Theme of the Migratory Birds Prep Group. Abstract GCD “Migratory birds” in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution. The game "Migratory or wintering"

  Nadezhda Chushenkova
  Summary of classes in the preparatory group on the topic "Migratory birds"

goal: Introduce children to migratory birds, find out why they are called that way, define words "Insectivorous", Waterfowl, develop an active and passive vocabulary of children, improve conversation skills and ability to answer questions.

Educational area:

Cognitive development;

Social and communicative development;

Speech development.



Expand children's knowledge of birds.

Consolidate knowledge about migratory birds.

Fix generalizing concepts.

Teach a detailed statement.

To broaden children's perceptions of migratory birds, their appearance, lifestyle.


The development of speech activity, dialogical speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention, articulatory and fine motor skills, creative imagination.


Formation of cooperation skills, goodwill. Raising respect for nature.

Methods and techniques:



Game therapy;


Activate the following in children's speech the words: flock, string, singly, wedge; insectivorous, aquatic, long-tailed, pointed-billed, black-winged, long-necked.

Preliminary work:

Overseeing birds during a walk; reading poems, stories about birds. View illustrations with different views birds, subject pictures depicting various species birds.


Nature poster migratory birds.

Multimedia installation;

Presentation on the topic: « Migratory birds» ;

Treats for children (sweets "Swallow");

Hats for children with the characters of the scene.

The course of the lesson.

Lingonberry ripening

The days are colder

And from a bird cry

The heart is only sadder.

Flocks birds fly away

Away beyond the blue sea

And the trees shine

In a colorful dress.

("Autumn."  C. Balmont)

The teacher reads the story of Yu. Dmitriev "What kind there are birds» .

Birds on earth, of course, less than insects, but still there are a lot of them - about 9 thousand species. there is birds are very big, almost two meters in size, there are very tiny, no more than a butterfly or dragonfly, and weighing a few grams. there is birdsthat can fly above the clouds, but there are those who can not live either in the forest or in the steppe. They live only in the desert or mountains. And others are only on the seashore. Alone. birds feed on fishothers by insects. There are predatory birdsthat eat other animals and birds, is there "Vegetarians"that eat only plant foods, mostly berries and seeds. Alone birds settle in hollowswhile others make their nests on the ground or in the branches of trees and bushes. Educator. As they call birdswho live with us in the summer, make nests, breed chicks, and with the onset of cold weather fly away to hot countries for the winter in order to return again to their native places in spring (migratory birds) .


Who is this bird? Never

Doesn’t build nests for himself,

Neighbor leaves eggs

And he doesn’t remember about the chicks. (Cuckoo)

All migratory birds niello,

Cleans arable land from worms,

Back - rides along the arable land,

And is called bird(Rook)

This everyone knows a bird:

On a pole is her palace,

Worms drags home

Yes, it bursts all day ... (Starling)

On the front -,

Behind - wilz.

Above is a black cloth,

And below is a white towel. (Swallow)

Educator: What migratory birds you know?

Children: Migratory birds(rooks, swallows, storks, nightingales, cuckoos, siskins; starlings; white wagtail; black swifts).

Educator: Do you know how birds fly to us? That's right, in a flock, but they can still fly in a row, one by one, with a wedge. Geese, ducks, swans fly away in a string; swallows, rooks, starlings - in a flock; cranes - a wedge; cuckoos - one by one. (Vos-feeder on the board schematically depicts how they fly away birds.)


He lives on the roof of the house-

This is our old friend:

He is flying to hunt

For the frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

Who without notes and without flute

Who is this (Nightingale)

Educator: You guessed right, these birds also relate to migratory.

Nightingale - a small bird, has a brown plumage, small beak, tail and legs. Cuckoo - small bird, but larger than the nightingale, has a motley color, long tail, small beak. Cuckoo, unlike others birds, never builds nests, and lays its eggs in other people's nests, therefore birds  forced to raise and raise cuckoo chicks. Stork - big white bird, with a large beak.

