Certificate of the trade union of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Association of Trade Unions of Tatarstan is a territorial association of trade union organizations. What is a trade union

What is a trade union?


- uniting citizens in order to protect their rights and interests, improve working conditions and pay, find new ways to improve the quality of life and ensure social guarantees;

- legal and independent representative of employees in relations with the employer.

Today, the trade union is the only reliable support for workers and only it can really protect against threats of layoffs, illegal dismissals, non-payment of wages, etc.

The trade union unites the main categories of citizens:

- employees (a person who has reached the age of 14 and is engaged in labor activities under an employment contract);

- retirees (former workers who have retired, who were previously members of a trade union).

How to join a union?

It is very simple if your organization has a primary trade union organization. You just need to write an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and to the accounting department - on the collection of trade union membership fees and transfer them to the trade union committee. A person is considered admitted to a trade union from the day a meeting or a trade union committee makes a decision on admission to a trade union. The proof of membership in a trade union is a trade union card, which is issued by the trade union committee and kept by you.

If your institution does not have a trade union organization, you can create it together with other, at least 3 people, employees.

Check out the By-Laws of the trade union and the by-laws of the primary trade union organization. After that, hold a constituent meeting, at which a decision is made to create a primary trade union organization, its governing and control and auditing bodies are formed. Each participant in the meeting writes an application to the trade union committee for admission to the trade union and in the accounting department - on the collection of membership dues.

In accordance with the Charter, admission to trade union members is carried out by primary trade union organizations, while the employee joins the Russian trade union of workers of state institutions and public services. The payment of trade union membership dues is the statutory obligation of a trade union member. According to the law on trade unions, the employer is obliged to transfer trade union dues to the account of the trade union organization free of charge if there are personal statements of the members of the trade union to collect dues from them.

The elected trade union committee and its chairman inform the Territorial Trade Union Organization about the creation of a primary trade union organization in the institution and apply for the organization to be registered with the trade union.

TPO (presidium) makes an appropriate decision to create a primary trade union organization and register it.

1. On the creation of a primary trade union organization _______________.

2. On the election of the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

3. About the elections of the trade union committee.

4. On the election of the control and audit commission.

5. About the order of payment of membership dues.

1. HEARD: Information from the leader of the initiative group ____________________ on the creation of a primary trade union organization (information can be given in a summary or attached to the protocol).

Speakers: (full name, positions of speakers and a summary of speeches or proposals).


1. Create a primary trade union organization ______________


name of company

trade union of workers of government institutions and public services.

2. The decision to create a primary trade union organization should be sent to the territorial organization of the trade union for inclusion in the register of the trade union.

2. HEARD: On the election of the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

For election to the post of chairman of the primary trade union organization, the following candidates were nominated: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.

1) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.

FULL NAME. candidate

2) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.


1. To elect the chairman of the primary trade union organization ____________________________.

2. Instruct _______________________________________________ to sign an employment contract with the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

3. HEARD: About the elections of the trade union committee.

It was proposed to elect a trade union committee in the number of ___ people.

The following candidates were nominated to the trade union committee: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________, 4) _____________, 5) ____________.

1)____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________, 4) _____________, 5)____________.

4) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.

5) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.

IT WAS RESOLVED: To elect to the trade union committee: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________, 4) _____________, 5) ____________.

4. HEARD: On the elections of the Control and Auditing Commission.

It was proposed to elect a control and audit commission in the amount of ___ people.

The following candidates were nominated to the control and auditing commission: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.

1)____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.

1) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.

2) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.

3) __________________ for - ___, against - ___ abstained - ___.

IT WAS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: To elect to the control and auditing commission: 1) ____________, 2) ______________, 3) _____________.

5. HEARD: Information from the chairman ____________________ on the procedure for payment of trade union dues.


1. Establish a non-cash procedure for the payment of trade union membership dues.

2. Instruct the trade union committee to collect applications from the members of the trade union for the transfer of trade union membership fees and transfer them to the accounting department of the enterprise.

Chairman of the meeting Signature

Meeting secretary Signature

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Trade Unions" (Article 3), the primary trade union organization can act on the basis of a general regulation on the primary trade union organization of the respective trade union or adopt its own position on the basis of the Charter of the trade union. In the latter case, it is necessary to add the question "On the regulation on the primary trade union organization ___________" to the agenda of the meeting.

The course of the meeting and the content of the minutes depend on the form of voting in the elections of trade union bodies - open or closed (secret). This sample protocol assumes that elections are held by open ballot.

I.E. Suslov, Art. police sergeant of the Butyrskiy OMVD Department of Internal Affairs of the North-Eastern Administrative District.
Frankly, I have been serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time. I studied the materials of the 27th Congress of the CPSU during my political studies. Did I then feel the need for a union? Frankly, no. For several years I was published in the newspaper "On a combat post", which is now called "Petrovka-38", my articles were critical and no problems arose. What I was entitled to in the service, I received everything: full uniforms (including stripes, buttons, etc.), time off for overwork (which happened extremely rarely), bonuses for the detention of criminals, etc. The company commander (Alexander Petrovich Manaenkov) kept track of my service time. He defended my interests before the higher management. One day, in 1989 or 90, a complaint came against us. An employee of the personnel inspection of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate arrived. He arrived in uniform, addressed us as "YOU", did not extort money, did not insult, did not raise his voice, understood the essence. A police officer, if he was allowed to do so by law, could stand in line to receive housing or improve housing conditions. Moreover, he not only could get on the line, but also get housing! And that was the rule. There was no need to carry bribes to someone, beg the authorities and so on.

