Major General Vetelnikov retirement for the fall. Search - Moscow Police Trade Union. Do you have any health problems due to wearing body armor

The head of the 4th department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and two of his deputies lost confidence in connection with the criminal case of large-scale fraud of their colleague Colonel Maksim Rybkin, who was detained in April, and were fired.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, Major General Oleg Baranov, dismissed the head of the 4th Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Colonel Yevgeny Monisov and his two deputies, whose names were not disclosed, due to the loss of confidence. General Baranov signed the order on the resignation of three officers the day before.

According to Kommersant, citing sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the reason for the "cleansing" of the police department, which investigates criminal cases in the space and nuclear industries and other highly restricted facilities, was the criminal case of another deputy head of this department. Colonel Maxim Rybkin was detained in April by FSB and TFR officers on suspicion of particularly large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

It is known that the colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to some heads of security-controlled defense enterprises for 20 million rubles "to assist in the closure of criminal cases initiated against them on the basis of the materials of the 4th Directorate." The money was received by him, but Rybkin did not fulfill his promises, spending most of it on the purchase of an apartment in Moscow. Still promising to close the criminal cases, the colonel returned 10 million rubles, and wrote a receipt for the rest. However, the persons involved in the investigation turned to law enforcement officers with this receipt and a criminal case was opened against Rybkin, he was fired from the internal affairs bodies, and an official check was ordered against his leadership.

In its course, the inspectors had doubts about the veracity of the testimony of Colonel Monisov and two of his deputies. After that, Colonel Rybkin's immediate supervisor and his deputies were asked to take a lie detector test. According to Kommersant, the officers failed the polygraph test, as a result of which they finally lost the confidence of the leadership of the central administration.

The publication writes that the Acting Chief Gennady Tsutskov, the only deputy of Monisov, who remained in the department after the scandalous case of Colonel Rybkin, had already been introduced to the personnel of the 4th Directorate. Tsutskov has been serving in the 4th department since 2014, but most likely he will not be approved as the head of the department, a Kommersant source notes. Now they are looking for candidates to replace Monisov among the heads of other divisions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

"New broom"

Head of the MIA General Administration for Moscow Oleg Baranov

Major General Oleg Baranov in September 2016 was appointed by the decree of President Vladimir Putin as the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow instead of Anatoly Yakunin, who was dismissed from this post, who headed the Operational Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. As The CrimeRussia wrote earlier, General Baranov immediately established himself as a tough and uncompromising leader.

In November of the same year, the new head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the restoration of order in the Moscow police, noting that by the end of 2016 an unofficial check would be carried out in all 125 district departments and 10 district directorates of the Moscow UMVD. It was reported that the units were “cleaned up” first of all from policemen with a dubious reputation and the main appointees of the former chief of the central administration, Anatoly Yakunin.

Anatoly Yakunin

So, immediately after the appointment, Oleg Baranov dismissed the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the TINAO Sergei Ternovykh, with whom Yakunin worked in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh and Novgorod regions, then Anatoly Yakunin's son-in-law Mikhail Gusakov, who served as deputy head of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, and also a former press the secretary of the capital's police Sophia Khotina, with whose husband Yakunin also worked in the Voronezh region.

In March 2017, Gennady Golikov, head of the operational department of the capital's central administration, and Mikhail Pavlichuk, head of all precinct and PDN in Moscow, were retired.

Colonel Mikhail Pavlichuk

Colonel Gennady Golikov

In addition, it is known that in the spring, at an internal meeting, head Oleg Baranov harshly criticized the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, noting the low efficiency of operational and service activities, missed deadlines in criminal cases and malfeasance of police officers. He compiled a "black list" of ineffective chiefs of the Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate, which included: Major General Sergei Veretelnikov (Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District), Major General Boris Pishchulin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Eastern Administrative District), Colonel Boris Sheinkin (Internal Affairs Directorate for the TyNAO), Colonel Shamil Sibanov ( Department of Internal Affairs for the North-Eastern Administrative District), Major General Alexander Bukach (ATC for the Central Administrative District) and Major General Roman Plugin (Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern Administrative District). The highest police ranks received various disciplinary punishments, from severe reprimands and termination of payments of benefits in the amount of 50 thousand rubles a month to warnings about incomplete official compliance.

The meeting of the officers' meeting in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Molzhaninovsky District was not quite ordinary. The reason for its holding was so significant that the head of the district department, Major General of Police Sergei VERETELNIKOV, and the head of the Department of Moral and Psychological Support (UMPO) of the capital's headquarters, Colonel of the Internal Service, Viktor GORDUN, were invited to it.

