Ready-made projects for preschool children. Short-term project in kindergarten. Senior group. As a result of the project, children will know

Preschool education is the most important step in the educational system. It is it that lays the foundation and creates the basis for the further development and education of the child. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize training at a preschool educational institution. One way to shape the learning process is to implement projects in kindergarten.

Why do we need projects in kindergartens

A child from an early age begins to learn the world. The task of the preschool educational institution is to provide basic skills and knowledge that will be useful in the future. For example, in a preschool educational institution children are told about the alphabet, taught to read, and also to perform simple mathematical operations - addition and subtraction.

The implementation of projects in kindergartens is designed to help build an effective educational program and teach children various skills.

Types and types of projects under GEF DO

There is a certain classification of projects in kindergartens. They differ in terms of implementation, composition of participants and topics. They use various methods and techniques aimed at the development of the child.

The following types of projects in the GEF DOW:

  1. By the dominant principle.
  2. By the nature of the content and information content.
  3. By the role of the child in the project.
  4. According to the features of the contacts.
  5. By the number of people participating in the project.
  6. By validity.

In the practice of preschool education, the following types of projects are used:

  1. Research and creative.
  2. Role playing with game elements.
  3. Information-oriented.
  4. Creative.

Since the leading activity of a preschooler is the game, then, from a young age, role-playing and creative projects are used.

The following types of projects are of great importance:

  • research;
  • individual;
  • group
  • intergroup;
  • complex;
  • creative.

The main goal of this method in a preschool educational institution is to develop a child’s free creative personality.

Documents required for the implementation of the project

Before implementing the project, the educator must perform the following steps:

  1. Create a project goal.
  2. Develop a plan to achieve the goal.
  3. Involve specialists in the implementation of the relevant sections of the project.
  4. Draw up a project plan.
  5. Gather the necessary material.
  6. Include various activities in the project.
  7. Prepare homework for independent implementation.
  8. Present a project in kindergarten using an open lesson.

When implementing a project in a preschool educational institution, it goes through the following stages:

  1. Goal setting. The teacher helps the child choose the feasible and relevant task for him, taking into account his age, abilities and interests.
  2. Project development - an action plan to achieve the goal.
  3. Project implementation is a practical part.
  4. Summing up - defining tasks for new projects.

Projects for different age groups in a preschool educational institution

In kindergartens, there is a division into the following groups:

  • nursery - from 1.5 to 2 years;
  • the youngest - from 2 to 4 years. It can additionally be divided into 1st and 2nd groups;
  • average - from 4 to 5 years;
  • the eldest - from 5 to 6 years;
  • preparatory - from 6 to 7 years.

Each group has its own projects that take into account all the features of children in groups. Depending on what topic or area of \u200b\u200blife the teacher wants to cover, the project can be short-term, long-term or medium-long. Here are some examples for each of the age groups.

For example, in the middle group in kindergarten, the following projects can be carried out: “Matches for children are not toys!”, “Useful food products”, “Living water”, etc. Thus, the project “Matches for children are not toys!” Is intended to explain to preschool children about fire hazards, how to behave in case of fire, and what measures can be taken to prevent fire.

With the help of the Living Water project, it is possible to clarify children's knowledge of water, its properties and state of aggregation. Here, the rules of behavior in open water are considered, and an aesthetic attitude to nature is formed.

The Healthy Foods project should expand children's knowledge of products, their beneficial properties, methods or places of their production, and also tell you what dishes can be prepared from them.

In the older group are children about 5 to 6 years old. At this age, there is an intensive development of the intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional spheres of life. Projects implemented in the preschool educational institution in the senior group take these features into account and are aimed at their development. For example, the project “Our Good Tales” is aimed at developing interest in books and reading with the help of Russian folk tales.

In the preparatory group in the preschool educational institution, the daily routine of the baby does not differ from that which was earlier, but emphasis is placed on the moral and physical preparation of the child for school. At the same time, groups continue to conduct classes and implement projects aimed at developing various qualities and skills. One example of a project in a DOW in the preparatory group is the Kindness Save the World project. It aims to develop positive character traits and is designed to motivate children to do good deeds that are feasible to them.

