Agency increase. Operators working with informers want to pay extra for risk. There can be no secondary issues in the work with personnel.

Lidia Grafova, chairman of the executive committee of the Forum of Migration Organizations, talks with First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Colonel-General Alexander Gorov.

Alexander Vladimirovich, two years have passed since the Federal Migration Service was suddenly liquidated. To be honest, the sudden transfer of all migration cases to the police has caused shock among migrants and those who work with them. It is difficult to understand such a suddenness. An explanation involuntarily suggests itself: migration turned into a Klondike for corruption so much that it was the police who could be entrusted to correct the situation. So, did you manage to significantly fix something during these two years?

Alexander Gorovoy: Firstly, I do not comment on or discuss the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, since my task is to carry them out in strict accordance with the law. In addition, I disagree with this interpretation of the reasons for transferring migration issues to the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In principle, the "Klondike for corruption" thesis itself is unfair to most of the employees of the former FMS.

It is obvious that by 2016 another stage in the development of the migration situation, both in Russia and abroad, was completed, so the change in government in this area was quite natural. The UN report on migration for 2017 says about 258 million migrants, half of which are in ten countries of the world, including our Russia. Therefore, it is important for us to understand and anticipate the threats associated with massive uncontrolled flows of migrants, illegal migration, and the activation of international terrorist organizations using migration channels. In such conditions, issues of national security come to the fore. This is exactly what the president spoke about in 2016 at a meeting of the Security Council on improving migration policy. You also need to understand the need to optimize the public administration system, since the separate functions of the FMS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were duplicated.

The President set the task to maintain a high level of quality and satisfaction of citizens with state services in the field of migration. We tried to go through the organizational measures for the acceptance of the powers and functions of the FMS without prejudice, while maintaining human resources.

What percentage of the general background of crime are migrants today?

Alexander Gorovoy: In the total array of crimes committed by migrants, it is 3.7%. However, we always note that this figure is taken on average across Russia. If we consider that foreign citizens are mainly sent to the Moscow region and the northern capital, then it is in these regions, due to the high concentration of migrants, that most crimes are committed, respectively, and the share in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation is much higher - in Moscow it is 17%, in Moscow region - 12.5%, in St. Petersburg - 10%. Such figures are shown today by statistics. At the same time, the crimes of migrants are generally not classified as serious, but are associated with forged documents or the organization of illegal migration.

How do you explain why the staff of the former FMS was reduced by 30% during liquidation?

Alexander Gorovoy: Yes, indeed, in accordance with the presidential decree, the staffing of the FMS transferred to us to the Ministry of Internal Affairs was reduced by 30%. In the course of organizational and staffing measures, we proceeded from the fact that the reduction concerned support services and command offices in order to avoid duplication of logistic, financial or personnel units both in the central office and in territorial bodies.

However, the burden on inspectors who work directly with migrants "on the ground" has certainly increased. First of all, this is due to the so-called "seasonal" loads, and the peculiarities of rural areas, where in the morning a large number of citizens apply for an appointment at the same time.

In this regard, the Minister of Internal Affairs made a decision to increase the number of staff in certain territorial bodies, drawing attention not to the need to improve the quality of the provision of public services to citizens. Depending on the projected demand, from 4 to 47 positions have been additionally introduced in the regions, and the total number of employees in migration departments has been increased by 995 units. In addition, the minister supported the increase in the staffing of migration units through the internal redistribution of the existing shortage. Also, the quality of the provision of public services is under the control of the Minister of Internal Affairs. During the collegiums and meetings, specific management decisions are made aimed at meeting all requirements for the quality of public services (waiting time in line, meeting the deadlines for the provision of public services).

Alexander Vladimirovich, I visit the regions and I know what the queues are there, how many experienced employees have left the service. They leave, you know, because of the difference in salaries - two or even three times less than those who are not certified ... Here an employee in Moscow tells me: "I have been working for 30 years, and my salary is 12 thousand." Why, such a salary can be called a provocation for bribery.

Alexander Gorovoy: Unfortunately, the pay of our civil servants in some regions is less than the new minimum wage. We are currently working on this problem, including by sending appeals to the relevant departments.

The share of crimes committed by migrants in Russia is 3.7%. But in Moscow - 17%, in St. Petersburg - 10%

What is the Ministry of Internal Affairs doing to train new employees?

Alexander Gorovoy: Previously, there was not a single educational institution in the country that would train employees of the migration service. Last year, for the first time, such sets were carried out at the V.Ya. Kikotya, at the Moscow Law Institute. Today we are training such specialists at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In addition, initial training and refresher courses are included in the program of the All-Russian Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which is located in Domodedovo. 12 more courses are planned for 150 heads of regional and district offices on migration issues.

Now, in the report to the minister on issues that need to be resolved in the near future, it will be proposed to deploy courses for employees in the capitals of federal districts on the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which will be additionally admitted to the divisions on migration issues. I think these initial steps will help to maintain the personnel qualifications at a decent level.

