Fairytale travel script for children. Scenario entertainment scenario: "Journey to the land of fairy tales." Gingerbread man opens a book

Script game program for preschool children

Author: Boldareva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, practical psychologist, educator-methodologist, Combined-type preschool educational institution No. 9 “Sunrise”, Shakhtersk.
  Methodological development will be useful to educators, psychologists. The lesson contains a variety of working methods and techniques for the formation of love for a fairy tale among preschoolers, the development of cognitive skills, mental processes, and creative abilities in preschool children.
Topic. “Journey through your favorite fairy tales”
  - instill a love of fairy tales, a desire to reproduce the plot;
  - repeat favorite fairy tales of children, consolidate knowledge about animals;
  - develop fine motor skills, acting abilities, improve dialogic speech;
  - To teach children to solve riddles, to love and cherish books, to look after them correctly;
  - Raise interest in your favorite tales.

Material: book of fairy tales, geometric figures, heroes of fairy tales: mouse, goat, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf (the roles are played by the children of the preparatory group), geometric sticks, a torn book, glue, scissors, geometric shapes in the shape of a key, the game “feed the animals”, clothespins.
Class progress
The game "Hello!"
  Hello, palms!
(They extend their arms, turn their palms up and down)
(3 clapping)
  Hello, legs! (" Spring»)
  Top, top, top! ( Stomp feet)
  Hello cheeks! ( Stroking cheeks)
  Plush, plop, plop! ( 3 times lightly pat on the cheeks)
  Chubby cheeks! ( Circular fists on the cheeks)
  Plush, plop, plop! ( Three times lightly hit the fists on the cheeks)
  Hello sponges! ( Shake your head left and right)
  Smack, smack, smack! ( Smack lips 3 times)
  Hello, teeth! ( Shake your head left and right)
  Click, click, click! ( 3 click teeth)

Hello my nose! ( Stroking nose with palm)
  Beep, beep, beep! ( 3 times click on the nose with your index finger)
  Hello this day! ( Wave their hands)
  We are not too lazy to play!
  “I invite you children on a magical journey.”
  - Not a tree, but with leaves,
  Not sewn, but sewn
  Not a man, but speaks! ( book)
- Do you like reading books? I have a magic book of fairy tales. Want to get into a fairy tale? Well then go ahead! Let's all together say the magic words: “Book - open, fairy tale - start!”
  - Oh, something the book doesn't open, and the fairy tale doesn't start. What is the matter? Probably, in order to open a book, few magic words need to be found. (Geometric figures)
  - Well done, picked up the key, and now you have to say the magic words: "Book - open, our Tale, begin!"
  - Who granted this to us? ( the mouse)
  - What mouse?
  - The mouse wants to play with you.
  I'm gray, small
  I want to play with you ( steps in place)
  Jump, dance. ( 3 jumps, circled)
  Quiet, quiet you step ( go on toes)
  Back - Straighten ( straighten your shoulders)
  - Let's remember in which fairy tale the mouse lives? ( Children tell a fairy tale and show on a magnetic board)

Mouse: Well done, children, you know my fairy tale. But something I'm hungry - feed me, please.
Game "Feed the animals"

  “Oh, thank you not only fed me, but also all my friends.” Now you can continue on the road, goodbye, children!
  - The second page opens and a new fairy tale begins.
Goat comes in.
  - I-Peace goat can be said to be peaceful.
  How the animals drove me out of the house
  I asked my grandfather and woman again.
  With all the beasts made up.
  - Children, from what fairy tale the goat guessed? And also a goat, in what fairy tale lives?
Goat: I have kids, help me find and count them.
(hold the ball along the path to the kids)
Goat: Thank you children for your help. I need to go for milk for kids. Bye!
  - So the third page opens, the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" begins. Little Red Riding Hood runs out and a gray wolf.

Wolf: Good afternoon, girl! What's your name?
Red Riding Hood:  My name is Little Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: And where are you going?
Red Riding Hood:  To Grandma.
Wolf: And where does your grandmother live?
Teacher: Stop, girl, haven’t you been told that talking in the woods with strangers is dangerous. ( Wolf runs away)
red Riding Hood: Oh, yes, I know this rule, but I need to go to my grandmother, and I got lost, help me find a way. Children lay out a path from geometric sticks.

  Thank you, children, helped me, now I know dear. Bye.. ( Leaves)
  - And who is that sad going?
Torn book
  Cap-cap-cap - a book is crying,
  Cap-cap-cap - the boy tore.
  I became myself completely different.
  Who will help me, children?
  - We will help to repair the book. ( Sticking books)

- So our journey to the land of fairy tales has ended. What did you like most? And what was difficult to accomplish? See you again.

The Storyteller 1.
The Storyteller 2.
Guard 1.
Guard 2.

(The characters enter the hall. Children are divided into two teams. The storytellers represent the jury.)

The Storyteller 1.  Far, far stretches the beautiful Land of fairy tales, miracles and magic. The trees there are fanciful, the highest mountains, painted towers, scary monsters.