There are also children's projects in which preschoolers gain knowledge on their own or with their parents. For example, in the preparatory group in kindergarten, the project “Magic transformations of milk” can be implemented. With it, children should learn about the different types of dairy products and how to prepare them.

Samples of GEF projects

For the successful implementation of the project, the following documents are required:

  • explanatory note;
  • project passport;
  • cyclogram of its implementation;
  • stages of work on it;
  • totals;
  • feedback from participants.

One of the most important documents is the project passport in the DOW. Using the example of the project "Children's News in Kindergarten", we consider what is included in it. The document indicates the authors of the project, its topic, type and type, purpose, tasks, who will participate, that is, for children of what age it is intended, the timing of its implementation and expected results. With its help, teachers plan to introduce children to the work of a journalist and presenter and give them the opportunity to report or issue news.

The project "Children's News in Kindergarten" separately prescribes the tasks for the child and the teacher. A sample of the project passport at the Federal State Educational Standards can be found.

Consider the project “Mini-Museum in kindergarten. “The Legacy of the Russian Land”, its purpose in the passport is formulated as follows: the creation of a mini-museum “The Legacy of the Russian Land” to enrich the educational space of the kindergarten.

The implementation of the project includes the following stages: organizational, core and analytical. The first stage will last 3 months, the second 11, and the third 1 month. The documents describe in detail each of the stages, while children are not involved in the preparation for the implementation of the project. They will participate in the main and analytical stages. They will form the museum’s exposition, do crafts on their own and with their parents.

The main work falls on the educators and other employees of the preschool educational institution during the implementation of the project. The organization of the educational program lies with the head of the DOE.

Project activities in kindergarten.


One of the main tasks of the modern education system, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, is the disclosure of the abilities of each child, the education of a person with creative thinking, ready to live in a high-tech information society, with the ability to use information technology and learn throughout life. Only such an individual can become successful in life. In the context of the project in the DOE, each child independently strives for active work, and the adult expects from him a positive peculiar creative result. Therefore, it is precisely in the project activity in the preschool educational institution that it is possible to educate a creative person with creative thinking, and the full development of the cognitive activity of preschoolers is possible.

Project Method

According to the definition of the American educator, the founder of the project method, William Heard Kilpatrick, a project is any action performed from the heart and for a specific purpose. A project is a set of actions specially organized by teachers and carried out by children and adults participating in the project. Children, teachers, and family participate in the project activities at the preschool educational institution. Project activity, like no other, supports the children's cognitive initiative in kindergarten and family conditions, and it is the project activity that allows this initiative to be formalized as a culturally significant product.

The project method is a learning system in which children acquire knowledge in the process of planning and completing constantly complicated practical tasks - projects. The project method always involves the solution by pupils of a problem. This method of work is suitable for children from four years of age and older.

Ways of developing projects in a preschool educational institution

1. System web for the project

All types of children's activities and forms of joint activities during the project are listed. All of them are distributed by educational area, clause 2.6. GEF BEFORE:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

The system web also indicates the forms of interaction with the family and social partners in the course of the project activity, the forms of joint activity within the project during the regimen moments.

2. The model of three questions WHAT I KNOW? WHAT DO I WANT TO KNOW? HOW TO FIND OUT?

WHAT DO I KNOW? - PROBLEM. Find out what children already know about the topic.

WHAT DO I WANT TO KNOW? - DESIGN. Plan on the topic of the project.

HOW TO FIND OUT? - SEARCH FOR INFORMATION. Sources of new knowledge, i.e. means for the project.

3. The image of "Seven We" (according to Zaire-Beck)

We are concerned ... (a fact, a contradiction, something that attracts attention) is formulated.

We understand ... (it seems a deliberate problem to solve and reference values).

We expect ... (a description of the intended goals - the results is given).