Educator: Please name body parts birds. Body-Vishche, head, tail, beak.

Everyone has birds of the same structurebut people call them differently, how do they distinguish them? /By plumageappearance, size.

Guys why birds  fly to warmer climes? Because it is cold, there are no insects in winter.

Educator: But how do they find their way south and back here? / do not know /. It turns out some birds fly away at nightothers in the afternoon. But before  in flight they make test flights, eat more than usual, they go fat - they have nowhere to reinforce in flight. In flight, they are guided by stars, and if the sky is covered by clouds and stars are not visible, then they are guided by the Earth's magnetic vibrations.

Did you notice that some birds fly away"Flocks", together; some, for example, cranes, line up "Wedge"  in the form of a triangle; others line up “By the kidney”, in one line. It probably depends on the habits birds: none birds need leadersthat show the way.

Educator: Before all of us, insectivorous birds leave us. Two insectivores hide in the word the words: eat insects. Repeat: insectivores. They eat beetles, butterflies, wasps, dragonflies and bees. And these fly away birds  immediately after the first frost, as soon as insects disappear. Earlier than all, flytraps, redstart, wagtail, thrushes, larks, oatmeal, starlings fly away.

Educator: When water bodies freeze (rivers and lakes, waterfowers head south birds - geese, ducks and swans. Two words are also hidden in the word waterfowl - to swim in water. By- echo: waterfowl.

The game “Who has what body?”

Look, this is a starling. What is his tail? (Short.)  Know cheat, what starling? (Short-tailed.)

This is a swallow, she has a long tail. So what swallow? (Long-tailed.)

This is a rook, he has a sharp beak. What rook? (Sharp-billed.)

Does he have a black wing? So he ... (Blackwing.)

Well done, guys, right.

Educator: Let's remember, show and call, body parts of all birds(paws, neck, head, beak, tail). What is the body covered with birds? How do they differ from each other? (Size, color, shape, size of wings.)

Competition “Arrived birds» .

I will be right now list birdsbut if you hear something else, clap your hands!

Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, flies and swifts.

Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, caroons.

Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, siskins, lapwings, crows, jackdaws, swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos.

Arrived birds: pigeons, martens, oatmeal, nuthatch, woodpeckers.

Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, swifts, lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos, even owls, spits, swans, starlings ... You are all well done!

Exercise “Say the opposite”: Finish the sentences.

The stork is big, but the nightingale ....

The stork has a long neck, and the cuckoo ....

The nightingale has a gray breast, and the swallow ...

The stork is white, but the rook ...


Swans are flying

Waving their wings.

Caved in over the water

Shake their head

Straight and proud

Able to hold on

And very silent

They sit in place.

Exercise Guess and Sit

Guys now i will call migratory and wintering birdsif you hear the name wintering birdsthen sit down; and if the name migratorythen wave your hands. Crow, nightingale, woodpecker, magpie, dove, swallow, tit, rook, starling, bullfinch, stork, juvenile, sparrow, heron, etc.

Exercise “Say one word”

Guys, please stand in a circle. I will throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me with the answer.

The stork has long legs, what is it? ... / long-legged /.

The stork has a long beak, it ... / long-billed /.

The swallow has a long tail, it ... / longtail /.

The swallow loves heat, she ... / heat-loving /.

The swallow has sharp wings, she ... / sharp-winged /.

Exercise “Continue the offer, find the reason”

The first fall fly south birdsthat feed on-the-hell, because ... / insects hide and they have nothing to eat /.

Woodpeckers can be called a forest doctor, because ... / he gets bugs and insects from under the bark /.

A cuckoo does not hatch her chicks, because ... / she does not make her nests /.

All people like to listen to the nightingale, because ... / he sings beautifully, is filled in /. and etc.

In the spring migratory birds fly backbecause ... / they need to breed chicks /.