The Storyteller 2.  We suggest that you now go on a journey, see the white light, see people and show yourself. But do not forget to collect the bag on the road.

Storyteller 1. Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. On her. fabulous items - you will need them on the journey. We suggest recalling in which tale this or that magical little thing is found.

(The following things are laid out on the table: a comb, a towel, a vessel of water, a ringlet, an apple, a glomerulus, a small mirror, a tablecloth. Each team takes turns choosing an object, naming a fairy tale corresponding to it. The jury takes into account the answers and scores points.)

The Storyteller 1.  Kittens collected, and now on the road!

(The Song of the Guards from the movie Bremen Musicians sounds. The guards enter the stage.)

Guard 1. Who's that? (He points to the guys.) What are you doing here? Only one who loves fairy tales, who knows fairy tales will get into our fairy tale.

Guard 2.  We will arrange a test now. So answer all the questions, then you will find yourself in a fabulous country, but if you can’t, then you will have to return.

Guard 1.  Let them guess the crossword.

(Guard 1 hangs a paper with two drawn crosswords. As you guess, the words fit into empty cells. When both crosswords are complete, you can read the password in the highlighted cells: “Tale, come!” Questions are asked to the teams in turn. If the participants of one of the teams find it difficult to answer, the right to answer is transferred to competitors.)

Guard 2.  In the first crossword puzzle under the number 1 you need to enter the adjective, which is a characteristic of the fabulous heroine Vasilisa. (Wise)

Guard 1.  And under the number 2 is the name of the king, who sent Ivan the Tsarevich to look for the firebird. (Berendey)

Guard 2. Number 3. Apples, giving youth. (Rejuvenation)

Guard 1. Number 4 is the name of the tree, which is most often found in fairy tales. (Oak)

Guard 2. The fifth question. What are the weapons used by the heroes. (Club)

Guard 1. And now from the selected cells we write out the letters, and we get the first word of our password. Name him.
  (The guys say in chorus: "Come.")

Guard 1.  And now we guess the second crossword puzzle.

Guard 2. First point. What is the river near which Ivan fought - the peasant son. (Currant)

Guard 1.  Remember the nickname of the strongman Nikita, who saved Kiev from the Serpent Gorynych. (Kozhemyak) In a crossword puzzle, this is the second question.
Guard 2.  And who is jumping on the fir tree and the birch tree. Jumps from tree to tree and clicks? (Frosty) Enter the name of this fabulous character in our crossword puzzle under the number 3.

Guard 1. Number 4 is the name of the girl who had a younger brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)

Guard 2.  To enter the last word in the crossword under the number 5, name the animal in which the beautiful girl was enchanted by Koshchei the Immortal. (Frog)

Guard 1. We write out the selected letters, and the second word of the password is obtained.
  (Children read: “A Tale.”)

Guard 2.  Now, guys, let's say the cherished password together and get into the magical world.

Together. Tale, come!

Guard 1.  Ah yes well done! You know tales.

Guard 2.  The test you passed
  Slightly lost
  But now I’ll give you a wonderful Card.

Storyteller 1. And on the map of that wonderful Stop we will find.
  We will visit a fairy tale - So we go without fear.

The Storyteller 2.  Who is the first on the way Waiting for you to meet?
  You wait a lot of questions:
  Prizes marked the way.
  (The storytellers take out a drawn map on which the following stops are indicated: “Kolobok”, “Finist - the clear falcon”, “Frost”, “Seven kids” and others.)

Storyteller 1. So, in what fairy tale at the first stop we get?

The Storyteller 2.  Now we find out. The guys will show their theatrical talents, and we, the audience, will try to guess what fairy tale the teams prepared the scenes for.
  (Team members take turns showing excerpts from the proposed tales. Spectators are invited to recall the names.)

Storyteller 2. Now let's play the game “Cross the Swamp”.
  (On the floor is an impromptu “swamp” consisting of drawn circles - “bumps”.)

The Storyteller 1.  Look how wide the swamp has spread here! Only in some places the bumps are visible. In order to move further, you need to cross the swamp over bumps, and, stepping on each bump, the participant must remember and pronounce magic words from any fairy tale. Only in this case will the team score a point.
  (The children from the teams stand up one after another and take turns passing the “swamp.” The jury calculates the points.)

The Storyteller 1.  How clever and smart you are, well done! However, ahead of us is another fabulous task ¬
  nie. Lost in the local forests of Kikimora. They called the detective, as expected. Only then the detective turned out to be overseas - he does not know anything about our Kikimora: he has neither what he looks like, nor what habits he has.

The Storyteller 2. All some kind of image requires. You guys help, draw a portrait of Kikimora Bolotnaya, maybe he will pass for this image-robot.
  But since we are dealing with a fabulous creature, then you will not draw in the usual way, but with your eyes closed.
  (The storytellers put on the eyes of the participants in the blindfold. Children stand on the Whatman paper attached to the wall and, upon a signal, start drawing a portrait of Kikimora with a marker.)

The Storyteller 2.  We go to the finish line. The last stage is called the “Fairytale Marathon”.