Moreover, the bosses themselves helped the employees to solve various everyday problems. Previously, for a trip to get uniforms, the management ordered a bus. And not only for the trip for the uniforms they ordered the bus. They could go hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms. On the day of November 10, a feast (no drinks) was arranged for ALL employees of the department, and not just for the leaders. Retired employees were invited. I remember that in 1993 I decided to take a service weapon for constant carrying. I turned to the head of the 128th police department, Pavel Isaevich Aronov, he refused me, then to the head of the Dzerzhinsky district department of internal affairs, Colonel Oskin, a refusal, to the head of the SVAO UVD Kopeikin, a refusal. At the same time, these leaders did not have any freelance secretaries (by the way). I had to contact the head of the GUVD Kulikov. I sent my report by mail. You know, I never got an answer. Only I didn't need this answer at all: my question was answered positively. Now, practically, an unsubscribe comes to every my report, but there is no sense. Well, why did I need a union then? In 1992, when the union of police officers was formed, one of the founders of the union called me and invited me to join. I refused, there was no need. But in 1997, when PI Aronov retired, I myself came and joined the trade union.

Whether you need a union or not is up to you. But! I do not think that the HR department will tell you how to write a report correctly so that the issue can be resolved in your favor. Let's say, upon retirement. You don't have to go far for examples. In January 2014, Astashkin N.N. retired. When he wanted to receive compensation for the lost health, and he was in hospitals and hospitals twice a year in the last years of his service, it turned out that his medical card in the polyclinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was pristine and the worst disease he had in 29 years of service was a runny nose. ... In the spring of 1987, while on duty, he was hit by a motorcyclist, his leg was broken, his personal file and medical record contained relevant certificates (he saw the certificate in his personal file shortly before his dismissal). After the dismissal, certificates from the personal file and medical records disappeared. Astashkin was not a member of the trade union and did not achieve much from the leadership.

There are many questions, knowledge of which helps to work normally. But which of the leaders will tell you that, for example, you have two work shifts to write an explanation, and not five minutes after the direction of a superior boss? That you write a report to the management when you yourself want to report something to your superiors, and not at his command? Who can tell you that a boss's order to write an explanation is not quite a sufficient reason for writing it? Well, much, much more. If we are to explain why a trade union is needed in a subdivision, then we need to write a whole monograph.

Was born on July 18, 1952 in the Moscow region. Graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. He served in the internal affairs bodies of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs from 1981 to 2008 in various leadership positions in the Moscow police and in the central office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Major General of Internal Service, retired. Taught at the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
He was awarded medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I and II degrees, many state, departmental and public awards, a badge "Honorary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", thanks to the Mayor of Moscow S.S.Sobyanin.
He is the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
On March 17, 2015, the XIV reporting and election conference of the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation elected V.M. Burykin as its chairman.

The overwhelming majority of modern trade union organizations of internal affairs bodies are members of the All-Russian Trade Union of Workers of State Institutions and Public Services of the Russian Federation. They operate in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and unite over 50 thousand members.

At the present time, at the federal level, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and this trade union, the "Industry agreement on bodies, organizations, divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for 2018 - 2020" has been concluded and is in effect in order to:

1) determining in a contractual manner agreed positions on the creation of the necessary labor and socio-economic conditions for federal state civil servants, workers and civilian personnel of the internal troops of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

2) ensuring stable and effective activity of organizations, institutions, divisions, bodies of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

How to join a Trade Union?

In order to join the Trade Union, you need to write an application to the organization of the Trade Union at your place of work or contact the Trade Union Committee of the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at tel. 8 495 667-62-50 , 8 495 667-77-96 ... Anyone accepted as a member of the Trade Union is issued a trade union card, a registration card is filled in, and the trade union experience is calculated from the date of admission. As a member of a trade union, an employee can always count on the support and help of the team.


Interregional Trade Union

"Moscow Police Trade Union"

Moscow city

2017 year


1 article

Interregional Trade Union "Moscow Police Trade Union" ( hereinafter referred to as the Trade Union) unites on a voluntary basis, on a professional basis, the following categories of citizens, taking into account the requirements of this article and this Charter:

Employees of the internal affairs bodies working in the territorial and structural divisions of the internal affairs bodies;

Employees of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Russian Guard;

Employees dismissed from the internal affairs bodies, Rosgvardia, or transferred to another place of work (service), from the internal affairs bodies, Rosgvardia, if they were members of the Trade Union prior to dismissal, as well as, by decision of the Coordination Council, other employees who did not previously in the Trade Union, and dismissed from law enforcement agencies, the National Guard.

The trade union was created to represent and protect the social and labor rights and interests of citizens, regardless of their race, nationality, gender, age, religious beliefs, in the organizational and legal form - an interregional trade union.

Short title- Moscow Police Trade Union.

Article 2

The union acts in accordance with:

- The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, departmental regulations and this Charter.

- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

The Coordination Council of the Trade Union and / or the Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Trade Union has the exclusive right to interpret this Charter, its articles and the procedure for their application.

Article 3

The trade union participates in the solution of socio-economic and other issues concerning the members of the Trade Union, members of their families, citizens, in accordance with the existing legislation.

The trade union and its trade union bodies cannot prevent the members of the Trade Union from fulfilling their official duties, legal orders and orders of the heads of divisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Guard.

Article 4

The trade union establishes, maintains and strengthens ties and contacts with Russian and foreign trade unions. Develops and improves cooperation between public associations of various orientations, including police trade unions. He takes part in the work of the bodies of international trade union associations, concludes relevant contracts and agreements, can join Russian and / or international trade union associations.

