Going east: how to open a business with China. How to start a business with China for the sale of goods Business with China is real

Chinese goods today occupy a large part of the market worldwide. In Russia, for example, this share is 80%. This is due to the fact that products from the Middle Kingdom have become cheaper, more diverse, of higher quality and more functional than several decades ago. And therefore, you can build a good business on goods from China.

Even if you have never been in sales and do not have entrepreneurial skills, you have every chance to start your own business and make a profit. Many enthusiasts have already seen this. It is enough to have a desire, interesting ideas and a little start-up capital.

The essence of business

In principle, the business scheme is no different from the usual sales of any product. All work will be reduced to three main points:

1. Search for the cheapest product in China.

2. Organization of its delivery.

3. Selling at a markup. Celestial products are very cheap, and you can make a tenfold cheat on it. From this it can be concluded that the most profitable business- Chinese products.

Where to start as an inexperienced businessman? Eleven consecutive steps will tell you what to do.

1st step - learn business models

There are several ways to sell goods. You can combine them or use only one, which is more suitable for you.

1. Dropshipping. This is an option for a business without investment. The bottom line is that you become an intermediary and get a percentage of it. Buyers place an order with you, you send the request to the supplier, and he sends the parcel to the client's address. Everything would be fine, but people rarely agree to make an advance payment and wait for the goods indefinitely.

2. Wholesales. You again act as an intermediary, only selling goods in large quantities. You can find partners on free ad sites or social networks. It is enough just to make a note "wholesale".

3. Online store. You buy goods from the supplier in advance and form your catalog. You can post it on a specially created site or in your social network groups.

4. Retail sales. In this case, trading will be carried out offline on the rented area or the territory of your home. The latter option even has the beautiful name "showroom".

2nd step - identify your resources

Before starting a business with goods from China, you need to understand how much you can and are willing to spend. The choice of sales model directly depends on the amount of money available. If you don’t have them or have very few, then it’s better to start with dropshipping. It minimizes the cost of goods and eliminates the "burnout" of the business.

If you have at least a few tens of thousands of rubles, and you are ready to take a risk, then you can purchase goods in advance. Start with popular message boards and social media groups. An online store, subject to good promotion, significantly increases profits, and with it, the amount of work. With a significant start-up capital, you can engage in wholesale sales or even open your own outlet.

3rd step - find your niche and evaluate the prospects of the product

Many entrepreneurs choose goods from China as a business idea. But what exactly can be sold? As practice shows, anything, from stationery to large electronics. The main thing is to love the goods being sold, and ideally, to understand them well.

Popularity and consumer demand are also of great importance. You can check it according to the statistics of the Yandex service - Wordstat. At the same time, the market should not be oversaturated with these products, otherwise competition will ruin the entire business.

Most often, people are interested in certain products from China. small business or a large trade can be built on the following categories:

Clothing and footwear. They can be both for the whole family and for a certain category: women, men or children.

Accessories: bags, watches, belts, umbrellas, jewelry and more.

Mobile devices.

Cases and accessories for smartphones.

Laptops, tablet computers, e-books.


Devices for cars: navigators, video recorders, floor mats, phone holders and more.

Household items: hygiene products, kitchen utensils, interesting household items.

Children's toys and designers.

Long-term storage products: teas, nuts, dried fruits, beer snacks.

Of course, this is not a complete list of popular and popular products, but for starters, you can dwell on it.

4th step - find products and suppliers in China

Once you decide on the type of product, you can proceed to the search for suppliers. If you are planning big business- an offline store of goods from China, that is, your goal will be wholesale, then you definitely need to go to direct manufacturers or distributors. So the goods can be bought much cheaper. To do this, you will have to go to the Middle Kingdom to visit the warehouses and negotiate a deal.

If you want to focus only on small businesses, then your area of ​​​​interest is intermediary sites. Thanks to them, you can not go anywhere, but order products directly on the Internet without leaving your home. These sites include: Alibaba, Aliexpress, Taobao, Dinodirect, Tmart and others. These are the most popular sites, and they will be enough for the first time. To make transactions, you will have to register on the selected resource and get to know the terms of the order better. To communicate with sellers, it is useful to use online translators if you do not speak Chinese or English.

5th step - check the Chinese partner, exclude fraud

It is in the dialogue that you can check the adequacy and professionalism of the seller. It largely depends on them how successful your business will be in the resale of goods from China. When choosing an intermediary, also study reviews about him and his documents. Never work with an unreliable seller: the Chinese are great at deceiving. Be sure to check if the seller is on the list of scammers. It is very easy to do this through reliability check services, of which there are many on the Internet.

