Autumn ball in sports style. Historical style autumn ball. What parts usually consists of a school autumn ball

Pershotravenska zagalnoosvіtnya school I-III steps number 1

The teacher of the vikonal is an organizer of an irrevocable mortgage

Shevchenko Irina Yurіїvna


Nomination:    Scenarios

vikhovnyh visits,


Name robots: “Basic ball in style


2013 – 2014

Extracurricular activities on the topic:

Halloween Halloween Ball

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At the end of October, before the autumn holidays, our school traditionally hosts a competitive - entertainment program "Autumn Ball". This year, we decided to change traditions and hold a slightly unusual event, “Halloween Halloween Ball”

Over the long years of its history, Halloween has gained various interesting traditions in different countries of the world, retaining its distinctive features. About how this holiday was celebrated in our school country, I would like to tell ...


Practical:   Acquaintance with the culture of the country of the language being studied; with its traditions, history, the development of students' sustainable cognitive interest.

Educational:   broaden the horizons of students;

Developing:   develop attention, language conjecture, memory, thinking.

Educational:   to cultivate goodwill, tolerance, responsibility for the assigned task, teamwork, a sense of partnership and empathy;


To instill in children a sense of respect for the history and culture of the country of the language being studied, and through this to their native national culture;

Observation of the change in the character of students during the transformation into other heroes;

To form a sense of responsibility for the implementation of part of the collective work:

Develop teacher-student relationships as equal partners in the educational process.

Select winners in the nominations: for the title

“Queen of the Autumn Ball 2013”

Determine the best participants in the nominations: the most original pumpkin and the most extravagant costume.

Place of Providence:    school assembly hall.

Age:    10-13, 14-16 years old,

Equipment: laptop, music equipment, microphones

Preliminary preparation:

Production of an invitation poster with the date and place of providence;

Decoration of the assembly hall;

The acquisition of the necessary attributes for the competitive program.

Dress code for all those present.




King Lucifer;


Koschei the Deathless;


Event progress:

The lights go out, candles stand on the table, music sounds, the presenter enters the stage

Today, on Halloween night, we will move into an unknown new, meet winter. Only this night the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.

Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and future. Only today do we enjoy the mystical "now" that does not exist.

Halloween time is the time to dump the burden of worries and vanities accumulated over the summer. Today we follow the example of trees that are exempt from leaves that have outlived their life. After all, if a tree does not throw off dead leaves, they will not give it the opportunity to come to life again in the spring.

Halloween originates far, far in history, they say that he is at least two thousand years old. According to an ancient belief, it is precisely at night that the door to the other world will open ...

Sounds music. On stage - Damn with candlesticks in their hands.
Heck : Ha - ha! Hello, devils, witches, ghouls and other not quite pure power. Today will be an extraordinary ball, a ball in the style of Halloween. And, most importantly - the most terrible and beautiful king Lucifer, naturally, will visit us with his retinue !!!

Heck:   Viva King! Vivat! To the wisest and most just ruler!

(The king rises to the stage, sits on the throne, the retinue is at his feet.)

Heck: (bowed)   Your Majesty, let me start the ball ...

King:   Ball? We cannot start a ball without a queen! I hope you fulfilled my request and found the most charming lady who can be a worthy mistress of such a grand ball?

Heck   (whispering):   Queen, Queen ... How could I forget!   (To the king)I gave your Majesty the opportunity to choose the most beautiful among the young princesses present here! They arrived especially for you. Meet our first challenger

One girl from each class takes part, the whole class is a support group. Participants take turns representing themselves: dancing a dance, showing an outfit, presenting their image.

Contestants take their places

Suddenly, a loud cry is heard. Dracula flies out with her beautiful companion. Dracula bows to everyone.

Dracula:   Greetings, King! I send you my respect. You called us, and here we are!

King:   Thank you Dracula! I knew that you won’t let me down. See how beautiful these princesses are. I don’t know which one will be the best queen. I really hope that you and Elemina will help me

Elemina:   With great pleasure! I love autumn, I like to walk the streets in chic autumn outfits ...

Dracula:    Yeah, she’s a noble fashionista. But which of you girls can beat her?

Heck:   We will find out now. Dear ladies and gentlemen, we suggest you look at real fall fashion showprepared by our participants!

(1 contest - fashion show)

Participants demonstrate their costumes to the music, the jury evaluates and puts points

King:   Yes, one thing I can say for sure with certainty - our queen today will be a great fashionista! Thanks Dracula

(Dracula, Elemina bow and leave)

Heck:   king of fluorography - Koschey the Immortal!

Koschei the Deathless:   Hello! Sorry for being late, carried away by Vasilisa the Beautiful!

King:   Stop making excuses. In punishment, you will choose one candidate for me the title of Queen of the Fall 2013!. Just think of such a test for them that one and only one is better than everyone. And then they are so talented ...