We assume ... (ideas, hypotheses are presented).

We intend ... (context of actions planned in stages).

We are ready ... (a description of the available resources of a different nature is given).

We seek support ... (the rationale for the necessary external support for the implementation of the project is presented).

Classification of thematic projects in DOW

1.   According to the activity dominating in the project:

Research & Creative

Rolevo - game


Information (practice-oriented)

2. By subject area:

Monoprojects (one educational area)

Integrative (two or more educational areas)

3. By the nature of coordination:



4. By the nature of the contacts:

With pupils of the same group

With pupils of several groups

With pupils of the whole DOW

5. By the duration of the project (depends on the degree of interest of the children, the teacher determines):

Short term (1 - 3 weeks)

Average duration (up to a month)

Long-term (from a month to several months)

Types of projects in a preschool educational institution (according to L.V. Kiseleva)

1. Research - creative.   Children experiment and draw up the results in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design (layouts and models).

2. Rolevo - game . Elements of creative games are used, children enter the image of fairy tale characters and solve problems in their own way.

3. Information (practice-oriented) . Children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (design and design of the group)

4. Creative.   Presentation of the result of the work in the form of a children's holiday, children's design, etc.

What is a “project”?

Each project is a "five P":


Design (planning)

Search for information;



But in fact, every teacher who organizes a project in a preschool educational institution should have a sixth “P” of the project - this is his Portfolio, i.e. a folder in which all working materials are collected, including drafts, daily plans, notes and other methodological materials used in the course of the project activity.

At the end of the project, each teacher of the preschool educational institution organizing the project activity must draw up a report on the project, which often causes difficulties. Using the proposed approximate structure for preparing a report on a completed project in a preschool educational institution, you, dear colleagues, can easily do this.

An approximate structure for teachers to fill out a report on a completed project in a preschool educational institution using the project’s system web

1. Title page   - project name, project type, project time frame, project author.

2. Project Theme   and its origin.

3. Project objectives   (educational, developmental and educational): for children, for educators (not only for educators, but, possibly, for music directors, athletic directors, speech therapists, etc.), for family members.

4. System web of the project.

5. Expected Project Results: for children, for teachers, for family members.

6. Summary of the project:

* Preparatory stage - actions of children, actions of teachers, actions of family members

* Activity stage - actions of children, actions of teachers, actions of family members

* The final stage - actions of children, actions of teachers, actions of family members

7. Project Product Description : for children, for teachers, for family members

8. Project presentation   - Demonstration of project products to others (it is appropriate to place photos of the project product here).

Dear colleagues, I wish you creative success in project activities with preschoolers!

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Federal state requirements in the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education orient teachers working with preschool children to solve educational problems not only in educational activities, but also in the joint activities of the educator with children, in the independent activities of children in the developing environment, in the process of interaction with families pupils.

At the same time, it is necessary to organize the educational process, taking into account the integration of all educational fields.

In my opinion, the project method allows optimally solving these problems. The project method is basically an independent activity of the project participants, focused not only on the assimilation of factual knowledge, but also on their application and the acquisition of new ones. As noted by the editor-in-chief of the journal “Kindergarten of the Future - Gallery of Creative Projects” V.I. Rebrova in his article “Design in modern life”, the position of the teacher changes during the course of the project: he turns from an “transmitter” of knowledge into an active participant in joint activities . He acts as a coordinator, organizing the work of children, since it is difficult for preschoolers to independently plan their activities to solve the problems of the project.

The project, as one of the forms of joint activity, is a technology for the development of independence, research behavior, cognitive and creative activity of children. In my opinion, this expresses its main advantage.

I have developed and tested an educational, thematic project of medium duration (approximately 2 months), which is called “Droplet Transformation”.

The aim of the project is the formation in children of ideas about the importance of water in nature through the study of the properties of water and the establishment of causal relationships.

Project participants are children of preschool age, teachers, parents.

Project stages Actions of children Teacher Actions Parent Actions
Preparatory Precipitation observation.

