Download holiday for moms middle group. Scenario entertainment for mother's day in the middle group. "Ensemble Fayzi Gaskarovo" Pair dance "

Leading:   Hello, dear moms! It has already become a tradition to celebrate Mother's Day every last Sunday of November.

There are many poems about this holiday,

We will not tire of congratulating him,

Congratulate you, our mothers

Stihod Declamation

Mom is heaven! (hands up)

Mom is the light! (with hands at the top we show flashlights)

Mom is happiness (hands to chest)

Mom is better not (waving her head no - no)

Mom is a fairy tale! (thumb in)

Mom is laughing! (laugh, smile)

Mom is weasel! (stroking his head)

Moms love everyone! (helmet air kiss with the hands of moms)

  Children read poetry.

1. I got up this morning

I was surprised to find out

What is our mom's holiday

Here I am such a prankster.

2. And me today in the kindergarten

Dad accompanied me in the morning

Don't miss my mom

I shouted and ran away.

3. I will draw the sun

For my mommy

Let it shine through the window

She will be more fun.

4. We wish our mothers

Never lose heart.

Every year to be more beautiful

And less scolding us.

  Vedas:   Mom is always and in everything the most-most. And today we offer our mothers to participate in competitions with their children.

And our   first competition   very simple, called "We know each other."   Moms have to close their eyes to find their child.


5 Better it does not exist in the world

From birth, all children know about it,

Though we are angry, stubborn,

All forgives us beloved mother.

6. We grow up and will ourselves

We take care of mom

In the meantime, we deliver to her

The joy of his song.

Children sing a song about mom.

After all:   You recognized your children, and now let's see how our mothers are agile and agile. AND second competitionour holiday is very cheerful, and it’s called "Funny penguins"   mothers with their children must walk the distance, holding the balloon, with their feet in their knees). Moms of boys are invited to the competition.

  Vedas:   now our mothers will rest, and the children will read poems to them.

7. Who opened this world to me,

Not sparing his strength.

And she always protected

The best mom in the world.

8. There is no such son anywhere

Real man.

Loves mom hugging,

To kiss very gently.

9 reads books in the evening,

And always understands everything.

Even if I'm stubborn

I know mom loves me.

10. Mommy, like a butterfly,

Cheerful, beautiful.

Affectionate, kind,

Most beloved.

Vedas:   our mothers have the most kind and tender hands. But how rich imagination mothers have, we’ll check now. So, our third contest histo is female, therefore mothers and their daughters are invited, and is called he is the "Golden Pens"moms should make an outfit for a child from a scarf, scarf, and bows. This competition involves mothers and daughters.

Vedas:   Guys, what kind of kind words, good words do you know about moms?

Children:   beloved, dear, affectionate, caring, sweet, tender, mommy, mommy.

  Vedas:: Well done boys. We would like you to call your mothers these words as often as possible.

Poems of children.

11. Mom, there is no dearer to you

Mom can do anything

Mom, congratulations today

We wish mothers happiness.

12. Mom - golden autumn,

Mom is the dearest

Mom is kindness.

Mom, always help out!

13. Mommy is dear,

I love you

I'll pick the flowers

I will give them to you.

14. I smile like a mother

I also frown stubbornly

I have the same nose

And the same hair color!

15. I draw the sun

For my mommy

Let it shine through the window

She will be more fun

Vedas: Russian wisdom says: "The heart of a mother warms better than the sun." We offer a friendly game-competition between children and parents "Draw the sun."Each member of the team has a gymnastic stick in hand, a hoop in front. Running out with sticks one by one, lay them out in rays around your hoop - "draw the sun."

16 I am this morning

Braid itself braid

You sleep my mom

I'll sit quietly

17. I have a big bear

Quiet bear do not cry

I told him strictly

You see, mommy is tired.

18. Clean it yourself once a year

I decided the pan,

But then four days

They could not wash me!