The officers of the department discussed the act of their former colleague, the interrogator Sokolov. He took the money from the offender. The migrant's labor patent was invalid, but Sokolov was ready to "settle" the issue for 40 thousand rubles. At such a price, the former police major estimated his adherence to principles and conscience.

Those present unanimously assessed the act of the former colleague (he was dismissed from the police) as defaming the honor of the police officer. However, senior leaders helped them scrupulously and conscientiously to identify the causes and conditions conducive to crime.

The fact is that the speeches of Sokolov's colleagues, as well as his immediate superior, were at first reduced to the standard "overlooked or underworked", and promises to improve the quality of individual educational work in the unit.

The county manager present at the meeting gave the conversation a more critical tone. Sergei Ivanovich analyzed in detail the chronology of both the act itself and the events that led Sokolov to bribery.

In this series, the spinelessness of the violator's immediate superior was also unequivocally indicated. The young woman, who had recently become the head of the investigation department, simply could not cope with an authoritative and experienced subordinate. And he behaved much more freely than the others. This connivance on the part of the chief led to the fact that in the hands of the former investigator was unregistered and unwritten material in relation to a migrant who worked with an expired patent. The illusion of easy money turned the officer's head, and the internal security service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the CAO of Moscow recorded the fact of transferring a bribe to a policeman.

The head of the capital's UMPO warned colleagues of the former officer against a condescending and sympathetic attitude towards him. He rejected the use of phrases such as "got into an unpleasant situation." Viktor Pavlovich noted that Sokolov did not hit, but deliberately created this situation. And now the whole team "got" into it by the grace of the bribe-taker. And, of course, based on the information about the lifestyle of the former investigator, noted by the UMPO employees, his crime should be interpreted only as a recorded fact, quite possibly not an isolated one.

The conversation was not only about the misconduct of the interrogator, but also about the phenomenon of corruption in the police ranks in general. The audience was shown a documentary-newsreel composed of materials concerning the police-bribe-takers, who were recently detained. The leitmotif of the videotape was the inevitability of exposing this type of crime among law enforcement officers.

It is now up to the newly appointed chief of the Russian Interior Ministry for the Molzhaninovskiy District, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service, Anton Sankin, who took up his duties at a difficult moment for the department, to sort out and draw conclusions within the team. At a meeting of the officers' meeting, he was introduced to the personnel. The leaders expressed confidence that the new chief will cope with the tasks set, in particular, with the creation of an atmosphere of intolerance towards bribe-takers in the department, and will organize the work in the right direction.


photo by Alexander NESTEROV

How are you doing at DC?

Maybe a little off topic. I'm a policeman-driver at the Police Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the SAO. Not only do they now want to make me work two days later, allegedly on the orders of Veretelnikov, but they still do not hire people for us, motivating ...

"Song of Veretelnikov"

I have been working in the Department of Internal Affairs of the CAO from 2007 to this OVO of the Department of Internal Affairs of the CAO. look what's going on in the police! Shoigu kicks out the blockheads from the army, so they go to the police and then they begin to introduce their armored orders.

"Song of Veretelnikov"

"Song of Veretelnikov"

And what is order in the police for you? Militant? Demonstration briefing? Anxiety? Or maybe a border? I have been working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 10 years and I remember old operas who came to work in sportswear, did not shave ...

"Song of Veretelnikov"

Whatever they say about Veretelnikov, but if you really look at things, he was in order. On the way, he is a boot, a tanker, but whatever they called him. Many people would go to work for him even now. I served ...

"Song of Veretelnikov"

Crimes and suppression of offenses! And with the arrival of Veretelnikov, less and less attention is paid to this, the main thing is that there should be a border .... apparently, "boots", which after the army are accustomed to, are striving for it ...

"Song of Veretelnikov"

The system should have been dismissed even during the recertification as unfit for professional use ... ... Podolsk ATC during the time of Veretelnikov was a demonstration management. The Internet is full of videos from all sorts of demonstration ...

"Song of Veretelnikov"

Everything is written correctly, and in fact, in almost every department there is such "own" Veretelnikov who really interferes with the work of employees and is engaged in tyranny. So many violations on his part ...


Exercises ... All the other chiefs of the Internal Affairs Directorate have yet to learn from the positive experience of Comrade Veretelnikov a. ...


Near the office of Veretelnikov and S.I. there is a police officer in uniform and with a submachine gun in his hands. Why would he need security at the entrance to the office? Who or what is he afraid of? And does each head of the other ATCs in Moscow have ...


The working hours of the police driver of the DCh ATC in the CAO are two days later. Veretelnikov promised to sign the order. As soon as it is there, I will send a photocopy to the post office. The salary has decreased from N.G. by 2000 and amounts to ...

Write what is happening in your department?

In the CAO, at the direction of the Chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate Veretelnikov, do not sign the employee dismissal report;

A case at the Khovrino militia department.