Educator: Now we know that migratory birds  fly away to the warm regions for the winter. Previously, people did not know this. They noticed that in winter some birds disappearand spring reappear. Only a little later, they found out where they were flying migratory birds. How did you manage to do this? The little rings they put on their paws helped scientists to birds. Each ring had an address where it was ringed bird. When someone in another country met a ringed a bird, he reported this to this address. So we managed to find out where they spend the winter. birds.

Educator: What tales do you know with the title birds?

"Swan geese", "Gray neck", "Niels Traveling with the Wild Geese", "Ugly duck", "Wild Swans". (Answers children).

Educator: Scene "Autumn talk"


Do you hear the snail?

To distant countries

The wind blows bird caravans.

Do you see them? They soared into heaven.

Our forests will become quiet.

How good we are without their chatter

On long nights, winter days!

What are you, snail? Why are you silent?

Hid in the house. What are you sad about?

No Turtle in winter and summer

I do not miss this house.

I live modestly and don’t know, it happens

Who flies, and who flies.

What is there to be sad? But others are different ...

Do you hear the Frog crying about the Stork?

Here they made fun! Here are the eccentrics!

The stork guarded me by the river.

He flew away, and I tell you, friends,

Only now I calmed down.

I croak loud and not afraid

I’ll end up in his stomach.

Do you hear raven croaking ate?

Raven regrets that everyone flew away.

Do I regret it? Do I cry about that?

Here I remained the best singer.

Listen to my wondrous song.

Raven, eh, Raven! What do you croak in more often?

Singers birds sang to us sweeter.

They just flew south

Holo and quiet became around.

Sad autumn came to the fields

Snow will cover our land.

A golden forest showers foliage.

I live alone and bored.

Birds! Please come back soon

Your songs will be warmer.

Total classes.

Educator: Guys, ours lesson is over. You learned a lot from life birds. Unfortunately, for a very long time, a man lived with the confidence that he could take everything from nature without giving anything in return. And now, as a result of the thoughtless activity of man, our planet is dying. Many plants, animals and birds  completely disappear or are on the verge of survival. That is why people who cannot indifferently look at the wildlife of nature have created several volumes of the Red Book, where these plants and animals were brought. They can still be saved.

Educator: Do not forget that birds are our friends, younger brothers, and we, as elders, must protect and protect them.

All our migratory birds flew awaybut so that you do not forget them until spring, they handed over  treat you with the name migratory birdSwallows.

  Svetlana Medvedeva
  Synopsis of familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group “Migratory birds. Autumn"

Lesson Summary

in the preparatory group of children

Lesson topic

: Migratory birds. Autumn.

Using ICT Teaching Presentation.


Consolidate children's perceptions of migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

To systematize children's knowledge of the species of birds, exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds and the allocation of an excess object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

The development of constructive praxis in the preparation of split pictures.

The development of attention, memory, thinking.

To raise in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, and respect for them.

Equipment: Training presentation "Migratory birds", laptop, screen, projector, pictures of birds, cut pictures.

Previous work: Acquaintance of children with migratory birds in the classes of educators, reading fiction on the topic, solving riddles about birds.

Course progress:

1. Organizational moment.

2 slide. Migratory birds are those birds that do not find food for themselves in the late autumn and winter and fly away to the warm south, where there is a lot of food.

3 slide. In autumn, migratory birds fly off to warmer climes. Because it is cold in the fall and the birds have nothing to eat.

4 slide. Warm edges are places where it’s warm. There is summer. Birds have a lot of food.

5 slide. Swallow - less than a sparrow, feather color is dark, breast is white,

wings are wide. The tail is bifurcated. Swallow catches mosquitoes, flies.

6 slide. Starling - head, neck, wings, tail black with purple tint

On the head is a black tuft. It feeds on bugs, caterpillars, butterflies.

7 slide. Rook is a medium-sized bird. Black color. It destroys harmful insects.

8 slide. The crane is a large bird. Gray color. There are black stripes on the wings. Long, thin legs. Long beak and neck.

9 slide. Swan is a beautiful bird of medium size. White color. Long curved neck. On the red paws of the membrane. Lives on lakes, ponds and rivers. It feeds on fish, algae

10 slide. The wild duck is medium sized. Lives in lakes and rivers.