Article 5

The trade union is a legal entity and has the right to act in accordance with the current legislation with all the rights of a legal entity, has its own seal.

A trade union may have print organs, publishing houses, printing enterprises, and other mass media, create funds, enterprises, organizations necessary for the fulfillment of statutory tasks.

Article 6

The trade union carries out its activities in the territories of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in which the trade union organizations will be created, in aggregate, less than half of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The location of the permanent governing body of the Trade Union is the city of Moscow.


Article 7

In order to improve working conditions, life, recreation for its members and their families, citizens, and protect their rights and interests, the Trade Union:

7.1. Monitors compliance with laws and regulations governing work and rest.

7.2. Takes care of the professional training of members of the Trade Union, improving their qualifications, economic and legal knowledge, improving culture and professional ethics.

7.3. Participates in the implementation of social events aimed at improving the living conditions of the members of the Trade Union and their families, citizens, together with the authorities, heads of departments of internal affairs bodies, the National Guard, state bodies of all levels, public associations.

7.4. Participates in the formation of mechanisms for the distribution of public consumption funds aimed at improving the working and living conditions of members of the Trade Union, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Guard.

7.5. Organizes, conducts, participates in mass events to protect their rights and the rights of their members, citizens, including rallies, demonstrations and other actions of a peaceful nature (except for direct participation in strikes) outside of working hours, together with other public associations and independently.

7.6. Creates its own social insurance and security systems.

7.7 ... Creates solidarity funds, insurance, cultural and educational funds, education and training funds, as well as other funds, institutions and other organizations, corresponding to the statutory goals of the Trade Union. Provides charitable assistance to members of the Trade Union, citizens and organizations.

7.8. Participates in housing and cultural and household construction, in the development of a network of children's institutions, in the work of trade enterprises, public catering and public services, in the creation of health care institutions for members of the Trade Union and their families, and other citizens.

7.9. Organizes patronage systems for members of the Trade Union, their families, police officers and their families, other citizens.

7.10. Represents the interests of its members before employers (employers), state authorities and local governments. Organizes the protection of labor, professional, social and other rights and legitimate interests of its members and members of their families, the Trade Union itself, and, if necessary, other citizens who need help and who have applied for this purpose to the Trade Union and its bodies.

Article 8

To carry out statutory tasks, the Trade Union:

Creates a legal labor inspectorate;

Appoints authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection;

May involve lawyers and other persons, instructing them to represent the interests of members of the Trade Union and their families, as well as other citizens, or, in accordance with current legislation, create their own systems of comprehensive legal services;

Conduct seminars, lectures, on socially significant topics, both among employees of the internal affairs bodies, the National Guard, and among other citizens.

The Chief Legal Labor Inspector of the Trade Union is the head of the legal department.

Legal labor inspectors of the Trade Union, as well as trade union lawyers (on the written instructions of the Chairman of the Coordinating Council), have the right to independently sign documents, to represent, by proxy of the Trade Union, the interests of members of the Trade Union, employees of internal affairs bodies and the National Guard, both current and dismissed, as well as other citizens who have applied for help to the Trade Union, including in the courts of general jurisdiction and state and local government bodies.


The trade union and its trade union bodies, in the order established by them, in accordance with the current legislation, may maintain the staff of the released workers of the Trade Union, which is necessary for the fulfillment of the statutory tasks of the Trade Union.

Article 10

To fulfill its statutory tasks, the Trade Union can acquire, rent premises, in the manner prescribed by the current legislation, carry out their repair and equipment, for which it attracts both its own funds and those received as charitable assistance.



Article 11

Any citizen who regularly pays membership fees, subject to the conditions specified in Article 1 of this Charter, can be a member of the Trade Union.

Members of the Trade Union dismissed from the internal affairs bodies, Rosgvardia, are provided with a privilege in paying membership fees in the amount of 50% of the established minimum monthly payment amount.

Article 12

Admission to the members of the Trade Union is carried out on an individual basis by the trade union bodies on the basis of the submitted application.

The right of admission and exclusion is vested in trade union bodies in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.

Article 13

Anyone wishing to join the Trade Union expresses his will by submitting an application to the relevant trade union bodies, where it is accepted, formalized and submitted to the Coordinating Council or its Chairman.

In the absence of a trade union organization, a trade union group in a subdivision, a person wishing to join a Trade Union submits an application about this to a trade union organization, a trade union group operating in a subdivision located near the place of residence or service (work) of the specified person, to the Local Committee of the territorial (primary) organization Of the Trade Union, to the Coordination Council of the Trade Union or its Chairman.

Admission to membership of the Trade Union, as well as exclusion from the Trade Union, is carried out in accordance with the Charter.

The procedure for issuing documents confirming membership in the Trade Union and trade union experience is established by the Coordination Council.

Issuance of documents confirming membership in the Trade Union and trade union experience is the prerogative of the Coordination Council and its Chairman, Deputy Chairman.

Article 14

For violation of the Charter, the Provisions approved by the Coordinating Council and actions discrediting the Trade Union, its bodies, a member of the Trade Union may be expelled from the Trade Union by the decision of any trade union body - from the trade union organization to the Conference of the Trade Union.

For non-payment of membership dues within two months, expulsion from the Trade Union may be carried out without notifying the excluded.

The electoral activity of the expelled person ceases from the moment of exclusion.

In the event that any higher trade union body cancels the decision to expel from the Union, membership in the union is renewed from the date of exclusion.