A very painful and even offensive question: why is the Main Directorate for Migration, where, thank God, it was possible to retain the best professionals, is deprived of those powers of authority to manage the situation "on the ground" that the director of the FMS used to have?

Alexander Gorovoy: A clear hierarchy has been built in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so each manager has only one superior boss who has the right to give him instructions that are binding on him. GUVM is a structural subdivision of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and therefore this Glavk cannot and should not "directly manage" the subdivisions on migration issues of territorial bodies - this would contradict the principle of one-man command and subordination in the internal affairs bodies.

In the regions, the full scope of powers is exercised by the heads of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the regional and district levels. It is on them that all responsibility for the situation in the subject lies. Without the last signature of the chief of police, not a single document issued to a migrant is illegitimate.

The Main Directorate for Migration Issues is engaged in organizational and methodological support of the activities of divisions on migration issues of territorial bodies - it develops regulations, instructions, forms of forms and other documents that are approved by orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs and sent to the heads of territorial bodies for execution.

What do you think is the main achievement of the Ministry in the field of migration over the past two years?

Alexander Gorovoy: I would like to emphasize once again that the main thing that has been done during this time is to ensure the quality and high satisfaction of citizens with state services in the field of migration in accordance with the instructions of the President. Almost immediately after the transfer of powers and functions in the field of migration to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, work continued to improve the legal and organizational framework for the implementation of migration policy. More than 300 normative legal acts have been revised, including all 18 administrative regulations for the provision of public services. A number of legislative initiatives have been worked out, including the simplification of the procedure for acquiring citizenship by native speakers of the Russian language, the introduction of a procedure for notifying a foreign citizen about a stay in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the development of institutions for a residence permit and a temporary residence permit, a draft of a new law on asylum in the Russian Federation has been prepared.

Today, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is working on projects that, on the one hand, will improve the efficiency of control and supervisory activities, and on the other hand, optimize a number of administrative procedures, including the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

I remember that in the fall of 2016 you gathered the heads of public organizations working with migrants and discussed with us a lot of painful problems. In particular, you were asked a question: is the Ministry of Internal Affairs going to develop a new Migration Code? You replied that this is a very responsible matter, for which you need to seriously prepare. Is the work on the Code already underway in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Alexander Gorovoy: We are not removing the task of preparing the Migration Code, but we will start actively drafting it together with other federal bodies after the approval of the new version of the Concept of State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation. In April of this year, Kazakhstan hosted the Council of Heads of Migration Authorities of the CIS countries. The issues of unification of the legislation of the CIS states, issues of combating illegal migration, issues of combining databases of lost and invalid identity documents were considered. They also discussed the model code of the CIS states. And so I must say that we see the main task in attracting highly qualified and in-demand migrants to the country.

The needs for them should be determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation together with the heads of the subjects who have all the necessary powers and detailed information to resolve these issues. An important implementation mechanism here is also an organized recruitment of labor migrants from the CIS countries. We see the creation of the necessary conditions for students studying at our leading universities, including through the acquisition of Russian citizenship in a simplified manner, as another incentive to attract migrants. It is necessary to solve the problem of stateless persons who have been living in Russia for a long time without documents - a corresponding bill has already been developed by the Ministry. These are the most general approaches to Russia's migration policy that we are currently working on.

I express the opinion of many human rights defenders: it is necessary for the legislation to have a different approach to migrants who come to live in Russia and to temporary labor migrants. It is very strange that such a purpose of entry as "permanent residence" is not indicated in the migration cards.

Alexander Gorovoy: Your question sounds a little strange to me. Life circumstances can make adjustments, and a migrant worker can apply for a temporary residence permit. In turn, a compatriot, already on the territory of Russia for a private purpose, can apply for participation in the State Program. All relevant legal provisions are in force and enable citizens to change their legal status based on specific circumstances.

The main task is to attract highly qualified and demanded migrants to the country

Isn't it outrageous that the “ninety to one hundred and eighty” rule applies equally to both temporary labor migrants and compatriots who have arrived for permanent residence? In accordance with the law, a migrant must, within 90 days after arrival, issue any legal status (RVP - temporary residence permit, labor patent, study, etc.), and if he does not have time to do this, he will have to leave Russia and live outside for the next 90 days. But if a labor migrant can return home, then the IDP family, which did not have time to complete the documents (due to the lack of any certificate or huge queues), has nowhere to return, housing has been sold, all human ties have been cut off. And they are told: "Leave, then you will enter ..." This is absurd and mockery, you must agree. Throughout the world, this "90 to 180" rule applies only to guest workers.

Alexander Gorovoy: We can extend the period of stay of a foreign citizen in Russia for more than 90 days. The following circumstances may serve as the basis: the submission of documents for a temporary residence permit, asylum, an illness that requires urgent treatment, etc. However, it should be noted that we cannot allow all persons who have not legalized within 90 days to stay in Russia for a long time your stay. You still need to understand that the security of citizens and the state directly depends on who comes to us and for what purposes.