19.My mom is very important

And a serious person

Well, at home the most glorious

Cook us dinner

20. My dear mom

He reads tales to me

I'm still not sleeping

And mom falls asleep

21. And I for my mom

I'll take and dance

We will all be more fun

For both mothers and children

  Vedas:   Our children very carefully prepared this dance number. They really wanted you to enjoy it. Meet our artists.


Vedas:   Well, our little concert came to an end. Once again, we congratulate you dear mothers. Be always beautiful and loved. May your children be obedient and give you strength and happiness!

  Sadykova Tatyana Gennadevna

Scenario holiday "Mother's Day" for the middle group.

    Children with music go into the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Educator: We all came for the holiday, we brought mom with us.
Is (name) mom here? - Here! Is (name) mom here? - Here!
Y (name), y (name) and y (name) ... mom's here!

We are mommies today

We will congratulate

For mommies today

We will perform.

1st child. Mom my mom
  Mom, I love you
  The best,
  Mommy is comely.

2nd child. We promise mom to listen,
  Wash, eat porridge.
  We will grow, grow,
  Mom will bloom.

3rd child. Mom kiss hard
  Hug her native.
  I love her very much
  Mom, my sun!

Educator:   Mom is the best

Most dear!
  Congratulations to our moms,
All: And we wish them good health.


Educator: Of course, I want to kiss and hug my mommy and Zhenya, and Nastya, and Vladik ... So what are you standing for? Run to mummies soon!
Kiss, hug and invite to the dance!

    Dance "Squat" with mothers. (Children stand in a circle with their mother, dancing in pairs)

Educator: So the sun woke up

It became fun to shine!

Had a smile

Calling kids to walk!

We will go for a walk on a fun train. And the engine will be our mothers!

(Moms build a tunnel, stand in pairs facing each other, raising their clasped hands up. And the children are standing inside the tunnel.)

Is everyone ready?(Answers) The doors are closing, our train is poisoning!

    Game "FUN Moms form collars - a tunnel in a circle, i.e. stand in pairs, raising their joined hands up, and the children - "Train", which rides through the tunnel to the music. As soon as the music stops, the gate closes, i.e. mothers lower their hands - they catch children.

Educator: Our mothers have a lot to do: wash, cook dinner, clean the room, read a fairy tale to you. And our mothers can do everything and do everything! Do you guys want to see how moms do it?(Answers)

    The game "Sweep, swing, cook" For each musical passage, there is a change of activity with acceleration: they sweep, rock the child, cook porridge. Items with which actions will be carried out are scattered throughout the hall. Thus, mothers will have to pretty tag. 3-4 mothers are involved.

Educator: You see, guys, how many affairs and concerns your mothers have!Do you guys help moms?(Answers children) Now the guys will show us how they do it.

    The game "Mom’s Helpers" (wash dishes, wash the floor, wash handkerchiefs, pour water, break an egg, pour salt, flour, and cook pies)

Educator :   Although our mothers get tired, they always need to be beautiful. Here I have such a magical handbag, it will help our mothers become even more beautiful.

    Dance with a BAG. (Moms stand in a circle, pass the purse in a circle to the music. When they hear the words: “you need to put on something,” they take 1 thing from the purse, put it on, and then go out into the center of the circle and dance, everyone claps. In the purse, jewelry: hairpins, scarves, beads, shawls, hats, etc.,)

Educator:   - All adults were once children.

And we know with you for sure

What would they give everything in the world

To see childhood clouds.

And the sun in childhood is a hundred times warmer!

And friendship is stronger, more beautiful flowers!

And all the songs seem more fun!

And dreams come true!

And every mommy wants, at least for a moment, to return to her childhood, and play with her beloved doll ...

And we will take the pupae

And we’ll start our dance!

    Dance "Little Dolls"

Educator: Our guests do not get bored?(Answers) Our guests are not tired?(Answers) Well then, we'll play!

    The game "Hide and Seek with MOM" (children get up with moms in pairs in a circle A child with his mother by the handle goes in a circle. They stop facing each other, wave their hand. The child runs to the center of the circle, squats, closes his eyes with his hands. Moms keep going in circles

The child opens his eyes, runs to his mother, hugs her.)