From the same date, the powers for an elective position are renewed, if at the time of the cancellation of the decision on expulsion to the specified position, no other person has been elected, or the specified position has not been liquidated (reduced).

Article 15

The decision to expel from the Trade Union, as well as the decision to refuse admission, can be appealed to the higher trade union body, up to the Conference of the Trade Union, and canceled by this body.

Article 16

Persons expelled from the Trade Union for actions discrediting the Trade Union, its bodies, internal affairs bodies, Rosgvardia and other organizations where they work, as well as for non-payment of membership fees, cannot be re-admitted to the Trade Union.

Article 17

The date of acceptance of a citizen as a member of the Trade Union is the date of the adoption of a decision on this by the relevant trade union body.

Article 18

A member of the Trade Union has the right:

18.1. Elect and be elected to the bodies of the Trade Union.

18.2. Freely discuss at the Conferences of the Trade Union, meetings (conferences) of trade union organizations, meetings of trade union groups, meetings of the Coordination Council, Local Committees, trade union committees, all issues of the activities of the Trade Union, make proposals, openly, express and defend their opinions.

18.3. Apply to all bodies of the Trade Union for the protection and support of their rights, interests, as well as with questions, statements, proposals and demand an answer on the merits of their appeal.

18.4. With the consent of delegates to Conferences or trade union bodies, attend Conferences, meetings of trade union bodies.

18.5. Enjoy any trade union benefits, in accordance with the decisions of the trade union bodies, on the basis of the approved Regulations.

18.6. Receive compensation for damage incurred in the execution of decisions of trade union bodies.

18.7. With the permission of the relevant trade union bodies, to get acquainted with the documents of the Trade Union and trade union bodies.

The procedure for familiarization with the documentation of the Trade Union of the members of the Trade Union and other persons is established by the Coordination Council, the trade union organization - by the Local Committee, the trade union group - by the trade union committee of the trade union group or the trade union group (in the absence of a trade union committee in the trade union group).

18.8. Exercise other rights granted to members of the Trade Union by the normative acts of the Russian Federation, this charter and decisions of the bodies of the Trade Union Management.

Article 19

A member of the Trade Union is obliged:

19.1. Comply with the Charter of the Trade Union.

19.2. Pay membership fees regularly.

19.3. Participate in the implementation of trade union programs, decisions, orders of trade union bodies.

19.4. Attend trade union meetings, as well as at Conferences when elected as a delegate, if there is no good reason for absence (determined by the meeting, Conference or the relevant trade union body on an individual basis).

19.5. Do not disclose confidential information about the activities of the Trade Union;

19.6. Do not commit actions deliberately aimed at causing harm to the Trade Union;

19.7. Do not take actions (inaction) that significantly complicate or make it impossible to achieve the goals for which the Trade Union was created.

The members of the Trade Union bear other obligations stipulated by law or this Charter.

Article 20

Membership in the Trade Union is terminated in the event of:

20.1. Leaving the Trade Union of their own free will, while work in the elected bodies is automatically terminated.

20.2. Dismissals from the workplace on defamatory grounds with the consent of the Trade Union.

This consent may be expressed by the fact that the Union has refused to defend the rights of the member of the Union.

20.3. Exceptions from the Trade Union.

20.4. The expulsion from the Trade Union of members of the elected bodies of the organizations of the Trade Union is made by the relevant higher body of the Trade Union in agreement with the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union or with the Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union.

Article 21

The date of termination of membership in the Trade Union is considered:

Date of registration of the application for voluntary withdrawal from the Trade Union by the trade union bodies,

The date of the decision on exclusion from the members of the Trade Union,

Date of consent to dismiss a member of the Trade Union on defamatory grounds.

If membership fees are not paid within 2 months and there is no application to leave the Trade Union, the date of termination of membership in the Trade Union is the date set by the relevant trade union body, but not earlier than the 1st day of the month following the month in which the fees were paid.


Article 22

The trade union is built and organizes its activities on the basis of the following principles:

Formation of trade union bodies at all levels on the basis of the election of its members;

Representation of trade union groups when electing delegates to the Conference of primary trade union organizations, regardless of their number, as well as primary trade union organizations when electing delegates to the Conference of the Trade Union in accordance with quotas established by the Coordination Council;

The recommendatory nature of the decisions of the higher trade union bodies for the lower ones, with the exception of cases specifically stipulated in the Charter of the Trade Union, the Regulations adopted by the Coordination Council, or separate agreements between the primary trade union organizations that are members of the Trade Union and the Trade Union represented by its governing bodies or the primary trade union organization and those included into it by professional groups.

Article 23

The system of bodies of the Trade Union in descending order of powers is:

- Trade Union Conference;

- The Coordinating Council of the Trade Union;

- Chairman of the Coordinating Council, his Deputy;

- Meeting (Conference) of the territorial (primary) trade union organization;

- Local Committee of the territorial (primary) trade union organization;

- Chairman of the Local Committee of the territorial (primary) trade union organization - trade union organizer (trade union organizer);

- Meeting of the trade union group;

- Trade union committee of a trade union group;

- The chairman of the trade union committee of the trade union group, or the head of the trade union group is the trade union organization, in the absence of a trade union committee in the trade union group.

Article 24

The term of office of the Trade Union Coordination Council, the Chairman of the Trade Union Coordination Council, his Deputy, members of the Coordination Council, Local Committees of trade union organizations, trade union committees of trade union groups and their leaders is five years.


Article 25

The supreme body of the Trade Union is the Conference of the Trade Union, convened by the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union at the time determined by the previous Conference of the Trade Union, and in the absence of such a definition - by the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union.