Do you want to start your own business, but are sure that without start-up capital it is impossible? Such a statement is a stereotype that people often use to justify their inaction. Lack of initial capital is not a reason not to do anything.

With the desire and sufficient motivation, it is quite possible to open your own business with almost zero initial investment.

Resale of goods from Chinese online stores is just such a good option. There are at least 5 reasons to do it immediately:

  1. Resale of goods provides an opportunity for quick profit.
  2. In terms of the development of Internet commerce, China has already confidently surpassed all world leaders.
  3. Goods from Chinese manufacturers have long raised their quality level to a good European one.
  4. The cost of any product from China is significantly different from any analogue produced and sold in Europe or America.
  5. Almost every supplier Chinese goods is ready to arrange delivery of the order to the addressee, often even free of charge.

Business with China for the resale of goods has a lot of prospects, since every year the number of buyers of Chinese goods is growing, and at a very good pace.

How does such a business work?

This business is simple, even a beginner can figure it out.

And if you apply a little patience, attention and perseverance, then very soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your activities.

The basis of this type of business is intermediary activity. In other words, you receive an order for the supply of goods from China.

The buyer makes an advance payment to you, and already at the expense of these funds you make a purchase directly from the Chinese supplier, organizing its delivery to the client. Your earnings are generated by the trade margin or the difference in the price at which you purchased the goods from the manufacturer (or Chinese intermediary) and the cost at which the order was sold to the final buyer. The most simple scheme, as old as the world.

The first thing to do is to decide on the area in which you will work. In China, you can buy any product, from children's clothing to sophisticated equipment, fertilizers and other specific types. Taking the first steps in intermediary business, do not immediately take a wide range of products from different groups.

It is better (for starters) to focus on one type of product, having studied all its features as carefully as possible. So you can find best goods at competitive prices, to establish effective contacts with suppliers.

Ultimately, this selective approach will allow you to create the most attractive offer for your customers.

Why do you need an intermediary in China?

It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand the intricacies of Chinese trade on his own, so you will need a Chinese intermediary, especially in the early stages of work.

Although even experienced businessmen do not refuse such cooperation.

A Chinese intermediary is useful in a variety of situations:

  • It will help you navigate the huge variety of products, manufacturers and choose the really most profitable options.
  • With the help of a Chinese intermediary, you can communicate with the manufacturer you are interested in, because it is unlikely that you know Chinese at a sufficient level to do it yourself.
  • A reliable Chinese intermediary is a person who will take care of purchasing the goods, processing all transport documents and sending it to you. Properly drawn up paperwork for sending goods is a guarantee that your order will be received by the buyer in due time, and will not remain “hanging out” at unknown transit points.
  • If you need to return the goods or make claims about its quality, you will again have to deal with an intermediary, which is a kind of guarantor of the reliability of the transaction.

The cost of intermediary services is usually insignificant, it is a certain percentage of the total transaction amount.

But the benefits of such cooperation are immeasurable, because you have a permanent partner who can solve any problem that may arise during the transaction on the spot.

Estimated delivery time

The time in which goods are delivered from China depends on their volume, characteristics and wishes of the customer in terms of urgency.

The average period during which a small order travels from the seller to the final buyer takes from 30 to 45 days.

At least that's how it was a year ago. The constantly developing market and the growing volume of trade with China are forcing both the sellers themselves and the transport companies to offer newer and more efficient and, accordingly, quick ways delivery.

So, today a small order can be received by the end customer within 2 weeks after the transaction.

But it all depends on several factors:

  • How fast was the customer's payment?
  • how quickly you, as an intermediary, reacted to the order and bought the goods;
  • how quickly the order went through all customs procedures.

As a rule, if all stages pass without delay, then at the latest, in a month, the buyer will receive the order. This is the case if delivery is carried out in the usual way, i.e. in a common container.

If your customer wants to receive his order as quickly as possible, then with the help of expedited delivery, this period can be reduced to 7 days. Price transport services in this case, it will be much higher than with regular delivery (in the first option, there is even the possibility of free transportation of the order for the buyer), but in this case, the customer is free to choose whether to pay him extra for urgency or wait and buy cheap.

The service industry is a popular business area. IN quality services the population needs constantly, and in a variety of areas: from educational services to repair services. . Options and calculation of income and expenses.

How to do without investments?

Brokering is an ideal way to earn money for those who do not have the opportunity (or funds) for a start-up investment.

You do not spend your money buying goods from China, your end customer does.

You just have to respond to the order in time, purchase the goods from the Chinese seller, sending it to the address of the final buyer.