Leading. Had a lot of fun,

Songs were sung, danced.

Time has run fast

We didn’t miss how much!

Happy holiday

We congratulate all mothers

Health to them and happiness

CHILDREN:   We sincerely wish!

    Children give presents to their mothers.


4 dolls - stalls with prams;

4 brooms;

4 spoons, 4 pans;

Gifts for mothers;

Dolls for girls' dance;

IN A BAG: hairpins, scarves, beads, shawls, hats.

Mother's Day in the middle group

  Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization AO SPO "Chernoyarsk Provincial College" structural unit Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan region of the Chernoyarsk region.

This material will be useful to educators, music managers during a fun event dedicated to the Day
  mothers for children of middle preschool age.

Goal:Continue introducing children to the festive culture. To instill a desire to take part in the holidays. To form an idea of \u200b\u200ba traditional holiday, "Day
  mother’s feelings ”, arouse in children a sense of joy from communicating with mothers and grandmothers. Cultivate love and respect for the dearest person on earth-mother.

"Mom, my dear." Scenario holiday for Mother's Day in the middle group.

The course of the holiday.
Leading.Hello dear mothers, grandmothers, guests. We are very glad to see you at our place. Today it is no coincidence that we gathered in our cozy room. Indeed, in November we celebrate a wonderful holiday, World Mother's Day. There are words that we call saints. One of these words is the warm, affectionate word "Mom", permeated with the warmth of motherly hands, the warmth of motherly words and motherly love. Dear mothers and grandmothers, today we want to congratulate you on our speeches. And your beloved, wonderful children prepared them. Listen to them.

1st child.
  Go around the whole world, just know in advance:
  You won’t find warmer hands and more tender than mother’s
  You will not find in the light of the eyes, affectionate and stricter.
  Mom is dearer to each of us all.

2nd child.
  I'm smiling like mom
  Also frown stubbornly
  I have the same nose
  And the same hair color.

  Mom-sun, flower
  Mom-sip air,
  Mom joy, mom laugh
  Mom is the best of all!

4th child.
  Mom is the best, dearest!
  Congratulations to our moms,
  And we wish them good health.

Leading.Beloved mothers, accept this wonderful song as a gift.

The song is performed: "Autumn is sweet, rustlers"

5th child.
  Who can be more expensive than mom!
  Who brings light and joy to us!
  When we are sick and stubborn
  Who will regret and save!

6th child.
  Happy Mother’s Day, congratulations
  And wish you health, peace, happiness!
  Let the sadness of beautiful eyes not touch
  And happiness will be your life warmed up.

7th child.
  Thank you mom for tenderness
  Your holy kindness
  For affection, for love and fidelity,
  For hard work and warmth!

Performed the dance "Everything for Moms!"

(Girls dance with handkerchiefs, boys with balloons).

Leading.   You guys know what about mother, there are many proverbs and sayings. Now I will begin the proverb, and you will end it.

1. Where mother, there and (child)
  2. Mother feeds the children (as the land of people)
  3. There is no such friend (as my mother)
  4. When the sun is warm, (when the mother is good)
  5. Bees without a uterus (missing babies).

Leading.Well done boys! You know proverbs and sayings well.
  Leading. [B] Our mothers are the most beloved, the smartest, the most beautiful. I think everyone will be interested to know how moms know their children (Moms blindfolded, by touch, find their baby).

Leading.Well done, mothers, you are the best with us!
  Mom is the beginning of life, the keeper of the hearth. No matter how old we are, mothers will always love us. Now for you children will perform wonderful ditties.

The ditties are performed.

1. They say I'm fighting
  Combat, so what
  My mom is fighting
  Well, then who am I then?

2. Mom our Mila in the morning
Gave two candies
  I barely managed to give
  Immediately they themselves ate.

3.I have dishes for mom soap
  I tried very hard:
  Five plates broke
  And one remained.

4.We stop singing ditties,
  And we always promise you
  Listen to you always around
  In the morning, evening and afternoon.

Leading.Today, our children present our dear and beloved grandmothers. Let us congratulate them on the holiday.