Koschey:   Oh, Your Majesty, I can do it! You lovely girls, of course, will not believe me, but I have dreamed all my life of being an artist. For many, many years I have painted hundreds of paintings, but it was very difficult! I even painted a portrait of the King! But I think we don’t have to show him to him (shows drawing to viewers)   Can you draw something ... beautiful? This is hard to do. Draw us the symbol of our ball is a pumpkin.Which of you will get the funniest pumpkin - that gets the highest score

(2 competition - competition of drawings)

Music plays, participants draw a funny pumpkin in balloons. The jury will evaluate and give points.

King:   It was awesome! Do you like Koschey the art of our princesses?

Koschey:   Highly! Yes, something became boring here with you! Then they show outfits, then they paint pictures! Oh! Now it would be like starting to dance, but stretching my bones!

King : Well, I do not mind, now the girls will dance to us, and you, Koshcheyushka, don’t sit, show your skills!

Koschey : I have been to many countries and have seen different dances. I invite you, dear ladies, to take a short trip around the world and introduce us to the dances of the peoples of the world.

(3- dance competition)

The music of different nations of the world sounds, the participants perform dances

Koschey:   Thank you lovely ladies. I really liked you, but I have to go home.

King:   Say hello to all your relatives. I let you go.

Music. Mermaid is taken out on a stone. Her wards perform a dance - spray water on the audience.

Mermaid: Good evening, Your Majesty! My father - Vodyanoy - apologizes for not being able to appear at our holiday, he caught a cold, that is, he became dry.

King:   I am glad to see you, my child. But please stop waking us with water!

Mermaid:   You, of course, have a great ball, but ... not enough water, there are no swamps around. So I brought water with me. She is the best of the distant swamp stocks.

Heck:   Sorry to interfere, but with us ... everything in moderation, and water ...

(He does not have time to finish, because, according to the sign of the Mermaid, he is dragged offstage.)

Mermaid:   You flatter me, Your Royal Highness. Let me help you choose the only Queen this wonderful evening?

Heck: (running out, brushes off the fish)Well, well, little prankster, try to come up with something unusual ...

Mermaid: (ignoring the Trait) I am very proud that I can be called the best student of our Underwater Academy. And since I am a little mermaid, I really love water and everything related to it. On my own behalf, I want to offer a contest for the stronger sex - for our boys. I ask one participant from the class to go up to the stage. Now the guys a little plunge into childhood. And they will remember the time when it was very small and drank some water from the papilla, who would do it the fastest, earn an extra point for his participant. The conditions are clear, then let's get started!

4 - competition "Who is faster"

The hall supports the participants with applause

Mermaid : The last competition has come to its end. I can guarantee, Your Majesty, that these girls are all worthy of victory! But the results of the competitions will be announced by our jury, I pass the word to them! See you at the ball!

King:   See you, Little Mermaid! I really liked it! (to hell)   Well, is it time to announce our winner?

(announcement of the competition results)

King:   And now the most long-awaited has come - coronation.   We say goodbye to you and leave the command of the beautiful Queen. The ball goes on!

The winner receives the main prize, the contestants receive certificates of participation. At the end of the disco for 11 classes


The preparation and conduct of the event was attended by students of the 11th grade, the teacher-organizer, and class teachers. As preparatory measures for the holiday of Halloween, students of grades 5-11 took part in a competition for the manufacture of pumpkin lamps, as well as made thematic informational posters.

A prerequisite for participation in the competition program was the manufacture and presentation of the costume. The winners of the holiday were determined in the following nominations: “Best Halloween Poster”, “Best Costume”, “Best Pumpkin Lamp”. To decorate the hall, posters with the theme of Halloween were used, on the stage, to create an atmosphere of mystery, there were lamps, inside which candles were burning. Participation in the festival allowed to unleash the creative potential of schoolchildren, to rally the classroom team. The children, together with the class teacher, were happy about the victories of their classmates, sincerely worried about them, supported by applause. Children, with the support of their parents, made holiday costumes. Each child has created a certain image.

According to the results of the competition program, the jury determined the winners, and sweet prizes and certificates for active participation were awarded to the contestants. Positive emotions and a boost of energy were received not only by the participants, but also by teachers, parents and guests of the evening. But for me, a pleasant moment was that under the terrible masks of evil heroes the kind faces of our beloved children were hidden.

Not only high school students, but also students of grades 5-7 are waiting for the autumn ball at the school with special trepidation. This colorful and memorable event is a great opportunity for all students to show their creative abilities, join an interesting collective activity and relax with friends. A successful Autumn Ball at school is distinguished primarily by a good script - funny, a little touching, original and dynamic. The important components of a beautiful evening in honor of the Autumn Ball are the variety of rooms (songs, skits, dances) and the festive decoration of the hall (wall newspapers, posters, balloons, flowers). Next, you will find a selection of interesting ideas for the Autumn Ball at school, which will certainly make your holiday bright and memorable.