Already the first completed orders will bring you pleasant bonuses and inspire you to further work in this direction. This is a great business for those who spend enough time at the computer, have free time and access to the Internet.

How to pay?

Today, this no longer requires any special systems, it is not even necessary to register in exotic payment systems with difficult access. In order to make a payment, you only need a regular bank payment card. All suppliers in China accept payments instantly.

Where can you buy a product?

Finding the right product will not require you to have any special knowledge or special efforts.

In China, there are several large trading platforms that offer any product.

All of them belong to the same Ali-Baba platform, which has gained wide popularity all over the world, so it has been a leader among the largest online traders for quite a long time.

In total, Ali Baba can offer three sites for buyers, each of them has its own characteristics, thanks to which the target audience of buyers is clearly segmented:

  1. Tao Bao. An interesting site, but designed mainly for retail customer. Here you can find any product from any manufacturer, including solid branded items. Resource features: here communication is possible only through a Chinese intermediary, since ordering and communication with the seller takes place only on Chinese. The intermediary takes care of all logistical issues related to export. The currency in which Tao Bao is settled is the Chinese yuan.
  2. Ali express. A resource that has long been loved by many domestic buyers. Here you can also shop on your own. All information in the store is translated into Russian. There is a fairly wide range of goods of almost all product groups. Prices are easily converted into any currency. You can make purchases and arrange delivery yourself.
  3. Actually, Ali Baba. This is a trading platform for large wholesale buyers. Here you can find the lowest possible prices for any product, but on the condition that you purchase it in bulk. An indispensable platform for those who are interested in wholesale and retail trade.

How to Start a Business in China - 10 Store Ideas + 15 Tips for Newbies in Business.

Some are wondering: How to start a business with China and make big money?

The idea may seem impossible, but if you start right, following the tips in this article, then everything difficult and impossible will become possible.

Business with China for beginners

Starting your own business is not an easy task, but having studied all the rules and peculiarities of working with Chinese suppliers, you can succeed and start earning good money.

There are 3 ways to organize a business based on the sale of things from China:

  • A store.
  • Online store.
  • Combination of outlet and online store.

The easiest way to start is to create an online store.

In this case, it is not required to receive a large amount, open a point, hire employees and pay for renting a room.

However, you still need to register the store.

Chinese goods today occupy a large part of the Russian market, and things are provided both high and low quality.

To start the activity, there will be enough investments up to 50,000 rubles required for the development of the site and the purchase of a minimum set of goods.

The scheme of work with China is very simple:

  1. The goods are purchased via the Internet from a supplier from China.
  2. Delivery is made to Russia.
  3. The price of a commodity rises.
  4. Sale in progress.

The minimum time required to fully develop a business and establish sales, as well as recoup investments, is about 2 months.

A novice businessman will quickly understand the process of trading and will be able to reach a higher level, expanding the range.

How to start a business with China: 10 ideas for a trading business

The essence of business with China is the purchase and resale of various things.

However, you can or outlet of various types.

Most often in China they order and then resell:

  • Cosmetics.
  • Clothes for women, men and children.
  • Shoes.
  • Toys.
  • office.
  • Underwear.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Dishes.
  • Textile.
  • Household appliances and electronics.

In order to start trading, it is not necessary to buy all the goods and rent a warehouse for storage.

At first, you can order goods from a supplier after an order from consumers appears on it.

In order for your store to flourish and more buyers appear, you must carefully monitor the quality of the purchased goods and, if a defect is found, return it to the seller or exchange it.

What you need to know about starting a business with China?

Before starting a business, you need to evaluate your capabilities, study the advantages and disadvantages of doing business with China.

    The minimum cost of production.

    You can earn a lot on the margin - from 50 to 100 percent on top.

    Large selection of products of different brands and colors.

    You can choose from the photos presented on the site.

    Round-the-clock communication with sellers.

    You can write a letter and get a response to it 24 hours a day.

    Exclusive item.

    Most often, new items made in China have not yet been seen in Russia.

    Evaluation of the quality of the goods only after receiving it.

    Return low-quality goods always an unpleasant and long procedure.

    The impossibility of "touching the product" and visually assessing its appearance.

    Often what is sent is very different from the photos on the site.

    Waiting for delivery to Russia.

    The average delivery time is a week to three months.

Despite the fact that now, in the era of the Internet, each person can place an order from China on their own without overpaying, people still prefer to purchase goods through intermediaries.

The intermediary seller guarantees the quality, compliance of the goods with the photo and description, as well as fast delivery.

On the initial stage work, you may encounter the manufacturer’s dishonesty, poor product quality and unwillingness to return the money spent.