Article 26

The norms of representation at the Conference, the procedure for its holding, regulations, agenda are determined by the Coordination Council of the Trade Union. The Conference has the right to amend the procedure (regulations) and the agenda of the corresponding Conference. A conference is considered competent if more than half of the delegates nominated by territorial (primary) organizations took part in it.

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council and his Deputy are ex-officio delegates to the Conference.

Article 27

The conference:

27.1. Hears the report of the Coordinating Council and makes a decision on it.

27.2. Approves changes to the Charter of the Trade Union (exclusive competence).

27.3. Determines the main directions of activity of the Trade Union and trade union bodies, defines the tasks of the Trade Union in the Russian and international trade union movement (exclusive competence).

27.4. Approves, if necessary, the estimate of the income and expenses of the Trade Union, the use of the property of the Trade Union.

27.5. Elects the Coordination Council, its Chairman and Deputy Chairman, makes changes to its composition (exclusive competence).

27.6. Gives instructions to the Coordinating Council and, if necessary, determines additional powers to it.

27.7. Elect the Audit Commission or the Auditor (exclusive competence).

27.8. Considers complaints about the actions of the Coordinating Council, its Chairman (Deputy Chairman).

27.9. At its discretion, it can resolve any issue of the activities of the Trade Union, including those attributed to the competence of trade union bodies of any level.

27.10. Decides on liquidation or reorganization of the Trade Union, approval of the liquidation balance sheet, appointment of a liquidator (exclusive competence).

27.11. Makes a decision on the amount and procedure for payment of membership and other property contributions by members of the Trade Union (exclusive competence).

27.12. Determines the procedure for admission and exclusion of members of the Trade Union (exclusive competence).

27.13 U approves annual reports and accounting (financial) statements(exclusive competence).

27.14. The conference is held at least once every 5 years.

27.15. Exercises other powers given to her by the Charter of the Trade Union.

Article 28

The decisions of the Conference are binding on the members of the Trade Union and trade union bodies.

Failure to comply with decisions on the fundamental activities of the Trade Union is considered a failure to comply with statutory obligations and may result in expulsion from the Trade Union or disbandment of the relevant trade union body.

Article 29

The conference is competent to hold meetings and make decisions if at the time of registration more than half of the elected delegates are present.

Decisions at the Conference are made by a simple majority of votes, decisions on issues of exclusive competence are made by a qualified majority.


Article 30

The Coordinating Council is a permanently acting elected governing body of the Trade Union, which coordinates and manages the activities of the Trade Union in the period between Conferences.

The Coordinating Council is elected at the Conference of the Trade Union.

At the request of the delegate of the Conference, a secret ballot is held to elect the members of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union.

Article 31

The activity of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union is directed by its Chairman, who is elected at the Conference of the Trade Union.

Article 32

Coordinating Council:

32.1. Makes statements on behalf of the Union.

32.2. Represents the interests of the Trade Union in relations with state, public organizations, judicial authorities, law enforcement organizations, and other Trade Unions.

32.3. Develops and makes decisions on the implementation of the main activities of the Trade Union, determined by the Conference of the Trade Union and independently.

32.4. Adopts regulations, instructions, regulations and other documents on issues of trade union activities.

32.5. Provides clarifications and interpretations of the Charter of the Trade Union.

32.6. Announces, in accordance with the law, the holding of rallies and other actions of a non-violent nature.

32.7. Approves, dissolves (liquidates) and enters into the register newly created trade union organizations and, if necessary, reorganizes existing trade union organizations, if these organizations operate without acquiring the rights of legal entities. that have passed state registration.

32.8. Approves the General (Model) Charter on territorial (primary) trade union organizations of the Trade Union and the Charters submitted by them, adopted on the basis of the General (Model) Charter, standard forms of the relevant documents, maintains a register of trade union organizations of the Trade Union.

32.9. Establishes the procedure for registering applications of members of the Trade Union, confirms membership in the Trade Union and trade union experience.

32.10. May exclude any member of the Trade Union from the Trade Union for violation of the requirements of the Charter.

32.11. Considers and resolves issues related to violation of the Charter by members of the Trade Union and trade union bodies or their actions discrediting the Trade Union, creates commissions, hires auditors to conduct inspections of the financial, economic and other activities of the Trade Union.

32.12. Dissolves (liquidates) trade union organizations, trade union groups for violation of the requirements of the Charter or discrediting the Trade Union and its governing bodies.

32.13. Disposes of the property and funds of the Trade Union.

32.14. Considers issues related to amendments to the Charter of the Trade Union.

32.15. Establishes the procedure for familiarization with the documentation of the Trade Union.

32.16. Prepares for consideration issues for the Conference of the Trade Union, carries out its convocation.

32.17. The quorum for making decisions by the Coordination Council is determined by a majority of votes from the number of members of the Coordination Council present at the meeting. The meeting is considered competent if more than half of the members of the Coordination Council participate in it. In case of equality of votes, the final decision is made by the Chairman of the Coordination Council.

32.18. Exercises other powers granted to him by the Charter of the Trade Union, decisions of the Conferences, not attributed by the Charter and the Law to the exclusive competence of the Conference.

Article 33

The decisions of the Coordination Council can be canceled by the Conference of the Trade Union.

The procedure for making decisions of the Coordinating Council is determined by it independently, except for cases specifically stipulated in the Charter or a special decision of the Conference. The procedure for replacing retired members of the Coordination Council (co-optation) is subject to approval by the Conference.