Autumn ball at school — a script for high school students (ideas on the video)

As a rule, high school students and young teachers deal with organizational issues for the Autumn Ball at school - their creativity gives good results in the form of non-trivial ideas for the holiday scenario. Of course, the traditional version of the Autumn Ball script with funny scenes, dances and poems on the theme of the coming of autumn can also be made vivid and interesting. But you must admit that the flexible framework of this holiday just asks for experiments and a non-trivial approach. At the same time, it is important to keep several key moments that make this holiday special even in the most original scenario for the Autumn Ball. It is about choosing a king and queen of the evening, an autumn waltz performed by high school students, beautiful design in accordance with the season of the year. Therefore, the best option would be a scenario in which both the original idea and the traditional components of the Autumn Ball at school will be skillfully combined.

Ideas for the script for the Autumn Ball at high school

As for the ideas for the scenario for the Autumn Ball at high school, there can be many options. Let's start, perhaps, with more traditional ideas, which, however, will help make the holiday extraordinary. For example, high school students can organize the scenario of the Autumn Ball in school in a historical spirit, having tried to realize a real ball of the middle of the year before last. Long evening dresses, black tailcoats, candles, classical music and other surroundings of that era will help to recreate an amazing and very romantic atmosphere of balls of the past. The script itself should not only be solemn, but also contain elements of humor. For example, you can put some funny scenes with the participation of the famous lieutenant Rzhevsky. It is very important to maintain the style of the evening as a whole, therefore, all participants should talk using the speech turns of that era. In general, such a scenario should be replete with beautiful dance performances in appropriate costumes. To emphasize the autumn theme, you can decorate evening dresses and suits with autumn leaves - natural or cut out of colored paper. In addition to the humorous scenes in the script, ballroom dancing and poem reading, you can add funny contests. For example, play fun games with teachers. Moreover, tasks for such forfeiters can be both thematic or simply funny.

The original version of the script for the Autumn Ball for high school students

Another unusual option for the Autumn Ball is the 80s disco script. In this case, getting the right costumes will be much easier. For example, you can look for suitable outfits in your parents' closet or in a flea market. To connect the disco style of the 80s with an autumn ball, you can use small thematic techniques. For example, songs about the autumn of those years, which can be both the musical accompaniment of numbers and the basis for numbers with songs-alterations. The script for the Autumn Ball at the school in the disco style should be very dynamic and fun.

Funny scenario for the Autumn ball at school for students in grades 5-7

For students in grades 5-7, the scenario for the Autumn Ball at school is better to choose a funny one. Firstly, such a humorous format will allow students to relax and enjoy playing their roles. And secondly, the funniest scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for students in grades 5-7 is easiest to implement. Judge for yourself, some funny scenes, a couple of comic dance numbers, funny remake songs - this is an excellent basis for such a scenario. In addition, good humor, seasoned with interesting stories from school life, will make the holiday relaxed and interesting.

Funny scenario for an autumn ball in the style of KVN for grades 5-7

Speaking specifically about ideas for a ridiculous version of the script for the Autumn Ball, the most popular among students in grades 5-7 are the options in the style of famous comedy shows. For example, the KVN format does not lose its relevance over the years. In order to conduct the Autumn Ball in this format, you will need to separate classes into separate teams. You can also involve teachers in the game, in particular, young and with a good sense of humor. The scenario should be based on typical contests of the Club of funny and resourceful: greeting, warm-up, STEM, captain's contest, musical task. Each of the contests can be “sharpened” for the autumn theme. For example, a greeting can be called “Hello, Autumn” and ask the teams to introduce themselves using the most popular myths or opinions about this time of year. Thus, you can beat every contest.

Ideas for the autumn ball mock script for students in grades 5-7

Another relevant option for the funny scenario of the Autumn Ball in grades 5-7 is a parody concert. Here, the imagination of students can be practically unlimited, since this format is quite free. The only thing to avoid is still worth it - bad and insulting parodies of teachers who can really ruin the mood of teachers. Otherwise, if you stick to the "golden mean" you can get a very fun holiday. As numbers for such an Autumn Ball, you can use comic poems about autumn, for example, about bad weather and autumn depression, which escalates in the school walls. Also suitable are dance numbers according to the type of musical potpourri, that is, in the form of musical mixes from different directions. It is better to take melodies for such dances in contrast, for example, start with rock and roll and switch to tango, etc.

The original script for the Autumn Ball to school based on the film

An original and at the same time funny script can be written in the style of a famous film, for example, “Back to the Future” or “Gentlemen of Fortune”. You can also write a script - a mix of different popular films. The main thing is to adapt the script to the school theme, in particular, to adjust it to the format of the Autumn Ball - various scenes, interesting numbers, funny contests. At the same time, the plot of the selected film and recognizable heroes must certainly be present.