In order for a business to develop and stay afloat, it is necessary to build it gradually, performing all the necessary actions.

Steps required to open and develop a business with China:

    Business model study.

    The most common of them are: joint purchases and work using the Internet.

    Resource calculation.

    Resources include not only the amount of money in a bank account, but also the presence of certain experience, the ability to do business with foreign suppliers and attract buyers.

    If there is no such experience, it is best to start with dropshipping: work through an intermediary.

    This minimizes the risk.

    On the website of the online store, the goods must be described so that buyers can have an idea about the thing and its characteristics.

    Supplier search.

    You can find it on sites on the Internet, such as AliExpress.com, or through friends.

    Checking the found supplier.

    Order and receive goods.

Particular attention should be paid to checking the supplier for reliability.

Answering the question how to start business with china It should be noted that, first of all, it is necessary to take measures to protect your own finances.

How to check the reliability of a supplier?

    By setting the domain name registration time.

    If only a few weeks have passed since its inception, the idea of ​​​​cooperation should be abandoned, no matter how attractive the established prices may seem.

    After reading reviews on the internet.

    Today you can find reviews on almost any product and manufacturer.

    Having studied the website of the supplier company.

    If too diverse a choice of products is presented - ranging from hygiene items to household appliances, you should close the page with the site and do not open it again.

    Read the terms and conditions for advance payment.

    Accounts submitted for depositing funds must be owned by the company and not by its employees.

    Asked to provide scans of registration documents.

    Make sure you have your own postal service at the supplier.

    If it is not there, this is not a guarantee of the unreliability of the store, but one of the warning signs.

To find a reliable supplier of goods from China,

Wholesale deliveries and starting business with China

For business activity to be considered legal, it is necessary not only to obtain a registration document of the established form, but also to interact with officially registered suppliers who have a document giving the right to wholesale goods.

Scheme of interaction with the supplier:

  • Checking the availability of invoices and certificates giving the right to trade.
  • Customs clearance of goods and payment of duties.
  • In accordance with the rules of import: preparation of a tax declaration and a certificate of conformity of goods to quality.

A novice businessman should pay attention to the fact that the delivery of the ordered goods using a truck is in the best possible way, although sometimes it is more profitable to combine transportation by road and land-air.

When ordering a product, pay attention to calculating the final cost of the product, which will include the payment of all fees and taxes.

You should not overly focus on start-up capital when starting work with China.

To gain experience, order goods in small quantities that can be quickly sold out.

To understand how to start business with china need to act.

Step by step, you can succeed, understand the system of working with China and attracting buyers in Russia.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

Business with China is high profits and beneficial cooperation. We have collected tips on how to organize a business at home, open a business without investments, and what are the main directions to follow.

Literally ten years ago, goods from China were not of high quality. They were produced from second-rate raw materials and using outdated technologies, so such products were not in great demand. Much has changed today, so in Chinese trading floors You can easily buy quality products affordable prices. In this article, we will tell you how to start a business with China and how to make good money from it.

A few years ago, goods from China were associated with cheap, low-quality products. Today, more and more entrepreneurs are thinking about cooperation with China, and the Internet is full of questions in the spirit of “how to open a business with China” and “what is needed to cooperate with China”. Business with China is promising, shows constant growth and is striving for Russia itself. Why not take advantage of this?

Let's start answering with the main question of how much money you need to start a business with China. You can start a business with China with... a zero balance. Really! You can start a business selling Chinese goods without investment. The main thing is to have step by step instructions launch own business with China on the sale of physical goods. She is the key to success.

Anyone who has a computer, Internet access, and a desire to learn all the nuances can start the business of selling Chinese goods. this business and start earning. Interesting ideas Newcomers, small entrepreneurs, and successful businessmen seeking to expand their business will find business with China.

Dropshipping. How to open a business with China on dropshipping

It is quite possible to open a business with China without investments. The name of this business is "dropshipping". From English, this word is translated as "direct delivery". The idea of ​​a business is that the entrepreneur acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. The scheme is simple: the entrepreneur orders the necessary goods on his own behalf, and sends the goods to the address of the buyer. Thus, the entrepreneur can work without leaving home and without spending his money, working on a prepaid basis. Everything that the entrepreneur takes on is organizational issues. He will need to register on the site, communicate with the seller if necessary, track the delivery of goods, etc.

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Dropshipping has many advantages: the entrepreneur does not take risks own funds, does not need to hire employees and can handle the volume of work alone. In addition, for effective work, he only needs a computer and the Internet.