  I have a Grandmother
  She bakes pancakes
  Knits warm socks
  Knows tales and poems
  I love my grandmother
  I say thanks to her.

In the performance of the girl the song "My Grandmother" is performed

Leading.   And now we will play, we will entertain our guests.

The game "Help grandmother wind the thread."

(Children on command, winding balls with thread, who is faster).

Leading.Now we will rest and listen to poetry.
  1. I draw the sun
  For my mommy
  Let it shine through the window
  She will be more fun.

2.We want our mothers
  Become even more beautiful!
  To make everyone happier
  Our mothers are dear.

The song is performed: "Mommy is my sun"

Leading.   You listened to the song, and now let's play.

The game "Who swaddles the doll faster)

(Children, mothers and grandmothers take part).

The dance is performed: "We are cuties."

Leading.Guys, our mothers are the best, they all can! I would like to know what dishes do your mothers prepare?
  (Answers children)
Leading.Let's hold a contest "Make a Salad for Mom" \u200b\u200bwith you.
  (grandmothers help).
  On command, grandmothers and children prepare a fruit salad.

The game "Feed mom fruit salad"

Leading.Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all the mothers and grandmothers for the pleasure and festive mood.
  For this wonderful holiday, children have prepared gifts for you dear mothers.
  (Children give mothers and grandmothers paper flowers made by their own hands)
  All guests are invited to the group for a festive tea party. Scenario for Mother's Day holiday in English for senior preschoolers and primary school children

Preliminary work: making gifts, collages “Every mom is a star” , talk about moms, an exhibition of children's drawings "My Mom is the best" learning script roles with moms

Hall decoration: leaf leaves, collages.

(children enter the room to the tune of Mammoth, stand in a semicircle)

Song Mammoth.

Vedas: Mother's Day is a warm, hearty holiday dedicated to the dearest and closest person. This year we decided to congratulate our dear mothers in an unusual way: they will take part in the celebration and feel themselves the most beautiful, most talented, most unusual, most beloved !!!

Ruslan: Mom! In this word of the sun is light.
Katya: Mom! There is no better word in the world!
Zhenya: Mom! Who is dearer than her?
Vlada: Mom! She has spring in her eyes!

Pasha: Mom! On earth, kinder than everyone!
Tanya Thief: Mom! Gives tales, gives laughter!
Bees: Katya: Mom! Sometimes it makes us sad!
Andrew: Mom! He will regret and forgive!

Christina: Mom! In this word of the sun is light!
Kolya: Mom! There is no better word in the world!
Nastya: Mom! The song pours by the stream.
Mother! That we sing about her!

(Song Sweet Good Mom)

Vedas: Each child calls his mother in a special way, and as we look now, I have a wand in our hands, we will transmit it to the music, and as the music ends, you need to light it and say "My mother is the most ..."

The game “My mother is the most ..........”

Vedas: Dear mothers and grandmothers, look how many kind words adorned our room. And each word is an affectionate word spoken by your children.

Danil: Moms look like the sun
And everyone in the world is more expensive!
To my kind mothers
We say this day:

Our mothers are dear
Since childhood, the most dear
No warmer than your eyes
You are sweeter than all for us!

Vova: May your day be clear,
Be healthy and beautiful
We are glad to congratulate all the mothers
And we give this song to you.

(Song “If you are good” ) , after the children sit on chairs.

Vedas: Something is heard, someone is coming to us! (Pirates come in, they behave very badly: they whistle, hooligans, make faces for mothers, etc.)

Hello! Why are you acting like that? We didn’t even introduce ourselves, but we still have a mom’s holiday!

1 pirate: Well, didn’t you recognize us? We are space pirates, and we are not familiar with the rules of conduct. We always do whatever we want and never listen. Our planet, from where we arrived, is called the Planet of Disobedience, and we don’t need any mothers!

Vedas: How is this mom not needed? Our mothers love their children very much, but for what they love, now you will find out!

(Game with mothers with a stick “I love my son (daughter)   for the fact that he (she) ……)

So the pirates, our children are good!

