart. We went into the hut.

NSOzyaeva warily glance at the priest, keep quiet. It was time for dinner, and the table was set.

NSozyayka said:

- WITHCome, guests, to taste bread and salt with us.

RThe worker is immediately at the table, and the priest is waiting for another call. The owners don't call again, they don't dare, they are afraid.

WITHate supper. Pop sits on the sidelines, angry with himself:

- HI should just sit down at the table.

TAnd so he sat through the whole supper unwillingly. The hostess cleared the table, made a bed for the clerk and her ass.

MThe well just dropped his head on the pillow - he immediately fell asleep. And the owners fell asleep. And a hungry ass has no time for sleep. Pushed, woke up the worker:

- Oth, I want to eat, no patience.

- NSI noticed, - the worker whispers, - there is a pot of porridge on the shelf near the stove, go and eat.

NShe jumped up and a minute later wakes the worker up again:

- GI found an orshok with porridge, but no spoon.

Rthe guy was angry:

- Hwhere will I get you a spoon! Roll up your sleeves and eat with your hand.

NSout of greed, he thrust both hands into the pot, and there was a hot var in the pot. The third time he wakes up the employee, shakes the pot:

- Ox, no urine, my hands are on fire and I can't take it out!

- Bfood with you, - the guy grumbles. - Look, father, there is a whetstone at the wall. Break the pot and it's short.

NSop with all his might grabbed the pot, only the shards flew. At the same moment, someone yelled heart-rendingly:

- TO araul, killed!

NSop rushed out of the hut. The whole family was alarmed, they lit a fire and saw: - the owner's whole head is filled with varnish. The old man groans.

WITHThe owner's sons proceeded to the worker:

- ZWhy was the old man mutilated?

- TOthen whom did you mutilate? I don’t know, and I don’t know. But where have you done with your unhealthy priest?

NSozyaeva back and forth: - both in the canopy, and in the hayloft. They searched everything - there is no priest anywhere.

- INfrom you see, - the worker says, - the owner has already regained consciousness, but the priest is not. The court is now before you, that the priest has been worn out. You are good people, I see, let go of the goods from the shop for a hundred rubles - we'll cover up the matter, otherwise I'll go to the parish, you will have to answer.

NSOzyayev was crumpled, crumpled, they gave the goods a hundred rubles. The good fellow grabbed the presents, harnessed the horses and drove home.

INI drove away from the village, lo and behold, a priest crawls out of a straw whirlpool and says to his worker:

- Bhoped that the owners would not let you out.

- NSAfter all, it’s not me, but you killed, ”the worker replies,“ and you should sit in prison.

- THow did I kill him to death? - Pop asks.

- BUTwhat did you think, father? Now they will go for the sergeant.

NShe threw up his hands, the whole was shaking:

- Ox, bitter grief! Can't you sort it out somehow?

- AtYou can get along, - the worker says, - I already asked the owners: - they say, you still can't revive the old man.

- Hu and what to do? - The pop is shaking.

- Dbut it is known that: - you will have to rise in price, pay.

Gtells the pop employee:

- II will not regret anything, I will give everything, just to hush up the matter!

Othe worker says to him:

- NSthey are raising a couple of horses and three hundred rubles of money. Well, I need at least a hundred for the trouble.

- WITHLava God, - thinks the priest, - got off cheaply.

Opiled four hundred rubles to the worker, gave the horses.

- Bher rather, dear, as long as they have not changed their minds!

RThe laborer took the horses to the threshing floor, tied them up, hesitated there for a short time, returned to the priest:

- WITHgo home, father, do not be afraid, your whole business is settled.

NSop set off on his heels, with joy he does not feel his legs.

BUTthe worker brought a couple of horses to his father, gave the money.

ANDfor himself, and for the brothers he received from the priest in full.


The poor old man had three sons. The father sends the elder: - Go get hired as farm laborers, you’ll earn something. The eldest son went to another volost, and a priest met him: - Get hired, light, to me, just, mind you, the agreement is this: if you leave even a day ahead of time, you won't see your earnings, I won't give you a penny.

The good fellow did not argue and hired to the priest for a year. Wakes up the pop worker until sunshine, makes him work until dark, and feeds him once a day is not full.

From hunger and from hard work, the guy was completely emaciated - dragging his feet with violence.

If I live before the deadline, I will not be alive, I will be completely worn out. He waved his hand to work and returned home empty-handed. And the priest needs the worker to leave before the deadline. All heavy

the work is done, and the money is safe.

The next year, the middle brother went to work as workers. And in the same manner as his older brother, he suffered for six months with the priest and also without a penny, dragged home a little alive.

In the third year, it was the turn of the younger brother to go to the people.

He went straight to the priest where the older brothers were grief-stricken.

That's good! - the priest was delighted. - I'm just looking for an employee. Rip up, I will not offend you with the payment, but the agreement is this: if you live until the deadline, you will receive everything in full that is disguised; if you leave earlier, blame yourself, I won't pay a penny.

Okay, - the fellow replies. And shook hands.

The next morning - not dawn - the priest wakes up the worker:

Get up, quickly harness, let's go for the hay to the distant mowing. While the worker was harnessing the horses, the priest had a hearty breakfast,

and the employee was given only two yesterday's potatoes to the worker:

You have breakfast on the way - you see, the father is in a hurry, angry ...

Go. Just passed the outskirts, the guy jumped off the sleigh and shouted:

Wait, father! I forgot the ropes, now I'm running. The priest held his horse back, scolding.