The main disadvantage of this business model is external factors: firstly, parcels from China are delivered for a long time; secondly, there is a risk of loss or delay at customs. Not every buyer is willing to wait that long. It should also be borne in mind that the scheme is old and proven, that is, there is a high risk of facing competition. Despite this, dropshipping remains enough profitable business, and the margin on the goods ranges from 10% to 100%.

What do you need to open a dropshipping business with China?

    Find suppliers. There are thousands of them on the Internet, but choosing suppliers is not so easy. Among all the variety, you still need to find the most reliable and suitable goods in terms of quality and price, delivery conditions, assortment, etc. Most often, large online stores are chosen as suppliers, which have a huge assortment and sell it at wholesale prices. Now you can find online stores that are designed specifically for dropshipping (Banggood.com, TinyDeal.com, DX.com, Tmart.com, BuySKU.com, LightInTheBox.com and others). Making money with such sites is even easier, because they often provide partners with various bonuses. The choice of a supplier should be approached responsibly, because you are responsible for the quality of the goods and its delivery to customers.

    Contact suppliers. To do this, you need to send an email to the support service indicating that you want to work with them on the dropshipping system. With a 95% chance you will receive a positive response. The main thing to pay attention to this stage- a clear idea of ​​what products you will offer to customers, and how you will advertise the product. Suppliers should be contacted to ensure that they do not use their company logos when packing an order. After all, it is desirable for the buyer not to know from whom the goods are actually purchased.

    Select a product. To decide on the direction, go to the usual popular online stores and see what products are in demand. It is advisable not to work with electronics - it is much more problems with marriage and return. Therefore, an important criterion for choosing a product is the minimum probability of a return. You can take a chance and offer customers something interesting, unusual. You can also earn on exclusives.

    Choose an advertising method. You can create a group of your online store in social networks. Having spent several thousand on the active promotion of goods through accounts, you will quickly find buyers. Don't forget about free advertising options - post products on bulletin boards and auctions. Today, there are many online trading platforms: market.yandex.ru, tiu.ru, meshok.net and others.

    We consider income and expenses. The main amount of expenses falls on the promotion of your online store. This takes into account the costs of promoting a group in social networks, payment advertisements for placement in the top and other things. As mentioned earlier, you can do without material costs at all. However, you must understand that the more investments in the business, the faster buyers will appear and the more you can earn.

How much can you make a business with China on dropshipping?

This is a rather difficult question. But not because an unpromising truth awaits you, but because it is impossible to name specific amounts. The amount of your income depends entirely on the quality of your work and the product chosen for sale. On the Internet, you can read many stories about how entrepreneurs earn $ 1 million in net profit per year from dropshipping and provide convincing evidence of this. Of course, these stories are not a guarantee that you will have the same. But this is a good guideline that will encourage you to start your own business.

It is possible to increase your income from dropshipping thanks to one life hack - cashbacks. Everyone has heard at least once about the opportunity to return a certain percentage of their purchases with the help of special cashback services. Users actively use them, trying to get their 50 rubles back from a personal purchase. Just imagine how much money you can return, having a turnover of many thousands.

Landing. How to open a business with China through a landing page

You can continue the idea of ​​dropshipping, but ennoble it. And create not a simple online store on a social network, but an attractive selling landing page. This is the name of one-page sites created for the sale of one product. The task of the landing page is to transform the site visitor into the status of a buyer, to encourage them to take a targeted action (purchase a product). The main advantage of a landing page is its high efficiency. If ordinary sites bring 15% of sales from the total number of visits, then one-page sites can bring 50%. Therefore, today this method of sales is very popular.

To open a business with China on a landing page, you should follow the following algorithm:

    Select a product or service to sell through a landing page. How to choose what to sell? See what others are selling: it might give you an idea or convince you to leave a niche that is already highly competitive. You can sell anything through landings. It is important that this is a unique offer. It is recommended to study the trends of foreign markets - often the fashion for goods comes to us from abroad. If you guess with the trend and have time to occupy a niche, you can make good money.

    Select a supplier. Everything is simple here: when you have decided on a product, study the offers of suppliers. Choose favorable conditions, not forgetting about the reliability of the supplier.

    Develop a unique selling proposition. Here you need to form a clear understanding: what you are selling, to whom you are selling, why this product should be bought from you. Ideal for a landing page – your offer must be unique. It doesn't mean you have to sell latest developments or rare items. The unique selling proposition includes not only the product itself, but also the price, Additional services, format of cooperation, etc. For example, you can offer record delivery times, original packaging, the lowest price, or a product that has no analogues on the market. The answer to the question "to whom is the product sold?" needed to set the price. You need to understand what target audience your product is designed for. Often the answer lies in the product you are going to sell.