  1. pirate: Ha ha ha! And you are not tired of children, all the time to be obedient, quiet, cultured, and diligent? We invite you to relax on our Planet of Disobedience. You will like it with us. And you will understand that you can do without moms!
  2. pirate: And giving up is not good! You are well-mannered, cultured children. So agree.

Vedas: Well, children, there’s nothing to do, fly. Only adults can’t go there, we’ll wait with your mothers.

(children to the music of “Earth in the window” fly 2 circles in the hall.)

(Pirates run up from two sides to Nechochuha, the children stop.)

  1. pirate: Oh great Sick! We have fulfilled your order and delivered to our planet these wonderful children who want to become your students, such as you.
  2. pirate: Here they are, at your disposal!

Sick: I - Great Sick, ruler of this planet. I really love being lazy and not doing anything: I want to, I lie, I want to eat a lot of sweets, chips, chewing gum. I like to do dirty tricks, I never listen. Do you want to become inhabitants of my planet?

Sick: But before you become them, you need to pass the test. Ready?

(Playing with the Bad Boy)

Naughty: I want to ask you:
Do you like to crumble bread?
And I'm sure,
Love to fight, friends?

Who likes bananas, pears?
How many of you do not wash your ears?
Who is always help for moms?
Who is playing on the road?

Who is sweeping the kitchen?
Who cleans toys?
Who likes to swim?
And who is lying in the mud?

Who washed the socks?
Who ripped all the books?
Who teases, call names?
Who does sports?

Who likes to watch cartoons?
Who likes to dance and sing?
Who loves to make faces,
To drag girls braids?

Yes! I see not everyone is ready to become Sick! But, I know what to do! (Speaks softly to the hall)   I have a magic powder, on whom he falls, he will fall asleep, forget everything, and never return to his mother!

(The sick blowing powder and the children seem to fall asleep, sit on the chairs)

Naughty: Sleep, sleep, and wake up, about your mothers and don’t remember! Then you will become real bad guys!

Vedas: (turning to moms): Our children are in trouble! It is necessary to save them, to rescue, but to return to the earth. Board a spaceship "Rescuer" fly to the rescue!

(Unhealthy meets them on the planet)

Bogdany: 1 mother: Sick, return our children, because they are the most expensive that we have, we love them very much!

Unsuccessful: Take them away if they are adjacent, but they don’t remember you at all.

Anna Serg2 mom: I know what to do! We need to sing on the verse of a lullaby, and they will remember us by their voice!

Tatyana Vl3 mother: And my daughter will definitely remember me! In our family everyone loves to go on walks, do exercises, play games.

Vedas: Come out guys whose moms are here.

(Relay race "Friendly couples" )   - Mom and baby are facing each other, holding hands. Feet of a child are standing on the toes of mom. In turn, each couple must run to a landmark, tell each other I love you! Holding hands arbitrarily running

Naughty: I see, children begin to remember their mothers. I’ll settle down - I will give them one more test. Close all your eyes, the pirates will look after you, mom will call someone now, and whose mother it was, he will come out to her. (Playing with children (Guess by voice)

Vedas: Listen to the inhabitants of the planet Disobedience, Katya knows a song about mom!

(Song about mom "The best" )

Vedas: I see that all the children remembered their mothers. Is that so guys?

Naughty: Ay-ah-ah! What to do, my magic powder has ceased to act. This is what love, affection and tenderness can do. (Crying)   I also remembered my mother. How long I have not seen her and did not hug her, did not say her kind words. Thank you all! I'm flying away looking for my mom! Pirates are with me! (Leave)

Vedas: And the girls will sing the song “Titmouse.

Roma L: Dear our mothers!
We love you very much!
We will be kind to grow
And we will always try

To behave!
Ilya Sh: There are many kind words in the world of kind words,
But all the kinder and more important one
Short word "Mother"

And there are no words dearer than it!
Poems Bees
Kolya: The holiday turned out to be bright,
We give moms a pie!

(The boys are singing a song "Pie for mom"

Vedas: This ends our holiday, thanks to all the mothers for coming !!!