Ideas for dancing at the Autumn Ball at school, video

Dance numbers have a special place in the concert dedicated to the autumn ball at school. This is one of the most dynamic, interesting and at the same time quite simple to perform numbers, which are always popular among schoolchildren. Ideas for dancing at the Autumn Ball at school can be drawn from the daily life of the class, the latest world news or from similar videos on the Internet. Among the current options for the Autumn Ball can be called a classic waltz. As a rule, several pairs of high school students who can dance among themselves or invite teachers to dance are chosen to perform the waltz. Despite the stunning beauty, many are afraid to perform a waltz at an autumn ball because of the risk of making a mistake in pa. In addition, the waltz in the classic version is not suitable for every version of the Autumn Ball at school. For example, if a funny script format is chosen, then the ideas for dancing at the Autumn Ball at school should correspond to it. Most often in this case, musical mixes are taken from different directions, which can be beaten with humor.

Original dance parody of the Autumn Ball at school

Another relevant funny option is a dance parody of the Autumn Ball. For example, you can put on a fun dance about how today's students will dance in 20-30 years, if they are invited to the Autumn Ball. A more traditional, but no less relevant option is a good dance in a modern style. It should be based on a preferably popular melody of a song about autumn, and movements can be taken from its video clip or put on your own.

Wall newspaper options for Autumn Ball at school

The wall newspaper is the easiest way to decorate a thematic hall for the Autumn Ball. As options, the wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball at school, you can use ready-made templates and realize your creative abilities. Traditionally, the decoration of the wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball is carried out in the appropriate color scheme - red, yellow, orange. It is these colors that symbolize the arrival of autumn and, therefore, will help to create the desired color scheme of the room. In addition, it is important not only the appearance, but also the content. In particular, it is worth sticking to the format of the upcoming holiday in writing the contents of the wall newspaper. In other words, if there is a fun concert in honor of the Autumn Ball, then wall newspapers should be filled with jokes and funny poems. And for a classic ball it is better to prepare wall newspapers and posters with beautiful and touching congratulations and verses of great poets - classics. You will find some interesting options for the wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball at school below.

Interesting greeting to the autumn ball at school

An integral part of absolutely any scenario of the Autumn Ball at school is a greeting. Moreover, it must necessarily be interesting, possibly funny, and catchy, since it is the greeting that sets the tone for the entire autumn ball at school. We will not repeat that the format of the greeting, like wall newspapers and poems, must coincide with the main format of the concert. At the same time, it should stand out slightly and be even slightly brighter than the rest of the rooms. For this purpose, invited guests can be used in greeting, for example, famous graduates of the school of past years or charismatic professional leaders. It is also important to prepare the right musical accompaniment, which will emphasize the importance of greeting and the beginning of the concert. In addition, the scenario of the Autumn Ball at school itself is quite small in time (usually 1-1.5 hours), so you need to give at least 5-7 minutes to greet. It is also important to attract not only high school students, but also middle school students. For example, make several pairs of leaders from different classes. This is necessary in order to emphasize the unity of schoolchildren of all ages and their important role in conducting the concert.

Objectives: to organize the leisure of children; to develop their creative abilities.

Design: dry maple leaves, balls, plates, saxophone, gramophone.

Event progress

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! The theme of our evening is autumn, we are holding an Autumn Ball !. So good evening! Hello guys!

  Students respond inconsistently.

Host: Oh, no, no, no, that’s not good! It seems that you are not happy about our meeting. You need to greet cheerfully, loudly, clearly. Trying again? Hello, fellow high school students!

Presenter: We do not recognize the color gray
  Our world is playing with the whole rainbow.
  Chanson, we don’t sing romances,
  We are jazz, boogie attract.
  When we walk down the street
  You will turn around after us.
  Dudes we that good
  After all, we are not like everyone else.

Presenter: And now, friends, you have to take part in the filming of the real music and dance clip in the repertoire of Stylag, we will dance Boogie Woogie and rock and roll. Music, light, camera, motor, started! (On-screen dance video)
  Dance block. Music dude.

Presenter: Great, wonderful clip! Hope you enjoyed it. Applause to the artists! Thank you
Dear friends! What ball can pass without beautiful outfits? The next competition is the podium! Pay attention to how our girls tried today! They are smartly and stylishly dressed, they have hairstyles and makeup. Efforts must not be wasted! Now our podium is working for them! Moreover, for those who are here, we have prepared prizes! If you want to show off, I ask you here! If not, let me invite ... (Invites) Maestro, please music! So, our style collection! (On the screen photos of girls in dresses of the 60s)
  Fashion show.

Host: What do you think, who should get the prize? Let's determine the winner with applause.

I totally agree with you. She is generally recognized as the queen of the ball! (Tie a scarf around the neck of the winner)

Presenter: Now cavaliers invite our fashionistas to a slow dance.