The decision is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the Coordination Council voted for it. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the Coordination Council is given an additional vote.

The order and procedure for holding meetings of the Coordinating Council is determined by its decision.

The activities of the Coordinating Council are directed by its Chairman, and in his absence, or on his written instructions, by the Deputy Chairman.

Article 34

To solve statutory tasks, the Coordination Council creates inspections, commissions, services, institutions, departments. Charitable foundations and other divisions and organizations, including those with the rights of a legal entity, can also be created.

If necessary, the Coordinating Council approves the relevant Regulations (statutes).



Article 35

The Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Trade Union and his Deputy are elected at the Conference and are accountable for their activities to the Conference, the Coordination Council.

Article 36

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council, and in his absence and on behalf of the Chairman, his Deputy, holds the meetings of the Coordinating Council and organizes its work.

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union is the head of the legal entity - the Trade Union.

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council, and in his absence and on behalf of the Chairman, his Deputy, sign letters, requests, petitions, submissions, financial documents, correspond with third-party organizations, enterprises and institutions, sign other documents necessary for the activities of the Trade Union, conclude contracts, in accordance with applicable law.

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council disposes of the funds and property of the Trade Union, and in his absence, on his written instructions, and if it is impossible, by the decision of the Coordinating Council, the Deputy Chairman.

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council, his Deputy, have the right to represent the interests of the Trade Union without a power of attorney in all third-party organizations, institutions, enterprises and courts of all instances with all the rights provided for by the current legislation for representatives; draw up protocols, as legal inspectors, or ombudsmen for labor protection, on issues of labor legislation, labor protection, violations of legislation on the conclusion of collective agreements and their implementation.

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council approves the staffing table and structure of the trade union apparatus.

The Chairman of the Coordinating Council, and in his absence, on the written instructions of the Chairman, his Deputy represents the Trade Union in the enterprises, organizations and institutions created by the Trade Union.

The Chairman of the Coordination Council and his Deputy shall report to the Coordination Council and, on his behalf, to the Conference of the Trade Union.

The Chairman of the Coordination Council, his Deputy exercise other powers given to them by the Charter, the Conference of the Trade Union, the Coordination Council.


Article 37

The basis of the Trade Union is the primary trade union organizations, created through self-organization according to territorial and professional principles.

Primary trade union organizations are created in the services and individual subdivisions of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Guard at the constituent meetings of the employees of the corresponding subdivision and must consist of at least 3 members of the Trade Union.

Each member of the constituent assembly who supported the creation of the corresponding trade union is considered a member of the Trade Union from the date of approval by the Coordination Council of the Trade Union (its Chairman) of its creation.

The primary trade union organization of the Trade Union acts in accordance with the charter approved by its constituent assembly and agreed with the Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union. The charter of the primary organization cannot contradict the Charter of the Trade Union.

Primary trade union organizations are approved, disbanded (liquidated) by the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union or its Chairman.

The procedure for approval and dissolution (liquidation) of primary trade union organizations is determined by the Coordination Council of the Trade Union.

Refusal to approve or dissolution (liquidation) of the primary trade union organization can be appealed to the higher body of the Trade Union, up to the Conference of the Trade Union, the decision of which is considered final.

The primary trade union organization can acquire the rights of a legal entity in accordance with the current legislation and this Charter. The decision to acquire the rights of a legal entity or the activities of a primary trade union organization without acquiring the rights of a legal entity is taken by the relevant Local Committee. If the primary organization makes a decision to acquire the rights of a legal entity, then an application is sent to the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union with a request to send the statutory documents for notification registration, as well as an application of the established form to the appropriate department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for notification registration.

In primary trade union organizations, trade union groups can be created.

The primary organization is a structural subdivision of the Trade Union.


Article 38

The highest governing body of the primary organization is the General Meeting of Members (hereinafter referred to as the Meeting) (Conference) of the primary organization.

The permanent governing body of the primary organization is the Local Committee. The sole executive body is the Chairman of the Local Committee.

The Local Committee and its Chairman are elected at the creation of the Primary Organization by the Constituent Assembly, and subsequently - by the Assembly or conference of the primary trade union organization.

The meeting (Conference) of the primary organization is held as needed, but at least once every 5 years.

A meeting of the Meeting (Conference) is legally competent if more than half of the members of the primary organization took part in the work of the Meeting (the Conference is competent if more than half of the elected delegates are present at it).

Resolutions of the Meeting (Conference) are made by a simple majority of votes of the members (delegates) present at the meeting, provided there is a quorum; decisions on issues referred to the exclusive competence are made by a qualified majority of votes.

The exclusive competence of the Meeting (Conference) of the primary organization includes the powers listed in Article 27 of this Charter in relation to the management of the primary organization directly. In addition to these issues, the exclusive competence of the Meeting (Conference) of the primary organization also includes the election of delegates to the Conference of the Trade Union according to the rate of representation established by the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union.

Article 39

Dissolution (liquidation) of the Local Committee, change of its composition and recall of members of the Local Committee is carried out by the meeting (conference) in the same manner as the election, unless otherwise stipulated in the Charter or in the relevant Regulations approved by the Coordination Council.

Article 40

The local committee has the status of an elected body of the primary trade union organization. By decision of the Coordinating Council, primary organizations may, in accordance with the procedure established by law, be granted the rights of a legal entity.

Article 41

The activity of the Local Committee is directed by its Chairman, elected at the general meeting (conference) of the trade union organization. The powers of the Chairman are determined by the Local Committee. The local Committee (when holding the Conference of the primary organization) determines the time, place and number of representatives (delegates) from each professional group. The number of delegates from each professional group is determined by the decision of the Local Committee, regardless of the number of members in the professional group. For the Conference of the Trade Union, the Local Committee elects delegates according to the quota established by the Coordination Council independently, or at its Conference (meeting).