The Storyteller 1.  Which of you is the smartest? We’ll check it now. Listen carefully. I will ask questions. Whoever raises his hand first answers.

* Name the fabulous owner of the first aircraft.
  (Baba Yaga)
  * A fairy creature living in the forest.
  * The most lonely representative of evil spirits.
  * What is the name of the sister of Baba Yaga, the mistress of the swamp?
  * What carpentry tool can you prepare the most delicious traditional Russian food?
  (Cook porridge from the ax)
  * In which fairy tale did the hare, by his naivety, lose shelter over his head? ("Hare's hut")
  * In what fairy tale did Ivan Tsarevich ride astride a predatory mammal of the canine family?
  ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
  * What fairy-tale character climbed out of his way?
  * Who has come a long way as a bakery product?
  (Gingerbread man)
  * What is the most reliable fairy-tale tool that helps to navigate the terrain?
  * In what details of women's dresses can rivers, lakes and even swans fit?
  (Up the sleeve)
  * Who burst out laughing in a fairy tale when he saw a poorly constructed bridge?
  * In what sewing accessories is mortal danger?
  * What is the highest achievement of magical catering?
  (Self-cleaning tablecloth)
  * What is the name of a senior person whose smile was fabulously expensive? (Tsarevna Nesmeyana)
  * What kind of reward do kings usually promise to heroes-winners in fairy tales?
  (Daughter in wives and half the kingdom in addition)

The Storyteller 1.  Well done! You all have done a great job today!
  And which team becomes the winner will be decided by our esteemed jury. They have the floor.
  (The jury sums up. Awarding the winners.)

The Storyteller 1.  So our path has ended. You have learned a lot, shown your talents, probably understood how interesting the tales are. And now we will say goodbye.
  Storyteller 2. Until we meet again in the Land of Tales!

(The song “There are many fairy tales in the world” sounds.)

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Leading.  Where the blue sky is the golden city

With a wonderful gate under a bright star.

The heroes of fairy tales live among rainbow colors.

Are you, my friend, ready to go visit them?

(Answers of the children.)

But the way to this city

Not at all so simple.

Many tales

Must know the guest.

The game "Yes! Not!"

At the seashore all year round

A cat walks around an oak tree? (Yes!)

A casket hangs on an oak tree

Is there a golden crown in it? (Not!)

Near the river on a dry stump

Suddenly the flowers bloomed? (Yes!)

A yellow turnip sits

Is it very strong in the earth? (Yes!)

In the kitchen I asked Koschey

A huge pot of cabbage soup? (Not!)

To fly

Yaga bought a helicopter? (Not!)

Fox wanted to eat okroshka,

Didn’t she get a crumb? (Yes!)

The kids suddenly opened the door

And all disappeared somewhere? (Yes!)

Not simple, golden

She laid the Ryaba egg.

He was immediately sold

Jeweler woman. (Not!)

King undressing, light

Bathed in milk

And then in a pot of water ...

Yes, and suddenly became young. (Not!)

But the game has come to an end

Who answered, that is well done! (Yes!)

Leading.  The tale is very fond of children.

There is none more wonderful in the world

No prettier and sweeter

Always interesting with her.

The fox and the cat are friends here,

Ready for the wedding, a blind mole,

But the dawn appears -

The bride rushes over the sea.

Says the dog Totoshka,

A cat sits at the piano.

A stove goes around the village.

What kind of fairy tales are we talking about?

(Cat and fox, Thumbelina, The Adventures of Ellie and Her Friends, Cat's House, Pike Commandment)

Quiz "Tell a fairy tale."

· “The wolf went to the river, lowered its tail into the hole; business was in the winter. Already he sat, sat, sat all night, his tail froze; I tried to rise: it was not there ”

("Sister Fox and the Wolf")

· “The fox asked the bunny to warm up, but it drove the bunny away”

("Fox, hare and rooster")

· “The old woman took the wing, scratched it along the box, dabbled over the gutter, and gathered two handfuls of flour. Kneaded in sour cream, baked in the oven and put on the window to chill "

("Gingerbread Man")

· “The kids let the mother in and told her how the wolf came to them and wanted to eat them”

("The Wolf and the Goat")

· “Two eyes fell asleep, and the third looks and sees everything, everything - like a red girl climbed into one ear, got out into the other and picked up the finished canvases. All that I saw. The three-eyed mother told ... "

("Little Havroshechka")

· “A girl came, looking - there’s no brother!” I gasped, rushed back and forth, no! She clicked him, burst into tears, lamenting that it would be bad from her father and mother - the brother did not respond. "

("Swan geese")

· “And in the evening we met again in the open field. The elder brother Moroz - Blue Nose, chuckles and pats the mitten on the mitten, while the younger brother Moroz the Red Nose, groans and cringes ”

("Two Frosts")

· “The old woman brought a cauldron.

The soldier washed the ax, lowered it into the boiler, poured water and set it on fire ”)

("Porridge from the ax")

· “Crane knock-knock on the plate. Pounded, pounded - nothing gets!