Do you agree, Alexander Vladimirovich, that our legislation on citizenship should have a repatriation orientation?

Alexander Gorovoy: Since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, our legislation was of a repatriation nature and partly retains this property today. More than 7 million people have been admitted to the citizenship of the Russian Federation during this period. There are discussions in society about the need to simplify the procedures for acquiring citizenship by our compatriots. I believe that the State Program for Assisting the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots Living Abroad to the Russian Federation meets this goal.

Within the framework of regional resettlement programs, the constituent entities carry out a number of activities to provide support to the participants of the State Program and their families. Despite the fact that these activities are co-financed from the federal budget, the main burden falls on the regional budgets. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when accepting compatriots, first of all take into account the interests of citizens living in this region, so that the reception of immigrants does not lead to a violation of the labor and other legal rights of the local population.

Today we continue to work on improving the legislation. In particular, a bill is being prepared to simplify the acquisition of citizenship by native speakers of the Russian language, as well as by participants in the Compatriots State Program.

In general, a lot of work has been done in two years. I am grateful to the employees and heads of departments who honestly and conscientiously carry out their duties. Much still needs to be done to improve migration legislation, strengthen the material and resource component, maintain and develop information systems involved in the provision of public services.

How to obtain Russian citizenship in the heading "Legal advice" expert "RG"

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev has prepared a draft order, according to which an additional official salary will be paid monthly to operatives who communicate with secret agents and informants.

According to Life, recently experienced operatives have begun to leave the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, designed to fight murderers, swindlers, thieves, extremists and terrorists.

To support the officers with a ruble, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev prepared a draft amendment to order No. 65 of January 31, 2013 "On the procedure for providing monetary allowances for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation."

According to the proposal of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev, operatives working with "secret agents" will be paid a monthly salary increase in the amount of the official salary for the risk.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, now the official salary of an operational officer is from 18 to 25 thousand rubles, depending on the length of service and the region in which the officer serves.

In Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, the official salary is higher than in all other regions, - says Life's interlocutor familiar with the situation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

According to him, now the shortage of personnel in the capital's police is about 3.5 thousand people, and in Russia as a whole, this figure can reach up to 30 thousand people.

The chairman of the coordinating council of the Moscow Interregional Police Trade Union, Mikhail Pashkin, told Life that Vladimir Kolokoltsev's order to pay the operatives an additional official salary for working with agents is a compulsory measure.

The minister, as a former opera, realized that it was time to save the situation. To keep detective professionals in the authorities and not to lose the agent network that they have been building for decades, says Mikhail Pashkin.

According to Pashkin, due to a lot of paperwork, the operatives simply stopped officially reporting to their superiors about their work with agents.

Indeed, according to the law, an operational personal file is set up for each agent, where the operative is obliged to file all reports on meetings with his principal. And the chief of the operative checks these cases and informs his management about the work of the service with the recruited agents, - says the trade union leader of the police.

Here is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and decided to stimulate operational staff with a ruble. On average, a police officer in the criminal investigation department receives 50 thousand rubles. Half of the salary is the official salary. This means that now the officer will receive 75 thousand, if he decides, of course, to start officially meeting with his agents and write reports to the management, says Pashkin.

According to Life, every year all Russian security forces spend hundreds of millions of rubles to pay secret informers.

Unfortunately, volunteers are indispensable. They were in the tsarist secret police, in the Soviet militia, and now they remain in the Russian police. But informants always received money for their work, - says one of the operatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow.

According to the detective, many crimes are solved precisely thanks to the help of informants, but ordinary citizens can only guess about this. After all, all activities of the informant are secret.

Agents are the holy of holies of investigation, and when you understand that the information received from the informant is very valuable, then you can pay budget money for it, and many work for the idea, ”says the policeman.

In the summer of 2017, it was thanks to the police agents that a member of the bloodiest Orekhovsko-Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group, Alexander Sharapov, who had been hiding from the investigation for almost 20 years, was detained in the Vladimir region.

On account of Alexander Sharapov, five murders, including the murder of one of the most famous killers of Russia - Alexander Solonik (Sasha the Great).

The police interviewed by Life believe that the initiative of the head of the department on additional payments for working with informants is correct.

Any risk, and especially one related to human life, must be paid for, - says the officer. - After all, communication with agents is really life-threatening. There were cases when the opera's assistants during heart-to-heart conversations became enemies and tea drinking ended in bloodshed, in which an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not always win.

Life sent a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a request to comment on the initiative of the head of the department, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, on additional payments to operatives working with secret informants. However, Life was not able to get a prompt comment.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Justice approved the order of the head of the FSB of the Russian Federation on how the Pension Fund should take care of people who collaborated with the special services. After the transfer of such information to the Pension Fund, the period of cooperation of a citizen will be credited to the length of service. Thus, the unspoken employees will receive a pension.