Observation of natural phenomena associated with water (ice drift, frost, hoarfrost, icicles, etc.).

To initiate discussion of the project among peers.

Selection of literary literature on the topic.

Selection of encyclopedias, maps, schemes.

Drawing up card files of riddles, puzzles, verses, sayings.

Compiling a file of experiments with water.

Preparation of equipment for experiments with water

Preparation of equipment for experiments with water.

Preparation of photos of natural phenomena.

Active Consideration of encyclopedias, illustrations.

SRI “Brave Mariners”.

Precipitation observation.

Observation of natural phenomena associated with water (ice drift, frost, hoarfrost, icicles, etc.).

Experimentation, experiments.

Games with water.

Compilation of observation diaries.

Drawing, applique.

Organization of experiments, experiments.

Didactic, educational games.

Integration of project activities in NOD (FEMP - measuring the volume of water; communication - lesson "Grammar Island": FTsKM - lesson-experimentation "The water cycle in nature"

Preparation of children's stories about unique natural sites
Final Entertainment “Merry water”.

Presentation of the pages of the album about water.

Organization of photo exhibitions.

Drawing up the circuit "The water cycle in nature."

Entertainment “Fun Water”

Awareness of the need for a child to be a source of encyclopedic knowledge.

To be able to answer children's questions, including based on the principles of nature conformity and science conformity.

The system "web" for the project is presented at figure 1.

As an example, I present a summary of the joint activities of the educator with the children “Have you heard about water?”. This event is held at the active stage of the project. By the time of the event, the children had already become acquainted with the properties of water, learned in what form water is found in nature.

The purpose of the event: to experimentally introduce children to the properties and aggregative states of water.

  • To form ideas about the transition of water from solid to liquid, from liquid to gaseous and vice versa.
  • To expand ideas about the role of water in human life and their impact on health.
  • To consolidate the ability to highlight in the process of perception several qualities of the object and its characteristic properties.
  • To strengthen the ability to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena (when the ambient temperature changes, the state of aggregation of water changes).
  • To bring children to the conclusion that in nature everything is interconnected.
  • To form ideas about dangerous situations for a person and the surrounding world of nature related to water and ways of behavior in them.
  • Remind children that in case of careless handling of the fire, a fire may occur.
  • To consolidate teamwork skills: the ability to distribute responsibilities, to work in accordance with the general plan, without interfering with each other.
  • In research project activities, teaching a child to pay attention to analyzing the effectiveness of information sources. Initiate project discussions with peers.
  • Develop research project activities.
  • To form the ability to negotiate, to help each other.
  • To form representations of oneself as an active member of the team through project activities.
  • Promote creative design activities of an individual and group nature.
  • To teach children - future schoolchildren - to take the initiative in order to obtain new knowledge.
  • Continue to develop vision, hearing, smell, taste.
  • Improve speech as a means of communication.
  • To develop the construction of statements, to help children more accurately characterize the object, the situation; to teach to make assumptions and draw simple conclusions, to express their thoughts is understandable to others.
  • To continue work on enrichment of everyday, natural history, vocabulary.
  • Help build complex sentences correctly
  • Exercise in sound analysis of a word


For the educator:thermos with snow, a candle, a metal spoon, glass (mirror), a projector, a laptop.

For children:glasses of different volumes and shapes, a plate, spoons, salt, sugar, glasses with water and milk, pebbles, a cube, colored strips, chips.

Demonstration material: Kapitoshka doll - a symbol of the project; a letter from Droplets; rebus; a set of pictures for reproducing the algorithm of experience, the scheme "The water cycle in nature."

The teacher draws the attention of children to the letter brought by Kapitoshka and suggests reading it.

Figure 2

"Hello guys! Three little sisters are writing you droplets. Help us. We lived together and never quarreled. Once the sun was so hot that one of us turned into steam. And then a terrible frost came. The second was combing her hair at that moment, and it froze, turning into a beautiful snowflake. And the third managed to hide. And remained a bit. Snowflake was very enchanted, she began to admire herself and did not want to acknowledge her sisters in a bit and “wig”. Guys, help! Prove that we, snowflake, droplet and “parinka” are sisters.