And the fox licks herself and licks porridge, so she ate everything ”

("The Fox and the Crane")

· “They got scared, threw the buckets and ran home. "My grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother, the chicken flew up onto the stove, and the mouse buried under the stove"

("Fear has big eyes")

Leading.  You know a lot of fairy tales.

There is a road ahead of us.

Will lead a ball on it

The key will open the lock for us.

And the lock is not easy,

Like the golden key.

Under the "Song of Pinocchio" (lyrics by Yu. Entin, music. A. Rybnikov), Pinocchio rushes in with a golden key. He performs a free dance.

Pinocchio.  The key, the key is golden,

Open the doors to us soon.

Brighter let the lights burn

The tale is already waiting for the guys.

  The fox Alice and the cat Basilio appear.

Fox Alice.

Hello, good Pinocchio.

See you again.

What are you hiding behind your back?

Is there probably gold?

Cat Basilio.

Let's go to the tavern with us.

Pinocchio. Not on the way today with you.

I have a magic key.


I have to help the guys.

Fox Alice.

When the gold sparkles

My heart just melts.

She attributed it to a jeweler -

All would be in gold:

Bracelets, earrings and ring

And a pendant, like a heart.

Cat Basilio.

Yes, and I would have got a little

Provide old age.

Fox alice  (dreamily).

If we were rich then

Drove off to the Emirates.

Dear, good Pinocchio,

If you give us the key,

We will leave quietly.

Cat Basilio.

Well, if we don’t get it,

We, my friend, will beat you.

(He threatens his fist.)

Pinocchio.  Well, of course, so be it.

(Turns the key)

Try to catch me.

The cat Basilio and the fox Alice try to catch Pinocchio, but they fail. They collide their foreheads at the moment when Pinocchio slips between them. Forgetting the key, they begin to brawl among themselves, then leave.

Pinocchio.  The key, the key is golden,

Open the doors to us soon.

Let the colors shine brighter

And the guys meet fairy tales.

  A re-enactment of the fairy tale "Hare and the Hedgehog

Bouncer and know-it-all,

And to meet him Hedgehog,

It looks like a prickly ball.

Bunny appears on one side and Hedgehog on the other.

Hedgehog.  Hello, Zayinka, my friend.

Where are you going?

Hare.  To the meadow

I want a little walk

Frolic, play.

Hedgehog. Take me with you.

Hare.  What should I do with you?

You don’t know how to run fast.

Hedgehog. You won't keep up with me!

He immediately doubted.

Hare.  Well well! Here is a laugh!

I’m the fastest in the forest!

Hedgehog.  This is how else to say!

Hare. I can prove it right away.

Let's run with you soon

Let's have fun with all the animals.

Hedgehog.  No, Bunny, not now.

We will postpone everything for an hour.

I’ll come immediately to the meadow.

Hare.  I'm waiting for you there, my friend.

Diverge in different directions.

And the thick grass disappeared.

He ran home, panting

From the door he immediately shouts:

Hedgehog appears.

Hedgehog.  Hey hedgehog, help out,

A hedgehog comes in, holds a cup in his hand.

Set aside tea.

Hedgehog.  What happened, dear husband?

Then eat ripe pears.

Lunch has been waiting for you for a long time.

Hedgehog.  Oh, thanks, but no.

We have little time.

Meeting with the Hare in an hour -

The competition is coming

You’re the task from me.

Hedgehog whispering something to Hedgehog in the ear.

He turned, ran away.

  The hedgehog runs away, then the Hedgehog leaves.

The Hare comes out, on the other hand the Hedgehog appears. To the sound of music, the Hedgehog does a warm-up.

He stretched out a little

Steel together:

Hare and hedgehog stand together.

Hare and hedgehog.One two Three!

Hedgehog quietly side

Not forward - to your home.

The hare is running, the Hedgehog is slowly leaving.

A hare flies through the meadow

The wind whistles only in the ears.

And he runs without looking back

Only heels sparkle.

Here is the finish. Waiting for the Hedgehog

It looks like a thorny ball

And laughs:

Hedgehog.  Lost.

Zainka grunted under his breath:

Hare.  Oh, it's a shame to tears.

He did not notice the substitution.

Bow down, leave.

Child.  All children love a fairy tale very much,

After all, the fairy tale is good

What a happy ending in her

Already anticipates the soul.

And for any test

Brave hearts agree

Eagerly awaiting

Have a happy ending.

V. Berestov. "Fairy tale".

Leading.  The tale is very fond of children.

There is none more beautiful in the world

And of course not a mile -

Always interesting with her.

In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. In this struggle, magical things sometimes help positive characters.

Competition "Magic things."

Two compete. They take turns calling magic items. One who cannot once again name a magic item loses.

Leading.  Along with the positive in the tale, there are also negative heroes. Listen to riddles about them.

At the forest edge

She lives in a hut.

Hut on the legs

Walks on the tracks. (Baba Yaga)

View an excerpt from the tale "Frost."

Suddenly an attack appeared -

Fire-breathing mouth

The tail is huge on the ground ...