Host: For the next contest I invite guys, we will choose the most stylish king of the score. But since we have a disco, then the competition will be dance. Now the music will sound, and I will call some part of the body, the task of the dancers - after the name of the part of the body sounds, begin to dance with it. For example, I say: “right leg!” - the dancers begin to use only the right leg and dance to it. Maestro, I ask for music!


Presenter: Lovely girls, who do you think should get a prize? Let's determine the winner with applause.

I totally agree with you. So by general recognition he is appointed king of the ball! (Tie a tie around the neck of the winner).

Presenter: The king and queen of our ball are chosen, it’s time for a white dance. Lovely girls invite gentlemen to dance.

Dance block. A slow dance

Presenter: And then the contest “Stylish! Do not miss the chair! " A game that has been known to everyone since childhood, where the essence boils down to the fact that the participants move in a circle to the music and at some point must have time to occupy the chairs, the number of which is less. Whoever does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. 6 people are invited.

Competition with chairs.

Presenter: The next game is Autumn Volleyball. We all share on two teams, a team of boys and a team of girls. Between the two chairs we pull the rope. Teams stand on different sides. On the floor you see an equal amount of autumn leaves. Your task in 1 min is to transfer your leaves to the side of your rivals. The team that has fewer leaves wins.

Competition with leaves.

Host: And now a musical pause is announced.

Dance block. Fast music.

Host: Late Autumn. The whole sky is in tears.

A cold wind sings in the wires.

And setting off on the last flight

Leaves are dancing autumn foxtrot.

Presenter: I ask those who were born in September, October and November to come out here. You, the birthday of autumn, prepared a gift. This treasure will go to those who guess what is in the black box. You can ask any questions to which I will answer yes or no. I promise that you will not be disappointed. (They bring in a black box, pretending that it is heavy).

The draw of the black box among the birthday.

Host: If suddenly autumn comes

And throw a leaf in your hands

So there's nothing to stand

Come out to dance with us!

Host: This is where our entertainment part is over. Disco begins.

Dance block.

Scenario Autumn Ball for high school students "Film Festival"

Olya: Good evening, dear friends! Good autumn evening! We welcome everyone to the famous Russian film festival "SHOCK 2016".

Kolya . Which in translation into Russian means “School. Autumn. Creative

Olya.   And today, with you all evening, the popular presenter Nikolai Grishchenko.

Kolya.   And the incomparable Olga Proskuryakova.

Olya: The program of our festival includes the nomination “Take It Off Immediately!” - the debut of new Russian films from the best school directors.

Kolya . And also we can watch scenes from the new season of the show “Everybody Dance!”.

Olya: We’ll visit the filming of the Fazenda program, visiting the hosts of the Wild Orchid column.

Kolya . And the film “Podium” will finish our film festival. We will see footage of a film strip that was not included in the film!

Olya:   So, we are starting!

Quiet calm music ("Long road in the dunes")).

Olya:   Today, no one can imagine their life without television and the Internet. In shops, on the street, at school breaks - everywhere you can see people buried in their nose on the screens of mobile or tablets.

Kolya . Someone is watching a video on u-tube, someone is a movie, someone is just chatting on the network and uploading new photos.

Olya: And in the evening, as usual, your favorite TV series or a new blockbuster on TV or again on the Internet.

Kolya . Internet and television are everywhere. Therefore, the theme of our film festival is a new look at modern cinema

Olya: And now we find out who the first of the director will present his film to the audience. Nikolay, open the envelope!

Kolya . The envelope? Yeah, intrigue!(opens the envelope). And in the nomination “Take It Off Immediately!” We will be the first to see the film of the director ___________ called “________________”(8th grade)

Grade 8 Performance

Olya: Yes, that was awesome! But something from our viewers after watching a little stunned and do not respond to external stimuli. They need to cheer up.

Kolya . It must be so! Let's play the children's game “Question and Answer” and wake up the people.

Olya: the rules are: to our questionsyou must give an answer all together and in chorus "Yes!" or not!". Does everyone understand?

Kolya . Let's rehearse: Yes!(Everyone responds - Yes!) Not!(Everything in the audience - No!).   Remember - the answer is only no or only yes! Let's go!

Olya: - Is ice frozen water?(Everyone screams accordingly - yes!)

Does the old grandfather go to daycare? ... ...

Kolya . - Does he take his grandson there?

After Friday is Wednesday? ..

Olya:   There you go! And I thought - Saturday! Okay, let's go further!

Do rockets have wheels?

Is the tiger a predator or not? ..

Kolya . What does he think, how does a bunny eat carrot and cabbage?

Does the hare have a beard?

Yes?! This is a goat’s beard. And hares go to the hairdresser to shave!

Olya:   - To be the sun?

Friendship to be?

This evening to stop?

Kolya . How to stop this? Everything is in full swing!