The Chairman of the Local Committee is a delegate to the Conference of the primary organization - ex officio. Decisions at meetings of the Local Committee are made by a simple majority of votes.

The meeting is considered competent if at the time of its beginning more than half of the members of the Local Committee are present.

Article 42

The primary organization, which has the rights of a legal entity, its Chairman, dispose of the funds and property of the trade union organization within the limits of the allocated funds and the powers granted.

The Local Committee, its Chairman, represent the interests of the members of the Trade Union in relations with employers (employers), state and public organizations and bodies functioning in those administrative-territorial entities where the trade union organization that has elected this Local Committee operates, and, if necessary, for its outside.

Fulfilling statutory tasks, the Primary Organization, its representatives, participates in the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements and monitors their implementation, monitors compliance with legislation, standards of industrial sanitation and labor protection, safety, spending funds of public consumption funds; carries out other activities, if it is not attributed to the exclusive competence of other bodies of the Trade Union.

Primary organizations can have their own seals, stamps, letterheads.

Article 43

The local Committee or its Chairman approves the newly created trade union groups, inform the Coordinating Council about it within a month and send the minutes of the meeting on the creation of the trade union group there for registration. In the absence of trade union groups, the Local Committee, its Chairman, has the rights of a trade union group and a trade union organization, respectively, for members of the Trade Union.

Article 44

In its work, the Primary Organization is accountable to the meeting (conference), which formed their trade union organization, the Coordination Council or its Chairman.

The primary organization is obliged to regularly report on its work to the Coordination Council of the Trade Union or its Chairman.

The reporting procedure is established by the Coordinating Council.

The Coordinating Council and its Chairman have the right to cancel the decision of the Primary Organization that is contrary to the Charter of the Trade Union, as well as disband (liquidate) the Primary organization, remove its Chairman from the leadership, and convene a meeting (Conference) of the trade union organization to elect a new composition of the Local Committee or a new Chairman.


Article 45

In the Trade Union, no less than 3 of its members, through self-organization according to territorial and professional principles, trade union groups can be created.

Trade union groups are created by members of the Trade Union in the services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies and the National Guard at their meetings and are approved by the Local Committee of the Primary Organization, in which they are formed, or by its Chairman.

A trade union group can be created by employees of the internal affairs bodies, employees of the National Guard at their meeting with their simultaneous admission to the Trade Union by the appropriate trade union body that has such a right.

Trade union groups that are not part of the primary trade union organizations are approved by the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union or its Chairman.

All trade union groups are registered by the Trade Union Coordination Council or its Chairman.

The procedure for registering trade union groups is determined by the Coordination Council of the Trade Union.

The refusal to register a trade union group can be appealed to the higher body of the Trade Union, up to the Trade Union Conference, the decision of which is considered final.

Article 46

In relation to trade union groups that are not part of trade union organizations, the role of the primary trade union organization is performed by the Trade Union, and the functions of the Local Committee, its Chairman - by the Coordination Council of the Trade Union, its Chairman.


Article 47

The leadership of the trade union group is carried out by the trade union committee, its Chairman, and in the absence of a trade union committee - by the trade union organization.

Decisions at meetings of the trade union committee, meetings of the trade union group, are made by a simple majority of votes. A meeting of a trade union committee, a meeting of a trade union group are considered competent if at the time of their beginning, respectively, more than half of the members of the trade union committee, members of the trade union group are present.

The trade union committee, the trade union organization are elected by the general meeting of the trade union group.

The procedure and conditions for the election of a trade union committee, trade union organization, are determined by the meeting, in accordance with this Charter, the charter of the corresponding primary trade union organization and / or the Regulation approved by the Coordination Council.

The meeting is considered competent if it was attended by more than half of the members of the Trade Union.

The quorum is determined at the time of registration.

Article 48

The powers of the trade union committee, trade union organization are determined by:

Meeting of the professional group;

The Local Committee of the relevant trade union organization;

The Coordinating Council of the Trade Union.

Article 49

The trade union committee, the trade union organization, dispose of the funds and property of the trade union group within the allocated funds and depending on the powers granted.

A trade union committee, a trade union organization, may have their own seals, stamps, letterheads.

Article 50

The Trade Union Committee, its Chairman, the trade union organization are accountable in their activities to the assembly that elected it and to the higher trade union bodies.

They should regularly report on their activities to the Local Committee of the primary organization, or its Chair.

The reporting procedure is established by the Local Committee.

The Trade Union Committee, its Chairman, the trade union organization, have the status of an elected body of the trade union group.

The Local Committee, and in the cases provided for by this Charter, the Coordinating Council, the Chairman of the Coordinating Council has the right to cancel the decision of the trade union committee, its Chairman, the trade union organization that is contrary to the Charter of the Trade Union, as well as to disband the trade union committee, remove its Chairman, trade union group and call a meeting of the trade union group for the election of a new trade union committee, its Chairman, trade union organization.


Article 51

To consolidate the activities of the primary trade union organizations of the Trade Union (members of the Trade Union) in the relevant territory, if necessary, the Territorial organizations of the Trade Union can be created according to the sectoral principle, while it is possible for several Territorial organizations of the Trade Union to operate on the same territory - the internal affairs bodies and the National Guard.