On the legs of the membrane. Brown color. There is a white strip on the neck.

11 slide. What are the parts of the bird’s body? Torso, head, neck, wings, chest, paws, tail, beak

12 slide. What is the body of a bird covered with? Feathers, down.

13 slide. What are feathers for? So that the birds do not freeze and do not hurt the bodies.

14 slide. What season is it now? Autumn.

15 slide. What are the autumn months? September October November.

16 slide. Where do birds fly in the fall? Why? In autumn, birds fly to warmer climes. Because in the fall it’s cold and the birds have nothing to eat.

17 slide. What are these birds called? Migratory birds.

18 slide. What are the migratory birds? Swallow, starling, rook, crane, swan, wild duck.

Physical education.

The mobile game “Swallows flew”. Coordination of speech with movement.

Swallows flew

All people looked. They run in circles, flapping their arms like wings.

Swallows sat down

All people marveled. Squat, hands clasped behind his back.

They sat down, sat down, doing rhythmic head tilts.

Soared, flew.

Flew, flew

The songs sang. Again they run in a circle, waving their hands.

The game "Migratory or wintering"

On the table are pictures of various birds. Children are encouraged to select only migratory birds. Then the children are invited to turn into selected birds and fly. Mobile pause.

Game "Collect a cut picture"

Each child is given envelopes with split pictures of birds. In the course of the assignment with the children, the names of the birds are fixed.

Class summary

Who are we talking about today? What birds fly in the fall to warm countries? Birds are very beneficial in nature. They eat harmful insects. Therefore, birds need to be protected. In winter, we fed the birds. And in the summer, birds themselves can find food. Birds cannot be scared, offended, and nests must not be ruined.

Summary of classes in the preparatory group. International Bird Day

Topic:  Migratory birds.
  Summarize children's knowledge of migratory birds, continue to introduce children to migratory birds.
  Raise love for birds, a desire to help them, take care of them.
Materials:  cards with the name of the months of the year, the didactic game “Migrating and Wintering”, 2 hoops, pictures of the sun and snowflakes, the table “Bird Calendar”, video “13 facts about birds and their features”.   1. Introduction to the situation.
  Didactic tasks: motivate children to be included in game activities.
  - Guys, who knows what date is today? (April 1). And who knows what holiday is today? (children most likely do not know). Well, I will help you guess, and for this, guess the riddles.
  Everyone knows this bird
  On the fly she grabs
  Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,
  Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs. (swallow)
  In the spring here and there
  Fun song is sung:
  "Ah, swing, swing, swing,
  They came to us ... rooks. "
  It’s important to walk on the ground,
  Piercing the soil with a beak,
  Harmful - eat, he's done!
  And his name is ... starling.
  - Well done! Who were the puzzles about? And what holiday is it today? (children's answers) Today is International Bird Day.
  - And what kind of birds are they? (migratory)
  If the birds fly away from us in the fall, then someday they should come back to us! And this wonderful process takes place in the blessed spring. But not in that spring, when everything around will suddenly blossom and smell, and a fresh leaf will unfold on the trees, and wonderful motley butterflies flutter. And long before that - when there is still no hint of any heat, when there is still snow and snow is running - even then the first migratory birds appear. And these birds are the surest sign of spring!
  Let's make a bird arrival calendar with you.
  - Want to? Can you?
2. Updating knowledge.
  Didactic tasks: to update children's knowledge of the names of the months of the year, to consolidate the ability to divide birds into wintering and migratory.
  - I suggest you play.
   Didactic game "Spring".
Task: find the spring months. Children are divided into three teams. Each team has cards with the names of the winter, autumn, summer and one spring month. Children choose cards: March, April, May.
  - Well done, guys, we have a part of the bird calendar.
  I suggest you find the migratory birds.
  Didactic game "Wintering and migratory birds"
  Objective: to consolidate the ability of children to classify birds by species - migratory, wintering.
  Description of the game.
  On the table there are cards with the image of birds: bullfinch, starling, tit, crane, sparrow, rook, cuckoo, woodpecker, swallow, crow, nightingale, swan, heron. The task of the children is to arrange the migratory birds in a circle with the sun, and wintering birds - in a circle with a snowflake.
  - They did it! Now let's finish the bird calendar.
  Children lay out pictures of birds for months.