Children's holiday script

Children's holiday script “Funny quest with Kuzey and Anfisa”   It can be used for children 5-8 years old and is dedicated to Mother's Day. You can spend the holiday in any room with sufficient space (cafe, kindergarten, school, apartment). Leading the holiday clowns Kuzya and Anfisa. They, along with the guys, are looking for stolen gifts or sweets.

Anfisa (runs out with a greeting): Hey guys, hello everyone! Was they waiting for me or not? Where is my Kuzya?

Kuzya comes out, dressed as a cleaner, with a bucket and a rag: Garbage, rubbish, nowhere to step! Now, as I give you all this rag! (swings at those present with a wet rag).

At this moment, Anfisa quietly changes the bucket, substituting a bucket of tinsel for Kuse.

Kuzya (takes this bucket with words): Now I’ll pour some slop from a bucket on you!

(He shakes out the contents on the audience, who run or hide, thinking that the bucket was with water. It is important that the buckets are the same. Kuzya runs away, quickly dumps her cleaning attire and returns to Anfisa.)

Kuzya: And here I am! Helped one grandmother to get out!

Anfisa: Well, finally arrived! Let's say hello! My name is Anfiska, I ask you not to confuse - not a sausage, not a radish and not a rat! And Anfiska! And you, Kuzya, why don't you say hello?

Kuzya: Of course, of course (begins to say hello, runs to the children and touches their noses with the words Hello ) .

Anfisa: Who says hello? Wrong Kuzya!

Kuzya: I get it!

(Does the same, but grabs everyone by the tummies, and then by the knees)

Anfisa: Everything is wrong again! Guys, let's explain to Kuzma how to say hello!

(Kuzya and Anfisa say hello to the children)

Kuzya: And let's say hello to Anfisa too

(Greetings: clap their hands, bumping in priests)

Anfisa: And what kind of holiday do you guys have?

Kuzya: I know! World Nose Picking Day! (kids laugh)   Not? Then, International Mosquito Protection Day.

(The guys prompt the correct answer)

Anfisa and Kuzya: Hooray! Mothers Day! Let's congratulate our beloved mothers and grandmothers on the holiday! (congratulations and poems from children). And we have prepared sweet treats and small gifts for YOU, mothers and grandmothers! But first, let's get to know everyone present!

The game Relay race .

Children (possible with adults)   become in a circle with Kuzya in the middle: One, two, three, four, five, we start playing, what Kuzya will show us, then we will repeat. So get to know everyone in the circle.

Kuzya: Oh, SMSina came to my super-duper-mega phone! I read! Hee hee hee, I’m the most ugly and ugly Kikimora Kvazimodovna stole your gifts and sweets, and you will never find them, unless, of course, make me laugh. Oh, I said, old fool. And the signature: Kikimurushka.

Anfisa: What to do? How to be? How do we return gifts and sweets?

Kuzya (along with the guys): So you need to make her laugh and cheer! Cope, guys?

The game "Take a surprise" .

Anfisa: The prize from the chair should be grabbed only by the number 3. Guys, stand around the chair, and I will read poetry: I will now count, one, two, ... seven! Listen carefully! And somehow we found a candy, opened it, and inside the tasty peas we counted, and not just one, but as many ... five. Well, I’ve read poems to you three times already, but you didn’t take the prize!

Kuzya: Well done! They did it! Now turn into beasts! Trimbley, mimbley, where is the spinner-turner, are we the little animals inverting us?

The game "Transformation into animals" .

With the help of make-up or ordinary cosmetics, Anfisa and Kuzya turn children into animals, making them up.

Kuzya: Wow, what animals! And let's play a performance for our mothers! (Clowns engage all children and adults in the game, adding funny animal movements: scratching their back legs, wagging their tail, biting their tail, crowing, clucking, flying, etc. Distribute roles, including inanimate objects: fence, stump, sun, mink, flies, etc.).

Performance "Bunny" .