Lilia, where does this awareness of the quality and quantity of sleep come from among the bosses? Do you track their sleep?

A case at the Khovrino militia department.

Firstly, the author of the article is clearly not indifferent to V. Veretelnikov. Secondly, no one's fault has yet been proven. In addition, the heads of departments for professional part and specialization do not even have enough time for sleep (but about protection ...

Ahaha, home-grown lawyers Veretelnikovsky. It's a pity not 8 million. Legal department of the CAO. ...

help restore justice in the Kirovsky District Department of Internal Affairs, Stavropol Territory! Sincerely, VETERAN. Of military service and DB in Ethiopia cap, 2nd rank Veretelnikov Vladimir Vladimirovich! PS. For this, employees ...

Why is General Veretelnikov not putting things in order in the traffic police?

But what can I say, mister veretelnikov of the Internal Affairs Directorate has ruined it now it remains for the traffic police to ruin it for SAO and the deed is done. Why he is still in his place is unclear. ... ...

You can ask the Minister why S.I. Veretelnikov does not comply with the laws of the Russian Federation. Maybe he doesn't like them? ...


Filename: Veretelnikov Podolsk.jpg ...

Your expectations from 2016.

Do you have any health problems due to wearing body armor?

How do you feel about the resignation of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow?

Do you need the newspaper "Petrovka 38"?

Have you paid for the May event "GLISSADA"

Will you go to gain

The benefits of state legal information.

Is the union helping or not?


There was a man and he is not .... But questions remain.

Their bodies reach the age limit - a lieutenant colonel can serve until the age of 55, and he was born in 1960. I wonder how the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate Veretelnikov could have allowed this to happen? How could...

Educational program for chiefs.

Identified shortcomings to the chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate S. Veretelnikov at. He did not answer for a long time, he had to write about this to the chief of the Main Directorate. We were instructed to write the answer to our authorized representative to the head of the EKTs Glavka ...

You can be glad for the Koptev investigators!

Eremeeva A.L. a proposal was prepared to eliminate the shortcomings addressed to the head of the Northern Administrative District, Police Major General Veretelnikov and S.I. and asking immediately ...

Why is General Veretelnikov not putting things in order in the traffic police?

But if General Veretelnikov issues an appropriate order to punish the relevant heads of the traffic police (up to dismissal by distrust), then the issue will be decided by the subwoofer himself. ...

We are not slaves, we are not slaves ????? Or about the situation of employees in the Moscow Glavka.

... - what prevents an employee from resigning on his own initiative ??? Maybe bad performance with staff turnover in the ATC in the CAO? Or maybe the words of the officers of this Department of Internal Affairs are true that General Veretelnikov ...

The employee was paid 800 thousand!

Recently, the Moscow Police Trade Union filed a complaint with the Moscow Investigative Committee regarding the non-execution of the court decision by General Veretelnikov. We received an answer from the UK, and we can immediately report it. that member yesterday ...

In the SK of Russia at the ATC in the Northern Administrative District. Statement.

After that, on January 26, 2016, addressed to S.I. Veretelnikov a, Peresunko A.A. filed an application for the execution of the court decision. So far, the court's decision ...

Again ATC for the SAO. Employee's appeal.

Hanging on the honor board in the department. The other day the head of the department tore it off, saying that the head of the district Veretelnikov ordered her to be fired. On this issue, we contacted the head of the Main Directorate A.I. Yakuninim. ...

Are the Internal Affairs Directorates preparing for war?

Several alarms were introduced in the CAO within 2 weeks. Also, TPI reported that in the period from 01.01 to 10.01 "Volcanoes" will most likely also be introduced several times. Veretelnikov seems to like it ...

The wingless Falcon.

THE COLLECTIVE OF THE OMVD SOKOL OF MOSCOW. PS. Most likely S.I. Veretelnikov (the former head of the Podolsk Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Defense), on someone's recommendation, or knowing Malyugin personally, invited him to his district. But the question is ...

A case at the Khovrino militia department.

The duties of the HR assistant are performed by the physical training instructor Art. Lieutenant Ekaterina Ovechkina. This is how they work in the CAO under the leadership of Colonel A. Veretelnikov. ...

So who's lying in the SAO?

It is said that the information has not been confirmed. Ref. No. 01 January 20, 2015 "Information letter" to the Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the SAO GU MIA RUSSIA FOR THE CITY OF MOSCOW S.I. VERETELNIKOV Dear Sergey Ivanovich! Trade union ...

Areas. Veretelnikov and from Podolsk to the SAO. This suggests that the generals benefit from such bosses who treat the rank and file as with cattle. "PS. We are starting to think more and more that the bosses ...