Do you guys want to help? What are they asking you for?

The game "Where the water hid." The game is played using the “Bus Stop” Active Learning Method. Children are optionally divided into three teams.

The teacher offers the teams to choose one of the proposed names - Icy, Water, Steam. Then the teacher reads poetry:

Have you heard of water?
   They say it everywhere!
   In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
   And in the faucet.
   Like an icicle freezes
   Creeps into the forest with fog
   It is called a glacier in the mountains.
   We used to have water
   Our companion always!
   Without her we can’t wash
   Do not eat, do not get drunk,
   I dare you to report:
   We cannot live without it.

The task for the teams is to select the pictures where the water is in solid, liquid and gaseous state, respectively. Teams approach the tables (“bus stops”) on which the pictures are laid out (Figures 3-8). Select the desired pictures and go to another “stop”. Having visited all the stops, having chosen the necessary pictures, team representatives explain their choice.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Conclusion: water in the environment is different. Hard as ice, in the form of steam and liquid. It is transparent, without taste, color or smell.

Imagine our room is a research laboratory. To prove that a snowflake, a “steamink” and a drop are sisters, we need to study the properties of water. We will conduct experiments now.

Children come to the tables where the equipment for experiments is prepared to determine the properties of water.

The teacher’s task is to convince the children to choose different properties and not repeat the experiments shown by other children.

Experience No. 1: “Water has no form”

Give the children two glasses and dishes of various shapes. In one glass is water, in the other is a cube. Put the cube in the dishes of a different shape. The cube has retained the shape of a cube. Pour water into another dish, water takes the form of this dish. One hundred can be said about the form of water? Water has no form. She takes the form of dishes. The cube retains its shape in any bowl.

Experience No. 2: “Liquid water, can flow”

Give children 2 glasses: 1 - with water, 2 - empty. And offer them to pour water from one glass to another. Ask a question: “Is water pouring? Why?". Conclusion: water is liquid, pouring.

Experience No. 3: “Water has no color”

What color is water? On the table you have strips of paper, with their help we will determine the color of the water. Attach and compare the color of the water and the color of each strip. Is it possible to say that the water coincides with one of their colors? (Not). What color is water then? Colorless.

Experience No. 4: “Water has no taste. Water is a solvent ”

Give children three glasses with drinking water, containers with sugar and salt, teaspoons. Try the water. Dissolve salt in one glass, sugar in another. Try again. In one glass, the water became sweet, in the other - salty, in the third - tasteless.

Experience No. 5: “Water has no smell”

When mom bakes pies and rolls, you will smell a delicious smell outside the door of the apartment. Subtle aroma emit flowers, perfumes. And smell the water, what does it smell like? Conclusion: water is odorless.

Experience No. 6: “Clear water”

Give the children two glasses. One with water, the other with milk and two pebbles. Lower one pebble into water, the other into milk. A stone is visible in a glass of water, but not in a glass of milk. Conclusion: the water is clear.

Experience No. 8: “Three states of water” ”(conducted by the tutor)

Before conducting the experiment, the Active learning method “Info-guessing game” is used.

A drop of water is drawn on a piece of paper.

Question to the children: - Guys! How to turn a drop of water into ice? The children’s answers obtained by testing the method (Mark in the freezer, take it to the top of the mountain, where there are always glaciers). The answers are drawn by the children in the empty sector between the drop and ice.

Guys! And how to turn ice into water? (Water into steam? Steam into water?)

On the flame of a candle we heat the snow. Conclusion: in heat, snow turns into water.

We continue to heat the water. Water turns into steam. Conclusion: With strong heating, the water evaporates, turning into steam. We set a cool mirror above the steam. The steam, touching the mirror, cools and turns into water. Conclusion: when cooled, the steam turns into water.