3. Difficulty in the situation
Didactic tasks:
  1) create a motivational situation to overcome difficulties;
  2) to form an experience of fixing difficulties and understanding its causes under the guidance of a teacher.
  Some birds cause difficulty in them.
  “Why haven't you laid out all the birds?” (Because we don’t know when they arrive).
  So what should we find out? (When these birds arrive).
  “How can we find out?” (ask the teacher, look in the encyclopedia, look on the Internet, etc.)

4. Discovery of new knowledge.
  Didactic tasks:

  1) to form an experience of independent discovery and emotional experience of the joy of discovery;
  2) show the children a bird calendar;
  “See what I show you.”
  Children lay out the rest of the birds.
  - Which bird is not on the calendar? (nightingale). The nightingale flies in April.
  - Well done! Now, take a break.
Physical education about birds.
  A flock of birds flies south
  The sky is blue around. (Children wave their hands like wings.)
  To fly in soon
  You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely.)
  Swans fly, wave their wings (Children wave their hands)
  Caved over the water, shake their head (Shake their head)
  Straight and proudly able to hold (Straighten your back)
  Very silently sit on the water (Sit down).

5. The inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system.
  Didactic tasks:
  to consolidate children's knowledge of migratory birds and acquaintance with new interesting facts about birds.

  - here we have compiled a bird arrival calendar. What other interesting things do you know about birds? (children's answers). I invite you to watch the video "13 facts from the life of birds."

6. Comprehension.
Didactic tasks: to restore in the memory of the children what they were doing, to create a situation of success.
  Children gather near the teacher.
  - Guys, what did you like in class today?
  - What did we do today? What do you remember?
  - What interesting things did you learn about migratory birds?
  - Well done today. And now you and I’ll listen to you, and later we will learn a verse about our feathered friends
Take care of birds.  (Victor Korboleev)
  I started to draw a bird
  With a soul, no matter how
  'Cause the birds need to be protected
  They are so few in the world

Below I want to write:
  Do not shoot birds
  No need to kill the birds
  And do not bust the nests!

They not only sing
  And they just fly like that
  They're pecking caterpillars
  And flies destroy

They sing for us in spring
  Help them guys
  So that the garden shines with our purity
  And the beds turned green !!!

Educational area "Communication" .

Form of carrying out: "Informative lesson"

Area Integration:

"Communication" (main educational area), "Cognition" , "Socialization" , "Physical Culture" , "Music" .

Types of activity: communicative, search, game, motor.

Correctional and educational:

  • To strengthen the ability to make a descriptive story about migratory birds in the mnemonic table.
  • Exercise in verbose sentences (In the field I saw a long-storked stork).
  • Expand Noun Dictionary (stork, rook, swallow, cuckoo, nightingale, starling, plumage, body, back, breast, wings, tail, legs, plumage, ornithologist, nest, hollow, clay ...)  adjectives (vociferous, creaky, sonorous, long-legged, black-winged, sharp-pointed, fragile, durable)  verbs (fly in, fly, clean, sing, catch, fly)  and adverbs (briskly, quickly, vocally)  on this topic.
  • Teach children to choose the right words antonyms (high low)  and synonyms (sonorous, melodic).
  • Improve word formation skills (long legs - long legged)


  • To promote the development of coherent speech utterance, logical thinking, visual and auditory attention, general and fine motor skills.
  • Introduce children to the profession "ornithologist" .

Correctional and educational:

  • Develop preschool children cognitive and emotional activity, respect for nature and birds.

Equipment: multimedia projector, tape recorder, magnetic board, symbol "Sun" , envelope with a letter, multi-colored envelopes, pictures of birds, mnemotables for describing birds, colorful clothespins, medals.