The territorial organizations of the Trade Union represent the interests of the members of the Trade Union in relations with employers (employers), state, judicial and public organizations and bodies functioning in those administrative-territorial entities where the Territorial organization of the Trade Union operates, and, if necessary, outside them.

The territorial organizations of the Trade Union are approved by the decision of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union independently or after the decision of the corresponding constituent conference (meeting).

Territorial organizations operate on the basis of their own charters, approved by the relevant constituent conferences and agreed by the Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union.

The Charter of the Territorial Organization cannot contradict the Charter of the Trade Union.

The territorial organization is a structural subdivision of the Trade Union.

Article 52

The territorial organizations of the Trade Union, their organizations and institutions, in accordance with the decision of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union, in accordance with the procedure established by law, can be legal entities, have settlement and other accounts, a seal with their name, stamps, forms and other details.

To solve statutory tasks and implement targeted programs, the Territorial Organization of the Trade Union, which has the rights of a legal entity, can create organizations, foundations, institutions and other divisions, direct their activities and be responsible for its results in cases where these divisions are not legal entities. Organizations and other divisions created by the Territorial Organization of the Trade Union may be located and conduct their activities within the administrative-territorial unit of their Territorial Organization of the Trade Union.



Article 53

The trade union owns, uses and independently disposes of the funds and property belonging to it, necessary for the implementation of statutory tasks.

The property and funds of the Trade Union are its property and are protected by law.

Article 54

Union funds are formed from:

Membership and admission fees,

Deductions from organizations with legal entity rights created with the participation of the Trade Union,

Voluntary personal and collective contributions and other income.

Article 55

The right to dispose of the funds and property of the Trade Union belongs to the Conference, the Coordination Council, the Chairman of the Coordination Council, his Deputy, Local Committees, Chairmen of Local Committees.

The operational management of the financial activities of the Trade Union is carried out by the Chairman of the Coordinating Council and, in cases stipulated by the Charter, by his Deputy.

In the event of disputes over the management of the funds of the Trade Union, they are resolved by the Coordinating Council or the Conference.

Accounting for financial receipts and their spending is carried out by the Chief Accountant. The Chief Accountant is appointed and dismissed by the Coordination Council upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Coordination Council in accordance with the law. The chief accountant cannot be a member of the Coordination Council, Local Committee, Trade Union Auditing Commission, Trade Union Auditor.

Article 56

Contributions are accepted by the accounting department of the Trade Union, territorial (primary) organizations of the Trade Union, which have the rights of a legal entity, both from a representative of a trade union group or trade union organization, and personally from a member of the Trade Union, as well as by transferring membership fees to the account of the Trade Union, or its territorial (primary) organization by the same by persons.

Members of the Trade Union do not retain the right to property transferred by them into the ownership of the Trade Union, including membership fees.


Article 57

Control over the financial activities of the bodies of the Trade Union is carried out by the Auditor (Audit Commission) of the Trade Union, who is elected at the Conference of the Trade Union for a period of five years. The order of his election is determined by the Conference.

In case of early resignation of powers by the Auditor (Audit Commission), the Coordination Council of the Trade Union elects a new Auditor (Audit Commission), who exercises his powers until the convocation of the Conference of the Trade Union.

The Inspector (Audit Commission) of the Trade Union is accountable to the Conference of the Trade Union.

The Inspector (Audit Commission) of the Trade Union, in the event of violations in financial activities, has the right to raise before the Coordination Council of the Trade Union the issue of convening an extraordinary Conference of the Trade Union.

The activities of the Auditor (Audit Commission) are regulated by the Regulations, which are approved by the Coordination Council.


Section 59

Amendments to the Charter of the Trade Union are introduced by the Conference with subsequent state registration in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 60

Both the members of the Trade Union and the trade union bodies can take the initiative to change the Charter of the Trade Union.

Proposals to amend the Charter of the Trade Union are sent to the Coordinating Council, where they are considered. If approved, the proposals are submitted for consideration by the Conference.

Article 61

Changes to the Charter of the Trade Union come into force from the moment of their state registration. Changes related to the internal activities of the Trade Union, the procedure for holding the current Conference or the composition and procedure for electing the governing bodies of the Trade Union, enter into force from the moment the relevant decision is made by the Conference of the Trade Union.

Article 62

By the decision of the Conference, the Trade Union may be reorganized (in the form of a merger, affiliation, division or separation) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The issue of reorganization or termination of the activities of the Trade Union can be included in the agenda of the Conference by the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union or 1/3 of the number of elected delegates to the Conference.

The decision to liquidate or reorganize the Trade Union is considered adopted if at least 3/4 of the votes of the Conference delegates are submitted for it, provided there is a quorum.

Primary and territorial organizations of the Trade Union, which are legal entities, can be liquidated or reorganized by decision of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union in the manner prescribed by law.

The activities of the primary and territorial organizations of the Trade Union may be terminated by decision of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union due to non-participation in the activities of the Trade Union and repeated gross violations of the Charter of the Trade Union.

In the event of the liquidation of the Trade Union, its funds and property remaining after the satisfaction of the creditors' claims are used for the purposes in accordance with this Charter, determined by the Conference of the Trade Union and the liquidation commission created by it.

Property disputes are considered on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Trade Union ensures the registration and preservation of documents for the staff of the Trade Union apparatus during its liquidation, timely transfers them to the state storage in the established order. The documents of the Trade Union are transferred for storage to state archival organizations in accordance with the established procedure.

If the activity of the Trade Union contradicts the Constitution of Russia, federal laws, it may be suspended for up to six months or prohibited by a decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation at the request of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

First page of the 1991 Charter


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