Water has three solid states - snow, ice; liquid - water; gaseous - steam

Let the children conclude that steam, snowflake and droplet are different states of water.

If there are signs of child fatigue, the Snow Queen relaxation game is played.

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to strain and relax alternately the muscles of the whole body, coordinate movements.

Equipment: icicle wand, picture-sun.

The teacher or child turns into a “snow queen” and begins to gradually “freeze” all children.

Guys! I suggest you turn into drops of water, and the snow queen will try to freeze you, turn you into ice. Get out on the carpet. Your right arm, neck, etc. freezes. Children turn into ice sculpture.

And now - the sun came out, and you slowly melt away - your left leg, torso ... .. you melted, turned into a puddle .... Children first squat down, then completely relax and lie down on the floor.

After the game, the children again turn into “scientists” and return to the laboratory.

Guys! Can we say that snowflake, droplet and “parinka” are sisters?

How do we tell Droplet about this? Let's send a photo of the experiments!

The teacher demonstrates the presentation “Experiments with water”.

But how do you know the address? There is a rebus in the letter. (Figure 9). Let's try to solve it! This is an encrypted address. Only not mail, but electronic!

Figure 9

This is an email address. Need to use a computer!

Communication such a computer - satellite - a bit! We will send and we will wait for an answer!

Invite the children to independently organize the game “Land-Water”.

(The joint activity of the educator with the children goes into the independent activity of the children).


I am a cloud and a fog
   And the stream and the ocean
   I fly and run
   And I can be glass.

Players become in one line. At the leading “land” word, everyone jumps forward, at the word “water” - backward. The competition is held at a fast pace. The host has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word "water", for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - shore, land, island. Jumping out of place, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

This project has been tested in DOU No. 113 of St. Petersburg. (Annex 1).

The project is integrated with educational areas - cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world), safety, health, reading fiction, socialization.

It is possible to note the cognitive interest of children throughout the project, the high interest of parents and the desire to help children and teachers, which indicates the need and significance of the project.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) of November 23, 2009 No. 655 "On approval and enforcement of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education".
  2. From birth to school. The main educational program of preschool education, ed. NOT. Veraks, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Mosaic synthesis, 2010.
  3. Design method in the activities of a preschool institution. A manual for practitioners DOE. The author is L.S. Kiselyova. - M.: ARKTI, 2004.
  4. Skorolupova O.A. Water. Classes with children of preschool age. - M.: Scriptorium, 2010.
  5. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about natural phenomena and objects. Guidelines. - M.: SC Sphere, 2011
  6. Kulikovskaya I.E., Sovgir N.N. Children's experimentation. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.
  7. Preschool education: innovative projects, methodology, new ideas. Magazine for managers, specialists and educators of DOW. No. 1/2011.

The teacher of the first qualification category of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 201", Orenburg.

Design activityl is an integrated teaching method that is innovative for preschoolers. It is aimed at developing the personality of the child, his cognitive and creative abilities, when a series of classes is united by the main problem.

In addition, it is important that not only children but also their parents are involved in the project, which makes the learning process as effective as possible.

The project “What I Know About Me” was developed for children of primary preschool age with the aim of forming the prerequisites for a conscious attitude to their health.


Project Passport

Type of project: informative and creative, group.

Implementation Time:   during the school year.

Project participants: preschool children, teacher, parents of pupils, physical education teacher, music director,

Age of participants: children of preschool age (3-4 years)

Educational area: the project is being implemented as part of the Childhood program, section “Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful”

Relevance of the topic:

Younger preschool age is the most important period in the development of a child. At this time, there is a transition to new relationships with adults, peers, with the objective world. At this time, children begin to actively manifest a need for cognitive communication with adults, which is why it is so important to encourage cognitive activity, to develop a desire for observation, comparison, examination. The first object to be studied is often the child himself and his environment - adults and peers. The most interesting and incomprehensible thing for a child is him. A child very early begins to strive for knowledge of the structure of his body, compares himself with others, finds similarities and differences. Who am I? What am I? What can I do? Why do you need eyes, ears? ... - this is only a small part of the questions that the child asks, and he cannot answer on his own. And here the main task of an adult is to maintain the interest that children have in their own body, its structure and functioning, to teach them how to help themselves, to teach them to be careful about their bodies. Thus, we can conclude that the topic of self-knowledge is relevant for studying with children of primary preschool age, and the use of design technology allows children to become active participants in the educational and educational processes, and also creates the conditions for involving their parents in the educational process.