In July 2015, an updated law on operational-search activities came into force, which made it clearer that citizens cooperating with the security forces have the right to apply for a pension. Each department that is engaged in operational search activities must approve the procedure for transferring information about the length of service to social services. One of the authors of the law on pensions for tacit cooperation was a deputy from United Russia, Irina Yarovaya.

The reduction of 10 thousand positions in the system has become an unpleasant New Year's gift for the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. For many, the reduction of a huge staff at the expense of one of the most understaffed structures of the department was an unpleasant surprise.

After confirming On January 9, earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs only stated the fact itself, but did not say anything about the motives for such a decision, giving rise to many versions up to a new wave of rumors about the reorganization of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Gazeta.Ru appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to comment on the situation with personnel changes. And if last autumn, in response to a question about the reasons for the sudden, before the special order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (this decision was the forerunner of the New Year's reduction), the department said that this information was stamped for official use, this time the Ministry of Internal Affairs provided a detailed commentary.

“We would like to inform you that in connection with the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation and the transfer of the functions of fixing offenses on the road to the competence of other federal executive bodies, the reduction in the number of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

is carried out in the departments of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the traffic police of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, "- says the response signed by the acting head of the Department for Interaction with Civil Society Institutions and the Media V.V. Kolesnik.

“The issues of determining the criteria for dismissal from service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation of employees are in the competence of the heads of the territorial bodies of the regional level. Since the existing shortage in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is significantly higher than the number of redundant positions, then all dismissed employees have a real opportunity for further employment in the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, they will be dismissed only in case of personal refusal to continue serving in the proposed vacant positions. At the same time, understaffed positions are subject to priority reductions in these divisions, ”Kolesnik said.

According to Gazeta.Ru, all the planned reductions in the regions have already been formally carried out and registered - now this information is gradually being brought to the attention of local employees.

In practice, the picture turned out to be very heterogeneous.

Somewhere it was possible to preserve almost all employees by cutting off the vacant positions, somewhere they remove the "cabinet" employees, shifting their duties to the few remaining ones, and somewhere "under the knife" are employees directly working on the streets - because of After this, a number of units, especially in large cities, are either disbanded or completely reformatted.

There is no one to take the authority to fix

From the response of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the reasons for the redundancies, it is not completely clear whether it is about some legislative acts related to the design of the mentioned transfer of powers to fix traffic violations, or some others. Most likely, it is based on a government bill on the transfer of powers to record and process violations to the regions, which was adopted in the first reading at the end of 2017. Nevertheless, the reason stated in the Ministry of Internal Affairs raises certain questions - the law is only at the stage of adoption, and all reductions have already been carried out. In addition, as already noted,

any vacant positions, mostly unrelated to the issue of fixing violations, fell under the layoff, and most of the downsized “living” employees had nothing to do with issuing fines from cameras and were engaged in a variety of functions that no one is planning to take away from the traffic police.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs is implementing a dead-end concept of transferring powers to the executive authorities, in my opinion, it is completely wrong and even vicious. I want to remind you that this idea itself was due to the fact that the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate at some point ceased to cope with the flow of photo and video recording data. I had an official answer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs that until April, I don't remember what year it was, there really were problems, but then everything got better and 100% of the flow of fines was processed. That is, the reason for the transfer of powers was temporary, and in the end it was eliminated, - he says. - But even if such problems arise in the region, the simplest thing is to return to “horizontal” financing, when the executive authorities provided the material, technical and financial support of the traffic police. That is, local authorities always have the opportunity to find some kind of premises, give additional rates and solve this problem. Then trained people who knew the laws and who took the oath would have remained in the localities. And now we propose to take it away from them and give it to people from the street in the literal sense of the word. They are not trained, do not have access to state secrets. "

According to Lysakov, one of the real reasons for the cuts in the traffic police is the desire to cut budget spending.

“But the quality suffers, in fact there is a creeping destruction of the State Traffic Inspectorate. They believed in the vicious idea that we will cover everything with cameras, and fines will automatically go, why do we need traffic cops. But it turns out that information from cameras must be read, processed, rejected, if necessary. And under this sauce, they reduce the traffic police. And who will catch the drunks? Cameras? If a person is inadequate to remove him, until he rushed through the whole city, sweeping away everything in his path, he must first be stopped, drawn up a protocol and deprived of his rights. And the camera, of course, the camera will not do this, in addition, for violations from the cameras, they are not even deprived of rights. Therefore, we will now breed complete thugs who will drive around, pay or not pay fines, and it will simply not be possible to remove them from the road, ”the parliamentarian said.

Lysakov admits that for two years he tried to slow down the adoption of the bill on the transfer of powers to the traffic police.

“Personally, the government even complained to Putin about it.

And the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if reductions are needed there, it would be better to reduce the economic apparatus instead of removing those who are "on the ground." This is insanity, ”said the source of Gazeta.Ru. According to him, an explanation was found for the transfer of powers to the traffic police - "they say, the regions themselves ask." However, during a preliminary survey of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, most of the regions spoke out against taking these powers for themselves - “you need money, you need to train people, a lot of expenses,” the deputy said.

