Who can work in the police for a man. What it takes to get a job in the police - the pros and cons of working in the police. Who can be denied work

Some time ago, the familiar police turned into the police. Along with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of people wishing to get a job in the police has also increased. What is needed for this? How to start working in the police? The Land of Advice will help you figure it out.

Is it prestigious to work in the police?

Unfortunately, until recently, the prestige of such a profession as a policeman was very, very low. Now the police (or rather, the police) are expecting serious changes, aimed, among other things, at increasing the confidence in the police on the part of citizens, as well as at increasing the prestige of work in the bodies. But becoming a police officer in Russia is still not as difficult as in many other countries.

So, if you want to enter the service in law enforcement, then, of course, you will need to first decide what area you would like to work in. The requirements for future police officers can vary greatly.

What are the requirements for police candidates?

To serve as an ordinary policeman, a candidate must have excellent health, have a complete secondary education, and must not have a criminal record (even canceled).

In order to be employed in the police for the positions of middle and senior commanding personnel, candidates must also have a corresponding secondary specialized or higher education.

On a note! According to information from the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, for those wishing to get a job in the police, serving in the army is not mandatory. Nevertheless, this becomes an additional advantage for the candidate and will increase the chances of successful employment.

You can get a job in the police regardless of gender, nationality or religious beliefs. But the age of citizens who want to go to the police is limited. Only candidates between the ages of 18 and 35 are considered.

A prerequisite for hiring the police is to pass special psychophysiological tests, tests for alcohol and drug addiction.

Also, in order to get to work in the police, you must have certain business, personal and moral qualities that will help you to fulfill your official duties.

How is the recruitment process for the police?

So how do you get a job with the police? You must go directly to the human resources department of the local police department or other law enforcement agency in which you wish to work. If there are vacancies available, then it will be possible to get a job at one of them.

On a note! You can find out about the availability of vacancies in our time and through the Internet - police vacancies, among others, are posted on special job search sites.

If there are no contraindications for health or other factors that hinder your service in the police, then you can get a job in the police with the subsequent passage of a probationary period, which can last, as a rule, from 3 months to six months.

It is quite difficult to become a police officer these days. Therefore, if work in the police is really your calling, then you need to have firm confidence in your decision, show perseverance and perseverance, and then you will be able to do everything! We sincerely hope that our article helped you answer the question of how to get a job in the police!

Protecting the life and property of fellow citizens, ensuring the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, faithfully serving their homeland is the dream of many young men and women. True, the latter often have to work harder and harder to make this dream come true. Serving in the army or internal organs is more difficult for girls and women than for men. There is nothing you can do about it, it just happened historically. But, if difficulties do not scare you and you are ready to prove in practice that a woman copes with the duties of a police officer no worse than a man, then welcome to the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Who is recruited into the police force?
On the basis of Federal Law No. 342, which was adopted in 2011, persons who meet the following requirements are accepted for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the lack of a citizen of residence permits in another state;
  • age: from 18 to 35 years old. If a citizen has previously served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then there is a special age limit - up to 50 years;
  • fit for service for health reasons;
  • passed psychophysiological diagnostics, as well as testing for drug and alcohol dependence;
  • without previous convictions, open criminal cases and bringing to administrative responsibility for committing offenses within a year from the date of joining the service.
Gender, religion and nationality do not matter. The convictions of relatives are also not an obstacle. Unless, of course, the relative is a repeat offender, local crime boss, etc.

Education requirements
To work as an ordinary police officer, a high school diploma is enough. If you are planning to hold officer positions, work as an inquiry officer or investigator, then you must have a higher legal education. In order to become a juvenile affairs inspector, you need to have a higher pedagogical education, etc.

How to become an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
If you fit the requirements above, then you need to do the following:

  1. Contact the personnel department of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, inquire about the availability of vacancies. The staff of the department will select a suitable position for you, based on information about your education and work experience.
  2. If there is a vacancy of interest, you will be offered to undergo a medical commission and testing, as well as fill out an autobiographical questionnaire. Be extremely honest and considerate. Remember that all information received from you by the personnel department will be verified.
  3. Wait for the decision of the department. If you are suitable for the chosen position, you will be informed about it. First, you will be enlisted as a trainee, then, if your work is not satisfactory, an order will be drawn up on your official appointment.
If you were denied in the personnel department, and you think that it was done unfairly, there is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, then you can always contact the head of the department for work with the personnel of the UVMD in your area. You can make an appointment with the secretary of the regional department of the Ministry.

The increased interest in how to get a girl to work in the police - clearly shows the growing popularity of this profession among women. Employment requirements for the police vary depending on the position for which the girl is applying.

The package of documents that must be presented, as well as the requirements for education may be different, but invariably medical and psychological examination, the requirement for the purity of personal data. After collecting all the documents and submitting an application, the candidacy is tested, part of which is the collection of information about the next of kin - there should be no clashes with the department in their biography.

What kind of work is offered to girls in the police?