On this wonderful day, the hare came out of the mink. The sun was shining, Flies were flying, and somewhere in the distance, the Rooster crowed loudly. The little hare scratched his hind leg behind his ear and jumped at the call of the Rooster. The Bunny the Old and the lame Crow, which croaked over her ear, kept bothering the bunny all the time. Once the Hare even crept up and tried to catch her by the tail, but she very painfully pecked at the bunny Zaika and flew away. The hare sat on a stump and began to lick his wound, but suddenly his attention was attracted by a huge beetle, which was buzzing like a helicopter around a flower, and finally sat on it. Bunny grabbed a Beetle and pulled it into his mouth, bit him a bit and spat out. The frustrated Hare returned to his hole, and the indignant Beetle quickly flew away, swearing and buzzing.

Anfisa: All done! And now all children’s favorite pastime is to pop soap bubbles.

The game “Pop more” .

Kuzya: And we forgot to draw a birthday card for mothers and grandmothers! Well, nothing, now we will fix it!

Art game "Postcard" .

Kuzya and Anfisa offer to draw a greeting card with felt-tip pens, pencils and crayons.

Kuzya is shaking: Oh, something shakes me and sausages! This is again SMSina came to Kuzi's phone (you can publish funny phrases imitating a message). Hurrah! Kikimora repents of her deed and tells how to get to sweets or gifts.

Anfisa: In order to find the lost, you guys must once again remember what the occasion is and make "Congratulatory path" . Each kid says his wish to mom and grandmother, the next does the same and becomes "Track"   after the previous one.

The game "Congratulatory path" .

Kuzya: Well done! Look, we did it "Train" . Go.

The game "Engine" .

A train moves in various funny ways with obstacles (stumps, bumps, tree branches)   and stopping stations ("Calcaneal"   - everyone holds on to their heels, "Knee"   - everyone holds on to their knees and so on to the station - Fingers   or "Gift" ) . Children reach gifts or sweets, all joyful and contented sit down at the table.

Kuzya: Hooray! We found gifts for mothers and grandmothers! What are we all well done! That's all - it's time to say goodbye, we will be glad to meet again! Congratulations again and make you laugh! (clowns funny make faces and leave).

More on the topic “Scenario for children's holiday“ Funny searches with Kuzey and Anfisa ”

grade 3 students (go out boys in scarves) (garbage ditty):

1) We are funny girlfriends.
We dance and sing
Now we’ll tell you
How we live happily.

2) Daddy rubbed the floor to shine,
Cooked vinaigrette.
Looking for mom: what to do?
There is no work.

3) Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
Only sorry mom again
All washed.

4) Dad solved the problem for me,
He helped in mathematics.
Then we decided with mom
That he could not solve.

5) The sooty pan
Lena was cleaning the sand
Two hours in the trough Lena
Soaps mommy later.

6) To make mom wonder
Dad made us lunch.
For some reason, even a cat
Turned away from cutlets.

7) We sang to you how we managed,
We are only children
We only know our mothers
The best in the world.

Our mothers rested a bit and now for you another contest is called he "Mysterious" . Guess the riddles:

1) These balls are on a thread
You do not want to try eh?
For every taste
In my mother’s casket ... (beads).

2) Mom’s ears sparkle
The color of the rainbow is played.
Silver drops-crumbs
Decorations ... (earrings).

3) Her land is called fields,
The top is decorated with flowers.
Riddle Headpiece -
Our mother has ... (hat).

4) What are the dishes:
The pen nipped to the circle.
Damn bake her- bullshit
This is indeed… (pan)

5) He has water in his belly
I got lost from the heat.
Like an angry boss
It boils quickly ... (kettle).

6) This is a dish for everyone
Mom will cook for lunch.
And the ladle is right there-
Spill into plates ... (soup).

7) Dust will find and swallow instantly
It brings cleanliness to you.
A long hose, like a trunk nose,
The carpet cleans ... (vacuum cleaner).

8) Ironing dresses and shirts,
He will iron pockets for us.
He is a true friend in the household
His name is ... (iron)

9) Here is the cap on the bulb
Separates light and darkness.
Along the edges of his lace
This is wonderful ... (shade).