The deputy recalled that

Earlier, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had been categorically against the transfer of their powers to the subjects of the federation for several years.

In particular, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who was in charge of the traffic police at one time, was categorically against, as was the head of the traffic police. “Gorovoy and his protégé Chernikov came, and the position changed dramatically. Therefore, no matter what they say, the service is being destroyed. There are good inspectors, there are not very good ones, but this is a security service, which must suppress gross violations, stop, record, "Lysakov said.

The head of the expert center, Alexander, close to government structures, on the contrary, supports the transfer of powers from the traffic police. “Practice, albeit on the example of Moscow alone, shows that the regions do this work more efficiently, it's like a private owner versus a state one.

Another question is that apart from Moscow and St. Petersburg, not many regions are generally capable of assuming such powers, so we need to act carefully here. And if this is absolutely necessary in Moscow, then even in the case of St. Petersburg, I would first try some kind of pilot project, because the situation in different regions is very different.

Moscow managed to agree on the administration of paid parking and a number of traffic violations, but somewhere the local authorities simply could not do this, because in the provinces you can very often come across a situation where people are afraid to take responsibility, even when they have such powers. But this process needs to start and go in this direction, ”the expert noted.

February 2015 turned out to be very unfortunate for the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: the management almost completely stopped paying bonuses and limited the departure of police officers abroad. Since February 1, new employees have not been recruited, and in the near future there will be a 10% reduction in staff.

Our ranks are thinning

Perhaps the loudest response to the deteriorating situation of the police was State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, who sent a detailed letter to Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

“The reduction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has begun! - Khinshtein writes on February 7 in his Twitter... - The order of V. Kolokoltsev was sent around the country: a ban on admission to service and bringing the shortage of personnel to 10 percent. Yes, formally there is no order to reduce. But the same required 10 percent will be cut off due to the artificial creation of a shortage. It will be cut later. "

According to Khinshtein's information, today the shortage (unoccupied full-time positions) in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the country as a whole is up to 3 percent.

Service in the police, after the recent reform and salary increase, is a rather prestigious type of work. And now, according to the calculations of Alexander Khinshtein, up to seventy thousand people can become unemployed.

A source of "" in law enforcement agencies notes that the share of vacant positions in the capital is slightly higher - 5 percent. If the order for a 10% reduction is still received, about 7,000 employees will be dismissed.

Standards are not a decree for us

During the 2011 reform, the police underwent a 20 percent reduction in staff. According to a number of trade unionists, those who have retained their jobs now have to work day and night to meet a variety of indicators that only increase from year to year.

Photo: Alexey Malgavko / RIA Novosti

For example, precinct. Ten years ago, an order was in force in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system that determined the degree of load on each Aniskin. The precinct officer was supposed to serve 3500 residents, the senior precinct officer - 1500. These figures are not taken from the ceiling, but the result of an analysis of many years of experience.

Since then, the same Moscow garrison has suffered two large-scale reductions and decreased by almost 40,000 people. And the population of Moscow has only increased over these ten years. The standards were revised, and then completely sunk into oblivion.

Today, the workload of 6,000 people per district police officer is considered quite acceptable in the capital.

Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Moscow Police Trade Union, retired police captain Mikhail Pashkin is concerned about the future of the downsized law enforcement officers.

“Now the security companies have nothing to protect, and it is not known where people who know how to handle weapons will go. Maybe they will go to Donbass, maybe they will create gangs, maybe something else, because former police officers are not particularly hired into commercial organizations, "Pashkin said in an interview with the Moscow Talking radio station.

A chance for a change for the better

However, his concerns are shared by few. Private security organizations, according to rumors, on the contrary, are happy about the upcoming layoffs in the police department - now they will be able to rejuvenate their cadres.

The official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrei Pilipchuk, when asked by journalists, replies that the large-scale reduction of police officers is a rumor, not a reality. The leadership of the department stands up for its employees and will not cut it for the living. There is a certain cost optimization plan, the main goal of which is to maintain the proper level of efficiency and combat effectiveness.

“Even with a 10 percent reduction in personnel, dictated by the real need to reduce budgetary expenditures, the Ministry of Internal Affairs can not only maintain the current level of order and security in the country, but also enter a qualitatively new stage of development,” an ex-investigator of the State Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Russian Oleg Tyutenkov. - The need will force the leadership of the department to begin the widespread introduction of electronic document management, reduction of overly inflated reporting and intermediate management. The police can become more mobile, faster and more efficient. I think that Vladimir Kolokoltsev is quite capable of the role of a revolutionary optimizer. He has determination and wisdom. "

Are they no longer taken to the police?

Since February 1, the recruitment of new personnel in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has indeed been suspended, but this does not apply to applicants to departmental universities.

This summer, 300 freshmen will come to the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the fall, they will take the oath and receive the ranks of the police.