1. Organizational moment. Introductory conversation.

A multimedia projector is included, on the screen is a picture of early spring.

(1 slide)

Speech therapist: - “Guys, what season is it now? What spring month? ” .

"Who comes back to us in the spring?" . “What kind of birds?” . "Why are they called migratory?" . “Do you know which scientists study migratory birds?” “These scientists are called ornithologists.” . (2 slide)

2. Introduction to the new topic Mysterious Letter .

Speech therapist: - “This morning I received a letter from the ornithologists of our country. "Dear Guys! This year, the number of birds that are returning to our land has increased. We ask you to help us with the description of migratory birds. Be careful! ”   Are you ready to become young ornithologists? ”

Speech therapist: - "Guys! When spring comes, we begin to hear the voices of many birds. And long before we see a bird, we can hear it. Let's recognize the birds by their voice. ” .

Birds appear on the multimedia projector (stork, rook, cuckoo, swallow, starling, nightingale). (3 slide)

4. “Name, repeat, remember” .

Speech therapist: - “Guys, who is the very first to arrive from warm places? (4 slide)  Why do you think the rook comes first? Let's call the body parts of the rook in the chain " .

Children pass each other the sun and attach to it by ray (ray-noun).

The speech therapist is the first to call a noun, and the children repeat it and call their own.

A rook has a body, a head, feathers, a beak, eyes, paws, a tail ...

5. “Find out the nest of birds” .

Speech therapist: - “Guys, why are the birds coming back to us?” .

Speech therapist: - “And do you think the nests of the migratory birds are the same?” .

Speech therapist: - “Which bird has the largest and smallest nest? Whose nest is the most fragile? Think about which bird uses clay to build a nest? Which bird likes to settle in the house that man made for it? What is it called? Guys, what bird doesn’t have its nest? ”

The projector has bird nests. (5 slide)

Speech therapist: - “Together with you, let's try to name the dwelling of these birds. Swallow's Nest - whose nest? Nightingale's Nest - Whose Nest?

6. “Which one? Which one? What kind?" . Dynamic exercises.

Silhouettes of birds on a blackboard.

Speech therapist: - “Guys, ornithologists sent photos of migratory birds, but when I opened the envelope, I saw that all the photographs were damaged, only dark silhouettes remained. Help recognize the birds. How did you guess which bird is in the photograph? If a stork has long legs, does he? - long-legged. The rook has black wings, why is it called? black-winged. The starling has a sharp beak, so can it be called? - sharp-witted. Let's turn into birdhouses ” .

Physical education for the development of general motility Pointed Squash .

Pointed-up birdhouse hands on a belt, walking in place

Svil in a hollow nest circular movements with hands

Future chicks will like it pops

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills “Sees a birdhouse in the grass”

Speech therapist: - “Guys, what does an open clothespin look like?” (open beak of birds). Take one clothespin in your hands and imagine that it is the beak of our birdhouse ” . (Children perform movements as they read the poem)

He sees a birdhouse in the grass, open-close the clothespin for each word with the fingers of his right hand,

And on the bump, and in the foliage, also the movement of the fingers of the left hand,

And among the thick meadows, pinch the fingertips of the left hand,

Squirrel, flies, dragonflies, beetles. movement with the right hand too.

Class summary "Describe your bird" .

Envelopes with birds are attached to children's tables.

Speech therapist: - “Guys, now we know a lot about the life of migratory birds, and now it's time to meet them. Look who flew to you. Let's split into pairs and try to make a riddle story according to the prompting schemes, and the rest of the children will guess it. ” .

(Annex 1.)

The result of the lesson. Reflection.

Sounds calm music.

Speech therapist: Guys what did we do today? What new have you learned? What did you like most about the lesson?

Children pass the swallow to each other and talk about their impressions.

- “You did a wonderful job, learned a lot about migratory birds, were able to describe them, and you get medals for young ornithologists for this” .