10) Mom's striped beast
The saucer begged for sour cream.
And having eaten it a little bit,
Purrs our ... (cat).

We present to your attention a possible scenario for the celebration of Mother's Day in kindergarten.

Preparations for the celebration of Mother's Day in kindergarten

  • hall decoration;
  • decoration of the Mood stand, accessories for the Fashion House game;
  • an exhibition of drawings and crafts on the theme "My Mommy";
  • memorization of poems, songs;
  • preparation of gifts for mothers: tulips from paper, postcard.

Mother's day in kindergarten: the course of the event

A tutor with children enters the scene.

Educator:   Hello dear friends! On this wonderful, sunny day, we gathered in a beautiful room to congratulate our mothers! Guys, do you know what a holiday is today?

Children in chorus:   Mothers Day!

Educator:   That's right, every year on the last Sunday of November we celebrate Mother's Day. It is for you, our dear first musical gift.

Children sing the song "Mom, Mother Mom"

Educator: Our mothers, dear loved ones, look what wonderful children you have: smart, beautiful, neat. But all this is thanks to your efforts and efforts. Thank you again for being in the world. It is for you that the children have prepared the dance.

Children go on stage and dance

Educator:   Indeed, our mothers are the best in the world! Guys, do you know how you can please your mom?

Children Answers:   Behave well, listen to mom, help with the housework, clean your room, speak kind words, give presents.

Educator:   That's right, do not forget that mothers should be protected and often say thanks to them. And what words of gratitude do you know?

Sample answers of children:   Thank you, please, good morning, good night, sorry, all the best.

Educator:   Well done, let’s sing a good and kind song for our mothers.

Children become a semicircle and sing the song “Mom’s Smile”»

Educator:   And now we invite our mothers to play. Once again we will be convinced of what wonderful hostesses we have. And so, the game "Mom is the best mistress." To do this, we will need several mothers, we invite them to the stage.

Moms go on stage and introduce themselves

Educator:   In the first task, you need to determine with closed eyes what kind of products are in the bowl.

Product example:   millet, rice, beans, peas, flour, starch.

Moms with closed eyes, to the touch determine what kind of products are in the bowl

Educator:   Well done, they coped with the first task, but that's not all. In the basket are toy products. You need to choose those from which you can cook one of the dishes.

Sample dishes:   borsch, cabbage soup, vegetable stew, pickle.

Names of dishes are given to mothers, they choose from the basket all the necessary ingredients

Educator:   Well done, our mothers! Guys, do you know what our mothers are? I suggest everyone to characterize their mother.

Sample answers of children:   kind, gentle, affectionate, hardworking, beautiful, fashionable.

Educator:   Here are so many good qualities of our mothers. And now we will all play the game "Friendly Family" together. I will ask questions to mothers and then to children. Let's see who knows more about each other.

Questions for Moms:

  1. What is your child's favorite dish?
  2. What does his name mean?
  3. What gift does your kid dream about?
  4. Your child’s first word?

Questions for children:

  1. What does mom like to eat?
  2. What story does your mother tell you most often?
  3. What is Mom’s favorite gear?
  4. Mom's favorite food?

Educator:   Well done, what kind of caring mothers we have and what kind of attentive kids they have. And now we are all dancing together.

Dance of Moms and Children

Educator: And so, today our mothers have a holiday. And on holiday, all women want to look beautiful, our "Fashion House" will help them in this. Now we will choose those who want to go home in a new image.

Those who wish to rise to the stage, take places. Music sounds, and children dress them up

Educator:   Everyone today has become convinced that our children are not only talented dancers and singers, but also fashion designers. It seems to me that today the holiday was a success. What do you think? I suggest that each mom and baby draw a sun on our booth - if you liked the holiday, a cloud - if not!

Educator: How many suns at our stand! I want you to always remain as joyful and happy as you are now. In a sign of children's gratitude and love for your care, accept the gifts that the children made with their own hands.

Sounds music, children give gifts to mothers

Educator:   God grant you, dear mothers of good health and simple female happiness. See you soon!

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