Olya: It seems the people got agitated. And we continue our film festival! The next film will show us the director   (opens envelope) ________. Film "________" (Grade 9)

Grade 9 performance

Kolya . Applause to the actors and the director!

Olya: Perfectly! I see our jury in desperation begins to clutch at the heart! There will be a difficult choice of the winner in the nomination “Take It Off Immediately!”

Kolya . Olga, I’ve been wondering what we forgot to say at the very beginning of our evening. And finally remembered!

Olya: And what is it?

Kolya . We forgot to introduce the jury! Our famous jury!

Olya: Right! So, dear friends! Today, the jury consists of mega-stars, super directors and world famous aketers!


Kolya . Dear star jury! In the nomination “Take It Off Immediately!” - 10 is the highest score! Be fair, but not very strict!

Olya: And we continue! Nikolay, open the envelope!

Kolya . From such stellar surname, my head was spinning and my hands were shaking! Open the envelope yourself!

Olya: so, the film "___________" from the director ___________ (grade 10)

10th grade performance

Kolya . And we are finishing the screening of films in the nomination “Take it off immediately!”.

Olya: And the film “__________” directed by ___________ (11th grade) will be the last to debut

Grade 11 Performance

Kolya . So the screening of films has ended! It was an incredible sight! What emotions! What a game of actors!

Olya: Yes, I agree!And they laughed, and cried, as they say!

Kolya . But the time has come to turn our attention to the platform where the new season of the Fazenda program is being shot. As far as I remember, they promised to teach us how to make bouquets in the Wild Orchid style.

Olya: Precisely, in the nomination “Hiccup Orchid”, we and, of course, you, dear jury, will see stunning bouquets made up by the best florists of the program!

Kolya . And which are not ashamed to present at a meeting with your favorite actors!

Olya: So, the best cinema florists of the century are invited to the stage!

Bouquets take turns grades 8-11

Kolya . And why am I not a movie actor? I would not refuse such chic bouquets!

Olya: You have a whole life ahead of you, all of a sudden yes you will become famous and fans will fill you with bouquets from head to toe!

Kolya . You have to live up to this! And I propose to continue our film festival and the platform will be moved where the new season of the show "Everybody Dance!"

Olya: today, the actors have an interesting task. You need to imagine the dance of your favorite movie characters.

Kolya . According to the draw, the first team of the famous dancer is _________

Olya: dance for ___________________________ (for which movie heroes)

___ class performance

Kolya . Awesome sight! The applause does not subside!

Olya: and the next to be invited to the stage is a team of dancersled by a dance meter ____________________. Tanya for ………………………………

___ class performance

Kolya . That's it, I finish school and go to a dance class!

Olya: Wasn't it a little late?

Kolya . Learning to dance is never too late!

Olya: Agree! We meet the dancers of the century - the team of choreographer ____________. With a dance for ______________

___ class performance

Kolya . Yes, the jury faces a difficult task. I do not envy them!

Olya: And we meet the last by lot, but not the last by talents, choreographer's team _____________ with the dance “____________”

___ class performance

Kolya . I definitely have no words left! One movement of the legs and arms!

Olya: Don’t worry, after the festival the reception was replaced by a stellar megadisc library! There you’ll come off!

Kolya . I'm all impatient! Beautiful girls! Slow dancing !!! Or maybe smart fashion models ... What else does a guy need for happiness!

Olya: then I propose urgently switching to the cinema site, where they show footage from the film "Podium", which were not included in the film.

EXCELLENT LEADER (most likely Alina Mikhaylyuk), who represents all classes. I’ll register the performance separately when I learn from the classes what kind of pairs of heroes they will be.

On the hand of the heroes (each pair) the class number for the jury.

Kolya . Thank you, Alina! It’s a pity, such chic scenes from the movie were cut out!

Olya: And do not say! I want to watch and enjoy forever!

Kolya . But all good things always end for some reason! So our film festival came to an end.

Olya: it remains only to give the floor to the jury and name the winners in the nominations!

Kolya . The jury chairman, the world famous director ___________ is invited to the stage

The word JURY. Awards

Kolya . Well, the awards were presented, the diplomas were received! Going home? _____

Olya: viewers are silent, see, tired. Answer the question: are you tired of having fun, want to leave home? ………… ..

Kolya . We hope you had a good time at our SHOCK 2016 film festival.

Olya: and we believe that you’ll spend even cooler time on our super disk “Hooray, vacation!”

Kolya.   Ka always, the rules are simple: have fun and dance. As soon as we don’t dance, we’ll go home right away

Olya.   Have a great evening! And have a great vacation! Everybody dance!

One of the most mysterious and unpredictable seasons is autumn. So much has been written about her by famous poets and writers ... But not only they love and idolize this time.

All the schools and preschool institutions host various events dedicated to the golden time, the last glimmer of warmth and joy of summer.