Photo: Dmitry Dukhanin / Kommersant

“There is a special formula that calculates the approximate number of police officers who retire in a few years or on maternity leave. This figure is sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and on its basis the required number of freshmen is determined. So parents do not have to worry: their children who enter the departmental university will be guaranteed jobs, "Colonel of the Internal Service Andrei Bukhanov, head of the Vocational Training Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, explained to

Restrictions on the recruitment of the police, according to experts, are a temporary measure, which in itself entails a reduction in staff. After all, no one stopped the process of dismissal, which was sluggish on a daily basis. Perhaps it was precisely in order to accelerate this natural decline that a ban was introduced on the departure of employees abroad.

Relaxing at home

The minister's order prohibits all certified police officers from leaving the country, with the exception of travel to the CIS countries, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

According to media reports, this is not an order, but an instruction. This document is not publicly available.

It was forbidden to leave not only for employees who have access to top secret information, but for everyone who wears shoulder straps. Civilian workers were not affected by these restrictions.

It is difficult to judge what caused such a ban, but this is the next stage in the development of a trend that emerged several years ago. Last year, the departure of employees of the internal affairs bodies abroad was possible only with the written permission of the management. Previously, there was an order not to disclose their affiliation with Russian law enforcement agencies abroad. Prior to this order, in the same Crimea (which was still part of Ukraine), Russian militiamen put marks of arrival and departure in their vacation certificates with local law enforcement officers.

“Many police officers take vacations during the cold season. Now they have lost the opportunity for a well-deserved rest under the warm sun with their families. What are their relatives and friends to blame? - Anton Tsvetkov, a human rights activist and head of the All-Russian public organization "Officers of Russia", says to "So far, I have not heard any noteworthy arguments in favor of such restrictions."

It is still unknown whether the departmental order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs applies to customs officers at airports. For this, an interdepartmental decision must be made at the level of the government of the country - or an appropriate law.

It is possible that the most cunning police officers will simply hide their affiliation with the internal affairs bodies and come up with a variety of tricks.

Previously, travel restrictions applied to employees with access to information classified as "top secret", but some of them simply ignored departmental bans, hoping to keep their travel secret. A source of "" in law enforcement agencies said that one of these "restricted to travel abroad" continued to deny and deny, even when the boss poked him in the face with penalty receipts for traffic violations sent from the European Union.

However, for foreign trips, honest law enforcement officers may now simply not have enough money. After all, the payments of bonuses and material assistance in the ministry from January 1 are significantly limited. And for one salary, in terms of currency, there is nothing to do abroad.

“The decision to restrict travel abroad was accepted by the police officers with understanding,” summed up the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Since the police officers are in the civil service, this imposes a special responsibility on them, including a number of restrictions in certain circumstances."

Vladimir CHUGUNOV:
"There can be no secondary issues in working with personnel"

On April 13, 2009, the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow, Colonel-General of Militia Vladimir Pronin, held an operational meeting of the leadership of the Central Administration. Within the framework of the discussion of the issue of the state of work with personnel, the main report was made by the Deputy Head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow, Major General of the Police Vladimir Chugunov. Here are the theses of his speech.

At the expanded board of the head office in January of this year, problematic issues of staffing were discussed and specific tasks were set to reduce the shortage and strengthen service discipline. The results of work for the first quarter allow us to draw certain conclusions on their implementation. I will dwell on the key points that must be taken into account in the first place.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 2.5 thousand citizens have been hired, 982 employees have been dismissed for various reasons. Incomplete in general for the Central Internal Affairs Directorate was 4.5%. A significant amount of work was carried out to reassign for further service of employees who are at the disposal of personnel as a result of past organizational staff events. In total, 6,067 employees were employed, to resolve the issue of employment of 182 employees, their personal files were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of other regions, 350 people, unfortunately, had to be fired.

The priority task of the service activities of the personnel apparatus of the district ATC is the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring sustainable manning of the regiments (battalions) of the patrol-post service of the militia.

During the period that has passed after the reorganization, 2,178 people were appointed to the regiments (battalions) of the PPSM, 200 were dismissed, 115 were seconded, 1,430 posts (21.6%) remain vacant, of which 28 are command personnel. In Zelenograd, the PPSM battalion is fully staffed. In other districts, the shortage of regiments (battalions) ranges from 10.1% (Northern District) to 31% (Southwestern District). In total, almost 2,000 candidates were selected in the districts to fill vacant positions in the regiments (battalions) of the PPSM. Since January 1, 2009, the number of vacancies in these divisions has been reduced by 15.7%. If the positive trend in the selection of personnel for the regiments continues in the future, there is reason to believe that the task set by the head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for staffing the regiments (battalions) by July 1 of this year will be fulfilled by the district directorates.

There have been positive trends to reduce the shortage and increase the number of newly admitted young recruits. The overall result of admission to service in the districts increased by 43%, for the apparatus and subordinate divisions of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate - by 8%. However, it is premature to talk about significant positive changes in the personnel situation. In a number of divisions of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs, district ATCs, the solution of manning issues remains ineffective.