"Song of Veretelnikov"

In the summer of this year, a new chief came to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the CAO - from the Podolsk Internal Affairs Directorate. There he became famous for his song, which everyone calls "Song of Veretelnikov a". (if you want to listen - download and listen). ...

Put x .. on your b .. union b ..!

Under Nurgaliev and Golovkin. And while people like Rubtsov are in their posts, there will be no rule of law! Apparently Rubtsov learned to talk from the head of the Podolsk Department of Internal Affairs Veretelnikov and ...

In the summer of this year, a new chief came to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the CAO - from the Podolsk Internal Affairs Directorate.

There he became famous for his song, which everyone calls "Veretelnikov's Song". (if you want to listen - download and listen).

Of course, after such "songs" people do not move to general positions, but in our wonderland everything is possible. (There are about 100 words in the "song" - of which 80% are obscene, and S.I.

We would not have remembered the deeds of days gone by if it were not for the attitude of the new boss towards employees.

What began to happen in the area?

Almost all of the district DC immediately quit their jobs. started working day after day. Now they work three days, but two on duty instead of three.

Employees quit only because of a conflict with the new boss.

About a month ago, the district staff contained about 700 reports of employees on transfers and dismissals (some say that now there are 1000 of them).

They do not sign the report, they lose it. All dismissals only through a conversation with S.I. Veretelnikov.

The head of the Main Directorate, in connection with the current situation, gave permission to ensure that people moving to equivalent positions in other districts and divisions, within 6 months, should not be transferred anywhere from the CAO.

Why is this a situation?

Here's why.

In the district, the shift on duty takes over at 7-20 - S.I. Veretelnikov said that he had secured this by order (which no one had seen) and that the Glavk allegedly allowed him to do so.

The shift changes after a day about 11-12 hours. Recycling is not counted or paid for.

General meetings, which should be held by order of A.I. Yakunin,

during the distribution of bonuses, it was not carried out in any division, but the protocols on their holding are attached to the orders on bonuses.

The chiefs of divisions began to announce alarms several times a week. Apparently not on their own. Again, there is no time off and payment.

A small digression.

At the very beginning of the work (in the summer), S.I. Veretelnikov lined up the chiefs of all divisions - he conducted a drill review, and walked with a ruler and measured the distance between the stars on shoulder straps, sherons, the distance between the badges and the center of the jacket. He told everyone to have authorized shoes - although the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only says that they should be black, and that's it. Try to walk in those boots that are given out on "Pererva", you will understand what it is. It seems to be a trifle, but unpleasant.

Let's continue.

Judging by the number of alarms and work schedules, the CAO is under martial law in peacetime. The only question is - when to work?

When to make rounds of the population to a district police officer, when to engage in operational activities, an operative, when to investigator or investigator to conduct criminal cases, to an expert to prepare conclusions, or just an employee to see his family?

According to the allegedly said S.I. Veretelnikov, who has joined the trade union, does not have a schedule for a day or three - the employees will rest too much. After that, the same system went into practice on the "ground" - a day or two. And of course, without time off and payment.

Do you think people will tolerate such bullying? No, here they are running. Some are retired, although they could work, some are in another district or subdivision.

Those who sat down.

Comrade S.I. Veretelnikov apparently loves to see his men repaired - deputies and chiefs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He very often - several times a week held (now less often) meetings with them for 5-6 hours in a row. The chiefs return after such "affectionate meetings" to the subdivisions by 19 o'clock, all exhausted and devastated. And this is called educational work.

Employees have not heard for a long time that for excellent service (high-profile arrests, solving crimes) employees are publicly encouraged by orders of the head of the district. For example, EKTs have forgotten about bonuses for solving crimes. Although a lot depends on the work of an expert in exposing the criminal and finding him. We will not talk about investigators and interrogators, although they have practically NO days off !!! People work hard.

And although we no longer heard "Songs of Veretelnikov" in obscene execution (at all meetings the phones are taken at the entrance), his attitude towards people remained the same. Well, people do not stand such an attitude and leave.

True, sometimes, when S.I. Veretelnikov raises his voice, his words "but here in Podolsk ..." But Moscow is not Podolsk, this should be understood. Until it's not too late.

Apparently soon, if this continues, he will remain alone for the whole district with his new - old deputy from Podolsk, comrade. Sukhostavtsy. Then let's look at how the two of them will carry out the service for the protection of public order and solve crimes.

I would like the head of the Main Directorate A.I. Yakunin put things in order in the district by means of a "preventive" conversation with Comrade S.I. Veretelnikov for 5-6 hours on Friday afternoon, preferably before the New Year on December 31, and on the first of January raise him by alarm at 5-00.

A joke, but there is some truth in it.


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