What kind of beast? Tell me. (Zmey Gorynych)

View excerpt from the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynich"

The river shines under the moon

Looks at the sky ... (Water).

Watching an excerpt from the cartoon Flying Ship

The skinniest of people

Who, tell us? .. (Koschey)

View excerpt from the tale "Koschei the Immortal."

Contest "Negative Hero".

tea + e + rod (sorcerer)

moon + poison + ko (witch)

Leading.  The sorcerer torments people

A witch on a broomstick flies ...

No matter what evil

Good ultimately wins.

The song “Good Tales of Childhood” is performed (lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by E. Martynov.)

Leading. So the time has come

On the way back to us, children.

The colors faded immediately

Goodbye, fairy tales.

Title: Scenario of a festive event in the elementary school “Journey to the City of Fairy Tales”

  Position: Daycare Teacher
  Place of work: Municipal state educational institution "Belovskaya secondary school"
  Location: f. Belaya Belovsky district, Kursk region

Traveling through fairy tales.

(Extracurricular activities for elementary school)

Goal: Encourage reading folk and author's tales.

Tasks:   To develop speech, memory, imagination, interest in the book.

Teach to see the amazing nearby.

To cultivate friendship, collectivism.

Equipment :

Envelopes with the words of the proverb, carpet, house, "Koshcheevo kingdom", a chest, an apple tree with apples, costumes of heroes.

The course of the lesson.

(Entrance of children to the music)

Vedas. Fairy tale, fairy tale, jokes. To tell her is not a joke.

To make the fairy tale murmur at first,

So that by the end he is both old and small, do not doze off.

Vedas. Hello guys! What do you think you will talk about?

Children: About fairy tales.

Vedas: Right! About fairy tales! But not only we will talk, but we will go on an exciting journey through an amazing country, which is not on any map of the world. We will go to the country of Fairy Tales, and the Carpet-plane, which flew here specially for us, will help us in this. Stand on the “Carpet-plane”, close your eyes, hold hands and we go on a journey.

(Sounds music, make props, children on the carpet)

Vedas. We fly over the mountains, over forests, over wide seas. The fabulous country is getting closer. Our flying carpet is slowly sinking to the ground. Open your eyes! A fairy tale welcomes us!

(The keeper of fairy tales comes out of the house)

Keeper: Hello guys! Glad to see you in our fairyland. I am the keeper of fairy tales. I collect fairy tales, shore from the evil eye, from dashing, from the word unkind.

Vedas. And our guys also know a lot of fairy tales. And since we are here, we cannot wait to go along the fabulous paths, where there are miracles, where Lesha wanders ...

Store: Oh, how smart are you? Soon the fairy tale affects, soon the thing is done. To let you into a fabulous country, I have to check you out. In a fabulous country live fabulous numbers. What are the tales in which they are present.(3;7)


Store Well done boys!

Vedas: So we can already hit the road?

Store Wait, do not rush, in order to travel in a fabulous country you must complete 3 tasks. Answer 2 more of my questions.

How many people pulled the turnip?


How many animals did the gingerbread man meet?

Store And they coped with these tasks. And now the most difficult task 3, and the inhabitants of a fairy-tale country will guess it.

(The fairy-tale heroes clap 3 times)

A fox:   I am a fox-sister from the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf”. Answer me a question! Where did the wolf lower its tail to catch fish: 1) into the lake 2) into the pond 3) into the river

Frost - Blue nose:   I Frost- Blue nose from the Russian folk tale "Two Frosts". Tell me whom I froze: 1) master 2) man 3) old man


Stepdaughter: I The stepdaughter from the fairy tale "Frost." What did Santa Claus give me? 1) chest 2) bag

3) casket

Snow Maiden : I, Snow Maiden. Tell me why I was happy spring day: 1) rain 2) snow 3) degrees

Cat : I am a cat from the fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox”. My riddle is this. What did I play with the fox hole: 1) on the balalaika 2) on the pipe 3) on the harp.

Red Riding Hood : Guys, did you recognize me? Who am I? Do you know my fairy tale well? And I’ll check it now. I'll tell you a fairy tale now, and if you hear a mistake, clap your hands.

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Green Riding Hood. Her aunt called somehow. And he said to her: “My daughter, Little Blue Riding Hood, go to grandfather and bring him a soccer ball and gym shoes. “Good,” said Yellow Riding Hood. I took the buns and went.

Store Well done, guys, you coped well with the tasks of fairy-tale heroes and you will receive magic envelopes from them, and you will open them when it is difficult and you need help.

(give envelopes)

Cr. Beanie: And now, guys, let's take a walk through a fabulous country.

( The song from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood" sounds. Children are dancing)

Vedas. Guys, while we were walking in a fairy-tale country, to us, look, some gray and very toothy person with a very dubious reputation is approaching.

( the wolf runs out)

Wolf: Rrr!  I   angry and bloodthirsty wolf. Now I’ll eat everyone!

Store   Guys, so that the wolf does not eat us, urgently call fairy tales, where does he participate?