The district departments of internal affairs are not fully fulfilling the task of staffing the subdivisions. The greatest shortage of personnel in the ATC in the Eastern, South-Western and South-Eastern districts.

Since the beginning of this year, the shortage has increased in 43 departments of internal affairs. As of April 1, in 16 departments of internal affairs, the number of vacancies not filled exceeded 5%. Of the 127 departments of internal affairs in 43, the number of those dismissed exceeded the number of those hired.

The reason for this situation is the insufficient influence of the administrative apparatus on the state of affairs in the territorial departments, the lack of the necessary exactingness towards subordinate managers for the assigned areas of work.

In district offices, work with a reserve of leading personnel is ineffective. The instruction of the head of the main board of directors of February 10 of the current year to fill the vacant positions of the management staff within two weeks is not being fulfilled.

As of April 1, 36 leadership positions are vacant in the districts, of which 13 have not been filled since last year (Central, North-Eastern, Eastern, South-Western, Western and Northern districts).

I suggest that the chiefs of the ATC of the administrative districts take immediate measures to appoint managers from the available reserve.

In the second quarter, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including the Moscow Military District, will have to reorganize military units, as a result of which more than 20 thousand highly qualified servicemen who have not served the deadline will be released.

It is necessary to organize in the military commissariats in the serviced territory work with each dismissed serviceman in order to be recruited into the internal affairs bodies, taking into account the existing education, for the positions of commanding officers, command and rank-and-file personnel instead of employees who are not able to provide the assigned area of ​​work. A corresponding letter on assistance in working with servicemen was sent on April 6 to the Moscow Military Commissariat.

It is necessary to put things in order in the service collectives, to clear the ranks of the militia from employees who systematically violate official discipline and who have unsatisfactory results of their official activities.

Unfortunately, the unprecedented measures taken for the social protection of personnel have not yet indicated a tendency for a change for the better in the state of legality and service discipline.

If in February of this year there was a decrease in the number of employees brought to disciplinary responsibility, then according to the results of the first quarter it increased by 7%. 654 leaders were punished. In the ATC for the CJSC, their number reached 95, and in the ATC for the CAO - 78.

Despite a slight decrease (from 44 to 36) in the number of road accidents committed through the fault of employees, this problem is still acute.

During the period from 28 to 31 March alone, three police officers and one civilian were killed in an accident.

So, on March 28, 2009, at the 52nd km of the Leningradskoe highway, the traffic police inspector of the OGIBDD ATC for the North-West Administrative District Solovyov, in his free time, driving a personal car, drove into the oncoming lane, made a collision with two cars, and died from his injuries in place.

On March 31 of this year, for the same reasons (driving into the oncoming lane), an employee of the same OGIBDD department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-West Administrative District of Santalov died, and his colleagues Polyakov and Zinovenko, who were returning with him in a car from Solovyov's funeral, were seriously injured. On the same day, the district police officer in the Ramenki district, Kovlagin, who was in his free time from service, in uniform, driving a personal car in the Volokolamsk district of the Moscow region also drove into the oncoming lane. As a result of the accident, Kovlagin himself and his father, who followed him as a passenger, died.

The day before, a policeman of the PPSM regiment of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District Mitin, who was on a regular vacation, in a state of alcoholic intoxication in a personal car, collided with the next car in front, tried to escape, but was detained by traffic police officers.

In just 5 days (from March 25 to April 1), 12 (!) Employees of the GUVD units (UMTiHO, UVO, 1st and 2nd operational regiments, ATC for the Eastern Administrative District, Central Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, Southern Eastern Administrative District). Moreover, three officers were detained at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern and South-Eastern Administrative Districts. But the heads of these and other units were repeatedly pointed out to the viciousness of the practice of withdrawing violators from responsibility, it was explained that the dismissal of those who like to drive while drunk is the only effective preventive measure to prevent accidents with grave consequences.

Ignoring the requirements of the order of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate No. 173-2005, instructions and decisions of operational meetings of the leadership of the Main Directorate, showing unscrupulousness, a number of managers do not personally control the conduct of official checks on the facts of drunk driving, entrusting them to employees who do not have sufficient knowledge and authority. As a result, the terms of inspections are artificially delayed, instead of dismissal from the internal affairs bodies, measures of the so-called "public influence" are taken completely unreasonably, which gives rise to a feeling of impunity and permissiveness among malicious violators and their colleagues. Unwillingness to ensure the inevitability of punishment creates a mutual guarantee, which corrupts the personnel and pushes them to new violations.

At the moment, the number of employees brought to administrative responsibility for various violations of traffic rules amounted to 955 people, of which 72 for driving in a state of intoxication or refusing to be examined. Articles 12.8 and 12.26, in the ATC for the HLW - 8, for the South-West Administrative District - 7.

At the same time, not a single malicious violator was dismissed at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District and the South-Western Administrative District, and only two were brought to disciplinary responsibility (both at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District).

With such a position, the leadership of these and most other units will continue to die and receive injuries on the roads, employees and citizens, and the Main Internal Affairs Directorate will incur material damage from smashed cars.