And the worker came running and knocked:

Oh, mother, father ordered to bring a loaf of white bread and three pies with fish.

I wrapped up the butts and handed them over.

The good fellow grabbed the ropes in the entryway and came back.

Touch me, father, you brought the ropes.

Okay, at least we're not far away, ”the priest grumbles.

Until they got to the place, the hay was laid and tied up - a lot of time had passed.

Only in the evening did we set off on our way back. Pop from the front cart screams:

The road is flat, without peals, I'll take a nap! And you, boy, look how we get to the fork, we must keep to the left!

After that, I wrapped my head in a warm travel sheepskin coat and went to bed.

The pie worker is full of white bread and lies on his wagon. We reached the fork, and the young man directed his horses not to the left, as the priest had punished, but to the right. He climbed onto the cart and chuckled: "I'll teach the long-haired man a lesson, he'll remember me."

Fifteen miles more drove off. Then the priest woke up, looked around - he saw that they were going to the wrong place, swore:

Oh, be wrong! After all, he said - keep to the left. And what were you thinking, where were you looking?

How - where did you look? Why, you yourself shouted: "Hold on to your right hand!"

“Apparently I let it slip,” the priest thought and said:

Well, there’s nothing to do, we have to go in a roundabout way. There will be a village about ten miles away, we will have to spend the night. The time is late, and there is a deadly hunt, there is no patience.

And you, father, try the senza, ”the worker says.

Pop pulled on the herbs that were softer, chewed, chewed, spat out:

No, this dish is not for me.

We drove for another hour or two — the village appeared. They turned to the richest hut, to the shopkeeper.

Go, - the priest says, - ask to spend the night, my arms and legs are shaking from hunger.

The employee knocked:

Kind people, let me spend the night! The owner came out:

Stop by, stop by, they don't take an overnight stay with them.

Yes, I'm not alone, - the fellow says in a whisper, - the father is unhealthy with me - it seems out of his mind. So meek, quiet, but when he hears that they will say the same thing twice, like a fierce beast, it rushes at people.

Okay, - the owner replies, - I will know and I will order it for my own. The worker unharnessed the horses, gave food and helped the priest get off the cart. We went into the hut. The owners look at the priest with apprehension, keep quiet. It was time for dinner, and the table was set.

The hostess said:

Sit down, guests, taste bread and salt with us.

The employee is right at the table, and the priest is waiting for another meal.

The owners don’t call again, they don’t dare.

We sat down to supper. The priest sits on the sidelines, angry with himself: "I ought to sit down at the table right away."

So he sat through the whole supper incessantly.

The hostess cleared the table, made a bed for the clerk and her ass.

The good fellow only dropped his head on the pillow - immediately fell fast asleep. And the owners fell asleep.

And a hungry ass has no time for sleep.

Pushed, woke up the worker:

Oh, I want to eat, I have no patience.

Why didn't you dine?

I thought they would have some more food.

I noticed, - the worker whispers, - there is a pot of porridge on the shelf near the stove, go and eat.

Pop jumped up and a minute later woke the worker up again:

Found a pot of porridge, but no spoon. The guy got angry:

Well, where can I get you a spoon! Roll up your sleeves and eat with your hand.

The priest thrust both hands into the pot out of greed, and there was a hot var in the pot. The third time he wakes up the employee, shakes the pot:

Oh, no urine, my hands are on fire and I can't take it out!

The trouble is with you, - the guy grumbles. - Look, there is a whetstone at the wall. Break the pot and it's short.

Pop struggled with the pot, only the shards flew. At the same moment, someone yelled heart-rendingly:

Help, killed!

Pop rushed out of the hut.

The whole family was alarmed, they lit a fire and saw: the owner's whole head was flooded with pitch. The old man groans.

The owner's sons proceeded to the worker:

Why was the old man mutilated?

Who mutilated whom? I don’t know, and I don’t know. But where have you done with your unhealthy priest?

The owners go back and forth: both in the canopy and in the hayloft. They searched everything - the priest is nowhere to be found.

You see, - the worker says, - the owner has already regained consciousness, but the priest is not. You are good people, if you let the goods out of the shop for a hundred rubles, we'll cover it up, or else I'll go to the parish, you will have to answer.

The owners crumpled, crumpled, gave the goods a hundred rubles. The good fellow grabbed the presents, harnessed the horses and drove home. I drove a mile from the village, lo and behold, a pop pops out of a straw mist:

I was afraid that the owners would not let you out.

The owner, after all, it was not me, but you killed, - the worker replies, - you and in jail. Who will hold me?

So is it to death?

What do you think? Now they will go for the sergeant. Pop clasped his hands, all shaking:

Oh, bitter grief! Can't you sort it out somehow?

Settle you can, - employee says, - I already asked the owners: they say, you still can't revive the old man.

So what?

Yes it is known that: they are valued.

I will not regret anything, I will give everything, just to hush up the matter!

They ask for a couple of horses and three hundred rubles of money. Well, I need at least a hundred for the trouble.

"Thank God," the priest thinks, "got off cheaply." I dumped four hundred rubles to the worker, gave the horses.

Run quickly, as long as you haven't changed your mind!

The worker took the horses to the threshing floor, tied them up, hesitated there for a short time, returned to the priest:

Go home, don't be afraid, the whole matter is settled. The priest took off, he couldn't feel his legs for joy.

And the worker brought a couple of horses to his father, gave the money. And for himself and for the brothers he received from the priest in full.


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