Wolf: How many fairy tales you know about me! Even there are such smart kids scared. Suddenly choke.

Vedas:   And you know, wolf, our guys know many more fairy tales and not only about you.

Wolf:   Oh really?

Vedas:   And you,. Check it out!

Wolf:   Well then put your ears on top of your head, but I’ll sing ditties. And the ditties are not simple riddles. Maestro! To the music! (SING)

1. It was a bit like a ball and rode along paths.

He rolled away from everyone except the redhead. Here's a duck laugh! (U_U_U)

2. The red girl is sad, she does not like spring.

She is hard in the sun. The poor thing is pouring tears.

3. My father had a strange unusual wooden boy.

He had huge growth. What a fairy tale? That is the question.


4. There is no river, no pond where water can be drunk.

Very tasty water in the pit from the hoof.


5. A girl appeared in a flower cup.

And that girl was a little bigger than a fingernail.


Wolf.   Well guys, well done. All my musical riddles guessed. On this occasion, get this magic envelope from me. Open it when it is difficult. Well, I have to run.

Vedas.   And where is it, you wolf, so in a hurry?

Wolf.   I rush to a fabulous musical clearing. There I hear overseas guests have arrived. The concert will be.

Store And that is true! And here I played with the guys, took a walk and forgot that I need to be there too!

Vedas. Take us with you!

Wolf. Do you know how to sing and dance?

Vedas. We know how!

Store Then, to get to the musical clearing you need to sing a magic song. Do you know that?

Vedas. Of course we know1 And now our guys will perform the “Song of Wizards”

………………………….song …………………………………………………………….

Store And now, guys, thanks to your song, we were in the Musical clearing.

Now you will hear the music and guess what fairy tales it is from.

…………………. Guess the melody contest .................................................

Store Well done guys, you know all the songs.

Vedas. You know, dear keeper of fairy tales. Our guys know how to dance.

Wolf. Can they polka?

Vedas. Of course! Finnish polka.


Store And my fairy-tale heroes also prepared a surprise for you. They will perform on musical instruments.

………………………The month is shining ……………………………………………………… ..

Store Well done, guys for such songs and dances you deserve another envelope.

Vedas. Wolf, and what is it in the distance?

Wolf. Oh, I won’t go there. I'm afraid to even say who is there. I’d better guess a riddle.

It consists of bones, it is very scary and evil.

He cannot die, as long as the needle is not touched.


Vedas. There he is!

Wolf. And I ran. My grandmother must have been waiting for me.

(The wolf runs away, Kashchei enters.)

Kashch. Hello travelers! Long time in our area did not wander. They came to the case, are you walking for health?

Vedas. Yes, we travel around the country of Fairytale. We walk ...

Kashch. Yes, they did, they came and they came to me. And so simply no one left my kingdom of Kashcheyev.

Store What are you hinting at Kashchei? What are you going to do with our guests? Do not disgrace our Fairyland!

Kashch. What am I? I'm nothing! I may want to treat you with my magic apples. What do you think? Scared! Do not be afraid, I do not eat anything meat. Am I this one like him? Vegetarian! I prefer apples, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Vedas. It is not without reason that they say: “The lean, feeble Kaschei drags a box of vegetables.

Kashch. Well, I'm not so weak and weak. There are a lot of vitamins in fruits and vegetables, and now I will share them with you. Well, who is the first? Who will go here and rip off a magic apple?

(Children pick paper apples from the apple tree, read excerpts from fairy tales from the back and guess them)

Vedas. Guess something guessed, but only how we share these apples. After all, everyone wants to try the magic apple.

Kashch. Don't you have enough? Which ones do you ..............? Well, we will fix it. Put these apples in my magic chest. And I will conjure


Oh! Oh oh oh!

Store What happened to you?

Kashch. The castle is rusted! Does not open!

Store Maybe you need some magic words to say?

Kashch. Speak faster, before the magic apples go bad!

………..Children say (Eniki-Benik, Sim, open up, fuck-tibidoch ... etc.) .......

Kashch. Oats, wheat, please open! Nothing happens!

Store Only a miracle will help us here!

Vedas. Do you know if this is not a miracle that we have in magic envelopes. We were told that they need to be opened. When it will be difficult for us.

Kashch. Let's open it! Maybe something will work out.

(Children discover and compose from the words the proverb “A TALE IS A FALSE, YET HINT IN IT, A GOOD GOOD LESSON TO GOOD GOODS” 0

Vedas. Guys, how do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Kashch. The chest opens, the magic continues. What do you think there?


Kashch. And no! Apples still need to be earned. Guess from which fairy tale and which hero these things are?

…………..conc. “Guessing game” (crunch. Shoe, bean seed, golden key, ...)

Store Well done! Guessed everything!

Kashch. But from me to you and apples. If you eat them, you will be healthy, smart and beautiful.

Vedas. Let's say thank you to our friends. And we gotta go home. And how would we get there?

Store Very simple! You need to get on the carpet-plane and sing a magic song.

Kashch. And we want to tell you goodbye

Vedas. Well, now on the road! Sing a song!