Don't get caught up in the stereotypical way of working in the police force. The battle image of a gallant investigator or an opera following the trail. Now women have mastered these specialties, but for the most part, police positions for girls are related to other activities. The structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, like any state structure, has a need for various workers, therefore the list of required specialists is very diverse.

If a girl wants to participate in law enforcement and have the position of an investigator, precinct, operative, escort, etc., then she needs legal education and special training in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The police need employees with economic, pedagogical and psychological education. Women's positions are often referred to as “paper” positions, as there are so many women doing administrative paperwork; accounting positions are held by women. The HR and PR department accepts girls with a diploma from a regular university. In addition to specialties in working with documents, girls hold positions of psychologists, in addition, the police need specialists with pedagogical education to work with minors.

A calmer service, less risky, but, nevertheless, associated with law enforcement and protective activities - this is the position of a criminalist, extremely suitable for a woman's mind and the work of a dog handler. Both require education and serious training.

The police are admitted with secondary and specialized secondary (vocational) education. It is possible that it would be useful to undergo training at the academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but, in any case, you can apply to the police unit.

Requirements for admission to the police

There are many restrictions for working in the police, some are obvious and understandable, others are not very, but you need to know about them. Census by age: applications are accepted from citizens from 18 to 35 years old. From the category of citizens who previously served in internal bodies, applications are accepted for up to 50 years.


The existing education determines the list of positions that the applicant can apply for. For senior and senior positions, a specialized higher education is required.

Willingness to follow orders

A very important and necessary quality for work in the police and for women, including, is the willingness to obey any orders of a higher rank. For this work, it is necessary to understand that initiative can be punishable - this is work according to the rules, firstly, and, secondly, this activity is associated with the darkest, immature, dull sides of both the person's personality and the whole society.

Health and health again

Police recruitment tests are the same for men and women. The requirements of the medical board are good, good health. Health restrictions are very strict and, with the best data, it will not be possible to get a job if there are problems in this direction. Mandatory passing of psychological tests for the applicant's emotional stability, to identify bad habits and addiction to drugs and alcohol. No matter what position you have to work in later, the delivery of physical standards is mandatory, therefore physical fitness is very important for applying for a job in the police.

Passing a medical examination, according to both men and women, is the most difficult period, so the decision should not be momentary, conscious, without the influence of the romantic flair of this profession, the image of a girl in uniform, etc.

Physical form

Summing up, it should be noted how important it is that girls, women who have good physical training, "horse" health, a clean profile, a sea of ​​desire to work in this structure have found the ability to obey orders and strength, to endure the psychological stress that this job promises on a daily basis ...

Especially if the girl decided to work with children-criminals or an investigator, district, criminologist.

If this is a person who is used to always making decisions on his own or it is difficult for him even to just agree with someone on any issue - you need to think again about the profession.

I want to work in the police, what documents do I need?

When the final decision on police activity is made, there are two ways of development. On the ministry's website, find vacancies in the section and act according to further instructions or apply to the police department in which you want to work.

What you need first:

  • Application (in the form).
  • The passport.
  • Autobiography, handwritten.
  • A questionnaire filled in with your own hand (according to the form).
  • Diploma of education.
  • Employment record book (if any).
  • Information about the income and property of their own and close relatives.

In addition to these documents, you will need to sign a consent to the processing and verification of personal data, as well as tax documents. When the personnel department has accepted the candidacy, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, the list of which depends on the position, which includes numerous medical certificates and opinions.

It is better to collect documents according to the list, so as not to miss anything, firstly, secondly, all medical documents must be stamped with a medical institution and the seal of the doctor, if he signed any conclusions. After the approval of the candidacy, there will be enrollment in the service as an intern, where for three months (or another period), under the supervision of a mentor, a sweet girl will be trained in intelligence in a new business. For the period of the internship, an employment contract is concluded with the intern, which can be terminated bilaterally.

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Is it possible to work in the police without serving in the army?

    Yes, you can, since serving in the army only gives you a pass to the police, in the absence of higher education.

    However, you can graduate from a law faculty or a police school, then they will take you there without an army, and I know many cases when they just took a higher education to work there.

    On the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in an article about the requirements for persons who want to enter the police service, there is no question of military service. You can go to study in one of the preparatory schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs until the age of 25, or you can enter the service before the age of 35. So you can get to work in the police without compulsory military service.

    If the candidate for police service meets the following requirements - fit for military service; age from 19 to 35 years old, height above 175 cm; education is not lower than secondary; knows how to multitask; stress-resistant, we train, without any problems can pass the necessary standards for physical training and has no restrictions in the selection of candidates - then such a person has every chance to work in the police without serving in the army.

    You can work there only if: Either after the army, or graduated from the police academy / school, or after the military department from the institute, or there is a very influential acquaintance / relative.

    Some police units recruit young guys from school, starting at the age of eighteen, but getting there is quite difficult. The requirements are strict: impeccable health, excellent physical fitness, psycho-emotional stability. First, they undergo a medical examination at the place of residence, then in the departmental polyclinic of the police department. If everything is normal with health, then the young man is sent to the PFL (psycho-physiological laboratory), for tests, consisting of about eight hundred questions. Moreover, many questions are duplicated, but asked in You need to answer honestly, because then they are still sent for a polygraph test (lie detector). Very many, pouring on this. Since an eighteen-year-old person is usually emotionally immature. Better to go to a police school or academy. This exempts from military service and is the first step in a career in the police force.