Appendix to the GCD abstract: presentation Young Ornithologist , mnemonic table.

Quiz for children 6-7 years old on the topic "Migratory birds"

  Minachetdinova Gulnaz Mansurovna, senior teacher, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 22" Crane "of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.
Description of work:
  Summary of the quiz “Migratory birds” is intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions. This quiz can be held in the preparatory group for the school (children 6-7 years old). Duration: 20-25 minutes.
Goal:Actualize children's perceptions of migratory birds.
Tasks:Continue to generalize, expand and systematize children's ideas about migratory birds; Improve the dialogical form of speech
  To broaden the horizons of children, speed of thinking, stimulate cognitive interest. To develop interest in observations in wildlife.
  To develop the ability to interact with peers.
  Vocabulary work: birds, migratory, fly away, warm edges.
Benefits:  illustrations with the image of birds, leaves, bird voices, chips.

Teacher: Guys, today I suggest you participate in the quiz.
  Do you know what it is?
  Answers children. (quiz is a game, this is when people ask questions)
  Educator: Yes, right, the quiz is a game consisting in the fact that the participants answer questions on some general topic. The theme of today's quiz is “Migratory Birds. Divide into two teams so that the participants are equally divided, come up with a name for your team. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip. So ready? We begin.
1.Puzzle riddles.
  Teacher: Now the task is a mystery. Each team will be puzzled with three puzzles. Guess riddles, if you are sure that the answer is a migratory bird, then pick up a card with an orange maple leaf, and if it is wintering, then pick up a card with a green leaf.

  the teacher makes riddles.
  1. All migratory birds of blacks,
  Cleans arable land from worms (rook)

2. Who without notes and without flute,
  Best of all triggers trills? (nightingale)

3. Black vest
  red beret.
  Nose like an ax
  tail as an emphasis (woodpecker)

  4. With an ice drift arrives
  Black tail shakes,
  Narrow black and white ponytail
  At the graceful (wagtail)

5. He flies every year
  Where the house awaits him
  He knows how to sing other people's songs
  And yet he has his own voice (starling)

6. The back is greenish,
  Tummy yellowish
  Little black hat
  And a strip of scarf. (Titmouse)
  Answers children.
  Teacher: Well done team, guessed all the puzzles.
2. Exercise “Finish the sentence”
Educator: I will start, and you will agree. Finish the sentence started by me. For each of the teams I propose to agree on two sentences.
  1. "Birds are called migratory, because ..." (they fly to the warm edges)
  2. “In the fall, birds fly to warmer climes because ...” (it is difficult to feed in winter)
  3. “Before all, birds that feed on ... (insects) fly away to the warm edges
  4. “Waterfowl fly away last, because ... (ponds freeze in late autumn)
  Answers children.
3. Exercise “Recognize the Migratory Bird”

Educator:  Carefully review the pictures and try to guess which of the birds in the picture is flying, put yellow chips next to them. Each team has one picture.
  Children perform the task.
  Correct answers: on 1 picture-crane, starling, swallow; on the 2 picture is a cuckoo, starling, wagtail.
4. Exercise “Recognize by voice”
Educator:  Birds fly away, their voices are heard less and less. Listen and try to recognize the bird by voice.
  sounds recording birds voices
  nightingale sound
  lark voice
  sound swallow voice
starling voice
  cuckoo voice
  rook sound
  Answers children.
5. Exercise "One - many"
Educator:  Birds gather in warm lands, stray in flocks. Let us recall how flocks of birds will be called. I will name one migratory bird; in you will call when there are a lot of birds, when they get together in a flock.
  rook - a pack ... (rooks)
  swift - flock ... (swifts)
  swallow-flock ... (swallows)
  the swan is a flock ... (swans)
  goose-flock ... (geese)
  duck - flock ... (ducks)
  starling flock ... (starlings)
  cranes ... (cranes)
6. Summing up.
Educator: Well done guys, you listened carefully to each other, answered without interrupting your comrades. Now count the chips your team got.
  Counting chips.
  Determination of the winning team.


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