    Develop a landing page for business with China. Creating a one page website is a process that will determine 80% of your success. The right landing in itself is a sales tool. There are two options for creating a landing page: turn to professionals and order a one-page site from them, or use a website builder to create a one-page site yourself. A professional landing page will be efficient and optimized. In a landing page, every little thing is important, up to the color scheme of the site and the location of the buttons on the page. Therefore, we recommend spending money on professional development. The cost of a landing ranges from 10,000 rubles and more. There are studios that ask for 50,000 rubles for their work, but this package usually includes not only the creation of a one-pager, but also assistance in its promotion. If you want to save money and feel the strength to create a landing page, you can use website builders. You can easily find such tools and, after spending 2-3 hours, make yourself a one-page website.

    Test the site. The product has been selected, the one-pager has been created - now is the time to test various methods of promoting business with China in order to choose the best option. The main sources of traffic are: social media, contextual advertising, search promotion, thematic and industry resources. We will not dwell on each of them. Let's just say that each of the tools needs to be tested to find the perfect formula to attract your target audience.

    Buy a product. No wonder this item is located almost at the end of the algorithm. Why is it recommended to purchase goods only after the test launch of the site? In order to avoid mistakes with the choice of goods and the formation of a unique trade offer. you spend less money and forces for a test launch of the site, rather than for the purchase of a batch of goods. In the first batch it is better to buy not very many goods - superfluous cash it is better to invest in promotion than to spend them on a product that will be in stock.

    Arrange delivery. You can use the services of the Russian Post, or private courier services. Delivery by Russian Post is cheaper, but the delivery time may slow down your business. Delivery transport companies costs more. But you can include shipping costs in the price of the goods or indicate it as an extra. payment for your customers.

    Expand business. When the landing is set up and makes a profit, you can think about expanding your business. Today, there are many business projects on the franchising market that have come out of the idea of ​​a landing page.

Business with China on landing pages can pay off in the first month of work. The average monthly profit is 65,000 rubles. For home business this is a good indicator.

Chinese equipment. How to make money on the purchase of Chinese equipment

For small businesses, the idea of ​​​​purchasing Chinese equipment is great. Taking the first steps in business, the entrepreneur seeks to save on initial costs. In most cases, find special equipment and accessories for favorable price possible only among Chinese suppliers. To date, no country in the world can boast of such reasonable prices for business equipment.

The Asian market is able to meet the needs in any field. Many people note that Chinese equipment is not inferior in quality to European counterparts, but at the same time it costs several times cheaper.

Ready-made ideas for your business

It is also important that manufacturers provide comprehensive support. They offer the supply of materials for production, set up and adapt equipment, train personnel, provide guarantees, maintenance, and, if necessary, even repair of the delivered equipment. Such a service will be appreciated in any case, and even more so in a small business. But when choosing this direction, one should also prepare for certain difficulties of cooperation. This and the language barrier, and difficulties in the delivery and customs clearance of large equipment. Also, when ordering equipment, it is always necessary to clarify the possibility of its adjustment by factory specialists. Some companies do not provide such a service, which may cause difficulties for the entrepreneur.

What equipment is most often purchased in China? Manufacturing machines building materials, plastic products or packaging and containers. Analysts also have high hopes for 3D printers, which can be used to produce components, souvenirs, toys, jewelry and even clothing. Among Chinese products, you can find a large range of 3D printing equipment.

How to buy equipment in China?

Algorithm for doing business with China in procurement includes several steps:

    Find a supplier search site (Made-in-China, Alibaba, etc.). Check the reliability of the supplier by examining his offer, reviews, website. All data should be studied in detail: the year the company was founded, the availability of the necessary certificates, annual turnover, assortment, etc.

    Select the most attractive companies and send a request for a quotation for the business equipment of interest. Find out if they cooperate with partners from Russia. After that, you can contact the indicated Russian partners and ask for confirmation of the trustworthiness of the partners. Of course, it is not a fact that you will be given a full resume of the supplier and provide all the information, but still this point should be kept in mind.

    Before purchasing equipment, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of commercial offers and choose the most profitable one.

    Negotiate with the supplier, agree on a price and a complete set of equipment.

    Negotiate the contract, terms of transportation. The contract is usually concluded in two languages ​​- English and Chinese. After signing the contract, it is necessary to make a transaction passport, after which you can make an advance payment.

    Pay for the order. All manufacturers require an advance payment of 30-50% of the order amount. The average production time for equipment is 30-40 days. The balance is paid upon presentation of documents that confirm the fact of shipment of the goods.