…………….. The song "Where the Wizards Gone" ..................................

(heroes leave)

Vedas. Well, here we are at home! So our journey through the read tales came to an end. Do not think. That a fairy tale is children's fun, a frivolous affair for an intelligent person. A fairy tale teaches us good and justice, teaches us to resist evil. Despise the cunning and deceivers. New trips await us with you. And you make these journeys with your faithful friends books.


  Nadezhda Permyakova

Purpose: to give children joy, to cause them an emotionally positive response in the soul ...

Tasks. Arouse the desire in children to take part in entertainment. To consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales. Encourage children to speak

Equipment:  tablecloth - self-assembled with fabulous things, a chest with objects, fabulous costumes, cards with syllables, TSO, illustrations for fairy tales.

The participants:  fairy-tale characters, kindergarten preparatory group, children of grades 1-4 of the first grade with special education

Children enter the room to the music of the “Lark” - M. Glinka.

Leading.  Everybody loves fairy tales.

Adults and children love

Love to listen and watch

Tales can warm the soul.

First child.  Miracles happen in them,

People fortunately find a way.

And, of course, good!

Second child  There are many fairy tales in the world.

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot live without them.

Leading.  Everything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale at the door is knocking on us

Let's say a fairy tale: “come in”!

Guys, raise your hands those who read fairy tales. Do you like to read them?

Children.  Yes!

Leading.  I am glad that you all love fairy tales, I also really love fairy tales, despite the fact that they are already so big. There are no tales of the kind in the world, they are different - folk and author's, everyday and magical, fairy tales about animals and even fairy tales-riddles. I like fairy tales because everything can happen in them. Here, let’s say, a good fellow hurries to a fair cause, and then, as luck would have it, the road is over. Do not pass, do not drive. And he will throw the magic handkerchief forward, and again the road is before him. Download wherever you want! Moreover, the fairy tale is good because good always triumphs over evil. (The Sorceress enters)  And who came to visit us? What a beautiful girl! Has the gift to turn simple objects into fairy-tale characters! In a hand a magic wand!

Children.  This is a sorceress.

Enchantress.  Hello children! Today I suggest you take a trip: to see the white light, to see people and to show yourself. You have a long track. Far, far spread the kingdom, the immense state of Tales. To get into it, you need to collect the most necessary things on the road. In front of you is a self-assembled tablecloth. On it are items that will help you along the way. Find out and name them, and also remember in which fairy tale did you meet and to whom do they belong?

Children (examine objects on the tablecloth and name them and to whom they belong). The golden testicle that the Ryaba Chicken laid. The walnut shell belongs to Thumbelina. Golden key Pinocchio. A ring from the fairy tale "Twelve Months." Straw, twigs and brick from the tale "Three Little Pigs." The box belongs to the bear from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear." The egg belongs to Koshchei the immortal.

Leading.  Well done! Here we are in the kingdom of fairy tales! What awaits us here? Oh guys, look at what forest you and I got into (behind the screen there is music with birdsong). All plants of this forest are enchanted fairy-tale heroes. They were bewitched by Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga.  You probably want to spell your favorites?

Children.  Yes!

Baba Yaga.  To help them, you need to correctly name the appropriate middle name, last name or nickname of the heroes of fairy tales.

Lisa Patrikeevna

Ivan Tsarevich

Tom Thumb

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa the Wise

Kikimora Marsh

Mouse Norushka

Frog frog

Zmey Gorynych

Carabas Barabas

(The words of the right column appear on the slide, after that correct answer)

Baba Yaga.  Wow! You have helped all the fairy-tale heroes, so you know the tales well. But my friend, so skinny that all the ribs are visible, is very cunning, because he lives in the world for many, many years. (Koschey the Immortal appears). Do you recognize him?

Children.  Koschei the Deathless

Koschei the Deathless.  Hello guys! Read the inscription on my chest!

Children.  Guess what is hidden here.

Koschei the Deathless.  My chest is a secret. It contains various fabulous objects. According to the description of the item, guess what is in the chest.

1. Using this item, you can craft a variety of things, or you can even kill me. (Needle)

2. This item can hide you if put on your head (Invisible hat).

3. This item told the truth to the queen. He said that there is a beautiful girl in the world. (Mirror)

4. Did grandfather and woman cry because of this item after tricking a small animal? They only calmed down when they received the same item in return. (Golden Egg)

5. With the help of this item, the main character of the fairy tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. And this object flew right into the swamp and fell near the frog. (Arrow)

5. And I also have a thing that the crocodile ate. Tell me what this thing is called a fairy tale. (Bast. "Moidodyr")

(Sounds music from a film about Koshchei the Immortal)

Leading.  So your chest Koschey was empty, so let us go further.

Koschei the Deathless.  I’ll definitely miss it if you teach me how to dance to my music.

(It sounds funny, the children dance to her melody with Koschey, until he runs away)

Leading. Well done, you danced beautifully, taught Koshchei too, so he missed us. Move on. Who else lives in our fairy kingdom! Look what a girl! (Red Riding Hood comes out).  Find out who it is?