Our scenario is for High school ball for high school studentsbut, it is perfectly adapted for holding events in the middle grades of a comprehensive school.
  The script contains an interesting literary sketch, contests, games and amateur performances.

The children participating in the performance will be able to show their talents, reveal and demonstrate to their peers and teachers artistic abilities.

Ball decoration

Musical accompaniment of the holiday

1. Competition Screensavers: children's laughter (club), Chuck Berry - Roll Over Beethoven, Paul Pritchard - Amazing Butterflies.

2. Moose Dance Screensaver: Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

3. Record of the Viennese Waltz.

It is necessary to prepare several dance numbers in advance. The very first - the opening Autumn Ball - a composition from the Viennese Waltz, turning into Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

To prepare several amateur performances. It can be songs about autumn, magic tricks, sports numbers, acrobatic studies and so on. The guys themselves should think through a mini-concert at the "Autumn Ball".

For Queens   and Kings of Autumn   Signed ribbons and crowns will be needed.

Props and decorations

The autumn ball is traditionally held either in the school assembly hall or in the sports hall. The room must be decorated in tones and motifs the theme of autumn.

Garlands of flowers and colorful leaves are hung on the walls and back of the stage. In a whirlwind of yellow maple leaves the poster "Autumn mood!".

On the sides are candelabra, whose legs are also entwined with multi-colored garlands of flowers, interspersed with bunches of mountain ash.


1. Presenter. The girl is dressed in a light top, a dark bottom.

2. Leading. The boy is wearing dark pants, a light shirt.

3. A.S. Pushkin. Dressed in a tailcoat. On the head is a cylinder. Whiskers.

4. A. Tolstoy. Dressed in a traditional costume with a bow tie. In the hands of a smoking pipe.

5. S.Ya. Marshak. Round glasses on the nose. Parting hairstyle.

6. A. Twardowski. Dressed in a military uniform of the Great Patriotic War and a sword belt.

7. N. Nekrasov. Long jacket. Pointed butterfly. Characteristic elongated beard.

8. M.Yu. Lermontov. Dressed in the uniform of an officer of the imperial army.

9. F. Tyutchev. Dressed in a tailcoat. Instead of a tie - a dark bow. On the nose - glasses.

10. S. Yesenin. Dressed in a gray suit. The shirt is unbuttoned for a couple of buttons. On the head there is a checkered cap or hat.

Note: If it is difficult to find clothes for poets, you can simply make badges or attach inscriptions to costumes explaining who is who.

Scene №1

Dance and music composition "Autumn Waltz". Sounds of Vienna Waltz and Interface - Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

Presenter: Dear Guys! Today we are at the present Autumn Ball of the last century, where, believe me, it will be very interesting to you!

Leading: And as you know, it was in those very days that all our great poets lived. Well, not all, of course, but many!

Presenter: And so, we decided to collect at our ball all who presented us, their descendants, the most beautiful poems dedicated to this amazing season - Golden Autumn!

Leading: Let’s imagine, guys, while our teachers in different classes select poems for us so that we learn them, what a dispute can occur between their great poets who wrote!

Scene "Poetic battles of great poets about autumn!"

On the scene in turn appear: A.S. Pushkin, A. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, A. Twardowski, N. Nekrasov, M.Yu. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin.

Poets prove to each other who best of them composes about autumn.

A.S. Pushkin:

"Oh, the sky breathed in the fall ..."

I am alone here! One by right!

I have never seen a competition!

In Russian literature I am a Star!

A. Tolstoy:

"Autumn. The whole poor garden is sprinkled ... "

Sorry my friend, but I'm not to blame!

What about this time,

I will give odds to all poets!

Better not write about autumn!

I - Star - no need to compose!

S.Ya. Marshak:

“In October, in October!”

I composed on the table!

And about leaf fall,

I’m always happy to compose!

So, friend writers,

You are not leaders at all!

I wrote about the rain -

I have long been a Star!

A. Twardowski:

“A blue appeared between the thinning tops!”

These are all my poems! Come to yourself, you guys!

N. Nekrasov:

My syllable will stop you

I will say in contrast.

"A mournful wind drives

I’m flying clouds to the edge of heaven! ”

F. Tyutchev:

Stop arguing immediately, friends!

I write better about golden autumn!

And they all owe you together, in unison

Say short: BYE!

"There is in the fall of the original,

A short but wonderful time! ”

A. Twardowski:

"Cobwebs are swimming

Over sleepy stubble ... "

Disperse guys

So far, alive!

M.Yu. Lermontov:

“The leaves in the field turned yellow!

And they spin and fly! ”

Children at school from all poems,

Only mine want to learn!

S. Yesenin:

“Golden foliage spun,

In the pinkish water on the pond ... "

Well, why swear like that? I do not know…

Anyway, I won’t find any better lines!