Project Objectives:

1. arouse in children an interest in studying their body, its capabilities; to develop creativity, empathy;

2. form the basis of hygienic culture in children;

3. to develop visual materials and manuals that have a developmental effect on children of primary preschool age.

Project Objectives:

To select and study literature on the topic of project activities.

Develop long-term thematic planning on the topic “What I Know About Me”

Choose methods of pedagogical diagnostics. In the process of diagnosis to identify the level of knowledge and perceptions of children about the human body.

To develop cycles of game-classes according to sections of the project, in each of which elements of different types of activity would be combined

To select and systematize games, game exercises, experiments and experiments, literary material according to the tasks of the sections of the project

To include in the practical activities with children a variety of materials, non-traditional techniques.

Determine the forms of organization of training, according to the objectives and content of the project.

Enrich the gaming environment with didactic material.

To develop advisory material for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions on topics of the project sections

To acquaint children with the external structure of the human body, with the capabilities of his body

To teach children to distinguish the individual characteristics of their appearance, face, height, age

To give elementary ideas about the meaning of the senses

To introduce children to the process of cognition through involving them in various types of practical and game activities

To create conditions for children to independently reflect on acquired knowledge and skills

Involve parents in the educational process through consultations, entertainment, organization of joint activities with children

Develop imagination and creativity of children

Educational project hypothesis.

As a result of focused and systematic work with children of primary preschool age on the topic “What I Know About Myself” it is possible that children will have the simplest ideas about the human body and its capabilities, about activities aimed at maintaining health, and also increase the level of cognitive development.

Project implementation principles:

1. availability:

▪ taking into account the age characteristics of children

▪ material adaptability

2. systematic and consistent:

▪ gradual flow of material from simple to complex

▪ frequent repetition of acquired knowledge, rules and norms

3. visibility and amusement:

▪ the proposed material should be understandable, bear an entertaining beginning, be playful or with elements of a game, surprise

4. dynamism:

▪ integration of the project into different types of activities

5. differentiation:

▪ creating an enabling environment for each child to learn the material

Features of the design method when working with younger preschoolers:

The main goal of the project method is the development of the child’s free creative personality, which is determined by the development tasks and tasks of children's research activities.

Development Tasks:

1. ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

2. development of cognitive abilities;

3. development of creative imagination;

4. development of creative thinking;

5. development of communication skills.

The tasks of research are specific to each age.   At a younger preschool age, this is:

1. the entry of children into a problem game situation (the leading role of the teacher);

2. intensification of the desire to look for ways to resolve the problem situation (together with the teacher);

3. The formation of the initial prerequisites for search activity (practical experiments).

Project Stages

Direction of activity, its stages

Stage I - information and analytical support project

Task: Collection and analysis of information

1. Selection and study of literature on project activities.

2. The study of advanced pedagogical experience in the development of children's ideas about the human body and its capabilities

3. Consulting with the deputy head of the institution on project activities.

4. Selection of methods for pedagogical diagnostics of pupils and parents (monitoring children, individual conversations in order to find out the level of knowledge in sections of the program)

5. Analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics

Stage II - methodological support of the project

Task: Optimization of the design of the educational process

1. Draw up a promising thematic plan on the theme of the project “What do I know about myself?”

2. Development of a series of games-exercises in the framework of project activities.

3. According to the objectives and content to determine the forms of organization

4. To select and systematize games, game exercises, experiments and experiments, literary material according to the tasks, arrange them in the form of a card index.