Children.  Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood.  Hello guys, I met the Sorceress now, and she told me that you are nearby. Answer my questions, and I will show you the way to my friend.

The best crocodile in the world (Gena)

How many kids goats with a large goat? (seven)

The most famous chicken (Ryaba)

Who pulled the turnip in front of the bug? (Granddaughter)

Onion Boy (Cipollino)

Fairytale tablecloth (Self-assembly)

Snow woman in childhood (Snow Maiden)

The girl who melted in the spring (Snow Maiden)

Malvina's Admirer (Pierrot)

Who thawed Kai's heart? (Gerda)

Crocodile river in Africa? (Limpopo)

Red Riding Hood.  Well done, you answered all my questions, repeat the movements behind me to reach my friend who really likes this dance. (Dance of little ducks)

Red Riding Hood.  Great, and here is my friend. Recognize him, who is it? (slide "Emelya")

Children.  Emelya.

Leading.  He rides on the stove, and sends you and me to go through the swamp in bumps. Each syllable contains syllables, from them you need to make the names of the tales you know. (Make a Word game.)




My hole


Leading.  We passed a swamp, who flies to us? (The Serpent Gorynych runs in)

Children.  Zmey Gorynych.

Leading.  Arrived. Let's ask what he wants.

Zmey Gorynych.  I want a new tale.

Leading.  Show him a new tale. And you guys take a look. (Kindergarten children show the fairy tale Turnip in a new way)

There is one house in the village,

Grandfather and grandmother live in it:

Grandfather Ivan, the old Manya

And, of course, the granddaughter of Tanya.

A bug lives in the yard

The cat sings songs.

And there’s a hole behind the stove,

The mouse squeaks there in the morning.

So we lived and lived

The garden was planted in the spring ...

Give me a shovel, grandma,

I'll go dig a bed!

I’ll plant the seeds there,

Yes, I'll look at the garden.

Grandmother thought

Grandfather went to the garden again!

What kind of seed did the old man take

He didn’t say anything.

Autumn has come

Harvest time to shoot.

Again grandfather to the garden.

So turnip, yes!

Miracle! Just beauty!

Pulls, cannot pull,

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Baba Manya came running

I called for help Tanya.

Tanya called a bug,

These are the things, brother.

They cannot pull, they cannot stretch

The cat is being called for help.

Murka, you get off the stove,

Help us soon!

I won’t go without a mouse,

Without her, I - that's the trouble -

Neither here nor here.

Tears flowed in a stream:

Where will we get the mouse?

Children, help!

Call the mouse!

Can't cope without her

With turnips beautiful!

(Everyone calls the mouse in chorus)

Mouse, mouse, get out

And help us soon!

A mouse came to help,

Out of breath baby.

Pull the turnip with the six

Cracked everything around.

Turnip succumbed to a miracle,

Though she sat tight in the ground.

So the mouse - well done!

Here and the fairy tale - the end!

Zmey Gorynych.  Oh, what a good fairy tale you showed me. Okay, so be it, I will skip you further if you guess my riddles.

Mixed on sour cream, chilled on a window,

The round side, the rosy side, rolled ... (Gingerbread man)

Grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name! (Red Riding Hood)

The nose is round, with a patch, it’s convenient for them to dig in the ground

The tail is a small crochet, instead of shoes - a hoof.

Three of them - and how close the brothers are alike.

Guess without a clue who are the heroes of this tale? (Three pigs

Fat man lives on the roof

He flies all above. (Carlson)

She is beautiful and sweet

Ash gave her name. (Cinderella)

Zmey Gorynych.  Well done boys! I really liked you, I want to play the game “Magic Transformations” with you. (While the music is playing, the 4th grade children should dress the kids in costumes of fairy-tale characters: dog, wolf, tiger cub, frog).

Zmey Gorynych.Ah yes well done! Come on, otherwise Kikimora Bolotnaya was waiting for you, she has prepared her questions for you.

Kikimora the Swamp.  Hello kids, girls and boys, guess my questions, and then go home! Tell me the name of fairy tales.

1. In what fairy tales grandmother, grandfather, hare, wolf, bear, fox and little round traveler live. (Gingerbread man)

2. From what fairy tale we learned about dad, his little son, a wooden one with a long nose. (Golden Key)

3. In what fairy tale the big white birds of a little boy were brought to the woman-yaga into the forest. (Swan geese)

4. And the road is far away, and the basket is not easy, would sit on a stump, eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

6. Walking briskly along the trail, the buckets themselves drag the water. (By pike desire)

7. Open the door, little kids, your mother has come,

Milk brought (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Kikimora the Swamp.Well done, all the riddles guessed, the names of fairy tales called, it's time to say goodbye to you.

Leading.  So our journey through the country of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic ended. Did you guys like it? (Kids answer)

Leading.A fairy tale is, of course, fiction, fiction. But, even being a fiction, it remains instructive. Read fairy tales, and they will teach you to be kind, honest, smart, strong. And I invite you all to the dining room for a fabulous tea party.


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