    The most reliable payment method is a revocable letter of credit. Thanks to him, the buyer can save money in the event of an unscrupulous supplier.

    Before sending the documents, you should ask the Chinese side to send copies of the documents to make sure they are correct.

Before making a decision to buy equipment in China, you need to carefully consider and calculate everything. You should start this business only if the savings cover all shipping costs.

Export to China. How to make money exporting to China?

Business with China can be built not only on the resale of Chinese goods. Because the Chinese market is not only a huge volume of cheap products, but also a promising sales market with a potential coverage of more than 1 billion people. Therefore, both novice entrepreneurs and already established successful businessmen are interested in doing business with China. What can be supplied to the Chinese market? The most demanded in China are agricultural products, semi-finished products, raw materials for woodworking, chemical, food and light industries, chocolate and sweets, pine nuts. Moreover, the business of the Celestial Empire may be interested even in products that are considered unclaimed in Russia. For example, if domestic poultry farms are used to throwing away chicken and duck feet, then in China they are in great demand.

To arrange export deliveries to China, it is necessary to have a declaration, and in some cases a shipping document will be sufficient. The declaration is drawn up independently or with the help of a broker at customs. Some goods are allowed to be exported only if there is a specially confirmed permit and certificate.

Before exporting, you must go through the following steps:

    To study the Chinese market and the pricing procedure.

    Find future buyers.

    Prepare a contract for export and insurance of goods.

    Overcome the customs registration procedure in Russia and customs clearance in China.

For effective cooperation with China, foreign trade participants advise to carry out a lot of preparatory work, which includes:

    visiting China to study the market;

    delivery of goods to China, selection of a warehouse and the best way to send goods;

    preparation of demonstration material in Chinese for negotiations with potential clients;

    providing a small batch of products for sale.

All this requires large financial and time costs. But it should be borne in mind that the export of Russian goods to China is growing every year. The prospects for the direction are very high, and therefore, to expand your business, you should consider this option.

Checklist for starting a business with China

Business with China is a relevant direction for any entrepreneur. In almost every area, you can optimize costs if you make purchases in China. In addition, the resale of Chinese goods - great idea for a home business that proper organization and promotion will allow you to receive earnings several times higher than the average level of salaries. For small businesses, it will be beneficial to purchase Chinese equipment, and for more large companies we can consider a promising option of supplying our products to China.

No matter how much business with China may seem like a cozy golden coast, to which it is only worth mooring, this is not entirely true.
To make a business with China profitable, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    constantly explore the market in search of new business ideas with China;

    adhere to the choice of a specific product group, without trying to cover the entire market;

    check suppliers carefully;

    conclude written contracts for the supply of products;

    stipulate in advance the conditions for the return of goods in the event that a defective batch is received.

The most important thing is that the business you are doing has demand from consumers and is interesting to you as an entrepreneur. Then success is guaranteed to you.

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How to start a business with China, starting from scratch and without investments? How to make money on the resale of Chinese goods and what is better to sell? How to find suppliers and intermediaries?

Hello dear friends! Welcome to the founder of the HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov!

It's no secret that many people made their first million by reselling goods from China.

In this article, I will reveal all the chips about doing business with China from "A" to "Z", we will analyze the advice of experts and consider the most effective and profitable business models.

So far, this niche is relatively free: if you decide to start your own business and don’t know what to choose, it’s time to turn your attention towards the East.

Let's get it right, friends!

1. Business on goods from China - is it possible to start a business from scratch

Chinese-made products make up a significant share of the entire global market. In Russia about 60-80% goods light industry represented by Chinese consumer goods. Modern Chinese products are no longer as handicraft and low-quality as they were 20 years ago: goods have become more functional and durable, they look much better.

Even if you have never been involved in sales and are familiar with Chinese goods only from a consumer point of view, no one and nothing can prevent you from starting a business with China and acquiring a new (and very profitable) source of income.

In this area, without making extra efforts (and without even leaving home) you can earn from 50 000 rubles every month and at the same time have time for life and rest.

Today, only the lazy do not do business with China. Business with China for resale without investments (well, or almost without them) is relatively simple and accessible to everyone with basic knowledge and business skills. You don't have to be a trade school or business school graduate to understand how the market works.

In fact, the scheme of work with China comes down to three points:

  • find goods in China as cheaply as possible;
  • deliver it to the Russian Federation;
  • sell at a premium.

Do not rush to object "but what about customs, certificates, document flow, taxes?". Below we will consider this scheme and all related issues in more detail and in detail. Exactly narrow-minded skepticism - the main obstacle to any successful entrepreneurial activity.