Behind the scene, indignant screams are heard. Knock on the door.

Pushkin: And this, in fact, who else wants to get into our already very “friendly” and small company?

Lermontov: So these are other poets who also wrote about autumn! Oh, how many of them!

(The “Amazing Butterflies” music screen saver sounds. Poets are all scared, clutching their heads, someone gets into a boxing stance. They freeze in such poses, then bow and leave.
  Followed by numbers of amateur performances).

Scene №3

Presenter: Our Autumn Ball is in full swing! It's time to play!

Leading: Are you ready to show your ingenuity, speed and sense of humor, if necessary?

All in unison: Yes!

Presenter: Well, then we begin! Our first competition is called ...

Competition No. 1 "Leaves mixed"

For the competition you need real or cut out of multi-colored paper leaf shapes: oak, birch, poplar, apple and willow. These leaves are randomly scattered on the floor of the room.

1. 10 people are divided into teams of 2 participants.

2. Each team is given the name of the tree whose leaves they need to collect.

3. The team that collected all its leaves correctly and quickly wins.

Prizes in all competitions can be autumn items and things: umbrellas, raincoats, hats, scarves.

Competition No. 2 "Autumn Gifts"

1. 3 desks are placed in a row, 6 chairs for them.

2. 6 participants sit on chairs at their desks. The children are blindfolded.

3. On the table, before each player, is placed on an autumn gift (vegetables, fruits, nuts, cones, etc.).

(for instance: distribute to the participants (each 1 subject) potatoes, onions, cones, mushrooms, pears, apples. In the next round, swap them or replace them with other autumn gifts).

4. The task of each player: to determine by touch what he got.

5. Whoever correctly guessed an object from time to time wins.

Competition No. 3 "Ballroom Autumn Outfits"

This is a massive competition. It will fit perfectly into the script if the holiday is celebrated together in all classes at once. It will take a lot of colorful leaves, strings, cones, twigs and other autumn attributes.

Each class chooses its Queen and its Autumn King. The task of each class is to create outfits for them from prepared autumn materials. For example, the classmates dress the king, and the girls the queen. Preparation time is given: 15-20 minutes.

At the end of time, a competition for the best outfits is held between all pairs of kings and queens.
  The winner is chosen according to the audience applause and comments.
  Winners are awarded ribbons and crowns.

Competition-game №4 "Autumn Association"

The presenter calls the words, and the guys should name the autumn association to this word.

Examples of words that the host sets in turn:

1. The tree.

4. Kitchen garden.

Possible answers to the guys’s words:

1. Leaves.

2. Rain or puddles.

3. A day of knowledge or study.

4. Harvest.

5. Rye, wheat.

7. Red, yellow.

8. Wet.

9. Leaf fall.

10. Halloween.

Scene №4

Selected King and Queen of the Autumn open Autumn disco!

Students dance, communicate in a free style.

Disco should not exceed 2 hours in time.

At the discretion of the school directorate, you can arrange a “sweet table” with tea drinking.

A few words about costumes

Kids are delighted with costumed events, it can be either balls or masquerades, as this is a great opportunity to show your new image. In addition, at the time of such festivities, various competitions are held in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

In the form of a masquerade, autumn holidays are also organized, which requires the creation of an appropriate costume: elegant, bright, unusual and memorable.

For the simplest outfit of Autumn, it is permissible to take an ordinary dress, and then supplement it with voluminous applications, a suitable headdress, an apron.
  To decorate accessories accompanying the costume, you will need bright autumn leaves, images of autumn flowers - chrysanthemums and asters, and, of course, rhinestones, sparkles.

But you can not take the finished foundation, but do the making of a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands.

1. The fabric for the outfit must be selected correctly; the main shades are “autumn” (yellow, sand, lemon, orange, red). The result should be a suit that has a warm, sunny color.

2. An Autumn outfit may be in the form of a dress or loose cape. It’s simple, especially since then it will serve as the basis for another costume, for example, if you want to transform into a fox, a squirrel, a bright butterfly or fire. It is important that the fabric is light and airy.

3. For the dress, you will definitely need a hat - a hat or a crown, in which autumn motifs should be present, that is, images of yellowed leaves and various gifts of autumn. The material for creating the jewelry will be fabric or cardboard, and a thin wire will be needed in order to make the basis.
  Instead of a crown, you can use a hat decorated with beads, a bright organza, ribbons and lace.

4. Of course, real autumn leaves will look quite original, but it is better to do without them: such jewelry will not be able to last long because of its fragility! It is better to use cardboard, from which a sheet layout is cut, and then autumn leaves are created using brightly colored starched fabric. Look for ready-made autumn leaves in stores that sell everything for needlework.

5. We complement the autumn ballroom outfit with a wide belt of red or orange color, on which beads, sequins, ribbons, sparkles are sewn. Elements of lace embroidery and applique will also look great.


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