All this is reflected in the media and undermines the authority of the police as a structure of state power.

Since April, a mobile group has begun its work to check compliance with road transport discipline and prevent traffic violations. It included employees of the Central Technical Service Center, UGIBDD, CSS, ILS and employees of the Medical Unit. Already the first trips of the group showed that the scope of its activity in terms of identifying various violations will not be limited to vehicles only. For example, on April 6, an ordinary policeman Mitrofanov was identified in the PPSM regiment of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Northern Administrative District, who, according to preliminary data, was in a state of drug intoxication. If not for this check, then he would have calmly gone on the route. How it would have ended is unknown. And this situation is not only in this unit. This is evidenced by an order of magnitude increase in the number of citizens' complaints to the service "02". Why do commanders and chiefs not see (or do not want to see) who is coming to their service? With such an attitude to the matter, there will not be enough mobile groups of the GUVD.

Examples of violations of discipline and betrayal of the interests of the service can continue to be cited. There are much more of them than is reflected in daily reports and special messages. Unfortunately, the practice of silence is ingrained in many departments. Such a position is not only short-sighted, but entails the commission of crimes by personnel, and as a result - a public outcry.

The increased public danger of violations of official discipline and legality, numerous emergencies committed by employees, necessitate the use of all available measures to prevent such manifestations. One of them should be the commissions for service discipline and professional ethics formed in the departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. But, as the inspections show, the work of these formations is not established properly everywhere. For example, in the regiment of the PPSM ATC for the Central Administrative District and the Department of Internal Affairs for the Marfino District (SVAO), meetings of the commissions, despite the significant number of incidents in these units, are not held. In the Department of Internal Affairs for the Lomonosovsky District (South-West Administrative District), the commission has not been formed at all. Its functions are performed by modified "courts of honor" of private and junior, middle and senior command personnel.

Decisions made at the commissions are often not within their competence, for example, on the dismissal of employees from the internal affairs bodies or the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on them.

Today, to fundamentally change the situation, it is necessary, first of all, to radically change the attitude of the bulk of leaders (commanders) to the work of educating subordinates, strengthening the rule of law and discipline.

An important area of ​​service activity is the organization of work with "young" employees. Despite the importance of this work, 4 employees who have worked in the police department for less than a year have already been dismissed for violation of discipline. During the reviews, deficiencies in the organization of mentoring are revealed. So, in the PPSM regiment of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Central Administrative District, classes on studying the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 12.24.08, No. 1139 "On approval of the provision on mentoring in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation" were not held, and the commander is waiting for instructions. For the employees moved to a higher position in another service: Bedretdinov, Filyushin, Lyashkov, Mityaev, Romanov and Filatov, mentors were not assigned, although their appointment to new positions is associated with the performance of new job duties that require additional knowledge and practical skills. In addition, the joint service of newly hired employees and assigned

behind them are mentors on posts and routes.

Despite the wide range of social activities carried out, in a number of divisions the work to ensure guarantees of legal and social protection of employees and their families is poorly organized. So, for example, the practice of sending the personnel and educational apparatus of the OMON and OMSN to the Department of Internal Affairs of the primary reports on the time, place and circumstances of the receipt of injuries (injuries, injuries, contusions), diseases by the employees testifies to non-compliance by the indicated units with the daily deadline for their provision, established by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from September 24, 2007 No. 824.

The quality of the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Moscow police directly depends on the professional preparedness of the employees.

Therefore, the facts of missing classes, untimely sending of employees for training, appointments to higher positions of employees who were not in the reserve and did not undergo appropriate training (ATC for North-Eastern Administrative District, Zelenograd AO) become intolerable. This practice leads to the fact that employees at the first stage of their activities in new positions cannot effectively perform the tasks they face.

It is necessary to take immediate measures to eliminate these shortcomings and ensure the timely implementation of all measures aimed at improving the level of professional training.

There are certain problems in the work of recruiting with a variable staff of departmental educational institutions, associated primarily with the low executive discipline of the heads of departments.

I would like to remind you once again that there can be no secondary issues in the work with personnel. People are our main reserve in the fight against crime. Working with them was, is and will be one of the main activities of leaders and commanders of all levels.

Our task in the current difficult conditions is to prevent a personnel crisis in the divisions, to do everything in our power to create optimal conditions for the work of employees, at the same time to combine concern for personnel with integrity and exactingness for the end results of work to protect residents and guests of the capital from criminal manifestations. I am sure that by joint efforts we will be able to solve the existing problems, and we have all the necessary conditions today.

Summing up the results of the operational meeting, the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow, Colonel-General of Militia Vladimir Pronin, set tasks for the heads of the services and divisions of the central administration to establish order within the system, to strictly observe service and road transport discipline, to give a principled assessment of any violations of discipline, to act extremely tough against the guilty leaders who, by virtue of their official position, were obliged to take exhaustive measures to eliminate the causes contributing to the commission of emergencies.


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