The second hurdle is absence necessary knowledge . With the advent of the Internet, information has become more accessible and practically free: an example of this is the article you are reading.

Trade is the most attractive field of activity for beginner businessmen. It is much easier than manufacturing: you just need to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers and sell them at retail prices. Learning to do business with China does not take much time, especially if a person has a desire and a goal.

2. Chinese manufacturers are more profitable than any other

The interest of Russian business in Chinese goods is growing steadily. China produces everything without which it is difficult to imagine life modern man: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household appliances, gadgets. Surely your apartment is full of things marked "Made in China".

Even 15-20 years ago, plastic Chinese products crumbled in the hands of the buyer, now the quality of goods from China is quite satisfactory, and sometimes excellent. The stereotype “Chinese means short-lived and miserable” has almost lost its relevance. Even iPhones and other expensive brands are now made in Chinese factories, as it is inexpensive due to cheaper labor.

This graph reflects the growth of trade relations between China and Russia in 2017-2018:

As you can see, the turnover is not small and it increases over time.

The quality of Chinese products is constantly growing, but prices (at least wholesale prices) are still low.

What conclusion can be drawn from these facts? Right: you can make good money on buying and reselling goods from the “Celestial Empire”.

Wholesale deliveries from China can become a reliable and constant source of profit.

Initial costs will be minimal if modern Information Technology(meaning the Internet). There are already hundreds of companies on the market that act as intermediaries in the delivery of goods from the producer to the consumer: why don't you join the number successful businessmen receiving stable income using a simple and understandable commercial scheme.

Benefits of doing business with China

We list the main advantages of working with China:

  1. Low prices. When working with local (domestic) suppliers, the margin is usually 10-20% (in the most successful cases - 50%). Buying goods in China and selling them will bring you from 50% to 1000% markup. cheap work force reduces production costs to a minimum.
  2. Huge selection of goods. The range of Chinese goods is almost endless and limited only by your imagination. You can find absolutely everything in China, so you can fill your market niche with any kind of goods - say, an exclusive that has no analogues in the local market.
  3. The focus of Chinese sellers is exclusively on sale. Due to competition and dumping, the Chinese value every client. They are in touch 24/7, you can start working with them with minimal lots, bargain, request free samples and models, photos and descriptions, and set favorable delivery terms. An experienced buyer knows how to reduce the purchase price to a minimum and conclude the most profitable contract.
  4. Opportunity to purchase exclusive goods. As your business progresses, you can move on to bigger and more profitable deals. It is not necessary to work with intermediaries: you can establish direct contacts with the manufacturer and purchase goods of a specific brand that is poorly represented on the market.

Why is business with China profitable?

  • Firstly due to the modern pace of life. The buyer today values ​​his time: he will not spend it on ordering and delivering goods from China, it is easier for him to place an order with you.
  • Secondly, not everyone will understand the variety of sites offering goods from China.

To understand the functionality, check the integrity of the seller, calculate the cost of the goods, taking into account the delivery, you need skills and knowledge. Most people will prefer to turn to domestic intermediaries operating through sites with simple and understandable terms of cooperation.

It is much easier for an ordinary buyer to choose a product on a Russian-language site: they always have the opportunity to call the seller or discuss the terms of interaction and delivery.

3. How to start a business with China - 10 easy steps from A to Z

Let's move on to practice and learn how to start a business with China from the first step.

Step 1. We study business models on goods from China

There are several proven and effective models businesses that you can use in the early stages of your entrepreneurial career:

  • dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • wholesale sales offline;
  • retail sales;
  • work through the online store.

Now more about each business model.

1) Dropshipping

Dropshipping- a method that allows you to start a business with virtually no investment. The essence of this model is extremely simple: you receive money from buyers, and then transfer the request for this product to a third-party supplier, who sends it to the buyer.

You get a percentage for mediation. At the same time, the client does not even realize that he is purchasing goods from someone else.

Your goal is to attract buyers, to convince them to buy goods from you. Intermediary commissions with this business model range from 30 to 500%. Agree, not the lowest profit in the absence of initial costs. At the same time, you do not need to worry that the goods you bought will lie in the warehouse for months - you redeem it only when you receive a specific order from the client, paying with his own money.

2) Joint purchases

Joint purchases- this is when several people join a group and buy goods from an official supplier.

The commercial idea of ​​this event is to save money through bulk purchases. Another advantage of this option is the reduction in shipping costs. Usually the cost of transporting goods from China is much higher than the price of the product itself.


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