    We have probably half of the police officers who did not serve in the army. Of this half, half are women who, by definition, were not in the army, well, the second half (or rather a quarter of the total number of employees) are men with a higher legal education and did not serve in the army.

    Some of these have already retired, having worked hot experience; in the police, who did not serve in the army, but have tower.

    Young and healthy guys come, if they have passed the medical examination and work until the age of 27-28, and as many as they like and dump them in other places. Thus, they do not end up in the army, a kind of excuse; my good friend has a son like that. I didn't get into the army. And I was in the police in one of the traffic police units. By that time I graduated from the institute, had a higher education. The boy was not for this service, he turned out to be too impressionable)) But now he is in his place and is happy that he got off so easily ))

    Of course you can, Russia is a wonderland, don't forget about it. The scheme is simple and easy to implement.

    In practice, it is not easy to get into the police now, and it is easy to lose a job - salaries have increased, they are undergoing tough attestations, and so on. In practice, without service in the army, they will now only take by pull, but such cases are less and less - everyone values ​​their place.

    Those who wish to pass a pretty tough test.

    Usually, to work in the internal affairs bodies, at least the following is required:

    • Fitness for health reasons (for men, mark A in a military ID - that is, fit for military service). And still it will be necessary to go through the Military Medical Commission.
    • For admission to the post of an officer, a higher education is required.
    • rather strict professional selection with the participation of psychologists (perhaps even a polygraph).
  • Can. There are several ways. Enter the Higher Police School, graduate and go to work. So my friend got rid of the army and rose to the rank of senior operatic with the rank of major. Another option is to go to work in the teaching staff after school. Such service is counted instead of serving in the army. But you have to serve there either 3 or 5 years. And then you can stay and serve further. Well, an option not directly related to the police - archives, analytics, etc.

Recently, in connection with the increase in the level of prestige of our state, traditional state bodies have no end to those wishing to work for the good of the country. Young people are actively looking for ways to get to work in the police.

This article will help you soberly assess your chances of getting such a job.

What positions can you expect working in the police

The police structure in Russia is a complex organization of state structures designed to maintain the rule of law in Russia. Hence, the list of professions in demand for the police is comparable to the list of any state organization. So, on work in the police and can count not only the security forces to occupy the posts of district police officers, investigators and operatives, but also employees of the personnel department, accountants, financiers and other professions.

In particular, one of the areas in which you can apply your education in the police is working with minors. Pedagogical and psychological education, and may also be in demand for getting a job in the police.

If you have decided to get a job in the police, you need to contact the personnel department of the police unit in which you intend to serve. In this case, you will need to confirm your readiness for service by passing the appropriate medical examinations and psychological and intellectual tests.

In order to successfully pass all the tests, a citizen must meet a certain level, and not everyone is taken to the police. Consider the requirements for police candidates.

Requirements for candidates for work in the police, are girls accepted into the police

Makes sense before how to apply for work in the police familiarize yourself with the requirements for police officers. They differ depending on the position, but there are also the same points.

It has been established that there are no gender compliance requirements for police work, that is, both men and women can work in police structures if they do not have contraindications for health and age. The internal affairs bodies accept candidates from 18 to 35 years old. If a citizen has previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the age limit for him is extended to 50 years.

The educational requirements of candidates for positions differ depending on the level of the position held. All qualification requirements are listed in Federal Law No. 342-FZ of November 30, 2011 (Articles 14 and 17). For certain positions, a complete secondary or vocational education is sufficient, at the same time, higher vocational education is necessary for occupying positions of commanding staff of the middle and higher levels.

They do not accept for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs persons with a personal criminal record, having convicted relatives, owners of their own business and persons who are not ready to work with state secrets. Even if you have been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility, the road to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is definitely closed for you.

Required documents for employment with the police

To get a job in the police you need to submit the following set of documents:

  • Your own signed statement;
  • Your profile;
  • Documents about your education;
  • If you are liable for military service - a military ID or an identity card of an officer (warrant officer, midshipman);
  • Information about property and income;
  • TIN certificate;
  • Employment history.

This is a basic list, but depending on the position you are applying for, the list can expand to 20 units. However, you will not get by with documents.

What tests do you need to pass to work in the police?

In order to be hired by the police, you must successfully pass a medical examination. In this case, the candidate must pass all key specialists and pass all the necessary tests.

However, this is also not enough. Since working in the police force implies the presence of emotional stability, the candidate must undergo psychological testing.

If you have passed all the stages successfully, that is, there are no special negative marks in your biography and the biography of your relatives, if your health condition is "good" and if psychological tests are passed with success, you can be accepted for an internship that will last from 3 to 6 months , in the future, after the internship, you can be accepted into the service for the corresponding position. Also attestation with the assignment of the rank of a police officer is underway.


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