Stage III - work with children

1. To form in children the simplest ideas about the human body and its capabilities

2. To formulate in children ideas about activities aimed at maintaining health

3. The development in children of such qualities as independence, creative activity; reduction of tension, stiffness.

1. Conducting pedagogical diagnostics through conversation, observation, play, in order to ascertain the level of knowledge in the sections of the program.

2. Creating a situation of involving children

3. The implementation of the cycle of games - classes

4. Creation of conditions for the creative activities of children, a favorable attitude towards independent work (assistance if necessary)

5. Creation of conditions for conducting experiments, experiments and observations

6. Creation of such conditions under which children can independently draw conclusions and conclusions, based on past experience, and experience gained during the experiments

Stage IV - work with parents

Task: involving parents in project activities.

1. Preparation of advisory material for parents.

2. Making albums, collages with the involvement of parents.

3. Involvement of parents in joint activities with children.

Stage V - work with the teaching staff

Objective: the involvement of teachers in project activities.

1. Preparation of information and advisory material for educators.

2. Attracting DOE specialists to participate in project activities.

3. To offer teachers a cycle of didactic games, as well as reading material for children on topics of sections of the project

VI stage - preparation for the presentation and presentation of the project

Task: demonstration of work experience

1. Summarize the work experience and place it in the form of a folder, present the material in the teaching room of the preschool educational institution.

2. Presentation of professional activities through the presentation of an educational project.

Expected Result of Project Activities:

1. for the teacher:

· Development of the design method

· Increasing the level of pedagogical competence, professional growth

· Improving the quality of work with children through the use of various activities

2. for children:

· Formed the simplest ideas about the human body and its capabilities, about activities aimed at maintaining health

· Increased level of cognitive development

· Development of creative abilities

· Development of the ability to work in a group, communication skills

3. for parents:

· Partnerships between parents and teachers in the joint organization of group life

4. for educators DOE:

· The opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of using the project method in working with children

Product design activity:

Drawings of children made with pencils using stencils

Panel “Miracle - tree” (teamwork)

Drawings “What can the palm turn into” (drawing details)

Composition "Flowers in the meadow" (teamwork)

Material for d / a “Find a pair” - applique “Patterns on toes”

Albums “I grow” (photos of a child from a newborn to 4 years old)

Attributes for conducting gymnastics for the eyes, and for the development of color perception - “Butterflies”

- “Rattles Toys”

Book of puzzles invented by children, "Guess the description"


Lesson models, didactic games, informational material for parents and teachers

Visual Aids and Aids

Download the pedagogical project “WHAT I KNOW ABOUT MYSELF”

Project activities in the DOE. Pedagogical technologies in DOW. Project Method in DOW. Research projects at DOW. Design technology at DOW. Organization of project activities in the DOE. Design method in the activities of the DOE. The technology of the project method in the DOW. The project method in the DOE as an innovative pedagogical technology.

The project method as a means of introducing pedagogical innovations in preschool education. Using the project method in the educational process of preschool education. The system of work on the implementation of the project method in the educational process of preschool education Methods of art therapy in the educational process of preschool education. Mikhailova T. V. technology teacher MBOU "Secondary school No. 2 named. Project activities in the younger group "Snowman".

Person-oriented learning technology project activities at the DOE. Project training in primary, continuity in high school and propaedeutics in preschool education. Pedagogical Council "Project Method in the DOE as an innovative pedagogical technology." Pedagogical project: adaptation of children of early preschool age to the conditions of the educational institution “My first steps”.

A project to create the conditions for the implementation of the educational field “Physical Development” with teachers of the DOU No. 96 “The Path to Health”. The project of the resource center DOE MSO "Implementation of FGT using the technology" Situation "at the technological level of the activity method L.G. Peterson in the conditions of network interaction DOE MCO ".

Today, methodological work is understood as a special type of educational activity, which is a set of activities carried out by the staff of an educational institution in order to master the methods and techniques of learning. The project in the dow on beetles. Materials for work in the dow.


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